Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Mastodon - Collapse Media in Notifications By Default

Adds a collapsible toggle to posts in your notifications for media

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Mastodon - Collapse Media in Notifications By Default
// @namespace
// @version      0.9.0
// @description  Adds a collapsible toggle to posts in your notifications for media
// @author       LupoMikti
// @license      MIT
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    let css = `.media-toggle {
    margin-top: 10px;
    & span {
        cursor: pointer;

.muted .media-toggle span {
    color: #606984;
    filter: brightness(1.5);

article:not([data-toggle-open]) .notification .status > .media-gallery,
article:not([data-toggle-open]) .notification .status > .media-gallery__item,
article:not([data-toggle-open]) .notification .status div:has(.video-player),
article[data-toggle-open="false"] .notification .status > .media-gallery,
article[data-toggle-open="false"] .notification .status > .media-gallery__item,
article[data-toggle-open="false"] .notification .status div:has(.video-player) {
    display: none;

.notification .status-card.expanded .status-card__image {
    visibility: collapse;

    // This waits until we have the notifications response JSON then makes the script wait 1 second more for all DOM changes to take place
    var origOpen = = function(method, url) {
        this.addEventListener('load', function() {
            // console.log('XHR finished loading', method, this.status, url);
            if (url.includes('api/v1/notifications') && window.location.pathname.includes(`/notifications`)) {
                return setTimeout(init, 1000)

        this.addEventListener('error', function() {
            console.log('XHR errored out', method, url)
        origOpen.apply(this, arguments)

    window.addEventListener('load', () => {
        let oldHref = document.location.href
        const bodyObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationList) => {
            if (oldHref !== document.location.href) {
                oldHref = document.location.href
        bodyObserver.observe(document.body, {childList: true, subtree: true})

    // We cannot inject a style element without the nonce, so get it and use it
    let styleNonce = document.querySelector('meta[name=style-nonce]').content
    document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',`<style id="notif-media-toggle-css" nonce="${styleNonce}">${css}</style>`)

    let notificationColumn

    window.addEventListener('popstate', refreshScript)

    function init() {
        notificationColumn = document.querySelector('.column[aria-label="Notifications"] .item-list')
        let initialPostsWithMedia = document.querySelectorAll(`.item-list article[style=""] .notification .status > .media-gallery,
            .item-list article[style=""] .notification .status > .media-gallery__item,
            .item-list article[style=""] .notification .status div:has(.video-player),
            .item-list article:not(article[style]) .notification .status > .media-gallery,
            .item-list article:not(article[style]) .notification .status > .media-gallery__item,
            .item-list article:not(article[style]) .notification .status div:has(.video-player)`)

        initialPostsWithMedia.forEach((mediaSection) => {insertToggle(mediaSection)})


    function refreshScript() {
        if (!document.location.pathname.includes(`/notifications`)) return
        return setTimeout(init, 500)

    function getNthAncestor(node, n) {
        while (node && n > 0) {
            node = node.parentNode
        return node

    // Inserts the toggle span into a post
    function insertToggle(mediaSection, parentArticleId = null, wasKeptOpen = 'false') {
        if (!mediaSection) return
        if (mediaSection.parentNode.querySelector('.media-toggle')) return
        const showingMedia = (wasKeptOpen === 'true')
        if (!parentArticleId) {
            parentArticleId = getNthAncestor(mediaSection, 6).getAttribute('data-id')
        const targetSelector = mediaSection.className ? '.' + mediaSection.className : 'div:has(>.video-player)'
            `<div class="media-toggle" data-toggle-target="article[data-id='${parentArticleId}'] ${targetSelector}"><span>Click to ${showingMedia ? 'hide' : 'show'} media</span></div>`)
        mediaSection.parentNode.querySelector('.media-toggle').addEventListener('click', doToggle)

    // Click handler for the toggle span
    function doToggle(event) {
        if( !== 'SPAN') return
        let toggle = event.currentTarget
        let toggleTargetSelector = toggle?.getAttribute('data-toggle-target')
        let parentArticleSelector = toggleTargetSelector?.split(' ')[0]
        let toggleTarget = document.querySelector(toggleTargetSelector)
        let parentArticle = document.querySelector(parentArticleSelector)
        if (!toggleTarget.checkVisibility()) {
            parentArticle.setAttribute('data-toggle-open', 'true')
   = + " display: grid;"
            toggle.childNodes[0].innerText = "Click to hide media"
        else {
            parentArticle.setAttribute('data-toggle-open', 'false')
   =" display: grid;", "")
            toggle.childNodes[0].innerText = "Click to show media"

    // Mutation observer needed because page dynamicaly hides + removes/adds post content as you scroll
    function startObserving() {
        const observeColumn = (mutationList) => {
            for (const mutation of mutationList) {
                if (mutation.type === 'attributes') {
                    if ( !== 'ARTICLE') continue // if the target is not an article element skip
                    if (!mutation.oldValue) continue // if the target's old attribute value is empty, skip
                    if ( continue // if the target article's style attribute is NOT being changed to empty, skip
                    insertToggle('.notification .status > .media-gallery, .notification .status > .media-gallery__item, .notification .status div:has(.video-player)'),
                       'data-toggle-open') || 'false')
                    // continue

                // for logging
//                 if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
//                     if (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) {
//                         console.log(`== Added Nodes ==`)
//                         console.log(mutation.addedNodes)
//                         console.log(`== End Nodes ==`)
//                     }

//                     if (mutation.removedNodes.length > 0) {
//                         console.log(`== Removed Nodes ==`)
//                         console.log(mutation.removedNodes)
//                         console.log(`== End Nodes ==`)
//                     }
//                     continue
//                 }

        const observer = new MutationObserver(observeColumn)
        observer.observe(notificationColumn, {
            subtree: true,
//          childList: true,
            attributeFilter: ["style"],
            attributeOldValue: true