Sleazy Fork is available in English.

e-hentai to nhentai

A button in e-hentai, for search Gallery in nhentai

< e-hentai to nhentai 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2022-06-03
수정: 2022-06-03

For those who don't have the script working, you need to change the script.
1)Click on the Tampermonkey icon.
2)Select the control panel (pinion icon)
3)On the line "e-hentai to nhentai" select "edit" on the right side of the screen (pencil icon)
4)In the code you need to replace the function (function SearchNyahentai() { ...) to this one
function SearchNyahentai() {
var title=document.title.replace(/( - ExHentai\.org)|( - E-Hentai Galleries)|[^\w\d\[\]]/g," ");"/search/?q="+encodeURI(title));
5)Click Ctr+S

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