SLR Hide video shortcut JS - Thumb down to hide videos in SLR https://forum.sexlikereal.com/d/6856-mark-videos-as-not-interested
clear JS - Clears local storage and indexedDB data
4chan Tomorrow Selector JS - Auto-selects Tomorrow stylesheet on 4chan, for use with private browsing
sehuatang JS - 直接把帖子列表转成图片浏览,点击图片可以进入帖子.
SauceNAO 跳轉e-hentai JS - SauceNAO 跳轉e-hentai按鈕
add view button for DLSite Short Review JS - DLSite の作品評価のページに直接「ブラウザ視聴」ボタンを置きます。
nHentai 标签翻译 JS - nHentai 标签翻译,标签数据来源于https://github.com/EhTagTranslation/Database
Fapello.su Image Link Helper JS - Adds buttons to open images via direct links with vocabulary replacements
FANZAキャッチ 常時表示 JS - FANZAキャッチのクレーンゲーム画面を常時表示します
Download Link Collector JS - Collects magnet/ed2k links and provides copy to clipboard.
探花bt显示列表预览图 JS - 探花bt在外面的列表显示预览图,不用点进去里面的详情查看
海角社区黑名单 JS - 海角社区黑名单系统屏蔽不喜欢的作者
Auto Reload on Stake.com - LATEST UPDATE 2024 WORKS FOREVER JS - Automatic reloads every 10 minutes or less. updated for latest Stake website. Will work forever!
Gelbooru Favorite Shortcut JS - Adds a keybind shortcut for adding images to favorites on Gelbooru.com
крутой JS - Doesn't work!
F95Zone, Ryuugames, and DLsite Search Buttons for Steam JS - Adds buttons to search for the current game and developer on F95Zone and its forums, and search for the game on Ryuugames, OtomiGames, and DLsite. Also autofills and submits the search form on the F95Zone forums search page by clicking the search button.
Steam Search Button for F95Zone (Deprecated) JS - Add a button to search Google using the title of the game on F95Zone, to see if it has been released on Steam
Danbooru to Gelbooru Search Switcher and vice versa JS - Add buttons to switch between Danbooru and Gelbooru searches
ExHentai/E-Hentai Infinite Pages / No Date Limit In Watched JS - Removes post limit when browsing watched tag posts
close sis ad JS - 本脚本等待页面加载完成后,获取页面最后一个按钮(即关闭广告按钮)并点击,自动关闭提示
【Mod】PHDownloader JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com 【Mod】1、调整样式减少版面占用,2、增加对手机网页的支持
FSM快进投票 JS - FSM快进到下一页投票
u9c9.com 链接屏蔽 JS - 在网页上添加一个按钮,用于隐藏特定的URL,并可以编辑黑名单。
Soundgasm Downloader JS - Adds a Download Audio button to Soundgasm.net audio posts.
Twitch Latency Overlay JS - Display latency to the broadcaster as an overlay on Twitch without embedding. - Fixed version of https://greasyfork.org/scripts/416704
E-hentai Image-Viewer JS - view image conveniently
2048核基地列表显示预览图 JS - 2048核基地列表显示预览图,只对 bbs.klnkn.com 域名有效
4chan /gif/ sound fix - CORS issue JS - Fix webm that are silenced because of CORS
Hentaiverse Monsterbation JS - M-M-M-MONSTERBATE!!
南× JS - 南+(south-plus)论坛使用体验优化脚本。
dybz JS - 增强第一版主小说网站的功能,详情请看脚本页面的介绍(另含去除广告的说明)
DLsite自动复制RJ号 JS - 打开DLsite的作品网址时自动复制RJ号
Thong tin lich bong da moi nhat JS - Tắt bộ đếm theo dõi 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀.
Motherless.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration and key phrases. Download button fixed. Reveal all related galleries to video at desktop. Galleries and tags url rewritten and redirected to video/image section if available
e-hance JS - 一个脚本,用来改善e站的观看体验
epicgames.com Store Age Check Bypass JS - Sets cookies to fake passed age check (1970-01-01)
Taimanin RPGX Extasy (Johren) - Expand resolution to window size JS - 4/12/2024, 10:38:05 PM
n210-dl JS - Script used to download manga R18 on some domain of nhentai
m-team quick jump handler for javlibrary JS - useful function for m-team quick download
E站在新标签中打开漫画 JS - open a new page to load comic
Redgifs full height video JS - use css to set full height video
thisav/missav 屏蔽自动停播失去焦点停播 JS - 尝试阻止特定元素的失去焦点(blur)事件
Anix.to windowed fullscreen and theater mode JS - Add buttons for windowed fullscreen and theater mode
Pornhub移动端体验提升 JS - Pornhub移动端使用体验提升,优化了视频播放页交互
Empornium Collage Snatched, FreeLeech, and Bookmarked Warning JS - Adds non-intrusive overlays using ::after pseudo-elements to torrents marked as 'snatched', with 'Unlimited Freeleech', or bookmarked.
Darkside.se ❤️ JS - Replace friend's plain heart symbols with a shiny red one.
CopyID stashdb.org JS - 22/4/2024, 10:48:29 pm
mark-selected-genres-porno_island JS - Подсвечивает избранные и антиизбранные жанры на страницах игр на сайте island-of-pleasure. Жанры нужно перечислить в самом скрипте.
Recurbate JS - Wide screen, Added button for hide model, transparent play button on recu.me
98手机网页版复制代码增强 JS - 解决98手机网页版复制代码只复制第一行问题
EMO熊熊 JS - 四個網站亂跳 TikTok(Beta)
gurochan - image hover JS - Image hover for gurochan
RARBG Torrents - Dynamic Column Highlighting v5 JS - Highlights torrents based on dynamic column identification, focusing on the 'S.' column.
Empornium: Name to tag search JS - Takes marked text and searches empornium
pass javbus driver verify JS - 自动过科目一!
KEYSTROKES AND CPS v2 JS - These KEYSTROKES and CPS got banned in the past but now they have been addressed and are working
SFF Enhancer JS - Replaces ID on SFF with copy link, and adds extra features
PornHub Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
Hide Blacklisted Posts on Rule34.xxx JS - Simple script to hide blacklisted posts on Rule34.xxx
叔叔不约自动匹配女 JS - 叔叔不约自动匹配女1.0
Save Exhentai's reading status JS - Add a button that saves Exhentai's reading status by saving the time pressed and highlighting the closest gallery
Copy URL Button JS - Adds a button to copy the URL of the current page
nhentai收藏分享 JS - 一个用于将nhentai的收藏分享给其他人的插件!在每一页点击保存收藏后,其他人可以在你的主页看到你的收藏!
Dark Mode For QQ JS - 5/10/2024, 8:55 PM ET
魂+图片查看 JS - 魂+图片查看图片查看
Fsm to qBittorrent JS - 推送种子
駿河屋海外品切れ自動ON、検索バー移動、品番表示、コピー機能追加 JS - Enhance Suruga-ya.com browsing experience
去掉烦人的“外链安全检查” JS - 如题,点击即达
Nhentai Related Manga Button JS - Add a 'Find Similar' button to nhentai.net that populates the search bar with tags for finding similar content and allows adjusting the number of tags to select using a slider. Also allows locking specific tags for inclusion in the search.
nHentai English Filter (mobile friendly) JS - Adds quick English filter to nHentai pages.
Play with MPV (NSFW) JS - Play videos and songs on the website via mpv-handler (NSFW)
司机社自动回复 JS - 帮助自动回帖
按鍵與滑鼠滾輪翻頁器(NSFW) JS - 使用滑鼠滾輪或按鍵快速切換上下頁。在Pixiv頁面載入後自動展開所有作品。
nhentai.net漫画自动播放脚本 JS - 本脚本主要功能为自动播放该网站内的漫画,用户可以设置自动播放时间、开始播放并随时暂停
m-team 大图预览 JS - 种子列表/详情/演员列表 大图预览,适配 2024 新版界面。
Reddit NSFW Filter JS - A userscript to show only NSFW entries on the Reddit search page
xxxtik Ad Blocker JS - Blocks ads on xxxtik
海角大兄弟 JS - 播放并复制链接
ExhTagHighlight JS - Highlight tags in gallery view according to 'My Tags' config in gallery for Exhentai and Ehentai
Twitter Image to SauceNAO JS - Adds a button to convert Twitter image URLs to SauceNAO search URLs. Instantly searches for single image tweets, and shows a dropdown for multiple images.
OGFAP Ad Blocker JS - Blocks ads on OGFAP
NHentai Tag Highlighter JS - Highlight thumbnails of works on nhentai.net based on tags you decide to highlight.
AnalVids - AUTO More Related Videos v.1 JS - Auto More Related videos (author of the Library in use: Brock Adams)
F95Zone Search Buttons for DLsite JS - Adds buttons to search for the current game, circle, and product ID on F95Zone and its forums from DLsite. Also autofills and submits the search form on the F95Zone forums search page by clicking the search button. Adds buttons to search OtomiGames using the game title and product ID.
Convert MP4 Text Links to Video JS - Convert all MP4 text links in the page to video elements.
Auto-Pause Redgifs JS - Auto-pauses videos from redgif on reddit
F95Zone Developer and Game Search on Steam and RyuuGames JS - Adds buttons to search for the developer on f95zone and the game title on Steam and RyuuGames
0xFFFE.Genfluence.Archivist (prod) JS - Add "Download All" and "Delete All" features to Genfluence.AI.
YouTube 10x Speed JS - Play YouTube videos at 10x speed
BDSMLR - force endless scrolling JS - Convert Next >> navigation into Endless scrolling
XVideos Filter JS - Filter xvideos search results based on preferences
HV Utils 汉化 JS - A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse
HV Utils URL CN JS - zh-cn
键盘翻页onejav.com JS - 2024/6/4 10:24:10
保国逛(仅仅我本人自用而已) JS - 最好用的98堂(原色花堂)脚本 高级搜索 自动签到 快速复制 快速评分 划词搜索 图片预览 快速收藏
TMOHentai Image Resizer JS - Ajusta el tamaño de las imágenes para que quepan en la pantalla y añade botones para cambiar el tamaño manualmente, configurable desde Tampermonkey, con detección de idioma y actualizaciones.
Auto-fullscreen image/video (rule34.xxx) JS - fuh tingleling
KaguraGames to F95Zone and Steam Search Buttons JS - Add buttons to search game title from KaguraGames on F95Zone and Steam
Better HentaiPaw JS - Fullscreen image viewer for HentaiPaw