
Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, automatic image scaling, duplicate tagging/flagging, muting videos, speaker icons on loud videos, + - tag search buttons. Fully configurable using localStorage.

2019-11-09 일자. 최신 버전을 확인하세요.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
0 0 0
동작 사이트

Currently incompatible with Greasemonkey (version 2.2), use Tampermonkey instead.

Check the "⚙ Addon config" button in the navbar for settings.

How to use the Choose/Set Parent modes:
1. Select the 'Choose Parent' mode
2. Click the post-to-be-parent
3. The mode automatically switches to 'Set Parent'
4. Click all the soon-to-be-child-posts
You can remove a parent by setting a post's parent to itself (Choose Parent and click twice).

How to use the + - tag search buttons:
0. make sure you enabled them in the addon config (they are enabled by default)
1. click the "+" to the left of a tag to toggle it in search field and click "-" to toggle "-tagname"
2. the search field is focused, so you can hit enter to search

How to use the tag menu:
0. make sure it's enabled in the addon config (it's enabled by default)
1. setup your common tags in the addon config*
2. on the post page, click the small "«" button to the bottom right to open the tag menu
3. click the common tags you want to add, click the current tags you want to remove

*How to setup the common tags:
If you just want a simple tag list like in earlier versions, use this
[ {"name":"common tags", "tags":["insert your tags here"] } ]
You can group tags so they always appear in one line and have a colored background like this
[ {"name":"common tags", "tags":["some tags", ["tags that are always in the same line"], "some other tags"] } ]
You can define multiple categories
[ {"name":"category1", "tags":[...] }, {"name":"category2", "tags":[...] } ]
If you want a line break, use a new category without a name
[ {"name":"common tags", "tags":["some tags"] }, {"tags":["tags that appear in the next line"] } ]

Main page:
e = rate explicit mode
q = rate questionable mode
s = rate safe mode
c = choose parent mode
v = set parent mode
Post page:
f = fit image into window
g = scale horizontally
h = scale vertically
r = reset image size
s = find similar (allow popups!)
d = delete post (allow popups!)

Compatibility with Galinoa's "Sankaku Channel Dark":
Go to the addon config and check the self-explaining "Galinoa's Sankaku Channel Dark compatibilty" option. This should make all scaling modes work properly (at least for big window sizes) and will also apply a translation note fix (uninstall Galinoa's NoteFix if you have it).
The notes will however only fit the default image size, so press r to quickly reset the image size when you want your notes to fit.

known bugs/limitations:
image scaling doesn't scale translation boxes (press r to reset image size and make notes fit)
flash videos cannot be muted (impossible without using some kind of loader)