Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Iwara Extension Script


Versione datata 07/04/2017. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Iwara Extension Script
// @name:en        Iwara Extension Script
// @namespace
// @description IwaraのLike数とLike率を可視化。あとNG機能
// @description:en Visualize Like and Like Ratio, and add NG function in
// @include*
// @include*
// @version     1.1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

var main = function () {
  // パラメータ設定
  var likemax = 200; // Likeバーのカンスト上限
  var ratiomax = 3; // Like率バーのカンスト上限。単位パーセント
  var borderthickness = 5; // 枠の太さ。ピクセル単位
  var doNG = true; // NGする?
  var NGopacity = '0.2'; // NGしたのの透明度。0(不可視)~1(通常)
  var NGdispparam = false; // NGのやつもバー表示する?

  var doEM = true;  // 強調する?
  var emRGB = 'ffff77';  // 強調したのの背景色。rrggbb

  var doforimage = true; // 静画もする?
  var likemaxi = 50; // Likeバーのカンスト上限。静画ページ
  var ratiomaxi = 4; // Like率バーのカンスト上限。単位パーセント。静画ページ
  var NGWords = [ // NGワード。ほおりこめー
  var EMWords = [ // 強調ワード。大好き
  // ここから開発用
  var likes = null;
  var disps = null;
  var likeadd = null;
  var ratioadd = null;
  var dispnum = 0;
  var likenum = 0;
  var ratio = 0;
  var likewidth = 0;
  var ratiowidth = 0;
  var likenR = 0;
  var rationB = 0;
  var likeRGB = null;
  var ratioRGB = null;
  var dummy = null;
  var bodyedit = null;
  var nghit = false;
  // 動画ページ
  var divs = document.body.getElementsByClassName('node node-video node-teaser node-teaser clearfix');
  for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
    bodyedit = divs[i].innerHTML;
    if (doNG) {
      nghit = false;
      for (j = 0; j < NGWords.length; j++) {
        dummy = null;
        dummy = bodyedit.match(NGWords[j]);
        if (dummy != null) {
          bodyedit = '<div style="opacity: ' + NGopacity + '">' + bodyedit + '</div>';
          nghit = true;
          j = NGWords.length;
    if (doEM) {
      for (j = 0; j < EMWords.length; j++) {
        dummy = null;
        dummy = bodyedit.match(EMWords[j]);
        if (dummy != null) {
          bodyedit = '<div style="background-color: #' + emRGB + '">' + bodyedit + '</div>';
          j = EMWords.length;
    if (NGdispparam || nghit == false) {
      likes = bodyedit.match(/heart\"><\/i> (\d+)/);
      disps = bodyedit.match(/open\"><\/i> ([0-9\.]+)k/);
      if (disps != null) {
        dispnum = parseFloat(disps[1]) * 1000;
      } else {
        disps = bodyedit.match(/open\"><\/i> ([0-9]+)/);
        dispnum = parseFloat(disps[1]);
      if (likes != null) {
        likenum = parseInt(likes[1]);
        ratio = 100 * likenum / dispnum;
        likewidth = Math.min(Math.floor(likenum * 70 / likemax + 40), 110);
        ratiowidth = Math.min(Math.floor(ratio * 70 / ratiomax + 40), 110);
        likenR = 255 - Math.min(Math.floor(likenum * 245 / likemax + 10), 255);
        rationB = 255 - Math.min(Math.floor(ratio * 245 / ratiomax + 10), 255);
        likeRGB = 'ff' + ('0' + likenR.toString(16)).slice( - 2) + ('0' + likenR.toString(16)).slice( - 2);
        ratioRGB = ('0' + rationB.toString(16)).slice( - 2) + ('0' + rationB.toString(16)).slice( - 2) + 'ff';
        likeadd = 'right-icon likes-icon" align="right" style="width: ' + likewidth.toString() + 'px; background: #' + likeRGB + '"';
        ratioadd = '$&<br>\n\t\t\t<div class="right-icon likes-icon" align="right" style="width: ' + ratiowidth.toString() + 'px; background: #' + ratioRGB + '">' + (ratio.toFixed(1)).toString() + '%</div>';
        bodyedit = bodyedit.replace(/right-icon likes-icon\"/, likeadd);
        bodyedit = bodyedit.replace(/open.*div>/, ratioadd);
        bodyedit = bodyedit.replace(/height=\"150\"/, 'height="150" style="border:solid ' + borderthickness + 'px #' + likeRGB + '"');
    divs[i].innerHTML = bodyedit;
  // 静画ページ
  if (doforimage) {
    divs = document.body.getElementsByClassName('node node-image node-teaser node-teaser clearfix');
    for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
      bodyedit = divs[i].innerHTML;
      if (doNG) {
        nghit = false;
        for (j = 0; j < NGWords.length; j++) {
          dummy = null;
          dummy = bodyedit.match(NGWords[j]);
          if (dummy != null) {
            bodyedit = '<div style="opacity: ' + NGopacity + '">' + bodyedit + '</div>';
            nghit = true;
            j = NGWords.length;

      if (doEM) {
        for (j = 0; j < EMWords.length; j++) {
          dummy = null;
          dummy = bodyedit.match(EMWords[j]);
          if (dummy != null) {
            bodyedit = '<div style="background-color: #' + emRGB + '">' + bodyedit + '</div>';
            j = EMWords.length;

      if (NGdispparam || nghit == false) {
        likes = bodyedit.match(/heart\"><\/i> (\d+)/);
        disps = bodyedit.match(/open\"><\/i> ([0-9\.]+)k/);
        if (disps != null) {
          dispnum = parseFloat(disps[1]) * 1000;
        } else {
          disps = bodyedit.match(/open\"><\/i> ([0-9]+)/);
          dispnum = parseFloat(disps[1]);
        if (likes != null) {
          likenum = parseInt(likes[1]);
          ratio = 100 * likenum / dispnum;
          likewidth = Math.min(Math.floor(likenum * 70 / likemaxi + 40), 110);
          ratiowidth = Math.min(Math.floor(ratio * 70 / ratiomaxi + 40), 110);
          likenR = 255 - Math.min(Math.floor(likenum * 245 / likemaxi + 10), 255);
          rationB = 255 - Math.min(Math.floor(ratio * 245 / ratiomaxi + 10), 255);
          likeRGB = 'ff' + ('0' + likenR.toString(16)).slice( - 2) + ('0' + likenR.toString(16)).slice( - 2);
          ratioRGB = ('0' + rationB.toString(16)).slice( - 2) + ('0' + rationB.toString(16)).slice( - 2) + 'ff';
          likeadd = 'right-icon likes-icon" align="right" style="width: ' + likewidth.toString() + 'px; background: #' + likeRGB + '"';
          ratioadd = '$&<br>\n\t\t\t<div class="right-icon likes-icon" align="right" style="width: ' + ratiowidth.toString() + 'px; background: #' + ratioRGB + '">' + (ratio.toFixed(1)).toString() + '%</div>';
          bodyedit = bodyedit.replace(/right-icon likes-icon\"/, likeadd);
          bodyedit = bodyedit.replace(/open.*div>/, ratioadd);
          bodyedit = bodyedit.replace(/height=\"150\"/, 'height="150" style="border:solid ' + borderthickness + 'px #' + likeRGB + '"');
      divs[i].innerHTML = bodyedit;