wnacg 優化

電腦版頁面支持切換自動翻頁或手動按鍵翻頁,並可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。電腦開啟的手機頁面 (移動端不適用),則可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name            wnacg 優化
// @name:zh-TW      wnacg 優化
// @name:zh-CN      wnacg 优化
// @name:ja         wnacg 最適化
// @name:en         wnacg Optimization
// @version         0.0.15
// @author          Canaan HS
// @description         電腦版頁面支持切換自動翻頁或手動按鍵翻頁,並可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。電腦開啟的手機頁面 (移動端不適用),則可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。
// @description:zh-TW   電腦版頁面支持切換自動翻頁或手動按鍵翻頁,並可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。電腦開啟的手機頁面 (移動端不適用),則可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。
// @description:zh-CN   电脑版页面支持切换自动翻页或手动按键翻页,并可自定背景颜色及图像大小。电脑开启的手机页面(移动端不适用),则可自定背景颜色及图像大小。
// @description:ja      デスクトップ版ページでは、自動ページ送りと手動キー操作によるページ送りの切り替えができ、背景色と画像サイズをカスタマイズできます。デスクトップで開いたモバイルページ(モバイル端末では適用されません)では、背景色と画像サイズをカスタマイズできます。
// @description:en      The desktop version supports switching between automatic page turning and manual key press page turning, with customizable background color and image size. The mobile version opened on a desktop (not applicable on mobile devices) allows for customizing the background color and image size.

// @match       *://*.wnacg.com/photos-view-id-*.html
// @match       *://*.wnacg01.ru/photos-view-id-*.html
// @match       *://*.wnacg02.ru/photos-view-id-*.html
// @match       *://*.wnacg03.ru/photos-view-id-*.html

// @match       *://*.wnacg.com/photos-slist-aid-*.html
// @match       *://*.wnacg01.ru/photos-slist-aid-*.html
// @match       *://*.wnacg02.ru/photos-slist-aid-*.html
// @match       *://*.wnacg03.ru/photos-slist-aid-*.html

// @icon        https://www.wnacg.com/favicon.ico

// @license     MIT
// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/users/989635

// @run-at      document-start
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_deleteValue
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand

// @require     https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js
// @require     https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.14.0/jquery-ui.min.js
// @require     https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/495339/1456526/ObjectSyntax_min.js
// @require     https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/18.3.1/umd/react.production.min.js
// @require     https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/18.3.1/umd/react-dom.production.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

(async () => {
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                          (history.pushState(null, null, b.target.alt),
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                          setTimeout(() => {
                          }, 500);
                      .catch((b) => {
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                  className: "ImageOptimization",
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                      (c = +Syn.$$("img", { root: a }).getAttribute("data-number")),
                      (b = n.get(c - 1)) ? p(b.PrevLink) : p(n.get(c).PrevLink);
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                      (c = +Syn.$$("img", { root: a }).getAttribute("data-number")),
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              ImageMaxHight: p,
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              BackgroundColor: n,
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              ? ""
              : `
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              <input type="checkbox" class="DMS-checkbox" id="SwitchMode" ${e ? "checked" : ""
              <label class="DMS-label" for="SwitchMode">
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                  <span class="DMS-switch"></span>
          a = `
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                  <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
                      <h1 style="margin-bottom: 1rem; font-size: 1.3rem;">${h.Transl(
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                      <span class="Cshow">${a[1].DisplayText}</span>
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                      <span class="Cshow">${a[3].DisplayText}</span>
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                      <span class="Cshow">${a[4].DisplayText}</span>
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                      <span style="margin-right: 17.9rem;"></span><button id="SaveConfig" class="button-sty">${h.Transl(
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              t = $(l.target).next(".Cshow");
              g = l.target.id;
              k = $(l.target).val();
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              "9" === k
                  ? (h.StylePointer[g]("auto"), t.text("auto"))
                  : (h.StylePointer[g](`${k}%`), t.text(`${k}%`));
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              "9" === k
                  ? (h.StylePointer[g]("auto"), t.text("auto"))
                  : (h.StylePointer[g](`${k}rem`), t.text(`${k}rem`));
          u("#SaveConfig", "click", function () {
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                  .each(function () {
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                                  ? "9" === k
                                      ? "auto"
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                                      ? "9" === k
                                          ? "auto"
                                          : `${k}rem`
                                      : k;
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      Syn.Store("g", "Mode_V2", !1) && Syn.Store("d", "Mode_V2");
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      if (a) {
          Syn.Store("d", "Settings");
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              "\u6700\u5927\u5bec\u5ea6": "\u6700\u5927\u5bbd\u5ea6",
              "\u57fa\u672c\u9ad8\u5ea6": "\u57fa\u672c\u9ad8\u5ea6",
              "\u6700\u5927\u9ad8\u5ea6": "\u6700\u5927\u9ad8\u5ea6",
              "\u80cc\u666f\u984f\u8272": "\u80cc\u666f\u989c\u8272",
              "\u4fdd\u5b58\u8a2d\u7f6e": "\u4fdd\u5b58\u8bbe\u7f6e",
              "\u6efe\u52d5\u95b1\u8b80": "\u6eda\u52a8\u9605\u8bfb",
              "\u7ffb\u9801\u95b1\u8b80": "\u7ffb\u9875\u9605\u8bfb",
              "\ud83d\udd32 \u958b\u95dc\u83dc\u55ae": "\u5f00\u5173\u83dc\u5355",
      f = {
          "zh-TW": f,
          "zh-HK": f,
          "zh-MO": f,
          "zh-CN": r,
          "zh-SG": r,
          "en-US": {
              "\u5716\u50cf\u8a2d\u7f6e": "Image Settings",
              "\u5716\u50cf\u9593\u8ddd": "Image ImageSpacing",
              "\u57fa\u672c\u5bec\u5ea6": "Base Width",
              "\u6700\u5927\u5bec\u5ea6": "Max Width",
              "\u57fa\u672c\u9ad8\u5ea6": "Base Height",
              "\u6700\u5927\u9ad8\u5ea6": "Max Height",
              "\u80cc\u666f\u984f\u8272": "BackgroundColor Color",
              "\u4fdd\u5b58\u8a2d\u7f6e": "Save Settings",
              "\u6efe\u52d5\u95b1\u8b80": "Scroll Read",
              "\u7ffb\u9801\u95b1\u8b80": "TurnPage Read",
              "\ud83d\udd32 \u958b\u95dc\u83dc\u55ae": "Toggle Menu",
          ja: {
              "\u5716\u50cf\u8a2d\u7f6e": "\u753b\u50cf\u8a2d\u5b9a",
              "\u5716\u50cf\u9593\u8ddd": "\u753b\u50cf\u9593\u9694",
              "\u57fa\u672c\u5bec\u5ea6": "\u57fa\u672c\u5e45",
              "\u6700\u5927\u5bec\u5ea6": "\u6700\u5927\u5e45",
              "\u57fa\u672c\u9ad8\u5ea6": "\u57fa\u672c\u9ad8\u3055",
              "\u6700\u5927\u9ad8\u5ea6": "\u6700\u5927\u9ad8\u3055",
              "\u80cc\u666f\u984f\u8272": "\u80cc\u666f\u8272",
              "\u4fdd\u5b58\u8a2d\u7f6e": "\u8a2d\u5b9a\u306e\u4fdd\u5b58",
              "\ud83d\udd32 \u958b\u95dc\u83dc\u55ae":
      const q = f[Syn.Device.Lang] ?? f["en-US"];
      f = (d) => q[d] ?? d;
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          ImageBasicWidth: c,
          ImageMaxWidth: b,
          ImageBasicHight: g,
          ImageMaxHight: k,
          ImageSpacing: t,
          BackgroundColor: l,
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              width: 4rem;
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              display: none;
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              display: block;
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              border-radius: 20px;
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              transition: margin 0.3s ease-in 0s;
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          .DMS-inner:before {
              content: "${f("\u6efe\u52d5\u95b1\u8b80")}";
              padding-left: 1.7rem;
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              color: #FFFFFF;
          .DMS-inner:after {
              content: "${f("\u7ffb\u9801\u95b1\u8b80")}";
              padding-right: 1.5rem;
              background-color: #FFFFFF;
              color: #3d8fe7;
              text-align: right;
          .DMS-switch {
              display: block;
              width: 18px;
              margin: 6px;
              background: #FFFFFF;
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              bottom: 0;
              right: 96px;
              border: 2px solid #999999;
              border-radius: 20px;
              transition: all 0.3s ease-in 0s;
          .DMS-checkbox:checked+.DMS-label .DMS-inner {
              margin-left: 0;
          .DMS-checkbox:checked+.DMS-label .DMS-switch {
              right: 0px;
      setTimeout(() => {
          e = Syn.$$("#New-Style").sheet.cssRules;
      }, 1300);
      return {
          IsMobile: Syn.Device.Url.includes("photos-slist-aid"),
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          SwitchStatus: p,
          ConfigAnalyze: (d) =>
              "auto" === d
                  ? { RangeValue: 9, DisplayText: "auto" }
                  : d.endsWith("rem") || d.endsWith("%")
                      ? { RangeValue: parseInt(d), DisplayText: d }
                      : { RangeValue: d, DisplayText: "color" },
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              MenuTop: (d) => (e[9].style.top = d),
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              ImageSpacing: (d) => (e[0].style.margin = `${d} auto`),
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                  e[0].style.maxWidth = d;
                  e[2].style.maxWidth = d;
              ImageBasicHight: (d) => (e[0].style.height = d),
              ImageMaxHight: (d) => (e[0].style.maxHeight = d),
              BackgroundColor: (d, v) => {
                  d.style.setProperty("background-color", v, "important");
          Transl: f,
  (async () => {
      if ("Mobile" != Syn.Device.Type())
          if (
                  h.Transl("\ud83d\udd32 \u958b\u95dc\u83dc\u55ae"),
                  () => w(!0)
                      (a) => {
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                              ? (a.preventDefault(), w())
                              : "Escape" === e &&
                              (a.preventDefault(), Syn.$$(".modal-background")?.remove());
                      { capture: !0 }
          ) {
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                  (e) => {
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                                  a.has(f) ||
                                      (a.set(f, !0),
                                          (f.style.cssText = "text-align: center"),
                                          (f = Syn.$$("img", { root: f })),
                          { throttle: 1500 }
                  { raf: !0, timeout: 10 }
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                  ".png.bread;#bread;#photo_body;span.newpagelabel b;#bodywrap;.newpagewrap;.footer.wrap".split(
                  (a) => {
                      const [e, f, r, q, p, m, n] = a;
                          React.createElement("div", {
                              dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: e.innerHTML },
                      [p, m, n].forEach((c) => {
                          c.style.display = "none";
                      x(r, +q.textContent);
                  { raf: !0, timeout: 10 }