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CSGO饰品2D/3D对比 항목을 2021-08-14에 최소화된 코드 사유로 신고

제보자의 글:

Lines 2191-3721

qianjiachun의 글:
已修复 // webpack.config.js externals: { vue: 'Vue', VueformSlider: 'VueformSlider', },

This script has been updated since the report was filed.

This script has had 2 previous upheld or fixed reports.

qianjiachun (신고된 사용자)의 행동:

관라지가 이 제보를 인정했습니다.

To use a minified library use @require with CDN from or a link like to load from a github repository e.g. After you fix and update this deleted script, ask a moderator to undelete it.