Hunsearch sorter JS - Re-arrange thehun.net search pages into descending date order.
F-L Drag&Drop 1.0 JS - F-L Drag&Drop for CustomFetishes & SubFetishes
E-Hentai Infinite Scroll JS - Auto load next image. Free your hand from keyboard/mouse.
MZITU Infinite Scroll JS - Free your hand from mouse/keyboard
Ani Gamer Age Check Bypass JS - The script automically select agree when age check appear
Youtube卡片隐藏 JS - 使用css隐藏视频结尾的卡片
avgle 过滤低评分 JS - avgle 过滤低评分,自动记录音量
bdsmlr - Extra Ad Remover CSS - Remove tricky ads that adblock doesn't remove. (tested /w uBlock)
Nhentai Favorites Scraper JS - Scrapes the magic numbers out of your Nhentai favorites list, returning the list as a text file. My first introduction to JavaScript, so don't expect perfection.
Xhamster COLLECTION LIST for XHAM New design 2020 v.71 JS - Adds handy links to the top/right of the Xhamster page (inculde USERSTYLE for HOVER)
Pornhub Playlist Webpage Fullscreen JS - Add a webpage fullscreen button allowing you to watch playlist in fullscreen.
Pornhub Bypass (IN) JS - Simple Hack to Bypass Pornhub Restriction in India . Read Additional info.
RARBG Torrents - Search List Color Coding JS - Highlights torrents containing given keyword. Better readability, faster browsing.
fuck 知乎登录页 JS - 滚 nm 知乎短信登录, 进知乎登录页面就直接跳转 配合这个脚本更好 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/402655-%E5%8E%BB%E9%99%A4%E7%9F%A5%E4%B9%8E%E7%99%BB%E9%99%86%E5%BC%B9%E7%AA%97-remove-stupid-login-window-on-zhihu-com
Unfuck Pornhub 2 JS - Hide videos on Pornhub by title with regex. Currently blocks incest titles.
Annoying Ad blocker 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Deezer: Download JS - Download the currently playing song (or any song from the current tracklist) in any chosen format (standard, hq, etc) right to your computer for playing in any player (outside Deezer). Supports HQ even without Premium subscription.
E-hentai & exhentai Japanese title JS - Make main listing to show japanese title if avaliable
上应大健康上报器 JS - 登录后,每天打开 http://xgfy.sit.edu.cn/h5/#/pages/index/report 时,自动检查上报状态,发出上报请求,并刷新页面。
Hentai Heroes Seasons++ JS - Displays more described info about seasons opponents and allows you to sort girls by name, class and rarity when selecting your battle team. By addition, it gives you an option to save and load 3 different girl teams, to later use in game.
NLegs.com Improved JS - NLegs.com viewer and adblocker
R34 Date Fixer (DD-MM-YY) JS - Changes all dates on Rule34.xxx to a DD-MM-YY format
popupTitleOverAnchorsOnMGS JS - MGS動画/PRESTIGEで作品のリンクに(だいたいの)フルタイトルをポップアップ
popupTitleOverAnchorsOnJaporn.tv JS - Japorn.tv 各サイトの商品リンクにフルタイトルをポップアップ
Download photos from Badoo JS - Download photos from Badoo. Useful to check if they are stolen photos appearing somewhere else on the web using Google Images or Tineye.
eh详情页标签颜色 JS - eh为详情页标签增加颜色
Derpibooru - Scroll-to JS - Immediately go to the part-scaled image, fill the screen as much as possible. Also adds more convenient next/prev navigation
EMCSA Plus JS - Enhance the Erotic Mind Control Stories Archive with some additional functionality
Gelbooru Preview and Download JS - Quick preview images and download in simple click
Sankaku Paginator Posts Replacer JS - Removes older posts when newer posts are added by the paginator so your page remains short
Video Celebs Search And UI Tweaks JS - Video filters and UI manipulations
ehx direct download JS - direct download archive from list / sort gallery (in current page) / show full title in pure text
ehx link color JS - change link color
ehx torrent text JS - copy text in torrent page
ph_user_video JS - redirect link to user video list / muti select & copy video links
妹子图 JS - 妹子图站广告过滤!
下载PornHub字幕 JS - 点击下载PornHub视频的字幕
nHentai Spam Cleaner JS - Removes non standard characters from nHentai comments
sandjar script avto play multipls JS - https://freebitco.in/?r=14084084
Gelbooru Show Original Image Dimensions on Resize Link JS - Shows the dimensions of the original image together with the prompt to show it.
Darker ExHentai CSS - Dark css for exhentai + Better Gallery Viewer
f95zone tweaks JS - f95zone exclude tags and min like filter.
Sankaku Beta no image fix JS - Fixes the issue of images not displaying when opening posts on another tab.
Booru loop JS - Image slideshow
sex8 JS - sex8 AD remove
javbusHelper JS - it will remove the bgImg on the detail pages on javBus!
e-hentai自动排序打开的窗口 JS - e-hentai自动排序打开的窗口,可自定义
X Indexxx - Compact WideScreen Dark and Gray v.242 CSS - Large and Compact indexxx.com for large screen (1920x1080) without junky results
X NudeVista - Widescreen Black Theme Tweak v.26 CSS - CSS theme for a larger and Dark NudeVista on large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...
e-hentai favorite alias JS - qwq
Find on SukebeiNya JS - Will open nyaa on a new window and search for the anime title
saucenao简单汉化 JS - 2020/12/24 下午5:14:31
DeviantArt DeBlur For NSFW Peepo JS - Blurs Do Be Gay Doe
fc2 show all products JS - show full list of products in 1 page and sort by id / show full title
EXBetterMulti-Page JS - Better Multi-Page
Gelbooru Animation Highlighter JS - Make webm highlighting work in many more places and mark animated gif as well.
紳士漫畫 關閉左鍵翻頁 JS - 關閉左鍵點擊翻頁,只用滾輪翻頁
Image Popup - humaniplex.com JS - View images on HX in a glightbox popup
Image Popup - usasexguide.nl JS - Display attached images in a lightbox and remove ads
Filtrar carteles con palabras en Desmo JS - Ocultar carteles que tengan ciertas palabras en Desmo
Save konachan Images to Eagle JS - Save images from konachan to Eagle.
Enfocar scribd JS - Enfocar scribd, quitar difuminado y cartel de promo.
avgleHPD - avgle HLS playlist downloader JS - Decrypt and download HLS playlist(m3u8) of avgle.com video in browser.
8muses Improved JS - Improvements to 8muses: Mark-as-read, move image page breadcrumb to sidebar, hide image page header etc.
Filtrado de arquitecturas y enlace alcanzable en pkgs.org JS - Agregando enlaces a texto plano en pkgs
成为绅士会所的绒布球 JS - 懂的都懂,圈内熟人太多,匿了匿了.jpg
Favorites enumerator JS - 1/23/2021
EXBetterGalleryList JS - BetterGalleryList
阅读不用翻页 JS - 支持后台、切换页面自动,倍速阅读、进度随心
Ad blocker Adult sites 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Nyaa SI Slim JS - Show descriptions of torrents in the search page.
PH去除vk限制 JS - 解除RU的IP访问PH的VK验证
XVideos Upload Helper JS - try to take over the world!
色图页自动访问 JS - 色图页自动访问全文
匿名山修改版 JS - 匿名山修改(修改自THENDING)
Literotica Downloader BetaFix [DEPRECATED] JS - Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability. [DEPRECATED] Use this instead: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/423700-literotica-downloader
Brazzers - TWEAKED JS - View many short scenes without limits and links to download FULL scenes from LimeTorrents.
湿热一瞬间显示性别 JS - 像手机版一样,在电脑版上显示作者性别
fakelush JS - fake love lush driver
Download pictures from telegraph JS - Download pictures from telegra.ph
京麦商家shop.jd.com订单详情页面美化 JS - qq806350554
Activar botón de commit en GitHub JS - Activando botón de commit.
avgle m3u8 extractor JS - extract m3u8 after click close / use video title as filename
SankakuDLNamer JS - Help with DL naming
Bypass 18+ JS - Bypass 18+ checking forever
Lible JS - Make library lible.
Sadpanda torrent inline - select newest torrent JS - Inlines torrent into to gallery view in sadpanda & regular panda, and adds a hotkey to download the newest torrent uploaded and ignore -1280x torrents.
Bloble.io Extreme Mod JS - Zoom, Base Builder, InstaFind
Hentaiverse Monsterbation JS - M-M-M-MONSTERBATE!!
XNXX Player Enlarger and Scroller JS - Enlarge player and scroll to it
Literotica Downloader JS - Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability
琉璃神社★hash2link JS - 将琉璃神社文章页面文本中独立成行的hash值转换成可点击的magnet链接,并在其右侧展示复制按钮
zenmod clear view JS - Remove blur over vape juices.
General Favoriates Adder JS - General Favoriates Adder for pixiv.net or other websites
Manyvids Menu JS - A Script to improve the ManyVids Menu
Hack doomed.io fun JS - By RESIDENT
Show Tags on booru.org JS - Expose your favorite tags before clicking the image
Automatic Money Collector (for hentaiheroes.com) JS - 3 functions: getMoneyBackground, getMoneyGUI, displayGirlsId
Swear script JS - lets toy swear in zombs