Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Pornolab Thumbnail Preview

View thumbnails of posts before/without clicking on them. Adds a post image preview to the torrent tables. No more wasting time checking each post page. Know what you want before you click.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Pornolab Thumbnail Preview
// @namespace    hetisnietgay
// @version      0.3.4
// @description  View thumbnails of posts before/without clicking on them. Adds a post image preview to the torrent tables. No more wasting time checking each post page. Know what you want before you click.
// @author       hetisnietgay
// @match        **
// @match        **
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect
// @license			 MIT

// ==/UserScript==

// Load the image before trying to obtain the dimensions
async function loadImage(url) {
	let img = new Image();
	img.src = url.replace(/\s/g, '');
	await img.decode();
	return img;
// Map image url array to preloaded images array
async function fetchImages(urls) {
	if (!urls)
	// Images load asynchronously so have to await all of the urls in the array
	let unresolved =;
	let results = await Promise.allSettled(unresolved);

	let errors = results.filter(result => result.status === 'rejected')
		.map(result => result.value);

	if (errors.length)

	results = results.filter(result => result.status === 'fulfilled')
		.map(result => result.value);

	if (!results.length)

	return results;

function xmlGet(url) {
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			method: "GET",
			url: url,
			onload: (res) => {
			onerror: (err) => {

// Image URL for if thumbnail failed
const errorURL = "";

// Async delay
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

(async () => {
	'use strict';
	let table = document.querySelectorAll(", .forumline.tablesorter")[0];

	let forumNameHeader, topicNameHeader;
	// Second child because fix for odd table
	let tableHead = table.querySelector("tr:first-child > th:nth-child(2)");
	let screenshotHead = Object.assign(document.createElement('th'), {
		className: `{sorter: false}`,
		innerHTML: `<b class="tbs-text">Screenshot</b>`,

	let torrents = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll("tbody > tr"));
	let linkSelect = ".tLink";
	let tdSelect = "td:nth-child(2)";
	// Resize table columns and other page specific things, pretty messy rn
	if ( === "t-seed") {
		forumNameHeader = table.querySelector("th[data-resizable-column-id='forum_name']");
		topicNameHeader = table.querySelector("th[data-resizable-column-id='topic_name']"); = "width: 0.01%;"; = "width: 30%;";
		screenshotHead.setAttribute('data-resizable-column-id', 'preview_col'); = "width: 30%;";
	} else if ( === "tor-tbl") {
		forumNameHeader = table.querySelector("th[width='25%']");
		topicNameHeader = table.querySelector("th[width='75%']");
		forumNameHeader.setAttribute("width", "0.01%");
		topicNameHeader.setAttribute("width", "30%");
		screenshotHead.setAttribute("width", "40%");
	} else if ( === "srch-tbl") {
		linkSelect = "a.topictitle";
		forumNameHeader = table.querySelector("col[width='25%']");
		topicNameHeader = table.querySelector("col[width='75%']");
		let screenshotCol = forumNameHeader.cloneNode();

		table.querySelector("colgroup > col:first-child").after(screenshotCol);
		forumNameHeader.setAttribute("width", "0.01%");
		topicNameHeader.setAttribute("width", "30%");
		screenshotCol.setAttribute("width", "40%")
	} else {
		linkSelect = "a.torTopic";
		let tdSelect = "td:first-child";
		topicNameHeader = table.querySelector("col[width='75%']");
		let screenshotCol = topicNameHeader.previousElementSibling;
		topicNameHeader.setAttribute("width", "30%");
		screenshotCol.setAttribute("width", "40%");

		// First few aren't torrent posts
		let torSelector = "td.topic_id > img.topic_icon:not([src='//'], [src='//'])";
		let firstTorrent = table.querySelector(torSelector).parentNode.parentNode;
		let index =, firstTorrent);
		torrents = torrents.slice(index);

		// Fixes for odd table
		tableHead = table.querySelector("tr:first-child > th:first-child");
		let emptyHead = document.createElement("th");

		table.querySelectorAll("th[colspan], .topic_id[colspan]").forEach(iconCell => iconCell.removeAttribute("colspan"));
		screenshotHead = Object.assign(document.createElement("th"), {
			innerHTML: "Screenshot",


	for (const torrent of torrents) {
		// Post link
		let link = torrent.querySelector(linkSelect);

		if (!link)

		// Fetch post page
		let res = await xmlGet(link.href);
		let div = document.createElement("div");
		div.innerHTML = res;

		// Table cell for image(s)
		let imgCell = document.createElement("td");

		// Get first 2 post image URLs
		let postImgs = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll("var.postImg"))
										.slice(0, 2)
										.map((postImg) => postImg.title);

		// Fetch loaded images with URLS
		let posters = await fetchImages(postImgs);

		//let posters = postImgs.filter((img) => (img.naturalHeight > 350 || img.naturalWidth > 350) && (img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight < 4)); // extra check for banners
		if (!posters) {
			let img = await loadImage(errorURL); = "height: 50px;"
		} else {
			// If using imgbox, we can't tell whether it's a big or thumbnail image from url,
			// though the requirements for thumbnails are they have to be under 350px on each side.
			// Given that most 'poster' images are well over this, it *seems* pretty reliable (for now).
			posters = posters.filter((img) => (img.naturalHeight > 350 || img.naturalWidth > 350) && (img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight < 4));

			let width;
			if (posters && posters.length === 2) {
				width = [];
				let totalWidth = posters[0].naturalWidth + posters[1].naturalWidth;
				width[0] = (100 * (posters[0].naturalWidth / totalWidth));
				width[1] = (100 * (posters[1].naturalWidth / totalWidth));

			posters.forEach((img, i) => {
				if (posters.length === 2) { = "width: 100%; border: 5px;"; = "width: " + width[i] + "%; border: 5px;";
				} else { = "width: 100%; border: 5px;";
				// Add to container

		// Add to table

		// Slow load images so we don't get IP blocked
		await sleep(400);
