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WazeWrap site_suite

A base library for WME script writers

このスクリプトは単体で利用できません。右のようなメタデータを含むスクリプトから、ライブラリとして読み込まれます: // @require

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name WazeWrap site_suite
  3. // @namespace WazeWrap_site_suite
  4. // @version 2019.05.03.01
  5. // @description A base library for WME script writers
  6. // @author JustinS83/MapOMatic
  7. // @include*editor*
  8. // @include*editor*
  9. // @exclude*user/editor/*
  10. // @grant none
  11. // ==/UserScript==
  12. /* global W */
  13. /* global WazeWrap */
  14. /* global & */
  15. /* jshint esversion:6 */
  16. /* eslint-disable */
  18. (function () {
  19. 'use strict';
  20. let wwSettings;
  22. function bootstrap(tries = 1) {
  23. if (!location.href.match(/^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com\/(?!user\/)(.{2,6}\/)?editor\/?.*$/))
  24. return;
  26. if (W && &&
  27. W.model && W.loginManager.user &&
  28. $)
  29. init();
  30. else if (tries < 1000)
  31. setTimeout(function () { bootstrap(tries++); }, 200);
  32. else
  33. console.log('WazeWrap failed to load');
  34. }
  36. bootstrap();
  38. async function init() {
  39. console.log("WazeWrap initializing...");
  40. WazeWrap.Version = "2019.09.26.01";
  41. WazeWrap.isBetaEditor = /beta/.test(location.href);
  42. loadSettings();
  44. //SetUpRequire();
  45."moveend", this, RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions);
  46."zoomend", this, RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions);
  47."moveend", this, RestoreMissingNodeFunctions);
  48."zoomend", this, RestoreMissingNodeFunctions);
  49. RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions();
  50. RestoreMissingNodeFunctions();
  51. RestoreMissingOLKMLSupport();
  52. RestoreMissingWRule();
  54. WazeWrap.Geometry = new Geometry();
  55. WazeWrap.Model = new Model();
  56. WazeWrap.Interface = new Interface();
  57. WazeWrap.User = new User();
  58. WazeWrap.Util = new Util();
  59. WazeWrap.Require = new Require();
  60. WazeWrap.String = new String();
  61. WazeWrap.Events = new Events();
  62. WazeWrap.Alerts = new Alerts();
  63. WazeWrap.Remote = new Remote();
  65. WazeWrap.getSelectedFeatures = function () {
  66. return W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures();
  67. };
  69. WazeWrap.hasSelectedFeatures = function () {
  70. return W.selectionManager.hasSelectedFeatures();
  71. };
  73. WazeWrap.selectFeature = function (feature) {
  74. if (!
  75. return W.selectionManager.selectFeature(feature);
  77. return;
  78. };
  80. WazeWrap.selectFeatures = function (featureArray) {
  81. if (!
  82. return W.selectionManager.selectFeatures(featureArray);
  83. return;
  84. };
  86. WazeWrap.hasPlaceSelected = function () {
  87. return (W.selectionManager.hasSelectedFeatures() && W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures()[0].model.type === "venue");
  88. };
  90. WazeWrap.hasSegmentSelected = function () {
  91. return (W.selectionManager.hasSelectedFeatures() && W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures()[0].model.type === "segment");
  92. };
  94. WazeWrap.hasMapCommentSelected = function () {
  95. return (W.selectionManager.hasSelectedFeatures() && W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures()[0].model.type === "mapComment");
  96. };
  98. initializeScriptUpdateInterface();
  99. await initializeToastr();
  101. // 5/22/2019 (mapomatic)
  102. // Temporary workaround to get the address field on the place edit
  103. // panel to update when the place is updated. Can be removed if
  104. // staff fixes it on their end.
  105. try {
  106. W.model.venues.on('objectschanged', venues => {
  107. // Update venue address field display, if needed.
  108. try {
  109. const features = WazeWrap.getSelectedFeatures();
  110. if (features.length === 1) {
  111. const venue = features[0].model;
  112. if (venues.includes(venue)) {
  113. $('#landmark-edit-general span.full-address').text(venue.getAddress().format());
  114. }
  115. }
  116. } catch (ex) {
  117. console.error('WazeWrap error:', ex)
  118. }
  119. });
  120. } catch (ex) {
  121. // ignore if this doesn't work.
  122. }
  124. WazeWrap.Ready = true;
  125. initializeWWInterface();
  127. console.log('WazeWrap Loaded');
  128. }
  129. function initializeWWInterface(){
  130. var $section = $("<div>", {style:"padding:8px 16px", id:"WMEPIESettings"});
  131. $section.html([
  132. '<h4 style="margin-bottom:0px;"><b>WazeWrap</b></h4>',
  133. `<h6 style="margin-top:0px;">${WazeWrap.Version}</h6>`,
  134. `<div id="divEditorPIN" class="controls-container">Editor PIN: <input type="${wwSettings.editorPIN != "" ? "password" : "text"}" size="10" id="wwEditorPIN" ${wwSettings.editorPIN != "" ? 'disabled' : ''}/>${wwSettings.editorPIN === "" ? '<button id="wwSetPin">Set PIN</button>' : ''}<i class="fa fa-eye fa-lg" style="display:${wwSettings.editorPIN === "" ? 'none' : 'inline-block'}" id="showWWEditorPIN" aria-hidden="true"></i></div><br/>`,
  135. `<div id="changePIN" class="controls-container" style="display:${wwSettings.editorPIN !== "" ? "block" : "none"}"><button id="wwChangePIN">Change PIN</button></div>`,
  136. '<div id="divShowAlertHistory" class="controls-container"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbShowAlertHistory" class="wwSettingsCheckbox" /><label for="_cbShowAlertHistory">Show alerts history</label></div>'
  137. ].join(' '));
  138. new WazeWrap.Interface.Tab('WW', $section.html(), postInterfaceSetup);
  139. }
  140. function postInterfaceSetup(){
  141. $('#wwEditorPIN')[0].value = wwSettings.editorPIN;
  142. setChecked('_cbShowAlertHistory', wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon);
  143. if(!wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon)
  144. $('.WWAlertsHistory').css('display', 'none');
  145. $('#showWWEditorPIN').mouseover(function(){
  146. $('#wwEditorPIN').attr('type', 'text');
  147. });
  148. $('#showWWEditorPIN').mouseleave(function(){
  149. $('#wwEditorPIN').attr('type', 'password');
  150. });
  151. $('#wwSetPin').click(function(){
  152. let pin = $('#wwEditorPIN')[0].value;
  153. if(pin != ""){
  154. wwSettings.editorPIN = pin;
  155. saveSettings();
  156. $('#showWWEditorPIN').css('display', 'inline-block');
  157. $('#wwEditorPIN').css('type', 'password');
  158. $('#wwEditorPIN').attr("disabled", true);
  159. $('#wwSetPin').css("display", 'none');
  160. $('#changePIN').css("display", 'block');
  161. }
  162. });
  163. $('#wwChangePIN').click(function(){
  164. WazeWrap.Alerts.prompt("WazeWrap", "This will <b>not</b> change the PIN stored with your settings, only the PIN that is stored on your machine to lookup/save your settings. \n\nChanging your PIN can result in a loss of your settings on the server and/or your local machine. Proceed only if you are sure you need to change this value. \n\n Enter your new PIN", '', function(e, inputVal){
  165. wwSettings.editorPIN = inputVal;
  166. $('#wwEditorPIN')[0].value = inputVal;
  167. saveSettings();
  168. });
  169. });
  170. $('#_cbShowAlertHistory').change(function(){
  171. if(this.checked)
  172. $('.WWAlertsHistory').css('display', 'block');
  173. else
  174. $('.WWAlertsHistory').css('display', 'none');
  175. wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon = this.checked;
  176. saveSettings();
  177. });
  178. }
  179. function setChecked(checkboxId, checked) {
  180. $('#' + checkboxId).prop('checked', checked);
  181. }
  182. function loadSettings() {
  183. wwSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("_wazewrap_settings"));
  184. let _defaultsettings = {
  185. showAlertHistoryIcon: true,
  186. editorPIN: ""
  187. };
  188. wwSettings = $.extend({}, _defaultsettings, wwSettings);
  189. }
  190. function saveSettings() {
  191. if (localStorage) {
  192. let settings = {
  193. showAlertHistoryIcon: wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon,
  194. editorPIN: wwSettings.editorPIN
  195. };
  196. localStorage.setItem("_wazewrap_settings", JSON.stringify(settings));
  197. }
  198. }
  200. async function initializeToastr() {
  201. let toastrSettings = {};
  202. try {
  203. function loadSettings() {
  204. var loadedSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("WWToastr"));
  205. var defaultSettings = {
  206. historyLeftLoc: 35,
  207. historyTopLoc: 40
  208. };
  209. toastrSettings = $.extend({}, defaultSettings, loadedSettings)
  210. }
  212. function saveSettings() {
  213. if (localStorage) {
  214. var localsettings = {
  215. historyLeftLoc: toastrSettings.historyLeftLoc,
  216. historyTopLoc: toastrSettings.historyTopLoc
  217. };
  219. localStorage.setItem("WWToastr", JSON.stringify(localsettings));
  220. }
  221. }
  222. loadSettings();
  223. $('head').append(
  224. $('<link/>', {
  225. rel: 'stylesheet',
  226. type: 'text/css',
  227. href: ''
  228. }),
  229. $('<style type="text/css">.toast-container-wazedev > div {opacity: 0.95;} .toast-top-center-wide {top: 32px;}</style>')
  230. );
  232. await $.getScript('');
  233. wazedevtoastr.options = {
  234. target: '#map',
  235. timeOut: 6000,
  236. positionClass: 'toast-top-center-wide',
  237. closeOnHover: false,
  238. closeDuration: 0,
  239. showDuration: 0,
  240. closeButton: true,
  241. progressBar: true
  242. };
  244. if ($('.WWAlertsHistory').length > 0)
  245. return;
  246. var $sectionToastr = $("<div>", { style: "padding:8px 16px", id: "wmeWWScriptUpdates" });
  247. $sectionToastr.html([
  248. '<div class="WWAlertsHistory" title="Script Alert History"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-lg"></i><div id="WWAlertsHistory-list"><div id="toast-container-history" class="toast-container-wazedev"></div></div></div>'
  249. ].join(' '));
  250. $("#WazeMap").append($sectionToastr.html());
  252. $('.WWAlertsHistory').css('left', `${toastrSettings.historyLeftLoc}px`);
  253. $('.WWAlertsHistory').css('top', `${toastrSettings.historyTopLoc}px`);
  255. try {
  256. await $.getScript("");
  257. }
  258. catch (err) {
  259. console.log("Could not load jQuery UI " + err);
  260. }
  262. if ($.ui) {
  263. $('.WWAlertsHistory').draggable({
  264. stop: function () {
  265. let windowWidth = $('#map').width();
  266. let panelWidth = $('#WWAlertsHistory-list').width();
  267. let historyLoc = $('.WWAlertsHistory').position().left;
  268. if ((panelWidth + historyLoc) > windowWidth) {
  269. $('#WWAlertsHistory-list').css('left', Math.abs(windowWidth - (historyLoc + $('.WWAlertsHistory').width()) - panelWidth) * -1);
  270. }
  271. else
  272. $('#WWAlertsHistory-list').css('left', 'auto');
  274. toastrSettings.historyLeftLoc = $('.WWAlertsHistory').position().left;
  275. toastrSettings.historyTopLoc = $('.WWAlertsHistory').position().top;
  276. saveSettings();
  277. }
  278. });
  279. }
  280. }
  281. catch (err) {
  282. console.log(err);
  283. }
  284. }
  286. function initializeScriptUpdateInterface() {
  287. console.log("creating script update interface");
  288. injectCSS();
  289. var $section = $("<div>", { style: "padding:8px 16px", id: "wmeWWScriptUpdates" });
  290. $section.html([
  291. '<div id="WWSU-Container" class="fa" style="position:fixed; top:20%; left:40%; z-index:1000; display:none;">',
  292. '<div id="WWSU-Close" class="fa-close fa-lg"></div>',
  293. '<div class="modal-heading">',
  294. '<h2>Script Updates</h2>',
  295. '<h4><span id="WWSU-updateCount">0</span> of your scripts have updates</h4>',
  296. '</div>',
  297. '<div class="WWSU-updates-wrapper">',
  298. '<div id="WWSU-script-list">',
  299. '</div>',
  300. '<div id="WWSU-script-update-info">',
  301. '</div></div></div>'
  302. ].join(' '));
  303. $("#WazeMap").append($section.html());
  305. $('#WWSU-Close').click(function () {
  306. $('#WWSU-Container').hide();
  307. });
  309. $(document).on('click', '.WWSU-script-item', function () {
  310. $('.WWSU-script-item').removeClass("WWSU-active");
  311. $(this).addClass("WWSU-active");
  312. });
  313. }
  315. function injectCSS() {
  316. let css = [
  317. '#WWSU-Container { position:relative; background-color:#fbfbfb; width:650px; height:375px; border-radius:8px; padding:20px; box-shadow: 0 22px 84px 0 rgba(87, 99, 125, 0.5); border:1px solid #ededed; }',
  318. '#WWSU-Close { color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff; border:1px solid #ececec; border-radius:10px; height:25px; width:25px; position: absolute; right:14px; top:10px; cursor:pointer; padding: 5px 0px 0px 5px;}',
  319. '#WWSU-Container .modal-heading,.WWSU-updates-wrapper { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Open Sans", sans-serif; } ',
  320. '.WWSU-updates-wrapper { height:350px; }',
  321. '#WWSU-script-list { float:left; width:175px; height:100%; padding-right:6px; margin-right:10px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; height:300px; }',
  322. '.WWSU-script-item { text-decoration: none; min-height:40px; display:flex; text-align: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin:3px 3px 10px 3px; background-color:white; border-radius:8px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 0px 1px 1px 0.25px; transition:all 200ms ease-in-out; cursor:pointer;}',
  323. '.WWSU-script-item:hover { text-decoration: none; }',
  324. '.WWSU-active { transform: translate3d(5px, 0px, 0px); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 0px 3px 7px 0px; }',
  325. '#WWSU-script-update-info { width:auto; background-color:white; height:275px; overflow-y:auto; border-radius:8px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09) 0px 6px 7px 0.09px; padding:15px; position:relative;}',
  326. '#WWSU-script-update-info div { display: none;}',
  327. '#WWSU-script-update-info div:target { display: block; }',
  328. `.WWAlertsHistory {display:${wwSettings.showAlertHistoryIcon ? 'block' : 'none'}; width:32px; height:32px; background-color: #F89406; position: absolute; top:35px; left:40px; border-radius: 10px; border: 2px solid; box-size: border-box; z-index: 1050;}`,
  329. '.WWAlertsHistory:hover #WWAlertsHistory-list{display:block;}',
  330. '.WWAlertsHistory > .fa-exclamation-triangle {position: absolute; left:50%; margin-left:-9px; margin-top:8px;}',
  331. '#WWAlertsHistory-list{display:none; position:absolute; top:28px; border:2px solid black; border-radius:10px; background-color:white; padding:4px; overflow-y:auto; max-height: 300px;}',
  332. '#WWAlertsHistory-list #toast-container-history > div {max-width:500px; min-width:500px; border-radius:10px;}',
  333. '#WWAlertsHistory-list > #toast-container-history{ position:static; }'
  334. ].join(' ');
  335. $('<style type="text/css">' + css + '</style>').appendTo('head');
  336. }
  337. function RestoreMissingWRule(){
  338. if(!W.Rule){
  339. W.Rule = OL.Class(OpenLayers.Rule, {
  340. getContext(feature) {
  341. return feature;
  342. },
  344. CLASS_NAME: "Waze.Rule"
  345. });
  346. }
  347. }
  349. function RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions() {
  350. if (W.model.segments.getObjectArray().length > 0) {
  351."moveend", this, RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions);
  352."zoomend", this, RestoreMissingSegmentFunctions);
  353. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].model.getDirection == "undefined")
  354. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.getDirection = function () { return (this.attributes.fwdDirection ? 1 : 0) + (this.attributes.revDirection ? 2 : 0); };
  355. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].model.isTollRoad == "undefined")
  356. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isTollRoad = function () { return (this.attributes.fwdToll || this.attributes.revToll); };
  357. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isLockedByHigherRank == "undefined")
  358. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isLockedByHigherRank = function () { return !(!this.attributes.lockRank || !this.model.loginManager.isLoggedIn()) && this.getLockRank() > this.model.loginManager.user.rank; };
  359. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isDrivable == "undefined")
  360. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isDrivable = function () { let V = [5, 10, 16, 18, 19]; return !V.includes(this.attributes.roadType); };
  361. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isWalkingRoadType == "undefined")
  362. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isWalkingRoadType = function () { let x = [5, 10, 16]; return x.includes(this.attributes.roadType); };
  363. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isRoutable == "undefined")
  364. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isRoutable = function () { let P = [1, 2, 7, 6, 3]; return P.includes(this.attributes.roadType); };
  365. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isInBigJunction == "undefined")
  366. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isInBigJunction = function () { return this.isBigJunctionShort() || this.hasFromBigJunction() || this.hasToBigJunction(); };
  367. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].isBigJunctionShort == "undefined")
  368. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.isBigJunctionShort = function () { return null != this.attributes.crossroadID; };
  369. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].hasFromBigJunction == "undefined")
  370. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.hasFromBigJunction = function (e) { return null != e ? this.attributes.fromCrossroads.includes(e) : this.attributes.fromCrossroads.length > 0; };
  371. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].hasToBigJunction == "undefined")
  372. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.hasToBigJunction = function (e) { return null != e ? this.attributes.toCrossroads.includes(e) : this.attributes.toCrossroads.length > 0; };
  373. if (typeof W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].getRoundabout == "undefined")
  374. W.model.segments.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.getRoundabout = function () { return this.isInRoundabout() ? this.model.junctions.getObjectById(this.attributes.junctionID) : null; };
  375. }
  376. }
  378. function RestoreMissingNodeFunctions() {
  379. if (W.model.nodes.getObjectArray().length > 0) {
  380."moveend", this, RestoreMissingNodeFunctions);
  381."zoomend", this, RestoreMissingNodeFunctions);
  382. if (typeof W.model.nodes.getObjectArray()[0].areConnectionsEditable == "undefined")
  383. W.model.nodes.getObjectArray()[0].__proto__.areConnectionsEditable = function () { var e = this.model.segments.getByIds(this.attributes.segIDs); return e.length === this.attributes.segIDs.length && e.every(function (e) { return e.canEditConnections(); }); };
  384. }
  385. }
  386. /* jshint ignore:start */
  387. function RestoreMissingOLKMLSupport() {
  388. if (!OL.Format.KML) {
  389. OL.Format.KML = OL.Class(OL.Format.XML, {
  390. namespaces: { kml: "", gx: "" }, kmlns: "", placemarksDesc: "No description available", foldersName: "OL export", foldersDesc: "Exported on " + new Date, extractAttributes: !0, kvpAttributes: !1, extractStyles: !1, extractTracks: !1, trackAttributes: null, internalns: null, features: null, styles: null, styleBaseUrl: "", fetched: null, maxDepth: 0, initialize: function (a) {
  391. this.regExes =
  392. { trimSpace: /^\s*|\s*$/g, removeSpace: /\s*/g, splitSpace: /\s+/, trimComma: /\s*,\s*/g, kmlColor: /(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/, kmlIconPalette: /root:\/\/icons\/palette-(\d+)(\.\w+)/, straightBracket: /\$\[(.*?)\]/g }; this.externalProjection = new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"); OL.Format.XML.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [a])
  393. }, read: function (a) { this.features = []; this.styles = {}; this.fetched = {}; return this.parseData(a, { depth: 0, styleBaseUrl: this.styleBaseUrl }) }, parseData: function (a, b) {
  394. "string" == typeof a &&
  395. (a =, [a])); for (var c = ["Link", "NetworkLink", "Style", "StyleMap", "Placemark"], d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) { var f = c[d], g = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, "*", f); if (0 != g.length) switch (f.toLowerCase()) { case "link": case "networklink": this.parseLinks(g, b); break; case "style": this.extractStyles && this.parseStyles(g, b); break; case "stylemap": this.extractStyles && this.parseStyleMaps(g, b); break; case "placemark": this.parseFeatures(g, b) } } return this.features
  396. }, parseLinks: function (a,
  397. b) { if (b.depth >= this.maxDepth) return !1; var c = OL.Util.extend({}, b); c.depth++; for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) { var f = this.parseProperty(a[d], "*", "href"); f && !this.fetched[f] && (this.fetched[f] = !0, (f = this.fetchLink(f)) && this.parseData(f, c)) } }, fetchLink: function (a) { if (a = OL.Request.GET({ url: a, async: !1 })) return a.responseText }, parseStyles: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) { var e = this.parseStyle(a[c]); e && (this.styles[(b.styleBaseUrl || "") + "#" +] = e) } }, parseKmlColor: function (a) {
  398. var b =
  399. null; a && (a = a.match(this.regExes.kmlColor)) && (b = { color: "#" + a[4] + a[3] + a[2], opacity: parseInt(a[1], 16) / 255 }); return b
  400. }, parseStyle: function (a) {
  401. for (var b = {}, c = ["LineStyle", "PolyStyle", "IconStyle", "BalloonStyle", "LabelStyle"], d, e, f = 0, g = c.length; f < g; ++f)if (d = c[f], e = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, "*", d)[0]) switch (d.toLowerCase()) {
  402. case "linestyle": d = this.parseProperty(e, "*", "color"); if (d = this.parseKmlColor(d)) b.strokeColor = d.color, b.strokeOpacity = d.opacity; (d = this.parseProperty(e, "*", "width")) && (b.strokeWidth =
  403. d); break; case "polystyle": d = this.parseProperty(e, "*", "color"); if (d = this.parseKmlColor(d)) b.fillOpacity = d.opacity, b.fillColor = d.color; "0" == this.parseProperty(e, "*", "fill") && (b.fillColor = "none"); "0" == this.parseProperty(e, "*", "outline") && (b.strokeWidth = "0"); break; case "iconstyle": var h = parseFloat(this.parseProperty(e, "*", "scale") || 1); d = 32 * h; var i = 32 * h, j = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(e, "*", "Icon")[0]; if (j) {
  404. var k = this.parseProperty(j, "*", "href"); if (k) {
  405. var l = this.parseProperty(j, "*", "w"), m = this.parseProperty(j,
  406. "*", "h"); OL.String.startsWith(k, "") && (!l && !m) && (m = l = 64, h /= 2); l = l || m; m = m || l; l && (d = parseInt(l) * h); m && (i = parseInt(m) * h); if (m = k.match(this.regExes.kmlIconPalette)) l = m[1], m = m[2], k = this.parseProperty(j, "*", "x"), j = this.parseProperty(j, "*", "y"), k = "" + l + "/icon" + (8 * (j ? 7 - j / 32 : 7) + (k ? k / 32 : 0)) + m; b.graphicOpacity = 1; b.externalGraphic = k
  407. }
  408. } if (e = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(e, "*", "hotSpot")[0]) k = parseFloat(e.getAttribute("x")), j = parseFloat(e.getAttribute("y")),
  409. l = e.getAttribute("xunits"), "pixels" == l ? b.graphicXOffset = -k * h : "insetPixels" == l ? b.graphicXOffset = -d + k * h : "fraction" == l && (b.graphicXOffset = -d * k), e = e.getAttribute("yunits"), "pixels" == e ? b.graphicYOffset = -i + j * h + 1 : "insetPixels" == e ? b.graphicYOffset = -(j * h) + 1 : "fraction" == e && (b.graphicYOffset = -i * (1 - j) + 1); b.graphicWidth = d; b.graphicHeight = i; break; case "balloonstyle": (e = OL.Util.getXmlNodeValue(e)) && (b.balloonStyle = e.replace(this.regExes.straightBracket, "${$1}")); break; case "labelstyle": if (d = this.parseProperty(e,
  410. "*", "color"), d = this.parseKmlColor(d)) b.fontColor = d.color, b.fontOpacity = d.opacity
  411. }!b.strokeColor && b.fillColor && (b.strokeColor = b.fillColor); if ((a = a.getAttribute("id")) && b) = a; return b
  412. }, parseStyleMaps: function (a, b) {
  413. for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++)for (var e = a[c], f = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(e, "*", "Pair"), e = e.getAttribute("id"), g = 0, h = f.length; g < h; g++) {
  414. var i = f[g], j = this.parseProperty(i, "*", "key"); (i = this.parseProperty(i, "*", "styleUrl")) && "normal" == j && (this.styles[(b.styleBaseUrl || "") + "#" + e] = this.styles[(b.styleBaseUrl ||
  415. "") + i])
  416. }
  417. }, parseFeatures: function (a, b) {
  418. for (var c = [], d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) {
  419. var f = a[d], g = this.parseFeature.apply(this, [f]); if (g) {
  420. this.extractStyles && (g.attributes && g.attributes.styleUrl) && ( = this.getStyle(g.attributes.styleUrl, b)); if (this.extractStyles) { var h = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(f, "*", "Style")[0]; if (h && (h = this.parseStyle(h))) = OL.Util.extend(, h) } if (this.extractTracks) {
  421. if ((f = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(f, this.namespaces.gx, "Track")) && 0 < f.length) g = { features: [], feature: g },
  422. this.readNode(f[0], g), 0 < g.features.length && c.push.apply(c, g.features)
  423. } else c.push(g)
  424. } else throw "Bad Placemark: " + d;
  425. } this.features = this.features.concat(c)
  426. }, readers: {
  427. kml: { when: function (a, b) { b.whens.push(OL.Date.parse(this.getChildValue(a))) }, _trackPointAttribute: function (a, b) { var c = a.nodeName.split(":").pop(); b.attributes[c].push(this.getChildValue(a)) } }, gx: {
  428. Track: function (a, b) {
  429. var c = { whens: [], points: [], angles: [] }; if (this.trackAttributes) {
  430. var d; c.attributes = {}; for (var e = 0, f = this.trackAttributes.length; e <
  431. f; ++e)d = this.trackAttributes[e], c.attributes[d] = [], d in this.readers.kml || (this.readers.kml[d] = this.readers.kml._trackPointAttribute)
  432. } this.readChildNodes(a, c); if (c.whens.length !== c.points.length) throw Error("gx:Track with unequal number of when (" + c.whens.length + ") and gx:coord (" + c.points.length + ") elements."); var g = 0 < c.angles.length; if (g && c.whens.length !== c.angles.length) throw Error("gx:Track with unequal number of when (" + c.whens.length + ") and gx:angles (" + c.angles.length + ") elements."); for (var h,
  433. i, e = 0, f = c.whens.length; e < f; ++e) {
  434. h = b.feature.clone(); h.fid = b.feature.fid ||; i = c.points[e]; h.geometry = i; "z" in i && (h.attributes.altitude = i.z); this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection && h.geometry.transform(this.externalProjection, this.internalProjection); if (this.trackAttributes) { i = 0; for (var j = this.trackAttributes.length; i < j; ++i)h.attributes[d] = c.attributes[this.trackAttributes[i]][e] } h.attributes.when = c.whens[e]; h.attributes.trackId =; g && (i = c.angles[e], h.attributes.heading =
  435. parseFloat(i[0]), h.attributes.tilt = parseFloat(i[1]), h.attributes.roll = parseFloat(i[2])); b.features.push(h)
  436. }
  437. }, coord: function (a, b) { var c = this.getChildValue(a).replace(this.regExes.trimSpace, "").split(/\s+/), d = new OL.Geometry.Point(c[0], c[1]); 2 < c.length && (d.z = parseFloat(c[2])); b.points.push(d) }, angles: function (a, b) { var c = this.getChildValue(a).replace(this.regExes.trimSpace, "").split(/\s+/); b.angles.push(c) }
  438. }
  439. }, parseFeature: function (a) {
  440. for (var b = ["MultiGeometry", "Polygon", "LineString", "Point"],
  441. c, d, e, f = 0, g = b.length; f < g; ++f)if (c = b[f], this.internalns = a.namespaceURI ? a.namespaceURI : this.kmlns, d = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, this.internalns, c), 0 < d.length) { if (b = this.parseGeometry[c.toLowerCase()]) e = b.apply(this, [d[0]]), this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection && e.transform(this.externalProjection, this.internalProjection); else throw new TypeError("Unsupported geometry type: " + c); break } var h; this.extractAttributes && (h = this.parseAttributes(a)); c = new OL.Feature.Vector(e, h); a = a.getAttribute("id") ||
  442. a.getAttribute("name"); null != a && (c.fid = a); return c
  443. }, getStyle: function (a, b) { var c = OL.Util.removeTail(a), d = OL.Util.extend({}, b); d.depth++; d.styleBaseUrl = c; !this.styles[a] && !OL.String.startsWith(a, "#") && d.depth <= this.maxDepth && !this.fetched[c] && (c = this.fetchLink(c)) && this.parseData(c, d); return OL.Util.extend({}, this.styles[a]) }, parseGeometry: {
  444. point: function (a) {
  445. var b = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, this.internalns, "coordinates"), a = []; if (0 < b.length) var c = b[0].firstChild.nodeValue,
  446. c = c.replace(this.regExes.removeSpace, ""), a = c.split(","); b = null; if (1 < a.length) 2 == a.length && (a[2] = null), b = new OL.Geometry.Point(a[0], a[1], a[2]); else throw "Bad coordinate string: " + c; return b
  447. }, linestring: function (a, b) {
  448. var c = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, this.internalns, "coordinates"), d = null; if (0 < c.length) {
  449. for (var c = this.getChildValue(c[0]), c = c.replace(this.regExes.trimSpace, ""), c = c.replace(this.regExes.trimComma, ","), d = c.split(this.regExes.splitSpace), e = d.length, f = Array(e), g, h, i = 0; i < e; ++i)if (g =
  450. d[i].split(","), h = g.length, 1 < h) 2 == g.length && (g[2] = null), f[i] = new OL.Geometry.Point(g[0], g[1], g[2]); else throw "Bad LineString point coordinates: " + d[i]; if (e) d = b ? new OL.Geometry.LinearRing(f) : new OL.Geometry.LineString(f); else throw "Bad LineString coordinates: " + c;
  451. } return d
  452. }, polygon: function (a) {
  453. var a = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, this.internalns, "LinearRing"), b = a.length, c = Array(b); if (0 < b) for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d)if (b = this.parseGeometry.linestring.apply(this, [a[d], !0])) c[d] =
  454. b; else throw "Bad LinearRing geometry: " + d; return new OL.Geometry.Polygon(c)
  455. }, multigeometry: function (a) { for (var b, c = [], d = a.childNodes, e = 0, f = d.length; e < f; ++e)a = d[e], 1 == a.nodeType && (b = this.parseGeometry[(a.prefix ? a.nodeName.split(":")[1] : a.nodeName).toLowerCase()]) && c.push(b.apply(this, [a])); return new OL.Geometry.Collection(c) }
  456. }, parseAttributes: function (a) {
  457. var b = {}, c = a.getElementsByTagName("ExtendedData"); c.length && (b = this.parseExtendedData(c[0])); for (var d, e, f, a = a.childNodes, c = 0, g =
  458. a.length; c < g; ++c)if (d = a[c], 1 == d.nodeType && (e = d.childNodes, 1 <= e.length && 3 >= e.length)) { switch (e.length) { case 1: f = e[0]; break; case 2: f = e[0]; e = e[1]; f = 3 == f.nodeType || 4 == f.nodeType ? f : e; break; default: f = e[1] }if (3 == f.nodeType || 4 == f.nodeType) if (d = d.prefix ? d.nodeName.split(":")[1] : d.nodeName, f = OL.Util.getXmlNodeValue(f)) f = f.replace(this.regExes.trimSpace, ""), b[d] = f } return b
  459. }, parseExtendedData: function (a) {
  460. var b = {}, c, d, e, f, g = a.getElementsByTagName("Data"); c = 0; for (d = g.length; c < d; c++) {
  461. e = g[c]; f = e.getAttribute("name");
  462. var h = {}, i = e.getElementsByTagName("value"); i.length && (h.value = this.getChildValue(i[0])); this.kvpAttributes ? b[f] = h.value : (e = e.getElementsByTagName("displayName"), e.length && (h.displayName = this.getChildValue(e[0])), b[f] = h)
  463. } a = a.getElementsByTagName("SimpleData"); c = 0; for (d = a.length; c < d; c++)h = {}, e = a[c], f = e.getAttribute("name"), h.value = this.getChildValue(e), this.kvpAttributes ? b[f] = h.value : (h.displayName = f, b[f] = h); return b
  464. }, parseProperty: function (a, b, c) {
  465. var d, a = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(a, b, c); try { d = OL.Util.getXmlNodeValue(a[0]) } catch (e) {
  466. d =
  467. null
  468. } return d
  469. }, write: function (a) { OL.Util.isArray(a) || (a = [a]); for (var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "kml"), c = this.createFolderXML(), d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d)c.appendChild(this.createPlacemarkXML(a[d])); b.appendChild(c); return OL.Format.XML.prototype.write.apply(this, [b]) }, createFolderXML: function () {
  470. var a = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Folder"); if (this.foldersName) { var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "name"), c = this.createTextNode(this.foldersName); b.appendChild(c); a.appendChild(b) } this.foldersDesc &&
  471. (b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "description"), c = this.createTextNode(this.foldersDesc), b.appendChild(c), a.appendChild(b)); return a
  472. }, createPlacemarkXML: function (a) {
  473. var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "name"); b.appendChild(this.createTextNode( && ? : ||; var c = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "description"); c.appendChild(this.createTextNode(a.attributes.description || this.placemarksDesc)); var d = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Placemark"); null !=
  474. a.fid && d.setAttribute("id", a.fid); d.appendChild(b); d.appendChild(c); b = this.buildGeometryNode(a.geometry); d.appendChild(b); a.attributes && (a = this.buildExtendedData(a.attributes)) && d.appendChild(a); return d
  475. }, buildGeometryNode: function (a) { var b = a.CLASS_NAME, b = this.buildGeometry[b.substring(b.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase()], c = null; b && (c = b.apply(this, [a])); return c }, buildGeometry: {
  476. point: function (a) { var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Point"); b.appendChild(this.buildCoordinatesNode(a)); return b }, multipoint: function (a) {
  477. return this.buildGeometry.collection.apply(this,
  478. [a])
  479. }, linestring: function (a) { var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "LineString"); b.appendChild(this.buildCoordinatesNode(a)); return b }, multilinestring: function (a) { return this.buildGeometry.collection.apply(this, [a]) }, linearring: function (a) { var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "LinearRing"); b.appendChild(this.buildCoordinatesNode(a)); return b }, polygon: function (a) {
  480. for (var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Polygon"), a = a.components, c, d, e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; ++e)c = 0 == e ? "outerBoundaryIs" : "innerBoundaryIs",
  481. c = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, c), d = this.buildGeometry.linearring.apply(this, [a[e]]), c.appendChild(d), b.appendChild(c); return b
  482. }, multipolygon: function (a) { return this.buildGeometry.collection.apply(this, [a]) }, collection: function (a) { for (var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "MultiGeometry"), c, d = 0, e = a.components.length; d < e; ++d)(c = this.buildGeometryNode.apply(this, [a.components[d]])) && b.appendChild(c); return b }
  483. }, buildCoordinatesNode: function (a) {
  484. var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "coordinates"),
  485. c; if (c = a.components) { for (var d = c.length, e = Array(d), f = 0; f < d; ++f)a = c[f], e[f] = this.buildCoordinates(a); c = e.join(" ") } else c = this.buildCoordinates(a); c = this.createTextNode(c); b.appendChild(c); return b
  486. }, buildCoordinates: function (a) { this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection && (a = a.clone(), a.transform(this.internalProjection, this.externalProjection)); return a.x + "," + a.y }, buildExtendedData: function (a) {
  487. var b = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "ExtendedData"), c; for (c in a) if (a[c] && "name" != c && "description" !=
  488. c && "styleUrl" != c) { var d = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "Data"); d.setAttribute("name", c); var e = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "value"); if ("object" == typeof a[c]) { if (a[c].value && e.appendChild(this.createTextNode(a[c].value)), a[c].displayName) { var f = this.createElementNS(this.kmlns, "displayName"); f.appendChild(this.getXMLDoc().createCDATASection(a[c].displayName)); d.appendChild(f) } } else e.appendChild(this.createTextNode(a[c])); d.appendChild(e); b.appendChild(d) } return this.isSimpleContent(b) ? null : b
  489. },
  490. CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Format.KML"
  491. });
  492. }
  493. }
  494. /* jshint ignore:end */
  495. function Geometry() {
  496. //Converts to "normal" GPS coordinates
  497. this.ConvertTo4326 = function (lon, lat) {
  498. let projI = new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913");
  499. let projE = new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326");
  500. return (new OL.LonLat(lon, lat)).transform(projI, projE);
  501. };
  503. this.ConvertTo900913 = function (lon, lat) {
  504. let projI = new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913");
  505. let projE = new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326");
  506. return (new OL.LonLat(lon, lat)).transform(projE, projI);
  507. };
  509. //Converts the Longitudinal offset to an offset in 4326 gps coordinates
  510. this.CalculateLongOffsetGPS = function (longMetersOffset, lon, lat) {
  511. let R = 6378137; //Earth's radius
  512. let dLon = longMetersOffset / (R * Math.cos(Math.PI * lat / 180)); //offset in radians
  513. let lon0 = dLon * (180 / Math.PI); //offset degrees
  515. return lon0;
  516. };
  518. //Converts the Latitudinal offset to an offset in 4326 gps coordinates
  519. this.CalculateLatOffsetGPS = function (latMetersOffset, lat) {
  520. let R = 6378137; //Earth's radius
  521. let dLat = latMetersOffset / R;
  522. let lat0 = dLat * (180 / Math.PI); //offset degrees
  524. return lat0;
  525. };
  527. /**
  528. * Checks if the given lon & lat
  529. * @function WazeWrap.Geometry.isGeometryInMapExtent
  530. * @param {lon, lat} object
  531. */
  532. this.isLonLatInMapExtent = function (lonLat) {
  533. return lonLat &&;
  534. };
  536. /**
  537. * Checks if the given geometry point is on screen
  538. * @function WazeWrap.Geometry.isGeometryInMapExtent
  539. * @param {OL.Geometry.Point} Geometry Point we are checking if it is in the extent
  540. */
  541. this.isGeometryInMapExtent = function (geometry) {
  542. return geometry && geometry.getBounds &&
  544. };
  546. /**
  547. * Calculates the distance between given points, returned in meters
  548. * @function WazeWrap.Geometry.calculateDistance
  549. * @param {OL.Geometry.Point} An array of OL.Geometry.Point with which to measure the total distance. A minimum of 2 points is needed.
  550. */
  551. this.calculateDistance = function (pointArray) {
  552. if (pointArray.length < 2)
  553. return 0;
  555. let line = new OL.Geometry.LineString(pointArray);
  556. let length = line.getGeodesicLength(;
  557. return length; //multiply by 3.28084 to convert to feet
  558. };
  560. /**
  561. * Finds the closest on-screen drivable segment to the given point, ignoring PLR and PR segments if the options are set
  562. * @function WazeWrap.Geometry.findClosestSegment
  563. * @param {OL.Geometry.Point} The given point to find the closest segment to
  564. * @param {boolean} If true, Parking Lot Road segments will be ignored when finding the closest segment
  565. * @param {boolean} If true, Private Road segments will be ignored when finding the closest segment
  566. **/
  567. this.findClosestSegment = function (mygeometry, ignorePLR, ignoreUnnamedPR) {
  568. let onscreenSegments = WazeWrap.Model.getOnscreenSegments();
  569. let minDistance = Infinity;
  570. let closestSegment;
  572. for (var s in onscreenSegments) {
  573. if (!onscreenSegments.hasOwnProperty(s))
  574. continue;
  576. let segmentType = onscreenSegments[s].attributes.roadType;
  577. if (segmentType === 10 || segmentType === 16 || segmentType === 18 || segmentType === 19) //10 ped boardwalk, 16 stairway, 18 railroad, 19 runway, 3 freeway
  578. continue;
  580. if (ignorePLR && segmentType === 20) //PLR
  581. continue;
  583. if (ignoreUnnamedPR)
  584. if (segmentType === 17 && WazeWrap.Model.getStreetName(onscreenSegments[s].attributes.primaryStreetID) === null) //PR
  585. continue;
  588. let distanceToSegment = mygeometry.distanceTo(onscreenSegments[s].geometry, { details: true });
  590. if (distanceToSegment.distance < minDistance) {
  591. minDistance = distanceToSegment.distance;
  592. closestSegment = onscreenSegments[s];
  593. closestSegment.closestPoint = new OL.Geometry.Point(distanceToSegment.x1, distanceToSegment.y1);
  594. }
  595. }
  596. return closestSegment;
  597. };
  598. }
  600. function Model() {
  602. this.getPrimaryStreetID = function (segmentID) {
  603. return W.model.segments.getObjectById(segmentID).attributes.primaryStreetID;
  604. };
  606. this.getStreetName = function (primaryStreetID) {
  607. return W.model.streets.getObjectById(primaryStreetID).name;
  608. };
  610. this.getCityID = function (primaryStreetID) {
  611. return W.model.streets.getObjectById(primaryStreetID).cityID;
  612. };
  614. this.getCityName = function (primaryStreetID) {
  615. return W.model.cities.getObjectById(this.getCityID(primaryStreetID));
  616. };
  618. this.getStateName = function (primaryStreetID) {
  619. return W.model.states.getObjectById(this.getStateID(primaryStreetID));
  620. };
  622. this.getStateID = function (primaryStreetID) {
  623. return W.model.cities.getObjectById(this.getCityID(primaryStreetID)).attributes.stateID;
  624. };
  626. this.getCountryID = function (primaryStreetID) {
  627. return W.model.cities.getObjectById(this.getCityID(primaryStreetID)).attributes.CountryID;
  628. };
  630. this.getCountryName = function (primaryStreetID) {
  631. return W.model.countries.getObjectById(this.getCountryID(primaryStreetID)).name;
  632. };
  634. this.getCityNameFromSegmentObj = function (segObj) {
  635. return this.getCityName(segObj.attributes.primaryStreetID);
  636. };
  638. this.getStateNameFromSegmentObj = function (segObj) {
  639. return this.getStateName(segObj.attributes.primaryStreetID);
  640. };
  642. /**
  643. * Returns an array of segment IDs for all segments that make up the roundabout the given segment is part of
  644. * @function WazeWrap.Model.getAllRoundaboutSegmentsFromObj
  645. * @param {Segment object (Waze/Feature/Vector/Segment)} The roundabout segment
  646. **/
  647. this.getAllRoundaboutSegmentsFromObj = function (segObj) {
  648. if (segObj.model.attributes.junctionID === null)
  649. return null;
  651. return W.model.junctions.objects[segObj.model.attributes.junctionID].attributes.segIDs;
  652. };
  654. /**
  655. * Returns an array of all junction nodes that make up the roundabout
  656. * @function WazeWrap.Model.getAllRoundaboutJunctionNodesFromObj
  657. * @param {Segment object (Waze/Feature/Vector/Segment)} The roundabout segment
  658. **/
  659. this.getAllRoundaboutJunctionNodesFromObj = function (segObj) {
  660. let RASegs = this.getAllRoundaboutSegmentsFromObj(segObj);
  661. let RAJunctionNodes = [];
  662. for (i = 0; i < RASegs.length; i++)
  663. RAJunctionNodes.push(W.model.nodes.objects[W.model.segments.getObjectById(RASegs[i]).attributes.toNodeID]);
  665. return RAJunctionNodes;
  666. };
  668. /**
  669. * Checks if the given segment ID is a part of a roundabout
  670. * @function WazeWrap.Model.isRoundaboutSegmentID
  671. * @param {integer} The segment ID to check
  672. **/
  673. this.isRoundaboutSegmentID = function (segmentID) {
  674. return W.model.segments.getObjectById(segmentID).attributes.junctionID !== null
  675. };
  677. /**
  678. * Checks if the given segment object is a part of a roundabout
  679. * @function WazeWrap.Model.isRoundaboutSegmentID
  680. * @param {Segment object (Waze/Feature/Vector/Segment)} The segment object to check
  681. **/
  682. this.isRoundaboutSegmentObj = function (segObj) {
  683. return segObj.model.attributes.junctionID !== null;
  684. };
  686. /**
  687. * Returns an array of all segments in the current extent
  688. * @function WazeWrap.Model.getOnscreenSegments
  689. **/
  690. this.getOnscreenSegments = function () {
  691. let segments = W.model.segments.objects;
  692. let mapExtent =;
  693. let onScreenSegments = [];
  694. let seg;
  696. for (var s in segments) {
  697. if (!segments.hasOwnProperty(s))
  698. continue;
  700. seg = W.model.segments.getObjectById(s);
  701. if (mapExtent.intersectsBounds(seg.geometry.getBounds()))
  702. onScreenSegments.push(seg);
  703. }
  704. return onScreenSegments;
  705. };
  707. /**
  708. * Defers execution of a callback function until the WME map and data
  709. * model are ready. Call this function before calling a function that
  710. * causes a map and model reload, such as After the
  711. * move is completed the callback function will be executed.
  712. * @function WazeWrap.Model.onModelReady
  713. * @param {Function} callback The callback function to be executed.
  714. * @param {Boolean} now Whether or not to call the callback now if the
  715. * model is currently ready.
  716. * @param {Object} context The context in which to call the callback.
  717. */
  718. this.onModelReady = function (callback, now, context) {
  719. var deferModelReady = function () {
  720. return $.Deferred(function (dfd) {
  721. var resolve = function () {
  722. dfd.resolve();
  723.'mergeend', null, resolve);
  724. };
  725.'mergeend', null, resolve);
  726. }).promise();
  727. };
  728. var deferMapReady = function () {
  729. return $.Deferred(function (dfd) {
  730. var resolve = function () {
  731. dfd.resolve();
  732.'operationDone', resolve);
  733. };
  734. W.vent.on('operationDone', resolve);
  735. }).promise();
  736. };
  738. if (typeof callback === 'function') {
  739. context = context || callback;
  740. if (now && WazeWrap.Util.mapReady() && WazeWrap.Util.modelReady()) {
  742. } else {
  743. $.when(deferMapReady() && deferModelReady()).
  744. then(function () {
  746. });
  747. }
  748. }
  749. };
  751. /**
  752. * Retrives a route from the Waze Live Map.
  753. * @class
  754. * @name WazeWrap.Model.RouteSelection
  755. * @param firstSegment The segment to use as the start of the route.
  756. * @param lastSegment The segment to use as the destination for the route.
  757. * @param {Array|Function} callback A function or array of funcitons to be
  758. * executed after the route
  759. * is retrieved. 'This' in the callback functions will refer to the
  760. * RouteSelection object.
  761. * @param {Object} options A hash of options for determining route. Valid
  762. * options are:
  763. * fastest: {Boolean} Whether or not the fastest route should be used.
  764. * Default is false, which selects the shortest route.
  765. * freeways: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid freeways. Default is false.
  766. * dirt: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid dirt roads. Default is false.
  767. * longtrails: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid long dirt roads. Default
  768. * is false.
  769. * uturns: {Boolean} Whether or not to allow U-turns. Default is true.
  770. * @return {WazeWrap.Model.RouteSelection} The new RouteSelection object.
  771. * @example: // The following example will retrieve a route from the Live Map and select the segments in the route.
  772. * selection = W.selectionManager.selectedItems;
  773. * myRoute = new WazeWrap.Model.RouteSelection(selection[0], selection[1], function(){this.selectRouteSegments();}, {fastest: true});
  774. */
  775. this.RouteSelection = function (firstSegment, lastSegment, callback, options) {
  776. var i,
  777. n,
  778. start = this.getSegmentCenterLonLat(firstSegment),
  779. end = this.getSegmentCenterLonLat(lastSegment);
  780. this.options = {
  781. fastest: options && options.fastest || false,
  782. freeways: options && options.freeways || false,
  783. dirt: options && options.dirt || false,
  784. longtrails: options && options.longtrails || false,
  785. uturns: options && options.uturns || true
  786. };
  787. this.requestData = {
  788. from: 'x:' + start.x + ' y:' + start.y + ' bd:true',
  789. to: 'x:' + end.x + ' y:' + end.y + ' bd:true',
  790. returnJSON: true,
  791. returnGeometries: true,
  792. returnInstructions: false,
  793. type: this.options.fastest ? 'HISTORIC_TIME' : 'DISTANCE',
  794. clientVersion: '4.0.0',
  795. timeout: 60000,
  796. nPaths: 3,
  797. options: this.setRequestOptions(this.options)
  798. };
  799. this.callbacks = [];
  800. if (callback) {
  801. if (!(callback instanceof Array)) {
  802. callback = [callback];
  803. }
  804. for (i = 0, n = callback.length; i < n; i++) {
  805. if ('function' === typeof callback[i]) {
  806. this.callbacks.push(callback[i]);
  807. }
  808. }
  809. }
  810. this.routeData = null;
  811. this.getRouteData();
  812. };
  814. this.RouteSelection.prototype =
  815. /** @lends WazeWrap.Model.RouteSelection.prototype */ {
  817. /**
  818. * Formats the routing options string for the ajax request.
  819. * @private
  820. * @param {Object} options Object containing the routing options.
  821. * @return {String} String containing routing options.
  822. */
  823. setRequestOptions: function (options) {
  824. return 'AVOID_TOLL_ROADS:' + (options.tolls ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
  825. 'AVOID_PRIMARIES:' + (options.freeways ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
  826. 'AVOID_TRAILS:' + (options.dirt ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
  827. 'AVOID_LONG_TRAILS:' + (options.longtrails ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
  828. 'ALLOW_UTURNS:' + (options.uturns ? 't' : 'f');
  829. },
  831. /**
  832. * Gets the center of a segment in LonLat form.
  833. * @private
  834. * @param segment A Waze model segment object.
  835. * @return {OL.LonLat} The LonLat object corresponding to the
  836. * center of the segment.
  837. */
  838. getSegmentCenterLonLat: function (segment) {
  839. var x, y, componentsLength, midPoint;
  840. if (segment) {
  841. componentsLength = segment.geometry.components.length;
  842. midPoint = Math.floor(componentsLength / 2);
  843. if (componentsLength % 2 === 1) {
  844. x = segment.geometry.components[midPoint].x;
  845. y = segment.geometry.components[midPoint].y;
  846. } else {
  847. x = (segment.geometry.components[midPoint - 1].x +
  848. segment.geometry.components[midPoint].x) / 2;
  849. y = (segment.geometry.components[midPoint - 1].y +
  850. segment.geometry.components[midPoint].y) / 2;
  851. }
  852. return new OL.Geometry.Point(x, y).
  853. transform(, 'EPSG:4326');
  854. }
  856. },
  858. /**
  859. * Gets the route from Live Map and executes any callbacks upon success.
  860. * @private
  861. * @returns The ajax request object. The responseJSON property of the
  862. * returned object
  863. * contains the route information.
  864. *
  865. */
  866. getRouteData: function () {
  867. var i,
  868. n,
  869. that = this;
  870. return $.ajax({
  871. dataType: 'json',
  872. url: this.getURL(),
  873. data: this.requestData,
  874. dataFilter: function (data, dataType) {
  875. return data.replace(/NaN/g, '0');
  876. },
  877. success: function (data) {
  878. that.routeData = data;
  879. for (i = 0, n = that.callbacks.length; i < n; i++) {
  880. that.callbacks[i].call(that);
  881. }
  882. }
  883. });
  884. },
  886. /**
  887. * Extracts the IDs from all segments on the route.
  888. * @private
  889. * @return {Array} Array containing an array of segment IDs for
  890. * each route alternative.
  891. */
  892. getRouteSegmentIDs: function () {
  893. var i, j, route, len1, len2, segIDs = [],
  894. routeArray = [],
  895. data = this.routeData;
  896. if ('undefined' !== typeof data.alternatives) {
  897. for (i = 0, len1 = data.alternatives.length; i < len1; i++) {
  898. route = data.alternatives[i].response.results;
  899. for (j = 0, len2 = route.length; j < len2; j++) {
  900. routeArray.push(route[j].path.segmentId);
  901. }
  902. segIDs.push(routeArray);
  903. routeArray = [];
  904. }
  905. } else {
  906. route = data.response.results;
  907. for (i = 0, len1 = route.length; i < len1; i++) {
  908. routeArray.push(route[i].path.segmentId);
  909. }
  910. segIDs.push(routeArray);
  911. }
  912. return segIDs;
  913. },
  915. /**
  916. * Gets the URL to use for the ajax request based on country.
  917. * @private
  918. * @return {String} Relative URl to use for route ajax request.
  919. */
  920. getURL: function () {
  921. if (W.model.countries.getObjectById(235) || W.model.countries.getObjectById(40)) {
  922. return '/RoutingManager/routingRequest';
  923. } else if (W.model.countries.getObjectById(106)) {
  924. return '/il-RoutingManager/routingRequest';
  925. } else {
  926. return '/row-RoutingManager/routingRequest';
  927. }
  928. },
  930. /**
  931. * Selects all segments on the route in the editor.
  932. * @param {Integer} routeIndex The index of the alternate route.
  933. * Default route to use is the first one, which is 0.
  934. */
  935. selectRouteSegments: function (routeIndex) {
  936. var i, n, seg,
  937. segIDs = this.getRouteSegmentIDs()[Math.floor(routeIndex) || 0],
  938. segments = [];
  939. if ('undefined' === typeof segIDs) {
  940. return;
  941. }
  942. for (i = 0, n = segIDs.length; i < n; i++) {
  943. seg = W.model.segments.getObjectById(segIDs[i]);
  944. if ('undefined' !== seg) {
  945. segments.push(seg);
  946. }
  947. }
  948. return WazeWrap.selectFeatures(segments);
  949. }
  950. };
  951. }
  953. function User() {
  954. /**
  955. * Returns the "normalized" (1 based) user rank/level
  956. */
  957. this.Rank = function () {
  958. return W.loginManager.user.normalizedLevel;
  959. };
  961. /**
  962. * Returns the current user's username
  963. */
  964. this.Username = function () {
  965. return W.loginManager.user.userName;
  966. };
  968. /**
  969. * Returns if the user is a CM (in any country)
  970. */
  971. this.isCM = function () {
  972. return W.loginManager.user.editableCountryIDs.length > 0
  973. };
  975. /**
  976. * Returns if the user is an Area Manager (in any country)
  977. */
  978. this.isAM = function () {
  979. return W.loginManager.user.isAreaManager;
  980. };
  981. }
  983. function Require() {
  984. this.DragElement = function () {
  985. var myDragElement = OL.Class({
  986. started: !1,
  987. stopDown: !0,
  988. dragging: !1,
  989. touch: !1,
  990. last: null,
  991. start: null,
  992. lastMoveEvt: null,
  993. oldOnselectstart: null,
  994. interval: 0,
  995. timeoutId: null,
  996. forced: !1,
  997. active: !1,
  998. initialize: function (e) {
  999. = e,
  1000. this.uniqueID = myDragElement.baseID--
  1001. },
  1002. callback: function (e, t) {
  1003. if (this[e])
  1004. return this[e].apply(this, t)
  1005. },
  1006. dragstart: function (e) {
  1007. e.xy = new OL.Pixel(e.clientX -[0], e.clientY -[1]);
  1008. var t = !0;
  1009. return this.dragging = !1,
  1010. (OL.Event.isLeftClick(e) || OL.Event.isSingleTouch(e)) && (this.started = !0,
  1011. this.start = e.xy,
  1012. this.last = e.xy,
  1013. OL.Element.addClass(, "olDragDown"),
  1014. this.down(e),
  1015. this.callback("down", [e.xy]),
  1016. OL.Event.stop(e),
  1017. this.oldOnselectstart || (this.oldOnselectstart = document.onselectstart ? document.onselectstart : OL.Function.True),
  1018. document.onselectstart = OL.Function.False,
  1019. t = !this.stopDown),
  1020. t
  1021. },
  1022. forceStart: function () {
  1023. var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0];
  1024. return this.started = !0,
  1025. this.endOnMouseUp = e,
  1026. this.forced = !0,
  1027. this.last = {
  1028. x: 0,
  1029. y: 0
  1030. },
  1031. this.callback("force")
  1032. },
  1033. forceEnd: function () {
  1034. if (this.forced)
  1035. return this.endDrag()
  1036. },
  1037. dragmove: function (e) {
  1038. return && (e.xy = new OL.Pixel(e.clientX -[0], e.clientY -[1])),
  1039. this.lastMoveEvt = e,
  1040. !this.started || this.timeoutId || e.xy.x === this.last.x && e.xy.y === this.last.y || (this.interval > 0 && (this.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(OL.Function.bind(this.removeTimeout, this), this.interval)),
  1041. this.dragging = !0,
  1042. this.move(e),
  1043. this.oldOnselectstart || (this.oldOnselectstart = document.onselectstart,
  1044. document.onselectstart = OL.Function.False),
  1045. this.last = e.xy),
  1046. !0
  1047. },
  1048. dragend: function (e) {
  1049. if (e.xy = new OL.Pixel(e.clientX -[0], e.clientY -[1]),
  1050. this.started) {
  1051. var t = this.start !== this.last;
  1052. this.endDrag(),
  1053. this.up(e),
  1054. this.callback("up", [e.xy]),
  1055. t && this.callback("done", [e.xy])
  1056. }
  1057. return !0
  1058. },
  1059. endDrag: function () {
  1060. this.started = !1,
  1061. this.dragging = !1,
  1062. this.forced = !1,
  1063. OL.Element.removeClass(, "olDragDown"),
  1064. document.onselectstart = this.oldOnselectstart
  1065. },
  1066. down: function (e) { },
  1067. move: function (e) { },
  1068. up: function (e) { },
  1069. out: function (e) { },
  1070. mousedown: function (e) {
  1071. return this.dragstart(e)
  1072. },
  1073. touchstart: function (e) {
  1074. return this.touch || (this.touch = !0,
  1076. mousedown: this.mousedown,
  1077. mouseup: this.mouseup,
  1078. mousemove: this.mousemove,
  1079. click:,
  1080. scope: this
  1081. })),
  1082. this.dragstart(e)
  1083. },
  1084. mousemove: function (e) {
  1085. return this.dragmove(e)
  1086. },
  1087. touchmove: function (e) {
  1088. return this.dragmove(e)
  1089. },
  1090. removeTimeout: function () {
  1091. if (this.timeoutId = null,
  1092. this.dragging)
  1093. return this.mousemove(this.lastMoveEvt)
  1094. },
  1095. mouseup: function (e) {
  1096. if (!this.forced || this.endOnMouseUp)
  1097. return this.started ? this.dragend(e) : void 0
  1098. },
  1099. touchend: function (e) {
  1100. if (e.xy = this.last,
  1101. !this.forced)
  1102. return this.dragend(e)
  1103. },
  1104. click: function (e) {
  1105. return this.start === this.last
  1106. },
  1107. activate: function (e) {
  1108. this.$el = e,
  1109. = !0;
  1110. var t = $(;
  1111. return this.$el.on("mousedown.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.mousedown, this)),
  1112. this.$el.on("touchstart.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.touchstart, this)),
  1113. t.on("mouseup.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.mouseup, this)),
  1114. t.on("mousemove.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.mousemove, this)),
  1115. t.on("touchmove.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.touchmove, this)),
  1116. t.on("touchend.drag-" + this.uniqueID, $.proxy(this.touchend, this))
  1117. },
  1118. deactivate: function () {
  1119. return = !1,
  1120. this.$".drag-" + this.uniqueID),
  1121. $(".drag-" + this.uniqueID),
  1122. this.touch = !1,
  1123. this.started = !1,
  1124. this.forced = !1,
  1125. this.dragging = !1,
  1126. this.start = null,
  1127. this.last = null,
  1128. OL.Element.removeClass(, "olDragDown")
  1129. },
  1130. adjustXY: function (e) {
  1131. var t = OL.Util.pagePosition(;
  1132. return e.xy.x -= t[0],
  1133. e.xy.y -= t[1]
  1134. },
  1135. CLASS_NAME: "W.Handler.DragElement"
  1136. });
  1137. myDragElement.baseID = 0;
  1138. return myDragElement;
  1139. };
  1141. this.DivIcon = OL.Class({
  1142. className: null,
  1143. $div: null,
  1144. events: null,
  1145. initialize: function (e, t) {
  1146. this.className = e,
  1147. this.moveWithTransform = !!t,
  1148. this.$div = $("<div />").addClass(e),
  1149. this.div = this.$div.get(0),
  1150. this.imageDiv = this.$div.get(0);
  1151. },
  1152. destroy: function () {
  1153. this.erase(),
  1154. this.$div = null;
  1155. },
  1156. clone: function () {
  1157. return new i(this.className);
  1158. },
  1159. draw: function (e) {
  1160. return this.moveWithTransform ? (this.$div.css({
  1161. transform: "translate(" + e.x + "px, " + e.y + "px)"
  1162. }),
  1163. this.$div.css({
  1164. position: "absolute"
  1165. })) : this.$div.css({
  1166. position: "absolute",
  1167. left: e.x,
  1168. top: e.y
  1169. }),
  1170. this.$div.get(0);
  1171. },
  1172. moveTo: function (e) {
  1173. null !== e && (this.px = e),
  1174. null === this.px ? this.display(!1) : this.moveWithTransform ? this.$div.css({
  1175. transform: "translate(" + this.px.x + "px, " + this.px.y + "px)"
  1176. }) : this.$div.css({
  1177. left: this.px.x,
  1178. top: this.px.y
  1179. });
  1180. },
  1181. erase: function () {
  1182. this.$div.remove();
  1183. },
  1184. display: function (e) {
  1185. this.$div.toggle(e);
  1186. },
  1187. isDrawn: function () {
  1188. return !!this.$div.parent().length;
  1189. },
  1190. bringToFront: function () {
  1191. if (this.isDrawn()) {
  1192. var e = this.$div.parent();
  1193. this.$div.detach().appendTo(e);
  1194. }
  1195. },
  1196. forceReflow: function () {
  1197. return this.$div.get(0).offsetWidth;
  1198. },
  1199. CLASS_NAME: "W.DivIcon"
  1200. });
  1201. }
  1203. function Util() {
  1204. /**
  1205. * Function to defer function execution until an element is present on
  1206. * the page.
  1207. * @function WazeWrap.Util.waitForElement
  1208. * @param {String} selector The CSS selector string or a jQuery object
  1209. * to find before executing the callback.
  1210. * @param {Function} callback The function to call when the page
  1211. * element is detected.
  1212. * @param {Object} [context] The context in which to call the callback.
  1213. */
  1214. this.waitForElement = function (selector, callback, context) {
  1215. let jqObj;
  1216. if (!selector || typeof callback !== 'function')
  1217. return;
  1219. jqObj = typeof selector === 'string' ?
  1220. $(selector) : selector instanceof $ ? selector : null;
  1222. if (!jqObj.size()) {
  1223. window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  1224. WazeWrap.Util.waitForElement(selector, callback, context);
  1225. });
  1226. } else
  1227. || callback);
  1228. };
  1230. /**
  1231. * Function to track the ready state of the map.
  1232. * @function WazeWrap.Util.mapReady
  1233. * @return {Boolean} Whether or not a map operation is pending or
  1234. * undefined if the function has not yet seen a map ready event fired.
  1235. */
  1236. this.mapReady = function () {
  1237. var mapReady = true;
  1238. W.vent.on('operationPending', function () {
  1239. mapReady = false;
  1240. });
  1241. W.vent.on('operationDone', function () {
  1242. mapReady = true;
  1243. });
  1244. return function () {
  1245. return mapReady;
  1246. };
  1247. }();
  1249. /**
  1250. * Function to track the ready state of the model.
  1251. * @function WazeWrap.Util.modelReady
  1252. * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the model has loaded objects or
  1253. * undefined if the function has not yet seen a model ready event fired.
  1254. */
  1255. this.modelReady = function () {
  1256. var modelReady = true;
  1257.'mergestart', null, function () {
  1258. modelReady = false;
  1259. });
  1260.'mergeend', null, function () {
  1261. modelReady = true;
  1262. });
  1263. return function () {
  1264. return modelReady;
  1265. };
  1266. }();
  1268. /**
  1269. * Returns orthogonalized geometry for the given geometry and threshold
  1270. * @function WazeWrap.Util.OrthogonalizeGeometry
  1271. * @param {OL.Geometry} The OL.Geometry to orthogonalize
  1272. * @param {integer} threshold to use for orthogonalization - the higher the threshold, the more nodes that will be removed
  1273. * @return {OL.Geometry } Orthogonalized geometry
  1274. **/
  1275. this.OrthogonalizeGeometry = function (geometry, threshold = 12) {
  1276. let nomthreshold = threshold, // degrees within right or straight to alter
  1277. lowerThreshold = Math.cos((90 - nomthreshold) * Math.PI / 180),
  1278. upperThreshold = Math.cos(nomthreshold * Math.PI / 180);
  1280. function Orthogonalize() {
  1281. var nodes = geometry,
  1282. points = nodes.slice(0, -1).map(function (n) {
  1283. let p = n.clone().transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"));
  1284. p.y = lat2latp(p.y);
  1285. return p;
  1286. }),
  1287. corner = { i: 0, dotp: 1 },
  1288. epsilon = 1e-4,
  1289. i, j, score, motions;
  1291. // Triangle
  1292. if (nodes.length === 4) {
  1293. for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
  1294. motions =;
  1296. var tmp = addPoints(points[corner.i], motions[corner.i]);
  1297. points[corner.i].x = tmp.x;
  1298. points[corner.i].y = tmp.y;
  1300. score = corner.dotp;
  1301. if (score < epsilon)
  1302. break;
  1303. }
  1305. var n = points[corner.i];
  1306. n.y = latp2lat(n.y);
  1307. let pp = n.transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"));
  1309. let id = nodes[corner.i].id;
  1310. for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
  1311. if (nodes[i].id != id)
  1312. continue;
  1314. nodes[i].x = pp.x;
  1315. nodes[i].y = pp.y;
  1316. }
  1318. return nodes;
  1319. } else {
  1320. var best,
  1321. originalPoints = nodes.slice(0, -1).map(function (n) {
  1322. let p = n.clone().transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"));
  1323. p.y = lat2latp(p.y);
  1324. return p;
  1325. });
  1326. score = Infinity;
  1328. for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
  1329. motions =;
  1330. for (j = 0; j < motions.length; j++) {
  1331. let tmp = addPoints(points[j], motions[j]);
  1332. points[j].x = tmp.x;
  1333. points[j].y = tmp.y;
  1334. }
  1335. var newScore = squareness(points);
  1336. if (newScore < score) {
  1337. best = [].concat(points);
  1338. score = newScore;
  1339. }
  1340. if (score < epsilon)
  1341. break;
  1342. }
  1344. points = best;
  1346. for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
  1347. // only move the points that actually moved
  1348. if (originalPoints[i].x !== points[i].x || originalPoints[i].y !== points[i].y) {
  1349. let n = points[i];
  1350. n.y = latp2lat(n.y);
  1351. let pp = n.transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"));
  1353. let id = nodes[i].id;
  1354. for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
  1355. if (nodes[j].id != id)
  1356. continue;
  1358. nodes[j].x = pp.x;
  1359. nodes[j].y = pp.y;
  1360. }
  1361. }
  1362. }
  1364. // remove empty nodes on straight sections
  1365. for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
  1366. let dotp = normalizedDotProduct(i, points);
  1367. if (dotp < -1 + epsilon) {
  1368. id = nodes[i].id;
  1369. for (j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
  1370. if (nodes[j].id != id)
  1371. continue;
  1373. nodes[j] = false;
  1374. }
  1375. }
  1376. }
  1378. return nodes.filter(item => item !== false);
  1379. }
  1381. function calcMotion(b, i, array) {
  1382. let a = array[(i - 1 + array.length) % array.length],
  1383. c = array[(i + 1) % array.length],
  1384. p = subtractPoints(a, b),
  1385. q = subtractPoints(c, b),
  1386. scale, dotp;
  1388. scale = 2 * Math.min(euclideanDistance(p, { x: 0, y: 0 }), euclideanDistance(q, { x: 0, y: 0 }));
  1389. p = normalizePoint(p, 1.0);
  1390. q = normalizePoint(q, 1.0);
  1392. dotp = filterDotProduct(p.x * q.x + p.y * q.y);
  1394. // nasty hack to deal with almost-straight segments (angle is closer to 180 than to 90/270).
  1395. if (array.length > 3) {
  1396. if (dotp < -0.707106781186547)
  1397. dotp += 1.0;
  1398. } else if (dotp && Math.abs(dotp) < corner.dotp) {
  1399. corner.i = i;
  1400. corner.dotp = Math.abs(dotp);
  1401. }
  1403. return normalizePoint(addPoints(p, q), 0.1 * dotp * scale);
  1404. }
  1405. };
  1407. function lat2latp(lat) {
  1408. return 180 / Math.PI * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + lat * (Math.PI / 180) / 2));
  1409. }
  1411. function latp2lat(a) {
  1412. return 180 / Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(a * Math.PI / 180)) - Math.PI / 2);
  1413. }
  1415. function squareness(points) {
  1416. return points.reduce(function (sum, val, i, array) {
  1417. let dotp = normalizedDotProduct(i, array);
  1419. dotp = filterDotProduct(dotp);
  1420. return sum + 2.0 * Math.min(Math.abs(dotp - 1.0), Math.min(Math.abs(dotp), Math.abs(dotp + 1)));
  1421. }, 0);
  1422. }
  1424. function normalizedDotProduct(i, points) {
  1425. let a = points[(i - 1 + points.length) % points.length],
  1426. b = points[i],
  1427. c = points[(i + 1) % points.length],
  1428. p = subtractPoints(a, b),
  1429. q = subtractPoints(c, b);
  1431. p = normalizePoint(p, 1.0);
  1432. q = normalizePoint(q, 1.0);
  1434. return p.x * q.x + p.y * q.y;
  1435. }
  1437. function subtractPoints(a, b) {
  1438. return { x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y };
  1439. }
  1441. function addPoints(a, b) {
  1442. return { x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y };
  1443. }
  1445. function euclideanDistance(a, b) {
  1446. let x = a.x - b.x, y = a.y - b.y;
  1447. return Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
  1448. }
  1450. function normalizePoint(point, scale) {
  1451. let vector = { x: 0, y: 0 };
  1452. let length = Math.sqrt(point.x * point.x + point.y * point.y);
  1453. if (length !== 0) {
  1454. vector.x = point.x / length;
  1455. vector.y = point.y / length;
  1456. }
  1458. vector.x *= scale;
  1459. vector.y *= scale;
  1461. return vector;
  1462. }
  1464. function filterDotProduct(dotp) {
  1465. if (lowerThreshold > Math.abs(dotp) || Math.abs(dotp) > upperThreshold)
  1466. return dotp;
  1468. return 0;
  1469. }
  1471. this.isDisabled = function (nodes) {
  1472. let points = nodes.slice(0, -1).map(function (n) {
  1473. let p = n.toLonLat().transform(new OL.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new OL.Projection("EPSG:4326"));
  1474. return { x:, y: p.lon };
  1475. });
  1477. return squareness(points);
  1478. };
  1480. return Orthogonalize();
  1481. };
  1483. /**
  1484. * Returns the general location of the segment queried
  1485. * @function WazeWrap.Util.findSegment
  1486. * @param {OL.Geometry} The server to search on. The current server can be obtained from
  1487. * @param {integer} The segment ID to search for
  1488. * @return {OL.Geometry.Point} A point at the general location of the segment, null if the segment is not found
  1489. **/
  1490. this.findSegment = async function (server, segmentID) {
  1491. let apiURL = location.origin;
  1492. switch (server) {
  1493. case 'row':
  1494. apiURL += '/row-Descartes/app/HouseNumbers?ids=';
  1495. break;
  1496. case 'il':
  1497. apiURL += '/il-Descartes/app/HouseNumbers?ids=';
  1498. break;
  1499. case 'usa':
  1500. default:
  1501. apiURL += '/Descartes/app/HouseNumbers?ids=';
  1502. }
  1503. let response, result = null;
  1504. try {
  1505. response = await $.get(`${apiURL + segmentID}`);
  1506. if (response && response.editAreas.objects.length > 0) {
  1507. let segGeoArea = response.editAreas.objects[0].geometry.coordinates[0];
  1508. let ringGeo = [];
  1509. for (let i = 0; i < segGeoArea.length - 1; i++)
  1510. ringGeo.push(new OL.Geometry.Point(segGeoArea[i][0], segGeoArea[i][1]));
  1511. if (ringGeo.length > 0) {
  1512. let ring = new OL.Geometry.LinearRing(ringGeo);
  1513. result = ring.getCentroid();
  1514. }
  1515. }
  1516. }
  1517. catch (err) {
  1518. console.log(err);
  1519. }
  1521. return result;
  1522. };
  1524. /**
  1525. * Returns the location of the venue queried
  1526. * @function WazeWrap.Util.findVenue
  1527. * @param {OL.Geometry} The server to search on. The current server can be obtained from
  1528. * @param {integer} The venue ID to search for
  1529. * @return {OL.Geometry.Point} A point at the location of the venue, null if the venue is not found
  1530. **/
  1531. this.findVenue = async function (server, venueID) {
  1532. let apiURL = location.origin;
  1533. switch (server) {
  1534. case 'row':
  1535. apiURL += '/row-SearchServer/mozi?max_distance_kms=&lon=-84.22637&lat=39.61097&format=PROTO_JSON_FULL&venue_id=';
  1536. break;
  1537. case 'il':
  1538. apiURL += '/il-SearchServer/mozi?max_distance_kms=&lon=-84.22637&lat=39.61097&format=PROTO_JSON_FULL&venue_id=';
  1539. break;
  1540. case 'usa':
  1541. default:
  1542. apiURL += '/SearchServer/mozi?max_distance_kms=&lon=-84.22637&lat=39.61097&format=PROTO_JSON_FULL&venue_id=';
  1543. }
  1544. let response, result = null;
  1545. try {
  1546. response = await $.get(`${apiURL + venueID}`);
  1547. if (response && response.venue) {
  1548. result = new OL.Geometry.Point(response.venue.location.x, response.venue.location.y);
  1549. }
  1550. }
  1551. catch (err) {
  1552. console.log(err);
  1553. }
  1555. return result;
  1556. };
  1557. }
  1559. function Events() {
  1560. const eventMap = {
  1561. 'moveend': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1562. 'zoomend': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1563. 'mousemove': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1564. 'mouseup': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1565. 'mousedown': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1566. 'changelayer': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1567. 'selectionchanged': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3) }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3) } },
  1568. 'afterundoaction': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1569. 'afterclearactions': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1570. 'afteraction': { register: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); }, unregister: function (p1, p2, p3) {, p2, p3); } },
  1571. 'change:editingHouseNumbers': { register: function (p1, p2) { W.editingMediator.on(p1, p2); }, unregister: function (p1, p2) {, p2); } },
  1572. 'change:mode': { register: function (p1, p2) {, p2); }, unregister: function (p1, p2) {, p2); } },
  1573. 'change:isImperial': { register: function (p1, p2) { W.prefs.on(p1, p2); }, unregister: function (p1, p2) {, p2); } }
  1574. };
  1576. var eventHandlerList = {};
  1578. this.register = function (event, context, handler, errorHandler) {
  1579. if (typeof eventHandlerList[event] == "undefined")
  1580. eventHandlerList[event] = [];
  1582. let newHandler = function () {
  1583. try {
  1584. handler(...arguments);
  1585. }
  1586. catch (err) {
  1587. console.error(`Error thrown in: ${}\n ${err}`);
  1588. if (errorHandler)
  1589. errorHandler(err);
  1590. }
  1591. };
  1593. eventHandlerList[event].push({ origFunc: handler, newFunc: newHandler });
  1594. if (event === 'change:editingHouseNumbers' || event === 'change:mode' || event === 'change:isImperial')
  1595. eventMap[event].register(event, newHandler);
  1596. else
  1597. eventMap[event].register(event, context, newHandler);
  1598. };
  1600. this.unregister = function (event, context, handler) {
  1601. let unregHandler;
  1602. if (eventHandlerList && eventHandlerList[event]) { //Must check in case a script is trying to unregister before registering an eventhandler and one has not yet been created
  1603. for (let i = 0; i < eventHandlerList[event].length; i++) {
  1604. if (eventHandlerList[event][i].origFunc.toString() == handler.toString())
  1605. unregHandler = eventHandlerList[event][i].newFunc;
  1606. }
  1607. if (typeof unregHandler != "undefined") {
  1608. if (event === 'change:editingHouseNumbers' || event === 'change:mode' || event === 'change:isImperial')
  1609. eventMap[event].unregister(event, unregHandler);
  1610. else
  1611. eventMap[event].unregister(event, context, unregHandler);
  1612. }
  1613. }
  1614. };
  1616. }
  1618. function Interface() {
  1619. /**
  1620. * Generates id for message bars.
  1621. * @private
  1622. */
  1623. var getNextID = function () {
  1624. let id = 1;
  1625. return function () {
  1626. return id++;
  1627. };
  1628. }();
  1630. /**
  1631. * Creates a keyboard shortcut for the supplied callback event
  1632. * @function WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut
  1633. * @param {string}
  1634. * @param {string}
  1635. * @param {string}
  1636. * @param {string}
  1637. * @param {string}
  1638. * @param {function}
  1639. * @param {object}
  1640. * @param {integer} The segment ID to search for
  1641. * @return {OL.Geometry.Point} A point at the general location of the segment, null if the segment is not found
  1642. **/
  1643. this.Shortcut = class Shortcut {
  1644. constructor(name, desc, group, title, shortcut, callback, scope) {
  1645. if ('string' === typeof name && name.length > 0 && 'string' === typeof shortcut && 'function' === typeof callback) {
  1646. = name;
  1647. this.desc = desc;
  1648. = group ||;
  1649. this.title = title;
  1650. this.callback = callback;
  1651. this.shortcut = {};
  1652. if (shortcut.length > 0)
  1653. this.shortcut[shortcut] = name;
  1654. if ('object' !== typeof scope)
  1655. this.scope = null;
  1656. else
  1657. this.scope = scope;
  1658. this.groupExists = false;
  1659. this.actionExists = false;
  1660. this.eventExists = false;
  1661. this.defaults = { group: 'default' };
  1663. return this;
  1664. }
  1665. }
  1667. /**
  1668. * Determines if the shortcut's action already exists.
  1669. * @private
  1670. */
  1671. doesGroupExist() {
  1672. this.groupExists = 'undefined' !== typeof W.accelerators.Groups[] &&
  1673. undefined !== typeof W.accelerators.Groups[].members;
  1674. return this.groupExists;
  1675. }
  1677. /**
  1678. * Determines if the shortcut's action already exists.
  1679. * @private
  1680. */
  1681. doesActionExist() {
  1682. this.actionExists = 'undefined' !== typeof W.accelerators.Actions[];
  1683. return this.actionExists;
  1684. }
  1686. /**
  1687. * Determines if the shortcut's event already exists.
  1688. * @private
  1689. */
  1690. doesEventExist() {
  1691. this.eventExists = 'undefined' !== typeof[] &&
  1692.[].length > 0 &&
  1693. this.callback ===[][0].func &&
  1694. this.scope ===[][0].obj;
  1695. return this.eventExists;
  1696. }
  1698. /**
  1699. * Creates the shortcut's group.
  1700. * @private
  1701. */
  1702. createGroup() {
  1703. W.accelerators.Groups[] = [];
  1704. W.accelerators.Groups[].members = [];
  1706. if (this.title && !I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[]) {
  1707. I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[] = [];
  1708. I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[].description = this.title;
  1709. I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[].members = [];
  1710. }
  1711. }
  1713. /**
  1714. * Registers the shortcut's action.
  1715. * @private
  1716. */
  1717. addAction() {
  1718. if (this.title)
  1719. I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].keyboard_shortcuts.groups[].members[] = this.desc;
  1720. W.accelerators.addAction(, { group: });
  1721. }
  1723. /**
  1724. * Registers the shortcut's event.
  1725. * @private
  1726. */
  1727. addEvent() {
  1728., this.scope, this.callback);
  1729. }
  1731. /**
  1732. * Registers the shortcut's keyboard shortcut.
  1733. * @private
  1734. */
  1735. registerShortcut() {
  1736. W.accelerators._registerShortcuts(this.shortcut);
  1737. }
  1739. /**
  1740. * Adds the keyboard shortcut to the map.
  1741. * @return {WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
  1742. */
  1743. add() {
  1744. /* If the group is not already defined, initialize the group. */
  1745. if (!this.doesGroupExist()) {
  1746. this.createGroup();
  1747. }
  1749. /* Clear existing actions with same name */
  1750. if (this.doesActionExist()) {
  1751. W.accelerators.Actions[] = null;
  1752. }
  1753. this.addAction();
  1755. /* Register event only if it's not already registered */
  1756. if (!this.doesEventExist()) {
  1757. this.addEvent();
  1758. }
  1760. /* Finally, register the shortcut. */
  1761. this.registerShortcut();
  1762. return this;
  1763. }
  1765. /**
  1766. * Removes the keyboard shortcut from the map.
  1767. * @return {WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
  1768. */
  1769. remove() {
  1770. if (this.doesEventExist()) {
  1771., this.scope, this.callback);
  1772. }
  1773. if (this.doesActionExist()) {
  1774. delete W.accelerators.Actions[];
  1775. }
  1776. //remove shortcut?
  1777. return this;
  1778. }
  1780. /**
  1781. * Changes the keyboard shortcut and applies changes to the map.
  1782. * @return {WazeWrap.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
  1783. */
  1784. change(shortcut) {
  1785. if (shortcut) {
  1786. this.shortcut = {};
  1787. this.shortcut[shortcut] =;
  1788. this.registerShortcut();
  1789. }
  1790. return this;
  1791. }
  1792. }
  1794. /**
  1795. * Creates a tab in the side panel
  1796. * @function WazeWrap.Interface.Tab
  1797. * @param {string}
  1798. * @param {string}
  1799. * @param {function}
  1800. * @param {object}
  1801. **/
  1802. this.Tab = class Tab {
  1803. constructor(name, content, callback, context) {
  1804. this.TAB_SELECTOR = '#user-tabs ul.nav-tabs';
  1805. this.CONTENT_SELECTOR = '#user-info';
  1806. this.callback = null;
  1807. this.$content = null;
  1808. this.context = null;
  1809. this.$tab = null;
  1811. let idName, i = 0;
  1813. if (name && 'string' === typeof name &&
  1814. content && 'string' === typeof content) {
  1815. if (callback && 'function' === typeof callback) {
  1816. this.callback = callback;
  1817. this.context = context || callback;
  1818. }
  1819. /* Sanitize name for html id attribute */
  1820. idName = name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z-_]/g, '');
  1821. /* Make sure id will be unique on page */
  1822. while (
  1823. $('#sidepanel-' + (i ? idName + i : idName)).length > 0) {
  1824. i++;
  1825. }
  1826. if (i)
  1827. idName = idName + i;
  1828. /* Create tab and content */
  1829. this.$tab = $('<li/>')
  1830. .append($('<a/>')
  1831. .attr({
  1832. 'href': '#sidepanel-' + idName,
  1833. 'data-toggle': 'tab',
  1834. })
  1835. .text(name));
  1836. this.$content = $('<div/>')
  1837. .addClass('tab-pane')
  1838. .attr('id', 'sidepanel-' + idName)
  1839. .html(content);
  1841. this.appendTab();
  1842. let that = this;
  1843. if (W.prefs) {
  1844. W.prefs.on('change:isImperial', function () { that.appendTab(); });
  1845. }
  1846.'change:mode', function () { that.appendTab(); });
  1847. }
  1848. }
  1850. append(content) {
  1851. this.$content.append(content);
  1852. }
  1854. appendTab() {
  1855. if ( === 0) { /*Only in default mode */
  1856. WazeWrap.Util.waitForElement(
  1857. this.TAB_SELECTOR + ',' + this.CONTENT_SELECTOR,
  1858. function () {
  1859. $(this.TAB_SELECTOR).append(this.$tab);
  1860. $(this.CONTENT_SELECTOR).first().append(this.$content);
  1861. if (this.callback) {
  1863. }
  1864. }, this);
  1865. }
  1866. }
  1868. clearContent() {
  1869. this.$content.empty();
  1870. }
  1872. destroy() {
  1873. this.$tab.remove();
  1874. this.$content.remove();
  1875. }
  1876. }
  1878. /**
  1879. * Creates a checkbox in the layer menu
  1880. * @function WazeWrap.Interface.AddLayerCheckbox
  1881. * @param {string}
  1882. * @param {string}
  1883. * @param {boolean}
  1884. * @param {function}
  1885. * @param {object}
  1886. * @param {Layer object}
  1887. **/
  1888. this.AddLayerCheckbox = function (group, checkboxText, checked, callback, layer) {
  1889. group = group.toLowerCase();
  1890. let normalizedText = checkboxText.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '_');
  1891. let checkboxID = "layer-switcher-item_" + normalizedText;
  1892. let groupPrefix = 'layer-switcher-group_';
  1893. let groupClass = groupPrefix + group.toLowerCase();
  1894. sessionStorage[normalizedText] = checked;
  1896. let CreateParentGroup = function (groupChecked) {
  1897. let groupList = $('.layer-switcher').find('.list-unstyled.togglers');
  1898. let checkboxText = group.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + group.substr(1);
  1899. let newLI = $('<li class="group">');
  1900. newLI.html([
  1901. '<div class="layer-switcher-toggler-tree-category">',
  1902. '<i class="toggle-category w-icon-caret-down" data-group-id="GROUP_' + group.toUpperCase() + '"></i>',
  1903. '<span class="wz-toggle-switch">',
  1904. '<label class="wz-switch">',
  1905. '<input class="' + groupClass + ' toggleSwitch" id="' + groupClass + '" type="checkbox" ' + (groupChecked ? 'checked' : '') + '>',
  1906. '<span class="wz-slider"></span>',
  1907. '</label></span>',
  1908. '<label class="label-text" for="' + groupClass + '">' + group + '</label>',
  1909. '</div>',
  1910. '<ul class="collapsible-GROUP_' + group.toUpperCase() + '">',
  1911. '<li>',
  1912. '<div class="wz-checkbox">',
  1913. '<input type="checkbox" id="' + checkboxID + '" class="' + checkboxID + ' toggle">',
  1914. '<label for="' + checkboxID + '">' + checkboxText + '</label>',
  1915. '</div>',
  1916. '</li></ul>'
  1917. ].join(' '));
  1919. groupList.append(newLI);
  1920. $('#' + groupClass).change(function () { sessionStorage[groupClass] = this.checked; });
  1921. };
  1923. if (group !== "issues" && group !== "places" && group !== "road" && group !== "display") //"non-standard" group, check its existence
  1924. if ($('.' + groupClass).length === 0) { //Group doesn't exist yet, create it
  1925. let isParentChecked = (typeof sessionStorage[groupClass] == "undefined" ? true : sessionStorage[groupClass] == 'true');
  1926. CreateParentGroup(isParentChecked); //create the group
  1927. sessionStorage[groupClass] = isParentChecked;
  1929.'change:mode', function (model, modeId, context) { //make it reappear after changing modes
  1930. CreateParentGroup((sessionStorage[groupClass] == 'true'));
  1931. });
  1932. }
  1934. var buildLayerItem = function (isChecked) {
  1935. let groupChildren = $(".collapsible-GROUP_" + group.toUpperCase());
  1936. let $li = $('<li>');
  1937. $li.html([
  1938. '<div class="wz-checkbox">',
  1939. '<input type="checkbox" id="' + checkboxID + '" class="' + checkboxID + ' toggle">',
  1940. '<label for="' + checkboxID + '">' + checkboxText + '</label>',
  1941. '</div>',
  1942. ].join(' '));
  1944. groupChildren.append($li);
  1945. $('#' + checkboxID).prop('checked', isChecked);
  1946. $('#' + checkboxID).change(function () { callback(this.checked); sessionStorage[normalizedText] = this.checked; });
  1947. if (!$('#' + groupClass).is(':checked')) {
  1948. $('#' + checkboxID).prop('disabled', true);
  1949. if (typeof layer === 'undefined')
  1950. callback(false);
  1951. else {
  1952. if ($.isArray(layer))
  1953. $.each(layer, (k, v) => { v.setVisibility(false); });
  1954. else
  1955. layer.setVisibility(false);
  1956. }
  1957. }
  1959. $('#' + groupClass).change(function () {
  1960. $('#' + checkboxID).prop('disabled', !this.checked);
  1961. if (typeof layer === 'undefined')
  1962. callback(!this.checked ? false : sessionStorage[normalizedText] == 'true');
  1963. else {
  1964. if ($.isArray(layer))
  1965. $.each(layer, (k, v) => { v.setVisibility(this.checked); });
  1966. else
  1967. layer.setVisibility(this.checked);
  1968. }
  1969. });
  1970. };
  1972.'change:mode', function (model, modeId, context) {
  1973. buildLayerItem((sessionStorage[normalizedText] == 'true'));
  1974. });
  1975. buildLayerItem(checked);
  1976. };
  1978. /**
  1979. * Shows the script update window with the given update text
  1980. * @function WazeWrap.Interface.ShowScriptUpdate
  1981. * @param {string}
  1982. * @param {string}
  1983. * @param {string}
  1984. * @param {string}
  1985. * @param {string}
  1986. **/
  1987. this.ShowScriptUpdate = function (scriptName, version, updateHTML, greasyforkLink = "", forumLink = "") {
  1988. let settings;
  1989. function loadSettings() {
  1990. var loadedSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("WWScriptUpdate"));
  1991. var defaultSettings = {
  1992. ScriptUpdateHistory: {},
  1993. };
  1994. settings = loadedSettings ? loadedSettings : defaultSettings;
  1995. for (var prop in defaultSettings) {
  1996. if (!settings.hasOwnProperty(prop))
  1997. settings[prop] = defaultSettings[prop];
  1998. }
  1999. }
  2001. function saveSettings() {
  2002. if (localStorage) {
  2003. var localsettings = {
  2004. ScriptUpdateHistory: settings.ScriptUpdateHistory,
  2005. };
  2007. localStorage.setItem("WWScriptUpdate", JSON.stringify(localsettings));
  2008. }
  2009. }
  2011. loadSettings();
  2013. if ((updateHTML && updateHTML.length > 0) && (typeof settings.ScriptUpdateHistory[scriptName] === "undefined" || settings.ScriptUpdateHistory[scriptName] != version)) {
  2014. let currCount = $('.WWSU-script-item').length;
  2015. let divID = (scriptName + ("" + version)).toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z-_0-9]/g, '');
  2016. $('#WWSU-script-list').append(`<a href="#${divID}" class="WWSU-script-item ${currCount === 0 ? 'WWSU-active' : ''}">${scriptName}</a>`); //add the script's tab
  2017. $("#WWSU-updateCount").html(parseInt($("#WWSU-updateCount").html()) + 1); //increment the total script updates value
  2018. let install = "", forum = "";
  2019. if (greasyforkLink != "")
  2020. install = `<a href="${greasyforkLink}" target="_blank">Greasyfork</a>`;
  2021. if (forumLink != "")
  2022. forum = `<a href="${forumLink}" target="_blank">Forum</a>`;
  2023. let footer = "";
  2024. if (forumLink != "" || greasyforkLink != "") {
  2025. footer = `<span class="WWSUFooter" style="margin-bottom:2px; display:block;">${install}${(greasyforkLink != "" && forumLink != "") ? " | " : ""}${forum}</span>`;
  2026. }
  2027. $('#WWSU-script-update-info').append(`<div id="${divID}"><span><h3>${version}</h3><br>${updateHTML}</span>${footer}</div>`);
  2028. $('#WWSU-Container').show();
  2029. if (currCount === 0)
  2030. $('#WWSU-script-list').find("a")[0].click();
  2031. settings.ScriptUpdateHistory[scriptName] = version;
  2032. saveSettings();
  2033. }
  2034. };
  2035. }
  2037. function Alerts() {
  2038. this.success = function (scriptName, message) {
  2039. $(wazedevtoastr.success(message, scriptName)).clone().prependTo('#WWAlertsHistory-list > .toast-container-wazedev').find('.toast-close-button').remove();
  2040. }
  2042. = function (scriptName, message, disableTimeout, disableClickToClose) {
  2043. let options = {};
  2044. if (disableTimeout)
  2045. options.timeOut = 0;
  2046. if (disableClickToClose)
  2047. options.tapToDismiss = false;
  2048. $(, scriptName, options)).clone().prependTo('#WWAlertsHistory-list > .toast-container-wazedev').find('.toast-close-button').remove();
  2049. }
  2051. this.warning = function (scriptName, message) {
  2052. $(wazedevtoastr.warning(message, scriptName)).clone().prependTo('#WWAlertsHistory-list > .toast-container-wazedev').find('.toast-close-button').remove();
  2053. }
  2055. this.error = function (scriptName, message) {
  2056. $(wazedevtoastr.error(message, scriptName)).clone().prependTo('#WWAlertsHistory-list > .toast-container-wazedev').find('.toast-close-button').remove();
  2057. }
  2059. this.debug = function (scriptName, message) {
  2060. wazedevtoastr.debug(message, scriptName);
  2061. }
  2063. this.prompt = function (scriptName, message, defaultText = '', okFunction, cancelFunction) {
  2064. wazedevtoastr.prompt(message, scriptName, { promptOK: okFunction, promptCancel: cancelFunction, PromptDefaultInput: defaultText });
  2065. }
  2067. this.confirm = function (scriptName, message, okFunction, cancelFunction, okBtnText = "Ok", cancelBtnText = "Cancel") {
  2068. wazedevtoastr.confirm(message, scriptName, { confirmOK: okFunction, confirmCancel: cancelFunction, ConfirmOkButtonText: okBtnText, ConfirmCancelButtonText: cancelBtnText });
  2069. }
  2070. }
  2071. function Remote(){
  2072. function sendPOST(scriptName, scriptSettings){
  2073. return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  2074. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  2075."POST", "", true);
  2076. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
  2077. xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
  2078. if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
  2079. if (xhr.status === 200)
  2080. resolve(true)
  2081. else
  2082. reject(false)
  2083. }
  2084. }
  2085. xhr.send(JSON.stringify({
  2086. userID:,
  2087. pin: wwSettings.editorPIN,
  2088. script: scriptName,
  2089. settings: scriptSettings
  2090. }));
  2091. });
  2092. }
  2094. this.SaveSettings = async function(scriptName, scriptSettings){
  2095. if(wwSettings.editorPIN === ""){
  2096. console.error("Editor PIN not set");
  2097. return null;
  2098. }
  2099. if(scriptName === ""){
  2100. console.error("No script name provided");
  2101. return null;
  2102. }
  2103. try{
  2104. return await sendPOST(scriptName, scriptSettings);
  2105. /*let result = await $.ajax({
  2106. url: '',
  2107. type: 'POST',
  2108. contentType: 'application/json',
  2109. data: JSON.stringify({
  2110. userID:,
  2111. pin: wwSettings.editorPIN,
  2112. script: scriptName,
  2113. settings: scriptSettings
  2114. })}
  2115. );
  2116. return result;*/
  2117. }
  2118. catch(err){
  2119. console.log(err);
  2120. return null;
  2121. }
  2122. }
  2123. this.RetrieveSettings = async function(script){
  2124. if(wwSettings.editorPIN === ""){
  2125. console.error("Editor PIN not set");
  2126. return null;
  2127. }
  2128. if(script === ""){
  2129. console.error("No script name provided");
  2130. return null;
  2131. }
  2132. try{
  2133. let response = await fetch(`${}/PIN/${wwSettings.editorPIN}/script/${script}`);
  2134. response = await response.json();
  2135. return response;
  2136. }
  2137. catch(err){
  2138. console.log(err);
  2139. return null;
  2140. }
  2141. }
  2142. }
  2144. function String() {
  2145. this.toTitleCase = function (str) {
  2146. return str.replace(/(?:^|\s)\w/g, function (match) {
  2147. return match.toUpperCase();
  2148. });
  2149. };
  2150. }
  2151. }.call(this));