Predator Alert Tool for FetLife (PAT-FetLife) JS - Alerts you of people who have allegedly assaulted others as you browse FetLife. Empowers you to anonymously report a consent violation perpetrated by a FetLife user.
Danbooru - Miscellaneous Tweaks JS - Adds a variety of useful tweaks to Danbooru
better_better_booru JS - Several changes to make Danbooru much better.
FetLife ASL Search (Females included) JS - Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
Unlimited Paginator Works JS - Makes any(?) page with a paginator on various Danbooru clones "bottomless"--blend pages together or separate each with a paginator.
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Chaturbate Better Full Screen JS - Adds a better full screen view that has the chat.
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Chaturbate Colors JS - Style to improve Chaturbate design - Watch cams in mega hentia theme , Ad free version and navigation made much better.
Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + JS - Shows all pages at once. Single/Multi page spread.Example sites: All FoOl(Slide/Reader), MangaFox, MangaReader/MangaPanda, MangaStream, MangaInn, AnyManga, AnimeA, MangaHere, MangaShare, Batoto, MangaDevil, MangaCow, MangaChapter, 7manga, MangaPirate.net, Madokami , SpinyBack, MyManga , KawaiiScans, EGScans, All SenManga,LoneManga ,ReadManga,MangaTraders,MangaCat,KissManga, MangaJoy,MangaBee/OneManga.me, KukuDM, Japscan, Pecintakomik, Sh-Arab, some Portuguese sites. Dl addon for 18+ sites.
挊-随时开车 JS - 自动获取磁链接并自动离线下载
ExtendXVideos JS - Remove ads, enlarge video, auto-centre video & block pop-ups
ImageBoard Viewer/Downloader JS - A simple quick and dirty image viewer various imageboard sites
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Sankaku Complex Enhancer JS - Adds additional features to SankakuComplex. Includes, infinite scrolling on the results page, option to filter out results with certain tags, automatically sorting results by quality (or other "order:*"), adds buttons next to tags to results page to add them to the current query,
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SankakuComplex image blurring removal JS - Removes censoring "blur" on SankakuComplex image search page
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EhTagSyringe JS - Build EhTagTranslater from Wiki.
Remove Sankaku Advertisements/Iframes JS - Hopefully removes all ads from *.sankaku
Harem(Hentai)Heroes Automatic JS - Open the menu in HaremHeroes(topright) to toggle AutoControlls. Supports AutoSalary, AutoQuest and AutoBattle. Messages are printed in local console.
GfyCat adds link to mp4 file JS - Adds a link to the mp4 file of gfycat webm, redirects from detail page to actual file page
Bypass Reddit Age Verification JS - Bypass 18+ age verification on all subreddits
E-Hentai & ExHentai Fade or hide viewed galleries JS - Fade or hide viewed galleries on e-hentai and exhentai. Now working with GM4
javlibrary_preview JS - perview video and links
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E-hentai Multi-Page-Viewer Scrollbar JS - 给E-hentai的多页查看器页面加上滚动条
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下载japonx的字幕和视频 JS - 下载japonx的字幕和视频。
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HaremHeroes Automatic JS - Open the menu in HaremHeroes(topright) to toggle AutoControlls. Supports AutoSalary, AutoContest, AutoMission, AutoQuest, AutoTrollBattle, AutoArenaBattle and AutoPachinko(Free). Messages are printed in local console.
Retrieve Ehentai Torrent Resource Sizes and Magnet Links JS - Retrieve torrent resource sizes and magnet links from Ehentai galleries and display them below the "Torrent Download" section. Click to copy to clipboard.
XNXX - Search Filters JS - Various search filters
XVideos Download Link Extractor JS - Add high resolution download link on the right of the screen. Use save as... to download the video you need.
PH - Search & UI Tweaks JS - Various search filters and user experience enhancers
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JavBus去广告 JS - 去除网页上下的广告
Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121 JS - Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.
Javbus JS - 去广告,快速加载
xHamster Plus JS - A kinder xHamster. Because you're worth it.
XVIDEOS Plus JS - A kinder XVIDEOS. Because you're worth it.
图聚合展示by xhua JS - 目标是聚合网页美女图
DeviantArt NSFW Filter JS - Toggle between NSFW, SFW or all posts on DA galleries and pages.
CB Favorite Smileys JS - Access your favorite most used smileys faster, don’t need to memorize the code.
FetLife ASL Search (Reborn Edition) JS - Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
Download multiple purchased ManyVids videos at once JS - Adds a download all vids button on your Purchase History page
thehentaiworld下载 JS - try to take over the world!
MassiveFap JS - A complete ImageFap.com gallery conversion script featuring customization options and multiple viewing modes.
Gelbooru Endless Scroll JS - Adds endless scroll function to various boorus
广告过滤,纯净上网 JS - 好网站,要共享
Milovana RNG helper JS - none
辅助签到助手 JS - 个别网站辅助签到助手,包括18AMSR, 宅男龜, South Plus, Javbus論壇, 福利吧論壇, CCCAT
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HentaiVerse汉化 JS - 基本完全汉化整个Hentaiverse文本,包括装备物品、界面说明和弹窗提示的汉化,带原文切换功能
HV 物品装备汉化 JS - 汉化Hentaiverse及EH论坛、HVMarket内的物品、装备及装备属性,带装备高亮/装备店隐藏锁定装备,带翻译原文切换功能。论坛购物请切换到英文原文再复制内容
Better pornolab.net search - search by size, descending JS - Improve pornolab.net search and quick search forms so they always default to searching by size in descending order; use better window titles; remove search_id issues; use GET URLs for search results. 2022-05-31 01:30:06
预览Iwara视频 兼容 iwara custom sort JS - Animate Iwara video thumbnail when mouse over. to make iwara easier to see.
Rule34.xxx - Image Hover JS - Shows the full size image when you hover over a thumbnail. Also adds arrow key navigation.
一键批量加载页面[EX绅士][exhentai] JS - 一键批量加载所有后续页面内容
JavDB_helper JS - have fun
Annoying Ad blocker 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Sankaku Channel Access Rights JS - Access blocked images on Sankaku Channel
E-hentai & exhentai Japanese title JS - Make main listing to show japanese title if avaliable
erome download links JS - Exposes media-download links for erome media galleries
Iwara Enhancement JS - Please refer to the script's homepage for more information.
下载PornHub字幕 JS - 点击下载PornHub视频的字幕
18comic漫画下载 JS - 从18comic上下载cbz格式(整话阅读)或webp格式(分页阅读)的漫画
Xhamster Widescreen - New Design v.511 CSS - Wide Xhamster on large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...
DeviantArt DeBlur For NSFW Peepo JS - Blurs Do Be Gay Doe
Sadpanda torrent inline - select newest torrent JS - Inlines torrent into to gallery view in sadpanda & regular panda, and adds a hotkey to download the newest torrent uploaded and ignore -1280x torrents.
Hentaiverse Monsterbation JS - M-M-M-MONSTERBATE!!
琉璃神社★hash2link JS - 将琉璃神社文章页面文本中独立成行的hash值转换成可点击的magnet链接,并在其右侧展示复制按钮
Automatic Money Collector (for hentaiheroes.com) JS - 3 functions: getMoneyBackground, getMoneyGUI, displayGirlsId
Exhentai better experience JS - This script will bring a better experience for exhentai
asianleak hd download options JS - Add buttons to download multiple res of video.
HV 图片按钮汉化 JS - 汉化Hentaiverse里面的图片按钮,执行方式比较奇葩,执行效率可能不高,不同浏览器翻译效果可能存在差异
iwara download JS - Download videos from iwara.tv. NOTE: may need grant download privilege to browser extension like tampermonkey.
优丝库(绅士图) JS - 免费观看优丝库图片(绅士图),手机电脑均可使用,觉得不错的话,给个好评呦😜
聚bt秒传链接优化 JS - 实现聚bt的115和百度网盘妙传链接,文件名的自动化处理(将完整的名字引入,将密码内嵌),以及关键信息的悬停复制
xHamster - redirect to xhamster.com JS - Redirect from all mirrors of xHamster to xhamster.com - 6/21/2021, 7:31:16 AM
Porn to torrent auto search JS - Add small buttons on many porn pages to search for the movie's title or performer on 3 torrent sites. Based on 'IMDB to RARBG Torrent Search' from nickpapoutsis.
草榴社区一夜精品磁力搜索 JS - 在skrbt网站中搜索资源,复制磁力哈希下载资源,而不是使用那些什么垃圾网盘,大多数资源都能在skrbt网站搜索到。
Override throttling on pornolab.net JS - Try to reload the page after a random delay in case you get throttled. 2021-09-12 15:02:27
Rule34 Image Downloader JS - makes easier to download images from rule34.xxx
Unmute RedGifs JS - Unmute content from redgifs.com
Nyaa.si - Load More Thumbnail JS - Load image from cover/screenshot links.
91porny|九色视频助手 JS - jiuse|91PORNY|九色视频|自动跳转HD高清视频|获取视频下载链接|一键下载|N_m3u8DL-CLI
VIP视频观看腾讯优酷爱奇艺 JS - VIP视频
CB Mod Assist JS - Helper script for mods on chaturbate.com that lets you save predefined messages and send them to chat with two clicks
JavDB Toolbox JS - JavDB 工具箱:1. 添加搜索在线观看资源按钮 2. 添加到 JavLibrary 等站点跳转按钮 3. 过滤肛交标签中的M男和扶她(未来会添加自定义);推荐结合 `JavDB 添加跳转在线观看` 食用
Gelbooru 无限滚动 JS - 实现 Gelbooru 图片浏览页面无限滚动,支持 post、pool、favorites 以及 saved search 页