// ==UserScript==
// @name Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version
// @namespace https://sleazyfork.org/fr/scripts/415625-hentai-heroes-ocd-season-version
// @description Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.
// @version 0.86.3
// @match https://*.hentaiheroes.com/*
// @match https://*.haremheroes.com/*
// @match https://*.gayharem.com/*
// @match https://*.comixharem.com/*
// @match https://*.hornyheroes.com/*
// @match https://*.pornstarharem.com/*
// @match https://*.transpornstarharem.com/*
// @match https://*.gaypornstarharem.com/*
// @match https://*.mangarpg.com/*
// @run-at document-idle
// @grant none
// @author Raphael, 1121, Sluimerstand, shal, Tom208, test_anon, 45026831(Numbers)
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* ===========
=========== */
// 0.86.3: Fixed a bug with the navigation between the harem filtered girls.
// 0.86.2: Added new world and villain in Gay Harem and Gaypornstar harem.
// 0.86.1: Fixed an issue with PoP navigation shortcuts on test server.
// 0.86.0: Added new world and villain in HH. Replaced troll menu by a message when side adventure is selected. Fixed club champion shortcut by replacing hover shortcut by a button.
// 0.85.9: Fixed a bug in battle simulator.
// 0.85.8: Fixed a bug with villains module.
// 0.85.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.85.6: Fixed minor bugs. Add an option to hide pictures on login screen (partially working).
// 0.85.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.85.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.85.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.85.2: Fixed minor things.
// 0.85.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.85.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.8: Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.7: Added a reset button in the filter windows.
// 0.84.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.2: Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.1: Added new world in Gay Pornstrar Harem. Fixed minor things.
// 0.84.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.83.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.83.8: Fixed an issue with opponents profile link in season.
// 0.83.7: Added opponents profile link in season.
// 0.83.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.83.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.83.4: Added player profile link in leaderboards.
// 0.83.3: Fixed a bug in harem. Added an option for season fights sort.
// 0.83.2: Fixed minor issues in league display.
// 0.83.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.83.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.82.9: Added a new world in CxH and TPSH.
// 0.82.8: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.82.7: Added options for leagueboard display.
// 0.82.6: Fixed some bugs following to a game update.
// 0.82.5: Fixed a bug with Places of Power due to a game update.
// 0.82.4: Added timers for Lively Scene and Sultry Mysteries events.
// 0.82.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.82.2: Added timer for new girl in labyrinth. Added favorite players filter in league. Fixed minor things.
// 0.82.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.82.0: Added timer for new girl in the labyrinth. Fixed minor things.
// 0.81.9: Added last world in PSH. Added a sort for season opponents.
// 0.81.8: Improved villains module.
// 0.81.7: Fixed an issue with the villains list in MangaRPG
// 0.81.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.81.5: Added "hide girl's grade upgrade button in kobans" option.
// 0.81.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.81.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.81.2: Fixed shard display in club champion leaderboard.
// 0.81.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.81.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.80.9: Fixed minor things. Fixed a bug with league timer on home screen for Nutaku platform.
// 0.80.8: Added sort by boosters timers in league.
// 0.80.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.80.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.80.5: Added tooltip for top ranking in mega-event.
// 0.80.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.80.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.80.2: Added world 7 in Transpornstarharem and world 5 in Gaypornstarharem.
// 0.80.1: Fixed shards display from vanilla game. Fixed various things in the script.
// 0.80.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.79.9: Fixed an error with reflect skill in battle probabilities.
// 0.79.8: Added world 19 girls and villain in HH.
// 0.79.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.79.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.79.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.79.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.79.3: Fixed a bug with transformHHPNData.
// 0.79.2: Fixed other bugs.
// 0.79.1: Fixed some bugs following to the game update.
// 0.79.0: Fixed a bug with data transformation. Added a function to highlight club members in league, rankings and contests.
// 0.78.8: Added support to MangaRPG. Compacted data in localStorage for girlsDictionary. Fixed minor things.
// 0.78.7: Fixed a bug in champion module with girl position highlight.
// 0.78.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.78.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.78.4: Fixed the new url for harem. Added a lock button in league for Hero.
// 0.78.3: Added a function to unhide girl pose preview in popup. Fixed minor things.
// 0.78.2: Added labyrinth team in harem team filter. Fixed minor things.
// 0.78.1: Added filter in Hero mythic items upgrade. Fixed Sex God Path display.
// 0.78.0: Fixed a bug with event end indicator.
// 0.77.9: Added roles in labyrinth filters and displayed roles on girls pictures.
// 0.77.8: Fixed a bug with hide claimed rewards feature in DP.
// 0.77.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.77.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.77.5: Fixed a bug with hide claimed rewards feature in Lusty Race.
// 0.77.4: Fixed minor things. Added hero ranking at the bottom of the leaderboards.
// 0.77.3: Fixed a bug with villains module.
// 0.77.2: Fixed a bug with villains module.
// 0.77.1: Refactored some code. Fixed a bug with villains module.
// 0.77.0: Fixed shards update for club champion. Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.9: Added labyrinth link in TPSH and GPSH. Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.8: Added labyrinth relics sorting. Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.6: Fixed club champion bug following to the game update.
// 0.76.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.4: Fixed Hero data following to test server update.
// 0.76.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.2: Fixed world/villains numbers in PSH.
// 0.76.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.75.9: Fixed some issues.
// 0.75.8: Added new worlds in CxH, PSH, TPSH and GPSH.
// 0.75.7: Fixed other bugs.
// 0.75.6: Fixed some bugs following to the game update on test server.
// 0.75.5: Added labyrinth info module. Fixed world links in PSH.
// 0.75.4: Fixed links on Nutaku following to the game's update.
// 0.75.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.75.2: Fixed minor things.
// 0.75.1: Fixed some bugs.
// 0.75.0: Got partial girls data from events and harem pages.
// 0.74.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.74.8: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.74.7: Changed minor things.
// 0.74.6: Decreased girls data size in localStorage.
// 0.74.5: Fixed a bug with Teams collector. Added the waifu page to get harem girls data.
// 0.74.4: Added a kind of team filter in Harem.
// 0.74.3: Decreased size of girls data in localStorage. Fixed some bugs with new harem.
// 0.74.2: Fixed some bugs relative to the harem girls following to the game's update (girls data list removed).
// 0.74.1: Fixed a bug to hide claimed rewards in Lusty Race.
// 0.74.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.73.9: Fixed bugs following to the game's update.
// 0.73.8: Fixed bugs following to the game's update.
// 0.73.7: Fixed another bug with league shortcut.
// 0.73.6: Fixed bugs following to the game's update.
// 0.73.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.73.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.73.3: Fixed minor things. Added last world in GH and PSH.
// 0.73.2: Fixed display bugs following to the game update.
// 0.73.1: Fixed a minor bug in league skill filter.
// 0.73.0: Added skill filter for girl selection in the labyrinth. Added a checkbox to select/unselect all skills in 1 click.
// 0.72.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.8: Fixed bugs with "Filter Girls Items" features.
// 0.72.7: Fixed bugs with "Filter Armor Items" features. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.6: Added support to the Kinkoid's game Gay Pornstar Harem. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.5: Added labyrinth shortcut to the sex god path menu. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.4: Changed god sex path menu display on home screen. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.2: Fixed a bug with league sim. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.1: Fixed some game data in league.
// 0.72.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.71.9: Added world 18 in HH.
// 0.71.8: Fixed minor things.
// 0.71.7: Fixed minor things. Reorganize mega-event widget on home screen.
// 0.71.6: Fixed changes in stats display in league table.
// 0.71.5: Fixed a bug.
// 0.71.4: Fixed a bug with battle simulations in league table since the PVP mythic booster is no longer displayed. Fixed minor things.
// 0.71.3: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.71.2: Added an option to hide x3 button in league. Fixed minor things.
// 0.71.1: Fixed a bug with boosters circular progress.
// 0.71.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.9: Fixed a bug in Harem update. Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.8: Added new world in Comix Harem. Removed bug fix for club champion board following to the ingame fix.
// 0.70.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.5: Added highlight on league opponents' names according to their tier 5 skill.
// 0.70.4: Added tier 5 skill display for Hero on pre-battle screen. Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.2: Fixed a bug with sort by team power in league leaderboard.
// 0.70.1: Added sort by team power in league leaderboard. Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.0: Fixed a bug with tier 5 skill filter in harem. Added a booster filter in league leaderboard.
/* =========
========= */
// Define jQuery
var $ = window.jQuery;
if ($ == undefined) {
console.log("Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version WARNING: No jQuery found. Probably an error page. Ending the script here")
// Define CSS
var sheet = (function() {
let style = document.createElement('style');
return style.sheet;
var CurrentPage = window.location.pathname;
const testPage = (page) => CurrentPage.includes(page);
const testUniverse = (universe) => window.HH_UNIVERSE == universe;
const lvl_max_player = 1000;
const lvl_max_girl = 750;
/* ==============
============== */
var texts = {
en: {
optionsVillain: 'Fight a villain menu',
optionsTiers: 'Show tiers with available girls',
optionsXPMoney : 'Better XP / Money',
optionsMarket: 'Market information',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Move the market "Restock" button',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filter market armors',
optionsHarem: 'Harem information',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Add some filters to the harem',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filter the girls equipments',
optionsLeague: 'League information',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Show the league tops',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Show sim in the league table',
optionsSimFight : 'League / Season / Villains sim',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Teams filter',
optionsChampions: 'Champions information and quick navigation',
optionsLinks: 'Shortcuts/Timers',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Labyrinth information',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Season stats',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Show names in Pachinko',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Change missions background',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Delete the collect money animation',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Set Missions as main tab in Activities',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Customized home screen',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Hide claimed rewards',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Desktop display mode on mobile',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Hide "Claim All" button',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Hide x15 button in league',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Remove the "no-girl" warning in Pachinko',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Timer for contests rewards',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Hide x3 button in league',
optionsHideGradeUpgradeKobanButton: 'Hide girl\'s grade upgrade button in kobans',
optionsLeagueBoostersStatus: 'Display opponents boosters status',
optionsLeagueCompactDisplay: 'Display compact leagueboard',
optionsSeasonFightsSort: 'Season fights sort',
optionsHideIntroPictures: 'Hide pictures on login page',
and: 'and',
or: 'or',
including: 'including',
affection: 'affection',
affections: 'affections',
harem_stats: 'Harem Stats',
haremettes: 'haremettes',
hardcore: 'Hardcore',
charm: 'Charm',
know_how: 'Know-how',
shagger: 'Shagger',
lover: 'Lover',
expert: 'Expert',
Defense_against: 'Defense against ',
specialist_in: 'specialist in ',
harem_levels: 'harem levels',
to_go: 'to go',
unlocked_scenes: 'scenes unlocked',
money_income: 'Money income',
per_hour: 'per hour',
when_all_collectable: 'when all collectable',
required_to_unlock: 'Required to upgrade all haremettes',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Required to get all haremettes to the max level of their awakening level',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Required to get all mythic and 5-star legendary haremettes to the level ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'My stock',
equipments: 'equipments',
boosters: 'boosters',
with_boosters: 'With boosters',
no_boosters: 'No boosters',
books: 'books',
gifts: 'gifts',
Equipments: 'Equipments',
Boosters: 'Boosters',
Books: 'Books',
Gifts: 'Gifts',
equipment: 'equipment',
booster: 'booster',
book: 'book',
gift: 'gift',
Equipment: 'Equipment',
Booster: 'Booster',
Book: 'Book',
Gift: 'Gift',
currently_buyable: 'Currently buyable stock',
visit_the: 'Visit the <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">Market</a> first.',
not_compatible: 'Your webbrowser is not compatible.',
or_level: 'or level',
restock: 'Restock',
wiki: '\'s wiki page',
evolution_costs: 'Upgrade costs are',
world: 'World ',
villain: ' villain',
fight_villain: 'Fight a villain',
you_own: 'You own',
you_can_give: 'You can give a total of',
you_can_sell: 'You can sell everything for',
stat_points_need: 'Stat points buyable to max',
money_need: 'Money required to max',
money_spent: 'Money spent in market',
points_from_level: 'Level-based stat points',
bought_points: 'Market-bought stat points',
equipment_points: 'Equipments stat points',
ginseng_points: 'Boosters stat points',
club_points: 'Club bonus stat points',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Starting',
common: 'Common',
rare: 'Rare',
epic: 'Epic',
legendary: 'Legendary',
mythic: 'Mythic',
day: 'd',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'To <u>demote</u> you can have a maximum of ',
demote_down: 'To <u>demote</u> you must be passed by players with as few as ',
demote_holdzero: 'To <u>demote</u> you must remain at ',
stagnate_up: 'To <u>not promote</u> you can have a maximum of ',
stagnate_down: 'To <u>not promote</u> you must be passed by players with as few as ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'To <u>not promote</u> you must remain at ',
top4_up: 'To <u>be in the top 4</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top4_hold: 'To <u>stay in the top 4</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top15_up: 'To <u>be in the top 15</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top15_hold: 'To <u>stay in the top 15</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top30_up: 'To <u>be in the top 30</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top30_hold: 'To <u>stay in the top 30</u> you must have a minimum of ',
points: 'points',
challenges_regen: 'Natural regeneration: ',
challenges_left: '<br />Challenges left: ',
season_fights: 'Season fights: ',
in: 'in',
pop: 'Places',
expeditions: 'Expeditions',
season: 'Season',
full_in: 'Full in',
ends_at: 'Ends at',
full: 'Full',
league: 'League',
boosters_end: 'Boosters end',
victories: 'Victories',
defeats: 'Defeats',
unknown: 'Unknown',
opponents: 'Opponents',
notPlayed: 'Not played',
leaguePoints: 'Points',
avg: 'Average',
league_ending: 'League ending on ',
league_finished: 'League finished on ',
current_league: 'Current league',
averageScore: 'Average score per fight: ',
scoreExpected: 'Score expected: ',
available_girls: 'Available girls: ',
fights: 'Fights',
won_mojo: 'Won mojo',
lost_mojo: 'Lost mojo',
won_mojo_avg: 'Won mojo average',
lost_mojo_avg: 'Lost mojo average',
mojo_avg: 'Global mojo average',
filter: 'Filter',
searched_name : 'Searched name',
girl_name: 'Girl name',
searched_class: 'Searched class',
searched_rarity: 'Searched rarity',
team_number: 'Team number',
all: 'All',
team: 'Team',
teams: 'Teams',
save_as: 'Save as',
load_from: 'Load from',
level_range: 'Level range',
searched_aff_category: 'Searched affection category',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Searched affection <BR>level',
aff_lvl: 'Affection level',
zero_star: '0 star',
one_star: '1 star',
two_stars: '2 stars',
three_stars: '3 stars',
four_stars: '4 stars',
five_stars: '5 stars',
six_stars: '6 stars',
time_passed: 'time has passed',
combativity: 'Combativity',
energy: 'Energy',
sort: 'Sort',
hide: 'Hide',
display: 'Display',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Searched blessed girls',
blessed_attributes: 'Blessed girls',
non_blessed_attributes: 'Non-blessed girls',
pantheon: 'Pantheon\'s Stairway',
searched_element: 'Searched Element',
element: 'Element',
dominatrix: 'Dominatrix',
submissive: 'Submissive',
voyeur: 'Voyeur',
eccentric: 'Eccentric',
exhibitionist: 'Exhibitionist',
physical: 'Physical',
playful: 'Playful',
sensual: 'Sensual',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} since round start',
searched_pose: 'Searched Pose',
visit_teams: 'Visit <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">Teams</a> first.',
next: 'Next',
Side_quests : 'Side quests',
Club_champion: 'Club champion',
Current_positions: 'Current positions',
Current_stage: 'Current stage',
Statistics: 'Statistics',
Prev_stage: 'Prev stage',
attempt: 'attempt',
attempts: 'attempts',
Gems_in_stock: 'Gems in stock',
missing_gems: 'Missing gems to maximize each mythic or legendary 5-star girl',
date_on: 'on',
skilledGirls: 'Skilled Girls',
last_season: 'Last Season',
champion_girl_pose: 'Champion\'s girl pose',
none_f: 'None',
none_m: 'None',
with: 'With',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Tier 5 skill',
already_fought: 'Already fought',
new_girl_in: 'New girl in:',
trollsMessage: '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../adventures.html') + '">Select main adventure to display worlds and villains shortcuts</a>',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Aries',
2: '♉︎ Taurus',
3: '♊︎ Gemini',
4: '♋︎ Cancer',
5: '♌︎ Leo',
6: '♍︎ Virgo',
7: '♎︎ Libra',
8: '♏︎ Scorpio',
9: '♐︎ Sagittarius',
10: '♑︎ Capricorn',
11: '♒︎ Aquarius',
12: '♓︎ Pisces'},
color: {'F99': 'Pink',
'00F': 'Blue',
'A55': 'Brown',
'0F0': 'Green',
'F0F': 'Purple',
'FD0': 'Golden',
'F00': 'Red',
'B06': 'Dark Pink',
'F90': 'Orange',
'888': 'Grey',
'CCC': 'Silver',
'000': 'Black',
'XXX': 'Unknown',
'321': 'Dark',
'B62': 'Dark blond',
'FFF': 'White',
'FF0': 'Blond',
'EB8': 'Strawberry blonde',
'D83': 'Bronze'},
fr: {
optionsVillain: 'Menu des combats des trolls',
optionsTiers: 'Montrer les paliers avec filles disponibles',
optionsXPMoney : 'XP / Argent + précis',
optionsMarket: 'Infos marché',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Déplacer le bouton "Remplir" du marché',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filtrer les équipements du marché',
optionsHarem: 'Infos harem',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Ajouter des filtres dans le harem',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filtrer les équipements des filles',
optionsLeague: 'Infos ligue',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Montrer les tops ligue',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Afficher simu dans le classement de ligue',
optionsSimFight: 'Simu ligue / saison / combats de troll',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Filtre d\'équipes',
optionsChampions: 'Infos + raccourcis champions',
optionsLinks: 'Raccourcis/Timers',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Infos labyrinthe',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Stats de la saison',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Montrer les noms au Pachinko',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Change l\'arrière-plan des missions',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Désactive l\'animation de récolte d\'argent',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Définir l\'onglet principal Missions dans Activités',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Ecran principal personnalisé',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Masquer les récompenses réclamées',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Mode d\'affichage PC sur mobile',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Masquer le bouton "Tout réclamer"',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Masquer le bouton x15 dans la ligue',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Supprimer la fenêtre "pas de fille" au Pachinko',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Timer pour les récompenses des compét',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Masquer le bouton x3 dans la ligue',
optionsHideGradeUpgradeKobanButton: 'Masquer le bouton d\'amélioration d\'affection en kobans',
optionsLeagueBoostersStatus: 'Afficher l\'état des boosters adverses',
optionsLeagueCompactDisplay: 'Affichage compact du classement de ligue',
optionsSeasonFightsSort: 'Tri des combats de saison',
optionsHideIntroPictures: 'Masquer les images sur la page de connexion',
and: 'et',
or: 'ou',
including: 'dont',
affection: 'affection',
harem_stats: 'Stats du harem',
haremettes: 'haremettes',
hardcore: 'Hardcore',
charm: 'Charme',
know_how: 'Savoir-faire',
shagger: 'Niqueur',
lover: 'Romantique',
expert: 'Expert',
Defense_against: 'Défense contre les ',
specialist_in: 'spécialiste du ',
harem_levels: 'niveaux de harem',
to_go: 'restant',
unlocked_scenes: 'scènes débloquées',
money_income: 'Revenus',
per_hour: 'par heure',
when_all_collectable: 'quand tout est disponible',
required_to_unlock: 'Requis pour débloquer toutes les scènes',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Requis pour obtenir toutes les filles au niveau max de leur palier d\'éveil',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Requis pour obtenir toutes les filles mythiques et légendaires 5 étoiles au niveau ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'Mes stocks',
equipments: 'équipements',
boosters: 'boosters',
with_boosters: 'Avec boosters',
no_boosters: 'Sans booster',
books: 'livres',
gifts: 'cadeaux',
Equipments: 'Equipements',
Boosters: 'Boosters',
Books: 'Livres',
Gifts: 'Cadeaux',
equipment: 'équipement',
booster: 'booster',
book: 'livre',
gift: 'cadeau',
Equipment: 'Equipement',
Booster: 'Booster',
Book: 'Livre',
Gift: 'Cadeau',
currently_buyable: 'Stock disponible au marché',
visit_the: 'Visite le <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">marché</a> first.',
not_compatible: 'Votre navigateur n\'est pas compatible.',
or_level: 'ou niveau',
restock: 'Restock',
wiki: 'Page wiki de ',
evolution_costs: 'Ses couts d\'évolution sont',
world: 'Monde ',
villain: ' troll',
fight_villain: 'Combats un troll',
you_own: 'Tu possèdes',
you_can_give: 'Tu peux donner un total de',
you_can_sell: 'Tu peux tout vendre pour',
stat_points_need: 'Nombre de points requis pour max',
money_need: 'Argent demandé pour max',
money_spent: 'Argent dépensé dans le marché',
points_from_level: 'Points donnés par ton niveau',
bought_points: 'Points achetés au marché',
equipment_points: 'Points donnés par ton équipement',
ginseng_points: 'Points donnés par tes boosters',
club_points: 'Points donnés par ton club',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Fille de départ',
common: 'Commun',
rare: 'Rare',
epic: 'Épique',
legendary: 'Légendaire',
mythic: 'Mythique',
day: 'j',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'Pour <u>être rétrogradé</u> vous pouvez avoir un maximum de ',
demote_down: 'Pour <u>être rétrogradé</u> vous devez être dépassé par les joueurs qui ont ',
demote_holdzero: 'Pour <u>être rétrogradé</u> vous devez rester avec ',
stagnate_up: 'Pour <u>ne pas être promu</u> vous pouvez avoir un maximum de ',
stagnate_down: 'Pour <u>ne pas être promu</u> vous devez être dépassé par les joueurs qui ont ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'Pour <u>ne pas être promu</u> vous devez rester avec ',
top4_up: 'Pour <u>être dans le top 4</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top4_hold: 'Pour <u>rester dans le top 4</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top15_up: 'Pour <u>être dans le top 15</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top15_hold: 'Pour <u>rester dans le top 15</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top30_up: 'Pour <u>être dans le top 30</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top30_hold: 'Pour <u>rester dans le top 30</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
points: 'points',
challenges_regen: 'Régénération naturelle: ',
challenges_left: '<br />Défis restants: ',
season_fights: 'Combats de Saison: ',
in: 'dans',
pop: 'Lieux',
expeditions: 'Expéditions',
season: 'Saison',
full_in: 'Remplie dans',
ends_at: 'Fin à',
full: 'Remplie',
league: 'Ligue',
boosters_end: 'Fin boosters',
victories: 'Victoires',
defeats: 'Defaites',
unknown: 'Inconnus',
opponents: 'Adversaires',
notPlayed: 'Non joués',
leaguePoints: 'Points',
avg: 'Moyenne',
league_ending: 'Ligue terminant le ',
league_finished: 'Ligue terminée le ',
current_league: 'Ligue actuelle',
averageScore: 'Score moyen par combat: ',
scoreExpected: 'Score attendu: ',
available_girls: 'Filles disponibles: ',
fights: 'Combats',
won_mojo: 'Mojo gagnés',
lost_mojo: 'Mojo perdus',
won_mojo_avg: 'Moyenne mojo gagnés',
lost_mojo_avg: 'Moyenne mojo perdus',
mojo_avg: 'Moyenne mojo globale',
filter: 'Filtre',
searched_name : 'Nom recherché',
girl_name: 'Nom de la fille',
searched_class: 'Classe recherchée',
searched_rarity: 'Rareté recherchée',
team_number: 'Équipe #',
all: 'Toutes',
team: 'Équipe',
teams: 'Équipes',
save_as: 'Sauver sous',
load_from: 'Charger',
level_range: 'Intervalle de niveaux',
searched_aff_category: 'Catégorie d\'affection recherchée',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Niveau d\'affection recherché',
aff_lvl: 'Niveau d\'affection',
zero_star: '0 étoile',
one_star: '1 étoile',
two_stars: '2 étoiles',
three_stars: '3 étoiles',
four_stars: '4 étoiles',
five_stars: '5 étoiles',
six_stars: '6 étoiles',
time_passed: 'du temps a passé',
combativity: 'Combativité',
energy: 'Énergie',
sort: 'Trier',
hide: 'Masquer',
display: 'Afficher',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Filles bénies recherchées',
blessed_attributes: 'Filles bénies',
non_blessed_attributes: 'Filles non bénies',
pantheon: 'Escaliers du Panthéon',
searched_element : 'Element recherché',
element: 'Element',
dominatrix: 'Dominatrice',
submissive: 'Soumise',
voyeur: 'Voyeuse',
eccentric: 'Excentrique',
exhibitionist: 'Exhibitioniste',
physical: 'Physique',
playful: 'Joueuse',
sensual: 'Sensuelle',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} depuis le début du tour',
searched_pose: 'Pose recherchée',
visit_teams: 'Visiter d\'abord <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">les équipes</a>.',
next: 'Suiv.',
Side_quests : 'Quêtes secondaires',
Club_champion: 'Champion de club',
Current_positions: 'Positions actuelles',
Current_stage: 'Niveau actuel',
Statistics: 'Statistiques',
Prev_stage: 'Niveau précédent',
attempt: 'essai',
attempts: 'essais',
Gems_in_stock: 'Gemmes en stock',
missing_gems: 'Gemmes manquantes pour maxer chaque fille mythique ou légendaire 5 étoiles',
date_on: 'le',
skilledGirls: 'Filles avec compétences',
last_season: 'Saison précédente',
champion_girl_pose: 'Position de la fille du champion',
none_f: 'Aucune',
none_m: 'Aucun',
with: 'Avec',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Compétences palier 5',
already_fought: 'Déjà combattus',
new_girl_in: 'Nouvelle fille dans :',
trollsMessage: '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../adventures.html') + '">Sélectionner l\'aventure principale pour afficher les raccourcis des mondes et des trolls</a>',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Bélier',
2: '♉︎ Taureau',
3: '♊︎ Gémeaux',
4: '♋︎ Cancer',
5: '♌︎ Lion',
6: '♍︎ Vierge',
7: '♎︎ Balance',
8: '♏︎ Scorpion',
9: '♐︎ Sagittaire',
10: '♑︎ Capricorne',
11: '♒︎ Verseau',
12: '♓︎ Poissons'},
color: {'F99': 'Rose',
'00F': 'Bleu',
'A55': 'Marron',
'0F0': 'Vert',
'F0F': 'Violet',
'FD0': 'Doré',
'F00': 'Rouge',
'B06': 'Rose sombre',
'F90': 'Orange',
'888': 'Gris',
'CCC': 'Argent',
'000': 'Noir',
'XXX': 'Inconnu',
'321': 'Brun',
'B62': 'Châtain',
'FFF': 'Blanc',
'FF0': 'Blond',
'EB8': 'Blond vénitien',
'D83': 'Bronze'},
es: {
optionsVillain: 'Menu Pelear contra villano',
optionsTiers: 'Mostrar gradas con chicas disponibles',
optionsXPMoney : 'Mejor XP / Dinero',
optionsMarket: 'Informacion de Mercado',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Mover el botón "Reponer" del mercado',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filtrar armaduras del mercado',
optionsHarem: 'Informacion de Harén',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Añadir filtros al harén',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filtrar los equipos de chicas',
optionsLeague: 'Informacion de Liga',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Mostrar los mejores de la liga',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Mostrar simulacion en la clasificación de liga',
optionsSimFight: 'Simulacion de Liga / Temporada / Villano',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Filtro de equipos',
optionsChampions: 'Informacion + atajos para campeones',
optionsLinks: 'Atajos/Temporizadores',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Información del laberinto',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Season stats',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Mostrar nombres en Pachinko',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Cambiar el fondo de las misiones',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Desactivar la animación de recogida de dinero',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Establecer misiones como pestaña principal en Actividades',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Pantalla de inicio personalizada',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Ocultar las recompensas reclamadas',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Modo de visualización PC a móvil',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Ocultar el botón "Reclamar todo"',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Ocultar el botón x15 en liga',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Eliminar la ventana de "no chica" en Pachinko',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Temporizador para recompensas de competitiones',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Ocultar el botón x3 en liga',
optionsHideGradeUpgradeKobanButton: 'Ocultar el botón de subita de afecto en kobans',
optionsLeagueBoostersStatus: 'Visualizar el estado de los potenciadores de los adversarios',
optionsLeagueCompactDisplay: 'Visualizar la tabla de ligas compactas',
optionsSeasonFightsSort: 'Clasificando las peleas de la temporada',
optionsHideIntroPictures: 'Ocultar imágenes en la página de login',
and: 'y',
or: 'o',
in: 'en',
including: 'incluido',
affection: 'afecto',
harem_stats: 'Estatus del Harén',
haremettes: 'haremettes',
hardcore: 'Folladas',
charm: 'Encanto',
know_how: 'Saber-hacer',
shagger: 'Follador',
lover: 'Amante',
expert: 'Experto',
Defense_against: 'Defensa contra ',
specialist_in: 'especialista en ',
harem_levels: 'niveles de harén',
to_go: 'restante',
unlocked_scenes: 'escenas desbloqueadas',
money_income: 'Ingreso de dinero',
per_hour: 'por hora',
when_all_collectable: 'cuando todo es coleccionable',
required_to_unlock: 'Requerido para desbloquear todas las escenas bloqueadas',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Requerido para obtener todas las chicas al máximo nivel de su despertar nivel',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Requerido para obtener todas las chicas míticas y legendarias de 5 estrellas al nivel ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'Mi Stock',
equipments: 'equipos',
boosters: 'potenciadores',
with_boosters: 'Con potenciadores',
no_boosters: 'Sin potenciadores',
books: 'libros',
gifts: 'regalos',
Equipments: 'Equipos',
Boosters: 'Potenciadores',
Books: 'Libros',
Gifts: 'Regalos',
equipment: 'equipo',
booster: 'potenciador',
book: 'libro',
gift: 'regalo',
Equipment: 'Equipo',
Booster: 'Potenciador',
Book: 'Libro',
Gift: 'Regalo',
currently_buyable: 'Stocks Comprables Actualmente',
visit_the: 'Visita el <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">Mercado</a> primero.',
not_compatible: 'Tu navegador no es compatible.',
or_level: 'o nivel',
restock: 'Restock',
wiki: 'Página wiki de ',
evolution_costs: 'Sus costo de evolucion son',
world: 'Mundo ',
villain: ' villano',
fight_villain: 'Pelear un villano',
you_own: 'Tienes',
you_can_give: 'Puedes dar un total de',
you_can_sell: 'Puedes vender todo por',
stat_points_need: 'Puntos de estatus necesarios para maximo',
money_need: 'Dinero necesario para maximo',
money_spent: 'Dinero usado en el mercado',
points_from_level: 'Puntos de estatus de nivel',
bought_points: 'Puntos comprados del mercado',
equipment_points: 'Puntos de estatus de equipamiento',
ginseng_points: 'Puntos de estatus de los potenciadores',
club_points: 'Puntos de estatus del club',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Principiante',
common: 'Común',
rare: 'Raro',
epic: 'Épico',
legendary: 'Legendario',
mythic: 'Mítica',
day: 'd',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'Para <u>degradar</u> puedes tener un máximo de ',
demote_down: 'Para <u>degradar</u> debes ser superado por jugadores con tan solo ',
demote_holdzero: 'Para <u>degradar</u> debes mantenerte en ',
stagnate_up: 'Para <u>no promocionar</u> puedes tener un máximo de ',
stagnate_down: 'Para <u>no promocionar</u> debes ser superado por jugadores con tan solo ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'Para <u>no promocionar</u> debes mantenerte en ',
top4_up: 'Para <u>estar entre los 4 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top4_hold: 'Para <u>quedar entre los 4 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top15_up: 'Para <u>estar entre los 15 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top15_hold: 'Para <u>quedar entre los 15 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top30_up: 'Para <u>estar entre los 30 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top30_hold: 'Para <u>quedar entre los 30 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
points: 'puntos',
challenges_regen: 'Regeneracion naturel: ',
challenges_left: '<br />Retos pendientes: ',
pop: 'Lugares',
season: 'Temporada',
full_in: 'Completa',
ends_at: 'Fin a las',
full: 'Completa',
league: 'Liga',
boosters_end: 'Fin potenc.',
victories: 'Victorias',
defeats: 'Derrota',
unknown: 'Desconocido',
opponents: 'Oponentes',
notPlayed: 'No jugado',
leaguePoints: 'Puntos',
avg: 'Media',
league_ending: 'Liga termina el ',
league_finished: 'Liga terminó el ',
current_league: 'Liga actual',
averageScore: 'Puntuación media por combate: ',
scoreExpected: 'Puntuación esperada: ',
available_girls: 'Chicas disponibles: ',
fights: 'Fights',
won_mojo: 'Won mojo',
lost_mojo: 'Lost mojo',
won_mojo_avg: 'Won mojo average',
lost_mojo_avg: 'Lost mojo average',
mojo_avg: 'Global mojo average',
filter: 'Filtro',
searched_name : 'Nombre buscado',
girl_name: 'Nombre de la chica',
searched_class: 'Clase buscada',
searched_rarity: 'Rareza buscada',
team_number: 'Equipo #',
all: 'Todo',
team: 'Equipo',
teams: 'Equipos',
save_as: 'Guardar como',
load_from: 'Carga',
level_range: 'Rango de nivel',
searched_aff_category: 'Categoría de afecto buscada',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Nivel de afecto buscado',
aff_lvl: 'Nivel de afecto',
zero_star: '0 estrella',
one_star: '1 estrella',
two_stars: '2 estrellas',
three_stars: '3 estrellas',
four_stars: '4 estrellas',
five_stars: '5 estrellas',
six_stars: '6 estrellas',
time_passed: 'del tiempo ha pasado',
combativity: 'Combatividad',
energy: 'Energía',
sort: 'Ordenar',
hide: 'Ocultar',
display: 'Mostrar',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Chicas bendecidas buscadas',
blessed_attributes: 'Benditas chicas',
non_blessed_attributes: 'Chicas no bendecidas',
pantheon: 'Escalera del Panteón',
searched_element : 'Elemento buscado',
element: 'Elemento',
dominatrix: 'Dominatrix',
submissive: 'Sumisa',
voyeur: 'Voyeur',
eccentric: 'Excéntrica',
exhibitionist: 'Exhibicionista',
physical: 'Física',
playful: 'Juguetona',
sensual: 'Sensual',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} desde el comienzo de la ronda',
searched_pose: 'Pose buscada',
visit_teams: 'Visita el <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">Equipos</a> primero.',
next: 'Sigui.',
Side_quests : 'Misiones secundarias',
Club_champion: 'Campeón de club',
Current_positions: 'Posiciones actuales',
Current_stage: 'Fase actual',
Statistics: 'Estadísticas',
Prev_stage: 'Fase previa',
attempt: 'intento',
attempts: 'intentos',
Gems_in_stock: 'Gemas en stock',
missing_gems: 'Gemas que faltan para maximizar cada chica mítica o legendaria de 5 estrellas',
date_on: 'del',
skilledGirls: 'Chicas con habilidades',
last_season: 'Temporada anterior',
champion_girl_pose: 'Pose de chica campeona',
none_f: 'Ninguna',
none_m: 'Ninguno',
with: 'Con',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Habilidades nivel 5',
already_fought: 'Ya luchó',
new_girl_in: 'Nueva chica en:',
trollsMessage: '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../adventures.html') + '">Selecciona la aventura principal para mostrar accesos directos a mundos y villanos</a>',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Aries',
2: '♉︎ Tauro',
3: '♊︎ Géminis',
4: '♋︎ Cáncer',
5: '♌︎ Leo',
6: '♍︎ Virgo',
7: '♎︎ Libra',
8: '♏︎ Escorpión',
9: '♐︎ Sagitario',
10: '♑︎ Capricornio',
11: '♒︎ Acuario',
12: '♓︎ Piscis'},
color: {'F99': 'Rosa',
'00F': 'Azul',
'A55': 'Marrón',
'0F0': 'Verde',
'F0F': 'Lila',
'FD0': 'Dorado',
'F00': 'Rojo',
'B06': 'Rosa oscuro',
'F90': 'Naranja',
'888': 'Gris',
'CCC': 'Platino',
'000': 'Negro',
'XXX': 'Desconocido',
'321': 'Oscuro',
'B62': 'Marrón',
'FFF': 'Blanco',
'FF0': 'Rubio',
'EB8': 'Rubio rojizo',
'D83': 'Cronce'},
it: {
optionsVillain: 'Menù battaglia Troll',
optionsTiers: 'Mostra i livelli con le ragazze disponibili',
optionsXPMoney : 'Migliora XP / soldi',
optionsMarket: 'Informazioni negozio',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Spostate il pulsante "Rifornisci" del mercato',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filtrare armature di mercato',
optionsHarem: 'Informazioni Harem',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Aggiungere filtri all\'harem',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filtrare le attrezzature delle ragazze',
optionsLeague: 'Informazioni sulle Leghe',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Mostra i top della lega',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Visualizzazione simulazione nella classifica della lega',
optionsSimFight: 'Simulazione Leghe / Stagione / Troll',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Filtro delle squadre',
optionsChampions: 'Informazioni + scorciatoie per i campioni',
optionsLinks: 'Scorciatoie/Timer',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Informazioni sul labirinto',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Season stats',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Mostra i nomi in Pachinko',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Cambiare lo sfondo delle missioni',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Disattivare l\'animazione di raccolta dei soldi',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Impostare Missioni come scheda principale in Attività',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Schermata iniziale personalizzata',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Nascondere le ricompense reclamate',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Modalità di visualizzazione PC a cellulare',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Nascondere il pulsante "Rivendica tutto"',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Nascondere il pulsante x15 nella lega',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Rimuovere la finestra "nessuna ragazza" in Pachinko',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Timer per i premi dei concorsi',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Nascondere il pulsante x3 nella lega',
optionsHideGradeUpgradeKobanButton: 'Nascondere il pulsante di aggiornamento del affetto in Koban',
optionsLeagueBoostersStatus: 'Visualizzare lo stato dei potenziamenti avversari',
optionsLeagueCompactDisplay: 'Visualizzare la tabella delle leghe compatte',
optionsSeasonFightsSort: 'Ordinamento dei combattimenti della stagione',
optionsHideIntroPictures: 'Nascondere le immagini nella pagina di login',
and: 'e',
or: 'o',
in: 'in',
including: 'incluso',
affection: 'affetto',
harem_stats: 'Stato dell Harem',
haremettes: 'ragazze dell harem',
hardcore: 'Prono',
charm: 'Fascino',
know_how: 'Competenza',
shagger: 'Scopata',
lover: 'Amante',
expert: 'Esperto',
Defense_against: 'Difesa contro ',
specialist_in: 'specialista in ',
harem_levels: 'livelli harem',
to_go: 'mancanti',
unlocked_scenes: 'scene sbloccate',
money_income: 'Guadagni',
per_hour: 'orario',
when_all_collectable: 'quando si può raccogliere tutto',
required_to_unlock: 'Necessario per sbloccare tutte le scene',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Necessario per livellare tutte le ragazze al massimo livello di risveglio livello',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Necessario per livellare tutte le ragazze mitiche e leggendarie a 5 stelle al livello ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'Mio inventario',
equipments: 'attrezzature',
boosters: 'potenziamenti',
with_boosters: 'Con potenziamenti',
no_boosters: 'Senza potenziamenti',
books: 'libri',
gifts: 'regali',
Equipments: 'Attrezzature',
Boosters: 'Potenziamenti',
Books: 'Libri',
Gifts: 'Regali',
equipment: 'attrezzatura',
booster: 'potenziamento',
book: 'libro',
gift: 'regalo',
Equipment: 'Attrezzatura',
Booster: 'Potenziamento',
Book: 'Libro',
Gift: 'Regalo',
currently_buyable: 'Correntemente acquistabili',
visit_the: 'Visita il <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">negozio</a> prima.',
not_compatible: 'Il tuo browser non è compatibile.',
or_level: 'o livello',
restock: 'Rifornimento',
wiki: 'Pagina wiki di ',
evolution_costs: 'Il costo del potenziamento è',
world: 'Mondo ',
villain: ' nemico',
fight_villain: 'Combattimenti',
you_own: 'Possiedi',
you_can_give: 'Puoi dare il massimo a',
you_can_sell: 'Puoi vendere tutto per',
stat_points_need: 'Punti statistica necessari per il massimo',
money_need: 'Soldi necessari per il massimo',
money_spent: 'Soldi spesi al negozio',
points_from_level: 'Punti acquisiti da aumento livello',
bought_points: 'Punti comprati al negozio',
equipment_points: 'Punti statistica da equipaggiamento',
ginseng_points: 'Punti statistica dei potenziamenti',
club_points: 'Punti statistica bonus del Club',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Starter',
common: 'Comuni',
rare: 'Rare',
epic: 'Epiche',
legendary: 'Leggendarie',
mythic: 'Mitica',
day: 'g',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'Per <u>il degrado</u> devi avere al massimo ',
demote_down: 'Per <u>il degrado</u> devi essere sorpassato da giocatori con ',
demote_holdzero: 'Per <u>il degrado</u> devi rimanere a ',
stagnate_up: 'Per <u>restare</u> devi avere al massimo ',
stagnate_down: 'Per <u>restare</u> devi essere sorpassato da giocatori con ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'Per <u>restare</u> devi rimanere a ',
top4_up: 'Per <u>essere tra i primi 4</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top4_hold: 'Per <u>rimanere tra i primi 4</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top15_up: 'Per <u>essere tra i primi 15</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top15_hold: 'Per <u>rimanere tra i primi 15</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top30_up: 'Per <u>essere tra i primi 30</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top30_hold: 'Per <u>rimanere tra i primi 30</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
points: 'punti',
challenges_regen: 'Rigenerazione naturale: ',
challenges_left: '<br />Combattimenti mancanti: ',
pop: 'Luoghi',
season: 'Stagione',
full_in: 'Piena tra',
ends_at: 'Fine alle',
full: 'Piena',
league: 'Leghe',
boosters_end: 'Fine potenz.',
victories: 'Vittorie',
defeats: 'Sconfitte',
unknown: 'Sconosciuto',
opponents: 'Avversari',
notPlayed: 'Non giocato',
leaguePoints: 'Punti',
avg: 'Medio',
league_ending: 'Fine della lega il ',
league_finished: 'Lega finita il ',
current_league: 'Lega attuale',
averageScore: 'Punteggio medio per combattimento: ',
scoreExpected: 'Punteggio previsto: ',
available_girls: 'Ragazze disponibili: ',
fights: 'Fights',
won_mojo: 'Won mojo',
lost_mojo: 'Lost mojo',
won_mojo_avg: 'Won mojo average',
lost_mojo_avg: 'Lost mojo average',
mojo_avg: 'Global mojo average',
filter: 'Filtro',
searched_name : 'Nome ricercato',
girl_name: 'Nome della ragazza',
searched_class: 'Classe ricercata',
searched_rarity: 'Rarità ricercata',
team_number: 'Squadra #',
all: 'Tutti',
team: 'Squadra',
teams: 'Squadre',
save_as: 'Salvare come',
load_from: 'Caricare',
level_range: 'Gamma di livelli',
searched_aff_category: 'Categoria di affetto ricercata',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Livello di affetto ricercato',
aff_lvl: 'Livello di affetto',
zero_star: '0 stella',
one_star: '1 stella',
two_stars: '2 stelle',
three_stars: '3 stelle',
four_stars: '4 stelle',
five_stars: '5 stelle',
six_stars: '6 stelle',
time_passed: 'del tempo è passato',
combativity: 'Combattività',
energy: 'Energia',
sort: 'Ordinare',
hide: 'Nascondere',
display: 'Visualizzare',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Cercato ragazze benedette',
blessed_attributes: 'Ragazze benedette',
non_blessed_attributes: 'Ragazze non benedette',
pantheon: 'Scalinata del Pantheon',
searched_element : 'Elemento ricercato',
element: 'Elemento',
dominatrix: 'Dominatrice',
submissive: 'Sottomessa',
voyeur: 'Guardona',
eccentric: 'Eccentrica',
exhibitionist: 'Esibizionista',
physical: 'Fisica',
playful: 'Giocosa',
sensual: 'Sensuale',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} dall\'inizio del round',
searched_pose: 'Posa ricercata',
visit_teams: 'Visita le <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">Squadre</a> prima.',
next: 'Pross.',
Side_quests : 'Missioni secondarie',
Club_champion: 'Campione di club',
Current_positions: 'Posizioni attuali',
Current_stage: 'Fase attuale',
Statistics: 'Statistiche',
Prev_stage: 'Fase precedente',
attempt: 'tentativo',
attempts: 'tentativi',
Gems_in_stock: 'Gemme in stock',
missing_gems: 'Gemme mancanti per massimizzare ogni ragazza mitica o leggendaria a 5 stelle',
date_on: 'del',
skilledGirls: 'Ragazze con abilità',
last_season: 'Stagione precedente',
champion_girl_pose: 'Posa della ragazza del campione',
none_f: 'Nessuna',
none_m: 'Nessuno',
with: 'Con',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Abilità livello 5',
already_fought: 'Già combattuti',
new_girl_in: 'Nuova ragazza in:',
trollsMessage: '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../adventures.html') + '">Selezionate l\'avventura principale per visualizzare le scorciatoie ai mondi e ai troll</a>',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Ariete',
2: '♉︎ Toro',
3: '♊︎ Gemelli',
4: '♋︎ Cancro',
5: '♌︎ Leone',
6: '♍︎ Vergine',
7: '♎︎ Bilancia',
8: '♏︎ Scorpione',
9: '♐︎ Sagittario',
10: '♑︎ Capricorno',
11: '♒︎ Aquario',
12: '♓︎ Pesci'},
color: {'F99': 'Rosa',
'00F': 'Blu',
'A55': 'Marrone',
'0F0': 'Verde',
'F0F': 'Viola',
'FD0': 'Dorato',
'F00': 'Rosso',
'B06': 'Rosa scuro',
'F90': 'Arancio',
'888': 'Grigio',
'CCC': 'Argento',
'000': 'Nero',
'XXX': 'Sconosciuto',
'321': 'Scuro',
'B62': 'Castano',
'FFF': 'Bianco',
'FF0': 'Biondo',
'EB8': 'Biondo veneziano',
'D83': 'Bronzo'},
de: {
optionsVillain: 'Widersacher-Menü',
optionsTiers: 'Stufen mit verfügbaren Mädchen anzeigen',
optionsXPMoney : 'Migliora XP / soldi',
optionsMarket: 'Marktplatz-Informationen',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Verschieben Sie die Schaltfläche "Auffüllen"',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filter Markt Rüstungen',
optionsHarem: 'Harem-Informationen',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Filter im Harem hinzufügen',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filtern der Mädchenausrüstungen',
optionsLeague: 'Liga-Informationen',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Die Liga-Spitzen anzeigen',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Anzeige Simulation in der Liga-Rangliste',
optionsSimFight: 'Liga/Saison/Widersacher-Simulation',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Mannschaften filtern',
optionsChampions: 'Informationen + Abkürzungen für Champions',
optionsLinks: 'Abkürzungen/Zeitgeber',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Labyrinth-Informationen',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Season stats',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Namen in Pachinko anzeigen',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Missionshintergrund ändern',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Deaktivieren Sie die Animation "Geld sammeln"',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Missionen als Hauptregisterkarte in Aktivitäten festlegen',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Benutzerdefinierter Startbildschirm',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Beanspruchte Belohnungen ausblenden',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Anzeigemodus PC auf Handy',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Schaltfläche "Alles beanspruchen" ausblenden',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Schaltfläche x15 in der Liga ausblenden',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Das Fenster "Kein Mädchen" in Pachinko entfernen',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Timers für Wettbewerbe Belohnungen',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Schaltfläche x3 in der Liga ausblenden',
optionsHideGradeUpgradeKobanButton: 'Schaltfläche für die Zuneigung in Kobans ausblenden',
optionsLeagueBoostersStatus: 'Status der gegnerischen Booster anzeigen',
optionsLeagueCompactDisplay: 'Kompaktes Ligenboard anzeigen',
optionsSeasonFightsSort: 'Sortierung der Saisonkämpfe',
optionsHideIntroPictures: 'Bilder auf der Login-Seite ausblenden',
and: 'und',
or: 'oder',
in: 'in',
including: 'einschließlich',
affection: 'Zuneigung',
harem_stats: 'Harem-Statistiken',
haremettes: 'Harem-Mädchen',
hardcore: 'Hardcore',
charm: 'Charme',
know_how: 'Wissen',
shagger: 'Stecher',
lover: 'Liebhaber',
expert: 'Experte',
Defense_against: 'Verteidigung gegen ',
specialist_in: 'spezialisiert auf ',
harem_levels: 'Harem-Levels',
to_go: 'übrig',
unlocked_scenes: 'Szenen freigeschaltet',
money_income: 'Einkommen',
per_hour: 'pro Stunde',
when_all_collectable: 'wenn komplett einsammelbar',
required_to_unlock: 'Erforderlich für alle Mädchen-Upgrades',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Erforderlich für die maximale Mädchen-Level ihrer Erweckungsstufe',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Erforderlich für alle mythischen und legendären 5-Sterne-Mädchen auf Stufe ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'Meine Bestände',
equipments: 'Ausrüstungen',
boosters: 'Booster',
with_boosters: 'Mit Booster',
no_boosters: 'Keine Booster',
books: 'Bücher',
gifts: 'Geschenke',
Equipments: 'Ausrüstungen',
Boosters: 'Booster',
Books: 'Bücher',
Gifts: 'Geschenke',
equipment: 'Ausrüstung',
booster: 'Booster',
book: 'Buch',
gift: 'Geschenk',
Equipment: 'Ausrüstung',
Booster: 'Booster',
Book: 'Buch',
Gift: 'Geschenk',
currently_buyable: 'Aktuelle Marktangebote',
visit_the: 'Besuche zuerst den <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">Marktplatz</a>.',
not_compatible: 'Dein Browser ist nicht kompatibel.',
or_level: 'oder Level',
restock: 'neue Angebote',
wiki: '\'s Wiki-Seite',
evolution_costs: 'Die Upgradekosten betragen',
world: 'Welt ',
villain: ' Widersacher',
fight_villain: 'Widersacher',
you_own: 'Du besitzt',
you_can_give: 'Insgesamt verteilbar:',
you_can_sell: 'Du kannst alles verkaufen für',
stat_points_need: 'benötigte Statuspunkte bis Maximum',
money_need: 'nötiges Geld bis Maximum',
money_spent: 'bisher ausgegeben',
points_from_level: 'Statuspunkte durch Heldenlevel',
bought_points: 'gekaufte Statuspunkte',
equipment_points: 'Statuspunkte durch Ausrüstung',
ginseng_points: 'Statuspunkte durch Booster',
club_points: 'Statuspunkte durch Club-Boni',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Starter',
common: 'Gewöhnliche',
rare: 'Seltene',
epic: 'Epische',
legendary: 'Legendäre',
mythic: 'Mythische',
day: 'd',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'Für den <u>Abstieg</u> maximal möglich: ',
demote_down: 'Für den <u>Abstieg</u> musst du überholt werden von Spielern mit höchstens ',
demote_holdzero: 'Für den <u>Abstieg</u> musst du verbleiben bei ',
stagnate_up: 'Für den <u>Nichtaufstieg</u> maximal möglich: ',
stagnate_down: 'Für den <u>Nichtaufstieg</u> musst du überholt werden von Spielern mit höchstens ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'Für den <u>Nichtaufstieg</u> musst du verbleiben bei ',
top4_up: 'Um <u>in den Top 4 zu kommen</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top4_hold: 'Um <u>in den Top 4 zu bleiben</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top15_up: 'Um <u>in den Top 15 zu kommen</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top15_hold: 'Um <u>in den Top 15 zu bleiben</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top30_up: 'Um <u>in den Top 30 zu kommen</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top30_hold: 'Um <u>in den Top 30 zu bleiben</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
points: 'Punkte',
challenges_regen: 'Regeneration: ',
challenges_left: '<br />verbleibende Kämpfe: ',
pop: 'Orte',
season: 'Saison',
full_in: 'Voll in',
ends_at: 'Ende um',
full: 'Voll',
league: 'Liga',
boosters_end: 'Booster enden',
victories: 'Siege',
defeats: 'Niederlagen',
unknown: 'Unbekannt',
opponents: 'Gegner',
notPlayed: 'Nicht gespielt',
leaguePoints: 'Punkte',
avg: 'Mittelwert',
league_ending: 'Liga Ende ',
league_finished: 'Liga endete am',
current_league: 'Aktuelle Liga',
averageScore: 'Durchschnitt pro Kampf: ',
scoreExpected: 'Erwartetes Ergebnis: ',
available_girls: 'Freie Mädchen: ',
fights: 'Kämpfe',
won_mojo: 'gewonnenes Mojo',
lost_mojo: 'verlorenes Mojo',
won_mojo_avg: 'im Mittel gewonnenes Mojo',
lost_mojo_avg: 'im Mittel verlorenes Mojo',
mojo_avg: 'Globales mittleres Mojo',
filter: 'Filter',
searched_name : 'Name',
girl_name: 'Mädchen Name',
searched_class: 'Klasse',
searched_rarity: 'Seltenheit',
team_number: 'Team #',
all: 'Alle',
team: 'Mannschaft',
teams: 'Mannschaften',
save_as: 'Speichern',
load_from: 'Laden',
level_range: 'Level',
searched_aff_category: 'Maximale Zuneigung',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Zuneigungslevel',
aff_lvl: 'Zuneigungslevel',
aff_lvl: 'Livello di affetto',
zero_star: '0 Sterne',
one_star: '1 Stern',
two_stars: '2 Sterne',
three_stars: '3 Sterne',
four_stars: '4 Sterne',
five_stars: '5 Sterne',
six_stars: '6 Sterne',
time_passed: 'Zeit ist vergangen',
combativity: 'Kampflust',
energy: 'Energie',
sort: 'Sortieren',
hide: 'Ausblenden',
display: 'Anzeigen',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Segnungen',
blessed_attributes: 'gesegnet',
non_blessed_attributes: 'nicht gesegnet',
pantheon: 'Aufstieg zum Pantheon',
searched_element : 'Element',
dominatrix: 'Domina',
submissive: 'Unterwürfig',
voyeur: 'Voyeur',
eccentric: 'Exzentrisch',
exhibitionist: 'Exhibitionist',
physical: 'Körperlich',
playful: 'Verspielt',
sensual: 'Sinnlich',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} seit Rundenbeginn',
searched_pose: 'Stellung',
visit_teams: 'Besuche zuerst die <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">Teams</a>.',
next: 'Näch.',
Side_quests : 'Nebenquests',
Club_champion: 'Clubmeister',
Current_positions: 'Aktuelle Positionen',
Current_stage: 'Aktuelle Etappe',
Statistics: 'Statistik',
Prev_stage: 'Vorherige Etappe',
attempt: 'Versuch',
attempts: 'Versuche',
Gems_in_stock: 'Edelsteine auf Lager',
missing_gems: 'Fehlende Edelsteine, um jedes mythische oder legendäre 5-Sterne-Mädchen zu maximieren',
date_on: 'am',
skilledGirls: 'Mädchen mit Fertigkeiten',
last_season: 'Letzte Saison',
champion_girl_pose: 'Stellung der Championsmädchen',
none_f: 'Keine',
none_m: 'Keiner',
with: 'Mit',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Stufe 5 Fertigkeiten',
already_fought: 'Bereits bekämpft',
new_girl_in: 'Neues Mädchen in:',
trollsMessage: '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../adventures.html') + '">Wähle das Hauptabenteuer, um die Abkürzungen zu den Welten und Trollen anzuzeigen</a>',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Widder',
2: '♉︎ Stier',
3: '♊︎ Zwillinge',
4: '♋︎ Krebs',
5: '♌︎ Löwe',
6: '♍︎ Jungfrau',
7: '♎︎ Waage',
8: '♏︎ Skorpion',
9: '♐︎ Schütze',
10: '♑︎ Steinbock',
11: '♒︎ Wassermann',
12: '♓︎ Fische'},
color: {'F99': 'Pink',
'00F': 'Blau',
'A55': 'Braun',
'0F0': 'Grün',
'F0F': 'Lila',
'FD0': 'Gold',
'F00': 'Rot',
'B06': 'Dunkelpink',
'F90': 'Orange',
'888': 'Grau',
'CCC': 'Silber',
'000': 'Schwarz',
'XXX': 'Unbekannt',
'321': 'Dunkel',
'B62': 'Dunkelblond',
'FFF': 'Weiß',
'FF0': 'Blond',
'EB8': 'Erdbeerblond',
'D83': 'Bronze'},
// Numbers: rounding to K, M, G and T
function nRounding(num, digits, updown) {
let power = [
{ value: 1, symbol: '' },
{ value: 1E3, symbol: 'K' },
{ value: 1E6, symbol: 'M' },
{ value: 1E9, symbol: 'B' },
{ value: 1E12, symbol: 'T' },
let i;
for (i = power.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (num >= power[i].value) {
if (updown == 1) {
return nThousand(+(Math.ceil(num / power[i].value * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits)).toFixed(digits)) + power[i].symbol;
else if (updown == 0) {
return nThousand(+(Math.round(num / power[i].value * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits)).toFixed(digits)) + power[i].symbol;
else if (updown == -1) {
return nThousand(+(Math.floor(num / power[i].value * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits)).toFixed(digits)) + power[i].symbol;
// Thousand spacing
function nThousand(x) {
if(typeof x != 'number') {
return 0;
switch(pageLang){ //atm this shows the numbers equal to the game
case 'ja':
case 'en': return x.toLocaleString("en")
default: return x.toLocaleString("fr")
function localeStringToNumber(s){
let e = s.replace(/[^0-9]/gi,'x').split('x')
case 0: return 0
case 1: return +e[0]
default: break
let f =e.pop()
e = e.toString().replace(/[^0-9]/gi,'')
case 1: return parseFloat(e)+f/10
case 2: return parseFloat(e)+f/100
default: return parseFloat(e+f)
let lang = "en";
const pageLang = $('html')[0].lang.substring(0,2);
if(texts[pageLang]) lang=pageLang;
const labels = texts[lang];
const label = (key) => (labels && labels[key]) || texts.en[key];
let locale = 'fr';
if (lang == 'en') {
locale = 'en'
var DST;
function calculateDST() {
if(((new Date).getUTCMonth() >= 3 && (new Date).getUTCMonth() <= 8) || ((new Date).getUTCMonth() == 9 && (new Date).getUTCDate() < 25))
DST = true;
else if((new Date).getUTCMonth() >= 10 || (new Date).getUTCMonth() <= 1 || ((new Date).getUTCMonth() == 2 && (new Date).getUTCDate() < 25))
DST = false;
else if((new Date).getUTCMonth() == 2 && (new Date).getUTCDate() >= 25) {
if((new Date).getUTCDate() + (7-(new Date).getUTCDay()) <= 31 && (new Date).getUTCDay() != 0)
DST = false;
else {
if((new Date).getUTCHours() >= 1) DST = true;
else DST = false;
else if((new Date).getUTCMonth() == 9 && (new Date).getUTCDate() >= 25) {
if((new Date).getUTCDate() + (7-(new Date).getUTCDay()) <= 31 && (new Date).getUTCDay() != 0)
DST = true;
else {
if((new Date).getUTCHours() >= 1) DST = false;
else DST = true;
starting : [10],
common : [10],
rare : [12],
epic : [14],
legendary : [16],
mythic : [40]
function calculateGirlXPTab() {
for (let i=1; i < (lvl_max_girl-1); i++) {
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.starting[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.starting[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.starting[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.common[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.common[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.common[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.rare[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.rare[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.rare[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.epic[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.epic[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.epic[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.legendary[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.legendary[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.legendary[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.mythic[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.mythic[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.mythic[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
starting: [0, 40, 60, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 275, 350, 500],
common: [0, 40, 60, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 275, 350, 500],
rare: [0, 80, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300, 400, 550, 700, 1000],
epic: [0, 120, 180, 240, 300, 375, 450, 600, 825, 1050, 1500],
legendary: [0, 160, 240, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1100, 1400, 2000],
mythic: [0, 200, 300, 400, 500, 625, 750, 1000, 1375, 1750, 2500]
const AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT = [20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 85, 100];
const AWAKENING_LEVELS = [250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700];
* 1) Girl and Harem synergy bonuses for Attack, Defense, Ego and Harmony are already included in the shown stats
* 2) Countering bonuses are not included in any shown stats
* 1) Crit damage and chance bonuses are additive; Ego and damage bonuses are multiplicative
* 2) Opponent harem synergies are only available to the player in the leagues
const ELEMENTS = {
chance: {
darkness: 'light',
light: 'psychic',
psychic: 'darkness'
egoDamage: {
fire: 'nature',
nature: 'stone',
stone: 'sun',
sun: 'water',
water: 'fire'
"darkness": "Dominatrix",
"light": "Submissive",
"psychic": "Voyeurs",
"fire": "Eccentric",
"nature": "Exhibitionist",
"stone": "Physical",
"sun": "Playful",
"water": "Sensual",
const tier5_Skill_Id = [11, 12, 13, 14];
const timeout = 250;
const mediaMobile = '@media only screen and (max-width: 1025px)';
const mediaDesktop = '@media only screen and (min-width: 1026px)';
const DEFAULT_BOOSTERS = {normal: [], mythic:[]};
const MAX_BOOSTERS = {normal: 4, mythic: 5};
var trolls;
var tierGirlsID = [];
function editTrollsAndTiers() {
if (['hentai', 'horny_s', 'nutaku', 'test_h', 'hh_eroges'].some(testUniverse)) {
trolls = ['Dark Lord', 'Ninja Spy', 'Gruntt', 'Edwarda', 'Donatien', 'Silvanus', 'Bremen', 'Finalmecia', 'Fredy Sih Roko Senseï', 'Karole', 'Jackson’s Crew', 'Pandora Witch', 'Nike', 'Sake', 'WereBunny Police', 'Auga', 'Gross', 'Harriet', 'Darth Excitor'];
if (lang == 'fr') {
trolls[1] = 'Espion Ninja';
trolls[10] = 'Équipage de Jackson';
trolls[11] = 'Sorcière Pandora';
trolls[14] = 'Police des Lapines-Garous';
trolls[18] = 'Excitateur sombre';
if (lang == 'es') {
trolls[0] = 'Señor Oscuro';
trolls[1] = 'Ninja espía';
trolls[10] = 'Tripulación de Jackson';
trolls[11] = 'Pandora Bruja';
trolls[14] = 'Policía hombres-conejos';
trolls[18] = 'Darth Excitador';
if (lang == 'it') {
trolls[0] = 'Signore Oscuro';
trolls[1] = 'Spia Ninja';
trolls[10] ='Ciurma di Jackson';
trolls[11] ='Strega Pandora';
trolls[14] = 'Polizia del Conigli Mannari';
if (lang == 'de') {
trolls[0] = 'Dunkler Lord';
trolls[1] = 'Ninjaspion';
trolls[10] ='Jacksons Crew';
trolls[11] ='Pandora Hexe';
trolls[14] = 'Wer-Kaninchen Polizei';
trolls[18] = 'Darth Erreger';
tierGirlsID = [
[['8', '9', '10'], ['7270263'], ['979916751']],
[['14', '13', '12'], ['318292466'], ['936580004']],
[['19', '16', '18'], ['610468472'], ['54950499']],
[['29', '28', '26'], ['4749652'], ['345655744']],
[['39', '40', '41'], ['267784162'], ['763020698']],
[['64', '63', '31'], ['406004250'], ['864899873']],
[['85', '86', '84'], ['267120960'], ['536361248']],
[['114', '115', '116'], ['379441499'], ['447396000']],
[['1247315', '4649579', '7968301'], ['46227677'], ['933487713']],
[['1379661', '4479579', '1800186'], ['985085118'], ['339765042']],
[['24316446', '219651566', '501847856'], ['383709663'], ['90685795']],
[['225365882', '478693885', '231765083'], ['155415482'], ['769649470']],
[['86962133', '243793871', '284483399'], [0], [0]],
[['612527302', '167231135', '560979916', '184523411', '549524850', '784911160'], [0], [0]],
[['164866290', '696124016', '841591253'], [0], [0]],
[['344730128', '735302216', '851893423'], [0], [0]],
[['547099506', '572827174', '653889168'], [0], [0]],
[['275226156', '280313988', '641009897'], [0], [0]],
[['410383467', '931778650', '968097691'], [0], [0]],
else if (['gay', 'gh_nutaku', 'gh_eroges'].some(testUniverse)) {
trolls = ['Dark Lord', 'Ninja Spy', 'Gruntt', 'Edward', 'Donatien', 'Silvanus', 'Bremen', 'Edernas', 'Fredy Sih Roko Senseï', 'Maro', 'Jackson’s Crew', 'Icarus Warlock', 'Sol', 'Soju'];
if (lang == 'fr') {
trolls[1] = 'Espion Ninja';
trolls[10] = 'Éq. de Jackson';
trolls[11] = 'Sorcier Icarus';
if (lang == 'de') {
trolls[0] = 'Dunkler Lord';
trolls[1] = 'Ninjaspion';
trolls[10] ='Jacksons Crew';
tierGirlsID = [
[['8', '9', '10'], ['7270263'], ['979916751']],
[['14', '13', '12'], ['318292466'], ['936580004']],
[['19', '16', '18'], ['610468472'], ['54950499']],
[['29', '28', '26'], ['4749652'], ['345655744']],
[['39', '40', '41'], ['267784162'], ['763020698']],
[['64', '63', '31'], ['406004250'], ['864899873']],
[['85', '86', '84'], ['267120960'], ['536361248']],
[['114', '115', '116'], ['379441499'], ['447396000']],
[['1247315', '4649579', '7968301'], ['46227677'], ['933487713']],
[['1379661', '4479579', '1800186'], ['985085118'], ['339765042']],
[['24316446', '219651566', '501847856'], ['383709663'], ['90685795']],
[['225365882', '478693885', '231765083'], ['155415482'], ['769649470']],
[['86962133', '243793871', '284483399'], [0], [0]],
[['167231135', '184523411', '549524850', '560979916', '612527302', '784911160'], [0], [0]],
else if (['comix_c', 'nutaku_c'].some(testUniverse)) {
trolls = ['BodyHack', 'Grey Golem', 'The Nymph', 'Athicus Ho\'ole', 'The Mimic', 'Cockatrice', 'Pomelo', 'Alexa Sl’thor', 'D\'Klong', 'Virtue Man', 'Asmodea'];
tierGirlsID = [
[['830009523', '907801218', '943323021'], [0], [0]],
[['271746999', '303805209', '701946373'], [0], [0]],
[['743748788', '977228200', '943323021'], [0], [0]],
[['140401381', '232860230', '514994766'], [0], [0]],
[['623293037', '764791769', '801271903'], [0], [0]],
[['921365371', '942523553', '973271744'], [0], [0]],
[['364639341', '879781833', '895546748'], [0], [0]],
[['148877065', '218927643', '340369336'], [0], [0]],
[['258185125', '897951171', '971686222'], [0], [0]],
[['125758004', '233499841', '647307160'], [0], [0]],
[['994555359', '705713849', '973778141'], [0], [0]],
else if (['star_t', 'nutaku_t'].some(testUniverse)) {
trolls = ['Headmistress Asa Akira', 'Sammy Jayne', 'Ivy Winters', 'Sophia Jade', 'Amia Miley', 'Alyssa Reece', 'Kelly Kline', 'Jamie Brooks', 'Jordan Kingsley', 'Sierra Sinn', 'Jasmine Jae', 'Bella Rose', 'Paige Taylor', 'The Hooded Heroine'];
if (lang == 'fr') {
trolls[0] = 'Directrice Asa Akira';
trolls[13] = 'L\'héroïne encapuchonnée';
tierGirlsID = [
[['261345306', '795788039', '973280579'], [0], [0]],
[['482529771', '658322339', '833308213'], [0], [0]],
[['117837840', '160370794', '306287449', '828011942'], [0], [0]],
[['564593641', '719705773', '934421949'], [0], [0]],
[['270611414', '464811282', '781232070'], [0], [0]],
[['219241809', '380385497', '879198752'], [0], [0]],
[['165066536', '734325005', '805020628'], [0], [0]],
[['191661045', '369105612', '665836932'], [0], [0]],
[['169356639', '383702874', '943667167'], [0], [0]],
[['169741198', '459885596', '507702178'], [0], [0]],
[['258984943', '837109131', '888135956'], [0], [0]],
[['270920965', '600910475', '799448349'], [0], [0]],
[['832031905', '272818756', '477487889'], [0], [0]],
[['814814392', '660703295', '450943401'], [0], [0]],
else if (['dotcom_startrans', 'nutaku_startrans'].some(testUniverse)) {
trolls = ['Ariel Demure', 'Emma Rose', 'Natalie Stone', 'Janie Blade', 'Nikkie Nort', 'Mistress Venom', 'CEO Ramona', 'Mama Bee'];
tierGirlsID = [
[['171883542', '229180984', '771348244'], [0], [0]],
[['484962893', '879574564', '910924260'], [0], [0]],
[['334144727', '667194919', '911144911'], [0], [0]],
[['473470854', '708191289', '945710078'], [0], [0]],
[['104549634', '521022556', '526732951'], [0], [0]],
[['317800067', '542090972', '920682672'], [0], [0]],
[['558585439', '577205682', '741311311'], [0], [0]],
[['692804877', '984917842', '581358076', '397703278', '704166982', '483645616', '349968569', '970429531', '954328841'], [0], [0]],
else if (['dotcom_stargay', 'nutaku_stargay'].some(testUniverse)) {
trolls = ['Tristan Hunter', 'Jimmy Durano', 'Lucca Mazzi', 'Andrew Stark', 'Sean Duran & Bryce Evans', 'Trojan Pierce Paris'];
tierGirlsID = [
[['374763633', '485499759', '780402171'], [0], [0]],
[['290465722', '524315573', '970767946'], [0], [0]],
[['127881092', '680366759', '836998610'], [0], [0]],
[['182117271', '350309796', '361432643', '390918673', '426008459', '446246345', '590934200', '599355011', '712652761', '848616605', '921769175'], [0], [0]],
[['284712878', '913932535', '352737504 '], [0], [0]],
[['268000414', '809099695'], [0], [0]],
else if (['mangarpg_m'].some(testUniverse)) {
trolls = ['Jeshtar', 'Troll Hound'];
tierGirlsID = [
[[0], [0], [0]],
[['355325809', '417946225', '860641919'], [0], [0]],
let heroData;
function transformNutakuURL(url) {
if (window.location.host.includes('nutaku') && !url.includes("sess=")) {
return url.includes('?') ? `${url}&sess=${window.PLATFORM_SESS}` : `${url}?sess=${window.PLATFORM_SESS}`
return url
/* =========
========= */
function loadSetting(e){
try {var temp = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.'+ e))}
catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with localStorage): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (temp == null) {
switch (e) {
case 'villain':
return true;
case 'tiers':
return true;
case 'xpMoney':
return true;
case 'market':
return true;
case 'marketRestockButton':
return false;
case 'filterArmorItems':
return true;
case 'harem':
return true;
case 'haremFilter':
return true;
case 'girlsItemsFilter':
return true;
case 'league':
return true;
case 'leagueBoard':
return true;
case 'simLeagueBoardFight':
return true;
case 'hideLeaguex3Button':
return false;
case 'leagueBoardBoostersStatus':
return true;
case 'leagueBoardCompactDisplay':
return true;
case 'simFight':
return true;
case 'seasonFightsSort':
return true;
case 'teamsFilter':
return true;
case 'champions':
return true;
case 'links':
return true;
case 'labyrinth':
return true;
case 'seasonStats':
return true;
case 'pachinkoNames':
return true;
case 'missionsBackground':
return true;
case 'collectMoneyAnimation':
return false;
case 'activitiesTabChoice':
return true;
case 'customizedHomeScreen':
return true;
case 'hideClaimedRewards':
return true;
case 'desktopDisplay':
return false;
case 'hideClaimAllButtons':
return false;
case 'hideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton':
return false;
case 'contestsExpiryTimer':
return true;
case 'hideGradeUpgradeKobanButton':
return false;
case 'hideIntroPictures':
return false;
return temp
function loadFeatures() {
if (loadSetting('hideIntroPictures')) hideIntroPictures();
try{transformHHPNData();} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Visit edit team page or waifu selection page): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
setTimeout(function() {
if (window.shared == undefined && window.Hero == undefined) return;
heroData = window.Hero || window.shared.Hero;
if (['home'].some(testPage)) options();
try {editTrollsAndTiers();} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with trolls): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
//Features without options
try {
setTimeout(() => {if (['home'].some(testPage)) moduleEventEndIndicator();}, 2*timeout)
if (['battle'].some(testPage)) skipBattleValues();
if (['activities'].some(testPage)) {
if (['/seasonal.html'].some(testPage)) displayTopRankingTooltip();
} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with non optional features): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
// Show which modules are enabled and if so, run them when appropriate
if (loadSetting('villain')) {
if (['edit-team', 'waifu'].some(testPage))
try {getHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with harem girls data): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['characters'].some(testPage))
try {getNonHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with non harem girls data): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
try {moduleVillain()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with villain module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('xpMoney')) {
try {moduleXP()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with XP module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
try {moduleMoney()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with money module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('market')) {
if (['shop'].some(testPage))
try {moduleMarket()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with market module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('marketRestockButton')) {
if (['shop'].some(testPage))
try {moduleMarketRestockButton()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with market restock button): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('filterArmorItems')) {
if (['shop'].some(testPage))
try {moduleFilterArmorItems()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with armor items filter): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['mythic-equipment-upgrade'].some(testPage))
try {moduleMythicEquipmentUpgrade()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with mythic equipment upgrade module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('harem')) {
if ((['edit-team', 'waifu'].some(testPage)) && !loadSetting('villain'))
try {getHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with harem girls data): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['characters'].some(testPage)) {
try {moduleHarem();} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with Harem module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
try {haremGetFilteredGirls()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with getting harem filtered girls): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (!loadSetting('villain'))
try {getNonHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with non harem girls data): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['/girl/'].some(testPage))
try {haremGirlsShortcut()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with girls shortcuts): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('haremFilter')) {
if (['characters'].some(testPage)) {
try {moduleHaremFilter()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with harem filter): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (!loadSetting('harem'))
try {haremGetFilteredGirls()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with getting harem filtered girls): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['/teams', 'labyrinth-pre-battle'].some(testPage))
try {moduleTeamsCollector()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with teams collector module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['/girl/'].some(testPage) && !loadSetting('harem'))
try {haremGirlsShortcut()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with girls shortcuts): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('girlsItemsFilter')) {
if (['/girl/'].some(testPage))
try {moduleFilterGirlsItems()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with girls items filter module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('league')) {
if (['leagues-pre-battle'].some(testPage))
try {moduleLeagueOpponentsShortcut()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with league opponents shortcut module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if ((['/teams', 'labyrinth-pre-battle'].some(testPage)) && !loadSetting('haremFilter'))
try {moduleTeamsCollector()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with teams collector module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideLeaguex3Button')) {
if (['leagues-pre-battle'].some(testPage))
try {moduleHideLeaguex3Button()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with hidding x3 button in league): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('simFight')) {
if (['leagues-pre-battle'].some(testPage))
try {moduleLeagueSim()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with league battle simulator): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['season-arena'].some(testPage))
try {moduleSeasonSim()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with season battle simulator): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['troll-pre-battle', 'pantheon-pre-battle'].some(testPage))
try {moduleBattleSim()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with villain battle simulator): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('teamsFilter')) {
try {moduleTeamsFilter()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with team filter module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('labyrinth-pool-select') != -1)
try {moduleLabyrinthFilter()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with labyrinth filter module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('edit-labyrinth-team') != -1)
try {moduleLabyrinthTeamFilter()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with labyrinth team filter module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('champions')) {
try {moduleChampions()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with champions module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['clubs'].some(testPage))
try {moduleClubChampionFeatures()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with club champion module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('links')) {
try {moduleLinks()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error(Problem with links module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('labyrinth')) {
try {moduleLabyrinth()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with labyrinth module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('seasonStats')) {
if (['season-battle', 'season.html', 'season-arena'].some(testPage))
try {moduleSeasonStats()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with season stats module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('pachinkoNames')) {
if (['edit-team', 'waifu'].some(testPage) && !loadSetting('villain') && !loadSetting('harem'))
try {getHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with harem girls data): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (['characters'].some(testPage) && !loadSetting('villain') && !loadSetting('harem'))
try {getNonHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with non harem girls data): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
try {modulePachinkoNames()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with pachinko names module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('missionsBackground')) {
try {moduleMissionsBackground()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with background missions module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('collectMoneyAnimation')) {
try {moduleCollectMoneyAnimation()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with money animation module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('activitiesTabChoice') && CurrentPage == '/home.html') {
try {moduleActivitiesTabChoice()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with activities tab choice module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('customizedHomeScreen') && CurrentPage == '/home.html') {
try {moduleCustomizedHomeScreen()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with customized home screen module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideClaimedRewards')) {
try {moduleHideClaimedRewards()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with hide claimed rewards module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('desktopDisplay')) {
try {moduleDesktopDisplay()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with desktop display module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideClaimAllButtons')) {
try {moduleHideClaimAllButtons()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with hide claim-all button module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton') && ['leagues'].some(testPage)) {
try {moduleHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with hidding x15 button in league): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('contestsExpiryTimer') && ['activities'].some(testPage)) {
try {moduleContestsExpiryTimer()} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with contests timer module): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideGradeUpgradeKobanButton')) {
}, timeout);
function options() {
// Options menu
$('div#contains_all').append('<a href="#"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/c1F37PYz/icon-options.png" id="hhsButton"></a>');
$('div#contains_all').append('<div id="hhsOptions" class="hhsTooltip" style="display: none;">'
+ '<span class="close-settings-panel"></span>'
+ '<div class="script_setting" style="grid-row-end: span 2;">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="villain"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsVillain + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="tiers"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsTiers + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="xpMoney"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsXPMoney + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="market"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsMarket + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="marketRestockButton"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsMarketRestockButton + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="filterArmorItems"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsFilterArmorItems + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="harem"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHarem + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="haremFilter"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHaremFilters + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="girlsItemsFilter"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsGirlsItemsFilter + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting" style="grid-row-end: span 5;">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="league"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLeague + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="leagueBoard"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLeagueBoard + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="simLeagueBoardFight"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsSimLeagueBoardFight + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="leagueBoardBoostersStatus"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLeagueBoostersStatus + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="leagueBoardCompactDisplay"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLeagueCompactDisplay + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideLeaguex3Button"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideLeaguex3Button + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting" style="grid-row-end: span 2;">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="simFight"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsSimFight + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="seasonFightsSort"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsSeasonFightsSort + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="teamsFilter"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsTeamsFilter + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="champions"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsChampions + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="links"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLinks + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="labyrinth"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLabyrinth + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="seasonStats"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsSeasonStats + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="pachinkoNames"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsPachinkoNames + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="missionsBackground"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsMissionsBackground + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="collectMoneyAnimation"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsCollectMoneyAnimation + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="activitiesTabChoice"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsActivitiesTabChoice + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="customizedHomeScreen"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsCustomizedHomeScreen + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideClaimedRewards"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideClaimedRewards + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="desktopDisplay"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsDesktopDisplay + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideClaimAllButtons"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideClaimAllButtons + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="contestsExpiryTimer"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsContestsExpiryTimer
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideGradeUpgradeKobanButton"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideGradeUpgradeKobanButton
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideIntroPictures"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideIntroPictures
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>');
// Show and hide options menu
$('#hhsButton').click(function() {
let x = document.getElementById('hhsOptions');
if (x.style.display == 'none') x.style.display = 'grid';
else x.style.display = 'none';
$(this).attr('checked', loadSetting($(this).attr('hhs')))
$('[hhs]').click(function() {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.'+$(this).attr('hhs'), $(this).prop('checked'))
$('#hhsOptions .close-settings-panel').click(() => {
let x = document.getElementById('hhsOptions');
x.style.display = 'none';
// Dependency of villain menu options
$('[hhs=villain]').click(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=tiers]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.tiers', false)
$('[hhs=tiers]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=villain]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.villain', true)
// Dependency of league info options
$('[hhs=league]').click(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=leagueBoard]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueBoard', false);
$('[hhs=simLeagueBoardFight]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.simLeagueBoardFight', false);
$('[hhs=leagueBoardBoostersStatus]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueBoardBoostersStatus', false);
$('[hhs=leagueBoardCompactDisplay]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueBoardCompactDisplay', false);
else if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=leagueBoard]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueBoard', true);
$('[hhs=simLeagueBoardFight]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.simLeagueBoardFight', true);
$('[hhs=leagueBoardBoostersStatus]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueBoardBoostersStatus', false);
$('[hhs=leagueBoardCompactDisplay]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueBoardCompactDisplay', false);
$('[hhs=leagueBoard]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=league]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.league', true);
$('[hhs=simLeagueBoardFight]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=league]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.league', true);
$('[hhs=leagueBoardBoostersStatus]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=league]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.league', true);
$('[hhs=leagueBoardCompactDisplay]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=league]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.league', true);
// Dependency of sim fights options
$('[hhs=simFight]').click(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=seasonFightsSort]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.seasonFightsSort', false)
$('[hhs=seasonFightsSort]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=simFight]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.simFight', true)
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function transformHHPNData() {
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')) {
let girlsData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap'));
if (girlsData[0] == undefined) return;
if (typeof girlsData[0][1].Af != "undefined" && typeof girlsData[0][1].avatar != "undefined") {
let girlNameDictionary = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < girlsData.length; i++) {
let girl_data = {af: 0,
xp: 0,
awL: 0,
av: null,
c: null,
e: null,
f: null,
gr: null,
id: null,
l: null,
n: null,
nbGr: null,
r: null,
s: null,
sH: null}
girl_data.af = girlsData[i][1].affection || girlsData[i][1].Af.c;
girl_data.xp = girlsData[i][1].xp || girlsData[i][1].Xp.c;
girl_data.awL = girlsData[i][1].awakening_level;
girl_data.av = girlsData[i][1].avatar.charAt(girlsData[i][1].avatar.indexOf('ava') + 3)
girl_data.c = girlsData[i][1].class;
girl_data.e = girlsData[i][1].element;
girl_data.f = girlsData[i][1].figure;
girl_data.gr = girlsData[i][1].graded;
girl_data.id = parseInt(girlsData[i][1].id_girl, 10);
girl_data.l = girlsData[i][1].level;
girl_data.n = girlsData[i][1].name;
girl_data.nbGr = girlsData[i][1].nb_grades;
girl_data.r = girlsData[i][1].rarity;
girl_data.s = girlsData[i][1].salary;
girl_data.sH = girlsData[i][1].salary_per_hour;
girlNameDictionary.set(girl_data.id, girl_data);
if (girlNameDictionary.size > 0) {
let json = JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlNameDictionary.entries()));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNMap', json);
else if (typeof girlsData[0][1].Af != "undefined") {
let girlNameDictionary = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < girlsData.length; i++) {
let girl_data = {af: 0,
xp: 0,
awL: 0,
av: null,
c: null,
e: null,
f: null,
gr: null,
id: null,
l: null,
n: null,
nbGr: null,
r: null,
s: null,
sH: null}
girl_data.af = girlsData[i][1].affection || girlsData[i][1].Af.c;
girl_data.xp = girlsData[i][1].xp || girlsData[i][1].Xp.c;
girl_data.awL = girlsData[i][1].awL;
girl_data.av = girlsData[i][1].avatar.charAt(girlsData[i][1].av.indexOf('ava') + 3)
girl_data.c = girlsData[i][1].c;
girl_data.e = girlsData[i][1].e;
girl_data.f = girlsData[i][1].f;
girl_data.gr = girlsData[i][1].gr;
girl_data.id = parseInt(girlsData[i][1].id, 10);
girl_data.l = girlsData[i][1].l;
girl_data.n = girlsData[i][1].n;
girl_data.nbGr = girlsData[i][1].nbGr;
girl_data.r = girlsData[i][1].r;
girl_data.s = girlsData[i][1].s;
girl_data.sH = girlsData[i][1].sH;
girlNameDictionary.set(girl_data.id, girl_data);
if (girlNameDictionary.size > 0) {
let json = JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlNameDictionary.entries()));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNMap', json);
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) {
let girlsData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap'));
if (girlsData[0] == undefined) return;
if (typeof girlsData[0][1].id_girl != "undefined") {
let girlNameDictionary = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < girlsData.length; i++) {
let girl_data = {id: null,
n: null,
sh: 0}
girl_data.id = parseInt(girlsData[i][1].id_girl, 10);
girl_data.n = girlsData[i][1].name;
girl_data.sh = girlsData[i][1].shards;
girlNameDictionary.set(girl_data.id, girl_data);
if (girlNameDictionary.size > 0) {
let json = JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlNameDictionary.entries()));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', json);
/* ======================
====================== */
function moduleVillain() {
//Create localStorage if it doesn't exist yet
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls') || localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls') == "" || localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls') == 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTrolls', JSON.stringify([]));
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls') || localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls') == "" || localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls') == 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls', JSON.stringify([]));
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned') || localStorage.getItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned') == "" || localStorage.getItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned') == 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned', JSON.stringify([[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]));
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNMap', JSON.stringify([]));
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify([]));
let eventTrolls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls'));
let mythicEventTrolls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls'));
let tierGirlsOwned = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned'));
const girlDictionary = new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')));
const girlShardsDictionary = new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')));
let includeTiers = false;
let eventEndTime = localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTime') || 0;
let mythicEventEndTime = localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTime') || 0;
if (loadSetting('tiers')) includeTiers = true;
if (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) > eventEndTime) localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTrolls', JSON.stringify([]));
if (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) > mythicEventEndTime) localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls', JSON.stringify([]));
//Get shards info from event widget
if (window.location.search.includes("tab=event") || window.location.search.includes("tab=kinky_event")) {
let totalGirls = window.event_girls.length;
for (let i=0; i<totalGirls; i++) {
let girlId = window.event_girls[i].id_girl;
let girlName = window.event_girls[i].name;
let girlShards = window.event_girls[i].shards;
if (girlShards < 100) {
let girlData = {id: girlId,
n: girlName,
sh: girlShards}
girlShardsDictionary.set(girlId, girlData);
else girlShardsDictionary.delete(girlId);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
if (window.location.search.includes("tab=event")) {
let eventRemainingTime = parseInt(window.event_data.seconds_until_event_end, 10);
eventEndTime = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) + eventRemainingTime;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTime', eventEndTime);
eventTrolls = [];
let totalGirls = window.event_girls.length;
for (let i=0; i<totalGirls; i++) {
let girlId = window.event_girls[i].id_girl;
let girlRarity = window.event_girls[i].rarity;
let girlLocation = (window.event_girls[i].source.anchor_source != null) ? window.event_girls[i].source.anchor_source.url : "";
if (girlLocation.includes('troll-pre-battle')) eventTrolls.push({id: girlId, troll: girlLocation.substring(35), rarity: girlRarity});
localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTrolls', JSON.stringify(eventTrolls));
if (window.location.search.includes("tab=mythic_event")) {
let eventRemainingTime = parseInt(window.event_data.seconds_until_event_end, 10);
mythicEventEndTime = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) + eventRemainingTime;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTime', mythicEventEndTime);
mythicEventTrolls = [];
let totalGirls = window.event_girls.length;
for (let i=0; i<totalGirls; i++) {
let girlId = window.event_girls[i].id_girl;
let girlRarity = window.event_girls[i].rarity;
let girlName = window.event_girls[i].name;
let girlShards = window.event_girls[i].shards;
let girlLocation = window.event_girls[i].source.anchor_source.url;
if (girlLocation.includes('troll-pre-battle')) mythicEventTrolls.push({id: girlId, troll: girlLocation.substring(35), rarity: girlRarity});
if (girlShards < 100) {
let girlData = {id: girlId,
n: girlName,
sh: girlShards}
girlShardsDictionary.set(girlId, girlData);
else girlShardsDictionary.delete(girlId);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls', JSON.stringify(mythicEventTrolls));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
if (includeTiers) {
//Check if villain tier girls have been collected (to update when a new villain is added)
tierGirlsOwned = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []];
for (let tIdx = 0; tIdx < tierGirlsID.length; tIdx++) {
for (let pIdx = 0; pIdx < tierGirlsID[tIdx].length; pIdx++) {
tierGirlsOwned[tIdx][pIdx] = true;
for (let gIdx = 0; gIdx < tierGirlsID[tIdx][pIdx].length; gIdx++) {
let idGirl = parseInt(tierGirlsID[tIdx][pIdx][gIdx], 10);
if (idGirl == 0) tierGirlsOwned[tIdx][pIdx] = true;
else if (!girlDictionary.get(idGirl)) tierGirlsOwned[tIdx][pIdx] = false;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned', JSON.stringify(tierGirlsOwned));
//Add the actual menu
let trollGems;
let trollRewards;
//To update when a new villain is added.
trollGems = [' <span class="fire_gem"></span> <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span> <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span> <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span> <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span>',
' <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span>',
' <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
//To update when a new villain is added.
trollRewards = ['',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
' <span class="book_reward"></span>',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
let currentWorld = heroData.infos.questing.id_world,
trollName = '',
trollNameTiers = '',
trollGemRewards = '',
trollOtherRewards = '',
trollsMenu = '',
//Associate the world ID (first number) to its villain ID (second number): troll_ID: villain_ID
worldID = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21],
trollsId = {2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 4, 6: 5, 7: 6, 8: 7, 9: 8, 10: 9, 11: 10, 12: 11, 13: 12, 14: 13, 15: 14, 16: 15, 17: 16, 18: 17, 19: 18, 21: 19};
//Pornstar Harem
if (['star_t', 'nutaku_t'].some(testUniverse)) {
//To update when a new villain is added.
worldID = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23];
trollsId = {2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 4, 6: 5, 7: 6, 8: 7, 9: 8, 10: 9, 14: 11, 16: 12, 18: 13, 20: 14, 23: 15};
//Transpornstar harem
if (['dotcom_startrans', 'nutaku_startrans'].some(testUniverse)) {
//To update when a new villain is added.
worldID = [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11];
trollsId = {2: 1, 3: 2, 5: 3, 6: 4, 7: 5, 8: 6, 9: 7, 11: 8};
//Gaypornstar harem
if (['dotcom_stargay', 'nutaku_stargay'].some(testUniverse)) {
//To update when a new villain is added.
worldID = [2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13];
trollsId = {2: 1, 6: 2, 7: 3, 10: 4, 11: 5, 13: 6};
//Manga RPG
if (['mangarpg_m'].some(testUniverse)) {
//To update when a new villain is added.
worldID = [2, 3];
trollsId = {2: 1, 3: 3};
let lastWorldIndex = (worldID.indexOf(currentWorld) == -1) ? worldID.length-1 : worldID.indexOf(currentWorld);
for (let i = 0; i <= lastWorldIndex; i++) {
if (typeof trolls[i] !== typeof undefined && trolls[i] !== false) {
trollName = trolls[i];
trollGemRewards = trollGems[i];
trollOtherRewards = trollRewards[i];
if (includeTiers) {
trollNameTiers = ' ';
if (!(tierGirlsOwned[i][0])) {
trollNameTiers = trollNameTiers + '¹';
if (!(tierGirlsOwned[i][1])) {
trollNameTiers = trollNameTiers + '²';
if (!(tierGirlsOwned[i][2])) {
trollNameTiers = trollNameTiers + '³';
else trollName = labels.world + ' ' + (worldID[worldID.length-1]+1) + ' ' + labels.villain;
let type = 'regular';
for (let j = 0, len = eventTrolls.length; j < len; j++) {
let shards = girlShardsDictionary.get(parseInt(eventTrolls[j].id, 10)) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(parseInt(eventTrolls[j].id, 10)).sh : 0;
if (eventTrolls[j].troll == trollsId[worldID[i]] && shards < 100) {
type = `eventTroll ${eventTrolls[j].rarity}`;
for (let j = 0; j < mythicEventTrolls.length; j++) {
let shards = girlShardsDictionary.get(parseInt(mythicEventTrolls[j].id, 10)) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(parseInt(mythicEventTrolls[j].id, 10)).sh : 0;
if (mythicEventTrolls[j].troll == trollsId[worldID[i]] && shards < 100) {
type = `mythicEventTroll`;
if(heroData.infos.questing.choices_adventure == 0)
trollsMenu += `<a class="${type}" href="${transformNutakuURL('/troll-pre-battle.html?id_opponent=' + trollsId[worldID[i]])}"> ${trollName} ${trollNameTiers} </a> ${trollGemRewards} ${trollOtherRewards} <a class="troll_world_script" href="${transformNutakuURL('/world/' + worldID[i])}"></a> <br />`;
trollsMenu += `<a class="${type}" href="${transformNutakuURL('/troll-pre-battle.html?id_opponent=' + trollsId[worldID[i]])}"> ${trollName} ${trollNameTiers} </a> ${trollGemRewards} ${trollOtherRewards} <br />`;
this.$overlay = $('<div class="script-fight-a-villain-menu-overlay"></div>');
this.$overlay.click(() => {
$('#fight_energy_bar .bar-wrapper').click(() => {
if (!this.$container) {
this.$container = $('<div class="script-fight-a-villain-menu-container fixed_scaled"></div>');
this.$container.append('<div class="TrollsMenu" id="TrollsID">' + trollsMenu + '</div>');
/* if(heroData.infos.questing.choices_adventure == 0) {
$('#fight_energy_bar .bar-wrapper').click(() => {
if (!this.$container) {
this.$container = $('<div class="script-fight-a-villain-menu-container fixed_scaled"></div>');
this.$container.append('<div class="TrollsMenu" id="TrollsID">' + trollsMenu + '</div>');
else {
$('#fight_energy_bar .bar-wrapper').click(() => {
if (!this.$container) {
this.$container = $('<div class="script-fight-a-villain-menu-container fixed_scaled"></div>');
this.$container.append('<div class="TrollsMessage" id="TrollsID">' + labels.trollsMessage + '</div>');
} */
sheet.insertRule('#fight_energy_bar .bar-wrapper {'
+ 'cursor: pointer;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-fight-a-villain-menu-overlay {'
+ 'display: none;'
+ 'background-color: #0808087a;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: 0;'
+ 'left: 0;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'z-index: 9;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-fight-a-villain-menu-overlay.shown {'
+ 'display: block;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-fight-a-villain-menu-container {'
+ 'display: none;'
+ 'align-items: center;'
+ 'justify-content: center;'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'width: 1040px;'
+ 'height: 585px;'
+ 'z-index: 10;'
+ 'font-size: 16px;'
+ 'pointer-events: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-fight-a-villain-menu-container.shown {'
+ 'display: flex;}'
sheet.insertRule('.TrollsMenu {'
+ 'position: absolute; '
+ 'column-count: 2;'
+ 'column-width: auto;'
+ 'width: max-content;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.8);'
+ 'box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.73);'
+ 'font-weight: 400;'
+ 'letter-spacing: .22px;'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'pointer-events: all;}'
sheet.insertRule('.TrollsMessage {'
+ 'position: absolute; '
+ 'max-width: 350px;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.8);'
+ 'box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.73);'
+ 'font-weight: 400;'
+ 'letter-spacing: .22px;'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'pointer-events: all;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.TrollsMenu, .TrollsMessage {'
+ 'top: 66px;'
+ 'left: 440px;'
+ 'line-height: 28px;'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.TrollsMenu, .TrollsMessage {'
+ 'top: 82px;'
+ 'left: 303px;'
+ 'line-height: 48px;'
+ 'font-size: 18px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.TrollsMenu a {'
+ 'font-family: \'Carter One\', \'Alegreya Sans\', cursive !important;'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255); '
+ 'text-decoration: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll {'
+ 'color: #f70 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll:hover {'
+ 'color: #fa0 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.common {'
+ 'color: #8d8e9f !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.common:hover {'
+ 'color: #b4b5c9 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.rare {'
+ 'color: #23b56b !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.rare:hover {'
+ 'color: #2bdf84 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.epic {'
+ 'color: #ffb244 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.epic:hover {'
+ 'color: #ffc97b !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.legendary {'
+ 'color: #9370db !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.legendary:hover {'
+ 'color: #b19cd9 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.mythicEventTroll {'
+ 'color: #ec0039 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.mythicEventTroll:hover {'
+ 'color: #ff003e !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID a {'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255);'
+ 'text-decoration: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID a:hover {'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 247, 204);'
+ 'text-decoration: underline;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#TrollsID .darkness_gem, #TrollsID .light_gem, #TrollsID .psychic_gem, #TrollsID .fire_gem, #TrollsID .nature_gem, #TrollsID .stone_gem, #TrollsID .sun_gem, #TrollsID .water_gem {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -8px;'
+ 'height: 14px;'
+ 'width: 14px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 14px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#TrollsID .darkness_gem, #TrollsID .light_gem, #TrollsID .psychic_gem, #TrollsID .fire_gem, #TrollsID .nature_gem, #TrollsID .stone_gem, #TrollsID .sun_gem, #TrollsID .water_gem {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -15px;'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 20px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.gift_reward, .book_reward {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -7px;'
+ 'width: 16px;'
+ 'height: 16px;'
+ 'background-size: 16px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'display: inline-block;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.gift_reward, .book_reward {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -15px;'
+ 'width: 22px;'
+ 'height: 22px;'
+ 'background-size: 22px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'display: inline-block;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .darkness_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/darkness.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .light_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/light.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .psychic_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/psychic.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .fire_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/fire.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .nature_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/nature.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .stone_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/stone.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .sun_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/sun.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .water_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/water.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .gift_reward {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/items/K2.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .book_reward {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/items/XP3.png");}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#TrollsID .troll_world_script {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -6px;'
+ 'height: 18px;'
+ 'width: 18px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 18px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/quest/ico-quest.png");}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#TrollsID .troll_world_script {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -13px;'
+ 'height: 28px;'
+ 'width: 28px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 28px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/quest/ico-quest.png");}}'
/* ===========
=========== */
function moduleXP() {
function betterXP() {
if (heroData.infos.level < lvl_max_player) {
$('span[hero="xp"]').empty().append(labels.next + ': ');
$('span[hero="xp_max"]').empty().append(' XP');
else {
$('span[hero="xp_max"]').empty().append(' XP');
$('.button_glow').click(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000)
/* ==============
============== */
function moduleMoney() {
function betterMoney() {
if (heroData.currencies.soft_currency >= 1E6) {
$('div[hero="soft_currency"]').empty().append(nRounding(heroData.currencies.soft_currency, 3, -1));
$('.button_glow').click(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000)
$('#collect_all').click(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000)
$('.collect_money').click(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000)
/* ====================
==================== */
function moduleMarket() {
let loc2 = $('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container').children();
loc2.each(function() {
let stat = $(this).attr('class');
if (stat == 'caracs-1-container' || stat == 'caracs-2-container' || stat == 'caracs-3-container') {
stat = 'carac' + localeStringToNumber(stat);
$(this).append('<span class="CustomStats"></span><div id="CustomStats' + stat + '" class="StatsTooltip"></div>');
function updateStats() {
let loc2 = $('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container').children();
let levelMoney = 0,
levelPoints = heroData.infos.level * 30;
levelMoney = calculateTotalPrice(levelPoints);
loc2.each(function() {
let stat = $(this).attr('class');
if (stat == 'caracs-1-container' || stat == 'caracs-2-container' || stat == 'caracs-3-container') {
stat = 'carac' + localeStringToNumber(stat);
let boughtPoints = heroData.infos[stat],
remainingPoints = levelPoints - boughtPoints,
spentMoney = calculateTotalPrice(boughtPoints),
remainingMoney = levelMoney - spentMoney;
let totalPoints = heroData.infos.caracs[stat];
let iClass = heroData.infos.class - 1;
let iStat = parseInt(stat.substr(5)) - 1;
let matMul = [[9, 5, 7], [7, 9, 5], [5, 7, 9]];
let skillPoints = matMul[iClass][iStat] * heroData.infos.level;
let equipmentsData = $('#equiped.armor-container .armor .slot-container .slot-container').children(),
itemPoints = 0;
equipmentsData.each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('class').indexOf('slot empty') == -1) {
let equipmentsStats = $(this).attr('data-d'),
statPosStart = equipmentsStats.indexOf(stat + '_equip') + 15,
statPosEnd = equipmentsStats.substr(statPosStart).indexOf(',');
itemPoints = itemPoints + parseInt(equipmentsStats.substr(statPosStart, statPosEnd - 1), 10);
let boostersData = $('#equiped.booster-container .booster .slot-container').children(),
ginsengPoints = 0,
ginsengLegendary = 0;
boostersData.each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('class') != 'slot empty') {
if ($(this).attr('id_item') == '7') {
ginsengPoints = ginsengPoints + 100;
else if ($(this).attr('id_item') == '8') {
ginsengPoints = ginsengPoints + 350;
else if ($(this).attr('id_item') == '9') {
ginsengPoints = ginsengPoints + 1225;
else if ($(this).attr('id_item') == '316') {
ginsengLegendary = ginsengLegendary + 1;
ginsengPoints = ginsengPoints + Math.ceil((skillPoints + boughtPoints + itemPoints + ginsengPoints) * 0.06 * ginsengLegendary);
let clubPoints = totalPoints - skillPoints - boughtPoints - itemPoints - ginsengPoints;
$('#CustomStats' + stat).html(
'<b>' + labels.stat_points_need + ':</b> ' + nThousand(remainingPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.money_need + ':</b> ' + nThousand(remainingMoney) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.money_spent + ':</b> ' + nThousand(spentMoney) + '<br /><br />' +
'<b>' + labels.points_from_level + ':</b> ' + nThousand(skillPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.bought_points + ':</b> ' + nThousand(boughtPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.equipment_points + ':</b> ' + nThousand(itemPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.ginseng_points + ':</b> ' + nThousand(ginsengPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.club_points + ':</b> ' + nThousand(clubPoints) + '<br />'
function calculateTotalPrice(points) {
let last_price = calculateStatPrice(points);
let price = 0;
if (points < 2000) {
price = (7 + last_price) / 2 * points;
else if (points < 4000) {
price = 4012000 + (4009 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 2000);
else if (points < 6000) {
price = 20026000 + (12011 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 4000);
else if (points < 8000) {
price = 56042000 + (24013 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 6000);
else if (points < 10000) {
price = 120060000 + (40015 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 8000);
else if (points < 12000) {
price = 220080000 + (60017 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 10000);
else if (points < 14000) {
price = 364102000 + (84019 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 12000);
else if (points < 16000) {
price = 560126000 + (112021 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 14000);
else if (points < 18000) {
price = 816152000 + (144023 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 16000);
else if (points < 20000) {
price = 1140180000 + (180025 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 18000);
else if (points < 22000) {
price = 1540210000 + (220027 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 20000);
else if (points < 24000) {
price = 2024242000 + (264029 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 22000);
else if (points < 26000) {
price = 2600276000 + (312031 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 24000);
else if (points < 28000) {
price = 3276312000 + (364033 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 26000);
else if (points < 30000) {
price = 4060350000 + (420035 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 28000);
return price;
function calculateStatPrice(points) {
let cost = 0;
if (points < 2000) {
cost = 5 + points * 2;
else if (points < 4000) {
cost = 4005 + (points - 2000) * 4;
else if (points < 6000) {
cost = 12005 + (points - 4000) * 6;
else if (points < 8000) {
cost = 24005 + (points - 6000) * 8;
else if (points < 10000) {
cost = 40005 + (points - 8000) * 10;
else if (points < 12000) {
cost = 60005 + (points - 10000) * 12;
else if (points < 14000) {
cost = 84005 + (points - 12000) * 14;
else if (points < 16000) {
cost = 112005 + (points - 14000) * 16;
else if (points < 18000) {
cost = 144005 + (points - 16000) * 18;
else if (points < 20000) {
cost = 180005 + (points - 18000) * 20;
else if (points < 22000) {
cost = 220005 + (points - 20000) * 22;
else if (points < 24000) {
cost = 264005 + (points - 22000) * 24;
else if (points < 26000) {
cost = 312005 + (points - 24000) * 26;
else if (points < 28000) {
cost = 364005 + (points - 26000) * 28;
else if (points < 30000) {
cost = 420005 + (points - 28000) * 30;
return cost;
let lsMarket = {};
lsMarket.buyable = {};
lsMarket.stocks = {};
lsMarket.restock = {};
let restocktime = 0;
let time = $('#equipement-tab-container .restock-info-timer span').text();
if (time.indexOf('h') > -1) {
restocktime = parseInt(time.substring(0, time.indexOf('h')), 10) * 3600;
time = time.substring(time.indexOf('h') + 1);
if (time.indexOf('m') > -1) {
restocktime += parseInt(time.substring(0, time.indexOf('m')), 10) * 60;
time = time.substring(time.indexOf('h') + 1);
if (time.indexOf('s') > -1) {
restocktime += parseInt(time.substring(0, time.indexOf('s')), 10);
lsMarket.restock.herolvl = heroData.infos.level;
lsMarket.restock.time = (new Date()).getTime() + restocktime * 1000;
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#player-inventory.armor')[0], {childList: true})
let timer;
$('#shops button').click(function() {
let clickedButton = $(this).attr('rel'),
opened_shop = $('#tabs-switcher').children('.active');
timer = setTimeout(function() {
if (opened_shop[0].attributes.type.value == 'armor') {
else if (opened_shop[0].attributes.type.value == 'booster') {
else if (opened_shop[0].attributes.type.value == 'potion') {
if (clickedButton == 'buy' || clickedButton == 'buy_all' || clickedButton == 'shop_reload') get_buyableStocks('potion');
else if (opened_shop[0].attributes.type.value == 'gift') {
if (clickedButton == 'buy' || clickedButton == 'buy_all' || clickedButton == 'shop_reload') get_buyableStocks('gift');
}, 2*timeout);
function get_buyableStocks(loc_class) {
let itemsNb = 0,
itemsXp = 0,
itemsPriceYmens = 0,
itemsPriceKobans = 0,
loc = $('#merchant-inventory.' + loc_class);
loc.find('.slot').each(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('empty')) return false;
let item = $(this).data('d');
itemsXp += parseInt(item.item.value, 10);
if (item.item.currency == "sc") {
itemsPriceYmens += parseInt(item.price_buy, 10);
else {
itemsPriceKobans += parseInt(item.price_buy, 10);
lsMarket.buyable[loc_class] = {'Nb':itemsNb, 'Xp':itemsXp, 'ValueYmens':itemsPriceYmens, 'ValueKobans':itemsPriceKobans};
function equipments_shop(update) {
tt_create(update, 'armor', 'EquipmentsTooltip', 'equipments', '');
function boosters_shop(update) {
tt_create(update, 'booster', 'BoostersTooltip', 'boosters', '');
function books_shop(update) {
tt_create(update, 'potion', 'BooksTooltip', 'books', 'Xp');
function gifts_shop(update) {
tt_create(update, 'gift', 'GiftsTooltip', 'gifts', 'affection');
function tt_create(update, loc_class, tt_class, itemName, itemUnit) {
let itemsNb = 0,
itemsXp = (itemUnit == '') ? -1 : 0,
itemsSell = 0,
loc = $('#player-inventory.' + loc_class);
loc.find('.slot').each(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('empty')) return false;
let item = $(this).data('d'),
Nb = parseInt(item.quantity, 10) || 1;
itemsNb += Nb;
itemsSell += Nb * parseInt(item.price_sell, 10);
if (itemsXp != -1) itemsXp += Nb * parseInt(item.item.value, 10);
let tooltip = labels.you_own + ' <b>' + nThousand(itemsNb) + '</b> ' + labels[itemName] + '.<br />' +
(itemsXp == -1 ? '' : labels.you_can_give + ' <b>' + nThousand(itemsXp) + '</b> ' + labels[itemUnit] + '.<br />') +
labels.you_can_sell + ' <b>' + nThousand(itemsSell) + '</b> <span class="imgMoney"></span>.';
lsMarket.stocks[loc_class] = (loc_class == 'potion' || loc_class == 'gift') ? {'Nb':itemsNb, 'Xp':itemsXp} : {'Nb':itemsNb};
localStorage.setItem('HHS.lsMarket', JSON.stringify(lsMarket));
if (update == 0) {
loc.prepend('<span class="CustomTT"></span><div class="' + tt_class + '">' + tooltip + '</div>');
else {
loc.children('.' + tt_class).html(tooltip);
$('plus').on('click', function (event) {
let stat = 'carac' + $(this).attr('for_carac');
heroData.infos[stat] += window.statsMultiplier[window.statsMultiplierIndex].nb;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
function modulePreventMythicBoosterSelling() {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const sellButton = $('#boosters-tab-container .right-container .bottom-container button[rel=sell]');
if($('#player-inventory.booster .slot.mythic.selected').length) sellButton.prop('disabled', true);
observer.observe($('#player-inventory.booster')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
function focusEquipmentKeeper() {
let selectedEquip;
let previousSelectedEquip;
const observerHero = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(function() {
selectedEquip = $('#player-inventory-armor .selected')[0];
if (selectedEquip) {
previousSelectedEquip = selectedEquip.parentNode.previousElementSibling;
if (previousSelectedEquip) {
if (previousSelectedEquip.className != "slot-container") {
previousSelectedEquip = selectedEquip.parentNode.nextElementSibling.children[0];
else {
previousSelectedEquip = selectedEquip.parentNode.previousElementSibling.children[0];
else {
previousSelectedEquip = selectedEquip.parentNode.nextElementSibling.children[0];
}, timeout)
observerHero.observe($('#player-inventory-armor')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container button[rel=use]').click(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #equiped .selected')).removeClass('selected');
setTimeout(function() {$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container button[rel=use]').prop('disabled', false)}, 100);
}, timeout);
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .CustomTT {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'margin-top: -25px;'
+ 'background-image: url("https://i.postimg.cc/qBDt6yHV/icon-question.png");'
+ 'background-size: 20px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'height: 20px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .CustomTT:hover {'
+ 'cursor: help;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .CustomTT:hover + div {'
+ 'opacity: 1;'
+ 'visibility: visible;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .EquipmentsTooltip, #player-inventory-container .BoostersTooltip, #player-inventory-container .BooksTooltip, #player-inventory-container .GiftsTooltip {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'z-index: 99;'
+ 'width: 240px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid rgb(162, 195, 215);'
+ 'border-radius: 8px;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);'
+ 'padding: 3px 7px 4px 7px;'
+ 'background-color: #F2F2F2;'
+ 'font: normal 10px/17px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;'
+ 'color: #057;'
+ 'opacity: 0;'
+ 'visibility: hidden;'
+ 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .EquipmentsTooltip, #player-inventory-container .BoostersTooltip {'
+ 'margin: -50px 0 0 30px;'
+ 'height: 43px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .BooksTooltip, #player-inventory-container .GiftsTooltip {'
+ 'margin: -67px 0 0 30px;'
+ 'height: 60px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .EquipmentsTooltip b, #player-inventory-container .BoostersTooltip b, #player-inventory-container .BooksTooltip b, #player-inventory-container .GiftsTooltip b {'
+ 'font-weight: bold;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .imgMoney {'
+ 'background-size: 12px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'width: 12px;'
+ 'height: 14px;'
+ 'vertical-align: text-bottom;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/ic_topbar_soft_currency.png");'
+ 'display: inline-block;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .CustomStats:hover {'
+ 'cursor: help;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .CustomStats {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: -550px;'
+ 'margin-top: 0px;'
+ 'background-image: url("https://i.postimg.cc/qBDt6yHV/icon-question.png");'
+ 'background-size: 18px 18px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'width: 18px;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'visibility: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .CustomStats:hover + div {'
+ 'opacity: 1; '
+ 'visibility: visible;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .StatsTooltip {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'z-index: 99;'
+ 'margin: -30px 0 0 32px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid rgb(162, 195, 215);'
+ 'border-radius: 8px;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);'
+ 'padding: 2px 17px 2px 7px;'
+ 'background-color: #F2F2F2;'
+ 'font: normal 10px/17px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;'
+ 'text-align: left;'
+ 'white-space: nowrap;'
+ 'opacity: 0;'
+ 'visibility: hidden;'
+ 'color: #057;'
+ 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .StatsTooltip b {'
+ 'font-weight: bold;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipement-tab-container button[rel=buy_all] {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
function moduleMarketRestockButton() {
sheet.insertRule('#books-tab-container .left-container .bottom-container, #gifts-tab-container .left-container .bottom-container {'
+ 'margin-right: 15px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#shops #gifts-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"], #shops #books-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"] {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: 114px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#shops #gifts-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"], #shops #books-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"] {'
+ 'top: 392px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#shops #gifts-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"], #shops #books-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"] {'
+ 'top: 380px;}}'
if (localStorage.getItem('HHPlusPlusConfig')) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHPlusPlusConfig')).zoo_MarketTweaks) {
sheet.insertRule('#shops #gifts-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"], #shops #books-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"] {'
+ 'left: 0px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#shops #gifts-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"], #shops #books-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"] {'
+ 'top: 17px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#shops [rel="buy"], #shops [rel="buy_all"], #shops [rel="sell"], #shops [rel="shop_reload"], #shops [rel="use"] {'
+ 'max-width: 11rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.restock-timer > p {'
+ 'min-width: 155px;}'
/* ========================
======================== */
function moduleFilterArmorItems() {
const getFavorites = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES')) || [];
const setFavorites = (favorites) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES', JSON.stringify(favorites));
const addToFavorites = (id) => {
const favorites = getFavorites()
if (favorites.includes(id)) {return}
const removeFromFavorites = (id) => {
const favorites = getFavorites()
const index = favorites.indexOf(id)
if (index < 0) {return}
favorites.splice(index, 1)
const getParamFilterHero = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.market_paramFilterHero')) || {subtype: FILTER_DEFAULT, rarity: FILTER_DEFAULT, stats: FILTER_DEFAULT, favorites: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class_type: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme_type: FILTER_DEFAULT};
const setParamFilterHero = (paramFilterHero) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.market_paramFilterHero', JSON.stringify(paramFilterHero));
const getParamFilterEquip = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.market_paramFilterEquip')) || {subtype: FILTER_DEFAULT, rarity: FILTER_DEFAULT, stats: FILTER_DEFAULT, favorites: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class_type: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme_type: FILTER_DEFAULT};
const setParamFilterEquip = (paramFilterEquip) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.market_paramFilterEquip', JSON.stringify(paramFilterEquip));
const FILTER_DEFAULT = 'all';
const FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON = 'caracs/no_class.png';
const FILTER_OPTIONS = new (class {
get subtype () {return [
{value: '1', icon: 'pictures/items/ET1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: 'pictures/items/EH1.png'},
{value: '3', icon: 'pictures/items/EB1.png'},
{value: '4', icon: 'pictures/items/ES1.png'},
{value: '5', icon: 'pictures/items/EF1.png'},
{value: '6', icon: 'pictures/items/EA1.png'}
get rarity () {return [
{value: 'common', bgColor: '#8d8e9f'},
{value: 'rare', bgColor: '#23b56b'},
{value: 'epic', bgColor: '#ffb244'},
{value: 'legendary', bgImage: `url(${window.IMAGES_URL}/legendary.png)`},
{value: 'mythic', bgColor: 'transparent radial-gradient(closest-side at 50% 50%,#f5a866 0,#ec0039 51%,#9e0e27 100%) 0 0 no-repeat padding-box'}
get stats () {return [
{value: 'rainbow', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/16.svg'},
{value: 'hc', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/1.png'},
{value: 'ch', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/2.png'},
{value: 'kh', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/3.png'},
{value: 'end', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/4.png'},
{value: 'har', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/5.png'}
get favorites () {return [
{value: true, icon: 'design/ic_star_orange.svg'},
{value: false, icon: 'design/ic_star_white.svg'}
get resonance_class () {return [
{value: '1', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/2.png'},
{value: '3', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/3.png'}
get resonance_class_type () {return [
{value: 'damage', icon: 'caracs/damage.png'},
{value: 'ego', icon: 'caracs/ego.png'}
get resonance_theme () {return [
{value: 'multi', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Multicolored.png'},
{value: 'fire', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Eccentric.png'},
{value: 'nature', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Exhibitionist.png'},
{value: 'stone', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Physical.png'},
{value: 'sun', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Playful.png'},
{value: 'water', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Sensual.png'},
{value: 'darkness', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Dominatrix.png'},
{value: 'light', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Submissive.png'},
{value: 'psychic', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Voyeurs.png'}
get resonance_theme_type () {return [
{value: 'defense', icon: 'caracs/deff_undefined.png'},
{value: 'chance', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/5.png'}
subtype: {
flow: 'column',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
rarity: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
stats: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr',
favorites: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr auto',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_class: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_class_type: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_theme: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr 1fr'
resonance_theme_type: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
const STATS_MAP = {
rainbow: [16],
hc:[1, 6, 7, 8, 9],
ch: [2, 6, 10, 11, 12],
kh: [3, 7, 10, 13, 14],
end: [4, 8, 11, 13, 15],
har: [5, 9, 12, 14, 15],
const createGridSelectorItem = ({location, id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage}) => (`<input type="radio" name=${location}-${id} id="${location}-${id}-${value}" value="${value}" class="${(currentFilter(location)[id] == '' + value) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" />`
+ `<label for="${location}-${id}-${value}">`
+ `${icon ? `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${icon}">` : ''}`
+ `${bgColor || bgImage ? `<div style="${bgColor?`background:${bgColor};`:''}${bgImage?`background-image:${bgImage};background-size:contain;`:''}"></div>` : ''}`
+ '</label>')
const createGridSelector = ({location, id, options, gridConfig}) => (`<div class="grid-selector" rel="${location}-${id}">`
+ '<div class="clear-selector">'
+ `<input type="radio" name="${location}-${id}" id="${location}-${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}" class="${(currentFilter(location)[id] == FILTER_DEFAULT) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" value="${FILTER_DEFAULT}" />`
+ `<label for="${location}-${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}">`
+ `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON}" />`
+ '</label>'
+ '</div>'
+ `<div class="selector-options" style="grid-auto-flow:${gridConfig.flow}; grid-template-rows:${gridConfig.rows}; grid-template-columns:${gridConfig.cols}">`
+ `${options.map(option => {
const {value, icon, bgColor, bgImage} = option
return createGridSelectorItem({location, id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage})
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<hr style="margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.533);">');
const createFilterBox = (location) => {
return $('<div style="position:relative">'
+ `<div class="equip_filter_box ${location} form-wrapper" style="display: none;">`
+ `${['subtype', 'rarity', 'stats', 'favorites'].map(key => createGridSelector({location : location, id: key, options: FILTER_OPTIONS[key], gridConfig: FILTER_OPTIONS_GRIDS[key]})).join('')}`
+ `<button id="reset_button-${location}" class="square_blue_btn">Reset</button>`
+ '</div>'
+ `<div class="equip_filter_box resonance ${location} form-wrapper" style="display: none;">`
+ `<span>${window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_resonance_bonus}</span>`
+ `${['resonance_class', 'resonance_class_type', 'resonance_theme', 'resonance_theme_type'].map(key => createGridSelector({location : location, id: key, options: FILTER_OPTIONS[key], gridConfig: FILTER_OPTIONS_GRIDS[key]})).join('')}`
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>')
const createFilterBtn = () => {
return $('<label class="equip_filter"><input type="button" class="blue_button_L" value="" /></label>')
const makeEquipKey = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{id_equip},{identifier, subtype}) => [identifier, subtype, id_equip, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip].join('_');
const makeEquipKeyMythic = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{identifier, subtype},classIdentifier,classResonance,themeIdentifier,themeResonance) => [identifier, subtype, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance].join('_');
const currentFilter = (location) => (location == 'hero') ? this.currentFilterHero : this.currentFilterEquip;
this.currentFilterHero = getParamFilterHero();
this.currentFilterEquip = getParamFilterEquip();
function applyFilter($target, location) {
const favorites = getFavorites()
const $visibleEquips = $target.find('.slot:not(.empty)')
let visibleCount = 0
$visibleEquips.each((i,el) => {
const $el = $(el)
const equipData = $el.data('d')
const {name_add, rarity} = equipData.item
const {subtype} = equipData.skin
const classIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.identifier : 0
const classResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.resonance : 0
const themeIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? (equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.identifier || 'multi') : 0
const themeResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.resonance : 0
const equipKey = (rarity != 'mythic') ? makeEquipKey(equipData, equipData.item, equipData.skin) : makeEquipKeyMythic(equipData, equipData.skin, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance)
const isFavorite = favorites.includes(equipKey)
let $favoriteToggle = $el.find('.favorite-toggle')
if (!$favoriteToggle.length) {
$favoriteToggle = this.$favoriteToggle.clone().attr('data-equip-key', equipKey)
} else {
$favoriteToggle.attr('data-is-favorite', isFavorite)
const subtypeMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.subtype == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.subtype == subtype) : (this.currentFilterEquip.subtype == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.subtype == subtype)
const rarityMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.rarity == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.rarity == rarity) : (this.currentFilterEquip.rarity == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.rarity == rarity)
const statsMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.stats == FILTER_DEFAULT || STATS_MAP[this.currentFilterHero.stats].includes(name_add)) : (this.currentFilterEquip.stats == FILTER_DEFAULT || STATS_MAP[this.currentFilterEquip.stats].includes(name_add))
const favoritesMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.favorites == FILTER_DEFAULT || JSON.parse(this.currentFilterHero.favorites) == isFavorite) : (this.currentFilterEquip.favorites == FILTER_DEFAULT || JSON.parse(this.currentFilterEquip.favorites) == isFavorite)
const classIdentifierMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.resonance_class == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.resonance_class == classIdentifier) : (this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_class == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_class == classIdentifier)
const classResonanceMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.resonance_class_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.resonance_class_type == classResonance) : (this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_class_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_class_type == classResonance)
const themeIdentifierMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.resonance_theme == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.resonance_theme == themeIdentifier) : (this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_theme == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_theme == themeIdentifier)
const themeResonanceMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.resonance_theme_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.resonance_theme_type == themeResonance) : (this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_theme_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_theme_type == themeResonance)
if ([subtypeMatches, rarityMatches, statsMatches, favoritesMatches, classIdentifierMatches, classResonanceMatches, themeIdentifierMatches, themeResonanceMatches].every(a=>a)) {
} else {
const $container = $target
if (visibleCount < 12) {
const $visibleSlots = $container.find('.slot:visible()')
// pad with empty slots
let toPad = 12 - $visibleSlots.length
while (toPad > 0) {
$container.find('.slot').last().after('<div class="slot empty"></div>')
function checkSelection($target) {
let $selected = $target.find('.selected');
const sellButton = $('#equipement-tab-container .right-container .bottom-container button[rel=sell]');
const equipButton = $('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container .my-inventory-equipement-container .my-inventory .bottom-container button[rel=use]');
if ($selected.length){
if ($selected.is(':visible')) {
// check for favourite
const isFavorite = JSON.parse($selected.find('.favorite-toggle').attr('data-is-favorite'))
if (isFavorite) {
sellButton.prop('disabled', true)
} else {
// change selection
const $container = $target;
const index = $selected.index()
let $newSelection
let newSelection
// first, try after
$newSelection = $container.find(`.slot:gt(${index}):not(.empty):visible()`)
if ($newSelection.length) {
newSelection = $newSelection[0]
if (!newSelection) {
// try before instead
$newSelection = $container.find(`.slot:lt(${index}):not(.empty):visible()`)
if ($newSelection.length) {
newSelection = $newSelection[$newSelection.length - 1]
if (newSelection) {
} else {
// Nothing left visible, disable buttons
sellButton.prop('disabled', true);
equipButton.prop('disabled', true);
$(document).on('market:equips-updated', () => {
applyFilter($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'hero');
applyFilter($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'equip');
checkSelection($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'));
checkSelection($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'))
const attachFilterBox = ($target, location) => {
const $btn = createFilterBtn()
const $box = createFilterBox(location)
const $togglable = $box.find('.equip_filter_box')
$btn.click(() => $togglable.toggle())
$(`#reset_button-${location}`).click(() => resetFilter($target, location));
$box.find('input').each((i, input) => {
$(input).click((e) => {
const {value, name} = e.target;
$(`div[rel=${name}] .filter_selected`).removeClass('filter_selected');
let newName = name.split('-')[1]
if (location == 'hero') {
this.currentFilterHero[newName] = value;
else {
this.currentFilterEquip[newName] = value;
applyFilter($target, location)
function resetFilter($target, location) {
let formerSubtype = currentFilter(location).subtype;
let formerRarity = currentFilter(location).rarity;
let formerStats = currentFilter(location).stats;
let formerFavorites = currentFilter(location).favorites;
let formerClass = currentFilter(location).resonance_class;
let formerClassType = currentFilter(location).resonance_class_type;
let formerTheme = currentFilter(location).resonance_theme;
let formerThemeType = currentFilter(location).resonance_theme_type;
currentFilter(location).subtype = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).rarity = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).stats = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).favorites = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).resonance_class = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).resonance_class_type = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).resonance_theme = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).resonance_theme_type = FILTER_DEFAULT;
$(`#${location}-subtype-` + formerSubtype).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-subtype-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-rarity-` + formerRarity).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-rarity-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-stats-` + formerStats).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-stats-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-favorites-` + formerFavorites).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-favorites-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class-` + formerClass).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class_type-` + formerClassType).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class_type-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme-` + formerTheme).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme_type-` + formerThemeType).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme_type-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
if (location == 'hero') setParamFilterHero(this.currentFilterHero);
else setParamFilterEquip(this.currentFilterEquip);
applyFilter($target, location);
this.$favoriteToggle = $('<div class="favorite-toggle"></div>')
this.favoriteToggleCallback = (e) => {
const $favoriteToggle = $(e.target)
const equipKey = `${$favoriteToggle.data('equip-key')}`
const isFavorite = JSON.parse($favoriteToggle.attr('data-is-favorite'))
if (isFavorite) {
} else {
applyFilter($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'hero')
applyFilter($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'equip')
attachFilterBox($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'hero')
attachFilterBox($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'equip')
applyFilter($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'hero')
applyFilter($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'equip')
const favouriteSafetyObserver1 = new MutationObserver(() => checkSelection($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container')))
const favouriteSafetyObserver2 = new MutationObserver(() => checkSelection($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container')))
favouriteSafetyObserver1.observe($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']})
favouriteSafetyObserver2.observe($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']})
sheet.insertRule('label.equip_filter {'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'background: transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container label.equip_filter {'
+ 'left: 227px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container label.equip_filter {'
+ 'top: 87px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container label.equip_filter {'
+ 'top: 62px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container label.equip_filter {'
+ 'top: 30px !important;}'
if (localStorage.getItem('HHPlusPlusConfig')) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHPlusPlusConfig')).zoo_MarketTweaks) {
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container label.equip_filter {'
+ 'left: 302px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container .equip_filter_box {'
+ 'top: -448px !important;'
+ 'left: -57px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container .equip_filter_box.resonance {'
+ 'top: -448px !important;'
+ 'left: -162px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container .equip_filter_box {'
+ 'left: -557px !important;'
+ 'top: 10px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container .equip_filter_box.resonance {'
+ 'left: -662px !important;'
+ 'top: 10px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipement-tab-container .right-container .bottom-container button[rel="sell"] {'
+ 'margin-left: 155px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.equip_filter input {'
+ 'height: 32px;'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'padding: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('label.equip_filter::before {'
+ 'content: " ";'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-size: 24px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design_v2/search_open.png");'
+ 'pointer-events: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.equip_filter_box {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
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sheet.insertRule('.slot .favorite-toggle {'
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sheet.insertRule('.slot:hover .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="false"], .slot .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="true"] {'
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+ 'display: none !important;}'
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+ 'display: none !important;}'
/* ==========================
========================== */
function moduleMythicEquipmentUpgrade() {
const fixFavoritesID = () => {
if(!localStorage.getItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES')) return [];
let favoritesID = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES'));
let newFavoritesID = [];
favoritesID.forEach(id => {
if (id.indexOf('-') != -1) {
let indexBegin = id.indexOf('-') - 3;
let indexEnd = id.lastIndexOf('-') + 3;
else newFavoritesID.push(id);
return newFavoritesID;
const makeEquipKey = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{identifier, subtype}) => [identifier, subtype, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip].join('_');
const makeEquipKeyMythic = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{identifier, subtype},classIdentifier,classResonance,themeIdentifier,themeResonance) => [identifier, subtype, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance].join('_');
function protectFavoriteItems() {
const favorites = fixFavoritesID();
const $visibleEquips = $('.mythic-equipment-panel .mythic-equipment-container .inventory-section .inventory-container .items-container').find('.slot');
if($('.item-container.protected.selected').length > 0) {
$('button#level-up').prop('disabled', true);
for (let i=0; i<$visibleEquips.length; i++) {
const $el = $visibleEquips[i];
const equipData = JSON.parse($el.dataset.d)
const {rarity} = equipData.item
const classIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.identifier : 0
const classResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.resonance : 0
const themeIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? (equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.identifier || 'multi') : 0
const themeResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.resonance : 0
const equipKey = (rarity != 'mythic') ? makeEquipKey(equipData, equipData.skin) : makeEquipKeyMythic(equipData, equipData.skin, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance)
const isFavorite = favorites.includes(equipKey)
if (isFavorite) {
let $favoriteToggle = $($el).find('.favorite-toggle')
if (!$favoriteToggle.length) {
$($el).append('<div class="favorite-toggle"></div>');
sheet.insertRule('.item-container.protected .slot .favorite-toggle {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'height: 32px;'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'top: 0px;'
+ 'right: 0px;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_star_orange.svg");'
+ 'background-size: 22px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-color: rgba(30, 38, 30, 0.7);'
+ 'z-index: 1;'
+ 'border-top-right-radius: 5px;'
+ 'border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;}'
const favouriteSafetyObserver = new MutationObserver(() => protectFavoriteItems());
favouriteSafetyObserver.observe($('.mythic-equipment-panel .mythic-equipment-container .inventory-section .inventory-container .items-container')[0], {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']})
function filterArmorItems() {
const getFavorites = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES')) || [];
const getParamFilter = () => {return {subtype: FILTER_DEFAULT, rarity: FILTER_DEFAULT, stats: FILTER_DEFAULT, favorites: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class_type: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme_type: FILTER_DEFAULT}};
const FILTER_DEFAULT = 'all';
const FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON = 'caracs/no_class.png';
const FILTER_OPTIONS = new (class {
get subtype () {return [
{value: '1', icon: 'pictures/items/ET1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: 'pictures/items/EH1.png'},
{value: '3', icon: 'pictures/items/EB1.png'},
{value: '4', icon: 'pictures/items/ES1.png'},
{value: '5', icon: 'pictures/items/EF1.png'},
{value: '6', icon: 'pictures/items/EA1.png'}
get rarity () {return [
{value: 'common', bgColor: '#8d8e9f'},
{value: 'rare', bgColor: '#23b56b'},
{value: 'epic', bgColor: '#ffb244'},
{value: 'legendary', bgImage: `url(${window.IMAGES_URL}/legendary.png)`},
{value: 'mythic', bgColor: 'transparent radial-gradient(closest-side at 50% 50%,#f5a866 0,#ec0039 51%,#9e0e27 100%) 0 0 no-repeat padding-box'}
get stats () {return [
{value: 'rainbow', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/16.svg'},
{value: 'hc', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/1.png'},
{value: 'ch', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/2.png'},
{value: 'kh', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/3.png'},
{value: 'end', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/4.png'},
{value: 'har', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/5.png'}
get favorites () {return [
{value: true, icon: 'design/ic_star_orange.svg'},
{value: false, icon: 'design/ic_star_white.svg'}
get resonance_class () {return [
{value: '1', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/2.png'},
{value: '3', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/3.png'}
get resonance_class_type () {return [
{value: 'damage', icon: 'caracs/damage.png'},
{value: 'ego', icon: 'caracs/ego.png'}
get resonance_theme () {return [
{value: 'multi', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Multicolored.png'},
{value: 'fire', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Eccentric.png'},
{value: 'nature', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Exhibitionist.png'},
{value: 'stone', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Physical.png'},
{value: 'sun', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Playful.png'},
{value: 'water', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Sensual.png'},
{value: 'darkness', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Dominatrix.png'},
{value: 'light', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Submissive.png'},
{value: 'psychic', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Voyeurs.png'}
get resonance_theme_type () {return [
{value: 'defense', icon: 'caracs/deff_undefined.png'},
{value: 'chance', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/5.png'}
subtype: {
flow: 'column',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
rarity: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
stats: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr',
favorites: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr auto',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_class: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_class_type: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_theme: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr 1fr'
resonance_theme_type: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
const STATS_MAP = {
rainbow: [16],
hc:[1, 6, 7, 8, 9],
ch: [2, 6, 10, 11, 12],
kh: [3, 7, 10, 13, 14],
end: [4, 8, 11, 13, 15],
har: [5, 9, 12, 14, 15],
const createGridSelectorItem = ({location, id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage}) => (`<input type="radio" name=${location}-${id} id="${location}-${id}-${value}" value="${value}" class="${(currentFilter(location)[id] == '' + value) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" />`
+ `<label for="${location}-${id}-${value}">`
+ `${icon ? `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${icon}">` : ''}`
+ `${bgColor || bgImage ? `<div style="${bgColor?`background:${bgColor};`:''}${bgImage?`background-image:${bgImage};background-size:contain;`:''}"></div>` : ''}`
+ '</label>')
const createGridSelector = ({location, id, options, gridConfig}) => (`<div class="grid-selector" rel="${location}-${id}">`
+ '<div class="clear-selector">'
+ `<input type="radio" name="${location}-${id}" id="${location}-${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}" class="${(currentFilter(location)[id] == FILTER_DEFAULT) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" value="${FILTER_DEFAULT}" />`
+ `<label for="${location}-${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}">`
+ `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON}" />`
+ '</label>'
+ '</div>'
+ `<div class="selector-options" style="grid-auto-flow:${gridConfig.flow}; grid-template-rows:${gridConfig.rows}; grid-template-columns:${gridConfig.cols}">`
+ `${options.map(option => {
const {value, icon, bgColor, bgImage} = option
return createGridSelectorItem({location, id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage})
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<hr style="margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.533);">');
const createFilterBox = (location) => {
return $('<div style="position:relative">'
+ `<div class="equip_filter_box ${location} form-wrapper" style="display: none;">`
+ `${['subtype', 'rarity', 'stats', 'favorites'].map(key => createGridSelector({location : location, id: key, options: FILTER_OPTIONS[key], gridConfig: FILTER_OPTIONS_GRIDS[key]})).join('')}`
+ `<button id="reset_button-${location}" class="square_blue_btn">Reset</button>`
+ '</div>'
+ `<div class="equip_filter_box resonance ${location} form-wrapper" style="display: none;">`
+ `<span>${window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_resonance_bonus}</span>`
+ `${['resonance_class', 'resonance_class_type', 'resonance_theme', 'resonance_theme_type'].map(key => createGridSelector({location : location, id: key, options: FILTER_OPTIONS[key], gridConfig: FILTER_OPTIONS_GRIDS[key]})).join('')}`
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>')
const createFilterBtn = () => {
return $('<label class="equip_filter"><input type="button" class="blue_button_L" value="" /></label>')
const makeEquipKey = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{id_equip},{identifier, subtype}) => [identifier, subtype, id_equip, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip].join('_');
const makeEquipKeyMythic = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{identifier, subtype},classIdentifier,classResonance,themeIdentifier,themeResonance) => [identifier, subtype, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance].join('_');
const currentFilter = () => this.currentFilter;
this.currentFilter = getParamFilter();
function applyFilter($target) {
const favorites = getFavorites();
const $visibleEquips = $target.find('.slot:not(.empty)');
$visibleEquips.each((i,el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const equipData = $el.data('d');
const {name_add, rarity} = equipData.item;
const {subtype} = equipData.skin;
const classIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.identifier : 0;
const classResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.resonance : 0;
const themeIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? (equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.identifier || 'multi') : 0;
const themeResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.resonance : 0;
const equipKey = (rarity != 'mythic') ? makeEquipKey(equipData, equipData.item, equipData.skin) : makeEquipKeyMythic(equipData, equipData.skin, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance)
const isFavorite = favorites.includes(equipKey);
const subtypeMatches = this.currentFilter.subtype == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilter.subtype == subtype;
const rarityMatches = this.currentFilter.rarity == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilter.rarity == rarity;
const statsMatches = this.currentFilter.stats == FILTER_DEFAULT || STATS_MAP[this.currentFilter.stats].includes(name_add);
const favoritesMatches = this.currentFilter.favorites == FILTER_DEFAULT || JSON.parse(this.currentFilter.favorites) == isFavorite;
const classIdentifierMatches = this.currentFilter.resonance_class == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilter.resonance_class == classIdentifier;
const classResonanceMatches = this.currentFilter.resonance_class_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilter.resonance_class_type == classResonance;
const themeIdentifierMatches = this.currentFilter.resonance_theme == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilter.resonance_theme == themeIdentifier;
const themeResonanceMatches = this.currentFilter.resonance_theme_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilter.resonance_theme_type == themeResonance;
if ([subtypeMatches, rarityMatches, statsMatches, favoritesMatches, classIdentifierMatches, classResonanceMatches, themeIdentifierMatches, themeResonanceMatches].every(a=>a)) {
} else {
const attachFilterBox = ($target, location) => {
const $btn = createFilterBtn()
const $box = createFilterBox(location)
const $togglable = $box.find('.equip_filter_box')
$btn.click(() => $togglable.toggle())
$(`#reset_button-${location}`).click(() => resetFilter($target, location));
$box.find('input').each((i, input) => {
$(input).click((e) => {
const {value, name} = e.target;
$(`div[rel=${name}] .filter_selected`).removeClass('filter_selected');
let newName = name.split('-')[1]
this.currentFilter[newName] = value;
function resetFilter($target, location) {
let formerSubtype = currentFilter().subtype;
let formerRarity = currentFilter().rarity;
let formerStats = currentFilter().stats;
let formerFavorites = currentFilter().favorites;
let formerClass = currentFilter().resonance_class;
let formerClassType = currentFilter().resonance_class_type;
let formerTheme = currentFilter().resonance_theme;
let formerThemeType = currentFilter().resonance_theme_type;
currentFilter().subtype = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter().rarity = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter().stats = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter().favorites = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter().resonance_class = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter().resonance_class_type = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter().resonance_theme = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter().resonance_theme_type = FILTER_DEFAULT;
$(`#${location}-subtype-` + formerSubtype).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-subtype-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-rarity-` + formerRarity).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-rarity-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-stats-` + formerStats).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-stats-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-favorites-` + formerFavorites).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-favorites-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class-` + formerClass).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class_type-` + formerClassType).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class_type-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme-` + formerTheme).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme_type-` + formerThemeType).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme_type-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
attachFilterBox($('.mythic-equipment-container .inventory-section .inventory-container'), 'hero')
applyFilter($('.mythic-equipment-container .inventory-section .inventory-container'));
sheet.insertRule('label.equip_filter {'
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sheet.insertRule('label.equip_filter::before {'
+ 'content: " ";'
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+ 'height: 100%;'
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+ 'background-size: 24px;'
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+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design_v2/search_open.png");'
+ 'pointer-events: none;}'
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+ 'padding: 5px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid rgb(255, 162, 62);}'
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+ 'left: -118px !important;'
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sheet.insertRule('.slot:hover .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="false"], .slot .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="true"] {'
+ 'display: block;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="false"] {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_star_white.svg");'
+ 'opacity: 0.7;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="true"] {'
+ 'background-color: rgba(30, 38, 30, 0.7);'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_star_orange.svg");}'
sheet.insertRule('.filtered_out {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.inventory-container .slot.empty {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
/* ===================
=================== */
function moduleHarem() {
const haremGirls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap'));
let stats = [];
let haremRight = $('#harem_right');
stats.girls = 0;
stats.level_max = 0;
stats.hourlyMoney = 0;
stats.allCollect = 0;
stats.unlockedScenes = 0;
stats.allScenes = 0;
stats.rarities = {starting: 0, common: 0, rare: 0, epic: 0, legendary: 0, mythic: 0};
stats.elements = {darkness: 0, light: 0, psychic: 0, fire: 0, nature: 0, stone: 0, sun: 0, water: 0};
stats.caracs = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0};
stats.stars = {affection: 0, money: 0, kobans: 0};
stats.xp = 0;
stats.LMxp = 0;
stats.affection = 0;
stats.money = 0;
stats.kobans = 0;
stats.grades = {starting: {3: 0, 5: 0}, common: {1: 0, 3: 0, 5: 0}, rare: {3: 0, 5: 0}, epic: {3: 0, 5: 0}, legendary: {3: 0, 5: 0}, mythic: {6: 0}};
stats.gemsRequirements = {darkness: 0, light: 0, psychic: 0, fire: 0, nature: 0, stone: 0, sun: 0, water: 0};
stats.awakeningStages = {250: 0, 300: 0, 350: 0, 400: 0, 450: 0, 500: 0, 550: 0, 600: 0, 650: 0, 700: 0}
let EvoReq = [];
let starting = [];
starting.push({affection: 90, money: 36000, kobans: 36, taffection: 90, tmoney: 36000, tkobans: 36});
starting.push({affection: 225, money: 90000, kobans: 60, taffection: 315, tmoney: 126000, tkobans: 96});
starting.push({affection: 563, money: 225000, kobans: 114, taffection: 878, tmoney: 351000, tkobans: 210});
starting.push({affection: 1125, money: 450000, kobans: 180, taffection: 2003, tmoney: 801000, tkobans: 390});
starting.push({affection: 2250, money: 900000, kobans: 300, taffection: 4253, tmoney: 1701000, tkobans: 690});
EvoReq.starting = starting;
let commonGirls = [];
commonGirls.push({affection: 180, money: 72000, kobans: 72, taffection: 180, tmoney: 72000, tkobans: 72});
commonGirls.push({affection: 450, money: 180000, kobans: 120, taffection: 630, tmoney: 252000, tkobans: 192});
commonGirls.push({affection: 1125, money: 450000, kobans: 228, taffection: 1755, tmoney: 702000, tkobans: 420});
commonGirls.push({affection: 2250, money: 900000, kobans: 360, taffection: 4005, tmoney: 1602000, tkobans: 780});
commonGirls.push({affection: 4500, money: 1800000, kobans: 600, taffection: 8505, tmoney: 3402000, tkobans: 1380});
EvoReq.common = commonGirls;
let rareGirls = [];
rareGirls.push({affection: 540, money: 216000, kobans: 216, taffection: 540, tmoney: 216000, tkobans: 216});
rareGirls.push({affection: 1350, money: 540000, kobans: 360, taffection: 1890, tmoney: 756000, tkobans: 576});
rareGirls.push({affection: 3375, money: 1350000, kobans: 678, taffection: 5265, tmoney: 2106000, tkobans: 1254});
rareGirls.push({affection: 6750, money: 2700000, kobans: 1080, taffection: 12015, tmoney: 4806000, tkobans: 2334});
rareGirls.push({affection: 13500, money: 5400000, kobans: 1800, taffection: 25515, tmoney: 10206000, tkobans: 4134});
EvoReq.rare = rareGirls;
let epicGirls = [];
epicGirls.push({affection: 1260, money: 504000, kobans: 504, taffection: 1260, tmoney: 504000, tkobans: 504});
epicGirls.push({affection: 3150, money: 1260000, kobans: 840, taffection: 4410, tmoney: 1764000, tkobans: 1344});
epicGirls.push({affection: 7875, money: 3150000, kobans: 1578, taffection: 12285, tmoney: 4914000, tkobans: 2922});
epicGirls.push({affection: 15750, money: 6300000, kobans: 2520, taffection: 28035, tmoney: 11214000, tkobans: 5442});
epicGirls.push({affection: 31500, money: 12600000, kobans: 4200, taffection: 59535, tmoney: 23814000, tkobans: 9642});
EvoReq.epic = epicGirls;
let legendGirls = [];
legendGirls.push({affection: 1800, money: 720000, kobans: 720, taffection: 1800, tmoney: 720000, tkobans: 720});
legendGirls.push({affection: 4500, money: 1800000, kobans: 1200, taffection: 6300, tmoney: 2520000, tkobans: 1920});
legendGirls.push({affection: 11250, money: 4500000, kobans: 2250, taffection: 17550, tmoney: 7020000, tkobans: 4170});
legendGirls.push({affection: 22500, money: 9000000, kobans: 3600, taffection: 40050, tmoney: 16020000, tkobans: 7770});
legendGirls.push({affection: 45000, money: 18000000, kobans: 6000, taffection: 85050, tmoney: 34020000, tkobans: 13770});
EvoReq.legendary = legendGirls;
let mythicGirls = [];
mythicGirls.push({affection: 4500, money: 1800000, kobans: 1800, taffection: 4500, tmoney: 1800000, tkobans: 1800});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 11250, money: 4500000, kobans: 3000, taffection: 15750, tmoney: 6300000, tkobans: 4800});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 28125, money: 11300000, kobans: 5628, taffection: 43875, tmoney: 17600000, tkobans: 10428});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 56250 , money: 22500000, kobans: 9000, taffection: 100125, tmoney: 40100000, tkobans: 19428});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 112500, money: 45000000, kobans: 15000, taffection: 212625, tmoney: 85100000, tkobans: 34428});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 225000, money: 90000000, kobans: 18000, taffection: 437625, tmoney: 175100000, tkobans: 52428});
EvoReq.mythic = mythicGirls;
try {
haremGirls.forEach((data) => {
let girl = data[1];
stats.allCollect += girl.s;
stats.level_max += (250 + girl.awL * 50);
stats.hourlyMoney += Math.round(girl.sH);
stats.unlockedScenes += girl.gr;
stats.allScenes += parseInt(girl.nbGr, 10);
let nbgrades = parseInt(girl.nbGr, 10);
if (girl.gr != nbgrades) {
stats.affection += EvoReq[girl.r][nbgrades - 1].taffection - girl.af;
let currentLevelMoney = 0,
currentLevelKobans = 0;
if (girl.gr != 0) {
currentLevelMoney = EvoReq[girl.r][girl.gr - 1].tmoney;
currentLevelKobans = EvoReq[girl.r][girl.gr - 1].tkobans;
stats.money += EvoReq[girl.r][nbgrades - 1].tmoney - currentLevelMoney;
if (window.hh_nutaku) {
stats.kobans += Math.ceil((EvoReq[girl.r][nbgrades - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans) / 6);
else {
stats.kobans += EvoReq[girl.r][nbgrades - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans;
let expToMax = (GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS[girl.r][(250 + girl.awL * 50) - 2] - girl.xp);
if (expToMax < 0) expToMax = 0;
stats.xp += expToMax;
if(nbgrades >= 5 && (girl.r == 'legendary' || girl.r == 'mythic')) {
let expToLvlMax = (GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS[girl.r][lvl_max_girl - 2] - girl.xp);
if (expToLvlMax < 0) expToLvlMax = 0;
stats.LMxp += expToLvlMax;
//Girls number per awakening stage
let girlLevel = parseInt(girl.l, 10);
for (let i = 0; i < AWAKENING_LEVELS.length; i++) {
if (girlLevel >= AWAKENING_LEVELS[i]) {
//Gems needed only for 5* and mythic girls
if (girl.awL < (AWAKENING_GEMS_COST[girl.r].length-1) && nbgrades >= 5 && (girl.r == 'legendary' || girl.r == 'mythic')) {
for (let i = (girl.awL+1); i < AWAKENING_GEMS_COST[girl.r].length; i++) {
stats.gemsRequirements[girl.e] += AWAKENING_GEMS_COST[girl.r][i];
} catch(err) {console.log("Visit the team edition page to get harem girls data")}
/*let awakening_lvl_max;
for (let i=0; i < AWAKENING_LEVELS.length; i++) {
if (stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[i]] >= AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[i]) {
awakening_lvl_max = AWAKENING_LEVELS[i];
let MarketStocks;
try {
let lsMarket = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.lsMarket')),
d = new Date(lsMarket.restock.time),
if (new Date() > lsMarket.restock.time || heroData.infos.level > lsMarket.restock.herolvl) {
RestockInfo = '> The <a href="' + transformNutakuURL("../shop.html") + '">Market</a> restocked since your last visit.';
else {
let marketBookTxt = lsMarket.buyable.potion.Nb + ' ' + (lsMarket.buyable.potion.Nb > 1 ? labels.books : labels.book) + ' (' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.potion.Xp) + ' ' + labels.Xp + ')',
marketGiftTxt = lsMarket.buyable.gift.Nb + ' ' + (lsMarket.buyable.gift.Nb > 1 ? labels.gifts : labels.gift) + ' (' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.gift.Xp) + ' ' + labels.affection + ')';
RestockInfo = '- ' + marketBookTxt + ' = ' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.potion.ValueYmens) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span> ' + labels.and + ' ' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.potion.ValueKobans) + ' <span class="imgKobans icon-small"></span>'
+ '<br />- ' + marketGiftTxt + ' = ' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.gift.ValueYmens) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span> ' + labels.and + ' ' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.gift.ValueKobans) + ' <span class="imgKobans icon-small"></span>'
+ '<br /><font style="color: gray;">' + labels.restock + ': ' + d.toLocaleString() + ' (' + labels.or_level + ' ' + (heroData.infos.level+1) + ')</font>';
MarketStocks =
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos market-stocks">' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.Equipments + '"><span class="equipments-icon icon-big"></span><span>' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.armor.Nb) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.Boosters + '"><span class="boosters-icon icon-big"></span><span>' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.booster.Nb) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.Books + '"><span class="books-icon icon-big"></span><span>' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.potion.Nb) + '<br />(' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.potion.Xp) + ' ' + window.GT.design.XP + ') </span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.Gifts + '"><span class="gifts-icon icon-big"></span><span>' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.gift.Nb) + '<br />(' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.gift.Xp) + ' ' + window.GT.design.Aff + ') </span></span></li></ul>'
+ '<span class="subTitle">' + labels.currently_buyable + ':</span>'
+ RestockInfo;
} catch(e) {
MarketStocks = (window.lsAvailable == 'yes') ? '> ' + labels.visit_the : '> ' + labels.not_compatible;
let StatsString = '<div class="StatsContent">' +
'<div>' +
'<span class="Title">' + labels.harem_stats + ':</span>' +
'<span class="subTitle" style="margin-top: -10px;">' + nThousand(stats.girls) + ' ' + labels.haremettes + '</span>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-class">' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.caracs.split('\n')[0] + '"><span carac="1"></span><span>' + stats.caracs[1] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.caracs.split('\n')[1] + '"><span carac="2"></span><span>' + stats.caracs[2] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.caracs.split('\n')[2] + '"><span carac="3"></span><span>' + stats.caracs[3] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarities">' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="common-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_common + '"><span class="initial">C</span><span>' + (stats.rarities.starting + stats.rarities.common) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li style="text-align: center;">' + labels.including + ': </li>' +
'<li class="common-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">1<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.common['1'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="common-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">3<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.common['3'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="common-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">5<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.common['5'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="rare-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_rare + '"><span class="initial">R</span><span>' + stats.rarities.rare + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li style="text-align: center;">' + labels.including + ': </li>' +
'<li></li>' +
'<li class="rare-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">3<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.rare['3'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="rare-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">5<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.rare['5'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="epic-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_epic + '"><span class="initial">E</span><span>' + stats.rarities.epic + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li style="text-align: center;">' + labels.including + ': </li>' +
'<li></li>' +
'<li class="epic-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">3<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.epic['3'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="epic-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">5<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.epic['5'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="legendary-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_legendary + '"><span class="initial">L</span><span>' + stats.rarities.legendary + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li style="text-align: center;">' + labels.including + ': </li>' +
'<li></li>' +
'<li class="legendary-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">3<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.legendary['3'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="legendary-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">5<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.legendary['5'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="mythic-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_mythic + '"><span class="initial">M</span><span>' + stats.rarities.mythic + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-elements">' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.darkness_flavor_element + '"><span class="element darkness_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.darkness + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.light_flavor_element + '"><span class="element light_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.light + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.psychic_flavor_element + '"><span class="element psychic_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.psychic + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.fire_flavor_element + '"><span class="element fire_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.fire + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.nature_flavor_element + '"><span class="element nature_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.nature + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.stone_flavor_element + '"><span class="element stone_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.stone + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.sun_flavor_element + '"><span class="element sun_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.sun + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.water_flavor_element + '"><span class="element water_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.water + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-xp">' +
'<li><span><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + '</span><span>' + nThousand(localeStringToNumber(document.getElementsByClassName('focus_text')[0].innerHTML)) + ' / ' + nThousand(stats.level_max) + ' <br />(' + nThousand(stats.level_max - localeStringToNumber(document.getElementsByClassName('focus_text')[0].innerHTML)) + ')</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.required_to_get_tier_max_level + '"><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.XP + '</span><span>' + nThousand(stats.xp) + ' ' + window.GT.design.XP + ' (' + nThousand(stats.xp * 200) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>)</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.required_to_get_max_level + '"><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.XP + '</span><span>' + nThousand(stats.LMxp) + ' ' + window.GT.design.XP + ' (' + nThousand(stats.LMxp * 200) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>)</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-aff">' +
'<li><span><span class="imgStar icon"></span><span>' + stats.unlockedScenes + ' / ' + stats.allScenes + ' <br />(' + nThousand(stats.allScenes - stats.unlockedScenes) + ' <span class="emptyStar icon-small"></span>)</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.required_to_unlock + '"><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.Aff + '</span><span>' + addPriceRow2('', stats.affection, stats.money) + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</div>' +
'<div>' +
'<span class="subTitle">' + window.GT.design.awakening + ':</span>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-awakening">' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[0] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[0]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[0] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[1] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[1]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[1] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[2] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[2]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[2] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[3] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[3]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[3] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[4] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[4]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[4] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[5] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[5]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[5] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[6] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[6]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[6] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[7] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[7]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[7] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[8] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[8]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[8] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[9] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[9]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[9] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<span class="subTitle">' + window.GT.design.haremdex_income + ':</span>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-income">' +
'<li><span><span class="imgMoney icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(stats.hourlyMoney) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span> /' + window.GT.time.h + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.when_all_collectable + '"><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.Max + '</span><span>' + nThousand(stats.allCollect) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span></span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<span class="subTitle">' + labels.my_stocks + ':</span>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos gems-stock">' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.darkness_gem + '"><span class="gems darkness_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.darkness.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.light_gem + '"><span class="gems light_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.light.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.psychic_gem + '"><span class="gems psychic_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.psychic.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.fire_gem + '"><span class="gems fire_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.fire.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.nature_gem + '"><span class="gems nature_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.nature.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.stone_gem + '"><span class="gems stone_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.stone.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.sun_gem + '"><span class="gems sun_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.sun.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.water_gem + '"><span class="gems water_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.water.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
MarketStocks +
'</div>' +
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+ '<img f="stats" src="https://i.postimg.cc/8cYj8QmP/icon-info.png">'
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this.$containerHarem = $('<div class="script-harem-info-container fixed_scaled"></div>');
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function addPriceRow2(rowName, affection, money) {
return '<b>' + rowName + '</b> ' +
nThousand(affection) + ' ' + window.GT.design.Aff + ' (' + nThousand(affection * 417) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>)<br />' +
labels.and + ' ' + nThousand(money) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>';
function addPriceRowGirl(rowName, affection, money, kobans) {
return '<b>' + rowName + ':</b> ' +
nThousand(affection) + ' ' + labels.affection + (affection > 1 && lang == 'fr' ? 's' : '') + ' (' + nThousand(affection * 417) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>) ' + labels.and + ' ' +
nThousand(money) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span> ' + labels.or + ' ' +
nThousand(kobans) + ' <span class="imgKobans icon-small"></span><br />';
$('.girls_list').click(function() {
setTimeout(() => {updateInfo()}, 3*timeout);
$('#filtering_girls').click(function() {
setTimeout(() => {updateInfo()}, 5*timeout);
setTimeout(() => {updateInfo()}, 5*timeout);
function updateInfo() {
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let girl = window.girlsDataList[girlID];
//for Wiki FR
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$(this).find('.middle_part.missing_girl .dialog-box').after('<div class="WikiLinkDialogbox"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + girl.name + labels.wiki + ' </a></div>');
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$(this).find('.middle_part.missing_girl .dialog-box').after('<div class="WikiLinkDialogbox"><a href="http://hentaiheroes.go.yj.fr/?id=' + girlID + '" target="_blank"> ' + labels.wiki + girl.name + ' </a></div>');
if ((girl.shards == 100) && ($('#harem_right .WikiLink').length == 0)) {
if (['gay', 'gh_nutaku', 'gh_eroges'].some(testUniverse)) {
$(this).find('.middle_part .avatar-box').before('<div class="WikiLink"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + girl.name + labels.wiki + ' </a></div>');
else if (lang == 'en') {
$(this).find('.middle_part .avatar-box').before('<div class="WikiLink"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + girl.name + labels.wiki + ' </a></div>');
else {
$(this).find('.middle_part .avatar-box').before('<div class="WikiLink"><a href="http://hentaiheroes.go.yj.fr/?id=' + girlID + '" target="_blank"> ' + labels.wiki + girl.name + ' </a></div>');
else {
let newHref = '';
if (['gay', 'gh_nutaku', 'gh_eroges'].some(testUniverse)) {
newHref = 'https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:' + girlName;
else if (lang == 'fr') {
newHref = 'http://hentaiheroes.go.yj.fr/?id=' + girlID;
else {
newHref = 'https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + girlName;
$(this).find('.middle_part .WikiLink a').attr('href', newHref);
let i = 0,
FirstLockedScene = 1,
AffectionTT = labels.evolution_costs + ':<br />',
ScenesLink = '',
girl_quests = (window.FullSize.width > 1025) ? $(this).find('.girl_line .girl_quests') : $(this).find('.mobile-tab-harem-girl .girl_quests');
girl_quests.find('g').each(function() {
let aff = 0,
money = 0,
kobans = 0;
let currentLevelMoney = 0,
currentLevelKobans = 0;
if (girl.graded != 0) {
currentLevelMoney = EvoReq[girl.rarity][girl.graded - 1].tmoney;
currentLevelKobans = EvoReq[girl.rarity][girl.graded - 1].tkobans;
if (girl.graded >= i) {
else if ((girl.graded + 1) == i && girl.affection_details.level == i) {
money = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tmoney - currentLevelMoney;
if (window.hh_nutaku) {
kobans = Math.ceil((EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans) / 6);
else {
kobans = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans;
else {
aff = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].taffection - girl.affection_details.cur;
money = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tmoney - currentLevelMoney;
if (window.hh_nutaku) {
kobans = Math.ceil((EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans) / 6);
else {
kobans = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans;
AffectionTT += addPriceRowGirl(i + '</b><span class="imgStar icon-small"></span>', aff, money, kobans);
ScenesLink += (ScenesLink == '') ? 'hh_scenes=' : ',';
if ($(this).hasClass('grey') || $(this).hasClass('green')) {
if (FirstLockedScene == 0) {
ScenesLink += '0';
else {
FirstLockedScene = 0;
let isUpgradable = girl_quests.parent().children('.green_text_button');
ScenesLink += (isUpgradable.length) ? '0.' + isUpgradable.attr('href').substr(7) : '0';
else {
let attrHref = $(this).parent().attr('href');
if (typeof attrHref != 'undefined') {
ScenesLink += attrHref.substr(7);
girl_quests.children('a').each(function() {
let attr = $(this).attr('href');
if (typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false) {
$(this).attr('href', attr + '?' + ScenesLink);
ScenesLink = '';
if (girl.affection_details.maxed == false)
girl_quests.parent().children('h4').prepend('<span class="CustomTT"></span><div class="AffectionTooltip">' + AffectionTT + '</div>');
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const displayGemStock = () => {
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+ `${elements.map(element => `
<td><img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/design/gems/${element}.png"></td>
<td>${nThousand(+window.player_gems_amount[element].amount)} (${nThousand(stats.gemsRequirements[element]-(+window.player_gems_amount[element].amount))})</td>
+ '</tody></table>'.replace(/(\n| {4})/g, '');
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+ 'text-decoration: none; '
+ 'color: #24a0ff !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .WikiLinkDialogbox a:hover {'
+ 'text-decoration: underline;}'
/* ===============
=============== */
function moduleHaremFilter() {
function createAndAttach() {
const $teamsButton = createTeamsButton();
$('#filtering_girls .reset-filters-container').prepend($teamsButton);
const $teamsBox = createTeamsBox();
const bdsmTeams = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.TeamsDictionary'));
const labyTeam = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.LabyTeamDictionary'));
$teamsBox.find('.team-slot-container').click(function () {
$teamsBox.find('.team-selection').css('display', 'none');
$teamsBox.find('.close-team-selection').click(() => $teamsBox.find('.team-selection').css('display', 'none'));
if (bdsmTeams) {
const {teamsDict} = bdsmTeams;
Array.from($('.team-slot-container:not(.laby)')).forEach((team) => {
team.addEventListener('click', () => {
const girlDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')));
let avatarList = [];
let girlsTeam = teamsDict[$(team).attr('data-id-team')].girls;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList', JSON.stringify(girlsTeam));
girlsTeam.forEach((girlId) => {
let avatar = 0;
if (girlDictionary.get(girlId)) avatar = girlDictionary.get(girlId).av;
avatarList.push(window.IMAGES_URL + "/pictures/girls/" + girlId + "/ava" + avatar + "-1200x.webp")
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList', JSON.stringify(avatarList));
if (labyTeam) {
const {labyTeamDict} = labyTeam;
Array.from($('.team-slot-container.laby')).forEach((team) => {
team.addEventListener('click', () => {
const girlDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')));
let avatarList = [];
let girlsTeam = labyTeamDict[$(team).attr('data-id-team')].girls;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList', JSON.stringify(girlsTeam));
girlsTeam.forEach((girlId) => {
let avatar = 0;
if (girlDictionary.get(girlId)) avatar = girlDictionary.get(girlId).av;
avatarList.push(window.IMAGES_URL + "/pictures/girls/" + girlId + "/ava" + avatar + "-1200x.webp")
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList', JSON.stringify(avatarList));
function createTeamsButton() {
return $(`<button id="teams-filter" class="square_blue_btn" style="height: ${$('#reset-filters').css('height')}">${labels.teams}</button>`);
function createTeamsBox() {
const bdsmTeams = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.TeamsDictionary'));
const labyTeam = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.LabyTeamDictionary'));
if (!bdsmTeams) {
return $(`
<div style="position:relative">
<div class="team-selection" style="display: none;">
<span class="close-team-selection"></span>
const {teamIds, teamsDict} = bdsmTeams;
let labyContainer;
if (labyTeam) {
const {labyTeamDict} = labyTeam;
labyContainer = `<a class="team-slot-container laby ${labyTeamDict[0].iconRarity}" data-id-team="${labyTeamDict[0].teamId}" data-girl-ids='${JSON.stringify(labyTeamDict[0].girls)}' href="${transformNutakuURL(`/girl/${labyTeamDict[0].girls[0]}`)}">
<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/girls/${labyTeamDict[0].iconId}/ico${labyTeamDict[0].iconLevel}.png" />
else {
labyContainer = '';
return $(`
<div style="position:relative">
<div class="team-selection" style="display: none;">
<span class="close-team-selection"></span>
<div class="teams-grid-container rarity-background">
${teamIds.map(teamId => teamsDict[teamId]).map(team => `
<a class="team-slot-container ${team.iconRarity}" data-id-team="${team.teamId}" data-girl-ids='${JSON.stringify(team.girls)}' href="${transformNutakuURL(`/girl/${team.girls[0]}`)}">
<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/girls/${team.iconId}/ico${team.iconLevel}.png" />
${team.themeElements ? `
<div class="theme-icons">
${team.themeElements.map(element=>`<img class="theme-icon" src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/girls_elements/${element}.png"/>`).join('')}
` : ''}
sheet.insertRule('#filtering_girls > .form-wrapper .reset-filters-container {'
+ 'justify-content: space-around;}'
sheet.insertRule('.team-selection {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'left: 3px;'
+ 'width: 400px;'
+ 'height: fit-content;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: #1e261e;'
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.73) 0px 0px;'
+ 'padding: 5px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid #ffa23e;'
+ 'z-index: 10;'
+ 'padding-bottom: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.team-selection {'
+ 'top: 55px}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.team-selection {'
+ 'top: 30px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`.teams-grid-container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto;
grid-row-gap: 0.7rem;
padding: 0.4rem 0.9rem 0.4rem 0.9rem;
margin-right: -1rem;
& .team-slot-container > img {
border-radius: 0.4rem;}}`
sheet.insertRule('.close-team-selection, .close-filter {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'background-size: cover;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/clubs/ic_xCross.png");'
+ 'height: 32px;'
+ 'width: 35px;'
+ 'top: -16px;'
+ 'right: -17px;'
+ 'cursor: pointer;}'
sheet.insertRule('[rel="select-team"] {'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'height: 36px;'
+ 'padding-top: 5px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.theme-icons {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -10px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.theme-icon {'
+ 'width: 26px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#filtering_girls .form-wrapper .form-control .checkbox-group {'
+ 'margin: 1px 0 5px 0 !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#filtering_girls > .form-wrapper .reset-filters-container, #reset-filters {'
+ 'z-index: 10;'
+ 'height: max-content;}'
sheet.insertRule('#teams-filter {'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'min-width: 87px;'
+ 'width: max-content;}'
sheet.insertRule('.team-slot-container.laby {'
+ 'grid-column-start: 1;}'
//Add previous/next arrows on girl screen to navigate easily between the harem filtered girls
function haremGetFilteredGirls() {
function getHaremGirls() {
let girlsDictionary = [];
let filteredGirlsList = [];
let filteredAvatarList = [];
if ($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < $('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length; i++) {
let girl_id = parseInt($($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl')[i]).attr('girl'), 10);
girlsDictionary.forEach((girl) => {if (girl.shards >= 100) {
filteredAvatarList.push(window.IMAGES_URL + "/pictures/girls/" + girl.id_girl + "/ava" + girlsDataList[girl.id_girl].ico.charAt(girlsDataList[girl.id_girl].ico.indexOf("ico")+3) + "-1200x.webp");
return {filteredGirlsList: filteredGirlsList, filteredAvatarList: filteredAvatarList};
setTimeout(function() {
if (!$('#harem_left .harem-top-controls .nb_girls').length) {
$('#harem_left .harem-top-controls').after('<div class="nb_girls">' + window.GT.design.Girls + ' : '
+ '<span id="girls_nb" style="color: #fff">' + nThousand(Object.keys(window.girlsDataList).length) + '</span></div>');
let filteredGirlsList = getHaremGirls().filteredGirlsList;
let filteredAvatarList = getHaremGirls().filteredAvatarList;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList', JSON.stringify(filteredGirlsList));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList', JSON.stringify(filteredAvatarList));
new MutationObserver(() => {
$('#girls_nb')[0].textContent = nThousand($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length);
let filteredGirlsList = getHaremGirls().filteredGirlsList;
let filteredAvatarList = getHaremGirls().filteredAvatarList;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList', JSON.stringify(filteredGirlsList));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList', JSON.stringify(filteredAvatarList));
}).observe($('#harem_left .girls_list')[0], {childList: true})
sheet.insertRule('#harem_left .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-weight: 400;'
+ 'color: #ffb827;'
+ 'letter-spacing: .22px;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000,-1px 1px 0 #000,-1px -1px 0 #000,1px -1px 0 #000;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#harem_left .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#harem_left .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-size: 18px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#harem_left .buttons_container {'
+ 'height: 4rem !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#harem_left .general_girls_console {'
+ 'margin-bottom: -5px !important;}}'
}, 2*timeout);
function haremGirlsShortcut() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .bar-section .top-text p:first').after('<span id="displayGirlXP" style="position: absolute; top: -3px; left: 124px; width: 100px; text-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(153,68,0,.35); background: linear-gradient(to top,#ff9000 0,#ffec18 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;">' + nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.xp, 10)) + ' XP</span>');
if(pageLang == 'fr' && $('p.until-next-grade').length > 0) {
$('p.until-next-grade')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'à l'étoile ";
$('p.until-max-grade')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'à l'étoile ";
if(pageLang == 'fr' && $('p.girl_exp_left').length > 0) {
$('p.girl_exp_left')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'au lvl. ";
$('p.girl-awakening-exp-left')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'au lvl. ";
$('#gifts_tab').click(function() {
if(pageLang == 'fr' && $('p.until-next-grade').length > 0) {
$('p.until-next-grade')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'à l'étoile ";
$('p.until-max-grade')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'à l'étoile ";
$('#books_tab').click(function() {
if (!$('#experience #displayGirlXP').length) {
$('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .bar-section .top-text p:first').after('<span id="displayGirlXP" style="position: absolute; top: -3px; left: 124px; width: 100px; text-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(153,68,0,.35); background: linear-gradient(to top,#ff9000 0,#ffec18 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;">' + nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.xp, 10)) + ' XP</span>')
if(pageLang == 'fr' && $('p.girl_exp_left').length > 0) {
$('p.girl_exp_left')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'au lvl. ";
$('p.girl-awakening-exp-left')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'au lvl. ";
if ($('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .girl_exp_left .xp-next-level').length > 0) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
$('#displayGirlXP').text(nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.Xp.cur, 10)) + ' XP')
}).observe($('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .girl_exp_left .xp-next-level')[0], {childList: true})
}, 1000);
const idCurrentGirl = parseInt(window.girl.id_girl, 10);
const filteredGirlsList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList'));
const filteredAvatarList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList'));
const nbGirls = filteredGirlsList.length
const currentIndex = filteredGirlsList.indexOf(idCurrentGirl);
const previousIndex = (nbGirls + currentIndex - 1) % nbGirls;
const nextIndex = (nbGirls + currentIndex + 1) % nbGirls;
const idPreviousGirl = filteredGirlsList[previousIndex];
const idNextGirl = filteredGirlsList[nextIndex];
$('#experience .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idPreviousGirl + '?resource=experience') + '" id="previous_girl" class="quicknav prev"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[previousIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#experience .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idNextGirl + '?resource=experience') + '" id="next_girl" class="quicknav next"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[nextIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#affection .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idPreviousGirl + '?resource=affection') + '" id="previous_girl" class="quicknav prev"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[previousIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#affection .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idNextGirl + '?resource=affection') + '" id="next_girl" class="quicknav next"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[nextIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#equipment .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idPreviousGirl + '?resource=equipment') + '" id="previous_girl" class="quicknav prev"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[previousIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#equipment .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idNextGirl + '?resource=equipment') + '" id="next_girl" class="quicknav next"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[nextIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#skills .girl-skills-overlay').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idPreviousGirl + '?resource=skills') + '" id="previous_girl" class="quicknav-skills prev"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[previousIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#skills .girl-skills-overlay').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idNextGirl + '?resource=skills') + '" id="next_girl" class="quicknav-skills next"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[nextIndex] + '"></a>');
$($('.girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column')[0]).css('position', 'relative');
$($('.girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column')[0]).css('left', '25px');
$($('.girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column')[1]).css('position', 'relative');
$($('.girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column')[1]).css('left', '-35px');
$('.girl-section .girl-avatar .girl-avatar-wrapper').css('position', 'relative');
$('.girl-section .girl-avatar .girl-avatar-wrapper').css('left', '-5px');
$('.girl-section .girl-avatar .girl-avatar-wrapper').css('top', '-20px');
new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .bar-section .top-text p:first').after('<span id="displayGirlXP" style="position: absolute; top: -3px; left: 124px; width: 100px; text-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(153,68,0,.35); background: linear-gradient(to top,#ff9000 0,#ffec18 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;">' + nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.xp, 10)) + ' XP</span>');
}, 4*timeout);
if ($('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .girl_exp_left .xp-next-level').length > 0) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
$('#displayGirlXP').text(nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.Xp.cur, 10)) + ' XP')
}).observe($('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .girl_exp_left .xp-next-level')[0], {childList: true});
}).observe($('#girl-leveler-tabs')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
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sheet.insertRule('.quicknav-skills {'
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sheet.insertRule('.quicknav.prev {'
+ 'left: 5px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav-skills.prev {'
+ 'margin-left: 20px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav.next {'
+ 'left: 405px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav-skills.next {'
+ 'margin-left: 360px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav img, .quicknav-skills img {'
+ 'opacity: 0.8;'
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sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'top: 5px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#girl-leveler-tabs {'
+ 'top: 5px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#experience .girl-lower-info, #affection .girl-lower-info {'
+ 'margin-top: 5px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
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+ 'margin-top: -14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'margin-top: -5px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'margin-top: -26px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column:nth-child(1) {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'left: 25px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column:nth-child(3) {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'left: -35px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .girl-section .girl-avatar .girl-avatar-wrapper {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'top: -20px !important;'
+ 'left: -5px !important;}'
function moduleTeamsCollector() {
const ID_FROM_URL_REGEX = /(?<id>[0-9]+)\/ico(?<level>[0-9])(-[0-9]+x)?\.[a-z]+(\?v=[0-9]+)?$/i
const ELEMENT_FROM_URL_REGEX = /(?<element>[A-Z][a-z]+)\.[a-z]+(\?v=[0-9]+)?$/i
const extractIdFromUrl = (url) => {
const matches = url.match(ID_FROM_URL_REGEX)
if (!matches || !matches.groups) {
return {}
const {groups: {id, level}} = matches
return {id, level}
const extractElementFromUrl = (url) => {
const matches = url.match(ELEMENT_FROM_URL_REGEX)
if (!matches || !matches.groups) {
const {groups: {element}} = matches
return element
if (['/teams'].some(testPage)) {
const teamsDict = {}
const teamIds = []
$('.team-slot-container[data-is-empty!="1"][data-is-locked!="1"]').each((i, slot) => {
const teamId = $(slot).data('id-team')
const icon = $(slot).find('img').attr('girl-ico-src')
const {id: iconId, level: iconLevel} = extractIdFromUrl(icon)
const themeIcons = $(slot).find('.team-slot-themes-container img').map((i,el)=>$(el).attr('src')).toArray()
const themeElements = themeIcons.map(extractElementFromUrl)
const classes = $(slot).attr('class').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ')
const iconRarity = ['mythic', 'legendary', 'epic', 'rare', 'common', 'starting'].find(rarity => classes.includes(rarity))
teamsDict[teamId] = {
const teamsData = window.teams_data;
let i=1;
while(!teamsData[i].locked && teamsData[i].id_team != null) {
const id_team = teamsData[i].id_team;
const girls = [];
for(let j=0; j<teamsData[i].girls_ids.length; j++) {
const girlId = parseInt(teamsData[i].girls_ids[j], 10);
teamsDict[id_team].girls = girls;
const teams = {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.TeamsDictionary', JSON.stringify(teams));
else if (['labyrinth-pre-battle'].some(testPage)) {
const labyTeamDict = {};
const labyTeamData = window.hero_fighter.team;
const teamId = 0;
const icon = labyTeamData.girls[0].ico;
const {id: iconId, level: iconLevel} = extractIdFromUrl(icon);
const iconRarity = labyTeamData.girls[0].girl.rarity;
labyTeamDict[teamId] = {
labyTeamDict[teamId].girls = labyTeamData.girls_ids;
const labyTeam = {labyTeamDict}
localStorage.setItem('HHS.LabyTeamDictionary', JSON.stringify(labyTeam));
function moduleFilterGirlsItems() {
const getParamFilterGirlsItems = () => localStorage.getItem('HHS.paramFilterGirlsItems') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.paramFilterGirlsItems')) : {rarity: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_figure: FILTER_DEFAULT};
const setParamFilterGirlsItems = (paramFilterGirlsItems) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.paramFilterGirlsItems', JSON.stringify(paramFilterGirlsItems));
const FILTER_DEFAULT = 'all';
const FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON = 'caracs/no_class.png';
const FILTER_OPTIONS = new (class {
get rarity () {return [
{value: 'common', bgColor: '#8d8e9f'},
{value: 'rare', bgColor: '#23b56b'},
{value: 'epic', bgColor: '#ffb244'},
{value: 'legendary', bgImage: `url(${window.IMAGES_URL}/legendary.png)`},
{value: 'mythic', bgColor: 'transparent radial-gradient(closest-side at 50% 50%,#f5a866 0,#ec0039 51%,#9e0e27 100%) 0 0 no-repeat padding-box'}
get resonance_class () {return [
{value: '1', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/2.png'},
{value: '3', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/3.png'}
get resonance_theme () {return [
{value: 'darkness', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Dominatrix.png'},
{value: 'light', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Submissive.png'},
{value: 'psychic', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Voyeurs.png'},
{value: 'fire', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Eccentric.png'},
{value: 'nature', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Exhibitionist.png'},
{value: 'stone', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Physical.png'},
{value: 'sun', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Playful.png'},
{value: 'water', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Sensual.png'}
get resonance_figure () {return [
{value: '1', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/2.png'},
{value: '3', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/3.png'},
{value: '4', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/4.png'},
{value: '5', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/5.png'},
{value: '6', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/6.png'},
{value: '7', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/7.png'},
{value: '8', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/8.png'},
{value: '9', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/9.png'},
{value: '10', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/10.png'},
{value: '11', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/11.png'},
{value: '12', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/12.png'}
rarity: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
resonance_class: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_theme: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
resonance_figure: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr 1fr'
const createGridSelectorItem = ({id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage}) => (`<input type="radio" name=${id} id="${id}-${value}" value="${value}" class="${(currentFilter[id] == '' + value) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" />`
+ `<label for="${id}-${value}">`
+ `${icon ? `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${icon}">` : ''}`
+ `${bgColor || bgImage ? `<div style="${bgColor?`background:${bgColor};`:''}${bgImage?`background-image:${bgImage};background-size:contain;`:''}"></div>` : ''}`
+ '</label>')
const createGridSelector = ({id, options, gridConfig}) => (`<div class="grid-selector" rel="${id}">`
+ '<div class="clear-selector">'
+ `<input type="radio" name="${id}" id="${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}" value="${FILTER_DEFAULT}" class="${(currentFilter[id] == FILTER_DEFAULT) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" />`
+ `<label for="${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}">`
+ `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON}" />`
+ '</label>'
+ '</div>'
+ `<div class="selector-options" style="grid-auto-flow:${gridConfig.flow}; grid-template-rows:${gridConfig.rows}; grid-template-columns:${gridConfig.cols}">`
+ `${options.map(option => {
const {value, icon, bgColor, bgImage} = option
return createGridSelectorItem({id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage})
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<hr style="margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.533);">');
const createFilterBox = () => {
return $('<div style="position:relative">'
+ `<div class="girl_equip_filter_box form-wrapper" style="display: none;">`
+ `${['rarity', 'resonance_class', 'resonance_theme', 'resonance_figure'].map(key => createGridSelector({id: key, options: FILTER_OPTIONS[key], gridConfig: FILTER_OPTIONS_GRIDS[key]})).join('')}`
+ '<div class="grid-selector">'
+ '<button id="auto_select_button" class="square_blue_btn"">' + window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_auto_select + '</button>'
+ '<button id="reset_button" class="square_blue_btn"">Reset</button>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>')
const createFilterBtn = () => {
return $('<label class="girl_equip_filter"><input type="button" class="square_blue_btn" value="" /></label>');
let currentFilter = [];
currentFilter = getParamFilterGirlsItems();
function displayResonanceBonus($el, classIdentifier, element, figure) {
if ($el.find('.slot_resonance_bonus').length == 0) {
$el.append('<div class="slot_resonance_bonus"></div>');
if(classIdentifier != 0) {
$el.find('.slot_resonance_bonus').append(`<span class="resonance_bonus class" carac="class${classIdentifier}"></span>`);
if (classIdentifier == window.girl.class) $el.find('.resonance_bonus.class').addClass('matched');
if(element != 0 && element != null) {
$el.find('.slot_resonance_bonus').append(`<span class="resonance_bonus element">
<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/girls_elements/${ELEMENTS_ICON_NAMES[element]}.png">
if (element == window.girl.element) $el.find('.resonance_bonus.element').addClass('matched');
if(figure != 0 && figure != null) {
$el.find('.slot_resonance_bonus').append(`<span class="resonance_bonus figure">
<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/design/battle_positions/${figure}.png">
if (figure == window.girl.figure) $el.find('.resonance_bonus.figure').addClass('matched');
function applyFilter() {
const $visibleEquips = $('#equipment .inventory').find('.inventory-slot.filled-slot .slot:not(.empty)');
const $usedEquips = $('.item-column').find('.slot.filled-slot');
let visibleCount = 0;
$visibleEquips.each((i, el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const equipData = $el.data('d');
const {rarity} = equipData;
const {element, figure} = equipData.variation ? equipData.variation : 0;
const classIdentifier = equipData.variation ? equipData.variation.class : 0;
displayResonanceBonus($el, classIdentifier, element, figure);
const rarityMatches = currentFilter.rarity == FILTER_DEFAULT || currentFilter.rarity == rarity
const classIdentifierMatches = currentFilter.resonance_class == FILTER_DEFAULT || currentFilter.resonance_class == classIdentifier
const elementMatches = currentFilter.resonance_theme == FILTER_DEFAULT || currentFilter.resonance_theme == element
const figureMatches = currentFilter.resonance_figure == FILTER_DEFAULT || currentFilter.resonance_figure == figure
if ([rarityMatches, classIdentifierMatches, elementMatches, figureMatches].every(a=>a)) {
} else {
$usedEquips.each((i, el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const equipData = $el.data('d');
const {element, figure} = equipData.variation ? equipData.variation : 0;
const classIdentifier = equipData.variation ? equipData.variation.class : 0;
displayResonanceBonus($el, classIdentifier, element, figure);
if (visibleCount < 15) {
const $visibleSlots = $('#equipment .inventory').find('.slot:visible()')
// pad with empty slots
let toPad = 15 - $visibleSlots.length
while (toPad > 0) {
$('#equipment .inventory').find('.slot').last().after('<div class="slot empty"></div>')
const attachFilterBox = () => {
const $btn = createFilterBtn();
const $box = createFilterBox();
const $togglable = $box.find('.girl_equip_filter_box');
$('#equipment .wrapper').append($btn).append($box);
$btn.click(() => $togglable.toggle());
$('#auto_select_button').click(() => autoSelectFilter());
$('#reset_button').click(() => resetFilter());
$box.find('input').each((i, input) => {
$(input).click((e) => {
const {value, name} = e.target;
$(`div[rel=${name}] .filter_selected`).removeClass('filter_selected');
let newName = name.split('-')[0];
currentFilter[newName] = value;
function autoSelectFilter() {
let girlClass = window.girl.class;
let girlElement = window.girl.element;
let girlPosition = window.girl.figure;
let formerClass = currentFilter.resonance_class;
let formerElement = currentFilter.resonance_theme;
let formerPosition = currentFilter.resonance_figure;
currentFilter.resonance_class = girlClass;
currentFilter.resonance_theme = girlElement;
currentFilter.resonance_figure = girlPosition;
$('#resonance_class-' + formerClass).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_class-' + girlClass).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_theme-' + formerElement).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_theme-' + girlElement).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_figure-' + formerPosition).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_figure-' + girlPosition).addClass('filter_selected');
function resetFilter() {
let formerRarity = currentFilter.rarity;
let formerClass = currentFilter.resonance_class;
let formerElement = currentFilter.resonance_theme;
let formerPosition = currentFilter.resonance_figure;
currentFilter.rarity = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter.resonance_class = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter.resonance_theme = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter.resonance_figure = FILTER_DEFAULT;
$('#rarity-' + formerRarity).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#rarity-' + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_class-' + formerClass).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_class-' + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_theme-' + formerElement).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_theme-' + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_figure-' + formerPosition).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_figure-' + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
new MutationObserver(() => {
if ($('#equipment_tab.underline-tab').length) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#equipment .selectric .label')[0], {childList: true});
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#equipment .inventory')[0], {childList: true});
}).observe($('#girl-leveler-tabs')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#equipment .inventory')[0], {childList: true});
if($('#equipment_tab.underline-tab').length) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#equipment .selectric .label')[0], {childList: true});
sheet.insertRule('label.girl_equip_filter {'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'background: transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#equipment .wrapper label.girl_equip_filter {'
+ 'left: 890px !important;'
+ 'top: 92px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#equipment .wrapper label.girl_equip_filter {'
+ 'left: 890px !important;'
+ 'top: 72px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .total-from-items .wrapper .form-control {'
+ 'margin-right: 90px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter input {'
+ 'height: 32px;'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'padding: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('label.girl_equip_filter::before {'
+ 'content: " ";'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-size: 24px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design_v2/search_open.png");'
+ 'pointer-events: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter_box {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: auto;'
+ 'height: fit-content;'
+ 'z-index: 4;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: rgb(30, 38, 30);'
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.73) 0px 0px;'
+ 'padding: 5px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid rgb(255, 162, 62);}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .wrapper .girl_equip_filter_box {'
+ 'left: -818px !important;'
+ 'top: -75px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter_box label {'
+ 'background: transparent;'
+ 'width: auto;'
+ 'margin: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector {'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'display: flex;'
+ 'align-items: center;'
+ 'justify-content: center;'
+ 'flex-direction: column;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector:last-child {'
+ 'margin-bottom: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector input {'
+ 'display: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .selector-options {'
+ 'width: -moz-fit-content;'
+ 'width: fit-content;'
+ 'display: grid;'
+ 'grid-gap: 2px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .selector-options img {'
+ 'height: 26px;'
+ 'width: 26px;'
+ 'margin: 2px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .selector-options div {'
+ 'height: 26px;'
+ 'width: 26px;'
+ 'margin: 2px;'
+ 'border-radius: 5px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .clear-selector {'
+ 'width: fit-content;'
+ 'margin-bottom: 2px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .clear-selector img {'
+ 'height: 28px;'
+ 'width: 28px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter_box .grid-selector input.filter_selected + label, .girl_equip_filter_box .grid-selector input:hover + label {'
+ 'background-color: #fff8 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.filtered_out {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot_resonance_bonus span[carac]::before {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: -10px;'
+ 'left: 0px;'
+ 'width: 16px !important;'
+ 'height: 16px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.element img, .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.figure img {'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: -10px;'
+ 'background-size: 20px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.element img {'
+ 'width: 16px;'
+ 'height: 16px;'
+ 'left: 24px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.figure img {'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ 'left: 48px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.item-column .slot_resonance_bonus span[carac]::before, .item-column .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.element img, .item-column .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.figure img {'
+ 'top: 2px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.item-column .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.element img {'
+ 'left: 22px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.item-column .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.figure img {'
+ 'left: 42px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.matched img, .matched::before {'
+ 'filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00) drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00) drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00);}'
sheet.insertRule('#auto_select_button {'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'width: 120px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter_box #reset_button {'
+ 'margin-top: 5px;'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'width: 120px !important;}'
/* ====================
==================== */
function moduleLeague() {
if (['/leagues.html'].some(testPage)) {
if ($('#leagues .league_content .league_table').length == 0) return;
if ($('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list').length == 0) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
if ($('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list').length > 0) {
}).observe($('#leagues .league_content .league_table')[0], {childList: true, once: true})
else leagueFunctions();
function leagueFunctions() {
$('#leagues-tabs').append('<div class="leagues_middle_header_script"></div>');
try{document.getElementById('change_team').className = "square_blue_btn";} catch{}
let playersTotal;
let challengesLeft;
let challengesPossibleMinutes;
let challengesPossible;
let challengesDone = 0;
let challengesWon = 0;
let challengesLost = 0;
let HeroPosition;
let HeroPoints;
let maxDemotePoints;
let maxDemoteDiff;
let maxDemoteDisplay;
let textDemote;
let maxStagnatePoints;
let maxStagnateDiff;
let maxStagnateDisplay;
let textStagnate;
let minTop4Points;
let minTop4Diff;
let minTop4Display;
let textTop4;
let minTop15Points;
let textTop15;
let minTop15Display;
let minTop30Points;
let minTop30Diff;
let minTop30Display;
let textTop30;
let avgScore;
let scoreExpected;
let top4Points;
let top5Points;
let top15Points;
let top16Points;
let top30Points;
let top31Points;
let topDemotePoints;
let topNonDemotePoints;
let includeBoard = false;
if (loadSetting('leagueBoard')) {
includeBoard = true;
challengesPossibleMinutes = parseInt(Math.floor(window.season_end_at/60), 10);
challengesPossible = (heroData.energies.challenge.amount != heroData.energies.challenge.max_regen_amount)? Math.floor((challengesPossibleMinutes + (35 - heroData.energies.challenge.next_refresh_ts / 60))/35) + parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.amount, 10) : Math.floor(challengesPossibleMinutes/35) + parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.amount, 10);
playersTotal = window.opponents_list.length;
for(let i=0; i<playersTotal; i++) {
let $playerData = $($('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .body-row')[i]);
let fightsDone = 0;
let fightsWon = 0;
let fightsLost = 0;
let fightsData = $playerData.find('div[column = "match_history_sorting"]')[0].children;
for (let i=0; i<fightsData.length; i++) {
switch (fightsData[i].className) {
case "result ":
case "result won":
case "result lost":
let playerPosition = localeStringToNumber($playerData.find('div[column = "place"]')[0].innerText);
let playerPoints = localeStringToNumber($playerData.find('div[column = "player_league_points"]')[0].innerText);
if (fightsData.length == 0) {
HeroPosition = playerPosition;
HeroPoints = playerPoints;
switch (playerPosition) {
case 4:
top4Points = playerPoints;
case 5:
top5Points = playerPoints;
case 15:
top15Points = playerPoints;
case 16:
top16Points = playerPoints;
case 30:
top30Points = playerPoints;
case 31:
top31Points = playerPoints;
case (playersTotal-14):
topDemotePoints = playerPoints;
case (playersTotal-15):
topNonDemotePoints = playerPoints;
challengesDone += fightsDone;
challengesWon += fightsWon;
challengesLost += fightsLost;
challengesLeft = 3*(playersTotal-1)-challengesDone;
avgScore = (challengesDone != 0) ? HeroPoints/challengesDone : 0;
scoreExpected = Math.floor(avgScore*3*(playersTotal-1));
let leagueScore = {
points: HeroPoints,
avg: Math.round(avgScore*100)/100
let oldScore = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueScore')) || {points: 0, avg: 0};
let oldPoints = oldScore.points;
if (HeroPoints > oldPoints) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueScore', JSON.stringify(leagueScore));
if (HeroPosition > (playersTotal - 15)) {
maxDemotePoints = topNonDemotePoints;
maxDemoteDiff = maxDemotePoints - HeroPoints;
if (HeroPoints == 0 && maxDemotePoints == 0) {
maxDemoteDisplay = '±' + nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
textDemote = labels.demote_holdzero;
else {
maxDemoteDisplay = '+' + nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
textDemote = labels.demote_up;
else {
maxDemotePoints = topDemotePoints
maxDemoteDiff = maxDemotePoints - HeroPoints;
if (HeroPoints == 0 && maxDemotePoints == 0) {
maxDemoteDisplay = '±' + nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
textDemote = labels.demote_holdzero;
else {
if (maxDemoteDiff == 0) {
maxDemoteDisplay = '-' + nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
else {
maxDemoteDisplay = nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
textDemote = labels.demote_down;
if (HeroPosition > 15) {
maxStagnatePoints = top15Points;
maxStagnateDiff = maxStagnatePoints - HeroPoints;
minTop15Points = maxStagnatePoints + 1;
if (HeroPoints == 0 && maxStagnatePoints == 0) {
maxStagnateDisplay = '±' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = '±' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff+1);
textStagnate = labels.stagnate_holdzero;
textTop15 = labels.top15_up;
else {
maxStagnateDisplay = '+' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = '+' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff+1);
textStagnate = labels.stagnate_up;
textTop15 = labels.top15_up;
else {
maxStagnatePoints = top16Points;
maxStagnateDiff = maxStagnatePoints - HeroPoints;
minTop15Points = top16Points;
if (HeroPoints == 0 && maxStagnatePoints == 0) {
maxStagnateDisplay = '±' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = '±' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
textStagnate = labels.stagnate_holdzero;
textTop15 = labels.top15_hold;
else {
if (maxStagnateDiff == 0) {
maxStagnateDisplay = '-' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = '-' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
else {
maxStagnateDisplay = nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
textStagnate = labels.stagnate_down;
textTop15 = labels.top15_hold;
if (HeroPosition > 30) {
minTop30Points = top30Points + 1;
minTop30Diff = minTop30Points - HeroPoints;
if (minTop30Diff > 0) {
minTop30Display = '+' + (nThousand(minTop30Diff));
textTop30 = labels.top30_up;
else {
minTop30Display = nThousand(minTop30Diff);
textTop30 = labels.top30_hold;
else {
minTop30Points = top31Points;
minTop30Diff = minTop30Points - HeroPoints;
if (minTop30Diff < 0) {
minTop30Display = nThousand(minTop30Diff);
textTop30 = labels.top30_hold;
else {
minTop30Display = '+' + (nThousand(minTop30Diff));
textTop30 = labels.top30_hold;
if (HeroPosition > 4) {
minTop4Points = top4Points + 1;
minTop4Diff = minTop4Points - HeroPoints;
if (minTop4Diff > 0) {
minTop4Display = '+' + (nThousand(minTop4Diff));
textTop4 = labels.top4_up;
else {
minTop4Display = nThousand(minTop4Diff);
textTop4 = labels.top4_hold;
else {
minTop4Points = top5Points;
minTop4Diff = minTop4Points - HeroPoints;
if (minTop4Diff > 0) {
minTop4Display = '+' + (nThousand(minTop4Diff));
textTop4 = labels.top4_hold;
else {
minTop4Display = nThousand(minTop4Diff);
textTop4 = labels.top4_hold;
if (window.current_tier_number == 9) {
$('.leagues_middle_header_script').append('<div class="scriptLeagueInfo">'
+ '<span class="averageScore" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.averageScore + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '<BR>' + labels.scoreExpected + nThousand(scoreExpected) + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/1753/1753830.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;">' + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '</span>'
+ '<span class="possibleChallenges" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.challenges_regen + challengesPossible + labels.challenges_left + challengesLeft + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/551/551227.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + challengesPossible + '/' + challengesLeft
+ '<span class="scriptLeagueInfoTooltip possibleChallengesTooltip"></span></span>'
+ '<span class="minTop4" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop4 + nThousand(minTop4Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/752/752667.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + minTop4Display + '</span>'
+ '<span class="minTop15" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop15 + nThousand(minTop15Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/5259/5259722.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + minTop15Display + '</span>'
+ '<span class="minTop30" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop30 + nThousand(minTop30Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/7123/7123659.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + minTop30Display + '</span>'
+ '<span class="maxDemote" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textDemote + nThousand(maxDemotePoints) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/892/892505.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + maxDemoteDisplay + '</span>'
+ '</div>');
if (includeBoard == false) {
else if (window.current_tier_number == 1) {
$('.leagues_middle_header_script').append('<span class="scriptLeagueInfo">'
+ '<span class="averageScore" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.averageScore + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '<BR>' + labels.scoreExpected + nThousand(scoreExpected) + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/1753/1753830.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> ' + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '</span>'
+ '<span class="possibleChallenges" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.challenges_regen + challengesPossible + labels.challenges_left + challengesLeft + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/551/551227.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 7px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + challengesPossible + '/' + challengesLeft
+ '<span class="scriptLeagueInfoTooltip possibleChallengesTooltip"></span></span>'
+ '<span class="maxStagnate" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textStagnate + nThousand(maxStagnatePoints) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/HnkyDtG3/icon-league-hold.png" style="margin-left: 7px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + maxStagnateDisplay + '</span>'
+ '<span class="minTop30" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop30 + nThousand(minTop30Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/7123/7123659.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 7px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + minTop30Display + '</span>'
+ '</span>');
if (includeBoard == false) {
else {
$('.leagues_middle_header_script').append('<span class="scriptLeagueInfo">'
+ '<span class="averageScore" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.averageScore + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '<BR>' + labels.scoreExpected + nThousand(scoreExpected) + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/1753/1753830.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> ' + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '</span>'
+ '<span class="possibleChallenges" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.challenges_regen + challengesPossible + labels.challenges_left + challengesLeft + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/551/551227.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + challengesPossible + '/' + challengesLeft
+ '<span class="scriptLeagueInfoTooltip possibleChallengesTooltip"></span></span>'
+ '<span class="minTop4" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop4 + nThousand(minTop4Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/752/752667.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + minTop4Display + '</span>'
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function leagueFilter() {
const LEAGUE_FILTER_DEFAULT = {none: 'checked', with_skill: 'checked', stun: 'checked', shield: 'checked', reflect: 'checked', execute: 'checked', fought: '', with_boosters: 'checked', no_boosters: 'checked', favorites: 'all'};
let LEAGUE_FILTER = localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueFilter') || JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER_DEFAULT);
if (LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill == undefined) {
if (LEAGUE_FILTER.stun == '' && LEAGUE_FILTER.shield == '' && LEAGUE_FILTER.reflect == '' && LEAGUE_FILTER.execute == '') LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill = '';
else LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill = 'checked';
if (LEAGUE_FILTER.fought == undefined) {
LEAGUE_FILTER.fought = '';
if (LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters == undefined) {
LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters = 'checked';
LEAGUE_FILTER.no_boosters = 'checked';
if(LEAGUE_FILTER.favorites == undefined) {
LEAGUE_FILTER.favorites = 'all';
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueFilter', JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER));
$(".leagues_middle_header_script").append('<button id="league_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
function createFilterBox() {
let totalHTML = `<fieldset id="league_filter_box">
<div class="filter_type" style="break-inside: avoid;"><legend>${labels.tier5_skill_filter}</legend>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_no_skill" name="tier5_skill" value="none" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.none}/>
<label for="none">${labels.none_f}</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_with_skill" name="tier5_skill" value="with_skill" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill}/>
<label for="with_skill">${labels.with}</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_stun" name="tier5_skill" value="stun" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.stun}/>
<label for="stun">Stun</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_shield" name="tier5_skill" value="shield" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.shield}/>
<label for="shield">Shield</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_reflect" name="tier5_skill" value="reflect" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.reflect}/>
<label for="reflect">Reflect</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_execute" name="tier5_skill" value="execute" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.execute}/>
<label for="execute">Execute</label>
<div><div class="filter_type" style="break-inside: avoid;"><legend>${labels.opponents}</legend>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_fought" name="opponents" value="fought" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.fought}/>
<label for="none">${labels.already_fought}</label>
<div id="filter_favorites">
<input type="radio" name="opponents" id="filter_favorites-all" class="${LEAGUE_FILTER.favorites == 'all' ? 'filter_selected' : ''}" value="all">
<label for="filter_favorites-all"><img src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/caracs/no_class.png"></label>
<input type="radio" name="opponents" id="filter_favorites-true" value="true" class="${LEAGUE_FILTER.favorites == 'true' ? 'filter_selected' : ''}">
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<input type="radio" name="opponents" id="filter_favorites-false" value="false" class="${LEAGUE_FILTER.favorites == 'false' ? 'filter_selected' : ''}">
<label for="filter_favorites-false"><img src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/design/ic_star_white.svg"></label>
<div class="filter_type" style="break-inside: avoid;"><legend style="padding: 15px 0 0;">${labels.Boosters}</legend>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_with_boosters" name="boosters" value="with_boosters" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters}/>
<label for="none">${labels.with_boosters}</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_no_boosters" name="boosters" value="no_boosters" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.no_boosters}/>
<label for="none">${labels.no_boosters}</label>
return totalHTML;
function createFilterEvents() {
$('#league_filter').on('click', function() {
let currentBoxDisplay = $("#league_filter_box").css('display');
$('#league_filter_box').css('display', currentBoxDisplay == "none" ? 'grid' : 'none');
$('#filter_no_skill').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_with_skill').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_stun').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_shield').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_reflect').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_execute').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_fought').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_favorites').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_with_boosters').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_no_boosters').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_with_skill').click(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_stun').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_shield').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_reflect').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_execute').prop('checked', false);
else {
$('#filter_stun').prop('checked', true);
$('#filter_shield').prop('checked', true);
$('#filter_reflect').prop('checked', true);
$('#filter_execute').prop('checked', true);
$('#filter_stun').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', true);
if (!$('#filter_stun').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_shield').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_reflect').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_execute').is(':checked'))
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_shield').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', true);
if (!$('#filter_stun').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_shield').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_reflect').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_execute').is(':checked'))
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_reflect').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', true);
if (!$('#filter_stun').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_shield').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_reflect').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_execute').is(':checked'))
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_execute').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', true);
if (!$('#filter_stun').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_shield').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_reflect').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_execute').is(':checked'))
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', false);
['all', 'true', 'false'].forEach((el) => {
$('#filter_favorites-' + el).click(function() {
$('#filter_favorites input').removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#filter_favorites-' + el).addClass('filter_selected');
function saveFilterParameters() {
document.querySelector('#filter_no_skill').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.none = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.none = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_with_skill').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_stun').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.stun = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.stun = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_shield').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.shield = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.shield = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_reflect').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.reflect = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.reflect = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_execute').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.execute = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.execute = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_fought').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.fought = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.fought = 'none';
LEAGUE_FILTER.favorites = $('#filter_favorites .filter_selected').attr('value');
document.querySelector('#filter_with_boosters').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_no_boosters').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.no_boosters = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.no_boosters = 'none';
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueFilter', JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER))
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function filterOpponents() {
const opponents = document.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row:not(.player-row)');
let filterNoSkill = document.querySelector('#filter_no_skill').checked ? 0 : 1;
let filterStun = document.querySelector('#filter_stun').checked ? "stun" : "none";
let filterShield = document.querySelector('#filter_shield').checked ? "shield" : "none";
let filterReflect = document.querySelector('#filter_reflect').checked ? "reflect" : "none";
let filterExecute = document.querySelector('#filter_execute').checked ? "execute" : "none";
let filterFought = document.querySelector('#filter_fought').checked ? 1 : 0;
let filterFavorites = $('#filter_favorites .filter_selected').attr('value');
let filterWithBoosters = document.querySelector('#filter_with_boosters').checked ? 0 : 1;
let filterNoBoosters = document.querySelector('#filter_no_boosters').checked ? 1 : 0;
for (let opponent of opponents) {
const tier5 = $(opponent).find('.tier5_skill');
const fights = $(opponent).find('.result.won').length + $(opponent).find('.result.lost').length;
const boosters = $(opponent).find('.boosters .slot');
let boosters_expired = 1;
for (let booster of boosters) {
if (JSON.parse($(booster).attr('data-d')).expiration > 0) boosters_expired = 0;
const favorite = $(opponent).find('.favorite-toggle').attr('data-is-favorite');
let matchesNoSkill = (filterNoSkill == tier5.length);
let matchesStun = (tier5.length > 0) ? (tier5.text().includes(filterStun)) : false;
let matchesShield = (tier5.length > 0) ? (tier5.text().includes(filterShield)) : false;
let matchesReflect = (tier5.length > 0) ? (tier5.text().includes(filterReflect)) : false;
let matchesExecute = (tier5.length > 0) ? (tier5.text().includes(filterExecute)) : false;
let matchesFought = (filterFought == 1 || (fights < 3 && filterFought == 0));
let matchesFavorites = (filterFavorites == 'all' || filterFavorites == favorite);
let matchesWithBoosters = ((filterWithBoosters == 0) && (boosters_expired == 0));
let matchesNoBoosters = (filterNoBoosters == 1) && (boosters_expired == 1);
if (document.querySelector('#filter_no_skill').checked) {
if ((matchesNoSkill || (matchesStun || matchesShield || matchesReflect || matchesExecute)) && matchesFought && matchesFavorites && (matchesWithBoosters || matchesNoBoosters)) $(opponent).addClass('displayOpponent');
else $(opponent).addClass('hiddenOpponent');
else {
if ((matchesNoSkill && (matchesStun || matchesShield || matchesReflect || matchesExecute)) && matchesFought && matchesFavorites && (matchesWithBoosters || matchesNoBoosters)) $(opponent).addClass('displayOpponent');
else $(opponent).addClass('hiddenOpponent');
sheet.insertRule('.hiddenOpponent {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
function favoriteOpponents() {
const getFavorites = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.LEAGUE_FAVORITES')) || [];
const setFavorites = (favorites) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.LEAGUE_FAVORITES', JSON.stringify(favorites));
const addToFavorites = (id) => {
const favorites = getFavorites()
if (favorites.includes(id)) {return}
const removeFromFavorites = (id) => {
const favorites = getFavorites()
const index = favorites.indexOf(id)
if (index < 0) {return}
favorites.splice(index, 1)
const favorites = getFavorites();
const $opponents = $('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list').find('.data-row.body-row:not(.player-row)');
$opponents.each((i, opponent) => {
const $opponent = $(opponent);
const opponent_id = $opponent.find('.nickname').attr('id-member');
const isFavorite = favorites.includes(opponent_id);
this.$favoriteToggle = $('<div class="favorite-toggle"></div>');
let $favoriteToggle = $opponent.find('.favorite-toggle');
if (!$favoriteToggle.length) {
$favoriteToggle = this.$favoriteToggle.clone().attr('data-opponent-id', opponent_id);
$favoriteToggle.attr('data-is-favorite', isFavorite);
} else {
$favoriteToggle.click(() => {
const opponentID = `${$favoriteToggle.attr('data-opponent-id')}`;
const favorite = JSON.parse($favoriteToggle.attr('data-is-favorite'));
if (favorite) {
$favoriteToggle.attr('data-is-favorite', false);
} else {
$favoriteToggle.attr('data-is-favorite', true);
sheet.insertRule('.body-row .favorite-toggle {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'display: none;'
+ 'height: 32px;'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'top: 6px;'
+ 'left: 40px;'
+ 'background-size: 22px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'border-top-right-radius: 5px;'
+ 'border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.body-row:hover .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="false"], .body-row .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="true"] {'
+ 'display: block !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.body-row .favorite-toggle {'
+ 'display: block !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.body-row .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="false"] {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_star_white.svg");'
+ 'opacity: 0.7;}'
sheet.insertRule('.body-row .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="true"] {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_star_orange.svg");}'
function stripedLeague() {
let opponents = $('.body-row.displayOpponent');
let isStripe = true;
for (let opponent of opponents) {
if (isStripe) $(opponent).addClass('stripedOpponent')
isStripe = !isStripe;
sheet.insertRule('.stripedOpponent {'
+ 'background-color: rgba(191,40,90,.25) !important;}'
function displayLeaguePlayersInfo() {
let board = document.getElementsByClassName("data-list")[0];
if(!board) return;
let opponents = board.getElementsByClassName("data-row body-row");
let reflectOpponents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.reflectLeaguePlayers')) || [];
let stunOpponents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.stunLeaguePlayers')) || [];
let shieldOpponents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.shieldLeaguePlayers')) || [];
let executeOpponents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.executeLeaguePlayers')) || [];
for (let i=0; i<opponents.length; i++) {
const opponent_id = parseInt($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname').attr('id-member'), 10);
const opponent = window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == opponent_id);
let team_elements = JSON.parse($($(opponents[i]).find('div[column = "team"]')[0].children[0]).attr('synergy-data'));
let team_theme = [];
team_elements.forEach((el) => {
if(el.team_girls_count >= 3) {
//Display team theme
if (team_theme.length == 0) team_theme.push('multicolor');
$(opponents[i]).find('div[column = "team"] .teamThemeLeague').remove();
$(opponents[i]).find('div[column = "team"]').append($('<span class="teamThemeLeague">'));
for(let j=0; j<team_theme.length; j++) {
/* let left = 14 - (team_theme.length - 1) * 14 + 26 * j; */
let left = 14 - (team_theme.length - 1) * 18 + 22 * j;
let icon;
if (team_theme[j] == 'multicolor') icon = 'Multicolored';
else icon = ELEMENTS_ICON_NAMES[team_theme[j]];
$(opponents[i]).find('div[column = "team"] .teamThemeLeague').append($('<img class="teamThemeIcon" style="left: ' + left + 'px; position: absolute;" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/girls_elements/' + icon + '.png">'));
//Display team power
if ($('.data-list :nth-child(' + (i+2) + ')').find('div[column = "team"] .teamPower').length == 0)
$('.data-list :nth-child(' + (i+2) + ')').find('div[column = "team"]').append($('<div class="teamPower">' + nThousand(Math.ceil(parseInt(opponent.player.team.total_power, 10))) + '</div>'));
if (!((opponent).match_history[(opponent).player.id_fighter][0] != null && (opponent).match_history[(opponent).player.id_fighter][1] != null && (opponent).match_history[(opponent).player.id_fighter][2] != null)) {
//Display true opponent defense
const opp_def = opponent.player.defense;
let opponent_defense = opp_def < 10000 ? Math.ceil(opp_def) : (opp_def >= 100000 ? nRounding(opp_def, 0, 1) : nRounding(opp_def, 1, 1));
$($('.data-list').find('#player_defence_stat #stats-defense')[i]).text(opponent_defense);
//Add booster status
if (loadSetting('leagueBoardBoostersStatus')) {
if (opponents[i].className.indexOf('player-row') == -1 && $(opponents[i]).find('.boosters .circular-progress').length == 0) {
let opponent_boosters = Array.from($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters .slot'));
opponent_boosters.forEach((booster) => {
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).append(leagueBoosterStatus(booster))
//Display end time boosters
let boosterData = JSON.parse($(booster).attr('data-d'));
let endAt = window.server_now_ts + boosterData.expiration;
const options = {hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'};
const formattedDate = new Date(endAt * 1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options).replace(/(\d)/g, (x)=>`${x}<i></i>`);
$(booster).attr('additional-tooltip-info', `${JSON.stringify({additionalText: `<span class="script-tooltip"></span>${labels.ends_at + ' ' + formattedDate}`})}`);
//Display tier 5 skill
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => opponent.player.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = opponent.player.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined) && $(opponents[i]).find('.tier5_skill').length == 0) {
if ($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member') != heroData.infos.id) stunOpponents.push($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'));
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).after(`<span class="tier5_skill">${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type} / ${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`);
($(opponents[i]).find('.teamThemeLeague')).after(`<span class="team_skill"><span class="stun_icn"></span></span>`);
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined) && $(opponents[i]).find('.tier5_skill').length == 0) {
if ($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member') != heroData.infos.id) shieldOpponents.push($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'));
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).after(`<span class="tier5_skill">${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type} / ${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`);
($(opponents[i]).find('.teamThemeLeague')).after(`<span class="team_skill"><span class="shield_icn"></span></span>`);
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined) && $(opponents[i]).find('.tier5_skill').length == 0) {
if ($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member') != heroData.infos.id) reflectOpponents.push($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'));
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).after(`<span class="tier5_skill">${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type} / ${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`);
($(opponents[i]).find('.teamThemeLeague')).after(`<span class="team_skill"><span class="reflect_icn"></span></span>`);
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined) && $(opponents[i]).find('.tier5_skill').length == 0) {
if ($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member') != heroData.infos.id) executeOpponents.push($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'));
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).after(`<span class="tier5_skill">${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type} / ${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`);
($(opponents[i]).find('.teamThemeLeague')).after(`<span class="team_skill"><span class="execute_icn"></span></span>`);
if (reflectOpponents.includes($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'))) $($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).css('color', '#b968e6');
else if (stunOpponents.includes($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'))) $($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).css('color', '#14b4d9');
else if (shieldOpponents.includes($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'))) $($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).css('color', 'orange');
else if (executeOpponents.includes($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'))) $($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).css('color', '#66cd00');
localStorage.setItem('HHS.reflectLeaguePlayers', JSON.stringify(reflectOpponents));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.stunLeaguePlayers', JSON.stringify(stunOpponents));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.shieldLeaguePlayers', JSON.stringify(shieldOpponents));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.executeLeaguePlayers', JSON.stringify(executeOpponents));
try {
let player_boosters = [];
if (!(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status') == null || localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status') == undefined)) {
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')).mythic.forEach((booster) => {
let player_carac_dmg = window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player.damage;
let player_carac_def = window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player.team.caracs.defense;
window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player.defense = player_carac_def;
if (player_boosters.indexOf("MB2") != -1 || player_boosters.indexOf("MB8") != -1) {
player_carac_dmg *= 1.15;
window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player.team.caracs.damage = player_carac_dmg;
let player_dmg = player_carac_dmg < 10000 ? Math.ceil(player_carac_dmg) : (player_carac_dmg >= 100000 ? nRounding(player_carac_dmg, 0, 1) : nRounding(player_carac_dmg, 1, 1));
let player_defense = player_carac_def < 10000 ? Math.ceil(player_carac_def) : (player_carac_def >= 100000 ? nRounding(player_carac_def, 0, 1) : nRounding(player_carac_def, 1, 1));
//Display current player stats
$('.player-row #player_attack_stat #stats-damage').text(player_dmg);
$('.player-row #player_defence_stat #stats-defense').text(player_defense);
//Display sim score
if (loadSetting('simLeagueBoardFight')) {
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.simLeagueBoardFight') == undefined) localStorage.setItem('HHS.simLeagueBoardFight', true);
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .body-row .go_pre_battle {'
+ 'opacity: 0;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .data-column[column="can_fight"] .blue_button_L, #leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="can_fight"] .blue_button_L {'
+ 'padding: 0 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content.hidden_girl .league_table .data-list .data-row .data-column[column="boosters"], #leagues .league_content.hidden_girl .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="boosters"] {'
+ 'min-width: 14.5rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .data-column[column="can_fight"], #leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="can_fight"] {'
+ 'min-width: 4rem !important;}'
if ($('.head-column[column=can_fight]').length) {
$('.head-column[column=can_fight] > span')[0].firstChild.data = "SIM";
for (let i=0; i<opponents.length; i++) {
const opponent_id = parseInt($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname').attr('id-member'), 10);
const opponent = window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == opponent_id);
if (opponent.player.id_fighter != heroData.infos.id && !(opponent.match_history[opponent.player.id_fighter][0] != null && opponent.match_history[opponent.player.id_fighter][1] != null && opponent.match_history[opponent.player.id_fighter][2] != null)) {
if($($('.body-row .data-column[column=can_fight]')[i]).find('.matchRating').length == 0) {
$($('.body-row .data-column[column=can_fight]')[i]).append(calcSimResults(opponent));
} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with league simulation): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
function calcSimResults(opponentData) {
let playerData = window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player;
let playerAtk = playerData.team.caracs.damage;
let playerEgo = playerData.team.caracs.ego;
let playerDef = playerData.team.caracs.defense;
let playerCrit = playerData.team.caracs.chance;
let playerElements = [];
playerData.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => playerElements.push(el.type));
const playerBonuses = {
critDamage: playerData.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: playerData.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: playerData.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: playerData.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
let opponentAtk = opponentData.player.damage;
let opponentEgo = opponentData.player.remaining_ego;
let opponentDef = opponentData.player.defense;
let opponentCrit = opponentData.player.chance;
let opponentElements = [];
opponentData.player.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => opponentElements.push(el.type));
const opponentBonuses = {
critDamage: opponentData.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: opponentData.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: opponentData.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: opponentData.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
const dominanceBonuses = calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements);
let player = {
hp: playerEgo * (1+dominanceBonuses.player.ego),
atk: playerAtk * (1+dominanceBonuses.player.attack),
adv_def: opponentDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(playerCrit, opponentCrit) + dominanceBonuses.player.chance + playerBonuses.critChance,
bonuses: playerBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(playerData.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(playerData.team.girls)
let opponent = {
hp: opponentEgo,
atk: opponentAtk,
adv_def: playerDef * (1-opponentBonuses.defReduce),
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(opponentCrit, playerCrit) + dominanceBonuses.opponent.chance + opponentBonuses.critChance,
name: opponentData.player.nickname,
bonuses: opponentBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(opponentData.player.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(opponentData.player.team.girls)
const {points: calc, win, scoreClass} = calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent);
let probabilityTooltip = `<table class='probabilityTable'>`;
let expectedValue = 0;
const pointGrade=['#fff','#fff','#fff','#ff2f2f','#fe3c25','#fb4719','#f95107','#f65b00','#f26400','#ed6c00','#e97400','#e37c00','#de8400','#d88b00','#d19100','#ca9800','#c39e00','#bba400','#b3aa00','#aab000','#a1b500','#97ba00','#8cbf00','#81c400','#74c900','#66cd00'];
for (let i=25; i>=3; i--) {
if (calc[i] >= 0.0001) {
const isW = i>=15
probabilityTooltip += `<tr style='color:${isW?pointGrade[25]:pointGrade[3]};' data-tint='${isW?'w':'l'}'><td>${i}</td><td>${(100*calc[i]).toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>`;
expectedValue += i*calc[i];
probabilityTooltip += `<tr class='${scoreClass}'><td>${window.GT.design.leagues_won_letter}</td><td>${(100*win).toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>`;
probabilityTooltip += '</table>';
const $rating = $(`<div class="matchRating" tooltip="" style="color:${pointGrade[Math.round(expectedValue)]};" hh_title="${probabilityTooltip}">${(100*win).toFixed(2)}%<BR> ${expectedValue.toFixed(2)}</div>`)
opponentData.sim_result = $rating;
opponentData.can_fight = expectedValue;
return $rating
function leagueBoosterStatus(booster) {
1: 'green',
0.5: 'yellow',
0.2: 'red'
const buildProgressWrapper = (current, max) => {
const percentage = Math.min(current/max, 1)
const firstHalf = Math.min(percentage, 0.5) * 2
const secondHalf = Math.max(percentage - 0.5, 0) * 2
let colorClass = ''
let flashingClass = ''
//if (percentage > 0) {
Object.entries(CIRCULAR_THRESHOLDS).forEach(([threshold, className]) => {
if (percentage <= threshold) {
colorClass = className
if (percentage <= 0.0035 && percentage > 0) {
flashingClass = 'flashing'
if (percentage <= 0) {
flashingClass = 'expired'
const $wrapper = $(`
<div class="circular-progress">
<div class="circle">
<div class="circle-bar left ${flashingClass}">
<div class="progress ${colorClass}" style="transform: rotate(${180 * secondHalf}deg)"></div>
<div class="circle-bar right ${flashingClass}">
<div class="progress ${colorClass}" style="transform: rotate(${180 * firstHalf}deg)"></div>
return $wrapper
const booster_data = JSON.parse($(booster).attr('data-d'));
let booster_status = buildProgressWrapper(booster_data.expiration, parseInt(booster_data.item.duration, 10)*60);
return booster_status;
sheet.insertRule('.teamThemeIcon {'
+ 'z-index: 0;'
+ 'height: 20px !important;'
+ 'width: 20px !important;'
+ 'top: 1px !important;'
+ 'border: none !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .data-column[column="team"] .button_team_synergy, #leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="team"] .button_team_synergy {'
+ 'left: 20px !important;'
+ 'top: -2px;'
+ 'width: 3.5rem !important;'
+ 'background-image: none;'
+ 'z-index: 1;}'
sheet.insertRule('.teamPower {'
+ 'font-size: 12px;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: 13px;'
+ 'left: -28px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: 12px;'
+ 'left: -103px;'
+ 'width: max-content;'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.team_skill {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: -4px;'
+ 'left: 38px;'
+ 'height: max-content;'
+ 'width: max-content;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
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+ 'width: 18px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.team_skill > .active_skills_icn, .team_skill > .stun_icn, .team_skill > .reflect_icn, .team_skill > .execute_icn {'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ 'width: 20px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.team_skill > .shield_icn {'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.team_skill > .shield_icn {'
+ 'height: 21px;'
+ 'width: 21px;'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .boosters {'
+ 'z-index: 0;'
+ 'display: flex;'
+ 'flex-direction: row;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress {'
+ 'margin-right: 2px;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'height: 25px;'
+ 'width: 24px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .green {'
+ 'background-color: #01d10b;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .yellow {'
+ 'background-color: #ffc400;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .red {'
+ 'background-color: #ff0000;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .slot {'
+ 'position: absolute !important;'
+ 'height: 20px !important;'
+ 'width: 20px !important;'
+ 'top: 2px !important;'
+ 'left: 2px !important;'
+ 'border-width: 0px !important;'
+ 'z-index: 6 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .slot.size_xs {'
+'border-radius: 0 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .slot.empty {'
+ 'cursor: inherit !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .empty + .circle {'
+ 'box-shadow: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .empty + .circle .circle-bar {'
+ 'background-color: transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle {'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000, 0px 0px 4px #000, 0px 0px 3px #000, 0px 0px 2px #000;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'background-color: #000000bf;'
+ 'clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 0% 100%, 50% 100%, 50% 0%);'
+ 'overflow: hidden;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar.flashing {'
+ 'animation-name: flashing-background;'
+ 'animation-duration: 3s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes flashing-background {'
+ '0% {background-color: #000000bf;}'
+ '50% {background-color: #ff0000;}'
+ '100% {background-color: #000000bf;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar.expired {'
+ 'z-index: 10;'
+ 'animation-name: expired-background;'
+ 'animation-duration: 3s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes expired-background {'
+ '0% {background-color: #000000bf;}'
+ '50% {background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.75);}'
+ '100% {background-color: #000000bf;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar .progress {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 200%;'
+ 'width: 200%;'
+ 'top: -50%;'
+ 'left: -50%;'
+ 'clip-path: polygon(50% -50%, 150% -50%, 150% 150%, 50% 150%);}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar.right {'
+ 'transform: rotate(180deg);'
+ 'z-index: 3;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar.left .progress {'
+ 'z-index: 1;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="sim_score"] {'
+ 'display: flex;'
+ 'align-items: center;'
+ 'justify-content: center;'
+ 'min-width: 5.5rem;}'
sheet.insertRule('.matchRating {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'width: 4rem;'
+ 'margin-right: 10px;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000;'
+ 'font-size: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr {'
+ 'line-height: 16px;'
+ 'color: #fff;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(odd) {'
+ 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(even)[data-tint=w] {'
+ 'background-color: #66cd0028;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(even)[data-tint=l] {'
+ 'background-color: #ff2f2f28;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .plus {'
+ 'color: #66CD00;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .minus {'
+ 'color: #FF2F2F;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .close {'
+ 'color: #FFA500;}'
sheet.insertRule('.winProb {'
+ 'text-align: center; '
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000; '
+ 'line-height: 17px; '
+ 'font-size: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="team"], #leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="boosters"] {'
+ 'overflow: visible !important;'
+ 'cursor: pointer !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="team"] > span > span, #leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="boosters"] > span > span {'
+ 'display: inline-block !important;}'
function collectLeagueOpponents() {
let opponents_id = [];
Array.from($('.body-row:not(.player-row)')).forEach((el) => {
if(($(el).find('.result.won').length + $(el).find('.result.lost').length) < 3) opponents_id.push($(el).find('.nickname').attr('id-member'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueOppId', JSON.stringify(opponents_id));
function sortLeagueSimScore() {
let tbody = document.querySelector('.data-list');
let tr_player = tbody.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row');
const compare = (asc) => (row1, row2) => {
const tdValue = row => row.lastElementChild.lastChild.lastChild == undefined ? 0 : parseFloat(row.lastElementChild.lastChild.lastChild.nodeValue)
const tri = (v1, v2) => v1 - v2;
return tri(tdValue(asc ? row1 : row2), tdValue(asc ? row2 : row1));
if (document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="can_fight"] > span > span').className == "upArrow_mix_icn") {
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(true));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
else if (document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="can_fight"] > span > span').className == "downArrow_mix_icn") {
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(false));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
function sortLeagueTeamPower() {
let tbody = document.querySelector('.data-list');
const th_name = document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"]');
let tr_player = tbody.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row');
const compare = (asc) => (row1, row2) => {
const tdValue = row => parseInt(Array.from(row.children).find((el) => el.attributes.column.nodeValue == "team").lastElementChild.innerText.replace(/\s/g, ''), 10);
const tri = (v1, v2) => v1 - v2;
return tri(tdValue(asc ? row1 : row2), tdValue(asc ? row2 : row1));
if (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"team","sorting":"ASC"}') {
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"] > span > span').className = "upArrow_mix_icn";
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(true));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
else if (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"team","sorting":"DESC"}') {
asc = false;
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"] > span > span').className = "downArrow_mix_icn";
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(false));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
function leagueTeamPowerEvent() {
tbody = document.querySelector('.data-list');
tr_player = tbody.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row');
let newSort = (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"team","sorting":"ASC"}') ? 0 : 1;
newSort = (newSort + 1) % 2;
let listSort = $('.head-column:not([column="team"])');
for (let sort of listSort) {
let arrow = sort.lastElementChild.lastElementChild;
if (arrow.className != "upDownArrows_mix_icn") arrow.className = "upDownArrows_mix_icn";
switch (newSort) {
case 0:
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"] > span > span').className = "upArrow_mix_icn";
localStorage.setItem('leaderboard_sorting', JSON.stringify({"column":"team","sorting":"ASC"}));
classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(true));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
case 1:
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"] > span > span').className = "downArrow_mix_icn";
localStorage.setItem('leaderboard_sorting', JSON.stringify({"column":"team","sorting":"DESC"}));
classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(false));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
th_name.addEventListener('click', () => {leagueTeamPowerEvent()});
function sortLeagueBoostersTimer() {
let tbody = document.querySelector('.data-list');
const th_name = document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="boosters"]');
let tr_player = tbody.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row:not(.player-row)');
const compare = (asc) => (row1, row2) => {
const tdValue = row => {
let boostersTimer = [];
let boosters = Array.from(row.children).find((el) => el.attributes.column.nodeValue == "boosters").children[1].querySelectorAll('.slot');
Array.from(boosters).forEach((booster) => {
if (boosters.length == 0) boostersTimer.push(0);
return Math.min(...boostersTimer);
const tri = (v1, v2) => v1 - v2;
return tri(tdValue(asc ? row1 : row2), tdValue(asc ? row2 : row1));
if (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"boosters","sorting":"ASC"}') {
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="boosters"] > span > span').className = "upArrow_mix_icn";
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(true));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
else if (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"boosters","sorting":"DESC"}') {
asc = false;
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="boosters"] > span > span').className = "downArrow_mix_icn";
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(false));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
function leagueBoostersTimerEvent() {
tbody = document.querySelector('.data-list');
tr_player = tbody.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row:not(.player-row)');
let newSort = (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"boosters","sorting":"ASC"}') ? 0 : 1;
newSort = (newSort + 1) % 2;
let listSort = $('.head-column:not([column="boosters"])');
for (let sort of listSort) {
let arrow = sort.lastElementChild.lastElementChild;
if (arrow.className != "upDownArrows_mix_icn") arrow.className = "upDownArrows_mix_icn";
switch (newSort) {
case 0:
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="boosters"] > span > span').className = "upArrow_mix_icn";
localStorage.setItem('leaderboard_sorting', JSON.stringify({"column":"boosters","sorting":"ASC"}));
classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(true));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
case 1:
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="boosters"] > span > span').className = "downArrow_mix_icn";
localStorage.setItem('leaderboard_sorting', JSON.stringify({"column":"boosters","sorting":"DESC"}));
classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(false));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
th_name.addEventListener('click', () => {leagueBoostersTimerEvent()});
//Lock/unlock hero row at the top of the list
function lockHeroRow() {
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueHeroLock')) localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueHeroLock', 0);
let leagueHeroLock = localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueHeroLock');
if (leagueHeroLock == 0 && $('.lock_leagueHero').length == 0) $('.data-row.player-row .data-column[column=can_fight]').append($('<span class="lock_leagueHero unlock"></span>'));
else if (leagueHeroLock == 1) {
$('.data-list .head-row').after($('.data-list .player-row'));
if ($('.lock_leagueHero').length == 0) $('.data-row.player-row .data-column[column=can_fight]').append($('<span class="lock_leagueHero lock"></span>'));
$('.lock_leagueHero')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
if (leagueHeroLock == 0) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueHeroLock', 1);
leagueHeroLock = 1;
$('.data-list .head-row').after($('.data-list .player-row'));
else if (leagueHeroLock == 1) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueHeroLock', 0);
leagueHeroLock = 0;
sheet.insertRule('.lock_leagueHero {'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'width: 30px;'
+ 'height: 30px;'
+ 'background-size: 30px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule('.lock {'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/456/456112.png);}'
sheet.insertRule('.unlock {'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/880/880779.png);}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list.lock_hero .data-row.player-row {'
+ 'position: fixed;'
+ 'top: 173px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list.lock_hero .data-row.player-row {'
+ 'position: fixed;'
+ 'top: 201px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list.lock_hero {'
+ 'padding-top: 67px; !important;}'
let row_width = $($('.data-row.body-row:not(.player-row):not(.hiddenOpponent)')[0]).css('width');
$('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list.lock_hero .data-row.player-row').css('width', row_width);
if ($('#leagues .league_content .league_tiers #toggle_columns').length > 0) {
$('#leagues .league_content .league_tiers #toggle_columns')[0].addEventListener('click', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
let row_width = $($('.data-row.body-row:not(.player-row):not(.hiddenOpponent)')[0]).css('width');
$('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list.lock_hero .data-row.player-row').css('width', row_width);
}, 2*timeout)
//Save results of the league
function saveVictories() {
let leagueDateInit = (DST == true) ? 11*3600 : 12*3600;
let current_date_ts = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let date_end_league = leagueDateInit + Math.ceil((current_date_ts - leagueDateInit)/604800)*604800;
let time_results = localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueTime');
if (!time_results) {
time_results = date_end_league;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueTime', time_results);
//Next Thursday after DST at 12:00 UTC (14:00 Paris time) (03/04/2025)
if (time_results == 1743681600) {
time_results = 1743678000;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueTime', time_results);
//Next Thursday after non-DST at 11:00 UTC (12:00 Paris time) (30/10/2025)
if (time_results == 1761822000) {
time_results = 1761825600;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueTime', time_results);
if (current_date_ts > time_results) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueTime', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueTime'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeaguePlayers', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leaguePlayers'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueScore', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueScore'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueVictories', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueVictories'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueDefeats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueDefeats'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueLvl'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueTime', date_end_league);
function calculateVictories() {
let nb_opponents = $('.body-row:not(.player-row)').length ;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leaguePlayers', nb_opponents);
let tot_victory = $('.body-row .data-column .result.won').length ;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueVictories', tot_victory);
let tot_defeat = $('.body-row .data-column .result.lost').length ;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueDefeats', tot_defeat);
let tot_notPlayed = 3*nb_opponents - tot_victory - tot_defeat;
let lvl_data = Array.from($('.body-row .data-column[column="level"]'));
let lvl = Array.from(lvl_data, (el) => parseInt(el.innerText, 10));
let lvl_min = Math.min(...lvl);
let lvl_max = Math.max(...lvl);
let lvl_sum = 0;
lvl.forEach((el) => lvl_sum += el);
let lvl_avg = parseInt(lvl_sum / lvl.length, 10);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueLvl', JSON.stringify({min: lvl_min, max: lvl_max, avg: lvl_avg}));
$('span.possibleChallenges span.scriptLeagueInfoTooltip.possibleChallengesTooltip').append('<span id="leagueStats"><u>' + labels.current_league + '</u>'
+ '<br />'
+ '<BR>' + labels.opponents + ' : ' + nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + window.GT.design.level_range + ' : ' + lvl_min + ' ... [' + lvl_avg + '] ... ' + lvl_max
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + tot_victory + ' / ' + 3*nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + tot_defeat + ' / ' + 3*nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.notPlayed + ' : ' + tot_notPlayed + ' / ' + 3*nb_opponents
+ '</span>');
let old_nb_opponents = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeaguePlayers') || 0;
let old_lvl_min = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl')).min : 0;
let old_lvl_max = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl')).max : 0;
let old_lvl_avg = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl')).avg : 0;
let old_score = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueScore')) || {};
let old_tot_victory = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueVictories') ? localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueVictories') : 0;
let old_tot_defeat = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueDefeats') ? localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueDefeats') : 0;
let old_tot_notPlayed = 3*old_nb_opponents - old_tot_victory - old_tot_defeat;
let old_points = old_score.points || 0;
let old_avg = old_score.avg || 0;
const options = {year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric'};
let old_date_end_league = new Date(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueTime')*1000).toLocaleDateString(undefined, options);
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueTime')) {
$('span.possibleChallenges span.scriptLeagueInfoTooltip.possibleChallengesTooltip').append('<span id="oldLeagueStats"><BR>_______________________'
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.league_finished + old_date_end_league
+ '<br />'
+ '<BR>' + labels.opponents + ' : ' + old_nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + window.GT.design.level_range + ' : ' + old_lvl_min + ' ... [' + old_lvl_avg + '] ... ' + old_lvl_max
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + old_tot_victory + ' / ' + 3*old_nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + old_tot_defeat + ' / ' + 3*old_nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.notPlayed + ' : ' + old_tot_notPlayed + ' / ' + 3*old_nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.leaguePoints + ' : ' + nThousand(old_points)
+ '<BR>' + labels.avg + ' : ' + nThousand(old_avg)
+ '</span>');
let observeCallback = function() {
let childrenObserved = $('.data-row.head-row')[0].children;
for (let child of childrenObserved) {
if(child.attributes.column.nodeValue != "team") child.addEventListener('click', () => {observeCallback()});
$($('.record_league')[0]).css('position', 'relative');
$($('.record_league')[0]).css('left', '-14px');
$($('.record_league')[1]).css('position', 'relative');
$($('.record_league')[1]).css('left', '1px');
function moduleLeagueOpponentsShortcut() {
let opponents_id = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueOppId'));
const current_id = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.indexOf('=') + 1);
const previous_id = opponents_id[(opponents_id.length + opponents_id.indexOf(current_id) - 1) % (opponents_id.length)];
const next_id = opponents_id[(opponents_id.indexOf(current_id) + 1) % (opponents_id.length)];
$('.battle-buttons-row').prepend('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/leagues-pre-battle.html?id_opponent=' + previous_id) + '" class="back_button_s" id="previous_league_opp"></a>');
$('.battle-buttons-row').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/leagues-pre-battle.html?id_opponent=' + next_id) + '" class="back_button_s" id="next_league_opp"></a>');
sheet.insertRule('#previous_league_opp, #next_league_opp {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'background-size: 38px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule('#previous_league_opp {'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879564.png) !important;'
+ 'left: -4% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#next_league_opp {'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879593.png) !important;'
+ 'left: 5% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.battle-buttons-row {'
+ 'width: 106% !important;'
+ 'margin-left: -16px;'
+ 'justify-content: space-evenly !important;}'
function moduleHideLeaguex3Button() {
/* ============
============ */
function moduleLeagueSim() {
function calculatePower() {
let playerAtk = window.hero_data.damage;
let playerEgo = window.hero_data.remaining_ego;
let playerDef = window.hero_data.defense;
let playerCrit = window.hero_data.chance;
let playerElements = [];
window.hero_data.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => playerElements.push(el.type));
const playerBonuses = {
critDamage: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
let opponentAtk = window.opponent_fighter.player.damage;
let opponentEgo = window.opponent_fighter.player.remaining_ego;
let opponentDef = window.opponent_fighter.player.defense;
let opponentCrit = window.opponent_fighter.player.chance;
let opponentElements = [];
window.opponent_fighter.player.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => opponentElements.push(el.type));
const opponentBonuses = {
critDamage: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
const dominanceBonuses = calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements);
let player = {
hp: playerEgo,
atk: playerAtk,
adv_def: opponentDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(playerCrit, opponentCrit) + dominanceBonuses.player.chance + playerBonuses.critChance,
bonuses: playerBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls)
let opponent = {
hp: opponentEgo,
atk: opponentAtk,
adv_def: playerDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(opponentCrit, playerCrit) + dominanceBonuses.opponent.chance + opponentBonuses.critChance,
name: window.opponent_fighter.player.nickname,
bonuses: opponentBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls)
//Display tier 5 skill
//Player team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
//Opponent team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
const {points: calc, win, scoreClass} = calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent);
let probabilityTooltip = `<table class='probabilityTable'>`;
let expectedValue = 0;
const pointGrade=['#fff','#fff','#fff','#ff2f2f','#fe3c25','#fb4719','#f95107','#f65b00','#f26400','#ed6c00','#e97400','#e37c00','#de8400','#d88b00','#d19100','#ca9800','#c39e00','#bba400','#b3aa00','#aab000','#a1b500','#97ba00','#8cbf00','#81c400','#74c900','#66cd00'];
for (let i=25; i>=3; i--) {
if (calc[i] >= 0.0001) {
const isW = i>=15
probabilityTooltip += `<tr style='color:${isW?pointGrade[25]:pointGrade[3]};' data-tint='${isW?'w':'l'}'><td>${i}</td><td>${(100*calc[i]).toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>`;
expectedValue += i*calc[i];
probabilityTooltip += `<tr class='${scoreClass}'><td>${window.GT.design.leagues_won_letter}</td><td>${(100*win).toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>`;
probabilityTooltip += '</table>';
const $rating = $(`<div class="matchRating" tooltip="" style="color:${pointGrade[Math.round(expectedValue)]};" hh_title="${probabilityTooltip}">${(100*win).toFixed(2)}% / ${expectedValue.toFixed(2)}</div>`)
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .average-lvl').after($rating);
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.matchRating {'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000;'
+ 'line-height: 25px;'
+ 'font-size: 18px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.matchRating {'
+ 'margin-left: 15px;'
+ 'margin-top: 15px;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000;'
+ 'line-height: 10px;'
+ 'font-size: 18px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr {'
+ 'line-height: 16px;'
+ 'color: #fff;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(odd) {'
+ 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(even)[data-tint=w] {'
+ 'background-color: #66cd0028;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(even)[data-tint=l] {'
+ 'background-color: #ff2f2f28;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .plus {'
+ 'color: #66CD00;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .minus {'
+ 'color: #FF2F2F;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .close {'
+ 'color: #FFA500;}'
sheet.insertRule('.winProb {'
+ 'text-align: center; '
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000; '
+ 'line-height: 17px; '
+ 'font-size: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'margin-bottom: -22px;'
+ 'bottom: 26px;'
+ 'left: 75px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill > .active_skills_icn {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: 25px;}'
function calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements) {
const bonuses = {
player: {
ego: 0,
attack: 0,
chance: 0
opponent: {
ego: 0,
attack: 0,
chance: 0
{a: playerElements, b: opponentElements, k: 'player'},
{a: opponentElements, b: playerElements, k: 'opponent'}
a.forEach(element => {
if (ELEMENTS.egoDamage[element] && b.includes(ELEMENTS.egoDamage[element])) {
bonuses[k].ego += 0.1
bonuses[k].attack += 0.1
if (ELEMENTS.chance[element] && b.includes(ELEMENTS.chance[element])) {
bonuses[k].chance += 0.2
return bonuses
function countElementsInTeam(elements) {
return elements.reduce((a,b)=>{a[b]++;return a}, {
fire: 0,
stone: 0,
sun: 0,
water: 0,
nature: 0,
darkness: 0,
light: 0,
psychic: 0
function calculateCritChanceShare(ownHarmony, otherHarmony) {
return 0.3*ownHarmony/(ownHarmony+otherHarmony)
function calculateTier4SkillValue(teamGirlsArray) {
let skill_tier_4 = {dmg: 0, def: 0};
teamGirlsArray.forEach((girl) => {
if (girl.skills[9]) skill_tier_4.dmg += girl.skills[9].skill.percentage_value/100;
if (girl.skills[10]) skill_tier_4.def += girl.skills[10].skill.percentage_value/100;
return skill_tier_4;
function calculateTier5SkillValue(teamGirlsArray) {
let skill_tier_5 = {id: 0, value: 0};
const girl = teamGirlsArray[0];
tier5_Skill_Id.forEach((id) => {
if (girl.skills[id]) {
skill_tier_5.id = id;
skill_tier_5.value = (id == 11) ? parseInt(girl.skills[id].skill.display_value_text, 10)/100 : girl.skills[id].skill.percentage_value/100;
return skill_tier_5;
function calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent) {
this.player = player;
this.opponent = opponent
const setup = x => {
x.critMultiplier = 2 + x.bonuses.critDamage;
x.hp = Math.ceil(x.hp);
this.player.playerShield = (this.player.tier5.id == 12) ? this.player.tier5.value * player.hp : 0;
this.opponent.opponentShield = 0;
this.player.stunned = 0;
this.player.alreadyStunned = 0;
this.opponent.stunned = (this.player.tier5.id == 11) ? 2 : 0;
this.opponent.alreadyStunned = 0;
this.player.reflect = (this.player.tier5.id == 13) ? 2 : 0;
this.opponent.reflect = 0;
let ret;
try {
//Start simulation from player's turn
ret = playerTurn(this.player.hp, this.opponent.hp, this.player.playerShield, this.opponent.opponentShield, this.player.stunned, this.opponent.stunned, this.player.reflect, this.opponent.reflect, 1);
} catch(error) {
return {
points: [],
win: Number.NaN,
loss: Number.NaN,
scoreClass: 'minus'
const sum = ret.win + ret.loss;
ret.win /= sum;
ret.loss /= sum;
ret.scoreClass = (ret.win > 0.9) ? 'plus' : (ret.win < 0.5) ? 'minus' : 'close';
return ret;
function calculateDmg(x, turns) {
const dmg = x.atk * (1 + x.tier4.dmg) ** turns - x.adv_def * (1 + x.tier4.def) ** turns;
return {
baseAtk : {
probability: 1 - x.critchance,
damageAmount: Math.ceil(dmg)
critAtk : {
probability: x.critchance,
damageAmount: Math.ceil(dmg * x.critMultiplier)
function mergeResult(x, xProbability, y, yProbability) {
const points = {};
Object.entries(x.points).map(([point, probability]) => [point, probability * xProbability])
.concat(Object.entries(y.points).map(([point, probability]) => [point, probability * yProbability]))
.forEach(([point, probability]) => {
points[point] = (points[point] || 0) + probability
const merge = (x, y) => x * xProbability + y * yProbability;
const win = merge(x.win, y.win);
const loss = merge(x.loss, y.loss);
return { points, win, loss };
function playerTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, turns) {
//Avoid a stack overflow
const maxAllowedTurns = 50;
if (turns > maxAllowedTurns) throw new Error();
//Simulate base attack and critical attack
const {baseAtk, critAtk} = calculateDmg(this.player, turns);
const baseAtkResult = playerAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, baseAtk, turns);
const critAtkResult = playerAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, critAtk, turns);
//Merge result
const mergedResult = mergeResult(baseAtkResult, baseAtk.probability, critAtkResult, critAtk.probability);
return mergedResult;
function playerAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, attack, turns) {
//Player stunned
if (playerStunned > 0) {
playerStunned -= 1;
//Opponent attack
return opponentTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, turns);
let playerDamage = Math.max(0, (attack.damageAmount - opponentShield));
opponentHP -= playerDamage;
opponentShield = Math.max(0, opponentShield - attack.damageAmount);
//Tier 5 skill : Player Execute
if (this.player.tier5.id == 14) {
let opponentHPRate = opponentHP / this.opponent.hp;
if (opponentHPRate <= this.player.tier5.value) {
opponentHP = 0;
//Tier 5 skill : Opponent Reflect
let opponentReflectDmg = (opponentReflect > 0 && opponentHP > 0) ? Math.ceil(this.opponent.tier5.value * attack.damageAmount) : 0;
playerHP -= Math.max(0, (opponentReflectDmg - playerShield));
playerShield = Math.max(0, playerShield - opponentReflectDmg);
opponentReflect -= 1;
//Heal on hit
let playerHeal = Math.ceil(this.player.bonuses.healOnHit * playerDamage);
playerHP = Math.min(this.player.hp, playerHP + playerHeal);
//Check win
if (opponentHP <= 0) {
const point = Math.min(25, 15 + Math.ceil(10 * playerHP / this.player.hp));
return { points: { [point]: 1 }, win: 1, loss: 0 };
else {
//Tier 5 skill : Stun
/* if (this.player.tier5.id == 11 && this.opponent.alreadyStunned == 0) {
opponentStunned = 2;
this.opponent.alreadyStunned = 1;
opponentStunned = (this.player.tier5.id == 11 && this.opponent.alreadyStunned == 0) 2 : opponentStunned;
this.opponent.alreadyStunned = (this.player.tier5.id == 11 && this.opponent.alreadyStunned == 0) 1 : this.opponent.alreadyStunned;
//Opponent attack
return opponentTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, turns);
function opponentTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, turns) {
if (turns == 1) {
playerStunned = (this.opponent.tier5.id == 11) ? 2 : 0;
opponentShield = (this.opponent.tier5.id == 12) ? (this.opponent.tier5.value * this.opponent.hp) : 0;
opponentReflect = (this.opponent.tier5.id == 13) ? 2 : 0;
//Simulate base attack and critical attack
const {baseAtk, critAtk} = calculateDmg(this.opponent, turns);
const baseAtkResult = opponentAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, baseAtk, turns);
const critAtkResult = opponentAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, critAtk, turns);
//Merge result
const mergedResult = mergeResult(baseAtkResult, baseAtk.probability, critAtkResult, critAtk.probability);
return mergedResult;
function opponentAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, attack, turns) {
//Opponent stunned
if (opponentStunned > 0) {
opponentStunned -= 1;
//Next turn
turns += 1;
return playerTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, turns);
let opponentDamage = Math.max(0, (attack.damageAmount - playerShield));
playerHP -= opponentDamage;
playerShield = Math.max(0, playerShield - attack.damageAmount);
//Tier 5 skill : Opponent Execute
if (this.opponent.tier5.id == 14) {
let playerHPRate = playerHP / this.player.hp;
if (playerHPRate <= this.opponent.tier5.value) {
playerHP = 0;
//Tier 5 skill : Player Reflect
let playerReflectDmg = (playerReflect > 0 && playerHP > 0) ? Math.ceil(this.player.tier5.value * attack.damageAmount) : 0
opponentHP -= Math.max(0, (playerReflectDmg - opponentShield));
opponentShield = Math.max(0, opponentShield - playerReflectDmg);
playerReflect -= 1;
//Tier 5 skill : Stun
/* if (this.opponent.tier5.id == 11) {
} */
//Heal on hit
let opponentHeal = Math.ceil(this.opponent.bonuses.healOnHit * opponentDamage);
opponentHP = Math.min(this.opponent.hp, opponentHP + opponentHeal);
//Check loss
if (playerHP <= 0) {
const point = Math.max(3, 3 + Math.ceil(10 * (this.opponent.hp - opponentHP) / this.opponent.hp));
return { points: { [point]: 1 }, win: 0, loss: 1 };
else {
//Next turn
turns += 1;
return playerTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, playerShield, opponentShield, playerStunned, opponentStunned, playerReflect, opponentReflect, turns);
/* ============
============ */
function moduleSeasonSim() {
function calculateSeasonPower(idOpponent) {
let playerAtk = window.hero_data.damage;
let playerEgo = window.hero_data.remaining_ego;
let playerDef = window.hero_data.defense;
let playerCrit = window.hero_data.chance;
let playerElements = [];
window.hero_data.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => playerElements.push(el.type));
const playerBonuses = {
critDamage: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
let opponentAtk = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.damage;
let opponentEgo = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.remaining_ego;
let opponentDef = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.defense;
let opponentCrit = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.chance;
let opponentElements = [];
window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => opponentElements.push(el.type));
const opponentBonuses = {
critDamage: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
const dominanceBonuses = calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements);
let player = {
hp: playerEgo,
atk: playerAtk,
adv_def: opponentDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(playerCrit, opponentCrit) + dominanceBonuses.player.chance + playerBonuses.critChance,
bonuses: playerBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls)
let opponent = {
hp: opponentEgo,
atk: opponentAtk,
adv_def: playerDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(opponentCrit, playerCrit) + dominanceBonuses.opponent.chance + opponentBonuses.critChance,
name: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.nickname,
bonuses: opponentBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.girls)
//Display tier 5 skill
//Player team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills;
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .tier5_skill').remove();
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
//Opponent team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.girls[0].skills;
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .tier5_skill').remove();
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
const simu = calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent);
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .matchRating').remove();
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .average-lvl').before(`<span class="matchRating ${simu.scoreClass}">${nRounding(100*simu.win, 2, -1)}%</span>`);
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {calculateSeasonPower(0);
observer.observe($('#season-arena .opponents_arena')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']})
//Add opponent profile link
Array.from($('.season_arena_opponent_container')).forEach((opponent) => {
$(opponent).find('.personal_info').attr('onclick', `shared.general.hero_page_popup({ id: ${$(opponent).attr('data-opponent')}, profile_fallback: true })`)
//Sort opponents by sim results and mojo
if (loadSetting('seasonFightsSort')) {
function compare(a, b) {
if (a.rate < b.rate) return -1;
else if (a.rate > b.rate) return 1;
else {
if (a.mojo < b.mojo) return -1;
else if (a.mojo > b.mojo) return 1;
else return 0;
let opps = [];
[0, 1, 2].forEach((i) => {opps.push({index: i, mojo: parseInt($('.slot_victory_points .amount')[i].textContent, 10), rate: parseFloat($('.matchRating')[i].textContent.replace(',', '.'), 10)})})
opps.forEach((opp) => {$('.round_blue_button.position_top_right').after($('.season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + opp.index))});
sheet.insertRule('.matchRating {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -23px;'
+ 'left: -70px;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'margin-left: 10px;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000;'
+ 'line-height: 17px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.matchRating {'
+ 'font-size: 16px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.matchRating {'
+ 'font-size: 22px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.plus {'
+ 'color: #66CD00;}'
sheet.insertRule('.minus {'
+ 'color: #FF2F2F;}'
sheet.insertRule('.close {'
+ 'color: #FFA500;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#season-arena .hero_team .team-hexagon-container .average-lvl {'
+ 'margin-left: -15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#season-arena .hero_team .team-hexagon-container .average-lvl {'
+ 'margin-left: -15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.player_team_block.opponent .player-team .average-lvl {'
+ 'margin-top: -1rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.player_team_block.opponent .player-team .average-lvl {'
+ 'font-size: 1rem !important;'
+ 'margin-top: -1rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'margin-bottom: -22px;'
+ 'bottom: 26px;'
+ 'left: 67px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill > .active_skills_icn {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: 25px;}'
/* ====================
==================== */
function moduleBattleSim() {
let playerAtk = window.hero_data.damage;
let playerEgo = window.hero_data.remaining_ego;
let playerDef = window.hero_data.defense;
let playerCrit = window.hero_data.chance;
let playerElements = [];
window.hero_data.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => playerElements.push(el.type));
const playerBonuses = {
critDamage: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
let opponentAtk = window.opponent_fighter.player.damage;
let opponentEgo = window.opponent_fighter.player.remaining_ego;
let opponentDef = window.opponent_fighter.player.defense;
let opponentCrit = window.opponent_fighter.player.chance;
let opponentElements = [];
window.opponent_fighter.player.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => opponentElements.push(el.type));
const opponentBonuses = {
critDamage: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
const dominanceBonuses = calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements);
let player = {
hp: playerEgo,
atk: playerAtk,
adv_def: opponentDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(playerCrit, opponentCrit) + dominanceBonuses.player.chance + playerBonuses.critChance,
bonuses: playerBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls)
let opponent = {
hp: opponentEgo,
atk: opponentAtk,
adv_def: playerDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(opponentCrit, playerCrit) + dominanceBonuses.opponent.chance + opponentBonuses.critChance,
name: window.opponent_fighter.player.nickname,
bonuses: opponentBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls)
//Display tier 5 skill
//Player team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
//Opponent team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
const simu = calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent);
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .average-lvl')
.wrap('<div class="gridWrapper"></div>')
.after(`<span class="matchRating ${simu.scoreClass}">${nRounding(100*simu.win, 2, -1)}%</span>`);
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+ 'color: #66CD00;}'
sheet.insertRule('.minus {'
+ 'color: #FF2F2F;}'
sheet.insertRule('.close {'
+ 'color: #FFA500;}'
sheet.insertRule('.gridWrapper {'
+ 'display: grid;'
+ 'grid-template-columns: 2fr 1fr;'
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sheet.insertRule('.matchRating {'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'font-size: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#pre-battle .fighter-team .team-hexagon-container .average-lvl {'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'margin-top: 0px;'
+ 'line-height: 26px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'margin-bottom: -22px;'
+ 'bottom: 26px;'
+ 'left: 75px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill > .active_skills_icn {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: 25px;}'
/* ========================================
TEAMS FILTER (Credit : randomfapper34)
======================================== */
function moduleTeamsFilter() {
let arenaGirls = undefined;
let girlsData = undefined;
$(document).ready(function() {
if (['edit-team', 'add-boss-bang-team', 'waifu'].some(testPage)) {
arenaGirls = $('.harem-panel-girls .harem-girl-container');
girlsData = ['waifu'].some(testPage) ? window.girls_data_list : window.availableGirls;
if (['edit-team', 'add-boss-bang-team'].some(testPage)) {
$("h3.panel-title").after('<button id="arena_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
else {
$(".change-girl-panel #filter_girls").after('<button id="arena_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
$(`#reset_button`).click(() => resetFilter());
function createFilterEvents() {
$("#arena_filter").on('click', function() {
if (typeof arenaGirls == 'undefined' || typeof girlsData == 'undefined') return;
let currentBoxDisplay = $("#arena_filter_box").css('display');
$("#arena_filter_box").css('display', currentBoxDisplay == "none" ? 'block' : 'none');
$("#filter_name").get(0).oninput = filterGirls;
$("#filter_class").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_element").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_rarity").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_aff_category").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_aff_lvl").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_blessed_attributes").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_skills").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_pose").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_zodiac").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_hair").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_eye").on('change', filterGirls);
function filterGirls() {
let filterName = $("#filter_name").get(0).value;
let nameRegex = new RegExp(filterName, "i");
let filterClass = $("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex;
let filterElement = $("#filter_element").get(0).value;
let filterRarity = $("#filter_rarity").get(0).value;
let filterAffCategory = $("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value;
let filterAffLvl = $("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value;
let filterBlessedAttributes = $("#filter_blessed_attributes").get(0).value;
let filterSkills = $("#filter_skills").get(0).value;
let filterPose = $("#filter_pose").get(0).value;
let filterZodiac = $("#filter_zodiac").get(0).value;
let filterHair= $("#filter_hair").get(0).value;
let filterEye = $("#filter_eye").get(0).value;
let girlsFiltered = $.map(girlsData, function(girl, index) {
let matchesName = (girl.name.search(nameRegex) > -1);
let matchesClass = (girl.class == filterClass) || (filterClass == 0);
let matchesElement = (girl.element == filterElement) || (filterElement == 'all');
let matchesRarity = (girl.rarity == filterRarity) || (filterRarity == 'all');
let matchesAffCategory = (girl.nb_grades == filterAffCategory) || (filterAffCategory == 'all');
let matchesAffLvl = (girl.graded == filterAffLvl) || (filterAffLvl == 'all');
let matchesBlessedAttributes;
switch (filterBlessedAttributes) {
case 'blessed_attributes':
matchesBlessedAttributes = (girl.blessed_attributes != undefined);
case 'non_blessed_attributes':
matchesBlessedAttributes = (girl.blessed_attributes == undefined);
case 'all':
matchesBlessedAttributes = (filterBlessedAttributes == 'all');
let skills = girl.skill_tiers_info;
let indexSkill = 0;
for (let id=1; id<6; id++) {
if (skills[id])
if(skills[id].skill_points_used > 0) indexSkill = id;
let matchesSkills = (indexSkill >= filterSkills) || (filterSkills == 'all')
let matchesPose = (girl.figure == filterPose) || (filterPose == 'all');
let matchesZodiac = (girl.zodiac == filterZodiac) || (filterZodiac == 'all');
let matchesHair = (girl.hair_color1 == filterHair) || (girl.hair_color2 == filterHair) || (filterHair == 'all');
let matchesEye = (girl.eye_color1 == filterEye) || (girl.eye_color2 == filterEye) || (filterEye == 'all');
return (matchesName && matchesClass && matchesElement && matchesRarity && matchesAffCategory && matchesAffLvl && matchesBlessedAttributes && matchesSkills && matchesPose && matchesZodiac && matchesHair && matchesEye) ? index : null;
$.each(arenaGirls, function(index, girlElem) {
$(girlElem).css('display', $.inArray(index, girlsFiltered) > -1 ? 'block' : 'none');
//update scroll display
$(".harem-panel-girls").css('overflow', '');
$(".harem-panel-girls").css('overflow', 'hidden');
function createFilterBox() {
let totalHTML = '<div id="arena_filter_box" class="form-wrapper">';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-wrapper">'
+ '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="input-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_name">' + window.GT.design.Name + '</label>'
+ '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="filter_name" placeholder="' + labels.girl_name + '" icon="search">'
+ '</div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_class">' + window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_class + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_class" id="filter_class" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="hardcore">' + window.GT.caracs[1] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="charm">' + window.GT.caracs[2] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="knowhow">' + window.GT.caracs[3] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_element">' + labels.element + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_element" id="filter_element" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="darkness" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.darkness_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="light" style="color: #fff;">' + window.GT.design.light_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="psychic" style="color: #7e0c8e;">' + window.GT.design.psychic_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="fire" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + window.GT.design.fire_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="nature" style="color: #00e772;">' + window.GT.design.nature_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="stone" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + window.GT.design.stone_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="sun" style="color: #fff049;">' + window.GT.design.sun_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="water" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.water_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_rarity">' + window.GT.design.selectors_Rarity + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_rarity" id="filter_rarity" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="starting">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_starting + '</option>'
+ '<option value="common">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_common + '</option>'
+ '<option value="rare">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_rare + '</option>'
+ '<option value="epic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_epic + '</option>'
+ '<option value="legendary">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_legendary + '</option>'
+ '<option value="mythic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_mythic + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_category">' + window.GT.design.affection_category + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_category" id="filter_aff_category" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_lvl">' + labels.aff_lvl + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_lvl" id="filter_aff_lvl" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0">' + labels.zero_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + labels.two_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + labels.four_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:1; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_blessed_attributes">' + labels.blessed_attributes + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_blessed_attributes" id="filter_blessed_attributes" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="blessed_attributes">' + labels.blessed_attributes + '</option>'
+ '<option value="non_blessed_attributes">' + labels.non_blessed_attributes + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:2; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="skills">' + window.GT.design.girl_skills + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_skills" id="filter_skills" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 1</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 2</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 3</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 4</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 5</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:3; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_pose">' + window.GT.design.filter_pose + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_pose" id="filter_pose" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + window.GT.figures[1] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + window.GT.figures[2] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + window.GT.figures[3] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + window.GT.figures[4] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + window.GT.figures[5] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + window.GT.figures[6] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="7">' + window.GT.figures[7] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="8">' + window.GT.figures[8] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="9">' + window.GT.figures[9] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="10">' + window.GT.figures[10] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="11">' + window.GT.figures[11] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="12">' + window.GT.figures[12] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:4; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_zodiac">' + window.GT.design.haremdex_zodiac_sign + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_zodiac" id="filter_zodiac" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[1] + '">' + labels.zodiac[1] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[2] + '">' + labels.zodiac[2] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[3] + '">' + labels.zodiac[3] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[4] + '">' + labels.zodiac[4] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[5] + '">' + labels.zodiac[5] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[6] + '">' + labels.zodiac[6] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[7] + '">' + labels.zodiac[7] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[8] + '">' + labels.zodiac[8] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[9] + '">' + labels.zodiac[9] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[10] + '">' + labels.zodiac[10] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[11] + '">' + labels.zodiac[11] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[12] + '">' + labels.zodiac[12] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:5; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_hair">' + window.GT.design.haremdex_hair_color + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_hair" id="filter_hair" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F99" style="color: #ff5a81;">' + labels.color['F99'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F00" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + labels.color['F00'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="B62" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + labels.color['B62'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FFF" style="color: #fff;">' + labels.color['FFF'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="321" style="color: #67422a; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;">' + labels.color['321'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="00F" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + labels.color['00F'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FF0" style="color: #fff049;">' + labels.color['FF0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0F0" style="color: #00e772;">' + labels.color['0F0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="XXX" style="color: #fff;">' + labels.color['XXX'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="A55" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + labels.color['A55'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="000" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + labels.color['000'] + '</option>'
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+ '<option value="EB8" style="color: #ffa792;">' + labels.color['EB8'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="B06" style="color: #ca0080;">' + labels.color['B06'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="888" style="color: #999;">' + labels.color['888'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FD0" style="color: #ffb923;">' + labels.color['FD0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="D83" style="color: #ca8521;">' + labels.color['D83'] + '</option>'
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totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:6; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_eye">' + window.GT.design.haremdex_eye_color + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_eye" id="filter_eye" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F99" style="color: #ff5a81;">' + labels.color['F99'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="00F" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + labels.color['00F'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="A55" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + labels.color['A55'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0F0" style="color: #00e772;">' + labels.color['0F0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F0F" style="color: #e42eff;">' + labels.color['F0F'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FD0" style="color: #ffb923;">' + labels.color['FD0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F00" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + labels.color['F00'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="B06" style="color: #ca0080;">' + labels.color['B06'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F90" style="color: #ff9600;">' + labels.color['F90'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="888" style="color: #999;">' + labels.color['888'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="CCC" style="color: #ccc;">' + labels.color['CCC'] + '</option>'
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+ '<option value="XXX" style="color: #fff;">' + labels.color['XXX'] + '</option>'
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+ '<option value="FFF" style="color: #fff;">' + labels.color['FFF'] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>'
+ '</div>'
totalHTML += '<button id="reset_button" class="square_blue_btn">Reset</button>';
totalHTML += '</div>';
return totalHTML;
function resetFilter() {
$("#filter_name").get(0).value = "";
$("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex = 0;
$("#filter_element").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_rarity").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_blessed_attributes").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_skills").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_pose").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_zodiac").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_hair").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_eye").get(0).value = "all";
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+ 'margin-right: 70px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#change-team-page .change-team-panel.team-panel {'
+ 'margin-top: 20px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#change-team-page .change-team-panel.harem-panel {'
+ 'margin-top: 17px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.change-team-panel .panel-title {'
+ 'margin-right: 70px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#waifu-page #arena_filter {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
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+ 'width: 84px;'
+ 'top: 11px;'
+ 'right: 15px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#waifu-page #arena_filter_box {'
+ 'right: 346px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
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+ 'top: 72px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#edit-team-page #arena_filter_box #reset_button {'
+ 'width: 50%;'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255);'
+ 'font-size: 1rem;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: 25%;}'
//Filter on girls selection screen for labyrinth
function moduleLabyrinthFilter() {
let arenaGirls = undefined;
let girlsData = undefined;
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".team-pool-selection-container").append('<button id="labyrinth_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
$(`#reset_button`).click(() => resetFilter());
function getFilterGirlData() {
arenaGirls = $('.girl-grid .girl-container');
girlsData = $.map(arenaGirls, function(girl, index) {
return JSON.parse($(girl).find('.girl-image').attr("data-new-girl-tooltip"));
function createFilterEvents() {
$("#labyrinth_filter").on('click', function() {
if (typeof arenaGirls == 'undefined' || typeof girlsData == 'undefined') return;
let currentBoxDisplay = $("#labyrinth_filter_box").css('display');
$("#labyrinth_filter_box").css('display', currentBoxDisplay == "none" ? 'block' : 'none');
$("#filter_class").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_rarity").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_name").get(0).oninput = filterGirls;
$("#filter_aff_category").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_aff_lvl").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_element").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_skill5").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_role").on('change', filterGirls);
function filterGirls() {
let filterClass = $("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex;
let filterRarity = $("#filter_rarity").get(0).value;
let filterName = $("#filter_name").get(0).value;
let nameRegex = new RegExp(filterName, "i");
let filterAffCategory = $("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value;
let filterAffLvl = $("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value;
let filterElement = $("#filter_element").get(0).value;
let filterSkill5 = $("#filter_skill5").get(0).value;
let filterRole = $("#filter_role").get(0).value;
let girlsFiltered = $.map(girlsData, function(girl, index) {
let matchesClass = (girl.class == filterClass) || (filterClass == 0);
let matchesRarity = (girl.rarity == filterRarity) || (filterRarity == 'all');
let matchesName = (girl.name.search(nameRegex) > -1);
let matchesRole = (girl.role_data.id == filterRole) || (filterRole == 'all') || (girl.role_data.length == 0 && filterRole == 0);
let affectionStr = girl.graded2;
let affectionCategoryStr = affectionStr.split('</g>');
let affectionCategory = affectionCategoryStr.length-1;
let affectionLvlStr = affectionStr.split('<g >');
let affectionLvl = affectionLvlStr.length-1;
let matchesAffCategory = (affectionCategory == filterAffCategory) || (filterAffCategory == 'all');
let matchesAffLvl = (affectionLvl == filterAffLvl) || (filterAffLvl == 'all');
let matchesElement = (girl.element_data.type == filterElement) || (filterElement == 'all');
let skill5Active = 0;
if (girl.skill_tiers_info[5] != undefined) skill5Active = (girl.skill_tiers_info[5].skill_points_used == 0) ? 0 : 1;
let matchesSkill5 = (skill5Active == filterSkill5) || (filterSkill5 == 'all');
return (matchesClass && matchesRarity && matchesName && matchesAffCategory && matchesAffLvl && matchesElement && matchesSkill5 && matchesRole) ? index : null;
$.each(arenaGirls, function(index, girlElem) {
$(girlElem).css('display', $.inArray(index, girlsFiltered) > -1 ? 'block' : 'none');
function createFilterBox() {
let totalHTML = '<div id="labyrinth_filter_box">';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-wrapper">'
+ '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="input-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_name">' + window.GT.design.Name + '</label>'
+ '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="filter_name" placeholder="' + labels.girl_name + '" icon="search">'
+ '</div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_class">' + window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_class + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_class" id="filter_class" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="hardcore">' + window.GT.design.class_hardcore + '</option>'
+ '<option value="charm">' + window.GT.design.class_charm + '</option>'
+ '<option value="knowhow">' + window.GT.design.class_knowhow + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_element">' + labels.element + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_element" id="filter_element" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="darkness" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.darkness_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="light" style="color: #fff;">' + window.GT.design.light_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="psychic" style="color: #7e0c8e;">' + window.GT.design.psychic_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="fire" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + window.GT.design.fire_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="nature" style="color: #00e772;">' + window.GT.design.nature_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="stone" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + window.GT.design.stone_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="sun" style="color: #fff049;">' + window.GT.design.sun_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="water" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.water_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_role">' + window.GT.design.girl_role + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_role" id="filter_role" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0">' + labels.none_m + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + window.GT.design.girl_role_4_name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="10">' + window.GT.design.girl_role_10_name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="9">' + window.GT.design.girl_role_9_name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + window.GT.design.girl_role_3_name + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:1; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_rarity">' + window.GT.design.selectors_Rarity + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_rarity" id="filter_rarity" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="starting">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_starting + '</option>'
+ '<option value="common">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_common + '</option>'
+ '<option value="rare">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_rare + '</option>'
+ '<option value="epic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_epic + '</option>'
+ '<option value="legendary">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_legendary + '</option>'
+ '<option value="mythic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_mythic + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:2; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_skill5">' + window.GT.design.girl_skills + ' ' + window.GT.design.tier + ' 5</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_skill5" id="filter_skill5" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value=1>' + window.GT.design.Yes + '</option>'
+ '<option value=0>' + window.GT.design.No + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:3; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_category">' + window.GT.design.affection_category + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_category" id="filter_aff_category" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:4; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_lvl">' + labels.aff_lvl + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_lvl" id="filter_aff_lvl" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0">' + labels.zero_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + labels.two_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + labels.four_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>'
+ '</div>'
totalHTML += '<button id="reset_button" class="square_blue_btn">Reset</button>';
totalHTML += '</div>';
return totalHTML;
function resetFilter() {
$("#filter_name").get(0).value = "";
$("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex = 0;
$("#filter_element").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_role").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_rarity").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_skill5").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value = "all";
sheet.insertRule('#labyrinth_filter_box {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: 417px;'
+ 'top: 10px;'
+ 'left: 110px;'
+ 'z-index: 99;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: #1e261e;'
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.73) 0px 0px;'
+ 'padding: 5px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid #ffa23e;'
+ 'display: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#labyrinth_filter_box .form-wrapper {'
+ 'display: grid;'
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sheet.insertRule('.form-control {'
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sheet.insertRule('.form-wrapper > .form-control > .select-group > select > option {'
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sheet.insertRule('.team-pool-selection-container #labyrinth_filter {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'width: 84px;'
+ 'left: 10px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.team-pool-selection-container #labyrinth_filter {'
+ 'top: 12px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.team-pool-selection-container #labyrinth_filter {'
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+ 'top: 6px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.form-wrapper > .form-control label.head-group {'
+ 'text-align: left;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-pool-select-panel #reset_button {'
+ 'width: 50%;'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255);'
+ 'font-size: 1rem;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: 25%;}'
//Filter on team selection screen in the labyrinth
function moduleLabyrinthTeamFilter() {
let arenaGirls = undefined;
let girlsData = undefined;
let girlsDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')) ? new Map() : new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')));
$(document).ready(function() {
$("h3.panel-title").append('<button id="labyrinth_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
$(`#reset_button`).click(() => resetFilter());
function getFilterGirlData() {
arenaGirls = $('.harem-panel-girls .harem-girl-container');
girlsData = $.map(arenaGirls, function(girl, index) {
let girlData = JSON.parse($(girl).find('.girl_img').attr("data-new-girl-tooltip"));
girlData['id'] = parseInt($(girl).attr('id_girl'), 10);
return girlData;
function createFilterEvents() {
$("#labyrinth_filter").on('click', function() {
if (typeof arenaGirls == 'undefined' || typeof girlsData == 'undefined') return;
let currentBoxDisplay = $("#labyrinth_filter_box").css('display');
$("#labyrinth_filter_box").css('display', currentBoxDisplay == "none" ? 'block' : 'none');
$("#filter_class").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_rarity").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_name").get(0).oninput = filterGirls;
$("#filter_aff_category").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_aff_lvl").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_element").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_skill5").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_role").on('change', filterGirls);
function filterGirls() {
let filterClass = $("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex;
let filterRarity = $("#filter_rarity").get(0).value;
let filterName = $("#filter_name").get(0).value;
let nameRegex = new RegExp(filterName, "i");
let filterAffCategory = $("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value;
let filterAffLvl = $("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value;
let filterElement = $("#filter_element").get(0).value;
let filterSkill5 = $("#filter_skill5").get(0).value;
let filterRole = $("#filter_role").get(0).value;
let girlsFiltered = $.map(girlsData, function(girl, index) {
let matchesClass = (girl.class == filterClass) || (filterClass == 0);
let matchesRarity = (girl.rarity == filterRarity) || (filterRarity == 'all');
let matchesName = (girl.name.search(nameRegex) > -1);
let matchesRole = (girl.role_data.id == filterRole) || (filterRole == 'all') || (girl.role_data.length == 0 && filterRole == 0);
let affectionStr = girl.graded2;
let affectionCategoryStr = affectionStr.split('</g>');
let affectionCategory = affectionCategoryStr.length-1;
let affectionLvlStr = affectionStr.split('<g >');
let affectionLvl = affectionLvlStr.length-1;
let matchesAffCategory = (affectionCategory == filterAffCategory) || (filterAffCategory == 'all');
let matchesAffLvl = (affectionLvl == filterAffLvl) || (filterAffLvl == 'all');
let matchesElement = (girl.element == filterElement) || (filterElement == 'all');
let skill5Active = 0;
try{skill5Active = (girlsDictionary.get(girl.id).sk[5] == 0) ? 0 : 1;} catch(err){}
let matchesSkill5 = (skill5Active == filterSkill5) || (filterSkill5 == 'all');
return (matchesClass && matchesRarity && matchesName && matchesAffCategory && matchesAffLvl && matchesElement && matchesSkill5 && matchesRole) ? index : null;
$.each(arenaGirls, function(index, girlElem) {
$(girlElem).css('display', $.inArray(index, girlsFiltered) > -1 ? 'block' : 'none');
//update scroll display
$('.harem-panel-girls').css('overflow', '');
$('.harem-panel-girls').css('overflow', 'hidden');
function createFilterBox() {
let totalHTML = '<div id="labyrinth_filter_box">';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-wrapper">'
+ '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="input-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_name">' + window.GT.design.Name + '</label>'
+ '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="filter_name" placeholder="' + labels.girl_name + '" icon="search">'
+ '</div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_class">' + window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_class + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_class" id="filter_class" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="hardcore">' + window.GT.design.class_hardcore + '</option>'
+ '<option value="charm">' + window.GT.design.class_charm + '</option>'
+ '<option value="knowhow">' + window.GT.design.class_knowhow + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_element">' + labels.element + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_element" id="filter_element" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="darkness" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.darkness_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="light" style="color: #fff;">' + window.GT.design.light_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="psychic" style="color: #7e0c8e;">' + window.GT.design.psychic_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="fire" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + window.GT.design.fire_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="nature" style="color: #00e772;">' + window.GT.design.nature_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="stone" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + window.GT.design.stone_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="sun" style="color: #fff049;">' + window.GT.design.sun_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="water" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.water_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-column: 1;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_role">' + window.GT.design.girl_role + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_role" id="filter_role" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0">' + labels.none_m + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + window.GT.design.girl_role_4_name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="10">' + window.GT.design.girl_role_10_name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="9">' + window.GT.design.girl_role_9_name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + window.GT.design.girl_role_3_name + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:1; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_rarity">' + window.GT.design.selectors_Rarity + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_rarity" id="filter_rarity" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="starting">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_starting + '</option>'
+ '<option value="common">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_common + '</option>'
+ '<option value="rare">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_rare + '</option>'
+ '<option value="epic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_epic + '</option>'
+ '<option value="legendary">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_legendary + '</option>'
+ '<option value="mythic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_mythic + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:2; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_skill5">' + window.GT.design.girl_skills + ' ' + window.GT.design.tier + ' 5</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_skill5" id="filter_skill5" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value=1>' + window.GT.design.Yes + '</option>'
+ '<option value=0>' + window.GT.design.No + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:3; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_category">' + window.GT.design.affection_category + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_category" id="filter_aff_category" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control" style="grid-row:4; grid-column: 2;"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_lvl">' + labels.aff_lvl + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_lvl" id="filter_aff_lvl" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0">' + labels.zero_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + labels.two_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + labels.four_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>'
+ '</div>'
totalHTML += '<button id="reset_button" class="square_blue_btn">Reset</button>';
totalHTML += '</div>';
return totalHTML;
function resetFilter() {
$("#filter_name").get(0).value = "";
$("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex = 0;
$("#filter_element").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_role").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_rarity").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_skill5").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value = "all";
$("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value = "all";
sheet.insertRule('#labyrinth_filter_box {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: 417px;'
+ 'right: 408px;'
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+ 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: #1e261e;'
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.73) 0px 0px;'
+ 'padding: 5px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid #ffa23e;'
+ 'display: none;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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sheet.insertRule('.form-wrapper > .form-control > .select-group > select > option {'
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sheet.insertRule('.personal_info.hero {'
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sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'margin-top: 16px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.change-team-panel #filter_girls {'
+ 'margin-top: 11px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.change-team-panel #labyrinth_filter {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'color: white;'
+ 'width: 84px;'
+ 'right: 98px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.change-team-panel #labyrinth_filter {'
+ 'font-size: 18px;'
+ 'top: 98px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.change-team-panel #labyrinth_filter {'
+ 'font-size: 16px;'
+ 'top: 72px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
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+ 'margin-right: 70px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'margin-top: 20px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'margin-top: 17px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'margin-right: 70px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.team-context {'
+ 'top: 5rem !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.form-wrapper > .form-control label.head-group {'
+ 'text-align: left;}'
sheet.insertRule('.team-context {'
+ 'top: 3.3rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#edit-team-page #labyrinth_filter_box #reset_button {'
+ 'width: 50%;'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255);'
+ 'font-size: 1rem;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: 25%;}'
/* =========================================
========================================= */
function moduleChampions() {
if (sessionStorage.getItem('championsCallBack') && $('.page-shop').length) {
const championsCallBack = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('championsCallBack'));
$('#breadcrumbs .back').after('<span>></span><a class="back" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions-map.html') + '" >'
+ $('nav [rel="content"] a[href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions-map.html') + '"]').text().trim()
+ '<span class="mapArrowBack_flat_icn"></span></a><span>></span><a class="back" href="'
+ championsCallBack.location + '">'
+ championsCallBack.name + '<span class="mapArrowBack_flat_icn"></span></a>');
else if(CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions-map') != -1) {
const champions_unlocked = $('.champion-lair-girl').length - $('.champion-lair-name.locked').length ;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.nb_champions', champions_unlocked);
else if(['/champions/', '/club-champion'].some(testPage)) {
const DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA = '{"attempts": {}, "config" : {}, "positions" : {}, "statistics" : {}}';
const personalKey = heroData.infos.id + '/' + window.championData.champion.id;
let championsData = ($('.page-champions').length == 1) ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.championsData') || DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA) : JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.clubChampionsData') || DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA);
let positions = championsData.positions[personalKey];
let positions2 = window.championData.champion.poses;
let statistics = championsData.statistics[window.championData.champion.id];
let attempts = championsData.attempts[personalKey] || 0;
let config = championsData.config[heroData.infos.id] || {};
$('.champions-top__title').append('<span class="champion-lvl">(' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + window.championData.champion.level + ')</span>');
let page = (CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) ? $('.page-champions') : $('.page-club_champion');
let isSkipButtonClicked;
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) {
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__draft-box > button', () => {setTimeout(() => {markMatchedPositions()}, 1000)})
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__confirm-team', showNumberOfTicketsWhileTeamResting)
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__skip-champion-cooldown', () => {isSkipButtonClicked = true});
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__draft-box > button', () => {setTimeout(() => {markMatchedPositions()}, 1000)})
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__confirm-team', showNumberOfTicketsWhileTeamResting)
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__skip-champion-cooldown', () => {isSkipButtonClicked = true});
$(window).on('beforeunload', () => {
championsData = (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.championsData') || DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA) : JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.clubChampionsData') || DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA);
championsData.positions[personalKey] = positions;
championsData.attempts[personalKey] = attempts;
championsData.statistics[window.championData.champion.id] = statistics;
championsData.config[heroData.infos.id] = Object.keys(config).length? config : undefined;
if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.championsData', JSON.stringify(championsData));
else {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.clubChampionsData', JSON.stringify(championsData));
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, xhr, options) {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
if (response.positions) {
if (!positions) {
if (!statistics) {
statistics = Array($('.rounds-info__figures .figure').length).fill(0);
response.positions.forEach((e) => statistics[e]++);
attempts = 0;
if (response.final.attacker_ego > 0 || response.final.winner.type == 'hero') {
positions = undefined;
else {
positions = response.positions;
attempts += parseInt($('.champions-bottom__amount-slider .input-field .battles-number')[0].innerText, 10);
else {
if (isSkipButtonClicked) {
isSkipButtonClicked = false;
const restTimer = $('.champions-bottom__rest [timer], .champions-middle__champion-resting[timer]');
if (restTimer.is(':visible')) {
const delayTime = Math.ceil(restTimer.attr('timer') * 1000 - Date.now());
setTimeout(markMatchedPositions, delayTime + 400);
if(CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) championShortcuts();
function showAdditionalInformation() {
if ($('.champions-middle__champion-resting-text').is(':visible') && positions) {
positions = undefined;
if ($('#additionalInformation').is(':visible')) {
if (positions) {
else if (statistics) {
if (positions || statistics) {
function markMatchedPositions() {
$('.girl-selection__girl-box').each(function(index) {
const currentGirlsPose = $(this).find('.girl-box__pose');
const currentGirlsPower = $(this).find('.damage_number');
if (currentGirlsPose.next().length == 0) {
currentGirlsPose.parent().append('<span style="margin-left: 35px; z-index: 10;" />');
if (positions2) {
if (currentGirlsPose.attr('src').indexOf(preparePositionImage(positions2[index % positions2.length])) >= 0) {
currentGirlsPose.next().css('filter', 'none');
currentGirlsPower.css('color', '#b0ff26');
else if (positions2.some((e) => (preparePositionImage(e) == currentGirlsPose.attr('src')))) {
currentGirlsPose.next().addClass('green-tick-icon empty');
currentGirlsPose.next().css('filter', 'hue-rotate(-233deg)');
let newPower = localeStringToNumber(currentGirlsPower.attr('hh_title') || currentGirlsPower.text())*2;
if (newPower < 100000) currentGirlsPower[0].innerText = nRounding(newPower, 1, 1);
else currentGirlsPower[0].innerText = nRounding(newPower, 0, 1);
currentGirlsPower.css('color', '#009fff');
else {
else if (statistics) {
currentGirlsPose.next().css({'filter': 'invert'});
if (statistics.some((elem, idx) => (elem > 0 && preparePositionImage(idx) == currentGirlsPose.attr('src')))) {
currentGirlsPose.next().addClass('green-tick-icon empty');
currentGirlsPose.next().css('filter', 'hue-rotate(-233deg)');
else {
function showNumberOfTicketsWhileTeamResting() {
if ($('.champions-bottom__ticket-amount').is(':visible') == false) {
$('.champions-bottom__rest').css({'width': '280px'})
.before('<div class="champions-bottom__ticket-amount"><span class="ticket_icn"></span><span cur="ticket">x ' + window.championData.champion.currentTickets + '</span></div>');
function preparePositionImage(positionID) {
return window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/battle_positions/' + positionID + '.png';
function createCurrentPositionsInfo() {
let positionsBox = ('<div id="additionalInformation" style="position: absolute; top:' + (config.top || 130) + 'px; right:' + (config.right || -75)
+ 'px;"><div style="border: 2px solid #ffa23e; background-color: rgba(60,20,30,.8); border-radius: 7px; width: max-content;"> ' + labels.Current_positions + ':<div>');
positions.forEach((e) => {
positionsBox += '<img style="height: 48px; width: 48px; cursor: pointer;" src="' + preparePositionImage(e) + '" hh_title="' + window.GT.figures[e]+ '">';
positionsBox += '</div> ' + labels.Current_stage + ': ' + attempts + ' ' + (attempts == 1 ? labels.attempt : labels.attempts) + ' </div></div>';
function createStatisticsInfo() {
let statisticsBox = ('<div id="additionalInformation" style="position: absolute; top:' + (config.top || 130) + 'px; right:' + (config.right || -75)
+ 'px;"><div style="border: 2px solid #ffa23e; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.8); border-radius: 7px; width: max-content;"> ' + labels.Statistics + ':'
+ '<div>');
let total = statistics.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
let positionList = (statistics.map((elem, idx) => ({'index': idx, 'value': elem}))
.filter((e) => e.index > 0 && e.value > 0)
.sort((a, b) => (a.value == b.value)? a.index - b.index : b.value - a.value));
positionList.forEach((p) => {
statisticsBox += '<div style="display: inline-block; width: 52px; text-align: center;">'
+ '<img style="height: 48px; width: 48px; margin-bottom: -6px; cursor: pointer;" src="'
+ preparePositionImage(p.index) + '" hh_title="' + window.GT.figures[p.index] + '" ><span>'
+ Math.round(p.value / total * 1000) / 10 + '%</span></div>';
statisticsBox += '</div>' + (attempts ? (' ' + labels.Prev_stage + ': ' + attempts + ' ' + (attempts == 1 ? labels.attempt : labels.attempts) + ' ') : '') + '</div></div>';
function configureInfoBox() {
$('.girl-box__draggable').droppable('option', 'accept', (e) => e.hasClass('girl-box__draggable'));
$('#additionalInformation').on('click', '.eye', (e) => {
config.visible = config.visible == undefined? false : undefined;
cursor: 'move',
start: function () {
$(this).css({'right': ''});
drag: function (event, ui) {
ui.position.top /= window.FullSize.scale;
ui.position.left /= window.FullSize.scale;
stop: function (event, ui) {
config.right = Math.round($(this).parent().width() - ui.position.left - $(this).width());
config.top = Math.round(ui.position.top);
$(this).css({'left': '', 'right': config.right + 'px'});
$(event.originalEvent.target).one('click', (e) => e.stopImmediatePropagation());
}).prepend('<a class="eye" style="top: 3px; right: 3px; position: absolute; cursor: pointer;">'
+ '<img src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/quest/ic_eyeclosed.svg" style="width: 30px; display: block;">'
+ '<img src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/quest/ic_eyeopen.svg" style="width: 50px; display: none;">'
+ '</div></a>');
if (config.visible == false) {
$('#additionalInformation .eye').children().toggle();
$('#additionalInformation .eye').next().toggle();
//Add previous/next arrows in Places of Power to navigate easily between them
function championShortcuts() {
const champions_nb = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('HHS.nb_champions'), 10) || 6;
let champions_id = [];
for (let i=1; i<=champions_nb; i++) champions_id.push(i);
const currentChampionId = parseInt(window.championData.champion.id, 10);
$('.champions-over__champion-info').prepend('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/' + champions_id[(champions_nb + (currentChampionId-2)) % champions_nb]) + '" class="round_blue_button champion_shortcut" id="previous_champion"></a>');
$('#previous_champion').after('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/' + champions_id[currentChampionId % champions_nb]) + '" class="round_blue_button champion_shortcut" id="next_champion"></a>');
//Highlight champion girl's pose
function highlightGirlPose() {
const girl_figure = window.championData.champion.girl.figure;
window.championData.champion.poses.forEach((pose, index) => {
if(pose == girl_figure) {
$('.champion-pose')[index].setAttribute('tooltip', "");
$('.champion-pose')[index].setAttribute('hh_title', labels.champion_girl_pose);
sheet.insertRule('.champions-bottom__ticket-amount {'
+ 'width: 145px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.champions-bottom__ticket-amount.right {'
+ 'text-align: left !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.champion_shortcut {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: 5px;'
+ 'pointer-events: auto !important;'
+ 'background-size: 28px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule('#previous_champion {'
+ 'left: -35px;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879564.png) !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#next_champion {'
+ 'left: 260px;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879593.png) !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.champions-over__champion-info .round_blue_button {'
+ 'width: 30px !important;'
+ 'height: 30px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.champion-pose.matched {'
+ 'filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00) drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00) drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00);}'
sheet.insertRule('.champions-over__champion-wrapper {'
+ 'pointer-events: auto !important;}'
/* =======
======= */
function moduleLinks() {
let time_now = window.server_now_ts;
const options = {hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'};
// Current page: Homepage
if (['home'].some(testPage)) home();
// Current page: Pachinko
else if (['pachinko'].some(testPage)) pachinko();
// Current page: Activities
else if (['activities'].some(testPage)){
if (!window.location.href.includes('?tab=pop&index')) popList();
if (window.location.href.includes('?tab=pop&index')) {
// Current page: Champions
else if (['champions'].some(testPage)) champions();
else if (['/clubs.html', '/club-champion.html'].some(testPage)) clubChampion();
// Current page: Market
else if (['shop'].some(testPage)) collectBoostersFromMarket();
else if (['map', 'world', 'quest', 'adventure'].some(testPage)) questTitle();
else if (['path-of-valor'].some(testPage)) pov();
else if (['path-of-glory'].some(testPage)) pog();
else if (['/season.html'].some(testPage)) season();
function calculateTime(deadline) {
let currentTime = new Date();
let remaining = Math.floor((deadline - currentTime.getTime())/1000);
return convertToTimeFormat(remaining);
function convertToTimeFormat(remainingTime) {
let remM = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60);
let remS = remainingTime - remM*60;
if(remainingTime < 0){
remM = 0;
remS = 0;
if(remM > 59){
let remH = Math.floor(remM / 60);
let remD = Math.floor(remH / 24);
remM -= remH * 60;
remH -= remD * 24;
//if (remD > 0) return remD + labels.day + " " + remH + labels.hour + " " + remM + labels.minute + " ";
if (remD > 0) return remD + labels.day + " " + remH + labels.hour + " ";
return remH + labels.hour + " " + remM + labels.minute + " ";
else if(remM > 0){
if (remS > 9) return remM + labels.minute + " " + remS + labels.second;
else return remM + labels.minute + " 0" + remS + labels.second;
if (remS > 9 || remS < 1) return remS + labels.second;
else return "0" + remS + labels.second;
function convertToTimeFormatMinutes(remainingTime) {
let remM = Math.floor(remainingTime /60);
let remS = remainingTime - remM*60;
if(remainingTime < 0){
remM = 0;
remS = 0;
if(remM > 59){
let remH = Math.floor(remM / 60);
remM -= remH * 60;
return remH + labels.hour + " " + remM + labels.minute + " "
else if(remM > 0) return remM + labels.minute;
else if(remS < 10 & remS > 0) return "0" + remS + labels.second;
return remS + labels.second;
function parseTime(remainingTimeStr) {
let indexDay = remainingTimeStr.indexOf(labels.day);
let indexHour = remainingTimeStr.indexOf(labels.hour);
let indexMinute = remainingTimeStr.indexOf(labels.minute);
let indexSecond = remainingTimeStr.indexOf(labels.second);
let day = indexDay == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(remainingTimeStr.substring(0, indexDay).trim());
let hour = indexHour == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(remainingTimeStr.substring(indexDay+1, indexHour).trim());
let minute = indexMinute == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(remainingTimeStr.substring(indexHour+1, indexMinute).trim());
let second = indexSecond == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(remainingTimeStr.substring(indexMinute+1, indexSecond).trim());
return (day*24*3600 + hour*3600 + minute*60 + second);
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.LeagueExists") == 1 && heroData.infos.level >= 20) {
$('header .currency').before('<div class="league_counter" id="LeagueTimer">'
+ '<span class="league_icn" tooltip=""></span>'
+ '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/leagues.html') + '">'
+ '<div id="league_bar" class="tier_bar_league"></div>'
+ '<div class="white_text centered_s" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<div id="league_data" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<span id="scriptLeagueAttempts">0</span>/<span rel="max">' + heroData.energies.challenge.max_regen_amount + '</span>'
+ '<span id="scriptLeagueTimer" rel="league_count_txt" timeforsinglepoint="2100" timeonload="24"></span>'
+ '</a></div></div></div>');
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.SeasonExists") == 1) {
$('header .currency').before('<div class="scriptSeasonInfo" id="FightSeason">'
+ '<span class="season_icn" tooltip=""></span>'
+ '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/season-arena.html') + '">'
+ '<div id="kisses_bar" class="tier_bar_season"></div>'
+ '<div class="white_text centered_s" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<div id="kisses_data" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<span id="scriptSeasonAttempts">0</span>/<span rel="max">' + heroData.energies.kiss.max_regen_amount + '</span>'
+ '<span id="scriptSeasonTimer" rel="season_count_txt" timeforsinglepoint="3600" timeonload="24"></span>'
+ '</a></div></div></div>');
if (heroData.infos.level >= 15 && heroData.energies.worship != undefined) {
$('header .currency').before('<div class="scriptPantheonInfo" id="FightPantheon">'
+ '<span class="pantheon_icn" tooltip=""></span>'
+ '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/pantheon.html') + '">'
+ '<div id="worship_bar" class="tier_bar_pantheon"></div>'
+ '<div class="white_text centered_s" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<div id="worship_data" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<span id="scriptPantheonAttempts">0</span>/<span rel="max">' + heroData.energies.worship.max_regen_amount + '</span>'
+ '<span id="scriptPantheonTimer" rel="pantheon_count_txt" timeforsinglepoint="8640"></span>'
+ '</a></div></div></div>');
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.nb_Pop") > 0) {
$('header .currency').before('<div class="pop_timer" id="PoPTimer" tooltip="">'
+ '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=pop') + '">'
+ '<div id="pop_bar" class="tier_bar_pop"></div>'
+ '<div class="white_text centered_s" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<div id="pop_data" style="width: 100%;">' + ((window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'mangarpg_m') ? labels.expeditions : labels.pop)
+ '<span id="scriptPoPTimer" rel="pop_count_txt"></span>'
+ '</a></div></div></div>');
$('#fight_energy_bar .hudBattlePts_mix_icn')[0].className = "trollPts_icn";
document.querySelector('.trollPts_icn').setAttribute('tooltip', "");
$('#quest_energy_bar .hudEnergy_mix_icn')[0].className = "energy_icn";
document.querySelector('.energy_icn').setAttribute('tooltip', "");
document.querySelector('.energy_counter_bar').setAttribute('tooltip', "");
function scriptTimers(){
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.LeagueExists") == 1 && heroData.infos.level >= 20) leagueBattles();
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.SeasonExists") == 1) seasonBattles();
if (heroData.energies.worship != undefined && heroData.infos.level >= 15) pantheonBattles();
}, 1000);
function questTitle(){
$('#breadcrumbs').css('z-index', '99');
$('#breadcrumbs').css('top', '67px');
$('.ico-quest[href="/quest/1305"]').css('top', '0%');
function questLink() {
let quest_link = heroData.infos.questing.current_url;
if (!quest_link.includes('quest') && heroData.infos.questing.id_world >= (trolls.length+1)) {
quest_link = "/champions-help.html";
else {
quest_link = "/quest/" + heroData.infos.questing.id_quest;
const $energybar = $('#quest_energy_bar .energy_counter_bar .bar-wrapper .over');
$energybar.prepend('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL(quest_link) + '"></a>');
function questTooltip() {
let current_quest_energy = parseInt(heroData.energies.quest.amount, 10);
const max_quest_energy = parseInt(heroData.energies.quest.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_quest = parseInt(heroData.energies.quest.seconds_per_point, 10);
let remaining_quest_time = parseInt(heroData.energies.quest.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let full_remaining_quest_time = remaining_quest_time + Math.max(0, (max_quest_energy-current_quest_energy-1))*time_for_new_quest;
let full_quest_date = time_now + full_remaining_quest_time;
if (current_quest_energy >= max_quest_energy) {
document.querySelector('.energy_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.energy + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
document.querySelector('.energy_counter_bar').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.energy + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
else {
document.querySelector('.energy_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.energy + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + calculateTime(full_quest_date*1000) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(full_quest_date*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(full_quest_date*1000).toLocaleDateString());
document.querySelector('.energy_counter_bar').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.energy + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + calculateTime(full_quest_date*1000) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(full_quest_date*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(full_quest_date*1000).toLocaleDateString());
function trollTooltip() {
let current_troll_energy = parseInt(heroData.energies.fight.amount, 10);
const max_troll_energy = parseInt(heroData.energies.fight.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_troll = parseInt(heroData.energies.fight.seconds_per_point, 10);
let remaining_troll_time = parseInt(heroData.energies.fight.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let full_remaining_troll_time = remaining_troll_time + Math.max(0, (max_troll_energy-current_troll_energy-1))*time_for_new_troll;
let full_troll_date = time_now + full_remaining_troll_time;
if (current_troll_energy >= max_troll_energy) {
document.querySelector('.trollPts_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.combativity + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
else {
document.querySelector('.trollPts_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.combativity + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + calculateTime(full_troll_date*1000) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(full_troll_date*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(full_troll_date*1000).toLocaleDateString());
function popList() {
let current_date_sec = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let popDate = current_date_sec;
let popTime = 0;
let popRemainingTime = 0;
let popList = [];
let popId = 0;
let popIdList = [];
let popAll = document.getElementsByClassName("pop_thumb");
for (let i=0; i<popAll.length; i++) {
let className = popAll[i].className;
if (!className.includes('greyed')) {
let id = parseInt(popAll[i].attributes.pop_id.nodeValue, 10);
if ((id >= 7 && id <= 9) || (id >= 13 && id <= 15)) {
$('div.pop_thumb_container:nth-child(3)').after($('div.pop_thumb_container:nth-child(' + (i+1) + ')'));
popIdList.splice(3, 0, id);
else popIdList.push(id);
let nb_Pop = popList.length
localStorage.setItem("HHS.nb_Pop", nb_Pop);
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pop_list_id", JSON.stringify(popIdList));
function update() {
for (let i=0; i<popList.length; i++) {
if (popList[i].className.includes('pop_thumb_selected')) {
popId = (i+1);
if (popList[i].attributes[2].value == "pending_reward") {
popDate = current_date_sec;
popTime = 0;
else if (popList[i].attributes[2].value == "can_start") {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pop_" + (i+1) + "_can_start", "true");
else {
let id = parseInt(popList[i].attributes.pop_id.nodeValue, 10);
popRemainingTime = parseInt(window.pop_data[id].remaining_time, 10);
popDate = current_date_sec + popRemainingTime;
popTime = window.pop_data[id].time_to_finish;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pop_" + (i+1) + "_can_start", "false");
if (current_date_sec > localStorage.getItem("HHS.popDate" + (i+1))) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popDate" + (i+1), popDate);
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popTime" + (i+1), popTime);
function popMission() {
let current_date_sec = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let popTime = 0;
let popList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("HHS.pop_list_id"));
if ($('#pop_info .pop_central_part.dark_subpanel_box button.blue_button_L').length > 0) {
let button = document.querySelector('#pop_info .pop_central_part.dark_subpanel_box button.blue_button_L');
button.addEventListener('click', function(){
popRemainingTime = parseTime($('.pop_remaining > span:nth-child(1)')[0].innerText);
popDate = current_date_sec + popRemainingTime;
popTime = popRemainingTime;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pop_" + (popList.indexOf(window.pop_index) + 1) + "_can_start", "false");
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popDate" + (popList.indexOf(window.pop_index) + 1), popDate);
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popTime" + (popList.indexOf(window.pop_index) + 1), popTime);
if ($('#pop #pop_info .pop_right_part .grid_view').length > 0) displayClassGirl();
function displayClassGirl() {
if ($('#pop #pop_info .pop_right_part .grid_view .no_girls_message').length > 0) return;
let girls = $('#pop #pop_info .pop_right_part .grid_view')[0].children;
for (let i=0; i<girls.length; i++) {
let girl_class = 0;
try {
if (girls[i].children[0].children[0].attributes["data-new-girl-tooltip"] != undefined) {
let girl_pose = parseInt(JSON.parse(girls[i].children[0].children[0].attributes["data-new-girl-tooltip"].nodeValue).position_img.replace(/[^\d]/g, ""), 10);
if (girl_pose < 5) girl_class = 1;
else if (girl_pose > 4 && girl_pose < 9) girl_class = 2;
else girl_class = 3;
$($('#pop #pop_info .pop_right_part .grid_view .not_selected')[i]).find('.girl_action').append($('<img class="classGirl" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png">'));
} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with girls class display): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
sheet.insertRule('.classGirl {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'height: 17px !important;'
+ 'width: 17px !important;'
+ 'top: -98px;'
+ 'left: 25px;'
+ 'border: none;}'
let button2 = document.querySelector('#rewards_popup .popup_buttons button.blue_button_L');
if (button2 != null) {
button2.addEventListener('click', function(){
function popTimer() {
let current_date_sec = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
const nb_Pop = localStorage.getItem("HHS.nb_Pop") || 0;
let popDate = [];
let popTime = [];
let time_remaining = 0;
let pop_percent = 100;
let pop_can_start = false;
if (nb_Pop > 0) {
for (let i=0; i<nb_Pop; i++) {
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.pop_" + (i+1) + "_can_start") == "true") {
pop_can_start = true;
else {
let popDate_i = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.popDate" + (i+1)), 10) || 0;
let popTime_i = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.popTime" + (i+1)), 10) || 0;
if (popDate_i == 0) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popDate" + (i+1), popDate_i);
let popDateMin = Math.min(...popDate);
if (popDateMin == Infinity) {
popDateMin = current_date_sec;
time_remaining = popDateMin - current_date_sec || 0;
let index = popDate.indexOf(popDateMin);
pop_percent = Math.min(100, ((popTime[index]-(popDate[index]-current_date_sec))/popTime[index])*100);
$('#scriptPoPTimer').html(" " + labels.in + " <span rel=\"pop_count\">" + convertToTimeFormat(time_remaining) + "</span>");
$('#pop_bar').css('width', pop_percent + '%');
if (time_remaining > 0) {
$('.tier_bar_pop').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(90deg,#780049,#c80053)');
document.querySelector('#PoPTimer').setAttribute('hh_title', labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(popDateMin*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(popDateMin*1000).toLocaleDateString());
if (pop_can_start == true) {
$('#scriptPoPTimer').css('color', 'orange');
else {
$('#scriptPoPTimer').css('color', '#8ec3ff');
else {
$('.tier_bar_pop').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(to top,#008ed5 0,#05719c 100%)');
//Add previous/next arrows in Places of Power to navigate easily between them
function popShortcuts() {
let currentPop = window.pop_index;
let popList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("HHS.pop_list_id"));
let currentIndex = popList.indexOf(currentPop);
let previousPop = (currentIndex == 0) ? popList[popList.length - 1] : popList[currentIndex-1];
let nextPop = (currentIndex == popList.length - 1) ? popList[0] : popList[currentIndex+1];
$('.pop_right_part').prepend('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=pop&index=' + previousPop) + '" class="back_button" id="previous_pop"></a>');
$('.pop_right_part a:nth-child(1)').after('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=pop&index=' + nextPop) + '" class="back_button" id="next_pop"></a>');
sheet.insertRule('#previous_pop {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879564.png) !important;'
+ 'background-size: 38px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#previous_pop {'
+ 'top: 518px !important;'
+ 'right: 301px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#previous_pop {'
+ 'top: 495px !important;'
+ 'right: 317px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#next_pop {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879593.png) !important;'
+ 'background-size: 38px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#next_pop {'
+ 'top: 518px !important;'
+ 'right: 14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#next_pop {'
+ 'top: 495px !important;'
+ 'right: 15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('button[rel=pop_finish] {'
+ 'margin-right: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ 'button[rel=pop_finish] {'
+ 'margin-top: -22px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ 'button[rel=pop_auto_assign] {'
+ 'height: auto !important;'
+ 'min-height: 56px;'
+ 'max-width: 210px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ 'button[rel=pop_auto_assign] {'
+ 'height: auto !important;'
+ 'min-height: 40px;'
+ 'max-width: 210px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_right_part .grid_view {'
+ 'height: 320px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#pop .pop_right_part .grid_view {'
+ 'height: 330px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#pop .pop_rewards_container.pop_rewards_page {'
+ 'margin-top: 15px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part .pop_remaining {'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part .pop_remaining {'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop_info .pop_left_part .shards_bar_wrapper.shards_bar_page {'
+ 'margin-top: 380px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#pop .pop_rewards_container .pop_rewards .reward_wrap > div {'
+ 'margin-right: 35px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part > button[rel="pop_action"] {'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part > button[rel="pop_claim"] {'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part .pop_remaining_state {'
+ 'top: -15px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part > .hh_bar {'
+ 'margin-top: 17px !important;}}'
function leagueBattles() {
let time = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let attempts = parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.amount, 10);
const max_attempts = parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_battle = parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.seconds_per_point, 10);
let league_next_battle_in = parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let league_time_full = time_now + league_next_battle_in + Math.max(0, (max_attempts-attempts-1))*time_for_new_battle;
let remaining_full_time = league_time_full-time;
let remaining_next_battle = remaining_full_time%time_for_new_battle;
if ((attempts < max_attempts) && (CurrentPage.indexOf('leagues') == -1)) {
attempts = max_attempts - Math.max(0, Math.ceil(remaining_full_time/time_for_new_battle));
let league_percent = (Math.min(attempts, max_attempts)/max_attempts)*100;
$('#league_bar').css('width', league_percent + '%');
if(attempts < max_attempts) {
$('#scriptLeagueTimer').html(" +1 " + labels.in + " <span rel=\"count\">" + convertToTimeFormat(remaining_next_battle) + "</span>");
document.querySelector('.league_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.league + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + convertToTimeFormat(remaining_full_time) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(league_time_full*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(league_time_full*1000).toLocaleDateString());
$('.tier_bar_league').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(90deg,#780049,#c80053)');
else {
document.querySelector('.league_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.league + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
$('.tier_bar_league').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(to top,#008ed5 0,#05719c 100%)');
function seasonBattles() {
let time = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let timestamp_last_kiss = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.update_ts, 10);
let current_kisses = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.amount, 10);
const max_kisses_number = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_kiss = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.seconds_per_point, 10);
let new_kiss_in = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let full_time_remaining = new_kiss_in + Math.max(0, (max_kisses_number-current_kisses-1))*time_for_new_kiss;
let season_date_full = time_now + full_time_remaining;
let season_time_remaining = season_date_full - time;
let current_date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let all_kisses = current_kisses;
let time_passed_sec = current_date - timestamp_last_kiss;
if (current_kisses < max_kisses_number) {
all_kisses = max_kisses_number - Math.max(0, Math.ceil((season_date_full - current_date)/time_for_new_kiss));
let kisses_percent = (Math.min(all_kisses, max_kisses_number)/max_kisses_number)*100;
$('#kisses_bar').css('width', kisses_percent + '%');
if (all_kisses < max_kisses_number) {
$('#scriptSeasonTimer').html(" +1 " + labels.in + " <span rel=\"season_count\">" + convertToTimeFormat(Math.floor(time_for_new_kiss - (time_passed_sec%time_for_new_kiss))) + "</span>");
document.querySelector('.season_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.season + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + convertToTimeFormat(season_time_remaining) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date((time_now + full_time_remaining)*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date((time_now + full_time_remaining)*1000).toLocaleDateString());
$('.tier_bar_season').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(90deg,#780049,#c80053)');
else {
document.querySelector('.season_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.season + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
$('.tier_bar_season').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(to top,#008ed5 0,#05719c 100%)');
function pantheonBattles() {
let time = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let timestamp_last_worship = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.update_ts, 10);
let current_worships = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.amount, 10);
const max_worships_number = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_worship = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.seconds_per_point, 10);
let new_worship_in = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let full_time_remaining = new_worship_in + Math.max(0, (max_worships_number-current_worships-1))*time_for_new_worship;
let pantheon_date_full = time_now + full_time_remaining;
let pantheon_time_remaining = pantheon_date_full - time;
let current_date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let all_worships = current_worships;
let time_passed_sec = current_date - timestamp_last_worship;
if (current_worships < max_worships_number) {
all_worships = max_worships_number - Math.max(0, Math.ceil((pantheon_date_full - current_date)/time_for_new_worship));
let worships_percent = (Math.min(all_worships, max_worships_number)/max_worships_number)*100;
$('#worship_bar').css('width', worships_percent + '%');
if (all_worships < max_worships_number) {
$('#scriptPantheonTimer').html(" +1 " + labels.in + " <span rel=\"pantheon_count\">" + convertToTimeFormat(Math.floor(time_for_new_worship - (time_passed_sec%time_for_new_worship))) + "</span>");
document.querySelector('.pantheon_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.pantheon + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + convertToTimeFormat(pantheon_time_remaining) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date((time_now + full_time_remaining)*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date((time_now + full_time_remaining)*1000).toLocaleDateString());
$('.tier_bar_pantheon').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(90deg,#780049,#c80053)');
else {
document.querySelector('.pantheon_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.pantheon + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
$('.tier_bar_pantheon').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(to top,#008ed5 0,#05719c 100%)');
function home() {
//Check if the player have access to the league or if the league exists
if ($('a[rel="leaderboard"]').length == 0) localStorage.setItem("HHS.LeagueExists", 0);
else localStorage.setItem("HHS.LeagueExists", 1);
if ($('#homepage .main-container .middle-container .waifu-and-right-side-container .right-side-container .event-container .season-button .h_container').length == 0) localStorage.setItem("HHS.SeasonExists", 0);
else localStorage.setItem("HHS.SeasonExists", 1);
//Missions timer
let next_missions_remaining_date = 0;
if (window.missions_datas.reward == false && window.missions_datas.remaining_time == null) {
next_missions_remaining_date = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.nextMissionsDate"), 10);
if (time_now*1000 < next_missions_remaining_date) {
$('#home_missions_bar1 .mission-timer-container .timer span[rel="expires"]').remove();
$('#home_missions_bar1 .mission-timer-container .timer').append('<div style="width: 77px; font-size: 13px !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none;"><span id="missionsTimer1" style="text-align: left;">' + calculateTime(next_missions_remaining_date) + '</span></div>');
$('#home_missions_bar2 .mission-timer-container .timer span[rel="expires"]').remove();
$('#home_missions_bar2 .mission-timer-container .timer').append('<div style="width: 77px; font-size: 13px !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none;"><span id="missionsTimer2" style="text-align: left;">' + calculateTime(next_missions_remaining_date) + '</span></div>');
else if (window.missions_datas.reward == true && window.missions_datas.remaining_time == null) {
$('#home_missions_bar1 .mission-timer-container .timer span[rel="expires"]').remove();
$('#home_missions_bar1 .mission-timer-container .timer').append('<div style="width: 77px; font-size: 13px !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none;"><span id="missionsTimer1" style="text-align: left;">' + calculateTime(time_now) + '</span></div>');
$('#home_missions_bar2 .mission-timer-container .timer span[rel="expires"]').remove();
$('#home_missions_bar2 .mission-timer-container .timer').append('<div style="width: 77px; font-size: 13px !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none;"><span id="missionsTimer2" style="text-align: left;">' + calculateTime(time_now) + '</span></div>');
//Market timer
if($('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container a[rel="shop"] .notif-position .additional-menu-data .timer-box .timerClock_icn').length == 0) {
let market = $('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container a[rel="shop"] .notif-position .additional-menu-data .timer-box');
market.append('<div class="timer"><span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<span rel="expires">0s</span></div>');
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container a[rel="shop"] .notif-position .additional-menu-data .timer').css('display', 'flex');
if ($('.script-booster-status .slot:not(.mythic):not(.empty)').length > 0) $('#homepage a[rel=shop]').find('.expired_notification_icn').remove();
//Pachinko timer
let pachinkoTime = localStorage.getItem("HHS.pachinkoTime");
let pachinko = $('a[href$="pachinko.html"]>.notif-position>span');
pachinko.append('<div id="home_pachinko_bar">'
+'<div class="pachinko-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptPachinkoTimer">' + calculateTime(pachinkoTime) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
//Champions timer
let championsTime = (parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.championsTime"), 10) > time_now*1000) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.championsTime"), 10) : (parseInt($('.champion-timer').attr('timer'), 10)*1000 || parseInt($('#champion-timer').attr('timer'), 10)*1000 || 0);
if (championsTime > time_now*1000) {
let champions = $('a[rel="god-path"]>.notif-position>span');
champions.append('<div id="home_champions_bar">'
+'<div class="champions-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptChampionsTimer">' + calculateTime(championsTime) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
if (lang != "en") {
champions.css('height', '81px');
//Club Champion timer
let clubChampionTime = (parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.clubChampionTime"), 10) > time_now*1000) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.clubChampionTime"), 10) : 0;
if (clubChampionTime > time_now*1000) {
$('a[rel=clubs] span[rel=expires]').remove();
$('a[rel=clubs] .timerClock_icn').after('<span id="scriptClubChampionTimer">' + calculateTime(clubChampionTime) + '</span>');
//PoV timer
let povTime = (localStorage.getItem("HHS.PovTime") == "NaN") ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("HHS.PovTime");
if (heroData.infos.level >= 30) {
let pov = $('a[rel="path-of-valor"]>.notif-position>.pov-widget:not(.locked-pov-widget)>.h_container');
pov.append('<div id="home_pov_bar">'
+ '<div class="pov-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptPovTime">' + calculateTime(povTime*1000) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
//PoG timer
let pogTime = (localStorage.getItem("HHS.PogTime") == "NaN") ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("HHS.PogTime");
if (heroData.infos.level >= 30) {
let pog = $('a[rel="path-of-glory"]>.notif-position>.pov-widget:not(.locked-pov-widget)>.h_container');
pog.append('<div id="home_pog_bar">'
+ '<div class="pog-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptPogTime">' + calculateTime(pogTime*1000) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
//Season timer
let seasonTime = (localStorage.getItem("HHS.SeasonTime") == "NaN") ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("HHS.SeasonTime");
let season = $('a[rel="season"]>.notif-position>.seasons_button>.h_container');
season.after('<div id="home_season_bar">'
+ '<div class="season-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptSeasonTime">' + calculateTime(seasonTime*1000) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
//Add sub-menus for Champions
let championsMenu_map = '<a class="champions_menu champions_map" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions-map.html') + '">' + window.GT.design.Champions + '</a>';
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'mangarpg_m') {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'mangarpg_m') $('a[rel="god-path"]').append(championsMenu_map);
if (['hentai', 'nutaku', 'test_h', 'hh_eroges', 'gay', 'gh_nutaku', 'gh_eroges'].some(testUniverse)) {
let championsMenu_Romero = '<a class="champions_menu champion1" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/1') + '">Romero</a>';
let championsMenu_Whaty = '<a class="champions_menu champion2" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/2') + '">Whaty</a>';
let championsMenu_Matsuda = '<a class="champions_menu champion3" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/3') + '">Matsuda</a>';
let championsMenu_Ryu = '<a class="champions_menu champion4" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/4') + '">Ryu</a>';
let championsMenu_Visor = '<a class="champions_menu champion5" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/5') + '">Visor</a>';
let championsMenu_Alban = '<a class="champions_menu champion6" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/6') + '">Alban</a>';
if (heroData.energies.worship != undefined) {
let championsMenu_pantheon = '<a class="champions_menu pantheon" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/pantheon.html') + '">' + window.GT.design.pantheon + '</a>';
if (heroData.infos.level >= 15) {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'horny_s') {
let championsMenu_labyrinth = '<a class="champions_menu labyrinth" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/labyrinth-entrance.html') + '">' + window.GT.design.labyrinth + '</a>';
//Club champion shortcut
let clubChampion = '<a class="round_blue_button clubChampion" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/club-champion.html') + '"><div class="clubChampions_flat_icn"></div></a>';
//Add sub-menus for Activities
let dailyGoalsMenu = '<a class="daily_goals_menu" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=daily_goals') + '">' + window.GT.design.daily_goals + '</a>';
let missionsMenu = '<a class="missions_menu" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=missions') + '">' + window.GT.design.missions + '</a>';
let contestsMenu = '<a class="contests_menu" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=contests') + '">' + window.GT.design.contests + '</a>';
let popMenu = '<a class="pop_menu" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=pop') + '">' + ((window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'mangarpg_m') ? labels.expeditions : labels.pop) + '</a>';
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'horny_s') {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'horny_s') {
//Add sub-menus for Market
let marketMenu_equipments = '<a class="market_menu equipments" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop.html?type=armor') + '">' + labels.Equipments + '</a>';
let marketMenu_boosters = '<a class="market_menu boosters" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop?type=booster') + '">' + labels.Boosters + '</a>';
let marketMenu_books = '<a class="market_menu books" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop?type=potion') + '">' + labels.Books + '</a>';
let marketMenu_gifts = '<a class="market_menu gifts" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop?type=gift') + '">' + labels.Gifts + '</a>';
//Quests shortcuts
let currentQuest = '<a class="current_quest" href="' + transformNutakuURL(heroData.infos.questing.current_url) + '">' + window.GT.design.current_quest + '</a>';
let sideQuests = '<a class="side_quests" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/side-quests.html') + '">' + labels.Side_quests + '</a>';
if (heroData.infos.questing.id_world > 1) {
//Phone messages
if ($('a.messenger-link').length > 0) {
if (heroData.energies.reply.amount < heroData.energies.reply.max_regen_amount) {
let phone_messages_end_date = window.server_now_ts + heroData.energies.reply.recharge_time;
$('a.messenger-link').append('<span class=script_phone_messages>' + heroData.energies.reply.amount + ' / ' + heroData.energies.reply.max_regen_amount + '<BR>'
+ '+1 ' + labels.in + ' ' + convertToTimeFormatMinutes(heroData.energies.reply.next_refresh_ts) + '</span>');
else {
$('a.messenger-link').append('<span class=script_phone_messages>' + heroData.energies.reply.amount + ' / ' + heroData.energies.reply.max_regen_amount + '<BR>'
+ labels.full + '</span>');
if (window.missions_datas.reward == false && window.missions_datas.remaining_time == null) {
}, 1000);
function pachinko() {
let pachinkoTimeMin = Math.min(window.pachinkoVar.next_equipment_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_great_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_mythic_game);
let pachinkoTime = window.server_now_ts*1000 + pachinkoTimeMin*1000;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pachinkoTime", pachinkoTime);
if ($('#playzone-replace-info > div.btns-section > button.blue_button_L:nth-child(1)').length && ($('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value == "great" || $('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value == "equipment" || $('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value == "mythic")) {
let button = document.querySelector('#playzone-replace-info > div.btns-section > button.blue_button_L:nth-child(1)');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (button.attributes["data-free"].value == "true") {
setTimeout(() => {
pachinkoTimeMin = Math.min(window.pachinkoVar.next_equipment_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_great_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_mythic_game);
pachinkoTime = window.server_now_ts*1000 + pachinkoTimeMin*1000;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pachinkoTime", pachinkoTime);
}, 4*timeout)
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function() {
if ($('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value != "great" && $('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value != "equipment" && $('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value != "mythic") {
if ($('#playzone-replace-info > div.btns-section > button.blue_button_L:nth-child(1)').length) {
let button = document.querySelector('#playzone-replace-info > div.btns-section > button.blue_button_L:nth-child(1)');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (button.attributes["data-free"].value == "true") {
setTimeout(() => {
pachinkoTimeMin = Math.min(window.pachinkoVar.next_equipment_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_great_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_mythic_game);
pachinkoTime = window.server_now_ts*1000 + pachinkoTimeMin*1000;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pachinkoTime", pachinkoTime);
}, 4*timeout)
observer.observe($('.playing-zone')[0], {childList: false, subtree: false, attributes: true})
function activities() {
let next_missions_remaining_time = $('#missions .new-missions-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp');
localStorage.setItem("HHS.nextMissionsDate", (time_now + parseInt(next_missions_remaining_time, 10))*1000);
function champions() {
if (CurrentPage == "/champions-map.html") {
let time_min_champions = time_now + 15*60 + 1;
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++){
let time_champion = (time_now + parseInt($('a.champion-lair[href$="champions/' + (i+1) + '"] > div.champion-lair-name.map-label-link > div').attr('data-time'), 10)) || time_min_champions;
time_min_champions = Math.min(time_min_champions, parseInt(time_champion, 10));
if (time_min_champions == time_now + 15*60 + 1) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.championsTime", time_now*1000);
else {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.championsTime", time_min_champions*1000);
else {
let current_timer = parseInt($('.champions-bottom__rest .rest-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
let current_min = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.championsTime"), 10);
if (current_min < time_now*1000) {
current_min = (time_now + 15*60 + 1)*1000;
if ((current_timer*1000) < current_min) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.championsTime", (time_now + current_timer)*1000);
if ($('button.champions-bottom__start-battle').length > 0) {
let button = document.querySelector('.champions-bottom__wrapper .champions-bottom__footer .champions-bottom__buttons-wrapper button.champions-bottom__start-battle');
button.addEventListener('click', function(){
let champion_timer = new Date().getTime() + (15*60)*1000;
let champion_min = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.championsTime"), 10);
if (champion_timer < champion_min || champion_min < new Date().getTime()) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.championsTime", champion_timer);
function clubChampion() {
if (CurrentPage == "/clubs.html" && !window.location.search.includes('?view_club=')) {
let current_timer = parseInt(window.club_champion_data.timers.teamRest, 10);
localStorage.setItem("HHS.clubChampionTime", (time_now + current_timer)*1000);
else if (CurrentPage == "/club-champion.html") {
let current_timer = parseInt($('.champions-bottom__rest .rest-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
localStorage.setItem("HHS.clubChampionTime", (time_now + current_timer)*1000);
if ($('button.champions-bottom__start-battle').length > 0) {
let button = document.querySelector('.champions-bottom__wrapper .champions-bottom__footer .champions-bottom__buttons-wrapper button.champions-bottom__start-battle');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
let clubChampion_timer = new Date().getTime() + (15*60)*1000;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.clubChampionTime", clubChampion_timer);
function pov() {
let povTimer = parseInt($('.pov-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10) || parseInt($('.potions-paths-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
let pov_end_time = time_now + povTimer;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.PovTime", pov_end_time);
function pog() {
let pogTimer = parseInt($('.potions-paths-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
let pog_end_time = time_now + pogTimer;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.PogTime", pog_end_time);
function season() {
let seasonTimer = window.season_sec_untill_event_end;
let season_end_time = time_now + seasonTimer;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.SeasonTime", season_end_time);
function addBoosterStatus() {
1: 'green',
0.5: 'yellow',
0.2: 'red'
this.activeBoosters = {};
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || DEFAULT_BOOSTERS;
boosterStatus.normal = boosterStatus.normal.filter(({endAt}) => endAt > window.server_now_ts)
Object.keys(boosterStatus).forEach(key => {
if (boosterStatus[key].length < MAX_BOOSTERS[key]) {
// fill the rest with empty
boosterStatus[key] = [...boosterStatus[key], ...Array(MAX_BOOSTERS[key]-boosterStatus[key].length).fill({empty:true})]
const $boosterStatusHTML = $('<a class="script-booster-status" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop.html?type=player-stats&subtab=booster') + '"></a>')
const buildNormalSlot = (data) => {
const {empty, id_item, ico, identifier, rarity, endAt} = {...data, ...data.item}
if (empty) {
return '<div class="slot empty"></div>'
data.expiry = endAt - (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000));
data.expiration = endAt - (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000));
const formattedDate = new Date(endAt * 1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options).replace(/(\d)/g, (x)=>`${x}<i></i>`)
return $(`
<div class="slot ${rarity}" booster-item-tooltip="" id_item="${id_item}" data-d="${JSON.stringify(data).replace(/"/g, '"')}" additional-tooltip-info="${JSON.stringify({additionalText: `<span class="script-tooltip"></span>${labels.ends_at + ' ' + formattedDate}`}).replace(/"/g, '"')}">
<img src="${ico || `${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/items/${identifier}.png`}"/>
const buildMythicSlot = (data) => {
const {empty, id_item, ico, identifier} = {...data, ...data.item}
if (empty) {
return '<div class="slot mythic empty"></div>'
return $(`
<div class="slot mythic" booster-item-tooltip="" id_item="${id_item}" data-d="${JSON.stringify(data).replace(/"/g, '"')}" additional-tooltip-info="${JSON.stringify({additionalText: '<span class="script-tooltip"></span>'}).replace(/"/g, '"')}">
<img src="${ico || `${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/items/${identifier}.png`}"/>
const buildProgressWrapper = (current, max, useTimer) => {
const percentage = Math.min(current/max, 1)
const firstHalf = Math.min(percentage, 0.5) * 2
const secondHalf = Math.max(percentage - 0.5, 0) * 2
let colorClass = ''
let flashingClass = ''
if (percentage > 0) {
Object.entries(CIRCULAR_THRESHOLDS).forEach(([threshold, className]) => {
if (percentage <= threshold) {
colorClass = className
if (percentage <= 0.0035) {
flashingClass = 'flashing'
const $wrapper = $(`
<div class="circular-progress">
<div class="circle">
<div class="circle-bar left ${flashingClass}">
<div class="progress ${colorClass}" style="transform: rotate(${180 * secondHalf}deg)"></div>
<div class="circle-bar right ${flashingClass}">
<div class="progress ${colorClass}" style="transform: rotate(${180 * firstHalf}deg)"></div>
${useTimer ? '<div class="dummy-timer-target" style="display: none;"></div>' : ''}
return $wrapper
const buildSlotAndAddTooltip = (buildSlot, data, replaceEmpty) => {
const {empty, id_member_booster_equipped, usages_remaining, endAt, item} = data
const {rarity, default_usages, duration} = item || {}
const $slot = buildSlot(data)
let current = 0
let max = 1
let useTimer = false
const isMythic = rarity == 'mythic'
if (!empty) {
if (isMythic) {
current = usages_remaining
max = default_usages
} else {
let normalisedDuration = duration == 1440 ? 86400 : duration
current = endAt - window.server_now_ts
max = normalisedDuration
useTimer = true
const $progressWrapper = buildProgressWrapper(current, max, useTimer)
if (replaceEmpty) {
$boosterStatusHTML.find(`.circular-progress:has(.empty${isMythic? '.mythic':':not(.mythic)'})`).first().replaceWith($progressWrapper)
} else {
if (!empty && isMythic) {
const id_m_i = id_member_booster_equipped
this.activeBoosters[id_m_i] = $progressWrapper
boosterStatus.normal.forEach(data => {
buildSlotAndAddTooltip(buildNormalSlot, data)
boosterStatus.mythic.forEach(data => {
buildSlotAndAddTooltip(buildMythicSlot, data)
$('header .currency').before($boosterStatusHTML)
$(document).on('boosters:equipped', (event, {id_item, isMythic, new_id}) => {
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || DEFAULT_BOOSTERS
const newBoosterData = boosterStatus[isMythic ? 'mythic' : 'normal'].find(data=>data.id_item == id_item&&(new_id && data.id_member_booster_equipped == new_id))
if (newBoosterData) {
const $slotToReplace = $boosterStatusHTML.find(`.slot.empty${isMythic ? '.mythic' : ':not(.mythic)'}`)
if ($slotToReplace.length) {
buildSlotAndAddTooltip(isMythic ? buildMythicSlot : buildNormalSlot, newBoosterData, true)
} else {
// wat
console.log('somehow equipped a new equip but have no empty slot????')
} else {
console.log('can\'t find data in LS for new booster with id', new_id, 'and itemid', id_item)
$(document).on('boosters:updated-mythic', () => {
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || {normal: [], mythic: []}
const boostersByIdmi = {}
boosterStatus.mythic.forEach(function(data) {
boostersByIdmi[data.id_member_booster_equipped] = data
Object.entries(this.activeBoosters).forEach(([id_m_i, $elem]) => {
const updatedData = boostersByIdmi[id_m_i]
if (!updatedData) {
// Booster has expired
$elem.find('.slot').attr('class', 'slot mythic empty').empty().attr('data-d', '').attr('tooltip-id', '').attr('id_item', '')
$elem.find('.progress').css('transform', 'rotate(0deg)')
} else {
const {item: {default_usages}, usages_remaining} = updatedData
const percentage = Math.min(usages_remaining/default_usages, 1)
const firstHalf = Math.min(percentage, 0.5) * 2
const secondHalf = Math.max(percentage - 0.5, 0) * 2
let colorClass = 'green'
if (percentage > 0) {
Object.entries(CIRCULAR_THRESHOLDS).forEach(([threshold, className]) => {
if (percentage <= threshold) {
colorClass = className
const $left = $elem.find('.left .progress')
const $right = $elem.find('.right .progress')
$left.css('transform', `rotate(${180 * secondHalf}deg)`).attr('class', `progress ${colorClass}`)
$right.css('transform', `rotate(${180 * firstHalf}deg)`).attr('class', `progress ${colorClass}`)
const $slot = $elem.find('.slot')
$slot.attr('data-d', JSON.stringify(updatedData))
$slot.data('d', updatedData)
new MutationObserver(() => {
// Nasty hack. Wish there was a better way of setting a custom class on a tooltip
}).observe(document.body, {childList: true})
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status {'
+ 'z-index:15;'
+ 'display: grid;'
+ 'grid-gap: 3px;'
+ 'grid-template-columns: repeat(9, 1fr);}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.script-booster-status {'
+ 'position: fixed;'
+ 'top: 37px;'
+ 'left: 10px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.script-booster-status {'
+ 'position: fixed;'
+ 'top: 57px;'
+ 'left: 20px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'height: 24px;'
+ 'width: 24px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .green {'
+ 'background-color: #01d10b;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .yellow {'
+ 'background-color: #ffc400;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .red {'
+ 'background-color: #ff0000;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .slot {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'top: 2px;'
+ 'left: 2px;'
+ 'z-index: 6;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .slot.empty {'
+ 'cursor: inherit !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .empty + .circle {'
+ 'box-shadow: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .empty + .circle .circle-bar {'
+ 'background-color: transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle {'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000, 0px 0px 4px #000, 0px 0px 3px #000, 0px 0px 2px #000;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'background-color: #000000bf;'
+ 'clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 0% 100%, 50% 100%, 50% 0%);'
+ 'overflow: hidden;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar.flashing {'
+ 'animation-name: flashing-background;'
+ 'animation-duration: 3s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes flashing-background {'
+ '0% {background-color: #000000bf;}'
+ '50% {background-color: #ff0000;}'
+ '100% {background-color: #000000bf;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar .progress {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 200%;'
+ 'width: 200%;'
+ 'top: -50%;'
+ 'left: -50%;'
+ 'clip-path: polygon(50% -50%, 150% -50%, 150% 150%, 50% 150%);}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar.right {'
+ 'transform: rotate(180deg);'
+ 'z-index: 3;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar.left .progress {'
+ 'z-index: 1;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status-item .season_rewards_tier_info, .script-booster-status-item .item-price {'
+ 'display: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status {'
+ 'grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status > .circular-progress > .slot {'
+ 'border-width: 0px !important;}'
function collectBoostersFromMarket() {
setTimeout(function() {
const activeSlots = $('#equiped .booster .slot:not(.empty):not(.mythic)').map((i, el)=> $(el).data('d')).toArray()
const activeMythicSlots = $('#equiped .booster .slot:not(.empty).mythic').map((i, el)=> $(el).data('d')).toArray()
const boosterStatus = {
normal: activeSlots.map((data) => ({...data, endAt: window.server_now_ts + data.expiration})),
mythic: activeMythicSlots,
localStorage.setItem('HHS.booster_status', JSON.stringify(boosterStatus));
}, timeout)
function getClubStatus() {
if (window.location.pathname.includes('clubs') && window.membersList) {
const {upgradesInformation: {upgrades}, membersList} = window;
const clubStatus = {
memberIds: membersList.map(({id_member}) => id_member)
localStorage.setItem('HHS.club_status', JSON.stringify(clubStatus));
function getClubXPBonus() {
const clubStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.club_status'));
if (clubStatus) {
return clubStatus.upgrades.experience_gain.bonus;
} else if (window.Chat_vars && window.Chat_vars.CLUB_ID) {
return 0.1;
} else {
return 0;
function collectBoostersFromHeroUpdate() {
const originalHeroUpdate = heroData.update.bind(heroData)
const hookedUpdate = (field, value, add) => {
if (field == 'xp') {
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || DEFAULT_BOOSTERS
const travelMemories = boosterStatus.mythic.find(({item: {identifier}}) => identifier == 'MB6')
if (travelMemories) {
const {cur: oldValue, level} = heroData.infos.Xp
let atmBonus = 0.05
if (level < 300) {
atmBonus = 0.2
const clubBonus = getClubXPBonus()
const diff = value - oldValue
const extra = Math.ceil(Math.floor(diff/(1+clubBonus+atmBonus))*atmBonus)
travelMemories.usages_remaining -= extra
boosterStatus.mythic = boosterStatus.mythic.filter(({usages_remaining}) => usages_remaining > 0)
localStorage.setItem('HHS.booster_status', JSON.stringify(boosterStatus));
return originalHeroUpdate(field, value, add)
heroData.update = hookedUpdate
function collectBoostersFromAjaxResponses () {
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
if(opt && opt.data && opt.data.search && ~opt.data.search(/(action|class)/)) {
setTimeout(function() {
if(!xhr || !xhr.responseText || !xhr.responseText.length) {
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || DEFAULT_BOOSTERS
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(opt.data)
const mappedParams = ['action', 'class', 'type', 'id_item', 'number_of_battles', 'battles_amount'].map(key => ({[key]: searchParams.get(key)})).reduce((a,b)=>Object.assign(a,b),{})
const {action, class: className, type, id_item, number_of_battles, battles_amount} = mappedParams
const {success, equipped_booster} = response
if (!success) {
if (action == 'market_equip_booster' && type == 'booster') {
const idItemParsed = parseInt(id_item)
//const isMythic = idItemParsed >= 632 && idItemParsed <= 638
const isMythic = idItemParsed >= 632
const boosterData = equipped_booster
if (boosterData) {
const clonedData = {...boosterData}
if (isMythic) {
} else {
boosterStatus.normal.push({...clonedData, endAt: clonedData.lifetime})
localStorage.setItem('HHS.booster_status', JSON.stringify(boosterStatus));
$(document).trigger('boosters:equipped', {id_item, isMythic, new_id: clonedData.id_member_booster_equipped})
let mythicUpdated = false
let sandalwood, allMastery, leagueMastery, seasonMastery, headband, watch, cinnamon, perfume;
boosterStatus.mythic.forEach((booster) => {
if (booster.item != undefined || booster.item != null) {
switch (booster.item.identifier) {
case 'MB1':
sandalwood = booster;
case 'MB2':
allMastery = booster;
case 'MB3':
headband = booster;
case 'MB4':
watch = booster;
case 'MB5':
cinnamon = booster;
case 'MB7':
perfume = booster;
case 'MB8':
leagueMastery = booster;
case 'MB9':
seasonMastery = booster;
if (sandalwood && action == 'do_battles_trolls') {
const isMultibattle = parseInt(number_of_battles) > 1
const {rewards} = response
if (rewards && rewards.data && rewards.data.shards) {
let drops = 0
rewards.data.shards.forEach(({previous_value, value}) => {
if (isMultibattle) {
// Can't reliably determine how many drops, assume MD where each drop would be 1 shard.
const shardsDropped = value - previous_value
drops += Math.floor(shardsDropped/2)
} else {
sandalwood.usages_remaining -= drops
mythicUpdated = true
if (allMastery && (action == 'do_battles_leagues' || action == 'do_battles_seasons')) {
allMastery.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (leagueMastery && (action == 'do_battles_leagues')) {
leagueMastery.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (seasonMastery && (action == 'do_battles_seasons')) {
seasonMastery.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (headband && (action == 'do_battles_pantheon' || action == 'do_battles_trolls')) {
headband.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (watch && className == 'TeamBattle') {
watch.usages_remaining -= parseInt(battles_amount)
mythicUpdated = true
if (cinnamon && action == 'do_battles_seasons') {
cinnamon.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (perfume && action == 'start' && className == 'TempPlaceOfPower') {
mythicUpdated = true
boosterStatus.mythic = boosterStatus.mythic.filter(({usages_remaining}) => usages_remaining > 0)
localStorage.setItem('HHS.booster_status', JSON.stringify(boosterStatus));
if (mythicUpdated) {
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+ 'margin-top: 6px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-panel .labyrinth-container #labyrinth_leaderboard_tab_container .labyrinth_leaderboard-container .labyrinth-filters {'
+ 'padding-bottom: 0 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-panel .labyrinth-container #labyrinth_leaderboard_tab_container .labyrinth_leaderboard-container .labyrinth-filters .form-wrapper {'
+ 'margin-top: 25px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.page-labyrinth .leaderboard-ranking {'
+ 'top: 27px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.side-quests-header .side-quests-tab-text, #hh_mangarpg.page-adventures #breadcrumbs {'
+ 'margin-top: 10px;}}'
//Objective popup
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#toast-popups .popup_wrapper .popup {'
+ 'top: 4rem !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#toast-popups .popup_wrapper .popup {'
+ 'top: 5.3rem !important;}}'
//Add some informations on team edit page in the labyrinth
function moduleLabyrinth() {
function displayTeamGirlClass() {
if (['edit-labyrinth-team'].some(testPage)) {
Array.from($('.player-team .girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_class = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).class;
$(girl).parent().parent().parent().parent().after($('<img class="classGirlTeam" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png" carac="class' + girl_class + '">'))
Array.from($('.harem-panel-girls .girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_class = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).class;
$(girl).after($('<img class="classGirlList" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png" carac="class' + girl_class + '">'))
else if (['labyrinth-pre-battle'].some(testPage)) {
Array.from($('.girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_class = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).class;
$(girl).parent().parent().after($('<img class="classGirlTeam" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png" carac="class' + girl_class + '">'))
else if (['labyrinth-pool-select'].some(testPage)) {
Array.from($('.girl-image')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_class = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).class;
$(girl).after($('<img class="classGirlList" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png" carac="class' + girl_class + '">'))
function displayTeamGirlRole() {
if (['edit-labyrinth-team'].some(testPage)) {
Array.from($('.player-team .girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_role = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).role_data.id;
if (girl_role != undefined)
$(girl).parent().parent().parent().parent().after($('<span role-tooltip="' + girl_role + '" class="roleGirlTeam girl_role_' + girl_role + '_icn" style="background-size: 17px !important;"></span>'))
Array.from($('.harem-panel-girls .girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_role = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).role_data.id;
if (girl_role != undefined)
$(girl).after($('<span role-tooltip="' + girl_role + '" class="roleGirlList girl_role_' + girl_role + '_icn" style="background-size: 24px !important;"></span>'))
else if (['labyrinth-pre-battle'].some(testPage)) {
Array.from($('.girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_role = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).role_data.id;
if (girl_role != undefined)
$(girl).parent().parent().after($('<span role-tooltip="' + girl_role + '" class="roleGirlTeam girl_role_' + girl_role + '_icn" style="background-size: 17px !important;"></span>'))
else if (['labyrinth-pool-select'].some(testPage)) {
Array.from($('.girl-image')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_role = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).role_data.id;
if (girl_role != undefined)
$(girl).parent().append($('<span role-tooltip="' + girl_role + '" class="roleGirlList girl_role_' + girl_role + '_icn" style="background-size: 24px !important;"></span>'))
function displayGirlOrder() {
if (['labyrinth-pre-battle'].some(testPage)) {
const player_speeds = Object.values(window.hero_fighter.fighters).map(({speed, id_girl, position}) => {
return {speed: speed, girl_id: id_girl, position: position}
const opponent_speeds = window.opponent_fighter.fighters.map(({speed, id_girl, position}) => {
return {speed: speed, girl_id: id_girl, position: position+7}
const girl_speeds = [...player_speeds, ...opponent_speeds].sort((a, b) => b.speed-a.speed)
girl_speeds.forEach(({position, girl_id}, i) => {
$(`.${position < 7 ? 'player' : 'opponent'}-panel .team-member-container[data-girl-id="${girl_id}"]`).append(`<div class="team-order-number">${i+1}</div>`)
else if (['edit-labyrinth-team'].some(testPage)) {
const opponent_speeds = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.LABYRINTH_SPEEDS')) || [];
let girl_speeds;
let selected;
const getTeam = () => {
const player_speeds = [];
$('.team-member-container').each((i, el) => {
const girl_id = parseInt($(el).attr('data-girl-id'))
if (girl_id) {
const speed = JSON.parse($(el).find('.team-member>img').attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).battle_caracs.speed
const position = $(el).data('team-member-position')
player_speeds.push({speed: speed, girl_id: girl_id, position: position})
girl_speeds = [...player_speeds, ...opponent_speeds].sort((a,b) => a.position-b.position).sort((a,b) => b.speed-a.speed);
const getSelected = () => {
let new_selected;
const $container = $('.team-member-container.selected');
const player_speeds = girl_speeds.filter(({position}) => position < 7);
if ($container.length) {
const position = parseInt($container.attr('data-team-member-position'));
const new_id = parseInt($container.attr('data-girl-id')) || 0;
const index = girl_speeds.findIndex(({girl_id, position}) => girl_id === new_id && position < 7);
new_selected = {index: index, girl_id: new_id, position: position, method: 'selected'};
else if (player_speeds.length) {
const girl = player_speeds.at(-1);
const index = girl_speeds.findIndex(({girl_id, position}) => girl_id === girl.girl_id && position < 7);
new_selected = {index: index, girl_id: girl.girl_id, position: girl.position, method: 'slowest girl'};
else {
new_selected = {index: -1, girl_id: 0, position: 0, method: 'no girl'};
if (!selected || (selected.girl_id != new_selected.girl_id) || new_selected.girl_id === 0) {
selected = new_selected;
const addToHex = () => {
girl_speeds.forEach(({position, girl_id}, i) => {
if (position < 7) {
const $container = $(`.team-member-container[data-girl-id="${girl_id}"]`);
$container.append(`<div class="team-order-number">${i+1}</div>`);
const addToPanel = () => {
const {index, position} = selected;
const hasPosition = girl_speeds.findIndex((g) => g.position === position);
$('.harem-girl-container .girl_img').each((i, el) => {
const new_speed = $(el).data('new-girl-tooltip').battle_caracs.speed;
const new_id = parseInt($(el).parent().attr('id_girl'));
let new_girl_speeds;
const inTeam = girl_speeds.findIndex(({girl_id, position}) => girl_id === new_id && position < 7);
if (inTeam > -1) {
if (index > -1) {
new_girl_speeds = girl_speeds.map(e => ({...e}));
new_girl_speeds[inTeam].position = girl_speeds[index].position;
new_girl_speeds[index].position = girl_speeds[inTeam].position;
} else {
new_girl_speeds = girl_speeds;
} else {
const new_girl = {speed: new_speed, girl_id: new_id, position: position};
if (hasPosition > -1) {
new_girl_speeds = [...girl_speeds.slice(0, index), new_girl, ...girl_speeds.slice(index+1)];
} else {
new_girl_speeds = [...girl_speeds, new_girl];
new_girl_speeds = new_girl_speeds.sort((a, b) => a.position-b.position).sort((a, b) => b.speed-a.speed);
const order = new_girl_speeds.findIndex(({girl_id, position}) => girl_id === new_id && position < 7) + 1;
$(el).before(`<div class="team-order-number">${order}</div>`);
const hex_observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
hex_observer.observe($('.team-hexagon')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['data-girl-id']});
$('.team-member-container, .harem-girl-container').click(() => {
function collectGirlSpeed() {
if (['labyrinth-pool-select'].some(testPage)) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.LABYRINTH_SPEEDS', JSON.stringify([]));
else if (['labyrinth-pre-battle'].some(testPage)) {
const opponent_speeds = opponent_fighter.fighters.map(({speed, id_girl, position}) => {
return {speed: speed, girl_id: id_girl, position: position+7};
localStorage.setItem('HHS.LABYRINTH_SPEEDS', JSON.stringify(opponent_speeds));
function sortingRelics() {
function sortingRelicTitle(relic1, relic2) {
return (relic1.children[0].firstChild.textContent).localeCompare(relic2.children[0].firstChild.textContent);
function rarityRelicValue(relic) {
let rarity = relic.classList[1].substring(0, relic.classList[1].indexOf('-'));
switch (rarity) {
case 'mythic':
return 0;
case 'legendary':
return 1;
case 'epic':
return 2;
case 'rare':
return 3;
case 'common':
return 4;
function sortingRelicRarity(relic1, relic2) {
return rarityRelicValue(relic1) - rarityRelicValue(relic2);
function sortRelics(relic1, relic2) {
let value = sortingRelicTitle(relic1, relic2);
if (value == 0) value = sortingRelicRarity(relic1, relic2);
return value;
let relics = $('.relic-container');
let sortedRelics = [...relics].sort(sortRelics);
sortedRelics.forEach((relic) => {$('.relics-grid').append(relic)});
function powerRelicsValue() {
let powerElements = {darkness: 0, light: 0, psychic: 0, fire: 0, nature: 0, stone: 0, sun: 0, water: 0};
let powerRelics = [];
let relics = $('.team-relic-icon').children().parent().parent().parent();
Array.from(relics).forEach((relic) => {
let value = ($(relic).find('.relic-description')[0].textContent.match(/\d.\d/) || $(relic).find('.relic-description')[0].textContent.match(/\d/))[0];
let indexElement = $($(relic).find('.team-relic-icon').children()[0]).attr('class').indexOf('_element_relic_icn');
let element = $($(relic).find('.team-relic-icon').children()[0]).attr('class').substring(0, indexElement);
powerRelics.push({element: element, value: value})
powerRelics.forEach((relic) => {
powerElements[relic.element] += parseFloat(relic.value)
console.log('Power relics value: ' + powerElements);
function displayNbGirls() {
$('h3.panel-title').append('<div class="nb_girls">' + window.GT.design.Girls + ' : '
+ '<span id="girls_nb" style="color: #fff">' + $('.harem-panel-girls .harem-girl-container').length + '</span></div>');
if (['edit-labyrinth-team', 'labyrinth-pre-battle', 'labyrinth-pool-select'].some(testPage)) {
if (['edit-labyrinth-team'].some(testPage)) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe($('.player-team .team-hexagon')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true});
if (['labyrinth.html'].some(testPage)) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
if ($('.relics-grid').length > 0) {
observer.observe($('#relics_tab_container .relics-container')[0], {childList: true, attributes: false, once: true});
let lab_ts = Date.parse(labyrinth_data.labyrinth_cycle.labyrinth_season.event_end)/1000 - server_now_ts;
let lab_d = Math.floor(lab_ts/3600/24);
let lab_h = Math.floor(lab_ts/3600%24);
let lab_m = Math.floor(lab_ts%3600/60);
let lab_s = Math.floor(lab_ts%60);
let time_label;
if (lab_d > 0) time_label = lab_d + labels.day + ' ' + lab_h + labels.hour;
else if (lab_h > 0) time_label = lab_h + labels.hour + ' ' + lab_m + labels.minute;
else time_label = lab_m + labels.minute + ' ' + lab_s + labels.second;
['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth'].forEach((el) => {
$('#' + el + '_floor_tab_container').prepend($('<span class="floor-time">' + labels.new_girl_in + ' <span class="floor-time-label">' + time_label + '</span></span>'));
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-panel .tabs-section .floor-time {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: 35px;'
+ 'left: 17px;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000000, -1px 1px 0 #000000, -1px -1px 0 #000000, 1px -1px 0 #000000;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-panel .tabs-section .floor-time .floor-time-label {'
+ 'color: #2296e4;}'
sheet.insertRule('.classGirlList, .classGirlTeam, .roleGirlList, .roleGirlTeam {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'border: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.classGirlList {'
+ 'height: 24px !important;'
+ 'width: 24px !important;'
+ 'top: 0px;'
+ 'left: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.roleGirlList {'
+ 'height: 24px !important;'
+ 'width: 24px !important;'
+ 'top: 50px;'
+ 'left: 43px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-pool-select-panel .classGirlList {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'top: -82px;'
+ 'left: -24px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-pool-select-panel .roleGirlList {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'top: -99px;'
+ 'left: 47px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-pool-select-panel .girl-power-container {'
+ 'margin-top: -25px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.classGirlTeam {'
+ 'height: 17px !important;'
+ 'width: 17px !important;'
+ 'top: 65px;'
+ 'left: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.roleGirlTeam {'
+ 'height: 17px !important;'
+ 'width: 17px !important;'
+ 'top: 65px;'
+ 'left: 49px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-battle .classGirlTeam {'
+ 'top: 45px !important;'
+ 'left: 3px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-battle .roleGirlTeam {'
+ 'top: 45px !important;'
+ 'left: 40px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.team-order-number {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: 1.5rem;'
+ 'height: 1.5rem;'
+ 'font-size: 0.8rem;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'background: linear-gradient(90deg,#333750 0,#1e9fdf 100%);'
+ 'border-radius: 1.5rem;'
+ 'border: 2px solid #fff;'
+ 'z-index: 2;}'
sheet.insertRule('.harem-panel-girls .team-order-number {'
+ 'top: 50px;'
+ 'left: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.change-team-panel .team-hexagon .team-order-number {'
+ 'top: 4px;}'
sheet.insertRule('h3.panel-title .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-weight: 400;'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 184, 39);'
+ 'letter-spacing: 0.22px;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px -1px 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ 'h3.panel-title .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ 'h3.panel-title .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-size: 18px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.change-team-panel .panel-title {'
+ 'margin-bottom: 0rem !important;}'
/* ==============
============== */
function moduleSeasonStats() {
const resetUTCHour = 12;
let seasonDateEndData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd') || JSON.stringify({day: 0, month: 0, year: 0, hour: 0});
let seasonDateEnd = JSON.parse(seasonDateEndData);
let currentDay = new Date().getUTCDate();
let currentMonth = new Date().getUTCMonth();
let currentYear = new Date().getUTCFullYear();
let currentHour = new Date().getUTCHours();
if (seasonDateEnd.hour == 0) {
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
if ((currentDay == 1) && (currentHour < 12)) seasonDateEnd.month = currentMonth;
else seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = currentYear;
if (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) seasonDateEnd.year += 1;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
if ((currentMonth == seasonDateEnd.month) && (currentDay >= seasonDateEnd.day) && (currentHour >= seasonDateEnd.hour)) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats'));
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) ? (seasonDateEnd.year + 1) : seasonDateEnd.year;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
else if ((currentMonth == seasonDateEnd.month) && (currentDay > seasonDateEnd.day)) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats'));
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) ? (seasonDateEnd.year + 1) : seasonDateEnd.year;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
else if ((currentMonth > seasonDateEnd.month) && (currentYear == seasonDateEnd.year)) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats'));
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) ? (seasonDateEnd.year + 1) : seasonDateEnd.year;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
else if (currentYear > seasonDateEnd.year) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats'));
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) ? (currentYear + 1) : currentYear;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
let seasonStatsData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats') || JSON.stringify({fights: 0, victories: 0, losses: 0, won_mojo: 0, lost_mojo: 0, won_mojo_avg: 0, lost_mojo_avg: 0, mojo_avg: 0});
let seasonStats = JSON.parse(seasonStatsData);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonStats', JSON.stringify(seasonStats));
let fights = seasonStats.fights;
let victories = seasonStats.victories;
let losses = seasonStats.losses;
let won_mojo = seasonStats.won_mojo;
let lost_mojo = seasonStats.lost_mojo;
let won_mojo_avg = seasonStats.won_mojo_avg;
let lost_mojo_avg = seasonStats.lost_mojo_avg;
let mojo_avg = seasonStats.mojo_avg;
let oldSeasonStatsData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats') || JSON.stringify({fights: 0, victories: 0, losses: 0, won_mojo: 0, lost_mojo: 0, won_mojo_avg: 0, lost_mojo_avg: 0, mojo_avg: 0});
let oldSeasonStats = JSON.parse(oldSeasonStatsData);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', JSON.stringify(oldSeasonStats));
let old_fights = oldSeasonStats.fights;
let old_victories = oldSeasonStats.victories;
let old_losses = oldSeasonStats.losses;
let old_won_mojo = oldSeasonStats.won_mojo;
let old_lost_mojo = oldSeasonStats.lost_mojo;
let old_won_mojo_avg = oldSeasonStats.won_mojo_avg;
let old_lost_mojo_avg = oldSeasonStats.lost_mojo_avg;
let old_mojo_avg = oldSeasonStats.mojo_avg;
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('season-battle') != -1) {
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(opt.data)
if(searchParams.get('action') == 'do_battles_seasons') {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
fights +=1;
if (response.rewards.data.rewards[0].type == "victory_points") {
victories += 1;
won_mojo += localeStringToNumber(response.rewards.data.rewards[0].value);
won_mojo_avg = Math.floor(won_mojo/victories*100)/100;
mojo_avg = Math.floor((won_mojo-lost_mojo)/fights*100)/100;
else {
losses += 1;
lost_mojo += localeStringToNumber(response.rewards.data.rewards[1].value.substring(1));
lost_mojo_avg = Math.floor(lost_mojo/losses*100)/100;
mojo_avg = Math.floor((won_mojo-lost_mojo)/fights*100)/100;
seasonStats.fights = fights;
seasonStats.victories = victories;
seasonStats.won_mojo = won_mojo;
seasonStats.won_mojo_avg = won_mojo_avg;
seasonStats.losses = losses;
seasonStats.lost_mojo = lost_mojo;
seasonStats.lost_mojo_avg = lost_mojo_avg;
seasonStats.mojo_avg = mojo_avg;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonStats', JSON.stringify(seasonStats));
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('season-arena') == -1) {
$('div#seasons_tab_title').append('<span class="scriptSeasonStats" style="color: #8ec3ff; margin-left: 54px; font-size: 16px">Stats'
+ '<span class="scriptSeasonStatsTooltip">' + labels.fights + ' : ' + fights
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + nThousand(victories)
+ ' / ' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + nThousand(losses)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(won_mojo)
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(lost_mojo)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo_avg + ' : ' + won_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo_avg + ' : ' + lost_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.mojo_avg + ' : ' + mojo_avg + '<BR>_______________________'
+ '<BR>' + labels.last_season
+ '<br />'
+ '<BR>' + labels.fights + ' : ' + old_fights
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + nThousand(old_victories)
+ ' / ' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + nThousand(old_losses)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(old_won_mojo)
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(old_lost_mojo)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_won_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_lost_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_mojo_avg + '</span>'
+ '</span>');
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('season-arena') != -1) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .personal_info').append('<div class="scriptSeasonStatsArena" style="color: #8ec3ff; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 28px; font-size: 16px">Stats'
+ '<span class="scriptSeasonStatsTooltipArena">' + labels.fights + ' : ' + fights
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + nThousand(victories)
+ ' / ' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + nThousand(losses)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(won_mojo)
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(lost_mojo)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo_avg + ' : ' + won_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo_avg + ' : ' + lost_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.mojo_avg + ' : ' + mojo_avg + '<BR>_______________________'
+ '<BR>' + labels.last_season
+ '<br />'
+ '<BR>' + labels.fights + ' : ' + old_fights
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + nThousand(old_victories)
+ ' / ' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + nThousand(old_losses)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(old_won_mojo)
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(old_lost_mojo)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_won_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_lost_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_mojo_avg
+ '</span>'
+ '</div>');
sheet.insertRule('.scriptSeasonStatsTooltip {'
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sheet.insertRule('.scriptSeasonStatsArena:hover .scriptSeasonStatsTooltipArena {'
+ 'visibility: visible;}'
/* ==================================
PACHINKO NAMES (Credit : Shinya)
================================== */
function modulePachinkoNames() {
if ($('#pachinko_whole').length){
const jsonMapData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap');
const jsonShardsMapData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap') || '[]';
if (!jsonMapData) {
const localizationMap = new Map(JSON.parse(jsonMapData).concat(JSON.parse(jsonShardsMapData)));
const targetNode = document.getElementById('pachinko_whole');
const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true };
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer){
let text = $('#playzone-replace-info');
if (text.find('.HHMI-INFO').length != 0 && text.find('.HHMI-INFO1').length != 0) {
} else if (text.find('.HHMI-INFO').length == 0 && $('#playzone-replace-info').find('.girl_shards').length) {
const rewards = $('#playzone-replace-info').find('.girl_shards').attr('data-rewards')
const regex = /id_girl\":\d+/g;
const found = rewards.match(regex);
let girls1 = displayWikiGirlsNames(found);
if (found.length > 10){
text = text.find('.game-rewards');
text.css("fontSize", "11px");
text.css("line-height", "13px");
text.css("margin-top", "61px");
text.append('<div class="HHMI-INFO">' + labels.available_girls + girls1 + '</div>');
text = text.find('.HHMI-INFO');
text.css("height", "52px");
text.css("width", "410px");
text.css("position", "relative");
text.css("top", "-96px");
text.css("left", "-60px");
text.css("text-align", "center");
text.css("overflow-y", "scroll");
else if (found.length > 3){
text = text.find('.game-rewards');
text.css("fontSize", "11px");
text.css("line-height", "15px");
text.css("margin-top", "55px");
text.append('<div class="HHMI-INFO">' + labels.available_girls + girls1 + '</div>');
text = text.find('.HHMI-INFO');
text.css("height", "60px");
text.css("width", "390px");
text.css("position", "relative");
text.css("top", "-90px");
text.css("left", "-55px");
text.css("text-align", "center");
else {
text = text.find('.game-rewards');
text.css("fontSize", "11.5px");
text.css("margin-top", "55px");
text.append('<div class="HHMI-INFO">' + labels.available_girls + girls1 + '</div>');
text = text.find('.HHMI-INFO');
text.css("width", "390px");
text.css("position", "relative");
text.css("top", "-85px");
text.css("left", "-55px");
text.css("text-align", "center");
if (text.find('.HHMI-INFO1').length == 0 && $('#playzone-replace-info').find('.pachinko-pool-girl').length) {
const rewards = $('#playzone-replace-info').find('.pachinko-pool-girl').attr('data-rewards')
const regex = /id_girl\":\d+/g;
const found = rewards.match(regex);
let girls2 = displayHaremGirlsNames(found);
text = text.find('.pachinko_img');
text.css("fontSize", "11.5px");
text.append('<div class="HHMI-INFO1">' + window.GT.design.mythic_pachinko_current_selection + ': ' + girls2 + '</div>');
text = text.find('.HHMI-INFO1');
text.css("width", "283px");
text.css("position", "absolute");
text.css("top", "9px");
text.css("left", "48px");
text.css("text-align", "center");
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(targetNode, config);
function displayHaremGirlsNames(found) {
let girls = "";
for (let i = 0, j = found.length; i < j; i++) {
const raw = found[i];
const id = parseInt(raw.match(/\d+/g), 10);
const name = localizationMap.get(id) ? localizationMap.get(id).n : 'Unknown';
let girlName = name.replaceAll("’", "-").replaceAll("/", "-");
if (id == 145462484) girlName = girlName.concat('-', 'Usagi');
let element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/characters/' + id) + '"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
if (girls != ""){
girls += ", " + element;
} else {
girls += element;
return girls;
function displayWikiGirlsNames(found) {
let girls = "";
for (let i = 0, j = found.length; i < j; i++){
const raw = found[i];
const id = parseInt(raw.match(/\d+/g), 10);
const name = localizationMap.get(id) ? localizationMap.get(id).n : 'Unknown';
let girlName = name.replaceAll("’", "-").replaceAll("/", "-");
if (id == 145462484) girlName = girlName.concat('-', 'Usagi');
let element;
if (['gay', 'gh_nutaku', 'gh_eroges'].some(testUniverse)) {
element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:' + name + '" target="_blank"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
else if (lang == 'fr' && ['hentai', 'nutaku', 'test_h', 'hh_eroges'].some(testUniverse)) {
element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="http://hentaiheroes.go.yj.fr/?id=' + id + '" target="_blank"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
else if (['hentai', 'nutaku', 'test_h', 'hh_eroges'].some(testUniverse)) {
element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
else {
element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/characters/' + id) + '"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
if (girls != ""){
girls += ", " + element;
} else {
girls += element;
return girls;
sheet.insertRule('#playzone-replace-info a {'
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+ 'color: #fa8072;}'
sheet.insertRule('#playzone-replace-info .cover, #playzone-replace-info .cover .pachinko_img img {'
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sheet.insertRule('#playzone-replace-info .cover h2 {'
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sheet.insertRule('#playzone-replace-info .cover h3.shadow-text {'
+ 'top: 193px !important;}'
if (['comix_c', 'nutaku_c'].some(testUniverse)) {
sheet.insertRule('#playzone-replace-info .cover p {'
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else {
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sheet.insertRule('#playzone-replace-info .game-rewards {'
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+ 'margin-top: 10px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#playzone-replace-info .graduation {'
+ 'font-size: 10px !important;}'
//CSS rules to improve the display of the missions
function moduleMissionsBackground() {
sheet.insertRule('#missions .missions_wrap .mission_object.mission_entry.common {'
+ 'background: #ffffff20;}'
sheet.insertRule('#missions .missions_wrap .mission_object.mission_entry.rare {'
+ 'background: #32bc4f30;}'
sheet.insertRule('#missions .missions_wrap .mission_object.mission_entry.epic {'
+ 'background: #ffb24440;}'
sheet.insertRule('#missions .missions_wrap .mission_object.mission_entry.legendary {'
+ 'background: #6ebeff40;}'
//CSS rule to not display the collect money animation
function moduleCollectMoneyAnimation() {
sheet.insertRule('.collect_img {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
//Change the defaut tab in Activities to Missions
function moduleActivitiesTabChoice() {
$('#homepage').find('[rel=activities]')[0].href = transformNutakuURL("/activities.html?tab=missions");
//Change items order on home screen
function moduleCustomizedHomeScreen() {
if ($('a[rel="clubs"]').length) $('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="clubs"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="god-path"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="pachinko"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="leaderboard"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="shop"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="harem"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="activities"]'));
$('a[rel="map"] > .notif-position > span:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(1)').after('<img class="script-home-icon" src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/design/menu/map.svg" style="left: 0px;">');
$('a[rel="activities"] > .notif-position > span:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(1)').after('<img class="script-home-icon" src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/design/menu/missions.svg" style="right: 0px;">');
$('a[rel="harem"] > .notif-position > span:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(1)').after('<img class="script-home-icon" src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/design/harem.svg" style="left: 0px;">');
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+ '.event-widget .event-timer .button-notification-icon.button-notification-reward {'
+ 'top: -12px;'
+ 'right: 7px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#homepage .promo_discount span {'
+ 'right: 0px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container > a[rel="leaderboard"] > .notif-position .additional-menu-data > img {'
+ 'margin-left: -3px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container > a[rel="leaderboard"] > .notif-position .additional-menu-data > p.league-rank {'
+ 'margin-top: 6px;'
+ 'margin-left: 4px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#homepage .mega-event .button-notification-icon {'
+ 'top: -6px !important;'
+ 'right: -8px !important;}'
//Hide claimed rewards in Season, PoV, PoG, PoA, DP, Hero and mega-events
function moduleHideClaimedRewards() {
//PoV and PoG rewards
if(['/path-of-valor.html', '/path-of-glory.html'].some(testPage)) {
const POV_REM_PER_GROUP = 0.3 + 3.6; // margin-top + height
let hidden = false;
let $groupsToHide = $('.potions-paths-tier:not(.unclaimed):has(.claimed-slot)');
let $groupsRemaining = $('.potions-paths-tier.unclaimed');
let claimedCount = $groupsToHide.length;
let unclaimedCount = $groupsRemaining.length;
const heightPattern = /height: ?(?<existingLength>[0-9.a-z%]+);?/;
let existingLengthStr;
let newLength;
const $progressBar = $('.potions-paths-progress-bar .potions-paths-progress-bar-current');
const styleAttr = $progressBar.attr('style');
const assertHidden = () => {
$groupsToHide = $('.potions-paths-tier:not(.unclaimed):has(.claimed-slot)');
$groupsRemaining = $('.potions-paths-tier.unclaimed');
claimedCount = $groupsToHide.length;
unclaimedCount = $groupsRemaining.length;
if (claimedCount == 0) {
// nothing to do
hidden = true;
if (styleAttr) $progressBar.attr('style', styleAttr.replace(heightPattern, `height:${newLength};`));
const assertShown = () => {
hidden = false
if (styleAttr) $progressBar.attr('style', styleAttr.replace(heightPattern, `height:${existingLengthStr};`))
const progressBarLength = () => {
if (styleAttr) {
const matches = styleAttr.match(heightPattern);
if (matches && matches.groups) existingLengthStr = matches.groups.existingLength;
if (existingLengthStr) {
newLength = existingLengthStr;
if (existingLengthStr.endsWith('px')) {
const existingLength = parseInt(existingLengthStr);
newLength = Math.round(existingLength - (claimedCount * POV_PX_PER_GROUP)) + 'px';
} else if (existingLengthStr.endsWith('rem')) {
const existingLength = parseFloat(existingLengthStr);
newLength = existingLength - (claimedCount * POV_REM_PER_GROUP) + 'rem';
scrollTop: Math.max(0, (unclaimedCount * POV_PX_PER_GROUP) - 150)
}, 100)
const toggle = () => {
if (hidden) assertShown();
else assertHidden();
$('.girl-preview .avatar').click(toggle);
function eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $rewards, $rewardsRow, start_px, width_px, freePath, paidPath, freeClaimedRewards, paidClaimedRewards, claimableRewards, $progressBar, nbDisplayedRewards, $girls, nbTimeout) {
let rewards_unclaimed = 0;
let rewards_hidden = 0;
let progress_bar_width = 0;
let progress_bar_width_hidden = 0;
let init = true;
const fixWidth = () => {$rewardsRow.css('width', 'max-content');}
const assertHidden = (shouldScroll) => {
rewards_hidden = 0;
rewards_unclaimed = 0;
$rewards.each((i, el) => {
const $free = $(el).find(freePath);
const $pass = $(el).find(paidPath);
if ($free.hasClass(freeClaimedRewards) && ($pass.hasClass(paidClaimedRewards) || !bonusRewardsUnlocked)) $(el).addClass('script-hide-claimed');
if($('a.active[href*="?tab=path_event_"]').length || CurrentPage == "/season.html")
if ($free.hasClass(claimableRewards) || ($pass.hasClass(claimableRewards) && bonusRewardsUnlocked)) rewards_unclaimed += 1;
if (CurrentPage == "/member-progression.html") rewards_unclaimed = $('.tier').length - ($('.tier.available').length + $('.tier.claimed').length);
else if(!($('a.active[href*="?tab=path_event_"]').length || CurrentPage == "/season.html")) {
rewards_unclaimed = $('button.purple_button_L.button_glow:not(.hidden)').length;
Array.from($('button.purple_button_L.button_glow:not(.hidden)')).forEach((button) => {if($(button).css('display') == "none") rewards_unclaimed--;});
rewards_hidden = $('.script-hide-claimed').length;
progress_bar_width = parseInt(start_px + (rewards_unclaimed + rewards_hidden - 1) * width_px, 10);
progress_bar_width_hidden = parseInt(start_px + (rewards_unclaimed - 1) * width_px, 10);
$progressBar.css('width', progress_bar_width_hidden + 'px');
function hideClaimedRewards() {
let scroll_left_px = parseInt(width_px * Math.max(0, (rewards_unclaimed - nbDisplayedRewards)), 10);
try {$rowScroll.scrollLeft = scroll_left_px} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with scroll): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (shouldScroll) {
if (init) {
setTimeout(function() {
init = false;
}, nbTimeout*timeout);
else hideClaimedRewards();
const assertShown = (shouldScroll) => {
$progressBar.css('width', progress_bar_width + 'px');
if (shouldScroll) {
let scroll_right_px = parseInt((rewards_unclaimed + rewards_hidden - nbDisplayedRewards) * width_px, 10);
try {$rowScroll.scrollLeft = scroll_right_px} catch(err) {console.log("HH++ OCD script error (Problem with scroll): " + err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
const toggle = () => {
if ($('.script-hide-claimed').length) assertShown(true);
else assertHidden(true);
if($('#mega-event-tabs #home_tab').length > 0) {
document.getElementById('home_tab').addEventListener('click', () => {
//Season rewards
if(CurrentPage == "/season.html") {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('#gsp_btn_holder').length == 1);
const $rowScroll = document.getElementById('rewards_container');
const start_px = 0;
const width_px_desktop = 79;
const width_px_mobile = 87;
if (window.FullSize.width > 1025)
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.rewards_pair'), $('#rewards_row'), start_px, width_px_desktop, '.free_reward', '.pass_reward', 'reward_claimed', 'reward_claimed', 'reward_is_claimable', $(''), 6, $('#girls_holder .girl_block'), 6);
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.rewards_pair'), $('#rewards_row'), start_px, width_px_mobile, '.free_reward', '.pass_reward', 'reward_claimed', 'reward_claimed', 'reward_is_claimable', $(''), 5, $('#girls_holder .girl_block'), 6);
//PoA and DP events
if(CurrentPage == "/event.html") {
//PoA event
if($('a.active[href*="?tab=path_event_"]').length) {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('.nc-poa-tape-blocker').length == 1);
const $rowScroll = document.getElementsByClassName('scroll-area poa')[0];
const start_px = 0;
const width_px = 75;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.nc-poa-reward-pair'), $('#nc-poa-tape-rewards'), start_px, width_px, '.nc-poa-free-reward', '.nc-poa-locked-reward', 'claimed', 'claimed', 'claimable', $(''), 7, $('#poa-content .girls .girl-avatar'), 6);
sheet.insertRule('#events .nc-panel-body .nc-poa-reward-pair {'
+'margin: 0 !important;}'
//DP event
if($('a.active[href*="?tab=dp_event_"]').length) {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('.nc-poa-tape-blocker').length == 1);
const $rowScroll = document.getElementsByClassName('player-progression-container')[0];
const start_px = 40;
const width_px = 96;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.tiers-progression .tier-container'), $('.tiers-progression'), start_px, width_px, '.free-slot', '.paid-slot', 'claimed', 'claimed', '', $('.dp-progress-bar-current'), 4, $('#dp-content .right-container>img'), 4);
sheet.insertRule('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container .tiers-progression .tier-container {'
+ 'width: 3.5rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container {'
+ 'margin-top: 2rem !important;'
+ 'width: 63rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container, #dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container .yellow-banner {'
+ 'z-index: 3;'
+ 'width: 57rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container .nc-poa-tape-blocker:not(.yellow-banner) {'
+ 'left: 28.6rem !important;'
+ 'z-index: 4 !important;}'
//Hero rewards
if(CurrentPage == "/member-progression.html") {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('#pass_holder').length == 1);
const $rowScroll = document.getElementsByClassName('tiers-container hh-scroll')[0];
const start_px = 70;
const width_px = 104;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.tiers-container .tiers .tier'), $('.tiers-container .tiers'), start_px, width_px, '.free-slot', '.paid-slots', 'claimed-slot', 'claimed-slot', '', $('.progress-bar-current'), 3, $('.page-girl'), 4);
//Mega-events (Lusty Race, Hot Assembly, Seasonal Event)
if(CurrentPage == "/seasonal.html") {
const $rowScroll = document.getElementsByClassName('mega-progress-bar-section hh-scroll')[0];
//Lusty Race
if ($('.mega-tiers-section .mega-tier-container.double-tier').length) {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('#get_mega_pass_kobans_btn').length == 1);
const start_px = 20;
const width_px = 77;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.mega-tier-container'), $('.mega-progress-bar-tiers'), start_px, width_px, '.free-slot', '.pass-slot', 'claimed', 'paid-claimed', '', $('.mega-progress-bar-current'), 6, $('#home_tab_container .girls-reward-container .girl'), 4);
sheet.insertRule('.mega-event-panel .mega-event-container .tabs-section #home_tab_container .bottom-container .right-part-container .mega-tiers-section .mega-progress-bar-section .mega-progress-bar-tiers .double-tier {'
+ 'width: 77px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.mega-event-panel .mega-event-container .tabs-section #home_tab_container .bottom-container .right-part-container .mega-tiers-section .mega-progress-bar-section .mega-progress-bar-tiers .double-tier .mega-tier {'
+ 'margin: 1rem 0 0 !important;}'
//Seasonal event and Hot Assembly
else {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = false;
const start_px = 37;
const width_px = 92;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.mega-tier-container'), $('.mega-progress-bar-tiers'), start_px, width_px, '.mega-tier', '', 'claimed', 'claimed', '', $('.mega-progress-bar-current'), 5, $('#home_tab_container .girls-reward-container .girl'), 4);
sheet.insertRule('.mega-event-panel .mega-event-container .tabs-section #home_tab_container .bottom-container .right-part-container .mega-tiers-section .mega-progress-bar-section .mega-progress-bar-tiers .mega-tier-container {'
+ 'width: ' + width_px + 'px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.mega-event-panel .mega-event-container .tabs-section #home_tab_container .bottom-container .right-part-container .mega-tiers-section .mega-progress-bar-section .mega-progress-bar-tiers .mega-tier-container .mega-tier {'
+ 'margin: 1rem 0 0 !important;}'
//Force desktop display on mobile
function moduleDesktopDisplay() {
setTimeout(function() {
let viewport = document.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]");
viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=1026px, user-scalable=0');
if (['event'].some(testPage)) {
$('#events .scroll-area').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#events .scroll-area').css('touch-action', '');
$('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
$('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container').css('touch-action', '');
else if (['shop'].some(testPage)) {
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="armor"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#player-inventory.armor').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#player-inventory.armor').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: false});
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="booster"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#player-inventory.booster').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#player-inventory.booster').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: false});
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="potion"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#player-inventory.potion').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#player-inventory.potion').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: false});
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="gift"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#player-inventory.gift').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#player-inventory.gift').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: false});
else if (['girl'].some(testPage)) {
if (window.location.search.includes('experience')) {
$('#experience .inventory').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#experience .inventory').css('touch-action', '');
$('#gifts_tab')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#affection .inventory').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#affection .inventory').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: true});
else {
$('#affection .inventory').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#affection .inventory').css('touch-action', '');
$('#books_tab')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#experience .inventory').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#experience .inventory').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: true});
else if (['seasonal'].some(testPage)) {
$('.seasonal-progress-bar-section').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('.seasonal-progress-bar-section').css('touch-action', '');
else if (['activities'].some(testPage)) {
$('#missions .missions_wrap').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#missions .missions_wrap').css('touch-action', '');
else if (['member-progression'].some(testPage)) {
$('.tiers-container').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('.tiers-container').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout)
//Hide Claim All button in season, PoV and PoG
function moduleHideClaimAllButtons() {
if(['/season.html', '/path-of-valor.html', '/path-of-glory.html', '/member-progression.html'].some(testPage)) {
sheet.insertRule('button#claim-all {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
function moduleHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton() {
function moduleEventEndIndicator() {
const THRESHOLD = 24*60*60;
function annotateEventWidget () {
const $eventTimers = $('.event-widget .timer')
$eventTimers.each((i, el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const timeleft = $el.data('timeStamp');
const link = $el.parent().parent().attr('href')
if (timeleft < THRESHOLD && link != "#") {
else if (timeleft < THRESHOLD && link == "#") {
function annotateSeasonalWidget () {
const $eventTimers = $('.mega-event .timer')
$eventTimers.each((i, el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const timeleft = $el.data('timeStamp');
if (timeleft < THRESHOLD) {
function annotatePathEvents () {
['Pov', 'Pog', 'Season'].forEach(type => annotatePathEvent(type));
function annotatePathEvent (type) {
const endTime = localStorage.getItem('HHS.' + type + 'Time');
const {server_now_ts} = window;
if (endTime && endTime > server_now_ts && endTime - THRESHOLD < server_now_ts) {
$('#script' + type + 'Time').addClass('script-ending-soon')
sheet.insertRule('.script-ending-soon {'
+ 'animation-name: pulsing-seasons-and-path;'
+ 'animation-duration: 4s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-event-ending-soon {'
+ 'animation-name: pulsing-events;'
+ 'animation-duration: 4s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-event-starting-soon {'
+ 'animation-name: pulsing-starting-events;'
+ 'animation-duration: 4s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes pulsing-events {'
+ '0% {opacity: 0.8; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: red;}'
+ '50% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #8ec3ff;}'
+ '100% {opacity: 0.8; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: red;}}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes pulsing-starting-events {'
+ '0% {opacity: 0.8; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: green;}'
+ '50% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(0, 180, 0, 0.8); color: #8ec3ff;}'
+ '100% {opacity: 0.8; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: green;}}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes pulsing-seasons-and-path {'
+ '0% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: red;}'
+ '50% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8); color: white;}'
+ '100% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: red;}}'
//Add contests expiration timer in Activities
function moduleContestsExpiryTimer() {
if (!window.contests.finished) return;
const contestExpiration = 21*24*60*60 - 60*60;
function displayExpiryTimer() {
window.contests.finished.forEach(function(contest) {
const remainingTime = contestExpiration + contest.remaining_time;
let days = Math.floor(remainingTime/3600/24);
let hours = Math.floor((remainingTime - days*24*3600)/3600);
let minutes = Math.floor((remainingTime - days*24*3600 - hours*3600)/60);
if (days == 0) $('#contests .contest[id_contest=' + contest.id_contest + ']').children('.contest_header').append('<div class="contest_expiration_timer">' + window.GT.design.expires_in + " : " + hours + labels.hour + " " + minutes + labels.minute + '</div>');
else $('#contests .contest[id_contest=' + contest.id_contest + ']').children('.contest_header').append('<div class="contest_expiration_timer">' + window.GT.design.expires_in + " : " + days + labels.day + " " + hours + labels.hour + '</div>');
new MutationObserver(() => {displayExpiryTimer()}).observe($('#contests')[0], {childList: true})
sheet.insertRule('.contest_expiration_timer {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'z-index: 100;'
+ 'bottom: 107px;'
+ 'left: 11px;'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}'
//Stop background switching during Orgy Days event (Credit: Finderkeeper)
function stopOrgyBackgroundSwitching() {
if ($("body[ page ]").attr("page") != "map") {
$("#bg_all").replaceWith( $("#bg_all").clone() );
$("#bg_all > div > img").not($("#bg_all > div > img")[Math.floor(Math.random()*$("#bg_all > div > img").length)]).remove();
$("#bg_all > div > img").css("opacity","1");
$("#bg_all > div > img").css("display","block");
//Get data for girls already got
function getHaremGirlsData() {
if ($('.harem-girl-container').length) {
let girlShardsDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')));
let girlsData = ['waifu'].some(testPage) ? window.girls_data_list : window.availableGirls;
let girlNameDictionary = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < girlsData.length; i++) {
let girl_data = {af: 0,
xp: 0,
awL: 0,
av: null,
c: null,
e: null,
f: null,
gr: null,
id: null,
l: null,
n: null,
nbGr: null,
r: null,
s: null,
sH: null,
sk: {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0}
girl_data.af = girlsData[i].affection;
girl_data.xp = girlsData[i].xp;
girl_data.awL = girlsData[i].awakening_level;
girl_data.av = girlsData[i].avatar.charAt(girlsData[i].avatar.indexOf('ava') + 3)
girl_data.c = girlsData[i].class;
girl_data.e = girlsData[i].element;
girl_data.f = girlsData[i].figure;
girl_data.gr = girlsData[i].graded;
girl_data.id = parseInt(girlsData[i].id_girl, 10);
girl_data.l = girlsData[i].level;
girl_data.n = girlsData[i].name;
girl_data.nbGr = girlsData[i].nb_grades;
girl_data.r = girlsData[i].rarity;
girl_data.s = girlsData[i].salary;
girl_data.sH = girlsData[i].salary_per_hour;
girl_data.sk[1] = girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[1].skill_points_used;
girl_data.sk[2] = (girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[2] != undefined) ? girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[2].skill_points_used : 0;
girl_data.sk[3] = (girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[3] != undefined) ? girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[3].skill_points_used : 0;
girl_data.sk[4] = (girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[4] != undefined) ? girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[4].skill_points_used : 0;
girl_data.sk[5] = (girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[5] != undefined) ? girlsData[i].skill_tiers_info[5].skill_points_used : 0;
girlNameDictionary.set(girl_data.id, girl_data);
if (girlNameDictionary.size > 0) {
let json = JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlNameDictionary.entries()));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNMap', json);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
function getNonHaremGirlsData() {
const girlShardsDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')));
new MutationObserver(() => {
if ($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < $('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length; i++) {
let girl_id = parseInt($($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl')[i]).attr('girl'), 10);
let girl_shards = girlsDataList[girl_id].shards || 0;
let girl_name = girlsDataList[girl_id].name;
if (girl_shards < 100) {
let girlData = {id: girl_id,
n: girl_name,
sh: girl_shards}
girlShardsDictionary.set(girl_id, girlData);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
}).observe($('#harem_left .girls_list')[0], {childList: true})
//Display the number of shards for girls
function displayGirlsShards() {
if (['troll-', 'season-', 'pachinko', 'clubs', 'leagues', 'labyrinth'].some(testPage)) {
let girlDictionary = (!(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap') && localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap'))) ? new Map() : new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')).concat(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap'))));
let nonHaremGirlShardsDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')));
if (['troll-pre-battle', 'season-arena', 'pachinko'].some(testPage)) {
else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('clubs') != -1) {
else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('labyrinth.html') != -1) {
else if (['troll-battle', 'season-battle', 'leagues', 'labyrinth'].some(testPage)) {
setTimeout(updateTrollGirlsShards(), timeout);
function displayTrollGirlsShards() {
if(($($('.slot.girl_ico')[0]).attr('data-rewards')) && (CurrentPage.indexOf('troll-pre-battle') != -1)) {
let girlsData = JSON.parse($($('.slot.girl_ico')[0]).attr('data-rewards'));
for (let i=0; i < girlsData.length; i++) {
let girlId = girlsData[i].id_girl;
if (!girlId) return;
let shards = girlDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlDictionary.get(girlId).sh : 0;
let name = girlDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlDictionary.get(girlId).n : '';
$($($('.slot.girl_ico')[0]).find('.girl_ico')[i]).append('<div class="shards_troll" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<span class="shard_troll"></span>'
+ '<p id="shard_number">' + shards + '</p>'
+ '</div>');
sheet.insertRule('.page-troll-pre-battle #shard_number {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -1.1em;'
+ 'left: -6px;'
+ 'color: #80058b;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;'
+ 'width: 28px;'
+ 'text-align: right;'
+ 'font-size: 10px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.page-troll-pre-battle .shards_troll .shard_troll {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png");'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-size: contain;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -3px;'
+ 'margin-left: -1px;'
+ 'width: 18px;'
+ 'height: 18px;}'
else if (($($('.slot.girl_ico')[0]).attr('data-rewards')) && (['league-battle', 'season-arena'].some(testPage))) {
$('.slot.girl_ico').find('.slot_girl_shards .shards').remove();
for (let i=0; i < $('.slot.girl_ico').length; i++) {
let girlId = JSON.parse($($('.slot.girl_ico')[i]).attr('data-rewards'))[0].id_girl;
let shards = girlDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlDictionary.get(girlId).sh : 0;
let name = girlDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlDictionary.get(girlId).n : '';
$($('.slot.girl_ico').find('.slot_girl_shards .shards')[i]).remove();
$($('.slot.girl_ico').find('.slot_girl_shards')[i]).append('<div class="shards_troll" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<span class="shard_troll"></span>'
+ '<p id="shard_number">' + shards + '</p></div>');
sheet.insertRule('.page-season_arena #shard_number {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -16px;'
+ 'color: #80058b;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;'
+ 'width: 24px;'
+ 'text-align: right;'
+ 'margin-left: -24px;'
+ 'font-size: 11px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.page-season_arena .shards_troll .shard_troll {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png");'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-size: contain;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: 9px;'
+ 'left: -6px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'height: 20px;}'
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if ($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico').length == 0) return;
else if(($($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico')[0]).find('.girl_ico .shards_troll')).length != 0) return;
else {
if ($($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico .girl_ico img')[0]).attr('src').indexOf('girls/') == -1) return;
else {
for (let i=0; i < $('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico').length; i++) {
let idGirlStr = $($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico img')[i]).attr('src');
let indexStart = idGirlStr.indexOf('girls/') + 'girls/'.length;
let indexEnd = idGirlStr.indexOf('/ico');
let girlId = parseInt(idGirlStr.substring(indexStart, indexEnd), 10);
let shards = girlDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlDictionary.get(girlId).sh : 0;
let name = girlDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlDictionary.get(girlId).n : '';
$($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico .girl_ico .shards_troll')[i]).remove();
$($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico .girl_ico')[i]).append('<div class="shards_troll" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<span class="shard_troll_tooltip" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; position: absolute; bottom: -0.25em; top: 24px; margin-left: 2px; width: 15px; height: 15px;"></span>'
+ '<p id="shard_number_tooltip" style="position: absolute; bottom: -1px; padding-left: 10px; color: #80058b; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff; width: 28px; text-align: right; margin-left: -6px; font-size: 9px;">'
+ '<span>' + shards + '</span>'
+ '</p></div>');
sheet.insertRule('#hh_comix .hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico .girl_ico {'
+ 'font-weight : bold !important;}'
let observer1 = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if ($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico').length == 0) return;
else if(($($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot')[0]).find('.girl_ico .shards_troll')).length != 0) return;
else {
if ($($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico img')[0]).attr('src').indexOf('girls/') == -1) return;
else {
for (let i=0; i < $('.hh_tooltip_new .slot').length; i++) {
let idGirlStr = $($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot img')[i]).attr('src');
let indexStart = idGirlStr.indexOf('girls/') + 'girls/'.length;
let indexEnd = idGirlStr.indexOf('/ico');
let girlId = parseInt(idGirlStr.substring(indexStart, indexEnd), 10);
let shards = girlDictionary.get(girlId) ? (typeof girlDictionary.get(girlId).sh != "number" ? 100 : girlDictionary.get(girlId).sh) : 0;
let name = girlDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlDictionary.get(girlId).n : '';
$($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico .shards_troll')[i]).remove();
$($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico')[i]).append('<div class="shards_troll" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<span class="shard_troll_tooltip" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; position: absolute; bottom: -0.25em; top: 27px; margin-left: 2px; width: 15px; height: 15px;"></span>'
+ '<p id="shard_number_tooltip" style="position: absolute; bottom: -0.25em; padding-left: 10px; color: #80058b; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff; width: 28px; text-align: right; margin-top: -10px; margin-left: -6px; font-size: 9px;">'
+ '<span>' + shards + '</span>'
+ '</p></div>');
sheet.insertRule('#hh_comix .hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico {'
+ 'font-weight : bold !important;}'
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('troll-pre-battle') != -1) observer.observe($('.page-troll-pre-battle')[0], {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false});
else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('pachinko') != -1) observer1.observe($('.page-pachinko')[0], {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false});
function displayClubChampionGirlsShards() {
if ($('#club_champions_tab').length == 0) return;
let clubChampionTab = document.querySelector('#club_champions_tab');
clubChampionTab.addEventListener('click', function(){
if(!$('.girl-shards-reward-wrapper').length) return;
let name = $($('.shards')[0]).attr('name');
let shards = parseInt($($('.shards')[0]).attr('shards'), 10);
let girls = $('.girl-shards-reward-wrapper');
for (let i=0; i < girls.length; i++) {
$('.girl-shards-reward-wrapper:nth-child(' + (i+1) + ') .slot.slot_girl_shards').append('<div class="club_shards" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<p id="club_shard_number" style="position: absolute; bottom: 14px; padding-left: 10px; color: #80058b; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;; width: 28px; text-align: right; margin-left: -46px; font-size: 12px;">'
+ '<span>' + shards + '</span>'
+ '<span class="club_shard" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; display: block; position: relative; bottom: 1.75em; margin-left: 15px; width: 25px; height: 25px;"></span>'
+ '</p></div>');
function displayLabyrinthGirlsShards() {
let labyShopTab = document.querySelector('#shop_tab');
labyShopTab.addEventListener('click', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
if(!$('.slot_girl_shards').length > 0) return;
let girls = $('.slot_girl_shards');
for (let i=0; i < girls.length; i++) {
let name = $($('.shards')[i]).attr('name');
let shards = parseInt($($('.shards')[i]).attr('shards'), 10);
$($('.slot_girl_shards')[i]).append('<div class="laby_shards" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="" style="position: absolute;top: 0px;right: 0px;">'
+ '<p id="laby_shard_number" style="position: absolute; top: -13px; padding-left: 10px; color: #80058b; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;; width: 28px; text-align: right; margin-left: -46px; font-size: 12px;">'
+ '<span>' + shards + '</span>'
+ '<span class="laby_shard" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; display: block; position: relative; bottom: 1.75em; margin-left: 15px; width: 25px; height: 25px;"></span>'
+ '</p></div>');
}, 2*timeout)
function updateTrollGirlsShards() {
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
if(!opt.data) return;
if(~opt.data.search(/action=do_battles_(league|seasons|trolls)/i)) {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
if(!response.rewards.lose) {
if(response.rewards.data.shards) {
let eventTrolls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls'));
let mythicEventTrolls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls'));
response.rewards.data.shards.forEach(function(shard) {
let idGirl = shard.id_girl;
let name = shard.name;
let newShards = shard.value;
let girlData = {id: idGirl,
n: name,
sh: Math.min(newShards, 100)}
if (newShards >= 100) {
eventTrolls = eventTrolls.filter((girl) => girl.id != idGirl);
mythicEventTrolls = mythicEventTrolls.filter((girl) => girl.id != idGirl);
else nonHaremGirlShardsDictionary.set(idGirl, girlData);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTrolls', JSON.stringify(eventTrolls));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls', JSON.stringify(mythicEventTrolls));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(nonHaremGirlShardsDictionary.entries())));
else return;
//Remove button to access to club champion's positions during cooldown + add some datas about participation of club members
function moduleClubChampionFeatures() {
if ($('#club_champions_tab').length == 0) return;
function highlightMembersParticipation() {
let clubMembers = window.members_list;
let championPartipants = window.club_champion_data.fight.participants;
let listChampionParticipantsId = [];
championPartipants.forEach((participant) => {
clubMembers.forEach((member) => {
if (!listChampionParticipantsId.includes(member.id_member)) {
Array.from($('#club_members #members .body-row .avatar')).find((el) => $(el).attr('id-member') == member.id_member).parentElement.parentElement.style.color = '#ffa07a';
let clubChampionTab = document.querySelector('#club_champions_tab');
clubChampionTab.addEventListener('click', () => {
if ($('.club_champions_details_container').length) {
$('button.orange_button_L.btn_skip_team_cooldown').css('display', 'none');
if (!$('button.orange_button_L.btn_skip_champion_cooldown').length) {
$('.challenge_container').css('display', 'block');
let participants = window.club_champion_data.fight.participants;
let participants_number = participants.length;
let club_members = window.members_list.length ;
function calculateParticipation() {
let championImpress = localeStringToNumber((JSON.parse($('.club_champions_bar_container').attr('champion-healing-tooltip')).impression_info).split('/')[1]);
let list = $('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row .data-column:nth-child(4) .impression');
for (let i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
let impress = localeStringToNumber($(list[i]).attr('tooltip'));
if (impress <= 0) {
for (let i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
let impress = Math.max(0, localeStringToNumber($(list[i]).attr('tooltip')));
let percentage = Math.floor((impress/championImpress)*10000)/100;
let shards = Math.ceil(percentage - 0.501) + Math.round(0.6 * Math.sqrt(parseInt(participants_number, 10)));
let textImpress = '' + nThousand(localeStringToNumber($($($('.club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).find('.data-column:nth-child(4) .impression')[0]).attr('tooltip').trim()));
let newTextImpress = textImpress.concat(' / ', nThousand(percentage), '%');
$($('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).find('.data-column:nth-child(4)').empty();
$($('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).find('.data-column:nth-child(4)').append('<div>' + newTextImpress + '</div>');
$($('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).find('.data-column:nth-child(4)').append('<div>' + shards + ' <span class="shard"></span></div>');
if ($($('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).attr('class') == "data-row body-row player-row" && $('.slot_girl_shards .shards p span').length == 2) {
$('.slot_girl_shards .shards p span')[1].innerText = parseInt($('.slot_girl_shards .shards p span')[1].innerText, 10) != 100 ? shards : $('.slot_girl_shards .shards p span')[1].innerText;
($('.girl-shards-reward-wrapper .shards')[1]).attributes['shards'].nodeValue = parseInt($($('.club_shards')[0]).attr('shards'), 10) + shards;
let sortImpression = document.querySelector('.club-champion-members-challenges .head-row .head-column[column=challenge_impression_done]');
sortImpression.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortChallenges = document.querySelector('.club-champion-members-challenges .head-row .head-column[column=challenge_count]');
sortChallenges.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortName = document.querySelector('.club-champion-members-challenges .head-row .head-column[column=nickname]');
sortName.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortLevel = document.querySelector('.club-champion-members-challenges .head-row .head-column[column=level]');
sortLevel.addEventListener('click', function(){
function calculateTime(event_time, server_time) {
let days = parseInt((server_time - event_time)/1000/3600/24);
let hours = parseInt((server_time - event_time)/1000/3600 - days*24);
let minutes = parseInt(((server_time - event_time)/1000 - days*24*3600 - hours*3600)/60);
return {daysLeft: days,
hoursLeft: hours,
minutesLeft: minutes}
function addTimeSinceStart () {
const $timerFight = $('.club_champions_timer_fight');
if (!$timerFight.length || !window.club_champion_data.fight.active) {
const duration = calculateTime(window.club_champion_data.fight.start_time * 1e3, window.server_now_ts * 1e3);
const durationString = `${duration.daysLeft > 0 ? `${duration.daysLeft}${window.GT.time.d} ` : ''}${duration.hoursLeft > 0 ? `${duration.hoursLeft}${window.GT.time.h} ` : ''}${duration.minutesLeft > 0 ? `${duration.minutesLeft}${window.GT.time.m}` : ''}`.trim();
if ($('.club_champion_start').length == 0)
$('.club_champions_impression').append(`<span class="club_champion_start">${label('clubChampDuration').replace('{{duration}}', durationString)}</span>`);
function fixTimerBar () {
const $clubChampionsBar = $('.club_champions_bar');
// Fix silly code putting a localised decimal separator as a CSS rule value
$clubChampionsBar.attr('style', $clubChampionsBar.attr('style').replace(',','.'));
$('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges').prepend('<div class="club-members-participants">Participants: ' + participants_number + ' / ' + club_members + '</div>');
sheet.insertRule('.club-champion-members-challenges .body-row .data-column:nth-child(4) {'
+ 'display: flex !important;'
+ 'flex-direction: column;'
+ 'line-height: 1.2;'
+ 'font-size: 0.9rem;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club-champion-members-challenges .data-list .data-row .data-column:nth-child(4) {'
+ 'width: 11rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club-champion-members-challenges .data-list .data-row .data-column:nth-child(3) {'
+ 'text-align: center;}'
sheet.insertRule('.shard {'
+ 'height: 1rem;'
+ 'width: 1rem;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://hh2.hh-content.com/shards.png);'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-size: 140%;'
+ 'background-position: center;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_champion_start {'
+ 'display: flex;'
+ 'color: #24a0ff;'
+ 'letter-spacing: 1px;'
+ 'justify-content: center;'
+ 'font-size: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club-wrapper > .club-container .club_champions_details_container .club_champions_impression {'
+ 'width: 92% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_champions_timer_fight {'
+ 'margin-left: -5px;'
+ 'width: 104%;}'
sheet.insertRule('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .club-members-participants {'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'left: 500px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .club-members-participants {'
+ 'top: 15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .club-members-participants {'
+ 'top: 25px;}}'
let clubMembersTab = document.querySelector('#club-tabs #club_members_tab');
clubMembersTab.addEventListener('click', function(){
function clubMembersTabHighlight() {
let sortClubLevel = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=level]');
sortClubLevel.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortClubNames = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=nickname]');
sortClubNames.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortClubGirls = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=count_girls]');
sortClubGirls.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortClubMojo = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=mojo]');
sortClubMojo.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortClubContribution = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=contribution_points]');
sortClubContribution.addEventListener('click', function(){
// Show final values when skipping battle
function skipBattleValues() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, timeout);
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
if(~opt.data.search(/action=do_battles_(league|seasons|trolls|pantheon|boss_bang)/i)) {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
let respBattleData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!respBattleData || !respBattleData.success) return;
//We already spent some combativity, let's show this to the player:
if(~location.pathname.indexOf("troll-battle") && ~location.search.search(/number_of_battles=\d+/i)) {
let nBattlesCount = parseInt(location.search.match(/number_of_battles=(\d+)/i)[1]);
if($.isNumeric(nBattlesCount)) {
heroData.update("energy_fight", -1 * nBattlesCount, true);
if(!respBattleData.rounds) return;
let arrRounds = respBattleData.rounds;
let rewards = respBattleData.rewards;
let nPlayerInitialEgo = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-value').data("total-ego");
let nOpponentInitialEgo = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-value').data("total-ego");
let nPlayerFinalEgo = 0;
let nOpponentFinalEgo = 0;
let nRoundsLen = arrRounds.length;
if(nRoundsLen >= 2) {
let arrLastRounds = [arrRounds[nRoundsLen - 2], arrRounds[nRoundsLen - 1]];
if(!arrLastRounds[1].opponent_hit) {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrLastRounds[0].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrLastRounds[1].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else if(!arrLastRounds[1].hero_hit) {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrLastRounds[1].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrLastRounds[0].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrRounds[nRoundsLen - 1].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrRounds[nRoundsLen - 1].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else {
if(nRoundsLen == 1) {
if(!arrRounds[0].opponent_hit) {
nPlayerFinalEgo = nPlayerInitialEgo;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrRounds[0].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else if(!arrRounds[0].hero_hit) {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrRounds[0].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = nOpponentInitialEgo;
else {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrRounds[0].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrRounds[0].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else {
throw new Error("incorrect amount of rounds");
$('#new-battle-skip-btn').on("click", function() {
let $playerBar = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-initial-bar');
let $playerDamageBar = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-damage-bar');
let $playerHealBar = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-heal-bar');
let $opponentBar = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-initial-bar');
let $opponentDamageBar = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-damage-bar');
let $opponentHealBar = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-heal-bar');
let $playerEgo = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-value');
let $opponentEgo = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-value');
let $playerDamageDone = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-damage-taken-text');
let $opponentDamageDone = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-damage-taken-text');
let $criticalDamageIndicator = $('.new-battle-hero-container .new-battle-hero-critical-text');
$playerDamageDone.css('opacity', '0');
$opponentDamageDone.css('opacity', '0');
$criticalDamageIndicator.css('opacity', '0');
$playerHealBar.css('opacity', '0');
$opponentHealBar.css('opacity', '0');
let strPlayerCurEgo = $playerEgo.text().split(window.GT.ego)[1].replace(/[, ]/g, "");
let nPlayerCurEgo = nPlayerInitialEgo;
if($.isNumeric(strPlayerCurEgo)) {
nPlayerCurEgo = parseInt(strPlayerCurEgo);
let strOpponentCurEgo = $opponentEgo.text().split(window.GT.ego)[1].replace(/[, ]/g, "");
let nOpponentCurEgo = nOpponentInitialEgo;
if($.isNumeric(strOpponentCurEgo)) {
nOpponentCurEgo = parseInt(strOpponentCurEgo);
let nPlayerCompleteAtk = nOpponentCurEgo - nOpponentFinalEgo;
let nOpponentCompleteAtk = nPlayerCurEgo - nPlayerFinalEgo;
let fPlayerEgoBarWidth = nPlayerFinalEgo <= 0 ? 0 : nPlayerFinalEgo / nPlayerInitialEgo * 100.0;
let fOpponentEgoBarWidth = nOpponentFinalEgo <= 0 ? 0 : nOpponentFinalEgo / nOpponentInitialEgo * 100.0;
let arrPlayerAnimationSequence = [
{ e: $playerBar, p: { width: fPlayerEgoBarWidth.toFixed(2) + "%" }, o: { duration: 200 } },
{ e: $playerDamageBar, p: { width: fPlayerEgoBarWidth.toFixed(2) + "%" }, o: { duration: 200 } },
{ e: $playerDamageDone, p: { opacity: [0, 1], translateY: -20, translateZ: 0 }, o: {
duration: 300,
sequenceQueue: false,
complete: function(elm) {
$playerEgo.text(window.GT.ego + " " + nThousand(Math.ceil(nPlayerFinalEgo)));
$(elm).velocity({ translateY: 0 }, 0)
let arrOpponentAnimationSequence = [
{ e: $opponentBar, p: { width: fOpponentEgoBarWidth.toFixed(2) + "%" }, o: { duration: 200 } },
{ e: $opponentDamageBar, p: { width: fOpponentEgoBarWidth.toFixed(2) + "%" }, o: { duration: 200 } },
{ e: $opponentDamageDone, p: { opacity: [0, 1], translateY: -20, translateZ: 0 }, o: {
duration: 300,
sequenceQueue: false,
complete: function(elm) {
$opponentEgo.text(window.GT.ego + " " + nThousand(Math.ceil(nOpponentFinalEgo)));
$(elm).velocity({ translateY: 0 }, 0)
$('.velocity-animating').velocity("stop", true);
const Reward = window.Reward ? window.Reward : shared.reward_popup.Reward;
setTimeout(function() {Reward.handlePopup(rewards)}, 800);
//Fix a bug with decimal separator in daily goals
function fixDailyGoalsBug() {
for(let i = 0; i < $('#daily_goals .objective-progress-bar-fill').length; i++){
$('#daily_goals .objective-progress-bar-fill')[i].attributes.style.value = $('#daily_goals .objective-progress-bar-fill')[i].attributes.style.value.replace(',', '.');
//Sort daily missions by duration
function sortDailyMissions() {
const compare = (asc) => (row1, row2) => {
const missionDuration = row => parseInt(JSON.parse(row.attributes['data-d'].value).duration, 10)
const tri = (v1, v2) => v1 - v2;
return tri(missionDuration(asc ? row1 : row2), missionDuration(asc ? row2 : row1));
let missions = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.mission_object:not(.legendary)')).sort(compare(true));
missions.forEach(tr => document.querySelector('.missions_wrap').appendChild(tr));
//Display a notification on home screen when Sultry Mysteries event's shop is refreshed
function notifySultryMysteriesShopRefresh() {
if(CurrentPage == "/event.html") {
if(!$('a.active[href*="?tab=sm_event_"]').length) return;
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
if(!$('#shop_tab.underline-tab').length) return;
let sm_shop_timer = parseInt($('#shop_tab_container .shop-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.sm_shop_timer', window.server_now_ts + sm_shop_timer);
}, 1000);
observer.observe($('#shop_tab')[0], {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
if(CurrentPage == "/home.html") {
if(!localStorage.getItem('HHS.sm_shop_timer') && $($('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]')).attr('href') != "#") {
$('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .event-timer.bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]').append('<span class="button-notification-icon expired_notification_icn" style="top: 0px;right: 229px;"></span>')
else if(window.server_now_ts >= localStorage.getItem('HHS.sm_shop_timer') && $($('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]')).attr('href') != "#") {
$('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .event-timer.bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]').append('<span class="button-notification-icon expired_notification_icn" style="top: 0px;right: 229px;"></span>');
else if(localStorage.getItem('HHS.sm_shop_timer') == NaN && $($('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]')).attr('href') != "#") {
$('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .event-timer.bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]').append('<span class="button-notification-icon expired_notification_icn" style="top: 0px;right: 229px;"></span>');
//Fix girl stats tooltip position
function fixGirlStatsTooltipPosition() {
new MutationObserver(() => {
if (parseInt($('.hh_tooltip_new.new_girl_tooltip').css('top'), 10) < 0 || parseInt($('.hh_tooltip_new.new_girl_tooltip').css('top'), 10) > 360) {
$('.hh_tooltip_new.new_girl_tooltip').css('top', 0)
}).observe(document.body, {childList: true});
//Girl tooltip in event widget
sheet.insertRule('#events .nc-event-reward-container .nc-event-reward-info {'
+ 'z-index: 10 !important;'
+ 'top: -4px !important;'
+ 'left: 0rem !important;}'
//Display stats screen instead of girls screen
function fixProfilePopup() {
const default_hero_page_popup = window.shared.general.hero_page_popup;
window.shared = {
general: {
hero_page_popup: (info) => {
if (info && !info.page) {
info.page = 'profile'
return default_hero_page_popup(info)
function fixLeaderboardHeroDisplay() {
function displayHeroRank(button, leaderboard) {
document.getElementById(button).addEventListener('click', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if($(leaderboard)[0].length > 0) {
if($(leaderboard + ' #outer-hero-row')[0].children.length == 0) {
Array.from($(leaderboard + ' .leaderboard_row.hero-row').children()).forEach((child) => {
$(leaderboard + ' #outer-hero-row')[0].append(child.cloneNode(true));
}, 1000)
if(['seasonal.html'].some(testPage)) {
displayHeroRank('mega-event-tabs', '#top_ranking_tab_container');
else if(['path-of-valor.html', 'path-of-glory.html'].some(testPage)) {
displayHeroRank('pov_leaderboard_tab', '#pov_leaderboard_tab_container');
displayHeroRank('pog_leaderboard_tab', '#pog_leaderboard_tab_container');
else if(['season.html'].some(testPage)) {
displayHeroRank('leaderboard_btn', '#leaderboard_tab_container');
else if(['labyrinth.html'].some(testPage)) {
displayHeroRank('labyrinth_leaderboard_tab', '#labyrinth_leaderboard_tab_container');
else if(['pantheon.html'].some(testPage)) {
displayHeroRank('leaderboard_tab', '#leaderboard_tab_container');
function unhideGirlPosePreview() {
new MutationObserver(() => {
if ($('#girl_preview_popup').length > 0) {
Array.from($('.pose-preview')).forEach((pose) => {pose.addEventListener('click', function() {
if ($(pose).css('filter') == "none") {
$(pose).css('filter', 'blur(0.25rem)');
$(pose.parentNode).find('.preview-locked_icn').css('display', '');
else {
$(pose).css('filter', 'none');
$(pose.parentNode).find('.preview-locked_icn').css('display', 'none');
Array.from($('.pose-preview_wrapper .preview-locked_icn')).forEach((lock) => {lock.addEventListener('click', function() {
if ($(lock).css('display') == "none") {
$(lock).css('display', '');
$(lock.parentNode.children[0]).css('filter', 'blur(0.25rem)');
else {
$(lock).css('display', 'none');
$(lock.parentNode.children[0]).css('filter', 'none');
}).observe($('#common-popups')[0], {childList: true});
function highlightClubMembers() {
function collectClubMembers() {
let clubMembersId = [];
Array.from($('#club_members .avatar')).forEach((member) => {
let member_id = $(member).attr('id-member');
if (member_id != heroData.infos.id) clubMembersId.push(member_id)
localStorage.setItem('HHS.clubMembersId', JSON.stringify(clubMembersId));
function addPlayerSortingId(action, feature, location) {
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
if(!opt.data) return;
if(opt.data.includes(`action=${action}`) && opt.data.includes(`feature=${feature}`)) {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
if (!response.leaderboard) return;
setTimeout(() => {
for (let i=0; i<response.leaderboard.length; i++) {
$($(`${location} .leaderboard_row`)[i]).attr('sorting_id', response.leaderboard[i].id_member);
$($(`${location} .leaderboard_row`)[i]).attr('onclick', `shared.general.hero_page_popup({ id: ${response.leaderboard[i].id_member}, profile_fallback: true })`)
}, 2*timeout)
//Highlight club members in league
function highlightLeague() {
let clubMembersId = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.clubMembersId'));
if (clubMembersId == null) return;
Array.from($('.nickname')).forEach((player) => {
let member_id = $(player).attr('id-member');
if (clubMembersId.includes(member_id) && $(player).parent().find('.clubUpgrade_mix_icn').length == 0)
$(player).after($(`<span class="clubUpgrade_mix_icn" style="background-size: 25px !important;"></span>`));
//Highlight club members in Season, PoV, PoG, mega-event, labyrinth
function highlightRankings() {
let clubMembersId = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.clubMembersId'));
if (clubMembersId == null) return;
Array.from($('.leaderboard_row')).forEach((player) => {
let member_id = $(player).attr('sorting_id');
if (clubMembersId.includes(member_id) && $(player).find('.clubUpgrade_mix_icn').length == 0)
$(player).find('.leaderboard-nickname-align').append($(`<span class="clubUpgrade_mix_icn" style="background-size: 22px !important; position: relative; top: -1px;"></span>`))
//Highlight club members in Contests
function highlightContests() {
let clubMembersId = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.clubMembersId'));
if (clubMembersId == null) return;
Array.from($('.leadTable>tr')).forEach((player) => {
let member_id = $(player).attr('sorting_id');
const clubHTML = $('<span class="clubUpgrade_mix_icn" style="background-size: 21px !important; display: inline-block !important; position: relative; top: 3px;"></span>')
if (clubMembersId.includes(member_id) && $(player.children[1]).find('.clubUpgrade_mix_icn').length == 0)
if (['/clubs.html'].some(testPage)) collectClubMembers();
if (['/leagues.html'].some(testPage)) {
if ($('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list').length > 0) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('.data-list')[0], {childList: true, once: true})
if (['/path-of-valor.html', '/path-of-glory.html'].some(testPage)) {
addPlayerSortingId('leaderboard', 'path_of_valor', '#pov_leaderboard_tab_container');
addPlayerSortingId('leaderboard', 'path_of_glory', '#pog_leaderboard_tab_container');
new MutationObserver(() => {
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#pov_leaderboard_tab_container #leaderboard_list')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true, once: true})
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#pog_leaderboard_tab_container #leaderboard_list')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true, once: true})
}).observe($('#potions-paths-tabs')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true})
if (['/season.html', '/pantheon.html'].some(testPage)) {
addPlayerSortingId('leaderboard', 'season', '#leaderboard_tab_container');
addPlayerSortingId('leaderboard', 'pantheon', '#leaderboard_tab_container');
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#leaderboard_list')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true, once: true})
if (['/activities.html'].some(testPage)) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#activities #contests')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true, once: true})
if (['/seasonal.html'].some(testPage)) {
addPlayerSortingId('leaderboard', 'seasonal_event_top', '#top_ranking_tab_container');
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#top_ranking_tab_container')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true, once: true})
if (['/labyrinth.html'].some(testPage)) {
addPlayerSortingId('labyrinth_leaderboard', 'labyrinth_leaderboard', '#labyrinth_leaderboard_tab_container');
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#labyrinth_leaderboard_tab_container')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true, once: true})
//Display values for top ranking in mega-event
function displayTopRankingTooltip() {
new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(function() {
let top10 = parseInt($('#top_ranking_tab_container .top_ranking-container #leaderboard_holder .leaderboard_row')[9].children[3].innerText, 10);
let top50 = parseInt($('#top_ranking_tab_container .top_ranking-container #leaderboard_holder .leaderboard_row')[49].children[3].innerText, 10);
let top100 = parseInt($('#top_ranking_tab_container .top_ranking-container #leaderboard_holder .leaderboard_row')[99].children[3].innerText, 10);
let top250 = parseInt($('#top_ranking_tab_container .top_ranking-container #leaderboard_holder .leaderboard_row')[249].children[3].innerText, 10);
let top500 = parseInt($('#top_ranking_tab_container .top_ranking-container #leaderboard_holder .leaderboard_row')[499].children[3].innerText, 10);
let top1000 = parseInt($('#top_ranking_tab_container .top_ranking-container #leaderboard_holder .leaderboard_row')[999].children[3].innerText, 10);
let textTops = "Top 10 : " + nThousand(top10) + '<BR>' + "Top 50 : " + nThousand(top50) + '<BR>' + "Top 100 : " + nThousand(top100) + '<BR>' + "Top 250 : " + nThousand(top250) + '<BR>' + "Top 500 : " + nThousand(top500) + '<BR>' + "Top 1000 : " + nThousand(top1000);
$('#top_ranking_tab_container .top_ranking-container').prepend($('<div id="leaderboard_top" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTops + '">'
+ '<img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/128/5140/5140914.png"></div>'))
}, 2*timeout)
}).observe($('#top_ranking_tab_container')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true, once: true});
sheet.insertRule('#leaderboard_top {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: -1px;'
+ 'right: 218px;'
+ 'z-index: 100;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leaderboard_top img {'
+ 'height: 30px;}'
//Hide koban button for girl grade upgrade
function hideGradeUpgradeKobanButton() {
sheet.insertRule('.quest-container #controls p.or, .quest-container .grade-complete-button.orange_text_button {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
//Add timer on sultry event and lively scene event screens
function displayEventTimer() {
if (['home'].some(testPage)) {
if ($('.timer-box[data-type="sm_event"]').length > 0) {
const sm_event_timer = parseInt($('.timer-box[data-type="sm_event"]').attr('data-time'), 10);
const server_time = window.server_now_ts;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.sm_event_data', JSON.stringify({server_time: server_time, sm_event_timer: sm_event_timer}));
if ($('.timer-box[data-type="lively_scene_event"]').length > 0) {
const lively_event_timer = parseInt($('.timer-box[data-type="lively_scene_event"]').attr('data-time'), 10);
const server_time = window.server_now_ts;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.lively_event_data', JSON.stringify({server_time: server_time, lively_event_timer: lively_event_timer}));
if (window.location.search.includes('?tab=sm_event_')) {
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.sm_event_data') != null) {
const old_sm_event_data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.sm_event_data'));
const old_sm_event_timer = parseInt(old_sm_event_data.sm_event_timer, 10);
const old_server_time = parseInt(old_sm_event_data.server_time, 10);
const sm_event_timer = old_sm_event_timer - (window.server_now_ts - old_server_time);
const sm_event_d = Math.floor(sm_event_timer/3600/24);
const sm_event_h = Math.floor(sm_event_timer/3600%24);
const sm_event_m = Math.floor(sm_event_timer%3600/60);
const sm_event_s = Math.floor(sm_event_timer%60);
let sm_event_time_label;
if (sm_event_d > 0) sm_event_time_label = sm_event_d + labels.day + ' ' + sm_event_h + labels.hour;
else if (sm_event_h > 0) sm_event_time_label = sm_event_h + labels.hour + ' ' + sm_event_m + labels.minute;
else sm_event_time_label = sm_event_m + labels.minute + ' ' + sm_event_s + labels.second;
$('.nc-pull-right').append(`<div class="event-timer nc-expiration-label timer" data-time-stamp="${sm_event_timer}">
<p>${window.GT.design.event_ends_in}: <span rel="expires">${sm_event_time_label}</span></p>
if (window.location.search.includes('?tab=lively_scene_event_')) {
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.lively_event_data') != null) {
const old_lively_event_data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.lively_event_data'));
const old_lively_event_timer = parseInt(old_lively_event_data.lively_event_timer, 10);
const old_server_time = parseInt(old_lively_event_data.server_time, 10);
const lively_event_timer = old_lively_event_timer - (window.server_now_ts - old_server_time);
const lively_event_d = Math.floor(lively_event_timer/3600/24);
const lively_event_h = Math.floor(lively_event_timer/3600%24);
const lively_event_m = Math.floor(lively_event_timer%3600/60);
const lively_event_s = Math.floor(lively_event_timer%60);
let lively_event_time_label;
if (lively_event_d > 0) lively_event_time_label = lively_event_d + labels.day + ' ' + lively_event_h + labels.hour;
else if (lively_event_h > 0) lively_event_time_label = lively_event_h + labels.hour + ' ' + lively_event_m + labels.minute;
else lively_event_time_label = lively_event_m + labels.minute + ' ' + lively_event_s + labels.second;
$('.nc-pull-right').append(`<div class="event-timer nc-expiration-label timer" data-time-stamp="${lively_event_timer}">
<p>${window.GT.design.event_ends_in}: <span rel="expires">${lively_event_time_label}</span></p>
function displaySeasonMojo() {
if (['season-arena'].some(testPage)) {
if ($('.player_team_block.battle_hero #mojo_data').text().includes('Max') || $('.player_team_block.battle_hero #mojo_data').text().includes('MAX')) {
$('.player_team_block.battle_hero #mojo_data').after('<div class="white_text" style="font-size: 0.65rem;"> ' + nThousand(window.season_mojo_s) + '</div>');
sheet.insertRule('.player_team_block .seasons_tab_mojo #bar_mojo_container .tier_bar_container .white_text.centered_s {'
+ 'width: 90% !important;}'
else if (['home.html'].some(testPage)) {
if ($('#homepage .season-button #mojo_data_home').text().includes('Max') || $('#homepage .season-button #mojo_data_home').text().includes('MAX')) {
$('#homepage .season-button #mojo_data_home').after('<div class="white_text" style="font-size: 0.65rem;"> ' + nThousand(window.season_mojo_s) + '</div>');
function hideIntroPictures() {
sheet.insertRule('#contains_all section.intro .quest-container #scene > div.canvas #background, #common-popups #intro_variant_popup .variant-video, .background_image-style {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
//CSS rules to optimize display and fix some bugs
function fixCSSIssues() {
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#fight_energy_bar .energy_counter_bar .energy_counter_icon .hudBattlePts_mix_icn {'
+ 'left: 14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.rotate_device {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
//Hide claimed rewards
sheet.insertRule('.script-hide-claimed {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
//White border in market
sheet.insertRule('#shops .slot {'
+ 'border: none;}'
//Club table
sheet.insertRule('.club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table thead th:nth-child(1) {'
+ 'width: 13% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {'
+ 'width: 9% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table thead th:nth-child(2) {'
+ 'width: 0% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table thead th:nth-child(3) {'
+ 'width: 29% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table tbody tr td:nth-child(3) {'
+ 'width: 31% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table thead th:nth-child(4), .club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table tbody tr td:nth-child(4) {'
+ 'width: 15% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table thead th:nth-child(5), .club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table tbody tr td:nth-child(5) {'
+ 'width: 16% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table thead th:nth-child(6), .club_dashboard .members_requests_tables table tbody tr td:nth-child(6) {'
+ 'width: 21% !important;}'
//Good position on wrong place for champions
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.girl-box__draggable .green-tick-icon.empty {'
+ '-webkit-mask: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_tick_white.svg") no-repeat 50% 50%;'
+ '-webkit-mask-size: contain;'
+ 'background-image: none;'
+ 'background-color: snow !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#hh_comix #harem_left .girls_list.grid_view div[girl] .right .salary .loading .over.count {'
+ 'font-weight: bold;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#season-arena .rewards_list .slot_victory_points .amount, #season-arena .rewards_list .slot_season_xp_girl .amount, #season-arena .rewards_list .slot_season_affection_girl .amount {'
+ 'font-size: 14px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#season-arena .player_team_block.opponent .opponent_rewards .rewards_list .slot.slot_victory_points .victory_points_icn {'
+ 'width: 45% !important;'
+ 'height: 45% !important;'
+ 'left: 27% !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.team-hexagon-container .team-hexagon {'
+ 'margin-top: -15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#season-arena .opponents_arena .opponents_choose_text_container {'
+ 'margin-top: -6px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#seasons_tab_container .btn-control.girl-information {'
+ 'margin-right: -20px;'
+ 'margin-left: 19px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#seasons_tab_container .btn-control.girl-information {'
+ 'margin-bottom: 30px;'
+ 'margin-right: -20px;'
+ 'margin-left: 10px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#seasons_tab_container .nc-event-reward-info {'
+ 'bottom: 14rem !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#seasons_main_container .seasons_controls_holder {'
+ 'margin-top: -15px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.rewards_container_seasons {'
+ 'bottom: 0% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.season-pass {'
+ 'bottom: 1.7rem !important;}'
//Move Claim all button in season
sheet.insertRule('#seasons_tab_container #claim-all {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: 22px;}'
//Skip button on battle screen
sheet.insertRule('#new-battle-skip-btn {'
+ 'position: absolute !important;'
+ 'max-width: 7rem !important;'
+ 'right: -57px;'
+ 'top: 422px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.page-troll-battle #rewards_popup .flex-container button, .page-troll-pre-battle #rewards_popup .flex-container button, .page-activities #rewards_popup .flex-container button, .page-season-battle #rewards_popup .flex-container button, .page-league-battle #rewards_popup .flex-container button, .page-labyrinth-battle #rewards_popup .flex-container button {'
+ 'position: absolute !important;'
+ 'top: 493px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.page-champions .section__preview-characters .skip-button {'
+ 'right: 460px !important;}'
//Girls display on battle screen
sheet.insertRule('#new_battle .new-battle-girl-container, #new_battle .new-battle-girl-container {'
+ 'z-index: -1;}'
sheet.insertRule('.new-battle-girl-container .new-battle-image.js-displayed-girl {'
+ 'width: 164px !important;}'
//Team display
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'margin-top: 7px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#season-arena .player-team, #teams .player-team {'
+ 'margin-top: -10px !important;}}'
//CSS rules to fix the rewards display in path of valor
sheet.insertRule('.potions-paths-background-panel {'
+ 'z-index: 1;}'
sheet.insertRule('#hh_hentai #pov_tab_container .potions-paths-title-panel, #hh_hentai #pog_tab_container .potions-paths-title-panel {'
+ 'transform: scale(0.5);'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -37px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#hh_hentai #pov_tab_container .potions-paths-next-milestone-panel, #hh_hentai #pog_tab_container .potions-paths-next-milestone-panel {'
+ 'transform: scale(0.8);'
+ 'margin-top: 15px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#hh_hentai #pov_tab_container .potions-paths-next-milestone-panel, #hh_hentai #pog_tab_container .potions-paths-next-milestone-panel {'
+ 'transform: scale(0.8);'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#hh_hentai #pov_tab_container .potions-paths-objective, #hh_hentai #pog_tab_container .potions-paths-next-milestone-panel {'
+ 'transform: scale(0.8);'
+ 'margin-top: -22px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#hh_hentai #pov_tab_container .potions-paths-progress-bar-section, #hh_hentai #pog_tab_container .potions-paths-progress-bar-section {'
+ 'margin-top: -63px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#hh_hentai #pov_tab_container .potions-paths-progress-bar-section, #hh_hentai #pog_tab_container .potions-paths-progress-bar-section {'
+ 'overflow-x: hidden;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.pov-gradient-panel {'
+ 'z-index: 1;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'transform: scale(0.5);'
+ 'position: relative;'
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