CSS theme for a larger Xhamster on large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...
Versione datata 22/05/2021. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.
queste sono le versioni di questo script in cui il codice è stato aggiornato Visualizza tutte le versioni.
Corrections for Video Large Mode
Some fine tuning
Somme corrections for Video Player page + Top Nav
Better large Mode
Adaptation for Xhamster's Code Change for Top Nav.
Smalls corrections
Many small corrections
Small corrections for Trending Home Hub pages (work in progress....)
Test for Preview Screenshots now on HOVER Player (yet not adapted to Large view)
Corrections for ALL language...
Corrections Channels pages
Some corrections...
v.473 - TEST around Large mode (which not work since a code change from Xhamster) and various Corrections
Correction for "In Review" pages
small corrections
Adaptation for Xhamster Code change in Video player pages
Corrections for:- TAG Avatar Big Preview in Video pages- Channels Pages...etc
Mobile version (using with Desktop) fine tuning
Supp new Pubs + small fine tuning
ADD BIG Avatar preview (on hover) for Search suggestions
Add some ease way to select info at once (e.g. Alias etc...) + some corrections
Some minor corrections
Small correction for User's badges
Small corrections
small correction
Small correction
small correction for edit /delete button in Blogs
Story pages
Photos pages fine tuning
Corrections for Photos
Corrections for Moments Video
Same for Video pages Large
Correction for preview on hover in Video pages
Small fine tuning in Favs pages (Make List Items background more transparent to see behind if there are deleted videos)
Supp new PUBs
Correction Comments Pagination in Video Player pages
Adaptation Code Change Pagination in Video Player page
Small correction for comment delete button in video page
Correction for Alert Box
Alert Box shorter and Supp Loading SKELETON in videos related container
FIX with a Fallback for Video Title not displaying in Video pages:hover the "�" to display the original tittle
Correction for Big Avatar on Hover (Search Suggestions list)
Correction for Top search form
Mostra tutte le versioni dello script