Sleazy Fork is available in English.

sciDownload 항목을 2021-08-23에 기타 사유로 신고

제보자의 글:


It only supports sci-hubresearchgatesciencedirectieeespringerunpaywall sites.


If it is impossible to download on springer and ieee due to Cookie, the user needs to search the doi number on the Baidu website to display the download button.

In short, this script only needs to match the sci-hub, researchgate, sciencedirect, ieee, springer, unpaywall and Baidu sites.

This script has been updated since the report was filed.

This script has had 2 previous upheld or fixed reports.

Muise Destiny (신고된 사용자)의 행동:

관라지가 이 제보를 인정했습니다.