- // ==UserScript==
- // @name tianteng
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/xmlspy
- // @version 1.7.5
- // @description 各种开车网站的优化
- // @author xmlspy
- // @license MIT
- // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.7.1/dist/jquery.min.js
- // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@adguard/extended-css@2.0.56/dist/extended-css.umd.min.js
- // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery-simulate@1.0.2/jquery.simulate.min.js
- // @resource ldbutton https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/loadingio/ldbutton@latest/dist/index.min.css
- // @resource ldloader https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/loadingio/ldloader@v1.0.0/dist/ldld.min.css
- // @include *
- // @connect *
- // @run-at document-start
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM.setClipboard
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @grant GM.xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_getResourceText
- // @grant GM.getResourceText
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant GM_log
- // @grant GM_info
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*
- 1. 以下开车的网站经常换域名,本程序使用特征识别,不使用网址进行判断,
- 即使域名换了也能识别并进入本程序
- * skrbt,
- * javbus,
- * 紳士漫畫,
- * JAVLibrary,
- * BTSOW,
- * 松鼠症倉庫
- * 禁漫天堂
- 2. javbus,
- * 所有页面,搜索按钮后面都添加"粘贴&搜索"按钮,点击后复制剪贴板的内容到搜索框并自动点击搜索按钮
- * 所有页面,添加"打开skrbt"的链接
- * 所有页面,添加"打开今日新帖"按钮,一键打开老司机福利讨论区的今日新帖,最多30个
- * 影片明细页面,添加复制车牌号按钮,删除磁链的onclick事件(否则会执行两次打开磁链事件),添加 在javlibrary中打开
- * 论坛明细页面,为每个磁力链后面添加"复制磁链"和"打开磁链"按钮,为每个回复添加"复制所有磁链","打开所有磁链","复制所有磁链(不含点评)"和"打开所有磁链(不含点评) 4个按钮(气死各种课代表)
- * 论坛明细页面,调整样式,更紧凑
- 3. 松鼠症倉庫,
- * 去除点击广告
- 4. 紳士漫畫,
- * 明细页面,添加搜索框
- * 下拉阅读页面,图片由一列改为两列
- * 所有页面, 为搜索框后面添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮
- 5. JAVLibrary,
- * 所有页面,添加 打开skrbt 链接
- * 所有页面,添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮
- * 所有页面,删除 url重定向
- * 详情页面,添加 复制车牌 按钮
- * 详情页面,添加 javbus中查询 链接
- * 详情页面,删除 名称中的链接,否则很容易误点,又不容易复制文字
- 6. BTSOW,
- * 所有页面,添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮
- * 搜索结果列表页面,每条结果后面添加"复制磁链"和"打开磁链"按钮,不用进入明细页面
- 7. skrbt,
- * 所有页面,添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮
- * 首页,通过别的网站直接访问,比如(https://skrbtqx.top/search?keyword=abp133),会直接跳转到首页.
- 解决办法,在别的地方进来之前,先把要查询的关键字保存起来,然后进入到skrbt后获取,赋值到输入框,然后查询.
- 如果,在skrbt首页中没有找到保存的关键字,就从剪贴板获取.
- 如果,剪贴板没有任何内容,则啥也不做.
- * 搜索结果列表页面,每条结果后面添加"复制磁链"和"点击磁链"按钮,不用进入明细页面
- 8. 知乎,
- * 添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮
- 9. 百度,
- * 添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮
- 10. 禁漫天堂
- * 删除广告
- ====================更新记录
- * 2024-7-24 1.7.5
- * javbus
- * 所有页面,"打开今日新帖"按钮, 增加点击后提示
- * 2024-7-22 1.7.4
- * javbus
- * 更新url
- * btsow
- * 搜索结果列表页面,每条结果后面添加"复制磁链"和"打开磁链"按钮,不用进入明细页面
- * skrbt
- * 首页,通过别的网站直接访问,比如(https://skrbtqx.top/search?keyword=abp133),会直接跳转到首页.
- 解决办法,在别的地方进来之前,先把要查询的关键字保存起来,然后进入到skrbt后获取,赋值到输入框,然后查询.
- 如果,在skrbt首页中没有找到保存的关键字,就从剪贴板获取.
- 如果,剪贴板没有任何内容,则啥也不做.
- * 2024-7-20 1.6.4
- * javbus
- * 论坛明细页面,调整样式,更紧凑
- * 2024-7-19
- * 禁漫天堂
- * 删除广告
- * 2024-7-18
- * javbus
- * 所有页面,添加"打开今日新帖"按钮,一键打开老司机福利讨论区的今日新帖,最多30个
- * 2024-7-16
- * javbus
- * 影片明细页面添加 在javlibrary中打开;
- * 论坛明细页面,为每个回复添加"复制所有磁链","打开所有磁链","复制所有磁链(不含点评)"和"打开所有磁链(不含点评) 4个按钮
- */
- // https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/loadingio/ldloader@v1.0.0/dist/ldld.min.js
- // prettier-ignore
- (function(){var ldLoader;ldLoader=function(opt){var this$=this;opt==null&&(opt={});this.opt=import$({activeClass:"running",baseZ:4e3,autoZ:false,className:"",atomic:true},opt);["root","container"].map(function(n){if(opt[n]){return this$[n]=(Array.isArray(opt[n])?opt[n]:[opt[n]]).map(function(it){var ret;ret=typeof it==="string"?document.querySelector(it):it;if(!ret){console.warn("[ldLoader] warning: no node found for "+it)}return ret})}});if(!this.container){this.container=this.root?this.root.map(function(it){return it.parentNode}):[document.body]}if(!this.root){this.root=this.container.map(function(it){var node;node=document.createElement("div");it.appendChild(node);return node})}this.root.map(function(it){it.classList.add.apply(it.classList,(this$.opt.className||"").split(" ").filter(function(it){return it}));it.classList.remove(opt.activeClass);if(opt.inactiveClass){return it.classList.add(opt.inactiveClass)}});this.running=false;this.count=0;return this};ldLoader.prototype=import$(Object.create(Object.prototype),{isOn:function(){return this.running},on:function(delay){delay==null&&(delay=0);return this.toggle(true,delay)},off:function(delay,force){delay==null&&(delay=0);force==null&&(force=false);return this.toggle(false,delay,force)},flash:function(dur,delay){var this$=this;dur==null&&(dur=1e3);delay==null&&(delay=0);return this.toggle(true,delay).then(function(){return this$.toggle(false,dur+delay)})},render:function(){var runid,_,ret,this$=this;if(!(this.running&&this.opt.ctrl&&this.opt.ctrl.step)){return this.render.runid=-1}this.render.runid=runid=Math.random();this.render.start=0;if(this.opt.ctrl.init){this.root.map(function(it){return this$.opt.ctrl.init.call(it)})}_=function(t){if(!this$.render.start){this$.render.start=t}this$.root.map(function(it){return this$.opt.ctrl.step.call(it,t-this$.render.start)});if(this$.render.runid===runid){return requestAnimationFrame(function(it){return _(it)})}else if(this$.opt.ctrl.done){return this$.root.map(function(it){return this$.opt.ctrl.done.call(it,t-this$.render.start)})}};return ret=requestAnimationFrame(function(it){return _(it)})},toggle:function(v,delay,force){var d,this$=this;delay==null&&(delay=0);force==null&&(force=false);d=!(v!=null)?this.root[0].classList.contains(this.opt.activeClass)?-1:1:v?1:-1;if(delay){return new Promise(function(res,rej){if(d>0){return this$.toggle(v).then(function(){return setTimeout(function(){return res()},delay)})}else{return setTimeout(function(){return this$.toggle(v).then(function(){return res()})},delay)}})}return new Promise(function(res,rej){var running,z,ref$,idx;this$.count+=d;if(!force&&!this$.opt.atomic&&(this$.count>=2||this$.count===1&&d<0)){return res()}this$.root.map(function(it){it.classList.toggle(this$.opt.activeClass,d>0);if(this$.opt.inactiveClass){return it.classList.toggle(this$.opt.inactiveClass,d<0)}});this$.running=running=this$.root[0].classList.contains(this$.opt.activeClass);if(this$.opt.ctrl){this$.render()}if(!this$.opt.autoZ){return res()}if(running){this$.z=z=((ref$=ldLoader.zstack)[ref$.length-1]||0)+this$.opt.baseZ;this$.root.map(function(it){return it.style.zIndex=z});ldLoader.zstack.push(z)}else{if((idx=ldLoader.zstack.indexOf(this$.z))<0){return res()}this$.root.map(function(it){return it.style.zIndex=""});ldLoader.zstack.splice(idx,1)}return res()})}});import$(ldLoader,{zstack:[]});return window.ldLoader=ldLoader})();function import$(obj,src){var own={}.hasOwnProperty;for(var key in src)if(own.call(src,key))obj[key]=src[key];return obj}
- (function () {
- "use strict";
- // #region 开头
- /**
- * skrbt
- */
- const skrbtDomain = "skrbtqx";
- const skrbtHost = skrbtDomain + ".top";
- const skrbtUrl = "https://" + skrbtHost;
- /**
- * javbus
- */
- const javbusDomain = "fanbus";
- const javabusUrl = `https://www.${javbusDomain}.help`;
- /**
- * javLibrary
- */
- var javLibDomain = "y78k";
- var javLibUrl = "https://www." + javLibDomain + ".com";
- let javLibRegx = "(" + javLibDomain + "|javlib|javlibrary)";
- const enableDebug = true;
- let seq = 0;
- // function (){}
- // // 获取 HTMLElement 构造函数
- // const HTMLElementConstructor = HTMLElement;
- // // 创建一个代理对象来拦截 HTMLElement 的构造函数
- // const HTMLElementProxy = new Proxy(HTMLElementConstructor, {
- // construct(target, args, newTarget) {
- // console.log("Creating a new HTMLElement instance");
- // // 创建一个新的 HTMLElement 实例
- // const instance = new target(...args);
- // // 返回一个新的代理对象来拦截实例的属性和方法
- // return new Proxy(instance, {
- // get(target, prop, receiver) {
- // console.log(`Accessing property: ${prop}`);
- // return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);
- // },
- // set(target, prop, value, receiver) {
- // console.log(`Setting property: ${prop} to ${value}`);
- // return Reflect.set(target, prop, value, receiver);
- // },
- // has(target, prop) {
- // console.log(`Checking if property exists: ${prop}`);
- // return Reflect.has(target, prop);
- // },
- // deleteProperty(target, prop) {
- // console.log(`Deleting property: ${prop}`);
- // return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, prop);
- // },
- // ownKeys(target) {
- // console.log(`Enumerating properties`);
- // return Reflect.ownKeys(target);
- // },
- // getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {
- // console.log(`Getting property descriptor for: ${prop}`);
- // return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop);
- // },
- // defineProperty(target, prop, descriptor) {
- // console.log(`Defining property: ${prop}`);
- // return Reflect.defineProperty(target, prop, descriptor);
- // },
- // });
- // },
- // });
- // // 替换全局的 HTMLElement 构造函数
- // Object.defineProperty(window, "HTMLElement", {
- // value: HTMLElementProxy,
- // writable: false,
- // configurable: false,
- // });
- // // 测试
- // const div = document.createElement("div");
- // div.innerHTML = "Hello, World!";
- // console.log(div.innerHTML);
- // div.innerHTML = "Hello, Proxy!";
- // console.log(div.innerHTML);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 事件拦截
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- debug(document.querySelector("title"));
- //松鼠症倉庫 地址发布页 https://ahrilist.top/
- const ep = EventTarget.prototype;
- if (!ep.addEventListenerOriginal) {
- ep.addEventListenerOriginal = ep.addEventListener;
- ep.addEventListener = function (type, callback, options) {
- // if (/ahri8\.top/.test(window.location.href)) {
- // debug(`添加事件监听器:target: ${this} type: ${type} callback: ${callback} options: ${options}`);
- if (this) {
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 松鼠症倉庫
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (
- this.className &&
- this.className.includes &&
- this.className.includes("apo")
- ) {
- debug("禁止点击广告", "松鼠症倉庫");
- return;
- }
- // }
- this.allListeners = this.allListeners || [];
- this.allListeners.push({ type, callback, options });
- // this.addEventListenerOriginal(type, callback, options);
- this.addEventListenerOriginal.apply(this, arguments);
- } else {
- debug(
- `[this] is bad. type: ${type} callback: ${callback} options: ${options}`,
- "addEventListenerHook"
- );
- }
- };
- }
- if (!ep.removeEventListenerOriginal) {
- ep.removeEventListenerOriginal = ep.removeEventListener;
- ep.removeEventListener = function (type, callback, options) {
- if (this) {
- this.removeEventListenerOriginal.apply(this, arguments);
- this.allListeners = this.allListeners || [];
- const index = this.allListeners.indexOf({ type, callback, options });
- if (index != -1) {
- this.allListeners.splice(index, 1);
- }
- } else {
- debug(
- `[this] is bad. type: ${type} callback: ${callback} options: ${options}`,
- "removeEventListenerHook"
- );
- }
- };
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 节点变化监控
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList, observer) {
- 禁漫天堂();
- }).observe(document, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true,
- // attributes: true,
- //attributeFilter: [],
- // attributeOldValue: true,
- // characterData: false,
- // characterDataOldValue: false,
- });
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 禁漫天堂 发布页: https://jmcomicltd.xyz/
- //
- // 國際通用網域 不支援日本/韓國路線
- // 18comic.vip
- // 18comic.org
- // 東南亞路線建議使用
- // jmcomic.me
- // jmcomic1.me
- //
- // =內地網域= 請使用Chrome瀏覽器開啟
- // 18-comicblade.vip
- //
- // 分流1
- // 18-comic-minions.club
- //
- // 分流2
- // https://18comic-erdtree.org
- //
- // APP軟件下載
- // jm365.work/ZNPJam
- //
- // 如果地址無法打開,歡迎發送郵件告知
- // re18comic@gmail.com
- //
- // 或是直接到DC群找管理員處理問題
- // discord.gg/V74p7HM
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function 禁漫天堂() {
- execute("禁漫天堂", $(`head>title`)[0].text.endsWith("禁漫天堂"), () => {
- // 删除广告
- $(".top-nav, .div-bf-pv").remove();
- $("#Comic_Top_Nav").css("top", "-1px");
- $("div.e8c78e-4_b").remove();
- if (location.pathname === "/albums") {
- const childNodes = document.querySelector(
- "#wrapper > div.container"
- ).childNodes;
- var forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
- forEach.call(childNodes, function (node) {
- if (
- node.nodeName === "#text" &&
- node.nodeValue.includes("中間廣告")
- ) {
- node.nodeValue = "";
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- // #endregion
- // execute(()=>{},()=>{});
- // #region jquery.ready
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // jquery.ready
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- $(function () {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // oschina
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute("开源中国", /oschina\.net/, () => {
- debug("修改首页某些链接无法中键点击问题.", "开源中国");
- $(`[data-href]`).each(function () {
- const $this = $(this);
- const href = $this.attr("data-href");
- const classCss = $this.attr("class");
- const title = $this.attr("title");
- const innerHtml = this.innerHTML;
- const html = `<a target="_blank" title="${title}" href="${href}" class="${classCss}">${innerHtml}</a>`;
- $this.replaceWith(html);
- });
- debug("删除url中的重定向.", "开源中国");
- $('a[href*="/action/GoToLink?url"]').each(function (index) {
- // https://www.oschina.net/action/GoToLink?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcode.visualstudio.com%2Fupdates%2Fv1_91
- var url = getQueryVariable(this, "url");
- this.href = decodeURIComponent(url);
- });
- });
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // gitee.com
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute("gitee", /gitee\.com/, () => {
- debug("删除url中的重定向.", "gitee");
- $('a[href*="/link?target"]').each(function (index) {
- var url = getQueryVariable(this, "target");
- this.href = decodeURIComponent(url);
- });
- });
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 紳士漫畫 永久域名: wnacg.com 紳士漫畫永久地址發佈頁: wnacg.date
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute("紳士漫畫", $('head>title:contains("紳士漫畫")'), () => {
- if (location.href.includes("photos-index-aid")) {
- debug("明细页面添加搜索框", "紳士漫畫");
- const searchInput = `
- <div class="search" style="float:right;">
- <form id="album_search q-form" action="/search/" method="get" _lpchecked="1">
- <div class="input-append" id="q-input">
- <input type="text" class="search-query ui-autocomplete-input tips"
- name="q" value="" title="搜索漫畫" autocomplete="off"
- role="textbox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-haspopup="true">
- <input style="display:none" type="radio" name="f" value="_all" checked="">
- <input style="display:none" name="s" value="create_time_DESC">
- <input style="display:none" name="syn" value="yes">
- <button type="" name=""></button>
- </div>
- </form>
- </div>
- `;
- $("#bodywrap").prepend(searchInput);
- }
- if (location.href.includes("photos-slide-aid")) {
- debug("下拉阅读页面,图片由一列改为两列", "紳士漫畫");
- const nodeToObserve = document.querySelector("#img_list");
- $(nodeToObserve).css({
- width: "100%",
- display: "flex",
- "flex-wrap": "wrap",
- "justify-content": "flex-start",
- "overflow-x": "hidden",
- });
- const imgWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2 - 10;
- const imgHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 50;
- new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
- $("#img_list>div").css({
- flex: "1",
- "background-color": "#cacaca",
- margin: "0 5px 5px 0",
- width: "calc((100% - 10px) / 2)",
- "min-width": "calc((100% - 10px) / 2)",
- "max-width": "calc((100% - 10px) / 2)",
- });
- $("#img_list>div>img").on("load", (e) => {
- drawImage(e.target, imgWidth, imgHeight);
- });
- }).observe(nodeToObserve, { childList: true });
- }
- if ($("input.search-query").length > 0) {
- debug("为搜索框后面添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮", "紳士漫畫");
- const $pasteAndSearchButton = $(
- `<button style="float:right;height:30px;">粘贴&搜索</button>`
- );
- $("#bodywrap").prepend($pasteAndSearchButton);
- $pasteAndSearchButton.on("click", () => {
- navigator.clipboard.readText().then((clipText) => {
- if (clipText != null && $.trim(clipText) != "") {
- $("[name=q]").val($.trim(clipText));
- $("#q-input > button").click();
- }
- });
- });
- }
- });
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // JAVLibrary github.com/javlibcom 会有最新的网址
- // 我们的入口 javlib.com zlibz.com link@zlibz.com
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute("JAVLibrary", $('head>title:contains("JAVLibrary")'), () => {
- // ---- 所有页面
- // 删除广告
- $(".socialmedia,#bottombanner13,#topbanner11,#sidebanner11").remove();
- $("#leftmenu>div>ul:nth-child(2)>li:nth-child(2)").remove();
- // 调节UI
- $("#content").css("padding-top", "10px");
- $("#toplogo").css("height", "50px");
- $("#toplogo").find('img[src*="logo-top"]').attr("height", "40");
- // 添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮
- const styleMap = {};
- $("#idsearchbutton")[0] &&
- $("#idsearchbutton")[0]
- .computedStyleMap()
- .forEach((value, key) => {
- styleMap[key] = value;
- });
- const $pasteAndSearchButton = $(
- `<input type="button" value="粘贴&搜索" id="pasteAndSearch"></input>`
- );
- $pasteAndSearchButton.css(styleMap);
- $pasteAndSearchButton.click(() => {
- navigator.clipboard.readText().then((clipText) => {
- if (clipText != null && $.trim(clipText) != "") {
- $("#idsearchbox").val(clipText);
- $("#idsearchbutton").click();
- }
- });
- });
- $("#idsearchbutton").parent().append($pasteAndSearchButton);
- // 添加 打开skrbt 连接
- $(".advsearch").append(
- `
- <a href="${skrbtUrl}"
- target="_blank"
- class="tianteng-search-anchor"
- title="打开后自动搜索剪贴板中的内容">打开skrbt</a>`
- );
- // 恢复原始url,删除重定向
- $.each($("a[href^='redirect.php?url']"), function (index, a) {
- var url = getQueryVariable(a, "url");
- a.href = decodeURIComponent(url);
- if (!a.href.startsWith("https")) {
- a.href = a.href.replace("http", "https");
- }
- a.text = a.text + " " + a.href + " ";
- if (a.href.includes("yimuhe")) {
- $(a)
- .parentsUntil("tr")
- .closest(".t")
- .css("background-color", "#6B6C83");
- a.style = "font-size:20px;";
- } else {
- a.style = "font-size:20px;";
- }
- });
- // ---- 详情页面
- if (/.*\?v=.*/.test(location.href)) {
- // 添加 复制车牌 按钮
- let chePai = document.querySelector(
- "#video_id > table > tbody > tr > td.text"
- ).innerText;
- let toAppendElement = document.querySelector(
- "#video_id > table > tbody > tr > td.text"
- );
- appendCopyButton(chePai, toAppendElement);
- // 添加 javbus中查询 链接
- let trTag = document.querySelector("#video_id > table > tbody > tr");
- let javdbQueryId = "javdbQueryId";
- trTag.innerHTML = [
- trTag.innerHTML,
- '<td><a id="',
- javdbQueryId,
- '"href="',
- javabusUrl,
- "/",
- chePai,
- '">javbus中查询</a></td>',
- ].join("");
- // 添加 用SkrBt搜索 链接
- $(trTag).append(`
- <td>
- <a
- class="tianteng-search-anchor"
- href="${skrbtUrl}/search?keyword=${chePai}"
- data-tianteng-keyword="${chePai}">
- 用SkrBt搜索
- </a>
- </td>
- `);
- // 删除名称中的链接,否则很容易误点,又不容易复制文字
- const videoTitleNode = document.querySelector("#video_title > h3 > a");
- if (videoTitleNode) {
- const videoTitle = videoTitleNode.getInnerHTML();
- videoTitleNode.parentNode.innerText = videoTitle;
- }
- }
- //
- $(".tianteng-search-anchor").on("click mouseup", function () {
- const keyword = $(this).data("tiantengKeyword");
- if (keyword) {
- GM_setValue("tiantengKeyword", keyword);
- }
- });
- });
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // javbus 永久域名:https://www.javbus.com 防屏蔽地址:https://www.fanbus.help
- // 防屏蔽地址:https://www.javsee.help 防屏蔽地址:https://www.buscdn.help
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute(
- "javbus",
- [
- $('head>title:contains("JavBus")'),
- // /genre/hd , /genre/sub
- $("body > nav > div > div.navbar-header.mh50 > a > img[alt='JavBus']"),
- // 论坛
- "#toptb.jav-nav",
- ],
- () => {
- // #region 所有页面
- debug("添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮", "javbus");
- const searchButton = $(
- "button[onclick=\"searchs('search-input')\"]:first"
- );
- const searchInput = $("#search-input:first");
- addPasteAndSearchButton(searchButton, searchInput);
- // 调整样式
- $(".nav>li>a").attr("style", "padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;");
- debug("添加 打开skrbt 链接", "javbus");
- //添加skrbt链接
- $(".nav-title.nav-inactive:last,ul.nav.navbar-nav:first").append(`
- <li class="hidden-md hidden-sm">
- <a href="${skrbtUrl}" target="_blank">打开skrbt</a>
- </li>
- `);
- debug("添加 打开今日新帖 按钮", "javbus");
- // function showTip(message) {
- // let tipBox = $("#tiantengTipBox");
- // if (tipBox.length === 0) {
- // const html = `
- // <div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissable alert-common text-center"
- // style="position:relative;">
- // <button type="button"
- // class="close"
- // style="position:absolute; right:8px; top:3px;"
- // data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
- // <strong id="tiantengTipBox"></strong>
- // </div>`;
- // // $("div.container-fluid>div.row").prepend(html);
- // $('nav').append(html);
- // $('#toptb').after(html);
- // }
- // tipBox = $("#tiantengTipBox");
- // tipBox.text(message);
- // }
- // showTip("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
- let todayNewButton = $(
- `<button id="tiantengNewButton"
- class="jav-button btn btn-default ld-ext-right"
- title="打开老司机福利讨论区的今日新帖,最多30个"
- style="margin-top:7px;">
- <span>打开今日新帖</span>
- <div class="ld ldld bare"
- style="width:1em;height:1em">
- </div>
- </button>`
- );
- const ldbuttonCss = GM_getResourceText("ldbutton");
- GM_addStyle(ldbuttonCss);
- const ldloaderCss = GM_getResourceText("ldloader");
- GM_addStyle(ldloaderCss);
- // prettier-ignore
- $(".nav-title.nav-inactive:last,ul.nav.navbar-nav:first")
- .append(todayNewButton);
- let ldloader = new ldLoader({ root: "#tiantengNewButton" });
- todayNewButton.click(function () {
- if (ldloader.running) {
- debug("正在加载数据,忽略点击...", "javbus");
- return;
- }
- ldloader.toggle();
- todayNewButton.attr("disabled", "true");
- const origin = location.origin;
- // 老司机福利讨论区
- const talkUrl = `${origin}/forum/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=2&filter=author&orderby=dateline&dateline=86400`;
- // 求福利带带我
- const askUrl = `${origin}/forum/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=36&filter=author&orderby=dateline&dateline=86400`;
- const now = new Date();
- // prettier-ignore
- const today = `${now.getFullYear()}-${now.getMonth() + 1}-${now.getDate()}`;
- async function getPostData(url, date, pageNum) {
- // pageNum= pageNum ?? 1;
- // url = url+'&page='+'pageNum'
- const r = await GM.xmlHttpRequest({
- url: url,
- headers: {
- Accept: `text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7`,
- "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
- "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9",
- "Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
- },
- }).catch((e) => {
- ldloader.off();
- todayNewButton.attr("disabled", false);
- console.error(e);
- debug(e,'javbus');
- alert('获取数据出现错误!!');
- });
- const data = $(r.responseXML);
- const result = [];
- $(".post_inforight", data).each(function (index) {
- const date = $("span.dateline>span", $(this)).attr("title");
- if (date === today) {
- let postUrl = $("a.s", $(this)).attr("href");
- result.push(`${origin}/forum/${postUrl}`);
- }
- });
- return result;
- }
- getPostData(talkUrl).then(function (urlArray) {
- if (urlArray.length === 0) {
- debug("没有新的帖子", "javbus");
- alert('没有新的帖子.');
- }
- $(urlArray).each(function () {
- GM_openInTab(this, true);
- });
- ldloader.off();
- todayNewButton.attr("disabled", false);
- });
- });
- // #endregion
- // #region 明细页面
- let chePaiNode = document.querySelector(
- "body > div.container > div.row.movie > div.col-md-3.info > p:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(2)"
- );
- if (chePaiNode) {
- debug("添加复制车牌号按钮", "javbus");
- const chePai = chePaiNode.innerText.trim();
- const toAppendElement = document.querySelector(
- "body > div.container > div.row.movie > div.col-md-3.info > p:nth-child(1)"
- );
- appendCopyButton(
- chePai,
- toAppendElement,
- (copyButton) =>
- (copyButton.className = "jav-button btn btn-default")
- );
- debug("删除磁力链接中的onclick事件", "javbus");
- setInterval(() => $("#magnet-table td").removeAttr("onclick"), 1000);
- debug("添加 在javlibrary中打开", "javabus");
- //https://www.y78k.com/cn/vl_searchbyid.php?keyword=SUJI-241
- const javLibLink = `<a href="${javLibUrl}/cn/vl_searchbyid.php?keyword=${chePai}">在javlib中打开</a>`;
- $(toAppendElement).append(javLibLink);
- }
- // #endregion
- // #region 论坛明细页面
- if (location.href.includes("mod=viewthread")) {
- // #region 调整样式
- debug("调整样式", "论坛明细页面");
- GM_addStyle(`
- #p_btn {
- padding:0;
- }
- .mtw {
- margin-top: 0px !important;
- }
- .mbm {
- margin-bottom: 10px !important;
- }
- .pi {
- overflow: hidden;
- margin-bottom: 0;
- padding: 0;
- height: 16px;
- border-bottom: 1px dashed #CDCDCD;
- }
- .pct {
- padding-bottom: 0;
- }
- .t_fsz {
- min-height: auto;
- }
- .nthread_postinfo {
- margin: 0 -16px;
- border-top: 10px solid #f5f5f5;
- padding: 10px 40px;
- }
- .pcb .cm .psth {
- margin-bottom: 0px;
- }
- .pcb .psth {
- width: 100%;
- font-size: 17px !important;
- line-height: 28px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #454545;
- background: none;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #CECECE;
- padding: 0;
- margin: 10px 0 0;
- }
- .pstl {
- clear: left;
- padding: 0em 0;
- }
- hin .pob {
- padding-bottom: 0px !important;
- }
- .plc{padding-top:14px}
- `);
- // #endregion
- // #region 为磁链添加按钮
- debug("为磁链添加按钮", "论坛明细页面");
- function toAlienMagnet(magnet, alien) {
- alien = alien ? alien : "-";
- let part1 = magnet.slice(0, 21);
- let part2 = magnet.slice(21);
- return `${part1}${alien}${part2}`;
- }
- function toNormalMagnet(magnet, alien) {
- alien = alien ? alien : "-";
- return magnet.replace(alien, "");
- }
- function getMagnetRegExp(alien) {
- if (alien) {
- return new RegExp(
- `(?:magnet:\\?xt=urn:btih:)?(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1}${alien}[0-9a-f]{39})|(?:[2-7a-zA-Z]${alien}[2-7a-zA-Z]{31}))`,
- "gim"
- );
- } else {
- return /(?:magnet:\?xt=urn:btih:)?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{40}|[2-7a-zA-Z]{32})/gim;
- }
- }
- function completeMagnet(magnet) {
- if (!magnet) {
- return magnet;
- }
- if (magnet.length === 32 || magnet.length === 40) {
- return `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:${magnet}`;
- }
- return magnet;
- }
- // 所有按钮的点击事件处理
- $(document).on(
- "click",
- 'button[class*="tianteng-button"]',
- function (e) {
- let button = $(e.target);
- let buttonType = button.data("tiantengButton");
- // 复制磁链
- if (buttonType === "copy") {
- let magnet = button.data("tiantengMagnet");
- GM.setClipboard(toNormalMagnet(magnet), "text");
- return;
- }
- // 打开磁链
- if (buttonType === "click") {
- let magnet = button.data("tiantengMagnet");
- setTimeout(() => window.open(toNormalMagnet(magnet)), 500);
- return;
- }
- // 复制所有磁链
- if (buttonType === "copyAll") {
- let postId = button.data("tiantengPostId");
- let magnets = "";
- $(`[data-tianteng-button="copy"]`, $(`#${postId}`)).each(
- function () {
- let magnet = $(this).data("tiantengMagnet");
- magnets = magnets + toNormalMagnet(magnet) + "\n";
- }
- );
- GM.setClipboard(magnets, "text");
- return;
- }
- // 打开所有磁链
- if (buttonType === "clickAll") {
- let postId = button.data("tiantengPostId");
- $(`[data-tianteng-button="copy"]`, $(`#${postId}`)).each(
- function () {
- let magnet = $(this).data("tiantengMagnet");
- magnet = toNormalMagnet(magnet);
- setTimeout(() => window.open(toNormalMagnet(magnet)), 500);
- }
- );
- return;
- }
- // 复制所有磁链(不含点评)
- if (buttonType === "copyAllNot") {
- let postId = button.data("tiantengPostMessageId");
- let magnets = "";
- $(`[data-tianteng-button="copy"]`, $(`#${postId}`)).each(
- function () {
- let magnet = $(this).data("tiantengMagnet");
- magnets = magnets + toNormalMagnet(magnet) + "\n";
- }
- );
- GM.setClipboard(magnets, "text");
- return;
- }
- // 打开所有磁链(不含点评)
- if (buttonType === "clickAllNot") {
- let postId = button.data("tiantengPostMessageId");
- $(`[data-tianteng-button="copy"]`, $(`#${postId}`)).each(
- function () {
- let magnet = $(this).data("tiantengMagnet");
- magnet = toNormalMagnet(magnet);
- setTimeout(() => window.open(toNormalMagnet(magnet)), 500);
- }
- );
- return;
- }
- }
- ); // end 所有按钮事件
- let magnetRegExp = getMagnetRegExp();
- // 先处理a标签元素中的磁链,加上标记
- $(`div[id^="post_"] a[href^="magnet:?xt=urn:btih:"]`).each(
- function () {
- let magnetAlien = completeMagnet($(this).attr("href"));
- magnetAlien = toAlienMagnet(magnetAlien);
- // $(this).data('tiantengStatus','@');
- let html = this.outerHTML.replace(
- magnetRegExp,
- (match, offset, str) =>
- toAlienMagnet(completeMagnet(match), "@")
- );
- html = html.replace("href", `data-tianteng-status="ok" href`);
- html = `${html}
- <button style="margin:0;padding:3px;"
- class="jav-button tianteng-button"
- data-tianteng-button="copy"
- data-tianteng-magnet="${magnetAlien}"
- type="button">复制磁链
- </button>
- <button style="margin:0;padding:3px;"
- class="jav-button tianteng-button"
- data-tianteng-button="click"
- data-tianteng-magnet="${magnetAlien}"
- type="button">打开磁链
- </button>`;
- this.outerHTML = html;
- }
- );
- // 再处理所有文本节点,加上标记
- $('div[id^="post_"]').each(function () {
- const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(
- this,
- NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT
- );
- while (treeWalker.nextNode()) {
- const node = treeWalker.currentNode;
- if (node.nodeValue && magnetRegExp.test(node.nodeValue)) {
- node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(
- magnetRegExp,
- (match, offset, str) =>
- toAlienMagnet(completeMagnet(match), "tianteng")
- );
- }
- }
- });
- // 去除标记
- $('div[id^="post_"]').each(function () {
- // 去除文本节点中磁链的标记
- let magnetAlienRegExp = getMagnetRegExp("tianteng");
- let html = this.innerHTML;
- html = html.replace(magnetAlienRegExp, function (match) {
- match = toNormalMagnet(match, "tianteng");
- let magnetAlien = toAlienMagnet(match);
- return `
- <a href="${match}" data-tianteng-status="ok">${match}</a>
- <button style="margin:0;padding:3px;"
- class="jav-button tianteng-button"
- data-tianteng-button="copy"
- data-tianteng-magnet="${magnetAlien}"
- type="button">复制磁链
- </button>
- <button style="margin:0;padding:3px;"
- class="jav-button tianteng-button"
- data-tianteng-button="click"
- data-tianteng-magnet="${magnetAlien}"
- type="button">打开磁链
- </button>`;
- });
- // 去除A标签中磁链的标记
- magnetAlienRegExp = getMagnetRegExp("@");
- html = html.replace(magnetAlienRegExp, function (match) {
- return toNormalMagnet(match, "@");
- });
- this.innerHTML = html;
- const postId = $(this).attr("id");
- const id = postId.replace("post_", "");
- const postMessageId = `postmessage_${id}`;
- // 添加 4个 "所有" 按钮,在每个回复的开头和结尾,共8个
- if (
- $(`[data-tianteng-button="copy"]`, $(`#${postId}`)).length > 0
- ) {
- let allButtonHtml = `
- <button style="margin:0;padding:5px;"
- class="jav-button tianteng-button"
- data-tianteng-button="copyAll"
- data-tianteng-post-id="${postId}"
- data-tianteng-post-message-id="${postMessageId}"
- type="button">复制所有磁链
- </button>
- <button style="margin:0;padding:5px;"
- class="jav-button tianteng-button"
- data-tianteng-button="clickAll"
- data-tianteng-post-id="${postId}"
- data-tianteng-post-message-id="${postMessageId}"
- type="button">打开所有磁链
- </button>
- <button style="margin:0;padding:5px;margin-left:10px;"
- class="jav-button tianteng-button"
- data-tianteng-button="copyAllNot"
- data-tianteng-post-id="${postId}"
- data-tianteng-post-message-id="${postMessageId}"
- type="button">复制所有磁链(不含点评)
- </button>
- <button style="margin:0;padding:5px;"
- class="jav-button tianteng-button"
- data-tianteng-button="clickAllNot"
- data-tianteng-post-id="${postId}"
- data-tianteng-post-message-id="${postMessageId}"
- type="button">打开所有磁链(不含点评)
- </button>`;
- $(`#${postMessageId}`).prepend(allButtonHtml + "<br><br>");
- $(`#${postMessageId}`).append("<br><br>" + allButtonHtml);
- }
- });
- // 自动分页插件兼容
- const nodeToObserve =
- document.querySelectorAll(".nthread_postbox")[14];
- new MutationObserver((mutationRecords, observer) => {
- // $('div[id^="post_"]').each(function () {
- // if ($(this).data("tiantengStatus") !== "ok") {
- // handleMagnet();
- // }
- // });
- }).observe(nodeToObserve, { childList: true });
- // #endregion
- } // end if 论坛明细页面
- // # endregion
- } // end callback
- );
- // #region BT搜索网站
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // BTSOW https://btsow.motorcycles https://btsow.com
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute("btsow", $('head>title:contains("BTSOW")'), () => {
- function allPages() {
- const form = $("form.fullsearch-form");
- form.each(function () {
- const me = $(this);
- if ($(".tianteng-paste-search", me).length === 0) {
- const searchButton = $(`:submit`, me);
- const pasteAndSearchButton = $(`
- <button type="button" class="btn btn-default tianteng-paste-search">
- 粘贴&搜索
- </button>`);
- searchButton.after(pasteAndSearchButton);
- }
- });
- }
- function searchPage() {
- if (location.pathname.startsWith("/search")) {
- debug("添加 复制磁链,打开磁链 按钮", "btsow-搜索结果列表");
- let buttonsHtml = `
- <button class="btn btn-danger copy" type="button">复制磁链</button>
- <button class="btn btn-danger click" type="button">打开磁链</button>`;
- $("div.data-list>div.row>a>div.file").each((index, el) => {
- if ($(el).find("button.copy").length === 0) {
- $(el).append(buttonsHtml);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- debug("添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮", "btsow-所有页面");
- allPages();
- $(document).on("click", "button.tianteng-paste-search", function (e) {
- const me = $(this);
- navigator.clipboard.readText().then((text) => {
- if (text != null && $.trim(text) != "") {
- me.parent().prev().val($.trim(text));
- me.parentsUntil(".container")[2].submit();
- }
- });
- });
- searchPage();
- if (location.pathname.startsWith("/search")) {
- debug("添加 复制磁链,打开磁链 按钮", "btsow-搜索结果列表");
- $(document).on("click", "button.copy, button.click", function (e) {
- let magnet = $(this).parent().parent().attr("href").split("/")[6];
- magnet = `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:${magnet}`;
- if ($(this).attr("class").includes("copy")) {
- GM_setClipboard(magnet, "text", () => debug("ok"));
- } else if ($(this).attr("class").includes("click")) {
- GM_openInTab(magnet);
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- }
- // 自动分页插件兼容
- const nodeToObserve = document.querySelector("body");
- new MutationObserver((mutationRecords, observer) => {
- allPages();
- searchPage();
- }).observe(nodeToObserve, { childList: true });
- });
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // skrbt https://skrbtqx.top 永久地址: skrfabu.top skrso.link
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute("skrbt", $(`head>link[rel='shortcut icon'][href*='skrbt']`), () => {
- debug("添加 粘贴&搜索 按钮", "skrbt");
- const $searchButton = $("button.search-btn");
- const $searchInput = $(`input.search-input[name='keyword']`);
- const $pasteAndSearchButton = addPasteAndSearchButton(
- $searchButton,
- $searchInput
- );
- // 调整'粘贴&搜索'按钮样式
- $pasteAndSearchButton.removeAttr("style");
- $pasteAndSearchButton.css("margin-left", "3px");
- $pasteAndSearchButton.attr("class", $searchButton.attr("class"));
- // 通过别的网站直接访问,比如(https://skrbtqx.top/search?keyword=abp133),会直接跳转到首页
- // 解决办法,在别的地方进来之前,先把要查询的关键字保存起来,然后进入到skrbt后获取,赋值到输入框,然后查询.
- // 如果,在skrbt首页中没有找到保存的关键字,就从剪贴板获取.
- // 如果,剪贴板没有任何内容,则啥也不做.
- if (location.pathname === "/") {
- const keyword = GM_getValue("tiantengKeyword", null);
- if (keyword) {
- debug("搜索存储的内容", "skrbt-首页");
- GM_deleteValue("tiantengKeyword");
- $searchInput.val(keyword);
- $searchButton.click();
- } else {
- debug("搜索剪贴板中的内容", "skrbt-首页");
- $pasteAndSearchButton.click();
- }
- }
- debug("删除广告", "skrbt");
- // 删除广告
- function removeAd() {
- const $container = $(".col-md-6:eq(2)");
- $container.remove(".label.label-primary");
- $container
- .find('a.rrt.common-link[href^="http"]')
- .parent()
- .parent()
- .remove();
- }
- removeAd();
- // 搜索结果列表页面
- if (location.href.includes("search")) {
- debug("添加 复制磁链和打开磁链 按钮", "skrbt-搜索结果列表页面");
- let buttonsHtml = `
- <span class="rrmiv"><button class="btn btn-danger copy" type="button">复制磁链</button></span>
- <span class="rrmiv"><button class="btn btn-danger click" type="button">打开磁链</button></span>`;
- addButtonsForSkrbt(buttonsHtml, $(".col-md-6:eq(2)"), (el) => {
- const classValue = $(el).attr("class");
- if (classValue && classValue.includes("copy")) {
- return "copy";
- }
- if (classValue && classValue.includes("click")) {
- return "click";
- }
- return "other";
- });
- // 自动分页插件兼容,删除广告
- const nodeToObserve = document.querySelectorAll(".col-md-6")[2];
- new MutationObserver((mutationRecords, observer) => {
- $("a.rrt.common-link").each((index, el) => {
- if ($(el).parent().find(".btn.btn-danger.copy").length === 0) {
- $(el).after(buttonsHtml);
- }
- });
- removeAd();
- }).observe(nodeToObserve, { childList: true });
- } // end if
- });
- // #endregion
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 知乎
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute("知乎", /zhihu\.com/, () => {
- const searchButton = $(`button[class*="SearchBar-searchButton"]`);
- const searchInput = $(`#Popover1-toggle`);
- addPasteAndSearchButton(searchButton, searchInput);
- });
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 百度
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- execute("百度", /baidu\.com/, () => {
- const searchButton = $(`#su`);
- const searchInput = $(`#kw`);
- addPasteAndSearchButton(searchButton, searchInput);
- });
- });
- // #endregion
- // #region 公共方法
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 公共方法
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function execute(title, condition, callback) {
- if (checkCondition(condition) === true) {
- if (callback) {
- debug(condition.toString(), title);
- callback(title, condition);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {RegExp|Function|Boolean|String|jQuery} condition
- * @returns {Boolean}
- */
- function checkCondition(condition) {
- if ($.type(condition) === "regexp") {
- return condition.test(window.location.href);
- }
- if ($.isFunction(condition)) {
- return condition() === true;
- }
- if ($.type(condition) === "boolean") {
- return condition === true;
- }
- if ($.type(condition) === "string") {
- return document.querySelector(condition) != null;
- }
- if (condition instanceof jQuery) {
- return condition.length > 0;
- }
- if ($.isArray(condition)) {
- for (let c of condition) {
- if (checkCondition(c)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function addPasteAndSearchButton($searchButton, $searchInput, callback) {
- const styleMap = { "margin-left": "5px" };
- $searchButton[0] &&
- $searchButton[0].computedStyleMap().forEach((value, key) => {
- styleMap[key] = value;
- });
- let $pasteAndSearchButton = $(
- `<input type="button" value="粘贴&搜索" id="pasteAndSearch"></input>`
- );
- $pasteAndSearchButton.css(styleMap);
- $searchButton.after($pasteAndSearchButton);
- $pasteAndSearchButton.click(() => {
- navigator.clipboard.readText().then((clipText) => {
- if (clipText != null && $.trim(clipText) != "") {
- $searchInput.val($.trim(clipText));
- $searchButton.click();
- }
- });
- });
- callback && callback($searchButton, $searchInput, $pasteAndSearchButton);
- return $pasteAndSearchButton;
- }
- function addPasteAndSearchButton1(
- searchButton,
- searchInput,
- pasteSearchButton
- ) {
- const styleMap = { "margin-left": "5px" };
- $searchButton[0] &&
- $searchButton[0].computedStyleMap().forEach((value, key) => {
- styleMap[key] = value;
- });
- let $pasteAndSearchButton = $(
- `<input type="button" value="粘贴&搜索" id="pasteAndSearch"></input>`
- );
- $pasteAndSearchButton.css(styleMap);
- $searchButton.after($pasteAndSearchButton);
- $pasteAndSearchButton.click(() => {
- navigator.clipboard.readText().then((clipText) => {
- if (clipText != null && $.trim(clipText) != "") {
- $searchInput.val($.trim(clipText));
- $searchButton.click();
- }
- });
- });
- callback && callback($searchButton, $searchInput, $pasteAndSearchButton);
- return $pasteAndSearchButton;
- }
- function appendCopyButton(chePai, toAppendElement, callback) {
- var copyButton = document.createElement("button");
- copyButton.innerHTML = "复 制";
- copyButton.setAttribute("id", "copyButton");
- toAppendElement.appendChild(copyButton);
- document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
- if (e.target.getAttribute("id") === "copyButton") {
- GM.setClipboard(chePai, "text");
- }
- });
- callback && callback(copyButton, chePai, toAppendElement);
- }
- function debug(str, title) {
- if (enableDebug) {
- if (!str) {
- str = "";
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(str)) {
- str = [str];
- }
- seq++;
- console.log(
- `%c【tianteng ${GM_info.script.version}】 ${title ? title : "debug"}:`,
- "color: yellow;font-size: large;font-weight: bold;background-color: darkblue;",
- seq,
- ...str
- );
- }
- }
- function isNativeCode(obj) {
- const nativeCodeTag = "[native code]";
- return obj && obj.toString && obj.toString().includes(nativeCodeTag);
- }
- function getQueryVariable(anchor, variable) {
- var query = anchor.search.substring(1);
- var vars = query.split("&");
- for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
- var pair = vars[i].split("=");
- if (pair[0] == variable) {
- return pair[1];
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * 图片按宽高比例进行自动缩放
- * @param ImgObj
- * 缩放图片源对象
- * @param maxWidth
- * 允许缩放的最大宽度
- * @param maxHeight
- * 允许缩放的最大高度
- * @usage
- * 调用:<img src="图片" onload="javascript:drawImage(this,300,200)">
- */
- function drawImage(ImgObj, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
- var image = new Image();
- //原图片原始地址(用于获取原图片的真实宽高,当<img>标签指定了宽、高时不受影响)
- image.src = ImgObj.src;
- // 用于设定图片的宽度和高度
- var tempWidth;
- var tempHeight;
- if (image.width > 0 && image.height > 0) {
- //原图片宽高比例 大于 指定的宽高比例,这就说明了原图片的宽度必然 > 高度
- if (image.width / image.height >= maxWidth / maxHeight) {
- if (image.width > maxWidth) {
- tempWidth = maxWidth;
- // 按原图片的比例进行缩放
- tempHeight = (image.height * maxWidth) / image.width;
- } else {
- // 按原图片的大小进行缩放
- tempWidth = image.width;
- tempHeight = image.height;
- }
- } else {
- // 原图片的高度必然 > 宽度
- if (image.height > maxHeight) {
- tempHeight = maxHeight;
- // 按原图片的比例进行缩放
- tempWidth = (image.width * maxHeight) / image.height;
- } else {
- // 按原图片的大小进行缩放
- tempWidth = image.width;
- tempHeight = image.height;
- }
- }
- // 设置页面图片的宽和高
- ImgObj.height = tempHeight;
- ImgObj.width = tempWidth;
- // 提示图片的原来大小
- ImgObj.alt = image.width + "×" + image.height;
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {EventTarget|NodeList|Array|jQuery} elements
- * @param {undefined|null|String|Array} events
- */
- function removeEvents(elements, events) {
- if (!elements) return;
- if (elements instanceof EventTarget) {
- elements = [elements];
- }
- if (elements instanceof jQuery) {
- elements = elements.toArray();
- }
- if (!events) {
- elements.forEach((element) => {
- for (let t in element) {
- if (t.startsWith("on") && element[t] != null) {
- element[t] = null;
- console.log("cleanup removed listener from " + element.nodeName, t);
- }
- }
- for (let t of element.allListeners || []) {
- element.removeEventListener(t.type, t.callback, t.options);
- console.log(
- "cleanup removed listener from " + element.nodeName,
- t.type
- );
- }
- element.allListeners = [];
- });
- } else {
- if (typeof events === "string") {
- events = [events];
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(events)) {
- return;
- }
- events.forEach((event) => {
- const onEvent = "on" + event;
- elements.forEach((element) => {
- for (let t in element) {
- if (t.startsWith(onEvent) && element[t] != null) {
- element[t] = null;
- console.log(
- "cleanup removed listener from " + element.nodeName,
- t
- );
- }
- }
- // const toRemoved = [];
- element.allListeners = element.allListeners || [];
- let allListenersNew;
- element.allListeners.forEach((t, i) => {
- if (t.type === event) {
- element.removeEventListener(t.type, t.callback, t.options);
- allListenersNew = element.allListeners.slice(i, 1);
- // toRemoved.push(i);
- console.log(
- "cleanup removed listener from " + element.nodeName,
- t.type
- );
- }
- });
- // toRemoved.forEach((item, index) => {
- // element.allListeners = element.allListeners.slice(item, 1);
- // });
- if (allListenersNew) {
- element.allListeners = allListenersNew;
- }
- });
- });
- }
- }
- function addButtonsForSkrbt(
- buttonsHtml,
- delegateElement,
- buttonTypeCallback
- ) {
- delegateElement.find("a.rrt.common-link").after(buttonsHtml);
- delegateElement.click((event) => {
- const buttonType = buttonTypeCallback(event.target);
- if ("copy" !== buttonType && "click" !== buttonType) {
- return;
- }
- let liNode = $(event.target).parent().parent();
- const exeButtonClick = () => {
- if ("copy" === buttonType) {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(liNode.find(".magnet").attr("href"));
- } else {
- // liNode.find('.magnet').trigger('click'); //不好使
- liNode.find(".magnet")[0].click();
- }
- };
- if (liNode.find(".magnet").length != 0) {
- // 磁链已经添加过
- exeButtonClick();
- return;
- }
- let detailUrl = liNode.find("a.rrt.common-link").attr("href");
- detailUrl = `${skrbtUrl}${detailUrl}`;
- $.get(detailUrl, function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
- liNode.find("#errorTip").remove();
- //成功后在页面添加磁链
- const magnet = $(data).find("#magnet").attr("href");
- if (magnet) {
- const aHtml =
- '<a class="magnet" href="' + magnet + '">' + magnet + "</a>";
- liNode.append(aHtml);
- exeButtonClick();
- } else {
- liNode.append(
- '<span id="errorTip">1.获取磁链失败,等会儿再试一试! 若仍然有问题请刷新网页.</span>'
- );
- }
- }).fail(function (e) {
- //失败后在页面提示
- liNode.append(
- '<span id="errorTip">2.获取磁链失败,等会儿再试一试! 若仍然有问题请刷新网页.</span>'
- );
- console.log(e);
- });
- });
- }
- // #endregion
- })();