- // ==UserScript==
- // @name NHentai Improved
- // @namespace Hentiedup
- // @version 2.1.3
- // @description Partially fade/remove non-english, HQ thumbnails, mark as read, subs, version grouping etc.
- // @author Hentiedup
- // @license unlicense
- // @match https://nhentai.net/*
- // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // @icon https://i.imgur.com/1lihxY2.png
- // @noframes
- // ==/UserScript==
- (() => {
- //#region - Assets
- const readImg = '<svg style="vertical-align: middle;" width="15" height="15" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="book" class="svg-inline--fa fa-book fa-w-14" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M448 360V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H96C43 0 0 43 0 96v320c0 53 43 96 96 96h328c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16c0-7.5-3.5-14.3-8.9-18.7-4.2-15.4-4.2-59.3 0-74.7 5.4-4.3 8.9-11.1 8.9-18.6zM128 134c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h212c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H134c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-20zm0 64c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h212c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H134c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-20zm253.4 250H96c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32 0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32h285.4c-1.9 17.1-1.9 46.9 0 64z"></path></svg>';
- const unreadImg = '<svg style="vertical-align: middle;" width="15" height="15" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="book-open" class="svg-inline--fa fa-book-open fa-w-18" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M542.22 32.05c-54.8 3.11-163.72 14.43-230.96 55.59-4.64 2.84-7.27 7.89-7.27 13.17v363.87c0 11.55 12.63 18.85 23.28 13.49 69.18-34.82 169.23-44.32 218.7-46.92 16.89-.89 30.02-14.43 30.02-30.66V62.75c.01-17.71-15.35-31.74-33.77-30.7zM264.73 87.64C197.5 46.48 88.58 35.17 33.78 32.05 15.36 31.01 0 45.04 0 62.75V400.6c0 16.24 13.13 29.78 30.02 30.66 49.49 2.6 149.59 12.11 218.77 46.95 10.62 5.35 23.21-1.94 23.21-13.46V100.63c0-5.29-2.62-10.14-7.27-12.99z"></path></svg>';
- const flagEn = "https://i.imgur.com/vSnHmmi.gif";
- const flagJp = "https://i.imgur.com/GlArpuS.gif";
- const flagCh = "https://i.imgur.com/7B55DYm.gif";
- //#endregion
- //#region - Initialize settings
- //Non-english settings
- const remove_non_english = GM_getValue("remove_non_english", false);
- const partially_fade_all_non_english = GM_getValue("partially_fade_all_non_english", true);
- const non_english_fade_opacity = GM_getValue("non_english_fade_opacity", 0.3);
- //Comic reader system
- const comic_reader_improved_zoom = GM_getValue("comic_reader_improved_zoom", true);
- const remember_zoom_level = GM_getValue("remember_zoom_level", true);
- const zoom_level = Number(GM_getValue("zoom_level", 1.0));
- //Browse sections
- const browse_thumbnail_width = GM_getValue("browse_thumbnail_width", 0);
- const browse_thumnail_container_width = GM_getValue("browse_thumnail_container_width", 0);
- const load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails = GM_getValue("load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails", true);
- const infinite_load = GM_getValue("infinite_load", true);
- //Comic pages view
- const pages_thumbnail_width = GM_getValue("pages_thumbnail_width", 0);
- const pages_thumnail_container_width = GM_getValue("pages_thumnail_container_width", 0);
- const load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails = GM_getValue("load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails", true);
- const max_image_reload_attempts = 20; //for load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails and load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails
- //Mark as read system
- const mark_as_read_system_enabled = GM_getValue("mark_as_read_system_enabled", true);
- const marked_as_read_fade_opacity = GM_getValue("marked_as_read_fade_opacity", 0.3);
- const read_tag_font_size = GM_getValue("read_tag_font_size", 15);
- //Subscription system
- const subscription_system_enabled = GM_getValue("subscription_system_enabled", true);
- //Alt version grouping
- const version_grouping_enabled = GM_getValue("version_grouping_enabled", true);
- const version_grouping_filter_brackets = GM_getValue("version_grouping_filter_brackets", false);
- const auto_group_on_page_comics = GM_getValue("auto_group_on_page_comics", true);
- //#endregion
- //#region - native blacklist settings
- const remove_native_blacklisted = GM_getValue("remove_native_blacklisted", true);
- //#endregion
- //#region - Initialize Sets (stored as strigified arrays)
- //Mark as read system
- let MARSet = new Set(TryParseJSON(GM_getValue("MARArrayString", "[]"), []));
- //Subsription system
- let SubsSet = new Set(TryParseJSON(GM_getValue("SubArrayString", "[]"), []));
- //#endregion
- //#region - Other script global scope variables
- let infinite_load_isLoadingNextPage = false;
- const nativeBlacklist = [];
- //#endregion
- //#region - Apply some initial stylesheets
- AddNonEnglishStylesheets();
- AddImprovedReaderZoomStylesheets();
- AddBrowseThumbnailStylesheets();
- AddPagesThumbnailStylesheets();
- AddMARStylesheets();
- AddSubscriptionStylesheets();
- AddAltVersionStylesheets();
- AddInfiniteLoadStylesheets();
- AddSettingsStylesheets();
- //#endregion
- //#region - code for all pages
- //add tampermonkey menu item to access NHI settings
- GM_registerMenuCommand("Settings", () => {
- GM_openInTab("https://nhentai.net/nhi-settings/", { active: true });
- });
- if (subscription_system_enabled) {
- //Add Subscriptions button in the header to take user to custom Subscriptions page
- $(".menu.right").prepend('<li title="Subscriptions"><a id="header-subs-button" href="/subscriptions/"><i class="fa fa-heartbeat"></i><span> Subscriptions</span></a></li>');
- }
- const currentPagePath = window.location.pathname;
- //#endregion
- //#region - code for all pages with list of comics
- if ($(".container.index-container, #favcontainer.container, #recent-favorites-container, #related-container").length !== 0) {
- //Blacklisted removal
- HandleBlacklistedRemoval();
- //Non-english handling
- HandleAllNonEnglishOnPage();
- //Mark as read system
- if (mark_as_read_system_enabled) {
- //Mark all comics on page that have been read with READ visual tag
- //possible problems with too long selectors? - splitting it up to chunks of 50
- const parts = [];
- for (let i = 0, count = MARSet.size; i < count; i += 50)
- parts.push([...MARSet].slice(i, i + 50));
- for (let i = 0, count = parts.length; i < count; i++) {
- const readPartSelector = parts[i].join("'], .cover[href='");
- $(`.cover[href='${readPartSelector}']`).addClass("marked-as-read").append("<div class='readTag'>READ</div>");
- }
- }
- //Load HQ thumbnails for all comics on page
- if (load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails) {
- $(".container.index-container > .gallery > .cover > img, #favcontainer.container > .gallery-favorite > .gallery > .cover > img, #related-container.container > .gallery > .cover > img").on("load", OnLoadCoverReplaceHQ);
- }
- //Add alt version buttons and auto group on-page comics
- if (version_grouping_enabled) {
- AddVersionGroupingButtonsToJQuerySelector($(".gallery"));
- if (auto_group_on_page_comics)
- GroupAltVersionsOnPage();
- }
- InfiniteLoadHandling();
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - url path specific code
- //Comic info page
- if (/^\/g\/\d+?\/$/.test(currentPagePath)) {
- //Mark as read system
- if (mark_as_read_system_enabled) {
- if (MARSet.has(currentPagePath)) //if item is marked as read (path == item. e.g. "/g/1234/")
- $(".buttons").append(`<a href="#" id="nhi-mar-button" class="btn btn-secondary btn-nhi-mark-as-unread">${unreadImg} <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Mark as unread</span></a>`); //..add unmark button
- else
- $(".buttons").append(`<a href="#" id="nhi-mar-button" class="btn btn-secondary btn-nhi-mark-as-read">${readImg} <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Mark as read</span></a>`); //...add mark button
- AddMARClickListeners();
- }
- //Subscriptions system
- if (subscription_system_enabled) {
- $(".tag").each((i, el) => {
- if (SubsSet.has($(el).attr("href")))
- $(el).addClass("subbedTag");
- });
- }
- //HQ thumbnails
- if (load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails) {
- $("#thumbnail-container .thumb-container > .gallerythumb > img")?.on("load", OnLoadCoverReplaceHQ);
- }
- }
- //Comic reader page
- else if (comic_reader_improved_zoom && /^\/g\/\d+?\/\d+?\/$/.test(currentPagePath)) {
- HandleReaderImprovedZoom();
- }
- //User pages
- else if (subscription_system_enabled && currentPagePath.startsWith("/users/")) {
- //User page
- const pageUserName = $(".user-info > h1")?.text()?.trim();
- //current page user == current logged in user
- if (pageUserName && pageUserName === $("nav ul.menu.right a[href^='/users/']")?.text()?.replace(/<.+?>/g, "")?.trim()) {
- $(".user-info > div").before(`<p><b>Comics marked as read: </b>${MARSet.size}</p>`); //add number of comics read to page
- $("#user-container > .user-info a[href$='/edit']").before(`<a href="/nhi-settings/" id="nhi-nh-settings-button" type="button" class="btn btn-primary"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/TI45bnl.png" /><span>NHI Settings<span/></a>`);
- }
- }
- //Subscriptions page
- else if (currentPagePath === "/subscriptions/") {
- RenderSubscriptionsPage();
- }
- //NHI Settings page
- else if (currentPagePath === "/nhi-settings/") {
- RenderNHISettingsPage();
- }
- //artist/group/tag/language/category pages
- else if (currentPagePath.startsWith("/artist/") || currentPagePath.startsWith("/group/") || currentPagePath.startsWith("/tag/") || currentPagePath.startsWith("/language/") || currentPagePath.startsWith("/category/")) {
- //if subscribed
- if (SubsSet.has(currentPagePath.split("popular")[0])) //on these pages, the path before anything starting with "popular" should always match the saved value
- $("h1:first").append('<a href="#" id="nhi-subscribe-button" class="btn btn-secondary btn-nhi-unsub"><span style="vertical-align: middle;">Unsubscribe</span></a>'); //...add unsub button
- else
- $("h1:first").append('<a href="#" id="nhi-subscribe-button" class="btn btn-secondary btn-nhi-sub"><span style="vertical-align: middle;">Subscribe</span></a>'); //...add sub button
- AddSubsClickListeners();
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - FUNCTIONS
- //#region - Misc functions
- function TryParseJSON(jsonString, defaultValue = null) {
- try {
- return JSON.parse(jsonString);
- } catch {
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - Blacklist related functions
- function HandleBlacklistedRemoval() {
- if (remove_native_blacklisted) {
- //remove all on-page comics marked as blacklisted
- $(".gallery.blacklisted").remove();
- //Record list of blacklisted tags. Needed for infinite load.
- if (infinite_load) {
- //The native blacklisted tags can be found on one of the on page inline scripts...
- const scripts = $("script:not([src])");
- let tags = [];
- for (script in scripts) {
- tags = $(script)?.html()?.split("blacklisted_tags: [")?.[1]?.split("]")?.[0];
- if (tags)
- break;
- }
- if (tags) {
- try {
- nativeBlacklist.push(...JSON.parse(`[${tags}]`));
- console.log(nativeBlacklist);
- } catch {
- console.log("NHI: failed to parse blacklisted tags");
- }
- }
- else {
- console.log("NHI: failed find blacklisted tags");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - Settings related functions
- function AddSettingsStylesheets() {
- GM_addStyle(`
- #nhi-nh-settings-button {
- background-color: #1b2a37;
- display: inline-flex;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center;
- gap: 8px;
- padding: 8px 16px;
- cursor: pointer;
- transition: color 0.3s ease, filter 0.3s ease;
- }
- #nhi-nh-settings-button:hover,
- #nhi-nh-settings-button:active {
- color: #ed2553;
- filter: brightness(1.4);
- }
- #nhi-nh-settings-button > img {
- height: 25px;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- gap: 10px;
- max-width: 100%;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-section {
- text-align: left;
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-section.nhi-settings-save-section {
- padding-top: 15px;
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page #saveButt {
- background-color: green;
- margin-right: 10px;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-export-container .nhi-settings-section {
- padding: 0;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-section h2 {
- margin: 5px 0;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-section label {
- margin: 5px;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-section label input {
- margin-right: 5px;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-section input[type="number"],
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-section input[type="text"] {
- width: 80px;
- height: 25px;
- border-radius: 3px;
- text-align: center;
- padding: 0;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page .nhi-settings-section sub {
- display: block;
- line-height: 1em;
- }
- .nhi-settings-page a {
- color: lightblue !important;
- text-decoration: underline;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .nhi-settings-export-container p {
- margin: 0;
- }
- #NHIImportFile {
- display: block;
- margin-top: 5px;
- }
- `);
- }
- function RenderNHISettingsPage() {
- //create page skeleton
- $("head title").html('NHI Settings').prop("style", "font-size: 3.5em;");
- $("#content").html(`
- <div class="nhi-settings-main">
- <form id="nhi-settings-form">
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2>Non-English Settings</h2>
- <label><input name="remove_non_english" type="checkbox" ${remove_non_english ? "checked" : ""}><span>Remove Non-English</span></label>
- <label><input name="partially_fade_all_non_english" type="checkbox" ${partially_fade_all_non_english ? "checked" : ""}><span>Partially Fade Non-English</span></label>
- <label><input name="non_english_fade_opacity" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.1" placeholder="0.3 - 1.0" value="${non_english_fade_opacity}"><span>Fade Opacity</span></label>
- </div>
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2>Browse Section Settings</h2>
- <label><input name="infinite_load" type="checkbox" ${infinite_load ? "checked" : ""}><span>Dynamically load more comics as you scroll</span></label>
- <label><input name="browse_thumbnail_width" type="number" min="0" placeholder="0" value="${browse_thumbnail_width}"><span>Thumbnail Width</span></label>
- <label><input name="browse_thumnail_container_width" type="number" min="0" placeholder="0" value="${browse_thumnail_container_width}"><span>Thumbnail Container Width</span></label>
- <label><input name="load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails" type="checkbox" ${load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails ? "checked" : ""}><span>HQ Thumbnails</span></label>
- </div>
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2>Comic Pages Section Settings</h2>
- <label><input name="pages_thumbnail_width" type="number" min="0" placeholder="0" value="${pages_thumbnail_width}"><span>Thumbnail Width</span></label>
- <label><input name="pages_thumnail_container_width" type="number" min="0" placeholder="0" value="${pages_thumnail_container_width}"><span>Thumbnail Container Width</span></label>
- <label><input name="load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails" type="checkbox" ${load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails ? "checked" : ""}><span>HQ Thumbnails</span></label>
- </div>
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2>Comic Reader Settings</h2>
- <label><input name="comic_reader_improved_zoom" type="checkbox" ${comic_reader_improved_zoom ? "checked" : ""}><span>Improved Zoom</span></label>
- <label><input name="remember_zoom_level" type="checkbox" ${remember_zoom_level ? "checked" : ""}><span>Remember Zoom Level</span></label>
- </div>
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2>Mark As Read Settings</h2>
- <label><input name="mark_as_read_system_enabled" type="checkbox" ${mark_as_read_system_enabled ? "checked" : ""}><span>Enabled</span></label>
- <label><input name="marked_as_read_fade_opacity" type="number" min="0" max="1" step="0.1" placeholder="0.3 - 1.0" value="${marked_as_read_fade_opacity}"><span>Fade Opacity</span></label>
- <label><input name="read_tag_font_size" type="number" min="0" placeholder="15" value="${read_tag_font_size}"><span>Read Tag Font Size</span></label>
- </div>
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2>Subscription Settings</h2>
- <label><input name="subscription_system_enabled" type="checkbox" ${subscription_system_enabled ? "checked" : ""}><span>Enabled</span></label>
- </div>
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2>Version Grouping Settings</h2>
- <label><input name="version_grouping_enabled" type="checkbox" ${version_grouping_enabled ? "checked" : ""}><span>Enabled</span></label>
- <label style="margin-bottom: 0;"><input name="version_grouping_filter_brackets" type="checkbox" ${version_grouping_filter_brackets ? "checked" : ""}><span>Filter out normal brackets for version searches</span></label>
- <sub>(square brackets are always filtered out regardless of this setting)</sub>
- <label style="margin-bottom: 0;"><input name="auto_group_on_page_comics" type="checkbox" ${auto_group_on_page_comics ? "checked" : ""}><span>Automatically group on-page comics</span></label>
- <sub>(Doesn't search the site, just current page)</sub>
- </div>
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2>Native Blacklist Settings</h2>
- <a id="adjust-blacklist-link" href="#" target="_blank">Adjust Blacklist</a>
- <label><input name="remove_native_blacklisted" type="checkbox" ${remove_native_blacklisted ? "checked" : ""}><span>Remove blacklisted comics</span></label>
- </div>
- <div class="nhi-settings-section nhi-settings-save-section">
- <input id="saveButt" style="line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Save" />
- <span id="savedIndicator" style="display: none; color: green; font-weight: 600;">Saved!</span>
- </div>
- </form>
- <hr />
- <div class="nhi-settings-export-container">
- <div class="nhi-settings-section">
- <h2 style="margin-bottom: 0;">Import/Export Settings</h2>
- <p>Also Imports/Exports data</p>
- <p>(comics marked as read and subscriptions)</p>
- </br>
- <button id="exportButt" style="line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Export</button>
- <button id="importButt" style="line-height: 30px; height: 30px;" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Import</button>
- <input id="NHIImportFile" type="file" style="display: none;">
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- `).addClass("nhi-settings-page").before("<h1>NHentai Improved Settings</h1>");
- //set adjust-blacklist-link href
- $("#adjust-blacklist-link").attr("href", `${$("nav .menu.right [href^='/users/']").attr("href")}/blacklist`);
- //Handle disables/fadeouts
- //set onChange event handlers
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='remove_non_english']").on("change", (e) => {
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='partially_fade_all_non_english']").prop("disabled", e.target.checked).closest("label").fadeTo(200, e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1);
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='non_english_fade_opacity']").prop("disabled", e.target.checked).closest("label").fadeTo(200, e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1);
- });
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='comic_reader_improved_zoom']").on("change", (e) => {
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='remember_zoom_level']").prop("disabled", !e.target.checked).closest("label").fadeTo(200, !e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1);
- });
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='mark_as_read_system_enabled']").on("change", (e) => {
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='marked_as_read_fade_opacity']").prop("disabled", !e.target.checked).closest("label").fadeTo(200, !e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1);
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='read_tag_font_size']").prop("disabled", !e.target.checked).closest("label").fadeTo(200, !e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1);
- });
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='version_grouping_enabled']").on("change", (e) => {
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='version_grouping_filter_brackets']").prop("disabled", !e.target.checked).closest("label").fadeTo(200, !e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1).parent().find("sub").fadeTo(200, !e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1);
- $(".nhi-settings-section input[name='auto_group_on_page_comics']").prop("disabled", !e.target.checked).closest("label").fadeTo(200, !e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1).parent().find("sub").fadeTo(200, !e.target.checked ? 0.5 : 1);
- });
- //trigger all the onChange event handlers to setup initial states
- $(`
- .nhi-settings-section input[name='remove_non_english'],
- .nhi-settings-section input[name='comic_reader_improved_zoom'],
- .nhi-settings-section input[name='mark_as_read_system_enabled'],
- .nhi-settings-section input[name='version_grouping_enabled']
- `).trigger("change");
- //Handle save
- $("#nhi-settings-form").on("submit", (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- const data = e.target;
- GM_setValue("remove_non_english", data.remove_non_english.checked);
- GM_setValue("partially_fade_all_non_english", data.partially_fade_all_non_english.checked);
- GM_setValue("non_english_fade_opacity", data.non_english_fade_opacity.value);
- GM_setValue("infinite_load", data.infinite_load.checked);
- GM_setValue("browse_thumbnail_width", data.browse_thumbnail_width.value);
- GM_setValue("browse_thumnail_container_width", data.browse_thumnail_container_width.value);
- GM_setValue("load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails", data.load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails.checked);
- GM_setValue("pages_thumbnail_width", data.pages_thumbnail_width.value);
- GM_setValue("pages_thumnail_container_width", data.pages_thumnail_container_width.value);
- GM_setValue("load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails", data.load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails.checked);
- GM_setValue("comic_reader_improved_zoom", data.comic_reader_improved_zoom.checked);
- GM_setValue("remember_zoom_level", data.remember_zoom_level.checked);
- GM_setValue("mark_as_read_system_enabled", data.mark_as_read_system_enabled.checked);
- GM_setValue("marked_as_read_fade_opacity", data.marked_as_read_fade_opacity.value);
- GM_setValue("read_tag_font_size", data.read_tag_font_size.value);
- GM_setValue("subscription_system_enabled", data.subscription_system_enabled.checked);
- GM_setValue("version_grouping_enabled", data.version_grouping_enabled.checked);
- GM_setValue("version_grouping_filter_brackets", data.version_grouping_filter_brackets.checked);
- GM_setValue("auto_group_on_page_comics", data.auto_group_on_page_comics.checked);
- GM_setValue("remove_native_blacklisted", data.remove_native_blacklisted.checked);
- $("#savedIndicator").hide().fadeIn(200, function () {
- setTimeout(() => {
- $(this).fadeOut(200);
- }, 5000);
- });
- });
- //Handle Export
- $("#exportButt").click((e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- const jsonObj = {
- "remove_non_english": GM_getValue("remove_non_english", false),
- "partially_fade_all_non_english": GM_getValue("partially_fade_all_non_english", true),
- "non_english_fade_opacity": GM_getValue("non_english_fade_opacity", 0.3),
- "infinite_load": GM_getValue("infinite_load", true),
- "browse_thumbnail_width": GM_getValue("browse_thumbnail_width", 0),
- "browse_thumnail_container_width": GM_getValue("browse_thumnail_container_width", 0),
- "load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails": GM_getValue("load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails", true),
- "pages_thumbnail_width": GM_getValue("pages_thumbnail_width", 0),
- "pages_thumnail_container_width": GM_getValue("pages_thumnail_container_width", 0),
- "load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails": GM_getValue("load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails", true),
- "comic_reader_improved_zoom": GM_getValue("comic_reader_improved_zoom", true),
- "remember_zoom_level": GM_getValue("remember_zoom_level", true),
- "mark_as_read_system_enabled": GM_getValue("mark_as_read_system_enabled", true),
- "marked_as_read_fade_opacity": GM_getValue("marked_as_read_fade_opacity", 0.3),
- "read_tag_font_size": GM_getValue("read_tag_font_size", 15),
- "subscription_system_enabled": GM_getValue("subscription_system_enabled", true),
- "version_grouping_enabled": GM_getValue("version_grouping_enabled", true),
- "version_grouping_filter_brackets": GM_getValue("version_grouping_filter_brackets", false),
- "auto_group_on_page_comics": GM_getValue("auto_group_on_page_comics", true),
- "remove_native_blacklisted": GM_getValue("remove_native_blacklisted", true),
- "MARArrayString": GM_getValue("MARArrayString", "[]"),
- "SubArrayString": GM_getValue("SubArrayString", "[]")
- };
- SaveToFile(`NHI-Backup_${new Date().toISOString().replace(/:/g, "-")}.nhi2`, JSON.stringify(jsonObj, null, 2));
- });
- //Handle Import
- $("#importButt").click((e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- $("#NHIImportFile").animate({ height: 'toggle' }, 200);
- });
- $("#NHIImportFile").change((event) => {
- if (typeof window.FileReader !== 'function')
- throw ("The file API isn't supported on this browser.");
- const input = event.target;
- if (!input)
- throw ("The browser does not properly implement the event object");
- if (!input.files)
- throw ("This browser does not support the `files` property of the file input.");
- const file = input.files[0];
- if (!file.name.endsWith(".nhi") && !file.name.endsWith(".nhi2")) {
- $("#NHIImportFile").val('');
- throw ("Invalid file extension");
- }
- const fr = new FileReader();
- fr.onload = (ev) => {
- const importedData = ev.target.result;
- if (importedData != null && confirm("File received. Import this file?")) {
- if (file.name.endsWith(".nhi2"))
- ImportNewNHIFile(importedData);
- else
- ImportOldNHIFile(importedData);
- }
- else
- $("#NHIImportFile").val('');
- };
- fr.readAsText(file);
- });
- }
- function ImportNewNHIFile(dataAsString) {
- const jsonObj = JSON.parse(dataAsString);
- GM_setValue("remove_non_english", jsonObj.remove_non_english);
- GM_setValue("partially_fade_all_non_english", jsonObj.partially_fade_all_non_english);
- GM_setValue("non_english_fade_opacity", jsonObj.non_english_fade_opacity);
- GM_setValue("infinite_load", jsonObj.infinite_load);
- GM_setValue("browse_thumbnail_width", jsonObj.browse_thumbnail_width);
- GM_setValue("browse_thumnail_container_width", jsonObj.browse_thumnail_container_width);
- GM_setValue("load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails", jsonObj.load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails);
- GM_setValue("pages_thumbnail_width", jsonObj.pages_thumbnail_width);
- GM_setValue("pages_thumnail_container_width", jsonObj.pages_thumnail_container_width);
- GM_setValue("load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails", jsonObj.load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails);
- GM_setValue("comic_reader_improved_zoom", jsonObj.comic_reader_improved_zoom);
- GM_setValue("remember_zoom_level", jsonObj.remember_zoom_level);
- GM_setValue("mark_as_read_system_enabled", jsonObj.mark_as_read_system_enabled);
- GM_setValue("marked_as_read_fade_opacity", jsonObj.marked_as_read_fade_opacity);
- GM_setValue("read_tag_font_size", jsonObj.read_tag_font_size);
- GM_setValue("subscription_system_enabled", jsonObj.subscription_system_enabled);
- GM_setValue("version_grouping_enabled", jsonObj.version_grouping_enabled);
- GM_setValue("version_grouping_filter_brackets", jsonObj.version_grouping_filter_brackets);
- GM_setValue("auto_group_on_page_comics", jsonObj.auto_group_on_page_comics);
- GM_setValue("remove_native_blacklisted", jsonObj.remove_native_blacklisted);
- GM_setValue("MARArrayString", jsonObj.MARArrayString);
- GM_setValue("SubArrayString", jsonObj.SubArrayString);
- location.reload();
- }
- function ImportOldNHIFile(dataAsString) {
- const dataString = dataAsString.replace(/(\r?\n|\r)/g, "").trim(); //remove newlines and trim
- if (dataString.indexOf("|||||") < 0) {
- alert("invalid data");
- return;
- }
- const dataArr = dataString.split("|||||");
- if (dataArr.length > 0) {
- GM_setValue("SubArrayString", dataArr[0]);
- console.log("NHI - SubArrayString imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 1) {
- GM_setValue("MARArrayString", dataArr[1]);
- console.log("NHI - MARArrayString imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 2) {
- GM_setValue("BlockTagArrayString", dataArr[2]);
- console.log("NHI - BlockTagArrayString imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 3) {
- GM_setValue("remove_non_english", (String(dataArr[3]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - remove_non_english imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 4) {
- GM_setValue("partially_fade_all_non_english", (String(dataArr[4]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - partially_fade_all_non_english imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 5) {
- GM_setValue("non_english_fade_opacity", dataArr[5]);
- console.log("NHI - non_english_fade_opacity imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 6) {
- GM_setValue("load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails", (String(dataArr[6]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 7) {
- GM_setValue("browse_thumbnail_width", dataArr[7]);
- console.log("NHI - browse_thumbnail_width imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 8) {
- GM_setValue("browse_thumnail_container_width", dataArr[8]);
- console.log("NHI - browse_thumnail_container_width imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 9) {
- GM_setValue("load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails", (String(dataArr[9]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - load_high_quality_pages_thumbnails imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 10) {
- GM_setValue("pages_thumbnail_width", dataArr[10]);
- console.log("NHI - pages_thumbnail_width imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 11) {
- GM_setValue("pages_thumnail_container_width", dataArr[11]);
- console.log("NHI - pages_thumnail_container_width imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 12) {
- GM_setValue("max_image_reload_attempts", dataArr[12]);
- console.log("NHI - max_image_reload_attempts imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 13) {
- GM_setValue("mark_as_read_system_enabled", (String(dataArr[13]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - mark_as_read_system_enabled imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 14) {
- GM_setValue("marked_as_read_fade_opacity", dataArr[14]);
- console.log("NHI - marked_as_read_fade_opacity imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 15) {
- GM_setValue("read_tag_font_size", dataArr[15]);
- console.log("NHI - read_tag_font_size imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 16) {
- GM_setValue("subscription_system_enabled", (String(dataArr[16]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - subscription_system_enabled imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 17) {
- GM_setValue("version_grouping_enabled", (String(dataArr[17]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - version_grouping_enabled imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 18) {
- GM_setValue("version_grouping_filter_brackets", (String(dataArr[18]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - version_grouping_filter_brackets imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 19) {
- GM_setValue("auto_group_on_page_comics", (String(dataArr[19]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - auto_group_on_page_comics imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 20) {
- GM_setValue("comic_reader_improved_zoom", (String(dataArr[20]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - comic_reader_improved_zoom imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 21) {
- GM_setValue("remember_zoom_level", (String(dataArr[21]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - remember_zoom_level imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 22) {
- GM_setValue("zoom_level", Number(dataArr[22]));
- console.log("NHI - zoom_level imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 23) {
- GM_setValue("tag_blocking_enabled", (String(dataArr[23]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - tag_blocking_enabled imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 24) {
- GM_setValue("tag_blocking_fade_only", (String(dataArr[24]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - tag_blocking_fade_only imported");
- }
- if (dataArr.length > 25) {
- GM_setValue("infinite_load", (String(dataArr[25]) == "true"));
- console.log("NHI - infinite_load imported");
- }
- location.reload();
- }
- function SaveToFile(filename, dataString) {
- const blob = new Blob([dataString], { type: 'application/json' });
- if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
- window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);
- }
- else {
- const elem = window.document.createElement('a');
- elem.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- elem.download = filename;
- document.body.appendChild(elem);
- elem.click();
- document.body.removeChild(elem);
- }
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - Mark as read system related functions
- function AddMARStylesheets() {
- if (mark_as_read_system_enabled) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- .marked-as-read > img, .marked-as-read > .caption {
- opacity: ${marked_as_read_fade_opacity};
- }
- .readTag {
- border-radius: 10px;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- position: absolute;
- background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.7);
- color: rgba(255,255,255,.8);
- bottom: 7.5px;
- right: 7.5px;
- font-size: ${read_tag_font_size}px;
- font-weight: 900;
- opacity: 1;
- }
- #info >.buttons > .btn-nhi-mark-as-read, #info >.buttons > .btn-nhi-mark-as-read:visited {
- background-color: #3d9e48;
- }
- #info >.buttons > .btn-nhi-mark-as-read:active, #info >.buttons > .btn-nhi-mark-as-read:hover {
- background-color: #52bc5e;
- }
- #info >.buttons > .btn-nhi-mark-as-unread, #info >.buttons > .btn-nhi-mark-as-unread:visited {
- background-color: rgb(218, 53, 53);
- }
- #info >.buttons > .btn-nhi-mark-as-unread:active, #info >.buttons > .btn-nhi-mark-as-unread:hover {
- background-color: #e26060;
- }
- .gallery {
- position: relative;
- }
- `);
- }
- }
- function AddMARClickListeners() {
- $("#nhi-mar-button").click(function () {
- //check if we are adding or deleting
- const markingAsRead = $(this).hasClass("btn-nhi-mark-as-read");
- //get the array again to make sure we have an up to date array (since other tabs could have modified it since loading this page)
- MARSet = new Set(TryParseJSON(GM_getValue("MARArrayString", "[]"), []));
- //add or delete
- if (markingAsRead)
- MARSet.add(currentPagePath);
- else
- MARSet.delete(currentPagePath);
- //save changes
- const MARArrayString = JSON.stringify([...MARSet]); //covert set to array string
- GM_setValue("MARArrayString", MARArrayString); //save string
- //update button
- if (markingAsRead)
- $(this).html(`${unreadImg} <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Mark as unread</span>`).removeClass('btn-nhi-mark-as-read').addClass('btn-nhi-mark-as-unread');
- else
- $(this).html(`${readImg} <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Mark as read</span>`).removeClass('btn-nhi-mark-as-unread').addClass('btn-nhi-mark-as-read');
- });
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - Infinite load related functions
- function AddInfiniteLoadStylesheets() {
- if (infinite_load) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- #NHI_loader_icon {
- height: 355px;
- line-height: 355px;
- }
- #NHI_loader_icon > div {
- display: inline-flex;
- }
- .loader {
- color: #ed2553;
- font-size: 10px;
- width: 1em;
- height: 1em;
- border-radius: 50%;
- position: relative;
- text-indent: -9999em;
- animation: mulShdSpin 1.3s infinite linear;
- transform: translateZ(0);
- }
- @keyframes mulShdSpin {
- 0%,
- 100% {
- box-shadow: 0 -3em 0 0.2em,
- 2em -2em 0 0em, 3em 0 0 -1em,
- 2em 2em 0 -1em, 0 3em 0 -1em,
- -2em 2em 0 -1em, -3em 0 0 -1em,
- -2em -2em 0 0;
- }
- 12.5% {
- box-shadow: 0 -3em 0 0, 2em -2em 0 0.2em,
- 3em 0 0 0, 2em 2em 0 -1em, 0 3em 0 -1em,
- -2em 2em 0 -1em, -3em 0 0 -1em,
- -2em -2em 0 -1em;
- }
- 25% {
- box-shadow: 0 -3em 0 -0.5em,
- 2em -2em 0 0, 3em 0 0 0.2em,
- 2em 2em 0 0, 0 3em 0 -1em,
- -2em 2em 0 -1em, -3em 0 0 -1em,
- -2em -2em 0 -1em;
- }
- 37.5% {
- box-shadow: 0 -3em 0 -1em, 2em -2em 0 -1em,
- 3em 0em 0 0, 2em 2em 0 0.2em, 0 3em 0 0em,
- -2em 2em 0 -1em, -3em 0em 0 -1em, -2em -2em 0 -1em;
- }
- 50% {
- box-shadow: 0 -3em 0 -1em, 2em -2em 0 -1em,
- 3em 0 0 -1em, 2em 2em 0 0em, 0 3em 0 0.2em,
- -2em 2em 0 0, -3em 0em 0 -1em, -2em -2em 0 -1em;
- }
- 62.5% {
- box-shadow: 0 -3em 0 -1em, 2em -2em 0 -1em,
- 3em 0 0 -1em, 2em 2em 0 -1em, 0 3em 0 0,
- -2em 2em 0 0.2em, -3em 0 0 0, -2em -2em 0 -1em;
- }
- 75% {
- box-shadow: 0em -3em 0 -1em, 2em -2em 0 -1em,
- 3em 0em 0 -1em, 2em 2em 0 -1em, 0 3em 0 -1em,
- -2em 2em 0 0, -3em 0em 0 0.2em, -2em -2em 0 0;
- }
- 87.5% {
- box-shadow: 0em -3em 0 0, 2em -2em 0 -1em,
- 3em 0 0 -1em, 2em 2em 0 -1em, 0 3em 0 -1em,
- -2em 2em 0 0, -3em 0em 0 0, -2em -2em 0 0.2em;
- }
- }
- `);
- }
- }
- function InfiniteLoadHandling() {
- /*TODO:
- - Handle auto version grouping...
- Sometimes there are comics that are named something overly simple that causes tons of others to get grouped with it erroneously.
- Infinite load would make this issue way worse... How to handle this...
- Could group comcis only on a page by page basis.
- - Handle Favorites page -> infinite load disabled there for now
- */
- if (infinite_load) {
- //if found paginator on page (also, specifically not enabled on favorites page for now)
- const paginator = $(".pagination");
- if (paginator?.length && currentPagePath !== "/favorites/") {
- const lastPageNum = Number.parseInt(paginator.find(".last").attr("href").split("page=")[1]);
- //build the fetch url without the page number
- const queryWithNoPage = window.location.search.replace(/[\?\&]page=\d+/, "").replace(/^\&/, "?");
- const finalUrlWithoutPageNum = `${window.location.pathname + queryWithNoPage + (queryWithNoPage.length ? "&" : "?")}page=`;
- //on scroll event,
- $(window).scroll(() => {
- //if we are near page bottom,
- if ($(window).scrollTop() + (window.visualViewport?.height || $(window).height()) >= $(document).height() - 15) {
- const loadingPageNum = Number.parseInt($(".pagination > .page.current:last").attr("href").split("page=")[1]) + 1;
- TryLoadInNextPageComics(loadingPageNum, lastPageNum, finalUrlWithoutPageNum);
- }
- });
- //While page is smaller than viewport, i.e. can't be scrolled, keep loading in pages
- const autoLoadWhileScrollNotAvailableInterval = setInterval(() => {
- //clear this interval if all pages are loaded
- const loadingPageNum = Number.parseInt($(".pagination > .page.current:last").attr("href").split("page=")[1]) + 1;
- if (loadingPageNum > lastPageNum) {
- clearInterval(autoLoadWhileScrollNotAvailableInterval);
- }
- else {
- const doc = document.documentElement;
- if (doc.scrollHeight <= doc.clientHeight) {
- TryLoadInNextPageComics(loadingPageNum, lastPageNum, finalUrlWithoutPageNum);
- }
- }
- }, 200);
- }
- }
- }
- function TryLoadInNextPageComics(pageNumToLoad, lastPageNum, fetchUrlWithoutPageNum, retryNum = 0, maxFetchAttempts = 5) {
- //Do not start another load if one is already running (retry attempts are let through)
- if (retryNum === 0 && infinite_load_isLoadingNextPage)
- return;
- //don't try to load from a page > lastpage
- if (pageNumToLoad > lastPageNum)
- return;
- //console.log(`NHI infinite load - starting page ${pageNumToLoad} load`);
- infinite_load_isLoadingNextPage = true;
- //add loader icon visual
- $(".index-container:not(.advertisement, .index-popular)").first().append('<div id="NHI_loader_icon" class="gallery"><div><span class="loader"></span></div></div>');
- $.get({
- url: fetchUrlWithoutPageNum + pageNumToLoad,
- dataType: "html"
- }, (data) => {
- //for each comic fetched
- $(data).find("div.gallery").each((i, el) => {
- //blacklist handling
- if (remove_native_blacklisted) {
- //probably won't work, but if the comic has blacklisted class, don't add it
- if ($(el).hasClass("blacklisted"))
- return;
- //check if this comic has any blacklisted tags and if so, don't add it
- const tags = $(el).attr("data-tags").trim().split(" ");
- if (nativeBlacklist.some(nblTag => tags.includes(String(nblTag)))) {
- return;
- }
- }
- //if already on page (excluding the page 1 popular section), don't add again
- if ($(`.container:not(.index-popular) .cover[href='${$(el).find(".cover").attr("href")}']`).length)
- return;
- //If removing or fading non-english
- if (remove_non_english || partially_fade_all_non_english) {
- //Mark with english class/tag + if removing non-english...
- if (!MarkIfEnglish($(el)) && remove_non_english) {
- return; //...don't insert this comic
- }
- }
- //set thumbnail src = data-src
- $(el).find("img").attr("src", $(el).find("img").attr("data-src"));
- //HQ thumbnail onLoad
- if (load_high_quality_browse_thumbnails)
- $(el).find(".cover > img").on("load", OnLoadCoverReplaceHQ);
- //check if read, and mark as such
- if (mark_as_read_system_enabled) {
- const cover = $(el).find("a.cover");
- const item = cover.attr("href");
- if (MARSet.has(item))
- cover.addClass("marked-as-read").append("<div class='readTag'>READ</div>");
- }
- //add version grouping buttons
- if (version_grouping_enabled)
- AddVersionGroupingButtonsToJQuerySelector($(el));
- //finally add the modified comic on to page
- $(".index-container:not(.advertisement, .index-popular)").first().append(el);
- });
- //after adding all comics from fetched page, mark that page as "current" in the paginator to clearly show the user all the pages currently loaded
- const paginatorItem = $(`.pagination > .page[href$='page=${pageNumToLoad}']`);
- if (paginatorItem?.length)
- paginatorItem.addClass("current");
- else
- $(".pagination > .next").before(`<a href="${fetchUrlWithoutPageNum}${pageNumToLoad}" class="page current">${pageNumToLoad}</a>`);
- $("#NHI_loader_icon").remove();
- //console.log(`NHI infinite load - page ${pageNumToLoad} load successful`);
- infinite_load_isLoadingNextPage = false;
- }).fail((jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
- if (retryNum < maxFetchAttempts) {
- console.log(`NHI: Infinite load - Failed loading page ${pageNumToLoad} - ${textStatus} | ${errorThrown} - retrying... (retry ${retryNum + 1})`);
- TryLoadInNextPageComics(pageNumToLoad, lastPageNum, fetchUrlWithoutPageNum, retryNum + 1, 5);
- }
- else {
- $("#NHI_loader_icon").remove();
- console.log(`NHI: Infinite load - Failed loading page ${pageNumToLoad} - ${textStatus} | ${errorThrown} - Giving up after ${retryNum} retries.`);
- infinite_load_isLoadingNextPage = false;
- }
- });
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - Alt version related functions
- function AddAltVersionStylesheets() {
- if (version_grouping_enabled) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- .overlayFlag
- {
- position: absolute;
- display: inline-block;
- top: 3px;
- left: 3px;
- z-index: 3;
- width: 18px;
- height: 12px;
- }
- .numOfVersions {
- border-radius: 10px;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- position: absolute;
- background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.7);
- color: rgba(255,255,255,.8);
- top: 7.5px;
- left: 105px;
- font-size: 12px;
- font-weight: 900;
- opacity: 1;
- width: 40px;
- z-index: 2;
- display: none;
- }
- .findVersionButton {
- border-radius: 10px;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- position: absolute;
- background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4);
- color: rgba(255,255,255,.8);
- bottom: 7.5px;
- left: 7.5px;
- font-size: 12px;
- font-weight: 900;
- opacity: 1;
- width: 125px;
- z-index: 2;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .versionNextButton {
- border-radius: 10px;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- position: absolute;
- background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.7);
- color: rgba(255,255,255,.8);
- top: 7.5px;
- right: 7.5px;
- font-size: 12px;
- font-weight: 900;
- opacity: 1;
- display: none;
- z-index: 2;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .versionPrevButton {
- border-radius: 10px;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- position: absolute;
- background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.7);
- color: rgba(255,255,255,.8);
- top: 7.5px;
- left: 7.5px;
- font-size: 12px;
- font-weight: 900;
- opacity: 1;
- z-index: 2;
- display: none;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .findVersionButton:focus, .findVersionButton:hover, .findVersionButton:active,
- .versionNextButton:focus, .versionNextButton:hover, .versionNextButton:active,
- .versionPrevButton:focus, .versionPrevButton:hover, .versionPrevButton:active
- {
- background-color: rgba(50,50,50,1);
- }
- `);
- }
- }
- function AddVersionGroupingButtonsToJQuerySelector(JQSelector) {
- JQSelector.append([
- "<div class='findVersionButton'>Find Alt Versions</div>",
- "<div class='numOfVersions'>1/1</div>",
- "<div class='versionNextButton'>►</div>",
- "<div class='versionPrevButton'>◄</div>"
- ]);
- $(JQSelector).find(".findVersionButton").click(AddAltVersionsToThis);
- $(JQSelector).find(".versionPrevButton").click(PrevAltVersion);
- $(JQSelector).find(".versionNextButton").click(NextAltVersion);
- }
- function AddAltVersionsToThis(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- const altVBtn = $(this);
- const originalComic = $(this).parent(); //.gallery
- const originalTitle = originalComic.find(".cover:visible > .caption").text();
- $.get(BuildUrl(originalTitle), (data) => {
- const found = $(data).find(".container > .gallery");
- if (!found || found.length <= 0) {
- alert("error reading data");
- return;
- }
- originalComic.find(".cover").remove();
- try {
- //iterate over each alt comic found
- for (let i = 0; i < found.length; i++) {
- //fade or remove non-english
- if (partially_fade_all_non_english || remove_non_english) {
- const isEnglish = MarkIfEnglish($(found[i]));
- if (!isEnglish && remove_non_english)
- continue;
- }
- //add some missing flags
- if ($(found[i]).attr("data-tags").split(" ").includes("12227")) //en
- $(found[i]).find(".caption").append(`<img class="overlayFlag" src="${flagEn}">`);
- else if ($(found[i]).attr("data-tags").split(" ").includes("6346")) //jp
- $(found[i]).find(".caption").append(`<img class="overlayFlag" src="${flagJp}">`);
- else if ($(found[i]).attr("data-tags").split(" ").includes("29963")) //ch
- $(found[i]).find(".caption").append(`<img class="overlayFlag" src="${flagCh}">`);
- //MAR
- if (mark_as_read_system_enabled) {
- //re-load MARSet to have up to date data
- MARSet = new Set(TryParseJSON(GM_getValue("MARArrayString", "[]"), []));
- const cover = $(found[i]).find(".cover");
- //if MARSet has this comic, mark it as read
- if (MARSet.has(cover.attr("href"))) {
- cover.append("<div class='readTag'>READ</div>");
- cover.addClass("marked-as-read");
- }
- }
- //HQ thumbnail == Always using HQ thumbnails with Alt covers, because using normal covers would still require work to handle.
- //TODO: Could add handling for non HQ covers later if I can be bothered
- const coverImg = $(found[i]).find(".cover > img");
- //if gallery item is missing data-src, add src to to data-src so that the generic method "ReplaceCoverImage" that relies on data-src can handle it
- if (!$(coverImg).attr("data-src"))
- $(coverImg).attr("data-src", $(coverImg).attr("src"));
- ReplaceCoverImage($(coverImg));
- originalComic.append($(found[i]).find(".cover"));
- }
- }
- catch (er) {
- alert(`error modifying data: ${er}`);
- return;
- }
- originalComic.find(".cover:not(:first)").css("display", "none");
- originalComic.find(".versionPrevButton, .versionNextButton, .numOfVersions").show(200);
- originalComic.find(".numOfVersions").text(`1/${found.length}`);
- altVBtn.hide(200);
- }).fail((e) => {
- alert(`error getting data: ${e}`);
- });
- }
- function GroupAltVersionsOnPage() {
- let i = 0;
- let found = $(".container > .gallery");
- while (!!found && i < found.length) {
- AddAltVersionsToThisFromPage(found[i]);
- i++;
- found = $(".container > .gallery");
- }
- }
- function AddAltVersionsToThisFromPage(target) {
- const targetComic = $(target); //.gallery
- targetComic.addClass("nhi-on-page-alt-ignoreThis");
- const targetTitle = targetComic.find(".cover > .caption").text();
- if (!targetTitle || targetTitle.length <= 0)
- return;
- const otherGalleries = $(".container > .gallery:not(.nhi-on-page-alt-ignoreThis)");
- let numOfValid = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < otherGalleries.length; i++) //loop through galleries
- {
- const comicsInGallery = $(otherGalleries[i]).find(".cover");
- let addAll = false;
- for (let j = 0; j < comicsInGallery.length; j++) //loop through comics in the gallery
- {
- if (StringIncludesAllSearchTermsAfterCleanup($(comicsInGallery[j]).find(".caption").text(), targetTitle)) {
- addAll = true; //if any of them match
- break;
- }
- }
- if (addAll) //if any matched
- {
- for (let j = 0; j < comicsInGallery.length; j++)
- targetComic.append($(comicsInGallery[j])); //add all
- $(otherGalleries[i]).addClass("nhi-on-page-alt-deleteThis");
- numOfValid += comicsInGallery.length;
- }
- }
- numOfValid++; //+1 because of the original target comic
- targetComic.removeClass("nhi-on-page-alt-deleteThis"); //ensure the original target comic gallery doesn't get removed
- targetComic.removeClass("nhi-on-page-alt-ignoreThis");
- $(".nhi-on-page-alt-deleteThis").remove(); //remove all the galleries whose comics got inserted to target comic's gallery
- //setup alt switching buttons if there is more than 1 comic in gallery
- if (numOfValid > 1) {
- targetComic.find(".cover:not(:first)").css("display", "none");
- targetComic.find(".versionPrevButton, .versionNextButton, .numOfVersions").show(200);
- targetComic.find(".numOfVersions").text(`1/${numOfValid}`);
- }
- }
- function NextAltVersion(e) { SwitchAltVersion(e, this, true) }
- function PrevAltVersion(e) { SwitchAltVersion(e, this, false) }
- function SwitchAltVersion(ev, htmlEl, next) {
- ev.preventDefault();
- const toHide = $(htmlEl).parent().find(".cover").filter(":visible");
- let toShow = next ? toHide.next() : toHide.prev();
- if (!toShow || toShow.length <= 0)
- return;
- if (!toShow.is(".cover"))
- toShow = next ? toHide.nextUntil(".cover", ":last").next() : toHide.prevUntil(".cover", ":last").prev();
- if (!toShow || toShow.length <= 0)
- return;
- toHide.hide(100);
- toShow.show(100);
- const n = $(htmlEl).parent().find(".numOfVersions");
- n.text(`${Number(n.text().split("/")[0]) + (next ? 1 : -1)}/${n.text().split("/")[1]}`);
- }
- function StringIncludesAllSearchTermsAfterCleanup(string, search) {
- const cleanString = CleanupSearchString(string);
- const cleanSearch = CleanupSearchString(search);
- if (cleanString.length === 0 || cleanSearch.length === 0)
- return false;
- const searches = cleanSearch.split(" ");
- //console.log(cleanString + " ::: includes all::: " + searches);
- for (let i = 0; i < searches.length; i++)
- if (!!searches[i] && searches[i].length > 0 && !cleanString.includes(searches[i]))
- return false
- return true;
- }
- function CleanupSearchString(title) {
- let cleanTitle = title.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, "");
- cleanTitle = cleanTitle.replace(/\【.*?\】/g, "");
- if (version_grouping_filter_brackets)
- cleanTitle = cleanTitle.replace(/\(.*?\)/g, "");
- return cleanTitle.trim();
- }
- function BuildUrl(title) {
- let url = CleanupSearchString(title);
- url = url.trim();
- //replace all instances of one or more consecutive symbol charactes padded by either whitespace or string start/end with a single space (except kanji)
- url = url.replace(/(^|\s){1}([^\w\s\d\u3000-\u303F\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\uFF00-\uFFEF\u4E00-\u9FAF\u2605-\u2606\u2190-\u2195\u203B]|\_)+?(\s|$){1}/g, " ");
- url = url.replace(/\s+/g, '" "'); //wrap all terms with ""
- url = `"${url}"`;
- url = encodeURIComponent(url);
- url = `https://nhentai.net/search/?q=${url}`;
- return url;
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - Subscription system related functions
- function AddSubscriptionStylesheets() {
- if (subscription_system_enabled) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- #tags .subbedTag * {
- background: unset;
- }
- #tags .subbedTag, #tags .subbedTag:visited {
- background-color: #2c5030;
- }
- #tags .subbedTag:active, #tags .subbedTag:hover {
- background-color: #416144;
- }
- #nhi-subscribe-button.btn-nhi-sub, #nhi-subscribe-button.btn-nhi-sub:visited {
- background-color: #3d9e48;
- }
- #nhi-subscribe-button.btn-nhi-sub:active, #nhi-subscribe-button.btn-nhi-sub:hover {
- background-color: #52bc5e;
- }
- #nhi-subscribe-button.btn-nhi-unsub, #nhi-subscribe-button.btn-nhi-unsub:visited {
- background-color: rgb(218, 53, 53);
- }
- #nhi-subscribe-button.btn-nhi-unsub:active, #nhi-subscribe-button.btn-nhi-unsub:hover {
- background-color: #e26060;
- }
- #sub-content ul {
- text-align: left;
- }
- #sub-content li {
- box-sizing: border-box;
- display: inline-block;
- width: 25%;
- text-align: center;
- padding: 5px 20px;
- }
- #nhi-subscribe-button {
- height: auto;
- line-height: initial;
- cursor: pointer;
- font-size: 0.5em;
- padding: 6px 12px;
- }
- @media only screen and (max-width: 1345px) {
- .menu.right a[href^='/logout/'] span { display: none; }
- }
- @media only screen and (max-width: 1270px) {
- .menu.right a[href^='/users/'] span { display: none; }
- }
- @media only screen and (max-width: 670px) {
- .menu.right a[href='/favorites/'] span { display: none; }
- }
- @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
- .menu.right a[href^='/logout/'] span { display: inline; }
- .menu.right a[href^='/users/'] span { display: inline; }
- .menu.right a[href='/favorites/'] span { display: inline; }
- }
- .nhi-subscriptions-page > .tag-container {
- margin-bottom: 40px;
- }
- `);
- }
- }
- function AddSubsClickListeners() {
- $("#nhi-subscribe-button").click(function () {
- //get proper sub item value
- const subItem = currentPagePath.split("popular")[0];
- //check if we are subbing or unsubbing
- const isSubbing = $(this).hasClass("btn-nhi-sub");
- //get the array again to make sure we have an up to date array (since other tabs could have modified it since loading this page)
- SubsSet = new Set(TryParseJSON(GM_getValue("SubArrayString", "[]"), []));
- //sub or unsub
- if (isSubbing)
- SubsSet.add(subItem);
- else
- SubsSet.delete(subItem);
- //save changes
- const SubArrayString = JSON.stringify([...SubsSet]); //covert set to array string
- GM_setValue("SubArrayString", SubArrayString); //save string
- //update button
- if (isSubbing)
- $(this).html('<span style="vertical-align: middle;">Unsubscribe</span>').removeClass('btn-nhi-sub').addClass('btn-nhi-unsub');
- else
- $(this).html('<span style="vertical-align: middle;">Subscribe</span>').removeClass('btn-nhi-unsub').addClass('btn-nhi-sub');
- });
- }
- function RenderSubscriptionsPage() {
- //create page skeleton
- $("head title").html('Subscriptions').prop("style", "font-size: 3.5em;");
- $("#content").html(
- `<h1>Subscriptions</h1>
- <h2>Artists</h2>
- <div class="container tag-container artist-section"></div>
- <h2>Groups</h2>
- <div class="container tag-container group-section"></div>
- <h2>Tags</h2>
- <div class="container tag-container tag-section"></div>
- <h2>Languages</h2>
- <div class="container tag-container language-section"></div>
- <h2>Categories</h2>
- <div class="container tag-container category-section"></div>`
- ).addClass("nhi-subscriptions-page");
- //add subs to page
- for (const subItem of SubsSet) {
- $(`.container.${subItem.split("/")[1]}-section`).append(`<a class="tag" href="${subItem}"><span class="name">${subItem.split("/")[2]}</span><span class="count">...</span></a>`);
- }
- //hide empty sections
- $(".nhi-subscriptions-page > .tag-container").each((i, el) => {
- if ($(el).is(":empty")) {
- $(el).hide();
- $(el).prev("h2").hide();
- }
- });
- //load counts
- $(".tag > .count").each((i, el) => {
- SubsPageLoadTagCountWithDelay($(el), i * 200);
- });
- $(".tag > .count").hover(function () {
- SubsPageLoadTagCountWithDelay($(this), 0);
- });
- }
- function SubsPageLoadTagCountWithDelay(elem, delay) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (!elem.hasClass("count-fetch-in-progress") && !elem.hasClass("count-fetched")) {
- elem.addClass("count-fetch-in-progress");
- $.ajax({
- url: elem.parent().prop("href"),
- method: "GET"
- }).done((data) => {
- const found = $(data).find("h1 .tag > .count").text();
- if (found != null && found.length > 0)
- elem.text(found);
- else
- console.log(`failed finding tag from: ${elem.parent().prop("href")}`);
- elem.addClass("count-fetched");
- }).fail(() => {
- console.log(`failed getting page: ${elem.parent().prop("href")}`);
- }).always(() => { elem.removeClass("count-fetch-in-progress"); });
- }
- }, delay);
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - Non-english related functions
- function AddNonEnglishStylesheets() {
- if (!remove_non_english && partially_fade_all_non_english) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- .gallery > .cover:not(.is-english) > img,
- .gallery > .cover:not(.is-english) > .caption
- {
- opacity: ${non_english_fade_opacity};
- }
- `);
- }
- }
- function HandleAllNonEnglishOnPage() {
- if (remove_non_english || partially_fade_all_non_english) {
- $(".gallery").each((i, el) => {
- if (!MarkIfEnglish($(el)) && remove_non_english)
- $(el).remove();
- });
- }
- }
- function MarkIfEnglish(JQGalleryElement) {
- if (JQGalleryElement?.length) {
- //check for english tag
- let isEnglish = JQGalleryElement.attr("data-tags").split(" ").includes("12227");
- //if tag not found, check the title, since NH has started leaving out tags randomly...
- if (!isEnglish) {
- const title = JQGalleryElement.find(".cover > .caption").text();
- if (/[\(\[]english[\)\]]/ig.test(title)) {
- console.log(`NHI: Found comic that was not tagged as english (${title}), but includes '(English)' or '[English]' in the title. Adding missing tag and is-english class...`);
- JQGalleryElement.attr("data-tags", `${JQGalleryElement.attr("data-tags")} 12227`);
- isEnglish = true;
- }
- }
- if (isEnglish) {
- JQGalleryElement.find(".cover").addClass("is-english");
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - Reader related functions
- function HandleReaderImprovedZoom() {
- let prevVal = 1.0;
- if (remember_zoom_level)
- prevVal = zoom_level;
- let curVal = prevVal;
- SetReaderImageScale(curVal);
- //make sure the current zoom-level stays between pages
- new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
- for (let i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++)
- if (mutations[i].type === 'attributes')
- SetReaderImageScale(curVal);
- }).observe($("#image-container > a")[0], { attributes: true, childList: false, characterData: false });
- const zoomOut = () => {
- curVal = prevVal - 0.1;
- if (curVal < 0.1)
- curVal = 0.1;
- SetReaderImageScale(curVal);
- prevVal = curVal;
- };
- const zoomIn = () => {
- curVal = prevVal + 0.1;
- if (curVal > 3)
- curVal = 3;
- SetReaderImageScale(curVal);
- prevVal = curVal;
- }
- $('body').on('keydown', (e) => {
- if (e.key === '+') { zoomIn(); }
- else if (e.key === '-') { zoomOut() }
- });
- $("section.reader-bar button.reader-zoom-out").click((e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- zoomOut();
- });
- $("section.reader-bar button.reader-zoom-in").click((e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- zoomIn();
- });
- }
- function SetReaderImageScale(scale) {
- $("section.reader-bar .zoom-level > .value").html(scale.toFixed(1));
- $("#image-container img").css("width", 1280 * scale);
- GM_setValue("zoom_level", scale);
- }
- //#endregion
- //#region - HQ cover related functions
- function AddImprovedReaderZoomStylesheets() {
- if (comic_reader_improved_zoom) {
- GM_addStyle("html.reader #image-container img { max-width: 100% !important; }");
- }
- }
- function AddBrowseThumbnailStylesheets() {
- //#region - Apparently fixes issues with too long cover images +more?
- //TODO: This is old code. Not sure if this is actually needed and not entirely sure what it does. Should test.
- if (browse_thumbnail_width > 0) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- .gallery, .gallery > .cover {
- max-height: ${browse_thumbnail_width * 1.42}px;
- }
- `);
- }
- GM_addStyle(`
- .gallery > .cover {
- overflow: hidden;
- padding: 0 !important;
- }
- .gallery > .cover > img {
- position: relative;
- min-height: 100%;
- }
- .container.index-container, #favcontainer {
- text-align: center;
- }
- .gallery > .cover > img {
- width: 100%;
- }
- `);
- //#endregion
- if (browse_thumnail_container_width > 0) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- /*browsing comics*/
- .container.index-container, #favcontainer {
- width: ${browse_thumnail_container_width}px;
- }
- `);
- }
- if (browse_thumbnail_width > 0) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- /*browsing comics*/
- .container.index-container > div.gallery, #favcontainer > .gallery-favorite {
- width: ${browse_thumbnail_width}px;
- }
- `);
- }
- if (browse_thumnail_container_width > 0) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- /*browsing comics*/
- .container.index-container, #favcontainer {
- max-width: 100%;
- }
- `);
- }
- }
- function AddPagesThumbnailStylesheets() {
- if (pages_thumnail_container_width > 0) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- /*view comic pages*/
- #thumbnail-container {
- max-width: 100%;
- width: ${pages_thumnail_container_width}px;
- }
- `);
- }
- if (pages_thumbnail_width > 0) {
- GM_addStyle(`
- /*view comic pages*/
- div.thumb-container img {
- width: ${pages_thumbnail_width}px;
- }
- `);
- }
- //#region
- //TODO: This is old code. Not sure if this is actually needed and not entirely sure what it does. Should test.
- GM_addStyle(`
- /*view comic pages*/
- div.thumb-container {
- width: auto;
- }
- #thumbnail-container {
- text-align: center;
- }
- `);
- //#endregion
- }
- function OnLoadCoverReplaceHQ() {
- //TODO: Throws errors all over the place... Seems to works for most images though. if it fails the original lower res image remains so failing is okay-ish
- $(this).off("load");
- ReplaceCoverImage($(this));
- }
- function ReplaceCoverImage(coverImg, addMultiTry = true) {
- //TODO: Throws errors all over the place... Seems to works for most images though. if it fails the original lower res image remains so failing is okay-ish
- if (addMultiTry)
- AddMultiTryErrorHandlingForCoverImageLoad(coverImg);
- //set src and try to load
- const iNum = (Number.parseInt($(coverImg).attr("img-reloads") || 0) % 4) + 1;
- const newsrc = ConvertThumbnailURL($(coverImg).attr("data-src"), iNum);
- $(coverImg).attr("src", newsrc);
- }
- function AddMultiTryErrorHandlingForCoverImageLoad(coverImg) {
- $(coverImg).off("error");
- $(coverImg).on("error", function () {
- //count reload attempts
- let attempts = Number.parseInt($(this).attr("img-reloads") || 1);
- if (attempts >= max_image_reload_attempts) //after x attempts, give up
- {
- $(this).off("error");
- console.log(`gave up on: ${$(this).attr("src")}`);
- return;
- }
- const iNum = (Number.parseInt($(this).attr("img-reloads") || 0) % 4) + 1;
- const newsrc = ConvertThumbnailURL($(this).attr("data-src"), iNum);
- $(this).attr("src", newsrc); //reload
- attempts++;
- $(this).attr("img-reloads", attempts);
- console.log(`image reload attempt ${attempts} for: ${$(this).attr("src")}`);
- });
- }
- function ConvertThumbnailURL(url, iNum = 1) {
- return url?.replace(/\/\/t\d*?\./g, `//i${iNum}.`).replace("thumb.jpg", "1.jpg").replace("thumb.png", "1.png").replace("t.jpg", ".jpg").replace("t.png", ".png").replace("thumb.webp", "1.webp").replace("t.webp", ".webp");
- }
- //#endregion
- //#endregion
- })();