R34HI features fixed or confirmed working:
-Dynamically load more posts on post listing pages
-Show ONLY videos
-Highlight videos
-Autoplay videos
-Downsize images/videos to fit on screen - working but not sure about the "yellow log", which affects this
-When Downsizing, leave space for info box below post
-Hotkey features
-Like/Favorite features
-Mark as seen features
-All compact Header options
-Hide the site header on post pages
-Hide Empty site sections
-Hide the yellow log
-Remove some sneaky ads
-Remove ads for premium
R34HI features disabled (probably not needed anymore. Still exists in code, just commented out for now. Will probably completely remove at some point):
-Center video/image and info-box below it
-Allow context-menu/right-click on images
-Show cursor on videos