Sleazy Fork is available in English.


memes for the cool kids

// ==UserScript==
// @name         SomeCanadianScript
// @namespace    SomeCanadianEmotes
// @version      1.3.3
// @description  memes for the cool kids
// @grant        none
// @copyright    2015
// @include     *://**
// @include     *://*
// @include     *://**
// @include     *://*
// ==/UserScript==

//    { src:"", width:, height:, title:''},
//    { src:"", width:, height:, name:''},

var emotes = [
    { src:"", width:70, height:70, title:'myboy'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:65, title:'jose'},
    { src:"", width:70, height:70, title:'ballpark'},
    { src:"", width:70, height:70, title:'nochance'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:65, title:'noway'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:80, title:'coolguy'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:70, title:'goforit'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:60, title:'shake'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:65, title:'diklife'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:80, title:'stripe'},
    { src:"", width:70, height:70, title:'sickbeat'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:80, title:'heart'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:70, title:'fingerwag'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:70, title:'buzzkill'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:70, title:'laugh'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:60, title:'midge'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:70, title:'fish'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:60, title:'alrighty'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:60, title:'ooh'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:60, title:'turnup'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:60, title:'runbow'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:60, title:'shake2'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:65, title:'charlie'},
    { src:"", width:70, height:75, title:'mademefeel'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:70, title:'body'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:65, title:'nice2'},
    { src:"", width:80, height:65, title:'hotdog'},
    { src:"", width:64, height:65, title:'scream'},
    { src:"", width:55, height:55, title:'babby2'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:65, title:'offended'},
    { src:"", width:60, height:60, title:'idk2'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:65, title:'red'},
    { src:"", width:75, height:65, title:'scg'},
    { src:"", width:75, height:65, title:'windy'},
    { src:"", width:100, height:70, title:'sickriff'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:65, title:'exislayer'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:70, title:'michellenice'},
    { src:"", width:65, height:70, title:'kawaiitwat'},

function addEmotes(){
        window.$codes[emote.title ||] = $('<img>', emote)[0].outerHTML;
function main(){
    if(!window.$codes || Object.keys(window.$codes).length === 0){
        setTimeout(main, 75);
if (window.document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
  window.addEventListener('load', main, false);