[DoL] reduce Bailey's payment

reduce Bailey's payment when you beat Bailey (with high english&math)

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         [DoL] reduce Bailey's payment
// @name:zh      [DoL] 找贝利打折
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1.1
// @description  reduce Bailey's payment when you beat Bailey (with high english&math)
// @description:zh 凭借你的英语(和数学)技巧在打败贝利之后讨价还价租金
// @author       patika
// @match        https://eltirosto.github.io/Degrees-of-Lewdity-Chinese-Localization/
// @match        https://*.dolmods.net/
// @exclude      https://dolmods.net/*
// @icon         
// @grant        none
// @license      WTFPL - But I reserve the right to scold you if someone sells this for money without any modification.
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    const hook_en =
`<<if $enemyhealth lte 0>>
	<<if $rentstage >= 6>>
		<<set $rentstage to 6>>
	Before leaving, you attempt to discuss the rent.
	<<if $english >= 1000 and $math >= 700 and $rentstage >= 3>>
		“Before we part ways, there's a small matter we should discuss: we both know how expensive it is to run the orphanage. Let's crunch some numbers, shall we? First, there's the cost of food..."
		<<if $pain > 90>>
			You muster your strength and assume a serious demeanor as you begin the discussion.
		<<elseif $pain > 50>>
			You endure your pain and adopt a serious tone as you begin the discussion.
			You assume a serious demeanor as you start the discussion.
		After a series of meticulous calculations, you clear your throat, "Therefore, in conclusion, your rent far exceeds the expenses you've mentioned."
		"Of course, you can try to raise the rent further, but who knows what might happen. Let's not say I didn't warn you."
		<<if $rentstage >= 5>>
			<<he>> is taken aback by your complex calculations and tone, agreeing to lower the rent as requested.
			<<he>> is taken aback by your complex calculations and tone, ultimately agreeing to a slight reduction in the rent.
		<<set $rentstage -= 1>>
	<<elseif $english >= 700 and $rentstage >= 4>>
		“This exorbitant rent is completely unreasonable!” you assert firmly, “You shouldn't push others too hard.”
		<<if $rentstage >= 5>>
			<<he>> is moved by your actions and determination, ultimately agreeing to lower your rent.
			<<he>> is moved by your actions and resolute attitude, ultimately agreeing to a slight reduction in your rent.
		<<set $rentstage -= 1>>
	<<elseif $english >= 400 and $rentstage >= 5>>
		“The rent is a bit steep for me right now,” you try to convey your difficulties.
		<<he>> hesitates for a moment, then agrees to lower the rent.
		<<set $rentstage -= 1>>
	<<elseif $english >= 200 and $rentstage >= 6>>
		“I hope we can negotiate the issue of the rent,” you protest.
		<<he>> agrees and lowers your rent.
		<<set $rentstage -= 1>>
		You argue your case regarding the rent, but fail to persuade <<him>>.

    const hook_zh =
          `<<if $enemyhealth lte 0>>
	<<if $rentstage >= 6>>
		<<set $rentstage to 6>>
	<<if $english >= 1000 and $math >= 700 and $rentstage >= 3>>
		<<if $pain > 90>>
		<<elseif $pain > 50>>
		<<if $rentstage >= 5>>
		<<set $rentstage -= 1>>
	<<elseif $english >= 700 and $rentstage >= 4>>
		<<if $rentstage >= 5>>
		<<set $rentstage -= 1>>
	<<elseif $english >= 400 and $rentstage >= 5>>
		<<set $rentstage -= 1>>
	<<elseif $english >= 200 and $rentstage >= 6>>
		<<set $rentstage -= 1>>


    let datas = document.querySelector('tw-passagedata[name="Bailey Beating Finish"]')
    if(datas === null || datas.childNodes.length !== 1){
        console.error("not found target passage data, maybe:\n\tthe game already updated\n\tthere is a iframe warpped html so we can't access the inner context. (e.g.: https://dolmods.net/vanilla not working and got this error, but https://vanilla.dolmods.net/ works.)")
    if(!window.StartConfig.version || (window.StartConfig.version!=="" && !window.StartConfig.version.startsWith(""))){
        let warningStr = (window.StartConfig.version.indexOf("chs")>0) ?
            `warning: this patch mod is based on "" and "". but your version is: ${window.StartConfig.version}\npatch will try to work, but may got some error.` :
        `警告:这个补丁基于 "" 和 ""。但当前版本是:${window.StartConfig.version}。补丁不会关闭,但是可能会产生错误。`

    let old_passage = datas.childNodes[0].data

    const endCombatIndex = old_passage.lastIndexOf("<<endcombat>>") + "<<endcombat>>".length;

    if (endCombatIndex !== -1) {
        datas.childNodes[0].data =
            old_passage.slice(0, endCombatIndex) +
            ((old_passage.match(/[一-龥]/g) || []).length > 10 ? hook_zh : hook_en) +
    } else {
        console.warn('not found endcombat in "Bailey Beating Finish" passage, do nothing.')