LOLICON Wide Hentai

Full width E-Hentai and Exhentai, dynamically adjusting the page width, also allows you to adjust the size and margins of the thumbnails, infinite scroll to automatically load the next page

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受到 AmadeusAI 的 “Wide Hentai 2019” 和 Owyn 的 “Wide ExHentai” 启发
Inspiring by AmadeusAI's "Wide Hentai 2019" and Owyn's "Wide ExHentai"

It now automatically adapts to different browser window sizes, dynamically adjusting the display width

Additional Features:

  • 缩略图缩放 = 调整缩略图大小,默认为 1 (100%),范围 0.5 ~ 10
  • Thumbnail Zoom = Adjust the size of thumbnails. Default is 1 (100%), range: 0.5 ~ 10

  • 缩略图边距 = 调整缩略图与边框的距离,默认为 10,范围 0 ~ 100
  • Thumbnail Margin = Adjust the distance between thumbnails and the border. Default is 10, range: 0 ~ 100

  • 页面外边距 = 调整页面内容外侧的边距,默认为 10,范围 0 ~ 1000
  • Page Margin = Adjust the outer margin of the page content. Default is 10, range: 0 ~ 1000

  • 页面内边距 = 调整页面内容内侧的边距,默认为 10,范围 0 ~ 100
  • Page Padding = Adjust the inner padding of the page content. Default is 10, range: 0 ~ 100

  • 全屏模式 = 最大化页面宽度,仅受页面内容外边距限制,默认关闭
  • Full Screen Mode = Maximize page width, limited only by the outer margin of the page content. Default is off.

  • 方形缩略图 = 将缩略图裁剪为正方形,默认关闭
  • Square Thumbnail = Crop thumbnails into a square shape. Default is off.

  • 无限滚动 = 滚动到底部时自动加载下一页内容,默认关闭
  • Infinite Scroll = Automatically load the next page content when scrolling to the bottom. Default is off.

  • 显示序号 = 在画廊标题前显示序号,默认关闭
  • Show Index = Display the index number before the gallery title. Default is off.

  • 实时更新网址 = 根据搜索结果页的浏览进度实时更新地址栏中的URL,方便用户使用书签保存当前浏览位置,默认关闭
  • Live URL Update = Update the URL in the address bar in real-time based on the browsing progress of the search results page, making it easier to bookmark your current position. Default is off.