Pornhub Webpage Fullscreen JS - try to take over the world!
Modal Image in rule JS - Add a modal image and thumbnails vertical-carrousel to rule34
Erogedownload link scrapper JS - Scrape free download links from Erogedownload and put them into your clipboard
kufirc大图 JS - kufirc大图浏览
ExHentai - Hide Comments JS - Hides entire comment section. Save screen space, less scrolling.
[DEAD AND OBSELETE] ExHentai Search Plus Tag (Results page) JS - Doesn't work anymore, delete it. For much better alternative check "Add button on exhentai searchbox" along with "Add button on exhentai searchbox from tag button"
[DEAD AND OBSELETE] ExHentai Search Plus Tag (Start page) JS - Doesn't work anymore, delete it. For much better alternative check "Add button on exhentai searchbox" along with "Add button on exhentai searchbox from tag button"
E(x)Hentaiタグ日本語化 JS - E(x)Hentaiのタグを日本語化します
Exhentai and E-Hentai Cross Links on Gallery Pages JS - Adds links to the gallery pages to navigate between exhentai and e-hentai
Catbox Droptarget for Oppaitime JS - Upload/rehost images to catbox.moe directly from upload page
Chaturbate Clean JS - removes all add's, sub-selector on the tab's, shows video if you have no access, full screen with chat
ExpandPIXNETAlbum 圖片RUL列表 JS - 展開 PIXNET 相簿
EhxVisited JS - E-H Visited, combined with ExVisited, and then better.
Favourite the post! For FA JS - Favourite the post! X3
Say "Very Nice!" for FA JS - Say "Very Nice" on a post by clicking the button.
Erome Image Viewer JS - View the full images on Erome by clicking a button under them.
wnacgReader JS - https://wnacg.org/photos-index* replace -index- to -slide-
opensubtitles.org better downloads JS - download manager no more! Direct download of subtitles
Javbus JS - javbus去广告
Larger Previews imagefap.com JS - 11/17/2019, 7:54:58 AM
xhamster download video JS - Download videos from xhamster.com
e621 Thumbnail Enhancer JS - Resizes thumbnails on e621.net, replacing them with higher resoltion images and adding support for video previews.
thehentaiworld下载 JS - try to take over the world!
4Chan cdn change JS - Improve 4chan image load performance, by replacing image links from specific servers to CDN
E-Hentai Show Filenames JS - Shows filenames under images in galleries
Booru汉化插件 JS - 用于翻译Booru网站的各个选项
Image hosting 503 reload JS - Reload image when 503 happens
MassiveFap JS - A complete ImageFap.com gallery conversion script featuring customization options and multiple viewing modes.
自动跳转到琉璃神社 JS - 基于acg.gy实现,再也不怕假神社了
No Wandering JS - Prevent wandering. Show a dialog when you try to visit a new page, and the action is prevented.
XVideosDarkTheme JS - Dark theme auto
XVideosExpandedPlayer JS - Expand Video player automatically
Booru Show hidden CARDS JS - Automatic display of hidden CARDS,remove AD
daddifier JS - replaces "the state" with "daddy"
HaremHeroes Mobile Viewport Change JS - Change the viewport in mobile devices
Gelbooru Endless Scroll JS - Adds endless scroll function to various boorus
sis.menu.touch JS - fix menu for touch screen
ZooCab Download JS - Adds download buttons on videos
HornsTownChanger JS - Just Chnages the player gender on charater creation page load thats it (after character creation turn off the script!)
Remove Gelbooru Nag JS - Removes Gelbooru AD-Blocking nag
E-Hentai Display and Highlight Tag with Thumbnail JS - E-Hentai 显示并高亮Tag在缩略图模式
E-Hentai / nHentai highlight thumb when open Anthology gallery JS - highlight and navigate to artist work first thumb when open "Anthology gallery" from search page with tag "artist"
Milovana RNG helper JS - none
Melonbooks: wishlist: better remove button JS - Replace wishlist remove button. Compatible with AutoPagerize.
Melonbooks: cart: save to file JS - Save cart to text file
Melonbooks: cart: better remove button JS - Replace cart remove button.
Melonbooks: cart: backup/restore JS - Restore cart from backup.
Magical (TF) Theme JS - Tetris Friends Magical SFX for Jstris
HentaiCookie2QRCode JS - Convert your e(x)hentai cookie to QRCode.
辅助签到助手 JS - 个别网站辅助签到助手,包括18AMSR, 宅男龜, South Plus, Javbus論壇, 福利吧論壇, CCCAT
Bulgarian whores on Chaturbate JS - removes ads, shows bulgarian paticipants in selected categories
nhentai show Tag in main page JS - nhentai show Tag in main page, and highlight/block tag
nhentai_endless JS - nhentai automate next page
nhentai show comments JS - nHentai show comment(Comment from Exhentai)
e-hentai base history recommand gallerys JS - record your favorite tags, use to search gallerys
Toranoana: no reload JS - Do not redirect after action.
Mod dino JS - Chrome dino game!
Analvids/LegalPorno Enhancer JS - Adds extra functionality to Analvids (formerly known as LegalPorno) and Pornbox. Easily filter out unwanted categories. Also adds tags on top of every scene.
e-hentai Extended use Thumbnail style and Highlight Tag JS - e-hentai Extended use Thumbnail style and Highlight Tag in search page
danbooru "you may like" JS - base visit history recommand posts
Skrypt do gry Bubble.am stworzony przez DD JS - Skrypt który dodaje do gry bardzo duzo nowych oraz przydatnych funkcji. Autor skryptu DD. Wiecej Programów i Skryptów znajdziesz na DD7.PL
dmm 换算人名币 JS - dmm 日元价格转换成人民币显示
e-hentai to nhentai JS - A button in e-hentai, for search Gallery in nhentai
bbs.mottoki.com image url replacer JS - "bbs.mottoki.com image url replacer" will automatically replace thumbnail to original size. Works on http*://bbs.mottoki.com/index*
nHentai SauceBot JS - Automatically converts every 5-6 digit number it finds into a link to nHentai
177pic绅士画廊 JS - 177pic绅士画廊看图优化,支持触屏与键盘操作
Readability Line Gradient JS - Color lines to assist eye transistion similar to BeeLine Reader. Uses Lining.js for (responsive) DOM wrapping of paragraph text.
Bellesa Download JS - Download videos from www.bellesa.co.
Harem Heroes Stats (Not Working) JS - Harem Stats + League stats + Image Viewer(Harem-,Event-Site) (Lightbox).
Fiction.Live Tag Blacklist JS - Hides stories with tags in the blacklist
Fiction.Live Alert Blacklist JS - Automatically dismisses stories in the alerts that are blacklisted
Javlibrary - 首页一站式影片预览 JS - 不需要跳转,在 Javlibrary 首页就能直接预览影片。会缓存影片相关信息,下次可直接使用。可搜索番号或前缀。支持轻量的 torrentkitty 磁力搜索展示。
EXhentai Visual Borders Helper CSS - Highlight images between JPG, GIF and PNG by border color.
nvshens宅男女神全量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - nvshens宅男女神全量加載 图片查看 大图 232
Remove unwanted results (incest edition) JS - 2/9/2020, 8:42:09 PM
Anti-Adblock Caoliu JS - 解除草榴反广告过滤限制
浏览javbus.co JS - 2020/2/14 下午1:22:18
SexInSex 阅读器 JS - 【SexInSex 阅读器】是一款用来浏览SexInSex论坛的油猴插件。
自动翻页 - 01bz.info JS - 2020/2/16 下午3:51:20
Uncover NSFW KnowYourMeme Images JS - Remove NSFW Spoilers from Images on KnowYourMeme. Fixed the http/https issue.
Rule34 Direct Links JS - Provides direct links to Rule34 images in list view
Rule34 Image Fit JS - Resize and center images on Rule34
topface.com Like By Press 1 JS - Automate click like button for any person on the dating page - press 1, dislike(skip) - press 2, open/close profile - press 3.
av_everywhere JS - every time open web page, recommand a AV, H image, Ero manga, and Porn video to you, search base page title.
Iwara Animation Script JS - Animate Iwara video thumbnail when mouse over. to make iwara easier to see.
Iwara UI Fix JS - An alternate style for 天音's Iwara 1-Click Filter script, also works as a standalone
sis001 helper JS - sis001 remove noSselect and replace all a tags domain to sis001.com
fakelush JS - fake love lush driver
18acg图片预览加载 JS - 将图片地址加载
LushStories.com & LitErotica.com-去除文章选择、复制限制,后台静默复制文章到剪贴板;添加朗读/听书按钮 JS - LushStories.com & LitErotica.com:默认去除文章选择、复制限制;添加 Smart Read 按钮,实现语音朗读/听书功能,Esc-结束朗读;空格-暂定/继续(360安全浏览器急速模式(已测试),Chrome浏览器);www.qidian.com:左侧功能栏增加“听书”按钮,点击“听书”开始朗读。后台静默复制文章内容到剪贴板。
e621 Thumbnail Enhancer 2 JS - Resizes thumbnails on e621.net and replaces them with hi-rez version. Modified for the new site design sometime around 2020-03-06
NHentai only english JS - Make all search through NHentai use english language
yande.re refine JS - Refining yande.re
(av01.tv, pornhub)日語謎片,實時翻譯, 彈屏 JS - 日語謎片實時翻譯學習(本腳本要註冊訊飛開放平台賬號(https://www.xfyun.cn/) , 並需接入相關功能, 參考詳閱油猴頁面)
Amazon mock login JS - Used to simulate login to amazon welcome to use
Gelbooru Visited and Type Highlighter JS - Marks previously visited images on Gelbooru, marks gifs as well similar to the built-in webm highlighting, and makes webm highlighting work in more places.
主题过滤 JS - 过滤帖子,仅适用于部分网站
ArchiveFap JS - A userscript that adds an Expand All Images button to Barchive and Archived.moe