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HaremHeroes XP for next level

Instead of showing the total XP recquiered on the XP bar, it only show the XP for the current level

Versione datata 25/09/2018. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         HaremHeroes XP for next level
// @namespace    JDscripts
// @version      3.24
// @description  Instead of showing the total XP recquiered on the XP bar, it only show the XP for the current level
// @author       Spychopat
// @match        http*://*
// @match        http*://**
// ==/UserScript==

function getHero()
    if(unsafeWindow.Hero === undefined)
        setTimeout(autoLoop, Number(sessionStorage.autoLoopTimeMili))
    return unsafeWindow.Hero;

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var xpActuelle = getHero().infos.Xp.cur - Hero.infos.Xp.min;
    var xpObjectif = getHero().infos.Xp.max - Hero.infos.Xp.min;
    //console.log("XP : " + xpActuelle + "/" + xpObjectif);
    var divXpBarInfos = document.getElementsByClassName("over reversed_tooltip")[0];
    var spansXpBarInfos = divXpBarInfos.getElementsByTagName("span");
    spansXpBarInfos[0].innerHTML = xpActuelle;
    spansXpBarInfos[2].innerHTML = xpObjectif;