E-Hentai & ExHentai Fade or hide viewed galleries and tag hider

Fade or hide viewed galleries and hide flagged tags on e-hentai and exhentai

As of 17.12.2017. See ბოლო ვერსია.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        E-Hentai & ExHentai Fade or hide viewed galleries and tag hider
// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/users/25356
// @description Fade or hide viewed galleries and hide flagged tags on e-hentai and exhentai
// @version     3

// @include     https://exhentai.org/*
// @include     https://e-hentai.org/*

// @grant		GM_getValue
// @grant		GM_setValue

// @run-at 		document-start

// @require		https://code.jquery.com/jquery-git.min.js
// @author      CoLdAsIcE
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    var $hideGal = GM_getValue("EHXFade_hidevisited", false);
    var $viewedCounter = 0;

    function isGalVisited(gid) {

        var $md = GM_getValue("g_" + gid, 0);
        if ($md == 1) {
            return true;
        return false;

    function visitGal(gid) {

        if (!isGalVisited(gid)) {
            GM_setValue("g_" + gid, 1);

    function saveViewedGal() {

        if (document.URL.match(/^https:\/\/(e-|e[^-])hentai\.org\/g\/.*$/)) { //gallery case
            //record visited galleries to local DB
            var $gal_idx = document.URL.match(/^https:\/\/(?:e-|e[^-])hentai\.org\/g\/(\d*)\/.*$/);

            if (!isNaN($gal_idx[1])) {

                var gal_id = parseInt($gal_idx[1], 10);

    function fadeThumb($tag) {

        var $p = $tag.closest('.id1'); //also fade title in gallery

        var $alpha = parseFloat(0.2);
        if (isNaN($alpha))
            $alpha = '0.2';

        $p.css('opacity', $alpha);

            function () {
                $(this).stop().fadeTo('fast', 1);
            function () {
                $(this).stop().fadeTo('fast', $alpha);

    function fadeViewedGal() {
        $('.itg > div.id1').each(function (ix) {
            $(this).find(".id44").each(function (index) {
                if (document.URL.match(/^https:\/\/(e-|e[^-])hentai\.org\/(?!s).*$/) && self == top) { //search / index case, exclude iframe
                    var $tagContainer = $(this);
                    var $gallery = $(this).closest('.id1');

                    var $gal_href = $tagContainer.closest('.id1').find('div.id2 a').first().attr('href');

                    var $gal_idx = $gal_href.match(/^https:\/\/(?:e-|e[^-])hentai\.org\/g\/(\d*)\/.*$/);

                    if (!isNaN($gal_idx[1])) {
                        var gal_id = parseInt($gal_idx[1], 10);
                        if (isGalVisited(gal_id)) {

                            if ($hideGal == false) {
                            } else {

    function removeBadTags() {
        $('.itg > div.id1').each(function (ix) {

            var $blankGif = $(this).find(".id3 img").attr('src');
            var $image = $(this);
            if ($blankGif == "https://exhentai.org/img/blank.gif") {

    function css() {
        $('<style type="text/css">' +
            'div.hideGal {width:65px; height:auto; position:fixed; margin-left:-76px; background-color:#4F535B; color:skyblue;border: 1px solid #000000; z-index: 10; cursor:pointer; }' +
            'div.hideGal div.tab { margin:6px; }' +
            'div.id2 a:visited, div.id2 a:visited span, .vx a:visited, .vx a:visited span  {font-weight:normal; color:#4b90eb !important; }' +

    function hideVisitedGal() {
        //add a hide gallery tab
        if (!$hideGal) {
            $('div.ido').prepend('<div class="hideGal"><div class="tab" id="toggleseen"><center><span id="hideShow">Hide</span> - <span id="viewed">0</span></center></div></div>');
        } else {
            $('div.ido').prepend('<div class="hideGal"><div class="tab" id="toggleseen"><center><span id="hideShow">Show</span> - <span id="viewed">0</span></center></div></div>');

        //hide or show gallery
        $('#toggleseen').parent().click(function (e) {

            $hideGal = !$hideGal;

            GM_setValue("EHXFade_hidevisited", $hideGal);

            if ($hideGal) {
            } else {



    function applyChanges() {

    function runEHXFade() {



    addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', runEHXFade, false);