HV Utils 汉化

A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name HV Utils 汉化
  3. // @namespace HVUT
  4. // @description A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse
  5. // @homepageURL https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=211883
  6. // @supportURL https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=211883
  7. // @version 3.0.0
  8. // @date 2023-12-31
  9. // @author sssss2
  10. // @match *://*.hentaiverse.org/*
  11. // @match *://e-hentai.org/*
  12. // @connect hentaiverse.org
  13. // @connect e-hentai.org
  14. // @exclude https://hentaiverse.org/equip/*
  15. // @exclude https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip/*
  16. // @exclude http://alt.hentaiverse.org/equip/*
  17. // @exclude http://alt.hentaiverse.org/isekai/equip/*
  18. // @exclude https://hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=es&filter=*
  19. // @exclude https://hentaiverse.org/isekai/?s=Bazaar&ss=es&filter=*
  20. // @exclude http://alt.hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=es&filter=*
  21. // @exclude http://alt.hentaiverse.org/isekai/?s=Bazaar&ss=es&filter=*
  22. // @grant GM_getValue
  23. // @grant GM_setValue
  24. // @grant GM_addStyle
  25. // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
  26. // @grant GM_setClipboard
  27. // @grant unsafeWindow
  28. // @run-at document-end
  29. // ==/UserScript==
  31. var settings = {
  33. // [GLOBAL]
  34. randomEncounter: true, // Random Encounter Notification
  35. reGallery: true, // use it on the gallery
  36. reGalleryAlt: false, // open RE links to alt.hentaiverse.org on the gallery
  37. reBeep: { volume: 0, frequency: 500, time: 0.5, delay: 1 }, // beep when a RE is ready; set volume to 0 to disable
  38. // you can test the beep by removing slashes in front of the following line
  39. // reBeepTest: setTimeout(() => play_beep(settings.reBeep), 100),
  40. reBattleCSS: 'top: 10px; left: 600px; position: absolute; cursor: pointer; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold;', // modify top and left to locate the timer
  42. reloadBattleURL: 1, // when entering the battle; 0:do nothing, 1:change the url only (recommended), 2:reload the page
  43. ajaxRound: true, // support Monsterbation
  45. topMenuAlign: 'left', // '' (blank, default), 'left', 'center', 'right', or 'space-between', 'space-around', space-evenly'
  46. topMenuIntegrate: true, // integrate menus into one button
  47. topMenuLinks: ['角色面板', '技能', '装备', '装备强化', '训练', '雪花祭坛', '怪物实验室', '物品仓库', '装备仓库', '物品商店', '装备商店', '交易市场', '竞技场', '塔楼', '浴血擂台', '道具界', '装备重铸', '压榨界'],
  48. confirmStaminaRestorative: true, // confirm whether to use a stamina restorative item
  49. disableStaminaRestorative: 85, // disable a stamina restorative button when your stamina is higher than this
  50. warnLowStamina: 2, // warn when your stamina is lower than this
  52. showCredits: true, // show your credits balance on all pages
  53. showEquipSlots: 2, // show Equip Inventory Slots; 0:disable, 1:battle pages only, 2:always
  54. showLottery: true, // show weapon and armor that are currently in the lottery
  56. equipSort: true, // sort equipment list, order by category
  57. equipColor: true, // set background colors for equipment; Default colors: peerless red, legendary orange, magnificent blue, exquisite green
  59. equipmentKeyFunctions: true, // support some keyboard actions when mouse over the equipment
  60. // 'V': open equipment links in a new tab, instead of in a popup
  61. // 'L': show link code [url=...]...[/url]
  62. equipmentMouseFunctions: true, // support some mouse actions when mouse over the equipment
  63. // doubleclick : open equipment links
  65. // [CHARACTER]
  66. character: true,
  67. characterExpandStatsByDefault: true,
  68. equipment: true,
  69. equipmentStatsAnalyzer: true, // calculate magic score, proficiency, resist chance of monsters and expected damage
  70. abilities: true, // show current and maximum level of every ability, and set ability to the required level in one click
  71. training: true, // calculate costs
  72. trainingTimer: true, // plan training to a preset level and start training automatically
  73. itemInventory: true, // WTS forum code generator
  74. equipInventory: true, // WTS forum code generator
  75. equipInventoryIntegration: true, // integrate all equip types on the default inventory page
  76. equipCode: '[{$_eid}] [url={$url}]{$namecode}[/url] ({$level?Lv.$level}{$soulbound?Soulbound}{$unassigned?Unassigned}, {$pab}{$note?, $note}){$price? @ $price}',
  77. equipNameCode: [
  78. 'Peerless : quality=rainbow, name=bold',
  79. 'Legendary : quality=#f90, quality=bold',
  80. 'Magnificent : quality=#69f',
  81. 'Exquisite : quality=#3c3',
  82. '(Rapier || Shortsword) && Slaughter : type=bold, suffix=bold ; Ethereal : prefix=#f00 ; (Hallowed || Demonic) : prefix=#f90',
  83. '(Club || Axe) && Slaughter && Ethereal : prefix=#f00, type=bold, suffix=bold',
  84. '(Rapier || Wakizashi) && (Balance || Nimble) && Ethereal : prefix=#f00, type=bold, suffix=bold',
  85. 'Wakizashi && (Nimble || Battlecaster) && (Fiery || Arctic || Shocking || Tempestuous) : prefix=#f00, type=bold, suffix=bold',
  86. '(Estoc || Katana || Longsword || Mace) && Slaughter && Ethereal : prefix=#f00, type=bold, suffix=bold',
  87. 'Oak && Hallowed && Heimdall : prefix=#f00, type=bold, suffix=bold',
  88. 'Willow && (Shocking || Tempestuous || Demonic) && Destruction : prefix=#f00, type=bold, suffix=bold',
  89. 'Katalox && Hallowed && (Destruction || Heimdall || Heaven-sent) : prefix=#f90, type=bold',
  90. 'Katalox && Demonic && (Destruction || Fenrir || Demon-fiend) : prefix=#f90, type=bold',
  91. 'Redwood && (Fiery || Arctic || Shocking || Tempestuous) && Destruction : prefix=#f00, type=bold, suffix=bold',
  92. 'Redwood && (Fiery || Arctic || Shocking || Tempestuous) && Elementalist : prefix=$f90, type=bold',
  93. 'Redwood && (Fiery && Surtr || Arctic && Niflheim || Shocking && Mjolnir || Tempestuous && Freyr) : prefix=#f90, type=bold',
  94. 'Force Shield : type=bold ; Protection || Dampening || Deflection : suffix=bold',
  95. 'Buckler && (Barrier || Battlecaster) : type=bold, suffix=bold ; Reinforced : prefix=#f90',
  96. 'Phase : type=bold ; Radiant || Charged : prefix=#f00 ; Mystic || Frugal : prefix=#f90',
  97. 'Cotton && (Elementalist || Heaven-sent || Demon-fiend) : suffix=bold ; Charged : prefix=#f00 ; Elementalist && Shoes || (Heaven-sent || Demon-fiend) && Robe : slot=bold',
  98. 'Shade && Shadowdancer : type=bold, suffix=bold ; Savage : prefix=#f00 ; Agile : prefix=#f90',
  99. 'Power : type=bold ; Savage : prefix=#f90 ; Slaughter : suffix=bold ; Savage && Slaughter : prefix=#f00',
  100. 'Plate && Shielding : prefix=#f90',
  101. ],
  102. settings: true,
  104. // [BAZAAR]
  105. equipmentShop: true, // sell and salvage equipment at once
  106. equipmentShopIntegration: true, // integrate all equip types on the default shop page
  107. equipmentShopShowLevel: true, // show equipment's level
  108. equipmentShopShowPAB: true, // show equipment's pab
  109. equipmentShopConfirm: 1, // 0:no, 1:confirm 'unwise' actions (e.g. selling mag cotton or salvaging shade), 2:confirm all actions
  111. equipmentShopProtectFilter: [ // prevent YOUR valuable equipment from being selected by 'Select All' button
  112. 'Peerless',
  113. 'Legendary',
  114. 'Magnificent && (Rapier || Shortsword) && Slaughter',
  115. 'Magnificent && (Force Shield || Buckler && Barrier)',
  116. 'Magnificent && Fiery && Redwood && (Destruction || Elementalist || Surtr)',
  117. 'Magnificent && Arctic && Redwood && (Destruction || Elementalist || Niflheim)',
  118. 'Magnificent && Shocking && (Willow || Redwood) && (Destruction || Elementalist || Mjolnir)',
  119. 'Magnificent && Tempestuous && (Willow || Redwood) && (Destruction || Elementalist || Freyr)',
  120. 'Magnificent && Hallowed && (Oak || Katalox) && (Destruction || Heaven-sent || Heimdall)',
  121. 'Magnificent && Demonic && (Willow || Katalox) && (Destruction || Demon-fiend || Fenrir)',
  122. 'Magnificent && (Radiant || Charged) && Phase',
  123. 'Magnificent && Charged && (Elementalist || Heaven-sent || Demon-fiend)',
  124. 'Magnificent && (Savage || Agile) && Shadowdancer',
  125. 'Magnificent && Power && Slaughter',
  126. ],
  127. equipmentShopAutoLock: true, // automatically lock protected equipment
  129. equipmentShopBazaarFilter: [ // check valuable equipment in BAZZAR, then hide all other trash
  130. 'Peerless',
  131. 'Legendary',
  132. 'Magnificent && Rapier && Slaughter',
  133. 'Magnificent && (Force Shield || Buckler && Barrier)',
  134. 'Magnificent && Fiery && Redwood && (Destruction || Elementalist || Surtr)',
  135. 'Magnificent && Arctic && Redwood && (Destruction || Elementalist || Niflheim)',
  136. 'Magnificent && Shocking && (Willow || Redwood) && (Destruction || Elementalist || Mjolnir)',
  137. 'Magnificent && Tempestuous && (Willow || Redwood) && (Destruction || Elementalist || Freyr)',
  138. 'Magnificent && Hallowed && (Oak || Katalox) && (Destruction || Heaven-sent || Heimdall)',
  139. 'Magnificent && Demonic && (Willow || Katalox) && (Destruction || Demon-fiend || Fenrir)',
  140. 'Magnificent && (Radiant || Charged) && Phase',
  141. 'Magnificent && Charged && (Elementalist || Heaven-sent || Demon-fiend)',
  142. 'Magnificent && (Savage || Agile) && Shadowdancer',
  143. 'Magnificent && Power && Slaughter',
  144. 'Magnificent && Power',
  145. '(Magnificent || Exquisite) && (Rapier || Shortsword) && Slaughter && (Eth || Fie || Arc || Shoc || Tem || Hal || Dem)',
  146. '(Magnificent || Exquisite) && Katana && Slaughter && Ethereal',
  147. '(Magnificent || Exquisite) && Wakizashi && (Balance || Nimble) && (Eth || Fie || Arc || Shoc || Tem || Hal || Dem)',
  148. '(Magnificent || Exquisite) && (Force Shield || Buckler && Barrier || Kite Shield)',
  149. '(Magnificent || Exquisite) && Shade && (Shadowdancer || Fleet)',
  150. '(Magnificent || Exquisite) && Power && Slaughter',
  151. ],
  152. equipmentShopBazaarCheckIW: true, // check IWed equipment in BAZZAR
  154. itemShop: true,
  155. market: true,
  157. monsterLab: true, // record gifts, and feed crystals or chaos tokens to monsters
  158. monsterLabDefaultSort: '#', // #, name, class, pl, wins, kills, +, gifts, morale, hunger
  159. monsterLabCloseDefaultPopup: true,
  161. shrine: false, // record rewards
  162. shrineHideItems: ['Figurine', 'Coupon', 'Peerless Voucher'],
  163. shrineTrackEquip: ['Peerless', 'Legendary'], // track high quality equipment only
  165. moogleMail: true, // Advanced MoogleMail-Sender and MoogleMail-Box
  166. moogleMailCouponClipper: true, // if the subject of MoogleMail contains 'Coupon Clipper' or 'Item Shop', take credits, buy requested items, then send them back.
  167. moogleMailDarkDescent: true, // if the subject of MoogleMail contains 'Dark Descent' or 'reforge', take equipment, reforge, then send it back.
  168. moogleMailTemplate: {
  169. //'WTS': { 'to': '', 'subject': '', 'body': '' },
  170. //'WTB': { 'to': '', 'subject': '', 'body': '' },
  171. //'Free': { 'to': '', 'subject': 'Free Potions', 'body': '500 x Health Draught\n500 x Mana Draught\n200 x Spirit Draught\n100 x Health Potion\n100 x Mana Potion\n50 x Spirit Potion', attach: true },
  172. },
  174. lottery: true,
  175. lotteryCheck: [
  176. 'Rapier && Slaughter',
  177. 'Ethereal && (Rapier || Wakizashi) && (Balance || Nimble)',
  178. 'Wakizashi && Battlecaster',
  179. 'Ethereal && (Axe || Club || Shortsword || Estoc || Katana || Longsword || Mace) && Slaughter',
  180. 'Force Shield || Buckler && (Barrier || Battlecaster)',
  181. 'Fiery && (Willow || Redwood) && (Destruction || Elementalist || Surtr)',
  182. 'Arctic && (Willow || Redwood) && (Destruction || Elementalist || Niflheim)',
  183. 'Shocking && (Willow || Redwood) && (Destruction || Elementalist || Mjolnir)',
  184. 'Tempestuous && (Willow || Redwood) && (Destruction || Elementalist || Freyr)',
  185. 'Hallowed && (Oak || Katalox) && (Destruction || Heaven-sent || Heimdall)',
  186. 'Demonic && (Willow || Katalox) && (Destruction || Demon-fiend || Fenrir)',
  187. '(Radiant || Charged) && Phase',
  188. 'Charged && (Elementalist || Heaven-sent || Demon-fiend)',
  189. '(Savage || Agile) && Shadowdancer',
  190. 'Power && Slaughter',
  191. 'Power && Savage && Balance',
  192. ],
  194. // [BATTLE]
  195. equipEnchant: true, // Equipment Enchant and Repair Pane
  196. equipEnchantPosition: 'left', // position of the pane. left or right
  197. equipEnchantWeapon: 4, // number of enchantments for your weapon
  198. equipEnchantArmor: 3, // number of enchantments for armors
  199. equipEnchantRepairThreshold: 55, // if the value is between 0 and 1, it means the condition % of the equipment (e.g., 0.6 => 60%). else if the value is larger than 1, it means a margin to 50% condition (e.g., 55 => 205/300). in this case, the recommended value for grindfest is 55.
  200. equipEnchantInventory: { 'Health Draught': 500, 'Mana Draught': 500, 'Spirit Draught': 500, 'Health Potion': 300, 'Mana Potion': 300, 'Spirit Potion': 300, 'Health Elixir': 100, 'Mana Elixir': 100, 'Spirit Elixir': 100 , 'Last Elixir': 10, 'Flower Vase': 1, 'Bubble-Gum': 1},
  201. equipEnchantCheckArmors: true,
  203. arena: true,
  204. ringofblood: true,
  205. grindfest: true,
  206. itemWorld: true, // calculate pxp gain and potency level
  208. // [FORGE]
  209. upgrade: true, // calculate materials and costs
  210. salvage: true, // warn before salvaging an equipment
  213. // [Item Code Generator]
  214. itemCodeTemplate:
  215. `
  216. // set itemCode = {$zero?[color=transparent]$zero[/color]}{$count} x {$name} @ {$price}
  217. // set unpricedCode = {$zero?[color=transparent]$zero[/color]}{$count} x {$name}
  219. // set stockoutCode = [color=#999][s]{$zero}{$count} x {$name}{$price? @ $price}[/s][/color]
  220. // set stockDigits = 0
  221. // set keepStock = 0
  223. [size=3][color=#00B000][Consumables][/color][/size]
  225. // set stockDigits = block
  226. {Health Draught}
  227. {Mana Draught}
  228. {Spirit Draught}
  230. // set stockDigits = block
  231. {Health Potion}
  232. {Mana Potion}
  233. {Spirit Potion}
  235. // set stockDigits = block
  236. {Health Elixir}
  237. {Mana Elixir}
  238. {Spirit Elixir}
  239. {Last Elixir}
  241. // set stockDigits = block
  242. {Flower Vase}
  243. {Bubble-Gum}
  245. // set stockDigits = 0
  246. {Energy Drink}
  248. // set stockDigits = block
  249. {Infusion of Flames}
  250. {Infusion of Frost}
  251. {Infusion of Lightning}
  252. {Infusion of Storms}
  253. {Infusion of Divinity}
  254. {Infusion of Darkness}
  256. // set stockDigits = block
  257. {Scroll of Swiftness}
  258. {Scroll of Protection}
  259. {Scroll of the Avatar}
  260. {Scroll of Absorption}
  261. {Scroll of Shadows}
  262. {Scroll of Life}
  263. {Scroll of the Gods}
  264. // set stockDigits = 0
  267. [size=3][color=#BA05B4][Crystals][/color][/size]
  269. {Crystal Pack}
  271. // set keepStock = min( Crystal of Vigor, Crystal of Finesse, Crystal of Swiftness, Crystal of Fortitude, Crystal of Cunning, Crystal of Knowledge )
  272. {Crystal of Vigor}
  273. {Crystal of Finesse}
  274. {Crystal of Swiftness}
  275. {Crystal of Fortitude}
  276. {Crystal of Cunning}
  277. {Crystal of Knowledge}
  279. // set keepStock = min( Crystal of Flames, Crystal of Frost, Crystal of Lightning, Crystal of Tempest, Crystal of Devotion, Crystal of Corruption )
  280. {Crystal of Flames}
  281. {Crystal of Frost}
  282. {Crystal of Lightning}
  283. {Crystal of Tempest}
  284. {Crystal of Devotion}
  285. {Crystal of Corruption}
  286. // set keepStock = 0
  289. [size=3][color=#489EFF][Monster Foods][/color][/size]
  291. // set stockDigits = block
  292. {Monster Chow}
  293. {Monster Edibles}
  294. {Monster Cuisine}
  295. // set stockDigits = 0
  296. {Happy Pills}
  299. [size=3][color=#f00][Shards][/color][/size]
  301. // set stockDigits = block
  302. {Voidseeker Shard}
  303. {Aether Shard}
  304. {Featherweight Shard}
  305. {Amnesia Shard}
  308. [size=3][color=#f00][Materials][/color][/size]
  310. // set stockDigits = block
  311. {Scrap Cloth}
  312. {Scrap Leather}
  313. {Scrap Metal}
  314. {Scrap Wood}
  316. // set stockDigits = block
  317. {Low-Grade Cloth}
  318. {Mid-Grade Cloth}
  319. {High-Grade Cloth}
  321. {Low-Grade Leather}
  322. {Mid-Grade Leather}
  323. {High-Grade Leather}
  325. {Low-Grade Metals}
  326. {Mid-Grade Metals}
  327. {High-Grade Metals}
  329. {Low-Grade Wood}
  330. {Mid-Grade Wood}
  331. {High-Grade Wood}
  333. // set stockDigits = block
  334. {Crystallized Phazon}
  335. {Shade Fragment}
  336. {Repurposed Actuator}
  337. {Defense Matrix Modulator}
  340. [size=3][color=#f00][Bindings][/color][/size]
  342. // set stockDigits = block
  343. {Binding of Slaughter}
  344. {Binding of Balance}
  345. {Binding of Isaac}
  346. {Binding of Destruction}
  347. {Binding of Focus}
  348. {Binding of Friendship}
  350. {Binding of Protection}
  351. {Binding of Warding}
  352. {Binding of the Fleet}
  353. {Binding of the Barrier}
  354. {Binding of the Nimble}
  355. {Binding of Negation}
  357. {Binding of the Elementalist}
  358. {Binding of the Heaven-sent}
  359. {Binding of the Demon-fiend}
  360. {Binding of the Curse-weaver}
  361. {Binding of the Earth-walker}
  363. {Binding of Surtr}
  364. {Binding of Niflheim}
  365. {Binding of Mjolnir}
  366. {Binding of Freyr}
  367. {Binding of Heimdall}
  368. {Binding of Fenrir}
  370. {Binding of Dampening}
  371. {Binding of Stoneskin}
  372. {Binding of Deflection}
  374. {Binding of the Fire-eater}
  375. {Binding of the Frost-born}
  376. {Binding of the Thunder-child}
  377. {Binding of the Wind-waker}
  378. {Binding of the Thrice-blessed}
  379. {Binding of the Spirit-ward}
  381. {Binding of the Ox}
  382. {Binding of the Raccoon}
  383. {Binding of the Cheetah}
  384. {Binding of the Turtle}
  385. {Binding of the Fox}
  386. {Binding of the Owl}
  389. [size=3][color=#0000FF][Figurines][/color][/size]
  391. // set stockDigits = block
  392. // set keepStock = 1
  393. {Twilight Sparkle Figurine}
  394. {Rainbow Dash Figurine}
  395. {Applejack Figurine}
  396. {Fluttershy Figurine}
  397. {Pinkie Pie Figurine}
  398. {Rarity Figurine}
  399. {Trixie Figurine}
  400. {Princess Celestia Figurine}
  401. {Princess Luna Figurine}
  402. {Apple Bloom Figurine}
  403. {Scootaloo Figurine}
  404. {Sweetie Belle Figurine}
  405. {Big Macintosh Figurine}
  406. {Spitfire Figurine}
  407. {Derpy Hooves Figurine}
  408. {Lyra Heartstrings Figurine}
  409. {Octavia Figurine}
  410. {Zecora Figurine}
  411. {Cheerilee Figurine}
  412. {Vinyl Scratch Figurine}
  413. {Daring Do Figurine}
  414. {Doctor Whooves Figurine}
  415. {Berry Punch Figurine}
  416. {Bon-Bon Figurine}
  417. {Fluffle Puff Figurine}
  418. {Angel Bunny Figurine}
  419. {Gummy Figurine}
  421. // set stockDigits = 0
  422. // set keepStock = 0
  423. `,
  426. // [ITEM PRICE], are used in Equipment Shop, Item Shop, Moogle Mail, Monster Lab and Upgrade
  427. itemPrice: {
  429. 'WTS': { // WTS price
  430. 'Health Draught': 23,
  431. 'Mana Draught': 45,
  432. 'Spirit Draught': 45,
  434. 'Health Potion': 45,
  435. 'Mana Potion': 90,
  436. 'Spirit Potion': 90,
  438. 'Health Elixir': 450,
  439. 'Mana Elixir': 900,
  440. 'Spirit Elixir': 900,
  441. },
  443. 'WTB': { // MoogleMail CoD
  444. 'Health Potion': 45,
  445. 'Mana Potion': 90,
  446. 'Spirit Potion': 90,
  448. 'Scrap Cloth': 90,
  449. 'Scrap Leather': 90,
  450. 'Scrap Metal': 90,
  451. 'Scrap Wood': 90,
  452. 'Energy Cell': 180,
  454. 'ManBearPig Tail': 1300,
  455. 'Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch': 1300,
  456. "Mithra's Flower": 1300,
  457. 'Dalek Voicebox': 1300,
  458. 'Lock of Blue Hair': 1300,
  459. 'Bunny-Girl Costume': 2600,
  460. 'Hinamatsuri Doll': 2600,
  461. 'Broken Glasses': 2600,
  462. 'Black T-Shirt': 5200,
  463. 'Sapling': 5200,
  464. 'Unicorn Horn': 5000,
  465. 'Noodly Appendage': 5000,
  466. },
  468. 'Materials': { // Monster Lab, Upgrade and Salvage
  469. 'Wispy Catalyst': 90,
  470. 'Diluted Catalyst': 450,
  471. 'Regular Catalyst': 900,
  472. 'Robust Catalyst': 2250,
  473. 'Vibrant Catalyst': 4500,
  474. 'Coruscating Catalyst': 9000,
  476. 'Legendary Weapon Core': 5000,
  477. 'Legendary Staff Core': 50000,
  478. 'Legendary Armor Core': 5000,
  479. 'Peerless Weapon Core': 500000,
  480. 'Peerless Staff Core': 2500000,
  481. 'Peerless Armor Core': 500000,
  483. 'Scrap Cloth': 90,
  484. 'Scrap Leather': 90,
  485. 'Scrap Metal': 90,
  486. 'Scrap Wood': 90,
  487. 'Energy Cell': 180,
  489. 'Low-Grade Cloth': 10,
  490. 'Mid-Grade Cloth': 100,
  491. 'High-Grade Cloth': 6000,
  493. 'Low-Grade Leather': 10,
  494. 'Mid-Grade Leather': 10,
  495. 'High-Grade Leather': 50,
  497. 'Low-Grade Metals': 10,
  498. 'Mid-Grade Metals': 50,
  499. 'High-Grade Metals': 150,
  501. 'Low-Grade Wood': 10,
  502. 'Mid-Grade Wood': 50,
  503. 'High-Grade Wood': 1000,
  505. 'Crystallized Phazon': 200000,
  506. 'Shade Fragment': 2000,
  507. 'Repurposed Actuator': 18000,
  508. 'Defense Matrix Modulator': 4000,
  510. 'Binding of Slaughter': 50000,
  511. 'Binding of Balance': 100,
  512. 'Binding of Isaac': 500,
  513. 'Binding of Destruction': 28000,
  514. 'Binding of Focus': 100,
  515. 'Binding of Friendship': 100,
  517. 'Binding of Protection': 45000,
  518. 'Binding of Warding': 1000,
  519. 'Binding of the Fleet': 5000,
  520. 'Binding of the Barrier': 2500,
  521. 'Binding of the Nimble': 500,
  522. 'Binding of Negation': 100,
  524. 'Binding of the Elementalist': 500,
  525. 'Binding of the Heaven-sent': 10,
  526. 'Binding of the Demon-fiend': 10,
  527. 'Binding of the Curse-weaver': 10,
  528. 'Binding of the Earth-walker': 10,
  530. 'Binding of Surtr': 10,
  531. 'Binding of Niflheim': 10,
  532. 'Binding of Mjolnir': 10,
  533. 'Binding of Freyr': 10,
  534. 'Binding of Heimdall': 10,
  535. 'Binding of Fenrir': 10,
  537. 'Binding of Dampening': 500,
  538. 'Binding of Stoneskin': 100,
  539. 'Binding of Deflection': 100,
  541. 'Binding of the Fire-eater': 10,
  542. 'Binding of the Frost-born': 10,
  543. 'Binding of the Thunder-child': 10,
  544. 'Binding of the Wind-waker': 10,
  545. 'Binding of the Thrice-blessed': 10,
  546. 'Binding of the Spirit-ward': 10,
  548. 'Binding of the Ox': 5000,
  549. 'Binding of the Raccoon': 2500,
  550. 'Binding of the Cheetah': 35000,
  551. 'Binding of the Turtle': 1000,
  552. 'Binding of the Fox': 20000,
  553. 'Binding of the Owl': 20000,
  554. },
  556. 'Trophies': {
  557. 'ManBearPig Tail': 1300,
  558. 'Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch': 1300,
  559. "Mithra's Flower": 1300,
  560. 'Dalek Voicebox': 1300,
  561. 'Lock of Blue Hair': 1300,
  562. 'Bunny-Girl Costume': 2600,
  563. 'Hinamatsuri Doll': 2600,
  564. 'Broken Glasses': 2600,
  565. 'Black T-Shirt': 5200,
  566. 'Sapling': 5200,
  567. 'Unicorn Horn': 5000,
  568. 'Noodly Appendage': 5000,
  569. },
  571. 'Crystals': { // 12 types of Crystals
  572. 'Crystal of Vigor': 0,
  573. 'Crystal of Finesse': 0,
  574. 'Crystal of Swiftness': 0,
  575. 'Crystal of Fortitude': 0,
  576. 'Crystal of Cunning': 0,
  577. 'Crystal of Knowledge': 0,
  578. 'Crystal of Flames': 0,
  579. 'Crystal of Frost': 0,
  580. 'Crystal of Lightning': 0,
  581. 'Crystal of Tempest': 0,
  582. 'Crystal of Devotion': 0,
  583. 'Crystal of Corruption': 0,
  584. },
  586. // add any list if needed
  588. },
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  873. popup('尚未发现随机遭遇战');
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  879. return;
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  982. _es = {},
  983. //_is = {},
  984. _ml = {},
  985. _ss = {},
  986. _mk = {},
  987. _mm = {},
  988. _lt = {},
  989. //_la = {},
  991. _ar = {},
  992. //_rb = {},
  993. //_gr = {},
  994. _iw = {},
  996. //_re = {},
  997. _up = {},
  998. //_en = {},
  999. //_sa = {},
  1000. //_fo = {},
  1001. //_fu = {},
  1003. _top = {},
  1004. _bottom = {};
  1005. /* eslint-enable */
  1007. // EQUIP PARSER
  1008. var $equip = {
  1010. names: (() => {
  1011. let equipnames = getValue('equipnames', {});
  1012. if (_isekai && (!equipnames.isekai || equipnames.isekai !== _isekai)) {
  1013. equipnames = { isekai: _isekai };
  1014. setValue('equipnames', equipnames);
  1015. //deleteValue('in_equipdata');
  1016. }
  1017. return equipnames;
  1018. })(),
  1019. dynjs_equip: _window.dynjs_equip || {},
  1020. dynjs_eqstore: _window.dynjs_eqstore || {},
  1021. dynjs_loaded: {},
  1022. eqvalue: _window.eqvalue || {},
  1024. alias: {
  1025. '1handed': 'One-handed Weapon', '2handed': 'Two-handed Weapon', 'staff': 'Staff', 'shield': 'Shield', 'acloth': 'Cloth Armor', 'alight': 'Light Armor', 'aheavy': 'Heavy Armor',
  1026. 'One-handed Weapon': '1handed', 'Two-handed Weapon': '2handed', 'Staff': 'staff', 'Shield': 'shield', 'Cloth Armor': 'acloth', 'Light Armor': 'alight', 'Heavy Armor': 'aheavy',
  1027. },
  1028. index: {
  1029. category: { 'One-handed Weapon': 1, 'Two-handed Weapon': 2, 'Staff': 3, 'Shield': 4, 'Cloth Armor': 5, 'Light Armor': 6, 'Heavy Armor': 7, 'Unknown': 99 },
  1030. type: {
  1031. 'Rapier': 1, 'Club': 2, 'Shortsword': 3, 'Axe': 4, 'Wakizashi': 5, 'Dagger': 6, 'Sword Chucks': 7,
  1032. 'Estoc': 1, 'Mace': 2, 'Longsword': 3, 'Katana': 4, 'Scythe': 5,
  1033. 'Oak Staff': 1, 'Willow Staff': 2, 'Katalox Staff': 3, 'Redwood Staff': 4, 'Ebony Staff': 5,
  1034. 'Force Shield': 1, 'Buckler': 2, 'Kite Shield': 3, 'Tower Shield': 4,
  1035. 'Phase': 1, 'Cotton': 2, 'Gossamer': 3, 'Silk': 4,
  1036. 'Shade': 1, 'Leather': 2, 'Kevlar': 3, 'Dragon Hide': 4,
  1037. 'Power': 1, 'Plate': 2, 'Shield': 3, 'Chainmail': 4,
  1038. },
  1039. quality: { 'Peerless': 1, 'Legendary': 2, 'Magnificent': 3, 'Exquisite': 4, 'Superior': 5, 'Fine': 6, 'Average': 7, 'Fair': 8, 'Crude': 9, 'Flimsy': 10 },
  1040. prefix: {
  1041. 'Ethereal': 1, 'Fiery': 2, 'Arctic': 3, 'Shocking': 4, 'Tempestuous': 5, 'Hallowed': 6, 'Demonic': 7,
  1042. 'Radiant': 1, 'Charged': 2, 'Mystic': 3, 'Frugal': 4,
  1043. 'Savage': 1, 'Agile': 2, 'Reinforced': 3, 'Shielding': 4, 'Mithril': 5,
  1044. 'Ruby': 11, 'Cobalt': 12, 'Amber': 13, 'Jade': 14, 'Zircon': 15, 'Onyx': 16,
  1045. },
  1046. slot: {
  1047. 'Cap': 1, 'Robe': 2, 'Gloves': 3, 'Pants': 4, 'Shoes': 5,
  1048. 'Helmet': 1, 'Breastplate': 2, 'Cuirass': 2, 'Armor': 2, 'Gauntlets': 3, 'Greaves': 4, 'Leggings': 4, 'Sabatons': 5, 'Boots': 5,
  1049. },
  1050. suffix: {
  1051. 'Slaughter': 1, 'Balance': 2, 'Swiftness': 3, 'the Barrier': 4, 'the Nimble': 5, 'the Battlecaster': 6, 'the Vampire': 7, 'the Illithid': 8, 'the Banshee': 9,
  1052. 'Destruction': 1, 'Surtr': 2, 'Niflheim': 3, 'Mjolnir': 4, 'Freyr': 5, 'Heimdall': 6, 'Fenrir': 7, 'the Elementalist': 8, 'the Heaven-sent': 9, 'the Demon-fiend': 10, 'the Earth-walker': 11, 'the Curse-weaver': 12, 'Focus': 13,
  1053. 'the Shadowdancer': 1, 'the Fleet': 2, 'the Arcanist': 3, 'Negation': 4,
  1054. 'Protection': 21, 'Warding': 22, 'Dampening': 23, 'Stoneskin': 24, 'Deflection': 25,
  1055. },
  1056. },
  1057. reg: {
  1058. name: (() => {
  1059. const quality = 'Flimsy|Crude|Fair|Average|Fine|Superior|Exquisite|Magnificent|Legendary|Peerless';
  1060. const prefix = 'Ethereal|Fiery|Arctic|Shocking|Tempestuous|Hallowed|Demonic|Ruby|Cobalt|Amber|Jade|Zircon|Onyx|Charged|Frugal|Radiant|Mystic|Agile|Reinforced|Savage|Shielding|Mithril';
  1061. const slot = 'Cap|Robe|Gloves|Pants|Shoes|Helmet|Breastplate|Gauntlets|Leggings|Boots|Cuirass|Armor|Greaves|Sabatons|Coif|Hauberk|Mitons|Chausses|Boots';
  1062. const onehanded = 'Axe|Club|Rapier|Shortsword|Wakizashi|Dagger|Sword Chucks';
  1063. const twohanded = 'Estoc|Longsword|Mace|Katana|Scythe';
  1064. const staff = 'Oak Staff|Willow Staff|Katalox Staff|Redwood Staff|Ebony Staff';
  1065. const shield = 'Buckler|Kite Shield|Force Shield|Tower Shield';
  1066. const acloth = 'Cotton|Phase|Gossamer|Silk';
  1067. const alight = 'Leather|Shade|Kevlar|Dragon Hide';
  1068. const aheavy = 'Plate|Power|Shield|Chainmail';
  1069. const pattern = `^(${quality})(?: (?:(${prefix})|(.+?)))? (?:(${onehanded})|(${twohanded})|(${staff})|(${shield})|(?:(?:(${acloth})|(${alight})|(${aheavy})) (${slot})))(?: of (.+))?$`;
  1070. return new RegExp(pattern, 'i');
  1071. })(),
  1072. html: /<div>(.+?) &nbsp; &nbsp; (?:Level (\d+|Unassigned) )?&nbsp; &nbsp; <span>(Tradeable|Untradeable|Soulbound)<\/span><\/div><div>Condition: (\d+) \/ (\d+) \(\d+%\) &nbsp; &nbsp; Potency Tier: (\d+) \((?:(\d+) \/ (\d+)|MAX)\)/,
  1073. magic: /Fire|Cold|Elec|Wind|Holy|Dark/i,
  1074. pab: /Strength|Dexterity|Agility|Endurance|Intelligence|Wisdom/g,
  1075. },
  1076. stats: {
  1077. 'Attack Damage': { scale: 50 / 3, fluc: 0.0854, forge: 'Physical Damage', binding: 'Binding of Slaughter', potency: 'Butcher', plus: 0.02 },
  1078. 'Attack Speed': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.0481, potency: 'Swift Strike', plus: 1.924, multi: true },
  1079. 'Attack Accuracy': { scale: 5000, fluc: 0.06069, forge: 'Physical Hit Chance', binding: 'Binding of Balance' },
  1080. 'Attack Crit Chance': { scale: 2000, fluc: 0.0105, forge: 'Physical Crit Chance', binding: 'Binding of Isaac', multi: true },
  1081. 'Attack Crit Damage': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.01, potency: 'Fatality', plus: 2 },
  1082. 'Counter-Parry': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0, potency: 'Overpower', plus: 4 },
  1083. 'Magic Damage': { scale: 250 / 11, fluc: 0.082969, forge: 'Magical Damage', binding: 'Binding of Destruction', potency: 'Archmage', plus: 0.02 },
  1084. 'Casting Speed': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.0489, potency: 'Spellweaver', plus: 1.467 },
  1085. 'Magic Accuracy': { scale: 5000, fluc: 0.0491, forge: 'Magical Hit Chance', binding: 'Binding of Focus' },
  1086. 'Magic Crit Chance': { scale: 2000, fluc: 0.0114, forge: 'Magical Crit Chance', binding: 'Binding of Friendship', multi: true },
  1087. 'Spell Crit Damage': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.01, potency: 'Annihilator', plus: 2 },
  1088. 'Mana Conservation': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.1, potency: 'Economizer', plus: 5, multi: true },
  1089. 'Counter-Resist': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.1, potency: 'Penetrator', plus: 4 },
  1090. 'Physical Mitigation': { scale: 2000, fluc: 0.021, forge: 'Physical Defense', binding: 'Binding of Protection', multi: true },
  1091. 'Magical Mitigation': { scale: 2000, fluc: 0.0201, forge: 'Magical Defense', binding: 'Binding of Warding', multi: true },
  1092. 'Evade Chance': { scale: 2000, fluc: 0.025, forge: 'Evade Chance', binding: 'Binding of the Fleet', multi: true },
  1093. 'Block Chance': { scale: 2000, fluc: 0.0998, forge: 'Block Chance', binding: 'Binding of the Barrier', multi: true },
  1094. 'Parry Chance': { scale: 2000, fluc: 0.0894, forge: 'Parry Chance', binding: 'Binding of the Nimble', multi: true },
  1095. 'Resist Chance': { scale: 2000, fluc: 0.0804, forge: 'Resist Chance', binding: 'Binding of Negation', multi: true },
  1096. 'HP Bonus': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0 },
  1097. 'MP Bonus': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0 },
  1098. 'Burden': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0 },
  1099. 'Interference': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0 },
  1100. 'Fire EDB': { scale: 200, fluc: 0.0804, forge: 'Fire Spell Damage', binding: 'Binding of Surtr' },
  1101. 'Cold EDB': { scale: 200, fluc: 0.0804, forge: 'Cold Spell Damage', binding: 'Binding of Niflheim' },
  1102. 'Elec EDB': { scale: 200, fluc: 0.0804, forge: 'Elec Spell Damage', binding: 'Binding of Mjolnir' },
  1103. 'Wind EDB': { scale: 200, fluc: 0.0804, forge: 'Wind Spell Damage', binding: 'Binding of Freyr' },
  1104. 'Holy EDB': { scale: 200, fluc: 0.0804, forge: 'Holy Spell Damage', binding: 'Binding of Heimdall' },
  1105. 'Dark EDB': { scale: 200, fluc: 0.0804, forge: 'Dark Spell Damage', binding: 'Binding of Fenrir' },
  1106. 'Elemental': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.0306, forge: 'Elemental Proficiency', binding: 'Binding of the Elementalist' },
  1107. 'Divine': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.0306, forge: 'Divine Proficiency', binding: 'Binding of the Heaven-sent' },
  1108. 'Forbidden': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.0306, forge: 'Forbidden Proficiency', binding: 'Binding of the Demon-fiend' },
  1109. 'Deprecating': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.0306, forge: 'Deprecating Proficiency', binding: 'Binding of the Curse-weaver' },
  1110. 'Supportive': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.0306, forge: 'Supportive Proficiency', binding: 'Binding of the Earth-walker' },
  1111. 'Crushing': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.0155, forge: 'Crushing Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of Dampening', multi: true },
  1112. 'Slashing': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.0153, forge: 'Slashing Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of Stoneskin', multi: true },
  1113. 'Piercing': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.015, forge: 'Piercing Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of Deflection', multi: true },
  1114. 'Fire MIT': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.1, forge: 'Fire Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of the Fire-eater', multi: true },
  1115. 'Cold MIT': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.1, forge: 'Cold Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of the Frost-born', multi: true },
  1116. 'Elec MIT': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.1, forge: 'Elec Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of the Thunder-child', multi: true },
  1117. 'Wind MIT': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.1, forge: 'Wind Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of the Wind-waker', multi: true },
  1118. 'Holy MIT': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.1, forge: 'Holy Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of the Thrice-blessed', multi: true },
  1119. 'Dark MIT': { scale: Infinity, fluc: 0.1, forge: 'Dark Mitigation', binding: 'Binding of the Spirit-ward', multi: true },
  1120. 'Strength': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.03, forge: 'Strength Bonus', binding: 'Binding of the Ox' },
  1121. 'Dexterity': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.03, forge: 'Dexterity Bonus', binding: 'Binding of the Raccoon' },
  1122. 'Agility': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.03, forge: 'Agility Bonus', binding: 'Binding of the Cheetah' },
  1123. 'Endurance': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.03, forge: 'Endurance Bonus', binding: 'Binding of the Turtle' },
  1124. 'Intelligence': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.03, forge: 'Intelligence Bonus', binding: 'Binding of the Fox' },
  1125. 'Wisdom': { scale: 250 / 7, fluc: 0.03, forge: 'Wisdom Bonus', binding: 'Binding of the Owl' },
  1126. },
  1127. prefix: {
  1128. 'Ethereal': [],
  1129. 'Fiery': ['Fire EDB'],
  1130. 'Arctic': ['Cold EDB'],
  1131. 'Shocking': ['Elec EDB'],
  1132. 'Tempestuous': ['Wind EDB'],
  1133. 'Hallowed': ['Holy EDB'],
  1134. 'Demonic': ['Dark EDB'],
  1135. 'Ruby': ['Fire MIT'],
  1136. 'Cobalt': ['Cold MIT'],
  1137. 'Amber': ['Elec MIT'],
  1138. 'Jade': ['Wind MIT'],
  1139. 'Zircon': ['Holy MIT'],
  1140. 'Onyx': ['Dark MIT'],
  1141. 'Charged': ['Casting Speed'],
  1142. 'Frugal': ['Mana Conservation'],
  1143. 'Radiant': ['Magic Damage'],
  1144. 'Mystic': ['Spell Crit Damage'],
  1145. 'Agile': ['Attack Speed'],
  1146. 'Reinforced': ['Crushing', 'Slashing', 'Piercing'],
  1147. 'Savage': ['Attack Crit Damage'],
  1148. 'Shielding': ['Block Chance'],
  1149. 'Mithril': ['Burden'],
  1150. },
  1151. suffix: {
  1152. 'Slaughter': ['Attack Damage'],
  1153. 'Balance': ['Attack Accuracy', 'Attack Crit Chance'],
  1154. 'Swiftness': ['Attack Speed'],
  1155. 'the Barrier': ['Block Chance'],
  1156. 'the Nimble': ['Parry Chance'],
  1157. 'the Battlecaster': ['Magic Accuracy', 'Mana Conservation'],
  1158. 'the Vampire': [],
  1159. 'the Illithid': [],
  1160. 'the Banshee': [],
  1161. 'Destruction': ['Magic Damage'],
  1162. 'Surtr': ['Fire EDB'],
  1163. 'Niflheim': ['Cold EDB'],
  1164. 'Mjolnir': ['Elec EDB'],
  1165. 'Freyr': ['Wind EDB'],
  1166. 'Heimdall': ['Holy EDB'],
  1167. 'Fenrir': ['Dark EDB'],
  1168. 'the Elementalist': ['Elemental'],
  1169. 'the Heaven-sent': ['Divine'],
  1170. 'the Demon-fiend': ['Forbidden'],
  1171. 'the Earth-walker': ['Supportive'],
  1172. 'the Curse-weaver': ['Deprecating'],
  1173. 'Focus': ['Magic Accuracy', 'Magic Crit Chance', 'Mana Conservation'],
  1174. 'the Shadowdancer': ['Attack Crit Chance', 'Evade Chance'],
  1175. 'the Fleet': ['Evade Chance'],
  1176. 'the Arcanist': ['Magic Accuracy', 'Interference', 'Intelligence', 'Wisdom'],
  1177. 'Negation': ['Resist Chance'],
  1178. 'Protection': ['Physical Mitigation'],
  1179. 'Warding': ['Magical Mitigation'],
  1180. 'Dampening': ['Crushing'],
  1181. 'Stoneskin': ['Slashing'],
  1182. 'Deflection': ['Piercing'],
  1183. },
  1184. pmax: {
  1185. 'Axe': { 'Attack Damage': [59.87, 75.92], 'Attack Accuracy': [12.81], 'Attack Crit Chance': [5.37], 'Burden': [14], 'Interference': [3.5], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [6.33], 'Dexterity': [4.08], 'Agility': [3.33] },
  1186. 'Club': { 'Attack Damage': [53.04, 67.72], 'Attack Accuracy': [12.81, 31.02], 'Attack Crit Chance': [5.37, 10.41], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 7.91], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 16.11], 'Parry Chance': [0, 9.04], 'Burden': [9.8], 'Interference': [3.5], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [6.33], 'Dexterity': [4.08], 'Agility': [4.08] },
  1187. 'Rapier': { 'Attack Damage': [39.38, 51.33], 'Attack Accuracy': [21.92, 44.68], 'Attack Crit Chance': [5.37, 10.41], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 7.91], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 16.11], 'Parry Chance': [18.89, 26.94], 'Burden': [6.3], 'Interference': [3.5], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [4.08], 'Dexterity': [6.33], 'Agility': [4.08] },
  1188. 'Shortsword': { 'Attack Damage': [47.92, 61.58], 'Attack Speed': [0, 6.54], 'Attack Accuracy': [27.99, 53.79], 'Attack Crit Chance': [5.37, 10.41], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 7.91], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 16.11], 'Parry Chance': [18.89], 'Burden': [5.25], 'Interference': [3.5], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [6.33], 'Dexterity': [6.33], 'Agility': [6.33] },
  1189. 'Wakizashi': { 'Attack Damage': [35.11, 46.21], 'Attack Speed': [12.56, 18.57], 'Attack Accuracy': [24.95, 49.24], 'Attack Crit Chance': [5.37, 10.41], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 7.91], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 16.12], 'Parry Chance': [22.47, 30.53], 'Burden': [2.8], 'Interference': [3.5], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [3.33], 'Dexterity': [7.83], 'Agility': [7.83] },
  1190. 'Estoc': { 'Attack Damage': [64.99, 82.07], 'Attack Accuracy': [9.77, 26.47], 'Attack Crit Chance': [7.99, 13.56], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 12.82], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 26.11], 'Burden': [14], 'Interference': [7], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [11.58], 'Dexterity': [6.03], 'Agility': [3.93] },
  1191. 'Longsword': { 'Attack Damage': [78.66, 98.47], 'Attack Accuracy': [12.81, 31.02], 'Attack Crit Chance': [8.52, 14.19], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 12.81], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 26.11], 'Burden': [21], 'Interference': [10.5], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [12.33], 'Dexterity': [9.33], 'Agility': [4.83] },
  1192. 'Mace': { 'Attack Damage': [64.99, 82.07], 'Attack Accuracy': [12.2, 30.11], 'Attack Crit Chance': [7.99, 13.56], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 12.82], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 26.11], 'Burden': [14], 'Interference': [7], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [11.73], 'Dexterity': [7.83], 'Agility': [4.08] },
  1193. 'Katana': { 'Attack Damage': [64.99, 82.07], 'Attack Accuracy': [27.98, 53.78], 'Attack Crit Chance': [8.52, 14.19], 'Burden': [14], 'Interference': [7], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.34], 'Strength': [12.33], 'Dexterity': [9.33], 'Agility': [4.83] },
  1194. 'Katalox Staff': { 'Attack Damage': [34.22], 'Magic Damage': [32.39, 52.2], 'Magic Accuracy': [19.18, 38.34], 'Magic Crit Chance': [7.3, 12.39], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 33.08], 'Burden': [7], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.31], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.31], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.31], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.31], 'Holy EDB': [11.31, 21.76, 27.39, 37.84], 'Dark EDB': [11.31, 21.76, 27.39, 37.84], 'Divine': [8.28, 16.24], 'Forbidden': [8.28, 16.24], 'Deprecating': [6.14], 'Intelligence': [7.22], 'Wisdom': [4.82] },
  1195. 'Oak Staff': { 'Attack Damage': [34.23], 'Magic Damage': [31.98], 'Magic Accuracy': [18.94, 38], 'Magic Crit Chance': [5.82, 10.61], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 33.09], 'Counter-Resist': [13.58], 'Burden': [4.9], 'Fire EDB': [8.1, 18.56], 'Cold EDB': [8.1, 18.56], 'Elec EDB': [0, 11.32], 'Wind EDB': [0, 11.32], 'Holy EDB': [16.14, 26.6, 32.22, 42.68], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.32], 'Elemental': [6.45], 'Divine': [6.45], 'Supportive': [11.81, 19.76], 'Intelligence': [4.82], 'Wisdom': [7.22] },
  1196. 'Redwood Staff': { 'Attack Damage': [34.23], 'Magic Damage': [31.98, 51.71], 'Magic Accuracy': [18.94, 38], 'Magic Crit Chance': [5.82, 10.61], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 33.09], 'Burden': [4.9], 'Fire EDB': [11.32, 21.77, 27.4, 37.85], 'Cold EDB': [11.32, 21.77, 27.4, 37.85], 'Elec EDB': [11.32, 21.77, 27.4, 37.85], 'Wind EDB': [11.32, 21.77, 27.4, 37.85], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.32], 'Dark EDB': [0, 11.32], 'Elemental': [8.29, 16.24], 'Supportive': [4.31], 'Deprecating': [4.31], 'Intelligence': [6.32], 'Wisdom': [6.32] },
  1197. 'Willow Staff': { 'Attack Damage': [34.23], 'Magic Damage': [31.98, 51.71], 'Magic Accuracy': [18.94, 38], 'Magic Crit Chance': [5.82, 10.61], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 33.09], 'Counter-Resist': [13.58], 'Burden': [4.9], 'Fire EDB': [0, 11.32], 'Cold EDB': [0, 11.32], 'Elec EDB': [8.1, 18.56], 'Wind EDB': [8.1, 18.56], 'Holy EDB': [0, 11.32], 'Dark EDB': [16.14, 26.6], 'Elemental': [6.14], 'Forbidden': [6.14], 'Deprecating': [11.81, 19.76], 'Intelligence': [4.82], 'Wisdom': [7.22] },
  1198. 'Buckler': { 'Attack Speed': [0, 3.65], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 12.82], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 26.1], 'Physical Mitigation': [2.33, 4.22], 'Magical Mitigation': [2.23, 6.65], 'Block Chance': [31.03, 37.52], 'Parry Chance': [0, 9.04], 'Burden': [2.8, 2.1], 'Interference': [1.4], 'Crushing': [0, 3.27], 'Slashing': [0, 3.23], 'Piercing': [0, 3.16], 'Strength': [6.33], 'Dexterity': [6.33], 'Endurance': [6.33], 'Agility': [6.33] },
  1199. 'Force Shield': { 'Physical Mitigation': [3.38, 5.48], 'Magical Mitigation': [3.24, 7.86], 'Block Chance': [38.52], 'Burden': [2.8], 'Interference': [28], 'Crushing': [0, 7.14], 'Slashing': [0, 7.05], 'Piercing': [0, 6.91], 'Fire MIT': [0, 26.1], 'Cold MIT': [0, 26.1], 'Elec MIT': [0, 26.1], 'Wind MIT': [0, 26.1], 'Holy MIT': [0, 26.1], 'Dark MIT': [0, 26.1], 'Strength': [6.33], 'Dexterity': [6.33], 'Endurance': [6.33], 'Agility': [6.33] },
  1200. 'Kite Shield': { 'Attack Speed': [0, 3.65], 'Physical Mitigation': [3.38, 5.48], 'Magical Mitigation': [3.24, 7.86], 'Block Chance': [36.02], 'Burden': [10.5, 7.91], 'Interference': [10.5], 'Crushing': [0, 3.27, 7.14, 10.24], 'Slashing': [0, 3.23, 7.05, 10.11], 'Piercing': [0, 3.16, 6.91, 9.91], 'Strength': [6.33], 'Dexterity': [6.33], 'Endurance': [6.33], 'Agility': [6.33] },
  1201. 'Phase Cap': { 'Attack Accuracy': [4.62], 'Magic Damage': [0, 4.23], 'Casting Speed': [0, 3.47], 'Magic Accuracy': [5.45], 'Spell Crit Damage': [0, 3.91], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 3.61], 'Physical Mitigation': [3.38], 'Magical Mitigation': [4.24], 'Evade Chance': [5.28], 'Resist Chance': [6.52], 'Fire EDB': [0, 16.97], 'Cold EDB': [0, 16.97], 'Elec EDB': [0, 16.97], 'Wind EDB': [0, 16.97], 'Holy EDB': [0, 16.97], 'Dark EDB': [0, 16.97], 'Crushing': [2.5], 'Fire MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Agility': [6.03], 'Intelligence': [7.08], 'Wisdom': [7.08] },
  1202. 'Phase Robe': { 'Attack Accuracy': [5.41], 'Magic Damage': [0, 4.9], 'Casting Speed': [0, 4.06], 'Magic Accuracy': [6.43], 'Spell Crit Damage': [0, 4.67], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 4.11], 'Physical Mitigation': [4.01], 'Magical Mitigation': [5.05], 'Evade Chance': [6.28], 'Resist Chance': [7.64], 'Fire EDB': [0, 20.18], 'Cold EDB': [0, 20.18], 'Elec EDB': [0, 20.18], 'Wind EDB': [0, 20.18], 'Holy EDB': [0, 20.18], 'Dark EDB': [0, 20.18], 'Crushing': [2.96], 'Fire MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Agility': [7.17], 'Intelligence': [8.43], 'Wisdom': [8.43] },
  1203. 'Phase Gloves': { 'Attack Accuracy': [4.25], 'Magic Damage': [0, 3.9], 'Casting Speed': [0, 3.18], 'Magic Accuracy': [4.96], 'Spell Crit Damage': [0, 3.53], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 3.41], 'Physical Mitigation': [3.07], 'Magical Mitigation': [3.84], 'Evade Chance': [4.78], 'Resist Chance': [5.95], 'Fire EDB': [0, 15.36], 'Cold EDB': [0, 15.36], 'Elec EDB': [0, 15.36], 'Wind EDB': [0, 15.36], 'Holy EDB': [0, 15.36], 'Dark EDB': [0, 15.36], 'Crushing': [2.26], 'Fire MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Cold MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Elec MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Wind MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Holy MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Dark MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Agility': [5.46], 'Intelligence': [6.42], 'Wisdom': [6.42] },
  1204. 'Phase Pants': { 'Attack Accuracy': [5.04], 'Magic Damage': [0, 4.56], 'Casting Speed': [0, 3.77], 'Magic Accuracy': [5.94], 'Spell Crit Damage': [0, 4.29], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 3.91], 'Physical Mitigation': [3.7], 'Magical Mitigation': [4.64], 'Evade Chance': [5.78], 'Resist Chance': [7.08], 'Fire EDB': [0, 18.58], 'Cold EDB': [0, 18.58], 'Elec EDB': [0, 18.58], 'Wind EDB': [0, 18.58], 'Holy EDB': [0, 18.58], 'Dark EDB': [0, 18.58], 'Crushing': [2.73], 'Fire MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Cold MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Elec MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Wind MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Holy MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Dark MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Agility': [6.6], 'Intelligence': [7.77], 'Wisdom': [7.77] },
  1205. 'Phase Shoes': { 'Attack Accuracy': [3.83], 'Magic Damage': [0, 3.57], 'Casting Speed': [0, 2.89], 'Magic Accuracy': [4.47], 'Spell Crit Damage': [0, 3.15], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 3.11], 'Physical Mitigation': [2.75], 'Magical Mitigation': [3.44], 'Evade Chance': [4.28], 'Resist Chance': [5.39], 'Fire EDB': [0, 13.75], 'Cold EDB': [0, 13.75], 'Elec EDB': [0, 13.75], 'Wind EDB': [0, 13.75], 'Holy EDB': [0, 13.75], 'Dark EDB': [0, 13.75], 'Crushing': [2.03], 'Fire MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Agility': [4.89], 'Intelligence': [5.73], 'Wisdom': [5.73] },
  1206. 'Cotton Cap': { 'Attack Accuracy': [4.62], 'Casting Speed': [0, 3.47], 'Magic Accuracy': [4.23], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 3.61], 'Physical Mitigation': [4.43, 6.74], 'Magical Mitigation': [4.24, 9.07], 'Evade Chance': [4.03], 'Resist Chance': [6.11], 'Proficiency': [0, 8.29], 'Crushing': [3.27], 'Fire MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Agility': [4.83], 'Intelligence': [6.33], 'Wisdom': [6.33] },
  1207. 'Cotton Robe': { 'Attack Accuracy': [5.41], 'Casting Speed': [0, 4.06], 'Magic Accuracy': [4.96], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 4.11], 'Physical Mitigation': [5.27, 8.04], 'Magical Mitigation': [5.05, 10.83], 'Evade Chance': [4.78], 'Resist Chance': [7.16], 'Proficiency': [0, 9.89], 'Crushing': [3.89], 'Fire MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Agility': [5.73], 'Intelligence': [7.53], 'Wisdom': [7.53] },
  1208. 'Cotton Gloves': { 'Attack Accuracy': [4.25], 'Casting Speed': [0, 3.18], 'Magic Accuracy': [3.88], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 3.41], 'Physical Mitigation': [4.01, 6.09], 'Magical Mitigation': [3.84, 8.18], 'Evade Chance': [3.65], 'Resist Chance': [5.63], 'Proficiency': [0, 7.5], 'Crushing': [2.96], 'Fire MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Cold MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Elec MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Wind MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Holy MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Dark MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Agility': [4.38], 'Intelligence': [5.73], 'Wisdom': [5.73] },
  1209. 'Cotton Pants': { 'Attack Accuracy': [5.04], 'Casting Speed': [0, 3.77], 'Magic Accuracy': [4.62], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 3.91], 'Physical Mitigation': [4.85, 7.39], 'Magical Mitigation': [4.64, 9.95], 'Evade Chance': [4.4], 'Resist Chance': [6.68], 'Proficiency': [0, 9.09], 'Crushing': [3.58], 'Fire MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Cold MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Elec MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Wind MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Holy MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Dark MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Agility': [5.28], 'Intelligence': [6.93], 'Wisdom': [6.93] },
  1210. 'Cotton Shoes': { 'Attack Accuracy': [3.83], 'Casting Speed': [0, 2.89], 'Magic Accuracy': [3.49], 'Mana Conservation': [0, 3.11], 'Physical Mitigation': [3.59, 5.44], 'Magical Mitigation': [3.44, 7.3], 'Evade Chance': [3.28], 'Resist Chance': [5.07], 'Proficiency': [0, 6.7], 'Crushing': [2.65], 'Fire MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Agility': [3.93], 'Intelligence': [5.13], 'Wisdom': [5.13] },
  1211. 'Shade Helmet': { 'Attack Damage': [11.25], 'Attack Speed': [0, 3.69], 'Attack Accuracy': [6.78], 'Attack Crit Chance': [0, 2.75], 'Attack Crit Damage': [0, 3.12], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 7.01], 'Physical Mitigation': [6.97], 'Magical Mitigation': [5.26], 'Evade Chance': [4.42, 6.67], 'Resist Chance': [14.21, 21.44], 'Interference': [8.4, 2.1], 'Crushing': [5.99], 'Slashing': [5.92], 'Fire MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Cold MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Elec MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Wind MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Holy MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Dark MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Strength': [4.1], 'Dexterity': [4.85], 'Endurance': [4.1], 'Agility': [4.85], 'Intelligence': [0, 3.38], 'Wisdom': [0, 3.38] },
  1212. 'Shade Breastplate': { 'Attack Damage': [13.3], 'Attack Speed': [0, 4.31], 'Attack Accuracy': [7.99], 'Attack Crit Chance': [0, 3.27], 'Attack Crit Damage': [0, 3.72], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 8.29], 'Physical Mitigation': [8.31], 'Magical Mitigation': [6.27], 'Evade Chance': [5.24, 7.94], 'Resist Chance': [16.86, 25.54], 'Interference': [10.08, 2.52], 'Crushing': [7.16], 'Slashing': [7.06], 'Fire MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Cold MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Elec MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Wind MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Holy MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Dark MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Strength': [4.85], 'Dexterity': [5.75], 'Endurance': [4.85], 'Agility': [5.75], 'Intelligence': [0, 3.98], 'Wisdom': [0, 3.98] },
  1213. 'Shade Gauntlets': { 'Attack Damage': [10.22], 'Attack Speed': [0, 3.4], 'Attack Accuracy': [6.17], 'Attack Crit Chance': [0, 2.49], 'Attack Crit Damage': [0, 2.82], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 6.37], 'Physical Mitigation': [6.29], 'Magical Mitigation': [4.76], 'Evade Chance': [4.02, 6.04], 'Resist Chance': [12.92, 19.43], 'Interference': [7.56, 1.89], 'Crushing': [5.42], 'Slashing': [5.35], 'Fire MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Cold MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Elec MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Wind MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Holy MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Dark MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Strength': [3.74], 'Dexterity': [4.4], 'Endurance': [3.74], 'Agility': [4.4], 'Intelligence': [0, 3.08], 'Wisdom': [0, 3.08] },
  1214. 'Shade Leggings': { 'Attack Damage': [12.27], 'Attack Speed': [0, 4.03], 'Attack Accuracy': [7.39], 'Attack Crit Chance': [0, 3.01], 'Attack Crit Damage': [0, 3.42], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 7.65], 'Physical Mitigation': [7.64], 'Magical Mitigation': [5.76], 'Evade Chance': [4.84, 7.32], 'Resist Chance': [15.57, 23.53], 'Interference': [9.24, 2.31], 'Crushing': [6.58], 'Slashing': [6.5], 'Fire MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Cold MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Elec MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Wind MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Holy MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Dark MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Strength': [4.49], 'Dexterity': [5.3], 'Endurance': [4.49], 'Agility': [5.3], 'Intelligence': [0, 3.68], 'Wisdom': [0, 3.68] },
  1215. 'Shade Boots': { 'Attack Damage': [9.2], 'Attack Speed': [0, 3.06], 'Attack Accuracy': [5.57], 'Attack Crit Chance': [0, 2.22], 'Attack Crit Damage': [0, 2.52], 'Magic Accuracy': [0, 5.73], 'Physical Mitigation': [5.62], 'Magical Mitigation': [4.26], 'Evade Chance': [3.59, 5.39], 'Resist Chance': [11.55, 17.34], 'Interference': [6.72, 1.68], 'Crushing': [4.83], 'Slashing': [4.77], 'Fire MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Cold MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Elec MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Wind MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Holy MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Dark MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Strength': [3.35], 'Dexterity': [3.95], 'Endurance': [3.35], 'Agility': [3.95], 'Intelligence': [0, 2.78], 'Wisdom': [0, 2.78] },
  1216. 'Leather Helmet': { 'Attack Speed': [0, 3.69], 'Physical Mitigation': [8.12, 11.17], 'Magical Mitigation': [6.67, 11.97], 'Evade Chance': [2.54], 'Resist Chance': [10.59], 'Burden': [3.5], 'Interference': [7], 'Crushing': [7.93, 11.03, 14.91, 18.01], 'Slashing': [7.83, 10.89, 14.71, 17.77], 'Piercing': [3.93, 6.93, 10.68, 13.68], 'Fire MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Cold MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Elec MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Wind MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Holy MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Dark MIT': [0, 26.17], 'Strength': [4.85], 'Dexterity': [4.85], 'Endurance': [4.1], 'Agility': [4.1] },
  1217. 'Leather Breastplate': { 'Attack Speed': [0, 4.31], 'Physical Mitigation': [9.7, 13.35], 'Magical Mitigation': [7.95, 14.33], 'Evade Chance': [2.99], 'Resist Chance': [12.52], 'Burden': [4.2], 'Interference': [8.4], 'Crushing': [9.48, 13.2, 17.85, 21.57], 'Slashing': [9.36, 13.03, 17.62, 21.29], 'Piercing': [4.68, 8.28, 12.78, 16.38], 'Fire MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Cold MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Elec MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Wind MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Holy MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Dark MIT': [0, 31.17], 'Strength': [5.75], 'Dexterity': [5.75], 'Endurance': [4.85], 'Agility': [4.85] },
  1218. 'Leather Gauntlets': { 'Attack Speed': [0, 3.4], 'Physical Mitigation': [7.34, 10.09], 'Magical Mitigation': [6.02, 10.81], 'Evade Chance': [2.32], 'Resist Chance': [9.62], 'Burden': [3.15], 'Interference': [6.3], 'Crushing': [7.16, 9.95, 13.43, 16.22], 'Slashing': [7.06, 9.82, 13.26, 16.01], 'Piercing': [3.55, 6.25, 9.63, 12.33], 'Fire MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Cold MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Elec MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Wind MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Holy MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Dark MIT': [0, 23.67], 'Strength': [4.4], 'Dexterity': [4.4], 'Endurance': [3.74], 'Agility': [3.74] },
  1219. 'Leather Leggings': { 'Attack Speed': [0, 4.03], 'Physical Mitigation': [8.92, 12.28], 'Magical Mitigation': [7.31, 13.14], 'Evade Chance': [2.77], 'Resist Chance': [11.55], 'Burden': [3.85], 'Interference': [7.7], 'Crushing': [8.71, 12.12, 16.38, 19.79], 'Slashing': [8.59, 11.96, 16.17, 19.53], 'Piercing': [4.3, 7.6, 11.73, 15.03], 'Fire MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Cold MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Elec MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Wind MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Holy MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Dark MIT': [0, 28.67], 'Strength': [5.3], 'Dexterity': [5.3], 'Endurance': [4.49], 'Agility': [4.49] },
  1220. 'Leather Boots': { 'Attack Speed': [0, 3.06], 'Physical Mitigation': [6.55, 8.98], 'Magical Mitigation': [5.38, 9.62], 'Evade Chance': [2.09], 'Resist Chance': [8.66], 'Burden': [2.8], 'Interference': [5.6], 'Crushing': [6.38, 8.86, 11.96, 14.44], 'Slashing': [6.3, 8.75, 11.81, 14.26], 'Piercing': [3.18, 5.58, 8.58, 10.98], 'Fire MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Cold MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Elec MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Wind MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Holy MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Dark MIT': [0, 21.17], 'Strength': [3.95], 'Dexterity': [3.95], 'Endurance': [3.35], 'Agility': [3.35] },
  1221. 'Power Helmet': { 'Attack Damage': [18.04, 25.73], 'Attack Accuracy': [6.15, 21.02], 'Attack Crit Chance': [1.43, 5.68], 'Attack Crit Damage': [1.36, 4.36], 'Physical Mitigation': [8.11, 11.16], 'Magical Mitigation': [6.26, 11.48], 'Burden': [10.5, 7.91], 'Interference': [17.5], 'Crushing': [4.82], 'Slashing': [7.82], 'Piercing': [7.67], 'Fire MIT': [0, 26.13], 'Cold MIT': [0, 26.13], 'Elec MIT': [0, 26.13], 'Wind MIT': [0, 26.13], 'Holy MIT': [0, 26.13], 'Dark MIT': [0, 26.13], 'Strength': [7.09], 'Dexterity': [6.34], 'Endurance': [4.84] },
  1222. 'Power Armor': { 'Attack Damage': [21.46, 30.68], 'Attack Accuracy': [7.24, 25.09], 'Attack Crit Chance': [1.69, 6.8], 'Attack Crit Damage': [1.61, 5.21], 'Physical Mitigation': [9.69, 13.34], 'Magical Mitigation': [7.46, 13.73], 'Burden': [12.6, 9.45], 'Interference': [21], 'Crushing': [5.75], 'Slashing': [9.35], 'Piercing': [9.17], 'Fire MIT': [0, 31.13], 'Cold MIT': [0, 31.13], 'Elec MIT': [0, 31.13], 'Wind MIT': [0, 31.13], 'Holy MIT': [0, 31.13], 'Dark MIT': [0, 31.13], 'Strength': [8.44], 'Dexterity': [7.54], 'Endurance': [5.74] },
  1223. 'Power Gauntlets': { 'Attack Damage': [16.33, 23.25], 'Attack Accuracy': [5.6, 19.02], 'Attack Crit Chance': [1.3, 5.14], 'Attack Crit Damage': [1.24, 3.94], 'Physical Mitigation': [7.33, 10.09], 'Magical Mitigation': [5.65, 10.36], 'Burden': [9.45, 7.07], 'Interference': [15.75], 'Crushing': [4.36], 'Slashing': [7.06], 'Piercing': [6.92], 'Fire MIT': [0, 23.63], 'Cold MIT': [0, 23.63], 'Elec MIT': [0, 23.63], 'Wind MIT': [0, 23.63], 'Holy MIT': [0, 23.63], 'Dark MIT': [0, 23.63], 'Strength': [6.43], 'Dexterity': [5.74], 'Endurance': [4.39] },
  1224. 'Power Leggings': { 'Attack Damage': [19.75, 28.20], 'Attack Accuracy': [6.69, 23.08], 'Attack Crit Chance': [1.57, 6.25], 'Attack Crit Damage': [1.49, 4.79], 'Physical Mitigation': [8.91, 12.27], 'Magical Mitigation': [6.86, 12.61], 'Burden': [11.55, 8.68], 'Interference': [19.25], 'Crushing': [5.29], 'Slashing': [8.59], 'Piercing': [8.42], 'Fire MIT': [0, 28.63], 'Cold MIT': [0, 28.63], 'Elec MIT': [0, 28.63], 'Wind MIT': [0, 28.63], 'Holy MIT': [0, 28.63], 'Dark MIT': [0, 28.63], 'Strength': [7.78], 'Dexterity': [6.94], 'Endurance': [5.29] },
  1225. 'Power Boots': { 'Attack Damage': [14.62, 20.77], 'Attack Accuracy': [5.05, 16.95], 'Attack Crit Chance': [1.17, 4.57], 'Attack Crit Damage': [1.11, 3.51], 'Physical Mitigation': [6.54, 8.97], 'Magical Mitigation': [5.05, 9.23], 'Burden': [8.4, 6.3], 'Interference': [14], 'Crushing': [3.89], 'Slashing': [6.29], 'Piercing': [6.17], 'Fire MIT': [0, 21.13], 'Cold MIT': [0, 21.13], 'Elec MIT': [0, 21.13], 'Wind MIT': [0, 21.13], 'Holy MIT': [0, 21.13], 'Dark MIT': [0, 21.13], 'Strength': [5.74], 'Dexterity': [5.14], 'Endurance': [3.94] },
  1226. 'Plate Helmet': { 'Physical Mitigation': [10.73, 14.3], 'Magical Mitigation': [7.76, 13.29], 'Block Chance': [0, 6.09], 'Burden': [14, 10.5], 'Interference': [14], 'Crushing': [5.98, 12.96], 'Slashing': [9.73, 16.62], 'Piercing': [9.54, 16.29], 'Fire MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 26.11], 'Strength': [4.83], 'Dexterity': [4.83], 'Endurance': [6.33] },
  1227. 'Plate Cuirass': { 'Physical Mitigation': [12.83, 17.12], 'Magical Mitigation': [9.27, 15.9], 'Block Chance': [0, 7.09], 'Burden': [16.8, 12.6], 'Interference': [16.8], 'Crushing': [7.15, 15.52], 'Slashing': [11.64, 19.91], 'Piercing': [11.42, 19.52], 'Fire MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 31.11], 'Strength': [5.73], 'Dexterity': [5.73], 'Endurance': [7.53] },
  1228. 'Plate Gauntlets': { 'Physical Mitigation': [9.68, 12.9], 'Magical Mitigation': [7.02, 12], 'Block Chance': [0, 5.59], 'Burden': [12.6, 9.45], 'Interference': [12.6], 'Crushing': [5.41, 11.69], 'Slashing': [8.78, 14.98], 'Piercing': [8.61, 14.69], 'Fire MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Cold MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Elec MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Wind MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Holy MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Dark MIT': [0, 23.61], 'Strength': [4.38], 'Dexterity': [4.38], 'Endurance': [5.73] },
  1229. 'Plate Greaves': { 'Physical Mitigation': [11.78, 15.71], 'Magical Mitigation': [8.52, 14.61], 'Block Chance': [0, 6.59], 'Burden': [15.4, 11.55], 'Interference': [15.4], 'Crushing': [6.57, 14.25], 'Slashing': [10.7, 18.27], 'Piercing': [10.49, 17.91], 'Fire MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Cold MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Elec MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Wind MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Holy MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Dark MIT': [0, 28.61], 'Strength': [5.28], 'Dexterity': [5.28], 'Endurance': [6.93] },
  1230. 'Plate Sabatons': { 'Physical Mitigation': [8.63, 11.49], 'Magical Mitigation': [6.25, 10.67], 'Block Chance': [0, 5.09], 'Burden': [11.2, 8.4], 'Interference': [11.2], 'Crushing': [4.82, 10.4], 'Slashing': [7.82, 13.33], 'Piercing': [7.67, 13.07], 'Fire MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Cold MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Elec MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Wind MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Holy MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Dark MIT': [0, 21.11], 'Strength': [3.93], 'Dexterity': [3.93], 'Endurance': [5.13] },
  1231. },
  1232. ppxp: {
  1233. 'Axe': 375, 'Club': 375, 'Rapier': 377, 'Shortsword': 377, 'Wakizashi': 378,
  1234. 'Estoc': 377, 'Katana': 375, 'Longsword': 375, 'Mace': 375,
  1235. 'Katalox Staff': 368, 'Oak Staff': 371, 'Redwood Staff': 371, 'Willow Staff': 371,
  1236. 'Buckler': 374, 'Force Shield': 374, 'Kite Shield': 374,
  1237. 'Phase': 377, 'Cotton': 377,
  1238. 'Arcanist': 421, 'Shade': 394, 'Leather': 393,
  1239. 'Power': 382, ' Plate': 377,
  1240. },
  1242. parse: {
  1244. name: function (name, eq) {
  1245. eq = eq || { info: {}, data: {}, node: {} };
  1246. if (!eq.info.name) {
  1247. eq.info.name = name;
  1248. }
  1249. const exec = $equip.reg.name.exec(name);
  1250. if (exec) {
  1251. if (!eq.info.category) {
  1252. eq.info.category = exec[4] ? 'One-handed Weapon' : exec[5] ? 'Two-handed Weapon' : exec[6] ? 'Staff' : exec[7] ? 'Shield' : exec[8] ? 'Cloth Armor' : exec[9] ? 'Light Armor' : exec[10] ? 'Heavy Armor' : 'Unknown';
  1253. }
  1254. eq.info.quality = exec[1];
  1255. eq.info.prefix = exec[2] || exec[3];
  1256. eq.info.type = exec[4] || exec[5] || exec[6] || exec[7] || exec[8] || exec[9] || exec[10];
  1257. eq.info.slot = exec[11];
  1258. eq.info.suffix = exec[12];
  1259. } else if (!eq.info.category) {
  1260. eq.info.category = 'Unknown';
  1261. }
  1262. return eq;
  1263. },
  1264. div: function (div) {
  1265. const eid = /equips\.set\((\d+),/.test(div.getAttribute('onmouseover')) && RegExp.$1;
  1266. if (!eid) {
  1267. return { error: 'invalid div' };
  1268. }
  1269. const dynjs = $equip.dynjs_equip[eid] || $equip.dynjs_eqstore[eid] || $equip.dynjs_loaded[eid];
  1270. if (!dynjs) {
  1271. return { error: 'no data' };
  1272. }
  1273. const exec = $equip.reg.html.exec(dynjs.d);
  1274. if (!exec) {
  1275. return { error: 'parse error' };
  1276. }
  1277. const eq = {
  1278. info: {
  1279. name: dynjs.t,
  1280. category: exec[1],
  1281. level: parseInt(exec[2]) || 0,
  1282. unassigned: exec[2] === 'Unassigned',
  1283. tradeable: exec[3] === 'Tradeable',
  1284. soulbound: exec[3] === 'Soulbound',
  1285. cdt: exec[4] / exec[5],
  1286. condition: parseInt(exec[4]),
  1287. durability: parseInt(exec[5]),
  1288. tier: parseInt(exec[6]),
  1289. pxp1: parseInt(exec[7]),
  1290. pxp2: parseInt(exec[8]),
  1291. pab: (dynjs.d.match($equip.reg.pab) || []).map((p) => p[0]).join(''),
  1292. eid: eid,
  1293. key: dynjs.k,
  1294. },
  1295. data: {
  1296. html: dynjs.d,
  1297. value: $equip.eqvalue[eid],
  1298. },
  1299. node: {
  1300. div: div,
  1301. },
  1302. };
  1303. const equipname = $equip.names[eq.info.eid];
  1304. if (equipname && equipname !== eq.info.name) {
  1305. eq.info.customname = eq.info.name;
  1306. eq.info.name = equipname;
  1307. }
  1308. $equip.parse.name(eq.info.name, eq);
  1309. eq.info.pxp = $equip.getpxp(eq);
  1310. div.dataset.eid = eq.info.eid;
  1311. div.dataset.key = eq.info.key;
  1312. return eq;
  1313. },
  1314. extended: function (extended) {
  1315. const exec = $equip.reg.html.exec(extended.children[0].innerHTML);
  1316. const eq = {
  1317. info: {
  1318. category: exec[1],
  1319. level: parseInt(exec[2]) || 0,
  1320. unassigned: exec[2] === 'Unassigned',
  1321. tradeable: exec[3] === 'Tradeable',
  1322. soulbound: exec[3] === 'Soulbound',
  1323. cdt: exec[4] / exec[5],
  1324. condition: parseInt(exec[4]),
  1325. durability: parseInt(exec[5]),
  1326. tier: parseInt(exec[6]),
  1327. pxp1: parseInt(exec[7]),
  1328. pxp2: parseInt(exec[8]),
  1329. },
  1330. data: {},
  1331. node: {
  1332. extended: extended,
  1333. },
  1334. };
  1335. let name_div = extended.previousElementSibling;
  1336. if (!name_div.textContent.trim()) { // 'RENAME' button in Forge/Upgrade
  1337. name_div = name_div.previousElementSibling;
  1338. }
  1339. eq.info.name = Array.from(name_div.firstElementChild.children).map((d) => d.textContent.trim() || ' ').join('').replace(/\b(Of|The)\b/, (s) => s.toLowerCase());
  1340. $equip.parse.name(eq.info.name, eq);
  1341. const custom_div = name_div.previousElementSibling;
  1342. if (custom_div) {
  1343. eq.info.customname = Array.from(custom_div.firstElementChild.children).map((d) => d.textContent.trim() || ' ').join('');
  1344. }
  1345. eq.info.pxp = $equip.getpxp(eq);
  1346. $equip.parse.stats(eq);
  1347. $equip.parse.upgrades(eq);
  1348. return eq;
  1349. },
  1350. stats: function (eq) {
  1351. let div;
  1352. if (eq.node.extended) {
  1353. div = eq.node.extended.children[0];
  1354. } else if (eq.data.html) {
  1355. div = $element('template', null, ['/' + eq.data.html]).content.firstElementChild;
  1356. } else {
  1357. console.log('No Equipment Data');
  1358. return;
  1359. }
  1360. eq.stats = {};
  1361. const level = eq.info.level || _player.level;
  1362. Array.from(div.children).forEach((child) => {
  1363. if (child.classList.contains('ex')) {
  1364. Array.from(child.children).forEach((div) => {
  1365. if (!div.childElementCount) {
  1366. return;
  1367. }
  1368. const name = div.firstElementChild.textContent;
  1369. const span = div.children[1].firstElementChild;
  1370. const value = parseFloat(span.textContent);
  1371. const base = div.title ? parseFloat(div.title.slice(6)) : (value / (1 + level / $equip.stats[name].scale));
  1372. eq.stats[name] = { value, base, span };
  1373. });
  1374. } else if (child.classList.contains('ep')) {
  1375. const type = child.firstElementChild.textContent;
  1376. Array.from(child.children).slice(1).forEach((div) => {
  1377. const text = div.firstChild.nodeValue.slice(0, -2);
  1378. const name = $equip.reg.magic.test(text) ? text + (type === 'Damage Mitigations' ? ' MIT' : ' EDB') : text;
  1379. const span = div.firstElementChild;
  1380. const value = parseFloat(span.textContent);
  1381. const base = div.title ? parseFloat(div.title.slice(6)) : (value / (1 + level / $equip.stats[name].scale));
  1382. eq.stats[name] = { value, base, span };
  1383. });
  1384. } else if (/\+(\d+) (.+) Damage/.test(child.textContent)) {
  1385. const name = 'Attack Damage';
  1386. const span = child.firstElementChild;
  1387. const value = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
  1388. const base = child.title ? parseFloat(child.title.slice(6)) : (value / (1 + level / $equip.stats[name].scale));
  1389. eq.stats[name] = { value, base, span };
  1390. }
  1391. });
  1392. },
  1393. equiplist: function (equiplist) {
  1394. const stats_equip = {};
  1395. equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  1396. $equip.parse.stats(eq);
  1397. Object.entries(eq.stats).forEach(([s, v]) => {
  1398. if (!stats_equip[s]) {
  1399. stats_equip[s] = 0;
  1400. }
  1401. if ($equip.stats[s].multi) {
  1402. stats_equip[s] = (1 - (1 - stats_equip[s] / 100) * (1 - v.value / 100)) * 100;
  1403. } else {
  1404. stats_equip[s] += v.value;
  1405. }
  1406. });
  1407. });
  1408. return stats_equip;
  1409. },
  1410. pmax: function (eq) {
  1411. const pmax = $equip.pmax[eq.info.type + (eq.info.slot ? ' ' + eq.info.slot : '')] || {};
  1412. const pmax_offset = {};
  1413. $equip.prefix[eq.info.prefix]?.forEach((e) => {
  1414. pmax_offset[e] = (pmax_offset[e] || 0) + 1;
  1415. });
  1416. $equip.suffix[eq.info.suffix]?.forEach((e) => {
  1417. pmax_offset[e] = (pmax_offset[e] || 0) + 1;
  1418. });
  1419. if (eq.info.type === 'Leather' || eq.info.type === 'Kite Shield') {
  1420. if (['Dampening', 'Stoneskin', 'Deflection'].includes(eq.info.suffix)) {
  1421. $equip.suffix[eq.info.suffix].forEach((e) => {
  1422. pmax_offset[e]++;
  1423. });
  1424. }
  1425. }
  1426. if (eq.info.category === 'Staff') {
  1427. if (['Surtr', 'Niflheim', 'Mjolnir', 'Freyr', 'Heimdall', 'Fenrir'].includes(eq.info.suffix)) {
  1428. $equip.suffix[eq.info.suffix].forEach((e) => {
  1429. pmax_offset[e]++;
  1430. });
  1431. }
  1432. }
  1433. Object.entries(eq.stats).forEach(([name, stat]) => {
  1434. stat.pmax = pmax[name]?.[pmax_offset[name] || 0] || null;
  1435. });
  1436. },
  1437. upgrades: function (eq) {
  1438. const div = eq.node.extended.children[1];
  1439. eq.upgrades = {};
  1440. $qsa('#eu > span', div).forEach((span) => {
  1441. if (/(.+) Lv\.(\d+)/.test(span.textContent)) {
  1442. eq.upgrades[RegExp.$1] = parseFloat(RegExp.$2);
  1443. }
  1444. });
  1445. $qsa('#ep > span', div).forEach((span) => {
  1446. if (/(.+) Lv\.(\d+)/.test(span.textContent)) {
  1447. eq.upgrades[RegExp.$1] = parseFloat(RegExp.$2);
  1448. } else {
  1449. eq.upgrades[span.textContent] = true;
  1450. }
  1451. });
  1452. $qsa('#ee > span', div).forEach((span) => {
  1453. if (/(.+) \[(\d+)m\]/.test(span.textContent)) {
  1454. eq.upgrades[RegExp.$1] = parseFloat(RegExp.$2);
  1455. }
  1456. });
  1457. Object.entries(eq.stats).forEach(([name, stat]) => {
  1458. stat.unforged = $equip.unforge(name, stat.base, eq.upgrades, eq.info.pxp, eq.info.level || _player.level, eq.upgrades);
  1459. });
  1460. },
  1462. },
  1464. unforge: function (name, base, upgrade, pxp, level, iw) {
  1465. const stat = $equip.stats[name];
  1466. upgrade = (upgrade && typeof upgrade === 'object' ? upgrade[stat.forge] : upgrade) || 0;
  1467. iw = (iw && typeof iw === 'object' ? iw[stat.potency] : iw) || 0;
  1468. let iwcoeff = 1;
  1469. let iwbonus = 0;
  1470. if (iw) {
  1471. if (name === 'Attack Damage' || name === 'Magic Damage') {
  1472. iwcoeff += iw * stat.plus;
  1473. } else {
  1474. iwbonus += iw * stat.plus;
  1475. }
  1476. }
  1477. const fluc = stat.fluc;
  1478. const bonus = (pxp - 100) / 25 * fluc;
  1479. const factor = name === 'Attack Damage' || name === 'Magic Damage' ? 0.279575 : 0.2;
  1480. const coeff = 1 + factor * Math.log(1 + 0.1 * upgrade);
  1481. const value = (base - bonus - iwbonus) / coeff / iwcoeff + bonus; // this base is a forged base
  1482. return value;
  1483. },
  1485. forge: function (name, base, upgrade, pxp, level, iw) {
  1486. const stat = $equip.stats[name];
  1487. upgrade = (upgrade && typeof upgrade === 'object' ? upgrade[stat.forge] : upgrade) || 0;
  1488. iw = (iw && typeof iw === 'object' ? iw[stat.potency] : iw) || 0;
  1489. let iwcoeff = 1;
  1490. let iwbonus = 0;
  1491. if (iw) {
  1492. if (name === 'Attack Damage' || name === 'Magic Damage') {
  1493. iwcoeff += iw * stat.plus;
  1494. } else {
  1495. iwbonus += iw * stat.plus;
  1496. }
  1497. }
  1498. const fluc = stat.fluc;
  1499. const bonus = (pxp - 100) / 25 * fluc;
  1500. const factor = name === 'Attack Damage' || name === 'Magic Damage' ? 0.279575 : 0.2;
  1501. const coeff = 1 + factor * Math.log(1 + 0.1 * upgrade);
  1502. const forged = (base - bonus) * coeff * iwcoeff + bonus + iwbonus;
  1503. const scale = stat.scale;
  1504. const value = forged * (1 + level / scale);
  1505. return value;
  1506. },
  1508. getpxp: function (eq) {
  1509. let pxp;
  1510. if (eq.info.tier === 0) {
  1511. pxp = eq.info.pxp2;
  1512. } else if (eq.info.tier === 10) {
  1513. const ppxp = (Object.entries($equip.ppxp).find(([n]) => eq.info.name.includes(n)) || [, 400])[1];
  1514. if (eq.info.quality === 'Peerless') {
  1515. pxp = ppxp;
  1516. } else if (eq.info.quality === 'Legendary') {
  1517. pxp = Math.round(ppxp * 0.95);
  1518. } else if (eq.info.quality === 'Magnificent') {
  1519. pxp = Math.round(ppxp * 0.89);
  1520. } else {
  1521. pxp = Math.round(ppxp * 0.8);
  1522. }
  1523. } else {
  1524. pxp = $equip.calcpxp(eq.info.pxp2, eq.info.tier);
  1525. }
  1526. return pxp;
  1527. },
  1529. calcpxp: function (pxpN, n) {
  1530. pxpN = parseInt(pxpN);
  1531. n = parseInt(n);
  1532. let pxp0Est = 300;
  1533. for (let i = 1; i < 15; i++) {
  1534. const sumPxpNextLevel = Math.ceil(1000 * (Math.pow(1 + pxp0Est / 1000, n + 1) - 1));
  1535. const sumPxpThisLevel = Math.ceil(1000 * (Math.pow(1 + pxp0Est / 1000, n) - 1));
  1536. const estimate = sumPxpNextLevel - sumPxpThisLevel;
  1537. if (estimate > pxpN) {
  1538. pxp0Est -= 300 / Math.pow(2, i);
  1539. } else {
  1540. pxp0Est += 300 / Math.pow(2, i);
  1541. }
  1542. }
  1543. return Math.ceil(pxp0Est);
  1544. },
  1546. list: function (node, sort = true, parent = node) {
  1547. if (!node) {
  1548. return;
  1549. }
  1550. const equiplist = Array.from($qsa('div[onmouseover*="equips.set"]', node)).map((div) => {
  1551. const eq = $equip.parse.div(div);
  1552. eq.node.wrapper = div.parentNode;
  1553. if (eq.info.customname) {
  1554. div.classList.add('hvut-eq-customname');
  1555. div.dataset.eqname = eq.info.name;
  1556. }
  1557. div.classList.add('hvut-eq-' + eq.info.quality);
  1558. return eq;
  1559. });
  1560. if (settings.equipSort && sort) {
  1561. $equip.sort(equiplist, parent);
  1562. }
  1563. return equiplist;
  1564. },
  1566. sort: function (equiplist, parent) {
  1567. if (!parent) {
  1568. parent = equiplist[0].node.wrapper.parentNode;
  1569. }
  1570. equiplist.sort((a, b) => {
  1571. if (a.info.category !== b.info.category) {
  1572. return $equip.index.category[a.info.category] - $equip.index.category[b.info.category];
  1573. } else if (a.info.category === 'Unknown') {
  1574. return a.info.name > b.info.name ? 1 : a.info.name < b.info.name ? -1 : 0;
  1575. } else if (a.info.type !== b.info.type) {
  1576. return ($equip.index.type[a.info.type] || 99) - ($equip.index.type[b.info.type] || 99);
  1577. }
  1578. let r = 0;
  1579. const k = a.info.category === 'One-handed Weapon' || a.info.category === 'Two-handed Weapon' ? ['suffix', 'quality', 'prefix']
  1580. : a.info.category === 'Staff' ? ['prefix', 'suffix', 'quality']
  1581. : a.info.type === 'Buckler' ? ['suffix', 'quality', 'prefix']
  1582. : a.info.category === 'Shield' ? ['quality', 'suffix', 'prefix']
  1583. : a.info.category === 'Cloth Armor' ? ['suffix', 'slot', 'quality', 'prefix']
  1584. : ['slot', 'suffix', 'quality', 'prefix'];
  1585. k.some((e) => {
  1586. if (e in $equip.index) {
  1587. r = ($equip.index[e][a.info[e]] || 99) - ($equip.index[e][b.info[e]] || 99);
  1588. } else {
  1589. r = a.info[e] > b.info[e] ? 1 : a.info[e] < b.info[e] ? -1 : 0;
  1590. }
  1591. return r;
  1592. });
  1593. return r || (b.info.eid - a.info.eid);
  1594. });
  1596. const frag = $element();
  1597. equiplist.forEach((eq, i, a) => {
  1598. const p = a[i - 1] || { info: {} };
  1599. if (eq.info.category !== p.info.category) {
  1600. $element('p', frag, [eq.info.category, '.hvut-eq-category']);
  1601. }
  1602. switch (eq.info.category) {
  1603. case 'One-handed Weapon':
  1604. case 'Two-handed Weapon':
  1605. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type) {
  1606. $element('p', frag, [eq.info.type || 'Unknown', '.hvut-eq-type']);
  1607. } else if (eq.info.suffix !== p.info.suffix) {
  1608. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-eq-border');
  1609. }
  1610. break;
  1611. case 'Staff':
  1612. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type) {
  1613. $element('p', frag, [eq.info.type || 'Unknown', '.hvut-eq-type']);
  1614. } else if (eq.info.prefix !== p.info.prefix) {
  1615. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-eq-border');
  1616. }
  1617. break;
  1618. case 'Shield':
  1619. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type) {
  1620. $element('p', frag, [eq.info.type || 'Unknown', '.hvut-eq-type']);
  1621. } else if (eq.info.suffix !== p.info.suffix && eq.info.type === 'Buckler') {
  1622. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-eq-border');
  1623. }
  1624. break;
  1625. case 'Cloth Armor':
  1626. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type || eq.info.suffix !== p.info.suffix) {
  1627. $element('p', frag, [(eq.info.type ? eq.info.suffix || '[No Suffix]' : 'Unknown'), '.hvut-eq-type']);
  1628. } else if (eq.info.slot !== p.info.slot) {
  1629. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-eq-border');
  1630. }
  1631. break;
  1632. case 'Light Armor':
  1633. case 'Heavy Armor':
  1634. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type || eq.info.slot !== p.info.slot) {
  1635. $element('p', frag, [(eq.info.type ? `${eq.info.type} ${eq.info.slot}` : 'Unknown'), '.hvut-eq-type']);
  1636. } else if (eq.info.suffix !== p.info.suffix && (eq.info.type === 'Shade' || eq.info.type === 'Power')) {
  1637. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-eq-border');
  1638. }
  1639. break;
  1640. }
  1641. frag.appendChild(eq.node.wrapper);
  1642. });
  1643. parent.innerHTML = '';
  1644. parent.appendChild(frag);
  1645. return equiplist;
  1646. },
  1648. namecode: function (eq) {
  1649. if (!$equip.namecode.rules) {
  1650. $equip.namecode_parse();
  1651. }
  1652. function rainbow(t) {
  1653. const c = ['#f00', '#f90', '#fc0', '#0c0', '#09f', '#00c', '#c0f'];
  1654. return t.split('').map((t, i) => `[color=${c[i % 7]}]${t}[/color]`).join('');
  1655. }
  1656. function color(t) {
  1657. const s = mod[t];
  1658. if (!s.code || !s.color) {
  1659. return;
  1660. }
  1661. if (s.color === 'rainbow') {
  1662. s.code = rainbow(s.code);
  1663. } else {
  1664. s.code = `[color=${s.color}]${s.code}[/color]`;
  1665. }
  1666. }
  1667. function bold(t) {
  1668. const s = mod[t];
  1669. if (!s.code || !s.bold) {
  1670. return;
  1671. }
  1672. s.code = `[b]${s.code}[/b]`;
  1673. }
  1675. const mod = {
  1676. name: { code: eq.info.name },
  1677. quality: { code: eq.info.quality },
  1678. prefix: { code: eq.info.prefix },
  1679. type: { code: eq.info.type },
  1680. slot: { code: eq.info.slot },
  1681. suffix: { code: 'of ' + eq.info.suffix },
  1682. };
  1683. $equip.namecode.rules.forEach((rule) => {
  1684. rule.some((r, i) => {
  1685. if (!$equip.test(eq.info.name, r.name)) {
  1686. if (i === 0) {
  1687. return true; // skip the entire rule if the first fails
  1688. } else {
  1689. return;
  1690. }
  1691. }
  1692. r.options.forEach(({ key, value }) => {
  1693. if (!mod[key]) {
  1694. return;
  1695. }
  1696. if (value === 'bold') {
  1697. mod[key].bold = true;
  1698. } else {
  1699. mod[key].color = value;
  1700. }
  1701. });
  1702. });
  1703. });
  1704. if (eq.info.type) { // obsolete equipment doesn't have any info
  1705. mod.name.code = ['quality', 'prefix', 'type', 'slot', 'suffix'].filter((t) => eq.info[t]).map((t) => { if (mod[t].color && mod[t].color !== mod.name.color) { color(t); } if (!mod.name.bold) { bold(t); } return mod[t].code; }).join(' ');
  1706. }
  1707. color('name');
  1708. bold('name');
  1709. return mod.name.code;
  1710. },
  1711. namecode_parse: function (array = getValue('in_namecode', settings.equipNameCode)) {
  1712. if (typeof array === 'string') {
  1713. array = array.split('\n');
  1714. }
  1715. const rules = [];
  1716. const error = [];
  1717. array.forEach((s, i) => {
  1718. if (!s.trim() || s.startsWith('//')) {
  1719. return;
  1720. }
  1721. const rule = [];
  1722. s.split(';').forEach((s) => {
  1723. if (!s.trim()) {
  1724. return;
  1725. }
  1726. const match = s.match(/^(.+?):\s*((?:(?:name|quality|prefix|type|slot|suffix)\s*=.+?)(?:,\s*(?:(?:name|quality|prefix|type|slot|suffix)\s*=.+?))*)$/);
  1727. if (!match) {
  1728. error.push(`#${i + 1}: ${s}`);
  1729. return;
  1730. }
  1731. const name = match[1].trim();
  1732. const options = [...match[2].matchAll(/(name|quality|prefix|type|slot|suffix)\s*=(.+?)(?:,|$)/g)].map((o) => ({ key: o[1], value: o[2].trim() }));
  1733. try {
  1734. eval(name.replace(/[-A-Za-z ]+/g, (s) => { s = s.trim(); return !s ? '' : 'true'; }));
  1735. } catch (e) {
  1736. error.push(`#${i + 1}: ${s}`);
  1737. return;
  1738. }
  1739. if (!options.length) {
  1740. error.push(`#${i + 1}: ${s}`);
  1741. return;
  1742. }
  1743. const r = { name, options };
  1744. rule.push(r);
  1745. });
  1746. rules.push(rule);
  1747. });
  1748. if (error.length) {
  1749. alert('无效代码\n' + error.join('\n'));
  1750. return;
  1751. }
  1752. $equip.namecode.rules = rules;
  1753. const namecode = rules.map((r) => r.map((r) => r.name + ' : ' + r.options.map(({ key, value }) => `${key}=${value}`).join(', ')).join(' ; '));
  1754. return namecode;
  1755. },
  1757. test: function (name, test) {
  1758. if (!test) {
  1759. return false;
  1760. }
  1761. const n = name.toLowerCase();
  1762. const t = test.toLowerCase();
  1763. try {
  1764. return eval(t.replace(/[-a-z ]+/g, (s) => { s = s.trim(); return !s ? '' : n.includes(s); }));
  1765. } catch (e) {
  1766. alert('无效过滤器: ' + test);
  1767. return false;
  1768. }
  1769. },
  1770. filter: function (name, filter) {
  1771. if (!filter) {
  1772. return false;
  1773. }
  1774. const n = name.toLowerCase();
  1775. return filter.some((f) => $equip.test(n, f));
  1776. },
  1778. };
  1781. var $item = {
  1783. list: null,
  1784. reg: {
  1785. itemc: /show_itemc_box\(-?\d+,-?\d+,'\w+',this,'\w+',(\d+)\)/,
  1786. itemr: /show_itemr_box\(-?\d+,-?\d+,'\w+',this,'\w+','.+?','.*?','(.+?)'\)/,
  1787. shrine: /set_shrine_item\((\w+),(\d+),(\d+),'(.+?)'\)/,
  1788. mooglemail: /set_mooglemail_item\((\d+),this\)/,
  1789. },
  1790. type: function (text) {
  1791. return $item.reg.itemr.test(text) ? RegExp.$1.replace(/\W/g, '') : $item.reg.itemc.test(text) ? 'Consumable' : '';
  1792. },
  1793. count: function (name) {
  1794. return $item.list[name.trim()] || 0;
  1795. },
  1796. load: async function () {
  1797. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=it');
  1798. const doc = $doc(html);
  1799. $item.list = {};
  1800. Array.from($qs('.itemlist', doc).rows).forEach((tr) => {
  1801. $item.list[tr.cells[0].textContent] = parseInt(tr.cells[1].textContent);
  1802. });
  1803. return $item.list;
  1804. },
  1805. once: async function () {
  1806. if ($item.list) {
  1807. return $item.list;
  1808. } else {
  1809. return $item.load();
  1810. }
  1811. },
  1813. };
  1815. // ITEM PRICE
  1816. var $price = {
  1818. json: null,
  1819. desc: {
  1820. 'WTS': '用于编辑各类物品所收取的COD单价,物品名称需使用英文',
  1821. 'WTB': '用于编辑各类物品所付出的COD单价,物品名称需使用英文',
  1822. 'Materials': '材料价格用于计算在怪物实验室中的利润,升级装备的总成本以及在装备商店中计算装备拆解的价值,物品名称需使用英文',
  1823. 'Trophies': '用于设定各类奖杯的价格,物品名称需使用英文',
  1824. 'Crystals': '用于设定各类水晶的价格,物品名称需使用英文',
  1825. },
  1827. init: function () {
  1828. if ($price.json) {
  1829. return;
  1830. }
  1831. $price.keys = Object.keys(settings.itemPrice);
  1832. $price.json = Object.assign(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settings.itemPrice)), getValue('prices'));
  1833. },
  1834. get: function (tag) {
  1835. $price.init();
  1836. if ($price.keys.includes(tag)) {
  1837. return $price.json[tag];
  1838. } else {
  1839. return {};
  1840. }
  1841. },
  1842. set: function (tag, json, replace = true) {
  1843. $price.init();
  1844. if (!$price.keys.includes(tag)) {
  1845. popup(`'${tag}' is invalid`);
  1846. return;
  1847. }
  1848. if (replace) {
  1849. $price.json[tag] = json;
  1850. } else {
  1851. Object.assign($price.json[tag], json);
  1852. }
  1853. setValue('prices', $price.json);
  1854. },
  1855. edit: function (tag, callback) {
  1856. $price.init();
  1857. if (!tag) {
  1858. return;
  1859. }
  1860. const prev = $price.get(tag);
  1861. popup_text($price.json2str(tag), 'width: 300px; height: 500px;', [
  1862. { value: '保存', click: (w, t) => {
  1863. const json = $price.str2json(t.value);
  1864. const error = json['\nERROR'];
  1865. if (error) {
  1866. alert('!!! 错误\n' + error);
  1867. return;
  1868. }
  1869. $price.set(tag, json);
  1870. w.remove();
  1871. if (JSON.stringify(prev) !== JSON.stringify(json)) {
  1872. callback?.();
  1873. }
  1874. } },
  1875. { value: '恢复默认', click: (w, t) => {
  1876. const desc = $price.desc[tag] || '';
  1877. t.value = `// [${tag}] ${desc}\n\n`
  1878. + Object.entries(settings.itemPrice[tag]).map(([n, p]) => `${n} @ ${p}`).join('\n');
  1879. } },
  1880. ]);
  1881. },
  1882. selector: function (size) {
  1883. $price.init();
  1884. const selector = $element('select', null, null, { change: () => { selector.blur(); $price.edit(selector.value); } });
  1885. if (size) {
  1886. selector.size = $price.keys.length + 1;
  1887. selector.classList.add('hvut-scrollbar-none');
  1888. }
  1889. $element('option', selector, { text: '编辑价格...', value: '' });
  1890. $price.keys.forEach((k) => { $element('option', selector, { text: k, value: k }); });
  1891. return selector;
  1892. },
  1893. str2json: function (str) {
  1894. const json = {};
  1895. str.split('\n').some((s, i) => {
  1896. s = s.trim();
  1897. if (!s || s.startsWith('//')) {
  1898. return;
  1899. }
  1900. if (/^(.+?)\s*@\s*(\d+)$/.test(s)) {
  1901. json[RegExp.$1] = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
  1902. } else {
  1903. json['\nERROR'] = `#${i + 1}: ${s}`;
  1904. return true;
  1905. }
  1906. });
  1907. return json;
  1908. },
  1909. json2str: function (tag) {
  1910. const desc = $price.desc[tag] || '';
  1911. return `// [${tag}] ${desc}\n\n`
  1912. + Object.entries($price.get(tag)).map(([n, p]) => `${n} @ ${p}`).join('\n');
  1913. },
  1915. };
  1917. // MoogleMail
  1918. var $mail = {
  1920. queue: [],
  1921. current: 0,
  1922. ready: true,
  1924. request: function (mail) {
  1925. if (mail) {
  1926. const chunks = $mail.chunk(mail);
  1927. $mail.queue.push(...chunks);
  1928. }
  1929. return $mail.send();
  1930. },
  1931. send: async function () {
  1932. const mail = $mail.queue[$mail.current];
  1933. if (!mail) {
  1934. return;
  1935. }
  1936. if (!$mail.ready) {
  1937. return;
  1938. }
  1939. $mail.ready = false;
  1941. const { to_name, subject, body, attach, cod, cod_persistent } = mail;
  1942. const index = $mail.current + 1;
  1943. let html;
  1944. let doc;
  1946. $mail.log('\n========== Sending ==========');
  1948. if (!$mail.token) {
  1949. if (_query.ss === 'mm' && _query.filter === 'new') {
  1950. doc = document;
  1951. } else {
  1952. $mail.log(`#${index}: Checking Mailbox`);
  1953. html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new');
  1954. doc = $doc(html);
  1955. }
  1956. $mail.token = $id('mailform', doc).elements.mmtoken.value;
  1957. if ($id('mmail_attachremove', doc)) {
  1958. $mail.log(`#${index}: Removing attachments`);
  1959. await $mail.discard();
  1960. }
  1961. }
  1962. const token = $mail.token;
  1964. if (attach?.length) {
  1965. $mail.log(`#${index}: Attaching`);
  1966. async function attach_add(e) {
  1967. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new', `mmtoken=${token}&action=attach_add&select_item=${e.id}&select_count=${e.count}&select_pane=${e.pane}`);
  1968. if ($mail.check(html)) {
  1969. return false;
  1970. }
  1971. done++;
  1972. $mail.log(`#${index}: Attached (${done}/${total})`);
  1973. return true;
  1974. }
  1976. const total = attach.length;
  1977. let done = 0;
  1978. const requests = attach.map((e) => attach_add(e));
  1979. const results = await Promise.all(requests);
  1980. if (!results.every((r) => r)) {
  1981. $mail.discard();
  1982. return;
  1983. }
  1984. }
  1986. if (cod && !cod_persistent) {
  1987. $mail.log(`#${index}: Setting CoD`);
  1988. html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new', `mmtoken=${token}&action=attach_cod&action_value=${cod}`);
  1989. if ($mail.check(html)) {
  1990. $mail.discard();
  1991. return;
  1992. }
  1993. }
  1995. if (cod && cod_persistent) {
  1996. $mail.log(`#${index}: Preparing in Persistent`);
  1997. html = await $ajax.fetch('/?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new');
  1998. doc = $doc(html);
  1999. if ($mail.check(html)) {
  2000. $mail.discard();
  2001. return;
  2002. }
  2003. if (!$id('navbar', doc)) {
  2004. $mail.log('!!! Error: Unable to access to Persistent MoogleMail');
  2005. return;
  2006. }
  2007. if ($id('mmail_attachremove', doc)) {
  2008. $mail.log('!!! Error: Something is attached to Persistent MoogleMail');
  2009. return;
  2010. }
  2012. $mail.log(`#${index}: Attaching in Persistent`);
  2013. html = await $ajax.fetch('/?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new', `mmtoken=${token}&action=attach_add&select_item=0&select_count=1&select_pane=credits`);
  2014. if ($mail.check(html)) {
  2015. $mail.discard();
  2016. return;
  2017. }
  2019. $mail.log(`#${index}: Setting CoD in Persistent`);
  2020. html = await $ajax.fetch('/?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new', `mmtoken=${token}&action=attach_cod&action_value=${cod}`);
  2021. if ($mail.check(html)) {
  2022. $mail.discard();
  2023. return;
  2024. }
  2026. $mail.log(`#${index}: Sending in Persistent`);
  2027. html = await $ajax.fetch('/?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new', { mmtoken: token, action: 'send', message_to_name: to_name, message_subject: subject, message_body: body });
  2028. if ($mail.check(html)) {
  2029. $mail.discard();
  2030. return;
  2031. }
  2032. }
  2034. $mail.log(`#${index}: Sending`);
  2035. html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new', { mmtoken: token, action: 'send', message_to_name: to_name, message_subject: subject, message_body: body });
  2036. if ($mail.check(html)) {
  2037. $mail.discard();
  2038. return;
  2039. }
  2041. $mail.log(`#${index}: Completed`);
  2042. $mail.ready = true;
  2043. $mail.current++;
  2044. if ($mail.queue[$mail.current]) {
  2045. return $mail.send();
  2046. } else {
  2047. location.href = '?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=sent';
  2048. return true;
  2049. }
  2050. },
  2051. chunk: function (mail) {
  2052. if (!mail.attach?.length) {
  2053. if (!mail.subject) {
  2054. mail.subject = '(no subject)';
  2055. }
  2056. if (!mail.body) {
  2057. mail.body = '';
  2058. }
  2059. return [mail];
  2060. }
  2061. const chunks = [];
  2062. const size = 10;
  2063. for (let i = 0, l = mail.attach.length; i < l; i += size) {
  2064. const attach = mail.attach.slice(i, i + size);
  2065. const { to_name, cod_persistent } = mail;
  2066. let { subject, body } = mail;
  2067. let atext = '';
  2068. let cod_total = 0;
  2069. attach.forEach((e) => {
  2070. if (e.cod) {
  2071. cod_total += e.cod;
  2072. }
  2073. if (e.atext) {
  2074. atext += e.atext + '\n';
  2075. }
  2076. });
  2078. let cod_deduction = 0;
  2079. if (mail.cod_deduction) {
  2080. cod_deduction = Math.min(cod_total, mail.cod_deduction);
  2081. mail.cod_deduction -= cod_deduction;
  2082. }
  2083. let cod = cod_total - cod_deduction;
  2084. if (cod < 10) {
  2085. cod = 0;
  2086. }
  2088. if (!subject) {
  2089. if (attach.length) {
  2090. if (attach[0].pane === 'equip') {
  2091. subject = attach[0].name;
  2092. } else {
  2093. subject = `${attach[0].count.toLocaleString()} x ${attach[0].name}`;
  2094. }
  2095. if (attach.length > 1) {
  2096. subject += ` and ${attach.length - 1} item(s)`;
  2097. }
  2098. } else {
  2099. subject = '(no subject)';
  2100. }
  2101. }
  2102. if (!body) {
  2103. body = '';
  2104. }
  2105. if (atext) {
  2106. body += `\n\n========== Attachment ==========\n\n${atext}`;
  2107. if (cod_total) {
  2108. if (attach.length > 1) {
  2109. body += `\nTotal: ${cod_total.toLocaleString()} Credits`;
  2110. }
  2111. if (cod_deduction) {
  2112. body += `\nDeduction: -${cod_deduction.toLocaleString()} Credits`;
  2113. body += `\nCoD: ${cod.toLocaleString()} Credits`;
  2114. if (cod) {
  2115. body += '\n=> CoD: 0 Credits';
  2116. }
  2117. }
  2118. if (cod && cod_persistent) {
  2119. body += '\n* A CoD request has been sent to Persistent';
  2120. }
  2121. }
  2122. body += '\n\n================================\n\n';
  2123. }
  2125. const chunk = { to_name, subject, body, attach, cod, cod_persistent };
  2126. chunks.push(chunk);
  2127. }
  2129. return chunks;
  2130. },
  2131. check: function (html) {
  2132. const error = get_message(html);
  2133. if (error) {
  2134. $mail.error = error;
  2135. $mail.log('!!! Error: ' + error);
  2136. }
  2137. return error;
  2138. },
  2139. discard: function () {
  2140. return $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new', `mmtoken=${$mail.token}&action=discard`);
  2141. },
  2142. log: function (text, clear) {
  2143. if (!$mail.log.node) {
  2144. $mail.log.node = popup_text('', 'width: 300px; height: 300px; white-space: pre;');
  2145. }
  2146. const { w, t } = $mail.log.node;
  2147. if (!w.parentNode) {
  2148. document.body.appendChild(w);
  2149. }
  2150. if (clear) {
  2151. t.value = '';
  2152. }
  2153. t.value += text + '\n';
  2154. t.scrollTop = t.scrollHeight;
  2155. },
  2157. };
  2161. // 获取包含体力信息的元素
  2162. var staminaElement = document.getElementById('stamina_readout');
  2163. var staminaElements = document.getElementById('stamina_readout');
  2164. // 获取所有包含体力信息的子元素
  2165. var staminaChildren = staminaElement.querySelectorAll('div[title]');
  2166. var staminaText = staminaElements.querySelector('img').getAttribute('title');
  2167. // 定义英文和中文的对应关系
  2168. var translationMap = {
  2169. 'Exhausted. You do not receive EXP or drops from monsters, and you cannot gain proficiencies.' : '你已经筋疲力尽,你将无法从怪物处获取任何经验、潜经验、掉落、以及熟练度,直到你的精力恢复到2以上',
  2170. 'You have increased stamina drain due to low riddle accuracy' : '由于你的小马图回答正确率太低,你的精力消耗速率被提高了',
  2171. 'Great. You receive a 100% EXP Bonus but stamina drains 50% faster.' : '你现在精力充沛,额外获得100%经验加成,但精力消耗量增加50%(每场战斗消耗0.03的精力)',
  2172. 'Normal. You are not receiving any bonuses or penalties.' : '正常,你既不会受到额外的奖励也不会受到惩罚(每场战斗消耗0.02的精力)',
  2173. // 其他英文和中文对应关系
  2174. };
  2175. // 遍历所有子元素,替换 title 属性中的英文文本为中文
  2176. for (var key in translationMap) {
  2177. if (staminaText.includes(key)) {
  2178. staminaText = staminaText.replace(key, translationMap[key]);
  2179. break; // 找到匹配项后立即退出循环
  2180. }
  2181. }
  2183. // 将替换后的文本内容设置回元素的 title 属性
  2184. staminaElement.querySelector('img').setAttribute('title', staminaText);
  2185. staminaChildren.forEach(function(child) {
  2186. var title = child.getAttribute('title');
  2187. if (title && translationMap[title]) {
  2188. child.setAttribute('title', translationMap[title]);
  2189. }
  2190. });
  2192. // PLAYER DATA
  2193. var _player = {
  2194. stamina: /Stamina: (\d+)/.test($id('stamina_readout').textContent) && parseInt(RegExp.$1),
  2195. accuracy: $qs('#stamina_readout > div:nth-child(2)').title,
  2196. condition: $qs('#stamina_readout img[title^="Stamina"]').title,
  2197. dfct: /^(.+) Lv\.(\d+)/.test($id('level_readout').textContent.trim()) && RegExp.$1,
  2198. level: parseInt(RegExp.$2),
  2199. warn: [],
  2201. };
  2206. if (isNaN(_player.level)) { // check font settings
  2207. alert('使用脚本前,请设置自定义字体.');
  2208. if (_query.ss === 'se') {
  2209. scrollIntoView($id('settings_cfont').parentNode, $id('settings_outer'));
  2210. _se.form = $qs('#settings_outer form');
  2211. _se.form.fontlocal.required = true;
  2212. _se.form.fontface.required = true;
  2213. _se.form.fontsize.required = true;
  2214. _se.form.fontface.placeholder = 'Tahoma, Arial';
  2215. _se.form.fontsize.placeholder = '10';
  2216. _se.form.fontoff.placeholder = '0';
  2217. } else {
  2218. location.href = '?s=Character&ss=se';
  2219. }
  2220. return;
  2221. }
  2223. // BASIC CSS
  2224. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
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  2231. input[type='checkbox'] { width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 0 2px; position: relative; top: 0; vertical-align: top; }
  2232. textarea { margin: 5px; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px; line-height: 20px; }
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  2234. select[size] { height: auto; }
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  2238. .hvut-label:hover input + span { border-color: #5C0D11; background-color: #fff; }
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  2242. .hvut-label input[type='radio']:checked + span::before { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 3px; left: 3px; width: 8px; height: 8px; background-color: #5C0D11; border-radius: 50%; }
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  2258. .equiplist { font-weight: normal; }
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  2263. .hvut-eq-customname:hover::after { visibility: visible; }
  2264. .hvut-eq-category { margin: 10px 0 5px; padding: 2px 5px; border: 1px solid; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; background-color: #edb; }
  2265. .hvut-eq-loading .hvut-eq-category { background-color: #eee; color: #333; }
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  2269. .hvut-none-cont .hvut-eq-border { margin-top: 0; }
  2270. .hvut-none-cont .hvut-eq-border::before { content: none; }
  2272. .itemlist { user-select: auto !important; }
  2273. .itemlist > tbody > tr > td > div { padding: 3px 5px 3px 18px; line-height: 16px; }
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  2275. .it, .it ~ td { padding-top: 7px; }
  2276. .hvut-it-Consumable { color: #00B000; }
  2277. .hvut-it-Artifact { color: #0000FF; }
  2278. .hvut-it-Trophy { color: #461B7E; }
  2279. .hvut-it-Token { color: #254117; }
  2280. .hvut-it-Crystal { color: #BA05B4; }
  2281. .hvut-it-MonsterFood { color: #489EFF; }
  2282. .hvut-it-Material { color: #f00; }
  2283. .hvut-it-Collectable { color: #0000FF; }
  2284. `);
  2286. if (settings.equipColor) {
  2287. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  2288. .eqp > div:last-child:not([onclick]) { color: #966; }
  2289. .eqp > div:last-child[style*='color'] { box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px inset; }
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  2291. .hvut-eq-Crude { background-color: #acacac; }
  2292. .hvut-eq-Fair { background-color: #c1c1c1; }
  2293. .hvut-eq-Average { background-color: #dfdfdf; }
  2294. .hvut-eq-Fine { background-color: #b9ffb9; }
  2295. .hvut-eq-Superior { background-color: #fbf9f9; }
  2296. .hvut-eq-Exquisite { background-color: #d7e698; }
  2297. .hvut-eq-Magnificent { background-color: #a6daf6; }
  2298. .hvut-eq-Legendary { background-color: #ffbbff; }
  2299. .hvut-eq-Peerless { background-color: #ffd760; }
  2300. `);
  2301. }
  2303. if ($id('stats_pane')) {
  2304. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  2305. #stats_header, #eqch_stats .csps { display: none; }
  2306. #stats_pane { height: 650px !important; white-space: nowrap; }
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  2310. .stats_page .st2 > div:nth-child(2n) { width: 100px; }
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  2312. .hvut-ch-expand #eqch_stats { width: 560px; }
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  2314. .hvut-ch-expand .stats_page { float: left; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; }
  2315. .hvut-ch-expand .stats_page:hover { overflow: visible; }
  2316. .hvut-ch-expand .stats_page:nth-of-type(1) { width: 250px; border-right: 1px dotted; }
  2317. .hvut-ch-expand .stats_page:nth-of-type(2) { width: 300px; margin-left: 3px; }
  2318. .hvut-ch-expand .st1 > div:nth-child(2n+1) { width: 45px; padding-left: 5px; clear: left; }
  2319. .hvut-ch-expand .st1 > div:nth-child(2n) { width: 200px; }
  2320. .hvut-ch-expand .st2 > div:nth-child(2n+1) { width: 45px; padding-left: 5px; }
  2321. .hvut-ch-expand .st2 > div:nth-child(2n) { width: 100px; }
  2322. .hvut-ch-expand .st3 > div:nth-child(2n+1) { width: 45px; padding-left: 5px; }
  2323. .hvut-ch-expand .st3 > div:nth-child(2n) { width: 200px; }
  2324. `);
  2326. $qs('#stats_pane > div:last-of-type').prepend(...$qsa('#stats_pane > div:first-of-type > div:nth-last-of-type(-n+2)'));
  2327. toggle_button($input('button', $id('stats_pane'), { style: 'position: absolute; top: 12px; right: 20px; width: 70px;' }), '折叠', '展开', $id('eqch_outer'), 'hvut-ch-expand', settings.characterExpandStatsByDefault);
  2328. }
  2331. _window.common.get_dynamic_digit_string = function (n) { return `<div class="fc4 far fcb"><div>${n.toLocaleString()}</div></div>`; };
  2334. if (settings.equipmentKeyFunctions) {
  2335. document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
  2336. if (e.target.nodeName === 'INPUT' || e.target.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {
  2337. return;
  2338. }
  2339. const div = $qs('div[data-eid]:hover');
  2340. if (div) {
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  2344. document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keypress', { which: 99, keyCode: 99 }));
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  2346. } else if (e.which === 76) { // L
  2347. prompt('Forum Link:', `[url=${location.origin}${location.pathname}equip/${div.dataset.eid}/${div.dataset.key}]` + div.textContent.replace(/(^\[\d+\] )|( \[[SDEAIW]+\]$)/g, '') + '[/url]');
  2348. } else if (e.which === 86) { // V
  2349. window.open(`equip/${div.dataset.eid}/${div.dataset.key}`, '_blank');
  2350. }
  2351. }
  2352. });
  2353. }
  2356. if (settings.equipmentMouseFunctions) {
  2357. document.addEventListener('dblclick', () => {
  2358. const div = $qs('div[data-eid]:hover');
  2359. if (div) {
  2360. window.open(`equip/${div.dataset.eid}/${div.dataset.key}`, '_blank');
  2361. }
  2362. });
  2363. }
  2365. // TOP MENU
  2366. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  2367. #navbar { display: none; }
  2369. #hvut-top { display: flex; position: relative; height: 22px; padding: 2px 0; border-bottom: 1px solid; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 22px; font-weight: bold; z-index: 10; white-space: nowrap; cursor: default; }
  2370. #hvut-top > div { position: relative; height: 22px; margin: 0 5px; }
  2371. #hvut-top a { text-decoration: none; }
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  2376. .hvut-top-sub { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 22px; left: -6px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-width: 0 1px 1px; background-color: #EDEBDF; opacity: 0.95; }
  2377. div:hover > .hvut-top-sub { visibility: visible; }
  2378. .hvut-top-sub select { display: block; margin: 0; }
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  2405. @keyframes ygm { from { opacity: 1; } to { opacity: 0.3; } }
  2406. `);
  2408. _top.menu = {
  2409. '角色面板': { s: 'Character', ss: 'ch' , text: '主页'},
  2410. '装备': { s: 'Character', ss: 'eq' , text: '装备'},
  2411. '技能': { s: 'Character', ss: 'ab' , text: '技能'},
  2412. '训练': { s: 'Character', ss: 'tr', isekai: false ,text: '训练'},
  2413. '物品仓库': { s: 'Character', ss: 'it' ,text: '物品'},
  2414. '装备仓库': { s: 'Character', ss: 'in' ,text: '装备库' },
  2415. '设置': { s: 'Character', ss: 'se' ,text: '设置' },
  2416. '前往异世界': { s: 'Character', href: '/isekai/', isekai: false, text: '异世界' },
  2417. '前往永久区': { s: 'Character', href: '/', isekai: true, text: '永久区' },
  2418. '装备商店': { s: 'Bazaar', ss: 'es' ,text: '装备店'},
  2419. '物品商店': { s: 'Bazaar', ss: 'is' ,text: '物品店'},
  2420. '雪花祭坛': { s: 'Bazaar', ss: 'ss' ,text: '祭坛'},
  2421. '交易市场': { s: 'Bazaar', ss: 'mk' ,text: '市场'},
  2422. '怪物实验室': { s: 'Bazaar', ss: 'ml', isekai: false ,text: '实验室'},
  2423. '莫古利邮局': { s: 'Bazaar', ss: 'mm' ,text: '邮箱'},
  2424. '武器彩票': { s: 'Bazaar', ss: 'lt', isekai: false },
  2425. '防具彩票': { s: 'Bazaar', ss: 'la', isekai: false },
  2426. '竞技场': { s: 'Battle', ss: 'ar' ,text: '竞技场'},
  2427. '塔楼': { s: 'Battle', ss: 'tw', isekai: true ,text: '塔楼'},
  2428. '浴血擂台': { s: 'Battle', ss: 'rb' ,text: '擂台'},
  2429. '压榨界': { s: 'Battle', ss: 'gr' ,text: '压榨界'},
  2430. '道具界': { s: 'Battle', ss: 'iw' ,text: '道具界'},
  2431. '装备修理': { s: 'Forge', ss: 're' ,text: '修理' },
  2432. '装备强化': { s: 'Forge', ss: 'up' ,text: '强化' },
  2433. '装备附魔': { s: 'Forge', ss: 'en' ,text: '附魔' },
  2434. '装备分解': { s: 'Forge', ss: 'sa' ,text: '分解' },
  2435. '装备重铸': { s: 'Forge', ss: 'fo' ,text: '重铸' },
  2436. '装备魂绑': { s: 'Forge', ss: 'fu' ,text: '魂绑' },
  2437. };
  2439. _top.create = function () {
  2440. if (_top.inited) {
  2441. return;
  2442. }
  2443. _top.inited = true;
  2444. const ul = {};
  2445. if (settings.topMenuIntegrate) {
  2446. const sub = $element('div', _top.node.menu['MENU'], ['.hvut-top-sub']);
  2447. const menuMap = {
  2448. 'Character': '角色',
  2449. 'Bazaar': '商店',
  2450. 'Battle': '战斗',
  2451. 'Forge': '锻造'
  2452. };
  2454. Object.entries(menuMap).forEach(([enName, cnName]) => {
  2455. ul[enName] = $element('ul', sub);
  2456. $element('li', ul[enName], [cnName, '.hvut-top-menu-s']);
  2457. });
  2458. } else {
  2459. ['Character', 'Bazaar', 'Battle', 'Forge'].forEach((m) => {
  2460. const sub = $element('div', _top.node.menu[m], ['.hvut-top-sub']);
  2461. ul[m] = $element('ul', sub);
  2462. });
  2463. }
  2464. Object.entries(_top.menu).forEach(([k, m]) => {
  2465. if (!_isekai && m.isekai === true || _isekai && m.isekai === false) {
  2466. return;
  2467. }
  2468. ul[m.s].appendChild($element('li')).appendChild($element('a', null, { textContent: k, href: m.href || `?s=${m.s}&ss=${m.ss}` }));
  2469. });
  2470. /* monsterbation */
  2471. if ($id('mbsettings')) {
  2472. ul['Character'].appendChild($element('li')).appendChild($element('a')).appendChild($id('mbsettings'));
  2473. $id('mbsettings').firstElementChild.className = '';
  2474. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  2475. #mbsettings { position: relative; }
  2476. #mbprofile { top: 100%; left: 0; min-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: normal; }
  2477. `);
  2478. }
  2479. /* monsterbation */
  2480. const sub = $element('div', _top.node.stamina, ['.hvut-top-sub hvut-top-stamina']);
  2481. if (!_isekai) {
  2482. _top.node.stamina_form = $element('form', sub, { method: 'POST' }, { submit: () => { _top.stamina_submit(); } });
  2483. $input('hidden', _top.node.stamina_form, { name: 'recover', value: 'stamina' });
  2484. $input('submit', _top.node.stamina_form, { value: '使用精力恢复剂', disabled: _player.stamina > settings.disableStaminaRestorative, style: 'width: 200px;' });
  2485. _top.node.stamina.addEventListener('mouseenter', _top.stamina_create);
  2486. }
  2487. $element('p', sub, _player.condition);
  2488. if (_player.accuracy) {
  2489. $element('p', sub, [_player.accuracy, '!color: #e00;']);
  2490. }
  2491. if (_player.level !== 500) {
  2492. const exec = /([0-9,]+) \/ ([0-9,]+)\s*Next: ([0-9,]+)/.exec($id('level_details').textContent);
  2493. const exp = parseInt(exec[1].replace(/,/g, ''));
  2494. const up = parseInt(exec[2].replace(/,/g, ''));
  2495. const next = parseInt(exec[3].replace(/,/g, ''));
  2496. const level_start = Math.round(Math.pow(_player.level + 3, Math.pow(2.850263212287058, 1 + _player.level / 1000)));
  2497. const level_exp = exp - level_start;
  2498. const level_up = up - level_start;
  2499. const pct = Math.floor(level_exp / level_up * 100);
  2500. const sub = $element('div', _top.node.level, ['.hvut-top-sub']);
  2501. $element('p', sub, `累计经验 ${exp.toLocaleString()} / ${up.toLocaleString()}`);
  2502. $element('p', sub, `升级还需: ${next.toLocaleString()}`);
  2503. $element('p', sub, `当前等级: ${level_exp.toLocaleString()} / ${level_up.toLocaleString()} (${pct}%)`);
  2504. $element('div', sub, ['.hvut-top-exp', `/<div style="width: ${pct}%;"></div>`]);
  2505. }
  2506. if (_top.node.server) {
  2507. const sub = $element('div', _top.node.server, ['.hvut-top-sub']);
  2508. if (_isekai) {
  2509. $element('a', sub, { href: '/', innerHTML: `<p>你现在在异世界</p><p>${_isekai}</p><p>点击切换到永久区</p>` });
  2510. } else {
  2511. $element('a', sub, { href: '/isekai/', innerHTML: '<p>你现在在永久区</p><p>点击切换到异世界</p>' });
  2512. }
  2513. }
  2514. };
  2516. _top.stamina_create = async function () {
  2517. if (_top.stamina_create.inited) {
  2518. return;
  2519. }
  2520. _top.stamina_create.inited = true;
  2521. const p = $element('p', _top.node.stamina_form, '');
  2522. await $item.once();
  2523. const items = ['Caffeinated Candy', 'Energy Drink'].filter((e) => $item.count(e));
  2524. if (items.length) {
  2525. items.forEach((e) => {
  2526. let displayName = e === 'Energy Drink' ? '能量饮料' : (e === 'Caffeinated Candy' ? '咖啡因糖果' : e);
  2527. $element('p', _top.node.stamina_form, `${displayName} (${$item.count(e)})`);
  2528. });
  2529. } else {
  2530. p.textContent = '没有能量恢复剂';
  2531. }
  2532. };
  2534. _top.stamina_submit = function (e) {
  2535. if (settings.confirmStaminaRestorative && !confirm('确定要使用能量恢复剂吗?')) {
  2536. e.preventDefault();
  2537. }
  2538. };
  2540. _top.init = function () {
  2541. _top.node = {};
  2542. _top.node.div = $element('div', null, ['#hvut-top'], { mouseenter: () => { _top.create(); } });
  2543. _top.node.div.style.justifyContent = settings.topMenuAlign;
  2545. const menu_div = $element('div', _top.node.div, ['.hvut-top-menu']);
  2546. _top.node.menu = {};
  2547. if (settings.topMenuIntegrate) {
  2548. _top.node.menu['MENU'] = $element('div', menu_div, ['/<span>菜单</span>']);
  2549. } else {
  2550. ['Character', 'Bazaar', 'Battle', 'Forge'].forEach((t) => {
  2551. _top.node.menu[t] = $element('div', menu_div, [`/<span>${t.toUpperCase()}</span>`]);
  2552. });
  2553. }
  2555. const quick_div = $element('div', _top.node.div, ['.hvut-top-quick']);
  2556. const new_mail = $id('nav_mail')?.textContent.trim();
  2557. if (new_mail && !settings.topMenuLinks.includes('MoogleMail')) {
  2558. settings.topMenuLinks.push('MoogleMail');
  2559. }
  2560. settings.topMenuLinks = settings.topMenuLinks.filter((t) => {
  2561. const m = _top.menu[t];
  2562. if (!m || !_isekai && m.isekai === true || _isekai && m.isekai === false) {
  2563. return false;
  2564. } else {
  2565. return true;
  2566. }
  2567. });
  2568. settings.topMenuLinks.forEach((t) => {
  2569. const m = _top.menu[t];
  2570. let text = m.text || m.ss.toUpperCase();
  2571. const href = m.href || `?s=${m.s}&ss=${m.ss}`;
  2572. let cn = '';
  2573. if (t === 'MoogleMail' && new_mail) {
  2574. text = `[${new_mail}]`;
  2575. cn = 'hvut-top-ygm';
  2576. }
  2577. const a = $element('a', quick_div, { textContent: text, href: href, dataset: { desc: t } });
  2578. if (cn) {
  2579. a.className = cn;
  2580. }
  2581. });
  2583. _top.node.stamina = $element('div', _top.node.div, ['!width: 90px;', `/<span>精力: ${_player.stamina}</span>`]);
  2584. _top.node.level = $element('div', _top.node.div, ['!width: 60px;', `/<span>Lv.${_player.level}</span>`]);
  2585. _top.node.dfct = $element('div', _top.node.div, ['!width: 80px;', `/<span>${_player.dfct}</span>`]);
  2586. _top.node.persona = $element('div', _top.node.div, ['!width: 110px;', '/<span>Persona</span>']);
  2587. if (settings.randomEncounter) {
  2588. _top.node.re = $element('div', _top.node.div, ['!width: 80px; cursor: pointer;']);
  2589. $re.clock(_top.node.re);
  2590. }
  2591. if (!settings.topMenuIntegrate * 9 + settings.topMenuLinks.length <= 19) {
  2592. const current = _isekai ? '异世界' : '永久区';
  2593. _top.node.server = $element('div', _top.node.div, ['!width: 80px;', '.hvut-top-server', `/<span>${current}</span>`]);
  2594. _top.node.server.style.marginLeft = settings.topMenuAlign ? '' : 'auto';
  2595. }
  2596. $id('navbar').after(_top.node.div);
  2597. };
  2599. _top.init();
  2602. var $dfct = {
  2604. div: _top.node.dfct,
  2605. button: _top.node.dfct.firstElementChild,
  2606. list: ['普通✖1', '困难✖2', '噩梦✖4', '地狱✖7', '任天堂✖10', 'I Wanna✖15', '彩虹小马✖20'],
  2608. create: function () {
  2609. if ($dfct.sub) {
  2610. return;
  2611. }
  2612. $dfct.sub = $element('div', $dfct.div, ['.hvut-top-sub']);
  2613. $dfct.selector = $element('select', $dfct.sub, { size: $dfct.list.length, className: 'hvut-scrollbar-none', style: 'width: 80px;' }, { change: () => {
  2614. $dfct.selector.disabled = true;
  2615. $dfct.change($dfct.selector.value);
  2616. } });
  2617. const options = $dfct.list.map((d, i) => $element('option', null, { value: i + 1, text: d }));
  2618. $dfct.selector.append(...options.reverse());
  2619. $dfct.selector.value = $dfct.list.indexOf(_player.dfct) + 1;
  2620. },
  2621. change: async function (value) {
  2622. $dfct.button.textContent = '(D1...)';
  2623. let html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=se');
  2624. let doc = $doc(html);
  2625. $dfct.button.textContent = '(D2...)';
  2626. const form = new FormData($qs('#settings_outer form', doc));
  2627. form.set('difflevel', value);
  2628. form.set('submit', 'Apply Changes');
  2629. const post = Object.fromEntries(form.entries());
  2630. html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=se', post);
  2631. doc = $doc(html);
  2632. $dfct.set_button(doc);
  2633. },
  2634. set_button: function (doc) {
  2635. const value = /^(.+) Lv\.(\d+)/.test($id('level_readout', doc).textContent.trim()) && RegExp.$1;
  2636. if (!value) {
  2637. $dfct.button.textContent = '(D: ERROR)';
  2638. return;
  2639. }
  2640. _player.dfct = value;
  2641. $dfct.button.textContent = value;
  2642. if ($dfct.selector) {
  2643. $dfct.selector.value = $dfct.list.indexOf(value) + 1;
  2644. $dfct.selector.disabled = false;
  2645. }
  2646. const ch_style = getValue('ch_style', {});
  2647. ch_style.difficulty = value;
  2648. setValue('ch_style', ch_style);
  2649. },
  2651. };
  2653. $dfct.div.addEventListener('mouseenter', $dfct.create);
  2656. var $persona = {
  2658. json: getValue('persona', {}),
  2659. div: _top.node.persona,
  2660. button: _top.node.persona.firstElementChild,
  2662. create: function () {
  2663. const json = $persona.json;
  2664. if (!json.pidx || !json.eidx) {
  2665. return;
  2666. }
  2667. if ($persona.sub) {
  2668. return;
  2669. }
  2670. $persona.sub = $element('div', $persona.div, ['.hvut-top-sub']);
  2672. $persona.selector_p = $element('select', $persona.sub, { size: json.plen, className: 'hvut-scrollbar-none', style: 'width: 110px;' }, { change: () => {
  2673. $persona.selector_p.disabled = true;
  2674. $persona.change_p($persona.selector_p.value);
  2675. } });
  2676. for (let i = 1; i <= json.plen; i++) {
  2677. $element('option', $persona.selector_p, { value: i, text: json[i].name });
  2678. }
  2679. $persona.selector_p.value = json.pidx;
  2681. $persona.selector_e = $element('select', $persona.sub, { size: json.elen, className: 'hvut-scrollbar-none', style: 'width: 110px;' }, { change: () => {
  2682. $persona.selector_e.disabled = true;
  2683. $persona.change_e($persona.selector_e.value);
  2684. } });
  2685. for (let i = 1; i <= json.elen; i++) {
  2686. $element('option', $persona.selector_e, { value: i, text: json[json.pidx][i].name || `Set ${i}` });
  2687. }
  2688. $persona.selector_e.value = json.eidx;
  2689. },
  2690. check_p: function (doc) {
  2691. const json = $persona.json;
  2692. const pidx = parseInt($id('persona_form', doc).elements.persona_set.value);
  2693. const plen = $id('persona_form', doc).elements.persona_set.options.length;
  2694. const checked = pidx === json.pidx;
  2696. Array.from($id('persona_form', doc).elements.persona_set.options).forEach((o) => {
  2697. const pidx = parseInt(o.value);
  2698. const pname = o.text;
  2699. if (!json[pidx]) {
  2700. json[pidx] = {};
  2701. }
  2702. json[pidx].name = pname;
  2703. });
  2705. json.pidx = pidx;
  2706. json.plen = plen;
  2707. json.pname = json[pidx].name;
  2708. $persona.set_value();
  2709. return checked;
  2710. },
  2711. check_e: function (doc) {
  2712. const json = $persona.json;
  2713. const pidx = json.pidx;
  2714. const eidx = parseInt($qs('img[src$="_on.png"]', doc).src.slice(-8, -7));
  2715. const elen = $id('eqsl', doc).childElementCount;
  2717. for (let i = 1; i <= elen; i++) {
  2718. if (!json[pidx][i]) {
  2719. json[pidx][i] = { name: '' };
  2720. }
  2721. }
  2723. json.eidx = eidx;
  2724. json.elen = elen;
  2725. json.ename = json[pidx][eidx].name;
  2726. $persona.set_value();
  2727. },
  2728. change_p: async function (pidx) {
  2729. $persona.button.textContent = '(P...)';
  2730. $dfct.button.textContent = '(D...)';
  2731. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=ch', pidx ? 'persona_set=' + pidx : null);
  2732. const doc = $doc(html);
  2733. $persona.check_p(doc);
  2734. if ($persona.selector_p) {
  2735. $persona.selector_p.value = $persona.json.pidx;
  2736. $persona.selector_p.disabled = false;
  2737. }
  2738. $persona.change_e();
  2739. $dfct.set_button(doc);
  2740. },
  2741. change_e: async function (eidx) {
  2742. $persona.button.textContent = '(E...)';
  2743. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=eq', eidx ? 'equip_set=' + eidx : null);
  2744. const doc = $doc(html);
  2745. $persona.check_e(doc);
  2746. const json = $persona.json;
  2747. if ($persona.selector_e) {
  2748. for (let i = 1; i <= json.elen; i++) {
  2749. const ename = json[json.pidx][i].name;
  2750. $persona.selector_e.options[i - 1].text = ename || 'Set ' + i;
  2751. }
  2752. $persona.selector_e.value = json.eidx;
  2753. $persona.selector_e.disabled = false;
  2754. }
  2755. $persona.set_button();
  2756. $persona.load_dynjs(doc);
  2757. $persona.check_warning(doc);
  2758. },
  2759. set_button: function () {
  2760. const pname = $persona.json.pname || 'Persona ' + $persona.json.pidx;
  2761. $persona.button.textContent = `${pname.slice(0, 10)} [${$persona.json.eidx}]`;
  2762. },
  2763. load_dynjs: async function (doc) {
  2764. const src = $qs('script[src*="/dynjs/"]', doc).src;
  2765. const html = await $ajax.fetch(src + '?t=' + Date.now());
  2766. $equip.dynjs_loaded = JSON.parse(html.slice(16, -1));
  2767. $persona.save_equipset(doc);
  2768. $persona.parse_stats_pane(doc);
  2769. if (_query.s === 'Battle') {
  2770. $battle?.create();
  2771. } else if (['eq', 'ab', 'it', 'se'].includes(_query.ss)) {
  2772. location.href = location.href;
  2773. }
  2774. },
  2775. set_value: function (name, value) {
  2776. const json = $persona.json;
  2777. if (name) {
  2778. json[json.pidx][json.eidx][name] = value;
  2779. }
  2780. setValue('persona', json);
  2781. },
  2782. get_value: function (name) {
  2783. const json = $persona.json;
  2784. return json[json.pidx][json.eidx][name];
  2785. },
  2786. save_equipset: function (doc) {
  2787. const equipset = $qsa('.eqb', doc).map((d) => {
  2788. const eq = $equip.parse.div(d.children[1]);
  2789. const slot = d.children[0].textContent;
  2790. if (eq.info) {
  2791. const { category, name, customname, eid, key } = eq.info;
  2792. return { slot, category, name, customname, eid, key };
  2793. } else {
  2794. return { slot };
  2795. }
  2796. });
  2797. setValue('equipset', equipset);
  2798. },
  2799. check_warning: function (doc) {
  2800. _top.node.message?.remove();
  2801. _top.node.div.classList.remove('hvut-top-warn');
  2802. _top.node.persona.firstElementChild.style.color = '';
  2803. _player.warn = $qsa('#stamina_restore .fcr', doc).map((d) => d.textContent.trim()); // Repair weapon, Repair armor, Check equipment, Check attributes
  2804. if (_player.warn.length) {
  2805. if (_query.s === 'Battle') {
  2806. _top.node.message = _top.node.message || $element('div', null, ['.hvut-top-message']);
  2807. _top.node.message.textContent = '[警告] ' + _player.warn.join(', ');
  2808. _top.node.div.appendChild(_top.node.message);
  2809. }
  2810. _top.node.div.classList.add('hvut-top-warn');
  2811. _top.node.persona.firstElementChild.style.color = '#e00';
  2812. }
  2813. _top.node.stamina.firstElementChild.style.color = '';
  2814. if (_player.condition.includes('你已经筋疲力尽') || _player.accuracy || _player.stamina < settings.warnLowStamina) {
  2815. _top.node.div.classList.add('hvut-top-warn');
  2816. _top.node.stamina.firstElementChild.style.color = '#e00';
  2817. } else if (_player.condition.includes('你现在精力充沛')) {
  2818. _top.node.stamina.firstElementChild.style.color = '#03c';
  2819. }
  2820. },
  2821. parse_stats_pane: function (doc) {
  2822. const stats_pane = {};
  2823. $qsa('#stats_pane .st1 > div:nth-child(2n), #stats_pane .st2 > div:nth-child(2n)', doc).forEach((div) => {
  2824. const type = div.parentNode.previousElementSibling.textContent;
  2825. const number = parseFloat(div.previousElementSibling.textContent);
  2826. let text = div.textContent.trim();
  2827. if (text.startsWith('% ')) {
  2828. text = text.slice(2);
  2829. }
  2830. if (text === 'hit chance') {
  2831. const p = type === 'Physical Attack' ? 'Attack ' : type === 'Magical Attack' ? 'Magic ' : '';
  2832. text = p + 'hit chance'; // equipment: Attack Accuracy, Magic Accuracy
  2833. } else if (/crit chance \/ \+([0-9.]+) % damage/.test(text)) {
  2834. const p = type === 'Physical Attack' ? 'Attack ' : type === 'Magical Attack' ? 'Magic ' : '';
  2835. text = p + 'crit chance';
  2836. stats_pane[p + 'Crit Damage'] = parseFloat(RegExp.$1); // equipment: Attack Crit Damage, Spell Crit Damage
  2837. }
  2838. text = text.replace(/\b[a-z]/g, (s) => s.toUpperCase());
  2839. if ($equip.reg.magic.test(text)) {
  2840. text += type === 'Specific Mitigation' ? ' MIT' : ' EDB';
  2841. }
  2842. stats_pane[text] = number;
  2843. });
  2845. const fighting_style = /(Unarmed|One-Handed|Two-Handed|Dualwield|Niten Ichiryu|Staff)/.test($qs('.spn', doc).textContent) && RegExp.$1;
  2846. const spell_type = ['Fire', 'Cold', 'Elec', 'Wind', 'Holy', 'Dark'].sort((a, b) => stats_pane[b + ' EDB'] - stats_pane[a + ' EDB'])[0];
  2847. const spell_damage = stats_pane[spell_type + ' EDB'];
  2848. const prof_factor = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, stats_pane[{ 'Holy': 'Divine', 'Dark': 'Forbidden' }[spell_type] || 'Elemental'] / _player.level - 1));
  2849. const ch_style = { level: _player.level, difficulty: _player.dfct };
  2850. stats_pane['Fighting Style'] = fighting_style;
  2851. ch_style['Fighting Style'] = fighting_style;
  2852. if (fighting_style === 'Staff' || spell_damage >= 80) {
  2853. stats_pane['Spell Type'] = spell_type;
  2854. stats_pane['Proficiency Factor'] = prof_factor;
  2855. ch_style['Spell Type'] = spell_type;
  2856. ch_style['Proficiency Factor'] = Math.round(prof_factor * 1000) / 1000;
  2857. } else {
  2858. ch_style['Attack Base Damage'] = stats_pane['Attack Base Damage'];
  2859. }
  2860. setValue('ch_style', ch_style);
  2861. return stats_pane;
  2862. },
  2863. init: function () {
  2864. if ($id('persona_form')) {
  2865. if (!$persona.check_p()) {
  2866. $persona.change_e();
  2867. } else {
  2868. $persona.set_button();
  2869. }
  2870. } else if (!$persona.json.pidx || !$persona.json.eidx) {
  2871. $persona.change_p();
  2872. } else {
  2873. $persona.set_button();
  2874. }
  2875. $persona.check_warning();
  2876. },
  2878. };
  2880. $persona.div.addEventListener('mouseenter', $persona.create);
  2881. $persona.init();
  2883. // BOTTOM MENU
  2884. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  2885. #hvut-bottom { position: absolute; display: flex; top: 100%; left: -1px; width: 100%; border: 1px solid; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; }
  2886. #hvut-bottom:empty { display: none; }
  2887. #hvut-bottom > div { margin: -1px 0 -1px -1px; border: 1px solid #5C0D11; padding: 0 10px; }
  2888. #hvut-bottom > .hvut-spaceholder ~ div { margin: -1px -1px -1px 0; }
  2889. #hvut-bottom > .hvut-spaceholder { margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; }
  2890. #hvut-bottom a { color: inherit; }
  2891. .hvut-bottom-warn { background-color: #5C0D11; color: #fff; }
  2893. .hvut-lt-div > a { margin-right: 5px; }
  2894. .hvut-lt-div > span { display: inline-block; width: 40px; }
  2895. .hvut-lt-check { background-color: #fd9; }
  2896. `);
  2898. _bottom.node = {};
  2899. _bottom.node.div = $element('div', $id('csp'), ['#hvut-bottom']);
  2902. if (settings.showCredits) {
  2903. _bottom.show_credits = async function () {
  2904. _bottom.node.credits = $element('div', _bottom.node.div, '加载中...');
  2905. if ($id('networth')) {
  2906. _bottom.node.credits.textContent = $id('networth').textContent;
  2907. $id('networth').remove();
  2908. } else {
  2909. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=is');
  2910. const doc = $doc(html);
  2911. _bottom.node.credits.textContent = $id('networth', doc).textContent;
  2912. }
  2913. };
  2915. _bottom.show_credits();
  2916. }
  2919. if (settings.showEquipSlots === 2 || settings.showEquipSlots === 1 && _query.s === 'Battle') {
  2920. _bottom.show_equip = async function () {
  2921. _bottom.node.equip = $element('div', _bottom.node.div, '加载中...');
  2922. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=in');
  2923. const exec = />Equip Slots: (\d+)(?: \+ (\d+))? \/ (\d+)</.exec(html);
  2924. const inventory = parseInt(exec[1]);
  2925. const storage = parseInt(exec[2] || 0);
  2926. const slots = parseInt(exec[3]);
  2927. const free = slots - inventory - storage;
  2928. _bottom.node.equip.textContent = `装备库存量: ${inventory} + ${storage} / ${slots}`;
  2929. if (free < slots / 10) {
  2930. _bottom.node.equip.classList.add('hvut-bottom-warn');
  2931. } else if (free < slots / 2) {
  2932. _bottom.node.equip.style.color = '#c00';
  2933. }
  2934. };
  2936. _bottom.show_equip();
  2937. }
  2940. if (settings.trainingTimer) {
  2941. _bottom.tr = {
  2942. json: getValue('tr_timer', {}),
  2943. node: {},
  2945. init: function () {
  2946. const json = _bottom.tr.json;
  2947. if (!json.current_name && !json.next_name && !json.error) {
  2948. return;
  2949. }
  2950. _bottom.tr.node.div = $element('div', _bottom.node.div);
  2951. _bottom.tr.node.link = $element('a', _bottom.tr.node.div, { href: '?s=Character&ss=tr', textContent: '初始化...', style: 'margin-right: 5px;' });
  2952. _bottom.tr.node.clock = $element('span', _bottom.tr.node.div, ['!display: inline-block; width: 60px;']);
  2953. if (json.error) {
  2954. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = json.error;
  2955. } else if (json.current_name) {
  2956. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = `${json.current_name} [${json.current_level + 1}]`;
  2957. }
  2958. _bottom.tr.clock();
  2959. },
  2960. clock: function () {
  2961. const json = _bottom.tr.json;
  2962. const remain = json.current_end - Date.now();
  2963. if (remain > 0) {
  2964. _bottom.tr.node.clock.textContent = time_format(remain);
  2965. setTimeout(_bottom.tr.clock, 1000);
  2966. } else {
  2967. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = '加载中...';
  2968. _bottom.tr.node.clock.textContent = '';
  2969. _bottom.tr.load();
  2970. }
  2971. },
  2972. load: async function (post) {
  2973. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=tr', post);
  2974. const doc = $doc(html);
  2975. if (!$id('train_outer', doc)) {
  2976. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = '请稍等...';
  2977. setTimeout(_bottom.tr.clock, 60000);
  2978. return;
  2979. }
  2980. const json = _bottom.tr.json;
  2981. const level = {};
  2982. Array.from($id('train_table', doc).rows).slice(1).forEach((tr) => {
  2983. level[tr.cells[0].textContent] = parseInt(tr.cells[4].textContent);
  2984. });
  2985. json.error = '';
  2986. if ($id('train_progress', doc)) {
  2987. json.current_name = $id('train_progcnt', doc).previousElementSibling.textContent;
  2988. json.current_level = level[json.current_name];
  2989. json.current_end = /var end_time = (\d+);/.test(html) && parseInt(RegExp.$1) * 1000;
  2990. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = `${json.current_name} [${json.current_level + 1}]`;
  2991. _bottom.tr.clock();
  2992. } else if (json.next_name) {
  2993. const error = get_message(doc);
  2994. if (error) {
  2995. json.error = error;
  2996. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = json.error;
  2997. setTimeout(_bottom.tr.clock, 60000);
  2998. } else if (level[json.next_name] < json.next_level) {
  2999. if ($qs(`img[onclick*="training.start_training(${json.next_id})"]`, doc)) {
  3000. _bottom.tr.load('start_train=' + json.next_id);
  3001. } else {
  3002. json.error = "现在无法开始训练";
  3003. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = json.error;
  3004. setTimeout(_bottom.tr.clock, 60000);
  3005. }
  3006. } else {
  3007. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = '训练完成!';
  3008. }
  3009. } else {
  3010. _bottom.tr.node.link.textContent = '训练完成!';
  3011. }
  3012. setValue('tr_timer', json);
  3013. },
  3014. };
  3016. _bottom.tr.init();
  3017. }
  3019. // LOTTERY
  3020. if (settings.showLottery) {
  3021. _bottom.show_lottery = function (ss) {
  3022. const json = getValue(ss + '_show', {}, 'hvut_');
  3023. const now = Date.now();
  3024. if (json.date > now && json.hide) {
  3025. return;
  3026. }
  3027. _bottom.node[ss] = {};
  3028. _bottom.node[ss].div = $element('div', _bottom.node.div, ['.hvut-lt-div']);
  3029. _bottom.node[ss].equip = $element('a', _bottom.node[ss].div, { textContent: '加载中...', href: '/?s=Bazaar&ss=' + ss, target: !_isekai ? '_self' : '_blank' });
  3030. _bottom.node[ss].time = $element('span', _bottom.node[ss].div, '--:--');
  3032. if (json.date > now) {
  3033. if (json.date - now < 3600000) {
  3034. _bottom.node[ss].div.classList.add('hvut-bottom-warn');
  3035. } else if (json.check) {
  3036. _bottom.node[ss].div.classList.add('hvut-lt-check');
  3037. }
  3038. _bottom.node[ss].equip.textContent = json.equip;
  3039. _bottom.node[ss].time.textContent = time_format(json.date - now, 1);
  3040. return;
  3041. }
  3042. _bottom.node[ss].div.classList.add('hvut-bottom-warn');
  3043. _bottom.load_lottery(ss);
  3044. };
  3046. _bottom.load_lottery = async function (ss) {
  3047. const html = await $ajax.fetch('/?s=Bazaar&ss=' + ss);
  3048. const doc = $doc(html);
  3049. const eqname = $id('lottery_eqname', doc);
  3050. if (!eqname) {
  3051. _bottom.node[ss].equip.textContent = '加载失败';
  3052. return;
  3053. }
  3054. const text = $id('rightpane', doc).lastElementChild.textContent;
  3055. const json = getValue(ss + '_show', {}, 'hvut_');
  3056. const now = Date.now();
  3057. let date = Date.now();
  3058. let margin = 0;
  3059. if (/Today's drawing is in (?:(\d+) hours?)?(?: and )?(?:(\d+) minutes?)?/.test(text)) {
  3060. date += (60 * parseInt(RegExp.$1 || 0) + parseInt(RegExp.$2 || 0)) * 60000;
  3061. margin = 2;
  3062. } else if (text.includes("今日彩票销售已截止")) {
  3063. margin = 10;
  3064. } else {
  3065. throw new Error('分析错误');
  3066. }
  3067. const mm = (new Date(date)).getUTCMinutes();
  3068. if (date && (mm < 1 || 60 - mm <= margin)) {
  3069. date = Math.round(date / 3600000) * 3600000;
  3070. }
  3071. json.id = /lottery=(\d+)/.test($qs('img[src*="lottery_prev_a.png"]', doc).getAttribute('onclick')) && parseInt(RegExp.$1) + 1;
  3072. json.equip = eqname.textContent;
  3073. json.date = date;
  3074. json.check = $equip.filter(json.equip, settings.lotteryCheck);
  3075. json.hide = !settings.showLottery;
  3076. setValue(ss + '_show', json, 'hvut_');
  3077. if (json.check) {
  3078. popup(`<p>${eqname.previousElementSibling.textContent}</p><p style="color: #f00; font-weight: bold;">${json.equip}</p>`);
  3079. }
  3081. _bottom.node[ss].equip.textContent = json.equip;
  3082. _bottom.node[ss].time.textContent = time_format(json.date - now, 1);
  3083. };
  3085. $element('div', _bottom.node.div, ['.hvut-spaceholder']);
  3087. _bottom.show_lottery('lt');
  3088. _bottom.show_lottery('la');
  3089. }
  3092. //* [1] 角色 - 角色
  3093. if (settings.character && (_query.s === 'Character' && _query.ss === 'ch' || $id('persona_outer'))) {
  3094. _ch.persona = $id('persona_form').elements.persona_set.value;
  3095. _ch.total_exp = _window.total_exp;
  3096. _ch.exp = [null, { total: 0 }];
  3097. _ch.prof = {};
  3098. _ch.ass = getValue('tr_level', {})['同化者'] || 0;
  3100. _ch.init_simulate = function () {
  3101. _ch.node.div.innerHTML = '';
  3102. $qs('img[onclick*="do_attr_post"]').style.visibility = 'hidden';
  3103. $id('prof_outer').classList.add('hvut-ch-prof');
  3105. Object.values(_ch.prof).forEach((p) => {
  3106. p.current = parseFloat(p.tr.cells[1].textContent);
  3107. p.exp = _ch.get_exp(p.current);
  3108. p.tr.cells[1].textContent = p.current;
  3109. $element('td', p.tr);
  3110. $element('td', p.tr);
  3111. });
  3113. _ch.node.level = $input(['number', '等级', 'before'], _ch.node.div, { value: _player.level, min: 1, max: 500, style: 'width: 50px;' });
  3114. _ch.node.level.addEventListener('wheel', () => {
  3115. _ch.calc_prof();
  3116. });
  3117. _ch.node.ass = $input(['number', '同化者等级', 'before'], _ch.node.div, { value: _ch.ass, min: 0, max: 25, style: 'width: 30px;' });
  3118. _ch.node.ass.addEventListener('wheel', () => {
  3119. _ch.calc_prof();
  3120. });
  3121. // 添加重置按钮
  3122. $input(['button', '重置'], _ch.node.div, null, () => {
  3123. location.reload();
  3124. });
  3125. _ch.calc_prof();
  3126. };
  3128. _ch.calc_prof = function () {
  3129. const level = parseFloat(_ch.node.level.value);
  3130. const ass = parseInt(_ch.node.ass.value);
  3131. if (isNaN(level) || level < 1 || level > 600 || isNaN(ass) || ass < 0 || ass > 25) {
  3132. return;
  3133. }
  3135. _window.total_exp = _ch.get_exp(level);
  3136. _window.update_usable_exp();
  3137. _window.update_display('str');
  3139. const exp_gain = _window.total_exp - _ch.total_exp;
  3140. const prof_gain = Math.max(0, exp_gain * 4 * (1 + ass * 0.1));
  3141. Object.values(_ch.prof).forEach((p) => {
  3142. p.level = _ch.get_level(p.exp + prof_gain, p.current);
  3143. p.tr.cells[2].textContent = '+' + (p.level - p.current).toFixed(3);
  3144. p.tr.cells[3].textContent = p.level.toFixed(3);
  3145. });
  3146. };
  3148. _ch.get_exp = function (level) {
  3149. const num = parseInt(level);
  3150. const dec = level % 1;
  3151. if (!_ch.exp[num]) {
  3152. _ch.exp[num] = { total: Math.round(Math.pow(num + 3, Math.pow(2.850263212287058, 1 + num / 1000))) };
  3153. }
  3154. let exp = _ch.exp[num].total;
  3155. if (dec) {
  3156. if (!_ch.exp[num].next) {
  3157. _ch.exp[num].next = _ch.get_exp(num + 1) - exp;
  3158. }
  3159. exp += Math.round(_ch.exp[num].next * dec);
  3160. }
  3161. return exp;
  3162. };
  3164. _ch.get_level = function (exp, level) {
  3165. level = parseInt(level) || 1;
  3166. while (exp >= _ch.exp[level].total) {
  3167. level++;
  3168. if (!_ch.exp[level]) {
  3169. _ch.exp[level] = { total: _ch.get_exp(level) };
  3170. }
  3171. }
  3172. level--;
  3173. if (!_ch.exp[level].next) {
  3174. _ch.exp[level].next = _ch.exp[level + 1].total - _ch.exp[level].total;
  3175. }
  3176. return level + (exp - _ch.exp[level].total) / _ch.exp[level].next;
  3177. };
  3179. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  3180. #attr_table tr:last-child > td { padding-top: 10px !important; }
  3181. .hvut-ch-div { position: absolute; margin: -25px 0 0 40px; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 22px; text-align: left; }
  3182. .hvut-ch-div label { margin: 0 5px; }
  3183. .hvut-ch-div label > input { text-align: right; }
  3184. .hvut-ch-prof { width: 640px !important; font-size: 10pt; }
  3185. .hvut-ch-prof > div { width: 310px !important; margin: 0 5px; }
  3186. .hvut-ch-prof td:nth-child(1) { width: 105px !important; }
  3187. .hvut-ch-prof td:nth-child(2) { width: 60px !important; }
  3188. .hvut-ch-prof td:nth-child(3) { width: 65px; color: #c00; }
  3189. .hvut-ch-prof td:nth-child(4) { width: 60px; font-weight: bold; }
  3190. `);
  3194. // 新增按钮并指定样式和事件处理函数
  3195. var buyHathButton = $element('button', null, ['!position: fixed; top: 725px; left: 68px;']);
  3196. buyHathButton.textContent = '购买Hath能力';
  3197. buyHathButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
  3198. window.open('https://e-hentai.org/hathperks.php', '_blank');
  3199. });
  3200. // 将按钮添加到页面中
  3201. document.body.appendChild(buyHathButton);
  3202. _ch.node = {};
  3203. // 新增按钮并指定样式和事件处理函数
  3204. var buyHathExchangeButton = $element('button', null, ['!position: fixed; top: 725px; left: 0px;']);
  3205. buyHathExchangeButton.textContent = '购买hath';
  3206. buyHathExchangeButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
  3207. window.open('https://e-hentai.org/exchange.php?t=hath', '_blank');
  3208. });
  3209. // 将按钮添加到页面中
  3210. document.body.appendChild(buyHathExchangeButton);
  3212. // 发起 AJAX 请求以获取页面内容
  3213. $ajax.fetch('https://e-hentai.org/exchange.php?t=hath')
  3214. .then(response => {
  3215. // 解析响应并提取所需的数据
  3216. const html = response;
  3217. const parser = new DOMParser();
  3218. const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
  3219. const priceElement = doc.querySelector('td:nth-of-type(5)'); // 获取第5个 td 元素
  3220. if (priceElement) {
  3221. const priceString = priceElement.textContent.trim(); // 获取价格数据
  3222. // 使用正则表达式提取数字部分
  3223. const match = priceString.match(/[\d,]+/); // 匹配数字或逗号
  3224. if (match) {
  3225. const price = parseInt(match[0].replace(',', '')); // 将匹配到的字符串转换为整数(去除逗号)
  3226. // 显示价格数据在指定的数据框体中
  3227. const dataDisplay = $element('div', null, ['!position: absolute; top: 725px; left: 168px; width: 100px;border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 3px;font-size: 12px']);
  3228. dataDisplay.textContent = 'HATH 价格:' + price;
  3229. document.body.appendChild(dataDisplay);
  3230. } else {
  3231. console.error('无法提取价格数据');
  3232. }
  3233. } else {
  3234. console.error('无法找到 HATH 价格数据');
  3235. }
  3236. })
  3237. .catch(error => {
  3238. console.error('请求失败:', error);
  3239. });
  3243. _ch.node.div = $element('div', $id('attr_outer'), ['.hvut-ch-div'], { input: () => { _ch.calc_prof(); } });
  3244. $input(['button', '经验/熟练度模拟器'], _ch.node.div, null, () => { _ch.init_simulate(); });
  3246. $qsa('#prof_outer tr').forEach((tr) => {
  3247. _ch.prof[tr.cells[0].textContent] = { tr: tr };
  3248. });
  3250. $persona.parse_stats_pane();
  3251. } else
  3252. // [END 1] 角色 - 角色 */
  3255. //* [2] Character - Equipment
  3256. if (settings.equipment && _query.s === 'Character' && _query.ss === 'eq') {
  3257. _eq.mage_stats = function () {
  3258. // to get exact numbers
  3259. const stats_pane = _eq.stats_pane;
  3260. const stats_equip = $equip.parse.equiplist(_eq.equiplist);
  3262. const spell_type = stats_pane['Spell Type'];
  3263. if (!spell_type) {
  3264. return;
  3265. }
  3266. const prof_factor = stats_pane['Proficiency Factor'];
  3267. const edb_infusion = $persona.get_value('infusion') ? 0.25 : 0;
  3268. const edb = stats_pane[spell_type + ' EDB'] / 100 + edb_infusion;
  3269. const magic_damage = stats_pane['Magic Base Damage'];
  3270. const magic_crit_chance = stats_pane['Magic Crit Chance'] / 100;
  3271. const magic_crit_damage = 0.5 + (stats_equip['Spell Crit Damage'] || 0) / 100; // stats_equip['Spell Crit Damage'] is more accurate than stats_pane['Magic Crit Damage']
  3272. const magic_score = magic_damage * (1 + edb) * (1 + magic_crit_chance * magic_crit_damage);
  3273. const arcane_crit_chance = 1 - (1 - magic_crit_chance) * (1 - 0.1);
  3274. const arcane_crit_damage = magic_crit_damage + (_player.level >= 405 ? 0.15 : _player.level >= 365 ? 0.14 : _player.level >= 325 ? 0.12 : _player.level >= 285 ? 0.10 : _player.level >= 245 ? 0.08 : _player.level >= 205 ? 0.06 : _player.level >= 175 ? 0.03 : 0);
  3275. const arcane_score = magic_damage * 1.25 * (1 + edb) * (1 + arcane_crit_chance * arcane_crit_damage);
  3277. const cr_staff = stats_equip['Counter-Resist'] || 0;
  3278. const cr_spell = prof_factor / 2 + cr_staff / 100;
  3279. const prof_dep = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, stats_pane['Deprecating'] / _player.level - 1));
  3280. const cr_dep = prof_dep / 2 + cr_staff / 100;
  3281. const prof_sup = Math.min(1, stats_pane['Supportive'] / _player.level - 1);
  3282. const cure_bonus = prof_sup / (prof_sup > 0 ? 2 : 5);
  3283. const mit_imperil = !$persona.get_value('imperil') ? 0 : (spell_type === 'Holy' || spell_type === 'Dark') ? 0.25 : 0.4;
  3284. const mit_reduce = Math.pow(prof_factor, 1.5) * 0.5 + mit_imperil;
  3285. const mit_day = $persona.get_value('daybonus') ? 0.1 : 0;
  3286. const resist_dfct = _player.dfct === 'PFUDOR' ? 0.1 : 0;
  3287. const mitigations = [0, 0.5, 0.62, 0.75];
  3289. if (!_eq.node.mage) {
  3290. _eq.node.mage = $element('div', $id('eqch_left'), ['.hvut-eq-mage']);
  3291. }
  3292. _eq.node.mage.innerHTML = '';
  3293. const div = $element('div', _eq.node.mage, ['.hvut-eq-chart'], (e) => { _eq.click_stats(e); });
  3295. const options_div = $element('div', div, ['.hvut-eq-options']);
  3296. $input(['checkbox', '彩虹小马难度'], options_div, { dataset: { action: 'set' }, checked: resist_dfct });
  3297. $input(['checkbox', '魔药'], options_div, { dataset: { action: 'set', name: 'infusion', value: 'this' }, checked: edb_infusion });
  3298. $input(['checkbox', '陷危'], options_div, { dataset: { action: 'set', name: 'imperil', value: 'this' }, checked: mit_imperil });
  3299. $input(['checkbox', '属性日'], options_div, { dataset: { action: 'set', name: 'daybonus', value: 'this' }, checked: mit_day });
  3301. let ul = $element('ul', div, ['.hvut-eq-stats']);
  3302. $element('li', ul, '法师属性');
  3303. // 创建一个映射表来翻译属性
  3304. const spellTypeMap = new Map([
  3305. ['Fire', '火焰'],
  3306. ['Cold', '冰冷'],
  3307. ['Elec', '闪电'],
  3308. ['Wind', '疾风'],
  3309. ['Holy', '神圣'],
  3310. ['Dark', '黑暗'],
  3311. // 添加更多属性的翻译
  3312. ]);
  3313. $element('li', ul, [`/<span>${Math.round(magic_score).toLocaleString()}</span><span>魔法得分</span>`]);
  3314. $element('li', ul, [`/<span>${Math.round(arcane_score).toLocaleString()}</span><span>秘法得分(开启"奥术集中"时)</span>`]);
  3315. $element('li', ul, [`/<span>${(prof_factor).toFixed(3)}</span><span>熟练度因子</span>`]);
  3316. $element('li', ul, [`/<span>${(mit_reduce * 100).toFixed(2)}%</span><span>降低敌方对应属性减伤</span>`]);
  3317. $element('li', ul, [`/<span>${(cr_staff).toFixed(2)}%</span><span>法杖基础反抵抗率</span>`]);
  3318. $element('li', ul, [`/<span>${(cr_spell * 100).toFixed(2)}%</span><span>降低敌方${spellTypeMap.get(spell_type)}减伤</span>`]);
  3319. $element('li', ul, [`/<span>${(cr_dep * 100).toFixed(2)}%</span><span>减益魔法反抵抗率</span>`]);
  3320. $element('li', ul, [`/<span>${(cure_bonus * 100).toFixed(2)}%</span><span>治疗效果加成</span>`]);
  3322. ul = $element('ul', div, ['.hvut-eq-monster']);
  3323. $element('li', ul, '怪物抗性');
  3324. $element('li', ul, '基础抵抗率');
  3325. $element('li', ul, '减益魔法抵抗率');
  3326. $element('li', ul, `${spellTypeMap.get(spell_type)}抗性`);
  3327. $element('li', ul, '魔法减伤率');
  3328. mitigations.forEach((mit) => { $element('li', ul, `魔法减伤率 ${mit * 100}%`); });
  3330. [{ n: '女高中生们', s: 10, t: 0 }, { n: '平均', s: 8.5, t: 5 }, { n: '最大', s: 10, t: 10 }].forEach((r) => {
  3331. const rb = 1 - (1 - r.s / 100) * (1 - r.t / 100) * (1 - resist_dfct); // base resist
  3332. const rs = rb * (1 - cr_spell); // spell resist
  3333. /* damage resist
  3334. = Math.pow(rs, 1) * Math.pow(1 - rs, 2) * C(3, 1) * 0.5
  3335. + Math.pow(rs, 2) * Math.pow(1 - rs, 1) * C(3, 2) * 0.75
  3336. + Math.pow(rs, 3) * 1 * 0.9;
  3337. */
  3338. const rd = 0.15 * rs * rs * rs - 0.75 * rs * rs + 1.5 * rs;
  3339. const r_dep = rb * (1 - cr_dep);
  3341. const ul = $element('ul', div, ['.hvut-eq-damage']);
  3342. $element('li', ul, r.n);
  3343. $element('li', ul, (rb * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
  3344. $element('li', ul, (r_dep * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
  3345. $element('li', ul, (rs * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
  3346. $element('li', ul, (rd * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
  3348. mitigations.forEach((mit) => {
  3349. mit -= mit_day;
  3350. mit = mit < 0 ? mit : mit < mit_reduce ? 0 : mit - mit_reduce;
  3351. const damage = arcane_score * (1 - rd) * (1 - mit);
  3352. $element('li', ul, Math.round(damage).toLocaleString());
  3353. });
  3354. });
  3355. };
  3357. _eq.click_stats = function (e) {
  3358. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  3359. if (!target) {
  3360. return;
  3361. }
  3362. const { action, name, value } = target.dataset;
  3363. if (action === 'set') {
  3364. if (value === 'this') {
  3365. $persona.set_value(name, target.checked);
  3366. }
  3367. _eq.mage_stats();
  3368. }
  3369. };
  3371. _eq.show_base = async function () {
  3372. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=ch');
  3373. const doc = $doc(html);
  3374. const base = {};
  3375. $qsa('#attr_table tr:nth-last-child(n+2), #prof_outer tr', doc).forEach((tr) => {
  3376. base[tr.children[0].textContent.toLowerCase()] = tr.children[1].textContent;
  3377. });
  3378. const stats = ['strength', 'dexterity', 'agility', 'endurance', 'intelligence', 'wisdom', 'elemental', 'divine', 'forbidden', 'deprecating', 'supportive'];
  3379. $qsa('.st2:nth-last-child(-n+3) .fal > div').forEach((d) => {
  3380. const s = d.textContent.trim();
  3381. if (stats.includes(s)) {
  3382. d.innerHTML = `&nbsp;[${Math.round(base[s])}]${d.textContent}`;
  3383. }
  3384. });
  3385. };
  3387. _eq.equip_code = function () {
  3388. const code = _eq.equiplist.map((eq) => `[url=${location.origin}${location.pathname}equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}]${eq.info.name}[/url]`);
  3389. popup_text(code, 'width: 900px; height: 150px; white-space: pre;');
  3390. };
  3392. _eq.equip_popups = function () {
  3393. if (_eq.node.popups) {
  3394. _eq.node.popups.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  3395. return;
  3396. }
  3397. _eq.node.popups = $element('div', document.body, ['.hvut-eq-popups', (_eq.equiplist.length > 6 ? '!width: 1500px;' : '')]);
  3398. _eq.equiplist.forEach((eq) => { $element('iframe', _eq.node.popups, { src: `equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}`, scrolling: 'no' }); });
  3399. };
  3401. _eq.prof = {
  3402. node: {},
  3403. data: {},
  3404. equipdata: {
  3405. '橡木法杖': { base: 6.45, pxp: 371 },
  3406. '柳木法杖': { base: 6.14, pxp: 371 },
  3407. '红木法杖': { base: 8.29, pxp: 371 },
  3408. '元素使前缀的红木仗': { base: 16.24, pxp: 371 },
  3409. '铁木法杖': { base: 8.28, pxp: 368 },
  3410. '圣/暗前缀的铁木杖': { base: 16.24, pxp: 368 },
  3411. '法师-帽子': { base: 8.29, pxp: 377 },
  3412. '法师-身体': { base: 9.89, pxp: 377 },
  3413. '法师-手套': { base: 7.5, pxp: 377 },
  3414. '法师-裤子': { base: 9.09, pxp: 377 },
  3415. '法师-鞋子': { base: 6.7, pxp: 377 },
  3416. },
  3417. click: function (e) {
  3418. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  3419. if (!target) {
  3420. return;
  3421. }
  3422. const { action, name } = target.dataset;
  3423. if (action === 'close') {
  3424. _eq.prof.toggle();
  3425. } else if (action === 'add') {
  3426. _eq.prof.add();
  3427. } else if (action === 'load') {
  3428. _eq.prof.load(name);
  3429. } else if (action === 'save') {
  3430. _eq.prof.save(name);
  3431. } else if (action === 'delete') {
  3432. _eq.prof.delete(name);
  3433. }
  3434. const { equip, value } = target.dataset;
  3435. if (action === 'max') {
  3436. _eq.prof.set_max(equip, value);
  3437. } else if (action === 'factor') {
  3438. _eq.prof.set_factor(value);
  3439. }
  3440. },
  3441. init: function () {
  3442. if (_eq.prof.inited) {
  3443. return;
  3444. }
  3445. _eq.prof.inited = true;
  3446. _eq.prof.current = null;
  3447. _eq.prof.data = getValue('eq_prof', {});
  3449. const node = _eq.prof.node;
  3450. node.div = $element('div', $id('eqch_left'), ['.hvut-eq-prof'], { click: (e) => { _eq.prof.click(e); }, input: (e) => { _eq.prof.change(e); } });
  3451. node.side = $element('div', node.div, ['.hvut-eq-side']);
  3452. node.buttons = {};
  3453. $input(['button', '关闭'], node.side, { dataset: { action: 'close' } });
  3454. $input(['button', '新建'], node.side, { dataset: { action: 'add' } });
  3456. const h4 = $element('h4', node.div);
  3457. node.name = $element('span', h4);
  3458. $input(['button', '保存'], h4, { dataset: { action: 'save' } });
  3459. $input(['button', '删除'], h4, { dataset: { action: 'delete' } });
  3461. const summary = $element('ul', node.div, ['.hvut-eq-summary']);
  3462. node.proficiency = $element('li', summary, ['/<span>总熟练度</span><span></span>']).lastChild;
  3463. node.prof_factor = $element('li', summary, ['/<span>熟练度系数</span><span></span>']).lastChild;
  3464. node.mit_reduction = $element('li', summary, ['/<span>属性减伤降低</span><span></span>']).lastChild;
  3465. node.counter_resist = $element('li', summary, ['/<span>反抵抗率</span><span></span>']).lastChild;
  3467. $element('h4', node.div, '玩家数据');
  3468. const player = $element('ul', node.div, ['.hvut-eq-player', { dataset: { action: 'player' } }]);
  3469. let li;
  3470. li = $element('li', player, ['/<span>等级</span>']);
  3471. node.level = $input('number', li, { min: 0, max: 500, step: 1, required: true });
  3472. li = $element('li', player, ['/<span>基础熟练度</span>']);
  3473. node.base = $input('number', li, { min: 0, step: 0.1 });
  3474. node.base_factor = $element('span', li);
  3475. $element('span', li, ['[1.0]', { dataset: { action: 'factor', value: '1.0 ' } }]);
  3476. $element('span', li, ['[1.1]', { dataset: { action: 'factor', value: '1.1 ' } }]);
  3477. $element('span', li, ['[1.2]', { dataset: { action: 'factor', value: '1.2 ' } }]);
  3478. li = $element('li', player);
  3479. node.hathperk = $input(['checkbox', '有Hath Perk?'], $element('span', li));
  3480. node.hath_bonus = $input('number', li, { step: 0.001, readOnly: true });
  3482. $element('h4', node.div, '装备');
  3483. const equip = $element('table', node.div, ['.hvut-eq-equip']);
  3484. $element('tr', equip, ['/<td></td><td>装备部位</td><td>魂绑</td><td>装备等级</td><td>pxp</td><td>最大pxp</td><td>基础熟练度</td><td>最大熟练</td><td>强化等级</td><td>最终熟练度</td>']);
  3486. node.equips = ['柳木法杖', '法师-帽子', '法师-身体', '法师-手套', '法师-裤子', '法师-鞋子'].map((e, i) => {
  3487. const eqnode = {};
  3488. const eq = _eq.prof.equipdata[e];
  3489. const tr = $element('tr', equip, [{ dataset: { action: 'equip', equip: i } }, '/<td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>']);
  3491. if (i === 0) {
  3492. eqnode.type = $element('select', tr.children[1], [{ dataset: { action: 'staff' } }, '/' + ['橡木法杖', '柳木法杖', '红木法杖', '元素使前缀的红木仗', '铁木法杖', '圣/暗前缀的铁木杖'].map((e) => `<option>${e}</option>`).join('')]);
  3493. } else {
  3494. tr.children[1].textContent = e;
  3495. }
  3497. eqnode.check = $input('checkbox', tr.children[0]);
  3498. eqnode.soulbound = $input('checkbox', tr.children[2]);
  3499. eqnode.level = $input('number', tr.children[3], { min: 1, max: 500, step: 1, required: true });
  3500. eqnode.pxp = $input('number', tr.children[4], { min: 200, max: eq.pxp, step: 1, required: true });
  3501. eqnode.pxpmax = $element('span', tr.children[5], [eq.pxp, { dataset: { action: 'max', equip: i, value: 'pxp' } }]);
  3502. eqnode.base = $input('number', tr.children[6], { min: 1, max: eq.base, step: 0.01, required: true });
  3503. eqnode.pmax = $element('span', tr.children[7], [eq.base, { dataset: { action: 'max', equip: i, value: 'base' } }]);
  3504. eqnode.upgrade = $input('number', tr.children[8], { min: 0, max: 50, step: 1 });
  3505. eqnode.scaled = tr.children[9];
  3506. return eqnode;
  3507. });
  3509. Object.keys(_eq.prof.data).forEach((name) => {
  3510. _eq.prof.add_button(name);
  3511. });
  3512. _eq.prof.load();
  3513. },
  3514. load: function (name) {
  3515. if (!name) {
  3516. name = Object.keys(_eq.prof.data)[0];
  3517. }
  3518. if (!name) {
  3519. _eq.prof.add();
  3520. return;
  3521. }
  3522. if (name === _eq.prof.current) {
  3523. return;
  3524. }
  3525. if (_eq.prof.current) {
  3526. _eq.prof.node.buttons[_eq.prof.current].classList.remove('hvut-eq-current');
  3527. }
  3528. _eq.prof.current = name;
  3529. _eq.prof.node.buttons[name].classList.add('hvut-eq-current');
  3531. const current = _eq.prof.data[name];
  3532. const node = _eq.prof.node;
  3533. node.name.textContent = name;
  3535. node.level.value = current.level || '';
  3536. node.base.value = current.base || '';
  3537. node.hathperk.checked = current.hathperk;
  3538. _eq.prof.change_player();
  3540. node.equips[0].type.value = current.equips[0].type;
  3541. _eq.prof.change_staff();
  3543. node.equips.forEach((eqnode, i) => {
  3544. const eq = current.equips[i];
  3545. eqnode.check.checked = eq.check;
  3546. eqnode.soulbound.checked = eq.soulbound;
  3547. eqnode.level.value = eq.level || '';
  3548. eqnode.pxp.value = eq.pxp || '';
  3549. eqnode.base.value = eq.base || '';
  3550. eqnode.upgrade.value = eq.upgrade || '';
  3551. _eq.prof.change_equip(i);
  3552. });
  3553. //_eq.prof.calc();
  3554. },
  3555. add: function () {
  3556. let name;
  3557. let i = 0;
  3558. do {
  3559. i++;
  3560. name = `*未命名${i}`;
  3561. } while (name in _eq.prof.data);
  3562. _eq.prof.data[name] = {
  3563. isnew: true,
  3564. level: _player.level,
  3565. base: _player.level,
  3566. hathperk: true,
  3567. equips: ['柳木法杖', '法师-帽子', '法师-身体', '法师-手套', '法师-裤子', '法师-鞋子'].map((e) => {
  3568. const eq = { ..._eq.prof.equipdata[e] };
  3569. eq.type = e;
  3570. eq.check = false;
  3571. eq.soulbound = false;
  3572. eq.level = _player.level;
  3573. eq.pxp = Math.round(eq.pxp * 0.95);
  3574. eq.base = Math.round(eq.base * 0.95 * 100) / 100;
  3575. eq.upgrade = 0;
  3576. return eq;
  3577. }),
  3578. };
  3579. _eq.prof.add_button(name);
  3580. _eq.prof.load(name);
  3581. },
  3582. add_button: function (name) {
  3583. _eq.prof.node.buttons[name] = $input(['button', name], _eq.prof.node.side, { dataset: { action: 'load', name: name } });
  3584. },
  3585. change: function (e) {
  3586. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  3587. if (!target) {
  3588. return;
  3589. }
  3590. const { action, equip } = target.dataset;
  3591. if (action === 'player') {
  3592. _eq.prof.change_player();
  3593. } else if (action === 'equip') {
  3594. _eq.prof.change_equip(equip);
  3595. } else if (action === 'staff') {
  3596. _eq.prof.change_staff();
  3597. }
  3598. },
  3599. change_player: function () {
  3600. const current = _eq.prof.data[_eq.prof.current];
  3601. const node = _eq.prof.node;
  3602. const prev_level = current.level;
  3603. ['level', 'base', 'hathperk'].forEach((e) => {
  3604. if (node[e].type === 'number') {
  3605. current[e] = parseFloat(node[e].value) || 0;
  3606. } else if (node[e].type === 'checkbox') {
  3607. current[e] = node[e].checked;
  3608. } else {
  3609. current[e] = node[e].value;
  3610. }
  3611. });
  3613. if (current.level !== prev_level) {
  3614. node.base.max = current.level * 10 * 1.2 / 10;
  3615. node.equips.forEach((eqnode, i) => {
  3616. const eq = current.equips[i];
  3617. eqnode.level.max = current.level;
  3618. if (eq.soulbound) {
  3619. _eq.prof.change_equip(i);
  3620. }
  3621. });
  3622. }
  3623. node.base_factor.textContent = ' = Level * ' + (current.base / current.level).toFixed(3);
  3624. node.hath_bonus.value = current.hathperk ? (current.base * 0.1).toFixed(2) : 0;
  3626. _eq.prof.calc();
  3627. },
  3628. change_equip: function (n) {
  3629. const current = _eq.prof.data[_eq.prof.current];
  3630. const eq = current.equips[n];
  3631. const eqnode = _eq.prof.node.equips[n];
  3632. ['check', 'soulbound', 'level', 'pxp', 'base', 'upgrade'].forEach((e) => {
  3633. if (eqnode[e].type === 'number') {
  3634. eq[e] = parseFloat(eqnode[e].value) || 0;
  3635. } else if (eqnode[e].type === 'checkbox') {
  3636. eq[e] = eqnode[e].checked;
  3637. } else {
  3638. eq[e] = eqnode[e].value;
  3639. }
  3640. });
  3642. eqnode.level.disabled = eq.soulbound;
  3643. if (eq.soulbound) {
  3644. eq.level = current.level;
  3645. eqnode.level.value = eq.level;
  3646. }
  3647. eq.scaled = $equip.forge('Elemental', eq.base, eq.upgrade, eq.pxp, eq.level);
  3648. eqnode.scaled.textContent = eq.scaled.toFixed(2);
  3650. _eq.prof.calc();
  3651. },
  3652. change_staff: function () {
  3653. const eqnode = _eq.prof.node.equips[0];
  3654. const equipdata = _eq.prof.equipdata[eqnode.type.value];
  3655. eqnode.pxp.max = equipdata.pxp;
  3656. eqnode.pxpmax.textContent = equipdata.pxp;
  3657. eqnode.base.max = equipdata.base;
  3658. eqnode.pmax.textContent = equipdata.base;
  3659. },
  3660. set_max: function (n, stat) {
  3661. const eqnode = _eq.prof.node.equips[n];
  3662. eqnode[stat].value = eqnode[stat].max;
  3663. _eq.prof.change_equip(n);
  3664. },
  3665. set_factor: function (value) {
  3666. _eq.prof.node.base.value = _eq.prof.data[_eq.prof.current].level * value;
  3667. _eq.prof.change_player();
  3668. },
  3669. calc: function () {
  3670. const current = _eq.prof.data[_eq.prof.current];
  3671. const node = _eq.prof.node;
  3673. current.proficiency = current.base;
  3674. if (current.hathperk) {
  3675. current.proficiency += current.base * 0.1;
  3676. }
  3677. current.equips.forEach((eq) => {
  3678. if (eq.check) {
  3679. current.proficiency += eq.scaled;
  3680. }
  3681. });
  3682. current.prof_factor = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, current.proficiency / current.level - 1));
  3683. current.mit_reduction = Math.pow(current.prof_factor, 1.5) / 2;
  3684. current.counter_resist = current.prof_factor / 2;
  3686. node.proficiency.textContent = current.proficiency.toFixed(3);
  3687. node.prof_factor.textContent = current.prof_factor.toFixed(3);
  3688. node.mit_reduction.textContent = (current.mit_reduction * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
  3689. node.counter_resist.textContent = (current.counter_resist * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
  3690. },
  3691. save: function (name = _eq.prof.current) {
  3692. if (_eq.prof.data[name].isnew) {
  3693. const newname = prompt('输入方案名称')?.trim();
  3694. if (!newname) {
  3695. return;
  3696. } else if (newname in _eq.prof.data) {
  3697. if (!prompt(`${newname} already exists.\nOverwrite it?`)) {
  3698. return;
  3699. }
  3700. } else {
  3701. _eq.prof.add_button(newname);
  3702. }
  3703. _eq.prof.node.buttons[name].remove();
  3705. _eq.prof.data[newname] = _eq.prof.data[name];
  3706. delete _eq.prof.data[newname].isnew;
  3707. delete _eq.prof.data[name];
  3708. _eq.prof.load(newname);
  3709. name = newname;
  3710. }
  3711. const json = getValue('eq_prof', {});
  3712. json[name] = _eq.prof.data[name];
  3713. setValue('eq_prof', json);
  3714. },
  3715. delete: function (name = _eq.prof.current) {
  3716. _eq.prof.node.buttons[name].remove();
  3717. delete _eq.prof.data[name];
  3718. const json = getValue('eq_prof', {});
  3719. delete json[name];
  3720. setValue('eq_prof', json);
  3721. _eq.prof.load();
  3722. },
  3723. toggle: function () {
  3724. _eq.prof.node.div?.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  3725. _eq.prof.init();
  3726. },
  3727. };
  3729. _eq.node = {};
  3731. if (_query.equip_slot) {
  3732. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  3733. #eqch_left .eqb { padding: 0; height: auto; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; }
  3734. #eqch_left .eqb > div:last-child { padding: 1px 0; position: relative; }
  3735. `);
  3737. $equip.list($qs('#equip_pane .equiplist'));
  3738. } else {
  3739. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  3740. #popup_box.hvut-eq-popupbox { margin-top: 15px; }
  3741. #eqch_left { height: 654px; padding-top: 3px; }
  3742. #eqsh { display: none; }
  3743. #eqsl { margin-top: 15px; }
  3744. #eqsb .eqb { padding: 0; height: auto; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; }
  3745. #eqsb .eqb > div:last-child { padding: 1px 0; position: relative; }
  3747. .hvut-eq-buttons { display: flex; width: 650px; margin: 5px auto; text-align: left; }
  3748. .hvut-eq-info { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; font-size: 9pt; }
  3749. .hvut-eq-info > span { display: inline-block; margin: 0 3px; }
  3750. .hvut-eq-info > span:nth-child(2) { width: 35px; }
  3751. .hvut-eq-info > span:nth-child(3) { width: 35px; }
  3752. .hvut-eq-untradeable { color: #c00; }
  3753. .hvut-eq-cdt1 { color: #c00; }
  3754. .hvut-eq-cdt2 { color: #fff; background-color: #c00; }
  3756. .hvut-eq-mage { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; }
  3757. .hvut-eq-chart { position: relative; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; width: 620px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px 15px; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; }
  3758. .hvut-eq-options { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid; }
  3759. .hvut-eq-options label { margin-right: 10px; }
  3760. .hvut-eq-chart ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
  3761. .hvut-eq-chart li { padding: 0 10px; border-bottom: 1px dotted transparent; }
  3762. .hvut-eq-chart li:first-child { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 3px; border-bottom: 1px dotted; }
  3763. .hvut-eq-chart span:first-child { display: inline-block; width: 50px; text-align: right; margin-right: 5px; }
  3764. .hvut-eq-stats { width: 210px; }
  3765. .hvut-eq-monster { width: 140px; text-align: right; }
  3766. .hvut-eq-damage { width: 80px; text-align: right; }
  3767. .hvut-eq-stats li:nth-child(3), .hvut-eq-stats li:nth-child(5), .hvut-eq-monster li:nth-child(5), .hvut-eq-damage li:nth-child(5) { border-bottom-color: currentColor; }
  3769. .hvut-eq-prof { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; padding-left: 120px; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 10pt; text-align: left; background-color: #EDEBDF; }
  3770. .hvut-eq-prof input[type='number'] { text-align: right; }
  3771. .hvut-eq-prof input[type='checkbox'] { top: 3px; }
  3772. .hvut-eq-prof input:invalid { color: #e00; }
  3773. .hvut-eq-prof span { display: inline-block; }
  3774. .hvut-eq-prof h4 { margin: 5px 0; }
  3775. .hvut-eq-prof h4 > span { min-width: 120px; }
  3776. .hvut-eq-prof ul { margin: 5px 0 15px; padding: 0; max-width: 530px; list-style: none; }
  3777. .hvut-eq-prof li { margin: 1px 0; height: 22px; line-height: 22px; }
  3778. .hvut-eq-side { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  3779. .hvut-eq-side input { margin: 3px 0; white-space: normal; }
  3780. .hvut-eq-side input:nth-child(2) { margin-bottom: 10px; }
  3781. .hvut-eq-current { color: #03c !important; border-color: #03c !important; }
  3782. .hvut-eq-summary span:first-child { width: 120px; }
  3783. .hvut-eq-summary span:last-child { width: 50px; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; }
  3784. .hvut-eq-player li > *:nth-child(1) { width: 120px; }
  3785. .hvut-eq-player li > *:nth-child(2) { width: 60px; }
  3786. .hvut-eq-player li > *:nth-child(3) { margin-left: 10px; }
  3787. .hvut-eq-player li > *:nth-child(n+4) { margin-left: 10px; cursor: pointer; }
  3788. .hvut-eq-equip { table-layout: fixed; width: 530px; line-height: 22px; }
  3789. .hvut-eq-equip td { padding: 1px 5px; }
  3790. .hvut-eq-equip input { width: 100%; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }
  3791. .hvut-eq-equip select { width: 100%; margin: 0; }
  3792. .hvut-eq-equip tr:first-child { border: 1px solid; }
  3793. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(1) { width: 20px; }
  3794. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(3) { width: 20px; direction: rtl; }
  3795. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(4) { width: 40px; }
  3796. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(5) { width: 40px; }
  3797. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(6) { width: 25px; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; }
  3798. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(7) { width: 50px; }
  3799. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(8) { width: 35px; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; }
  3800. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(9) { width: 30px; }
  3801. .hvut-eq-equip td:nth-child(10) { width: 50px; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; }
  3802. .hvut-eq-equip td > span { cursor: pointer; }
  3804. .hvut-eq-popups { position: relative; width: 1238px; padding: 10px 0; line-height: 0; text-align: left; background-color: inherit; }
  3805. .hvut-eq-popups iframe { width: 372px; height: 445px; border: 1px solid; margin: 0 -1px -1px 0; overflow: hidden; }
  3806. `);
  3808. $id('popup_box').classList.add('hvut-eq-popupbox');
  3810. $persona.check_e();
  3811. $persona.set_button();
  3812. $persona.save_equipset();
  3814. _eq.stats_pane = $persona.parse_stats_pane();
  3815. _eq.show_base();
  3816. _eq.equiplist = $equip.list($id('eqsb'), false);
  3817. _eq.equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  3818. eq.node.div.textContent = eq.node.div.textContent;
  3819. $element('div', eq.node.wrapper.firstElementChild, ['.hvut-eq-info']).append(
  3820. $element('span', null, [(eq.info.soulbound ? 'Soulbound' : 'Lv.' + eq.info.level), (eq.info.soulbound || !eq.info.tradeable ? '.hvut-eq-untradeable' : '')]), ' : ',
  3821. $element('span', null, 'IW ' + eq.info.tier), ' : ',
  3822. $element('span', null, [Math.ceil(eq.info.cdt * 100) + '%', (eq.info.cdt <= 0.5 ? '.hvut-eq-cdt2' : eq.info.cdt <= 0.6 ? '.hvut-eq-cdt1' : '')])
  3823. );
  3824. });
  3826. _eq.node.buttons = $element('div', [$id('eqch_left'), 'afterbegin'], ['.hvut-eq-buttons']);
  3827. $input(['button', '生成装备代码'], _eq.node.buttons, null, () => { _eq.equip_code(); });
  3828. $input(['button', '生成装备一览'], _eq.node.buttons, null, () => { _eq.equip_popups(); });
  3829. $input(['button', '熟练度计算器'], _eq.node.buttons, null, () => { _eq.prof.toggle(); });
  3830. _eq.node.equipset_name = $input('text', _eq.node.buttons, { value: $persona.json.ename || '套装 ' + $persona.json.eidx, style: 'width: 100px; margin-left: auto; text-align: center;' });
  3831. $input(['button', '保存'], _eq.node.buttons, null, () => { $persona.set_value('name', _eq.node.equipset_name.value); });
  3833. if (_eq.stats_pane['Spell Type']) {
  3834. if (settings.equipmentStatsAnalyzer) {
  3835. _eq.mage_stats();
  3836. }
  3837. }
  3838. }
  3839. } else
  3840. // [END 2] Character - Equipment */
  3843. //* [3] Character - Abilities
  3844. if (settings.abilities && _query.s === 'Character' && _query.ss === 'ab') {
  3845. _ab.ability = {
  3846. 'HP Tank': { category: 'General', img: '3.png', pos: 0, unlock: [0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300], point: [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5] },
  3847. 'MP Tank': { category: 'General', img: '3.png', pos: -34, unlock: [0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 160, 210, 260, 310, 350], point: [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5] },
  3848. 'SP Tank': { category: 'General', img: '3.png', pos: -68, unlock: [0, 40, 80, 120, 170, 220, 270, 330, 390, 450], point: [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5] },
  3849. 'Better Health Pots': { category: 'General', img: '1.png', pos: 0, unlock: [0, 100, 200, 300, 400], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3850. 'Better Mana Pots': { category: 'General', img: '1.png', pos: -34, unlock: [0, 80, 140, 220, 380], point: [2, 3, 5, 7, 9] },
  3851. 'Better Spirit Pots': { category: 'General', img: '1.png', pos: -68, unlock: [0, 90, 160, 240, 400], point: [2, 3, 5, 7, 9] },
  3852. '1H Damage': { category: 'One-handed', img: 'e.png', pos: -68, unlock: [0, 100, 200], point: [2, 3, 5] },
  3853. '1H Accuracy': { category: 'One-handed', img: 'e.png', pos: -34, unlock: [50, 150], point: [1, 2] },
  3854. '1H Block': { category: 'One-handed', img: 'e.png', pos: 0, unlock: [250], point: [3] },
  3855. '2H Damage': { category: 'Two-handed', img: 'k.png', pos: -34, unlock: [0, 100, 200], point: [2, 3, 5] },
  3856. '2H Accuracy': { category: 'Two-handed', img: 'k.png', pos: 0, unlock: [50, 150], point: [1, 2] },
  3857. '2H Parry': { category: 'Two-handed', img: 'e.png', pos: -102, unlock: [250], point: [3] },
  3858. 'DW Damage': { category: 'Dual-wielding', img: 'j.png', pos: 0, unlock: [0, 100, 200], point: [2, 3, 5] },
  3859. 'DW Accuracy': { category: 'Dual-wielding', img: 'k.png', pos: -68, unlock: [50, 150], point: [1, 2] },
  3860. 'DW Crit': { category: 'Dual-wielding', img: 'k.png', pos: -102, unlock: [250], point: [3] },
  3861. 'Staff Spell Damage': { category: 'Staff', img: '9.png', pos: -68, unlock: [0, 100, 200], point: [2, 3, 5] },
  3862. 'Staff Accuracy': { category: 'Staff', img: 'v.png', pos: 0, unlock: [50, 150], point: [1, 2] },
  3863. 'Staff Damage': { category: 'Staff', img: 'k.png', pos: -136, unlock: [0], point: [3] },
  3864. 'Cloth Spellacc': { category: 'Cloth Armor', img: '5.png', pos: 0, unlock: [120], point: [5] },
  3865. 'Cloth Spellcrit': { category: 'Cloth Armor', img: '5.png', pos: -34, unlock: [0, 40, 90, 130, 190], point: [1, 2, 3, 5, 7] },
  3866. 'Cloth Castspeed': { category: 'Cloth Armor', img: '5.png', pos: -68, unlock: [150, 250], point: [2, 5] },
  3867. 'Cloth MP': { category: 'Cloth Armor', img: 'u.png', pos: -136, unlock: [0, 60, 110, 170, 230, 290, 350], point: [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5] },
  3868. 'Light Acc': { category: 'Light Armor', img: '7.png', pos: -34, unlock: [0], point: [3] },
  3869. 'Light Crit': { category: 'Light Armor', img: '7.png', pos: 0, unlock: [0, 40, 90, 130, 190], point: [1, 2, 3, 5, 7] },
  3870. 'Light Speed': { category: 'Light Armor', img: '6.png', pos: -68, unlock: [150, 250], point: [2, 5] },
  3871. 'Light HP/MP': { category: 'Light Armor', img: '5.png', pos: -102, unlock: [0, 60, 110, 170, 230, 290, 350], point: [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5] },
  3872. 'Heavy Crush': { category: 'Heavy Armor', img: 'j.png', pos: -34, unlock: [0, 75, 150], point: [3, 5, 7] },
  3873. 'Heavy Prcg': { category: 'Heavy Armor', img: 'a.png', pos: -102, unlock: [0, 75, 150], point: [3, 5, 7] },
  3874. 'Heavy Slsh': { category: 'Heavy Armor', img: 'j.png', pos: -68, unlock: [0, 75, 150], point: [3, 5, 7] },
  3875. 'Heavy HP': { category: 'Heavy Armor', img: 'u.png', pos: -102, unlock: [0, 60, 110, 170, 230, 290, 350], point: [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5] },
  3876. 'Better Weaken': { category: 'Deprecating 1', img: '4.png', pos: 0, unlock: [70, 100, 130, 190, 250], point: [1, 2, 3, 5, 7] },
  3877. 'Faster Weaken': { category: 'Deprecating 1', img: 'b.png', pos: -68, unlock: [80, 165, 250], point: [3, 5, 7] },
  3878. 'Better Imperil': { category: 'Deprecating 1', img: 'a.png', pos: -68, unlock: [130, 175, 230, 285, 330], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3879. 'Faster Imperil': { category: 'Deprecating 1', img: 'r.png', pos: 0, unlock: [140, 225, 310], point: [3, 5, 7] },
  3880. 'Better Blind': { category: 'Deprecating 1', img: 'r.png', pos: -34, unlock: [110, 130, 160, 190, 220], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3881. 'Faster Blind': { category: 'Deprecating 1', img: '9.png', pos: -102, unlock: [120, 215, 275], point: [1, 2, 3] },
  3882. 'Mind Control': { category: 'Deprecating 1', img: '9.png', pos: -136, unlock: [80, 130, 170], point: [1, 3, 5] },
  3883. 'Better Silence': { category: 'Deprecating 2', img: 'c.png', pos: -170, unlock: [120, 170, 215], point: [3, 5, 7] },
  3884. 'Better MagNet': { category: 'Deprecating 2', img: 'u.png', pos: 0, unlock: [250, 295, 340, 370, 400], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3885. 'Better Slow': { category: 'Deprecating 2', img: 'c.png', pos: 0, unlock: [30, 50, 75, 105, 135], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3886. 'Better Drain': { category: 'Deprecating 2', img: '2.png', pos: 0, unlock: [20, 50, 90], point: [2, 3, 5] },
  3887. 'Faster Drain': { category: 'Deprecating 2', img: 'n.png', pos: 0, unlock: [30, 70, 110, 150, 200], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3888. 'Ether Theft': { category: 'Deprecating 2', img: '2.png', pos: -34, unlock: [150], point: [5] },
  3889. 'Spirit Theft': { category: 'Deprecating 2', img: '2.png', pos: -68, unlock: [150], point: [5] },
  3890. 'Better Haste': { category: 'Supportive 1', img: '9.png', pos: -34, unlock: [60, 75, 90, 110, 130], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3891. 'Better Shadow Veil': { category: 'Supportive 1', img: '6.png', pos: -34, unlock: [90, 105, 120, 135, 155], point: [1, 2, 3, 5, 7] },
  3892. 'Better Absorb': { category: 'Supportive 1', img: 'c.png', pos: -34, unlock: [40, 60, 80], point: [1, 2, 3] },
  3893. 'Stronger Spirit': { category: 'Supportive 1', img: 'a.png', pos: 0, unlock: [200, 220, 240, 265, 285], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3894. 'Better Heartseeker': { category: 'Supportive 1', img: '6.png', pos: 0, unlock: [140, 185, 225, 265, 305, 345, 385], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] },
  3895. 'Better Arcane Focus': { category: 'Supportive 1', img: 'q.png', pos: 0, unlock: [175, 205, 245, 285, 325, 365, 405], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] },
  3896. 'Better Regen': { category: 'Supportive 1', img: 'b.png', pos: -34, unlock: [50, 70, 95, 145, 195, 245, 295, 375, 445, 500], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] },
  3897. 'Better Cure': { category: 'Supportive 1', img: 'i.png', pos: -102, unlock: [0, 35, 65], point: [2, 3, 5] },
  3898. 'Better Spark': { category: 'Supportive 2', img: 'q.png', pos: -170, unlock: [100, 125, 150], point: [2, 3, 5] },
  3899. 'Better Protection': { category: 'Supportive 2', img: 'o.png', pos: 0, unlock: [40, 55, 75, 95, 120], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3900. 'Flame Spike Shield': { category: 'Supportive 2', img: 's.png', pos: 0, unlock: [10, 65, 140, 220, 300], point: [3, 1, 2, 3, 4] },
  3901. 'Frost Spike Shield': { category: 'Supportive 2', img: 'p.png', pos: 0, unlock: [10, 65, 140, 220, 300], point: [3, 1, 2, 3, 4] },
  3902. 'Shock Spike Shield': { category: 'Supportive 2', img: 'g.png', pos: 0, unlock: [10, 65, 140, 220, 300], point: [3, 1, 2, 3, 4] },
  3903. 'Storm Spike Shield': { category: 'Supportive 2', img: 'a.png', pos: -34, unlock: [10, 65, 140, 220, 300], point: [3, 1, 2, 3, 4] },
  3904. 'Conflagration': { category: 'Elemental', img: 'h.png', pos: 0, unlock: [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400], point: [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12] },
  3905. 'Cryomancy': { category: 'Elemental', img: 'i.png', pos: -34, unlock: [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400], point: [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12] },
  3906. 'Havoc': { category: 'Elemental', img: '9.png', pos: 0, unlock: [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400], point: [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12] },
  3907. 'Tempest': { category: 'Elemental', img: 'i.png', pos: -68, unlock: [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400], point: [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12] },
  3908. 'Sorcery': { category: 'Elemental', img: 'c.png', pos: -68, unlock: [70, 140, 210, 280, 350], point: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
  3909. 'Elementalism': { category: 'Elemental', img: 'c.png', pos: -136, unlock: [85, 170, 255, 340, 425], point: [2, 3, 5, 7, 9] },
  3910. 'Archmage': { category: 'Elemental', img: 'i.png', pos: 0, unlock: [90, 180, 270, 360, 450], point: [5, 7, 9, 12, 15] },
  3911. 'Better Corruption': { category: 'Forbidden', img: 't.png', pos: 0, unlock: [75, 150], point: [3, 5] },
  3912. 'Better Disintegrate': { category: 'Forbidden', img: 't.png', pos: -34, unlock: [175, 250], point: [5, 7] },
  3913. 'Better Ragnarok': { category: 'Forbidden', img: 'u.png', pos: -68, unlock: [250, 325, 400], point: [7, 9, 12] },
  3914. 'Ripened Soul': { category: 'Forbidden', img: 'u.png', pos: -34, unlock: [150, 300, 450], point: [7, 10, 15] },
  3915. 'Dark Imperil': { category: 'Forbidden', img: 't.png', pos: -68, unlock: [175, 225, 275, 325, 375], point: [2, 3, 5, 7, 9] },
  3916. 'Better Smite': { category: 'Divine', img: 'q.png', pos: -136, unlock: [75, 150], point: [3, 5] },
  3917. 'Better Banish': { category: 'Divine', img: 'q.png', pos: -34, unlock: [175, 250], point: [5, 7] },
  3918. 'Better Paradise': { category: 'Divine', img: 'q.png', pos: -68, unlock: [250, 325, 400], point: [7, 9, 12] },
  3919. 'Soul Fire': { category: 'Divine', img: 'l.png', pos: 0, unlock: [150, 300, 450], point: [7, 10, 15] },
  3920. 'Holy Imperil': { category: 'Divine', img: 'v.png', pos: -34, unlock: [175, 225, 275, 325, 375], point: [2, 3, 5, 7, 9] },
  3921. };
  3923. _ab.preset = {
  3924. '目前流派': [],
  3925. '单手重甲盾战': ['HP Tank', 'MP Tank', 'SP Tank', 'Better Health Pots', 'Better Mana Pots', 'Better Spirit Pots', '1H Damage', '1H Accuracy', '1H Block', 'Heavy Crush', 'Heavy Prcg', 'Heavy Slsh', 'Heavy HP', 'Better Haste', 'Better Shadow Veil', 'Stronger Spirit', 'Better Heartseeker', 'Better Regen', 'Better Cure', 'Better Spark', 'Better Protection', 'Flame Spike Shield'],
  3926. '双手轻甲战士': ['HP Tank', 'MP Tank', 'SP Tank', 'Better Health Pots', 'Better Mana Pots', 'Better Spirit Pots', '2H Damage', '2H Accuracy', '2H Parry', 'Light Acc', 'Light Crit', 'Light Speed', 'Light HP/MP', 'Better Haste', 'Better Shadow Veil', 'Stronger Spirit', 'Better Heartseeker', 'Better Regen', 'Better Cure', 'Better Spark', 'Better Protection', 'Flame Spike Shield'],
  3927. '双持轻甲战士': ['HP Tank', 'MP Tank', 'SP Tank', 'Better Health Pots', 'Better Mana Pots', 'Better Spirit Pots', 'DW Damage', 'DW Accuracy', 'DW Crit', 'Light Acc', 'Light Crit', 'Light Speed', 'Light HP/MP', 'Better Haste', 'Better Shadow Veil', 'Stronger Spirit', 'Better Heartseeker', 'Better Regen', 'Better Cure', 'Better Spark', 'Better Protection', 'Flame Spike Shield'],
  3928. '二天轻甲战士': ['HP Tank', 'MP Tank', 'SP Tank', 'Better Health Pots', 'Better Mana Pots', 'Better Spirit Pots', '2H Damage', '2H Parry', 'DW Accuracy', 'DW Crit', 'Light Acc', 'Light Crit', 'Light Speed', 'Light HP/MP', 'Better Haste', 'Better Shadow Veil', 'Stronger Spirit', 'Better Heartseeker', 'Better Regen', 'Better Cure', 'Better Spark', 'Better Protection', 'Flame Spike Shield'],
  3929. '元素法师': ['HP Tank', 'MP Tank', 'SP Tank', 'Better Health Pots', 'Better Mana Pots', 'Better Spirit Pots', 'Staff Spell Damage', 'Staff Accuracy', 'Cloth Spellacc', 'Cloth Spellcrit', 'Cloth Castspeed', 'Cloth MP', 'Better Imperil', 'Faster Imperil', 'Better Haste', 'Better Shadow Veil', 'Stronger Spirit', 'Better Arcane Focus', 'Better Regen', 'Better Cure', 'Better Spark', 'Better Protection', 'Flame Spike Shield', 'Conflagration', 'Sorcery', 'Elementalism', 'Archmage'],
  3930. '暗法': ['HP Tank', 'MP Tank', 'SP Tank', 'Better Health Pots', 'Better Mana Pots', 'Better Spirit Pots', 'Staff Spell Damage', 'Staff Accuracy', 'Cloth Spellacc', 'Cloth Spellcrit', 'Cloth Castspeed', 'Cloth MP', 'Better Imperil', 'Faster Imperil', 'Better Haste', 'Better Shadow Veil', 'Stronger Spirit', 'Better Arcane Focus', 'Better Regen', 'Better Cure', 'Better Spark', 'Better Protection', 'Flame Spike Shield', 'Better Corruption', 'Better Disintegrate', 'Better Ragnarok', 'Ripened Soul', 'Dark Imperil'],
  3931. '圣法': ['HP Tank', 'MP Tank', 'SP Tank', 'Better Health Pots', 'Better Mana Pots', 'Better Spirit Pots', 'Staff Spell Damage', 'Staff Accuracy', 'Cloth Spellacc', 'Cloth Spellcrit', 'Cloth Castspeed', 'Cloth MP', 'Better Imperil', 'Faster Imperil', 'Better Haste', 'Better Shadow Veil', 'Stronger Spirit', 'Better Arcane Focus', 'Better Regen', 'Better Cure', 'Better Spark', 'Better Protection', 'Flame Spike Shield', 'Better Smite', 'Better Banish', 'Better Paradise', 'Soul Fire', 'Holy Imperil'],
  3932. } ;
  3936. _ab.point = /Ability Points: (\d+)/.test($id('ability_top').children[3].textContent) && parseInt(RegExp.$1);
  3937. _ab.level = {};
  3939. _ab.click = function (e) {
  3940. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  3941. if (!target) {
  3942. return;
  3943. }
  3944. const { action, name, to } = target.dataset;
  3945. if (action === 'unlock') {
  3946. e.stopPropagation();
  3947. _ab.unlock(name, to);
  3948. }
  3949. };
  3951. _ab.unlock = async function (name, to) {
  3952. const ab = _ab.ability[name];
  3953. const count = to - ab.level;
  3955. async function unlock(ab) {
  3956. const html = await $ajax.fetch(location.href, 'unlock_ability=' + ab.id);
  3957. const doc = $doc(html);
  3958. const error = get_message(doc);
  3959. if (error) {
  3960. popup(error);
  3961. } else {
  3962. const button = $qs('div[style*="u.png"]', ab.div.children[2]);
  3963. button.style.opacity = 0.5;
  3964. button.style.backgroundImage = button.style.backgroundImage.replace('u.png', 'f.png');
  3965. }
  3966. }
  3968. const requests = $ajax.repeat(count, unlock, ab);
  3969. await Promise.all(requests);
  3970. location.href = location.href;
  3971. };
  3973. _ab.calc = {
  3975. node: { ability: {} },
  3976. level: [],
  3977. selected: [],
  3978. order: true,
  3980. init: function () {
  3981. if (_ab.calc.inited) {
  3982. return;
  3983. }
  3984. _ab.calc.inited = true;
  3986. Object.entries(_ab.ability).forEach(([n, ab]) => {
  3987. ab.unlock.forEach((u, i) => {
  3988. if (!_ab.calc.level[u]) {
  3989. _ab.calc.level[u] = [];
  3990. }
  3991. _ab.calc.level[u].push({ name: n, level: i + 1, point: ab.point[i] });
  3992. });
  3993. });
  3995. const node = _ab.calc.node;
  3996. node.div = $element('div', $id('mainpane'), ['.hvut-ab-calc'], (e) => { _ab.calc.click(e); });
  3997. node.side = $element('div', node.div, ['.hvut-ab-side']);
  3998. node.ul = $element('ul', $element('div', node.div), ['.hvut-ab-ul']);
  3999. node.table = $element('table', $element('div', node.div), ['.hvut-ab-table']);
  4001. $input(['button', '关闭'], node.side, { dataset: { action: 'toggle' } });
  4002. Object.keys(_ab.preset).forEach((n) => { $input(['button', n], node.side, { dataset: { action: 'preset', name: n } }); });
  4005. const categoryMap = {
  4006. 'General' : '通用',
  4007. 'One-handed' : '单手',
  4008. 'Two-handed' : '双手',
  4009. 'Dual-wielding' : '双持',
  4010. 'Light Armor' : '轻甲',
  4011. 'Cloth Armor' : '布甲',
  4012. 'Heavy Armor' : '重甲',
  4013. 'Staff' : '法杖',
  4014. 'Elemental' : '元素魔法',
  4015. 'Divine' : '神圣魔法',
  4016. 'Forbidden' : '黑暗魔法',
  4017. 'Supportive 1' : '增益魔法 1',
  4018. 'Deprecating 1' : '减益魔法 1',
  4019. 'Supportive 2' : '增益魔法 2',
  4020. 'Deprecating 2' : '减益魔法 2',
  4021. // 添加更多类别的映射
  4022. };
  4024. let category;
  4025. let li;
  4026. Object.entries(_ab.ability).forEach(([n, ab]) => {
  4027. const translatedCategory = categoryMap[ab.category] || ab.category;
  4028. if (category !== ab.category) {
  4029. category = ab.category;
  4030. li = $element('li', node.ul);
  4031. $element('span', li, [translatedCategory, '.hvut-ab-category']);
  4032. }
  4033. const icon = $element('div', li, [{ dataset: { action: 'ability', name: n } }, '.hvut-ab-icon hvut-ab-off', `!background-image: url("/y/t/${ab.img}"); background-position-x: ${ab.pos - 2}px;`]);
  4034. const tooltipTranslations = {
  4035. 'HP Tank' : '生命值增幅',
  4036. 'MP Tank' : '魔力值增幅',
  4037. 'SP Tank' : '灵力值增幅',
  4038. 'Better Health Pots' : '生命药水效果加成',
  4039. 'Better Mana Pots' : '魔力药水效果加成',
  4040. 'Better Spirit Pots' : '灵力药水效果加成',
  4041. '2H Damage' : '双手流伤害加成',
  4042. '1H Damage' : '单手流伤害加成',
  4043. 'DW Damage' : '双持流伤害加成',
  4044. 'Light Acc' : '轻甲套命中率加成',
  4045. 'Light Crit' : '轻甲套暴击率加成',
  4046. 'Light Speed' : '轻甲套攻速加成',
  4047. 'Light HP/MP' : '轻甲套生命/魔力值加成',
  4048. '1H Accuracy' : '单手流命中率加成',
  4049. '1H Block' : '单手流格挡率加成',
  4050. '2H Accuracy' : '双手流命中率加成',
  4051. '2H Parry' : '双手流招架率加成',
  4052. 'DW Accuracy' : '双持流命中率加成',
  4053. 'DW Crit' : '双持流暴击率加成',
  4054. 'Staff Spell Damage' : '法杖流魔法伤害加成',
  4055. 'Staff Accuracy' : '法杖流全域命中率加成',
  4056. 'Staff Damage' : '法杖流法杖攻击伤害加成',
  4057. 'Cloth Spellacc' : '布甲套法术命中率加成',
  4058. 'Cloth Spellcrit' : '布甲套法术暴击加成',
  4059. 'Cloth Castspeed' : '布甲套咏唱速度加成',
  4060. 'Cloth MP' : '布甲套魔力值加成',
  4061. 'Heavy Crush' : '重甲套打击减伤加成',
  4062. 'Heavy Prcg' : '重甲套刺击减伤加成',
  4063. 'Heavy Slsh' : '重甲套斩击减伤加成',
  4064. 'Heavy HP' : '重甲套生命值加成',
  4065. 'Better Weaken' : '强力虚弱',
  4066. 'Faster Weaken' : '快速虚弱',
  4067. 'Better Imperil' : '强力陷危',
  4068. 'Faster Imperil' : '快速陷危',
  4069. 'Better Blind' : '强力致盲',
  4070. 'Faster Blind' : '快速致盲',
  4071. 'Mind Control' : '精神控制',
  4072. 'Better Silence' : '强力沉默',
  4073. 'Better MagNet' : '强力魔磁网',
  4074. 'Better Slow' : '强力缓慢',
  4075. 'Better Drain' : '强力枯竭',
  4076. 'Faster Drain' : '快速枯竭',
  4077. 'Ether Theft' : '魔力窃取',
  4078. 'Spirit Theft' : '灵力窃取',
  4079. 'Better Haste' : '强力急速',
  4080. 'Better Shadow Veil' : '强力影纱',
  4081. 'Better Absorb' : '强力吸收',
  4082. 'Stronger Spirit' : '强力灵能力',
  4083. 'Better Heartseeker' : '强力觅心者',
  4084. 'Better Arcane Focus' : '强力奥数集成',
  4085. 'Better Regen' : '强力细胞活化',
  4086. 'Better Cure' : '强力治疗',
  4087. 'Better Spark' : '强力生命火花',
  4088. 'Better Protection' : '强力守护',
  4089. 'Flame Spike Shield' : '烈焰刺盾',
  4090. 'Frost Spike Shield' : '冰霜刺盾',
  4091. 'Shock Spike Shield' : '闪电刺盾',
  4092. 'Storm Spike Shield' : '风暴刺盾',
  4093. 'Conflagration' : '火灾',
  4094. 'Cryomancy' : '寒灾',
  4095. 'Havoc' : '雷暴',
  4096. 'Tempest' : '风灾',
  4097. 'Sorcery' : '巫术',
  4098. 'Elementalism' : '自然崇拜者',
  4099. 'Archmage' : '大法师',
  4100. 'Better Corruption' : '强力腐败',
  4101. 'Better Disintegrate' : '强力瓦解',
  4102. 'Better Ragnarok' : '强力诸神黄昏',
  4103. 'Ripened Soul' : '成熟的灵魂',
  4104. 'Dark Imperil' : '黑暗陷危',
  4105. 'Better Smite' : '强力惩戒',
  4106. 'Better Banish' : '强力放逐',
  4107. 'Better Paradise' : '强力失乐园',
  4108. 'Soul Fire' : '焚烧的灵魂',
  4109. 'Holy Imperil' : '神圣陷危',
  4110. // 其他需要翻译的内容
  4111. };
  4112. // 获取当前图标的能力名称
  4113. const abilityName = n;
  4115. // 获取对应的翻译文本
  4116. const translatedTooltip = tooltipTranslations[abilityName];
  4117. $element('span', icon, [translatedTooltip, '.hvut-ab-tooltip']);
  4118. node.ability[n] = icon;
  4119. });
  4121. _ab.calc.preset('目前流派');
  4122. },
  4123. preset: function (name) {
  4124. _ab.calc.selected.forEach((e) => { _ab.calc.node.ability[e].classList.add('hvut-ab-off'); });
  4125. _ab.calc.selected = _ab.preset[name].slice();
  4126. _ab.calc.selected.forEach((e) => { _ab.calc.node.ability[e].classList.remove('hvut-ab-off'); });
  4127. _ab.calc.table();
  4128. },
  4129. ability: function (name) {
  4130. const selected = _ab.calc.selected;
  4131. if (selected.includes(name)) {
  4132. selected.splice(selected.indexOf(name), 1);
  4133. _ab.calc.node.ability[name].classList.add('hvut-ab-off');
  4134. } else {
  4135. selected.push(name);
  4136. _ab.calc.node.ability[name].classList.remove('hvut-ab-off');
  4137. }
  4138. _ab.calc.table();
  4139. },
  4141. table: function () {
  4142. const tbody = [];
  4143. let sum = 0;
  4144. _ab.calc.level.forEach((list, unlock) => {
  4145. const selected = list.filter(({ name }) => _ab.calc.selected.includes(name));
  4146. if (!selected.length) {
  4147. return;
  4148. }
  4149. sum += selected.reduce((s, e) => s + e.point, 0);
  4150. const aboost = sum - unlock;
  4151. const tr = $element('tr', null, [_player.level < unlock ? '.hvut-ab-nolevel' : '']);
  4152. $element('td', tr, unlock);
  4153. $element('td', tr, sum);
  4154. $element('td', tr, [`/<span>${aboost}</span>`, aboost < 0 ? '.hvut-ab-noab' : '']);
  4155. const td = $element('td', tr);
  4156. selected.forEach(({ name, level, point }) => {
  4157. // 创建英文名称和中文翻译的映射表
  4158. var nameTranslationMap = {
  4159. 'HP Tank' : '生命值增幅',
  4160. 'MP Tank' : '魔力值增幅',
  4161. 'SP Tank' : '灵力值增幅',
  4162. 'Better Health Pots' : '生命药水效果加成',
  4163. 'Better Mana Pots' : '魔力药水效果加成',
  4164. 'Better Spirit Pots' : '灵力药水效果加成',
  4165. '2H Damage' : '双手流伤害加成',
  4166. '1H Damage' : '单手流伤害加成',
  4167. 'DW Damage' : '双持流伤害加成',
  4168. 'Light Acc' : '轻甲套命中率加成',
  4169. 'Light Crit' : '轻甲套暴击率加成',
  4170. 'Light Speed' : '轻甲套攻速加成',
  4171. 'Light HP/MP' : '轻甲套生命/魔力值加成',
  4172. '1H Accuracy' : '单手流命中率加成',
  4173. '1H Block' : '单手流格挡率加成',
  4174. '2H Accuracy' : '双手流命中率加成',
  4175. '2H Parry' : '双手流招架率加成',
  4176. 'DW Accuracy' : '双持流命中率加成',
  4177. 'DW Crit' : '双持流暴击率加成',
  4178. 'Staff Spell Damage' : '法杖流魔法伤害加成',
  4179. 'Staff Accuracy' : '法杖流全域命中率加成',
  4180. 'Staff Damage' : '法杖流法杖攻击伤害加成',
  4181. 'Cloth Spellacc' : '布甲套法术命中率加成',
  4182. 'Cloth Spellcrit' : '布甲套法术暴击加成',
  4183. 'Cloth Castspeed' : '布甲套咏唱速度加成',
  4184. 'Cloth MP' : '布甲套魔力值加成',
  4185. 'Heavy Crush' : '重甲套打击减伤加成',
  4186. 'Heavy Prcg' : '重甲套刺击减伤加成',
  4187. 'Heavy Slsh' : '重甲套斩击减伤加成',
  4188. 'Heavy HP' : '重甲套生命值加成',
  4189. 'Better Weaken' : '强力虚弱',
  4190. 'Faster Weaken' : '快速虚弱',
  4191. 'Better Imperil' : '强力陷危',
  4192. 'Faster Imperil' : '快速陷危',
  4193. 'Better Blind' : '强力致盲',
  4194. 'Faster Blind' : '快速致盲',
  4195. 'Mind Control' : '精神控制',
  4196. 'Better Silence' : '强力沉默',
  4197. 'Better MagNet' : '强力魔磁网',
  4198. 'Better Slow' : '强力缓慢',
  4199. 'Better Drain' : '强力枯竭',
  4200. 'Faster Drain' : '快速枯竭',
  4201. 'Ether Theft' : '魔力窃取',
  4202. 'Spirit Theft' : '灵力窃取',
  4203. 'Better Haste' : '强力急速',
  4204. 'Better Shadow Veil' : '强力影纱',
  4205. 'Better Absorb' : '强力吸收',
  4206. 'Stronger Spirit' : '强力灵能力',
  4207. 'Better Heartseeker' : '强力觅心者',
  4208. 'Better Arcane Focus' : '强力奥数集成',
  4209. 'Better Regen' : '强力细胞活化',
  4210. 'Better Cure' : '强力治疗',
  4211. 'Better Spark' : '强力生命火花',
  4212. 'Better Protection' : '强力守护',
  4213. 'Flame Spike Shield' : '烈焰刺盾',
  4214. 'Frost Spike Shield' : '冰霜刺盾',
  4215. 'Shock Spike Shield' : '闪电刺盾',
  4216. 'Storm Spike Shield' : '风暴刺盾',
  4217. 'Conflagration' : '火灾',
  4218. 'Cryomancy' : '寒灾',
  4219. 'Havoc' : '雷暴',
  4220. 'Tempest' : '风灾',
  4221. 'Sorcery' : '巫术',
  4222. 'Elementalism' : '自然崇拜者',
  4223. 'Archmage' : '大法师',
  4224. 'Better Corruption' : '强力腐败',
  4225. 'Better Disintegrate' : '强力瓦解',
  4226. 'Better Ragnarok' : '强力诸神黄昏',
  4227. 'Ripened Soul' : '成熟的灵魂',
  4228. 'Dark Imperil' : '黑暗陷危',
  4229. 'Better Smite' : '强力惩戒',
  4230. 'Better Banish' : '强力放逐',
  4231. 'Better Paradise' : '强力失乐园',
  4232. 'Soul Fire' : '焚烧的灵魂',
  4233. 'Holy Imperil' : '神圣陷危',
  4234. };
  4235. const translatedName = nameTranslationMap[name] || name; // 查找对应的中文翻译,如果没有找到则使用原始英文名称
  4236. const ab = _ab.ability[name];
  4237. const icon = $element('div', td, ['.hvut-ab-icon', `!background-image: url("/y/t/${ab.img}"); background-position-x: ${ab.pos - 2}px;`]);
  4238. $element('span', icon, [point, '.hvut-ab-point']);
  4239. $element('span', icon, [`${translatedName} 等级${level}`, '.hvut-ab-tooltip']);
  4240. });
  4241. tbody.push(tr);
  4242. });
  4243. if (!_ab.calc.order) {
  4244. tbody.reverse();
  4245. }
  4247. const arrow = (_ab.calc.order ? '&#x25B2;' : '&#x25BC;');
  4248. _ab.calc.node.table.innerHTML = `<thead><tr><td data-action="reverse">${arrow} 等级</td><td>所需技能点</td><td>"能力升级"需求级数</td><td>获得能力</td></tr></thead><tbody></tbody>`;
  4249. _ab.calc.node.table.tBodies[0].append(...tbody);
  4250. },
  4252. reverse: function () {
  4253. _ab.calc.order = !_ab.calc.order;
  4254. _ab.calc.table();
  4255. },
  4257. toggle: function () {
  4258. _ab.calc.node.div?.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  4259. _ab.calc.init();
  4260. },
  4262. click: function (e) {
  4263. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  4264. if (!target) {
  4265. return;
  4266. }
  4267. const { action, name } = target.dataset;
  4268. if (action === 'preset') {
  4269. _ab.calc.preset(name);
  4270. } else if (action === 'ability') {
  4271. _ab.calc.ability(name);
  4272. } else if (action === 'reverse') {
  4273. _ab.calc.reverse();
  4274. } else if (action === 'toggle') {
  4275. _ab.calc.toggle();
  4276. }
  4277. },
  4279. };
  4281. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  4282. .hvut-ab-slot { position: absolute; bottom: -5px; left: 2px; width: 30px; font-size: 9pt; color: #fff; }
  4283. .hvut-ab-max { background-color: #333; }
  4284. .hvut-ab-limit { background-color: #03c; }
  4285. .hvut-ab-up { background-color: #c00; }
  4286. .hvut-ab-tree > img[src*='/td'] { filter: brightness(250%); }
  4287. .hvut-ab-bar { font-size: 10pt; line-height: 30px; }
  4288. .hvut-ab-bu { color: #333; display: block; }
  4289. .hvut-ab-bux { color: #999; display: block; cursor: not-allowed; }
  4290. .hvut-ab-bx { color: #999; }
  4292. #ability_treepane > div > div:nth-child(1) { padding-top: 13px; }
  4293. .hvut-ab-warn { display: block; margin-top: -6px; }
  4294. .hvut-ab-warn::before { content: attr(data-warn); display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 2px; padding: 1px 3px; border-radius: 2px; background-color: #c00; color: #fff; font-size: 9pt; }
  4296. .hvut-ab-calc { display: flex; position: absolute; top: 27px; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 675px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: #EDEBDF; z-index: 9; font-size: 10pt; text-align: left; }
  4297. .hvut-ab-calc > div { margin: 0 10px; height: 616px; }
  4298. .hvut-ab-calc > div:nth-child(3) { overflow: hidden scroll; }
  4299. .hvut-ab-icon { display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 30px; margin: 2px; height: 32px; vertical-align: middle; background-position-y: -2px; cursor: default; }
  4300. .hvut-ab-off { filter: grayscale(100%); box-shadow: 0 0 0 20px #fff9 inset; }
  4301. .hvut-ab-off:hover { filter: none; }
  4302. .hvut-ab-point { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; width: 14px; padding: 1px; text-align: center; background-color: #333; color: #fff; font-size: 9pt; }
  4303. .hvut-ab-tooltip { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; bottom: 32px; left: 0; padding: 0 3px; border: 1px solid; background-color: #fff; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 16px; white-space: nowrap; z-index: 1; pointer-events: none; }
  4304. .hvut-ab-icon:hover > .hvut-ab-tooltip { visibility: visible; }
  4306. .hvut-ab-side { width: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  4307. .hvut-ab-side input { margin: 3px 0; white-space: normal; }
  4308. .hvut-ab-side input:nth-child(1) { margin-bottom: 10px; }
  4309. .hvut-ab-ul { width: 450px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 1px solid; list-style: none; }
  4310. .hvut-ab-ul > li { padding: 2px; border-bottom: 1px solid; }
  4311. .hvut-ab-ul > li:last-child { border-bottom: none; }
  4312. .hvut-ab-category { display: inline-block; width: 130px; margin-left: 10px; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: middle; }
  4313. .hvut-ab-ul .hvut-ab-icon { cursor: pointer; }
  4314. .hvut-ab-table { table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; position: relative; width: 400px; text-align: right; }
  4315. .hvut-ab-table thead td { position: sticky; top: 0; height: 36px; border-top-width: 1px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #edb; z-index: 1; }
  4316. .hvut-ab-table td[data-action='reverse'] { cursor: pointer; }
  4317. .hvut-ab-table td { border-style: solid; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; padding: 2px 5px; }
  4318. .hvut-ab-table td:nth-child(1) { border-left-width: 1px; }
  4319. .hvut-ab-table td:nth-child(2) { width: 50px; }
  4320. .hvut-ab-table td:nth-child(3) { width: 50px; }
  4321. .hvut-ab-table td:nth-child(4) { width: 204px; text-align: left; }
  4322. .hvut-ab-table .hvut-ab-icon:nth-child(n+7) { margin-top: 7px; }
  4323. .hvut-ab-nolevel { background-color: #edb; }
  4324. .hvut-ab-noab > span { color: #999; }
  4325. `);
  4327. $qsa('#ability_top div[onmouseover*="overability"]').forEach((div) => {
  4328. const exec = /overability\(\d+, '([^']+)'.+?(?:(Not Acquired)|Requires <strong>Level (\d+))/.exec(div.getAttribute('onmouseover'));
  4329. const name = exec[1];
  4330. const ab = _ab.ability[name];
  4332. ab.slotted = true;
  4333. ab.level = exec[2] ? 0 : ab.unlock.indexOf(parseInt(exec[3])) + 1;
  4334. ab.max = ab.unlock.length;
  4335. ab.limit = ab.unlock.findIndex((e) => e > _player.level);
  4336. if (ab.limit === -1) {
  4337. ab.limit = ab.max;
  4338. }
  4340. _ab.preset['目前流派'].push(name);
  4341. if (ab.level) {
  4342. _ab.level[name] = ab.level;
  4343. }
  4345. const span = $element('span', div, ['.hvut-ab-slot']);
  4346. if (ab.level === ab.max) {
  4347. span.textContent = '已满';
  4348. span.classList.add('hvut-ab-max');
  4349. } else if (ab.level === ab.limit) {
  4350. span.textContent = `${ab.level}/${ab.max}`;
  4351. span.classList.add('hvut-ab-limit');
  4352. } else {
  4353. span.textContent = `${ab.level}/${ab.max}`;
  4354. span.classList.add('hvut-ab-up');
  4355. const index = ['General', 'One-handed', 'Two-handed', 'Dual-wielding', '', 'Staff', 'Cloth Armor', 'Light Armor', 'Heavy Armor', 'Deprecating 1', 'Deprecating 2', 'Supportive 1', 'Supportive 2', 'Elemental', 'Forbidden', 'Divine'].indexOf(ab.category);
  4356. $qsa('#ability_treelist > div')[index].classList.add('hvut-ab-tree');
  4357. }
  4358. });
  4359. setValue('ab_level', _ab.level);
  4361. $id('ability_treepane').addEventListener('click', _ab.click, true);
  4362. $qsa('#ability_treepane > div').forEach((div) => {
  4363. const name = div.firstElementChild.textContent;
  4364. const ab = _ab.ability[name];
  4365. let point = _ab.point;
  4367. ab.div = div;
  4368. ab.id = /do_unlock_ability\((\d+)\)/.test(div.children[2].getAttribute('onclick') || '') && RegExp.$1;
  4369. ab.level = 0;
  4371. Array.from(div.children[2].children).forEach((button, i) => {
  4372. const type = /(.)\.png/.test(button.style.backgroundImage) && RegExp.$1;
  4373. if (!type) {
  4374. return;
  4375. }
  4376. button.classList.add('hvut-ab-bar');
  4378. if (type === 'f') {
  4379. ab.level++;
  4380. } else if (type === 'u') {
  4381. point -= ab.point[i];
  4382. if (point < 0) {
  4383. $element('span', button, [ab.point[i], '.hvut-ab-bux']);
  4384. } else {
  4385. $element('span', button, [ab.point[i], '.hvut-ab-bu', { dataset: { action: 'unlock', name: name, to: i + 1 } }]);
  4386. }
  4387. } else if (type === 'x') {
  4388. $element('span', button, [`${ab.point[i]} (${ab.unlock[i]})`, '.hvut-ab-bx']);
  4389. }
  4390. });
  4392. if (ab.level) {
  4393. if (!ab.slotted) {
  4394. div.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.classList.add('hvut-ab-warn');
  4395. div.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.dataset.warn = '未激活';
  4396. } else if (ab.level !== ab.limit) {
  4397. div.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.classList.add('hvut-ab-warn');
  4398. div.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.dataset.warn = '可升级';
  4399. }
  4400. }
  4401. });
  4403. $input(['button', '能力点计算器'], $id('ability_outer'), { style: 'position: absolute; top: 20px; left: -80px; width: 90px; white-space: normal;' }, () => { _ab.calc.toggle(); });
  4404. } else
  4405. // [END 3] Character - Abilities */
  4408. //* [4] Character - Training
  4409. if (settings.training && _query.s === 'Character' && _query.ss === 'tr') {
  4410. _tr.training = {
  4411. 'Adept Learner': { id: 50, b: 100, l: 50, e: 0.000417446 },
  4412. 'Assimilator': { id: 51, b: 50000, l: 50000, e: 0.0057969565 },
  4413. 'Ability Boost': { id: 80, b: 100, l: 100, e: 0.0005548607 },
  4414. 'Manifest Destiny': { id: 81, b: 1000000, l: 1000000, e: 0 },
  4415. 'Scavenger': { id: 70, b: 500, l: 500, e: 0.0088310825 },
  4416. 'Luck of the Draw': { id: 71, b: 2000, l: 2000, e: 0.0168750623 },
  4417. 'Quartermaster': { id: 72, b: 5000, l: 5000, e: 0.017883894 },
  4418. 'Archaeologist': { id: 73, b: 25000, l: 25000, e: 0.030981982 },
  4419. 'Metabolism': { id: 84, b: 1000000, l: 1000000, e: 0 },
  4420. 'Inspiration': { id: 85, b: 2000000, l: 2000000, e: 0 },
  4421. 'Scholar of War': { id: 90, b: 30000, l: 10000, e: 0 },
  4422. 'Tincture': { id: 91, b: 30000, l: 10000, e: 0 },
  4423. 'Pack Rat': { id: 98, b: 10000, l: 10000, e: 0 },
  4424. 'Dissociation': { id: 88, b: 1000000, l: 1000000, e: 0 },
  4425. 'Set Collector': { id: 96, b: 12500, l: 12500, e: 0 },
  4426. };
  4428. _tr.click = function (e) {
  4429. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  4430. if (!target) {
  4431. return;
  4432. }
  4433. const { action, name } = target.dataset;
  4434. if (action === 'change') {
  4435. _tr.change(name);
  4436. }
  4437. };
  4439. _tr.change = function (name, level) {
  4440. const training = _tr.training[name];
  4441. if (!training?.time) {
  4442. _tr.node.select.value = '';
  4443. _tr.node.level.value = '';
  4444. _tr.node.level.disabled = true;
  4445. _tr.node.cost.value = '';
  4446. return;
  4447. }
  4448. if (!level) {
  4449. level = training.level;
  4450. }
  4451. _tr.node.select.value = name;
  4452. _tr.node.level.value = level;
  4453. _tr.node.level.min = training.level;
  4454. _tr.node.level.max = training.max;
  4455. _tr.node.level.disabled = false;
  4456. _tr.calc();
  4457. };
  4459. _tr.calc = function () {
  4460. const name = _tr.node.select.value;
  4461. const to = parseInt(_tr.node.level.value);
  4462. if (!name || !to) {
  4463. return;
  4464. }
  4466. const training = _tr.training[name];
  4467. let from = training.level;
  4468. let cost = 0;
  4469. if (name === _tr.current) {
  4470. from++;
  4471. }
  4472. while (from < to) {
  4473. cost += Math.round(Math.pow(training.b + training.l * from, 1 + training.e * from));
  4474. from++;
  4475. }
  4476. _tr.node.cost.value = cost.toLocaleString();
  4477. };
  4479. _tr.set = function (reload) {
  4480. if (_tr.node.select.value) {
  4481. _tr.json.next_name = _tr.node.select.value;
  4482. _tr.json.next_level = parseInt(_tr.node.level.value);
  4483. _tr.json.next_id = _tr.training[_tr.node.select.value].id;
  4484. } else {
  4485. _tr.json.next_name = '';
  4486. _tr.json.next_level = 0;
  4487. _tr.json.next_id = 0;
  4488. }
  4489. setValue('tr_timer', _tr.json);
  4491. if (reload) {
  4492. location.href = location.href;
  4493. }
  4494. };
  4496. _tr.cancel = function (reload) {
  4497. _tr.node.select.value = '';
  4498. _tr.set(reload);
  4499. };
  4501. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  4502. #train_table > tbody > tr > td:last-child { width: 100px; padding-right: 10px; }
  4503. #train_table > tbody > tr:last-child > td { font-weight: bold; }
  4504. `);
  4506. _tr.node = {};
  4507. _tr.node.div = $element('div', [$id('train_outer'), 'afterbegin'], ['!margin: 5px;' + (settings.trainingTimer ? '' : ' display: none;')]);
  4508. _tr.node.select = $element('select', _tr.node.div, ['/<option value="">选择计划训练项目</option>'], {
  4509. change: () => {
  4510. _tr.change(_tr.node.select.value);
  4511. },
  4512. wheel: function(event) {
  4513. event.preventDefault();
  4514. const delta = Math.sign(event.deltaY); // 获取鼠标滚轮滚动方向,1为向下滚动,-1为向上滚动
  4515. let currentIndex = this.selectedIndex;
  4516. currentIndex += delta;
  4517. if (currentIndex < 0) {
  4518. currentIndex = 0;
  4519. } else if (currentIndex >= this.options.length) {
  4520. currentIndex = this.options.length - 1;
  4521. }
  4522. this.selectedIndex = currentIndex;
  4523. _tr.change(this.value);
  4524. }
  4525. });
  4526. _tr.node.level = $input('number', _tr.node.div, { disabled: true, style: 'width: 30px; text-align: right;' }, {
  4527. input: () => {
  4528. _tr.calc();
  4529. },
  4530. wheel: function(event) {
  4531. event.preventDefault();
  4532. const delta = Math.sign(event.deltaY); // 获取鼠标滚轮滚动方向,1为向上滚动,-1为向下滚动
  4533. let currentValue = parseInt(this.value) || 0;
  4534. currentValue += delta;
  4535. if (currentValue < parseInt(this.min)) {
  4536. currentValue = parseInt(this.min);
  4537. } else if (currentValue > parseInt(this.max)) {
  4538. currentValue = parseInt(this.max);
  4539. }
  4540. this.value = currentValue;
  4541. _tr.calc();
  4542. }
  4543. });
  4544. $input(['button', '训练至目标等级'], _tr.node.div, null, () => { _tr.set(true); });
  4545. _tr.node.cost = $input('text', _tr.node.div, { readOnly: true, style: 'width: 90px; text-align: right;' });
  4546. $input(['button', '取消训练计划'], _tr.node.div, null, () => { _tr.cancel(true); });
  4548. _tr.json = getValue('tr_timer', {});
  4549. _tr.current = $qs('#train_progress > div:nth-child(2) > :first-child')?.textContent;
  4550. _tr.level = {};
  4551. _tr.spent = 0;
  4553. if ($id('train_progress')) {
  4554. confirm_event($qs('img[src$="/canceltrain.png"]'), 'click', '你确定要取消训练吗?', null, _tr.cancel);
  4555. }
  4557. $id('train_table').addEventListener('click', _tr.click);
  4558. Array.from($id('train_table').rows).forEach((tr, i) => {
  4559. if (!i) {
  4560. $element('th', tr);
  4561. $element('th', tr, ['/<div class="fc2 fac fcb"><div>单项累计花费</div></div>']);
  4562. return;
  4563. }
  4564. const name = tr.cells[0].textContent.trim();
  4565. const time = parseFloat(tr.cells[3].textContent);
  4566. const level = parseInt(tr.cells[4].textContent);
  4567. const max = parseInt(tr.cells[6].textContent);
  4569. _tr.level[name] = level;
  4571. const training = _tr.training[name];
  4572. if (!training) {
  4573. return;
  4574. }
  4575. training.time = time;
  4576. training.level = level;
  4577. training.max = max;
  4578. if (training.time) {
  4579. tr.classList.add('hvut-cphu');
  4580. tr.dataset.action = 'change';
  4581. tr.dataset.name = name;
  4582. $element('option', _tr.node.select, { text: name, value: name });
  4583. }
  4585. let spent = 0;
  4586. for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) {
  4587. spent += Math.round(Math.pow(training.b + training.l * i, 1 + training.e * i));
  4588. }
  4589. _tr.spent += spent;
  4590. $element('td', tr, [`/<div class="fc4 far fcb"><div>${spent.toLocaleString()}</div></div>`]);
  4591. });
  4592. $element('tr', $id('train_table').tBodies[0], [`/<td colspan="9"><div class="fc4 far fcb"><div>累计花费 ${_tr.spent.toLocaleString()}</div></div></td>`]);
  4594. setValue('tr_level', _tr.level);
  4596. if (_tr.current && _tr.training[_tr.current]) {
  4597. _tr.json.current_name = _tr.current;
  4598. _tr.json.current_level = _tr.training[_tr.current].level;
  4599. _tr.json.current_end = _window.end_time * 1000;
  4600. } else {
  4601. _tr.json.current_name = '';
  4602. _tr.json.current_level = 0;
  4603. _tr.json.current_end = 0;
  4604. }
  4605. if (_tr.json.next_name) {
  4606. if (_tr.training[_tr.json.next_name].level < _tr.json.next_level) {
  4607. _tr.change(_tr.json.next_name, _tr.json.next_level);
  4608. } else {
  4609. _tr.json.next_name = '';
  4610. _tr.json.next_level = 0;
  4611. _tr.json.next_id = 0;
  4612. }
  4613. }
  4614. _tr.json.error = '';
  4615. setValue('tr_timer', _tr.json);
  4616. } else
  4617. // [END 4] Character - Training */
  4620. //* [5] Character - Item Inventory
  4621. if (settings.itemInventory && _query.s === 'Character' && _query.ss === 'it') {
  4622. _it.node = {};
  4623. _it.template = getValue('it_template', settings.itemCodeTemplate.trim());
  4625. _it.edit_template = function () {
  4626. popup_text(_it.template, 'width: 600px; height: 500px; white-space: pre;', [
  4627. { value: 'Save Template', click: (w, t) => {
  4628. _it.template = t.value || settings.itemCodeTemplate.trim();
  4629. setValue('it_template', _it.template);
  4630. w.remove();
  4631. _it.node.wts.w.remove();
  4632. _it.wts();
  4633. } },
  4634. { value: 'Default', click: (w, t) => {
  4635. t.value = settings.itemCodeTemplate;
  4636. } },
  4637. ]);
  4638. };
  4640. _it.wts = function () {
  4641. const prices = $price.get('WTS');
  4642. let code = [];
  4643. const option = {
  4644. itemCode: '{$zero?[color=transparent]$zero[/color]}{$count} x {$name}{$price? @ $price}',
  4645. unpricedCode: '{$zero}{$count} x {$name} (offer)',
  4646. stockoutCode: '[color=#999][s]{$zero}{$count} x {$name}{$price? @ $price}[/s][/color]',
  4647. };
  4649. _it.template.split('\n').forEach((s, i, a) => {
  4650. if (s.startsWith('//')) {
  4651. if (/^\/\/\s*set (\w+)\s*=\s*([^;]*)/.test(s)) {
  4652. const o = RegExp.$1;
  4653. let v = RegExp.$2;
  4654. if (o === 'keepStock' && /^min\((.+)\)/.test(v)) {
  4655. v = Math.min(...RegExp.$1.split(',').map((n) => $item.count(n)));
  4656. } else if (o === 'stockDigits' && v === 'block') {
  4657. let array = a.slice(i + 1);
  4658. const next = array.findIndex((s) => /^\/\/\s*set stockDigits/.test(s));
  4659. if (next !== -1) {
  4660. array = array.slice(0, next);
  4661. }
  4662. v = Math.max(...array.map((s) => (/\{([^{}]+)\}/.test(s) ? $item.count(RegExp.$1) : 0).toString().length));
  4663. }
  4664. option[o] = v && !isNaN(v) ? Number(v) : v;
  4665. }
  4666. return;
  4667. }
  4669. if (/\{([^{}]+)\}/.test(s)) {
  4670. const name = RegExp.$1;
  4671. let count = $item.count(name);
  4673. if (option.keepStock) {
  4674. count = Math.max(0, count - option.keepStock);
  4675. }
  4676. if (!option.unpricedCode && !(name in prices) || !option.stockoutCode && !count) {
  4677. code.push('__SKIP__');
  4678. return;
  4679. }
  4681. let zero = option.stockDigits - count.toString().length;
  4682. if (zero > 0) {
  4683. zero = '0'.repeat(zero);
  4684. } else {
  4685. zero = undefined;
  4686. }
  4688. let price = prices[name];
  4689. if (price >= 1000000) {
  4690. price = (price / 1000000) + 'm';
  4691. } else if (price >= 1000) {
  4692. price = (price / 1000) + 'k';
  4693. }
  4695. const itemcode = (!count ? option.stockoutCode : !(name in prices) ? option.unpricedCode : option.itemCode).toString();
  4696. const text = itemcode.replace(/\{\$(\w+)(\s*\?(.*?)(?::(.*?))?)?\}/g, (s, k, e, t, f) => {
  4697. const values = { name, count, zero, price };
  4698. const v = values[k];
  4699. if (!e) {
  4700. return v ?? '';
  4701. } else {
  4702. const r = v ? t : f || '';
  4703. return r.replace(/\$(\w+)/g, (s, k) => { const v = values[k]; return v ?? ''; });
  4704. }
  4705. }).trim();
  4706. code.push(s.replace(`{${name}}`, text));
  4707. } else {
  4708. code.push(s);
  4709. }
  4710. });
  4711. code = code.join('\n').replace(/(?:__SKIP__|\n)+/g, (s) => s.split('__SKIP__').sort().pop());
  4713. _it.node.wts = popup_text(code, 'width: 600px; height: 500px; white-space: pre;', [
  4714. { value: 'Edit Template', click: () => {
  4715. _it.edit_template();
  4716. } },
  4717. ]);
  4718. };
  4720. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  4721. #item_outer { margin-left: 130px; }
  4722. #item_left { width: 400px; }
  4723. #item_left .cspp { overflow-y: scroll; }
  4724. #item_list .itemlist td:nth-child(1) { width: 285px !important; }
  4725. #item_list .itemlist td:nth-child(2) { width: 75px !important; }
  4726. #item_right { width: 605px; }
  4727. #item_slots { height: 572px; margin-top: 19px; }
  4728. #item_slots > div { width: 300px; }
  4729. .sa { height: 30px; margin: 8px auto; line-height: 20px; }
  4730. .sa > div:first-child { padding: 5px 15px; }
  4731. .sa > div:last-child { height: 30px; }
  4732. .sa > div:last-child > div { padding: 5px; }
  4734. .hvut-it-side { position: absolute; top: 53px; left: -110px; width: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  4735. .hvut-it-side input { margin: 3px 0; white-space: normal; }
  4736. .hvut-it-side select { margin: 3px 0; }
  4737. `);
  4739. $item.list = {};
  4740. Array.from($qs('.itemlist').rows).forEach((tr) => {
  4741. const div = tr.cells[0].firstElementChild;
  4742. const name = div.textContent;
  4743. const type = $item.type(div.getAttribute('onmouseover'));
  4744. tr.classList.add('hvut-it-' + type);
  4745. const count = parseInt(tr.cells[1].textContent);
  4746. $item.list[name] = count;
  4747. });
  4748. $item.list['Crystal Pack'] = Math.floor(Math.min(...['Crystal of Vigor', 'Crystal of Finesse', 'Crystal of Swiftness', 'Crystal of Fortitude', 'Crystal of Cunning', 'Crystal of Knowledge', 'Crystal of Flames', 'Crystal of Frost', 'Crystal of Lightning', 'Crystal of Tempest', 'Crystal of Devotion', 'Crystal of Corruption'].map((n) => $item.count(n))) / 1000);
  4750. _it.node.side = $element('div', $id('item_outer'), ['.hvut-it-side']);
  4751. $input(['button', '生成出售代码'], _it.node.side, null, () => { _it.wts(); });
  4752. $input(['button', '设定出售标价'], _it.node.side, null, () => { $price.edit('WTS'); });
  4753. _it.node.side.appendChild($price.selector());
  4754. } else
  4755. // [END 5] Character - Item Inventory */
  4758. //* [6] Character - Equip Inventory
  4759. if (settings.equipInventory && _query.s === 'Character' && _query.ss === 'in') {
  4760. _in.filter = _query.filter || '1handed';
  4761. _in.category = { '1handed': {}, '2handed': {}, 'staff': {}, 'shield': {}, 'acloth': {}, 'alight': {}, 'aheavy': {} };
  4762. _in.equiplist = [];
  4763. _in.node = {};
  4764. _in.equipdata = getValue('in_equipdata', {});
  4765. _in.equipcode = getValue('in_equipcode', settings.equipCode);
  4766. _in.namecode = getValue('in_namecode', settings.equipNameCode);
  4767. _in.json_migration = function () {
  4768. if (!_in.equipdata.version) {
  4769. const json = getValue('in_json');
  4770. deleteValue('in_json');
  4771. Object.assign(_in.equipdata, json);
  4772. _in.equipdata.version = 1;
  4773. setValue('in_equipdata', _in.equipdata);
  4775. const equipcode = getValue('in_equipcode');
  4776. if (equipcode) {
  4777. _in.equipcode = equipcode.replace(/(\{\$\w+):/g, '$1?').replace(/\$bbcode/g, '$namecode');
  4778. setValue('in_equipcode', _in.equipcode);
  4779. }
  4780. const it_template = getValue('it_template');
  4781. if (it_template) {
  4782. _it.template = it_template.replace(/(\{\$\w+):/g, '$1?');
  4783. setValue('it_template', _it.template);
  4784. }
  4785. }
  4786. };
  4787. _in.json_migration();
  4789. _in.click = function (e) {
  4790. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  4791. if (!target) {
  4792. return;
  4793. }
  4794. const { action, eid, filter } = target.dataset;
  4795. const eq = eid && _in.equiplist.find((eq) => eq.info.eid == eid);
  4796. if (action === 'lpr') {
  4797. _in.get_lpr(eq);
  4798. } else if (action === 'scroll') {
  4799. _in.scroll(filter);
  4800. }
  4801. };
  4803. _in.init_list = function (filter) {
  4804. const parent = ['acloth', 'alight', 'aheavy'].includes(filter) ? $id('inv_eqstor') : $id('inv_equip');
  4805. _in.category[filter].div = $element('div', parent, ['.equiplist nosel']);
  4806. $element('p', _in.category[filter].div, [$equip.alias[filter], '.hvut-eq-category']);
  4807. $element('span', $qs('.hvut-in-header', parent.parentNode), { textContent: $equip.alias[filter], dataset: { action: 'scroll', filter } });
  4808. };
  4810. _in.load_list = async function (filter) {
  4811. _in.init_list(filter);
  4812. _in.category[filter].div.classList.add('hvut-eq-loading');
  4814. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=in&filter=' + filter);
  4815. const doc = $doc(html);
  4816. Object.assign($equip.dynjs_eqstore, JSON.parse(/var dynjs_eqstore = (\{.*\});/.test(html) && RegExp.$1));
  4817. _in.get_list(filter, $id('eqinv_outer', doc));
  4818. _in.category[filter].div.classList.remove('hvut-eq-loading');
  4819. _in.set_rangeselect();
  4820. };
  4822. _in.get_list = function (filter, outer) {
  4823. const equiplist = $equip.list(outer, false);
  4824. const popup_reg = /(equips\.set\(\d+),'(?:inv_equip|inv_eqstor)',\d+,\d+\)/;
  4825. const popup_replace = ['acloth', 'alight', 'aheavy'].includes(filter) ? "$1,'inv_eqstor',300,200)" : "$1,'inv_equip',500,200)";
  4826. equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  4827. eq.json = _in.equipdata[eq.info.eid] || {};
  4828. if (!eq.node.div.previousElementSibling) {
  4829. $element('div', [eq.node.wrapper, 'afterbegin'], ['.hvut-in-is']);
  4830. }
  4831. eq.node.lock = eq.node.wrapper.firstElementChild;
  4832. eq.node.sub = $element('div', [eq.node.div, 'beforebegin'], ['.hvut-in-sub' + (eq.info.tradeable ? '' : ' hvut-in-untrade')]);
  4833. eq.node.eid = $element('span', eq.node.sub, [eq.info.eid, '.hvut-in-eid']);
  4834. eq.node.check = $input('checkbox', eq.node.sub, { className: 'hvut-in-check', checked: eq.json.checked });
  4835. eq.node.price = $input('text', eq.node.sub, { className: 'hvut-in-price', placeholder: '$price', value: eq.json.price || '' });
  4836. eq.node.note = $input('text', eq.node.sub, { className: 'hvut-in-note', placeholder: '$note', value: eq.json.note || '' });
  4837. eq.node.lpr = $input(['button', '<'], eq.node.sub, { className: 'hvut-in-lpr', dataset: { action: 'lpr', eid: eq.info.eid } });
  4838. eq.node.div.setAttribute('onmouseover', eq.node.div.getAttribute('onmouseover').replace(popup_reg, popup_replace));
  4839. });
  4840. if (equiplist.length) {
  4841. $equip.sort(equiplist, _in.category[filter].div);
  4842. }
  4843. _in.check_name(equiplist);
  4844. _in.category[filter].equiplist = equiplist;
  4845. _in.equiplist = _in.equiplist.concat(equiplist);
  4846. };
  4848. _in.sort_list = function (key) {
  4849. if (key === 'category') {
  4850. Object.values(_in.category).forEach((c) => {
  4851. if (c.equiplist.length) {
  4852. $equip.sort(c.equiplist, c.div);
  4853. }
  4854. });
  4855. _in.set_rangeselect();
  4856. return;
  4857. }
  4858. function sort_by_name(a, b) {
  4859. return ($equip.index.quality[a.info.quality] - $equip.index.quality[b.info.quality]) || (a.info.name > b.info.name ? 1 : a.info.name < b.info.name ? -1 : b.info.eid - a.info.eid);
  4860. }
  4861. function sort_by_eid(a, b) {
  4862. return b.info.eid - a.info.eid;
  4863. }
  4864. const sort_fn = key === 'name' ? sort_by_name : key === 'eid' ? sort_by_eid : () => {};
  4865. Object.values(_in.category).forEach((c) => {
  4866. if (!c.equiplist.length) {
  4867. return;
  4868. }
  4869. const frag = $element();
  4870. frag.appendChild(c.div.firstElementChild);
  4871. c.equiplist.sort(sort_fn);
  4872. c.equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  4873. frag.appendChild(eq.node.wrapper);
  4874. eq.node.wrapper.classList.remove('hvut-eq-border');
  4875. });
  4876. c.div.innerHTML = '';
  4877. c.div.appendChild(frag);
  4878. });
  4879. _in.set_rangeselect();
  4880. };
  4882. _in.check_list = function (t, c) {
  4883. if (t === 'all') {
  4884. _in.equiplist.forEach((eq) => { eq.node.check.checked = c; });
  4885. } else if (t === 'tradeable') {
  4886. _in.equiplist.forEach((eq) => { if (eq.info.tradeable) { eq.node.check.checked = c; } });
  4887. } else if (t === 'reverse') {
  4888. _in.equiplist.forEach((eq) => { eq.node.check.checked = !eq.node.check.checked; });
  4889. }
  4890. };
  4892. _in.scroll = function (filter) {
  4893. scrollIntoView(_in.category[filter].div);
  4894. };
  4896. _in.get_lpr = function (eq) {
  4897. function load(e) {
  4898. const d = e.target.contentDocument;
  4899. if (!d.location.href.includes('/equip/')) {
  4900. return;
  4901. }
  4902. const value = eq.node.note.value;
  4903. let count = 0;
  4904. const tid = setInterval(() => {
  4905. const div = $id('summaryDiv', d);
  4906. if (div) {
  4907. const summary = div.textContent;
  4908. eq.node.note.value = summary;
  4909. if (/^(Soulbound|Unassigned|\d+)/.test(summary)) {
  4910. clearInterval(tid);
  4911. eq.node.lpr.value = '<';
  4912. ifr.remove();
  4913. return;
  4914. } else if (/Response Error|Request Error|No data available|Unknown equip type/.test(summary)) {
  4915. count = 9999;
  4916. } else if (/Getting ranges/.test(summary)) {
  4917. count++;
  4918. } else {
  4919. count++;
  4920. }
  4921. } else {
  4922. count++;
  4923. }
  4924. if (count > 100) {
  4925. clearInterval(tid);
  4926. eq.node.lpr.value = '<';
  4927. eq.node.note.style.width = '250px';
  4928. if (!div) {
  4929. eq.node.note.value = "Couldn't load Percentile Range script";
  4930. }
  4931. setTimeout(() => {
  4932. eq.node.note.value = value;
  4933. eq.node.note.style.width = '';
  4934. ifr.remove();
  4935. }, 3000);
  4936. }
  4937. }, 100);
  4938. }
  4940. eq.node.lpr.value = '...';
  4941. const ifr = $element('iframe', document.body, { style: 'display: none;' }, { load: (e) => { load(e); } });
  4942. ifr.src = `equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}`;
  4943. };
  4945. _in.set_rangeselect = function () {
  4946. const inv_equip = [];
  4947. const inv_eqstor = [];
  4948. $qsa('#eqinv_outer .eqp').forEach((w) => {
  4949. if ((w.firstElementChild.getAttribute('onclick') || '').includes('equips.lock')) {
  4950. inv_equip.push(w.lastElementChild.dataset.eid);
  4951. } else {
  4952. inv_eqstor.push(w.lastElementChild.dataset.eid);
  4953. }
  4954. });
  4955. _window.rangeselect.inv_equip = inv_equip;
  4956. _window.rangeselect.inv_eqstor = inv_eqstor;
  4957. };
  4959. _in.wts = function () {
  4960. const equiplist = _in.equiplist.filter((e) => e.node.check.checked);
  4961. const eid_maxlen = Math.max(...equiplist.map((e) => e.info.eid.toString().length));
  4962. let code = '';
  4963. let code_new = '';
  4964. let code_featured = '';
  4966. equiplist.sort((a, b) => {
  4967. if (a.info.category !== b.info.category) {
  4968. return $equip.index.category[a.info.category] - $equip.index.category[b.info.category];
  4969. } else if (a.info.category === 'Unknown') {
  4970. return a.info.name > b.info.name ? 1 : a.info.name < b.info.name ? -1 : 0;
  4971. } else if (a.info.type !== b.info.type) {
  4972. return $equip.index.type[a.info.type] - $equip.index.type[b.info.type];
  4973. }
  4975. let r = 0;
  4976. const k = a.info.category === 'One-handed Weapon' || a.info.category === 'Two-handed Weapon' ? ['suffix', 'quality', 'prefix']
  4977. : a.info.category === 'Staff' ? ['prefix', 'suffix', 'quality']
  4978. : a.info.type === 'Buckler' ? ['suffix', 'quality', 'prefix']
  4979. : a.info.category === 'Shield' ? ['quality', 'suffix', 'prefix']
  4980. : a.info.category === 'Cloth Armor' ? ['suffix', 'slot', 'quality', 'prefix']
  4981. : ['slot', 'suffix', 'quality', 'prefix'];
  4983. k.some((e) => {
  4984. if (e in $equip.index) {
  4985. r = ($equip.index[e][a.info[e]] || 99) - ($equip.index[e][b.info[e]] || 99);
  4986. } else {
  4987. r = a.info[e] > b.info[e] ? 1 : a.info[e] < b.info[e] ? -1 : 0;
  4988. }
  4989. return r;
  4990. });
  4992. return r || (b.info.eid - a.info.eid);
  4993. });
  4995. equiplist.forEach((eq, i, a) => {
  4996. const p = a[i - 1] || { info: {} };
  4997. if (eq.info.category !== p.info.category) {
  4998. const category = eq.info.category;
  4999. code += `\n\n\n[size=3][b][${category}][/b][/size]\n`;
  5000. }
  5002. switch (eq.info.category) {
  5003. case 'One-handed Weapon':
  5004. case 'Two-handed Weapon':
  5005. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type) {
  5006. const type = eq.info.type || 'Unknown';
  5007. code += `\n\n[size=2][b][${type}][/b][/size]\n\n`;
  5008. } else if (eq.info.suffix !== p.info.suffix) {
  5009. code += '\n';
  5010. }
  5011. break;
  5012. case 'Staff':
  5013. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type) {
  5014. const type = eq.info.type || 'Unknown';
  5015. code += `\n\n[size=2][b][${type}][/b][/size]\n\n`;
  5016. } else if (eq.info.prefix !== p.info.prefix) {
  5017. code += '\n';
  5018. }
  5019. break;
  5020. case 'Shield':
  5021. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type) {
  5022. const type = eq.info.type || 'Unknown';
  5023. code += `\n\n[size=2][b][${type}][/b][/size]\n\n`;
  5024. }
  5025. break;
  5026. case 'Cloth Armor':
  5027. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type || eq.info.suffix !== p.info.suffix) {
  5028. const type = eq.info.type ? eq.info.suffix || 'No Suffix' : 'Unknown';
  5029. code += `\n\n[size=2][b][${type}][/b][/size]\n\n`;
  5030. } else if (eq.info.slot !== p.info.slot) {
  5031. //code += '\n';
  5032. }
  5033. break;
  5034. case 'Light Armor':
  5035. case 'Heavy Armor':
  5036. if (eq.info.type !== p.info.type) {
  5037. const type = eq.info.type || 'Unknown';
  5038. code += `\n\n[size=2][b][${type}][/b][/size]\n\n`;
  5039. } else if (eq.info.slot !== p.info.slot) {
  5040. code += '\n';
  5041. }
  5042. break;
  5043. }
  5045. eq.data._eid = eq.info.eid.toString();
  5046. const eid_len = eq.data._eid.length;
  5047. if (eid_maxlen > eid_len) {
  5048. eq.data._eid = '[color=transparent]' + '_'.repeat(eid_maxlen - eid_len) + '[/color]' + eq.data._eid;
  5049. }
  5050. if (!eq.data.url) {
  5051. eq.data.url = `${location.origin}${location.pathname}equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}`;
  5052. }
  5053. //if (!eq.data.namecode) {
  5054. eq.data.namecode = $equip.namecode(eq);
  5055. //}
  5056. eq.data.price = eq.node.price.value;
  5057. eq.data.note = eq.node.note.value;
  5059. if (eq.data.note.includes('$featured;')) {
  5060. eq.data['featured'] = true;
  5061. eq.data.note = eq.data.note.replace('$featured;', '');
  5062. } else {
  5063. eq.data['featured'] = false;
  5064. }
  5065. if (eq.data.note.includes('$new;')) {
  5066. eq.data['new'] = true;
  5067. eq.data.note = eq.data.note.replace('$new;', '');
  5068. } else {
  5069. eq.data['new'] = false;
  5070. }
  5072. const equipcode = _in.equipcode.replace(/\{\$(\w+)(\s*\?(.*?)(?::(.*?))?)?\}/g, (s, k, e, t, f) => {
  5073. const v = (k in eq.data) ? eq.data[k] : (k in eq.info) ? eq.info[k] : '';
  5074. if (!e) {
  5075. return v ?? '';
  5076. } else {
  5077. const r = v ? t : f || '';
  5078. return r.replace(/\$(\w+)/g, (s, k) => { const v = (k in eq.data) ? eq.data[k] : (k in eq.info) ? eq.info[k] : ''; return v ?? ''; });
  5079. }
  5080. }).trim();
  5082. code += equipcode + '\n';
  5083. if (eq.data['new']) {
  5084. code_new += equipcode + '\n';
  5085. }
  5086. if (eq.data['featured']) {
  5087. code_featured += equipcode + '\n';
  5088. }
  5089. });
  5091. if (code_featured) {
  5092. code = '\n\n\n[size=3][b][Featured][/b][/size]\n\n' + code_featured + code;
  5093. }
  5094. if (code_new) {
  5095. code = '\n\n\n[size=3][b][Newly Added][/b][/size]\n\n' + code_new + code;
  5096. }
  5097. _in.node.wts = popup_text(code.trim() || '没有选中装备.', 'width: 900px; height: 500px; white-space: pre;', [
  5098. { value: '装备代码格式', click: () => {
  5099. _in.edit_equipcode();
  5100. } },
  5101. { value: '命名规则', click: () => {
  5102. _in.edit_namecode();
  5103. } },
  5104. ]);
  5105. };
  5107. _in.edit_equipcode = function () {
  5108. const comment = `
  5109. // {$name} equipment name
  5110. // {$namecode} equipment name in colors/bold
  5111. // {$url} equipment url
  5112. // {$eid} equipment id
  5113. // {$_eid} $eid with a transparent underline for layout
  5114. // {$level} equipment level
  5115. // {$pab} equipment pab
  5116. // {$tier} potency tier (iw level)
  5117. // {$price} the value of the 'price' input field
  5118. // {$note} the value of the 'note' input field
  5119. // if it contains '$featured;', the equip code will be added to 'Featured' section
  5120. // if it contains '$new;', the equip code will be added to 'Newly Added' section
  5121. // {$condition ? text_if_true : text_if_false}
  5122. // if $condition is a valid value, it prints 'text_if_true', otherwise 'text_if_false'
  5123. // for example {$level ? Lv.$level : Souldbound}
  5124. // it prints 'Lv.500' if $level is 500,
  5125. // or 'Soulbound' if no $level info
  5126. `.replace(/^\s+/gm, '').trim();
  5127. popup_text(comment + '\n\n' + _in.equipcode, 'width: 900px; height: 500px; white-space: pre;', [
  5128. { value: '保存', click: (w, t) => {
  5129. _in.equipcode = (t.value || settings.equipCode).split('\n').filter((e) => !e.startsWith('//')).join('\n').trim();
  5130. setValue('in_equipcode', _in.equipcode);
  5131. w.remove();
  5132. _in.node.wts.w.remove();
  5133. _in.wts();
  5134. } },
  5135. { value: '恢复默认', click: (w, t) => {
  5136. t.value = comment + '\n\n' + settings.equipCode;
  5137. } },
  5138. ]);
  5139. };
  5141. _in.edit_namecode = function () {
  5142. const comment = `
  5143. // base match : option=value, option=value, ...
  5144. // base match : option=value, option=value, ... ; sub match : option=value, option=value, ... ; sub match : option=value, option=value, ...
  5145. // options : name, quality, prefix, type, slot, suffix
  5146. // values : bold, rainbow, or any color such as 'red', '#f00'
  5147. `.replace(/^\s+/gm, '').trim();
  5148. popup_text(comment + '\n\n' + _in.namecode.join('\n'), 'width: 900px; height: 500px; white-space: pre;', [
  5149. { value: '保存', click: (w, t) => {
  5150. const namecode = $equip.namecode_parse(t.value);
  5151. if (!namecode) {
  5152. return;
  5153. }
  5154. _in.namecode = namecode;
  5155. setValue('in_namecode', _in.namecode);
  5156. w.remove();
  5157. _in.node.wts.w.remove();
  5158. _in.wts();
  5159. } },
  5160. { value: '恢复默认', click: (w, t) => {
  5161. t.value = comment + '\n\n' + settings.equipNameCode.join('\n');
  5162. } },
  5163. ]);
  5164. };
  5166. _in.save_json = function () {
  5167. _in.equipdata = { version: _in.equipdata.version };
  5168. _in.equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  5169. _in.equipdata[eq.info.eid] = { checked: eq.node.check.checked, price: eq.node.price.value, note: eq.node.note.value };
  5170. });
  5171. setValue('in_equipdata', _in.equipdata);
  5172. };
  5174. _in.load_json = function () {
  5175. _in.equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  5176. const j = _in.equipdata[eq.info.eid] || {};
  5177. eq.node.check.checked = j.checked;
  5178. eq.node.price.value = j.price || '';
  5179. eq.node.note.value = j.note || '';
  5180. });
  5181. };
  5183. _in.check_name = function (equiplist) {
  5184. async function load(eq) {
  5185. const html = await $ajax.fetch(`equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}`);
  5186. const doc = $doc(html);
  5187. const equipname = Array.from($id('equip_extended', doc).previousElementSibling.firstElementChild.children).map((d) => d.textContent.trim() || ' ').join('').replace(/\b(Of|The)\b/, (s) => s.toLowerCase());
  5188. if (equipname && equipname !== eq.info.name) {
  5189. eq.info.customname = eq.info.name;
  5190. eq.info.name = equipname;
  5191. $equip.parse.name(eq.info.name, eq);
  5192. }
  5193. $equip.names[eq.info.eid] = eq.info.name;
  5194. setValue('equipnames', $equip.names);
  5195. }
  5196. equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  5197. if (eq.info.tier === 10 && !$equip.names[eq.info.eid]) {
  5198. load(eq);
  5199. }
  5200. });
  5201. };
  5203. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  5204. #eqinv_outer { position: relative; width: 1100px; margin-left: 120px; }
  5205. .eqinv_pane > div:first-child { display: none; }
  5206. .eqinv_pane > div:last-child { width: 540px; }
  5207. .eqinv_pane .cspp { margin-top: 15px; overflow-y: scroll; }
  5209. .hvut-in-side { position: absolute; top: 44px; left: -110px; width: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  5210. .hvut-in-side > input { margin: 3px 0; white-space: normal; }
  5211. .hvut-in-side > input:nth-child(3) { margin-bottom: 10px; }
  5212. .hvut-in-side label { margin: 2px 0; line-height: 16px; white-space: nowrap; text-align: left; }
  5214. .hvut-in-header { position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 0; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 16px; font-weight: bold; }
  5215. .hvut-in-header > span { display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; padding: 2px 5px; border: 1px solid; }
  5216. .hvut-in-is { position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 4px; width: 10px; height: 10px; border: 1px dashed; }
  5217. .il, .iu, .hvut-in-is { margin-top: 1px; }
  5218. .hvut-in-ii { display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 22px; height: 20px; padding: 1px 0; vertical-align: middle; }
  5220. .hvut-in-sub { position: absolute; right: 0; z-index: 1; }
  5221. .hvut-in-untrade { color: #c00; }
  5222. .hvut-in-untrade * { color: inherit !important; }
  5223. .hvut-in-eid { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; right: 150px; padding: 0 3px; border: 1px solid; line-height: 20px; background-color: #fff; }
  5224. .eqp:hover .hvut-in-eid { visibility: visible; }
  5225. .hvut-in-sub .hvut-in-check { top: 3px; }
  5226. .hvut-in-sub .hvut-in-price { width: 35px; margin: 0 1px; text-align: right; }
  5227. .hvut-in-sub .hvut-in-note { width: 70px; margin: 0 1px; }
  5228. .hvut-in-sub .hvut-in-lpr { display: none; width: 22px; margin: 0 1px; padding: 1px 0; border-radius: 0; border-color: currentColor !important; }
  5229. .hvut-in-sub:hover > .hvut-in-note { width: 46px; }
  5230. .hvut-in-sub:hover > .hvut-in-lpr { display: inline-block; }
  5231. `);
  5233. if (settings.equipInventoryIntegration) {
  5234. const filterbar = $id('filterbar');
  5235. $element('a', [filterbar, 'afterbegin'], { href: '?s=Character&ss=in', innerHTML: '<div>All</div>' });
  5236. if (_query.filter) {
  5237. filterbar.children[0].children[0].classList.add('cfb');
  5238. } else {
  5239. filterbar.children[0].children[0].classList.add('cfbs');
  5240. filterbar.children[1].children[0].classList.remove('cfbs');
  5241. filterbar.children[1].children[0].classList.add('cfb');
  5242. }
  5243. }
  5245. if (_query.filter || !settings.equipInventoryIntegration) {
  5246. $equip.list($qs('#inv_equip .equiplist'));
  5247. $equip.list($qs('#inv_eqstor .equiplist'));
  5248. _in.set_rangeselect();
  5249. } else {
  5250. $id('eqinv_bot').firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.prepend(
  5251. $element('div', null, ['.hvut-in-ii', '/<div class="il"></div>']),
  5252. $element('div', null, ['.hvut-in-ii', '/<div class="iu"></div>'])
  5253. );
  5254. $id('eqinv_bot').lastElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.prepend(
  5255. $element('div', null, ['.hvut-in-ii', '/<div class="hvut-in-is"></div>'])
  5256. );
  5258. $id('eqinv_outer').addEventListener('click', _in.click);
  5259. _in.node.side = $element('div', $id('eqinv_outer'), ['.hvut-in-side']);
  5260. $input(['button', '排序:类别'], _in.node.side, null, () => { _in.sort_list('category'); });
  5261. $input(['button', '排序:名称'], _in.node.side, null, () => { _in.sort_list('name'); });
  5262. $input(['button', '排序:装备id'], _in.node.side, null, () => { _in.sort_list('eid'); });
  5263. $input(['button', '生成装备代码'], _in.node.side, null, () => { _in.wts(); });
  5264. $input(['checkbox', '全选'], _in.node.side, null, (e) => { _in.check_list('all', e.target.checked); });
  5265. $input(['checkbox', '可交易'], _in.node.side, null, (e) => { _in.check_list('tradeable', e.target.checked); });
  5266. $input(['checkbox', '反向选择'], _in.node.side, null, () => { _in.check_list('reverse'); });
  5267. $input(['button', '保存'], _in.node.side, null, () => { _in.save_json(); });
  5268. $input(['button', '恢复'], _in.node.side, null, () => { _in.load_json(); });
  5270. $element('div', [$id('inv_equip'), 'beforebegin'], ['.hvut-in-header hvut-cphu-sub']);
  5271. $element('div', [$id('inv_eqstor'), 'beforebegin'], ['.hvut-in-header hvut-cphu-sub']);
  5273. _in.init_list('1handed');
  5274. _in.get_list('1handed', $id('eqinv_outer'));
  5275. $qs('#inv_equip .equiplist').remove();
  5276. $qs('#inv_eqstor .equiplist').remove();
  5278. const requests = ['2handed', 'staff', 'shield', 'acloth', 'alight', 'aheavy'].map((filter) => _in.load_list(filter));
  5279. Promise.all(requests).then(() => {
  5280. //
  5281. });
  5283. }
  5284. } else
  5285. // [END 6] Character - Equip Inventory */
  5288. //* [7] Character - Settings
  5289. if (settings.settings && _query.s === 'Character' && _query.ss === 'se') {
  5290. _se.form = $qs('#settings_outer form');
  5291. _se.elements = Array.from(_se.form.elements);
  5292. _se.json = getValue('se_settings', {});
  5293. _se.node = {};
  5295. _se.click = function (e) {
  5296. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  5297. if (!target) {
  5298. return;
  5299. }
  5300. const { action, key } = target.dataset;
  5301. if (action === 'load') {
  5302. _se.load(key);
  5303. } else if (action === 'remove') {
  5304. _se.remove(key);
  5305. } else if (action === 'save') {
  5306. _se.save();
  5307. }
  5308. };
  5309. _se.add = function (name) {
  5310. _se.node[name] = $input(['button', name], _se.div, { dataset: { action: 'load', key: name }, className: 'hvut-se-button' });
  5311. $input(['button', 'x'], _se.div, { dataset: { action: 'remove', key: name }, className: 'hvut-se-remove' });
  5312. };
  5313. _se.save = function () {
  5314. let name = prompt('Enter the title of settings');
  5315. if (!name || !name.trim()) {
  5316. return;
  5317. }
  5318. name = name.trim();
  5319. if (!_se.json[name]) {
  5320. _se.add(name);
  5321. }
  5322. const form = new FormData(_se.form);
  5323. const json = Object.fromEntries(form.entries());
  5324. _se.json[name] = json;
  5325. setValue('se_settings', _se.json);
  5326. };
  5327. _se.load = function (name) {
  5328. const json = _se.json[name];
  5329. _se.elements.forEach((e) => {
  5330. if (e.type === 'button' || e.type === 'reset' || e.type === 'image' || e.type === 'submit') {
  5331. return;
  5332. }
  5333. if (e.type === 'checkbox') {
  5334. e.checked = json[e.name];
  5335. } else if (e.type === 'radio') {
  5336. e.checked = json[e.name] === e.value;
  5337. } else {
  5338. e.value = json[e.name];
  5339. }
  5340. });
  5341. };
  5342. _se.remove = function (name) {
  5343. delete _se.json[name];
  5344. setValue('se_settings', _se.json);
  5345. _se.node[name].nextElementSibling.remove();
  5346. _se.node[name].remove();
  5347. };
  5349. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  5350. .hvut-se-div { margin-top: 20px; padding: 20px 0; border-top: 3px double; text-align: left; }
  5351. .hvut-se-div .hvut-se-button { min-width: 50px; margin: 0 30px 10px 10px; }
  5352. .hvut-se-div .hvut-se-remove { visibility: hidden; width: 22px; margin-left: -30px; }
  5353. .hvut-se-button:hover + .hvut-se-remove, .hvut-se-remove:hover { visibility: visible; }
  5354. `);
  5356. _se.div = $element('div', _se.form, ['.hvut-se-div'], (e) => { _se.click(e); });
  5357. $input(['button', '存储当前设置'], _se.div, { dataset: { action: 'save' }, style: 'margin-bottom: 15px;' });
  5358. $element('br', _se.div);
  5360. Object.keys(_se.json).forEach((p) => { _se.add(p); });
  5362. _se.elements.forEach((e) => {
  5363. if (e.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
  5364. const value = e.value;
  5365. const options = Array.from(e.options);
  5366. options.sort((a, b) => { let av = a.value; let bv = b.value; if (av && !isNaN(av) && bv && !isNaN(bv)) { av = Number(av); bv = Number(bv); } return (av > bv ? 1 : -1); });
  5367. e.append(...options);
  5368. e.value = value;
  5369. }
  5370. });
  5372. _se.form.fontlocal.required = true;
  5373. _se.form.fontface.required = true;
  5374. _se.form.fontsize.required = true;
  5375. _se.form.fontface.placeholder = 'Tahoma, Arial';
  5376. _se.form.fontsize.placeholder = '10';
  5377. _se.form.fontoff.placeholder = '0';
  5379. } else
  5381. // [END 7] Character - Settings */
  5384. //* [8] Bazaar - Equipment Shop
  5385. if (settings.equipmentShop && _query.s === 'Bazaar' && _query.ss === 'es') {
  5386. _es.filter = _query.filter || '1handed';
  5387. _es.rare_type = { 'Force Shield': true, 'Phase': true, 'Shade': true, 'Power': true };
  5388. _es.mat_type = { '1handed': 'Metals', '2handed': 'Metals', 'staff': 'Wood', 'shield': 'Wood', 'acloth': 'Cloth', 'alight': 'Leather', 'aheavy': 'Metals' };
  5389. _es.core_type = { '1handed': 'Weapon', '2handed': 'Weapon', 'staff': 'Staff', 'shield': 'Armor', 'acloth': 'Armor', 'alight': 'Armor', 'aheavy': 'Armor' };
  5390. _es.quality = { 'Flimsy': 1, 'Crude': 2, 'Fair': 3, 'Average': 4, 'Fine': 5, 'Superior': 6, 'Exquisite': 7, 'Magnificent': 8, 'Legendary': 9, 'Peerless': 10 };
  5391. _es.category = { 'valuable': {}, '1handed': {}, '2handed': {}, 'staff': {}, 'shield': {}, 'acloth': {}, 'alight': {}, 'aheavy': {} };
  5392. _es.storetoken = $id('shopform').elements.storetoken.value;
  5393. _es.item_pane = [];
  5394. _es.shop_pane = [];
  5395. _es.node = {};
  5397. _es.click = function (e) {
  5398. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  5399. if (!target) {
  5400. return;
  5401. }
  5402. const { action, eid, pane } = target.dataset;
  5403. if (pane === 'item') {
  5404. const eq = eid && _es.item_pane.find((eq) => eq.info.eid == eid);
  5405. if (action === 'sell') {
  5406. _es.sell(eq);
  5407. } else if (action === 'salvage') {
  5408. _es.salvage(eq);
  5409. } else if (action === 'transfer') {
  5410. _es.transfer(eq);
  5411. } else if (action === 'popup') {
  5412. _es.showequip(eq, pane);
  5413. }
  5414. } else if (pane === 'shop') {
  5415. const eq = eid && _es.shop_pane.find((eq) => eq.info.eid == eid);
  5416. if (action === 'buy') {
  5417. _es.shop_buy(eq);
  5418. } else if (action === 'salvage') {
  5419. _es.shop_salvage(eq);
  5420. } else if (action === 'popup') {
  5421. _es.showequip(eq, pane);
  5422. }
  5423. }
  5424. };
  5426. _es.sell = async function (eq, ask = true) {
  5427. if (eq.data.sold) {
  5428. return;
  5429. }
  5430. if (eq.node.div.dataset.locked != '0') {
  5431. alert('这件道具上锁了.');
  5432. return;
  5433. }
  5434. if (ask && (settings.equipmentShopConfirm === 2 || settings.equipmentShopConfirm === 1 && eq.data.salvage_recommended || settings.equipmentShopConfirm > 0 && eq.data.valuable) && !confirm(`[${eq.info.name}]\n你确定要出售这件装备并获得 ${eq.data.value.toLocaleString()} credits?` + (eq.data.salvage_recommended ? '\n根据你设定的材料估值,分解这件装备会更值得.' : ''))) {
  5435. return;
  5436. }
  5437. eq.data.sold = true;
  5438. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-es-disabled');
  5440. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=es', `storetoken=${_es.storetoken}&select_group=item_pane&select_eids=${eq.info.eid}`);
  5441. _es.update_credits(html);
  5442. eq.node.wrapper.remove();
  5443. };
  5445. _es.salvage = async function (eq, ask = true) {
  5446. if (eq.data.sold) {
  5447. return;
  5448. }
  5449. if (eq.node.div.dataset.locked != '0') {
  5450. alert('这件道具上锁了.');
  5451. return;
  5452. }
  5453. if (ask && (settings.equipmentShopConfirm === 2 || settings.equipmentShopConfirm === 1 && !eq.data.salvage_recommended || settings.equipmentShopConfirm > 0 && eq.data.valuable) && !confirm(`[${eq.info.name}]\n你确定要分解这件装备吗?` + (!eq.data.salvage_recommended ? '\n根据售价,出售它会更加划算.' : ''))) {
  5454. return;
  5455. }
  5456. eq.data.sold = true;
  5457. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-es-disabled');
  5459. await $ajax.fetch('?s=Forge&ss=sa&filter=' + eq.data.filter, 'select_item=' + eq.info.eid);
  5460. eq.node.wrapper.remove();
  5461. };
  5463. _es.transfer = async function (eq, equipgroup = 'inv_equip') {
  5464. if (eq.data.sold) {
  5465. return;
  5466. }
  5467. eq.data.sold = true;
  5468. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-es-disabled');
  5470. // 'inv_equip': to storage, 'inv_eqstor': to inventory
  5471. await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=in', `equiplist=${eq.info.eid}&equipgroup=${equipgroup}`);
  5472. eq.node.wrapper.remove();
  5473. };
  5475. _es.shop_buy = async function (eq, ask = true) {
  5476. if (eq.data.sold) {
  5477. return;
  5478. }
  5479. if (ask && !confirm(`[${eq.info.name}]\n你确定要购买这件装备并花费 ${eq.data.value.toLocaleString()} credits吗?`)) {
  5480. return;
  5481. }
  5482. eq.data.sold = true;
  5483. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-es-disabled');
  5485. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=es', `storetoken=${_es.storetoken}&select_group=shop_pane&select_eids=${eq.info.eid}`);
  5486. _es.update_credits(html);
  5487. eq.node.wrapper.remove();
  5488. };
  5490. _es.shop_salvage = async function (eq, ask = true) {
  5491. if (eq.data.sold || ask && !confirm(`[${eq.info.name}]\n你确定要购买并分解这件装备吗?`)) {
  5492. return;
  5493. }
  5494. eq.data.sold = true;
  5495. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-es-disabled');
  5497. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=es', `storetoken=${_es.storetoken}&select_group=shop_pane&select_eids=${eq.info.eid}`);
  5498. const uid = /var uid = (\d+);/.test(html) && RegExp.$1;
  5499. const simple_token = /var simple_token = "(\w+)";/.test(html) && RegExp.$1;
  5500. _es.update_credits(html);
  5502. await $ajax.fetch('json', { type: 'simple', method: 'lockequip', uid: uid, token: simple_token, eid: eq.info.eid, lock: 0 }, 'JSON');
  5503. await $ajax.fetch('?s=Forge&ss=sa&filter=' + eq.data.filter, 'select_item=' + eq.info.eid);
  5504. eq.node.wrapper.remove();
  5505. };
  5507. _es.showequip = function (eq) {
  5508. window.open(`equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}`, '_blank');
  5509. };
  5511. _es.is_selected = function (eq) {
  5512. return /rgb\(0,\s*48,\s*203\)|#0030CB/i.test(eq.node.div.style.color); // later, may need hex2rgb
  5513. };
  5515. _es.select_all = function (v) {
  5516. const s = v === 'salvage' ? true : v === 'sell' ? false : 'all';
  5517. const ctrlclick = new MouseEvent('click', { ctrlKey: true });
  5518. _es.item_pane.forEach((eq) => {
  5519. if (eq.node.div.dataset.locked != '0') {
  5520. return;
  5521. }
  5522. if (eq.data.valuable) {
  5523. if (_es.is_selected(eq)) {
  5524. eq.node.div.dispatchEvent(ctrlclick);
  5525. }
  5526. return;
  5527. }
  5528. if (_es.is_selected(eq) !== (eq.data.salvage_recommended === s || s === 'all')) {
  5529. eq.node.div.dispatchEvent(ctrlclick);
  5530. }
  5531. });
  5532. };
  5534. _es.sell_all = async function () {
  5535. const selected = [];
  5536. const valuable = [];
  5537. const salvage = [];
  5538. let sum = 0;
  5540. _es.item_pane.forEach((eq) => {
  5541. if (eq.data.sold || !_es.is_selected(eq) || eq.node.div.dataset.locked != '0') {
  5542. return;
  5543. }
  5544. selected.push(eq);
  5545. if (eq.data.valuable) {
  5546. valuable.push(eq.info.name);
  5547. } else if (eq.data.salvage_recommended) {
  5548. salvage.push(eq.info.name);
  5549. }
  5550. sum += eq.data.value;
  5551. });
  5553. if (!selected.length || (settings.equipmentShopConfirm === 2 || settings.equipmentShopConfirm === 1 && salvage.length || valuable.length) && !confirm(`你确定要出售这 ${selected.length} 件装备获取 ${sum.toLocaleString()} credits吗?` + (valuable.length ? '\n\n[存在贵重装备]\n' + valuable.join('\n') : '') + (salvage.length ? '\n\n[以下装备分解更划算]\n' + salvage.join('\n') : ''))) {
  5554. return;
  5555. }
  5556. selected.forEach((eq) => {
  5557. eq.data.sold = true;
  5558. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-es-disabled');
  5559. });
  5561. const select_eids = selected.map((eq) => eq.info.eid).join(',');
  5562. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=es', `storetoken=${_es.storetoken}&select_group=item_pane&select_eids=${select_eids}`);
  5563. _es.update_credits(html);
  5564. selected.forEach((eq) => { eq.node.wrapper.remove(); });
  5565. };
  5567. _es.salvage_all = function () {
  5568. const selected = [];
  5569. const valuable = [];
  5570. const sell = [];
  5572. _es.item_pane.forEach((eq) => {
  5573. if (eq.data.sold || !_es.is_selected(eq) || eq.node.div.dataset.locked != '0') {
  5574. return;
  5575. }
  5576. selected.push(eq);
  5577. if (eq.data.valuable) {
  5578. valuable.push(eq.info.name);
  5579. } else if (!eq.data.salvage_recommended) {
  5580. sell.push(eq.info.name);
  5581. }
  5582. });
  5584. if (!selected.length || (settings.equipmentShopConfirm === 2 || settings.equipmentShopConfirm === 1 && sell.length || valuable.length) && !confirm(`你确定要分解这 ${selected.length} 件装备吗?` + (valuable.length ? '\n\n[存在贵重装备]\n' + valuable.join('\n') : '') + (sell.length ? '\n\n[以下装备出售更划算]\n' + sell.join('\n') : ''))) {
  5585. return;
  5586. }
  5587. selected.forEach((eq) => { _es.salvage(eq, false); });
  5588. };
  5590. _es.salvage_calc = function (eq, d) {
  5591. const q = _es.quality[eq.info.quality];
  5592. const t = _es.mat_type[eq.data.filter];
  5593. const s = ['', 0, 0];
  5594. const g = ['', 0, 0];
  5595. const e = ['', 0, 0];
  5596. const c = ['', 0, 0];
  5597. let value = eq.data.value;
  5598. const prices = $price.get('Materials');
  5600. if (d) {
  5601. value = Math.ceil(value / d);
  5602. }
  5603. if (!q) { // obsolete or unknown
  5604. } else if (q < 6) {
  5605. s[0] = 'Scrap ' + (t === 'Metals' ? 'Metal' : t);
  5606. s[1] = Math.min(10, Math.ceil(value / 100));
  5607. s[2] = prices[s[0]] || 0;
  5608. } else {
  5609. g[0] = (q === 6 ? 'Low-Grade ' : q === 7 ? 'Mid-Grade ' : 'High-Grade ') + t;
  5610. g[1] = !_isekai ? 1 : q === 6 ? 3 : q === 7 ? 2 : 1;
  5611. g[2] = prices[g[0]] || 0;
  5612. }
  5613. if (q >= 9) {
  5614. c[0] = (q === 9 ? 'Legendary ' : 'Peerless ') + _es.core_type[eq.data.filter] + ' Core';
  5615. c[1] = _es.rare_type[eq.info.type] ? 5 : 1;
  5616. c[2] = prices[c[0]] || 0;
  5617. }
  5618. if (_es.rare_type[eq.info.type]) {
  5619. e[0] = 'Energy Cell';
  5620. e[1] = 1; //Math.max(1, s[1] / 2);
  5621. e[2] = prices[e[0]] || 0;
  5622. }
  5623. eq.data.salvage = s[1] * s[2] + g[1] * g[2] + e[1] * e[2] + c[1] * c[2];
  5624. };
  5626. _es.update_credits = function (html) {
  5627. const doc = $doc(html);
  5628. const networth = parseInt($id('networth', doc).textContent.replace(/\D/g, ''));
  5629. $id('networth').textContent = 'Credits: ' + networth.toLocaleString();
  5630. };
  5632. _es.edit_filter = function (n) {
  5633. const filter = {
  5634. protect: { key: 'es_protect', default: settings.equipmentShopProtectFilter, comment: '// 防止你的贵重装备被全选,需要修改过滤器请使用英文' },
  5635. bazaar: { key: 'es_bazaar', default: settings.equipmentShopBazaarFilter, comment: '// 在商店页面隐藏垃圾装备,需要修改过滤器请使用英文' },
  5636. }[n];
  5637. filter.current = getValue(filter.key, filter.default);
  5638. popup_text(filter.comment + '\n\n' + filter.current.join('\n'), 'width: 600px; height: 500px; white-space: pre;', [
  5639. { value: '保存过滤器', click: (w, t) => {
  5640. const edited = t.value.split('\n').filter((f) => f && !f.startsWith('//'));
  5641. const error = [];
  5642. edited.forEach((f, i) => {
  5643. try {
  5644. eval(f.toLowerCase().replace(/[-a-z ]+/g, (s) => { s = s.trim(); return !s ? '' : 'true'; }));
  5645. } catch (e) {
  5646. error.push(`#${i + 1}: ${f}`);
  5647. }
  5648. });
  5649. if (error.length) {
  5650. alert(error.join('\n'));
  5651. return;
  5652. }
  5653. setValue(filter.key, edited);
  5654. w.remove();
  5655. } },
  5656. { value: '恢复默认设置', click: (w, t) => {
  5657. t.value = filter.comment + '\n\n' + filter.default.join('\n');
  5658. } },
  5659. ]);
  5660. };
  5662. _es.init_list = function (filter) {
  5663. _es.category[filter].item_div = $element('div', $id('item_pane'), ['.equiplist nosel']);
  5664. _es.category[filter].shop_div = $element('div', $id('shop_pane'), ['.equiplist nosel']);
  5665. $element('p', _es.category[filter].item_div, [$equip.alias[filter], '.hvut-eq-category']);
  5666. $element('p', _es.category[filter].shop_div, [$equip.alias[filter], '.hvut-eq-category']);
  5667. };
  5669. _es.load_list = async function (filter) {
  5670. _es.init_list(filter);
  5671. _es.category[filter].item_div.classList.add('hvut-eq-loading');
  5672. _es.category[filter].shop_div.classList.add('hvut-eq-loading');
  5674. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=es&filter=' + filter);
  5675. const doc = $doc(html);
  5676. Object.assign($equip.dynjs_eqstore, JSON.parse(/var dynjs_eqstore = (\{.*\});/.test(html) && RegExp.$1));
  5677. Object.assign($equip.eqvalue, JSON.parse(/var eqvalue = (\{.*\});/.test(html) && RegExp.$1));
  5678. _es.get_item_pane(filter, $qs('#item_pane .equiplist', doc));
  5679. _es.get_shop_pane(filter, $qs('#shop_pane .equiplist', doc));
  5680. _es.category[filter].item_div.classList.remove('hvut-eq-loading');
  5681. _es.category[filter].shop_div.classList.remove('hvut-eq-loading');
  5682. _es.set_rangeselect();
  5683. };
  5685. _es.get_item_pane = function (filter, outer) {
  5686. const equiplist = $equip.list(outer, false);
  5687. const protect_filter = getValue('es_protect', settings.equipmentShopProtectFilter);
  5689. equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  5690. eq.data.filter = filter;
  5691. eq.data.valuable = $equip.filter(eq.info.name, protect_filter);
  5692. _es.salvage_calc(eq);
  5694. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-es-expand');
  5695. if (settings.equipmentShopShowLevel && eq.info.level) {
  5696. $element('span', [eq.node.div, 'afterbegin'], [`[${eq.info.level}] `, '.hvut-es-level']);
  5697. }
  5698. if (settings.equipmentShopShowPAB && eq.info.pab) {
  5699. $element('span', eq.node.div, [` [${eq.info.pab}]`, '.hvut-es-pab']);
  5700. }
  5701. $element('span', eq.node.div, ['.hvut-es-check']);
  5703. eq.node.lock = eq.node.wrapper.firstElementChild;
  5704. eq.node.sub = $element('div', [eq.node.div, 'beforebegin'], ['.hvut-es-sub hvut-cphu-sub']);
  5705. eq.node.sell = $element('span', eq.node.sub, ['出售价 ' + eq.data.value, { dataset: { action: 'sell', eid: eq.info.eid, pane: 'item' } }]);
  5706. eq.node.salvage = $element('span', eq.node.sub, ['分解估值 ' + eq.data.salvage, { dataset: { action: 'salvage', eid: eq.info.eid, pane: 'item' } }]);
  5707. if (eq.info.tier) {
  5708. eq.data.valuable = true;
  5709. $element('span', eq.node.sub, ['潜能等级 ' + eq.info.tier, '.hvut-es-bold', { dataset: { action: 'popup', eid: eq.info.eid, pane: 'item' } }]);
  5710. }
  5711. eq.node.transfer = $element('span', eq.node.sub, ['移动到仓库', { dataset: { action: 'transfer', eid: eq.info.eid, pane: 'item' } }]);
  5713. if (eq.data.valuable) {
  5714. eq.node.transfer.classList.add('hvut-es-bold');
  5715. }
  5716. if (eq.data.salvage > eq.data.value) {
  5717. eq.data.salvage_recommended = true;
  5718. eq.node.salvage.classList.add('hvut-es-bold');
  5719. } else {
  5720. eq.data.salvage_recommended = false;
  5721. eq.node.sell.classList.add('hvut-es-bold');
  5722. }
  5723. });
  5724. _es.item_pane = _es.item_pane.concat(equiplist);
  5726. const valuable = equiplist.filter((eq) => eq.data.valuable);
  5727. if (valuable.length) {
  5728. _es.category['valuable'].item_div.append(...valuable.map((eq) => eq.node.wrapper));
  5729. valuable.forEach((eq) => {
  5730. if (settings.equipmentShopAutoLock && eq.node.div.dataset.locked == '0') {
  5731. eq.node.lock.click();
  5732. }
  5733. });
  5734. }
  5736. const sell = equiplist.filter((eq) => !eq.data.valuable);
  5737. if (sell.length) {
  5738. _es.category[filter].item_div.append(...sell.map((eq) => eq.node.wrapper));
  5739. }
  5740. };
  5742. _es.get_shop_pane = function (filter, outer) {
  5743. const equiplist = $equip.list(outer, false);
  5744. const bazaar_filter = getValue('es_bazaar', settings.equipmentShopBazaarFilter);
  5746. equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  5747. eq.data.filter = filter;
  5748. eq.data.visible = $equip.filter(eq.info.name, bazaar_filter);
  5749. _es.salvage_calc(eq, 5);
  5751. if (settings.equipmentShopShowLevel && eq.info.level) {
  5752. $element('span', [eq.node.div, 'afterbegin'], [`[${eq.info.level}] `, '.hvut-es-level']);
  5753. }
  5754. if (settings.equipmentShopShowPAB && eq.info.pab) {
  5755. $element('span', eq.node.div, [` [${eq.info.pab}]`, '.hvut-es-pab']);
  5756. }
  5758. eq.node.sub = $element('div', null, ['.hvut-es-sub hvut-cphu-sub']);
  5759. $element('span', eq.node.sub, ['购买价 ' + eq.data.value, { dataset: { action: 'buy', eid: eq.info.eid, pane: 'shop' } }]);
  5760. if (eq.data.salvage > eq.data.value) {
  5761. eq.data.visible = true;
  5762. $element('span', eq.node.sub, ['分解估值 ' + eq.data.salvage, '.hvut-es-bold', { dataset: { action: 'salvage', eid: eq.info.eid, pane: 'shop' } }]);
  5763. }
  5764. if (settings.equipmentShopBazaarCheckIW && eq.info.tier) {
  5765. eq.data.visible = true;
  5766. $element('span', eq.node.sub, ['潜能等级 ' + eq.info.tier, '.hvut-es-bold', { dataset: { action: 'popup', eid: eq.info.eid, pane: 'shop' } }]);
  5767. }
  5768. if (!eq.info.tradeable) {
  5769. eq.data.visible = false;
  5770. }
  5771. if (eq.data.visible) {
  5772. $element('span', eq.node.div, ['.hvut-es-check']);
  5773. eq.node.div.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', eq.node.sub);
  5774. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-es-expand');
  5775. } else {
  5776. eq.node.wrapper.classList.add('hvut-none-item');
  5777. }
  5778. });
  5779. _es.shop_pane = _es.shop_pane.concat(equiplist);
  5780. $equip.sort(equiplist, _es.category[filter].shop_div);
  5782. $qsa('.hvut-eq-type', _es.category[filter].shop_div).forEach((div) => {
  5783. let next = div;
  5784. let eqp;
  5785. while ((next = next.nextElementSibling)) {
  5786. if (!next.classList.contains('eqp')) {
  5787. break;
  5788. }
  5789. if (!next.classList.contains('hvut-none-item')) {
  5790. eqp = true;
  5791. break;
  5792. }
  5793. }
  5794. if (!eqp) {
  5795. div.classList.add('hvut-none-item');
  5796. }
  5797. });
  5798. };
  5800. _es.set_rangeselect = function () {
  5801. _window.rangeselect.item_pane = $qsa('#item_pane .eqp').map((w) => w.lastElementChild.dataset.eid);
  5802. _window.rangeselect.shop_pane = $qsa('#shop_pane .eqp').map((w) => w.lastElementChild.dataset.eid);
  5803. };
  5805. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  5806. #eqshop_outer { position: relative; width: 1100px; margin-left: 120px; }
  5807. .eqshop_pane > div:first-child { display: none; }
  5808. .eqshop_pane > div:last-child { width: 540px; }
  5809. .eqshop_pane .cspp { overflow-y: scroll; }
  5810. #eqshop_sellall { display: none; }
  5812. .hvut-es-side { position: absolute; top: 44px; left: -110px; width: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  5813. .hvut-es-side input { margin: 3px 0; white-space: normal; }
  5814. .hvut-es-side input:nth-child(1), .hvut-es-side input:nth-child(3), .hvut-es-side input:nth-child(5) { margin-bottom: 10px; }
  5816. .hvut-es-valuable { background-color: #fff; }
  5817. .eqp.hvut-es-expand { height: 44px; }
  5818. .hvut-es-level { display: inline-block; min-width: 35px; margin-right: 5px; }
  5819. .hvut-es-pab { position: absolute; left: 490px; width: 0; direction: rtl; pointer-events: none; }
  5820. .hvut-es-check { position: absolute; top: 25px; left: 5px; width: 14px; height: 14px; border: 1px solid; color: #930; background-color: #fff; }
  5821. .eqp > div:last-child[style*='color'] > .hvut-es-check::before { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 4px; width: 3px; height: 7px; border-right: 3px solid; border-bottom: 3px solid; transform: rotate(45deg); }
  5822. .hvut-es-sub { position: absolute; top: 24px; left: 20px; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 18px; padding-left: 45px; }
  5823. .hvut-es-sub > * { margin-right: 10px; }
  5824. .hvut-es-bold { font-weight: bold; }
  5825. .hvut-es-disabled > div { text-decoration: line-through; }
  5826. `);
  5828. _es.node.side = $element('div', $id('eqshop_outer'), ['.hvut-es-side']);
  5829. toggle_button($input('button', _es.node.side), '显示所有装备', '使用过滤器', $id('shop_pane'), 'hvut-none-cont', true);
  5830. $input(['button', '全选'], _es.node.side, null, () => { _es.select_all('sell'); });
  5831. $input(['button', '出售选定装备'], _es.node.side, null, () => { _es.sell_all(); });
  5832. $input(['button', '分解选定装备'], _es.node.side, null, () => { _es.salvage_all(); });
  5833. $input(['button', '材料价格'], _es.node.side, null, () => { $price.edit('Materials', () => { if (confirm('你需要刷新页面.')) { location.href = location.href; } }); });
  5834. $input(['button', '装备保护器'], _es.node.side, null, () => { _es.edit_filter('protect'); });
  5835. $input(['button', '商店过滤器'], _es.node.side, null, () => { _es.edit_filter('bazaar'); });
  5837. $id('item_pane').addEventListener('click', _es.click);
  5838. $id('shop_pane').addEventListener('click', _es.click);
  5840. _es.category['valuable'].item_div = $element('div', $id('item_pane'), ['.equiplist nosel hvut-es-valuable']);
  5841. $element('p', _es.category['valuable'].item_div, ['[已加锁装备]', '.hvut-eq-category']);
  5843. if (settings.equipmentShopIntegration) {
  5844. const filterbar = $id('filterbar');
  5845. $element('a', [filterbar, 'afterbegin'], { href: '?s=Bazaar&ss=es', innerHTML: '<div>All</div>' });
  5846. if (_query.filter) {
  5847. filterbar.children[0].children[0].classList.add('cfb');
  5848. } else {
  5849. filterbar.children[0].children[0].classList.add('cfbs');
  5850. filterbar.children[1].children[0].classList.remove('cfbs');
  5851. filterbar.children[1].children[0].classList.add('cfb');
  5852. }
  5853. }
  5855. if (_query.filter || !settings.equipmentShopIntegration) {
  5856. _es.init_list(_es.filter);
  5857. const item_equiplist = $qs('#item_pane .equiplist');
  5858. const shop_equiplist = $qs('#shop_pane .equiplist');
  5859. _es.get_item_pane(_es.filter, $qs('#item_pane .equiplist'));
  5860. _es.get_shop_pane(_es.filter, $qs('#shop_pane .equiplist'));
  5861. item_equiplist.remove();
  5862. shop_equiplist.remove();
  5863. _es.set_rangeselect();
  5864. } else {
  5865. _es.category['valuable'].item_div.classList.add('hvut-eq-loading');
  5867. _es.init_list('1handed');
  5868. const item_equiplist = $qs('#item_pane .equiplist');
  5869. const shop_equiplist = $qs('#shop_pane .equiplist');
  5870. _es.get_item_pane('1handed', item_equiplist);
  5871. _es.get_shop_pane('1handed', shop_equiplist);
  5872. item_equiplist.remove();
  5873. shop_equiplist.remove();
  5875. const requests = ['2handed', 'staff', 'shield', 'acloth', 'alight', 'aheavy'].map((filter) => _es.load_list(filter));
  5876. Promise.all(requests).then(() => {
  5877. _es.category['valuable'].item_div.classList.remove('hvut-eq-loading');
  5878. });
  5879. }
  5880. } else
  5881. // [END 8] Bazaar - Equipment Shop */
  5884. //* [9] Bazaar - Item Shop
  5885. if (settings.itemShop && _query.s === 'Bazaar' && _query.ss === 'is') {
  5886. Array.from($qs('#item_pane .itemlist').rows).forEach((tr) => {
  5887. const div = tr.cells[0].firstElementChild;
  5888. const type = $item.type(div.getAttribute('onmouseover'));
  5889. tr.classList.add('hvut-it-' + type);
  5890. });
  5891. Array.from($qs('#shop_pane .itemlist').rows).forEach((tr) => {
  5892. const div = tr.cells[0].firstElementChild;
  5893. const type = $item.type(div.getAttribute('onmouseover'));
  5894. tr.classList.add('hvut-it-' + type);
  5895. });
  5897. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  5898. .itshop_pane .cspp { margin-top: 15px; overflow-y: scroll; }
  5899. #itshop_outer .itemlist td:nth-child(1) { width: 285px !important; }
  5900. #itshop_outer .itemlist td:nth-child(2) { width: 75px !important; }
  5901. `);
  5902. } else
  5903. // [END 9] Bazaar - Item Shop */
  5906. //* [10] Bazaar - The Shrine
  5907. if (settings.shrine && _query.s === 'Bazaar' && _query.ss === 'ss') {
  5908. _ss.log = getValue('ss_log', {});
  5909. _ss.node = {};
  5910. _ss.equip = { capacity: 0, current: 0, requests: 0, received: 0, sold: 0, salvaged: 0, total: 0 };
  5911. _ss.items = {};
  5912. _ss.trophy = {
  5913. 'ManBearPig Tail': { tier: 2, value: 1000 },
  5914. 'Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch': { tier: 2, value: 1000 },
  5915. "Mithra's Flower": { tier: 2, value: 1000 },
  5916. 'Dalek Voicebox': { tier: 2, value: 1000 },
  5917. 'Lock of Blue Hair': { tier: 2, value: 1000 },
  5918. 'Bunny-Girl Costume': { tier: 3, value: 2000 },
  5919. 'Hinamatsuri Doll': { tier: 3, value: 2000 },
  5920. 'Broken Glasses': { tier: 3, value: 2000 },
  5921. 'Black T-Shirt': { tier: 4, value: 4000 },
  5922. 'Sapling': { tier: 4, value: 4000 },
  5923. 'Unicorn Horn': { tier: 5, value: 5000 },
  5924. 'Noodly Appendage': { value: 5000 },
  5925. };
  5926. _ss.item_index = [
  5927. 'Precursor Artifact',
  5928. 'Trophy Tier 2', 'Trophy Tier 3', 'Trophy Tier 4', 'Trophy Tier 5',
  5929. 'ManBearPig Tail', 'Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch', "Mithra's Flower", 'Dalek Voicebox', 'Lock of Blue Hair', 'Bunny-Girl Costume', 'Hinamatsuri Doll', 'Broken Glasses', 'Black T-Shirt', 'Sapling', 'Unicorn Horn', 'Noodly Appendage', 'Stocking Stuffers', "Tenbora's Box", 'Peerless Voucher',
  5930. 'Mysterious Box', 'Solstice Gift', 'Shimmering Present', 'Potato Battery', 'RealPervert Badge', 'Raptor Jesus', 'Rainbow Egg', 'Colored Egg', 'Gift Pony', 'Faux Rainbow Mane Cap', 'Pegasopolis Emblem', 'Fire Keeper Soul', 'Crystalline Galanthus', 'Sense of Self-Satisfaction', 'Six-Lock Box', 'Golden One-Bit Coin', 'USB ASIC Miner', 'Reindeer Antlers', 'Ancient Porn Stash', 'VPS Hosting Coupon', 'Heart Locket', 'Holographic Rainbow Projector', 'Pot of Gold', 'Dinosaur Egg', 'Precursor Smoothie Blender', 'Rainbow Smoothie', 'Mysterious Tooth', 'Grammar Nazi Armband', 'Abstract Wire Sculpture', 'Delicate Flower', 'Assorted Coins', "Coin Collector's Guide", 'Iron Heart', 'Shrine Fortune', 'Plague Mask', 'Festival Coupon', 'Annoying Gun',
  5931. 'Platinum Coupon', 'Golden Coupon', 'Silver Coupon', 'Bronze Coupon',
  5932. ];
  5933. _ss.item_group = {
  5934. 'Artifact': ['Energy Drink', '2 Hath', '1 Hath', 'Flower Vase', 'Bubble-Gum', 'Chaos Token', 'Last Elixir', '3x Last Elixir', { group: '1000x 水晶', items: ['1000x Crystal of Vigor', '1000x Crystal of Finesse', '1000x Crystal of Swiftness', '1000x Crystal of Fortitude', '1000x Crystal of Cunning', '1000x Crystal of Knowledge', '1000x Crystal of Flames', '1000x Crystal of Frost', '1000x Crystal of Lightning', '1000x Crystal of Tempest', '1000x Crystal of Devotion', '1000x Crystal of Corruption'] }, { group: '3000x 水晶', items: ['3000x Crystal of Vigor', '3000x Crystal of Finesse', '3000x Crystal of Swiftness', '3000x Crystal of Fortitude', '3000x Crystal of Cunning', '3000x Crystal of Knowledge', '3000x Crystal of Flames', '3000x Crystal of Frost', '3000x Crystal of Lightning', '3000x Crystal of Tempest', '3000x Crystal of Devotion', '3000x Crystal of Corruption'] }, { group: '5000x 水晶', items: ['5000x Crystal of Vigor', '5000x Crystal of Finesse', '5000x Crystal of Swiftness', '5000x Crystal of Fortitude', '5000x Crystal of Cunning', '5000x Crystal of Knowledge', '5000x Crystal of Flames', '5000x Crystal of Frost', '5000x Crystal of Lightning', '5000x Crystal of Tempest', '5000x Crystal of Devotion', '5000x Crystal of Corruption'] }, { group: '主属性加成', items: ['Your strength has increased by one', 'Your dexterity has increased by one', 'Your agility has increased by one', 'Your endurance has increased by one', 'Your intelligence has increased by one', 'Your wisdom has increased by one', 'Strength was increased by 1', 'Dexterity was increased by 1', 'Agility was increased by 1', 'Endurance was increased by 1', 'Intelligence was increased by 1', 'Wisdom was increased by 1'] }],
  5935. 'Trophy': ['Peerless', 'Legendary', 'Magnificent', 'Exquisite', 'Superior', 'Average'],
  5936. 'Collectable': [{ group: '3x High-Grade Material', items: ['3x High-Grade Cloth', '3x High-Grade Leather', '3x High-Grade Metals', '3x High-Grade Wood'] }, { group: '2x High-Grade Material', items: ['2x High-Grade Cloth', '2x High-Grade Leather', '2x High-Grade Metals', '2x High-Grade Wood'] }, { group: '1x High-Grade Material', items: ['1x High-Grade Cloth', '1x High-Grade Leather', '1x High-Grade Metals', '1x High-Grade Wood'] }, { group: 'Binding', items: ['Binding of Slaughter', 'Binding of Balance', 'Binding of Isaac', 'Binding of Destruction', 'Binding of Focus', 'Binding of Friendship', 'Binding of Protection', 'Binding of Warding', 'Binding of the Fleet', 'Binding of the Barrier', 'Binding of the Nimble', 'Binding of Negation', 'Binding of the Elementalist', 'Binding of the Heaven-sent', 'Binding of the Demon-fiend', 'Binding of the Curse-weaver', 'Binding of the Earth-walker', 'Binding of Surtr', 'Binding of Niflheim', 'Binding of Mjolnir', 'Binding of Freyr', 'Binding of Heimdall', 'Binding of Fenrir', 'Binding of Dampening', 'Binding of Stoneskin', 'Binding of Deflection', 'Binding of the Fire-eater', 'Binding of the Frost-born', 'Binding of the Thunder-child', 'Binding of the Wind-waker', 'Binding of the Thrice-blessed', 'Binding of the Spirit-ward', 'Binding of the Ox', 'Binding of the Raccoon', 'Binding of the Cheetah', 'Binding of the Turtle', 'Binding of the Fox', 'Binding of the Owl'] }],
  5937. };
  5939. _ss.click = function (e) {
  5940. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  5941. if (!target) {
  5942. return;
  5943. }
  5944. const { action, iid, count, type, slot } = target.dataset;
  5945. if (action === 'offer') {
  5946. _ss.offer(iid, count);
  5947. } else if (action === 'select') {
  5948. e.preventDefault();
  5949. _ss.select(type, slot);
  5950. }
  5951. };
  5953. _ss.select = function (type, slot) {
  5954. const target = _ss.node.select[type + (slot ? ' ' + slot : '')];
  5955. if (_ss.node.selected === target) {
  5956. target.classList.remove('hvut-ss-selected');
  5957. _ss.node.selected = null;
  5958. } else {
  5959. _ss.node.selected?.classList.remove('hvut-ss-selected');
  5960. target.classList.add('hvut-ss-selected');
  5961. _ss.node.selected = target;
  5962. }
  5963. };
  5965. _ss.offer = function (iid, count) {
  5966. if (_ss.error) {
  5967. popup(_ss.error);
  5968. return;
  5969. }
  5970. const item = _ss.items[iid];
  5971. if (count === 'max') {
  5972. count = item.max;
  5973. } else if (count === 'input') {
  5974. count = parseInt(item.node.count.value);
  5975. } else {
  5976. count = parseInt(count);
  5977. }
  5978. if (count > item.max) {
  5979. count = item.max;
  5980. }
  5981. if (!count || count < 0) {
  5982. return;
  5983. }
  5985. let select_reward_type;
  5986. let select_reward_slot;
  5987. if (item.type === 'Trophy') {
  5988. if (_ss.node.selected && !_ss.node.selected.disabled) {
  5989. select_reward_type = _ss.node.selected.dataset.type;
  5990. select_reward_slot = _ss.node.selected.dataset.slot;
  5991. } else {
  5992. alert('选择要获得的装备类型.');
  5993. return;
  5994. }
  5995. _ss.equip.requests += count;
  5996. } else { // Artifact, Collectable
  5997. select_reward_type = '';
  5998. select_reward_slot = '';
  5999. }
  6001. if (!_ss.log[item.log]) {
  6002. _ss.log[item.log] = {};
  6003. }
  6004. if (!item.results) {
  6005. item.results = _ss.create_list(item.type);
  6006. item.node.span = $element('p', _ss.node.results, [item.name + (item.upgrade ? ' => Tier ' + item.upgrade : '') + ' ', '.hvut-ss-p']).appendChild($element('span'));
  6007. item.node.ul = $element('ul', _ss.node.results, ['.hvut-ss-ul']);
  6008. Object.values(item.results).forEach((r) => { item.node.ul.appendChild(r.li).classList.add('hvut-none'); });
  6009. scrollIntoView(item.node.ul);
  6010. }
  6011. _ss.node.results.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  6013. item.requests += count;
  6014. item.stock -= count * item.bulk;
  6015. item.max -= count;
  6016. item.node.stock.textContent = item.stock;
  6017. item.node.max.textContent = item.max;
  6019. for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  6020. _ss.request(iid, select_reward_type, select_reward_slot);
  6021. }
  6022. };
  6024. _ss.request = async function (iid, select_reward_type, select_reward_slot) {
  6025. const item = _ss.items[iid];
  6026. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=ss', `select_item=${iid}&select_reward_type=${select_reward_type}&select_reward_slot=${select_reward_slot}`);
  6027. const doc = $doc(html);
  6028. const results = item.results;
  6029. const rewards = [];
  6030. const reg = /Received (.+)|(Your .+ has increased by one|.+ was increased by 1)|((?:Crude|Fair|Average|Superior|Exquisite|Magnificent|Legendary|Peerless) .+)/;
  6032. get_message(doc, true).forEach((msg) => {
  6033. if (!msg || ['Snowflake has blessed you with some of her power!', 'Snowflake has blessed you with an item!', 'Received:', 'Hit Space Bar to offer another item like this.'].includes(msg)) {
  6034. return;
  6035. } else if (msg.includes('Peerless Voucher')) { // 'Received 1x Peerless Voucher!'
  6036. popup(`<p style="color: #f00; font-weight: bold;">${msg}</p>`);
  6037. } else if (msg.includes('Sold it for')) {
  6038. _ss.equip.sold++;
  6039. } else if (msg.includes('Salvaged it for')) { // Salvaged it for .+ (Peerless|Legendary) .+ Core
  6040. _ss.equip.salvaged++;
  6041. } else if (reg.test(msg)) {
  6042. rewards.push(RegExp.$1 || RegExp.$2 || RegExp.$3);
  6043. } else {
  6044. _ss.error = msg;
  6045. popup(msg);
  6046. }
  6047. });
  6049. item.recieved++;
  6050. item.node.span.textContent = `(${item.recieved}/${item.requests})`;
  6052. rewards.forEach((n) => {
  6053. const r = item.type === 'Trophy' ? n.split(' ')[0] : n;
  6054. if (!_ss.log[item.log][r]) {
  6055. _ss.log[item.log][r] = 0;
  6056. }
  6057. _ss.log[item.log][r]++;
  6059. if (!results[r]) {
  6060. results[r] = _ss.create_listitem(r);
  6061. item.node.ul.appendChild(results[r].li);
  6062. }
  6063. if (!results[r].count) {
  6064. results[r].li.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  6065. if (results[r].group) {
  6066. results[results[r].group].li.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  6067. }
  6068. }
  6070. results[r].count++;
  6071. if (results[r].group) {
  6072. results[results[r].group].count++;
  6073. }
  6074. Object.keys(results).forEach((k) => {
  6075. results[k].sp.textContent = (results[k].count * 100 / item.recieved).toFixed(1) + ' %';
  6076. results[k].sc.textContent = ` [${results[k].count}] `;
  6077. });
  6079. if (item.type === 'Trophy') {
  6080. if ($equip.filter(n, settings.shrineTrackEquip)) {
  6081. $element('li', [results[r].li, 'afterend'], [n, '.hvut-ss-equip']);
  6082. }
  6083. _ss.equip.received++;
  6084. _ss.equip.total = _ss.equip.current + _ss.equip.received - _ss.equip.sold - _ss.equip.salvaged;
  6085. _ss.node.results_equip.value = `装备库存量: ${_ss.equip.total} / ${_ss.equip.capacity}` + (_ss.equip.sold ? `, 已出售: ${_ss.equip.sold}` : '') + (_ss.equip.salvaged ? `, 已分解: ${_ss.equip.salvaged}` : '');
  6086. if (_ss.equip.total >= _ss.equip.capacity) {
  6087. if (!_ss.error) {
  6088. _ss.error = '你的装备库存已满';
  6089. popup(_ss.error);
  6090. }
  6091. }
  6092. }
  6093. });
  6095. if (item.recieved % 10 === 0 || item.recieved === item.requests || _ss.error) {
  6096. setValue('ss_log', _ss.log);
  6097. }
  6098. };
  6100. _ss.toggle_results = function () {
  6101. _ss.node.results.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  6102. };
  6104. _ss.view_log = function () {
  6105. const div = _ss.node.log;
  6106. div.innerHTML = '';
  6108. const reg_artifact = /Energy Drink|Flower Vase|Bubble-Gum|Chaos Token|Hath|Last Elixir|\d+x Crystal of|has increased by one|was increased by 1/;
  6109. const reg_trophy = /Peerless|Legendary|Magnificent|Exquisite|Superior|Average/;
  6110. const reg_collectable = /High-Grade|Binding of/;
  6112. object_sort(_ss.log, _ss.item_index);
  6113. Object.entries(_ss.log).forEach(([n, log]) => {
  6114. const keys = Object.keys(log);
  6115. const type = keys.some((k) => reg_artifact.test(k)) ? 'Artifact' : keys.some((k) => reg_trophy.test(k)) ? 'Trophy' : keys.some((k) => reg_collectable.test(k)) ? 'Collectable' : null;
  6116. const list = _ss.create_list(type);
  6117. let total = Object.values(log).reduce((s, e) => s + e, 0);
  6118. if (type === 'Collectable') {
  6119. total /= 2;
  6120. }
  6122. $element('p', div, [`${n} (${total})`, '.hvut-ss-p']);
  6123. const ul = $element('ul', div, ['.hvut-ss-ul']);
  6125. Object.entries(log).forEach(([r, c]) => {
  6126. if (!list[r]) {
  6127. list[r] = _ss.create_listitem(r);
  6128. }
  6129. list[r].count = c;
  6130. if (list[r].group) {
  6131. list[list[r].group].count += c;
  6132. }
  6133. });
  6135. Object.keys(list).forEach((r) => {
  6136. if (!list[r].count) {
  6137. return;
  6138. }
  6139. list[r].sp.textContent = (list[r].count * 100 / total).toFixed(1) + ' %';
  6140. list[r].sc.textContent = ` [${list[r].count}] `;
  6141. ul.appendChild(list[r].li);
  6142. });
  6143. });
  6145. const buttons = $element('div', div, ['!margin-top: 20px; padding-top: 10px; border-top: 1px solid; text-align: center;']);
  6146. $input(['button', '重置日志'], buttons, null, () => { _ss.reset_log(); });
  6147. $input(['button', '关闭'], buttons, null, () => { _ss.toggle_log(); });
  6148. };
  6150. _ss.reset_log = function () {
  6151. if (confirm('祭坛日志将被重置.\n继续吗?')) {
  6152. deleteValue('ss_log');
  6153. location.href = location.href;
  6154. }
  6155. };
  6157. _ss.toggle_log = function () {
  6158. if (_ss.node.log.classList.contains('hvut-none')) {
  6159. _ss.view_log();
  6160. _ss.node.log.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  6161. } else {
  6162. _ss.node.log.classList.add('hvut-none');
  6163. _ss.node.log.innerHTML = '';
  6164. }
  6165. };
  6167. _ss.create_list = function (type) {
  6168. const list = {};
  6169. const array = _ss.item_group[type] || [];
  6170. array.forEach((r) => {
  6171. if (typeof r === 'string') {
  6172. list[r] = _ss.create_listitem(r);
  6173. } else {
  6174. const g = r.group;
  6175. list[g] = _ss.create_listitem(g);
  6176. r.items.forEach((m) => {
  6177. list[m] = _ss.create_listitem(m, g);
  6178. });
  6179. }
  6180. });
  6181. return list;
  6182. };
  6184. _ss.create_listitem = function (r, g) {
  6185. const item = { count: 0 };
  6186. item.li = $element('li');
  6187. item.sp = $element('span', item.li);
  6188. item.sc = $element('span', item.li);
  6189. $element('span', item.li, r);
  6190. if (g) {
  6191. item.group = g;
  6192. item.li.classList.add('hvut-ss-group');
  6193. }
  6194. return item;
  6195. };
  6197. _ss.show_trophies = function () {
  6198. popup_text(_ss.trophies_text, 'width: 600px; height: 250px; white-space: pre;');
  6199. };
  6201. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  6202. #shrine_outer { position: relative; width: 1066px; margin-left: 130px; }
  6203. #shrine_left { width: 562px; }
  6204. #shrine_left .cspp { overflow-y: scroll; }
  6206. #shrine_left .itemlist td:nth-child(1) { width: 230px !important; }
  6207. #shrine_left .itemlist td:nth-child(2) { width: 60px; }
  6208. #shrine_left .itemlist td:nth-child(3) { width: 30px; padding-left: 5px; text-align: left; font-size: 8pt; color: #930; }
  6209. #shrine_left .itemlist td:nth-child(4) { width: 50px; }
  6210. #shrine_left .itemlist td:nth-child(5) { width: 148px; padding-left: 5px; text-align: left; }
  6211. #shrine_left .itemlist input { margin: 0 1px; }
  6212. #shrine_left .itemlist input:nth-child(1) { width: 40px; text-align: right; }
  6213. #shrine_left .itemlist input:nth-child(2) { width: 50px; }
  6214. #shrine_left .itemlist input:nth-child(3) { width: 40px; }
  6216. .hvut-ss-side { position: absolute; top: 33px; left: -110px; width: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  6217. .hvut-ss-side input { margin: 3px 0; white-space: normal; }
  6218. .hvut-ss-log { position: absolute; top: 33px; left: 0; width: 540px; height: 550px; margin: 0; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid; text-align: left; overflow-y: scroll; background-color: #EDEBDF; }
  6219. .hvut-ss-results { position: absolute; top: 33px; left: 572px; width: 472px; height: 550px; margin: 0; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid; text-align: left; overflow-y: scroll; background-color: #EDEBDF; }
  6220. .hvut-ss-p { margin: 5px; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; }
  6221. .hvut-ss-ul { margin: 5px 5px 10px; padding: 0; list-style: none; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; }
  6222. .hvut-ss-ul span:first-child { display: inline-block; width: 60px; text-align: right; color: #930; }
  6223. .hvut-ss-ul span:last-child { font-weight: bold; }
  6224. .hvut-ss-group { color: #666; }
  6225. .hvut-ss-group > span:first-child { visibility: hidden; }
  6226. .hvut-ss-equip { margin-left: 65px; color: #930; }
  6228. .hvut-ss-selected:not([disabled]) { color: #c00 !important; border-color: #c00 !important; outline: 1px solid; }
  6229. `);
  6231. $id('inv_item').addEventListener('click', _ss.click);
  6232. $id('accept_equip').addEventListener('click', _ss.click);
  6234. _ss.node.side = $element('div', $id('shrine_outer'), ['.hvut-ss-side']);
  6235. toggle_button($input('button', _ss.node.side), '显示所有奖杯', '使用过滤器', $id('inv_item'), 'hvut-none-cont', true);
  6236. $input(['button', '祭坛收获'], _ss.node.side, null, () => { _ss.toggle_results(); });
  6237. $input(['button', '祭坛日志'], _ss.node.side, null, () => { _ss.toggle_log(); });
  6239. _ss.node.log = $element('div', $id('shrine_outer'), ['.hvut-ss-log hvut-none']);
  6240. _ss.node.results = $element('div', $id('shrine_outer'), ['.hvut-ss-results hvut-none']);
  6241. _ss.node.results_buttons = $element('div', _ss.node.results, ['!margin-bottom: 20px; padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid; text-align: center;']);
  6242. _ss.node.results_equip = $input(['button', '装备库存量'], _ss.node.results_buttons, { style: 'width: 380px;' });
  6243. $input(['button', '关闭'], _ss.node.results_buttons, null, () => { _ss.toggle_results(); });
  6245. $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=in').then((html) => {
  6246. const exec = />Equip Slots: (\d+)(?: \+ (\d+))? \/ (\d+)</.exec(html);
  6247. _ss.equip.current = parseInt(exec[1]) + parseInt(exec[2] || 0);
  6248. _ss.equip.capacity = parseInt(exec[3]);
  6249. _ss.node.results_equip.value = `装备库存量: ${_ss.equip.current} / ${_ss.equip.capacity}`;
  6250. });
  6252. _ss.trophies_value = 0;
  6253. _ss.trophies_text = [];
  6255. Array.from($qs('.itemlist').rows).forEach((tr) => {
  6256. const div = tr.cells[0].firstElementChild;
  6257. const name = div.textContent;
  6258. const type = $item.type(div.getAttribute('onmouseover'));
  6259. const exec = $item.reg.shrine.exec(div.getAttribute('onclick'));
  6260. const iid = exec[1];
  6261. const stock = parseInt(exec[2]);
  6262. const bulk = parseInt(exec[3]);
  6263. const max = Math.floor(stock / bulk);
  6264. const item = { log: name, name, type, iid, stock, bulk, max, requests: 0, recieved: 0, node: {} };
  6265. _ss.items[iid] = item;
  6267. div.classList.add('hvut-it-' + type);
  6268. item.node.stock = tr.cells[1];
  6269. item.node.bulk = $element('td', tr);
  6270. item.node.max = $element('td', tr);
  6271. const td = $element('td', tr);
  6272. item.node.count = $input('text', td);
  6273. item.node.button = $input(['button', '献祭'], td, { dataset: { action: 'offer', iid: iid, count: 'input' } });
  6275. if (item.type === 'Trophy') {
  6276. if (_ss.trophy[name]) {
  6277. item.tier = _ss.trophy[name].tier;
  6278. item.value = _ss.trophy[name].value;
  6279. if (item.tier) {
  6280. let t = item.tier;
  6281. let b = item.bulk;
  6282. while (b > 1) {
  6283. b /= t === 2 ? 4 : t === 3 ? 2 : t === 4 ? 4 : 1;
  6284. t++;
  6285. }
  6286. item.value *= t === item.tier ? 1 : t === 3 ? 1.1 : t === 4 ? 1.2 : t === 5 ? 1.3 : 1;
  6287. item.upgrade = t;
  6288. item.log = 'Trophy Tier ' + t;
  6289. }
  6290. if (item.value) {
  6291. const a = item.stock - item.stock % item.bulk;
  6292. if (a) {
  6293. _ss.trophies_value += a * item.value;
  6294. _ss.trophies_text.push(`${a.toLocaleString()} x ${name} @ ${item.value.toLocaleString()} = ${(a * item.value).toLocaleString()}`);
  6295. }
  6296. }
  6297. }
  6298. item.node.bulk.textContent = '/ ' + item.bulk;
  6299. item.node.max.textContent = item.max;
  6300. $input(['button', '所有'], td, { dataset: { action: 'offer', iid: iid, count: 'max' } });
  6301. }
  6302. if (settings.shrineHideItems.some((h) => name.includes(h))) {
  6303. tr.classList.add('hvut-none-item');
  6304. }
  6305. });
  6307. $input(['button', `你库存中的奖杯总价值为 ${_ss.trophies_value.toLocaleString()} credits.`], $id('shrine_trophy'), { style: 'margin: 5px;' }, () => { _ss.show_trophies(); });
  6309. _ss.node.select = {};
  6310. $qsa('#accept_equip input[type="submit"]').forEach((s) => {
  6311. s.dataset.action = 'select';
  6312. const [, type, slot] = /submit_shrine_reward\('(.*?)','(.*?)'\)/.exec(s.getAttribute('onclick'));
  6313. s.dataset.type = type;
  6314. s.dataset.slot = slot;
  6315. _ss.node.select[type + (slot ? ' ' + slot : '')] = s;
  6316. s.removeAttribute('onclick');
  6317. });
  6318. } else
  6319. // [END 10] Bazaar - The Shrine */
  6322. //* [11] Bazaar - The Market
  6323. if (settings.market && _query.s === 'Bazaar' && _query.ss === 'mk') {
  6324. _mk.prices = getValue('mk_prices', {});
  6325. _mk.items = {};
  6327. _mk.click = function (e) {
  6328. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  6329. if (!target) {
  6330. return;
  6331. }
  6332. const { action } = target.dataset;
  6333. if (action === 'stop') {
  6334. e.stopPropagation();
  6335. }
  6336. };
  6338. _mk.get_list = function () {
  6339. if (!$qs('#market_itemlist table')) {
  6340. return;
  6341. }
  6342. Array.from($qs('#market_itemlist table').rows).forEach((tr, i) => {
  6343. if (i === 0) {
  6344. return;
  6345. }
  6346. const name = tr.cells[0].textContent;
  6347. const itemid = tr.getAttribute('onclick').match(/itemid=(\d+)/) && RegExp.$1;
  6348. const yourstock = parseInt(tr.cells[1].textContent);
  6349. const bid = parseFloat(tr.cells[2].textContent.slice(0, -2));
  6350. const ask = parseFloat(tr.cells[3].textContent.slice(0, -2));
  6351. const stock = parseInt(tr.cells[4].textContent.slice(0, -2));
  6352. _mk.items[name] = { itemid, yourstock, bid, ask, stock };
  6353. });
  6354. };
  6356. _mk.init = function (p) {
  6357. if (!$qs('#market_itemlist table')) {
  6358. return;
  6359. }
  6360. _mk.tag = p;
  6361. Array.from($qs('#market_itemlist table').rows).forEach((tr, i) => {
  6362. if (i === 0) {
  6363. $element('th', tr, '插件参考价');
  6364. return;
  6365. }
  6366. const name = tr.cells[0].textContent;
  6367. const td = $element('td', tr, { dataset: { action: 'stop' } });
  6368. _mk.items[name].input = $input('text', td, { pattern: '\\d+(\\.\\d+)?' });
  6369. });
  6370. _mk.load_prices();
  6371. if (!$id('market_itemfilter')) {
  6372. $element('div', $id('market_right'), ['#market_itemfilter']);
  6373. }
  6374. const div = $element('div', $id('market_itemfilter'));
  6375. _mk.select = $element('select', div, ['/<option value="">设置价格...</option><option value="bid">设定市场出价为参考价格</option><option value="ask">设定市场要价为参考价格</option><option value="day">设定日平均价格为参考价格</option><option value="week">设定周平均价格为参考价格</option><option value="update">更新交易数据库-暂不可用 [最后更新时间: ' + new Date(_mk.prices.lastupdate).toLocaleString() + ']</option>', '!width: 135px;'], { change: () => { _mk.set_prices(_mk.select.value); } });
  6376. $input(['button', '保存'], div, null, () => { _mk.save_prices(); });
  6377. $input(['button', '加载'], div, null, () => { _mk.load_prices(); });
  6378. $input(['button', '编辑'], div, null, () => { $price.edit(_mk.tag, _mk.load_prices); });
  6379. };
  6381. _mk.set_prices = async function (type) {
  6382. switch (type) {
  6383. case 'day':
  6384. case 'week':
  6385. case 'month':
  6386. case 'year':
  6387. if (!_mk.prices.lastupdate) {
  6388. await _mk.get_prices();
  6389. }
  6390. case 'bid':
  6391. case 'ask':
  6392. Object.entries(_mk.items).forEach(([n, v]) => {
  6393. v.input.value = v[type] || _mk.prices[n][type] || '';
  6394. });
  6395. break;
  6396. case 'update':
  6397. _mk.get_prices();
  6398. break;
  6399. }
  6400. };
  6402. _mk.get_prices = async function () {
  6403. if (_query.screen !== 'browseitems') {
  6404. alert('请在 [Browse Items]中尝试');
  6405. return;
  6406. }
  6407. const select = _mk.select;
  6408. const value = select.value;
  6409. select.disabled = true;
  6410. select.value = 'update';
  6411. select.selectedOptions[0].text = 'Updating...';
  6412. Object.values(_mk.items).forEach((v) => {
  6413. v.input.disabled = true;
  6414. });
  6415. await _mk.update_prices();
  6416. Object.values(_mk.items).forEach((v) => {
  6417. v.input.disabled = false;
  6418. });
  6419. select.selectedOptions[0].text = 'Update Transaction Data [Last Update: ' + new Date(_mk.prices.lastupdate).toLocaleString() + ']';
  6420. select.value = value;
  6421. select.disabled = false;
  6422. };
  6424. _mk.update_prices = async function () {
  6425. const lastupdate = Date.now();
  6426. async function update(itemid) {
  6427. const html = await $ajax.fetch(`?s=Bazaar&ss=mk&itemid=${itemid}`);
  6428. const doc = $doc(html);
  6429. const name = $id('market_itemheader', doc).children[1].textContent;
  6430. const unit = Number($qs('.market_placeorder', doc).rows[0].cells[2].textContent.slice(1)) || 1;
  6431. const history = $id('market_price', doc).rows;
  6432. const day = history[1].cells[3].textContent.replace(/\D/g, '') / unit;
  6433. const week = history[2].cells[3].textContent.replace(/\D/g, '') / unit;
  6434. const month = history[3].cells[3].textContent.replace(/\D/g, '') / unit;
  6435. const year = history[4].cells[3].textContent.replace(/\D/g, '') / unit;
  6436. _mk.prices[name] = { itemid, day, week, month, year };
  6437. }
  6438. const requests = Object.values(_mk.items).map((c) => update(c.itemid));
  6439. await Promise.all(requests);
  6440. _mk.prices.lastupdate = lastupdate;
  6441. setValue('mk_prices', _mk.prices);
  6442. };
  6444. _mk.save_prices = function () {
  6445. const prices = {};
  6446. Object.entries(_mk.items).forEach(([n, v]) => {
  6447. prices[n] = parseFloat(v.input.value) || 0;
  6448. });
  6449. $price.set(_mk.tag, prices, false);
  6450. };
  6452. _mk.load_prices = function () {
  6453. const prices = $price.get(_mk.tag);
  6454. Object.entries(_mk.items).forEach(([n, v]) => {
  6455. v.input.value = prices[n] || '';
  6456. });
  6457. };
  6459. _mk.get_cp = function () {
  6460. if (!$qs('#market_itemlist table')) {
  6461. return;
  6462. }
  6463. const [bid, ask] = ['Crystal of Vigor', 'Crystal of Finesse', 'Crystal of Swiftness', 'Crystal of Fortitude', 'Crystal of Cunning', 'Crystal of Knowledge', 'Crystal of Flames', 'Crystal of Frost', 'Crystal of Lightning', 'Crystal of Tempest', 'Crystal of Devotion', 'Crystal of Corruption'].reduce((s, e) => [s[0] + _mk.items[e].bid * 1000, s[1] + _mk.items[e].ask * 1000], [0, 0]);
  6464. $element('tr', [$qs('#market_itemlist table').rows[0], 'afterend'], [`/<td>水晶包参考价(各类水晶1000个)</td><td></td><td>${bid} C</td><td>${ask} C</td><td></td>`]);
  6465. };
  6467. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  6468. #market_itemlist td[data-action='stop'] { cursor: default; }
  6469. #market_itemlist td[data-action='stop'] input { width: 60px; text-align: right; }
  6470. #market_itemlist td[data-action='stop'] input:invalid { color: #e00; }
  6471. `);
  6473. _mk.get_list();
  6475. if (_query.filter === 'ma') {
  6476. $id('market_itemlist')?.addEventListener('click', _mk.click, true);
  6477. _mk.init('Materials');
  6478. }
  6479. if (_query.filter === 'mo' && _query.screen === 'browseitems') {
  6480. _mk.get_cp();
  6481. }
  6482. } else
  6483. // [END 11] Bazaar - The Market */
  6486. //* [12] Bazaar - Monster Lab
  6487. if (settings.monsterLab && _query.s === 'Bazaar' && _query.ss === 'ml') {
  6488. if (_query.create) {
  6489. } else if (_query.slot) {
  6490. if (_query.pane === 'skills') {
  6491. const prev_button = $qs('img[src$="/monster/prev.png"]');
  6492. prev_button.setAttribute('onclick', prev_button.getAttribute('onclick').replace('ss=ml', 'ss=ml&pane=skills'));
  6493. const next_button = $qs('img[src$="/monster/next.png"]');
  6494. next_button.setAttribute('onclick', next_button.getAttribute('onclick').replace('ss=ml', 'ss=ml&pane=skills'));
  6495. }
  6496. } else {
  6497. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  6498. #monster_outer { margin-left: 130px; font-weight: normal; }
  6499. #monster_list .cspp { margin-top: 15px; overflow-y: scroll; }
  6501. .hvut-ml-side { position: absolute; top: 38px; left: -110px; width: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  6502. .hvut-ml-side input { margin: 3px 0; white-space: normal; }
  6503. .hvut-ml-side input:nth-child(3) { margin-bottom: 10px; }
  6504. .hvut-ml-sort { position: absolute; display: flex; top: 10px; left: 22px; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 16px; }
  6505. .hvut-ml-sort > span { display: inline-block; margin: 0 5px; padding: 2px 0; border: 1px solid; box-sizing: border-box; }
  6506. .hvut-ml-sort > .hvut-ml-sort-current { font-weight: bold; outline: 1px solid; }
  6508. #monster_list { width: auto; }
  6509. #monster_actions { width: auto; }
  6510. #slot_pane { height: 514px !important; white-space: nowrap; }
  6511. #slot_pane > div { position: relative; display: flex; height: 26px; line-height: 26px; }
  6512. #slot_pane > div > div { margin-left: 10px; padding: 0; }
  6513. #slot_pane .fc4 { font-size: 10pt; }
  6514. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(1) { order: 1; width: 20px; }
  6515. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(2) { order: 2; width: 210px; overflow: hidden; }
  6516. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(4) { order: 3; width: 70px; }
  6517. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(3) { order: 4; width: 40px; text-align: right; }
  6518. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(7) { order: 5; width: 90px; }
  6519. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(8) { order: 6; width: 25px; }
  6520. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(9) { order: 7; width: 50px; }
  6521. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(6) { order: 8; width: 200px; }
  6522. #slot_pane > div > div:nth-child(5) { order: 9; width: 200px; }
  6524. .hvut-ml-new { background-color: #edb; }
  6525. .hvut-ml-wins::after { content: 'Last Update: ' attr(data-update); position: absolute; top: 2px; right: 615px; border: 1px solid; padding: 2px 4px; line-height: 16px; background-color: #edb; visibility: hidden; }
  6526. .hvut-ml-wins:hover::after { visibility: visible; }
  6527. .hvut-ml-outdated { color: #c00; }
  6528. .hvut-ml-gains > span { display: inline-block; width: 25px; line-height: 22px; border-radius: 2px; background-color: #5C0D11; color: #fff; }
  6529. .hvut-ml-gains > ul { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 2px; right: 515px; margin: 0; padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px solid; list-style: none; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 20px; white-space: nowrap; background-color: #EDEBDF; z-index: 3; }
  6530. .hvut-ml-gains:hover > ul { visibility: visible; }
  6531. #slot_pane > div:nth-of-type(n+15):nth-last-of-type(-n+5) > .hvut-ml-gains > ul { top: auto; bottom: 2px; }
  6532. .msn { height: auto; }
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  6534. div:hover > .hvut-ml-feed { background-color: #fff9; }
  6536. .hvut-ml-summary { position: absolute; top: 38px; left: 10px; max-height: 500px; min-width: 400px; margin: 0; padding: 10px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid; list-style: none; background-color: #EDEBDF; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 20px; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; z-index: 1; }
  6537. .hvut-ml-summary > li:first-child { margin-bottom: 5px; font-weight: bold; }
  6538. .hvut-ml-summary > li { margin: 0 5px; }
  6539. .hvut-ml-log { position: absolute; top: 38px; left: 610px; margin: 0; padding: 10px; width: 460px; height: 560px; column-count: 2; column-gap: 10px; border: 1px solid; list-style: none; background-color: #EDEBDF; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 16px; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; z-index: 2; }
  6540. .hvut-ml-log > li { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
  6541. .hvut-ml-log > li:nth-child(-n+3) { column-span: all; font-weight: bold; }
  6542. .hvut-ml-log > li:nth-child(3) { margin-bottom: 16px; }
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  6548. .hvut-ml-up-list { height: 493px; margin: 20px 10px 10px; overflow-y: scroll; }
  6549. .hvut-ml-up-table { table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0 3px; margin: -3px auto; width: 1180px; line-height: 24px; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; user-select: none; }
  6550. .hvut-ml-up-table tr:first-child td { position: sticky; top: 0; font-size: 8pt; background-color: #edb; }
  6551. .hvut-ml-up-table tr:hover td { background-color: #edb; }
  6552. .hvut-ml-up-table td { width: 24px; padding: 0; border-width: 1px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #5C0D11; }
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  6555. .hvut-ml-up-table td:nth-child(2) { width: auto; text-align: left; padding-left: 5px; }
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  6557. .hvut-ml-up-table td:nth-child(4) { width: 40px; }
  6558. .hvut-ml-up-table td:nth-child(5) { width: 40px; }
  6559. .hvut-ml-up-table td:nth-child(1),
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  6563. .hvut-ml-up-table td:nth-child(23) { border-left-width: 1px; }
  6564. .hvut-ml-up-table td:last-child { border-right-width: 1px; }
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  6573. .hvut-ml-up-bottom li.hvut-ml-up-nostock { color: #c00; }
  6574. .hvut-ml-up-bottom li > span { float: left; text-align: right; }
  6575. .hvut-ml-up-crystal span:nth-child(1) { width: 70px; }
  6576. .hvut-ml-up-crystal span:nth-child(2) { width: 90px; }
  6577. .hvut-ml-up-crystal span:nth-child(3) { width: 100px; }
  6578. .hvut-ml-up-crystal span:nth-child(4) { width: 90px; }
  6579. .hvut-ml-up-token span:nth-child(1) { width: 110px; }
  6580. .hvut-ml-up-token span:nth-child(2) { width: 70px; }
  6581. .hvut-ml-up-buttons { float: right; width: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  6582. .hvut-ml-up-buttons input { margin: 3px 0; }
  6584. .hvut-ml-plc { display: flex; position: absolute; top: 27px; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 675px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; z-index: 9; background-color: #EDEBDF; font-size: 10pt; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; }
  6585. .hvut-ml-plc-right { height: 635px; margin-left: 20px; }
  6586. .hvut-ml-plc-buttons { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; width: 250px; }
  6587. .hvut-ml-plc-buttons input { margin: 0 0 4px; }
  6588. .hvut-ml-plc-buttons input:nth-child(-n+3) { width: 32%; }
  6589. .hvut-ml-plc-buttons input:nth-child(4) { width: 100%; margin-top: 16px; }
  6590. .hvut-ml-plc-buttons input:nth-child(n+5) { width: 24%; }
  6591. .hvut-ml-plc-table { table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 20px; width: 480px; }
  6592. .hvut-ml-plc-table tr:first-child { font-weight: bold; }
  6593. .hvut-ml-plc-table td { border: 1px solid; padding: 2px 5px; }
  6594. .hvut-ml-plc-table td:first-child { width: 40px; text-align: right; }
  6595. .hvut-ml-plc-left { width: 600px; height: 530px; margin-top: 105px; overflow: auto; line-height: 26px; }
  6596. .hvut-ml-plc-left > div { display: flex; width: 572px; margin: 5px 0; padding: 5px 0; border: 1px solid; }
  6597. .hvut-ml-plc-left > div:first-child { position: absolute; margin-top: -105px; outline: 1px solid; }
  6598. .hvut-ml-plc-left > div > div { width: 240px; padding: 5px; border-left: 1px solid; }
  6599. .hvut-ml-plc-left > div > div:first-child { width: 60px; border-left: none; }
  6600. .hvut-ml-plc-left input[type='number'] { width: 30px; text-align: right; }
  6601. .hvut-ml-plc-del { width: 22px; margin: 0 10px 0 0 !important; }
  6602. .hvut-ml-plc-btn { display: inline-block; width: 140px; text-align: center; }
  6603. .hvut-ml-plc-btn > span { display: inline-block; width: 18px; line-height: 18px; border: 1px solid; margin: 0 1px; text-align: center; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 3px; cursor: default; }
  6604. .hvut-ml-plc-btn > input { width: 25px; padding: 2px 0; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 0; }
  6605. .hvut-ml-plc-btn > .hvut-ml-plc-up { background-color: #edb; }
  6606. .hvut-ml-plc-crystal { display: inline-block; width: 95px; text-align: right; }
  6607. `);
  6609. _ml.materials = ['Low-Grade Cloth', 'Mid-Grade Cloth', 'High-Grade Cloth', 'Low-Grade Leather', 'Mid-Grade Leather', 'High-Grade Leather', 'Low-Grade Metals', 'Mid-Grade Metals', 'High-Grade Metals', 'Low-Grade Wood', 'Mid-Grade Wood', 'High-Grade Wood', 'Crystallized Phazon', 'Shade Fragment', 'Repurposed Actuator', 'Defense Matrix Modulator', 'Binding of Slaughter', 'Binding of Balance', 'Binding of Isaac', 'Binding of Destruction', 'Binding of Focus', 'Binding of Friendship', 'Binding of Protection', 'Binding of Warding', 'Binding of the Fleet', 'Binding of the Barrier', 'Binding of the Nimble', 'Binding of Negation', 'Binding of the Elementalist', 'Binding of the Heaven-sent', 'Binding of the Demon-fiend', 'Binding of the Curse-weaver', 'Binding of the Earth-walker', 'Binding of Surtr', 'Binding of Niflheim', 'Binding of Mjolnir', 'Binding of Freyr', 'Binding of Heimdall', 'Binding of Fenrir', 'Binding of Dampening', 'Binding of Stoneskin', 'Binding of Deflection', 'Binding of the Fire-eater', 'Binding of the Frost-born', 'Binding of the Thunder-child', 'Binding of the Wind-waker', 'Binding of the Thrice-blessed', 'Binding of the Spirit-ward', 'Binding of the Ox', 'Binding of the Raccoon', 'Binding of the Cheetah', 'Binding of the Turtle', 'Binding of the Fox', 'Binding of the Owl'];
  6610. _ml.mobs = [];
  6611. _ml.now = Date.now();
  6612. _ml.log = getValue('ml_log', [{ version: 1 }]);
  6613. _ml.json_migration = function () {
  6614. if (!_ml.log[0]) { // check json format version
  6615. _ml.log[0] = { version: 1 };
  6616. _ml.log.forEach((log, i) => {
  6617. if (!log || i === 0) {
  6618. return;
  6619. }
  6620. log.pa = log.pa.map((e) => [e.value, e.to]);
  6621. log.er = log.er.map((e) => [e.value, e.to]);
  6622. log.ct = log.ct.map((e) => [e.value, e.to, e.max]);
  6623. log.gifts = log.gift;
  6624. log.gifts.push(...log.gifts.splice(28, 6, ...log.gifts.splice(40, 5)));
  6625. delete log.gift;
  6626. delete log.selected;
  6627. });
  6628. setValue('ml_log', _ml.log);
  6629. }
  6630. };
  6631. _ml.json_migration();
  6633. _ml.parse = function (mob, doc) {
  6634. mob.pl = parseInt($qs('.msl > div:nth-child(3)', doc).textContent.slice(4));
  6635. mob.hunger = parseInt($qs('.msl > div:nth-child(5) img', doc).style.width) * 200;
  6636. mob.morale = parseInt($qs('.msl > div:nth-child(6) img', doc).style.width) * 200;
  6637. mob.wins = parseInt($qs('#monsterstats_right > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2)', doc).textContent);
  6638. mob.kills = parseInt($qs('#monsterstats_right > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(2)', doc).textContent);
  6639. mob.log.pl = mob.pl;
  6640. mob.log.wins = mob.wins;
  6641. mob.log.kills = mob.kills;
  6642. mob.log.update = Date.now();
  6644. const stats = $qsa('#monsterstats_top td:nth-child(2)', doc).map((td) => parseInt(td.textContent));
  6645. const pa = stats.slice(0, 6);
  6646. const er = stats.slice(6, 12);
  6647. mob.pa.forEach((e, i) => {
  6648. e.value = pa[i];
  6649. mob.log.pa[i][0] = pa[i];
  6650. });
  6651. mob.er.forEach((e, i) => {
  6652. e.value = er[i];
  6653. mob.log.er[i][0] = er[i];
  6654. });
  6656. $qsa('#chaosupg td:nth-child(2)', doc).forEach((td, i) => {
  6657. mob.ct[i].value = $qsa('.mcu2', td).length;
  6658. mob.log.ct[i][0] = mob.ct[i].value;
  6659. mob.ct[i].max = 20 - $qsa('.mcu0', td).length;
  6660. mob.log.ct[i][2] = mob.ct[i].max;
  6661. });
  6663. setValue('ml_log', _ml.log);
  6664. };
  6666. _ml.price2str = function (price) {
  6667. if (price > 1000000) {
  6668. price = (Math.round(price / 10000) / 100) + 'm';
  6669. } else if (price > 1000) {
  6670. price = (Math.round(price / 10) / 100) + 'k';
  6671. } else {
  6672. price = Math.round(price);
  6673. }
  6674. return price;
  6675. };
  6677. // Monster List
  6678. _ml.main = {
  6680. node: {},
  6681. gains: {},
  6683. click: function (e) {
  6684. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  6685. if (!target) {
  6686. return;
  6687. }
  6688. const { action, index, key } = target.dataset;
  6689. if (action === 'sort') {
  6690. _ml.main.sort(key);
  6691. } else if (action === 'morale') {
  6692. e.stopPropagation();
  6693. _ml.main.feed(index, 'drugs');
  6694. } else if (action === 'hunger') {
  6695. e.stopPropagation();
  6696. _ml.main.feed(index, 'food');
  6697. } else if (action === 'update') {
  6698. e.stopPropagation();
  6699. _ml.main.feed(index);
  6700. }
  6701. },
  6702. mouseover: function (e) {
  6703. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  6704. if (!target) {
  6705. return;
  6706. }
  6707. const { action, index } = target.dataset;
  6708. if (action === 'log') {
  6709. _ml.main.show_log(index);
  6710. }
  6711. },
  6712. mouseout: function (e) {
  6713. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  6714. if (!target) {
  6715. return;
  6716. }
  6717. const { action, index } = target.dataset;
  6718. if (action === 'log') {
  6719. _ml.main.hide_log(index);
  6720. }
  6721. },
  6722. sort: function (key) {
  6723. if (!['#', 'index', 'name', 'class', 'pl', 'wins', 'kills', '+', 'gains', 'gifts', 'morale', 'hunger'].includes(key)) {
  6724. return;
  6725. }
  6726. if (key === '#') {
  6727. key = 'index';
  6728. }
  6729. if (key === '+') {
  6730. key = 'gains';
  6731. }
  6732. let order = ['pl', 'wins', 'kills', 'gains', 'gifts'].includes(key) ? -1 : 1;
  6733. if (key === _ml.main.sort.key) {
  6734. order = _ml.main.sort.order * -1;
  6735. }
  6736. if (_ml.main.sort.key) {
  6737. _ml.main.node.sort[_ml.main.sort.key].classList.remove('hvut-ml-sort-current');
  6738. }
  6739. _ml.main.node.sort[key].classList.add('hvut-ml-sort-current');
  6740. _ml.main.sort.key = key;
  6741. _ml.main.sort.order = order;
  6742. if (!_ml.main.sort.list) {
  6743. const empty = $qsa('#slot_pane > div[onclick*="&create=new"]').map((div) => ({ node: { div }, index: parseInt(div.firstElementChild.textContent) }));
  6744. _ml.main.sort.list = _ml.mobs.filter((mob) => mob).concat(empty);
  6745. }
  6746. _ml.main.sort.list.sort((a, b) => (a[key] == b[key] ? 0 : a[key] == undefined ? 1 : b[key] == undefined ? -1 : (a[key] > b[key] ? 1 : -1) * order));
  6747. $id('slot_pane').prepend(..._ml.main.sort.list.map((mob) => mob.node.div));
  6748. },
  6749. feed: async function (index, food) {
  6750. const mob = _ml.mobs[index];
  6751. if (!mob.status) {
  6752. return;
  6753. }
  6754. mob.status = 0;
  6755. mob.node.wins.textContent = '...';
  6756. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=ml&slot=' + mob.index, food ? 'food_action=' + food : '');
  6757. const doc = $doc(html);
  6758. _ml.main.onsuccess(index, doc);
  6759. //_ml.main.onerror(index);
  6760. },
  6761. feedall: function (stat, value, food) {
  6762. _ml.mobs.forEach((mob) => { _ml.main.feed(mob.index, !value || value >= mob[stat] ? food : null); });
  6763. },
  6764. onsuccess: function (index, doc) {
  6765. const mob = _ml.mobs[index];
  6766. _ml.parse(mob, doc);
  6767. mob.status = 1;
  6768. mob.node.wins.dataset.update = new Date(mob.log.update).toLocaleDateString();
  6769. mob.node.wins.classList.remove('hvut-ml-outdated');
  6770. mob.node.wins.textContent = `${mob.wins} / ${mob.kills}`;
  6771. mob.node.hunger.textContent = mob.hunger;
  6772. mob.node.hungerbar.style.width = (mob.hunger / 200) + 'px';
  6773. mob.node.morale.textContent = mob.morale;
  6774. mob.node.moralebar.style.width = (mob.morale / 200) + 'px';
  6775. },
  6776. onerror: function (index) {
  6777. const mob = _ml.mobs[index];
  6778. mob.status = -1;
  6779. mob.node.wins.classList.add('hvut-ml-outdated');
  6780. mob.node.wins.textContent = '失败';
  6781. },
  6782. change_price: function () {
  6783. _ml.main.make_summary();
  6784. if (_ml.mobs[-1].node.log) {
  6785. _ml.main.make_log(-1);
  6786. }
  6787. _ml.mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  6788. if (mob.node.log) {
  6789. _ml.main.make_log(mob.index);
  6790. }
  6791. });
  6792. },
  6793. toggle_summary: function () {
  6794. _ml.main.node.summary?.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  6795. },
  6796. make_summary: function () {
  6797. const mobs = Object.values(_ml.main.gains);
  6798. if (!mobs.length) {
  6799. return;
  6800. }
  6801. const summary = {};
  6802. const gains = mobs.flat();
  6803. const prices = $price.get('Materials');
  6804. let profit = 0;
  6805. gains.forEach((g) => {
  6806. if (!summary[g]) {
  6807. summary[g] = 0;
  6808. }
  6809. summary[g]++;
  6810. profit += (prices[g] || 0);
  6811. });
  6812. if (!_ml.main.node.summary) {
  6813. _ml.main.node.summary = $element('ul', $id('monster_outer'), ['.hvut-ml-summary']);
  6814. }
  6815. _ml.main.node.summary.innerHTML = '';
  6816. $element('li', _ml.main.node.summary, `${mobs.length} 个怪物给予了你 ${gains.length} 件礼物,价值 ${_ml.price2str(profit)} credits`);
  6817. _ml.materials.forEach((g) => {
  6818. if (summary[g]) {
  6819. $element('li', _ml.main.node.summary, `${summary[g]} x ${g}`);
  6820. }
  6821. });
  6822. },
  6823. toggle_log: function (index) {
  6824. const mob = _ml.mobs[index];
  6825. if (mob.node.log?.parentNode) {
  6826. _ml.main.hide_log(index);
  6827. } else {
  6828. _ml.main.show_log(index);
  6829. }
  6830. },
  6831. show_log: function (index) {
  6832. const mob = _ml.mobs[index];
  6833. if (!mob.node.log) {
  6834. _ml.main.make_log(index);
  6835. }
  6836. $id('monster_outer').appendChild(mob.node.log);
  6837. },
  6838. hide_log: function (index) {
  6839. const mob = _ml.mobs[index];
  6840. mob.node.log?.remove();
  6841. },
  6843. make_log: function (index) {
  6844. const mob = _ml.mobs[index];
  6845. if (!mob.node.log) {
  6846. mob.node.log = $element('ul', null, ['.hvut-ml-log']);
  6847. }
  6848. mob.node.log.innerHTML = '';
  6849. const date = mob.log.date;
  6850. const hours = (_ml.now - date) / (1000 * 60 * 60);
  6851. const daily = Math.max(24, hours);
  6852. const round = Math.round(hours);
  6853. const prices = $price.get('Materials');
  6854. let count = 0;
  6855. let sum = 0;
  6856. // 映射表
  6857. const materialMap = {
  6858. 'Low-Grade Cloth': '低级布料',
  6859. 'Mid-Grade Cloth': '中级布料',
  6860. 'High-Grade Cloth': '高级布料',
  6861. 'Low-Grade Leather': '低级皮革',
  6862. 'Mid-Grade Leather': '中级皮革',
  6863. 'High-Grade Leather': '高级皮革',
  6864. 'Low-Grade Metals': '低级金属',
  6865. 'Mid-Grade Metals': '中级金属',
  6866. 'High-Grade Metals': '高级金属',
  6867. 'Low-Grade Wood': '低级木材',
  6868. 'Mid-Grade Wood': '中级木材',
  6869. 'High-Grade Wood': '高级木材',
  6870. 'Binding of Slaughter': '粘合剂 基础攻击伤害',
  6871. 'Binding of Balance': '粘合剂 物理命中率',
  6872. 'Binding of Isaac': '粘合剂 物理暴击率',
  6873. 'Binding of Destruction': '粘合剂 基础魔法伤害',
  6874. 'Binding of Focus': '粘合剂 魔法命中率',
  6875. 'Binding of Friendship': '粘合剂 魔法暴击率',
  6876. 'Binding of Protection': '粘合剂 物理减伤',
  6877. 'Binding of Warding': '粘合剂 魔法减伤',
  6878. 'Binding of the Fleet': '粘合剂 回避率',
  6879. 'Binding of the Barrier': '粘合剂 格挡率',
  6880. 'Binding of the Nimble': '粘合剂 招架率',
  6881. 'Binding of Negation': '粘合剂 抵抗率',
  6882. 'Binding of the Ox': '粘合剂 力量',
  6883. 'Binding of the Raccoon': '粘合剂 灵巧',
  6884. 'Binding of the Cheetah': '粘合剂 敏捷',
  6885. 'Binding of the Turtle': '粘合剂 体质',
  6886. 'Binding of the Fox': '粘合剂 智力',
  6887. 'Binding of the Owl': '粘合剂 智慧',
  6888. 'Binding of the Elementalist': '粘合剂 元素魔法熟练度',
  6889. 'Binding of the Heaven-sent': '粘合剂 神圣魔法熟练度',
  6890. 'Binding of the Demon-fiend': '粘合剂 黑暗魔法熟练度',
  6891. 'Binding of the Curse-weaver': '粘合剂 减益魔法熟练度',
  6892. 'Binding of the Earth-walker': '粘合剂 增益魔法熟练度',
  6893. 'Binding of Surtr': '粘合剂 火焰魔法伤害',
  6894. 'Binding of Niflheim': '粘合剂 冰冷魔法伤害',
  6895. 'Binding of Mjolnir': '粘合剂 闪电魔法伤害',
  6896. 'Binding of Freyr': '粘合剂 疾风魔法伤害',
  6897. 'Binding of Heimdall': '粘合剂 神圣魔法伤害',
  6898. 'Binding of Fenrir': '粘合剂 黑暗魔法伤害',
  6899. 'Binding of Dampening': '粘合剂 打击减伤',
  6900. 'Binding of Stoneskin': '粘合剂 斩击减伤',
  6901. 'Binding of Deflection': '粘合剂 刺击减伤',
  6902. 'Binding of the Fire-eater': '粘合剂 火焰减伤',
  6903. 'Binding of the Frost-born': '粘合剂 冰冷减伤',
  6904. 'Binding of the Thunder-child': '粘合剂 闪电减伤',
  6905. 'Binding of the Wind-waker': '粘合剂 疾风减伤',
  6906. 'Binding of the Thrice-blessed': '粘合剂 神圣减伤',
  6907. 'Binding of the Spirit-ward': '粘合剂 黑暗减伤',
  6908. 'Defense Matrix Modulator' : '力场碎片(盾)',
  6909. 'Repurposed Actuator' : '动力碎片(重)',
  6910. 'Shade Fragment' : '暗影碎片(轻)',
  6911. 'Crystallized Phazon' : '相位碎片(布)',
  6912. // 添加其余材料的映射
  6913. };
  6914. _ml.materials.forEach((mat, i) => {
  6915. const chineseName = materialMap[mat] || mat; // 如果在映射表中找不到对应的中文名称,则使用原始英文名称
  6916. const li = $element('li', mob.node.log, mob.log.gifts[i] + ' x ' + chineseName);
  6917. if (i === 12 || i === 16 || i === 22 || i === 28 || i === 33 || i === 39 || i === 42 || i === 48) {
  6918. li.classList.add('hvut-ml-margin');
  6919. }
  6920. if (i === 27) {
  6921. li.classList.add('hvut-ml-break');
  6922. }
  6923. count += mob.log.gifts[i];
  6924. sum += mob.log.gifts[i] * (prices[mat] || 0);
  6925. });
  6926. mob.node.log.prepend(
  6927. $element('li', null, '已经过 ' + Math.floor(round / 24) + ' 天 ' + (round % 24) + ' 小时 / 自 ' + (new Date(date)).toLocaleString()),
  6928. $element('li', null, '- 总计: ' + count + ' 份礼物,估价 ' + _ml.price2str(sum) + ' Credits'),
  6929. $element('li', null, '- 日平均: ' + (Math.round(count / daily * 24 * 10) / 10) + ' 份礼物,估价 ' + _ml.price2str(sum / daily * 24) + ' Credits')
  6930. );
  6931. if (index == -1) { // 摘要
  6932. $element('li', mob.node.log, ['.hvut-ml-reset']).appendChild(
  6933. $input(['button', '重置日志'], null, null, () => { _ml.main.reset_log(); })
  6934. );
  6935. }
  6936. },
  6937. reset_log: function () {
  6938. if (confirm('怪物礼物日志将被重置。\n继续吗?')) {
  6939. deleteValue('ml_log');
  6940. location.href = location.href;
  6941. }
  6942. },
  6944. };
  6946. // Initializing List
  6947. if ($id('messagebox_outer')) {
  6948. let monster;
  6949. let gift;
  6950. get_message(null, true).forEach((msg) => {
  6951. if (!msg) {
  6952. return;
  6953. } else if (/^(.+) brought you (?:a gift|some gifts)!$/.test(msg)) {
  6954. monster = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase();
  6955. _ml.main.gains[monster] = [];
  6956. } else if (/^Received (?:a|some) (.+)$/.test(msg)) {
  6957. gift = RegExp.$1;
  6958. _ml.main.gains[monster].push(gift);
  6959. } else {
  6960. popup(msg);
  6961. }
  6962. });
  6963. if (settings.monsterLabCloseDefaultPopup) {
  6964. $id('messagebox_outer').remove();
  6965. }
  6966. }
  6968. _ml.mobs[-1] = { log: { date: _ml.now, gifts: (new Array(54)).fill(0) }, node: {} };
  6970. $qsa('#slot_pane > div').forEach((div, i) => {
  6971. const index = i + 1;
  6972. if (div.getAttribute('onclick').includes('&create=new')) {
  6973. _ml.log[index] = null;
  6974. return;
  6975. }
  6977. let log = _ml.log[index];
  6978. if (!log) {
  6979. log = { date: _ml.now, update: 0, pl: null, wins: 0, kills: 0, pa: [], er: [], ct: [], gifts: [] };
  6980. _ml.log[index] = log;
  6981. for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  6982. log.pa[i] = [0, 0];
  6983. log.er[i] = [0, 0];
  6984. }
  6985. for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
  6986. log.ct[i] = [0, 0, 0];
  6987. }
  6988. for (let i = 0; i < 54; i++) {
  6989. log.gifts[i] = 0;
  6990. }
  6991. }
  6992. if (_ml.mobs[-1].log.date > log.date) {
  6993. _ml.mobs[-1].log.date = log.date;
  6994. }
  6996. const mob = { index, log, status: -1, pa: [], er: [], ct: [], node: { div: div } };
  6997. _ml.mobs[mob.index] = mob;
  6999. mob.name = div.children[1].textContent;
  7000. mob.class = div.children[3].textContent;
  7001. mob.pl = parseInt(div.children[2].textContent.slice(4));
  7002. div.children[2].textContent = mob.pl;
  7003. if (mob.pl !== mob.log.pl) {
  7004. mob.update_needed = true;
  7005. }
  7006. mob.wins = mob.log.wins;
  7007. mob.kills = mob.log.kills;
  7008. for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  7009. mob.pa[i] = { value: log.pa[i][0], to: 0 };
  7010. mob.er[i] = { value: log.er[i][0], to: 0 };
  7011. }
  7012. for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
  7013. mob.ct[i] = { value: log.ct[i][0], to: 0, max: log.ct[i][2] };
  7014. }
  7016. const hungerdiv = div.children[4];
  7017. const moralediv = div.children[5];
  7018. hungerdiv.dataset.action = 'hunger';
  7019. hungerdiv.dataset.index = index;
  7020. moralediv.dataset.action = 'morale';
  7021. moralediv.dataset.index = index;
  7023. mob.node.hungerbar = hungerdiv.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;
  7024. mob.node.moralebar = moralediv.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;
  7025. mob.hunger = parseInt(mob.node.hungerbar.style.width) * 200;
  7026. mob.morale = parseInt(mob.node.moralebar.style.width) * 200;
  7027. mob.node.hunger = $element('div', hungerdiv.firstElementChild, [mob.hunger, '.hvut-ml-feed']);
  7028. mob.node.morale = $element('div', moralediv.firstElementChild, [mob.morale, '.hvut-ml-feed']);
  7029. mob.node.wins = $element('div', div, ['.hvut-ml-wins', { dataset: { action: 'update', index } }]);
  7030. mob.node.gains = $element('div', div, ['.hvut-ml-gains']);
  7031. mob.node.gifts = $element('div', div, { dataset: { action: 'log', index } });
  7033. if (mob.log.update) {
  7034. mob.node.wins.textContent = `${mob.wins} / ${mob.kills}`;
  7035. mob.node.wins.dataset.update = new Date(mob.log.update).toLocaleDateString();
  7036. if (mob.log.update < Date.now() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
  7037. mob.node.wins.classList.add('hvut-ml-outdated');
  7038. }
  7039. } else {
  7040. mob.node.wins.textContent = '-';
  7041. }
  7043. const gains = _ml.main.gains[mob.name.toLowerCase()];
  7044. if (gains) {
  7045. mob.gains = gains.length;
  7046. div.classList.add('hvut-ml-new');
  7047. $element('span', mob.node.gains, gains.length);
  7048. const ul = $element('ul', mob.node.gains);
  7049. gains.forEach((g) => {
  7050. $element('li', ul, g);
  7051. mob.log.gifts[_ml.materials.indexOf(g)]++;
  7052. });
  7053. }
  7055. for (let i = 0; i < 54; i++) {
  7056. _ml.mobs[-1].log.gifts[i] += mob.log.gifts[i];
  7057. }
  7058. mob.gifts = mob.log.gifts.reduce((s, e) => s + e, 0);
  7059. mob.node.gifts.textContent = mob.gifts;
  7060. });
  7062. setValue('ml_log', _ml.log);
  7064. $id('monster_list').addEventListener('click', _ml.main.click, true);
  7065. $id('monster_list').addEventListener('mouseover', _ml.main.mouseover);
  7066. $id('monster_list').addEventListener('mouseout', _ml.main.mouseout);
  7068. const sort_div = $element('div', [$id('slot_pane'), 'beforebegin'], ['.hvut-ml-sort hvut-cphu-sub']);
  7069. _ml.main.node.sort = {
  7070. index: $element('span', sort_div, [{ textContent: '编号' }, '!width: 30px; max-height: 20px;', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'index' } }]),
  7071. name: $element('span', sort_div, ['名称', '!width: 200px; max-height: 20px;', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'name' } }]),
  7072. class: $element('span', sort_div, ['类型', '!width: 90px; max-height: 20px;', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'class' } }]),
  7073. pl: $element('span', sort_div, ['战力', '!width: 40px; max-height: 20px;', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'pl' } }]),
  7074. wins: $element('span', sort_div, ['胜场', '!width: 30px; max-height: 20px;', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'wins' } }]),
  7075. kills: $element('span', sort_div, ['击杀', '!width: 30px; max-height: 20px;', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'kills' } }]),
  7076. gains: $element('span', sort_div, ['礼物', '!width: 30px; max-height: 40px;', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'gains' } }]),
  7077. gifts: $element('span', sort_div, ['合计礼物', '!width: 60px; max-height: 20px;', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'gifts' } }]),
  7078. morale: $element('span', sort_div, ['士气', '!width: 200px; max-height: 20px; ', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'morale' } }]),
  7079. hunger: $element('span', sort_div, ['饥饿度', '!width: 200px; max-height: 20px; ', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'hunger' } }]),
  7080. };
  7082. if (settings.monsterLabDefaultSort === '#') {
  7083. _ml.main.sort.key = 'index';
  7084. _ml.main.sort.order = 1;
  7085. _ml.main.node.sort.index.classList.add('hvut-ml-sort-current');
  7086. } else {
  7087. _ml.main.sort(settings.monsterLabDefaultSort);
  7088. }
  7090. const side_div = $element('div', $id('monster_outer'), ['.hvut-ml-side']);
  7091. $input(['button', '礼物清单'], side_div, null, () => { _ml.main.toggle_summary(); });
  7092. $input(['button', '日志'], side_div, null, () => { _ml.main.toggle_log(-1); });
  7093. $input(['button', '材料价格'], side_div, null, () => { $price.edit('Materials', _ml.main.change_price); });
  7094. $input(['button', '更新击杀与胜场'], side_div, null, () => { _ml.main.feedall(); });
  7095. $input(['button', '怪物升级器'], side_div, { id: 'hvut-ml-up-button' }, () => { _ml.upgrade.toggle(); });
  7096. $input(['button', '战力计算器'], side_div, null, () => { _ml.plc.toggle(); });
  7098. _ml.main.make_summary();
  7100. // Monster Upgrader
  7101. _ml.upgrade = {
  7103. pa: [
  7104. { query: 'pa_str', text: '力量', crystal: 'Crystal of Vigor' },
  7105. { query: 'pa_dex', text: '灵巧', crystal: 'Crystal of Finesse' },
  7106. { query: 'pa_agi', text: '敏捷', crystal: 'Crystal of Swiftness' },
  7107. { query: 'pa_end', text: '体质', crystal: 'Crystal of Fortitude' },
  7108. { query: 'pa_int', text: '智力', crystal: 'Crystal of Cunning' },
  7109. { query: 'pa_wis', text: '智慧', crystal: 'Crystal of Knowledge' },
  7110. ],
  7111. er: [
  7112. { query: 'er_fire', text: '火焰', crystal: 'Crystal of Flames' },
  7113. { query: 'er_cold', text: '冰冷', crystal: 'Crystal of Frost' },
  7114. { query: 'er_elec', text: '闪电', crystal: 'Crystal of Lightning' },
  7115. { query: 'er_wind', text: '疾风', crystal: 'Crystal of Tempest' },
  7116. { query: 'er_holy', text: '神圣', crystal: 'Crystal of Devotion' },
  7117. { query: 'er_dark', text: '黑暗', crystal: 'Crystal of Corruption' },
  7118. ],
  7119. ct: [
  7120. { query: 'affect', text: '寻宝', desc: '增加送礼概率倍率 2.5%' },
  7121. { query: 'health', text: '刚毅', desc: '增加怪物生命值 5%' },
  7122. { query: 'damage', text: '蛮横', desc: '增加怪物伤害力 2.5%' },
  7123. { query: 'accur', text: '命中', desc: '增加怪物命中率 5%' },
  7124. { query: 'cevbl', text: '精密', desc: '减少目标有效闪避/格挡率 1%' },
  7125. { query: 'cpare', text: '压制', desc: '减少目标有效招架/抵抗率 1%' },
  7126. { query: 'parry', text: '拦截', desc: '增加怪物拦截率 0.5%' },
  7127. { query: 'resist', text: '弥散', desc: '增加怪物抵抗率 0.5%' },
  7128. { query: 'evade', text: '闪避', desc: '增加怪物闪避率 0.5%' },
  7129. { query: 'phymit', text: '防御', desc: '增加怪物物理减伤 1%' },
  7130. { query: 'magmit', text: '魔防', desc: '增加怪物魔法减伤 1%' },
  7131. { query: 'atkspd', text: '迅捷', desc: '增加怪物攻击速度 2.5%' },
  7132. ],
  7134. pa_pl: [0],
  7135. er_pl: [0],
  7136. pa_crystal: [0],
  7137. er_crystal: [0],
  7138. pa_morale: [0],
  7139. er_morale: [0],
  7141. node: {
  7142. button: $id('hvut-ml-up-button'),
  7143. },
  7145. mousedown: function (e) {
  7146. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  7147. if (!target) {
  7148. return;
  7149. }
  7150. const { action, index, type, item, key } = target.dataset;
  7151. if (action === 'sort') {
  7152. _ml.upgrade.sort(key);
  7153. } else if (action === 'reset') {
  7154. _ml.upgrade.reset(index);
  7155. } else if (action === 'upgrade') {
  7156. const which = e.which === 1 ? 1 : e.which === 3 ? -1 : 0;
  7157. _ml.upgrade.exec(index, type, item, which);
  7158. }
  7159. },
  7160. contextmenu: function (e) {
  7161. e.preventDefault();
  7162. },
  7164. init: async function () {
  7165. if (_ml.upgrade.inited) {
  7166. return;
  7167. }
  7168. _ml.upgrade.inited = true;
  7170. if (!$item.list) {
  7171. _ml.upgrade.node.button.disabled = true;
  7172. await $item.once();
  7173. _ml.upgrade.pa.forEach((e) => {
  7174. e.stock = $item.count(e.crystal);
  7175. });
  7176. _ml.upgrade.er.forEach((e) => {
  7177. e.stock = $item.count(e.crystal);
  7178. });
  7179. _ml.upgrade.ct.stock = $item.count('Chaos Token');
  7180. _ml.upgrade.node.button.disabled = false;
  7181. }
  7182. await _ml.upgrade.update();
  7184. _ml.upgrade.node.div = $element('div', $id('mainpane'), ['.hvut-ml-up']);
  7185. const list = $element('div', _ml.upgrade.node.div, ['.hvut-ml-up-list'], { mousedown: (e) => { _ml.upgrade.mousedown(e); }, contextmenu: (e) => { _ml.upgrade.contextmenu(e); } });
  7186. const bottom = $element('div', _ml.upgrade.node.div, ['.hvut-ml-up-bottom']);
  7188. _ml.upgrade.sort.key = 'index';
  7189. _ml.upgrade.sort.order = 1;
  7191. _ml.upgrade.node.table = $element('table', list, ['.hvut-ml-up-table']);
  7192. const thead = $element('tr', _ml.upgrade.node.table);
  7193. $element('td', thead, { textContent: '编号', dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'index' } });
  7194. $element('td', thead, ['姓名', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'name' } }]);
  7195. $element('td', thead, ['类型', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'class' } }]);
  7196. $element('td', thead, ['战力', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'pl' } }]);
  7197. $element('td', thead, ['士气', { dataset: { action: 'sort', key: 'morale' } }]);
  7198. $element('td', thead, ['*', { dataset: { action: 'reset', index: 'all', desc: '全部重置' } }]);
  7200. $element('td', thead, ['+', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: 'all', type: 'pa', item: 'all', desc: '所有主属性强化提升1级,右键降低' } }]);
  7201. $element('td', thead, ['=', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: 'all', type: 'pa', item: 'equal', desc: '均衡提升强化等级' } }]);
  7202. _ml.upgrade.pa.forEach((pa, i) => { $element('td', thead, [pa.text.toLowerCase(), { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: 'all', type: 'pa', item: i, desc: pa.crystal } }]); });
  7204. $element('td', thead, ['+', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: 'all', type: 'er', item: 'all', desc: '所有元素减伤强化提升1级,右键降低' } }]);
  7205. $element('td', thead, ['=', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: 'all', type: 'er', item: 'equal', desc: '均衡提升强化等级' } }]);
  7206. _ml.upgrade.er.forEach((er, i) => { $element('td', thead, [er.text.toLowerCase(), { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: 'all', type: 'er', item: i, desc: er.crystal } }]); });
  7208. $element('td', thead, ['+', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: 'all', type: 'ct', item: 'all', desc: '所有混沌强化提升1级,右键降低' } }]);
  7209. _ml.upgrade.ct.forEach((ct, i) => { $element('td', thead, [ct.text.slice(0, 3).toLowerCase(), { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: 'all', type: 'ct', item: i, desc: `${ct.text} : ${ct.desc}` } }]); });
  7211. const pa_ul = $element('ul', bottom, ['.hvut-ml-up-crystal']);
  7212. _ml.upgrade.pa.forEach((e) => {
  7213. e.li = $element('li', pa_ul);
  7214. });
  7215. const er_ul = $element('ul', bottom, ['.hvut-ml-up-crystal']);
  7216. _ml.upgrade.er.forEach((e) => {
  7217. e.li = $element('li', er_ul);
  7218. });
  7219. _ml.upgrade.ct.ul = $element('ul', bottom, ['.hvut-ml-up-token']);
  7221. const buttons = $element('div', bottom, ['.hvut-ml-up-buttons']);
  7222. $input(['button', '保存升级计划'], buttons, null, () => { _ml.upgrade.save(); });
  7223. $input(['button', '加载升级计划'], buttons, null, () => { _ml.upgrade.load(); });
  7224. _ml.upgrade.node.update = $input(['button', '更新数据'], buttons, null, () => { _ml.upgrade.force_update(); });
  7225. _ml.upgrade.node.run = $input(['button', '执行升级'], buttons, null, () => { _ml.upgrade.run(); });
  7226. $input(['button', '关闭'], buttons, null, () => { _ml.upgrade.toggle(); });
  7228. for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
  7229. _ml.upgrade.pa_pl[i + 1] = _ml.upgrade.pa_pl[i] + (3 + i * 0.5);
  7230. _ml.upgrade.pa_crystal[i + 1] = _ml.upgrade.pa_crystal[i] + Math.round(50 * Math.pow(1.555079154, i));
  7231. _ml.upgrade.pa_morale[i + 1] = _ml.upgrade.pa_morale[i] + (3 + Math.ceil(i * 0.5)) * 1000;
  7232. }
  7233. for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
  7234. _ml.upgrade.er_pl[i + 1] = _ml.upgrade.er_pl[i] + Math.floor(1 + i * 0.1);
  7235. _ml.upgrade.er_crystal[i + 1] = _ml.upgrade.er_crystal[i] + Math.round(10 * Math.pow(1.26485522, i));
  7236. _ml.upgrade.er_morale[i + 1] = _ml.upgrade.er_morale[i] + (1 + Math.floor(i * 0.1)) * 2000;
  7237. }
  7238. _ml.upgrade.pa.forEach((e) => {
  7239. e.used = 0;
  7240. e.require = 0;
  7241. });
  7242. _ml.upgrade.er.forEach((e) => {
  7243. e.used = 0;
  7244. e.require = 0;
  7245. });
  7247. let ct_slot = $qsa('#slot_pane > div.msl').length;
  7248. const ct_next = /Cost: (\d+) Chaos Token/.test($id('monster_actions').textContent) && parseInt(RegExp.$1);
  7249. if (ct_next === Math.ceil(1 + Math.pow(ct_slot, 1.2))) {
  7250. } else if (ct_next === Math.ceil(1 + Math.pow(ct_slot / 2, 1.2))) {
  7251. ct_slot = ct_slot / 2;
  7252. } else {
  7253. ct_slot = 0;
  7254. }
  7255. _ml.upgrade.ct.unlock = 0;
  7256. for (let i = 0; i < ct_slot; i++) {
  7257. _ml.upgrade.ct.unlock += Math.ceil(1 + Math.pow(i, 1.2));
  7258. }
  7259. _ml.upgrade.ct.used = 0;
  7260. _ml.upgrade.ct.require = 0;
  7262. // create mob list table here
  7263. _ml.mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  7264. mob.node.tr = $element('tr', _ml.upgrade.node.table);
  7265. const tr = mob.node.tr;
  7267. $element('td', tr, mob.index);
  7268. $element('td', tr, mob.name);
  7269. $element('td', tr, mob.class);
  7270. mob.node.pl = $element('td', tr, mob.pl);
  7271. mob.node.morale = $element('td', tr, [(mob.morale / 100), (mob.morale < settings.monsterLabMorale ? '.hvut-ml-up-change' : '')]);
  7272. $element('td', tr, ['*', { dataset: { action: 'reset', index: mob.index } }]);
  7274. $element('td', tr, ['+', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: mob.index, type: 'pa', item: 'all' } }]);
  7275. $element('td', tr, ['=', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: mob.index, type: 'pa', item: 'equal' } }]);
  7276. mob.pa.forEach((e, i) => {
  7277. e.node = $element('td', tr, [e.value, { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: mob.index, type: 'pa', item: i } }]);
  7278. e.to = e.value;
  7279. e.used = _ml.upgrade.pa_crystal[e.value];
  7280. _ml.upgrade.pa[i].used += e.used;
  7281. e.require = 0;
  7282. });
  7284. $element('td', tr, ['+', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: mob.index, type: 'er', item: 'all' } }]);
  7285. $element('td', tr, ['=', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: mob.index, type: 'er', item: 'equal' } }]);
  7286. mob.er.forEach((e, i) => {
  7287. e.node = $element('td', tr, [e.value, { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: mob.index, type: 'er', item: i } }]);
  7288. e.to = e.value;
  7289. e.used = _ml.upgrade.er_crystal[e.value];
  7290. _ml.upgrade.er[i].used += e.used;
  7291. e.require = 0;
  7292. });
  7294. mob.ct.used = 0;
  7295. mob.ct.require = 0;
  7296. $element('td', tr, ['+', { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: mob.index, type: 'ct', item: 'all' } }]);
  7297. mob.ct.forEach((e, i) => {
  7298. e.node = $element('td', tr, [e.value, { dataset: { action: 'upgrade', index: mob.index, type: 'ct', item: i } }]);
  7299. e.to = e.value;
  7300. mob.ct.used += (1 + e.value) * e.value / 2;
  7301. });
  7302. _ml.upgrade.ct.used += mob.ct.used;
  7303. });
  7305. _ml.upgrade.sum();
  7306. },
  7308. update: async function () {
  7309. const mobs = _ml.mobs.filter((mob) => mob.update_needed);
  7310. const total = mobs.length;
  7311. if (!total) {
  7312. return;
  7313. }
  7315. _ml.upgrade.node.button.disabled = true;
  7316. _ml.upgrade.node.button.value = '更新数据中...';
  7317. if (_ml.upgrade.node.run) {
  7318. _ml.upgrade.node.run.disabled = true;
  7319. _ml.upgrade.node.run.value = '更新数据中...';
  7320. }
  7322. async function update(mob) {
  7323. const html = await $ajax.fetch(`?s=Bazaar&ss=ml&slot=${mob.index}`);
  7324. const doc = $doc(html);
  7325. done++;
  7326. mob.update_needed = false;
  7327. _ml.parse(mob, doc);
  7328. _ml.upgrade.node.button.value = `更新中... (${done}/${total})`;
  7329. if (_ml.upgrade.node.run) {
  7330. _ml.upgrade.node.run.value = `${done}/${total}`;
  7331. }
  7332. }
  7334. let done = 0;
  7335. const requests = mobs.map((mob) => update(mob));
  7336. await Promise.all(requests);
  7338. setValue('ml_log', _ml.log);
  7339. _ml.upgrade.node.button.disabled = false;
  7340. _ml.upgrade.node.button.value = '更新怪物数据';
  7341. if (_ml.upgrade.node.run) {
  7342. _ml.upgrade.node.run.value = '完成';
  7343. }
  7344. },
  7346. force_update: function () {
  7347. _ml.mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  7348. mob.log.pl = -1;
  7349. });
  7350. setValue('ml_log', _ml.log);
  7351. location.href = location.href;
  7352. },
  7354. sort: function (key) {
  7355. if (!['#', 'index', 'name', 'class', 'pl', 'wins', 'kills', '+', 'gains', 'gifts', 'morale', 'hunger'].includes(key)) {
  7356. return;
  7357. }
  7358. if (key === '#') {
  7359. key = 'index';
  7360. }
  7361. if (key === '+') {
  7362. key = 'gains';
  7363. }
  7364. let order = ['wins', 'kills', 'gains', 'gifts'].includes(key) ? -1 : 1;
  7365. if (key === _ml.upgrade.sort.key) {
  7366. order = _ml.upgrade.sort.order * -1;
  7367. }
  7368. _ml.upgrade.sort.key = key;
  7369. _ml.upgrade.sort.order = order;
  7371. if (!_ml.upgrade.sort.list) {
  7372. _ml.upgrade.sort.list = _ml.mobs.filter((mob) => mob);
  7373. }
  7374. _ml.upgrade.sort.list.sort((a, b) => (a[key] == b[key] ? 0 : a[key] == undefined ? 1 : b[key] == undefined ? -1 : (a[key] > b[key] ? 1 : -1) * order));
  7375. _ml.upgrade.node.table.append(..._ml.upgrade.sort.list.map((mob) => mob.node.tr));
  7376. },
  7378. exec: function (index, type, item, which) {
  7379. let mobs;
  7380. if (index === 'all') {
  7381. mobs = _ml.mobs;
  7382. } else {
  7383. mobs = [_ml.mobs[index]];
  7384. }
  7385. mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  7386. let items;
  7387. if (item === 'equal') {
  7388. const max = Math.max(...mob[type].map((e) => e.to));
  7389. mob[type].forEach((e) => { e.to = max; });
  7390. items = mob[type];
  7391. which = 0;
  7392. } else if (item === 'all') {
  7393. items = mob[type];
  7394. } else {
  7395. items = [mob[type][item]];
  7396. }
  7397. items.forEach((e) => {
  7398. const value = e.value;
  7399. let to = e.to + which;
  7400. const max = type === 'pa' ? 25 : type === 'er' ? 50 : type === 'ct' ? e.max : 0;
  7401. if (to < value) {
  7402. to = value;
  7403. } else if (to > max) {
  7404. to = max;
  7405. }
  7406. e.to = to;
  7407. e.node.textContent = to;
  7408. if (to > value) {
  7409. e.node.classList.add('hvut-ml-up-change');
  7410. } else {
  7411. e.node.classList.remove('hvut-ml-up-change');
  7412. }
  7413. });
  7414. _ml.upgrade.calc(mob);
  7416. mob.node.pl.textContent = mob.pl_to;
  7417. if (mob.pl === mob.pl_to) {
  7418. mob.node.pl.classList.remove('hvut-ml-up-change');
  7419. } else {
  7420. mob.node.pl.classList.add('hvut-ml-up-change');
  7421. }
  7422. mob.node.morale.textContent = mob.morale_to / 100;
  7423. if (mob.morale_to < settings.monsterLabMorale) {
  7424. mob.node.morale.classList.add('hvut-ml-up-change');
  7425. } else {
  7426. mob.node.morale.classList.remove('hvut-ml-up-change');
  7427. }
  7428. });
  7430. _ml.upgrade.sum(true);
  7431. },
  7433. reset: function (index) {
  7434. let mobs;
  7435. if (index === 'all') {
  7436. mobs = _ml.mobs;
  7437. } else {
  7438. mobs = [_ml.mobs[index]];
  7439. }
  7440. mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  7441. mob.pa.forEach((e) => {
  7442. e.to = e.value;
  7443. });
  7444. mob.er.forEach((e) => {
  7445. e.to = e.value;
  7446. });
  7447. mob.ct.forEach((e) => {
  7448. e.to = e.value;
  7449. });
  7450. _ml.upgrade.exec(mob.index, 'pa', 'all', 0);
  7451. _ml.upgrade.exec(mob.index, 'er', 'all', 0);
  7452. _ml.upgrade.exec(mob.index, 'ct', 'all', 0);
  7453. //_ml.upgrade.calc(mob);
  7454. });
  7455. //_ml.upgrade.sum(true);
  7456. },
  7458. calc: function (mob) {
  7459. mob.pa.forEach((e) => {
  7460. e.require = _ml.upgrade.pa_crystal[e.to] - _ml.upgrade.pa_crystal[e.value];
  7461. });
  7462. mob.er.forEach((e) => {
  7463. e.require = _ml.upgrade.er_crystal[e.to] - _ml.upgrade.er_crystal[e.value];
  7464. });
  7466. mob.ct.require = mob.ct.reduce((s, e) => s + (e.value + 1 + e.to) * (e.to - e.value) / 2, 0);
  7467. mob.pl_to = Math.round(
  7468. mob.pa.reduce((s, e) => s + _ml.upgrade.pa_pl[e.to], 0)
  7469. + mob.er.reduce((s, e) => s + _ml.upgrade.er_pl[e.to], 0)
  7470. );
  7471. mob.morale_to = Math.min(
  7472. 24000,
  7473. mob.morale
  7474. + mob.pa.reduce((s, e) => s + (_ml.upgrade.pa_morale[e.to] - _ml.upgrade.pa_morale[e.value]), 0)
  7475. + mob.er.reduce((s, e) => s + (_ml.upgrade.er_morale[e.to] - _ml.upgrade.er_morale[e.value]), 0)
  7476. );
  7477. },
  7479. sum: function (calc) {
  7480. if (calc) {
  7481. _ml.upgrade.pa.forEach((e) => {
  7482. e.require = 0;
  7483. });
  7484. _ml.upgrade.er.forEach((e) => {
  7485. e.require = 0;
  7486. });
  7487. _ml.upgrade.ct.require = 0;
  7489. _ml.mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  7490. mob.pa.forEach((e, i) => {
  7491. _ml.upgrade.pa[i].require += e.require;
  7492. });
  7493. mob.er.forEach((e, i) => {
  7494. _ml.upgrade.er[i].require += e.require;
  7495. });
  7496. _ml.upgrade.ct.require += mob.ct.require;
  7497. });
  7498. }
  7500. _ml.upgrade.pa.forEach((e) => {
  7501. e.li.innerHTML = `
  7502. <span>${e.crystal.slice(11)}</span>
  7503. <span>${e.used.toLocaleString()}</span>
  7504. <span>+${e.require.toLocaleString()}</span>
  7505. <span>(${e.stock.toLocaleString()})</span>`;
  7507. if (e.require > e.stock) {
  7508. e.li.classList.add('hvut-ml-up-nostock');
  7509. } else {
  7510. e.li.classList.remove('hvut-ml-up-nostock');
  7511. }
  7512. });
  7514. _ml.upgrade.er.forEach((e) => {
  7515. e.li.innerHTML = `
  7516. <span>${e.crystal.slice(11)}</span>
  7517. <span>${e.used.toLocaleString()}</span>
  7518. <span>+${e.require.toLocaleString()}</span>
  7519. <span>(${e.stock.toLocaleString()})</span>`;
  7521. if (e.require > e.stock) {
  7522. e.li.classList.add('hvut-ml-up-nostock');
  7523. } else {
  7524. e.li.classList.remove('hvut-ml-up-nostock');
  7525. }
  7526. });
  7528. _ml.upgrade.ct.ul.innerHTML = `
  7529. <li><span>混沌令牌</span></li>
  7530. <li><span>用于解锁</span><span>${_ml.upgrade.ct.unlock.toLocaleString()}</span></li>
  7531. <li><span>用于升级</span><span>${_ml.upgrade.ct.used.toLocaleString()}</span></li>
  7532. <li><span>总计</span><span>${(_ml.upgrade.ct.unlock + _ml.upgrade.ct.used).toLocaleString()}</span></li>
  7533. <li><span>需求</span><span>${_ml.upgrade.ct.require.toLocaleString()}</span></li>
  7534. <li><span>库存</span><span>${_ml.upgrade.ct.stock.toLocaleString()}</span></li>`;
  7536. if (_ml.upgrade.ct.require > _ml.upgrade.ct.stock) {
  7537. _ml.upgrade.ct.ul.lastElementChild.classList.add('hvut-ml-up-nostock');
  7538. }
  7539. _ml.upgrade.stock = !$qs('.hvut-ml-up-nostock');
  7540. _ml.upgrade.node.run.disabled = !_ml.upgrade.stock;
  7541. },
  7543. run: async function () {
  7544. if (!_ml.upgrade.stock) {
  7545. alert('水晶或混沌令牌不足');
  7546. return;
  7547. }
  7548. if (!confirm('确定要这么升级怪物吗?')) {
  7549. return;
  7550. }
  7552. const urls = [];
  7553. _ml.mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  7554. let update_needed = false;
  7555. mob.pa.forEach((e, i) => {
  7556. let count = e.to - e.value;
  7557. if (count < 1) {
  7558. return;
  7559. }
  7560. update_needed = true;
  7561. while (count > 10) {
  7562. urls.push([`?s=Bazaar&ss=ml&slot=${mob.index}`, `crystal_upgrade=${_ml.upgrade.pa[i].query}&crystal_count=10`]);
  7563. count -= 10;
  7564. }
  7565. urls.push([`?s=Bazaar&ss=ml&slot=${mob.index}`, `crystal_upgrade=${_ml.upgrade.pa[i].query}&crystal_count=${count}`]);
  7566. });
  7567. mob.er.forEach((e, i) => {
  7568. let count = e.to - e.value;
  7569. if (count < 1) {
  7570. return;
  7571. }
  7572. update_needed = true;
  7573. while (count > 10) {
  7574. urls.push([`?s=Bazaar&ss=ml&slot=${mob.index}`, `crystal_upgrade=${_ml.upgrade.er[i].query}&crystal_count=10`]);
  7575. count -= 10;
  7576. }
  7577. urls.push([`?s=Bazaar&ss=ml&slot=${mob.index}`, `crystal_upgrade=${_ml.upgrade.er[i].query}&crystal_count=${count}`]);
  7578. });
  7579. mob.ct.forEach((e, i) => {
  7580. let count = e.to - e.value;
  7581. if (count < 1) {
  7582. return;
  7583. }
  7584. update_needed = true;
  7585. while (count > 10) {
  7586. urls.push([`?s=Bazaar&ss=ml&slot=${mob.index}`, `chaos_upgrade=${_ml.upgrade.ct[i].query}&chaos_count=10`]);
  7587. count -= 10;
  7588. }
  7589. urls.push([`?s=Bazaar&ss=ml&slot=${mob.index}`, `chaos_upgrade=${_ml.upgrade.ct[i].query}&chaos_count=${count}`]);
  7590. });
  7591. if (update_needed) {
  7592. mob.update_needed = true;
  7593. mob.log.pl = -1;
  7594. }
  7595. });
  7597. const total = urls.length;
  7598. if (total === 0) {
  7599. return;
  7600. }
  7601. setValue('ml_log', _ml.log);
  7602. _ml.upgrade.node.run.disabled = true;
  7603. _ml.upgrade.node.update.disabled = true;
  7605. async function upgrade(url, post) {
  7606. await $ajax.fetch(url, post);
  7607. done++;
  7608. _ml.upgrade.node.run.value = `${done}/${total}`;
  7609. }
  7611. let done = 0;
  7612. const requests = urls.map(([url, post]) => upgrade(url, post));
  7613. await Promise.all(requests);
  7614. _ml.upgrade.update();
  7615. },
  7617. save: function () {
  7618. _ml.mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  7619. mob.log.pa.forEach((e, i) => {
  7620. e[1] = mob.pa[i].to;
  7621. });
  7622. mob.log.er.forEach((e, i) => {
  7623. e[1] = mob.er[i].to;
  7624. });
  7625. mob.log.ct.forEach((e, i) => {
  7626. e[1] = mob.ct[i].to;
  7627. });
  7628. });
  7630. setValue('ml_log', _ml.log);
  7631. },
  7632. load: function () {
  7633. _ml.mobs.forEach((mob) => {
  7634. mob.pa.forEach((e, j) => {
  7635. e.to = mob.log.pa[j][1] || e.value;
  7636. });
  7637. mob.er.forEach((e, j) => {
  7638. e.to = mob.log.er[j][1] || e.value;
  7639. });
  7640. mob.ct.forEach((e, j) => {
  7641. e.to = mob.log.ct[j][1] || e.value;
  7642. });
  7643. });
  7645. _ml.upgrade.exec('all', 'pa', 'all', 0);
  7646. _ml.upgrade.exec('all', 'er', 'all', 0);
  7647. _ml.upgrade.exec('all', 'ct', 'all', 0);
  7648. },
  7649. toggle: function () {
  7650. $id('messagebox_outer')?.remove();
  7651. _ml.upgrade.node.div?.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  7652. _ml.upgrade.init();
  7653. },
  7655. };
  7657. // PL-Crystal Calculator
  7658. _ml.plc = {
  7660. preset: {
  7661. '250': { count: 1, pa_lv: 5, pa_up: 4, er_lv: 14, er_up: 0 },
  7662. '500': { count: 1, pa_lv: 9, pa_up: 3, er_lv: 21, er_up: 4 },
  7663. '750': { count: 1, pa_lv: 12, pa_up: 3, er_lv: 27, er_up: 1 },
  7664. '1000': { count: 1, pa_lv: 15, pa_up: 1, er_lv: 32, er_up: 0 },
  7665. '1250': { count: 1, pa_lv: 17, pa_up: 2, er_lv: 36, er_up: 3 },
  7666. '1500': { count: 1, pa_lv: 19, pa_up: 3, er_lv: 40, er_up: 2 },
  7667. '1750': { count: 1, pa_lv: 21, pa_up: 2, er_lv: 43, er_up: 5 },
  7668. '2250': { count: 1, pa_lv: 25, pa_up: 0, er_lv: 50, er_up: 0 },
  7669. },
  7670. data: {
  7671. pa_crystal: [0],
  7672. pa_pl: [0],
  7673. er_crystal: [0],
  7674. er_pl: [0],
  7675. },
  7676. list: [],
  7677. node: {},
  7679. click: function (e) {
  7680. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  7681. if (!target) {
  7682. return;
  7683. }
  7684. const { action, index, type, value } = target.dataset;
  7685. if (action === 'add') {
  7686. _ml.plc.add(_ml.plc.preset[value]);
  7687. } else if (action === 'remove') {
  7688. _ml.plc.remove(index);
  7689. } else if (action === 'change') {
  7690. _ml.plc.change(index, type, value);
  7691. }
  7692. },
  7693. input: function (e) {
  7694. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  7695. if (!target) {
  7696. return;
  7697. }
  7698. const { action, index, type } = target.dataset;
  7699. if (action === 'change') {
  7700. _ml.plc.change(index, type);
  7701. }
  7702. },
  7703. init: function () {
  7704. if (_ml.plc.inited) {
  7705. return;
  7706. }
  7707. _ml.plc.inited = true;
  7709. const data = _ml.plc.data;
  7710. for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
  7711. data.pa_pl[i + 1] = data.pa_pl[i] + (3 + i * 0.5);
  7712. data.pa_crystal[i + 1] = data.pa_crystal[i] + Math.round(50 * Math.pow(1.555079154, i));
  7713. }
  7714. for (let i = 0; i < 51; i++) {
  7715. data.er_pl[i + 1] = data.er_pl[i] + Math.floor(1 + i * 0.1);
  7716. data.er_crystal[i + 1] = data.er_crystal[i] + Math.round(10 * Math.pow(1.26485522, i));
  7717. }
  7719. const node = _ml.plc.node;
  7720. node.div = $element('div', $id('mainpane'), ['.hvut-ml-plc'], (e) => { _ml.plc.click(e); });
  7721. node.left = $element('div', node.div, ['.hvut-ml-plc-left'], { input: () => { _ml.plc.input(); } });
  7723. const total = $element('div', node.left);
  7724. $element('div', total).append(
  7725. $element('span', null, '怪物数量'), $element('br'), $element('br'),
  7726. node.count = $input('number', null, { min: 0, max: 200, readOnly: true })
  7727. );
  7728. $element('div', total).append(
  7729. $element('span', null, '主属性'), $element('br'),
  7730. $element('span', null, ['所需水晶', '.hvut-ml-plc-btn']),
  7731. node.pa_total = $element('span', null, ['.hvut-ml-plc-crystal']), $element('br'),
  7732. $element('span', null, ['差额', '.hvut-ml-plc-btn']),
  7733. node.pa_total_diff = $element('span', null, ['.hvut-ml-plc-crystal'])
  7734. );
  7735. $element('div', total).append(
  7736. $element('span', null, '属性减伤'), $element('br'),
  7737. $element('span', null, ['所需水晶', '.hvut-ml-plc-btn']),
  7738. node.er_total = $element('span', null, ['.hvut-ml-plc-crystal']), $element('br'),
  7739. $element('span', null, ['差额', '.hvut-ml-plc-btn']),
  7740. node.er_total_diff = $element('span', null, ['.hvut-ml-plc-crystal'])
  7741. );
  7743. node.right = $element('div', node.div, ['.hvut-ml-plc-right']);
  7745. const buttons = $element('div', node.right, ['.hvut-ml-plc-buttons']);
  7746. $input(['button', '保存计划'], buttons, null, () => { _ml.plc.save(); });
  7747. $input(['button', '加载计划'], buttons, null, () => { _ml.plc.load(); });
  7748. $input(['button', '关闭'], buttons, null, () => { _ml.plc.toggle(); });
  7749. $input(['button', '添加怪物'], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'add' } });
  7750. Object.keys(_ml.plc.preset).forEach((pl) => { $input(['button', pl], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'add', value: pl } }); });
  7752. $element('table', node.right, ['.hvut-ml-plc-table',
  7753. `/<tbody>
  7754. <tr><td>战力</td><td>效果</td></tr>
  7755. <tr><td>25</td><td>解锁命名功能,并开始累计胜场与击杀数</td></tr>
  7756. <tr><td>200</td><td>解锁第二个技能</td></tr>
  7757. <tr><td>250</td><td>不再可以被删除<br>士气消耗减少2倍</td></tr>
  7758. <tr><td>251</td><td>需要怪物食品而不是怪物饲料作为食物</td></tr>
  7759. <tr><td>400</td><td>解锁灵力攻击</td></tr>
  7760. <tr><td>499</td><td>礼物现在可能包含高级材料</td></tr>
  7761. <tr><td>750</td><td>士气消耗减少3倍<br>不再给予低级材料作为礼物</td></tr>
  7762. <tr><td>751</td><td>需要怪物料理而不是怪物食品作为食物</td></tr>
  7763. <tr><td>1000</td><td>永远不会被停用</td></tr>
  7764. <tr><td>1005</td><td>解锁所有混沌升级</td></tr>
  7765. <tr><td>1250</td><td>士气消耗减少4倍</td></tr>
  7766. <tr><td>1499</td><td>100%给予高级材料作为礼物</td></tr>
  7767. <tr><td>1750</td><td>士气消耗减少5倍</td></tr>
  7768. <tr><td>2250</td><td>战斗力等级上限<br>士气消耗减少6倍</td></tr>
  7769. </tbody>`,
  7770. ]);
  7772. _ml.plc.load();
  7773. },
  7774. save: function () {
  7775. setValue('ml_lab', _ml.plc.list.filter((m) => m).map((m) => m.json));
  7776. _ml.plc.load();
  7777. },
  7778. load: function () {
  7779. _ml.plc.list.forEach((m) => { m?.node.div.remove(); });
  7780. _ml.plc.list.length = 0;
  7781. getValue('ml_lab', [_ml.plc.preset['250']]).forEach((j) => { _ml.plc.add(j); });
  7782. },
  7783. toggle: function () {
  7784. _ml.plc.node.div?.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  7785. _ml.plc.init();
  7786. },
  7788. add: function (j) {
  7789. const m = { json: { count: 1, pa_lv: 0, pa_up: 0, er_lv: 0, er_up: 0 }, node: {} };
  7790. const index = _ml.plc.list.length;
  7791. if (j) {
  7792. Object.assign(m.json, j);
  7793. }
  7794. m.node.div = $element('div', _ml.plc.node.left);
  7795. let sub;
  7796. let span;
  7798. sub = $element('div', m.node.div);
  7799. $input(['button', 'x'], sub, { className: 'hvut-ml-plc-del', dataset: { action: 'remove', index } });
  7800. m.node.index = $element('span', sub, `#${index + 1}`);
  7801. $element('br', sub);
  7802. m.node.pl = $element('span', sub);
  7803. $element('br', sub);
  7804. m.node.count = $input('number', sub, { value: m.json.count, min: 0, max: 200, dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'count' } });
  7806. sub = $element('div', m.node.div);
  7807. $element('span', sub, '主属性');
  7808. $element('br', sub);
  7810. span = $element('span', sub, ['.hvut-ml-plc-btn']);
  7811. m.node.pa = [];
  7812. for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  7813. m.node.pa.push($element('span', span));
  7814. }
  7815. m.node.pa_avg = $element('span', sub, ['.hvut-ml-plc-crystal']);
  7816. $element('br', sub);
  7818. span = $element('span', sub, ['.hvut-ml-plc-btn']);
  7819. $input(['button', '-6'], span, { dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'pa', value: '-' } });
  7820. $input(['button', '-1'], span, { dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'pa', value: '-1' } });
  7821. $input(['button', '+1'], span, { dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'pa', value: '+1' } });
  7822. $input(['button', '+6'], span, { dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'pa', value: '+' } });
  7823. m.node.pa_diff = $element('span', sub, ['.hvut-ml-plc-crystal']);
  7825. sub = $element('div', m.node.div);
  7826. $element('span', sub, '元素减伤');
  7827. $element('br', sub);
  7829. span = $element('span', sub, ['.hvut-ml-plc-btn']);
  7830. m.node.er = [];
  7831. for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  7832. m.node.er.push($element('span', span));
  7833. }
  7834. m.node.er_avg = $element('span', sub, ['.hvut-ml-plc-crystal']);
  7835. $element('br', sub);
  7837. span = $element('span', sub, ['.hvut-ml-plc-btn']);
  7838. $input(['button', '-6'], span, { dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'er', value: '-' } });
  7839. $input(['button', '-1'], span, { dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'er', value: '-1' } });
  7840. $input(['button', '+1'], span, { dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'er', value: '+1' } });
  7841. $input(['button', '+6'], span, { dataset: { action: 'change', index, type: 'er', value: '+' } });
  7842. m.node.er_diff = $element('span', sub, ['.hvut-ml-plc-crystal']);
  7844. _ml.plc.list.push(m);
  7845. _ml.plc.change(index);
  7846. },
  7847. remove: function (index) {
  7848. const m = _ml.plc.list[index];
  7849. m.node.div.remove();
  7850. _ml.plc.list[index] = null;
  7851. _ml.plc.calc();
  7852. },
  7853. change: function (index, type, value) {
  7854. const m = _ml.plc.list[index];
  7855. if (!type) {
  7856. } else if (type === 'count') {
  7857. m.json[type] = (value === undefined ? parseInt(m.node[type].value) : parseInt(value)) || 0;
  7858. } else {
  7859. let lv = m.json[type + '_lv'];
  7860. let up = m.json[type + '_up'];
  7861. const max = type === 'pa' ? 25 : type === 'er' ? 50 : 0;
  7862. if (value === '+') {
  7863. lv++;
  7864. up = 0;
  7865. } else if (value === '-') {
  7866. if (up === 0) {
  7867. lv--;
  7868. }
  7869. up = 0;
  7870. } else {
  7871. up += Number(value);
  7872. if (up >= 6) {
  7873. lv++;
  7874. up -= 6;
  7875. } else if (up < 0) {
  7876. lv--;
  7877. up += 6;
  7878. }
  7879. }
  7880. if (lv < 0) {
  7881. lv = 0;
  7882. up = 0;
  7883. } else if (lv >= max) {
  7884. lv = max;
  7885. up = 0;
  7886. }
  7887. m.json[type + '_lv'] = lv;
  7888. m.json[type + '_up'] = up;
  7889. }
  7891. if (m.node.count.validity.valid) {
  7892. const data = _ml.plc.data;
  7893. const { pa_lv, pa_up, er_lv, er_up } = m.json;
  7894. m.count = m.json.count;
  7895. m.pl = data.pa_pl[pa_lv] * (6 - pa_up) + data.pa_pl[pa_lv + 1] * (pa_up) + data.er_pl[er_lv] * (6 - er_up) + data.er_pl[er_lv + 1] * (er_up);
  7896. m.pa_avg = (data.pa_crystal[pa_lv] * (6 - pa_up) + data.pa_crystal[pa_lv + 1] * (pa_up)) / 6;
  7897. m.er_avg = (data.er_crystal[er_lv] * (6 - er_up) + data.er_crystal[er_lv + 1] * (er_up)) / 6;
  7898. m.diff = m.pa_avg - m.er_avg;
  7900. m.node.pl.textContent = 'PL ' + m.pl;
  7901. m.node.pa.forEach((span, i) => {
  7902. if (i + pa_up >= 6) {
  7903. span.textContent = pa_lv + 1;
  7904. span.classList.add('hvut-ml-plc-up');
  7905. } else {
  7906. span.textContent = pa_lv;
  7907. span.classList.remove('hvut-ml-plc-up');
  7908. }
  7909. });
  7910. m.node.er.forEach((span, i) => {
  7911. if (i + er_up >= 6) {
  7912. span.textContent = er_lv + 1;
  7913. span.classList.add('hvut-ml-plc-up');
  7914. } else {
  7915. span.textContent = er_lv;
  7916. span.classList.remove('hvut-ml-plc-up');
  7917. }
  7918. });
  7919. m.node.pa_avg.textContent = Math.round(m.pa_avg).toLocaleString();
  7920. m.node.pa_diff.textContent = m.diff > 0 ? '(+' + Math.round(m.diff).toLocaleString() + ')' : '';
  7921. m.node.er_avg.textContent = Math.round(m.er_avg).toLocaleString();
  7922. m.node.er_diff.textContent = m.diff < 0 ? '(+' + Math.round(-m.diff).toLocaleString() + ')' : '';
  7924. m.valid = true;
  7925. } else {
  7926. m.valid = false;
  7927. }
  7929. _ml.plc.calc();
  7930. },
  7931. calc: function () {
  7932. let count = 0;
  7933. let pa = 0;
  7934. let er = 0;
  7935. _ml.plc.list.forEach((m) => {
  7936. if (!m?.valid) {
  7937. return;
  7938. }
  7939. count += m.count;
  7940. pa += m.pa_avg * m.count;
  7941. er += m.er_avg * m.count;
  7942. });
  7943. const diff = pa - er;
  7944. _ml.plc.node.count.value = count;
  7945. _ml.plc.node.pa_total.textContent = Math.round(pa).toLocaleString();
  7946. _ml.plc.node.pa_total_diff.textContent = diff > 0 ? '(+' + Math.round(diff).toLocaleString() + ')' : '';
  7947. _ml.plc.node.er_total.textContent = Math.round(er).toLocaleString();
  7948. _ml.plc.node.er_total_diff.textContent = diff < 0 ? '(+' + Math.round(-diff).toLocaleString() + ')' : '';
  7949. },
  7951. };
  7952. }
  7953. } else
  7954. // [END 12] Bazaar - Monster Lab */
  7957. //* [13] Bazaar - MoogleMail
  7958. if (settings.moogleMail && _query.s === 'Bazaar' && _query.ss === 'mm') {
  7959. _mm.node = {};
  7961. _mm.attach_text = function (item) {
  7962. if (!item.data.count) {
  7963. return '';
  7964. } else if (item.data.pane === 'equip') {
  7965. return `[${item.info.eid}] ${item.info.name}` + (item.data.cod ? ` @ ${item.data.cod.toLocaleString()}c` : '');
  7966. } else {
  7967. return `${item.data.count.toLocaleString()} x ${item.info.name}` + (item.data.cod ? ` @ ${item.data.price.toLocaleString()}c = ${item.data.cod.toLocaleString()}c` : '');
  7968. }
  7969. };
  7971. _mm.parse_count = function (str) {
  7972. if (!str) {
  7973. return 0;
  7974. }
  7975. return parseInt(str.replace(/,/g, '')) || 0;
  7976. };
  7978. _mm.parse_price = function (str, float) {
  7979. if (!str) {
  7980. return 0;
  7981. }
  7982. if (/([0-9,]+(?:\.\d*)?)([ckm]?)/i.test(str)) {
  7983. const u = RegExp.$2.toLowerCase();
  7984. let n = parseFloat(RegExp.$1.replace(/,/g, ''));
  7985. if (u === 'm') {
  7986. n *= 1000000;
  7987. } else if (u === 'k') {
  7988. n *= 1000;
  7989. }
  7990. if (!float) {
  7991. n = Math.round(n);
  7992. }
  7993. return n;
  7994. } else {
  7995. return 0;
  7996. }
  7997. };
  7999. // MM WRITE
  8000. if (_query.filter === 'new' && _query.hvut !== 'disabled') {
  8001. if ($id('mmail_attachremove')) {
  8002. alert('请移除附加的物品。');
  8003. location.href = location.href + '&hvut=disabled';
  8004. return;
  8005. }
  8007. _mm.mmtoken = $id('mailform').elements.mmtoken.value;
  8009. _mm.write_calc = function () {
  8010. const queue = [].concat(_mm.credits_list, _mm.equip_list, _mm.item_list).filter((e) => e.node.check.checked && e.data.count);
  8011. let atext = '';
  8012. let cod_total = 0;
  8013. queue.forEach((e) => {
  8014. atext += `${e.data.atext}\n`;
  8015. cod_total += e.data.cod;
  8016. });
  8017. if (cod_total) {
  8018. if (queue.length > 1) {
  8019. atext += `\n总计:${cod_total.toLocaleString()} Credits`;
  8020. }
  8021. const cod_deduction = _mm.parse_price(_mm.node.write_cod_deduction.value);
  8022. if (cod_deduction) {
  8023. const cod = cod_total - cod_deduction;
  8024. atext += `\n抵扣额:-${cod_deduction.toLocaleString()} Credits`;
  8025. atext += `\n货到付款额:${cod.toLocaleString()} Credits`;
  8026. if (cod < 10) {
  8027. atext += '\n=> 货到付款:0 Credits';
  8028. }
  8029. }
  8030. }
  8031. _mm.write_log(atext, true);
  8032. };
  8034. _mm.write_pack = function (e) {
  8035. if (_mm.write_pack.current) {
  8036. popup('正在处理其他请求...');
  8037. return;
  8038. }
  8040. let selected;
  8041. if (!e) {
  8042. selected = [].concat(_mm.credits_list, _mm.equip_list, _mm.item_list).filter((e) => e.node.check.checked && e.data.count);
  8043. } else if (Array.isArray(e)) {
  8044. selected = e;
  8045. } else if (e.data) {
  8046. selected = [e];
  8047. e.data.atext = _mm.attach_text(e);
  8048. } else {
  8049. return;
  8050. }
  8051. if (selected.some((e) => e.data.pane === 'equip' && e.node.div?.dataset.locked == '1')) {
  8052. alert('已锁定的装备'); // 装备无法附加
  8053. return;
  8054. }
  8055. if (selected.some((e) => e.data.count > e.data.stock)) {
  8056. alert('物品不足'); // 物品不足
  8057. return;
  8058. }
  8059. if (!_mm.node.write_to_name.value) {
  8060. alert('没有收件人');
  8061. return;
  8062. }
  8063. _mm.write_pack.current = true;
  8064. _mm.node.write_field.disabled = true;
  8065. _mm.userlist.add(_mm.node.write_to_name.value);
  8067. const attach = selected.map((e) => e.data);
  8068. const mail = {
  8069. to_name: _mm.node.write_to_name.value,
  8070. subject: _mm.node.write_subject.value,
  8071. body: _mm.node.write_body.value,
  8072. attach,
  8073. cod_deduction: _mm.parse_price(_mm.node.write_cod_deduction.value),
  8074. cod_persistent: _isekai && _mm.node.write_cod_persistent.checked,
  8075. };
  8076. $mail.request(mail);
  8077. };
  8079. _mm.write_log = function (text, clear) {
  8080. if (clear) {
  8081. _mm.node.write_log.value = '';
  8082. }
  8083. _mm.node.write_log.value += text + '\n';
  8084. _mm.node.write_log.scrollTop = _mm.node.write_log.scrollHeight;
  8085. };
  8087. _mm.write_toggle = function (div) {
  8088. if (div === _mm.write_toggle.current) {
  8089. return;
  8090. }
  8091. if (_mm.write_toggle.current) {
  8092. _mm.node[_mm.write_toggle.current].classList.add('hvut-none');
  8093. }
  8094. _mm.write_toggle.current = div;
  8095. _mm.node[_mm.write_toggle.current].classList.remove('hvut-none');
  8096. };
  8098. _mm.userlist = {
  8099. list: getValue('mm_userlist', []),
  8100. create: function () {
  8101. _mm.node.write_userlist.innerHTML = '';
  8102. _mm.userlist.list.forEach((u) => { $element('option', _mm.node.write_userlist, { value: u }); });
  8103. },
  8104. add: function (user) {
  8105. if (!user) {
  8106. return;
  8107. }
  8108. _mm.userlist.list.unshift(user);
  8109. _mm.userlist.save();
  8110. },
  8111. save: function () {
  8112. _mm.userlist.list = _mm.userlist.list.filter((e, i, a) => e && a.indexOf(e) === i);
  8113. setValue('mm_userlist', _mm.userlist.list);
  8114. if (_mm.node.write_userlist) {
  8115. _mm.userlist.create();
  8116. }
  8117. },
  8118. popup: function () {
  8119. popup_text(_mm.userlist.list.join('\n'), 'width: 300px; height: 300px;', [
  8120. { value: '保存列表', click: (w, t) => {
  8121. _mm.userlist.list = t.value.split('\n');
  8122. _mm.userlist.save();
  8123. w.remove();
  8124. } },
  8125. ]);
  8126. },
  8127. };
  8129. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  8130. #mailform, #mmail_left, #mmail_right { display: none; }
  8132. .hvut-mm-field { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; }
  8133. .hvut-mm-left { float: left; margin-left: 20px; padding-top: 10px; width: 600px; height: 600px; font-size: 10pt; text-align: left; line-height: 30px; }
  8134. .hvut-mm-right { float: right; margin-right: 20px; width: 550px; height: 620px; font-size: 10pt; text-align: left; }
  8135. #mmail_outer input[type='checkbox'] { vertical-align: middle; }
  8137. .hvut-mm-left > span, .hvut-mm-left > label { display: inline-block; line-height: 22px; }
  8138. .hvut-mm-left > span { text-align: right; }
  8139. .hvut-mm-left > label { margin-right: 10px; }
  8140. .hvut-mm-left > :first-child { float: right; }
  8141. .hvut-mm-attachtext { float: right; width: 90px; margin: 2px 5px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
  8142. .hvut-mm-attachtext input { margin: 3px 0; white-space: normal; }
  8144. .hvut-mm-tabs { padding: 10px 0; border-bottom: 3px double; display: flex; line-height: 16px; font-weight: bold; }
  8145. .hvut-mm-tabs span { display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; padding: 2px 5px; border: 1px solid; }
  8146. .hvut-mm-tabs span:first-child { order: 1; margin-left: auto; }
  8147. .hvut-mm-attach-menu { margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 5px 0; border-bottom: 3px double; line-height: 30px; }
  8148. .hvut-mm-disabled { padding: 10px; font-weight: bold; }
  8150. .hvut-mm-attach { height: 475px; overflow-y: scroll; }
  8151. .hvut-mm-attach .itemlist td:nth-child(1) { width: 175px !important; }
  8152. .hvut-mm-attach .itemlist td:nth-child(2) { width: 75px; padding-right: 5px; }
  8153. .hvut-mm-attach .itemlist td:nth-child(3) { width: auto; }
  8154. .hvut-mm-attach .itemlist-credits td:nth-child(1) { width: 100px !important; }
  8155. .hvut-mm-attach .itemlist-credits td:nth-child(2) { width: 145px }
  8156. .hvut-mm-attach input { margin: 0 1px; }
  8157. .hvut-mm-attach input:invalid, .hvut-mm-invalid { color: #e00 !important; }
  8158. .hvut-mm-count { width: 50px; text-align: right; }
  8159. .hvut-mm-price { width: 50px; text-align: right; }
  8160. .hvut-mm-cod { width: 70px; text-align: right; }
  8161. .hvut-mm-send { width: 40px; }
  8162. .hvut-mm-sub { position: absolute; right: 0; z-index: 1; }
  8163. .hvut-mm-eid { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; right: 125px; padding: 0 3px !important; border: 1px solid; line-height: 20px; background-color: #fff; }
  8164. .eqp:hover .hvut-mm-eid { visibility: visible; }
  8165. `);
  8167. _mm.node.write_field = $element('fieldset', $id('mmail_outer'), ['.hvut-mm-field']);
  8168. _mm.node.write_left = $element('div', _mm.node.write_field, ['.hvut-mm-left']);
  8170. $input(['button', '发送'], _mm.node.write_left, { tabIndex: 4, style: 'width: 60px; height: 52px; margin-top: 4px;' }, () => { _mm.write_pack(); });
  8171. $element('span', _mm.node.write_left, ['收件人:', '!width: 60px;']);
  8172. _mm.node.write_to_name = $input('text', _mm.node.write_left, { value: $id('mailform').elements.message_to_name.value || '', tabIndex: 1, style: 'width: 360px; font-weight: bold;' });
  8173. $input(['button', '编辑列表'], _mm.node.write_left, { style: 'width: 80px;' }, () => { _mm.userlist.popup(); });
  8174. $element('span', _mm.node.write_left, ['主题:', '!width: 60px;']);
  8175. _mm.node.write_subject = $input('text', _mm.node.write_left, { value: $id('mailform').elements.message_subject.value || '', tabIndex: 2, style: 'width: 450px; font-weight: bold;' });
  8177. _mm.node.write_to_name.setAttribute('list', 'hvut-mm-userlist');
  8178. _mm.node.write_userlist = $element('datalist', _mm.node.write_left, ['#hvut-mm-userlist']);
  8179. _mm.userlist.create();
  8181. $element('span', _mm.node.write_left, ['可选项:', '!width: 60px;']);
  8182. _mm.node.write_cod_deduction = $input(['text', 'CoD抵扣额'], _mm.node.write_left, { pattern: '(\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*)(\\.\\d+)?[KMkm]?', style: 'width: 60px; text-align: right;' }, { input: (e) => { _mm.write_calc(e); } });
  8183. if (_isekai) {
  8184. _mm.node.write_cod_persistent = $input(['checkbox', '永久区货到付款'], _mm.node.write_left, { checked: true });
  8185. }
  8187. const template_div = $element('div', _mm.node.write_left, ['!margin-left: 60px;']);
  8188. Object.entries(settings.moogleMailTemplate).forEach(([k, t]) => { $input(['button', k], template_div, null, () => { _mm.item_template(t); }); });
  8190. _mm.node.write_body = $element('textarea', _mm.node.write_left, { value: $id('mailform').elements.message_body.value || '', tabIndex: 3, spellcheck: false, style: 'width: 580px; height: 220px; margin-top: 10px;' });
  8191. _mm.node.write_log = $element('textarea', _mm.node.write_left, { readOnly: true, spellcheck: false, style: 'width: 480px; height: 200px; color: unset;' });
  8192. $mail.log = _mm.write_log;
  8194. const attach_div = $element('div', _mm.node.write_left, ['.hvut-mm-attachtext']);
  8195. $input(['button', '从文本添加'], attach_div);
  8196. $input(['button', '可用格式范例'], attach_div, null, () => { popup_text('100 x Health Potion @ 10\n(200) Mana Potion @ 90\nSpirit Potion @ 90 x 300\nVibrant Catalyst @ 4.5k (100)', 'width: 300px; white-space: pre;'); });
  8197. $input(['button', '清除文本'], attach_div, null, () => { _mm.item_text(); });
  8198. $input(['button', '添加附件'], attach_div, null, () => { _mm.item_text(true); });
  8199. $input(['button', '重置搜索框'], attach_div, null, () => { _mm.item_search('', true); });
  8202. _mm.node.write_right = $element('div', _mm.node.write_field, ['.hvut-mm-right']);
  8203. _mm.node.write_tabs = $element('div', _mm.node.write_right, ['.hvut-mm-tabs hvut-cphu-sub']);
  8204. $element('span', _mm.node.write_tabs, '使用原版邮箱', () => { location.href = location.href + '&hvut=disabled'; });
  8206. // MM item
  8207. _mm.item_change = function (e) {
  8208. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  8209. if (!target) {
  8210. return;
  8211. }
  8212. const { action, iid } = target.dataset;
  8213. const it = iid && _mm.item_list.find((it) => it.info.iid == iid);
  8214. if (action === 'calc') {
  8215. it.data.count = _mm.parse_count(it.node.count.value);
  8216. if (it.data.count > it.data.stock) {
  8217. it.node.count.classList.add('hvut-mm-invalid');
  8218. } else {
  8219. it.node.count.classList.remove('hvut-mm-invalid');
  8220. }
  8221. it.data.price = _mm.parse_price(it.node.price.value, true);
  8222. it.data.cod = Math.ceil(it.data.count * it.data.price);
  8223. it.node.cod.value = it.data.cod ? it.data.cod.toLocaleString() : '';
  8224. it.data.atext = _mm.attach_text(it);
  8225. _mm.write_calc();
  8226. }
  8227. };
  8228. _mm.item_click = function (e) {
  8229. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  8230. if (!target) {
  8231. return;
  8232. }
  8233. const { action, iid } = target.dataset;
  8234. const it = iid && _mm.item_list.find((it) => it.info.iid == iid);
  8235. if (action === 'send') {
  8236. _mm.write_pack(it);
  8237. }
  8238. };
  8239. _mm.item_set = function (it, count, price) {
  8240. count = parseInt(count);
  8241. if (!isNaN(count)) {
  8242. it.data.count = Math.min(it.data.stock, Math.max(0, count));
  8243. it.node.count.value = it.data.count || '';
  8244. if (it.data.count > it.data.stock) {
  8245. it.node.count.classList.add('hvut-mm-invalid');
  8246. } else {
  8247. it.node.count.classList.remove('hvut-mm-invalid');
  8248. }
  8249. }
  8250. price = parseFloat(price);
  8251. if (!isNaN(price)) {
  8252. it.data.price = Math.max(0, price);
  8253. it.node.price.value = it.data.price || '';
  8254. }
  8255. it.data.cod = Math.ceil(it.data.count * it.data.price);
  8256. it.node.cod.value = it.data.cod ? it.data.cod.toLocaleString() : '';
  8257. it.data.atext = _mm.attach_text(it);
  8258. };
  8259. _mm.item_count = function (num) {
  8260. if (num !== Infinity) {
  8261. num = parseInt(num);
  8262. if (!Number.isInteger(num)) {
  8263. return;
  8264. }
  8265. }
  8266. _mm.item_list.forEach((it) => {
  8267. if (it.node.check.checked) {
  8268. _mm.item_set(it, num === Infinity ? it.data.stock : num);
  8269. }
  8270. });
  8271. _mm.write_calc();
  8272. };
  8273. _mm.item_all = function (checked) {
  8274. _mm.item_list.forEach((it) => {
  8275. if (it.visible) {
  8276. it.node.check.checked = checked;
  8277. it.data.atext = _mm.attach_text(it);
  8278. }
  8279. });
  8280. _mm.write_calc();
  8281. };
  8282. _mm.item_search = function (value, set) {
  8283. if (set) {
  8284. _mm.node.item_search.value = value;
  8285. } else {
  8286. value = value.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',');
  8287. if (value === _mm.item_search.value) {
  8288. return;
  8289. }
  8290. }
  8291. _mm.item_search.value = value;
  8293. let results;
  8294. if (!value) {
  8295. results = _mm.item_list;
  8296. } else if (/^\[(.*)\]$/.test(value)) {
  8297. value = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase();
  8298. value = $price.keys.find((k) => k.toLowerCase() === value);
  8299. if (!value) {
  8300. return;
  8301. }
  8302. const prices = $price.get(value);
  8303. results = _mm.item_list.filter((e) => {
  8304. if (e.info.name in prices) {
  8305. _mm.item_set(e, e.data.count, prices[e.info.name]);
  8306. return true;
  8307. } else if (e.node.check.checked) {
  8308. return true;
  8309. } else {
  8310. return false;
  8311. }
  8312. });
  8313. _mm.write_calc();
  8314. } else {
  8315. value = value.split(',').map((v) => v.split(' '));
  8316. results = _mm.item_list.filter((e) => {
  8317. const lowercase = e.info.lowercase;
  8318. return e.node.check.checked || value.some((v) => v.every((s) => s && lowercase.includes(s)));
  8319. });
  8320. }
  8321. _mm.item_list.forEach((e) => { e.visible = false; });
  8322. results.forEach((e) => { e.visible = true; });
  8323. _mm.item_list.forEach((e) => {
  8324. if (e.visible) {
  8325. e.node.tr.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  8326. } else {
  8327. e.node.tr.classList.add('hvut-none');
  8328. }
  8329. });
  8330. };
  8331. _mm.item_text = function (attach) {
  8332. const text = _mm.node.write_body.value.split('\n');
  8333. const textdata = {};
  8334. text.forEach((t) => {
  8335. if (t.includes('> Removed attachment:')) {
  8336. return;
  8337. }
  8339. let exec;
  8340. let name;
  8341. let count;
  8342. let price;
  8343. if ((exec = /([A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9' ]*)(?:\s*@\s*([0-9,.]+[ckm]?))?(?:\s+[x*\uff0a]?\s*[[(]?([0-9,]+)[\])]?)/i.exec(t))) {
  8344. name = exec[1];
  8345. count = exec[3];
  8346. price = exec[2];
  8347. } else if ((exec = /(?:[[(]?([0-9,]+)[\])]?\s*[x*\uff0a]?\s*)([A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9' ]*)(?:\s*@\s*([0-9,.]+[ckm]?))?/i.exec(t))) {
  8348. name = exec[2];
  8349. count = exec[1];
  8350. price = exec[3];
  8351. } else {
  8352. return;
  8353. }
  8354. name = name.trim();
  8355. count = _mm.parse_count(count);
  8356. price = _mm.parse_price(price, true);
  8357. const lowercase = name.toLowerCase();
  8358. textdata[lowercase] = { name, count, price };
  8359. });
  8361. if (attach) {
  8362. _mm.item_list.forEach((it) => {
  8363. const lowercase = it.info.lowercase;
  8364. const textitem = textdata[lowercase];
  8365. if (textitem) {
  8366. _mm.item_set(it, textitem.count, textitem.price);
  8367. it.visible = true;
  8368. it.node.check.checked = true;
  8369. it.node.tr.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  8370. } else if (it.visible && !it.node.check.checked) {
  8371. it.visible = false;
  8372. it.node.tr.classList.add('hvut-none');
  8373. }
  8374. });
  8375. _mm.write_calc();
  8376. } else {
  8377. let cod = 0;
  8378. let atext = '';
  8379. Object.values(textdata).forEach((textitem) => {
  8380. textitem.cod = Math.ceil(textitem.count * textitem.price);
  8381. cod += textitem.cod;
  8382. atext += `${textitem.count.toLocaleString()} x ${textitem.name}`;
  8383. if (textitem.cod) {
  8384. atext += ` @ ${textitem.price.toLocaleString()}c = ${textitem.cod.toLocaleString()}c`;
  8385. }
  8386. atext += '\n';
  8387. });
  8388. if (cod) {
  8389. atext += `\n总计:${cod.toLocaleString()} Credits`;
  8390. }
  8391. _mm.write_log(atext, true);
  8392. }
  8393. };
  8394. _mm.item_template = function (t) {
  8395. _mm.node.write_to_name.value = t.to;
  8396. _mm.node.write_subject.value = t.subject;
  8397. _mm.node.write_body.value = t.body;
  8398. _mm.item_text(t.attach);
  8399. };
  8401. _mm.node.item_div = $element('div', null, ['.hvut-none']);
  8402. _mm.node.item_menu = $element('div', _mm.node.item_div, ['.hvut-mm-attach-menu']);
  8403. $price.init();
  8404. $price.keys.forEach((k) => {
  8405. if (['WTB', 'Materials'].includes(k)) {
  8406. return;
  8407. }
  8408. $input(['button', k], _mm.node.item_menu, null, () => { _mm.item_search(`[${k}]`, true); });
  8409. });
  8410. $element('br', _mm.node.item_menu);
  8411. _mm.node.item_search = $input('text', _mm.node.item_menu, { placeholder: '搜索框', style: 'width: 170px;' }, { input: (e) => { _mm.item_search(e.target.value); }, keyup: (e) => { if (e.which === 27) { _mm.item_search('', true); } } });
  8412. $input(['button', '清除'], _mm.node.item_menu, null, () => { _mm.item_search('', true); });
  8413. $input('checkbox', _mm.node.item_menu, { style: 'margin-left: 20px;' }, (e) => { _mm.item_all(e.target.checked); });
  8414. $input('text', _mm.node.item_menu, { placeholder: '数量', style: 'width: 50px; text-align: right;' }, { input: (e) => { _mm.item_count(e.target.value); } });
  8415. $input(['button', '全部'], _mm.node.item_menu, null, () => { _mm.item_count(Infinity); });
  8416. $input(['button', '0'], _mm.node.item_menu, null, () => { _mm.item_count(0); });
  8417. _mm.node.item_menu.appendChild($price.selector());
  8419. _mm.node.item_attach = $element('div', _mm.node.item_div, ['#item', '.hvut-mm-attach'], { input: (e) => { _mm.item_change(e); }, click: (e) => { _mm.item_click(e); } });
  8420. _mm.node.item_list = $qs('.itemlist') || $element('table');
  8421. _mm.node.item_attach.appendChild(_mm.node.item_list);
  8423. _mm.item_list = Array.from(_mm.node.item_list.rows).map((tr) => {
  8424. const div = tr.cells[0].firstElementChild;
  8425. const name = div.textContent;
  8426. const type = $item.type(div.getAttribute('onmouseover'));
  8427. const iid = $item.reg.mooglemail.test(div.getAttribute('onclick')) && RegExp.$1;
  8428. const lowercase = name.toLowerCase();
  8429. const stock = parseInt(tr.cells[1].textContent);
  8430. return { info: { name, lowercase, iid, type }, data: { pane: 'item', id: iid, name, stock, count: 0, price: 0, cod: 0 }, node: { tr } };
  8431. });
  8432. _mm.item_list.forEach((it) => {
  8433. it.visible = true;
  8434. it.node.tr.classList.add('hvut-it-' + it.info.type);
  8435. it.node.td = $element('td', it.node.tr);
  8436. it.node.check = $input('checkbox', it.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', iid: it.info.iid } });
  8437. it.node.count = $input('text', it.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', iid: it.info.iid }, className: 'hvut-mm-count', placeholder: '数量', pattern: '\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*', max: it.data.stock });
  8438. it.node.price = $input('text', it.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', iid: it.info.iid }, className: 'hvut-mm-price', placeholder: '价格', pattern: '(\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*)(\\.\\d+)?[KMkm]?' });
  8439. it.node.cod = $input('text', it.node.td, { className: 'hvut-mm-cod', placeholder: '货到付款额', readOnly: true });
  8440. it.node.send = $input(['button', '发送'], it.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'send', iid: it.info.iid }, className: 'hvut-mm-send' });
  8441. });
  8443. if ($id('mmail_attachitem')) {
  8444. $id('item').id += '_';
  8445. $element('span', _mm.node.write_tabs, '物品', () => { _mm.write_toggle('item_div'); });
  8446. _mm.node.write_right.appendChild(_mm.node.item_div);
  8447. }
  8449. // MM equip
  8450. _mm.equip_change = function (e) {
  8451. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  8452. if (!target) {
  8453. return;
  8454. }
  8455. const { action, eid } = target.dataset;
  8456. const eq = eid && _mm.equip_list.find((eq) => eq.info.eid == eid);
  8457. if (action === 'calc') {
  8458. eq.data.cod = _mm.parse_price(eq.node.price.value);
  8459. eq.data.atext = _mm.attach_text(eq);
  8460. _mm.write_calc();
  8461. }
  8462. };
  8463. _mm.equip_click = function (e) {
  8464. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  8465. if (!target) {
  8466. return;
  8467. }
  8468. const { action, eid } = target.dataset;
  8469. const eq = eid && _mm.equip_list.find((eq) => eq.info.eid == eid);
  8470. if (action === 'send') {
  8471. _mm.write_pack(eq);
  8472. }
  8473. };
  8474. _mm.equip_all = function (checked) {
  8475. _mm.equip_list.forEach((eq) => {
  8476. if (eq.visible) {
  8477. eq.node.check.checked = checked;
  8478. eq.data.atext = _mm.attach_text(eq);
  8479. }
  8480. });
  8481. _mm.write_calc();
  8482. };
  8483. _mm.equip_search = function (value, set) {
  8484. if (set) {
  8485. _mm.node.equip_search.value = value;
  8486. }
  8487. value = value.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',');
  8488. if (value === _mm.equip_search.value) {
  8489. return;
  8490. }
  8491. _mm.equip_search.value = value;
  8493. let results;
  8494. if (!value) {
  8495. results = _mm.equip_list;
  8496. } else {
  8497. value = value.split(',').map((v) => v.split(' '));
  8498. results = _mm.equip_list.filter((e) => {
  8499. const lowercase = e.info.lowercase;
  8500. const eid = e.info.eid ? e.info.eid.toString() : '';
  8501. return e.node.check.checked || value.some((v) => v.every((s) => s && (lowercase.includes(s) || eid.includes(s))));
  8502. });
  8503. }
  8504. _mm.equip_list.forEach((e) => { e.visible = false; });
  8505. results.forEach((e) => { e.visible = true; });
  8506. $equip.sort(results, _mm.node.equip_list);
  8507. };
  8509. _mm.node.equip_div = $element('div', null, ['.hvut-none']);
  8510. _mm.node.equip_menu = $element('div', _mm.node.equip_div, ['.hvut-mm-attach-menu']);
  8511. _mm.node.equip_search = $input('text', _mm.node.equip_menu, { placeholder: '装备名称或eid', style: 'width: 310px;' }, { input: (e) => { _mm.equip_search(e.target.value); }, keyup: (e) => { if (e.which === 27) { _mm.equip_search('', true); } } });
  8512. $input(['button', '清除'], _mm.node.equip_menu, null, () => { _mm.equip_search('', true); });
  8513. $input('checkbox', _mm.node.equip_menu, { style: 'margin-left: 20px;' }, (e) => { _mm.equip_all(e.target.checked); });
  8515. _mm.node.equip_attach = $element('div', _mm.node.equip_div, ['#equip', '.hvut-mm-attach'], { input: (e) => { _mm.equip_change(e); }, click: (e) => { _mm.equip_click(e); } });
  8516. _mm.node.equip_list = $qs('.equiplist') || $element('div', null, ['.equiplist nosel']);
  8517. _mm.node.equip_attach.appendChild(_mm.node.equip_list);
  8519. _mm.equip_json = getValue('in_equipdata', {});
  8520. _mm.equip_list = $equip.list(_mm.node.equip_list);
  8521. _mm.equip_list.forEach((eq) => {
  8522. eq.visible = true;
  8523. eq.info.lowercase = eq.info.name.toLowerCase();
  8524. eq.data.pane = 'equip';
  8525. eq.data.id = eq.info.eid;
  8526. eq.data.name = eq.info.name;
  8527. eq.data.count = 1;
  8528. eq.node.div.removeAttribute('onclick');
  8529. eq.node.lock = eq.node.wrapper.firstElementChild;
  8530. eq.node.sub = $element('div', [eq.node.div, 'beforebegin'], ['.hvut-mm-sub']);
  8531. eq.node.eid = $element('span', eq.node.sub, [eq.info.eid, '.hvut-mm-eid']);
  8532. eq.node.check = $input('checkbox', eq.node.sub, { dataset: { action: 'calc', eid: eq.info.eid } });
  8533. eq.node.price = $input('text', eq.node.sub, { dataset: { action: 'calc', eid: eq.info.eid }, className: 'hvut-mm-price', placeholder: '价格', pattern: '(\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*)(\\.\\d+)?[KMkm]?' });
  8534. eq.node.send = $input(['button', '发送'], eq.node.sub, { dataset: { action: 'send', eid: eq.info.eid }, className: 'hvut-mm-send' });
  8536. const json = _mm.equip_json[eq.info.eid];
  8537. if (json?.price) {
  8538. eq.node.price.value = json.price;
  8539. eq.data.cod = _mm.parse_price(json.price);
  8540. }
  8541. });
  8543. if ($id('mmail_attachequip')) {
  8544. $id('equip').id += '_';
  8545. $element('span', _mm.node.write_tabs, '装备', () => { _mm.write_toggle('equip_div'); });
  8546. _mm.node.write_right.appendChild(_mm.node.equip_div);
  8547. }
  8549. // MM credits
  8550. _mm.credits_change = function (e) {
  8551. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  8552. if (!target) {
  8553. return;
  8554. }
  8555. const { action, name } = target.dataset;
  8556. const it = name && _mm.credits_list.find((it) => it.info.name === name);
  8557. if (action === 'calc') {
  8558. if (name === 'Credits') {
  8559. it.data.count = _mm.parse_price(it.node.count.value);
  8560. } else {
  8561. it.data.count = _mm.parse_count(it.node.count.value);
  8562. }
  8563. if (it.data.count > it.data.stock) {
  8564. it.node.count.classList.add('hvut-mm-invalid');
  8565. } else {
  8566. it.node.count.classList.remove('hvut-mm-invalid');
  8567. }
  8568. it.data.price = _mm.parse_price(it.node.price.value, true);
  8569. it.data.cod = Math.ceil(it.data.count * it.data.price);
  8570. it.node.cod.value = it.data.cod ? it.data.cod.toLocaleString() : '';
  8571. it.data.atext = _mm.attach_text(it);
  8572. _mm.write_calc();
  8573. }
  8574. };
  8576. _mm.credits_list = [];
  8577. const credits = { info: { name: 'Credits' }, data: { pane: 'credits', id: 0, name: 'Credits', stock: 0, count: 0, price: 0, cod: 0 }, node: {} };
  8578. const hath = { info: { name: 'Hath' }, data: { pane: 'hath', id: 0, name: 'Hath', stock: 0, count: 0, price: 0, cod: 0 }, node: {} };
  8579. if ($id('mmail_attachcredits')) {
  8580. credits.data.stock = /Current Funds: ([0-9,]+) Credits/.test($id('mmail_attachcredits').textContent) && _mm.parse_count(RegExp.$1);
  8581. }
  8582. if ($id('mmail_attachhath')) {
  8583. hath.data.stock = /Current Funds: ([0-9,]+) Hath/.test($id('mmail_attachhath').textContent) && _mm.parse_count(RegExp.$1);
  8584. }
  8586. _mm.node.credits_div = $element('div', null, ['.hvut-none']);
  8587. _mm.node.credits_attach = $element('div', _mm.node.credits_div, ['.hvut-mm-attach'], { input: (e) => { _mm.credits_change(e); } });
  8588. _mm.node.credits_list = $element('table', _mm.node.credits_attach, ['.itemlist itemlist-credits', '/<tbody></tbody>']);
  8590. credits.node.tr = $element('tr', _mm.node.credits_list.tBodies[0]);
  8591. $element('td', credits.node.tr, credits.info.name);
  8592. $element('td', credits.node.tr, credits.data.stock.toLocaleString());
  8593. credits.node.td = $element('td', credits.node.tr);
  8594. credits.node.check = $input('checkbox', credits.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', name: 'Credits' } });
  8595. credits.node.count = $input('text', credits.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', name: 'Credits' }, className: 'hvut-mm-count', placeholder: '数量', pattern: '(\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*)(\\.\\d+)?[KMkm]?' });
  8596. credits.node.price = $input('text', credits.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', name: 'Credits' }, className: 'hvut-mm-price', placeholder: '价格', pattern: '(\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*)(\\.\\d+)?[KMkm]?', style: 'visibility: hidden;' });
  8597. credits.node.cod = $input('text', credits.node.td, { className: 'hvut-mm-cod', placeholder: 'cod', readOnly: true, style: 'visibility: hidden;' });
  8599. hath.node.tr = $element('tr', _mm.node.credits_list.tBodies[0]);
  8600. $element('td', hath.node.tr, hath.info.name);
  8601. $element('td', hath.node.tr, hath.data.stock.toLocaleString());
  8602. hath.node.td = $element('td', hath.node.tr);
  8603. hath.node.check = $input('checkbox', hath.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', name: 'Hath' } });
  8604. hath.node.count = $input('text', hath.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', name: 'Hath' }, className: 'hvut-mm-count', placeholder: '数量', pattern: '\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*' });
  8605. hath.node.price = $input('text', hath.node.td, { dataset: { action: 'calc', name: 'Hath' }, className: 'hvut-mm-price', placeholder: '价格', pattern: '(\\d+|\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*)(\\.\\d+)?[KMkm]?' });
  8606. hath.node.cod = $input('text', hath.node.td, { className: 'hvut-mm-cod', placeholder: 'cod', readOnly: true });
  8608. if ($id('mmail_attachcredits')) {
  8609. _mm.credits_list.push(credits, hath);
  8610. $element('span', _mm.node.write_tabs, 'Credits / Hath', () => { _mm.write_toggle('credits_div'); });
  8611. _mm.node.write_right.appendChild(_mm.node.credits_div);
  8612. }
  8614. _mm.credits_multi = function () {
  8615. if (_mm.credits_multi.current) {
  8616. popup('正在处理其他请求...');
  8617. return;
  8618. }
  8619. _mm.credits_multi.current = true;
  8620. _mm.node.write_field.disabled = true;
  8622. const queue = [];
  8623. const error = [];
  8624. let credits_funds = credits.data.stock;
  8625. let hath_funds = hath.data.stock;
  8626. _mm.node.credits_multi.value.split('\n').forEach((t) => {
  8627. if (!t) {
  8628. return;
  8629. }
  8630. const [to_name, ctext, subject, ...body] = t.split(';');
  8631. if (!to_name) {
  8632. error.push('无收件人: ' + t);
  8633. return;
  8634. }
  8636. const attach = [];
  8637. if (!ctext) {
  8638. } else if (/^\s*([0-9,.]+[ckm]?)\s*$/i.test(ctext)) {
  8639. const it = { pane: 'credits', name: 'Credits', id: 0, count: _mm.parse_price(RegExp.$1) };
  8640. attach.push(it);
  8641. credits_funds -= it.count;
  8642. } else if (/^\s*([0-9,]+)h\s*$/i.test(ctext)) {
  8643. const it = { pane: 'hath', name: 'Hath', id: 0, count: _mm.parse_count(RegExp.$1) };
  8644. attach.push(it);
  8645. hath_funds -= it.count;
  8646. } else {
  8647. error.push('无效的附件: ' + t);
  8648. return;
  8649. }
  8651. const mail = {
  8652. to_name,
  8653. subject: subject.trim() || _mm.node.write_subject.value,
  8654. body: body.length ? body.join(';').replace(/\|/g, '\n') : _mm.node.write_body.value,
  8655. attach,
  8656. };
  8657. queue.push(mail);
  8658. });
  8659. if (error.length) {
  8660. alert(error.join('\n'));
  8661. return;
  8662. }
  8663. if (credits_funds < 0) {
  8664. alert('Credits不足');
  8665. return;
  8666. }
  8667. if (hath_funds < 0) {
  8668. alert('Hath不足');
  8669. return;
  8670. }
  8672. queue.map((mail) => $mail.request(mail));
  8673. };
  8675. const multi_div = $element('div', _mm.node.credits_attach, ['!margin-top: 50px;']);
  8676. $input(['button', '群发'], multi_div, { style: 'width: 150px; margin: 10px;' }, () => { _mm.credits_multi(); });
  8677. $element('br', multi_div);
  8678. _mm.node.credits_multi = $element('textarea', multi_div, { placeholder: 'user; credits; subject; text (| = new line)\nex)\nsssss2; 10m\nsssss3; 500k; WTB; hi|I want to buy...\nTenboro; 500c\nMoogleMail; 1000h; Thanks', style: 'width: 500px; height: 300px;', spellcheck: false });
  8680. if (!['item_div', 'equip_div', 'credits_div'].some((d) => { if (_mm.node[d].parentNode) { _mm.write_toggle(d); return true; } })) {
  8681. $element('div', _mm.node.write_right, ['/' + $id('mmail_right').innerHTML, '.hvut-mm-disabled']);
  8682. _mm.node.write_cod_deduction.disabled = true;
  8683. if (_isekai) {
  8684. _mm.node.write_cod_persistent.disabled = true;
  8685. _mm.node.write_cod_persistent.checked = false;
  8686. }
  8687. }
  8688. _mm.node.write_to_name.focus();
  8690. // MM LIST
  8691. } else if ($id('mmail_list')) {
  8692. _mm.db = {
  8694. version: 1,
  8695. season: 'mm',
  8697. open: function (callback) {
  8698. if (_mm.db.database) {
  8699. callback?.();
  8700. return;
  8701. }
  8702. const request = indexedDB.open(_ns, _mm.db.version);
  8703. request.onsuccess = function (e) {
  8704. _mm.db.database = e.target.result;
  8705. callback?.();
  8706. };
  8707. request.onupgradeneeded = function (e) {
  8708. const db = e.target.result;
  8709. const stores = [_mm.db.season];
  8710. stores.forEach((store) => {
  8711. if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(store)) {
  8712. db.createObjectStore(store, { keyPath: 'mid' });
  8713. }
  8714. });
  8715. };
  8716. },
  8717. conn: function (mode = 'readonly', store = _mm.db.season) {
  8718. const db = _mm.db.database;
  8719. const tx = db.transaction(store, mode);
  8720. const os = tx.objectStore(store);
  8721. return { db, tx, os };
  8722. },
  8723. search: function (query) {
  8724. const { season, filter, name, subject, text, attach, eid, cod, cod_min, cod_max } = query;
  8725. const results = [];
  8726. return new Promise((resolve) => {
  8727. const conn = _mm.db.conn('readonly', season);
  8728. conn.os.openCursor().onsuccess = function (e) {
  8729. const cursor = e.target.result;
  8730. if (cursor) {
  8731. const db = cursor.value;
  8732. const mail = _mm.mail_get(db.mid, season);
  8733. mail.db = db;
  8735. const exclude = filter && filter !== db.filter
  8736. || name && !db.user.toLowerCase().includes(name)
  8737. || subject && !db.subject.toLowerCase().includes(subject)
  8738. || text && !db.text.toLowerCase().includes(text)
  8739. || cod && cod !== db.cod || cod_min && (!db.cod || cod_min > db.cod) || cod_max && cod_max < db.cod
  8740. || attach && !(db.attach?.some((e) => { if (eid) { return e.t === 'e' && e.e === eid; } else { const n = e.n.toLowerCase(); return attach.every((a) => n.includes(a)); } }));
  8741. if (!exclude) {
  8742. results.push(mail);
  8743. }
  8744. cursor.continue();
  8745. } else {
  8746. resolve(results);
  8747. }
  8748. };
  8749. });
  8750. },
  8751. export: function () {
  8752. _mm.node.db_export.disabled = true;
  8753. const json = [];
  8754. const database = _mm.db.database.name;
  8755. const stores = Array.from(_mm.db.database.objectStoreNames);
  8756. let completed = stores.length;
  8757. stores.forEach((store) => {
  8758. const values = [];
  8759. const conn = _mm.db.conn('readonly', store);
  8760. conn.os.openCursor().onsuccess = function (e) {
  8761. const cursor = e.target.result;
  8762. if (cursor) {
  8763. values.push(cursor.value);
  8764. cursor.continue();
  8765. } else {
  8766. json.push({ database, store, values });
  8767. completed--;
  8768. if (completed === 0) {
  8769. const date = new Date();
  8770. const download = _ns.toUpperCase() + '_MoogleMail_' + (date.getFullYear() + ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2)) + '.json';
  8771. const link = $element('a', document.body, { download, style: 'display: none;' });
  8772. window.URL.revokeObjectURL(link.href);
  8773. link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(json)], { type: 'application/json' }));
  8774. link.click();
  8775. _mm.node.db_export.value = 'Completed';
  8776. }
  8777. }
  8778. };
  8779. });
  8780. },
  8781. import: function () {
  8782. _mm.node.db_import.disabled = true;
  8783. const input = $input('file', _mm.node.db_div, { accept: '.json' });
  8784. const run = $input(['button', '选择'], _mm.node.db_div, null, () => {
  8785. const file = input.files[0];
  8786. if (!file) {
  8787. alert('首先选择一个文件');
  8788. return;
  8789. }
  8790. run.disabled = true;
  8792. const reader = new FileReader();
  8793. reader.onload = function (e) {
  8794. try {
  8795. const dbname = _mm.db.database.name;
  8796. const stores = Array.from(_mm.db.database.objectStoreNames);
  8797. const json = JSON.parse(e.target.result);
  8798. let completed = json.length;
  8800. function complete() {
  8801. completed--;
  8802. if (completed === 0) {
  8803. _mm.node.db_import.value = 'Completed';
  8804. }
  8805. }
  8807. json.forEach((obj) => {
  8808. const { database, store, values } = obj;
  8809. if (database !== dbname) {
  8810. console.log('无效的数据库');
  8811. complete();
  8812. return;
  8813. }
  8814. if (!stores.includes(store)) {
  8815. complete();
  8816. console.log('无效的对象存储');
  8817. return;
  8818. }
  8819. const conn = _mm.db.conn('readwrite', store);
  8820. conn.tx.oncomplete = function () {
  8821. complete();
  8822. };
  8823. values.forEach((data) => {
  8824. conn.os.put(data);
  8825. });
  8826. });
  8827. } catch (e) {
  8828. alert('解析文件失败\n请选择一个有效的MoogleMail数据库json文件');
  8829. run.disabled = false;
  8830. return;
  8831. }
  8832. };
  8833. reader.onerror = function () {
  8834. alert('读取文件失败');
  8835. };
  8836. reader.readAsText(file);
  8837. });
  8838. },
  8839. clear: function () {
  8840. if (confirm('在此浏览器中选定赛季的MoogleMail记录将被删除。\n你确定吗?')) {
  8841. const season = _mm.node.search_season?.value || _mm.db.season;
  8842. const conn = _mm.db.conn('readwrite', season);
  8843. conn.os.clear();
  8844. }
  8845. },
  8846. toggle: function () {
  8847. if (_mm.node.db_div) {
  8848. _mm.node.db_div.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  8849. return;
  8850. }
  8851. _mm.node.db_div = $element('div', _mm.node.bottom);
  8852. $input(['button', '关闭'], _mm.node.db_div, null, () => { _mm.db.toggle(); });
  8853. $input(['button', '重置数据库'], _mm.node.db_div, null, () => { _mm.db.clear(); });
  8854. _mm.node.db_export = $input(['button', '导出为JSON'], _mm.node.db_div, null, () => { _mm.db.export(); });
  8855. _mm.node.db_import = $input(['button', '从JSON导入'], _mm.node.db_div, null, () => { _mm.db.import(); });
  8856. },
  8857. init: function () {
  8858. if (_isekai) {
  8859. const version = /(\d+) Season (\d+)/.exec(_isekai) ? parseInt(RegExp.$1.slice(2) + RegExp.$2.padStart(2, '0').slice(-2)) : 1;
  8860. _mm.db.version = version;
  8861. _mm.db.season = _isekai;
  8862. }
  8863. },
  8865. };
  8867. _mm.page_filter = _query.filter || 'inbox';
  8868. _mm.page_current = parseInt(_query.page) || 0;
  8870. _mm.page_init = function () {
  8871. _mm.node.page_table[_mm.page_current] = $element('table', $id('mmail_outerlist'), ['.hvut-mm-list']);
  8872. _mm.page_create($id('mmail_list'), _mm.page_current);
  8873. $id('mmail_list').remove();
  8874. _mm.page_prev = _mm.page_current;
  8875. _mm.page_next = _mm.page_current;
  8876. _mm.page_pager($id('mmail_pager'), _mm.page_current);
  8877. };
  8879. _mm.page_click = function (e) {
  8880. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  8881. if (!target) {
  8882. return;
  8883. }
  8884. const { action, mid, season } = target.dataset;
  8885. if (action === 'read') {
  8886. e.preventDefault();
  8887. _mm.mail_read(mid, null, season);
  8888. }
  8889. };
  8891. _mm.page_load = async function (p) {
  8892. if (p === 'prev') {
  8893. if (_mm.page_prev === null) {
  8894. return;
  8895. }
  8896. p = _mm.page_prev;
  8897. } else if (p === 'next') {
  8898. if (_mm.page_next === null) {
  8899. return;
  8900. }
  8901. p = _mm.page_next;
  8902. }
  8903. if (_mm.node.page_table[p]) {
  8904. return;
  8905. }
  8906. _mm.node.page_table[p] = $element('table', [$id('mmail_outerlist'), _mm.node.page_table[p + 1]], ['.hvut-mm-list']);
  8907. const table = _mm.node.page_table[p];
  8908. $element('tr', table, [`/<td>${p} 页面:加载中...</td>`]);
  8909. scrollIntoView(table);
  8910. _mm.node.page_prev.disabled = true;
  8911. _mm.node.page_next.disabled = true;
  8913. const html = await $ajax.fetch(`?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=${_mm.page_filter}&page=${p}`);
  8914. const doc = $doc(html);
  8915. const list = $qs('#mmail_list', doc);
  8916. _mm.kill_asshole(list);
  8917. _mm.page_create(list, p);
  8918. scrollIntoView(table);
  8919. _mm.page_pager($id('mmail_pager', doc), p);
  8920. return doc;
  8921. };
  8923. _mm.page_pager = function (pager, p) {
  8924. const prev = /&page=(\d+)/.test(pager.children[0].firstElementChild.href) ? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : null;
  8925. const next = /&page=(\d+)/.test(pager.children[1].firstElementChild.href) ? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : null;
  8926. if (_mm.page_prev !== null && p <= _mm.page_prev) {
  8927. _mm.page_prev = prev;
  8928. }
  8929. if (_mm.page_next !== null && p >= _mm.page_next) {
  8930. _mm.page_next = next;
  8931. }
  8932. _mm.node.page_prev.disabled = _mm.page_prev === null;
  8933. _mm.node.page_next.disabled = _mm.page_next === null;
  8934. };
  8936. _mm.page_create = function (list, p) {
  8937. const table = _mm.node.page_table[p];
  8938. const tbody = $element('tbody');
  8939. const type = { 'inbox': '收件箱', 'read': '来自', 'sent': '发给' }[_mm.page_filter];
  8940. $element('tr', tbody, [`/<td>${type}</td><td>第 ${p} 页</td><td>附件</td><td>货到付款额</td><td>发送时间</td><td>阅读时间</td>`]);
  8942. const conn = _mm.db.conn();
  8943. let count = list.rows.length - 1;
  8944. Array.from(list.rows).slice(1).forEach((row) => {
  8945. if (row.cells[0].id === 'mmail_nnm') {
  8946. $element('tr', tbody, ['/<td colspan="6">没有新邮件</td>']);
  8947. return;
  8948. }
  8949. const mid = /mid=(\d+)/.test(row.getAttribute('onclick')) && parseInt(RegExp.$1);
  8950. const user = row.cells[0].textContent;
  8951. const returned = user === 'MoogleMail';
  8952. const subject = row.cells[1].textContent;
  8953. let sent = row.cells[2].textContent;
  8954. sent = Date.parse(sent + ':00.000Z') / 1000;
  8955. let read = row.cells[3].textContent;
  8956. read = read === 'Never' ? null : Date.parse(read + ':00.000Z') / 1000;
  8958. const mail = _mm.mail_get(mid);
  8959. if (mail.page) {
  8960. return;
  8961. }
  8962. mail.page = { filter: _mm.page_filter, user, returned, subject, sent, read };
  8963. const page = mail.page;
  8964. mail.node.page = $element('tr', tbody, ['/<td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>']);
  8965. $element('a', mail.node.page.cells[1], { dataset: { action: 'read', mid: mid }, href: `?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=${page.filter}&mid=${mid}&page=${p}` });
  8967. conn.os.get(mid).onsuccess = function (e) {
  8968. mail.db = e.target.result || null;
  8969. const db = mail.db;
  8970. if (!db || db.filter !== page.filter || !page.returned && !db.user.startsWith(page.user) || db.sent !== page.sent || db.read !== page.read) {
  8971. if (page.filter !== 'inbox') {
  8972. _mm.mail_load(mid);
  8973. }
  8974. }
  8975. _mm.page_modify(mail);
  8976. if (!--count) {
  8977. scrollIntoView(table);
  8978. }
  8979. };
  8980. });
  8981. table.innerHTML = '';
  8982. table.appendChild(tbody);
  8983. };
  8985. _mm.page_modify = function (mail) {
  8986. const page = mail.page;
  8987. const db = mail.db;
  8988. const tr = mail.node.page;
  8989. tr.cells[0].textContent = (db || page).user;
  8990. tr.cells[1].firstElementChild.textContent = (db || page).subject;
  8991. tr.cells[2].innerHTML = '';
  8992. tr.cells[3].innerHTML = '';
  8994. db?.attach?.forEach((e) => {
  8995. const span = $element('span', tr.cells[2], [`.hvut-mm-attach-${e.t}`]);
  8996. if (e.t === 'e') {
  8997. if (e.e && e.k) {
  8998. $element('a', span, { textContent: e.n, href: `equip/${e.e}/${e.k}`, target: '_blank' });
  8999. } else {
  9000. span.textContent = e.n;
  9001. }
  9002. } else {
  9003. span.textContent = `${e.c.toLocaleString()} x ${e.n}`;
  9004. }
  9005. });
  9006. if (db?.cod) {
  9007. tr.cells[3].innerHTML = `<span>${db.cod.toLocaleString()}</span>`;
  9008. }
  9009. tr.cells[4].textContent = _mm.dts(page.sent);
  9010. tr.cells[5].textContent = page.read ? _mm.dts(page.read) : '';
  9012. tr.classList[page.read ? 'remove' : 'add']('hvut-mm-unread');
  9013. tr.classList[(db || page).returned ? 'add' : 'remove']('hvut-mm-returned');
  9014. tr.classList[(db || page).filter !== page.filter ? 'add' : 'remove']('hvut-mm-removed');
  9015. tr.classList[db ? 'remove' : 'add']('hvut-mm-nodb');
  9016. };
  9018. _mm.page_go = function (p) {
  9019. p = parseInt(p);
  9020. if (isNaN(p) || p < 0) {
  9021. return;
  9022. }
  9023. location.href = location.href.replace(/&page=\d+/, '') + '&page=' + p;
  9024. };
  9026. _mm.mail_data = {};
  9028. _mm.mail_get = function (mid, season = _mm.db.season) {
  9029. if (!_mm.mail_data[season]) {
  9030. _mm.mail_data[season] = {};
  9031. }
  9032. if (!_mm.mail_data[season][mid]) {
  9033. _mm.mail_data[season][mid] = { mid, node: {} };
  9034. }
  9035. return _mm.mail_data[season][mid];
  9036. };
  9038. _mm.mail_read = async function (mid, post, season = _mm.db.season) {
  9039. const mail = _mm.mail_get(mid, season);
  9040. if (_mm.mail_current === mail && !post) {
  9041. _mm.mail_close();
  9042. return;
  9043. }
  9044. _mm.mail_close();
  9045. _mm.mail_current = mail;
  9046. _mm.node.mail_view.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  9047. $element('p', _mm.node.mail_view, ['加载中...', '.hvut-mm-loading']);
  9049. mail.node.page?.classList.add('hvut-mm-current');
  9050. mail.node.search?.classList.add('hvut-mm-current');
  9052. if (season === _mm.db.season) {
  9053. await _mm.mail_load(mid, post);
  9054. }
  9055. _mm.mail_view(mail);
  9056. };
  9058. _mm.mail_load = async function (mid, post) {
  9059. const mail = _mm.mail_get(mid);
  9060. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&mid=' + mid, post);
  9061. mail.view = _mm.mail_parse(html);
  9062. _mm.mail_update(mail);
  9063. return true;
  9064. };
  9066. _mm.mail_parse = function (arg) {
  9067. let html;
  9068. let doc;
  9069. if (typeof arg === 'string') {
  9070. html = arg;
  9071. doc = $doc(html);
  9072. } else {
  9073. doc = arg;
  9074. html = doc.documentElement.innerHTML;
  9075. }
  9077. const view = {};
  9078. const form = $id('mailform', doc);
  9079. if (form) {
  9080. _mm.mmtoken = form.elements.mmtoken.value;
  9081. view.to = form.elements[3].value;
  9082. view.from = form.elements[4].value;
  9083. view.subject = form.elements[5].value;
  9084. view.text = form.elements[6].value;
  9085. view.attach = [];
  9086. view.return = $qs('#mmail_showbuttons > img[src*="returnmail.png"]', doc) ? true : false;
  9087. view.recall = $qs('#mmail_showbuttons > img[src*="recallmail.png"]', doc) ? true : false;
  9088. view.reply = $qs('#mmail_showbuttons > img[src*="reply.png"]', doc) ? true : false;
  9089. view.take = $qs('#mmail_attachremove > img[src*="attach_takeall.png"]', doc) ? true : false;
  9091. if (view.from === 'MoogleMail') {
  9092. view.from = /This message was returned from (.+), kupo!|This mail was sent to (.+), but was returned, kupo!/.test(view.text.split('\n').reverse().join('\n')) && (RegExp.$1 || RegExp.$2);
  9093. view.returned = true;
  9094. }
  9095. if (view.take) {
  9096. view.filter = 'inbox';
  9097. view.user = view.from;
  9098. } else if (view.reply) {
  9099. view.filter = 'read';
  9100. view.user = view.from;
  9101. } else if (view.returned) {
  9102. view.filter = 'read';
  9103. view.user = view.from;
  9104. } else {
  9105. view.filter = 'sent';
  9106. view.user = view.to;
  9107. }
  9108. view.read = view.filter === 'read' || view.filter === 'sent' && !view.recall;
  9110. if ($id('mmail_attachlist', doc)) {
  9111. Object.assign($equip.dynjs_eqstore, JSON.parse(/var dynjs_eqstore = (\{.*\});/.test(html) && RegExp.$1));
  9112. Array.from($id('mmail_attachlist', doc).children).forEach((div) => {
  9113. let exec;
  9114. const onmouseover = div.firstElementChild.firstElementChild?.getAttribute('onmouseover');
  9115. if (onmouseover && (exec = /equips\.set\((\d+)/.exec(onmouseover))) {
  9116. const eid = parseInt(exec[1]);
  9117. const key = $equip.dynjs_eqstore[eid].k;
  9118. const name = $equip.dynjs_eqstore[eid].t;
  9119. const type = 'e';
  9120. view.attach.push({ t: type, n: name, e: eid, k: key });
  9121. } else if ((exec = /^([0-9,]+)x? (.+)$/.exec(div.textContent))) {
  9122. const count = _mm.parse_count(exec[1]);
  9123. const name = exec[2];
  9124. const type = name === 'Hath' ? 'h' : name === 'Credits' ? 'c' : 'i';
  9125. view.attach.push({ t: type, n: name, c: count });
  9126. } else {
  9127. console.log(div.textContent.trim());
  9128. }
  9129. });
  9130. if ($id('mmail_currentcod', doc)) {
  9131. view.cod = /Requested Payment on Delivery: ([0-9,]+) credits/.test($id('mmail_currentcod', doc).textContent) && _mm.parse_count(RegExp.$1);
  9132. }
  9133. } else {
  9134. const split = view.text.split('\n\n').reverse();
  9135. const attach = split[0].split('\n').every((e) => {
  9136. const exec = /^Removed attachment: (?:([0-9,]+)x? (.+)|(.+))$/.exec(e);
  9137. if (!exec) {
  9138. return false;
  9139. }
  9140. if (exec[3]) {
  9141. const name = exec[3];
  9142. const type = 'e';
  9143. view.attach.unshift({ t: type, n: name });
  9144. } else {
  9145. const name = exec[2];
  9146. const type = name === 'Hath' ? 'h' : name === 'Credits' ? 'c' : 'i';
  9147. const count = _mm.parse_count(exec[1]);
  9148. view.attach.unshift({ t: type, n: name, c: count });
  9149. }
  9150. return true;
  9151. });
  9152. if (attach) {
  9153. view.cod = /^CoD Paid: ([0-9,]+) Credits$/.test(split[1]) && _mm.parse_count(RegExp.$1);
  9154. }
  9156. // pre 0.85
  9157. const exec = /^Attached item removed: (?:([0-9,]+)x? (.+)|(.+)) \(type=([chie]) id=(\d+), CoD was ([0-9]+)C\)$/.exec(split[0]);
  9158. if (exec) {
  9159. const type = exec[4];
  9160. if (type === 'e') {
  9161. const name = exec[3];
  9162. const eid = exec[5];
  9163. view.attach.push({ t: type, n: name, e: eid });
  9164. } else {
  9165. const name = exec[2];
  9166. const count = _mm.parse_count(exec[1]);
  9167. view.attach.push({ t: type, n: name, c: count });
  9168. }
  9169. view.cod = _mm.parse_count(exec[6]);
  9170. }
  9171. }
  9172. } else {
  9173. view.error = get_message(doc) || '未知错误';
  9174. }
  9176. return view;
  9177. };
  9179. _mm.mail_update = function (mail) {
  9180. const mid = mail.mid;
  9181. const page = mail.page;
  9182. const view = mail.view;
  9184. if (view.error) {
  9185. } else if (mail.db) {
  9186. const db = mail.db;
  9187. const sent = page?.sent || db.sent;
  9188. let read = page?.read || db.read;
  9189. if (read === null && view.read) {
  9190. read = -1;
  9191. }
  9192. if (db.filter !== view.filter || db.user !== view.user || db.subject !== view.subject || db.text !== view.text || db.sent !== sent || db.read !== read) {
  9193. db.filter = view.filter;
  9194. db.user = view.user;
  9195. db.subject = view.subject;
  9196. db.text = view.text;
  9197. db.sent = sent;
  9198. db.read = read;
  9199. if (view.returned) {
  9200. db.returned = 1;
  9201. delete db.cod;
  9202. }
  9203. const conn = _mm.db.conn('readwrite');
  9204. conn.os.put(db);
  9205. }
  9206. } else if (page) {
  9207. mail.db = { mid: mid, filter: view.filter, user: view.user, subject: view.subject, text: view.text, sent: page.sent, read: page.read };
  9208. const db = mail.db;
  9209. if (view.returned) {
  9210. db.returned = 1;
  9211. }
  9212. if (view.attach.length) {
  9213. db.attach = view.attach;
  9214. }
  9215. if (view.cod) {
  9216. db.cod = view.cod;
  9217. }
  9218. const conn = _mm.db.conn('readwrite');
  9219. conn.os.add(db);
  9220. }
  9222. _mm.mail_modify(mail);
  9223. };
  9225. _mm.mail_modify = function (mail) {
  9226. if (mail.node.page) {
  9227. _mm.page_modify(mail);
  9228. }
  9229. if (mail.node.search) {
  9230. _mm.search_modify(mail);
  9231. }
  9232. };
  9234. _mm.mail_view = function (mail) {
  9235. if (_mm.mail_current !== mail) {
  9236. return;
  9237. }
  9238. const mid = mail.mid;
  9239. const view = mail.view || {};
  9240. const db = mail.db;
  9241. const div = _mm.node.mail_view;
  9242. div.innerHTML = '';
  9243. if (!db) {
  9244. $element('p', div, [`错误:${view.error}`, '.hvut-mm-loading']);
  9245. return;
  9246. }
  9247. div.classList[db.returned ? 'add' : 'remove']('hvut-mm-rts');
  9249. const type = db.filter === 'sent' ? '发给' : '来自';
  9250. const read = db.read === null ? '-' : db.read === -1 ? '????-??-??' : _mm.dts(db.read, 4);
  9251. $element('dl', div, [`/<dt>${type}</dt><dd>${db.user}</dd><dt>发送</dt><dd>${_mm.dts(db.sent, 4)}</dd><dt>主题</dt><dd>${db.subject}</dd><dt>已读</dt><dd>${read}</dd>`]);
  9253. _mm.node.mail_body = $element('textarea', div, { value: db.text, spellcheck: false, readOnly: true });
  9254. const buttons = $element('div', div);
  9255. $input(['button', '关闭'], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'close', mid } });
  9256. if (view.reply) {
  9257. $input(['button', '回复'], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'reply', mid } });
  9258. }
  9259. if (view.take) {
  9260. $input(['button', '全部获取'], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'take', mid, value: view.cod || '' } });
  9261. }
  9262. if (view.return) {
  9263. $input(['button', '退回'], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'return', mid } });
  9264. }
  9265. if (view.recall) {
  9266. $input(['button', '撤回'], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'recall', mid } });
  9267. }
  9268. if (view.error) {
  9269. $input(['button', view.error], buttons);
  9270. div.classList.add('hvut-mm-failed');
  9271. } else {
  9272. div.classList.remove('hvut-mm-failed');
  9273. }
  9274. if (db.returned) {
  9275. $input(['button', `这条消息已从${db.user}处退回`], buttons);
  9276. }
  9278. if (view.take && !view.returned && settings.moogleMailCouponClipper && /Coupon Clipper|Item Shop/i.test(db.subject + '\n' + db.text)) {
  9279. _mm.itemshop_parse();
  9280. $input(['button', '系统店代购'], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'itemshop', mid } });
  9281. }
  9282. if (view.take && !view.returned && settings.moogleMailDarkDescent && /Dark Descent|reforge/i.test(db.subject + '\n' + db.text)) {
  9283. const [, cost] = _mm.reforge_parse(db.attach);
  9284. if (cost) {
  9285. $input(['button', `代重铸服务 [${cost}]`], buttons, { dataset: { action: 'reforge', mid } });
  9286. }
  9287. }
  9289. mail.attach = [];
  9290. if (db.attach) {
  9291. const ul = $element('ul', div, null, { input: (e) => { _mm.mail_cod(e); } });
  9292. const li = $element('li', ul);
  9293. const wtx = db.filter === 'sent' ? 'WTS' : 'WTB';
  9295. $input(['button', `编辑${wtx}价格`], buttons, { className: 'hvut-mm-edit', dataset: { action: 'edit_price', value: wtx } });
  9296. $element('span', li, 'CoD: ' + (db.cod ? db.cod.toLocaleString() + (db.read ? ' [已支付]' : '') : '未设置'));
  9297. mail.node.price = $input('text', li, { className: 'hvut-mm-price', readOnly: true, value: wtx });
  9298. mail.node.cod = $input('text', li, { className: 'hvut-mm-cod', readOnly: true });
  9299. mail.attach = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(db.attach));
  9300. mail.attach.forEach((e) => {
  9301. const li = $element('li', ul);
  9302. const span = $element('span', li, [`.hvut-mm-attach-${e.t}`]);
  9303. if (e.t === 'e') {
  9304. if (e.e && e.k) {
  9305. $element('a', span, { textContent: e.n, href: `equip/${e.e}/${e.k}`, target: '_blank' });
  9306. } else {
  9307. span.textContent = e.n;
  9308. }
  9309. } else {
  9310. span.textContent = `${e.c.toLocaleString()} x ${e.n}`;
  9311. }
  9312. e.node = {};
  9313. if (e.n === 'Credits') {
  9314. return;
  9315. }
  9316. e.node.price = $input('text', li, { className: 'hvut-mm-price', value: '' });
  9317. e.node.cod = $input('text', li, { className: 'hvut-mm-cod', readOnly: true });
  9318. });
  9319. _mm.mail_price();
  9320. }
  9321. };
  9323. _mm.mail_click = function (e) {
  9324. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  9325. if (!target) {
  9326. return;
  9327. }
  9328. const { action, mid, value } = target.dataset;
  9329. if (action === 'close') {
  9330. _mm.mail_close();
  9331. } else if (action === 'reply') {
  9332. location.href = `?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new&reply=${mid}`;
  9333. } else if (action === 'take') {
  9334. if (value && !confirm(`拿取附件将从你的账户中扣除${parseInt(value).toLocaleString()}Credits,确定吗?`)) {
  9335. return;
  9336. }
  9337. _mm.mail_read(mid, `action=attach_remove&mmtoken=${_mm.mmtoken}`);
  9338. } else if (action === 'return') {
  9339. if (!confirm('这将把消息退回给发送者,确定吗?')) {
  9340. return;
  9341. }
  9342. _mm.mail_read(mid, `action=return_message&mmtoken=${_mm.mmtoken}`);
  9343. } else if (action === 'recall') {
  9344. if (!confirm('这将把消息撤回,确定吗?')) {
  9345. return;
  9346. }
  9347. _mm.mail_read(mid, `action=return_message&mmtoken=${_mm.mmtoken}`);
  9348. } else if (action === 'itemshop') {
  9349. _mm.itemshop_confirm(mid);
  9350. } else if (action === 'reforge') {
  9351. _mm.reforge_confirm(mid);
  9352. } if (action === 'edit_price') {
  9353. $price.edit(value, _mm.mail_price);
  9354. }
  9355. };
  9357. _mm.mail_close = function () {
  9358. if (_mm.mail_current) {
  9359. const mail = _mm.mail_current;
  9360. mail.node.page?.classList.remove('hvut-mm-current');
  9361. mail.node.search?.classList.remove('hvut-mm-current');
  9362. }
  9363. _mm.mail_current = null;
  9364. _mm.node.mail_view.classList.add('hvut-none');
  9365. _mm.node.mail_view.innerHTML = '';
  9366. _mm.mail_log('', true);
  9367. _mm.node.mail_log.parentNode.classList.add('hvut-none');
  9368. };
  9370. _mm.mail_price = function () {
  9371. const mail = _mm.mail_current;
  9372. if (!mail) {
  9373. return;
  9374. }
  9375. const db = mail.db;
  9376. const wtx = db.filter === 'sent' ? 'WTS' : 'WTB';
  9377. const attach = mail.attach;
  9378. const prices = $price.get(wtx);
  9380. attach.forEach((e) => {
  9381. if (e.n === 'Credits') {
  9382. return;
  9383. }
  9384. if (e.n in prices) {
  9385. e.node.price.value = prices[e.n] || '';
  9386. }
  9387. });
  9388. _mm.mail_cod();
  9389. };
  9391. _mm.mail_cod = function () {
  9392. const mail = _mm.mail_current;
  9393. if (!mail) {
  9394. return;
  9395. }
  9396. const db = mail.db;
  9397. const wtx = db.filter === 'sent' ? 'WTS' : 'WTB';
  9398. const attach = mail.attach;
  9399. let sum = 0;
  9401. attach.forEach((e) => {
  9402. if (e.n === 'Credits') {
  9403. return;
  9404. }
  9405. const p = _mm.parse_price(e.node.price.value, true);
  9406. const cod = p * (e.c || 1);
  9407. e.node.cod.value = cod ? cod.toLocaleString() : '';
  9408. sum += cod;
  9409. });
  9410. mail.node.cod.value = sum ? sum.toLocaleString() : '';
  9411. if (db?.cod) {
  9412. mail.node.price.value = !sum ? wtx : db.cod === sum ? 'CoD =' : db.cod > sum ? 'CoD >' : 'CoD <';
  9413. mail.node.price.dataset.codMatch = db.cod === sum ? '1' : '0';
  9414. mail.node.cod.dataset.codMatch = db.cod === sum ? '1' : '0';
  9415. }
  9416. };
  9418. _mm.mail_log = function (text, clear) {
  9419. _mm.node.mail_log.parentNode.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  9420. if (clear) {
  9421. _mm.node.mail_log.value = '';
  9422. }
  9423. _mm.node.mail_log.value += text + '\n';
  9424. _mm.node.mail_log.scrollTop = _mm.node.mail_log.scrollHeight;
  9425. };
  9427. _mm.search_submit = function () {
  9428. const season = _mm.node.search_season?.value || _mm.db.season;
  9429. const filter = _mm.node.search_filter.value;
  9430. const name = _mm.node.search_name.value.trim().toLowerCase();
  9431. const subject = _mm.node.search_subject.value.trim().toLowerCase();
  9432. const text = _mm.node.search_text.value.trim().toLowerCase();
  9433. let attach = _mm.node.search_attach.value.trim();
  9434. let eid = null;
  9435. let cod = _mm.node.search_cod.value.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase();
  9436. let cod_min = 0;
  9437. let cod_max = 0;
  9438. if (attach) {
  9439. if (isNaN(attach)) {
  9440. attach = attach.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
  9441. } else {
  9442. eid = parseInt(attach);
  9443. }
  9444. }
  9445. if (/^([0-9.]+[ckm]?)$/i.test(cod)) {
  9446. cod = _mm.parse_price(RegExp.$1);
  9447. } else if (/^([0-9.]+[ckm]?)?[-~]([0-9.]+[ckm]?)?$/i.test(cod)) {
  9448. cod = false;
  9449. cod_min = _mm.parse_price(RegExp.$1);
  9450. cod_max = _mm.parse_price(RegExp.$2);
  9451. } else {
  9452. cod = false;
  9453. }
  9454. const query = { season, filter, name, subject, text, attach, eid, cod, cod_min, cod_max };
  9455. _mm.search(query);
  9456. };
  9458. _mm.search = function (query) {
  9459. _mm.mail_close();
  9460. _mm.node.search_div.innerHTML = '';
  9461. _mm.node.search_div.classList.remove('hvut-none');
  9462. $element('div', _mm.node.search_div, ['正在搜索...', '.hvut-mm-searching']);
  9464. _mm.db.search(query).then((results) => {
  9465. const table = $element('table', null, ['.hvut-mm-list']);
  9466. const tbody = $element('tbody', table);
  9467. $element('tr', tbody, [`/<td>搜索</td><td>${results.length} 封邮件</td><td>附件</td><td>货到付款</td><td>发送时间</td><td>阅读时间</td>`]);
  9469. results.sort((a, b) => b.db.mid - a.db.mid);
  9470. results.forEach((mail) => {
  9471. const db = mail.db;
  9472. if (!mail.node.search) {
  9473. mail.node.search = $element('tr', tbody, ['/<td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>']);
  9474. if (query.season === _mm.db.season) {
  9475. $element('a', mail.node.search.cells[1], { dataset: { action: 'read', mid: db.mid }, href: `?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=${db.filter}&mid=${db.mid}` });
  9476. } else {
  9477. $element('a', mail.node.search.cells[1], { dataset: { action: 'read', mid: db.mid, season: query.season } });
  9478. }
  9479. }
  9480. tbody.appendChild(mail.node.search);
  9481. _mm.search_modify(mail);
  9482. });
  9484. _mm.node.search_div.innerHTML = '';
  9485. _mm.node.search_div.appendChild(table);
  9486. });
  9487. };
  9489. _mm.search_modify = function (mail) {
  9490. const db = mail.db;
  9491. const tr = mail.node.search;
  9492. const type = { 'inbox': '收件箱', 'read': '来自', 'sent': '发送至' }[db.filter];
  9493. tr.cells[0].innerHTML = `<span>${type}</span> ${db.user}`;
  9494. tr.cells[1].firstElementChild.textContent = db.subject;
  9495. tr.cells[2].innerHTML = '';
  9496. tr.cells[3].innerHTML = '';
  9498. db.attach?.forEach((e) => {
  9499. const span = $element('span', tr.cells[2], [`.hvut-mm-attach-${e.t}`]);
  9500. if (e.t === 'e') {
  9501. if (e.e && e.k) {
  9502. $element('a', span, { textContent: e.n, href: `equip/${e.e}/${e.k}`, target: '_blank' });
  9503. } else {
  9504. span.textContent = e.n;
  9505. }
  9506. } else {
  9507. span.textContent = `${e.c.toLocaleString()} x ${e.n}`;
  9508. }
  9509. });
  9510. if (db.cod) {
  9511. tr.cells[3].innerHTML = `<span>${db.cod.toLocaleString()}</span>`;
  9512. }
  9513. tr.cells[4].textContent = _mm.dts(db.sent);
  9514. tr.cells[5].textContent = db.read ? _mm.dts(db.read) : '';
  9516. tr.classList[db.read ? 'remove' : 'add']('hvut-mm-unread');
  9517. tr.classList[db.returned ? 'add' : 'remove']('hvut-mm-returned');
  9518. };
  9520. _mm.search_close = function () {
  9521. _mm.node.search_div.classList.add('hvut-none');
  9522. _mm.node.search_div.innerHTML = '';
  9523. };
  9525. _mm.search_keypress = function (e) {
  9526. if (e.which === 13) {
  9527. _mm.search_submit();
  9528. }
  9529. };
  9531. _mm.search_toggle = function () {
  9532. if (_mm.node.search_form) {
  9533. _mm.node.search_form.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  9534. return;
  9535. }
  9536. _mm.node.search_form = $element('div', _mm.node.bottom, null, { keypress: (e) => { _mm.search_keypress(e); } });
  9537. $input(['button', '关闭'], _mm.node.search_form, null, () => { _mm.search_toggle(); });
  9539. if (_isekai) {
  9540. _mm.node.search_season = $element('select', _mm.node.search_form);
  9541. Array.from(_mm.db.database.objectStoreNames).forEach((s) => { $element('option', _mm.node.search_season, { value: s, text: s }); });
  9542. _mm.node.search_season.value = _isekai;
  9543. }
  9544. _mm.node.search_filter = $element('select', _mm.node.search_form, ['/<option value="">全部</option><option value="inbox">收件箱</option><option value="read">已读</option><option value="sent">已发送</option>']);
  9545. _mm.node.search_name = $input('text', _mm.node.search_form, { placeholder: '用户', style: 'width: 120px;' });
  9546. _mm.node.search_subject = $input('text', _mm.node.search_form, { placeholder: '主题', style: 'width: 120px;' });
  9547. _mm.node.search_text = $input('text', _mm.node.search_form, { placeholder: '文本', style: 'width: 120px;' });
  9548. _mm.node.search_attach = $input('text', _mm.node.search_form, { placeholder: '附件', style: 'width: 120px;' });
  9549. _mm.node.search_cod = $input('text', _mm.node.search_form, { placeholder: 'COD金额(小-大)', style: 'width: 100px;' });
  9550. $input(['button', '搜索'], _mm.node.search_form, null, () => { _mm.search_submit(); });
  9551. $input(['button', '清除'], _mm.node.search_form, null, () => { _mm.search_close(); });
  9552. };
  9554. _mm.dts = function (date, year = 2) { // date_to_string
  9555. const d = new Date(date * 1000);
  9556. const yy = d.getFullYear().toString().slice(-year);
  9557. const MM = (d.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
  9558. const dd = d.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
  9559. const HH = d.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0');
  9560. const mm = d.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
  9561. return `${yy}-${MM}-${dd} ${HH}:${mm}`;
  9562. };
  9564. _mm.kill_asshole = function (obj) { // email-decode.min.js: usernames with '@' are encoded in html, then decoded
  9565. function h(e, t, r, a) {
  9566. for (r = '', a = '0x' + e.slice(t, t + 2) | 0, t += 2; t < e.length; t += 2) {
  9567. r += String.fromCharCode('0x' + e.slice(t, t + 2) ^ a);
  9568. }
  9569. return r;
  9570. }
  9571. $qsa('.__cf_email__', obj).forEach((a) => {
  9572. a.parentNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(h(a.dataset.cfemail, 0)), a);
  9573. });
  9574. return obj;
  9575. };
  9577. _mm.itemshop_data = {
  9578. 'health draught': { id: 11191, price: 23 },
  9579. 'health potion': { id: 11195, price: 45 },
  9580. 'health elixir': { id: 11199, price: 450 },
  9581. 'mana draught': { id: 11291, price: 45 },
  9582. 'mana potion': { id: 11295, price: 90 },
  9583. 'mana elixir': { id: 11299, price: 900 },
  9584. 'spirit draught': { id: 11391, price: 45 },
  9585. 'spirit potion': { id: 11395, price: 90 },
  9586. 'spirit elixir': { id: 11399, price: 900 },
  9587. //'soul fragment': { id: 48001, price: 900 },
  9588. 'crystal of vigor': { id: 50001, price: 9 },
  9589. 'crystal of finesse': { id: 50002, price: 9 },
  9590. 'crystal of swiftness': { id: 50003, price: 9 },
  9591. 'crystal of fortitude': { id: 50004, price: 9 },
  9592. 'crystal of cunning': { id: 50005, price: 9 },
  9593. 'crystal of knowledge': { id: 50006, price: 9 },
  9594. 'crystal of flames': { id: 50011, price: 9 },
  9595. 'crystal of frost': { id: 50012, price: 9 },
  9596. 'crystal of lightning': { id: 50013, price: 9 },
  9597. 'crystal of tempest': { id: 50014, price: 9 },
  9598. 'crystal of devotion': { id: 50015, price: 9 },
  9599. 'crystal of corruption': { id: 50016, price: 9 },
  9600. 'monster chow': { id: 51001, price: 14 },
  9601. 'monster edibles': { id: 51002, price: 27 },
  9602. 'monster cuisine': { id: 51003, price: 45 },
  9603. 'happy pills': { id: 51011, price: 1800 },
  9604. 'scrap cloth': { id: 60051, price: 90 },
  9605. 'scrap leather': { id: 60052, price: 90 },
  9606. 'scrap metal': { id: 60053, price: 90 },
  9607. 'scrap wood': { id: 60054, price: 90 },
  9608. 'energy cell': { id: 60071, price: 180 },
  9609. //'wispy catalyst': { id: 60301, price: 90 },
  9610. //'diluted catalyst': { id: 60302, price: 450 },
  9611. //'regular catalyst': { id: 60303, price: 900 },
  9612. //'robust catalyst': { id: 60304, price: 2250 },
  9613. //'vibrant catalyst': { id: 60305, price: 4500 },
  9614. //'coruscating catalyst': { id: 60306, price: 9000 },
  9615. };
  9617. _mm.itemshop_confirm = function (mid) {
  9618. const mail = _mm.mail_get(mid);
  9619. const [items, cost] = _mm.itemshop_parse();
  9620. if (!items.length) {
  9621. alert('无效的请求');
  9622. return;
  9623. }
  9624. const credits = mail.db.attach.filter((e) => e.n === 'Credits').reduce((s, e) => s + e.c, 0);
  9625. let msg;
  9626. if (cost !== credits) {
  9627. msg = '请求的材料总价为 ' + cost.toLocaleString() + ' credits,但是附加的credits数量为 ' + credits.toLocaleString() + '。\n继续吗?';
  9628. }
  9629. if (msg && !confirm(msg)) {
  9630. return;
  9631. }
  9632. _mm.itemshop(mid, items);
  9633. };
  9635. _mm.itemshop_parse = function (text = _mm.node.mail_body.value) {
  9636. const items = [];
  9637. let cost = 0;
  9638. _mm.mail_log('[系统店代购]', true);
  9639. text.split('\n').forEach((t) => {
  9640. let exec;
  9641. let name;
  9642. let count;
  9643. if (t.startsWith('> ')) {
  9644. return;
  9645. } else if ((exec = /([A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9' ]*)(?:\s*@\s*([0-9,.]+[ckm]?))?(?:\s+[x*\uff0a]?\s*[[(]?([0-9,]+)[\])]?)/i.exec(t))) {
  9646. name = exec[1];
  9647. count = exec[3];
  9648. } else if ((exec = /(?:[[(]?([0-9,]+)[\])]?\s*[x*\uff0a]?\s*)([A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9' ]*)(?:\s*@\s*([0-9,.]+[ckm]?))?/i.exec(t))) {
  9649. name = exec[2];
  9650. count = exec[1];
  9651. } else {
  9652. return;
  9653. }
  9654. name = name.trim();
  9655. count = _mm.parse_count(count);
  9656. const lowercase = name.toLowerCase();
  9657. if ((lowercase in _mm.itemshop_data) && count) {
  9658. const id = _mm.itemshop_data[lowercase].id;
  9659. const price = _mm.itemshop_data[lowercase].price;
  9660. const it = { pane: 'item', id, name, count };
  9661. items.push(it);
  9662. cost += count * price;
  9663. _mm.mail_log(`- ${count.toLocaleString()} x ${name} @ ${price.toLocaleString()}`);
  9664. }
  9665. });
  9666. _mm.mail_log(`# 总价: ${cost.toLocaleString()}c`);
  9667. return [items, cost];
  9668. };
  9670. _mm.itemshop = async function (mid, items) {
  9671. if (_mm.itemshop.current) {
  9672. popup('正在处理其他请求...');
  9673. return;
  9674. }
  9675. _mm.itemshop.current = mid;
  9677. _mm.mail_log('[系统店代购]', true);
  9678. _mm.mail_log('接收');
  9679. await _mm.mail_load(mid, `action=attach_remove&mmtoken=${_mm.mmtoken}`);
  9681. _mm.mail_log('购买');
  9682. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=is');
  9683. const doc = $doc(html);
  9684. const storetoken = $id('shopform', doc).elements.storetoken.value;
  9685. _mm.mail_log('...');
  9687. async function buy(id, count) {
  9688. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=is', `storetoken=${storetoken}&select_mode=shop_pane&select_item=${id}&select_count=${count}`);
  9689. const doc = $doc(html);
  9690. const error = get_message(doc);
  9691. if (error) {
  9692. _mm.mail_log(error);
  9693. return false;
  9694. }
  9695. done++;
  9696. _mm.mail_log(`已购买 (${done}/${total})`);
  9697. return true;
  9698. }
  9700. const total = items.length;
  9701. let done = 0;
  9702. const requests = items.map((it) => buy(it.id, it.count));
  9703. const results = await Promise.all(requests);
  9704. if (!results.every((r) => r)) {
  9705. return;
  9706. }
  9708. const attach = items;
  9709. const mail = {
  9710. to_name: _mm.mail_get(mid).view.from,
  9711. subject: '[系统店代购]',
  9712. body: '[系统店代购]',
  9713. attach,
  9714. };
  9715. $mail.request(mail);
  9716. };
  9718. _mm.reforge_confirm = function (mid) {
  9719. const mail = _mm.mail_get(mid);
  9720. const [equips, cost] = _mm.reforge_parse(mail.db.attach);
  9721. if (!cost) {
  9722. alert('没有潜能的装备');
  9723. return;
  9724. }
  9725. const amnesia = mail.db.attach.filter((e) => e.n === 'Amnesia Shard').reduce((s, e) => s + e.c, 0);
  9726. let msg;
  9727. if (!amnesia) {
  9728. msg = `这需要 ${cost} 重铸碎片,但没有附加任何物品。\n继续吗?`;
  9729. } else if (amnesia !== cost) {
  9730. msg = `这需要 ${cost} 重铸碎片,但附加物品的数量是 ${amnesia}。\n继续吗?`;
  9731. }
  9732. if (msg && !confirm(msg)) {
  9733. return;
  9734. }
  9735. _mm.reforge(mid, equips);
  9736. };
  9738. _mm.reforge_parse = function (attach) {
  9739. let cost = 0;
  9740. const equips = attach.filter((e) => e.t === 'e').map((dbeq) => {
  9741. const eid = dbeq.e;
  9742. const dynjs = $equip.dynjs_eqstore[eid];
  9743. const key = dynjs.k;
  9744. const name = dynjs.t;
  9745. const html = dynjs.d;
  9746. const exec = $equip.reg.html.exec(html);
  9747. const eq = {
  9748. info: { eid, key, name, category: exec[1], tier: parseInt(exec[6]) },
  9749. data: { pane: 'equip', id: eid, name, count: 1 },
  9750. node: {},
  9751. };
  9752. //$equip.parse.name(eq.info.name, eq);
  9753. cost += Math.ceil(eq.info.tier / 2);
  9754. return eq;
  9755. });
  9756. return [equips, cost];
  9757. };
  9759. _mm.reforge = async function (mid, equips) {
  9760. if (_mm.reforge.current) {
  9761. popup('正在处理其他请求...');
  9762. return;
  9763. }
  9764. _mm.reforge.current = mid;
  9766. _mm.mail_log('[代重铸服务]', true);
  9767. _mm.mail_log('接收');
  9768. await _mm.mail_load(mid, `action=attach_remove&mmtoken=${_mm.mmtoken}`);
  9770. _mm.mail_log('重铸');
  9771. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Character&ss=in');
  9772. const uid = /var uid = (\d+);/.test(html) && RegExp.$1;
  9773. const token = /var simple_token = "(\w+)";/.test(html) && RegExp.$1;
  9774. _mm.mail_log('...');
  9776. async function reforge(eq) {
  9777. let html = await $ajax.fetch('json', { type: 'simple', method: 'lockequip', uid, token, eid: eq.info.eid, lock: 0 }, 'JSON');
  9778. const json = JSON.parse(html);
  9779. if (!json || json.eid != eq.info.eid || json.locked != 0) {
  9780. const error = '解锁失败';
  9781. _mm.mail_log(error);
  9782. return false;
  9783. }
  9784. unlocked++;
  9785. _mm.mail_log(`已解锁 (${unlocked}/${total})`);
  9787. if (!eq.info.tier) {
  9788. reforged++;
  9789. _mm.mail_log(`已重铸 (${reforged}/${total}): 潜能等级 0`);
  9790. return true;
  9791. }
  9793. html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Forge&ss=fo&filter=' + $equip.alias[eq.info.category], 'select_item=' + eq.info.eid);
  9794. const doc = $doc(html);
  9795. const error = get_message(doc);
  9796. if (error) {
  9797. _mm.mail_log(error);
  9798. return false;
  9799. }
  9800. reforged++;
  9801. _mm.mail_log(`已重铸 (${reforged}/${total})`);
  9802. return true;
  9803. }
  9805. const total = equips.length;
  9806. let unlocked = 0;
  9807. let reforged = 0;
  9808. const requests = equips.map((eq) => reforge(eq));
  9809. const results = await Promise.all(requests);
  9810. if (!results.every((r) => r)) {
  9811. return;
  9812. }
  9814. const attach = equips.map((eq) => eq.data);
  9815. const mail = {
  9816. to_name: _mm.mail_get(mid).view.from,
  9817. subject: '[代重铸服务]',
  9818. body: '[代重铸服务]',
  9819. attach,
  9820. };
  9821. $mail.request(mail);
  9822. };
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  9882. .hvut-mm-view li { display: flex; margin-top: 2px; padding: 0 1px 0 6px; }
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  9892. `);
  9894. $id('mmail_outerlist').addEventListener('click', _mm.page_click);
  9895. _mm.node.page_table = [];
  9897. _mm.node.bottom = $element('div', $id('mmail_outer'), ['.hvut-mm-bottom']);
  9898. $input(['button', '管理数据库'], _mm.node.bottom, null, () => { _mm.db.toggle(); });
  9899. $input(['button', '搜索邮件'], _mm.node.bottom, null, () => { _mm.search_toggle(); });
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  9902. $input(['button', '前往'], _mm.node.bottom, null, () => { _mm.page_go(_mm.node.page_go.value); });
  9903. _mm.node.page_prev = $input(['button', '上一页'], _mm.node.bottom, { disabled: true }, () => { _mm.page_load('prev'); });
  9904. _mm.node.page_next = $input(['button', '下一页'], _mm.node.bottom, { disabled: true }, () => { _mm.page_load('next'); });
  9906. _mm.node.search_div = $element('div', $id('mmail_outer'), ['.hvut-mm-search hvut-none'], (e) => { _mm.page_click(e); });
  9907. _mm.node.mail_view = $element('div', $id('mmail_outer'), ['.hvut-mm-view hvut-none'], (e) => { _mm.mail_click(e); });
  9908. _mm.node.mail_log = $element('div', $id('mmail_outer'), ['.hvut-mm-log hvut-none']).appendChild($element('textarea', null, { readOnly: true, spellcheck: false, style: 'width: 300px; height: 300px;' }));
  9909. $mail.log = _mm.mail_log;
  9911. _mm.db.init();
  9912. _mm.db.open(_mm.page_init);
  9913. }
  9914. } else
  9915. //* [13] Bazaar - MoogleMail */
  9918. //* [14] Bazaar - Lottery
  9919. if (settings.lottery && _query.s === 'Bazaar' && (_query.ss === 'lt' || _query.ss === 'la')) {
  9920. if (settings.showLottery && $qs('img[src$="lottery_next_d.png"]')) {
  9921. _lt.toggle = function (show) {
  9922. _lt.json.hide = !show;
  9923. setValue(_query.ss + '_show', _lt.json);
  9924. };
  9925. _lt.json = getValue(_query.ss + '_show', {});
  9926. $input(['checkbox', '在每个页面上均展示本次头奖装备'], $element('div', $id('rightpane'), ['!margin-top: 10px; color: #c00;']), { checked: !_lt.json.hide }, { change: (e) => { _lt.toggle(e.target.checked); } });
  9927. }
  9929. confirm_event($qs('img[src$="/lottery_golden_a.png"]'), 'click', '你确定要使用黄金彩票券吗?');
  9932. // 发起 AJAX 请求以获取页面内容
  9933. $ajax.fetch('https://e-hentai.org/exchange.php?t=gp')
  9934. .then(response => {
  9935. // 解析响应并提取所需的数据
  9936. const html = response;
  9937. const parser = new DOMParser();
  9938. const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
  9939. const priceElement = doc.querySelector('td:nth-of-type(5)'); // 获取第5个 td 元素
  9940. if (priceElement) {
  9941. const priceString = priceElement.textContent.trim(); // 获取价格数据
  9942. // 使用正则表达式提取数字部分
  9943. const match = priceString.match(/[\d,]+/); // 匹配数字或逗号
  9944. if (match) {
  9945. const price = parseInt(match[0].replace(',', '')); // 将匹配到的字符串转换为整数(去除逗号)
  9946. // 显示价格数据在指定的数据框体中
  9947. const dataDisplay = $element('div', null, ['!position: absolute; top: 158px; left: 950px; width: 120px; height: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 5px; font-size: 12px;']); // 修改了位置
  9948. dataDisplay.textContent = '每1000GP 价格:' + price;
  9949. document.body.appendChild(dataDisplay);
  9950. } else {
  9951. console.error('无法提取价格数据');
  9952. }
  9953. } else {
  9954. console.error('无法找到 GP 价格数据');
  9955. }
  9956. })
  9957. .catch(error => {
  9958. console.error('请求失败:', error);
  9959. });
  9961. // 用于计算购买彩票的GP消耗
  9962. const resultDisplayElement = document.createElement('input');
  9963. resultDisplayElement.setAttribute('type', 'text'); // 设置显示框的类型为文本框
  9965. // 设置显示框的样式
  9966. resultDisplayElement.style.position = 'absolute';
  9967. resultDisplayElement.style.top = '187px';
  9968. resultDisplayElement.style.left = '688px';
  9969. resultDisplayElement.style.width = '125px';
  9970. resultDisplayElement.style.whiteSpace = 'normal';
  9972. // 获取包含 GP 数量的文本
  9973. const gpText = document.body.textContent.match(/You currently have (\d+(,\d+)*) GP/);
  9975. if (gpText && gpText.length > 1) {
  9976. const gpAmountString = gpText[1].replace(/,/g, ''); // 去除逗号
  9977. let gpAmount = parseInt(gpAmountString) ; // 将去除逗号后的字符串转换为整数并乘以1000
  9979. // 获取输入框中的数字
  9980. const ticketInput = document.getElementById('ticket_temp');
  9982. // 定义一个函数用于更新结果文本框中的数字
  9983. function updateResult() {
  9984. // 检查输入框中是否有有效的数字
  9985. if (ticketInput.value.trim() === '' || isNaN(parseInt(ticketInput.value))) {
  9986. // 如果输入框中没有有效的数字,则清空结果文本框
  9987. resultDisplayElement.value = '';
  9988. return;
  9989. }
  9990. const ticketAmount = parseInt(ticketInput.value) * 1000;
  9992. // 计算结果
  9993. const difference = gpAmount - ticketAmount;
  9995. // 将结果显示在新创建的文本框中,添加剩余GP文本
  9996. resultDisplayElement.value = `剩余GP: ${difference}`;
  9997. // 如果结果小于0,将文本框字体颜色设为红色,否则恢复默认颜色
  9998. resultDisplayElement.style.color = difference < 0 ? 'red' : 'black';
  9999. }
  10001. // 在输入框内容变化时更新结果
  10002. ticketInput.addEventListener('input', updateResult);
  10004. // 初始化结果文本框
  10005. updateResult();
  10006. } else {
  10007. resultDisplayElement.value = 'GP 数量未找到'; // 如果未找到匹配的文本,则文本框中会显示提示信息
  10008. }
  10010. // 添加文本框
  10011. document.body.appendChild(resultDisplayElement);
  10013. // 新增一个购买GP的快捷按钮
  10014. var buyGPButton = $element('button', null, ['!position: absolute; top: 160px; left: 880px;']);
  10015. buyGPButton.style.zIndex = '99'; // Ensure it's on top of other elements
  10016. buyGPButton.textContent = '购买GP';
  10017. buyGPButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
  10018. window.open('https://e-hentai.org/exchange.php?t=gp', '_blank');
  10019. });
  10020. document.body.appendChild(buyGPButton);
  10021. } else {
  10023. }
  10025. // [END 14] Bazaar - Lottery */
  10028. // Battle
  10029. if (_query.s === 'Battle' && $id('initform')) {
  10030. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  10031. #arena_list { white-space: nowrap; }
  10032. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(1) { width: 474px; }
  10033. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(2) { width: 120px; }
  10034. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(3) { width: 90px; }
  10035. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(4) { width: 90px; }
  10036. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(5) { width: 90px; }
  10037. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(6) { width: 90px; }
  10038. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(7) { width: 120px; }
  10039. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(8) { width: 90px; }
  10040. #arena_list tbody > tr > th:nth-child(8) > input { width: 70px; }
  10041. #arena_list tbody > tr > td > div { width: 100% !important; left: 0; }
  10043. .hvut-bt-on #arena_list tr > th:nth-child(1) { width: 302px; }
  10044. .hvut-bt-on #arena_outer #arena_list tr > *:nth-child(2),
  10045. .hvut-bt-on #arena_outer #arena_list tr > *:nth-child(5),
  10046. .hvut-bt-on #arena_outer #arena_list tr > *:nth-child(6),
  10047. .hvut-bt-on #arena_outer #arena_list tr > *:nth-child(7) { display: none; }
  10048. .hvut-bt-on #rob_outer #arena_list tr > *:nth-child(2),
  10049. .hvut-bt-on #rob_outer #arena_list tr > *:nth-child(4),
  10050. .hvut-bt-on #rob_outer #arena_list tr > *:nth-child(5),
  10051. .hvut-bt-on #rob_outer #arena_list tr > *:nth-child(7) { display: none; }
  10052. `);
  10054. _ar.split_colspan = function (table) {
  10055. $qsa('td[colspan="2"]', table).forEach((td) => {
  10056. td.removeAttribute('colspan');
  10057. $element('td', [td, 'beforebegin'], '-');
  10058. });
  10059. };
  10062. //* [16] Battle - Arena
  10063. if (settings.arena && _query.ss === 'ar') {
  10064. _ar.split_colspan($id('arena_list'));
  10065. toggle_button($input('button', $id('arena_list').rows[0].cells[7]), '展开细节', '收起', $id('mainpane'), 'hvut-bt-on', true);
  10066. $element('div', [$id('mainpane'), 'afterbegin'], ['#arena_outer']).append($id('arena_list'));
  10067. } else
  10068. // [END 16] Battle - Arena */
  10071. //* [17] Battle - Ring of Blood
  10072. if (settings.ringofblood && _query.ss === 'rb') {
  10073. _ar.split_colspan($id('arena_list'));
  10074. toggle_button($input('button', $id('arena_list').rows[0].cells[7]), '展开细节', '收起', $id('mainpane'), 'hvut-bt-on', true);
  10075. $element('div', [$id('mainpane'), 'afterbegin'], ['#rob_outer']).append($id('arena_list'), $id('arena_tokens'));
  10076. } else
  10077. // [END 17] Battle - Ring of Blood */
  10080. //* [18] Battle - GrindFest
  10081. if (settings.grindfest && _query.ss === 'gr') {
  10083. } else
  10084. // [END 18] Battle - GrindFest */
  10087. //* [19] Battle - Item World
  10088. if (settings.itemWorld && _query.ss === 'iw') {
  10089. _iw.pxp_mod = !_isekai ? { 'Normal': 2, 'Hard': 2, 'Nightmare': 4, 'Hell': 7, 'Nintendo': 10, 'IWBTH': 15, 'PFUDOR': 20 } : { 'Normal': 12, 'Hard': 12, 'Nightmare': 12, 'Hell': 21, 'Nintendo': 30, 'IWBTH': 45, 'PFUDOR': 60 };
  10091. _iw.click = function (e) {
  10092. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  10093. if (!target) {
  10094. return;
  10095. }
  10096. const { action, eid } = target.dataset;
  10097. const eq = eid && _iw.equiplist.find((eq) => eq.info.eid == eid);
  10098. if (action === 'select') {
  10099. _iw.select(eq);
  10100. } else if (action === 'calc') {
  10101. _iw.calc(eq);
  10102. } else if (action === 'reforge') {
  10103. _iw.reforge(eq);
  10104. }
  10105. };
  10107. _iw.select = function (eq) {
  10108. _iw.set_latest(eq);
  10109. if (!eq.info.round) {
  10110. eq.info.round = Math.round(75 * Math.pow((eq.info.pxp - 0.5 - 100) / 250, 3));
  10111. if (eq.info.round > 100) {
  10112. eq.info.round = 100;
  10113. } else if (eq.info.round < 20) {
  10114. eq.info.round = 20;
  10115. }
  10116. eq.info.round_ = eq.info.round;
  10117. if (eq.info.tier) {
  10118. _iw.load(eq);
  10119. }
  10120. }
  10121. _iw.update(eq);
  10122. };
  10124. _iw.calc = function (eq) {
  10125. let round = parseInt(prompt('输入道具界回合数', eq.info.round));
  10126. if (!round) {
  10127. return;
  10128. }
  10129. if (round > 100) {
  10130. round = 100;
  10131. } else if (round < 20) {
  10132. round = 20;
  10133. }
  10134. eq.info.round_ = round;
  10135. _iw.update(eq);
  10136. };
  10138. _iw.update = function (eq) {
  10139. let gear_exp = eq.info.round_ * _iw.pxp_mod[_player.dfct];
  10140. if (eq.info.soulbound) {
  10141. gear_exp *= 2;
  10142. }
  10143. let tier = eq.info.tier;
  10144. let pxp1 = eq.info.pxp1 + gear_exp;
  10145. let pxp2 = eq.info.pxp2;
  10146. while (tier < 10 && pxp1 >= pxp2) {
  10147. tier++;
  10148. pxp1 -= pxp2;
  10149. pxp2 = Math.ceil(eq.info.pxp * Math.pow(1 + eq.info.pxp / 1000, tier));
  10150. }
  10151. const pxp_text = tier < 10 ? `(${pxp1} / ${pxp2})` : '(MAX)';
  10153. eq.node.sub.innerHTML = '';
  10154. $element('span', eq.node.sub, [`潜能等级 ${eq.info.tier}`, (eq.info.tier ? '.hvut-iw-tier' : '')]);
  10155. $element('span', eq.node.sub, `(${eq.info.pxp1} / ${eq.info.pxp2})`);
  10156. $element('span', eq.node.sub, [`+${gear_exp} (${eq.info.round_})`, '.hvut-iw-up hvut-cphu', { dataset: { action: 'calc', eid: eq.info.eid } }]);
  10157. $element('span', eq.node.sub, '=>');
  10158. $element('span', eq.node.sub, [`潜能等级 ${tier}`, (tier ? '.hvut-iw-tier' : '')]);
  10159. $element('span', eq.node.sub, pxp_text);
  10163. if (!eq.data.potencies?.length) {
  10164. return;
  10165. }
  10166. $element('span', eq.node.sub, ['重铸', '.hvut-iw-reforge hvut-cphu', { dataset: { action: 'reforge', eid: eq.info.eid } }]);
  10167. eq.data.potencies.forEach((p) => {
  10168. $element('span', eq.node.sub, p);
  10169. });
  10170. };
  10172. _iw.load = async function (eq) {
  10173. const html = await $ajax.fetch(`equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}`);
  10174. const doc = $doc(html);
  10175. const eq_ = $equip.parse.extended($id('equip_extended', doc));
  10176. eq.info.tier = eq_.info.tier;
  10177. eq.info.pxp1 = eq_.info.pxp1;
  10178. eq.info.pxp2 = eq_.info.pxp2;
  10179. eq.data.potencies = $qsa('#ep > span', doc).map((p) => p.textContent);
  10180. _iw.update(eq);
  10181. };
  10183. _iw.reforge = async function (eq) {
  10184. if (!eq.node.lock.classList.contains('iu')) {
  10185. alert('重铸装备前请先解锁.');
  10186. return;
  10187. }
  10188. if (!confirm(`[${eq.info.name}]\n你确定要重铸这件装备吗?\n这会移除它所有的潜能并将其潜能等级归0.`)) {
  10189. return;
  10190. }
  10191. const html = await $ajax.fetch(`?s=Forge&ss=fo&filter=${_iw.filter}`, `select_item=${eq.info.eid}`);
  10192. const doc = $doc(html);
  10193. const error = get_message(doc);
  10194. if (error) {
  10195. popup(error);
  10196. }
  10197. _iw.load(eq);
  10198. };
  10200. _iw.set_latest = function (eq) {
  10201. _iw.json[_iw.filter] = eq.info.eid;
  10202. setValue('iw_latest', _iw.json);
  10203. };
  10205. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  10206. #itemworld_right { display: none; }
  10207. #itemworld_left { float: none; margin: 0 auto; }
  10208. #itemworld_left .cspp { overflow-y: scroll; }
  10209. div[onclick*='start_itemworld'] { width: 200px; margin: 30px auto 10px; }
  10211. #itemworld_left .eqp { height: 44px; }
  10212. .hvut-iw-latest { border: 1px solid; background-color: #fff !important; }
  10213. .hvut-iw-sub { position: absolute; top: 24px; left: 20px; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 18px; white-space: nowrap; }
  10214. .hvut-iw-sub > * { margin-right: 5px; }
  10215. .hvut-iw-tier { font-weight: bold; }
  10216. .hvut-iw-up { color: #c00; }
  10217. .hvut-iw-reforge { color: #c00; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 5px; }
  10218. `);
  10220. $id('itemworld_left').firstElementChild.prepend($id('accept_button').parentNode);
  10222. $id('item_pane').addEventListener('click', _iw.click);
  10224. _iw.equiplist = $equip.list($qs('#item_pane .equiplist'));
  10225. _iw.equiplist.forEach((eq) => {
  10226. eq.node.div.dataset.action = 'select';
  10227. eq.node.lock = eq.node.wrapper.firstElementChild;
  10228. eq.node.sub = $element('div', [eq.node.div, 'beforebegin'], ['.hvut-iw-sub']);
  10229. $element('span', eq.node.sub, [`潜能等级 ${eq.info.tier}`, (eq.info.tier ? '.hvut-iw-tier' : '')]);
  10230. $element('span', eq.node.sub, `(${eq.info.pxp1} / ${eq.info.pxp2})`);
  10231. });
  10233. _iw.json = getValue('iw_latest', {});
  10234. _iw.filter = _query.filter || '1handed';
  10235. _iw.latest = $id('e' + _iw.json[_iw.filter]);
  10236. if (_iw.latest) {
  10237. $qs('#item_pane > .equiplist').prepend(_iw.latest.parentNode);
  10238. _iw.latest.parentNode.classList.add('hvut-iw-latest');
  10239. _iw.latest.click();
  10240. }
  10241. } else
  10242. // [END 19] Battle - Item World */
  10244. // eslint-disable-next-line brace-style
  10245. {} // END OF [else if]; DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE!
  10248. //* [0] Battle - Equipment Enchant and Repair
  10249. if (settings.equipEnchant) {
  10250. var $battle = {
  10251. enchant_data: {
  10252. 'Voidseeker Shard': { effect: "虚空探索者的祝福", weapon: 'vseek' },
  10253. 'Aether Shard': { effect: '弥漫的以太', weapon: 'ether' },
  10254. 'Featherweight Shard': { effect: '轻如鸿毛', weapon: 'feath', armor: 'feath' },
  10255. 'Infusion of Flames': { effect: '火焰附魔', weapon: 'sfire', armor: 'pfire', day: 2 },
  10256. 'Infusion of Frost': { effect: '冰霜附魔', weapon: 'scold', armor: 'pcold', day: 3 },
  10257. 'Infusion of Lightning': { effect: '雷电附魔', weapon: 'selec', armor: 'pelec', day: 6 },
  10258. 'Infusion of Storms': { effect: '风暴附魔', weapon: 'swind', armor: 'pwind', day: 4 },
  10259. 'Infusion of Divinity': { effect: '神圣附魔', weapon: 'sholy', armor: 'pholy', day: 0 },
  10260. 'Infusion of Darkness': { effect: '黑暗附魔', weapon: 'sdark', armor: 'pdark', day: 1 },
  10261. },
  10262. node: {},
  10263. equips: [],
  10265. click: function (e) {
  10266. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  10267. if (!target) {
  10268. return;
  10269. }
  10270. const { action, eid, item, count } = target.dataset;
  10271. if (action === 'view') {
  10272. $battle.view(eid);
  10273. } else if (action === 'enchant') {
  10274. $battle.enchant($battle.current, item, count);
  10275. } else if (action === 'repair') {
  10276. $battle.repair($battle.current);
  10277. } else if (action === 'repairall') {
  10278. $battle.repair('all');
  10279. }
  10280. },
  10281. get: function (eid) {
  10282. return $battle.equips.find((eq) => eq.info.eid == eid);
  10283. },
  10284. view: function (eid) {
  10285. $battle.node.repair.innerHTML = '';
  10286. $battle.node.enchant.innerHTML = '';
  10288. const eq = $battle.get(eid);
  10289. if (!eq) {
  10290. return;
  10291. }
  10292. $battle.get($battle.current)?.node.li.classList.remove('hvut-bt-active');
  10293. $battle.current = eq.info.eid;
  10294. eq.node.li.classList.add('hvut-bt-active');
  10296. if (eq.data.repair) {
  10297. Object.entries(eq.data.repair).forEach(([n, c]) => { $element('li', $battle.node.repair, `${n} x ${c}`); });
  10298. } else {
  10299. $element('li', $battle.node.repair, '-');
  10300. }
  10302. if (!$item.list) {
  10303. return;
  10304. }
  10305. const cat = eq.info.cat;
  10306. const day = (new Date()).getUTCDay();
  10308. Object.entries($battle.enchant_data).forEach(([n, item]) => {
  10309. if (item[cat]) {
  10310. const li = $element('li', $battle.node.enchant);
  10311. const c = (cat === 'weapon' && n.includes('Infusion of ') ? settings.equipEnchantWeapon : settings.equipEnchantArmor) || 1;
  10312. const s = $item.count(n);
  10313. if (cat === 'weapon' && item.day === day) {
  10314. li.classList.add('hvut-bt-day');
  10315. }
  10316. if (!s) {
  10317. li.classList.add('hvut-bt-nostock');
  10318. }
  10319. $element('span', li, [`[+${c}]`, '.hvut-cphu', { dataset: { action: 'enchant', item: n, count: c } }]);
  10320. $element('span', li, [`${item.effect}`, '.hvut-cphu', { dataset: { action: 'enchant', item: n, count: 1 } }]);
  10321. $element('span', li, [`(${s})`]);
  10322. }
  10323. });
  10324. },
  10325. load: async function (eid) {
  10326. const eq = $battle.get(eid);
  10327. eq.node.enc.textContent = '获取附魔状态中...';
  10328. const html = await $ajax.fetch(`equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}`);
  10329. const doc = $doc(html);
  10330. $battle.parse(eq.info.eid, doc);
  10331. },
  10332. parse: function (eid, doc) {
  10333. const div = $id('equip_extended', doc);
  10334. const exec = /Condition: (\d+) \/ (\d+) \((\d+)%\)/.exec($qs('.eq', div).children[1].textContent);
  10335. const eq = $battle.get(eid);
  10336. eq.info.condition = exec[1];
  10337. eq.info.durability = exec[2];
  10338. eq.info.cdt = eq.info.condition / eq.info.durability;
  10339. $battle.display_condition(eq.info.eid);
  10341. eq.node.enc.innerHTML = '';
  10342. const enchant = $qsa('#ee > span', div);
  10343. enchant.forEach((e) => { $element('span', eq.node.enc, e.textContent); });
  10344. if (!enchant.length) {
  10345. eq.node.enc.textContent = '无附魔';
  10346. }
  10347. },
  10348. enchant: async function (eid, name, count) {
  10349. if (!$item.list) {
  10350. return;
  10351. }
  10352. const eq = $battle.get(eid);
  10353. const item = $battle.enchant_data[name];
  10354. const stock = $item.count(name);
  10355. if (count > stock) {
  10356. count = stock;
  10357. }
  10358. if (count < 1) {
  10359. return;
  10360. }
  10361. eq.node.enc.textContent = '加载中...';
  10363. async function enchant(eq) {
  10364. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Forge&ss=en', `select_item=${eq.info.eid}&enchantment=${item[eq.info.cat]}`);
  10365. const doc = $doc(html);
  10366. const error = get_message(doc);
  10367. if (error) {
  10368. popup(error);
  10369. }
  10370. $battle.parse(eq.info.eid, doc);
  10371. }
  10373. const requests = $ajax.repeat(count, enchant, eq);
  10374. await Promise.all(requests);
  10375. $battle.load_inventory();
  10376. },
  10377. repair: async function (eid) {
  10378. const eq = $battle.get(eid);
  10379. if (eq?.info?.cdt === 1) {
  10380. return;
  10381. }
  10382. $battle.node.repairall.innerHTML = '';
  10383. $battle.node.repair.innerHTML = '';
  10385. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Forge&ss=re', eq ? 'select_item=' + eq.info.eid : eid === 'all' ? 'repair_all=1' : null);
  10386. const doc = $doc(html);
  10387. $battle.load_dynjs(doc);
  10389. const error = get_message(doc);
  10390. if (error) {
  10391. popup(error);
  10392. $battle.load_inventory();
  10393. return;
  10394. }
  10396. const repairall = /Requires: (.+)/.test($id('repairall', doc).nextElementSibling.textContent) && RegExp.$1;
  10397. if (repairall === 'Everything is fully repaired.') {
  10398. $battle.repair.repairall = 0;
  10399. } else {
  10400. $battle.repair.repairall = {};
  10401. repairall.split(', ').forEach((e) => {
  10402. const exec = /(\d+)x (.+)/.exec(e);
  10403. $battle.repair.repairall[exec[2]] = parseInt(exec[1]);
  10404. });
  10405. }
  10407. const repair_equip = {};
  10408. $qsa('.equiplist div[onclick*="set_forge_cost"]', doc).forEach((div) => {
  10409. const [, eid, repair] = /set_forge_cost\((\d+),'Requires: (.+?)'/.exec(div.getAttribute('onclick'));
  10410. repair_equip[eid] = {};
  10411. repair.split(', ').forEach((e) => {
  10412. const exec = /(\d+)x (.+)/.exec(e);
  10413. // 添加修理材料的英文到中文映射
  10414. const materialMapping = {
  10415. 'Scrap Metal': '金属废料',
  10416. 'Scrap Leather': '皮革废料',
  10417. 'Scrap Wood': '木材废料',
  10418. 'Scrap Cloth': '废布料',
  10419. 'Energy Cell': '能量元',
  10420. };
  10422. // 遍历修理材料,进行映射
  10423. repair.split(', ').forEach((e) => {
  10424. const exec = /(\d+)x (.+)/.exec(e);
  10425. const materialName = exec[2];
  10426. const materialCount = parseInt(exec[1]);
  10428. // 将英文名称映射为中文名称
  10429. const chineseMaterialName = materialMapping[materialName] || materialName;
  10431. // 存储修理材料的中文名称及其数量
  10432. repair_equip[eid][chineseMaterialName] = materialCount;
  10433. });
  10434. });
  10435. });
  10437. $battle.equips.forEach((e) => {
  10438. const repair = repair_equip[e.info.eid];
  10439. if (repair) {
  10440. e.data.repair = repair;
  10441. } else {
  10442. e.data.repair = false;
  10443. }
  10444. if (eq === e || eid === 'all' && settings.equipEnchantCheckArmors) {
  10445. $battle.load(e.info.eid);
  10446. }
  10447. });
  10449. if (eq || eid === 'all') {
  10450. $battle.load_inventory();
  10451. } else {
  10452. $battle.display_inventory();
  10453. }
  10454. $persona.check_warning(doc);
  10455. },
  10456. load_dynjs: async function (doc) {
  10457. const src = $qs('script[src*="/dynjs/"]', doc).src;
  10458. const html = await $ajax.fetch(src + '?t=' + Date.now());
  10459. $equip.dynjs_loaded = JSON.parse(html.slice(16, -1));
  10461. $battle.equips.some((eq) => {
  10462. const dynjs = $equip.dynjs_loaded[eq.info.eid];
  10463. if (!dynjs) {
  10464. $persona.change_p();
  10465. return true;
  10466. }
  10467. const exec = $equip.reg.html.exec(dynjs.d);
  10468. eq.info.condition = parseInt(exec[4]);
  10469. eq.info.durability = parseInt(exec[5]);
  10470. eq.info.cdt = eq.info.condition / eq.info.durability;
  10471. $battle.display_condition(eq.info.eid);
  10472. });
  10473. },
  10474. display_condition: function (eid) {
  10475. const eq = $battle.get(eid);
  10476. let thld = settings.equipEnchantRepairThreshold;
  10477. if (thld < 1) {
  10478. thld = eq.info.cdt <= thld;
  10479. } else { // margin to 50%
  10480. thld = eq.info.condition <= thld + eq.info.durability * 0.5;
  10481. }
  10482. eq.node.cdt.textContent = `${eq.info.condition} / ${eq.info.durability} (${(eq.info.cdt * 100).toFixed(1)}%)`;
  10483. eq.node.cdt.className = eq.info.cdt <= 0.5 ? 'hvut-bt-cdt2' : eq.info.cdt <= 0.6 || thld ? 'hvut-bt-cdt1' : '';
  10484. },
  10485. load_inventory: async function () {
  10486. $battle.node.inventory.innerHTML = '';
  10487. $battle.node.repairall.innerHTML = '';
  10488. await $item.load();
  10489. $battle.display_inventory();
  10490. setValue('items', $item.list);
  10491. },
  10492. display_inventory: function () {
  10493. $battle.node.inventory.innerHTML = '';
  10494. $battle.node.repairall.innerHTML = '';
  10495. if (!$item.list) {
  10496. return;
  10497. }
  10498. // 翻译修理材料
  10499. const repairItemsMapping = {
  10500. 'Scrap Metal': '金属废料',
  10501. 'Scrap Leather': '皮革废料',
  10502. 'Scrap Wood': '木材废料',
  10503. 'Scrap Cloth': '废布料',
  10504. 'Energy Cell': '能量元',
  10505. // 这里可以继续添加其他修理材料的映射关系
  10506. };
  10507. // 遍历修理材料列表,将英文名称转换为中文名称并显示
  10508. Object.entries($battle.repair.repairall).forEach(([n, c]) => {
  10509. const cnName = repairItemsMapping[n] || n; // 如果找不到中文名称,则保持英文名称
  10510. const s = $item.count(n);
  10511. $element('li', $battle.node.repairall, [`${cnName} x ${c} (${s})`, s < c ? '.hvut-bt-warn' : '']);
  10512. });
  10514. // 翻译补给品库存
  10515. const recoveryItemsMapping = {
  10516. 'Health Potion' : '生命药水',
  10517. 'Health Draught' : '生命长效药',
  10518. 'Health Elixir' : '生命秘药',
  10519. 'Mana Potion' : '法力药水',
  10520. 'Mana Draught' : '法力长效药',
  10521. 'Mana Elixir' : '法力秘药',
  10522. 'Spirit Potion' : '灵力药水',
  10523. 'Spirit Draught' : '灵力长效药',
  10524. 'Spirit Elixir' : '灵力秘药',
  10525. 'Last Elixir' : '终极秘药',
  10526. 'Flower Vase' : '花瓶',
  10527. 'Bubble-Gum' : '泡泡糖',
  10528. // 可在设置中继续添加
  10529. };
  10530. Object.entries(settings.equipEnchantInventory).forEach(([enName, m]) => {
  10531. const cnName = recoveryItemsMapping[enName] || enName; // 如果找不到中文名称,则保持英文名称
  10532. const c = $item.count(enName);
  10533. $element('li', $battle.node.inventory, [`${cnName} (${c})`, c < m ? '.hvut-bt-warn' : '']);
  10534. });
  10537. if ($battle.repair.repairall === 0) {
  10538. $element('li', $battle.node.repairall, '所有装备无需修理.');
  10539. }
  10540. $battle.view($battle.current);
  10541. },
  10542. create: function () {
  10543. $battle.load_inventory();
  10544. $battle.equips.length = 0;
  10545. $battle.node.equip.innerHTML = '';
  10546. const equipset = getValue('equipset');
  10547. if (!equipset) {
  10548. $persona.change_p();
  10549. return;
  10550. }
  10551. equipset.forEach((info) => {
  10552. if (!info.eid) {
  10553. $element('li', $battle.node.equip, [`/<a>${info.slot}</a><span>空</span><span></span>`]);
  10554. return false;
  10555. }
  10557. const eq = { info, data: {}, node: {} };
  10558. eq.info.cat = (eq.info.category === 'One-handed Weapon' || eq.info.category === 'Two-handed Weapon' || eq.info.category === 'Staff') ? 'weapon' : 'armor';
  10559. eq.node.li = $element('li', $battle.node.equip);
  10560. eq.node.name = $element('a', eq.node.li, { textContent: eq.info.customname || eq.info.name, href: `equip/${eq.info.eid}/${eq.info.key}`, target: '_blank' });
  10561. eq.node.enc = $element('span', eq.node.li);
  10562. eq.node.cdt = $element('span', eq.node.li, { textContent: '...', dataset: { action: 'view', eid: eq.info.eid } });
  10564. $battle.equips.push(eq);
  10565. if (eq.info.cat === 'weapon' || settings.equipEnchantCheckArmors) {
  10566. $battle.load(eq.info.eid);
  10567. }
  10568. });
  10570. $battle.current = $battle.equips[0]?.info.eid;
  10571. $battle.repair();
  10572. },
  10573. init: function () {
  10574. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  10575. .hvut-bt-outer { width: 1220px !important; }
  10576. .hvut-bt-outer > p { width: 520px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }
  10577. .hvut-bt-on .hvut-bt-outer { width: 620px !important; }
  10578. .hvut-bt-on.hvut-bt-left .hvut-bt-outer { margin-left: 600px !important; }
  10579. .hvut-bt-on.hvut-bt-right .hvut-bt-outer { margin-right: 600px !important; }
  10580. .hvut-bt-on .hvut-bt-div { visibility: visible; }
  10581. .hvut-bt-left .hvut-bt-div { left: 8px; }
  10582. .hvut-bt-right .hvut-bt-div { right: 8px; }
  10583. #popup_box.hvut-bt-right-popup { left: 624px !important; }
  10584. #popup_box.hvut-bt-left-popup { left: 244px !important; }
  10586. .hvut-bt-div { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; bottom: 8px; width: 599px; height: 417px; color: #333; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; white-space: nowrap; }
  10587. .hvut-bt-div > ul { margin: 0; padding: 21px 0 0; border: 1px solid; list-style: none; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; }
  10588. .hvut-bt-div > ul::before { content: attr(data-header); position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid; background-color: #edb; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; font-weight: bold; }
  10590. .hvut-bt-equip { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 400px; height: 286px; }
  10591. .hvut-bt-equip li { position: relative; height: 40px; padding-right: 60px; border-bottom: 1px solid; }
  10592. .hvut-bt-equip li:last-child { border-bottom: none; }
  10593. .hvut-bt-equip li:hover { background-color: #fff; z-index: 1; }
  10594. .hvut-bt-active { background-color: #fff; }
  10595. .hvut-bt-equip li > a { display: block; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; }
  10596. .hvut-bt-equip li > span:nth-child(2) { display: block; font-size: 9pt; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
  10597. .hvut-bt-equip li > span:nth-child(2) > span { display: inline-block; margin: 0 3px; color: #e00; }
  10598. .hvut-bt-equip li > span:nth-child(2):empty { visibility: hidden; }
  10599. .hvut-bt-equip li:hover > span:nth-child(2) { white-space: normal; border-bottom: 1px solid; background: inherit; pointer-events: none; }
  10600. .hvut-bt-equip li:last-child:hover > span:nth-child(2) { position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 340px; border-top: 1px solid; border-bottom: none; }
  10601. .hvut-bt-equip li > span:nth-child(3) { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; width: 59px; height: 100%; border-left: 1px solid #333; font-size: 9pt; white-space: normal; cursor: pointer; }
  10602. .hvut-bt-equip li > span:nth-child(3):hover { background-color: #fff; }
  10603. .hvut-bt-cdt1 { color: #e00; }
  10604. .hvut-bt-cdt2 { color: #fff; background-color: #e00 !important; }
  10606. .hvut-bt-inventory { position: absolute; bottom: 314px; left: 0; width: 400px; min-height: 80px; max-height: 160px; flex-direction: row !important; justify-content: space-between !important; flex-wrap: wrap; align-content: space-evenly; font-size: 9pt; }
  10607. .hvut-bt-inventory > li { width: 32%; overflow: hidden; }
  10608. .hvut-bt-inventory > li:last-child:nth-child(3n+2) { margin-right: 34%; }
  10609. .hvut-bt-warn { color: #e00; }
  10611. .hvut-bt-enchant { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 407px; width: 190px; height: 204px; line-height: 18px; }
  10612. .hvut-bt-enchant > li { display: flex; margin: 2px 0; }
  10613. .hvut-bt-enchant span { margin: 0 2px; }
  10614. .hvut-bt-enchant span:nth-child(1) { color: #03c; }
  10615. .hvut-bt-enchant span:nth-child(2) { flex-grow: 1; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; text-align: left; color: #03c; }
  10616. .hvut-bt-day { background-color: #fff; }
  10617. .hvut-bt-day span:nth-child(2) { font-weight: bold; }
  10618. .hvut-bt-nostock span { color: #999 !important; cursor: default; }
  10620. .hvut-bt-repair { position: absolute; bottom: 232px; left: 407px; width: 190px; height: 54px; cursor: pointer; }
  10621. .hvut-bt-repair:hover { background-color: #fff; }
  10622. .hvut-bt-repairall { position: absolute; bottom: 314px; left: 407px; width: 190px; min-height: 80px; cursor: pointer; }
  10623. .hvut-bt-repairall:hover { background-color: #fff; }
  10624. `);
  10626. $battle.node.div = $element('div', $id('mainpane'), ['.hvut-bt-div'], (e) => { $battle.click(e); });
  10627. $battle.node.equip = $element('ul', $battle.node.div, ['.hvut-bt-equip', { dataset: { header: '装备' } }]);
  10628. $battle.node.enchant = $element('ul', $battle.node.div, ['.hvut-bt-enchant', { dataset: { header: '装备附魔' } }]);
  10629. $battle.node.repair = $element('ul', $battle.node.div, ['.hvut-bt-repair', { dataset: { header: '修理装备', action: 'repair' } }]);
  10630. $battle.node.repairall = $element('ul', $battle.node.div, ['.hvut-bt-repairall', { dataset: { header: '修理全部', action: 'repairall' } }]);
  10631. $battle.node.inventory = $element('ul', $battle.node.div, ['.hvut-bt-inventory', { dataset: { header: '补给品库存' } }]);
  10633. $id('mainpane').classList.add('hvut-bt-on');
  10634. $id('mainpane').style.paddingRight = '8px';
  10636. if (settings.equipEnchantPosition === 'right') {
  10637. $id('mainpane').classList.add('hvut-bt-right');
  10638. $id('popup_box').classList.add('hvut-bt-right-popup');
  10639. } else {
  10640. $id('mainpane').classList.add('hvut-bt-left');
  10641. $id('popup_box').classList.add('hvut-bt-left-popup');
  10642. }
  10644. $qs('#arena_outer, #rob_outer, #towerstart, #grindfest, #itemworld_outer')?.classList.add('hvut-bt-outer');
  10646. $battle.create();
  10647. },
  10649. };
  10651. $battle.init();
  10652. }
  10653. // [END 0] Battle - Equipment Enchant and Repair */
  10654. } else
  10655. // Battle
  10658. //* [21] Forge - Upgrade
  10659. if (settings.upgrade && _query.s === 'Forge' && _query.ss === 'up') {
  10660. _up.exp = { 'Low-Grade': 1, 'Mid-Grade': 5, 'High-Grade': 20, 'Wispy Catalyst': 3, 'Diluted Catalyst': 13, 'Regular Catalyst': 25, 'Robust Catalyst': 63, 'Vibrant Catalyst': 125, 'Coruscating Catalyst': 250 };
  10661. _up.catalysts = ['Wispy Catalyst', 'Diluted Catalyst', 'Regular Catalyst', 'Robust Catalyst', 'Vibrant Catalyst', 'Coruscating Catalyst'];
  10663. _up.sort = function (object) {
  10664. const index = ['Wispy Catalyst', 'Diluted Catalyst', 'Regular Catalyst', 'Robust Catalyst', 'Vibrant Catalyst', 'Coruscating Catalyst', 'Low-Grade', 'Mid-Grade', 'High-Grade', 'Crystallized Phazon', 'Shade Fragment', 'Repurposed Actuator', 'Defense Matrix Modulator', 'Binding of'];
  10665. Object.keys(object).sort((a, b) => index.findIndex((e) => a.includes(e)) - index.findIndex((e) => b.includes(e))).forEach((k) => {
  10666. const v = object[k];
  10667. delete object[k];
  10668. object[k] = v;
  10669. });
  10670. };
  10672. _up.set = function (eq) {
  10673. eq.upgrade.type = { 'One-handed Weapon': 'Metals', 'Two-handed Weapon': 'Metals', 'Staff': 'Wood', 'Shield': 'Wood', 'Cloth Armor': 'Cloth', 'Light Armor': 'Leather', 'Heavy Armor': 'Metals' }[eq.info.category];
  10674. eq.upgrade.rare = { 'Phase': 'Crystallized Phazon', 'Shade': 'Shade Fragment', 'Power': 'Repurposed Actuator', 'Force Shield': 'Defense Matrix Modulator' }[eq.info.type];
  10676. let array = new Array(150);
  10677. array.fill([6, 0, 0], 0);
  10678. array.fill([5, 1, 0], 5);
  10679. array.fill([4, 2, 0], 12);
  10680. array.fill([3, 3, 0], 20);
  10681. array.fill([2, 4, 0], 27);
  10682. array.fill([1, 5, 0], 35);
  10683. array.fill([0, 6, 0], 42);
  10684. array.fill([0, 5, 1], 55);
  10685. array.fill([0, 4, 2], 62);
  10686. array.fill([0, 3, 3], 70);
  10687. array.fill([0, 2, 4], 77);
  10688. array.fill([0, 1, 5], 85);
  10689. array.fill([0, 0, 6], 92);
  10690. array = array.slice({ 'Sup': 0, 'Exq': 15, 'Mag': 30, 'Leg': 50 }[eq.upgrade.quality] || 0);
  10691. const catalysts = _up.catalysts.slice({ 'Sup': 0, 'Exq': 1, 'Mag': 2, 'Leg': 3 }[eq.upgrade.quality] || 0);
  10693. eq.upgrade.requires_50.length = 0;
  10694. eq.upgrade.requires_100.length = 0;
  10695. array.slice(0, 100).forEach((e, i) => {
  10696. const _100 = { materials: {} };
  10697. if (e[0]) { _100.materials['Low-Grade ' + eq.upgrade.type] = e[0]; }
  10698. if (e[1]) { _100.materials['Mid-Grade ' + eq.upgrade.type] = e[1]; }
  10699. if (e[2]) { _100.materials['High-Grade ' + eq.upgrade.type] = e[2]; }
  10700. if (i > 4 && !_isekai) {
  10701. _100.binding = true;
  10702. }
  10703. _100.forge_exp = _up.exp['Low-Grade'] * e[0] + _up.exp['Mid-Grade'] * e[1] + _up.exp['High-Grade'] * e[2];
  10705. if (i < 5 || i < 95 && i % 2 === 0) {
  10706. const j = i < 5 ? i : 4 + (i - 4) / 2;
  10707. const _50 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_100));
  10708. const c = catalysts[j < 13 ? 0 : j < 25 ? 1 : 2];
  10709. _50.materials[c] = 1;
  10710. _50.forge_exp += _up.exp[c];
  10711. _50.gear_exp = Math.ceil(_50.forge_exp / 10);
  10712. eq.upgrade.requires_50.push(_50);
  10713. }
  10715. const c = catalysts[i < 25 ? 0 : i < 50 ? 1 : 2];
  10716. _100.materials[c] = 1;
  10717. _100.forge_exp += _up.exp[c];
  10718. _100.gear_exp = Math.ceil(_100.forge_exp / 10);
  10719. eq.upgrade.requires_100.push(_100);
  10720. });
  10721. };
  10723. _up.calc = function (eq, up, t) {
  10724. up.materials = {};
  10725. up.forge_exp = 0;
  10726. up.gear_exp = 0;
  10727. let from;
  10728. let to;
  10729. if (t) {
  10730. from = up.level;
  10731. to = up.to;
  10732. } else {
  10733. from = 0;
  10734. to = up.level;
  10735. }
  10736. up.requires.slice(from, to).forEach((c) => {
  10737. Object.keys(c.materials).forEach((n) => {
  10738. if (!up.materials[n]) {
  10739. up.materials[n] = 0;
  10740. }
  10741. up.materials[n] += c.materials[n];
  10742. });
  10743. if (c.binding) {
  10744. if (!up.materials[up.binding]) {
  10745. up.materials[up.binding] = 0;
  10746. }
  10747. up.materials[up.binding]++;
  10748. }
  10749. up.forge_exp += c.forge_exp;
  10750. up.gear_exp += c.gear_exp;
  10751. });
  10752. if (eq.upgrade.rare && to > eq.upgrade.level) {
  10753. up.materials[eq.upgrade.rare] = to - eq.upgrade.level;
  10754. }
  10755. _up.sort(up.materials);
  10756. };
  10758. _up.sum = function (eq, t) {
  10759. const materials = {};
  10760. let level = 0;
  10761. let forge_exp = 0;
  10762. let gear_exp = 0;
  10763. eq.upgrade.list.forEach((up) => {
  10764. if (t) {
  10765. if (!up.valid || !up.to || up.to === up.level) {
  10766. return;
  10767. }
  10768. if (level < up.to) {
  10769. level = up.to;
  10770. }
  10771. }
  10772. Object.keys(up.materials).forEach((n) => {
  10773. if (!materials[n]) {
  10774. materials[n] = 0;
  10775. }
  10776. materials[n] += up.materials[n];
  10777. });
  10778. forge_exp += up.forge_exp;
  10779. gear_exp += up.gear_exp;
  10780. });
  10781. if (eq.info?.soulbound) {
  10782. gear_exp *= 2;
  10783. }
  10784. if (t) {
  10785. if (eq.upgrade.rare && level > eq.upgrade.level) {
  10786. materials[eq.upgrade.rare] = level - eq.upgrade.level;
  10787. }
  10788. } else {
  10789. if (eq.upgrade.rare) {
  10790. materials[eq.upgrade.rare] = eq.upgrade.level;
  10791. }
  10792. }
  10793. _up.sort(materials);
  10795. const prices = $price.get('Materials');
  10796. const credits = Object.keys(materials).reduce((s, e) => s + materials[e] * (prices[e] || 0), 0);
  10798. return { materials, credits, forge_exp, gear_exp };
  10799. };
  10801. _up.salvage_calc = function (q) {
  10802. let text = _up.node.salvage_equip.value.trim();
  10803. if (!text) {
  10804. return;
  10805. }
  10806. text = text.replace(/( (?:of|the))\n/g, '$1 ').replace(/\n((?:Of|The) )/g, ' $1');
  10807. let eq = text.split('\n').reverse().find((t) => $equip.parse.name(t.trim()).info.type);
  10808. if (!eq) {
  10809. alert("无法找到装备名称.");
  10810. return;
  10811. }
  10812. eq = $equip.parse.name(eq);
  10813. let pxp = null;
  10814. let quality;
  10815. if (q) {
  10816. pxp = 0;
  10817. quality = q;
  10818. } else if (/Potency Tier: (\d+) \(\d+ \/ (\d+)\)/.test(text)) {
  10819. pxp = $equip.calcpxp(RegExp.$2, RegExp.$1);
  10820. quality = pxp >= 348 ? 'Leg' : pxp >= 335 ? 'Mag' : pxp >= 313 ? 'Exq' : 'Sup';
  10821. } else {
  10822. quality = { 'Superior': 'Sup', 'Exquisite': 'Exq', 'Magnificent': 'Mag', 'Legendary': 'Leg', 'Peerless': 'Leg' }[eq.info.quality] || 'Sup';
  10823. }
  10824. _up.node.salvage_quality.value = '';
  10826. eq.upgrade = {
  10827. list: [],
  10828. quality: quality,
  10829. level: 0,
  10830. requires_50: [],
  10831. requires_100: [],
  10832. };
  10834. Array.from(text.matchAll(/([\w ]+) Lv\.(\d+)/g)).forEach((m) => {
  10835. const forge = m[1].trim();
  10836. const [name, stat] = Object.entries($equip.stats).find(([, s]) => s.forge === forge) || [];
  10837. if (!name) {
  10838. return;
  10839. }
  10840. const max = forge === 'Physical Damage' || forge === 'Magical Damage' ? 100 : 50;
  10841. const up = {
  10842. name: name,
  10843. forge: forge,
  10844. binding: stat.binding,
  10845. level: parseInt(m[2]),
  10846. requires: max === 100 ? eq.upgrade.requires_100 : eq.upgrade.requires_50,
  10847. materials: {},
  10848. forge_exp: 0,
  10849. gear_exp: 0,
  10850. };
  10851. if (eq.upgrade.level < up.level) {
  10852. eq.upgrade.level = up.level;
  10853. }
  10854. eq.upgrade.list.push(up);
  10855. });
  10857. _up.set(eq);
  10858. eq.upgrade.list.forEach((up) => { _up.calc(eq, up); });
  10860. const { materials, credits } = _up.sum(eq);
  10861. const return_materials = {};
  10862. let return_credits = 0;
  10863. const prices = $price.get('Materials');
  10864. Object.keys(materials).forEach((n) => {
  10865. if (n.includes('Catalyst')) {
  10866. return;
  10867. }
  10868. return_materials[n] = Math.floor(materials[n] * 0.9);
  10869. return_credits += return_materials[n] * (prices[n] || 0);
  10870. });
  10872. const pxp_text = pxp ? `${quality} (${pxp})`
  10873. : pxp === 0 ? `${quality} (Selected)`
  10874. : `${quality} ?? (无法计算这件装备的潜经验,可能是潜能等级已满)`;
  10876. _up.node.salvage_summary.innerHTML = `
  10877. <li>${eq.info.name}</li>
  10878. <li>PXP 质量: ${pxp_text}</li>
  10879. <li>升级开销: ${credits.toLocaleString()}</li>
  10880. <li>分解返还: ${return_credits.toLocaleString()}</li>`;
  10882. const materialMapping = {
  10883. 'Binding of Slaughter': '粘合剂 基础攻击伤害',
  10884. 'Binding of Balance': '粘合剂 物理命中率',
  10885. 'Binding of Isaac': '粘合剂 物理暴击率',
  10886. 'Binding of Destruction': '粘合剂 基础魔法伤害',
  10887. 'Binding of Focus': '粘合剂 魔法命中率',
  10888. 'Binding of Friendship': '粘合剂 魔法暴击率',
  10889. 'Binding of Protection': '粘合剂 物理减伤',
  10890. 'Binding of Warding': '粘合剂 魔法减伤',
  10891. 'Binding of the Fleet': '粘合剂 回避率',
  10892. 'Binding of the Barrier': '粘合剂 格挡率',
  10893. 'Binding of the Nimble': '粘合剂 招架率',
  10894. 'Binding of Negation': '粘合剂 抵抗率',
  10895. 'Binding of the Ox': '粘合剂 力量',
  10896. 'Binding of the Raccoon': '粘合剂 灵巧',
  10897. 'Binding of the Cheetah': '粘合剂 敏捷',
  10898. 'Binding of the Turtle': '粘合剂 体质',
  10899. 'Binding of the Fox': '粘合剂 智力',
  10900. 'Binding of the Owl': '粘合剂 智慧',
  10901. 'Binding of the Elementalist': '粘合剂 元素魔法熟练度',
  10902. 'Binding of the Heaven-sent': '粘合剂 神圣魔法熟练度',
  10903. 'Binding of the Demon-fiend': '粘合剂 黑暗魔法熟练度',
  10904. 'Binding of the Curse-weaver': '粘合剂 减益魔法熟练度',
  10905. 'Binding of the Earth-walker': '粘合剂 增益魔法熟练度',
  10906. 'Binding of Surtr': '粘合剂 火属性咒语伤害',
  10907. 'Binding of Niflheim': '粘合剂 冰属性咒语伤害',
  10908. 'Binding of Mjolnir': '粘合剂 雷属性咒语伤害',
  10909. 'Binding of Freyr': '粘合剂 风属性咒语伤害',
  10910. 'Binding of Heimdall': '粘合剂 圣属性咒语伤害',
  10911. 'Binding of Fenrir': '粘合剂 暗属性咒语伤害',
  10912. 'Binding of Dampening': '粘合剂 打击减伤',
  10913. 'Binding of Stoneskin': '粘合剂 斩击减伤',
  10914. 'Binding of Deflection': '粘合剂 刺击减伤',
  10915. 'Binding of the Fire-eater': '粘合剂 火属性减伤',
  10916. 'Binding of the Frost-born': '粘合剂 冰属性减伤',
  10917. 'Binding of the Thunder-child': '粘合剂 雷属性减伤',
  10918. 'Binding of the Wind-waker': '粘合剂 风属性减伤',
  10919. 'Binding of the Thrice-blessed': '粘合剂 圣属性减伤',
  10920. 'Binding of the Spirit-ward': '粘合剂 暗属性减伤',
  10921. 'Wispy Catalyst' : '纤细 催化剂',
  10922. 'Diluted Catalyst' : '稀释 催化剂',
  10923. 'Regular Catalyst' : '平凡 催化剂',
  10924. 'Robust Catalyst' : '稳健 催化剂',
  10925. 'Vibrant Catalyst' : '活力 催化剂',
  10926. 'Coruscating Catalyst' : '闪耀 催化剂',
  10927. 'Low-Grade Cloth': '低级布料',
  10928. 'Mid-Grade Cloth': '中级布料',
  10929. 'High-Grade Cloth': '高级布料',
  10930. 'Low-Grade Leather': '低级皮革',
  10931. 'Mid-Grade Leather': '中级皮革',
  10932. 'High-Grade Leather': '高级皮革',
  10933. 'Low-Grade Metals': '低级金属',
  10934. 'Mid-Grade Metals': '中级金属',
  10935. 'High-Grade Metals': '高级金属',
  10936. 'Low-Grade Wood': '低级木材',
  10937. 'Mid-Grade Wood': '中级木材',
  10938. 'High-Grade Wood': '高级木材',
  10939. 'Scrap Metal' : '金属废料',
  10940. 'Scrap Leather' : '皮革废料',
  10941. 'Scrap Wood' : '木材废料',
  10942. 'Scrap Cloth' : '废布料',
  10943. 'Energy Cell' : '能量元',
  10944. 'Defense Matrix Modulator' : '力场碎片(盾)',
  10945. 'Repurposed Actuator' : '动力碎片(重)',
  10946. 'Shade Fragment' : '暗影碎片(轻)',
  10947. 'Crystallized Phazon' : '相位碎片(布)',
  10948. };
  10950. _up.node.salvage_returns.innerHTML = '<tr><td>已花费升级材料名称</td><td>数量</td><td>返还数量</td><td>单价</td></tr>';
  10951. Object.keys(materials).forEach((n) => {
  10952. const translatedName = materialMapping[n] || n;
  10953. const u = materials[n] || '';
  10954. const r = return_materials[n] || '';
  10955. const p = prices[n] || '';
  10956. if (u) {
  10957. $element('tr', _up.node.salvage_returns, [`/<td>${translatedName}</td><td>${u}</td><td>${r}</td><td>${p}</td>`]);
  10958. }
  10959. });
  10960. };
  10962. _up.salvage_init = function () {
  10963. if (_up.salvage_init.inited) {
  10964. return;
  10965. }
  10966. _up.salvage_init.inited = true;
  10968. _up.node.salvage = $element('div', $id('mainpane'), ['.hvut-up-salvage']);
  10969. const left = $element('div', _up.node.salvage);
  10970. const right = $element('div', _up.node.salvage);
  10971. if (_up.equip) {
  10972. $input(['button', _up.equip.info.name], left, { style: 'min-width: 350px; margin-bottom: 20px;' }, () => { _up.node.salvage_equip.value = $id('leftpane').textContent; _up.salvage_calc(_up.equip.upgrade.quality); });
  10973. $element('br', left);
  10974. }
  10975. _up.node.salvage_quality = $element('select', left);
  10976. _up.node.salvage_quality.append(
  10977. $element('option', null, { text: 'PXP Quality', value: '' }),
  10978. $element('option', null, { text: 'Leg (348~)', value: 'Leg' }),
  10979. $element('option', null, { text: 'Mag (335~348)', value: 'Mag' }),
  10980. $element('option', null, { text: 'Exq (313~335)', value: 'Exq' }),
  10981. $element('option', null, { text: 'Sup (~313)', value: 'Sup' })
  10982. );
  10983. $input(['button', '计算'], left, null, () => { _up.salvage_calc(_up.node.salvage_quality.value); });
  10984. $input(['button', '材料价格'], left, null, () => { $price.edit('Materials', _up.salvage_calc); });
  10985. $input(['button', '关闭'], left, null, () => { _up.salvage_toggle(); });
  10986. _up.node.salvage_equip = $element('textarea', left, { placeholder: '使用原文切换功能将装备的英文数据复制至此,包括装备名称' });
  10987. _up.node.salvage_summary = $element('ul', right);
  10988. _up.node.salvage_returns = $element('table', right);
  10989. };
  10991. _up.salvage_toggle = function () {
  10992. _up.node.salvage?.classList.toggle('hvut-none');
  10993. _up.salvage_init();
  10994. };
  10996. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  10997. .hvut-up-salvage { position: absolute; top: 27px; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 675px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: #EDEBDF; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; z-index: 3; }
  10998. .hvut-up-salvage > div { height: 550px; margin: 0 30px; white-space: nowrap; }
  10999. .hvut-up-salvage > div:first-child { width: 400px; }
  11000. .hvut-up-salvage > div:last-child { width: 450px; overflow: auto; }
  11001. .hvut-up-salvage textarea { display: block; width: 380px; height: 450px; margin: 10px auto; }
  11002. .hvut-up-salvage ul { margin: 0 0 10px; padding: 0; list-style-position: inside; text-align: left; }
  11003. .hvut-up-salvage table { table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: collapse; width: 440px; }
  11004. .hvut-up-salvage tr:first-child { font-weight: bold; }
  11005. .hvut-up-salvage td { border: 1px solid; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
  11006. .hvut-up-salvage td:nth-child(2) { width: 70px; }
  11007. .hvut-up-salvage td:nth-child(3) { width: 70px; }
  11008. .hvut-up-salvage td:nth-child(4) { width: 80px; }
  11009. `);
  11011. _up.node = {};
  11013. if ($id('equip_extended')) {
  11014. _up.upgrade_change = function (e) {
  11015. const target = e.target.closest('[data-action]');
  11016. if (!target) {
  11017. return;
  11018. }
  11019. const { action, forge } = target.dataset;
  11020. const up = forge && _up.equip.upgrade.list.find((up) => up.forge === forge);
  11021. if (action === 'calc') {
  11022. _up.upgrade_calc(up);
  11023. }
  11024. };
  11026. _up.upgrade_validate = function (up) {
  11027. const eq = _up.equip;
  11028. if (up.node.to.validity.valid) {
  11029. if (up.node.to.value) {
  11030. up.to = parseInt(up.node.to.value);
  11031. } else {
  11032. up.to = up.level;
  11033. }
  11034. up.valid = true;
  11035. } else {
  11036. up.to = up.level;
  11037. up.valid = false;
  11038. }
  11039. _up.calc(eq, up, true);
  11040. up.node.table.innerHTML = '';
  11042. const materialMapping = {
  11043. 'Binding of Slaughter': '粘合剂 基础攻击伤害',
  11044. 'Binding of Balance': '粘合剂 物理命中率',
  11045. 'Binding of Isaac': '粘合剂 物理暴击率',
  11046. 'Binding of Destruction': '粘合剂 基础魔法伤害',
  11047. 'Binding of Focus': '粘合剂 魔法命中率',
  11048. 'Binding of Friendship': '粘合剂 魔法暴击率',
  11049. 'Binding of Protection': '粘合剂 物理减伤',
  11050. 'Binding of Warding': '粘合剂 魔法减伤',
  11051. 'Binding of the Fleet': '粘合剂 回避率',
  11052. 'Binding of the Barrier': '粘合剂 格挡率',
  11053. 'Binding of the Nimble': '粘合剂 招架率',
  11054. 'Binding of Negation': '粘合剂 抵抗率',
  11055. 'Binding of the Ox': '粘合剂 力量',
  11056. 'Binding of the Raccoon': '粘合剂 灵巧',
  11057. 'Binding of the Cheetah': '粘合剂 敏捷',
  11058. 'Binding of the Turtle': '粘合剂 体质',
  11059. 'Binding of the Fox': '粘合剂 智力',
  11060. 'Binding of the Owl': '粘合剂 智慧',
  11061. 'Binding of the Elementalist': '粘合剂 元素魔法熟练度',
  11062. 'Binding of the Heaven-sent': '粘合剂 神圣魔法熟练度',
  11063. 'Binding of the Demon-fiend': '粘合剂 黑暗魔法熟练度',
  11064. 'Binding of the Curse-weaver': '粘合剂 减益魔法熟练度',
  11065. 'Binding of the Earth-walker': '粘合剂 增益魔法熟练度',
  11066. 'Binding of Surtr': '粘合剂 火属性咒语伤害',
  11067. 'Binding of Niflheim': '粘合剂 冰属性咒语伤害',
  11068. 'Binding of Mjolnir': '粘合剂 雷属性咒语伤害',
  11069. 'Binding of Freyr': '粘合剂 风属性咒语伤害',
  11070. 'Binding of Heimdall': '粘合剂 圣属性咒语伤害',
  11071. 'Binding of Fenrir': '粘合剂 暗属性咒语伤害',
  11072. 'Binding of Dampening': '粘合剂 打击减伤',
  11073. 'Binding of Stoneskin': '粘合剂 斩击减伤',
  11074. 'Binding of Deflection': '粘合剂 刺击减伤',
  11075. 'Binding of the Fire-eater': '粘合剂 火属性减伤',
  11076. 'Binding of the Frost-born': '粘合剂 冰属性减伤',
  11077. 'Binding of the Thunder-child': '粘合剂 雷属性减伤',
  11078. 'Binding of the Wind-waker': '粘合剂 风属性减伤',
  11079. 'Binding of the Thrice-blessed': '粘合剂 圣属性减伤',
  11080. 'Binding of the Spirit-ward': '粘合剂 暗属性减伤',
  11081. 'Wispy Catalyst' : '纤细 催化剂',
  11082. 'Diluted Catalyst' : '稀释 催化剂',
  11083. 'Regular Catalyst' : '平凡 催化剂',
  11084. 'Robust Catalyst' : '稳健 催化剂',
  11085. 'Vibrant Catalyst' : '活力 催化剂',
  11086. 'Coruscating Catalyst' : '闪耀 催化剂',
  11087. 'Low-Grade Cloth': '低级布料',
  11088. 'Mid-Grade Cloth': '中级布料',
  11089. 'High-Grade Cloth': '高级布料',
  11090. 'Low-Grade Leather': '低级皮革',
  11091. 'Mid-Grade Leather': '中级皮革',
  11092. 'High-Grade Leather': '高级皮革',
  11093. 'Low-Grade Metals': '低级金属',
  11094. 'Mid-Grade Metals': '中级金属',
  11095. 'High-Grade Metals': '高级金属',
  11096. 'Low-Grade Wood': '低级木材',
  11097. 'Mid-Grade Wood': '中级木材',
  11098. 'High-Grade Wood': '高级木材',
  11099. 'Scrap Metal' : '金属废料',
  11100. 'Scrap Leather' : '皮革废料',
  11101. 'Scrap Wood' : '木材废料',
  11102. 'Scrap Cloth' : '废布料',
  11103. 'Energy Cell' : '能量元',
  11104. 'Defense Matrix Modulator' : '力场碎片(盾)',
  11105. 'Repurposed Actuator' : '动力碎片(重)',
  11106. 'Shade Fragment' : '暗影碎片(轻)',
  11107. 'Crystallized Phazon' : '相位碎片(布)',
  11108. };
  11110. Object.entries(up.materials).forEach(([n, c]) => {
  11111. const translatedName = materialMapping[n] || n;
  11112. const s = $item.count(n);
  11113. $element('tr', up.node.table, [`/<td>${translatedName}</td><td>${c}</td><td>${s}</td>`, s < c ? '.hvut-up-nostock' : '']);
  11114. });
  11115. };
  11117. _up.upgrade_calc = function (up) {
  11118. _up.upgrade_validate(up);
  11120. const eq = _up.equip;
  11121. const stat = eq.stats[up.name];
  11122. if (up.to === up.level) {
  11123. stat.span.textContent = stat.value;
  11124. } else {
  11125. const value = Math.round($equip.forge(up.name, stat.unforged, up.to, eq.info.pxp, eq.info.level || _player.level, eq.upgrades) * 100) / 100;
  11126. if ($equip.stats[up.name].multi) {
  11127. const increase = (1 - (1 - value / 100) / (1 - stat.value / 100)) * 100;
  11128. const title = 'Multiplicative Increase';
  11129. stat.span.innerHTML = `${value}<br><span class="hvut-up-span" title="${title}">~${Math.round(increase * 100) / 100} %</span>`;
  11130. } else {
  11131. const increase = value - stat.value;
  11132. const title = 'Additive Increase';
  11133. stat.span.innerHTML = `${value}<br><span class="hvut-up-span" title="${title}">+${Math.round(increase * 100) / 100}</span>`;
  11134. }
  11135. }
  11136. _up.upgrade_sum();
  11137. };
  11139. _up.upgrade_sum = function () {
  11140. const eq = _up.equip;
  11141. const { materials, credits, forge_exp, gear_exp } = _up.sum(eq, true);
  11142. eq.upgrade.materials = materials;
  11144. let tier = eq.info.tier;
  11145. let pxp1 = eq.info.pxp1 + gear_exp;
  11146. let pxp2 = eq.info.pxp2;
  11147. while (tier < 10 && pxp1 >= pxp2) {
  11148. tier++;
  11149. pxp1 -= pxp2;
  11150. pxp2 = Math.ceil(eq.info.pxp * Math.pow(1 + eq.info.pxp / 1000, tier));
  11151. }
  11152. const pxp_text = tier < 10 ? `(${pxp1} / ${pxp2})` : '(已满)';
  11154. _up.node.summary.innerHTML = `
  11155. <li><span>获得锻造经验</span><span>${forge_exp.toLocaleString()}</span></li>
  11156. <li><span>获得潜经验</span><span>${gear_exp.toLocaleString()}</span></li>
  11157. <li><span>潜经验</span><span>${tier} ${pxp_text}</span></li>
  11158. <li><span>预计强化成本</span><span>${credits.toLocaleString()}</span></li>`;
  11160. const materialMapping = {
  11161. 'Binding of Slaughter': '粘合剂 基础攻击伤害',
  11162. 'Binding of Balance': '粘合剂 物理命中率',
  11163. 'Binding of Isaac': '粘合剂 物理暴击率',
  11164. 'Binding of Destruction': '粘合剂 基础魔法伤害',
  11165. 'Binding of Focus': '粘合剂 魔法命中率',
  11166. 'Binding of Friendship': '粘合剂 魔法暴击率',
  11167. 'Binding of Protection': '粘合剂 物理减伤',
  11168. 'Binding of Warding': '粘合剂 魔法减伤',
  11169. 'Binding of the Fleet': '粘合剂 回避率',
  11170. 'Binding of the Barrier': '粘合剂 格挡率',
  11171. 'Binding of the Nimble': '粘合剂 招架率',
  11172. 'Binding of Negation': '粘合剂 抵抗率',
  11173. 'Binding of the Ox': '粘合剂 力量',
  11174. 'Binding of the Raccoon': '粘合剂 灵巧',
  11175. 'Binding of the Cheetah': '粘合剂 敏捷',
  11176. 'Binding of the Turtle': '粘合剂 体质',
  11177. 'Binding of the Fox': '粘合剂 智力',
  11178. 'Binding of the Owl': '粘合剂 智慧',
  11179. 'Binding of the Elementalist': '粘合剂 元素魔法熟练度',
  11180. 'Binding of the Heaven-sent': '粘合剂 神圣魔法熟练度',
  11181. 'Binding of the Demon-fiend': '粘合剂 黑暗魔法熟练度',
  11182. 'Binding of the Curse-weaver': '粘合剂 减益魔法熟练度',
  11183. 'Binding of the Earth-walker': '粘合剂 增益魔法熟练度',
  11184. 'Binding of Surtr': '粘合剂 火焰魔法伤害',
  11185. 'Binding of Niflheim': '粘合剂 冰冷魔法伤害',
  11186. 'Binding of Mjolnir': '粘合剂 闪电魔法伤害',
  11187. 'Binding of Freyr': '粘合剂 疾风魔法伤害',
  11188. 'Binding of Heimdall': '粘合剂 神圣魔法伤害',
  11189. 'Binding of Fenrir': '粘合剂 黑暗魔法伤害',
  11190. 'Binding of Dampening': '粘合剂 打击减伤',
  11191. 'Binding of Stoneskin': '粘合剂 斩击减伤',
  11192. 'Binding of Deflection': '粘合剂 刺击减伤',
  11193. 'Binding of the Fire-eater': '粘合剂 火焰减伤',
  11194. 'Binding of the Frost-born': '粘合剂 冰冷减伤',
  11195. 'Binding of the Thunder-child': '粘合剂 闪电减伤',
  11196. 'Binding of the Wind-waker': '粘合剂 疾风减伤',
  11197. 'Binding of the Thrice-blessed': '粘合剂 神圣减伤',
  11198. 'Binding of the Spirit-ward': '粘合剂 黑暗减伤',
  11199. 'Wispy Catalyst' : '纤细 催化剂',
  11200. 'Diluted Catalyst' : '稀释 催化剂',
  11201. 'Regular Catalyst' : '平凡 催化剂',
  11202. 'Robust Catalyst' : '稳健 催化剂',
  11203. 'Vibrant Catalyst' : '活力 催化剂',
  11204. 'Coruscating Catalyst' : '闪耀 催化剂',
  11205. 'Low-Grade Cloth': '低级布料',
  11206. 'Mid-Grade Cloth': '中级布料',
  11207. 'High-Grade Cloth': '高级布料',
  11208. 'Low-Grade Leather': '低级皮革',
  11209. 'Mid-Grade Leather': '中级皮革',
  11210. 'High-Grade Leather': '高级皮革',
  11211. 'Low-Grade Metals': '低级金属',
  11212. 'Mid-Grade Metals': '中级金属',
  11213. 'High-Grade Metals': '高级金属',
  11214. 'Low-Grade Wood': '低级木材',
  11215. 'Mid-Grade Wood': '中级木材',
  11216. 'High-Grade Wood': '高级木材',
  11217. 'Scrap Metal' : '金属废料',
  11218. 'Scrap Leather' : '皮革废料',
  11219. 'Scrap Wood' : '木材废料',
  11220. 'Scrap Cloth' : '废布料',
  11221. 'Energy Cell' : '能量元',
  11222. 'Defense Matrix Modulator' : '力场碎片(盾)',
  11223. 'Repurposed Actuator' : '动力碎片(重)',
  11224. 'Shade Fragment' : '暗影碎片(轻)',
  11225. 'Crystallized Phazon' : '相位碎片(布)',
  11226. };
  11229. _up.node.costs.innerHTML = '<tr><td>升级材料</td><td>需求量</td><td>库存</td></tr>';
  11230. Object.entries(materials).forEach(([n, c]) => {
  11231. const translatedName = materialMapping[n] || n; // 使用映射表翻译材料名称,如果找不到对应的中文名称,则保留原名称
  11232. const s = $item.count(n);
  11233. $element('tr', _up.node.costs, [`/<td>${translatedName}</td><td>${c}</td><td>${s}</td>`, s < c ? '.hvut-up-nostock' : '']);
  11234. });
  11236. let valid = false;
  11237. _up.node.run.disabled = true;
  11238. if (_up.upgrade_run.done) {
  11239. //
  11240. } else if (eq.upgrade.list.some((up) => !up.valid)) {
  11241. _up.node.run.value = '无效输入';
  11242. } else if (eq.upgrade.list.some((up) => up.to > up.level && up.to > up.cap)) {
  11243. _up.node.run.value = '锻造等级不足';
  11244. } else if ($qs('.hvut-up-nostock', _up.node.costs)) {
  11245. _up.node.run.value = '材料不足';
  11246. } else {
  11247. valid = true;
  11248. _up.node.run.disabled = false;
  11249. _up.node.run.value = '强化全部';
  11250. }
  11251. return valid;
  11252. };
  11254. _up.upgrade_run = async function () {
  11255. if (_up.upgrade_run.done || !_up.upgrade_sum() || !confirm('确定要开始强化这件装备吗?')) {
  11256. return;
  11257. }
  11258. _up.upgrade_run.done = true;
  11259. _up.node.run.disabled = true;
  11261. async function upgrade(eid, stat) {
  11262. const html = await $ajax.fetch(location.href, `select_item=${eid}&upgrade_stat=${stat}`);
  11263. const doc = $doc(html);
  11264. const error = get_message(doc);
  11265. if (error) { // Equipment Potency Unlocked!
  11266. popup(error);
  11267. }
  11268. done++;
  11269. _up.node.run.value = `${done}/${total}`;
  11270. }
  11272. let total = 0;
  11273. let done = 0;
  11274. const requests = _up.equip.upgrade.list.filter((up) => up.to > up.level).map((up) => {
  11275. const count = up.to - up.level;
  11276. total += count;
  11277. return $ajax.repeat(count, upgrade, _up.equip.info.eid, up.id);
  11278. }).flat();
  11279. await Promise.all(requests);
  11280. alert('完成!\n请刷新页面.');
  11281. };
  11283. _up.buy_catalysts = async function () {
  11284. const catalysts = {
  11285. 'Wispy Catalyst': { id: 60301 },
  11286. 'Diluted Catalyst': { id: 60302 },
  11287. 'Regular Catalyst': { id: 60303 },
  11288. 'Robust Catalyst': { id: 60304 },
  11289. 'Vibrant Catalyst': { id: 60305 },
  11290. 'Coruscating Catalyst': { id: 60306 },
  11291. };
  11292. _up.node.catalysts.disabled = true;
  11294. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=is');
  11295. const doc = $doc(html);
  11296. const reg = /itemshop\.set_item\('shop_pane',(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/;
  11297. const storetoken = $id('shopform', doc).elements.storetoken.value;
  11298. const networth = parseInt($id('networth', doc).textContent.replace(/\D/g, ''));
  11299. let sum = 0;
  11300. let total = 0;
  11302. Array.from($qs('#shop_pane .itemlist', doc).rows).forEach((tr) => {
  11303. const exec = reg.exec(tr.cells[0].firstElementChild.getAttribute('onclick'));
  11304. const item = tr.cells[0].textContent.trim();
  11305. const price = parseInt(exec[3]);
  11307. if (catalysts[item] && _up.equip.upgrade.materials[item]) {
  11308. const count = _up.equip.upgrade.materials[item] - $item.count(item);
  11309. if (count > 0) {
  11310. catalysts[item].count = count;
  11311. sum += count * price;
  11312. total++;
  11313. }
  11314. }
  11315. });
  11316. if (!total) {
  11317. alert('你已经有足够的催化剂了.');
  11318. _up.node.catalysts.disabled = false;
  11319. return;
  11320. }
  11321. if (sum > networth) {
  11322. alert('你没有足够的credits.');
  11323. _up.node.catalysts.disabled = false;
  11324. return;
  11325. }
  11326. if (!confirm('你确定要购买缺少的催化剂吗?')) {
  11327. _up.node.catalysts.disabled = false;
  11328. return;
  11329. }
  11331. async function buy(item, count) {
  11332. const html = await $ajax.fetch('?s=Bazaar&ss=is', `storetoken=${storetoken}&select_mode=shop_pane&select_item=${item}&select_count=${count}`);
  11333. const doc = $doc(html);
  11334. const error = get_message(doc);
  11335. if (error) {
  11336. popup(error);
  11337. }
  11338. done++;
  11339. _up.node.catalysts.value = `${done}/${total}`;
  11340. }
  11342. let done = 0;
  11343. const requests = Object.values(catalysts).filter((c) => c.count > 0).map((c) => buy(c.id, c.count));
  11344. await Promise.all(requests);
  11345. _up.node.catalysts.value = '购买催化剂';
  11346. _up.load_inventory();
  11347. };
  11349. _up.load_inventory = async function () {
  11350. await $item.load();
  11351. _up.node.catalysts.disabled = false;
  11352. _up.equip.upgrade.list.forEach((up) => { _up.upgrade_validate(up); });
  11353. _up.upgrade_sum();
  11354. };
  11356. GM_addStyle(/*css*/`
  11357. #forge_outer { width: 1100px; }
  11358. #forge_outer + div { width: 370px !important; margin: 0 0 0 64px !important; }
  11359. #forge_outer #leftpane { width: 370px !important; margin-left: 0 !important; }
  11360. #forge_outer #leftpane > div:not(#equip_extended), #forge_outer #leftpane > div:not(#equip_extended) div { width: auto !important; }
  11361. #forge_outer #rightpane { width: 370px !important; }
  11362. #forge_outer #rightpane > div { width: auto !important; }
  11363. #forge_outer .ex > div { height: auto; min-height: 18px; }
  11364. #forge_outer .ep > div { height: auto; min-height: 14px; }
  11366. .hvut-up-span { color: #03c; white-space: nowrap; }
  11367. .hvut-up-input { width: 30px; text-align: right; }
  11368. .hvut-up-input:invalid { color: #e00; }
  11369. .hvut-up-sub { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 380px; }
  11370. .hvut-up-sub:empty { display: none; }
  11371. .hvut-up-list { table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: collapse; width: 370px; }
  11372. .hvut-up-list tr:hover { background-color: #fff; }
  11373. .hvut-up-list td { padding: 1px !important; }
  11374. .hvut-up-list td:first-child { width: auto !important; }
  11375. .hvut-up-list td:last-child { width: 50px; }
  11376. .hvut-up-list img { margin: 0 !important; }
  11378. .hvut-up-div { float: right; width: 350px; height: 380px; margin-top: 220px; overflow: auto; }
  11379. .hvut-up-buttons { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; }
  11380. .hvut-up-buttons input { margin: 0; }
  11381. .hvut-up-summary { margin: 10px; padding: 0; list-style: none; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; text-align: right; }
  11382. .hvut-up-summary span:first-child { float: left; width: 220px; }
  11383. .hvut-up-costs { table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 10px; width: 330px; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 20px; white-space: nowrap; }
  11384. .hvut-up-div .hvut-up-costs tr:first-child { font-weight: bold; }
  11385. .hvut-up-costs td { border: 1px solid #5C0D11; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
  11386. .hvut-up-costs td:nth-child(2) { width: 60px; }
  11387. .hvut-up-costs td:nth-child(3) { width: 60px; }
  11388. .hvut-up-nostock { color: #c00; }
  11389. `);
  11391. _up.node.list = $id('rightpane').children[1].firstElementChild;
  11392. _up.node.list.classList.add('hvut-up-list');
  11393. _up.node.list.addEventListener('input', _up.upgrade_change);
  11394. _up.node.div = $element('div', $id('forge_outer'), ['.hvut-up-div hvut-scrollbar-none']);
  11396. $element('div', _up.node.div, ['.hvut-up-buttons']).append(
  11397. _up.node.run = $input(['button', '强化全部'], null, { tabIndex: -1, style: 'width: 160px;' }, () => { _up.upgrade_run(); }),
  11398. _up.node.catalysts = $input(['button', '购买催化剂'], null, { tabIndex: -1, style: 'width: 100px;' }, () => { _up.buy_catalysts(); }),
  11399. $input(['button', '参考价格'], null, { tabIndex: -1, style: 'width: 80px;' }, () => { $price.edit('Materials', _up.upgrade_sum); })
  11400. );
  11401. _up.node.summary = $element('ul', _up.node.div, ['.hvut-up-summary']);
  11402. _up.node.costs = $element('table', _up.node.div, ['.hvut-up-costs']);
  11404. _up.equip = $equip.parse.extended($id('equip_extended'));
  11405. _up.equip.info.eid = $id('forgeform').elements.select_item.value;
  11406. if (!$equip.names[_up.equip.info.eid]) {
  11407. $equip.names[_up.equip.info.eid] = _up.equip.info.name;
  11408. setValue('equipnames', $equip.names);
  11409. }
  11411. _up.equip.upgrade = {
  11412. list: [],
  11413. quality: null,
  11414. level: 0,
  11415. requires_50: [],
  11416. requires_100: [],
  11417. };
  11419. Array.from(_up.node.list.rows).forEach((tr) => {
  11420. const eq = _up.equip;
  11421. const forge = tr.cells[0].textContent;
  11422. const [name, stat] = Object.entries($equip.stats).find(([, s]) => s.forge === forge) || [];
  11423. const max = forge === 'Physical Damage' || forge === 'Magical Damage' ? 100 : 50;
  11424. const up = {
  11425. id: /'costpane_(\w+)'/.test(tr.getAttribute('onmouseout')) && RegExp.$1,
  11426. name: name,
  11427. forge: forge,
  11428. binding: stat.binding,
  11429. level: parseInt(tr.cells[1].textContent),
  11430. cap: parseInt(tr.cells[3].textContent),
  11431. max: max,
  11432. requires: max === 100 ? eq.upgrade.requires_100 : eq.upgrade.requires_50,
  11433. materials: {},
  11434. forge_exp: 0,
  11435. gear_exp: 0,
  11436. node: {},
  11437. };
  11440. up.node.to = $input('number', $element('td', tr), {
  11441. className: 'hvut-up-input',
  11442. dataset: { action: 'calc', forge: forge },
  11443. value: up.level || '',
  11444. min: up.level,
  11445. max: up.max,
  11446. // 添加滚轮事件监听器
  11447. onWheel: function(event) {
  11448. // 阻止默认滚动行为
  11449. event.preventDefault();
  11450. // 调整数字
  11451. const step = 1; // 调整步长
  11452. const currentValue = parseInt(this.value) || 0;
  11453. const newValue = currentValue + (event.deltaY > 0 ? step : -step);
  11454. // 更新输入框的值
  11455. this.value = newValue;
  11456. // 在数值变化时调用更新计算结果的函数
  11457. updateResult();
  11458. }
  11459. });
  11460. up.node.table = $element('table', $id('costpane_' + up.id), ['.hvut-up-sub hvut-up-costs']);
  11461. function updateResult() {
  11462. // 获取所有输入框
  11463. const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('.hvut-up-input');
  11464. // 初始化变量用于存储总和
  11465. let total = 0;
  11466. // 遍历所有输入框,计算总和
  11467. inputs.forEach(function(input) {
  11468. total += parseInt(input.value) || 0;
  11469. });
  11470. }
  11472. if (eq.upgrade.level < up.level) {
  11473. eq.upgrade.level = up.level;
  11474. }
  11475. if (!eq.upgrade.quality && /(\w+ Catalyst)/.test($id('costpane_' + up.id).textContent)) {
  11476. const index = (up.level < up.max / 4) ? 0 : (up.level < up.max / 2) ? 1 : 2;
  11477. const catalysts = _up.catalysts.slice(index);
  11478. eq.upgrade.quality = ['Sup', 'Exq', 'Mag', 'Leg'][catalysts.indexOf(RegExp.$1)];
  11479. }
  11480. eq.upgrade.list.push(up);
  11481. });
  11483. _up.set(_up.equip);
  11484. _up.load_inventory();
  11486. $input(['button', '分解计算器'], $id('leftpane'), { style: 'margin-top: 40px;' }, () => { _up.salvage_toggle(); });
  11487. } else {
  11488. $input(['button', '分解计算器'], $id('rightpane'), { style: 'margin-top: 40px;' }, () => { _up.salvage_toggle(); });
  11489. }
  11490. } else
  11491. // [END 21] Forge - Upgrade */
  11494. //* [23] Forge - Salvage
  11495. if (settings.salvage && _query.s === 'Forge' && _query.ss === 'sa') {
  11496. $element('div', $id('rightpane'), ['This will permanently destroy the item', '!margin-top: 30px; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; color: #c00;']);
  11498. if ($id('salvage_button')) {
  11499. confirm_event($id('salvage_button').parentNode, 'click', '你确定要分解这件装备吗?', () => $id('salvage_button').src.includes('salvage.png'));
  11500. }
  11501. } else
  11502. // [END 23] Forge - Salvage */
  11504. // eslint-disable-next-line brace-style
  11505. {} // END OF [else if]; DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE!
  11508. // Sort Equipment List
  11509. if (_query.s === 'Forge' && $id('item_pane')) {
  11510. if ((_query.ss === 're' || _query.ss === 'up' || _query.ss === 'en') && (_query.filter === 'equipped' || !_query.filter)) { // equipped
  11511. $equip.list($qs('#item_pane .equiplist'), false);
  11512. } else {
  11513. $equip.list($qs('#item_pane .equiplist'));
  11514. }
  11515. }
  11517. /* END */