E-Hentai Highlighter

Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.

2014-09-04 일자. 최신 버전을 확인하세요.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
etc 2
0 0 0
동작 사이트


Keywords and filters are both case insensitive.


  • english: highlights all galleries having "english" in the title using the default highlight color
  • touhou/blue: highlights all galleries having "touhou" in the title using the color blue
  • english/#00ff00: highlights all galleries having "english" in the title using the color green (hex notation)
  • \beng(lish)?\b: highlights all galleries having a title that matches the regular expression provided. \beng(lish)?\b matches (eng), [eng], {eng}, (english), [english], {english}, etc.
  • :big breasts: highlights all galleries having a tag flag containing the keyword "big breasts" using the default highlight color
  • :big breasts/red: highlights all galleries having a tag flag containing the keyword "big breasts" using the color red


  • sample: filters all galleries having "sample" in the title
  • sample/blue: same as above (color information is discarded as it's not meaningful for filters)
  • :netorare: filters all galleries having a tag flag containing the keyword "netorare"


  • Version 0.5
    • Streamlined code, data is now automatically synchronized between multiple tabs/windows
    • Settings can now be changed at runtime through the popup window
  • Version 0.4
    • Added support for custom coloring. Append /COLOR to a keyword to use COLOR instead of the usual red as the background for any matching gallery. Supports any css color or hex notation.
    • Tag flags matching one or more highlight keywords are now displayed below the title (thumbnail mode only; can be disabled in the options) Version 0.3
    • Added support for the Tag Flagging perk; to make a keyword work on tag flags instead of titles, prefix it with a colon. Eg: english will filter/highlight all galleries with "english" in the title; :english will filter/highlight all galleries with a tag flag containing "english". Obviously, for the latter to work:
      • You need to have Tag Flagging
      • Tag Flagging needs to be enabled
      • The tags you want to use must be flagged; the script only looks for the tag flag icon next to each gallery.
  • Version 0.2
    • Code overhaul, newlines can now be used as keyword delimiters for better readability
  • Version 0.1
    • Rewritten, added filters