E(x)-Hentai CompactSearch

Compacts the search into the topbar, saving vertical space. Supports E-Hentai & EXHentai.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         E(x)-Hentai CompactSearch
// @description  Compacts the search into the topbar, saving vertical space. Supports E-Hentai & EXHentai.
// @author       Daku ([email protected])
// @namespace    https://github.com/DakuTree/userscripts
// @homepage     https://github.com/DakuTree/userscripts
// @homepageURL  https://github.com/DakuTree/userscripts
// @supportURL   https://github.com/DakuTree/userscripts/issues
// @icon         https://e-hentai.org/favicon.ico
// @match        https://e-hentai.org/*
// @match        https://exhentai.org/*
// @exclude      https://e-hentai.org/archiver.php*
// @version      2.1.6
// @require      https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

/* jshint -W097, browser:true, devel:true, multistr: true */

//Auto-redirect to https & non g.e (NOTE: This will be done by EH automatically some time in the future so this is just a temp-fix.)
if (location.hostname !== 'exhentai.org' && location.origin !== "https://e-hentai.org") {
	location.href = (location.href.replace(/^https?:\/\/(?:g\.)?e-hentai\.org/, "https://e-hentai.org"));
} else if (location.hostname === 'exhentai.org' && location.protocol !== 'https:') {
	location.href = (location.href.replace(/^https?:\/\/exhentai\.org/, "https://exhentai.org"));

var domain = (location.host.match(/([^.]+)\.\w{2,3}(?:\.\w{2})?$/) || [])[1].replace('-', '');
var https = location.protocol.replace(/.$/, '');
GM_addStyle("#toppane, #nb {display: none !important;}"); //Hide elements before load

if (typeof window.jQuery === "undefined") {
	addJQuery(main); //@require doesn't work, so load JQuery then load the script
} else {
	main(); //@require works, so just load the script

function main() {
	jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
		//Get/set default settings
		//This seems to be stored in the uconfig cookie, but it seems to be somewhat encrypted.
		var unsafeWindow = this.unsafeWindow || window;
		var v = {};
		if ($('form input[id*="f_"], #searchbox input[name="f_search"]').length > 0) {
			$('form input[id*="f_"], input[name="f_search"]').each(function () { v[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).attr('value'); });
			unsafeWindow.localStorage.setItem('s', JSON.stringify(v));
		} else {
			v = JSON.parse(unsafeWindow.localStorage.getItem('s')) || {};
			v.f_search = "Search Keywords"; //Show default text on non-search pages.

		var colors = {
			ehentai: ['#E3E0D1', '#EDEBDF', '#5C0D11', '#9B4E03', '#F2EFDF', '#5C0D11', '#5C0D11'],
			exhentai: ['#34353b', '#4f535b', '#000000', '#43464e', '#43464e', '#f1f1f1', '#f1f1f1']

		var color1 = colors[domain][0],
			color2 = colors[domain][1],
			color3 = colors[domain][2], //borders, also main text color
			color4 = colors[domain][3],
			color5 = colors[domain][4], //search focus background
			color6 = colors[domain][5], //text
			color7 = colors[domain][6]; //text:hover:focus

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					.navbar .nopm a:hover {background-color: transparent;}\n\
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					.navbar .stdbtn:enabled:hover, .navbar .stdbtn:enabled:active, .navbar .stdbtn:enabled:focus {color: "+ color7 + "; background: " + color5 + "; border: 2px outset " + color3 + ";}\
					.navbar table.itc {border-spacing: 1px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;}\
					.navbar table.itc td {padding: 0;}\
					.navbar #fill {width: calc(100% - 450px - 507px - 16px);}\
					.navbar table.itss {margin: 0; width: calc(100% - 28px); font-size:11px; margin-left: 28px;}\
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					.navbar #fsdiv {font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal;}\
			").appendTo('head'); //}

		var nav_wrap = $('<div/>', { id: 'navwrap' });
		var nav = $('<ul/>', { class: 'navbar' }).appendTo(nav_wrap);
		$('<li/>').append( //{
			$('<a/>', { text: "Front Page", href: location.origin })).append(
					$('<a/>', { text: "News", href: 'https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showforum=2' })).append(
						$('<a/>', { text: "Forums", href: 'https://forums.e-hentai.org/' })).append(
							$('<a/>', { text: "Wiki", href: 'https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Category:E-Hentai_Galleries' })).append(
								$('<a/>', { text: "Torrents", href: location.origin + '/torrents.php' })).append(
									$('<a/>', { text: "Bounties", href: 'https://e-hentai.org/bounty.php' })).append(
										$('<a/>', { text: "Toplists", href: 'https://e-hentai.org/toplist.php' }))).appendTo(nav);
			$('<a/>', { text: "My Home", href: 'https://e-hentai.org/home.php' })).append(
					$('<a/>', { text: "Favorites", href: location.origin + '/favorites.php' })).append(
						$('<a/>', { text: "Maintain Galleries", href: 'https://ul.' + location.hostname.replace(/^g\./, '') + '/manage.php' })).append(
							$('<a/>', { text: "Upload Gallery", href: 'https://ul.' + location.hostname.replace(/^g\./, '') + '/manage.php?act=new' })).append(
								$('<a/>', { text: "Options", href: location.origin + '/uconfig.php' }))).appendTo(nav);
			$('<a/>', { text: "HentaiVerse", href: 'https://hentaiverse.org/', onclick: "popUp('https://hentaiverse.org/',1250,720); return false" })).appendTo(nav);
		$('<li/>', { id: 'fill', style: "border-right: 1px solid " + color3 + ";" }).appendTo(nav);
		$('<li/>', { style: "border-right: 1px solid " + color3 + "; width: 15px !important; min-width: 15px; max-width: 15px;" }).append(
			$('<a/>', { href: '#', text: '#', id: 'addenglish', style: 'border-right: 0' })).appendTo(nav);
		$('<li/>', { style: "width: 506px !important; min-width: 506px; max-width: 506px;" }).append(
			$('<form/>', { action: https + "://" + location.hostname, method: "GET" }).append(
					$('<input/>', { type: "text", name: "f_search", value: v.f_search, class: "stdinput", onfocus: "if(this.value=='Search Keywords') this.value = '';", size: "50", maxlength: "200" })).append(
						$('<input/>', { type: "submit", name: "f_apply", value: "Apply Filter", class: "stdbtn", style: "width: 70px" })).append(
							$('<input/>', { type: "submit", name: "f_clear", value: "Clear Filter", class: "stdbtn", style: "width: 70px", onclick: "top.location.href='https://e-hentai.org/'; return false" }))).append(
									$('<table/>', { class: "itc" }).append(
												$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_doujinshi", value: v.f_doujinshi, id: "f_doujinshi" })).append(
													$('<img/>', { id: "f_doujinshi_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/doujinshi" + (v.f_doujinshi == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "doujinshi", style: "cursor:pointer" }))).append(
															$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_manga", value: v.f_manga, id: "f_manga" })).append(
																$('<img/>', { id: "f_manga_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/manga" + (v.f_manga == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "mangat", style: "cursor:pointer" }))).append(
																		$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_artistcg", value: v.f_artistcg, id: "f_artistcg" })).append(
																			$('<img/>', { id: "f_artistcg_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/artistcg" + (v.f_artistcg == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "artistcg", style: "cursor:pointer" }))).append(
																					$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_gamecg", value: v.f_gamecg, id: "f_gamecg" })).append(
																						$('<img/>', { id: "f_gamecg_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/gamecg" + (v.f_gamecg == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "gamecg", style: "cursor:pointer" }))).append(
																								$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_western", value: v.f_western, id: "f_western" })).append(
																									$('<img/>', { id: "f_western_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/western" + (v.f_western == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "western", style: "cursor:pointer" })))).append(
																												$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_non-h", value: v["f_non-h"], id: "f_non-h" })).append(
																													$('<img/>', { id: "f_non-h_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/non-h" + (v["f_non-h"] == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "non-h", style: "cursor:pointer" }))).append(
																															$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_imageset", value: v.f_imageset, id: "f_imageset" })).append(
																																$('<img/>', { id: "f_imageset_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/imageset" + (v.f_imageset == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "imageset", style: "cursor:pointer" }))).append(
																																		$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_cosplay", value: v.f_cosplay, id: "f_cosplay" })).append(
																																			$('<img/>', { id: "f_cosplay_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/cosplay" + (v.f_cosplay == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "cosplay", style: "cursor:pointer", }))).append(
																																					$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_asianporn", value: v.f_asianporn, id: "f_asianporn" })).append(
																																						$('<img/>', { id: "f_asianporn_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/asianporn" + (v.f_asianporn == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "asianporn", style: "cursor:pointer" }))).append(
																																								$('<input/>', { type: "hidden", name: "f_misc", value: v.f_misc, id: "f_misc" })).append(
																																									$('<img/>', { id: "f_misc_img", src: "https://ehgt.org/g/c/misc" + (v.f_misc == 1 ? "" : "_d") + ".png", class: "ic", alt: "misc", style: "cursor:pointer" }))))).append(
																																											$('<p/>', { class: "nopm", style: "margin-top:2px;" }).append(
																																												$('<a/>', { href: "#", rel: "nofollow", id: "show_ao", text: "Show Advanced Options", style: "margin-right:5px;" })).append(
																																													$('<a/>', { href: "#", rel: "nofollow", id: "show_fs", text: "Show File Search", style: "margin-left:5px;", disabled: 'disabled' }))).append(
																																														$('<div/>', { id: 'advdiv', style: 'display: none;' }))))).append(
																																															$('<ul/>', { style: 'margin-top: -1px;' }).append(
																																																$('<div/>', { id: 'fsdiv', style: 'display: none;' }))
																																														).appendTo(nav); //}


		$('#navwrap').on('click', '.nopm > a', function (e) {
			var id = ($(this).attr('id') == 'show_ao' ? 'advdiv' : 'fsdiv');

			if ($('#' + id).css('display') == 'none') {
				if (id == 'advdiv') {
					$('#' + id).append(
						$('<input/>', { type: 'hidden', id: 'advsearch', name: 'advsearch', value: '1' })).append(
							$('<table/>', { class: 'itss' }).append(
										$('<td/>', { class: 'ic4' }).append(
											$('<input/>', { id: 'adv11', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_sname', checked: 'checked' })).append(
												$('<label/>', { for: 'adv11', text: 'Search Gallery Name' }))).append(
													$('<td/>', { class: 'ic4' }).append(
														$('<input/>', { id: 'adv12', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_stags', checked: 'checked' })).append(
															$('<label/>', { for: 'adv12', text: 'Search Gallery Tags' }))).append(
																$('<td/>', { class: 'ic2' }).append(
																	$('<input/>', { id: 'adv13', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_sdesc', colspan: '2' })).append(
																		$('<label/>', { for: 'adv13', text: 'Search Gallery Description' })))).append(
																				$('<td/>', { class: 'ic2', colspan: '2' }).append(
																					$('<input/>', { id: 'adv15', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_storr' })).append(
																						$('<label/>', { for: 'adv15', text: 'Search Torrent Filenames' }))).append(
																							$('<td/>', { class: 'ic2', colspan: '2' }).append(
																								$('<input/>', { id: 'adv16', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_sto' })).append(
																									$('<label/>', { for: 'adv16', text: 'Only Show Galleries With Torrents' })))).append(
																											$('<td/>', { class: 'ic2', colspan: '2' }).append(
																												$('<input/>', { id: 'adv21', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_sdt1' })).append(
																													$('<label/>', { for: 'adv21', text: 'Search Low-Power Tags' }))).append(
																														$('<td/>', { class: 'ic2', colspan: '2' }).append(
																															$('<input/>', { id: 'adv22', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_sdt2' })).append(
																																$('<label/>', { for: 'adv22', text: 'Search Downvoted Tags' })))).append(
																																		$('<td/>', { class: 'ic2', colspan: '2' }).append(
																																			$('<input/>', { id: 'adv31', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_sh' })).append(
																																				$('<label/>', { for: 'adv31', text: 'Show Expunged Galleries' }))).append(
																																					$('<td/>', { class: 'ic2', colspan: '2' }).append(
																																						$('<input/>', { id: 'adv32', type: 'checkbox', name: 'f_sr' })).append(
																																							$('<label/>', { for: 'adv32', text: 'Minimum Rating: ' })).append(
																																								$('<select/>', { id: 'adv42', class: 'stdinput imr', name: 'f_srdd' }).append(
																																									$('<option/>', { value: '2', text: '2 stars' })).append(
																																										$('<option/>', { value: '3', text: '3 stars' })).append(
																																											$('<option/>', { value: '4', text: '4 stars' })).append(
																																												$('<option/>', { value: '5', text: '5 stars' }))))
				else if (id == 'fsdiv') {
					$('#' + id).append(
						$('<form/>', { action: https + '://' + (domain == 'ehentai' ? 'upload.e-hentai.org' : 'exhentai.org/upload') + '/image_lookup.php', method: 'post', enctype: 'multipart/form-data' }).append(
								$('<p/>', { text: 'If you want to combine a file search with a category/keyword search, upload the file first.', style: 'font-weight: bold;' })).append(
									$('<p/>', { text: 'Select a file to upload, then hit File Search. All public galleries containing this exact file will be displayed.' })).append(
											$('<input/>', { type: 'file', name: 'sfile', size: '40', style: 'font-size:8pt;' })).append(
												$('<input/>', { type: 'submit', name: 'f_sfile', value: 'File Search', style: 'font-size:8pt;' }))).append(
													$('<p/>', { text: 'For color images, the system can also perform a similarity lookup to find resampled images.' })).append(
														$('<table/>', { class: 'itsf' }).append(
																	$('<td/>', { class: 'ic3' }).append(
																		$('<input/>', { id: 'fs_similiar', type: 'checkbox', name: 'fs_similar', checked: 'checked' })).append(
																			$('<label/>', { for: 'fs_similar', text: 'Use Similarity Scan' }))).append(
																				$('<td/>', { class: 'ic3' }).append(
																					$('<input/>', { id: 'fs_covers', type: 'checkbox', name: 'fs_covers' })).append(
																						$('<label/>', { for: 'fs_covers', text: 'Only Search Covers' }))).append(
																							$('<td/>', { class: 'ic3' }).append(
																								$('<input/>', { id: 'fs_exp', type: 'checkbox', name: 'fs_exp' })).append(
																									$('<label/>', { for: 'fs_exp', text: 'Show Expunged' }))))))));

				$(this).text(function () {
					return $(this).text().replace("Show", "Hide");
			} else {
				$('#' + id).empty();
				$(this).text(function () {
					return $(this).text().replace("Hide", "Show");
			$('#' + id).toggle();


		$('#addenglish').on('click', function (e) {
			$('input[name="f_search"]').val(function (i, v) {
				return v.replace(/(.*)/, 'english' + (v == 'Search Keywords' || v === '' ? '' : ' $1'));
		//TODO: Possibly use jQuery slide?


function setupToggleCategory() {
	//This is "more or less" the built-in "toggle_category" function.
	//Sadly that doesn't get loaded on gallery pages, so we use this instead.
	$('body').on('click', 'img[id^=f_]', function () {
		var img = $(this), //img
			input = $(img).prev(), //input
			input_val = parseInt($(input).val());

		if (input_val) {
			$(img).attr('src', $(img).attr('src').replace('.png', '_d.png'));
		} else {
			$(input).attr('src', $(img).attr('src').replace('_d.png', '.png'));

/*** Only used if @require doesn't work properly ***/
function addJQuery(callback) {
	var script = document.createElement("script");
	script.setAttribute("src", "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js");
	script.addEventListener('load', function () {
		var script = document.createElement("script");
		script.textContent = "(" + callback.toString() + ")();";
	}, false);