[DoL] reduce Bailey's payment

reduce Bailey's payment when you beat Bailey (with high english&math)

ailemait patika
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WTFPL - But I reserve the right to scold you if someone sells this for money without any modification.
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This is a "mini compatible mod" for "Degrees of Lewdity", a text-based erotic sandbox roleplaying game.

这是一个有兼容其他模组的能力的小mod,适用于Degrees of Lewdity——一个基于文本的色情沙盒角色扮演游戏。



vanilla game(English)|vanilla game(English ver, host on mod site) | other mod list(english)

notice: other mods are not compatible with each other, but this mod shoule be working on any of them.


汉化版本(Chinese ver) | 模组列表(英文)


how to start discuss the rent: go to Bailey's office 4 times and make him angry, then fight back to prove your ability.


the result of "discuss" depends on your "english" skill and rent for next time(Robin's rent not included):


A* A B C
2000 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
1500 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
1000 ✔️ ✔️
700 π>B

after a successfully discussion, the rent will reduce a level(500 is the minium value).



为什么要写这个mod?/Why write this mod?


I'm not skilled, and I don't earn enough money to pay rent. BTW, it seems that the rent for Bailey is notorious according to the wiki.

为什么要用油猴写这个mod?/Why use tampermonkey to write this mod?




Firstly, the traditional method involves cloning and rebuilding, which is time-consuming. Additionally, once the upstream is rebuilt, mod developers also need to rebuild (even if there were no changes related to the mod).

Secondly, mods are incompatible with each other, that's bad. I want to use this mod to remind modders that mods can be made compatible with each other(theoretically).

Finally, this approach is lightweight. Users don't need to download two DoL files, and debugging only requires the console.

我是 Android 用户,怎么办?/I'm an Android user, what should I do?

我建议你用支持油猴的浏览器来玩。当然你也可以把本 mod 重新 build 成传统 mod 的形式。

I recommend using a browser that supports Tampermonkey to play. Of course, you can also rebuild this mod into a traditional mod format.

我希望离线玩。/I want to play offline.


别忘了 Android 也可以用 termux 跑 http server。

Set up a local HTTP server like Nginx, Apache, or Caddy, add match: http://localhost:<local server port>/ in settings.

local http server is also avaliable in Android by termux.

弹窗提示版本不一致,怎么办?/I'm getting a popup saying the versions don't match, what should I do?

我没有检查其他版本的 Bailey Beating Finish 章节是否有变化,理论上如果这个章节没有变化就可以工作。

如果你想检查,自行比较源码中你当前的分支和72a69d73510e618014113eb9b41b48988b770504之间的变化是否影响到了这个章节。(当然还要确保收租逻辑依旧使用 rentstage 变量)

I haven't checked if other versions of the "Bailey Beating Finish" chapter have changed. If this chapter hasn't changed, it should work.

If you want to verify, compare the changes between your current branch and 72a69d73510e618014113eb9b41b48988b770504 in the source code to see if it affects this chapter. (and make sure the rent logic still uses the rentstage variable.)

我是 mod 开发者,我希望将这个 mod 整合到自己的 mod 内。/I'm a mod developer, and I want to integrate this mod into my own mod.

复制脚本内的 hook_enhook_zh 变量到 main.twee 中,:: Bailey Beating Finish 章节的 endcombat 之后就好:

Copy the hook_en or hook_zh variables from the script to main.twee in the :: Bailey Beating Finish chapter after endcombat:

(copy to here)
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