- Array.prototype.contains = function(val){
- return this.indexOf(val) > -1;
- };
- var extender = {
- options: {},
- command: function (name, args) {
- var cmd = { name: name, args: args };
- $("textarea#observable").attr("command", JSON.stringify(cmd));
- },
- lastcommand: function () {
- var observable = $("textarea#observable");
- var lcmd = observable.attr("command");
- observable.val(lcmd);
- return lcmd;
- },
- option: function (option, val) {
- if (typeof option != "string") {
- error("Please specify name for the option.", "COMMAND");
- return;
- }
- val != void 0
- ? this.command("option", [option, val])
- : this.command("option", [option]);
- },
- collect: function(){
- this.command("collect");
- },
- import: function(){
- this.command("import")
- }
- };
- /*
- //v100++>>
- function addToParty(){
- var ssToAdd=[];
- $("#ss_Table tr.selected td:first-child").each(function()
- {
- log("enter success"+ $(this).text());
- ssToAdd.push(($(this).text());
- }
- ssAddToAdventureParty($(this).text(),false);
- });
- }
- //100++<<
- */
- //v101++>>
- function addToParty(){
- var ssToAdd=[];
- $("#ss_Table tr.selected td:first-child").each(function()
- {
- log("enter success"+ $(this).text());
- ssToAdd.push($(this).text());
- });
- ssAddToAdventureParty_2(ssToAdd,false);
- }
- function ssAddToAdventureParty_2(ssToAdd,a)
- {
- if (ssToAdd.length===0) {
- return;
- }
- var b=ssToAdd.pop();
- !1==a&&(closeAdventureDialog(),prepareAdvPartyTimeout());
- $.ajax({
- url:"/play/batch_add_sworn_sword?batch_type=1&ss_id="+b+"&nonce="+userContext.advparty_nonce,dataType:"JSON",
- success:function(a){
- showAdvPartyResponse(a);
- isWeb()&&chooseAvASwornSwordPopup(function(){ssAddToAdventureParty(itemCurrentSelection.id,!1)},"inventory",!0);
- ssAddToAdventureParty_2(ssToAdd,a);
- },
- error:function(a){
- ssToAdd.push(b);
- 400==a.status?advPartyFail():409==a.status?setTimeout(function(){ssAddToAdventureParty_2(ssToAdd,!0)},5E3):spinTimeout()
- }
- });
- }
- //v101++<<
- function buildingFinished(b) {
- // DO NOT call this function for the keep: it has neither build_remaining nor producing_archetype_id
- // When a building finished either producing or bonus archetype id's should be present along with
- // no build time remaining to safely determine that this building has produced the item (luck or not)
- // but has not finalized the production yet (that's clicking the finish button)
- // Note that upgrades also enlist with a producing_archetype_id here, so they behave similarly
- return (b.producing_archetype_id != void 0 || b.bonus_archetype_id != void 0) && b.build_remaining == void 0;
- }
- function buildingProducing(b) {
- // DO NOT call this function for the keep: it has neither build_remaining nor producing_archetype_id
- // Luck-based recipes do not assign producing_archetype_id property
- // for all others this returns the remaining build
- //return b.producing_archetype_id && b.build_remaining;
- // Simple and short, if this property is present and the value
- // is a positive number, then the building is still in production
- return b.build_remaining != void 0 && b.build_remaining > 0;
- }
- function refreshPlayerData(callback){
- $.ajax({
- url: "/play/player_data?client_seqnum=" + userContext.player_data_seqnum + "&platform=web&buildings=true",
- success: function(r){
- userContext.player_data_seqnum = r.player_data_seqnum;
- setupPlayerData(r, void 0);
- if(typeof callback == "function"){
- callback();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- var bruteForceTimeout;
- function bruteForce(enabled, times) {
- if (brutingImmediateTermination) {
- bruteForceTimeout = clearTimeout(bruteForceTimeout);
- msg = "Bruting terminated immediately.";
- log(msg, "BRUTING");
- inform(msg);
- return;
- }
- var msg;
- var container = $("#bruteBtn");
- if (!container || container.length == 0) {
- container = $(".challengerewardbox .rewarditem:last");
- }
- if (!container || container.length == 0) {
- container = $(".challengerewards .challengerewarditems:first");
- }
- if (!container || container.length == 0) {
- msg = "Cannot find appropriate container for messaging!";
- warn(msg);
- }
- if (typeof enabled == "boolean" && !enabled) {
- bruteForceTimeout = clearTimeout(bruteForceTimeout);
- msg = "Bruting terminated.";
- log(msg, "BRUTING");
- // console.debug("Debuging message delivery: is there a container? " + (container) + ", " +
- // "what's his length: " + container.length + ", append message? " + (container && container.length > 0) + ", " +
- // "and what's the message: " + msg);
- if (container.hasClass("btnwrap btnmed")) {
- container.find("a").text("Done!");
- }
- container.after("<br />" + msg);
- if (times === "all") {
- bruteSendAll();
- }
- return;
- }
- // Do not run if bruting is disabled (but can be viewed)
- if (extender.options.bruteWounds && extender.options.bruteWounds == 0) {
- msg = "Disabled. Please set a positive number of max wounds from options to continue.";
- warn(msg, "BRUTING");
- // console.debug("Debuging message delivery: is there a container? " + (container) + ", " +
- // "what's his length: " + container.length + ", append message? " + (container && container.length > 0) + ", " +
- // "and what's the message: " + msg);
- container.after("<br />" + msg);
- bruteForce(false, times);
- return;
- }
- var s = userContext.setSwornSword;
- if (!s) {
- msg = "Failed, no sworn sword set.";
- error(msg, "BRUTING");
- container.after("<br />" + msg);
- bruteForce(false, times);
- return;
- }
- // console.debug("Debuging sworn sword condition: s.damage: " + s.damage + ", " +
- // "extender.options.bruteWounds: " + extender.options.bruteWounds + ", do bruting? " + (s.damage < extender.options.bruteWounds));
- if (s.damage < extender.options.bruteWounds) {
- resolveModifier(s);
- var attack =
- (extender.options.sendAllAction === "selected" &&
- extender.options.selectedAction &&
- extender.options.selectedAction != void 0)
- ? extender.options.selectedAction : s.modifier;
- // console.debug("Attack with: " + attack);
- if (times == "once") {
- doAdventure("", attack, false, function (failure) {
- bruteForce(false, times);
- });
- } else {
- doAdventure("", attack, false, function (failure) {
- bruteForce(!failure, times);
- });
- }
- return;
- }
- if (times === "all" || extender.options.bruteSwitchOff) {
- msg = "Sworn sword recieved " + extender.options.bruteWounds + " wounds! Brute timer will self terminate.";
- warn(msg, "BRUTING");
- // console.debug("Debuging message delivery: is there a container? " + (container) + ", " +
- // "what's his length: " + container.length + ", append message? " + (container && container.length > 0) + ", " +
- // "and what's the message: " + msg);
- container.after("<br />" + msg);
- bruteForce(false, times);
- } else {
- // Add a minute to the cooldown, and then multiply by wounds
- var interval = extender.options.bruteWounds * (s.damage_cooldown + 60);
- msg = "Sworn sword recieved " + extender.options.bruteWounds + " wounds! " +
- "Brute timer will self adjust. Wait " + extender.options.bruteWounds + " * (" + s.damage_cooldown + " + 60) = " + interval + " seconds.";
- warn(msg, "BRUTING");
- bruteForceTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
- bruteForce(true, times);
- }, interval * 1000);
- // console.debug("Debuging message delivery: is there a container? " + (container) + ", " +
- // "what's his length: " + container.length + ", append message? " + (container && container.length > 0) + ", " +
- // "and what's the message: " + msg);
- container.after("<br />" + msg);
- }
- }
- function bruteSendAll() {
- var sw = getSwornSwords(extender.options.sendAllAction);
- //console.debug("Sworn swords retrieved successfully...");
- for (var i = 0; i < sw.length; i++) {
- var ss = sw[i];
- if (typeof ss.not_on_adventure == "boolean" && ss.not_on_adventure)
- continue;
- if (ss.cooldown > 0 || ss.damage >= extender.options.bruteWounds)
- continue;
- console.debug("Sending: " + ss.full_name);
- setSwornSword(ss.id);
- bruteForce(true, "all");
- return;
- }
- inform("All sworn swords have been bruted to maximum wounds.<br>Action: " + extender.options.sendAllAction);
- }
- var brutingImmediateTermination = false;
- $(document).on("keyup", function (e) {
- if (e.keyCode == 27) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- brutingImmediateTermination = true;
- trainImmediateTermination = true;
- log("Attempting immediate termination.");
- }
- });
- function increment(me) {
- var opt = $(me);
- var min = parseInt(opt.attr("min"));
- var max = parseInt(opt.attr("max"));
- var step = parseInt(opt.attr("step"));
- var val = parseInt(opt.text());
- if (isNaN(min) || isNaN(max) || isNaN(step) || isNaN(val)) {
- error("Parsing of attributes failed!", "number option");
- return;
- }
- var newVal = val + step > max ? min : val + step;
- opt.text(newVal);
- };
- function check(me) {
- $(me).toggleClass('checked');
- };
- function bruteSwitchToggle(me) {
- var bSwitch = $(me).find("a.btngold");
- bSwitch.text() == "switch off"
- ? bSwitch.text("adjust")
- : bSwitch.text("switch off");
- };
- function inputIncrement(me) {
- var input = $(me).parent().find("input[name='quantity']");
- if (!input || input.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- var v = parseInt(input.val());
- var max = parseInt(input.attr("maxlength"));
- if (isNaN(v) || isNaN(max)) {
- return;
- }
- if (me.id == "excountup") {
- (max == 3 ? max = 999 : max = 99);
- (v + 1 > max ? v = max : v = v + 1);
- } else if (me.id == "excountdown") {
- (v - 1 < 0 ? v = 0 : v = v - 1);
- }
- input.val(v);
- }
- function sort(arr) {
- if (typeof arr == "undefined") {
- arr = playerInventory;
- }
- if (!(arr instanceof Array)) {
- error("Not an array! Sorting failed.");
- return arr;
- }
- // console.debug("Sorting of array initiated, check parameters: boons count: " + boons.length + ", " +
- // "sorting property: " + extender.options.boonsSortBy);
- arr.sort(function (a, b) {
- return b[extender.options.boonsSortBy2] - a[extender.options.boonsSortBy2];
- });
- arr.sort(function (a, b) {
- return b[extender.options.boonsSortBy] - a[extender.options.boonsSortBy];
- });
- log("Array sorted by " + extender.options.boonsSortBy + " and then by " + extender.options.boonsSortBy2 + " successfully.", "PAGE");
- return arr;
- }
- function sortShop(arr) {
- if (typeof arr == "undefined" || !(arr instanceof Array)) {
- error("Not an array. Please pass an array to be sorted.");
- return arr;
- }
- //console.debug("Sorting of array initiated, check array count: " + arr.length);
- arr.sort(function(a, b) {
- //console.debug("Init first sorting, condition 1, properties exist: ", a.hasOwnProperty(extender.options.shopSortBy2), b.hasOwnProperty(extender.options.shopSortBy2));
- if (!a.hasOwnProperty(extender.options.shopSortBy2) || !b.hasOwnProperty(extender.options.shopSortBy2)) {
- return false;
- }
- var aVal = a[extender.options.shopSortBy2];
- var bVal = b[extender.options.shopSortBy2];
- //console.debug("Logging property values: ", aVal, bVal);
- if (typeof aVal != "number" || typeof bVal != "number") {
- //console.debug("Values need parsing...");
- aVal = parseInt(aVal);
- bVal = parseInt(bVal);
- //console.debug("Parsed values: ", aVal, bVal);
- if (isNaN(aVal) || isNaN(bVal)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- //console.debug("Sorting descending...");
- return bVal - aVal;
- });
- arr.sort(function (a, b) {
- //console.debug("Init second sorting, condition 1, properties exist: ", a.hasOwnProperty(extender.options.shopSortBy2), b.hasOwnProperty(extender.options.shopSortBy2));
- if (!a.hasOwnProperty(extender.options.shopSortBy) || !b.hasOwnProperty(extender.options.shopSortBy)) {
- return false;
- }
- var aVal = a[extender.options.shopSortBy];
- var bVal = b[extender.options.shopSortBy];
- //console.debug("Logging property values: ", aVal, bVal);
- if (typeof aVal != "number" || typeof bVal != "number") {
- //console.debug("Values need parsing...");
- aVal = parseInt(aVal);
- bVal = parseInt(bVal);
- //console.debug("Parsed values: ", aVal, bVal);
- if (isNaN(aVal) || isNaN(bVal)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- //console.debug("Sorting descending...");
- return bVal - aVal;
- });
- // Array will always be sorted by gold, descending
- arr.sort(function (a, b) {
- return parseInt(a["price_perk_points"]) - parseInt(b["price_perk_points"]);
- });
- //console.debug("Sorted by gold: ");
- //arr.forEach(function (element) {
- // console.debug(element["price_perk_points"]);
- //});
- log("Array sorted by " + extender.options.shopSortBy + " and then by " + extender.options.shopSortBy2 + " successfully.", "PAGE");
- return arr;
- }
- function formatStats(battle, trade, intrigue, level) {
- return '<div class="exstatbox">' +
- '<div id="plevel" class="statitem">' +
- '<div><span></span>' +
- '</div><var>' + level + '</var></div>' +
- '<div id="battle" class="statitem">' +
- '<div><span></span>' +
- '</div><var class="battle_val" id="battle_val">' + battle + '</var></div>' +
- '<div id="trade" class="statitem">' +
- '<div><span></span>' +
- '</div><var class="trade_val" id="trade_val">' + trade + '</var></div>' +
- '<div id="intrigue" class="statitem">' +
- '<div><span></span></div>' +
- '<var class="intrigue_val" id="intrigue_val">' + intrigue + '</var></div>' +
- '</div>';
- }
- function getSwornSwords(filter) {
- var ss = [];
- var pi = playerInventory;
- var cfg = Array.prototype.filter.call(arguments, function(c) {
- return typeof c == "object";
- })[0] || {};
- for (var i = 0; i < pi.length; i++) {
- var s = pi[i];
- if (s.slot !== "Sworn Sword")
- continue;
- if (!s.modifier) {
- resolveModifier(s);
- }
- if (typeof filter == "number" && !isNaN(filter) && s.id === filter) {
- return s;
- }
- if (typeof filter == "string" && !isNaN(parseInt(filter)) && s.id === parseInt(filter)) {
- return s;
- }
- // This check ain't worth shit
- //if (s.cooldown > 0 && (cfg.disregardCooldown == void 0 || !cfg.disregardCooldown)) {
- // warn("This sworn sword is supposedly busy, continue...");
- // continue;
- //}
- if (s.damage == 4 && !cfg.disregardWounds) {
- warn("This sworn sword is about to die!");
- continue;
- }
- if (!isNaN(cfg.region) && !isNaN(cfg.subRegion) && !checkGarrison(s, cfg.region, cfg.subRegion))
- continue;
- if (typeof filter == "string") {
- if (filter == "all" || filter == "selected") {
- ss.push(s);
- continue;
- } else if (filter == "none"){
- continue;
- }
- var friendlyActions = ["aid", "barter", "bribe"];
- var hostileActions = ["fight", "harass", "spy", "sabotage", "steal", "hoodwink"];
- var battleActions = ["fight", "harass", "aid"];
- var tradeActions = ["barter", "hoodwink", "bribe"];
- var intrigueActions = ["spy", "sabotage", "steal"];
- //if ((friendlyActions.indexOf(filter) > -1 || hostileActions.indexOf(filter) > -1) && s.modifier != filter) {
- // continue;
- //}
- switch (filter) {
- case "battle":
- {
- if (battleActions.indexOf(s.modifier) == -1)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- case "trade":
- {
- if (tradeActions.indexOf(s.modifier) == -1)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- case "intrigue":
- {
- if (intrigueActions.indexOf(s.modifier) == -1)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- case "friendly":
- {
- if (friendlyActions.indexOf(s.modifier) == -1)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- case "hostile":
- {
- if (hostileActions.indexOf(s.modifier) == -1)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- if (s.modifier != filter)
- continue;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- ss.push(s);
- }
- return ss;
- }
- function checkGarrison(s, region, subregion) {
- if (typeof s.garrison_region == "undefined" || typeof s.garrison_subregion == "undefined" ||
- isNaN(s.garrison_region) && isNaN(s.garrison_subregion)) {
- return false;
- }
- if(subregion == -1 && s.garrison_region == region) {
- return true;
- }
- if (s.garrison_subregion == subregion && s.garrison_region == region) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function setSwornSword(param) {
- if (typeof param == "undefined") {
- error("The function requires a sworn sword id as parameter.")
- return;
- }
- if (typeof param == "number") {
- var s = extractItemById(playerInventory, param);
- s && (userContext.setSwornSword = s);
- } else if (typeof param == "string") {
- var s = extractItemById(playerInventory, parseInt(param));
- s && (userContext.setSwornSword = s);
- } else if (typeof param == "object") {
- userContext.setSwornSword = param;
- }
- }
- function checkCommandPoints() {
- if(!userContext || !userContext.playerData || !userContext.playerData.stat)
- return false;
- var commandPoints = userContext.playerData.stat.command - userContext.playerData.stat.current_command;
- log("Debugging check command points: command points: " + commandPoints + ", " +
- "continue then? " + (!isNaN(commandPoints) && commandPoints > 0));
- return !isNaN(commandPoints) && commandPoints > 0;
- }
- function getCommandPoints() {
- if(!userContext || !userContext.playerData || !userContext.playerData.stat)
- return 0;
- var commandPoints = userContext.playerData.stat.command - userContext.playerData.stat.current_command;
- log("Debugging get command points: command points: " + commandPoints + ", " +
- "continue then? " + (!isNaN(commandPoints) && commandPoints > 0));
- return commandPoints;
- }
- function adventureSendAll(adventure, swornswords) {
- if (extender.options.sendAllAction === "none") {
- inform("This function is disabled. Please enable it from options.");
- return;
- }
- if(!checkCommandPoints()){
- inform("Not enough command points. <br>Action cannot execute.");
- if (extender.options.sendAllAction === "selected") {
- extender.options.selectedAction = userContext.currentActionLabel;
- extender.import();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (typeof swornswords == "undefined" || !(swornswords instanceof window.Array)) {
- error("An array should be passed to the function. Sending failed.");
- return;
- }
- if (typeof adventure != "string") {
- error("Adventure should be passed as a string. Sending failed.");
- return;
- }
- if (swornswords.length == 0) {
- inform('All sworn swords send on ' + adventure + '.<br>Action: ' + extender.options.sendAllAction);
- if (extender.options.sendAllAction === "selected") {
- extender.options.selectedAction = userContext.currentActionLabel;
- extender.import();
- }
- return;
- }
- var s = swornswords.pop();
- log("Debuging send all: swornswords: " + swornswords.length + ", " +
- "current: " + s.full_name + ", " +
- "cooldown: " + s.cooldown + ", " +
- "damage: " + s.damage + ", " +
- "send? " + !(s.cooldown > 0 || s.damage >= extender.options.bruteWounds));
- if(s.cooldown > 0 || s.damage >= extender.options.bruteWounds) {
- adventureSendAll(adventure, swornswords);
- return;
- }
- setSwornSword(s.id);
- if (!s.modifier) {
- resolveModifier(s);
- }
- var attack = s.modifier;
- if(extender.options.sendAllAction === "selected" && userContext.currentActionLabel != void 0){
- attack = userContext.currentActionLabel;
- }
- doAdventure(adventure, attack, false, function (failure) {
- adventureSendAll(adventure, swornswords);
- });
- }
- var pvpFormStore;
- function pvpSendBatch(swornswords, loops) {
- var loops_new=loops-1;
- log("pvpSendBatch pvpSendBatch pvpSendBatch");
- if (extender.options.sendAllAction === "none") {
- inform("This function is disabled. Please enable it from options.");
- return;
- }
- if(loops_new<0){
- inform("Nunber of loops done. <br>Action finished.");
- return;
- }
- if (typeof swornswords == "undefined" || !(swornswords instanceof window.Array)) {
- error("An array should be passed to the function. Sending failed.");
- return;
- }
- if (swornswords.length == 0) {
- inform("All sworn swords are now busy.<br>Action: " + extender.options.sendAllAction);
- pvpFormStore = {}; // clear the store for further use
- return;
- }
- var s = swornswords.pop();
- log("Debuging send all: swornswords: " + swornswords.length + ", " +
- "current: " + s.full_name + ", " +
- "cooldown: " + s.cooldown + ", " +
- "damage: " + s.damage + ", " +
- "send? " + !(s.cooldown > 0 || s.damage >= extender.options.bruteWounds));
- if (s.cooldown > 0 || s.damage >= extender.options.bruteWounds) {
- pvpSendBatch(swornswords,loops_new);
- return;
- }
- // Store the pvp or replace it
- // if it is stored already
- if (!pvpFormStore) {
- pvpFormStore = pvpForm;
- } else {
- pvpForm = pvpFormStore;
- }
- setSwornSword(s.id);
- if (!s.modifier) {
- resolveModifier(s);
- }
- if (extender.options.sendAllAction !== "selected") {
- userContext.currentActionLabel = s.modifier;
- }
- pvpLaunch_1(function(success){
- setTimeout(function(){
- pvpSendBatch(swornswords,loops_new);
- }, getRandomInt(500, extender.options.baseDelay * 500));
- });
- if(!checkCommandPoints()){
- inform("Not enough command points. <br>Action cannot execute.");
- return;
- }
- }
- function resolveModifier(s) {
- if (s.modifier) {
- //log("Modifier already set.");
- return;
- }
- // Calculate what attack shoild we use if there ain't any
- var max = Math.max(s.calc_battle, s.calc_trade, s.calc_intrigue);
- if (max == s.calc_intrigue) {
- s.modifier = extender.options.defaultIntrigue;
- } else if (max == s.calc_trade) {
- s.modifier = extender.options.defaultTrade;
- } else {
- s.modifier = extender.options.defaultBattle;
- }
- }
- function avaSendBatch(swornswords) {
- if (extender.options.sendAllAction === "none") {
- inform("This function is disabled. Please enable it from options.");
- return;
- }
- // You do not check command points during ava
- //if (!checkCommandPoints()) {
- // inform("Not enough command points. <br>Action cannot execute.");
- // return;
- //}
- if (typeof swornswords == "undefined" || !(swornswords instanceof window.Array)) {
- error("An array should be passed to the function. Sending failed.");
- return;
- }
- if (swornswords.length == 0) {
- inform("All sworn swords are now busy.<br>Action: " + extender.options.sendAllAction);
- return;
- }
- var s = swornswords.pop();
- console.debug("Debuging send all: swornswords: " + swornswords.length + ", " +
- "current: " + s.full_name + ", " +
- "id: " + s.id + ", " +
- "cooldown: " + s.cooldown + ", " +
- "damage: " + s.damage + ", " +
- "region: " + s.garrison_region + ", " +
- "subregion: " + s.garrison_subregion + ", " +
- "send? " + !(s.damage >= extender.options.bruteWounds));
- if (s.damage >= extender.options.bruteWounds) {
- avaSendBatch(swornswords);
- return;
- }
- itemCurrentSelection = s;
- if (extender.options.sendAllAction === "selected" && extender.options.selectedAction &&
- extender.options.selectedAction != void 0) {
- userContext.currentActionLabel = extender.options.selectedAction;
- } else {
- userContext.currentActionLabel = s.modifier;
- }
- doCampAttack(userContext.campAttackData.id, "skip", function campCallback(r, retry) {
- console.debug("Camp attack callback, debugging arguments: ", arguments);
- if (r.error) {
- avaSendBatch(swornswords);
- return;
- }
- if (!r.camp_attack) {
- error("Camp data is missing, cannot create new attack.");
- return;
- }
- var attack = r.camp_attack;
- $.ajax({
- url: "/play/camp_attack_create?alliance_id=" + attack.target_alliance_id + "®ion=" + attack.region + "&subregion=" + attack.subregion + "&acnew=" + userContext.playerData.ac,
- dataType: "JSON",
- success: function(a) {
- userContext.camp_battle = a.battle;
- userContext.camp_trade = a.trade;
- userContext.camp_intrigue = a.intrigue;
- userContext.campAttackData = a;
- startCampAttack(userContext.campAttackData);
- setTimeout(function(){
- avaSendBatch(swornswords);
- }, getRandomInt(500, extender.options.baseDelay * 500));
- },
- error: function(e) {
- warn("Something went wrong: " + e.status + " : " + e.statusText + " (tried: " + (retry || 1) + ") , extender will try again...");
- setTimeout(function() {
- retry != void 0
- ? (retry < 21
- ? campCallback(r, ++retry)
- : error("Extender failed to send attack on this camp after 21 retries.", "CAMP"))
- : campCallback(r, 1);
- }, getRandomInt(500, extender.options.baseDelay * 500));
- }
- });
- });
- }
- window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
- function receiveMessage(event) {
- // Do we trust the sender of this message?
- if (event.origin !== "https://games.disruptorbeam.com") {
- error("Message from untrusted source was rejected.");
- console.debug(event);
- return;
- }
- //console.debug("Message recieved: ", event);
- console.log("Evaluated: ", eval(event.data));
- }
- function observable_onkeyup(e){
- //console.debug(e);
- if(e.keyCode === 13 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) {
- var observable = $("textarea#observable");
- if (!observable) {
- error("The observable DOM element was not found in the page.");
- return false;
- }
- try {
- var cmd = observable.val().split("\n")[0];
- eval("extender." + cmd);
- } catch (err) {
- var prefix = "COMMAND FAILED" + " | " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " | ";
- observable.val(prefix + err);
- }
- return false;
- }
- if(e.keyCode === 46){
- var observable = $("textarea#observable");
- if (!observable) {
- error("The observable DOM element was not found in the page.");
- return false;
- }
- observable.val("");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function clearLog(){
- sessionStorage.set("clientEntries", []);
- log("The client log has been cleared successfully.");
- $("#logTab").trigger("click");
- }
- var bossChallenger = (function(log, error, questClose, questSubmit, localStorage){
- var _this = {
- init: init,
- fight: fight,
- persist: persist,
- config: config,
- addQuest: addQuest,
- removeQuest: removeQuest,
- enabled: true,
- bossQuests: []
- };
- function init(o){
- try {
- _this.bossQuests = localStorage.get("bossQuests", []);
- _this.config(o);
- if(!_this.enabled) return; // Do not run if disabled
- // Relaunch any quests pending...
- for (var i = 0; i < _this.bossQuests.length; i++) {
- var a = _this.bossQuests[i];
- questSubmit(a.quest, a.stage, a.attack, a.chosen, null, null, a.questId);
- }
- } catch(e) {
- error(e);
- }
- }
- function config(o){
- //console.debug(o);
- _this.enabled = o.autoBossChallenge;
- if(!_this.enabled){ // If disabled, clear stored quests
- log("Boss challenge is disabled. Clearing stored quests...", "EXTENDER");
- _this.bossQuests = [];
- _this.persist();
- }
- }
- function persist(){
- localStorage.set("bossQuests", _this.bossQuests);
- }
- // Response, attack
- function fight(a, c){
- if (a.actions_remaining == void 0 || isNaN(a.actions_remaining)){
- log("Not on boss challenge (no actions remaining). Exiting...", "BOSS");
- return;
- }
- if(!_this.enabled){
- log("Boss challenge is not automated. Exiting...", "EXTENDER");
- return;
- }
- log("Boss challenge automated. Actions remaining: " + a.actions_remaining + ", " +
- "stage: " + a.stage, "BOSS");
- if(a.stage && a.stage === 1000){
- log("Boss challenge complete. Exiting...", "BOSS");
- _this.removeQuest(a.id);
- _this.persist();
- // Close dialog and pop it from whenever necessary
- questClose(a.symbol, a.id, true);
- return;
- }
- if (a.actions_remaining > 0) {
- questSubmit(a.symbol, a.stage, c, a.chosen, null, null, a.id);
- } else {
- log("No actions remaining! Adjusting...", "BOSS");
- var bossQuest = {
- "quest": a.symbol,
- "stage": a.stage,
- "attack": c,
- "chosen": a.chosen,
- "questId": a.id,
- "timeout": setTimeout(function() {
- questSubmit(a.symbol, a.stage, c, a.chosen, null, null, a.id);
- }, 3 * 5 * 60 * 1000)
- };
- _this.addQuest(bossQuest);
- _this.persist();
- log("Timer running. Fire again in 15 minutes.", "BOSS");
- }
- }
- function addQuest(quest){
- if(quest == void 0){
- error("No quest was passed to add function. Exiting...");
- return;
- }
- var quests = _this.bossQuests;
- for(var i = 0; i < quests.length; i++){
- if(quests[i].questId == quest.questId){
- log("Quest is already made persistable.");
- return;
- }
- }
- quests.push(quest);
- }
- function removeQuest(questId){
- // Remove the quest from the array
- _this.bossQuests = _this.bossQuests.filter(function (el) {
- return el.questId !== questId;
- });
- }
- return _this;
- }(log, error, questClose, questSubmit, localStorage));
- function exSendFavors(favor, characterList){
- var json = {
- favor: favor,
- recipients: characterList
- };
- showSpinner();
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "/play/send_mass_favors",
- data: json,
- dataType: "JSON",
- complete: hideSpinner,
- success: function (a) {
- !0 == a.status
- ? void 0 == a.exceptions ? (doAlert("Message Sent", "Your Raven has been sent."), isWeb() || iosSignal("favors_sent", a.count)) : doAlert("Message Sent", "Your Raven has been sent.<br/><br/>" + a.exceptions + " did not receive a favor as you have already sent them the maximum per day.") : !1 == a.status && ("invalid_favor" == a.reason ? doAlert("Message Center",
- "The selected favor is invalid.") : "not_enough_favors" == a.reason ? doAlert("Message Center", "You have reached your daily favor-giving limit. Your raven was not sent.") : "favor_limit_all" == a.reason ? doAlert("Message Center", "You have already sent the favors daily maximum to these recipients.") : "select_min_player" == a.reason && doAlert("Message Center", "Please select at least one recipient."))
- }
- })
- }
- var worldEvent = (function ($, log, warn, error, submitWorldEventAction, getWorldEventAttackResults, userContext) {
- var _this = {
- delay: 4E3,
- enabled: true,
- timeouts: [],
- get attackers() {
- return localStorage.get("weAttackers", []);
- },
- set attackers(val) {
- localStorage.set("weAttackers", val);
- },
- init: function (o) {
- try {
- this.config(o);
- this.analyze();
- log("World event initialized.", "WORLD EVENT");
- } catch(err) {
- error(err);
- }
- },
- config: function (o) {
- //console.debug(o);
- this.delay = o.worldEventDelay * 1E3 || this.delay;
- this.enabled = o.weManagerEnabled != void 0 ? o.weManagerEnabled : this.enabled;
- },
- dispatch: function () {
- if (!this.enabled) {
- log("This feature has been disabled. Exiting...", "WORLD EVENT");
- return;
- }
- var attackers = this.attackers.filter(function(a){
- return a != void 0;
- });
- for (var i = 0; i < attackers.length; i++) {
- var ss = getSwornSwords(attackers[i]);
- if (!ss) {
- error("Failed to find the sworn sword. Request won't be sent.");
- continue;
- }
- var order = $("#slot_" + i + "_orders").length
- ? $("#slot_" + i + "_orders").val()
- : ss.modifier;
- submitWorldEventAction(ss.id, order, false);
- }
- },
- retrieve: function (ss) {
- if (!this.enabled) {
- log("This feature has been disabled. Exiting...", "WORLD EVENT");
- return;
- }
- if (ss != void 0) {
- if (!ss.id || !ss.action || (ss.full_name == void 0 && ss.name == void 0) || (ss.cooldown == void 0 && ss.cooldown_seconds == void 0)) {
- error("Incorrect object passed, lack of parameters.", "WORLD EVENT");
- console.debug("Debug information, passed sworn sword: ", ss);
- return;
- }
- var cooldown =
- ss.cooldown != void 0 // defined as cooldown
- ? (ss.cooldown !== 0
- ? ss.cooldown // there is a cooldown
- : false) // there ain't a cooldown
- : ss.cooldown_seconds != void 0 // defined as cooldown_seconds
- ? (ss.cooldown_seconds !== 0
- ? ss.cooldown_seconds // there is a cooldown
- : false) // there ain't a cooldown
- : 36E2; // default cooldown of 1hour
- if (!cooldown) {
- getWorldEventAttackResults(ss.id, ss.action, true);
- } else {
- var timeout = {
- id: ss.id,
- name: ss.full_name || ss.name,
- timeout: setTimeout(function () {
- getWorldEventAttackResults(ss.id, ss.action, true);
- }, (cooldown * 1E3) + _this.delay)
- }
- this.timeouts.push(timeout);
- }
- return;
- }
- },
- analyze: function () {
- if (!this.enabled) {
- log("This feature has been disabled. Exiting...", "WORLD EVENT");
- return;
- }
- // dummy data
- var data = {
- sworn_sword_id: 0,
- order: "aid"
- };
- $.ajax({
- url: "/play/world_event_attack",
- data: data,
- success: function (a) {
- console.debug("Analyzing response from the server for the world event action: ", a);
- if (a.challenge && a.challenge.active_swornswords) {
- for (var i = 0; i < a.challenge.active_swornswords.length; i++) {
- _this.retrieve(a.challenge.active_swornswords[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- },
- afterSubmit: function (a, ssId) {
- if (!this.enabled) {
- log("This feature has been disabled. Exiting...", "WORLD EVENT");
- return;
- }
- console.debug("Logging response from the server for sending the sworn sword: ", a);
- if (a.swornsword && a.swornsword.cooldown) {
- this.retrieve(a.swornsword);
- } else if (a.challenge && a.challenge.active_swornswords && a.challenge.active_swornswords.length) {
- var swornswords = a.challenge.active_swornswords;
- for (var i = 0; i < swornswords.length; i++) {
- if (swornswords[i].id !== ssId)
- continue;
- this.retrieve(swornswords[i]);
- }
- }
- },
- afterGet: function (b, ssId) {
- if (!this.enabled) {
- log("This feature has been disabled. Exiting...", "WORLD EVENT");
- return;
- }
- console.debug("Logging response from the server from world event attack: ", b);
- if (b.swornsword && b.action) {
- submitWorldEventAction(b.swornsword.id, b.action, false);
- }
- },
- enlistSS: function () {
- try {
- var attackArray = this.attackers;
- var ss = userContext.setSwornSword;
- if (ss == void 0) {
- if (attackArray.length == 5) {
- attackArray.pop();
- }
- attackArray.unshift(null);
- } else {
- if (attackArray.indexOf(ss.id) > -1) {
- warn("Selected sworn sword is already enlisted for the world event. Exiting...", "WORLD EVENT");
- return;
- }
- if (attackArray.length == 5) {
- attackArray.pop();
- attackArray.unshift(ss.id);
- } else {
- attackArray.push(ss.id);
- }
- }
- this.attackers = attackArray;
- $("#weTab").trigger('click');
- } catch (e) {
- error(e);
- }
- }
- };
- return _this;
- }($, log, warn, error, submitWorldEventAction, getWorldEventAttackResults, userContext));
- var trainImmediateTermination;
- function extenderSSTrainAll(){
- trainImmediateTermination = false;
- var swornswords = getSwornSwords("all", {disregardCooldown: true, disregardWounds: true});
- for(var i = 0; i < swornswords.length; i++){
- var ss = swornswords[i];
- if(!ss.upgrade_points)
- continue;
- var attribute = $("#ss_"+ ss.id +"_orders").val();
- if(attribute === "stats") {
- var max = Math.max(ss.calc_battle, ss.calc_trade, ss.calc_intrigue);
- if (max == ss.calc_intrigue) {
- attribute = "intrigue";
- } else if (max == ss.calc_trade) {
- attribute = "trade";
- } else {
- attribute = "battle";
- }
- }
- for(var j = 0; j < ss.upgrade_points; j++)
- ssTrain(ss.id, attribute);
- }
- }
- // TODO: Implement..
- //var PERSISTABLE = {
- //
- // get queue() {
- // return localStorage.get("productionQueue", []);
- // },
- //
- // set queue(val) {
- // localStorage.set("productionQueue", val);
- // }
- //};
- //var jqxr = $.ajax;
- //$.ajax = function () {
- // console.log(arguments[0]);
- //
- // // Store the success function
- // var onSuccess = arguments[0].success;
- //
- // // Replace success with
- // // your custom function
- // arguments[0].success = function () {
- //
- // // Capture the returned value of the stored
- // // function after execution with corresponding arguments
- // var onsret = onSuccess.apply(this, arguments);
- //
- // console.log(arguments[0]);
- //
- // // Return if any
- // return onsret;
- // };
- //
- // return jqxr.apply(this, arguments);
- //
- //};
- function avaSendAll_onclick(){
- if(extender.options.sendAllAction === "selected") {
- extender.options.selectedAction = userContext.currentActionLabel;
- extender.import();
- }
- var cfg = {
- region: userContext.campAttackData.camp_region_index,
- subRegion: (extender.options.avaSendSubcamps ? -1 : userContext.campAttackData.camp_subregion_index)
- };
- var ss = getSwornSwords(extender.options.sendAllAction, cfg);
- avaSendBatch(ss);
- }
- function avaSendAll_Loop(region, subRegion, alliance_id, retry){
- $.ajax({
- url: "/play/camp_attack_create?alliance_id=" + alliance_id + "®ion=" + region + "&subregion=" + subRegion + "&acnew=" + userContext.playerData.ac,
- dataType: "JSON",
- success: function(a) {
- if(a.camp_attack == void 0){
- error("No response was received for the given parameters.", "AVA");
- return;
- }
- userContext.camp_battle = a.battle;
- userContext.camp_trade = a.trade;
- userContext.camp_intrigue = a.intrigue;
- userContext.campAttackData = a;
- startCampAttack(userContext.campAttackData);
- var ss = getSwornSwords(extender.options.sendAllAction, {
- region: region,
- subRegion: (extender.options.avaSendSubcamps ? -1 : subRegion)
- });
- avaSendBatch(ss);
- },
- error: function(e) {
- warn("Something went wrong: " + e.status + " : " + e.statusText + ", extender will try again...");
- setTimeout(function() {
- retry
- ? (retry < 7
- ? avaSendAll_Loop(region, subRegion, alliance_id, retry)
- : error("Extender failed to send attack on this camp after 7 retries.", "CAMP"))
- : avaSendAll_Loop(region, subRegion, alliance_id, 1);
- }, 2000);
- }
- });
- }
- var questMan = (function ($) {
- var _this = {
- delay: 4E3,
- enabled: true,
- striveFor: ["old_ways", "truthful", "realm"],
- init: function (o) {
- try {
- this.config(o);
- this.analyze();
- log("Quest manager initialized.", "QUESTMAN");
- } catch (err) {
- error(err);
- }
- },
- config: function (o) {
- //console.debug(o);
- this.delay = o.questManagerDelay * 1E3 || this.delay;
- this.enabled = o.questManagerEnabled != void 0 ? o.questManagerEnabled : this.enabled;
- },
- analyze: function () {
- if (!this.enabled) {
- log("This feature has been disabled. Exiting...", "QUESTMAN");
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < userContext.actions.length; i++) {
- var action = userContext.actions[i];
- log("Debuging quest analysis: " +
- "quest: " + action.label + ", " +
- "id: " + action.id + ", " +
- "complete: " + (action.complete ? "Yes" : "No") + ", " +
- "remaining: " + action.seconds_remaining + "s");
- // Action is complete => FINISH
- if(action.complete){
- log("Action is complete, attempt to finish up.", "QUESTMAN");
- this.playQuest(action.id); // TODO: Log loot!
- // don't monitor
- // this quest
- continue;
- }
- // Action is in progress => WAIT
- if(!action.complete && action.seconds_remaining){
- log("Action is in progress, QuestMan will wait.", "QUESTMAN");
- setTimeout(function(){
- _this.analyze();
- }, action.seconds_remaining * 1E3 + _this.delay);
- continue;
- }
- // Action expects user input => ACT
- log("Taking action...", "QUESTMAN");
- this.playQuest(action.id, function(r){
- if(r.option == void 0 || !r.option.length){
- error("I am not given options!", "QUESTMAN");
- return;
- }
- var choice = _this.analyzeOptions(r.option);
- // TODO: Verify if this indeed need to be hardcoded
- _this.submitQuest("action", choice, r.chosen, r.id);
- });
- }
- },
- // PLay quest, call callback fn
- playQuest: function(questId, andThen){
- $.ajax({
- url: '/play/quest',
- data: {
- quest_id: questId
- },
- success: function(response){ // if callback, call with response
- typeof andThen == "function" && andThen(response);
- },
- error: function(response){ // if callback, call with response
- typeof andThen == "function" && andThen(response);
- }
- })
- },
- analyzeOptions: function(options){
- var bestOption = 1;
- for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i ++){
- var o = options[i];
- var loot = o.reward_loot || (o.change_reward != void 0 ? o.change_reward.reward_loot : "");
- var silver = o.reward_silver || (o.change_reward != void 0 ? o.change_reward.reward_silver : 0);
- var alignment = o.alignment || (o.change_reward != void 0 ? o.change_reward.alignment : "none");
- console.log("options analysis, loot:", loot, "silver:", silver, "alignment:", alignment);
- if(this.striveFor.contains(alignment)){
- bestOption = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- console.log("Best option resolved: ", options[bestOption]);
- return bestOption;
- },
- submitQuest: function(stage, choice, chosen, questId, andThen){
- $.ajax({
- url: '/play/quest',
- data: {
- quest_id: questId,
- stage: stage,
- choice: choice,
- chosen: chosen,
- },
- success: function(response){ // if callback, call with response
- typeof andThen == "function" && andThen(response);
- },
- error: function(response){ // if callback, call with response
- typeof andThen == "function" && andThen(response);
- }
- })
- }
- };
- return _this;
- }($));
- function getRandomInt(min, max) {
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
- }
- function findGifts(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var loadingBar = $("#loading_bar");
- if(!loadingBar.length) {
- var container = $('div#modals_container_alerts div#modalwrap.alertmodal.modalwrap_input div.alertbox div.alertboxinner div.alertinput');
- container.prepend('<div id="loading_bar" class="loadingbar-inner" style="width: 1%; position: relative; top: -20px; margin-left: 15px;"></div>');
- }
- var limit = parseInt($('#offerIdRangeEnd').val());
- var startId = parseInt($('#offerIdRangeStart').val());
- if(extender.options.lastIdChecked !== limit){
- extender.option("lastIdChecked", limit)
- }
- find_codes(startId, limit)
- }
- function pvpLaunch_1(callback) {
- json = { pvp: {} };
- json.pvp.target_id = pvpForm.target_id;
- json.pvp.sworn_sword_id = userContext.setSwornSword.id;
- json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol = userContext.currentActionLabel;
- json.pvp.region_symbol = fealtySymbol[pvpForm.target_faction_id];
- pvpForm.sub_region_index = Math.floor(3 * Math.random());
- var b = pvpForm.target_faction_id;
- void 0 == b && (b = userContext.playerData.character.faction_id);
- json.pvp.sub_region_symbol = fealtySubRegions[b][pvpForm.sub_region_index].symbol;
- json.pvp.attack_value = userContext.currentQuest.action_type[userContext.currentActionLabel].attacker_strength;
- json.pvp.defense_value = userContext.currentQuest.action_type[userContext.currentActionLabel].defender_strength;
- log( pvpForm.target_id);
- log( userContext.currentActionLabel);
- log( fealtySymbol[pvpForm.target_faction_id]);
- log( userContext.playerData.character.faction_id);
- log( fealtySubRegions[b][pvpForm.sub_region_index].symbol);
- log( userContext.currentQuest.action_type[userContext.currentActionLabel].attacker_strength);
- log( userContext.currentQuest.action_type[userContext.currentActionLabel].defender_strength);
- false || (showSpinner(),
- $.ajax({
- type: "get",
- url: "/pvps/create",
- data: json,
- dataType: "JSON",
- complete: hideSpinner,
- success: function(a) {
- void 0 == a.error ?
- (pvpForm = {},
- userContext.pvp = a,
- pvpRenderProgress(a),
- insertInventoryFromItem(playerInventory, a.attacker.sworn_sword),
- analytics.track("PvP Start", { pvp_context: "attack", pvp_action: json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol }),
- analytics.wizardtrack("PvP Start", {
- pvp_context: "attack",
- pvp_action: json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol
- }))
- : handleSwornSwordError(a.error);
- // EXTENDER :: Modification, call callback
- // parameter indicates successfull sending
- if (typeof callback == "function") {
- if(a.error && a.error === "too_many_attacks") {
- //inform("Too MANY ATTACKS! StAHP STAAAHP!");
- pvpFormStore = null;
- return;
- }
- callback(!a.error);
- }
- }
- }));
- }
- function pvpLaunch_2(callback) {
- json = { pvp: {} };
- log("pvpLaunch2 pvpLaunch2 pvpLaunch2") ;
- json.pvp.target_id = 25334790;
- json.pvp.sworn_sword_id = userContext.setSwornSword.id;
- json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol = "fight";
- json.pvp.region_symbol = undefined;
- var Sub_region_index = Math.floor(3 * Math.random());
- var b = undefined ;
- void 0 == b && (b = userContext.playerData.character.faction_id);
- json.pvp.sub_region_symbol = fealtySubRegions[b][Sub_region_index].symbol;
- json.pvp.attack_value = 11111;
- json.pvp.defense_value = 11;
- false || (showSpinner(),
- $.ajax({
- type: "get",
- url: "/pvps/create",
- data: json,
- dataType: "JSON",
- complete: hideSpinner,
- success: function(a) {
- void 0 == a.error ?
- (pvpForm = {},
- userContext.pvp = a,
- pvpRenderProgress(a),
- insertInventoryFromItem(playerInventory, a.attacker.sworn_sword),
- analytics.track("PvP Start", { pvp_context: "attack", pvp_action: json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol }),
- analytics.wizardtrack("PvP Start", {
- pvp_context: "attack",
- pvp_action: json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol
- }))
- : handleSwornSwordError(a.error);
- // EXTENDER :: Modification, call callback
- // parameter indicates successfull sending
- if (typeof callback == "function") {
- if(a.error && a.error === "too_many_attacks") {
- //inform("Too MANY ATTACKS! StAHP STAAAHP!");
- pvpFormStore = null;
- return;
- }
- callback(!a.error);
- }
- }
- }));
- }
- function find_codes(id, limit, gift_codes) {
- if(gift_codes == void 0) {
- gift_codes = [];
- }
- $.ajax({
- url: '/play/special_offer/' + id,
- success: function (data) {
- var regexp = />[A-Z, 1-9]{4}-[A-Z, 1-9]{4}-[A-Z, 1-9]{4}-[A-Z, 1-9]{4}</
- var code = data.match(regexp);
- if(code && gift_codes.indexOf(code[0]) == -1) {
- gift_codes.push(code + " Offer id: " + id);
- console.log('Found code in page with id: ' + id + ', ' + code);
- }
- },
- statusCode: {
- 404: function () {
- console.log('Page with id ' + id + ' is non existent.');
- },
- 500: function () {
- console.log('Page with id ' + id + ' returned an internal server error.');
- }
- },
- complete: function () {
- var loadingBar = $("#loading_bar");
- if (id < limit) {
- var percent = ((id + 1) / limit) * 100;
- loadingBar.css("width", percent + "%");
- setTimeout(function () {
- find_codes(++id, limit, gift_codes);
- }, 100);
- } else {
- if(!gift_codes.length) {
- loadingBar.after("No active codes found in that range.");
- alert("No active codes found in that range.");
- } else {
- for (var j = 0; j < gift_codes.length; j++) {
- var code = gift_codes[j];
- loadingBar.after(code + "<br>");
- }
- var message = "Active gift codes found!\n";
- for (var k = 0; k < gift_codes.length; k++) {
- message += gift_codes[k] + "\n";
- }
- alert(message);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }