- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Image Webinfo
- // @name:zh-CN 图片网页信息提取
- // @version 1.3.2
- // @description Extract JSON-/string-style info from Pixiv/Twitter/Booru image pages.
- // @description:zh-CN 将 Pixiv/Twitter/Booru 图片页面中的信息以 JSON 或字符串形式导出。
- // @author wklchris
- // @match https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/*
- // @match https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/*
- // @match https://x.com/*/status/*
- // @grant none
- // @license MIT
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/672201
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- // --- Customization ---
- // Specify returned keys when copy string
- let pixiv_str_keys = [
- // 'artist',
- // 'illust_id',
- 'artist_id',
- 'post_date',
- 'post_title'
- ];
- let booru_str_keys = [
- // 'artists',
- // 'copyrights',
- // 'characters',
- // 'general',
- 'booru_id',
- 'rating_level'
- ];
- // --- Main ---
- let artwork_data = {};
- let export_json_btn = document.createElement("button");
- export_json_btn.innerHTML = "Export WebInfo as JSON";
- let export_str_btn = document.createElement("button");
- export_str_btn.innerHTML = "Export WebInfo as String";
- // General functions
- function logMessage(msg) {
- console.log("[ImageWebInfo] " + msg);
- }
- let popMessage = 'Image webinfo exported to clipboard.';
- function copyToClipboard(s) {
- try {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(s);
- } catch (err) {
- popMessage = 'Image webinfo export failed.';
- logMessage(popMessage);
- }
- }
- function attemptedQuerySelector(qs, callback) {
- // querySelector may not find the element when the website loads slowly.
- // Keep attempting until found or exceed the given maximum attempts.
- var attempts = 0, max_attempts = 20;
- var attemptCall = function() {
- var elem = document.querySelector(qs);
- if (elem) {
- console.log(`Found querySelector '${qs}' in ${attempts} attempts`);
- return callback(elem);
- } else {
- attempts++;
- if (attempts >= max_attempts) {
- console.warn(`Could not find: ${qs} within ${max_attempts} attempts`);
- } else {
- setTimeout(attemptCall, 4000*(attempts + 1)/max_attempts + 1000)
- }
- }
- };
- attemptCall();
- }
- // --- Pixiv posts ---
- if (location.hostname.includes("pixiv")) {
- function getPixivInfo(as_JSON=true) {
- let data = {};
- // Get user
- let user_tag = document.querySelector('aside div[aria-haspopup="true"] > div > a');
- data['artist'] = user_tag.childNodes[0].innerText
- let split_user_url = user_tag.href.split('/');
- data['artist_id'] = split_user_url[split_user_url.length - 1];
- // Get post id
- let split_url = location.href.split('/');
- data['illust_id'] = split_url[split_url.length - 1];
- // Get upload date
- let timestr = document.getElementsByTagName('time')[0].innerText;
- let time_seps = {'year': '年', 'month': '月', 'day': '日'};
- let i_start = 0, i_end = -1, tmp_data = {};
- for (const [key, sep] of Object.entries(time_seps)) {
- i_start = i_end+1;
- i_end = timestr.search(sep);
- tmp_data[key] = timestr.substring(i_start, i_end);
- }
- data['post_date'] = `${tmp_data['year']}-${tmp_data['month'].padStart(2, 0)}-${tmp_data['day'].padStart(2, 0)}`;
- // Get post title (if having a title)
- let title_dom = document.querySelector('figcaption h1');
- data['post_title'] = title_dom ? title_dom.innerText : '' ;
- let s = "";
- if (as_JSON == true) {
- s = JSON.stringify(data)
- } else {
- s = pixiv_str_keys.map((x, i) => data[x]).join("\t");
- }
- copyToClipboard(s);
- return data;
- }
- // Add buttons & their click functions
- let search_booru_btn = document.createElement("button");
- search_booru_btn.innerHTML = "Search artist on Booru";
- let search_booru_illust_btn = document.createElement("button");
- search_booru_illust_btn.innerHTML = "Search illust on Booru";
- attemptedQuerySelector('aside section button', (exist_dom) => {
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(export_json_btn, exist_dom.nextSibling);
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(export_str_btn, export_json_btn.nextSibling);
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(search_booru_btn, export_str_btn.nextSibling);
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(search_booru_illust_btn, search_booru_btn.nextSibling);
- });
- export_json_btn.onclick = function() {
- artwork_data = getPixivInfo(true);
- export_json_btn.style.background = 'lightgreen';
- export_str_btn.style.removeProperty("background");
- };
- export_str_btn.onclick = function() {
- artwork_data = getPixivInfo(false);
- export_str_btn.style.background = 'lightgreen';
- export_json_btn.style.removeProperty("background");
- };
- search_booru_btn.onclick = function() {
- if (!('artist_id' in artwork_data)) {
- artwork_data = getPixivInfo(false);
- }
- let _prefix = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/artists?commit=Search&search%5Border%5D=created_at&search%5Burl_matches%5D=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pixiv.net%2Fusers%2F";
- let _url = _prefix + artwork_data["artist_id"];
- window.open(_url, "_blank");
- };
- search_booru_illust_btn.onclick = function() {
- if (!('illust_id' in artwork_data)) {
- artwork_data = getPixivInfo(false);
- }
- let illust_search_prefix = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=pixiv%3A";
- let illust_search_url = illust_search_prefix + artwork_data["illust_id"];
- window.open(illust_search_url, "_blank");
- };
- }
- // --- Twitter/X Post ---
- if (["twitter.com", "x.com"].includes(location.hostname)) {
- let twitter_url_id = '';
- function getTwitterInfo(as_JSON=true) {
- let data = {};
- // Get user
- let user_tag = document.querySelector('article > div div[data-testid="User-Name"]');
- data['artist'] = user_tag.childNodes[0].innerText;
- // -- Twitter user only has username, doesn't have a user ID number.
- // The matched id is only used for creating search buttons.
- data['artist_id'] = '';
- let split_user_url = user_tag.childNodes[1].querySelector('a').href.split('/');
- twitter_url_id = split_user_url[split_user_url.length - 1];
- // Get post id
- data['illust_id'] = "T" + location.href.split('status/')[1].split('/')[0];
- // Get upload date
- data['post_date'] = document.getElementsByTagName('time')[0].dateTime.split('T')[0];
- // Get post title (if having a title)
- let tweet_nodes = document.querySelector('article div[data-testid="tweetText"]').querySelectorAll('span, img');
- data['post_title'] = Array.from(tweet_nodes).map(
- elem => elem.alt || elem.innerText.trim()).filter(d => d.length && d[0] != '#'
- ).join('').split('\n')[0];
- let s = "";
- if (as_JSON == true) {
- s = JSON.stringify(data)
- } else {
- s = pixiv_str_keys.map((x, i) => data[x]).join("\t");
- }
- copyToClipboard(s);
- return data;
- }
- // Add buttons & their click functions
- let search_booru_btn = document.createElement("button");
- search_booru_btn.innerHTML = "Search artist on Booru";
- let search_booru_illust_btn = document.createElement("button");
- search_booru_illust_btn.innerHTML = "Search illust on Booru";
- attemptedQuerySelector('div[data-testid="User-Name"]', (exist_dom) => {
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(export_json_btn, exist_dom.nextSibling);
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(export_str_btn, export_json_btn.nextSibling);
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(search_booru_btn, export_str_btn.nextSibling);
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(search_booru_illust_btn, search_booru_btn.nextSibling);
- });
- export_json_btn.onclick = function() {
- artwork_data = getTwitterInfo(true);
- export_json_btn.style.background = 'lightgreen';
- export_str_btn.style.removeProperty("background");
- };
- export_str_btn.onclick = function() {
- artwork_data = getTwitterInfo(false);
- export_str_btn.style.background = 'lightgreen';
- export_json_btn.style.removeProperty("background");
- };
- search_booru_btn.onclick = function() {
- if (!('artist_id' in artwork_data)) {
- artwork_data = getTwitterInfo(false);
- }
- let _prefix = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/artists?commit=Search&search%5Border%5D=created_at&search%5Burl_matches%5D=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitter.com%2F";
- let _url = _prefix + twitter_url_id;
- window.open(_url, "_blank");
- };
- search_booru_illust_btn.onclick = function() {
- if (!('illust_id' in artwork_data)) {
- artwork_data = getTwitterInfo(false);
- }
- let illust_search_prefix = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=source%3A";
- let illust_search_url = illust_search_prefix + encodeURIComponent(location.href.replace('x.com/','twitter.com/'));
- window.open(illust_search_url, "_blank");
- };
- }
- // --- Booru posts ---
- if (location.hostname.includes("booru")) {
- // Add renamed link
- let renamed_download_link = document.createElement("a");
- renamed_download_link.href = document.getElementById('post-option-download').querySelector('a').href;
- renamed_download_link.style.display = 'inline-block';
- renamed_download_link.style.paddingBottom = '3px';
- renamed_download_link.text = "RENAMED FILENAME";
- // Add listener so that the renamed text is copied when right-click
- renamed_download_link.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(event) {
- let _renamed_filename = renamed_download_link.download;
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(_renamed_filename)
- });
- function getBooruInfo(as_JSON=true) {
- let data = {};
- let tag_list = document.getElementById("tag-list").querySelector("div");
- function query_tags(ul_class, sep=", ") {
- // Get tag list by ul_class name. Join by sep if multiple.
- let query_str = `ul.${ul_class} a.search-tag`;
- let _tags = tag_list.querySelectorAll(query_str);
- return Array.from(_tags).map((x, i) => x.innerText).join(sep)
- }
- data["artists"] = query_tags("artist-tag-list");
- data["copyrights"] = query_tags("copyright-tag-list");
- data["characters"] = query_tags("character-tag-list");
- data["general"] = query_tags("general-tag-list");
- // Get information (rating-levels, etc.)
- function query_by_id(dom_id, remove_str) {
- let _text = document.getElementById(dom_id).innerText;
- return _text.replace(remove_str, "").trim();
- }
- data["booru_id"] = query_by_id("post-info-id", "ID:");
- data["rating_level"] = query_by_id("post-info-rating", "Rating:");
- let s = "";
- if (as_JSON == true) {
- s = JSON.stringify(data)
- } else {
- s = booru_str_keys.map((x, i) => data[x]).join("\t");
- }
- copyToClipboard(s);
- return data;
- }
- function updateRenamedDownloadLink() {
- let renamed_filename = '';
- const file_link = document.getElementById('post-info-size').querySelector('a').href;
- const post_sources = document.getElementById('post-info-source').querySelectorAll('a');
- const post_url = post_sources[0].href;
- const post_imgurl = post_sources[post_sources.length - 1].href;
- function getSitePostId() {
- const _site_url = post_sources[0].href;
- const _site_id = _site_url.substring(_site_url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
- return _site_id;
- }
- function getSiteFilenamePrefix(site_url) {
- const prefix_dict = {
- 'pixiv.net': '',
- 'fanbox.cc': 'PF',
- 'patreon.com': 'PT',
- 'twitter.com': 'T',
- 'x.com': 'T'
- };
- for (const key in prefix_dict) {
- if (site_url.includes(key)) {
- return prefix_dict[key];
- }
- }
- return '#';
- }
- if (post_url.includes('pixiv.net') ) {
- // If pixiv, simply return original filename (from last <a> in sources)
- renamed_filename = post_imgurl.substring(post_imgurl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
- } else {
- // Otherwise, find the parent/children relations of the current post
- const children_previews = document.querySelector('.posts-container');
- let id_child = 0; // If not found parent
- if (children_previews) {
- const articles = children_previews.querySelectorAll('article');
- for (let i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
- if (articles[i].classList.contains('current-post')) {
- id_child = i;
- break;
- };
- }
- }
- // Concat the filename
- const file_prefix = getSiteFilenamePrefix(post_url);
- const site_id = getSitePostId();
- const file_ext = file_link.substring(file_link.lastIndexOf('.'));
- renamed_filename = file_prefix + site_id + "_p" + id_child + file_ext;
- }
- // Update the renamed link element
- renamed_download_link.download = renamed_filename;
- const meta_tags = document.querySelectorAll('ul.meta-tag-list a');
- // If it is bad id (the post has revised version), mark it out in the text
- let msg_bad_id = '';
- for (const _meta_tag of meta_tags) {
- if (_meta_tag.innerText == 'bad id') {
- msg_bad_id = '(bad) ';
- break;
- }
- }
- renamed_download_link.text = msg_bad_id + renamed_filename;
- }
- // Update link for (renamed) image file download
- updateRenamedDownloadLink();
- // Add renamed link and buttons
- attemptedQuerySelector('section[id="search-box"]', (exist_dom) => {
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(renamed_download_link, exist_dom.nextSibling);
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(export_json_btn, renamed_download_link.nextSibling);
- exist_dom.parentNode.insertBefore(export_str_btn, export_json_btn.nextSibling);
- });
- export_json_btn.onclick = function() {
- artwork_data = getBooruInfo(true);
- export_json_btn.style.background = 'lightgreen';
- export_str_btn.style.removeProperty("background");
- };
- export_str_btn.onclick = function() {
- artwork_data = getBooruInfo(false);
- export_str_btn.style.background = 'lightgreen';
- export_json_btn.style.removeProperty("background");
- };
- }
- })();