Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Eza's Gallery Swallower

Turn a page of thumbnails into high-res images


// ==UserScript==
// @name        Eza's Gallery Swallower
// @namespace
// @description Turn a page of thumbnails into high-res images
// @license     MIT
// @license     Public domain / no rights reserved

// @include*
// @include*
// @include*/artworks*
// @include*/series/*

// @include*
// @include*

// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*

// @include     https://**s=list*

// @include     /https?\:\/\/www\.hentai-foundry\.com\//

// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*

// @include     /https?\:\/\/rule34\.paheal\.net\//

// @include*

// @include*
// @exclude*

// @include*

// @include*

// @include*

// @exclude    *#dnr
// @noframes
// @version     2.13.21
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==

// Create a vertical view for high-res versions of all the image links you can see. 
// This includes all pages from multi-image submissions, where those exist.
// Individual images (or whole submissions) can be removed with one click. 
// Each image is also a link. 

// User options:
var default_size = "short"; 		// Choices: short, fit_width, fit_height, fit_window, full. 
var new_image_rate = 50; 		// Milliseconds between loading images. E.g. 10 for instant, 200 for gradual. 
var fetch_rate = 250; 				// Slower rate for fetching than for loading images, to avoid rate-limiting. 
var top_to_bottom = false; 		// Default order. True: as seen on the page. False: reversed, which is usually chronological. 
var keyboard_controls = true; 		// (We don't actually have keyboard controls yet.) 

// What I have so far could easily replace Pixiv Fixiv's current code. The spans with this.parentElement.remove() stuff, anyway; we know the image count beforehand. 
	// For both, I'd like to stretch a thumbnail behind an image as it's loading. I'd need non-square thumbs. Or at least I'd really prefer them. 
	// I guess style=backgroundWhatever:that.src? I keep adding and removing this -> that for some damn reason. 
// I could trivially turn this into a Pixiv Fixiv replacement - right? All I need is any image URL. No JSON shenanigans. 

// Change the BG color to something dark. (Ego says #324.) 
// This accidentally ignores muted images - I'm calling that a feature. 
	// Ugoira animations get a spot, but don't load an image. Semi-feature. Deserves better handling and indication. 

// This script suggests a generic solution to Twitter nonsense: replace tweet divs with their media. Break classes and IDs so their infinite-scrolling JS can't remove them. No worries about their stupid random class names, since we'd just parent.parent.parent and then .replace(). 
	// Also I could probably just .remove() the sidebar bullshit. 

// Maybe ctrl+z instead of a per-image 're-show' button? Stick per-image-group IDs on a list, first in last out, as they're removed. 
// Be positive: have an onLoad for each image format. Signal success, not implicit failure. 
	// Or I guess do both: onError, check for success? 
	// Even just onError not removing an image if the other two are already gone would safely assume it timed out while the others 404'd. 

// And use a damn dark mode already! 
// Buttons for forward/back? Floating over top, maybe. scrollTo stuff. Ech, but it has to update as you manually scroll down, so prev/next are at least consistently relative. 
	// Ideally the focus is somewhere in the middle of the screen, not like, one scanline of an image counts as being 'on' that image. 
// Needs a big reload-all button at the top. 
// If I'm being clunky, I can probably grab image count from the counters in the corners. 
// Ooh, Array.find(). Pass it a test function and it'll return the first element that matches. 

// Oh, file-extension issues in Universal Scraper don't apply here. 

// Gelbooru is inconsistent about WebMs. Some resolve to images. Others are blank. Dunno which is better, but pick one. 
// Still, address videos on Gelbooru. E.g.
	// Totally doable. So how do I check for a file without just embedding videos? Ugh, might be beyond onload / onerror behavior. 
	// Orrrr I could check tags. Not reliable. Could be wrong. But would allow a <video> with onerror to fall back to images. 
	// Better idea: indicate that it's probably a video, and link to the page without #dnr&dnr. Use Eza's Image Glutton, folks. 
		// Obviously that's the Ugoira solution on Pixiv: "don't." So it should be how I handle Ugoiras now that they're broken-ish. 
	// Embedding videos is undesirable because it implies linking to them for download. 
		// This script is already rude on bandwidth - videos would make it a DDOS attack. 
	// Solution: show thumbnail, not linked. (To avoid DownThemAll grabbing the thumbnail.) I guess link it to the page. Big _new target. 

// Other Mastodon instances? Pawoo. 
Array.from( new Set( Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '.display-name__account' ) ).map( v => v.innerText.split('@')[2] ) ) ).join( '\n' ) ?
Half of these seem to be crap. And it's still just a tiny sample. Yeesh. 
// I am alarmingly close to forking this for Mastodon, doing @include *, and testing for e.g. h-cite / h-entry. 
	// I don't want to @include * in general - this is not a general-purpose script. 
	// Even a fetch-based version would only be as flexible as Image Glutton. 
	// ... I've accidentally made this @include * friendly, by exclusively using button_delay_function. 
		// If it defaulted to false I could use this anywhere, and only specific switch-case / match domains would get better values. 
		// Or I could skip the interval entirely if button_delay_function remains at a default null. 
			// (Probably better to do so if gather_items remains at a default null.) 

// / Eka's Domain? 
	// works. 1murk5 doesn't. 
	// But then there's shit like:
	// so the link is no help. 
	// <li class="gallery-item" id="647381"><div><a class="thumb" href="/g4/view/647381"><img src="//" alt=""></a><p class="item-title">Cocktober Fest [cooking] by MisticHobo</p><p class="g-small"><span>Views: 2,501<span class="biicon11 type-Images"></span></span></p></div></li>
	// Nope, needs fetching. 
	// Sometimes I worry about the mental health of people reading this for the code. Sorry, folks. I'm not here for boring shit. 

// CSS-only? Absurd tangent, but GreasyFork now lists CSS userscripts. It's probably possible to replace thumbnails on gallery websites with RegEx'd full-size versions, and fallbacks for each file extension. And obviously I think you can insert a line-break ::after each image and make them full-size or max-width / max-height. But yeesh. 

// Might use thumbnails of first image as scroll-into-view links at the top of the page. 
	// Maybe with Xs on each to remove things from there as well? Questionable. 
	// Middle-click behavior (since they're not links) wouldn't interfere, but wouldn't be discoverable. 

// Probing is possible without thumbnails - just onLoad( classList add "ready" ). Same results, but slower. Meh. 

// Spent a while agonizing over performance vis-a-vis live HTMLCollections vs. querySelector, and found out it super doesn't matter. 
	// Setting up getElements and then only checking the first one has approximately zero impact on a modern PC. 
	// And the impact of setInterval seems to be approximately dick-all, so long as the timeout isn't zero or effectively zero. 
	// The upshot is that I set the timer to 10 ms and pages just -fly.- The "swallow gallery" button works immediately. Images load instantly. 
		// The latter is a mild concern, because sites might notice. An ideal server interaction looks just like opening a bunch of pages.

// Might move image count to the controls area. 
	// Its text already implies "image size" and "image order." But mostly I'm bugged that it doesn't line up with other text.

// Scolling controls: stick them against the left edge, level with top of each image, at a higher Z than the image. 
	// The goal is that they 'stay in place' when you click them. I.e. the next page's backwards / forwards buttons take the same position. 
	// Whole-submission backwards / forwards buttons go to the left and right of the submission title / link / remover. 
		// (Putting them on either side keeps the title centered.) 
		// Since these goofy circles are Like That for touchscreen-style separation, also include spacers. 
		// Previous submission, spacer, reload submission, title, remove submission, spacer, next submission. 

// Fetch mode should introduce a new status besides "ready". 
	// E.g. set a div to "fetch" so it'll grab the page and replace the items[n] page URL with an image URL. 
	// Nah. Keep using "ready," but allow different actions. 
	// If there's item.page_url, fetch that and return, with a .then set up to parse the HTML, set the image URL, and re-ready. 
		// Or, slight variation: .then store the Promise object and parse / display in the 'when ready' interval. 
	// Multi-page sites get screwy. No surprise. InkBunny's always a problem. 

// Alright, I should probably support videos. 

// Thematically, the image-size controls should probably be blue. Meh. They're distinct enough for not being grey. 

// Down. 

// Comics deserve it. 

// FurAffinity maintains the infinite loop when you fuck with the page and change window size. God -dammit- FA. 
	// Okay. I can use ScriptBlock, and the effect doesn't happen. So it's some stupid Javascript, not, like, a horrifying CSS loop. 
	// Getting rid of document.head has no effect. So it's something in document.body. 
	// Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'img' ) ).forEach( v => v.remove() ) - no impact. 
	// a, no impact. div, no impact, despite there being nothing left. Start over. 
	// div from fresh start: hangs. a from fresh start: no impact. div after a: still no impact. Uh -huh.- 
	// form: no impact. section: hangs. 
	// Removing <section id="gallery-gallery" class="gallery no-padding align…er no-artistname s-200 "> hangs. 
	// That mostly contains the thumbnails as "figure" elements. Removing all figures: no impact. 
	// Replacing that section's innerHTML with itself: no impact. 
	// Replacing the whole page's innerHTML: with itself, after that: hangs. 
	// Instead removing that section after replacing its innerHTML with itself: hangs. 
	// Alright, what about children? 
	// document.querySelector( '.section-body').remove() - hangs. 
	// .submission-list - hangs. 
	// .aligncenter - no effect. 
	// document.querySelector( 'section .gallery').remove() - hangs. 
	// Right below that is a script that calls  _fajs.push( [ 'init_gallery', 'gallery-gallery' ] ). So what if I change the ID of gallery-gallery? No impact. 
	// And yet - document.querySelector( '#gallery-gallery').innerHTML = ''; has no impact. 
	// Ditto replacing its innerHTML with itself. 
	// document.querySelector( 'section .submission-list') - hangs. (Contains #gallery-gallery, the script, etc.) 
	// document.querySelector( 'section script').remove() - no impact. 
// And yet... there are several things I've done where the hang is prevented. That's all I really want. 
	// I don't have to fully understand this to exploit it. I want it to do nothing. 
	// E.g. I can do Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a' ) ).forEach( v => v.remove() ), then document.body.innerHTML = '' - no impact. 
// Removing all 'a' elements works here, but is obviously goofy. It wouldn't fit Image Notch / Universal Scraper. 
	// document.querySelectorAll( '#gallery-gallery' )[0].classList = [] throws a lot of "Uncaught TypeError" but does not hang... on its own. 
	// window.addEventListener( 'resize', function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); }, true ) - nope. 
// Oh, Firefox proper threw an error:
	Script terminated by timeout at:
	// But that is not super helpful. The line numbers don't line up with that script file. 
	// _reflow_gallery is defined twice as far down. Picking through it. querySelectorAll (jQuery style) for images. But it--
		// Wait. _reflow_gallery() is in the main scope. I can just overwrite it. 
		// THAT SOMEHOW DOESN'T WORK. I'm not angry, but holy shit, am I surprised. Really thought that was a slam-dunk. 
		// init_gallery, also no. createRespondor, observe, and push are not functions (or are not in-scope). 
		// _reflow_gallery does contain some while loops - while( image.length > 0 ), while( row_width < container_width ). 
		// Meh. It works here. 

// Intermittent issue: just had e621's images all disappear. Second time this has happened. Not sure the first time was on this site. 
	// Both times, the page had been sitting open (second monitor) for like a minute. Fresh reload before that. Console almost certainly open.
	// img elements still show valid src. 
	// .post-preview, #image-container, #c-comments .post,, .post-thumbnail { visibility: hidden !important; }
	// ... so why did that get set? It's triggering on .post-preview. That's at the <article> level... for some reason. 
	// This code only touches article elements to check for blacklisting, it only does that if gather_items is called. Which it wasn't. 
	// Just happened to a bare image on domain. Pretty sure it's a Pale Moon issue. 

// fetch( '' ).then( response => response.text() ).then( text => { doc = document.createElement( 'html' ); doc.innerHTML = text; console.log( text ) } )

	// To do:

// Scrolling controls. Previous / next per-image and per-submission. 
	// Eventually turn these into keyboard commands, presumably with some interval to update which image they're relative to. 
	// Submissions already have IDs what we scrollIntoView via thumbnails. 
	// Individual images get dicey because we can remove them. I'd rather not manage a linked list separate from the DOM. 
		// ... I guess the DOM itself works? There's gotta be some nextChild thing that gets the job done. 
		// Can I generalize to some this.nextElement( '.class' ).scrollIntoView? 
		// nextElementSibling doesn't really do it, barring a ton of finagling with hierarchy. 
		// This is not computationally complicated. It's linear. I could just querySelectorAll and .find( this ). 
		// Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a' ) ).find( e => e = x ), where x is an <a>, returns... x. Thanks. Gimme the index. 
		// findIndex always returns 0. I guess I could test for e.dataset.whatever > this.dataset.whatever? And invert both when reversed. 
		// Durrrr == not =. 
	// Basically just unfucking the CSS at this point. 
	// Putting Next above Previous is probably a coin-flip I'll regret. Change it immediately, if ever, because right now it'll affect about one person. 

// Put alt/title (onhover) text on size / order buttons? 

// Kind of inconvenient having the previous / next and removal controls on opposite sides. Hmm. 

	// Genuine bugs:

// - gets everything but the manga. Different page format. 

// Ugoira submissions display a big floating X, because those belong to the image-extension-trying block, not to each self-removing image. 
	// Ahh, it's because next_image would try _p0 and fail. This rewrite assumes the first image works. Maybe do cleanup in the interval?

// Dead images and possibly thumbnails take up horizontal space and cause slight movements while loading. 

// Spinners don't work on Baraag. 
	// And how could they? We never update per-element style. Even if @animation worked, it'd be stuck there. 
	// Initialize to static, I guess. 

// Reversing order doesn't reverse the previous / next submission buttons. 

// images_spinner doesn't work on FurAffinity and I have no idea why. 
	// The spinners don't line up on Danbooru and it's less a mystery than an annoyance. 

// Changes since last version:
	// Fixed navigation buttons with reversed order. (Original approach was numbered, so "next" was +/- 1. Now it's by DOM order. Next is always +1.)
	// Immediately swapped order of per-image navigation buttons. My apologies to both users who've already developed muscle memory. 

// ------------------------------------ Custom replacement HTML ------------------------------------ //

// Replacement page. Not used immediately; it just makes more sense up here. 
var html = '';
var style_rules = new Object; 			// CSS "selector": "style" map. Blame Baraag. 

	// ----- //			CSS

// CSS rules as an associative array, so they can be applied per-element on uncooperative sites. 

// Image style(s):
style_rules[ ".short img" ] = "max-width: 90vw; max-height: 60vh; z-index: 10; vertical-align: middle;"; 		// Class is for <body>.  
style_rules[ ".full img" ] = "max-width: initial; max-height: initial; z-index: 10; vertical-align: middle;"; 			// "initial" for fake_css(). 
style_rules[ ".fit_width img" ] = "max-width: 90vw; max-height: initial; z-index: 10; vertical-align: middle;";  	// Leaving space for big X.
style_rules[ ".fit_height img" ] = "max-width: initial; max-height: 95vh; z-index: 10; vertical-align: middle;";  
style_rules[ ".fit_window img" ] = "max-width: 90vw; max-height: 95vh; z-index: 10; vertical-align: middle;";  

// Dead spinners:
style_rules[ '.spacer' ] = 'position: absolute; width: 0px; height: 0px;'; 
style_rules[ '.other_spacer' ] = 'position: absolute; width: 0px; height: 0px;'; 	// Arbitrarily smaller. 
style_rules[ '#image_counter' ] = 'position: absolute; left: 70px; top: 5px; font-size: 33px;';

// Button DRY:
style_rules[ '.eza_button' ] = 'border-radius: 50%; width: 60px; height: 60px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; cursor:pointer; line-height: 20px; font-size:33px !important; padding: 10px 10px; text-decoration: none; font-family: sans-serif !important;';

// Remove / reload controls: 
style_rules[ '.remover' ] = 'color:#dd2e44 !important; background-color:#d7dbd8; border:1px solid #ab1919;';
style_rules[ '.remover:hover' ] = 'background-color:#992a2a;';
style_rules[ '.floating' ] = 'z-index: 1; position: absolute; top: 50%; -ms-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%); width: 120px; height: 120px; font-size:72px !important;';
style_rules[ '.reloader' ] = 'color:#194d19 !important; background-color:#dbd7d8; border:1px solid #19ab19;';
style_rules[ '.reloader:hover' ] = 'background-color:#2abd2a;';

// Previous / next buttons, per-submission:
style_rules[ '.navigation_button' ] = 'color:#123 !important; background-color:#d7dbd8; border:1px solid #234;';
style_rules[ '.navigation_button:hover' ] = 'background-color:#14f;';
style_rules[ '.navigation_float' ] = 'z-index: 11; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: initial;';  
style_rules[ '.navigation_next_image' ] = 'top: 72px;';  

style_rules[ '.button_spacer' ] = 'visibility: hidden; width: 30px; height: 30px;'; 

// Image-size controls:
style_rules[ '#controls' ] = 'float: right; font-size: 33px;';
style_rules[ '.control_button' ] = 'color:#FFF; background-color:#363;'; 
style_rules[ '.control_button:hover' ] = 'background-color:#282;'; 

// Previous / next links, at the bottom:
style_rules[ '.page_links' ] = 'font-size: 33px;';

// Thumbnail container and fixed-size thumbnails:
style_rules[ '.thumbnails_container' ] = 'display: grid; grid-gap: 5px;';  		// Spans can't have fixed size, divs can't flow sensibly. Argh. 
style_rules[ '.thumb_box' ] = 'width:100px; height:100px; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden;';
style_rules[ '.thumbnail_image' ] = 'width:100px;';

style_rules[ 'body' ] = 'line-height: 1.425 !important'; 		// Low values let thumbnails overlap image controls. Gelbooru picks 1.42857143... for some reason. 

// Hidden thumbnails, probing to check for next image in multi-image sets:
style_rules[ '.test, .thumb' ] = 'display:none'; 

// Push all of that into a <style> block:
html += '<style> ';
for( selector in style_rules ) { 
	html += selector + ' { ' + style_rules[ selector ] + ' } \n'; 
html += '</style> ';

// Spinners:
// Either I bodged the implementation of style_rules to a <style> block, or there's some other obstacle to animations. So these are separate. 
html += '<style> .submissions_loader { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; border: 8px solid #3498db; border-top: 8px solid #111111; border-bottom: 8px solid #111111; border-radius: 50%; width: 48px; height: 48px; animation: spin 1s linear infinite; } @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } </style>'; 		

html += '<style> .images_loader { position: absolute; left: 8px; top: 8px; z-index: -1; border: 24px solid #db9834; border-top: 24px solid #aaaaaa; border-bottom: 24px solid #AAAAAA; border-radius: 50%; width: 0px; height: 0px; animation: images_spin 3s linear infinite; } @keyframes images_spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } </style>';  

	// ----- //			Page elements

// Floaty stuff:
html += '<div class="submissions_loader" id="submissions_spinner"></div>' 		/* Spinner for submissions, 'new images being found.' */
html += '<div class="images_loader" id="images_spinner"></div>' 		/* Spinner for images, 'images loading in high-res.' */
html += '<span id="image_counter"></span>'; 		/* This detaches. */

// Structure:
html += '<br><span id="controls" class=""></span><br><br><br><br>';
html += '<span id="thumbnails_container"></span><br><br>';
html += '<br><br><center><span id="centered" class="' + default_size + '"></span></center>';  		/* Where most stuff goes. */
html += '<br><br><br>'; 		/* Spacing for prev/next links. */
html += '<center><span id="links"></span></center>'
html += '<br><br><br><br><br>'; 		/* Runout. */

// Additional HTML may be added by per-site functions. Once injected, we use the DOM. 

// ------------------------------------ General setup & Per-site functions ------------------------------------ //

	// ----- //			Global variables 

var trigger_size = [ 15, 70, 25, 10 ]; 			// Left, top, font-size, padding. Pixiv defaults. 
var button_delay_function = ( () => true ); 	// Don't show Swallow Gallery button while this returns false. (Alternative to @includes.) 
var automatic_pagination = false; 		// Pixiv-style p0, p1, p2, etc. 
var gather_items;  		// Per-site function to scrape current page contents. 
var image_from_dom; 	// Per-site function to scrape fetched HTML (if relevant). 
var items;  					// Scraped contents of page. 
var formats = [ ".png", ".jpg", ".gif", ".jpeg" ]; 		// File extensions for guessing URLs. 
var page_number = 1; 				// Default.
var next_page, previous_page;  	// URLs of obvious purpose. 
var probe_followup = '';  		// Used to be part of "items," per-item, but only Pixiv uses them, and they're standard. 
var image_followup = ''; 		// Ditto. 
var force_style = false; 			// If sites don't allow inline CSS, apply style_rules to each element. 
var centered, controls, thumbnails_container; 		// Spans that are already accessed globably, but were local "let" variables? Eh. 
//var nav_direction = 1; 		// Stopgap. 1: "next" button increments container ID. -1: decrements. It's for reversed order. 

	// ----- //			Helper functions 

// Turn into a sensible associative array. Should be standard, guys!
function parse_search( search_string ) { 
	let strings = search_string.split( /[\?\&]/ )
		.filter( v => v ) 		// Remove empty strings
	let associative = new Object;
	strings.forEach( v => associative[ v.split('=')[0] ] = v.split('=')[1] ); 
	return associative; 

// Remove .jpg, .png, etc. from thumbnails, because full-size image formats don't always match. 
function scrub_extensions( url, format_list ) { 
	if( format_list == null ) { format_list = formats; } 		// Shut up, it's global. 
	format_list.forEach( ext => 
		url = url.replace( ext, '' ) )
	return url; 

// Force elements to have inline style, when in-page CSS is prevented by CSP. I hate the modern web. 
function fake_css( parent ) { 
	if( force_style ) { 		// Not ideal practice? But it beats repeating "if( force_style ) { fake_css(); }" when that's the only time it'd happen. 
									// On reflection, it's more clear to have 'if condition then call function' the two or three times it's relevant. Refactor. 
									// Better refactor: rename this consider_faking_css(). 
		if( parent == null ) { parent = document; } 		// Apply everywhere by default
		for( selector in style_rules ) { 		// Global
			Array.from( parent.querySelectorAll( selector ) )
				.forEach( element => { = + style_rules[ selector ]; 
				} )

// Fetch HTML, interpret as DOM, pass DOM to standard get-image(s) function. 
function standard_fetch( item_object, span ) { 
	fetch( )
		.then( response => { 		// On fetch error, retry: set "ready" in 10-20 seconds. 
			if( ! response.ok ) { setTimeout( () => span.classList.add( "ready" ), 1000 * ( 10 + Math.random() * 10 ) ); } 
			return response; 
		} )
		.then( response => response.text() ) 			// Aggravating boilerplate.
		.then( text => { 
			doc = document.createElement( 'html' );
			doc.innerHTML = text; 
			item_object.image = image_from_dom( doc ); 
			span.classList.add( "ready" ); 
		} )

// From an origin element inside a selector, scroll to the previous / next instance of that selector. 
// Really should be standard as .nextQuery() even if CSS can't select up. It's JS -using- CSS. You allowed .closest! 
function scroll_to_next( origin, selector, direction ) {
	let reference = origin.closest( selector ); 		// Ancestor or self, whatever. Pass in "this" and don't worry. 
	let list = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( selector ) ); 
	let index = list.findIndex( e => e == reference ); 
	list[ index + direction ].scrollIntoView(); 

	// ----- //			Per-site setup and gather functions 

var args = parse_search( ); 		// DRY 

switch( document.domain.replace( 'www.', '' ) ) {

	case '':
		probe_followup = '_square1200'; 
		formats = [ ".png", ".jpg", ".gif" ]; 	// I have never seen a JPEG on Pixiv. I have 100,000 _p0 JPGs, and they're all ".jpg". 
		automatic_pagination = true; 

		// Ever-useful test profile: 
		// Series:, 
		button_delay_function = () => 
			document.querySelector( 'img[src*="250x"]' ) || 		// /users
			document.querySelector( 'img[src*="360x"]' ) || 		// /series
			document.querySelector( 'a *[style*="c/240"]' ); 		// bookmark_new_illust

		// Pixiv's fake links mess this up sometimes. Nothing I can do - the browser is confused about the URL. 
		if( args["p"] ) { page_number = parseInt( args["p"] ); } 
		next_page = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + "?p=" + (page_number + 1)
		if( page_number > 1 ) { previous_page = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + "?p=" + (page_number - 1); }

		gather_items = function() { 
			let thumbs = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a[href*="/art"] img[src*="c/250"]' )  ) 	// en/users/12345 
				.map( img => img.src )
			if( window.location.href.match( 'series' ) ) { 
				thumbs = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a[href*="/art"] img[src*="c/360"]' ) ) 		// /series
					.map( img => img.src ) } 
			// url("") 
			if( window.location.href.match( '_new' ) ) { 
				thumbs = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a *[style*="c/240"]' ) ) 								// bookmark_new_illust  
					.map( div =>
						.match( /".*"/ )[0].slice( 1, -1 ) ) } 		// Remove url("/") from either end. 

			return t => { 
				// Tried doing this neatly with regexes, but some Ugoira thumbnails  88267833_master1200, instead of 88267833_p0_square1200. 
				let image_part = t.split( '/img/' )[1].split( '_' )[0] + '_p'; 		// 2021/03/07/07/11/52/88269944_p
				let submission = t.split( '/' ).pop().split( '_' )[0]; 		// 88269944
				return new Object( { 
					page: 		'' + submission,
					title: 			submission,
					thumb: 	t,
					probe: 		'' + image_part,
					image: 		'' + image_part
				} ) 
			} )

	// - bad submission crashes gather_items. 
	// Huh. Only causes problems on the Comments page, not post list. 
	case '':
	case '': 
		trigger_size = [ 15, 50, 16, 5 ]; 		// Left, top, font-size, padding. 

		// 		// Whoops. 
		page_number = 0; 
		pages_at_once = 42; 
		if( == '' ) { pages_at_once = 40; } 
		if( window.location.href.match( 'page=comment' ) ) { pages_at_once = 10; } 
		if( args["pid"] ) { page_number = parseInt( args["pid"] ); } 

		next_page = window.location.href + "&pid=" + (page_number + pages_at_once); 		// Flawed, but it works. 
		if( page_number > 1 ) { previous_page = window.location.href + "&pid=" + (page_number - pages_at_once); }

		gather_items = function() { 
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a[href*="s=view"]' ) )
				.map( v => new Object( { 
					page: 		v.href,
					title: 			v.href.split( '&id=' )[1].split( '&' )[0],
					// - Image Glutton
					// - from page
					thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img' ).src,
					image: 		scrub_extensions( v.querySelector( 'img' ).src )
						.replace( '/thumbnails', '/images' )
						.replace( 'thumbnail_', '' ) 
						.replace( '_thumbnail', '' ) 		// Safebooru
						.split( '?' )[0] 						// Safebooru 
				} ) )

	case '':
	case '':
		trigger_size = [ 15, 50, 16, 5 ]; 		// Left, top, font-size, padding. 
		if( window.location.href.indexOf( '/pools/' ) > 0 ) { top_to_bottom = true; } 

		if( args["page"] ) { page_number = parseInt( args["page"] ); } 
		next_page = window.location.href + "&page=" + (page_number + 1); 		// Insufficient on
		if( next_page.indexOf( '?' ) < 0 ) { next_page = next_page.replace( '&', '?&' ); } 		// Klunk. 
		if( page_number > 1 ) { previous_page = window.location.href + "&page=" + (page_number - 1); }

		gather_items = function() { 
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a[href*="posts/"] img' ) )
				.map( v => v.closest('a') )
				.filter( v => ! v.closest('article').className.match( 'blacklisted-active' ) ) 		// Exclude hidden posts. 
				.map( v => new Object( { 
					page: 		v.href,
					title: 			v.href.split( 'posts/' )[1].split( '?' )[0],
					thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img' ).src,
					image: 		scrub_extensions( v.querySelector( 'img' ).src )
						.replace( '/preview', '' )
				} ) )

	// Not
	// Not 
	// Haha, shows both PNG & JPG. 
	case '':
		var trigger_size = [ 15, 20, 25, 10 ]; 

		// button_delay_function might be the only way to separate gallery pages from submission pages. HF's URLs are duuumb. 
		button_delay_function = () => 
			document.querySelector( 'a.thumbLink' )

		let page_indicator = '/page/'; 
		if( window.location.href.indexOf( '/users/' ) > 0 ) { page_indicator = '&page='; } 		// Followed users' recent pictures
		if( window.location.href.indexOf( page_indicator ) > 0 ) {  
			page_number = parseInt( window.location.href.split( page_indicator ).pop() ); 
			if( page_number > 1 ) { previous_page = window.location.href.split( page_indicator )[0] + page_indicator + (page_number - 1); }
		next_page = window.location.href.split( page_indicator )[0] + page_indicator + (page_number + 1);  	// page_number defaults to 1. 

		gather_items = function() { 
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a.thumbLink' ) ) 
				.map( v => {
						let username = v.href.split( '/' )[5]; 	// AmaZima
						let title = v.href.split( '/' )[6]; 			// 589016
						return new Object( { 
							page: 		v.href,
							title: 			title, 
							// url("//")
							thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'span[style]' ).style.backgroundImage 		// Why would it be easy.
								.replace( 'url("', '' )
								.replace( '")', '' ),
							image: 		window.location.protocol + "//" 
								+ username.slice( 0, 1 ).toLowerCase() + '/' + username + '/'
								+ title + '/' 
								+ username + '-' + title + '-'
								+ v.href.split( '/' ).pop().replace( /-/g, '_' )
						} )
				} )

	// Baraag... and Mastodon in general, ideally. 
	// Oof. Baraag has multiple submissions per post, but they're not numerically related.
	// Maybe delay when "ready" again for image-array sites, so we don't instantly re-ready this one submission. Avoid linearity. 
	// Instead of typeOf - item.thumbs vs item.thumb? Neither is especially elegant. Global boolean?
		// I am hard pressed not to just lean on typeof. Why keep track? If you pass an array of URLs, you get an array of images. 
		// Out-of-bounds signalling for page count -might- still be useful for Pixiv. That'd let us skip the thumbnail-try stuff. 
	// Argh, retweets ("boosts?") aren't of class h-entry. They're h-cite. Can I just querySelector with a comma? Sure can. 
		// Guess that puts a nail in whether to grab links and filter down, or one-shot with complex CSS and work up. 
	// - video that breaks gather_items. "TypeError: data is undefined."
		// Apparently a "Video" component instead of "MediaGallery". No .media property. Argh. 
	case '':
	case '':
	case '': 
	case '':
	case '':
		formats = [""];
		force_style = true; 		// querySelectorAll, = be round, dammit. 

		// // Yeesh. 
		let navs = document.querySelectorAll( 'a[class*="load-more"]' ); 
		if( navs[0] ) { 
			if( navs.length == 2 ) { previous_page = navs[0].href; next_page = navs[1].href; }  		// Both
			else if( window.location.href.indexOf( '?max_id=' ) > 0 ) { previous_page = navs[0].href; } 		// Last page
			else { next_page = navs[0].href; } 		// First page

		gather_items = function() { 
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '.h-entry, .h-cite' ) ) 
				.filter( v => v.querySelector(  'div[data-props*="media"]' ) ) 		// Text-only posts fuck us up. 
				.map( v => {
						let item = new Object; = v.querySelector( 'a[class*="time"][href]' ).href;
						item.title = '/' ).pop(); 

						// dataset.props example: Object { height: 343, sensitive: true, autoplay: true, media: Array[3] }
						// .media example: Array [ Object, Object, Object ]
						// .media[0]: Object { id: "105651575500861937", type: "image", 
							// url: "…", preview_url: "…", 
							// remote_url: null, preview_remote_url: null, text_url: "…", 
							// meta: Object, description: null, blurhash: "UFCGJfX99@RP^%t7OoV@4ms:kpn+x[V@Rja#" }
						// ... but none of those URLs are the post URL, so keep original code. 
						let data = JSON.parse( v
								.querySelector( 'div[data-props]' )
								.dataset.props )
							.media; 		// Array of objects

						if( data ) { 		// Clunky workaround for some video submissions. Only some. 
							item.thumb = v => v.preview_url )[0]; 	// One thumbnail per submission. 
							item.image = v => v.url ); 
						return item; 
				} )

	case '':
		formats = [""];

		button_delay_function = () => document.querySelector( '.shm-thumb' ); 

		let parts = window.location.href.split( '/' );
		page_number = parseInt( parts.pop() );  	// Side-effectful pop(). 
		if( isNaN( page_number ) ) {  		// Basically only 
			page_number = 1;
			parts = window.location.href.split( '/' );
		next_page = parts.join( '/' ) + '/' + (page_number+1);
		if( page_number > 1 ) { previous_page = parts.join( '/' ) + '/' + (page_number-1); }

		gather_items = function() { 
			// <a href="">File Only</a>
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '.shm-thumb' ) ) 
				.map( v => new Object( { 
					page: 		v.querySelector( '.shm-thumb-link' ).href,
					title: 			v.querySelector( 'img' ).id.replace( 'thumb_', '' ), 
					thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img' ).src,
					image: 	scrub_extensions( v.querySelector( 'a[href*="/_images"]' ).href )
				} ) )

	case '':
		trigger_size = [ 150, 5, 16, 5 ]; 

		button_delay_function = () => document.querySelector( '.thumb' ); 

		if( ) { page_number = parseInt( ); } else { page_number = 0; }
		pages_at_once = 42; 
		next_page = document.querySelector( '.pagination a[href*="pid='+(page_number+pages_at_once)+'"]' )
		next_page = next_page ? next_page.href : null; 
		previous_page = document.querySelector( '.pagination a[href*="pid='+(page_number-pages_at_once)+'"]' )
		previous_page = previous_page ? previous_page.href : null; 

		gather_items = function() { 
			// Should probably generalize some .fakeExtension to search/replace, instead of assuming they go on the end. 
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '.thumb' ) ) 
				.map( v => new Object( { 
					page: 		v.querySelector( 'a' ).href,
					thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img[src*="/thumbnails"' ).src,
					image: 	scrub_extensions( v.querySelector( 'img[src*="/thumbnails"' ).src )
						.replace( /\/\/.*\.rule/, '//us.rule' ) 		// E.g. // -> //
						.replace( '/thumbnails', '/images' )
						.replace( 'thumbnail_', '' )
						.split( '?' )[0]		// Fingers crossed. 
				} ) )

	// Note: this won't show images with "Suggestive" or otherwise not-the-image thumbnails. 
		// It obeys your blacklist, and if you're not signed in, it obeys the default blacklist.
		// This behavior does not match how Image Glutton redirects through those warnings.
		// I'm okay with it, here, because other sites in this script obey blacklists. 
		// Though I should probably .filter for known not-the-image thumbnails so nothing shows up. Hm. 
	case '':
		trigger_size = [ 15, 55, 16, 5 ]; 		// Left, top, font-size, padding. 
		force_style = true; 	

		button_delay_function = () => document.querySelector( 'a[title*="Tagged"]' ); 

		// does not work. Arse. 
		page_number = parseInt( ); 
		next_page = document.querySelector( 'a[href*="page=' + (page_number + 1)  + '"]' ); 
		if( next_page ) { next_page = next_page.href; }
		previous_page = document.querySelector( 'a[href*="page=' + (page_number - 1)  + '"]' );
		if( previous_page ) { previous_page = previous_page.href; } 		// I despise that this is the necessary pattern. Let null.whatever safely return null. 

		gather_items = function() { 
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a[title*="Tagged"]' ) ) 
				.map( v => new Object( { 
					page: 		v.href, 		//
					title: 			v.href.split( /[\?/]/ )[4], 		// 2301306
					thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img' ).src, 		//
					image: 	scrub_extensions( v.querySelector( 'img' ).src )
						.replace( '/img/', '/img/view/' )
						.replace( '/thumb', '' )
				} ) )

	// Custom thumbnail test - - they just don't add _noncustom. It's fine. 
	// We could handle single-image submissions via the thumbnail alone. 
		// Only one image. Dammit. 
	case '':
		trigger_size = [ 15, 265, 16, 5 ]; 

		html += '<style> span { color: #ddd } </style>';  		// Default colors are grey-on-grey. 

		button_delay_function = () => document.querySelector( '.widget_imageFromSubmission' ); 

		next_page = document.querySelector( 'a[title="next page"' ); 
		next_page = next_page ? next_page.href : null; 
		previous_page = document.querySelector( 'a[title="previous page"' ); 
		previous_page = previous_page ? previous_page.href : null; 

		gather_items = function() { 
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '.widget_imageFromSubmission' ) ) 
				.map( v => new Object( { 
					page: 		v.querySelector( 'a' ).href,
					title: 			v.querySelector( 'a' ).href.split('/').pop(), 
					thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img' ).src,
				} ) )

		image_from_dom = function( doc ) {
			let images = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll( '.widget_imageFromSubmission img[title*="page"]' ) )
				.map( img => scrub_extensions( img.src )
					.replace( 'thumbnails/medium', 'files/full' )
					.replace( '_noncustom', '')
			if( images.length == 0 ) { 		// Single image
				images = scrub_extensions( doc.querySelector( '.magicboxParent a' ).href ) ; 		// String works, [ string ] doesn't. Hmm. 
			return images; 

	case '':
		trigger_size = [ 15, 155, 16, 5 ]; 
		formats = [""];

		button_delay_function = () => document.querySelector( 'figure.t-image' ); 

		// Not even links, on FA - they're form buttons. What year is it? 
		// But then your feed is like:
		// And the "next" button is actually 'a.more', except past the first page, where it's 'a.more-half prev'. Argh.
		if( window.location.href.match( 'msg/submissions' ) ) { 
			let buttons = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a.more-half, a.more' ) ); 
			next_page = buttons.find( v => ! v.className.match( 'prev' ) );
			next_page = next_page ? next_page.href : null;  		// Haaate this pattern. 
			previous_page = buttons.find( v => v.className.match( 'prev' ) );
			previous_page = previous_page ? previous_page.href : null; 
		} else { 
			next_page = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'form' ) ).filter( v => v.innerText.match( 'Next' ) )[0];
			next_page = next_page ? next_page.action : null; 
			previous_page = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'form' ) ).filter( v => v.innerText.match( 'Prev' ) )[0];
			previous_page = previous_page ? previous_page.action : null; 

		gather_items = function() { 
			let items = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'figure.t-image' ) ) 
				.map( v => new Object( { 
					page: 		v.querySelector( 'a' ).href,
					title: 		v.querySelector( 'a' ).href.split('/')[4],
					thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img' ).src,
				} ) )
			// Minor witchcraft - some part of FA hits an infinite loop if you replace the page and then resize anything. 
			// I don't understand what exactly it's doing. But I know that removing some things first can break it: 
			Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a' ) ).forEach( v => v.remove() ); 
			return items; 

		image_from_dom = function( doc ) { 
			return doc.querySelector( '.download a' ).href; 

	// Forced to fetch, because "click for original size" images use a different CDN. 
	// I could try making an educated guess based on data-width and data-large-width in the <article> properties. Meh. 
	case '':
		trigger_size = [ 15, 100, 16, 5 ]; 		// Left, top, font-size, padding. 

		button_delay_function = () => document.querySelector( ' a' ); 

		// href*="=3" sometimes returns, because... a wizard did it. 
		let current_page_span = document.querySelector( '.paginator-current' ); 
		next_page = current_page_span.nextElementSibling; 
		next_page = next_page ? next_page.href : null; 
		previous_page = current_page_span.previousElementSibling; 
		previous_page = previous_page ? previous_page.href : null; 

		gather_items = function() { 
			return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( ' a' ) )
				.map( v => new Object( { 
					page: 		v.href,
					title: 			v.href.split( 'posts/' )[1].split( '?' )[0],
					thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img' ).src,
				} ) )

		image_from_dom = function( doc ) { 
			return doc.querySelector( 'a[download]' ).href.split('?')[0]; 		// Trim ?download stuff. 


// Subdomains always have to cause problems. 
if( document.domain.split( '.' ).slice( 1, 3 ).join( '.' ) == "" ) { 		// *://** 
	trigger_size = [ 15, 55, 16, 5 ]; 		// Left, top, font-size, padding. 

	page_number = 0; 
	if( args["pid"] ) { page_number = parseInt( args["pid"] ); } 
	next_page = window.location.href + "&pid=" + (page_number + 20); 		// Flawed, but it works. 
	if( page_number > 0 ) { previous_page = window.location.href + "&pid=" + (page_number - 20); }

	gather_items = function() { 
		return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'a img[src*="thumbs"]' ) )
			.map( v => v.closest( 'a' ) )
			.filter( v => ! ) 		// Exclude hidden posts. Should be !display=="none", but typeError says fuck you. 
			.map( v => new Object( { 
				page: 		v.href,
				title: 			v.href.split( '=' ).pop(), 
				thumb: 	v.querySelector( 'img[src*="thumbs"]' ).src, 
				image: 		scrub_extensions( v.querySelector( 'img[src*="thumbs"]' ).src ) 
					.replace( 'thumbs.', 'img.' )
					.replace( '/thumbnails', '/images' )
					.replace( 'thumbnail_', '' ) 
			} ) )

	// ----- //			Controls to invoke script

GM_registerMenuCommand( "Swallow entire gallery", show_images ); 		// GreaseMonkey dropped this feature years ago, but I am stubborn. 

// Put button on page, since there's no menu in "modern" Userscript plugins.
// Onclick, change class to some spinner, so it reacts instantly and looks like it's loading. Really the interval is waiting a second. 
var trigger = document.createElement( 'button' ); 
trigger.innerText = "Swallow gallery"; 
trigger.className = "unclicked_button"; 
trigger.onclick = function(){ this.innerText='Swallowing...'; this.className = 'clicked_button'; } 		// Immediate visible change, idempotent = "position: absolute; left: " + trigger_size[0] + "px; top: " + trigger_size[1] + "px; color:#194d19 !important; background-color:#dbd7d8; border-radius: 20px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; border:1px solid #19ab19; cursor:pointer; line-height: 20px; font-family:Arial; font-size:" + trigger_size[2] + "px; padding: " + trigger_size[3] + "px " + trigger_size[3] + "px; text-decoration:none;"

add_button = setInterval( function() { 
		if( button_delay_function() ) { 		// Periodically check if this page has what we're looking for. 
			clearInterval( add_button ); 
			document.body.appendChild( trigger ); 
	}, 100 ); 		// Passive - no interaction concerns. 

// Injecting code into the page is nontrivial - ironically because function.toString is fragile - so just look for a change in the page. 
var button_check = document.getElementsByClassName( 'clicked_button' ); 
var fake_event = setInterval( function() {  
		if( button_check[0] ) { 
			clearInterval( fake_event ); 
	}, 100 );  		// Doherty threshold for frustration is 400ms. But: "a couple times a second" doesn't bother modern machines. 

// End of main execution. 

// ------------------------------------ Gallery Swallower ------------------------------------ //

function show_images() { 

	// ----- //			Replace page, set up furniture 

	// Grab links and/or thumbnails using per-site code:
	items = gather_items(); 		// Array of objects, listing page link, thumbnail, presumed fullsize image, etc. 
	if( top_to_bottom == false ) { items.reverse(); } 

//	console.log( items ); 		// Debug. Be honest, this is staying here. 

	// Erase existing page, use ours instead
//	document.head.innerHTML = ''; 		// Looks bad, accomplishes nothing. 
	document.body.innerHTML = html; 

	// Just in case. Fetch traffic might read differently than inline images. 
	if( image_from_dom ) { new_image_rate = fetch_rate; } 

	controls = document.getElementById( 'controls' ); 		// Has to go after document = html, duh.
	thumbnails_container = document.getElementById( 'thumbnails_container' ); 
	centered = document.getElementById( 'centered' ); 
	let links_element = document.getElementById( 'links' ); 

	// Pixiv doesn't work if this function is in the main scope. Every other site is fine. I have no goddamn idea why. 
	// Making the root node an argument and passing #controls doesn't fix the problem. 
	// I've read "programming is a puzzle game where all the puzzles are caused by your own stupidity," but web design comes with its own stupidity DLC. 
	// Is it the function name? Does Pixiv's code have a collision, in the main / global scope? 
	// Yeah apparently. I renamed it to something rude and it worked fine in the main scope. 
	// But... is there a reason not to leave this inside show_images? 
		// Object-oriented Javascript doesn't care. We only add these control buttons, and the initial "swallow gallery" trigger. 
		// Aaaugh alright we also add buttons aplenty per-submission, and will be doing even more for navigation. 
	function add_button( text, onclick ) {  		// DRY. Specific to #controls, for now. 
		let button = document.createElement( 'button' ); 
		button.innerText = text; 
		button.onclick = onclick
		button.className = "control_button eza_button"; 
		controls.appendChild( button ); 
		controls.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) ); 		// Asinine way to force spacing. 

	// Controls - e.g. image size and order.
	controls.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Size: " ) );  
	add_button( "▣", function() { centered.className = "short"; fake_css(); } ); 	// This and "full" could use better glyphs.
	add_button( "↔", function() { centered.className = "fit_width"; fake_css(); } ); 
	add_button( "↕", function() { centered.className = "fit_height"; fake_css(); } ); 
	add_button( "✢", function() { centered.className = "fit_window"; fake_css(); } ); 
	add_button( "■", function() { centered.className = "full"; fake_css(); } ); 		// Unicode has no four-way arrow glyph. No emoji either. Weird. 
	controls.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " Order: " ) ); 
	add_button( "⇅", function() { 
//		nav_direction = -1 * nav_direction;  		// Ohhhh. This doesn't matter anymore because we're always in-order. 
		for( node of [ centered, thumbnails_container ] ) {  		// DRY
			node.childNodes.forEach( (v,i,a) => node.insertBefore( node.childNodes[i], node.firstChild ) ); 
	} )

	// Navigation links, at the bottom
	let link_html = ""; 		// "Previous" or "Previous - Next" or "Next"
	// encodeURI breaks links. We're generating text from parseInt page numbers, or grabbing links already in the page - it's fine. 
	if( previous_page ) { link_html += "<a href='" + ( previous_page ) + "'>Previous page</a>"; }  
	if( previous_page && next_page ) { link_html += " - "; }
	if( next_page ) { link_html += "<a href='" + ( next_page ) + "'>Next page</a>"; } 
	links_element.className = 'page_links'; 
	links_element.innerHTML = link_html; 

	// ----- //			Per-submission links and controls 

	// Give each item its own set of spans, with basic onClick controls to remove images or reload a submission.
	for( let item_key = 0; item_key < items.length; item_key++ ) { 
		item = items[ item_key ]; 
		let container = document.createElement( 'span' ); = item_key + 'container'; 
		container.className = "submission_container"; 
		let basket = document.createElement( 'span' );		// Two hard problems. = item_key; 

		let reloader = document.createElement( 'button' ); 
		reloader.innerText = '⟳'; 
		reloader.onclick = function() { 
			let e=document.getElementById( item_key ); 
			e.innerHTML = ""; 
		reloader.className = 'reloader eza_button'; 

		let link = document.createElement( 'a' ); 
		link.href = + '#dnr#&dnr'; 
		link.innerText = ' ' + item.title + ' '; 
		link.setAttribute( "target", "_blank" ); = 'font-size:30px'; 

		let navigation_next = document.createElement( 'button' ); 
		navigation_next.innerText = '→'; 
		navigation_next.onclick = function() { scroll_to_next( this, '.submission_container', 1 ); } 
		navigation_next.className = 'navigation_button eza_button'; 

		let navigation_previous = document.createElement( 'button' ); 
		navigation_previous.innerText = '←'; 
		navigation_previous.onclick = function() { scroll_to_next( this, '.submission_container', -1 ); } 
		navigation_previous.className = 'navigation_button eza_button'; 

		let first_spacer = document.createElement( 'button' ); 
		first_spacer.className = 'button_spacer eza_button'; 

		let second_spacer = document.createElement( 'button' ); 
		second_spacer.className = 'button_spacer eza_button'; 

		let submission_remover = document.createElement( 'button' );  		// Erase whole submission. 
		submission_remover.innerText = '✕'; 
		submission_remover.onclick = function(){ document.getElementById( item_key ).innerHTML = ""; } 
		submission_remover.className = 'remover eza_button'; 		// Add some CSS to float left or whatever. 

		let bottom_submission_remover = submission_remover.cloneNode(); 		// Why doesn't this include innerText? 
		bottom_submission_remover.innerText = '✕';  		// ⬆️❌? ↑⇑↥⤒⤊? Eh, nothing color scales well. Obvious mismatch. 
		// Scroll back up on removal, since a bunch of vertical content disappeared. 
		// The presumed use of this button is when you've scrolled past a long-ass manga and gone "meh," 
			// so you don't want to hunt for the root reload / remove buttons. That crap killed me in Tumblr Scrape. 
		bottom_submission_remover.onclick = function() {
			document.getElementById( item_key ).innerHTML = ""; 
			document.getElementById( item_key + 'container' ).scrollIntoView(); 

		container.appendChild( navigation_previous ); 
		container.appendChild( first_spacer ); 
		container.appendChild( reloader ); 
		container.appendChild( link ); 
		container.appendChild( submission_remover ); 
		container.appendChild( second_spacer ); 
		container.appendChild( navigation_next ); 
		container.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) ); 
		container.appendChild( basket ); 
		container.appendChild( bottom_submission_remover ); 
		container.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) ); 

		centered.appendChild( container ); 

		// Thumbails at the top: 
		let thumbnail_image = document.createElement( 'img' );
		thumbnail_image.className = "thumbnail_image";  	// Fixed-width image.
		thumbnail_image.src = item.thumb;
		thumbnail_image.onerror = function() { this.remove(); } 

		let thumb_box = document.createElement( 'span' );
		thumb_box.className = "thumb_box"; 						// Fixed-size grid box, overflow hidden. Crops tall images.
		thumb_box.onclick = function() { document.getElementById( item_key + 'container' ).scrollIntoView(); } 
		thumb_box.appendChild( thumbnail_image ); 

		thumbnails_container.appendChild( thumb_box ); 

		fake_css(); 		// Function itself checks force_style boolean. 

		basket.dataset.page_number = 0; 
		basket.classList.add( "ready" ); 		// Signals interval function to load an image here. 

	// ----- //			Ongoing interaction and loading 

	// Load more images in "ready" submissions, when available. 
	var ready_elements = document.getElementsByClassName( 'ready' ); 
	var interval_object = setInterval( function() { 

			// Add an image to the ready basket, increment page number, conditionally ready-up for another image. 
			// Image list: just grab list[n]. Automatic pagination: probe for matching numbered thumbnail. 
			if( ready_element = ready_elements[0] ) { 		// "If ready_elements.length > 0," but with race condition paranoia. 
				ready_element.classList.remove( 'ready' ); 		// We fancy. 

				let item_id = parseInt( ); 

				// If we need to fetch, we don't have an image to display yet. 
				if( image_from_dom && items[ item_id ].image == null ) { 		// Note: will not re-fetch. Bad item.image value? Tough. 
					standard_fetch( items[ item_id ], ready_element ); 
					return;  		// Exit interval. 

				let manga_page = parseInt( ready_element.dataset.page_number ); 		// Not web-page... comic-page. 
				ready_element.dataset.page_number = 1 + manga_page; 		// Has to go after fetch stuff, or we skip the first page. 

				// Prepare filename, once:
				let image_url = items[ item_id ].image; 
				if( typeof( items[ item_id ].image ) == "object" )  		// typeof, not typeOf? "object", not "Array"? Fuck you, Javascript. 
					{ image_url = items[ item_id ].image[ manga_page ]; }
				if( automatic_pagination ) 		// Basically just Pixiv. 
					{ image_url +=  manga_page; } 
				image_url += image_followup; 		// Usually nothing. 

				// Try all plausible file extensions for an inline image. 
				let forms = new Array; 
				for( format of formats ) { 
					let png = document.createElement( 'img' );
					let apng = document.createElement( 'a' ); 
					apng.appendChild( png );

					png.className = "full_image loading"; 	
					png.src = image_url + format; 
//					console.log( image_url ); 
					png.onerror = function() { this.parentElement.remove(); } 		// Remove parent link (apng / ajpg / agif) as well. 
					png.onload = function() { this.classList.remove( "loading" ); }

					apng.href = png.src; 
					apng.setAttribute( "target", "_generic" ); 		// WHY IS THERE NO OPPOSITE TO DISPLAY:NONE?!

					forms.push( apng ); 

				// Note that we scroll to <div class="image_container> rather than an image. Images scroll to the center. It is the worst. 
				let previous_image = document.createElement( 'button' );
				previous_image.innerText = '←'; 
				previous_image.className = 'navigation_button navigation_float navigation_previous_image eza_button'; 
				previous_image.onclick = function() { scroll_to_next( this, '.image_container', -1 ); } 

				let next_image = document.createElement( 'button' );
				next_image.innerText = '→'; 
				next_image.className = 'navigation_button navigation_float navigation_next_image eza_button'; 
				next_image.onclick = function() { scroll_to_next( this, '.image_container', 1 ); } 

				let remover = document.createElement( 'button' );  		// Big red X, to remove this image specifically. 
				remover.innerText = '✕'; 
				remover.onclick = function() { this.parentElement.remove(); } 
				remover.className = 'remover floating eza_button'; 

				// All per-image divs go in one per-submission span, so whole-submission X prevents new images from loading:
				let outer_span = ready_element.querySelector( 'span' ); 
				if( outer_span == null ) { 
					outer_span = document.createElement( 'span' ); 
					ready_element.appendChild( outer_span ); 
				let inner_div = document.createElement( 'div' ); = "position: relative;"; 		// This fixes the vertically-aligned Xs. Do NOT ask me how. 
				inner_div.className = "image_container"; 
				outer_span.appendChild( inner_div ); 

				// Place stuff on the page. 
				inner_div.appendChild( previous_image ); 
				inner_div.appendChild( next_image ); 
				for( form of forms ) { inner_div.appendChild( form ); } 		// Insert all image tries. 
				inner_div.appendChild( remover ); 	
				inner_div.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) ); 
				inner_div.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) ); 

				// Probe-try stuff:
				if( automatic_pagination ) { 

					forms = new Array; 
					for( format of formats ) { 
						png = document.createElement( 'img' ); 		// Reuse 
						png.src = items[ item_id ].probe + (manga_page+1) + probe_followup + format;
						png.className = 'test'; 
						png.onerror = function() { this.remove(); } 
						// Any truly hideous behavior is often attributable to the wrong number of .parentElements below: 
						png.onload = function() { this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.classList.add( "ready" ); this.remove(); }
						forms.push( png )

					for( form of forms ) { inner_div.appendChild( form ); } 

				// Array-of-images stuff:
				if( typeof( items[ item_id ].image ) == "object" ) { 		// Not a global boolean, because direct testing beats keeping track. 
					if( manga_page + 1 < items[ item_id ].image.length ) { 
						ready_element.classList.add( "ready" ); 

				fake_css( outer_span ); 		// Just for this image and any probes. 


		}, new_image_rate ); 

	// ----- // 		🍭 Spinners 🍭

	// Garish spinners that indicate "finding new images" and "files still loading." 
	// Easy answer for responsive loading / lazy spinners: use two intervals. Duh. 
	// I could simplify this to e.g. images_spinner.className = images_loading.length and do CSS bullshit like #id.class=spinning #id.0=not-spinning. 
		// I don't think there's any truly automatic way to spin based on the properties of children... but I wouldn't be surprised. 
		// Like I'm pretty sure per-element style properties can't go 'animate if( self.querySelector )'. But again: not ruling it out. 
		// It's only desirable for forced_style sites like Baraag, since lazy spinners are better, so pfffft. 
	var submissions_loading, submissions_spinner; 		// These are technically global? 
	var images_loading, images_spinner; 
//	submissions_loading = document.getElementsByClassName( 'test' );
	submissions_loading = document.getElementsByClassName( 'ready' );
	submissions_spinner = document.getElementById( 'submissions_spinner' ); 		// This is the blue one. 
	images_loading = document.getElementsByClassName( 'loading' ); 
	images_spinner = document.getElementById( 'images_spinner' ); 					// This is the orange one. 
	image_count = document.getElementsByClassName( 'full_image' ); 
		// Tracking "short" instead counts the test images, leading to brief overcounting. But not every site uses thumbnails. 
	image_counter = document.getElementById( 'image_counter' ); 		// Two hard problems. 

	// Flickering on/off multiple times per second: bad.
	// Waiting an entire second between image loads: also bad. 
	// So... add another low-impact interval. Efficient? Not really. But eeeasy. 
	var spinner_interval = 	setInterval( function() { 
//			if( submissions_loading.length == 0 ) { 		/* If we're done testing for new images in submissions */
			if( ! submissions_loading[0] ) { 		// If we're done probing for new images to display.
				submissions_spinner.className = 'spacer'; 
			} else {  		/* If e.g. we reload a submission and it takes a while */
				submissions_spinner.className = 'submissions_loader'; 

//			if( images_loading.length == 0 ) { 		/* If we're done testing for new images in submissions */
			if( ! images_loading[0] ) { 		// If all visible images are loaded. 
				images_spinner.className = 'other_spacer'; 
			} else {  		/* If e.g. we reload a submission and it takes a while */
				images_spinner.className = 'images_loader'; 

			image_counter.innerText = '' + image_count.length + ' images'; 
			/* Should arguably exclude loading images.  */
			/* Could be made accurate by counting calls to next_image. Right? Or incrementing some var when that succeeds. */ 
			/* Just count className="thumb". Right? Haha, I'm already double-counting because loaded thumbnails don't really go away. Yeah, count "thumb." */
	}, 1000 ); 
