
Remove ads, enlarge video, add video download links, block popups and stops autoplay keeping buffering


コードが変更されたバージョンのみを表示しています。 すべてのバージョンを表示

  • v6.0 2017/10/03 # standardised code | # use Mutation Observer for faster update | # Better handling of the video size | * fix auto-centre video | * fix ad/popup block
  • v5.9 2016/08/19 * DIE ADS, DIE!!!
  • v5.8 2016/08/12 + Block ads from loading | * Video functions not running with Flash
  • v5.7 2016/07/16 # Better centre video | # Style changes | * Video title and buttons not visible
  • v5.6.2 2016/04/07 * popup blocking functions | - removed debugging functions
  • v5.6.1 2016/04/06 # Removed debug function
  • v5.6 2016/04/06 + Keyboard shortcut for centering video (Ctrl+Alt+C) | + Download video without login | # Gone with click twice on links to open | * Video centering
  • v5.5 2016/01/28 * Stop popups forever
  • v5.4.1 2016/01/08 * Hotfix remove footer ad
  • v5.4 2016/01/08 * Remove ads | # Better styling |# Changed player edits | - No more download not logged | - Removed video changes (Removals cause couldn't find a way)
  • v5.3 2015/11/29 + remove in-vid ads in HTML5
  • v5.2.1 2015/07/31 + don't add html5 video scritps on Firefox
  • v5.2 2015/07/15 + click anywhere over html5 player to play/pause | + controls autohide
  • v5.1 2015/07/15 + move right column | + arrows for hidden tabs | + remove premium vids tab | + remove onerror from html5 player | - remove FLV text | # small changes and fixes
  • v5.0 2015/04/15 + HTML5 player support | + Remove vid page ad | # Wait for video element to work it | * Login form not showing | * Ad areas showing for some ms
  • v4.11.1 2015/01/28 * Where did my namespace go? No idea, but it's fixed now.
  • v4.11 2014/12/06 + Exclude RT blog | * One ad showing for a few seconds | * Porstars page thumbs | # better quality icon | #new @namespace
  • v4.10 2014/10/27 * download links | * Thumbs tab | - old popup killer code | - enable middle click code
  • v4.9 2014/10/12 +Video Download without need to log-in
  • v4.8 2014/10/06 *Ad showing in front page *Pop-up killer not working
  • v4.7 2014/08/29 *Cut thumbs when search returned 6 or less results
  • v4.6 2014/08/08 #Moved 480p MP4 to drop-down menu * Thumbs tab not working
  • v4.5.1 2014/08/01 *MP4 links broken
  • v4.5 2014/08/01 #Stop autoplay keeping autobuffering *Download links not working
  • v4.4 2014/07/05 * fixed center video
  • v4.3 2014/06/05 *download links not working and one ad showing up
  • v4.2 2014/06/04 Imported from userscripts.org