BetterFap - Fap Gauntlet

Fap Gauntlet for BetterFap

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Fap Gauntlet, but for BetterFap!

UPDATE 12/24/17
Updated to work with the latest test version of betterfap. Also added inline ui to replace all the keybinds. Also made the speeds and user pref-stuff the very top bit of the script so that users can easily find and change them to suit their preferences.

Fap Gauntlet is an endurance game someone on /d/ came up with (or maybe someone elsewhere even before that!) where we'd post how to fap with conditions (for instance, 30 seconds, fast, tight grip) along with a pic and you would just go through the thread and see if you made it to the end or not without cumming. Somewhere along the line some deviant decided to automate the whole process; they made a python script to rip images straight from /d/ and the program itself would randomly generate fapping conditions. It also allowed you to skip pulling from 4chan and just use your own porn- which is great because years ago when the site was changed that part of the script was broken and no one ever released more updates.

Now I loved this dump porn endurance game a ton, and fixed up my own more functional version in java some years ago, and when I saw BetterFap I knew what I had to do- make a version of fap gauntlet for it!

Also has a built in fap tempo helper because sometimes you want to look a the porn and not the changing numbers! Press n to enable, press m to mute it again!

Bonus feature! Denial mode is basically a rip straight from custom tease instructor; If it says you can cum on that image, then you can! (as long as you keep with the proper rate and grip) If it says you can't then you can'! If you edge on a no-cum image, hands off for two slides! For those edgy-orgasm denial types of people. To enable denial mode, just press 'b'!

Extra bonus feature! Dildo mode, press v and it assumes you're using a dildo now! Works with denial mode but not with the tempo helper.

Happy fapping!

UPDATE 8/6/2017-----

reworked fap grips, instead of just being how tight you're choking your chicken, it's now a variety of grips (if you dont like this change, just edit the intensities section to your pleasure)

added a visual version of the tempo helper, helps a lot with ultra slow fap rates like 1 fap per 3 sec, enable this feature with c

added a clickable button in the top-left of the screen to disable auto-advancement if you want full control for yourself or just want to watch longer vids

maybe other things I did that I forgot