ehx direct download

direct download archive from list / sort gallery (in current page) / show full title in pure text

As of 27.11.2020. See ბოლო ვერსია.

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გამოყენებს მათ

only work in Thumbnail mode
add button for each gallery in list view to use archive download directly
because there is a limit on how many requests you can send at once
this need some time to process
click button to enable it (pervent too many requests)

v0.53 add more sort option

example: (aaaaaaaa) [bbbbbbbb] cccccccc (dddddddd)
Sort By Title (ignore Prefix/Group/Circle/Artist) => cccccccc (dddddddd)
Sort By Title (ignore Prefix) => [bbbbbbbb] cccccccc (dddddddd)
Sort By Title → (aaaaaaaa) [bbbbbbbb] cccccccc (dddddddd)

v0.51: after enable archive download
you can sort gallery (current page)
show gallery's torrent title list in pure text

make all gallery link open in new tab (pervent click on accident)

check every few seconds that is gallery (current page) downloaded or not and change button status

v0.43: now it will update the list when you click archive download in gallery page
add new features when click archive download in list view:
1.send a request to server as you visited the gallery (not sure if this count)
2.add gallery link to history (HTML5 API)
make it trigger visited css style

v0.35: list limit up to 10000

v0.32: switch from cookie to Tampermonkey API storage
if you use any [v0.30] or [v0.31] or you got [400 Bad request]
use cookie editor like EditThisCookie to remove all "exhddl_list"

v0.30: now it save recent downloaded gallerys in a list and set button as downloaded if it in the list
the number of the list can save is about 450
if reach the limit, it will delete the oldest data until lower the limit

Most of the updates will be on github