- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 91-plus
- // @namespace jiuyi
- // @version 17
- // @author uh58fg
- // @description 多线程下载91porn视频,跳过广告,清除页面广告。
- // @license WTFPL
- // @icon https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20181221195058594.gif
- // @match *91porn.com/view_video.php?*
- // @match *91porn.com/index.php
- // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/hls.js/8.0.0-beta.3/hls.min.js
- // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/dplayer/1.26.0/DPlayer.min.js
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/466106-91-plus-mux-mp4/code/91-plus-mux-mp4.js?version=1189391
- // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/vue/3.2.47/vue.runtime.global.prod.min.js
- // @grant window.close
- // ==/UserScript==
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- (function (vue) {
- 'use strict';
- var _monkeyWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => window)();
- const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
- const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
- for (const [key, val] of props) {
- target[key] = val;
- }
- return target;
- };
- function removePadding(buffer) {
- const outputBytes = buffer.byteLength;
- const paddingBytes = outputBytes && new DataView(buffer).getUint8(outputBytes - 1);
- if (paddingBytes) {
- return buffer.slice(0, outputBytes - paddingBytes);
- } else {
- return buffer;
- }
- }
- function AESDecryptor() {
- return {
- constructor() {
- this.rcon = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54];
- this.subMix = [new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256)];
- this.invSubMix = [new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256), new Uint32Array(256)];
- this.sBox = new Uint32Array(256);
- this.invSBox = new Uint32Array(256);
- this.key = new Uint32Array(0);
- this.initTable();
- },
- // Using view.getUint32() also swaps the byte order.
- uint8ArrayToUint32Array_(arrayBuffer) {
- let view = new DataView(arrayBuffer);
- let newArray = new Uint32Array(4);
- for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- newArray[i] = view.getUint32(i * 4);
- }
- return newArray;
- },
- initTable() {
- let sBox = this.sBox;
- let invSBox = this.invSBox;
- let subMix = this.subMix;
- let subMix0 = subMix[0];
- let subMix1 = subMix[1];
- let subMix2 = subMix[2];
- let subMix3 = subMix[3];
- let invSubMix = this.invSubMix;
- let invSubMix0 = invSubMix[0];
- let invSubMix1 = invSubMix[1];
- let invSubMix2 = invSubMix[2];
- let invSubMix3 = invSubMix[3];
- let d = new Uint32Array(256);
- let x = 0;
- let xi = 0;
- let i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- if (i < 128) {
- d[i] = i << 1;
- } else {
- d[i] = i << 1 ^ 283;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- let sx = xi ^ xi << 1 ^ xi << 2 ^ xi << 3 ^ xi << 4;
- sx = sx >>> 8 ^ sx & 255 ^ 99;
- sBox[x] = sx;
- invSBox[sx] = x;
- let x2 = d[x];
- let x4 = d[x2];
- let x8 = d[x4];
- let t = d[sx] * 257 ^ sx * 16843008;
- subMix0[x] = t << 24 | t >>> 8;
- subMix1[x] = t << 16 | t >>> 16;
- subMix2[x] = t << 8 | t >>> 24;
- subMix3[x] = t;
- t = x8 * 16843009 ^ x4 * 65537 ^ x2 * 257 ^ x * 16843008;
- invSubMix0[sx] = t << 24 | t >>> 8;
- invSubMix1[sx] = t << 16 | t >>> 16;
- invSubMix2[sx] = t << 8 | t >>> 24;
- invSubMix3[sx] = t;
- if (!x) {
- x = xi = 1;
- } else {
- x = x2 ^ d[d[d[x8 ^ x2]]];
- xi ^= d[d[xi]];
- }
- }
- },
- expandKey(keyBuffer) {
- let key = this.uint8ArrayToUint32Array_(keyBuffer);
- let sameKey = true;
- let offset = 0;
- while (offset < key.length && sameKey) {
- sameKey = key[offset] === this.key[offset];
- offset++;
- }
- if (sameKey) {
- return;
- }
- this.key = key;
- let keySize = this.keySize = key.length;
- if (keySize !== 4 && keySize !== 6 && keySize !== 8) {
- throw new Error("Invalid aes key size=" + keySize);
- }
- let ksRows = this.ksRows = (keySize + 6 + 1) * 4;
- let ksRow;
- let invKsRow;
- let keySchedule = this.keySchedule = new Uint32Array(ksRows);
- let invKeySchedule = this.invKeySchedule = new Uint32Array(ksRows);
- let sbox = this.sBox;
- let rcon = this.rcon;
- let invSubMix = this.invSubMix;
- let invSubMix0 = invSubMix[0];
- let invSubMix1 = invSubMix[1];
- let invSubMix2 = invSubMix[2];
- let invSubMix3 = invSubMix[3];
- let prev;
- let t;
- for (ksRow = 0; ksRow < ksRows; ksRow++) {
- if (ksRow < keySize) {
- prev = keySchedule[ksRow] = key[ksRow];
- continue;
- }
- t = prev;
- if (ksRow % keySize === 0) {
- t = t << 8 | t >>> 24;
- t = sbox[t >>> 24] << 24 | sbox[t >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | sbox[t >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | sbox[t & 255];
- t ^= rcon[ksRow / keySize | 0] << 24;
- } else if (keySize > 6 && ksRow % keySize === 4) {
- t = sbox[t >>> 24] << 24 | sbox[t >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | sbox[t >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | sbox[t & 255];
- }
- keySchedule[ksRow] = prev = (keySchedule[ksRow - keySize] ^ t) >>> 0;
- }
- for (invKsRow = 0; invKsRow < ksRows; invKsRow++) {
- ksRow = ksRows - invKsRow;
- if (invKsRow & 3) {
- t = keySchedule[ksRow];
- } else {
- t = keySchedule[ksRow - 4];
- }
- if (invKsRow < 4 || ksRow <= 4) {
- invKeySchedule[invKsRow] = t;
- } else {
- invKeySchedule[invKsRow] = invSubMix0[sbox[t >>> 24]] ^ invSubMix1[sbox[t >>> 16 & 255]] ^ invSubMix2[sbox[t >>> 8 & 255]] ^ invSubMix3[sbox[t & 255]];
- }
- invKeySchedule[invKsRow] = invKeySchedule[invKsRow] >>> 0;
- }
- },
- // Adding this as a method greatly improves performance.
- networkToHostOrderSwap(word) {
- return word << 24 | (word & 65280) << 8 | (word & 16711680) >> 8 | word >>> 24;
- },
- decrypt(inputArrayBuffer, offset, aesIV, removePKCS7Padding) {
- let nRounds = this.keySize + 6;
- let invKeySchedule = this.invKeySchedule;
- let invSBOX = this.invSBox;
- let invSubMix = this.invSubMix;
- let invSubMix0 = invSubMix[0];
- let invSubMix1 = invSubMix[1];
- let invSubMix2 = invSubMix[2];
- let invSubMix3 = invSubMix[3];
- let initVector = this.uint8ArrayToUint32Array_(aesIV);
- let initVector0 = initVector[0];
- let initVector1 = initVector[1];
- let initVector2 = initVector[2];
- let initVector3 = initVector[3];
- let inputInt32 = new Int32Array(inputArrayBuffer);
- let outputInt32 = new Int32Array(inputInt32.length);
- let t0, t1, t2, t3;
- let s0, s1, s2, s3;
- let inputWords0, inputWords1, inputWords2, inputWords3;
- let ksRow, i;
- let swapWord = this.networkToHostOrderSwap;
- while (offset < inputInt32.length) {
- inputWords0 = swapWord(inputInt32[offset]);
- inputWords1 = swapWord(inputInt32[offset + 1]);
- inputWords2 = swapWord(inputInt32[offset + 2]);
- inputWords3 = swapWord(inputInt32[offset + 3]);
- s0 = inputWords0 ^ invKeySchedule[0];
- s1 = inputWords3 ^ invKeySchedule[1];
- s2 = inputWords2 ^ invKeySchedule[2];
- s3 = inputWords1 ^ invKeySchedule[3];
- ksRow = 4;
- for (i = 1; i < nRounds; i++) {
- t0 = invSubMix0[s0 >>> 24] ^ invSubMix1[s1 >> 16 & 255] ^ invSubMix2[s2 >> 8 & 255] ^ invSubMix3[s3 & 255] ^ invKeySchedule[ksRow];
- t1 = invSubMix0[s1 >>> 24] ^ invSubMix1[s2 >> 16 & 255] ^ invSubMix2[s3 >> 8 & 255] ^ invSubMix3[s0 & 255] ^ invKeySchedule[ksRow + 1];
- t2 = invSubMix0[s2 >>> 24] ^ invSubMix1[s3 >> 16 & 255] ^ invSubMix2[s0 >> 8 & 255] ^ invSubMix3[s1 & 255] ^ invKeySchedule[ksRow + 2];
- t3 = invSubMix0[s3 >>> 24] ^ invSubMix1[s0 >> 16 & 255] ^ invSubMix2[s1 >> 8 & 255] ^ invSubMix3[s2 & 255] ^ invKeySchedule[ksRow + 3];
- s0 = t0;
- s1 = t1;
- s2 = t2;
- s3 = t3;
- ksRow = ksRow + 4;
- }
- t0 = invSBOX[s0 >>> 24] << 24 ^ invSBOX[s1 >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ invSBOX[s2 >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ invSBOX[s3 & 255] ^ invKeySchedule[ksRow];
- t1 = invSBOX[s1 >>> 24] << 24 ^ invSBOX[s2 >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ invSBOX[s3 >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ invSBOX[s0 & 255] ^ invKeySchedule[ksRow + 1];
- t2 = invSBOX[s2 >>> 24] << 24 ^ invSBOX[s3 >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ invSBOX[s0 >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ invSBOX[s1 & 255] ^ invKeySchedule[ksRow + 2];
- t3 = invSBOX[s3 >>> 24] << 24 ^ invSBOX[s0 >> 16 & 255] << 16 ^ invSBOX[s1 >> 8 & 255] << 8 ^ invSBOX[s2 & 255] ^ invKeySchedule[ksRow + 3];
- ksRow = ksRow + 3;
- outputInt32[offset] = swapWord(t0 ^ initVector0);
- outputInt32[offset + 1] = swapWord(t3 ^ initVector1);
- outputInt32[offset + 2] = swapWord(t2 ^ initVector2);
- outputInt32[offset + 3] = swapWord(t1 ^ initVector3);
- initVector0 = inputWords0;
- initVector1 = inputWords1;
- initVector2 = inputWords2;
- initVector3 = inputWords3;
- offset = offset + 4;
- }
- return removePKCS7Padding ? removePadding(outputInt32.buffer) : outputInt32.buffer;
- },
- destroy() {
- this.key = void 0;
- this.keySize = void 0;
- this.ksRows = void 0;
- this.sBox = void 0;
- this.invSBox = void 0;
- this.subMix = void 0;
- this.invSubMix = void 0;
- this.keySchedule = void 0;
- this.invKeySchedule = void 0;
- this.rcon = void 0;
- }
- };
- }
- const _sfc_main$2 = {
- name: "downloader",
- props: {
- url: "",
- title: ""
- },
- data() {
- return {
- conf: {
- autoDownload: true,
- autoSave: true,
- autoClose: false
- },
- show: false,
- tips: "m3u8 视频在线提取工具",
- // 顶部提示
- isPause: false,
- // 是否暂停下载
- isGetMP4: false,
- // 是否转码为 MP4 下载
- durationSecond: 0,
- // 视频持续时长
- isShowRefer: false,
- // 是否显示推送
- downloading: false,
- // 是否下载中
- beginTime: "",
- // 开始下载的时间
- errorNum: 0,
- // 错误数
- finishNum: 0,
- // 已下载数
- downloadIndex: 0,
- // 当前下载片段
- finishList: [],
- // 下载完成项目
- tsUrlList: [],
- // ts URL数组
- mediaFileList: [],
- // 下载的媒体数组
- isSupperStreamWrite: _monkeyWindow.streamSaver && !_monkeyWindow.streamSaver.useBlobFallback,
- // 当前浏览器是否支持流式下载
- streamWriter: null,
- // 文件流写入器
- streamDownloadIndex: 0,
- // 文件流写入器,正准备写入第几个视频片段
- rangeDownload: {
- // 特定范围下载
- isShowRange: false,
- // 是否显示范围下载
- startSegment: "",
- // 起始片段
- endSegment: "",
- // 截止片段
- targetSegment: 1
- // 待下载片段
- },
- aesConf: {
- // AES 视频解密配置
- method: "",
- // 加密算法
- uri: "",
- // key 所在文件路径
- iv: "",
- // 偏移值
- key: "",
- // 秘钥
- decryptor: null,
- // 解码器对象
- stringToBuffer: function(str) {
- return new TextEncoder().encode(str);
- }
- }
- };
- },
- computed: {
- progress() {
- return (this.finishNum / this.rangeDownload.targetSegment * 100).toFixed(2);
- }
- },
- watch: {
- conf: {
- handler(n, o) {
- localStorage.setItem("porn-plus", JSON.stringify(n));
- },
- deep: true
- },
- progress(n, o) {
- document.title = Number(n).toFixed(0) + "% " + this.title;
- }
- },
- created() {
- console.log("m3u8-downloader.vue");
- this.getConf();
- if (this.conf.autoDownload) {
- this.getMP4();
- }
- setInterval(this.retryAll.bind(this), 2e3);
- },
- methods: {
- // ajax 请求
- ajax(options) {
- options = options || {};
- let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- if (options.type === "file") {
- xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
- }
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- let status = xhr.status;
- if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
- options.success && options.success(xhr.response);
- } else {
- options.fail && options.fail(status);
- }
- }
- };
- xhr.open("GET", options.url, true);
- xhr.send(null);
- },
- // 合成URL
- applyURL(targetURL, baseURL) {
- baseURL = baseURL || location.href;
- if (targetURL.indexOf("http") === 0) {
- if (location.href.indexOf("https") === 0) {
- return targetURL.replace("http://", "https://");
- }
- return targetURL;
- } else if (targetURL[0] === "/") {
- let domain = baseURL.split("/");
- return domain[0] + "//" + domain[2] + targetURL;
- } else {
- let domain = baseURL.split("/");
- domain.pop();
- return domain.join("/") + "/" + targetURL;
- }
- },
- // 使用流式下载,边下载边保存,解决大视频文件内存不足的难题
- streamDownload(isMp4) {
- this.isGetMP4 = isMp4;
- let fileName = this.title || this.formatTime(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), "YYYY_MM_DD hh_mm_ss");
- this.streamWriter = _monkeyWindow.streamSaver.createWriteStream(`${fileName}.${isMp4 ? "mp4" : "ts"}`).getWriter();
- this.getM3U8();
- },
- // 解析为 mp4 下载
- getMP4() {
- this.isGetMP4 = true;
- this.getM3U8();
- },
- // 获取在线文件
- getM3U8(onlyGetRange) {
- if (!this.url) {
- alert("请输入链接");
- return;
- }
- if (this.url.toLowerCase().indexOf("m3u8") === -1)
- ;
- if (this.downloading) {
- alert("资源下载中,请稍后");
- return;
- }
- this.tips = "m3u8 文件下载中,请稍后";
- this.beginTime = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
- this.ajax({
- url: this.url,
- success: (m3u8Str) => {
- this.tsUrlList = [];
- this.finishList = [];
- m3u8Str.split("\n").forEach((item) => {
- if (/^[^#]/.test(item)) {
- this.tsUrlList.push(this.applyURL(item, this.url));
- this.finishList.push({
- title: item,
- status: ""
- });
- }
- });
- if (onlyGetRange) {
- this.rangeDownload.isShowRange = true;
- this.rangeDownload.endSegment = this.tsUrlList.length;
- this.rangeDownload.targetSegment = this.tsUrlList.length;
- return;
- } else {
- let startSegment = Math.max(this.rangeDownload.startSegment || 1, 1);
- let endSegment = Math.max(this.rangeDownload.endSegment || this.tsUrlList.length, 1);
- startSegment = Math.min(startSegment, this.tsUrlList.length);
- endSegment = Math.min(endSegment, this.tsUrlList.length);
- this.rangeDownload.startSegment = Math.min(startSegment, endSegment);
- this.rangeDownload.endSegment = Math.max(startSegment, endSegment);
- this.rangeDownload.targetSegment = this.rangeDownload.endSegment - this.rangeDownload.startSegment + 1;
- this.downloadIndex = this.rangeDownload.startSegment - 1;
- this.downloading = true;
- }
- if (this.isGetMP4) {
- let infoIndex = 0;
- m3u8Str.split("\n").forEach((item) => {
- if (item.toUpperCase().indexOf("#EXTINF:") > -1) {
- infoIndex++;
- if (this.rangeDownload.startSegment <= infoIndex && infoIndex <= this.rangeDownload.endSegment) {
- this.durationSecond += parseFloat(item.split("#EXTINF:")[1]);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- console.log("this.durationSecond", this.durationSecond);
- if (m3u8Str.indexOf("#EXT-X-KEY") > -1) {
- this.aesConf.method = (m3u8Str.match(/(.*METHOD=([^,\s]+))/) || ["", "", ""])[2];
- this.aesConf.uri = (m3u8Str.match(/(.*URI="([^"]+))"/) || ["", "", ""])[2];
- this.aesConf.iv = (m3u8Str.match(/(.*IV=([^,\s]+))/) || ["", "", ""])[2];
- this.aesConf.iv = this.aesConf.iv ? this.aesConf.stringToBuffer(this.aesConf.iv) : "";
- this.aesConf.uri = this.applyURL(this.aesConf.uri, this.url);
- this.getAES();
- } else if (this.tsUrlList.length > 0) {
- this.downloadTS();
- } else {
- this.alertError("资源为空,请查看链接是否有效");
- }
- },
- fail: () => {
- this.alertError("链接不正确,请查看链接是否有效");
- }
- });
- },
- // 获取AES配置
- getAES() {
- this.ajax({
- type: "file",
- url: this.aesConf.uri,
- success: (key) => {
- this.aesConf.key = key;
- this.aesConf.decryptor = new AESDecryptor();
- this.aesConf.decryptor.constructor();
- this.aesConf.decryptor.expandKey(this.aesConf.key);
- this.downloadTS();
- },
- fail: () => {
- this.alertError("视频已加密,可试用右下角入口的「无差别提取工具」");
- }
- });
- },
- // ts 片段的 AES 解码
- aesDecrypt(data, index) {
- let iv = this.aesConf.iv || new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, index]);
- return this.aesConf.decryptor.decrypt(data, 0, iv.buffer || iv, true);
- },
- // 下载分片
- downloadTS() {
- this.tips = "ts 视频碎片下载中,请稍后";
- let download = () => {
- let isPause = this.isPause;
- let index = this.downloadIndex;
- if (index >= this.rangeDownload.endSegment) {
- return;
- }
- this.downloadIndex++;
- if (this.finishList[index] && this.finishList[index].status === "") {
- this.finishList[index].status = "downloading";
- this.ajax({
- url: this.tsUrlList[index],
- type: "file",
- success: (file) => {
- this.dealTS(file, index, () => this.downloadIndex < this.rangeDownload.endSegment && !isPause && download());
- },
- fail: () => {
- this.errorNum++;
- this.finishList[index].status = "error";
- if (this.downloadIndex < this.rangeDownload.endSegment) {
- !isPause && download();
- }
- }
- });
- } else if (this.downloadIndex < this.rangeDownload.endSegment) {
- !isPause && download();
- }
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(6, this.rangeDownload.targetSegment - this.finishNum); i++) {
- download();
- }
- },
- // 处理 ts 片段,AES 解密、mp4 转码
- dealTS(file, index, callback) {
- const data = this.aesConf.uri ? this.aesDecrypt(file, index) : file;
- this.conversionMp4(data, index, (afterData) => {
- this.mediaFileList[index - this.rangeDownload.startSegment + 1] = afterData;
- this.finishList[index].status = "finish";
- this.finishNum++;
- if (this.streamWriter) {
- for (let index2 = this.streamDownloadIndex; index2 < this.mediaFileList.length; index2++) {
- if (this.mediaFileList[index2]) {
- this.streamWriter.write(new Uint8Array(this.mediaFileList[index2]));
- this.mediaFileList[index2] = null;
- this.streamDownloadIndex = index2 + 1;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (this.streamDownloadIndex >= this.rangeDownload.targetSegment) {
- this.streamWriter.close();
- }
- } else if (this.finishNum === this.rangeDownload.targetSegment) {
- let fileName = this.title || this.formatTime(this.beginTime, "YYYY_MM_DD hh_mm_ss");
- this.downloadFile(this.mediaFileList, fileName);
- }
- callback && callback();
- });
- },
- // 转码为 mp4
- conversionMp4(data, index, callback) {
- if (this.isGetMP4) {
- let transmuxer = new _monkeyWindow.muxjs.Transmuxer({
- keepOriginalTimestamps: true,
- duration: parseInt(this.durationSecond)
- });
- transmuxer.on("data", (segment) => {
- if (index === this.rangeDownload.startSegment - 1) {
- let data2 = new Uint8Array(segment.initSegment.byteLength + segment.data.byteLength);
- data2.set(segment.initSegment, 0);
- data2.set(segment.data, segment.initSegment.byteLength);
- callback(data2.buffer);
- } else {
- callback(segment.data);
- }
- });
- transmuxer.push(new Uint8Array(data));
- transmuxer.flush();
- } else {
- callback(data);
- }
- },
- // 暂停与恢复
- togglePause() {
- this.isPause = !this.isPause;
- !this.isPause && this.retryAll(true);
- },
- // 重新下载某个片段
- retry(index) {
- if (this.finishList[index].status === "error") {
- this.finishList[index].status = "";
- this.ajax({
- url: this.tsUrlList[index],
- type: "file",
- success: (file) => {
- this.errorNum--;
- this.dealTS(file, index);
- },
- fail: () => {
- this.finishList[index].status = "error";
- }
- });
- }
- },
- // 重新下载所有错误片段
- retryAll(forceRestart) {
- if (!this.finishList.length || this.isPause) {
- return;
- }
- let firstErrorIndex = this.downloadIndex;
- this.finishList.forEach((item, index) => {
- if (item.status === "error") {
- item.status = "";
- firstErrorIndex = Math.min(firstErrorIndex, index);
- }
- });
- this.errorNum = 0;
- if (this.downloadIndex >= this.rangeDownload.endSegment || forceRestart) {
- this.downloadIndex = firstErrorIndex;
- this.downloadTS();
- } else {
- this.downloadIndex = firstErrorIndex;
- }
- },
- // 下载整合后的TS文件
- downloadFile(fileDataList, fileName, forceSave = false) {
- this.getConf();
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.title = "下载完成 " + this.title;
- }, 1e3);
- if (!this.conf.autoSave && !forceSave) {
- return;
- }
- this.tips = "ts 碎片整合中,请留意浏览器下载";
- let fileBlob = null;
- let a = document.createElement("a");
- if (this.isGetMP4) {
- fileBlob = new Blob(fileDataList, { type: "video/mp4" });
- a.download = fileName + ".mp4";
- } else {
- fileBlob = new Blob(fileDataList, { type: "video/MP2T" });
- a.download = fileName + ".ts";
- }
- a.href = URL.createObjectURL(fileBlob);
- a.style.display = "none";
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- a.click();
- a.remove();
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (this.conf.autoClose) {
- window.opener = null;
- window.open("", "_self", "");
- window.close();
- }
- }, 1e3);
- },
- // 格式化时间
- formatTime(date, formatStr) {
- const formatType = {
- Y: date.getFullYear(),
- M: date.getMonth() + 1,
- D: date.getDate(),
- h: date.getHours(),
- m: date.getMinutes(),
- s: date.getSeconds()
- };
- return formatStr.replace(
- /Y+|M+|D+|h+|m+|s+/g,
- (target) => (new Array(target.length).join("0") + formatType[target[0]]).substr(-target.length)
- );
- },
- // 强制下载现有片段
- forceDownload() {
- if (this.mediaFileList.length) {
- let fileName = this.title || this.formatTime(this.beginTime, "YYYY_MM_DD hh_mm_ss");
- this.downloadFile(this.mediaFileList, fileName, true);
- } else {
- alert("当前无已下载片段");
- }
- },
- // 发生错误,进行提示
- alertError(tips) {
- alert(tips);
- this.downloading = false;
- this.tips = "m3u8 视频在线提取工具";
- },
- getConf() {
- let confStr = localStorage.getItem("porn-plus");
- if (confStr) {
- try {
- this.conf = JSON.parse(confStr);
- } catch (e) {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- const _withScopeId$2 = (n) => (vue.pushScopeId("data-v-56d4409a"), n = n(), vue.popScopeId(), n);
- const _hoisted_1$2 = { id: "app" };
- const _hoisted_2$2 = { class: "info" };
- const _hoisted_3$2 = { class: "options" };
- const _hoisted_4$2 = { class: "option" };
- const _hoisted_5$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("label", { for: "a1" }, "自动下载", -1));
- const _hoisted_6$2 = { class: "option" };
- const _hoisted_7$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("label", { for: "a2" }, "下载完成后自动保存", -1));
- const _hoisted_8$2 = { class: "option" };
- const _hoisted_9$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("label", { for: "a3" }, "保存后自动关闭", -1));
- const _hoisted_10$2 = {
- key: 0,
- class: "row2"
- };
- const _hoisted_11$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "保存", -1));
- const _hoisted_12$2 = [
- _hoisted_11$2
- ];
- const _hoisted_13$2 = { class: "wrapper" };
- const _hoisted_14$2 = { class: "m-p-input-container" };
- const _hoisted_15$2 = ["value"];
- const _hoisted_16$2 = {
- key: 1,
- class: "disable big-btn"
- };
- const _hoisted_17$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "保存", -1));
- const _hoisted_18$2 = [
- _hoisted_17$2
- ];
- const _hoisted_19$1 = { class: "error-btns" };
- const _hoisted_20 = { class: "m-p-tips" };
- const _hoisted_21 = { class: "m-p-segment" };
- const _hoisted_22 = ["title", "onClick"];
- function _sfc_render$1(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("section", _hoisted_1$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "progress",
- onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => $data.show = !$data.show)
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "bar",
- style: vue.normalizeStyle({ width: $options.progress + "%" })
- }, null, 4)
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$2, [
- _hoisted_5$2,
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "a1",
- type: "checkbox",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => $data.conf.autoDownload = $event)
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelCheckbox, $data.conf.autoDownload]
- ])
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$2, [
- _hoisted_7$2,
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "a2",
- type: "checkbox",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => $data.conf.autoSave = $event)
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelCheckbox, $data.conf.autoSave]
- ])
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8$2, [
- _hoisted_9$2,
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "a3",
- type: "checkbox",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => $data.conf.autoClose = $event)
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelCheckbox, $data.conf.autoClose]
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ]),
- !$data.show ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10$2, [
- $data.finishNum === $data.rangeDownload.targetSegment && $data.rangeDownload.targetSegment > 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 0,
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = (...args) => $options.forceDownload && $options.forceDownload(...args))
- }, _hoisted_12$2)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => $data.show = !$data.show)
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("span", null, vue.toDisplayString(!$data.show ? "展开" : "收起") + "下载详情", 1)
- ])
- ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_13$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("section", _hoisted_14$2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- type: "text",
- value: $props.url,
- disabled: true,
- placeholder: "请输入 m3u8 链接"
- }, null, 8, _hoisted_15$2),
- !$data.downloading ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 0,
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = (...args) => $options.getMP4 && $options.getMP4(...args))
- }, "下载")) : $data.finishNum === $data.rangeDownload.targetSegment && $data.rangeDownload.targetSegment > 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_16$2, " 下载完成 ")) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 2,
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = (...args) => $options.togglePause && $options.togglePause(...args))
- }, vue.toDisplayString($data.isPause ? "恢复下载" : "暂停下载"), 1)),
- $data.finishNum === $data.rangeDownload.targetSegment && $data.rangeDownload.targetSegment > 0 && !$data.conf.autoSave ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 3,
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = (...args) => $options.forceDownload && $options.forceDownload(...args))
- }, _hoisted_18$2)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "big-btn detail",
- onClick: _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = ($event) => $data.show = !$data.show)
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("span", null, vue.toDisplayString(!$data.show ? "展开" : "收起") + "下载详情", 1)
- ])
- ]),
- $data.finishList.length > 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_19$1, [
- $data.errorNum && $data.downloadIndex >= $data.rangeDownload.targetSegment ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 0,
- class: "m-p-retry",
- onClick: _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = (...args) => $options.retryAll && $options.retryAll(...args))
- }, " 重新下载错误片段 ")) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- $data.mediaFileList.length && !$data.streamWriter ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 1,
- class: "m-p-force",
- onClick: _cache[11] || (_cache[11] = (...args) => $options.forceDownload && $options.forceDownload(...args))
- }, "强制下载现有片段 ")) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_20, "待下载碎片总量:" + vue.toDisplayString($data.rangeDownload.targetSegment) + ",已下载:" + vue.toDisplayString($data.finishNum) + ",错误:" + vue.toDisplayString($data.errorNum) + ",进度:" + vue.toDisplayString($options.progress) + "% ", 1),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: vue.normalizeClass(["m-p-tips", [$data.errorNum ? "error-tips" : ""]])
- }, " 若某视频碎片下载发生错误,将标记为红色,可点击相应图标进行重试 ", 2),
- vue.createElementVNode("section", _hoisted_21, [
- (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList($data.finishList, (item, index) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- class: vue.normalizeClass(["item", [item.status]]),
- title: item.title,
- onClick: ($event) => $options.retry(index)
- }, vue.toDisplayString(index + 1), 11, _hoisted_22);
- }), 256))
- ])
- ], 64)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
- ], 512), [
- [vue.vShow, $data.show]
- ])
- ]);
- }
- const Downloader = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$2, [["render", _sfc_render$1], ["__scopeId", "data-v-56d4409a"]]);
- let videoBlob;
- const _sfc_main$1 = {
- name: "mp4-downloader",
- props: {
- url: "",
- name: ""
- },
- data() {
- return {
- conf: {
- autoDownload: true,
- autoSave: true,
- autoClose: false
- },
- progress: 0,
- show: false,
- tips: "m3u8 视频在线提取工具",
- // 顶部提示
- isPause: false,
- // 是否暂停下载
- isGetMP4: false
- // 是否转码为 MP4 下载
- };
- },
- watch: {
- conf: {
- handler(n, o) {
- localStorage.setItem("porn-plus", JSON.stringify(n));
- },
- deep: true
- },
- progress(n, o) {
- document.title = Number(n).toFixed(0) + "% " + this.name;
- }
- },
- created() {
- console.log("mp4-downloader.vue");
- this.getConf();
- if (this.conf.autoDownload) {
- this.download();
- }
- },
- methods: {
- getConf() {
- let confStr = localStorage.getItem("porn-plus");
- if (confStr) {
- try {
- this.conf = JSON.parse(confStr);
- } catch (e) {
- }
- }
- },
- download() {
- let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open("GET", this.url, true);
- xhr.responseType = "blob";
- xhr.onprogress = (event) => {
- this.progress = Number(Number(event.loaded / event.total).toFixed(2)) * 100;
- console.log("进度", this.progress);
- };
- xhr.onload = () => {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
- videoBlob = xhr.response;
- this.progress = 100;
- this.getConf();
- if (this.conf.autoSave) {
- this.save();
- }
- }
- };
- xhr.send();
- },
- save() {
- if (!videoBlob)
- return;
- this.getConf();
- let a = document.createElement("a");
- a.style.display = "none";
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob);
- a.href = url;
- a.download = this.name + ".mp4";
- a.click();
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
- a.remove();
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (this.conf.autoClose) {
- window.opener = null;
- window.open("", "_self", "");
- window.close();
- }
- }, 1e3);
- }
- }
- };
- const _withScopeId$1 = (n) => (vue.pushScopeId("data-v-429419b2"), n = n(), vue.popScopeId(), n);
- const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "mp4-downloader" };
- const _hoisted_2$1 = { class: "info" };
- const _hoisted_3$1 = { class: "options" };
- const _hoisted_4$1 = { class: "option" };
- const _hoisted_5$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("label", { for: "a1" }, "自动下载", -1));
- const _hoisted_6$1 = { class: "option" };
- const _hoisted_7$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("label", { for: "a2" }, "下载完成后自动保存", -1));
- const _hoisted_8$1 = { class: "option" };
- const _hoisted_9$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("label", { for: "a3" }, "保存后自动关闭", -1));
- const _hoisted_10$1 = {
- key: 0,
- class: "row2"
- };
- const _hoisted_11$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "保存", -1));
- const _hoisted_12$1 = [
- _hoisted_11$1
- ];
- const _hoisted_13$1 = { class: "wrapper" };
- const _hoisted_14$1 = { class: "m-p-input-container" };
- const _hoisted_15$1 = ["value"];
- const _hoisted_16$1 = {
- key: 1,
- class: "disable big-btn"
- };
- const _hoisted_17$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "保存", -1));
- const _hoisted_18$1 = [
- _hoisted_17$1
- ];
- const _hoisted_19 = { class: "m-p-tips" };
- function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "progress",
- onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => $data.show = !$data.show)
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "bar",
- style: vue.normalizeStyle({ width: $data.progress + "%" })
- }, null, 4)
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$1, [
- _hoisted_5$1,
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "a1",
- type: "checkbox",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => $data.conf.autoDownload = $event)
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelCheckbox, $data.conf.autoDownload]
- ])
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6$1, [
- _hoisted_7$1,
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "a2",
- type: "checkbox",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => $data.conf.autoSave = $event)
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelCheckbox, $data.conf.autoSave]
- ])
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8$1, [
- _hoisted_9$1,
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- id: "a3",
- type: "checkbox",
- "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => $data.conf.autoClose = $event)
- }, null, 512), [
- [vue.vModelCheckbox, $data.conf.autoClose]
- ])
- ])
- ])
- ]),
- !$data.show ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = (...args) => $options.save && $options.save(...args))
- }, _hoisted_12$1),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => $data.show = !$data.show)
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("span", null, vue.toDisplayString(!$data.show ? "展开" : "收起") + "下载详情", 1)
- ])
- ])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_13$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("section", _hoisted_14$1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("input", {
- type: "text",
- value: $props.url,
- disabled: true,
- placeholder: "请输入 链接"
- }, null, 8, _hoisted_15$1),
- $data.progress === 0 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 0,
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = (...args) => $options.download && $options.download(...args))
- }, "下载")) : $data.progress === 100 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_16$1, " 下载完成 ")) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- $data.progress === 100 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
- key: 2,
- class: "big-btn",
- onClick: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = (...args) => $options.save && $options.save(...args))
- }, _hoisted_18$1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "big-btn detail",
- onClick: _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = ($event) => $data.show = !$data.show)
- }, [
- vue.createElementVNode("span", null, vue.toDisplayString(!$data.show ? "展开" : "收起") + "下载详情", 1)
- ])
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_19, "进度:" + vue.toDisplayString($data.progress) + "%", 1)
- ], 512), [
- [vue.vShow, $data.show]
- ])
- ]);
- }
- const Mp4Downloader = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1, [["render", _sfc_render], ["__scopeId", "data-v-429419b2"]]);
- const _withScopeId = (n) => (vue.pushScopeId("data-v-a069d05a"), n = n(), vue.popScopeId(), n);
- const _hoisted_1 = { class: "content" };
- const _hoisted_2 = { class: "left" };
- const _hoisted_3 = { class: "big-title" };
- const _hoisted_4 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("path", {
- d: "M9 18V42H39V18L24 6L9 18Z",
- fill: "none",
- stroke: "#ffffff",
- "stroke-width": "4",
- "stroke-linecap": "round",
- "stroke-linejoin": "round"
- }, null, -1));
- const _hoisted_5 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("path", {
- d: "M19 29V42H29V29H19Z",
- fill: "none",
- stroke: "#ffffff",
- "stroke-width": "4",
- "stroke-linejoin": "round"
- }, null, -1));
- const _hoisted_6 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("path", {
- d: "M9 42H39",
- stroke: "#ffffff",
- "stroke-width": "4",
- "stroke-linecap": "round"
- }, null, -1));
- const _hoisted_7 = [
- _hoisted_4,
- _hoisted_5,
- _hoisted_6
- ];
- const _hoisted_8 = { class: "comments" };
- const _hoisted_9 = { class: "item" };
- const _hoisted_10 = { class: "title" };
- const _hoisted_11 = {
- key: 0,
- class: "quote"
- };
- const _hoisted_12 = { class: "replay" };
- const _hoisted_13 = { class: "video" };
- const _hoisted_14 = { class: "title" };
- const _hoisted_15 = {
- class: "author",
- target: "_blank"
- };
- const _hoisted_16 = ["href"];
- const _hoisted_17 = { class: "right" };
- const _hoisted_18 = { class: "big-title" };
- const _sfc_main = {
- __name: "App",
- setup(__props) {
- const dpRef = vue.ref(null);
- const dp = vue.ref(null);
- const recommendRef = vue.ref(null);
- const data = vue.reactive({
- comments: [],
- info: window.info,
- show: true
- });
- vue.watch(() => data.show, (n, o) => {
- var _a;
- if (n) {
- pauseOriginVideo();
- document.body.style.overflow = "hidden";
- } else {
- (_a = dp.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.pause();
- document.body.style.overflow = "unset";
- }
- }, { immediate: true });
- vue.onMounted(() => {
- recommendRef.value.append($("h3").next().next()[0]);
- $("br").remove();
- initComments();
- initVideo();
- checkOriginVideoIsPlay();
- });
- function pauseOriginVideo() {
- if ($(".vjs-playing").length) {
- $("#player_one_html5_api").click();
- }
- }
- function checkOriginVideoIsPlay() {
- setInterval(() => {
- if (data.show) {
- pauseOriginVideo();
- }
- }, 3e3);
- }
- function initComments() {
- $.ajax({
- url: `${location.origin}/show_comments2.php?VID=${data.info.video.vid}&start=1&comment_per_page=30`,
- success(r) {
- let h = $(r);
- h.each(function() {
- if (this.tagName === "TABLE") {
- let name = $(this).find("a:first").remove().text().trim();
- let time = $(this).find(".comment-info").contents()[4];
- let body = $(this).find(".comment-body");
- let quote = body.find(".comment_quote").text().replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll("\n", "");
- body.find(".comment_quote").remove();
- let replay = body.find("a").remove().end().text().trim();
- if (replay.includes("请不要发广告或与视频无关的评论") || quote.includes("请不要发广告或与视频无关的评论"))
- ;
- else {
- data.comments.push({
- name,
- time: $(time).text(),
- quote,
- replay
- });
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- function initVideo() {
- if (!dpRef.value)
- return;
- let config = {
- url: data.info.video.url,
- type: data.info.video.type
- };
- if (config.type === "customHls") {
- config.customType = {
- customHls: function(video, player) {
- const hls = new _monkeyWindow.Hls();
- hls.loadSource(video.src);
- hls.attachMedia(video);
- }
- };
- }
- dp.value = new _monkeyWindow.DPlayer({
- container: dpRef.value,
- autoplay: true,
- video: config
- });
- dp.value.seek(10);
- }
- function goHome() {
- location.href = "https://91porn.com/index.php";
- }
- return (_ctx, _cache) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, [
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3, [
- vue.createTextVNode(" 评论 "),
- (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
- onClick: goHome,
- class: "home-icon",
- width: "24",
- height: "24",
- viewBox: "0 0 48 48",
- fill: "none",
- xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- }, _hoisted_7))
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8, [
- (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(data.comments, (item) => {
- return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_9, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10, [
- vue.createElementVNode("span", null, vue.toDisplayString(item.name), 1),
- vue.createElementVNode("span", null, vue.toDisplayString(item.time), 1)
- ]),
- item.quote ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_11, vue.toDisplayString(item.quote), 1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_12, vue.toDisplayString(item.replay), 1)
- ]);
- }), 256))
- ])
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_13, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- id: "dplayer",
- ref_key: "dpRef",
- ref: dpRef,
- style: { "height": "70vh" }
- }, null, 512),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_14, vue.toDisplayString(data.info.video.name), 1),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_15, " 添加时间: " + vue.toDisplayString(data.info.video.date), 1),
- data.info.author.name ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("a", {
- key: 0,
- href: data.info.author.url,
- class: "author",
- target: "_blank"
- }, " 作者: " + vue.toDisplayString(data.info.author.name), 9, _hoisted_16)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
- data.info.video.type === "auto" ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(Mp4Downloader, {
- key: 1,
- name: data.info.video.name,
- url: data.info.video.url
- }, null, 8, ["name", "url"])) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(Downloader, {
- key: 2,
- title: data.info.video.name,
- url: data.info.video.url
- }, null, 8, ["title", "url"]))
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_17, [
- vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_18, [
- vue.createTextVNode(" 本月热播 "),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "close",
- onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => data.show = !data.show)
- })
- ]),
- vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "list",
- ref_key: "recommendRef",
- ref: recommendRef
- }, null, 512)
- ])
- ], 512), [
- [vue.vShow, data.show]
- ]),
- vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", {
- class: "showBtn",
- onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => data.show = !data.show)
- }, "展开脚本", 512), [
- [vue.vShow, !data.show]
- ])
- ], 64);
- };
- }
- };
- const App = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-a069d05a"]]);
- window.info = {
- author: {
- name: "",
- url: "",
- vid: ""
- },
- video: {
- name: "",
- url: "",
- vid: ""
- }
- // videoUrl:'https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8',
- };
- function init() {
- if (window.info.videoUrl)
- return;
- const videoWrapper = $("#player_one_html5_api");
- const userWrapper = $(".title-yakov");
- if ((userWrapper == null ? void 0 : userWrapper.length) === 2) {
- let href = userWrapper[1].firstElementChild.href;
- let start = href.indexOf("UID");
- let uid = href.substring(start + 4);
- window.info.author = {
- name: userWrapper.find(".title").text(),
- url: `https://91porn.com/uvideos.php?UID=${uid}&type=public`,
- uid
- };
- }
- if (!videoWrapper[0]) {
- return;
- } else {
- window.info.video = {
- name: document.title.replace("Chinese homemade video", ""),
- url: videoWrapper.find("source")[0].src,
- vid: $("#favorite #VID").text(),
- date: $(".title-yakov")[0].innerText
- };
- if (window.info.video.url.toLowerCase().indexOf("m3u8") === -1) {
- window.info.video.type = "auto";
- } else {
- window.info.video.type = "customHls";
- }
- vue.createApp(App).mount(
- (() => {
- const app = document.createElement("div");
- document.body.append(app);
- return app;
- })()
- );
- }
- console.log(window.info);
- }
- try {
- let style2 = `
- .ad_img{display:none;}
- `;
- let addStyle2 = document.createElement("style");
- addStyle2.rel = "stylesheet";
- addStyle2.type = "text/css";
- addStyle2.innerHTML = style2;
- window.document.head.append(addStyle2);
- $("iframe").hide();
- let l = window.location;
- if (l.pathname === "/index.php") {
- } else if (l.pathname === "/view_video.php") {
- init();
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("init报错了", e);
- }
- })(Vue);