Mark Watched Videos for SpankBang

Marks videos that you've previously seen as watched, across the entire site.

코드가 바뀐 버전들입니다. 모든 버전 보기

  • v0.5.3 2021-12-06
    • Bugfix: Broken require url
      • Bugfix: buildVideoHistory throwing DOMexception, not correctly populating history
  • v0.5.2 2021-05-31
    • Updated the history import to pull all history pages, not just the first
      • Fixed adding the currently viewed page, to handle videos in playlists
  • v0.5.1 2021-05-24
    • Fixed wrong require url which was breaking the script
  • v0.5.0 2021-05-19

    Rewrote the script to use the full idb library instead of just idb-keyval Changed the way history is stored to accommodate playlists

  • v0.4.0 2021-05-13