Better Danbooru Artist Search

Improve URL handling within the Danbooru artist search engine and automatically navigate to the wiki page if indubitable.

Fra 03.05.2017. Se den seneste versjonen.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Better Danbooru Artist Search
// @version      3.6.2
// @description  Improve URL handling within the Danbooru artist search engine and automatically navigate to the wiki page if indubitable.
// @author       ForgottenUmbrella
// @match*
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

    'use strict';
    var is_desperate = false;
    //Set this to true if you want the query to be changed with wildcards until
    //it matches
    console.log('(arsearch) Running');  //I'm very good with names.
    var query = document.getElementById("search_name").value;
    console.log('(arsearch) query = ' + query);
    var old_query = query;
    var domains = [/\.com(\/|$)/, /\.net(\/|$)/, /\.jp(\/|$)/];

    function submit(query, old_query)
        if (query !== old_query) {
            console.log('(arsearch) new query = ' + query);
            document.getElementById("search_name").value = query;
    var has_domain = domains.some(function(elem){ return; });
    var has_periods = (
        query.match(/\./) &&
        query.split(".").every(function(elem){ return elem.length > 1; }));
    var is_url = has_domain || has_periods;

    if (is_url) {
        if (!query.startsWith('http://') && !query.startsWith('https://')) {
            query = "http://" + query;
            console.log('(arsearch) Does not begin with protocol');

        if (query.includes('pixiv')) {
            console.log('(arsearch) Is pixiv');
            query = query.replace("/whitecube/user/", "/member.php?id=");
            query = query.replace(/\/illust\/.*/, "");
            query = query.replace("#_=_", "");
            query = query.replace('/member_illust', '/member');
            query = query.replace(/&.*/, '');

        else if (query.includes('twitter')) {
            console.log('(arsearch) Is twitter');
            query = query.replace("mobile.", "");
            query = query.replace(/\?.*/, "");
            query = query.replace(/\/status\/.*/, "");

        else if (query.includes('tumblr')) {
            console.log('(arsearch) Is tumblr');
            if (!query.endsWith('com')) {
                console.log('(arsearch) Does not end with communism');
                query = query.substr(0, query.lastIndexOf("com") + "com".length);

        else if (query.includes('nicovideo')) {
            console.log('(arsearch) Is nico');
            if (query.includes('sp')) {
                query = "" + query.substr(
                    query.length - "imXXXXXXX".length);
                console.log('(arsearch) Is mobile');
        else if (query.includes('deviantart')) {
            console.log('(arsearch) Is deviant');
            if (!query.endsWith('com')) {
                console.log('(arsearch) Does not end with communism');
                query = query.substr(0, query.lastIndexOf('com') + 'com'.length);

        submit(query, old_query);

    var artists_list = document.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
    var num_artists = artists_list.childElementCount;
    if (num_artists === 1) {
        //Redundant variables because otherwise it would be too unwieldy.
        var first_artist = artists_list.firstElementChild;
        var artist_table_data = first_artist.getElementsByTagName("td")[0];
        var url = artist_table_data.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href;
        window.location.href = url;
    else if (is_desperate && num_artists === 0 && !is_url) {
        if (!query.startsWith("*_(") && !query.endsWith("_(*)")) {
            query = "*_(" + query + ")";
            submit(query, old_query);
        else if (query.startsWith("*_(")) {
            var fresh_query = query.substr(
                "*_(".length, query.length - "*_(".length - ")".length);
            query = fresh_query + "_(*)";
            submit(query, old_query);
        else if (query.endsWith("_(*)")) {
            var fresh_query = query.substr(0, query.length - "_(*)".length);
            query = "*" + fresh_query + "*";
            submit(query, old_query);