- // ==UserScript==
- // @name JavScript
- // @namespace JavScript@blc
- // @version 4.5.5
- // @author blc
- // @description 一站式体验,JavBus & JavDB 兼容
- // @include *
- // @icon https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/04/01/q5lzYn.png
- // @resource success https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/04/01/q5l2LD.png
- // @resource info https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/04/01/q5lyz6.png
- // @resource warn https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/04/01/q5lgsO.png
- // @resource error https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/04/01/q5lcQK.png
- // @supportURL https://t.me/+bAWrOoIqs3xmMjll
- // @connect *
- // @run-at document-start
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant GM_removeValueChangeListener
- // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_getResourceURL
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_notification
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_addElement
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_info
- // @license GPL-3.0-only
- // @compatible chrome last 2 versions
- // @compatible edge last 2 versions
- // ==/UserScript==
- // prettier-ignore
- (function () {
- const NUM_REGEX = /\d+\.?\d*/g;
- const ZH_REGEX = /中文|字幕|中字|(-|_)c(?!d)/i;
- const CODE_REGEX = /^[a-z0-9]+(-|\w)+/i;
- const VR_REGEX = /(?<![a-z])VR(?![a-z-])/i;
- const FC2_REGEX = /^FC2-/i;
- const REP = "%s";
- const DOC = document;
- const VOID = "javascript:void(0)";
- const PICK_RUL = "https://v.anxia.com/?pickcode=";
- const FILE_RUL = `https://115.com/?cid=${REP}&offset=0&mode=wangpan`;
- const TAB_NAME = { img: "大图", video: "预览", player: "视频" };
- const addListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
- EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, ...args) {
- if (type !== "XContentLoaded") return addListener.call(this, type, ...args);
- document.readyState !== "loading" ? args[0]() : addListener.call(this, "DOMContentLoaded", ...args);
- };
- // capture
- const captureJump = () => {
- const { hash } = location;
- if (!hash?.includes("#jump#")) return;
- const code = hash.split("#").at(-1);
- if (!CODE_REGEX.test(code)) return;
- DOC.addEventListener(
- "XContentLoaded",
- () => {
- const capture = captureQuery(code)?.href;
- if (capture) location.replace(capture);
- },
- { once: true }
- );
- };
- const captureQuery = (code, { body } = DOC) => {
- const nodeList = Array.from(body.querySelectorAll(":any-link"));
- const { length } = nodeList;
- if (!length) return;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- code = code.toUpperCase();
- const res = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- const { href = "", textContent = "", innerHTML = "" } = nodeList[i];
- if (!href || /^#|javascript/i.test(href)) continue;
- const str = [textContent, innerHTML]
- .map(item => item?.trim() ?? "")
- .filter(Boolean)
- .join("&")
- .toUpperCase();
- if (!str || !regex.test(str)) continue;
- if (!str.includes(code)) {
- res.push({ href, zh: false });
- continue;
- }
- if (ZH_REGEX.test(textContent)) return { href, zh: true };
- res.unshift({ href, zh: false });
- if (nodeList.some(item => item.href === href && ZH_REGEX.test(item.textContent))) return { href, zh: true };
- }
- if (res.length) return res[0];
- };
- const codeParse = code => {
- const _ = FC2_REGEX.test(code) ? "|_" : "";
- code = code.split("-").map((item, index) => (index ? item.replace(/^0/, "") : item));
- return {
- prefix: code[0],
- regex: new RegExp(`(?<![a-z])${code.join(`(0|-${_}){0,4}`)}(?!\\d)`, "i"),
- };
- };
- captureJump();
- // match
- const MatchDomains = [
- { domain: "JavDB", regex: /javdb\d*\.com/ },
- { domain: "JavBus", regex: /(jav|bus|dmm|see|cdn|fan){2}\.[a-z]{2,}/ },
- { domain: "Drive115", regex: /captchaapi\.115\.com/ },
- ];
- const Domain = MatchDomains.find(item => item.regex.test(location.host))?.domain;
- if (!Domain) return;
- // request
- const request = (url, data, method = "GET", options = {}) => {
- method = method ? method.toUpperCase().trim() : "GET";
- if (!url || !["GET", "HEAD", "POST"].includes(method)) return;
- if (Object.prototype.toString.call(data) === "[object Object]") {
- data = Object.keys(data)
- .map(key => `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(data[key])}`)
- .join("&");
- }
- const { responseType, headers = {} } = options;
- if (method === "GET") {
- options.responseType = responseType ?? "document";
- if (data) {
- let joiner = "?";
- if (url.includes(joiner)) joiner = /\?|&$/.test(url) ? "" : "&";
- url = `${url}${joiner}${data}`;
- }
- }
- if (method === "POST") {
- options.responseType = responseType ?? "json";
- options.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8", ...headers };
- }
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- url,
- data,
- method,
- timeout: 30000,
- onload: ({ status, response }) => {
- if (status >= 400) response = false;
- if (response && ["", "text"].includes(options.responseType)) {
- if (/<\/?[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(response)) {
- response = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, "text/html");
- } else if (/^\{.*\}$/.test(response)) {
- response = JSON.parse(response);
- }
- }
- resolve(response ?? true);
- },
- ontimeout: () => resolve(false),
- onerror: () => resolve(false),
- ...options,
- });
- });
- };
- // utils
- const notify = ({ text = "点击跳转115", type = "error", clickUrl = "https://115.com/", setTab, ...details }) => {
- GM_notification({
- text: text || GM_info.script.name,
- image: GM_getResourceURL(type),
- highlight: false,
- silent: true,
- timeout: 5000,
- onclick: () => openInTab(clickUrl),
- ...details,
- });
- if (setTab) setTabBar({ type, title: details.title });
- };
- const addPrefetch = arr => {
- arr = arr.filter(Boolean);
- if (!arr.length) return;
- DOC.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", arr.map(item => `<link rel="prefetch" href="${item}">`).join(""));
- };
- const setTabBar = ({ type = GM_info.script.icon, title }) => {
- if (title) DOC.title = title;
- type = type.includes("http") ? type : GM_getResourceURL(type);
- let icons = DOC.querySelectorAll("link[rel*='icon']");
- if (!icons?.length) icons = [DOC.create("link", { type: "image/x-icon", rel: "shortcut icon" })];
- icons.forEach(node => {
- node.href = type;
- DOC.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].append(node);
- });
- };
- const openInTab = (url, active = true, options = {}) => {
- if (url) return GM_openInTab(url, { active: !!active, setParent: true, ...options });
- };
- const imgLoaded = img => img.classList.add("x-in");
- const fadeInImg = node => {
- const img = node.querySelector("img");
- if (!img) return;
- img.title = "";
- if (img.complete && img.naturalHeight !== 0) return imgLoaded(img);
- img.onload = () => imgLoaded(img);
- };
- const addCopy = (selectors, attrs = {}) => {
- const node = typeof selectors === "string" ? DOC.querySelector(selectors) : selectors;
- const _attrs = { "data-copy": node.textContent, class: "x-ml", href: VOID };
- const target = DOC.create("a", { ..._attrs, ...attrs }, "复制");
- target.addEventListener("click", e => handleCopy(e, "成功"));
- node.append(target);
- };
- const handleCopy = (e, tip = "复制成功", copy) => {
- const { target } = e;
- copy = copy ? copy : target?.dataset?.copy?.trim() ?? "";
- if (!copy) return;
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- GM_setClipboard(copy);
- const { textContent = "" } = target;
- target.textContent = tip || "复制成功";
- const timer = setTimeout(() => {
- clearTimeout(timer);
- target.textContent = textContent;
- }, 300);
- };
- const getDate = (timestamp, joiner = "-") => {
- const date = timestamp ? new Date(timestamp) : new Date();
- const Y = date.getFullYear();
- const M = `${date.getMonth() + 1}`.padStart(2, "0");
- const D = `${date.getDate()}`.padStart(2, "0");
- return `${Y}${joiner}${M}${joiner}${D}`;
- };
- const transToBytes = (sizeStr = "") => {
- const sizeNum = sizeStr?.match(NUM_REGEX)?.[0] ?? 0;
- if (sizeNum <= 0) return 0;
- const matchList = [
- { unit: /byte/gi, transform: size => size },
- { unit: /kb/gi, transform: size => size * 1000 },
- { unit: /mb/gi, transform: size => size * 1000 ** 2 },
- { unit: /gb/gi, transform: size => size * 1000 ** 3 },
- { unit: /kib/gi, transform: size => size * 1024 },
- { unit: /mib/gi, transform: size => size * 1024 ** 2 },
- { unit: /gib/gi, transform: size => size * 1024 ** 3 },
- ];
- return (
- matchList
- .find(({ unit }) => unit.test(sizeStr))
- ?.transform(sizeNum)
- ?.toFixed(2) ?? 0
- );
- };
- DOC.create = (tag, attrs = {}, child) => {
- const node = DOC.createElement(tag);
- for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(attrs)) node.setAttribute(name, value);
- if (child) node.append(child);
- return node;
- };
- const createVideo = (sources, attrs = {}) => {
- if (typeof sources === "string") sources = [{ src: sources, type: "video/mp4" }];
- const video = DOC.create("video", attrs);
- video.controls = true;
- video.currentTime = 3;
- video.volume = localStorage.getItem("volume") ?? 0;
- video.preload = "none";
- video.append(...sources.map(item => DOC.create("source", item)));
- let timer = null;
- video.addEventListener("volumechange", ({ target }) => {
- if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = setTimeout(() => localStorage.setItem("volume", target.volume), 1000);
- });
- video.addEventListener("keyup", ({ code, target }) => {
- if (code === "Enter") {
- target.requestFullscreen();
- target.play();
- }
- if (code === "KeyM") target.muted = !target.muted;
- });
- return video;
- };
- const paramParse = (param, filter, separator = "#") => {
- return unique(param.split(separator).filter(item => filter.includes(item)));
- };
- const unique = (arr, key) => {
- if (!key) return Array.from(new Set(arr));
- return unique(arr.map(e => e[key].toLowerCase())).map(e => arr.find(x => x[key].toLowerCase() === e));
- };
- const verify = () => {
- const h = 667;
- const w = 375;
- const t = (window.screen.availHeight - h) / 2;
- const l = (window.screen.availWidth - w) / 2;
- window.open(
- `https://captchaapi.115.com/?ac=security_code&type=web&cb=Close911_${new Date().getTime()}`,
- "验证账号",
- `height=${h},width=${w},top=${t},left=${l},toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,location=no,status=no`
- );
- };
- const delay = (s = 1) => {
- return new Promise(r => {
- setTimeout(r, s * 1000);
- });
- };
- class Store {
- static init() {
- const date = getDate();
- const cdKey = "CD";
- if (GM_getValue(cdKey, "") !== date) {
- GM_setValue(cdKey, date);
- GM_setValue("DETAILS", {});
- GM_setValue("RESOURCE", {});
- GM_setValue("VERIFY_STATUS", "");
- }
- const expired = getDate(new Date() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
- if ((localStorage.getItem(cdKey) ?? expired) > expired) return;
- localStorage.clear();
- localStorage.setItem(cdKey, date);
- }
- static getDetail(key) {
- const localDetail = {
- img: localStorage.getItem(`${key}_img`) ?? undefined,
- video: localStorage.getItem(`${key}_video`) ?? undefined,
- };
- const details = GM_getValue("DETAILS", {});
- return { ...localDetail, ...(details[key] ?? {}) };
- }
- static upDetail(key, val) {
- const details = GM_getValue("DETAILS", {});
- details[key] = { ...(details[key] ?? {}), ...val };
- GM_setValue("DETAILS", details);
- if (FC2_REGEX.test(key)) return;
- val = JSON.stringify(val, ["img", "video"]);
- if (val === "{}") return;
- for (const [_key, _val] of Object.entries(JSON.parse(val))) {
- localStorage.setItem(`${key}_${_key}`, _val);
- }
- }
- static getResource(key) {
- const resource = GM_getValue("RESOURCE", {});
- return resource[key];
- }
- static upResource(key, val) {
- const resource = GM_getValue("RESOURCE", {});
- resource[key] = val;
- GM_setValue("RESOURCE", resource);
- }
- static getVerifyStatus() {
- return GM_getValue("VERIFY_STATUS", "");
- }
- static setVerifyStatus(val) {
- GM_setValue("VERIFY_STATUS", val);
- }
- }
- class Apis {
- static async fetchBlogJav(code) {
- if (FC2_REGEX.test(code)) code = code.replace("-PPV-", " PPV ");
- const re = { img: "" };
- const requests = [
- {
- url: `https://blogjav.net/?s=${code}`,
- selectors: "#main .entry-title a",
- },
- {
- url: `https://duckduckgo.com/?q=${code} site:blogjav.net`,
- selectors: "#links h2 a",
- },
- {
- url: `https://www.google.com/search?q=${code} site:blogjav.net`,
- selectors: "#rso .g .yuRUbf > a",
- },
- ];
- let list = await Promise.allSettled(requests.map(item => request(item.url)));
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- code = code.toUpperCase();
- let url = "";
- for (let index = 0, { length } = requests; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = list[index];
- if (status !== "fulfilled" || !value) continue;
- const href = Array.from(value?.querySelectorAll(requests[index].selectors) ?? []).find(item => {
- const str = item.textContent.toUpperCase();
- return regex.test(str) && str.includes(code);
- })?.href;
- if (!href) continue;
- url = href;
- break;
- }
- if (!url) return re;
- list = await Promise.allSettled([
- request(url),
- request(`http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:${url}`),
- ]);
- url = "";
- for (let index = 0, { length } = list; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = list[index];
- if (status !== "fulfilled" || !value) continue;
- let img = value.querySelector("#main .entry-content a img");
- if (!img) continue;
- img = img.getAttribute("data-src") ?? img.getAttribute("data-lazy-src");
- if (!img) continue;
- url = img.replace("//t", "//img").replace("thumbs", "images");
- break;
- }
- re.img = url;
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchJavStore(code) {
- if (FC2_REGEX.test(code)) code = code.replace("-PPV-", "PPV ");
- const re = { img: "" };
- let res = await request(`https://javstore.net/search/${code}.html`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.querySelectorAll("#content_news li > a");
- if (!res.length) return re;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- code = code.toUpperCase();
- res = Array.from(res).find(item => {
- const str = item.title.toUpperCase();
- return str.includes(code) && regex.test(str) && item.querySelector("img").src.startsWith("https");
- })?.href;
- if (!res) return re;
- res = await request(res);
- if (!res) return re;
- const img = res.querySelector(".news > a")?.href;
- if (img && /\.(jpg|png)$/i.test(img)) re.img = img;
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchVideoByGuess({ code, isVR, cid }) {
- const re = { video: "" };
- if (!code && !cid) return re;
- const HOST = `https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/${isVR ? "vrsample" : "litevideo/freepv"}/`;
- const SUFFIX = isVR ? "vrlite" : "_dmb_w";
- const list = [];
- const parseUrl = (prefix, num = "") => {
- return `${HOST}${prefix[0]}/${prefix.substring(0, 3)}/${prefix}${num}/${prefix}${num}${SUFFIX}.mp4`;
- };
- if (code) {
- const [prefix, num = ""] = code.toLowerCase().split(/-|_/);
- const matchList = [
- { prefix: ["fera", "fuga", "jrze", "mesu"], add: "h_086" },
- { prefix: ["spz", "udak", "ofku"], add: "h_254" },
- { prefix: ["abp", "ppt", "abw"], add: "118" },
- { prefix: ["mds", "scpx"], add: "84" },
- { prefix: ["shind"], add: "h_1560" },
- { prefix: ["pydvr"], add: "h_1321" },
- { prefix: ["meko"], add: "h_1160" },
- { prefix: ["fgan"], add: "h_1440" },
- { prefix: ["spro"], add: "h_1594" },
- { prefix: ["hzgb"], add: "h_1100" },
- { prefix: ["stcv"], add: "h_1616" },
- { prefix: ["skmj"], add: "h_1324" },
- { prefix: ["haru"], add: "h_687" },
- { prefix: ["fone"], add: "h_491" },
- { prefix: ["fsvr"], add: "h_955" },
- { prefix: ["jukf"], add: "h_227" },
- { prefix: ["rebd"], add: "h_346" },
- { prefix: ["ktra"], add: "h_094" },
- { prefix: ["supa"], add: "h_244" },
- { prefix: ["zex"], add: "h_720" },
- { prefix: ["pym"], add: "h_283" },
- { prefix: ["hz"], add: "h_113" },
- { prefix: ["dtvr"], add: "24" },
- { prefix: ["umd"], add: "125" },
- { prefix: ["gvg"], add: "13" },
- { prefix: ["t28"], add: "55" },
- { prefix: ["lol"], add: "12" },
- { prefix: ["dv"], add: "53" },
- ];
- const add = matchList.find(item => item.prefix.includes(prefix))?.add ?? "1";
- list.push(parseUrl(prefix, num));
- list.push(parseUrl(`${add}${prefix}`, num));
- if (num) {
- list.push(parseUrl(prefix, `00${num}`));
- list.push(parseUrl(`${add}${prefix}`, `00${num}`));
- }
- }
- if (cid) {
- list.push(parseUrl(cid));
- list.push(parseUrl(cid.replace("00", "")));
- }
- const res = await Promise.allSettled(unique(list).map(item => request(item, {}, "HEAD")));
- for (let index = 0, { length } = res; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = res[index];
- if (status !== "fulfilled" || !value) continue;
- re.video = list[index];
- break;
- }
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchVideoByStudio({ code, studio }) {
- const re = { video: "" };
- if (!studio) return re;
- code = code.toLowerCase();
- const matchList = [
- {
- name: "東京熱",
- match: `https://my.cdn.tokyo-hot.com/media/samples/${REP}.mp4`,
- },
- {
- name: "カリビアンコム",
- match: `https://smovie.caribbeancom.com/sample/movies/${REP}/720p.mp4`,
- },
- {
- name: "一本道",
- match: `http://smovie.1pondo.tv/sample/movies/${REP}/1080p.mp4`,
- },
- {
- name: "HEYZO",
- trans: code => code.replace(/HEYZO-/gi, ""),
- match: `https://sample.heyzo.com/contents/3000/${REP}/heyzo_hd_${REP}_sample.mp4`,
- },
- {
- name: "天然むすめ",
- match: `https://smovie.10musume.com/sample/movies/${REP}/720p.mp4`,
- },
- {
- name: "パコパコママ",
- match: `https://fms.pacopacomama.com/hls/sample/pacopacomama.com/${REP}/720p.mp4`,
- },
- ];
- let res = matchList.find(({ name }) => name === studio);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.match.replaceAll(REP, res.trans ? res.trans(code) : code);
- if (await request(res, {}, "HEAD")) re.video = res;
- return re;
- }
- // fetch video by guess for list
- static async fetchVBGFL(code) {
- const re = { video: "" };
- code = code.replace(/HEYZO-/gi, "").toLowerCase();
- const list = [
- `https://my.cdn.tokyo-hot.com/media/samples/${code}.mp4`,
- `https://smovie.caribbeancom.com/sample/movies/${code}/720p.mp4`,
- `http://smovie.1pondo.tv/sample/movies/${code}/1080p.mp4`,
- `https://sample.heyzo.com/contents/3000/${code}/heyzo_hd_${code}_sample.mp4`,
- `https://smovie.10musume.com/sample/movies/${code}/720p.mp4`,
- `https://fms.pacopacomama.com/hls/sample/pacopacomama.com/${code}/720p.mp4`,
- ];
- const res = await Promise.allSettled(list.map(item => request(item, {}, "HEAD")));
- for (let index = 0, { length } = res; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = res[index];
- if (status !== "fulfilled" || !value) continue;
- re.video = list[index];
- break;
- }
- return re;
- }
- // fetch video by local
- static async fetchVBL({ node, isVR }) {
- const re = { video: "" };
- let res = await request(node.href);
- if (!res) return re;
- if (Domain === "JavBus") {
- let cid = res.querySelector("#sample-waterfall a.sample-box")?.href;
- cid = cid?.includes("pics.dmm.co.jp") ? cid.split("/").at(-2) : "";
- if (!cid) return re;
- res = await this.fetchVideoByGuess({ cid, isVR });
- if (res.video) re.video = res.video;
- }
- if (Domain === "JavDB") {
- res = res.querySelector("#preview-video source")?.getAttribute("src") ?? "";
- if (res && (await request(res, {}, "HEAD"))) re.video = res;
- }
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchJavSpyl(code) {
- const re = { video: "" };
- let res = await request("https://v2.javspyl.tk/api/", { ID: code }, "POST", {
- headers: { origin: "https://javspyl.tk" },
- responseType: "json",
- });
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res?.info?.url;
- if (!res || /\.m3u8?$/i.test(res)) return re;
- res = res.includes("//") ? res : `https://${res}`;
- if (await request(res, {}, "HEAD")) re.video = res;
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchAVPreview(code) {
- const re = { video: "" };
- let res = await request(`https://avpreview.com/zh/search?keywords=${code}`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = Array.from(res.querySelectorAll(".container .videobox"))
- .find(item => code === item.querySelector("h2 strong")?.textContent)
- ?.querySelector("a")
- ?.getAttribute("href");
- if (!res) return re;
- res = await request(
- "https://avpreview.com/API/v1.0/index.php",
- {
- system: "videos",
- action: "detail",
- contentid: res.split("/").at(-1),
- sitecode: "avpreview",
- ip: "",
- token: "",
- },
- "GET",
- { responseType: "json" }
- );
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res?.videos?.trailer?.replace("/hlsvideo/", "/litevideo/")?.replace("/playlist.m3u8", "");
- if (!res) return re;
- const contentId = res.split("/").at(-1);
- res = [
- `${res}/${contentId}_dmb_w.mp4`,
- `${res}/${contentId}_mhb_w.mp4`,
- `${res}/${contentId}_dm_w.mp4`,
- `${res}/${contentId}_sm_w.mp4`,
- ];
- const list = await Promise.allSettled(res.map(item => request(item, {}, "HEAD")));
- for (let index = 0, { length } = list; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = list[index];
- if (status !== "fulfilled" || !value) continue;
- re.video = res[index];
- break;
- }
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchFC2(code) {
- code = code.split("-").at(-1);
- const HOST = "https://adult.xiaojiadianmovie.be/";
- const re = { video: "" };
- let res = await request(`${HOST}article/${code}/`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.head
- .querySelector("script:last-child")
- .innerHTML?.match(/(?<=ae', ').*?(?=')/)
- ?.at(0);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = await request(`${HOST}api/v2/videos/${code}/sample`, {}, "GET", {
- responseType: "json",
- headers: { "X-FC2-Contents-Access-Token": res },
- });
- if (res?.path && (await request(res.path, {}, "HEAD"))) re.video = res.path;
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchNetflav(code) {
- const HOST = "https://netflav.com";
- const re = { player: [] };
- let res = await request(`${HOST}/search?type=title&keyword=${code}`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.querySelectorAll(".grid_root .grid_cell");
- if (!res.length) return re;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- code = code.toUpperCase();
- res = Array.from(res)
- .find(item => {
- const str = item.querySelector(".grid_title").textContent.toUpperCase();
- return str.includes(code) && regex.test(str);
- })
- ?.querySelector("a")
- ?.getAttribute("href");
- if (!res) return re;
- res = await request(`${HOST}${res}`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.querySelector("#__NEXT_DATA__")?.textContent;
- if (!res) return re;
- res = JSON.parse(res)?.props?.initialState?.video?.data?.srcs;
- if (!res?.length) return re;
- const matchList = [
- {
- regex: /\/\/(mm9842\.com|www\.avple\.video|asianclub\.tv)/,
- parse: async url => {
- const [protocol, href] = url.split("//");
- const [host, ...pathname] = href.split("/");
- const res = await request(
- `${protocol}//${host}/api/source/${pathname.pop()}`,
- { r: "", d: host },
- "POST"
- );
- if (!res?.success) return [];
- return (res?.data ?? []).map(({ file, label = "320p", type }) => {
- return { src: file, title: label, type: `video/${type}` };
- });
- },
- },
- {
- regex: /\/\/(embedgram\.com|vidoza\.net)/,
- parse: async url => {
- const res = await request(url);
- if (!res) return [];
- return Array.from(res?.querySelectorAll("video source") ?? []).map(
- ({ src, title = "320p", type }) => {
- return { src, title, type };
- }
- );
- },
- },
- ];
- res = await Promise.allSettled(res.map(url => matchList.find(({ regex }) => regex.test(url))?.parse(url)));
- for (let index = 0, { length } = res; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = res[index];
- if (status === "fulfilled" && value?.length) re.player = re.player.concat(value);
- }
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchTranslate(str) {
- const re = { title: "" };
- const res = await request(
- "https://www.google.com/async/translate?vet=12ahUKEwixq63V3Kn3AhUCJUQIHdMJDpkQqDh6BAgCECw..i&ei=CbNjYvGCPYLKkPIP05O4yAk&yv=3",
- {
- async: `translate,sl:auto,tl:zh-CN,st:${encodeURIComponent(
- str.trim()
- )},id:1650701080679,qc:true,ac:false,_id:tw-async-translate,_pms:s,_fmt:pc`,
- },
- "POST",
- { responseType: "" }
- );
- if (res) re.title = res?.querySelector("#tw-answ-target-text")?.textContent ?? "";
- return re;
- }
- static async _fetchMagnet(code, { site, host, search, selectors, filter }) {
- const key = `${site.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase()}_magnet`;
- const re = { [key]: [] };
- let res = await request(`${host}${search}`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.querySelectorAll(selectors);
- if (!res.length) return re;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- for (const item of res) {
- const name = (filter.name(item) ?? "").replace(/[\u200B-\u200D\uFEFF]/g, "");
- if (!regex.test(name)) continue;
- const size = filter.size(item);
- let href = filter.href(item);
- if (href && !href.includes("//")) href = `${host}${href.replace(/^\//, "")}`;
- re[key].push({
- name,
- zh: ZH_REGEX.test(name),
- link: filter.link(item).split("&")[0],
- size,
- bytes: transToBytes(size),
- date: filter.date(item),
- href,
- from: site,
- });
- }
- return re;
- }
- static fetchSukebei(code) {
- return this._fetchMagnet(code, {
- site: "Sukebei",
- host: "https://sukebei.nyaa.si/",
- search: `?f=0&c=0_0&q=${code}`,
- selectors: ".table-responsive table tbody tr",
- filter: {
- name: e => e.querySelector("td:nth-child(2) a").textContent,
- link: e => e.querySelector("td:nth-child(3) a:last-child").href,
- size: e => e.querySelector("td:nth-child(4)").textContent,
- date: e => e.querySelector("td:nth-child(5)").textContent.split(" ")[0],
- href: e => e.querySelector("td:nth-child(2) a").getAttribute("href"),
- },
- });
- }
- static fetchBTSOW(code) {
- return this._fetchMagnet(code, {
- site: "BTSOW",
- host: "https://btsow.com/",
- search: `search/${code}`,
- selectors: ".data-list .row:not(.hidden-xs)",
- filter: {
- name: e => e.querySelector(".file").textContent,
- link: e => `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:${e.querySelector("a").href.split("/").pop()}`,
- size: e => e.querySelector(".size").textContent,
- date: e => e.querySelector(".date").textContent,
- href: e => e.querySelector("a").getAttribute("href"),
- },
- });
- }
- static fetchBTDigg(code, index = 0) {
- return this._fetchMagnet(code, {
- site: "BTDigg",
- host: `https://${index ? "www." : ""}btdig.com/`,
- search: `search?order=0&q=${code}`,
- selectors: ".one_result",
- filter: {
- name: e => e.querySelector(".torrent_name").textContent,
- link: e => e.querySelector(".torrent_magnet a").href,
- size: e => e.querySelector(".torrent_size").textContent,
- date: e => e.querySelector(".torrent_age").textContent,
- href: e => e.querySelector(".torrent_name a").href,
- },
- });
- }
- static async fetchMGS({ code, title }) {
- const HOST = "https://www.mgstage.com";
- const re = { mgs_score: [], video: "" };
- let res = await request(`${HOST}/search/cSearch.php?search_word=${title}&list_cnt=120`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.querySelectorAll(".rank_list li");
- if (!res.length) return re;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- code = code.toUpperCase();
- res = Array.from(res).find(item => {
- const str = item.querySelector("a").getAttribute("href").toUpperCase();
- return str.includes(code) && regex.test(str);
- });
- if (!res) return re;
- let [score, video] = await Promise.allSettled([
- request(`${HOST}${res.querySelector("a").getAttribute("href")}`),
- request(
- `${HOST}${res
- .querySelector(".sample_movie_btn a")
- .getAttribute("href")
- .replace("player.html/", "Respons.php?pid=")}`,
- {},
- "GET",
- { responseType: "json" }
- ),
- ]);
- if (score.status === "fulfilled" && score.value) {
- score = score.value.querySelector(".detail_data .review")?.textContent?.match(NUM_REGEX);
- if (score?.length) re.mgs_score.push({ score: score[0], total: 5, num: score[1], from: "MGS" });
- }
- if (video.status === "fulfilled" && video.value) {
- video = video.value?.url.split("?")[0].replace("ism/request", "mp4");
- if (await request(video, {}, "HEAD")) re.video = video;
- }
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchLib(code) {
- const HOST = "https://www.javlibrary.com/cn/";
- const re = { lib_score: [], star: [] };
- let res = await request(`${HOST}vl_searchbyid.php?keyword=${code}`);
- if (!res) return re;
- if (res.querySelector(".videothumblist")) {
- res = res.querySelectorAll(".videothumblist .videos .video > a");
- if (!res.length) return re;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- code = code.toUpperCase();
- res = Array.from(res).find(({ title }) => {
- const str = title.toUpperCase();
- return str.includes(code) && regex.test(str);
- });
- if (!res) return re;
- res = await request(`${HOST}${res.getAttribute("href")}`);
- }
- const score = res.querySelector("#video_review .text .score")?.textContent?.replace(/\(|\)/g, "") ?? "";
- if (score) re.lib_score.push({ score, total: 10, from: "JavLibrary" });
- re.star = Array.from(res.querySelectorAll("#video_cast .text .star")).map(item => item.textContent);
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchDMM({ code, title }) {
- const re = { fetchVideo: "", fetchInfo: "" };
- let res = await request(`https://jav.land/tw/id_search.php?keys=${code.toUpperCase()}`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.querySelector("table.videotextlist tbody tr");
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.querySelectorAll("td");
- if (!res?.length || res[0].textContent !== "內容 ID:") return re;
- const cid = res[1].textContent;
- re.fetchVideo = async () => {
- const result = { video: "" };
- const first = cid[0];
- const second = cid.substring(0, 3);
- const list = [
- `https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/${first}/${second}/${cid}/${cid}_dmb_w.mp4`,
- `https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/${first}/${second}/${cid}/${cid}_mhb_w.mp4`,
- `https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/${first}/${second}/${cid}/${cid}_dm_w.mp4`,
- `https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/${first}/${second}/${cid}/${cid}_sm_w.mp4`,
- `https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/vrsample/${first}/${second}/${cid}/${cid}vrlite.mp4`,
- ];
- const res = await Promise.allSettled(list.map(item => request(item, {}, "HEAD")));
- for (let index = 0, { length } = res; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = res[index];
- if (status !== "fulfilled" || !value) continue;
- result.video = list[index];
- break;
- }
- return result;
- };
- re.fetchInfo = async () => {
- const result = { dmm_score: [], star: [], video: "" };
- const res = await request(`https://www.dmm.co.jp/digital/videoa/-/detail/=/cid=${cid}/`, {}, "GET", {
- headers: { "accept-language": "ja-JP" },
- });
- if (!res) return result;
- let params = res.head.querySelector("script[type='application/ld+json']")?.textContent;
- if (!params) return result;
- params = JSON.parse(params);
- if (!params?.name || (title && !title.includes(params.name))) return result;
- if (params.aggregateRating) {
- result.dmm_score.push({
- score: params.aggregateRating.ratingValue,
- total: 5,
- num: params.aggregateRating.ratingCount,
- from: "DMM",
- });
- }
- result.star = Array.from(res.querySelectorAll("#performer a")).map(item => item.textContent);
- const video = params.subjectOf?.contentUrl;
- if (video && (await request(video, {}, "HEAD"))) result.video = video;
- return result;
- };
- return re;
- }
- static async fetchDB(code) {
- const HOST = "https://javdb.com";
- const re = { db_score: [], star: [], video: "", sub: [] };
- let res = await request(`${HOST}/search?q=${code}&sb=0`);
- if (!res) return re;
- res = res.querySelectorAll(".movie-list .item a");
- if (!res.length) return re;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- code = code.toUpperCase();
- res = Array.from(res).find(item => {
- const str = item.querySelector("strong").textContent.toUpperCase();
- return str.includes(code) && regex.test(str);
- });
- if (!res) return re;
- const href = `${HOST}${res.getAttribute("href")}`;
- res = await request(href);
- if (!res) return re;
- const scoreReg = /評分|Rating/;
- const starReg = /演員|Actor/;
- for (const item of res.querySelectorAll(".movie-panel-info .panel-block")) {
- let [label, value] = item.querySelectorAll("strong, .value");
- if (!label || !value) continue;
- label = label.textContent;
- value = value.textContent;
- if (scoreReg.test(label)) {
- const [score, num] = value.match(NUM_REGEX);
- re.db_score.push({ score, total: 5, num, from: "JavDB" });
- continue;
- }
- if (!starReg.test(label)) continue;
- re.star = value
- .split("\n")
- .filter(item => item.includes("♀"))
- .map(item => item.replace("♀", "").trim());
- }
- if (res.querySelector("a.preview-video-container")) {
- const video = res.querySelector("#preview-video source")?.src || "";
- if (video && (await request(video, {}, "HEAD"))) re.video = video;
- }
- for (const item of res.querySelectorAll("#magnets-content .item")) {
- const first = item.querySelector("a");
- if (!first) continue;
- const size = first.querySelector(".meta")?.textContent?.trim() ?? "";
- re.sub.push({
- from: "JavDB",
- href,
- name: first.querySelector(".name").textContent,
- link: first.href.split("&")[0],
- size,
- bytes: transToBytes(size),
- zh: !!first.querySelector(".tag.is-warning.is-small.is-light"),
- date: item.querySelector(".time")?.textContent ?? "",
- });
- }
- return re;
- }
- static async _driveSearch(params, keys = []) {
- if (typeof params === "string") params = { search_value: params };
- const res = await request(
- "https://webapi.115.com/files/search",
- {
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10000,
- date: "",
- aid: 1,
- cid: 0,
- pick_code: "",
- type: 4,
- source: "",
- format: "json",
- o: "user_ptime",
- asc: 0,
- star: "",
- suffix: "",
- ...params,
- },
- "GET",
- { responseType: "json" }
- );
- if (!res) return;
- if (!res.state) return notify({ title: res.error });
- return res.data.map(({ n, pc, fid, cid, ...item }) => {
- const _item = { n, pc, fid, cid };
- for (const key of keys) _item[key] = item[key];
- return _item;
- });
- }
- static async _driveCid(name, type) {
- let res = await this.driveFile();
- if (!res) return;
- if (!res.state) return notify({ title: res?.errNo === 20130827 ? "文件排序不支持" : res.error });
- res = res.data.find(({ n }) => n === name)?.cid ?? "";
- if (res || type === "find") return res;
- res = await request("https://webapi.115.com/files/add", { pid: 0, cname: name }, "POST");
- if (!res) return;
- if (!res.state) return notify({ title: res.error });
- return res?.cid ?? "";
- }
- static driveFile(params = {}) {
- if (typeof params === "string") params = { cid: params };
- return request(
- "https://webapi.115.com/files",
- {
- aid: 1,
- cid: 0,
- o: "user_ptime",
- asc: 0,
- offset: 0,
- show_dir: 1,
- limit: 115,
- code: "",
- scid: "",
- snap: 0,
- natsort: 1,
- record_open_time: 1,
- source: "",
- format: "json",
- ...params,
- },
- "GET",
- { responseType: "json" }
- );
- }
- static async driveVideo(cid, keys = []) {
- if (!cid) return;
- const res = await this.driveFile({ cid, custom_order: 0, star: "", suffix: "", type: 4 });
- if (!res?.data) return;
- return res.data.map(({ n, pc, fid, cid, t, ...item }) => {
- const _item = { n, pc, fid, cid, t };
- for (const key of keys) _item[key] = item[key];
- return _item;
- });
- }
- static async driveSign() {
- const res = await request(
- "http://115.com/",
- { ct: "offline", ac: "space", _: new Date().getTime() },
- "GET",
- {
- responseType: "json",
- }
- );
- if (res?.state) return { sign: res.sign, time: res.time };
- }
- static driveAddTask({ url, wp_path_id, sign, time }) {
- return request(
- "https://115.com/web/lixian/?ct=lixian&ac=add_task_url",
- { url, wp_path_id, sign, time },
- "POST"
- );
- }
- static driveRename(res) {
- const data = {};
- for (const { fid, file_name } of res) data[`files_new_name[${fid}]`] = file_name;
- return request("https://webapi.115.com/files/batch_rename", data, "POST");
- }
- static driveClear({ pid, fids }) {
- const data = { pid, ignore_warn: 1 };
- fids.forEach(({ fid, cid }, index) => {
- data[`fid[${index}]`] = fid ?? cid;
- });
- return request("https://webapi.115.com/rb/delete", data, "POST");
- }
- static driveInitUpload(params) {
- return request("https://uplb.115.com/3.0/sampleinitupload.php", { userid: "", ...params }, "POST");
- }
- static driveUpload({ host, object, policy, accessid, callback, signature }, blob, name) {
- const formdata = new FormData();
- formdata.append("name", name);
- formdata.append("key", object);
- formdata.append("policy", policy);
- formdata.append("OSSAccessKeyId", accessid);
- formdata.append("success_action_status", 200);
- formdata.append("callback", callback);
- formdata.append("signature", signature);
- formdata.append("file", blob, name);
- return GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: host, data: formdata });
- }
- static async driveLabel() {
- const res = await request("https://webapi.115.com/label/list?keyword=&limit=115", {}, "GET", {
- responseType: "json",
- });
- if (res?.state) return res.data.list;
- }
- static driveTag({ file_ids, file_label }) {
- return request("https://webapi.115.com/files/batch_label", { file_ids, file_label, action: "add" }, "POST");
- }
- static driveDetail(fid) {
- return request(`https://webapi.115.com/category/get?cid=${fid}`, {}, "GET", {
- responseType: "json",
- });
- }
- }
- class Common {
- menus = [
- {
- title: "站点设置",
- key: "global",
- prefix: "G",
- options: [
- {
- name: "暗黑模式",
- key: "DARK",
- type: "switch",
- info: "常用页面暗黑模式",
- defaultVal: window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches,
- hotkey: "d",
- },
- {
- name: "快捷搜索",
- key: "SEARCH",
- type: "switch",
- info: "快捷键 <kbd>/</kbd> 获取搜索框焦点,<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>/</kbd> 快速搜索粘贴板首项",
- defaultVal: true,
- hotkey: "k",
- },
- {
- name: "点击事件",
- key: "CLICK",
- type: "switch",
- info: "<code>影片</code> / <code>演员</code> / <code>站点跳转</code> 点击新窗口 (左键前台,右键后台) 打开",
- defaultVal: true,
- hotkey: "c",
- },
- ],
- },
- {
- title: "列表页设置",
- key: "list",
- prefix: "L",
- options: [
- {
- name: "预览替换",
- key: "MIT",
- type: "switch",
- info: "影片预览图替换为封面图",
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "悬停预览",
- key: "MV",
- type: "number",
- info: '设置封面悬停时长 (ms) 以预览视频,建议 300+,0 禁用预览<br>仅 <strong>预览替换</strong> / <strong>(JavDB)大封面</strong> 模式下生效,获取自 <a href="https://javspyl.tk/" class="link-primary">JavSpyl</a> / <a href="https://avpreview.com/zh/" class="link-primary">AVPreview</a> / <a href="https://adult.xiaojiadianmovie.be/" class="link-primary">FC2</a>',
- placeholder: "仅支持整数 ≥ 0",
- defaultVal: 300,
- },
- {
- name: "标题等高",
- key: "MTH",
- type: "switch",
- info: "影片标题强制等高",
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "标题最大行",
- key: "MTL",
- type: "number",
- info: "影片标题最大显示行数,超出省略。0 不限制 (等高模式下最小有效值 1)",
- placeholder: "仅支持整数 ≥ 0",
- defaultVal: 2,
- },
- {
- name: "滚动加载",
- key: "SCROLL",
- type: "switch",
- info: "滚动加载下一页",
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "合并列表",
- key: "MERGE",
- type: "textarea",
- info: "列表名不可重复,同一列表内地址不可重复 (仅支持影片列表相对地址)<br>合并列表每页按 <code>影片评分</code> (如有) > <code>影片日期</code> > <code>填写顺序</code> 综合排序,并自动去重<br>多列表需以空行分隔",
- placeholder: "[列表1]\n/genre/28#连裤袜\n/star/two#星宮一花\n\n[列表2]\n/\n/uncensored",
- defaultVal: "",
- },
- {
- name: "影片筛选",
- key: "FILTER",
- type: "textarea",
- info: '支持 <code>[code]</code> / <code>[title]</code> / <code>[score]</code> / <code>[tags]</code> 分组的 <code>屏蔽</code> (优先) & <code>高亮</code> 规则设置<br>规则类型默认为屏蔽规则,高亮需以 <code>^</code> 开头标识<br>规则语法默认全字符查找,支持追加参数:<code>#start</code> 仅匹配开头,<code>#end</code> 仅匹配结尾<br>规则语法兼容 <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions" class="link-primary">正则</a> (不同时支持追加参数),格式如 <code>reg:/^stars-/i</code><br><code>[score]</code> 仅 <strong>JavDB</strong>,提取格式如 <code>5.0分, 由6人評價</code><br><code>[tags]</code> 提取格式如 <code>高清,字幕,3天前新種</code><br>格式参考『<strong>合并列表</strong>』',
- placeholder: "[title]\n排泄\n失禁\n\n[code]\n^SSIS-#start\nIPX#start",
- defaultVal: "",
- },
- ],
- },
- {
- title: "详情页设置",
- key: "movie",
- prefix: "M",
- options: [
- {
- name: "在线资源",
- key: "RES",
- type: "input",
- info: '自定义资源配置,支持参数:<br><code>#img</code> 预览大图,<code>#video</code> 视频预览,<code>#player</code> 在线视频<br>获取自 <a href="https://blogjav.net/" class="link-primary">BlogJav</a> / <a href="https://javstore.net/" class="link-primary">JavStore</a>,<a href="https://javspyl.tk/" class="link-primary">JavSpyl</a> / <a href="https://avpreview.com/zh/" class="link-primary">AVPreview</a> / <a href="https://adult.xiaojiadianmovie.be/" class="link-primary">FC2</a> / <a href="https://www.mgstage.com/" class="link-primary">MGS</a> / <a href="https://www.dmm.co.jp/" class="link-primary">DMM</a> / <a href="https://javdb.com/" class="link-primary">JavDB</a>,<a href="https://netflav.com/" class="link-primary">Netflav</a>',
- placeholder: "为空时展示页面默认",
- defaultVal: "#video#img#player",
- },
- {
- name: "快捷复制",
- key: "COPY",
- type: "switch",
- info: "为 <code>标题</code> / <code>番号</code> / <code>演员</code> (右键) / <code>磁链</code> 提供快捷复制",
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "标题机翻",
- key: "TITLE",
- type: "switch",
- info: '翻自 <a href="https://translate.google.com/" class="link-primary">Google</a>',
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "演员匹配",
- key: "STAR",
- type: "switch",
- info: '如无,获取自 <a href="https://www.javlibrary.com/cn/" class="link-primary">JavLibrary</a> / <a href="https://www.dmm.co.jp/" class="link-primary">DMM</a> / <a href="https://javdb.com/" class="link-primary">JavDB</a>',
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "影片评分",
- key: "SCORE",
- type: "input",
- info: '自定义评分配置,支持参数:<br><code>#db</code> 获取自 <a href="https://javdb.com/" class="link-primary">JavDB</a>,<code>#lib</code> 获取自 <a href="https://www.javlibrary.com/cn/" class="link-primary">JavLibrary</a>,<code>#dmm</code> 获取自 <a href="https://www.dmm.co.jp/" class="link-primary">DMM</a>,<code>#mgs</code> 获取自 <a href="https://www.mgstage.com/" class="link-primary">MGS</a>',
- placeholder: "为空时展示页面默认",
- defaultVal: "#db#lib#dmm",
- },
- {
- name: "站点跳转",
- key: "JUMP",
- type: "textarea",
- info: `番号关键词以 <code>${REP}</code> 表示<br>支持追加参数:<code>#query</code> 预查询资源及字幕,<code>#jump</code> 跳转后自动匹配首项<br>格式参考『<strong>合并列表</strong>』`,
- placeholder: `[数据库]\nhttps://javdb.com/search?q=${REP}&f=all#jump\nhttps://www.javlibrary.com/cn/vl_searchbyid.php?keyword=${REP}\n\n[在线视频]\nhttps://www3.bestjavporn.com/search/${REP}/#query#jump\nhttps://jable.tv/search/${REP}/#query#jump\n\n[磁力链接]\nhttps://btdig.com/search?q=${REP}#query\nhttps://idope.se/torrent-list/${REP}/#query`,
- defaultVal: `[跳转]\nhttps://www.JavLibrary.com/cn/vl_searchbyid.php?keyword=${REP}#query#jump\nhttps://${
- Domain === "JavDB" ? `www.JavBus.com/search/${REP}` : `JavDB.com/search?f=all&q=${REP}&sb=0`
- }#query#jump`,
- },
- {
- name: "磁链最大行",
- key: "LINE",
- type: "number",
- info: "磁力链接最大显示行数,超出以滚动显示。0 不限制",
- placeholder: "仅支持整数 ≥ 0",
- defaultVal: 10,
- },
- {
- name: "字幕筛选",
- key: "SUB",
- type: "switch",
- info: '替换为 <a href="https://javdb.com/" class="link-primary">JavDB</a> 磁链数据',
- defaultVal: false,
- },
- {
- name: "磁链排序",
- key: "SORT",
- type: "switch",
- info: "综合排序 <code>字幕</code> > <code>大小</code> > <code>日期</code>",
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "磁链搜索",
- key: "MAGNET",
- type: "input",
- info: '自定义搜索配置并自动去重,支持参数:<br><code>#suk</code> 获取自 <a href="https://sukebei.nyaa.si/" class="link-primary">Sukebei</a>,<code>#bts</code> 获取自 <a href="https://btsow.com/" class="link-primary">BTSOW</a>,<code>#btd</code> 获取自 <a href="https://btdig.com/" class="link-primary">BTDigg</a>',
- placeholder: "为空时展示页面默认",
- defaultVal: "#btd#bts#suk",
- },
- ],
- },
- {
- title: "115 相关",
- key: "drive",
- prefix: "D",
- options: [
- {
- name: "网盘资源",
- key: "MATCH",
- type: "switch",
- info: '<strong>需要 <a href="https://115.com/" class="link-primary">网盘</a> 已登录,并调整文件排序方式为 <code>修改时间</code></strong><br>列表页:网盘资源匹配<br>详情页:网盘资源匹配 & (一键) 离线按钮开关<br>(完整体验建议允许弹窗通知权限)',
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "列表离线",
- key: "LOL",
- type: "switch",
- info: "影片列表支持简易『<strong>一键离线</strong>』执行动作:<br>『<strong>磁链搜索</strong>』『<strong>磁链排序</strong>』『<strong>离线验证</strong>』『<strong>最大失败数</strong>』『<strong>离线清理</strong>』『<strong>文件重命名</strong>』",
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "下载目录",
- key: "CID",
- type: "input",
- info: "设置离线下载目录 <strong>cid</strong> 或 <strong>动态目录</strong> (未找到时动态创建),建议直接填写 <strong>cid</strong> 效率更高<br><strong>动态目录</strong> 支持填写 <strong>目录名称</strong> 和 <strong>动态参数</strong>:<br><code>${#star}</code> (首位) 女演员<br><code>${#series}</code> 系列<br><code>${#studio}</code> 制造商 / 片商 / 卖家<br><strong>目录名称</strong> & <strong>动态参数</strong> 可组合使用,如 <code>${#series/#star/云下载}</code>",
- placeholder: "cid 或 动态目录",
- defaultVal: "${云下载}",
- },
- {
- name: "离线验证",
- key: "VERIFY",
- type: "number",
- info: "添加离线后执行,查询以验证离线下载结果,每次间隔一秒<br>设置验证次数上限,上限次数越多验证越精准<br>建议 3 ~ 5,默认 5",
- placeholder: "仅支持整数 ≥ 0",
- defaultVal: 5,
- },
- {
- name: "最大失败数",
- key: "FAIL",
- type: "number",
- info: "『<strong>一键离线</strong>』时累计验证失败的磁链数,最大值时终止本次任务。0 不限制",
- placeholder: "仅支持整数 ≥ 0",
- defaultVal: 5,
- },
- {
- name: "离线清理",
- key: "CLEAR",
- type: "switch",
- info: "『<strong>离线验证</strong>』成功后执行,匹配番号以清理无关文件",
- defaultVal: true,
- },
- {
- name: "文件重命名",
- key: "RENAME",
- type: "input",
- info: '『<strong>离线验证</strong>』成功后执行,支持参数:<br><code>${字幕}</code> "【中文字幕】",非字幕资源则为空<br><code>${番号}</code> 页面番号 (番号为必须值,如重命名未包含将自动追加前缀)<br><code>${标题}</code> 页面标题,已去除番号<br><code>${序号}</code> 仅作用于视频文件,数字 1 起',
- placeholder: "勿填写后缀,可能导致资源不可用",
- defaultVal: "${字幕}${番号} ${标题}",
- },
- {
- name: "自动打标",
- key: "TAG",
- type: "input",
- info: "『<strong>离线验证</strong>』成功后执行,根据设置值匹配网盘已有标签自动打标,支持参数:<br><code>#genre</code> 类别,<code>#star</code> 演员",
- placeholder: "如 #genre#star",
- defaultVal: "#genre#star",
- },
- {
- name: "图片上传",
- key: "UPLOAD",
- type: "input",
- info: "『<strong>离线验证</strong>』成功后执行 (弹窗通知),支持参数:<br><code>#cover</code> 封面图,<code>#img</code> 预览大图 (通常较大,确保网络通畅并耐心等待上传)",
- placeholder: "如 #cover#img",
- defaultVal: "#cover#img",
- },
- {
- name: "资源调整",
- key: "MODIFY",
- type: "input",
- info: "针对详情页网盘匹配资源的自定义调整配置,支持参数 (顺序不分先后):<br><code>#delete</code> 删除对应视频文件,并忽略其他参数<br><code>#rename</code> 详见『<strong>文件重命名</strong>』<br><code>#upload</code> 详见『<strong>图片上传</strong>』<br><code>#clear</code> 详见『<strong>离线清理</strong>』<br><code>#tag</code> 详见『<strong>自动打标</strong>』",
- placeholder: "如 #rename#clear#tag#upload",
- defaultVal: "#rename#clear#tag#upload",
- },
- ],
- },
- {
- title: "进阶",
- key: "advanced",
- prefix: "A",
- options: [
- {
- name: "资源跳转",
- key: "LINK",
- type: "textarea",
- info: "自定义网盘资源跳转链接,兼容列表及详情页,仅支持分组 <code>[left]</code> / <code>[right]</code>,链接参数:<br><code>${#pickcode}</code> 可用于跳转播放<br><code>${#cid}</code> 可用于跳转目录<br><code>${#path}</code> 资源路径<br><code>${#name}</code> 资源名称<br>格式参考『<strong>合并列表</strong>』",
- placeholder:
- "[left]\nhttps://v.anxia.com/?pickcode=${#pickcode}\n\n[right]\nhttps://115.com/?cid=${#cid}&offset=0&mode=wangpan",
- defaultVal: "",
- },
- ],
- },
- ];
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- registerMenu(active) {
- const exclude = this.excludeMenu ?? [];
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- let panelStr = "";
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- const { title, key, prefix, options } = menus[index];
- let sections = "";
- for (let idx = 0, len = options.length; idx < len; idx++) {
- let { name, key: curKey, type, info, placeholder = "", defaultVal, hotkey = "" } = options[idx];
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- if (hotkey && hotkey !== "s") {
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- `${val ? "关闭" : "开启"}${name}`,
- () => {
- GM_setValue(uniKey, !val);
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- },
- hotkey
- );
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- >${title}</button>
- `;
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- - <a
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- class="link-secondary"
- >${title}</a>
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- >重置脚本</button>
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- >清除缓存</button>
- <button
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- class="btn btn-secondary"
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- data-action="reset"
- >默认设置</button>
- <button
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- >保存设置</button>
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- const upConfig = file => {
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- for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(JSON.parse(fileReader.result))) {
- if (prefixes.includes(key.split("_")[0])) GM_setValue(key, val);
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- if (window.confirm("导入配置可能与当前版本不符,是否继续?")) return upConfig(file);
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- false
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- return upload.click();
- }
- if (action === "export") {
- const config = {};
- GM_listValues().forEach(key => {
- if (prefixes.includes(key.split("_")[0])) config[key] = GM_getValue(key);
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- const download = DOC.create("a", {
- download: `${title}.json`,
- href: URL.createObjectURL(blob),
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- return download.click();
- }
- if (action === "save") {
- const data = Object.fromEntries(
- new FormData(body.querySelector("#controlPanel form")).entries()
- );
- commands.forEach(key => GM_setValue(`${Domain}_${key}`, data[key] ?? ""));
- }
- if (action === "reset") {
- GM_listValues().forEach(name => name.startsWith(Domain) && GM_deleteValue(name));
- }
- if (action === "clear") {
- GM_setValue("DETAILS", {});
- GM_setValue("RESOURCE", {});
- localStorage.clear();
- }
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- location.reload();
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- { once: true }
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- // G_DARK
- globalDark = (style = "", dmStyle = "") => {
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- if (style && common) style = `${common}${style}`;
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- const css = `${style}${dmStyle}`;
- if (css) GM_addStyle(css);
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- globalSearch = () => {
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- DOC.addEventListener("keyup", ({ code }) => {
- if (code !== "Slash" || ["INPUT", "TEXTAREA"].includes(DOC.activeElement.nodeName)) return;
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- if (text) openInTab(`${location.origin}${pathname}#jump#${REP}`.replaceAll(REP, text));
- }
- });
- }
- };
- // G_CLICK
- globalClick = () => {
- const { selectors, codeQuery, upQuery } = this.click;
- if (!selectors?.length) return;
- selectors.push(".x-jump");
- const getTarget = ({ target }) => target.closest(selectors) || false;
- DOC.addEventListener("click", e => {
- const closest = getTarget(e);
- if (!closest) return;
- let url = "";
- let code = "";
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- if (classList.contains("x-player") && dataset.pc) {
- return this.advancedLink(e, { type: "left" });
- } else if (classList.contains("x-btn") && dataset.code) {
- return this.driveListOffLine(e, dataset);
- } else if (classList.contains("x-jump") && dataset.href) {
- url = dataset.href;
- } else if (closest.href) {
- url = closest.href;
- if (codeQuery) code = closest.querySelector(codeQuery)?.textContent;
- }
- if (!url) return;
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- if (this.G_CLICK) {
- const tab = openInTab(url);
- if (code) tab.onclose = () => this.driveMatchForList([{ item: closest, code }], upQuery);
- return;
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- DOC.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
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- const tab = openInTab(target.href, false);
- const code = codeQuery ? target.querySelector(codeQuery)?.textContent : "";
- if (code) tab.onclose = () => this.driveMatchForList([{ item: target, code }], upQuery);
- });
- };
- // L_MIT
- listMovieImgType = (node, condition) => {
- if (!this.L_MIT) return;
- const img = node.querySelector("img");
- if (!img) return;
- node.classList.add("x-cover");
- const { src = "" } = img;
- img.src = condition.find(({ regex }) => regex.test(src))?.replace(src) ?? src;
- };
- // L_MV
- listMovieVideo = container => {
- if (!container.querySelector(".movie-list:is(.h, .cols-3) .cover, .movie-box.x-cover")) return;
- const DELAY = parseInt(this.L_MV ?? 0, 10);
- if (DELAY <= 0) return;
- let locking = null;
- unsafeWindow.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
- if (locking) clearTimeout(locking);
- if (!container.style.pointerEvents) container.style.pointerEvents = "none";
- locking = setTimeout(() => {
- container.style.pointerEvents = "";
- }, 100);
- });
- const { selectors, codeQuery, upQuery } = this.click;
- const ITEM_NODE = selectors[0];
- const LOCK_NODE = "x-loading";
- const HOLD_NODE = "x-holding";
- let current = null;
- let timer = null;
- DOC.addEventListener("mouseover", ({ relatedTarget, target }) => {
- if (current) {
- if (timer && relatedTarget?.nodeName === "IMG" && target.contains(relatedTarget)) {
- clearTimeout(timer);
- current = null;
- }
- return;
- }
- target = target.closest(upQuery);
- if (!target) return;
- if (!container.contains(target)) return;
- current = target;
- showPreview(current);
- });
- DOC.addEventListener("mouseout", ({ relatedTarget }) => {
- if (!current) return;
- while (relatedTarget) {
- if (relatedTarget === current) return;
- relatedTarget = relatedTarget.parentNode;
- }
- hidePreview(current);
- current = null;
- });
- const showPreview = cover => {
- cover.classList.add("x-preview", HOLD_NODE);
- timer = setTimeout(() => getVideo(cover), DELAY < 100 ? 100 : DELAY);
- };
- const hidePreview = cover => {
- cover.classList.remove(HOLD_NODE);
- if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
- const video = cover.querySelector("video");
- if (!video) return;
- video.classList.remove("x-in");
- setTimeout(() => video.remove(), 250);
- };
- let isMuted = true;
- const getVideo = cover => {
- const closest = cover.closest(ITEM_NODE);
- if (!closest || closest.classList.contains(LOCK_NODE)) return;
- let code = closest.querySelector(codeQuery)?.textContent.trim() ?? "";
- if (!code) return;
- code = /^FC2-\d/i.test(code) ? code.replace("-", "-PPV-") : code;
- let { video, poster } = cover.dataset;
- if (!video) {
- const detail = Store.getDetail(code);
- if (detail.video) {
- video = detail.video;
- cover.setAttribute("data-video", video);
- }
- }
- if (!poster) {
- poster = cover.querySelector("img")?.src ?? "";
- cover.setAttribute("data-poster", poster);
- }
- if (video) return setVideo(cover);
- closest.classList.add(LOCK_NODE);
- const _timer = setTimeout(() => cancelLock("timeout"), 8000);
- let count = FC2_REGEX.test(code) ? 7 : 6;
- const cancelLock = status => {
- if (_timer) clearTimeout(_timer);
- count = 0;
- if (status === "success" && cover.classList.contains(HOLD_NODE)) {
- return closest.classList.remove(LOCK_NODE);
- }
- closest.classList.add(status);
- setTimeout(() => closest.classList.remove(status, LOCK_NODE), 800);
- };
- const callback = ({ video }) => {
- if (count <= 0) return;
- if (!video) {
- count--;
- if (count <= 0) cancelLock("fail");
- } else {
- cancelLock("success");
- cover.setAttribute("data-video", video);
- Store.upDetail(code, { video });
- setVideo(cover);
- }
- };
- if (count === 7) Apis.fetchFC2(code).then(callback);
- Apis.fetchAVPreview(code).then(callback);
- Apis.fetchJavSpyl(code).then(callback);
- Apis.fetchVBGFL(code).then(callback);
- Apis.fetchDMM({ code }).then(({ fetchVideo }) => {
- if (fetchVideo) fetchVideo().then(callback);
- });
- const isVR = VR_REGEX.test(closest.textContent);
- Apis.fetchVideoByGuess({ code, isVR }).then(callback);
- Apis.fetchVBL({ node: closest, isVR }).then(callback);
- };
- const setVideo = cover => {
- if (!cover.classList.contains(HOLD_NODE) || cover.querySelector("video")) return;
- let { video, poster } = cover.dataset;
- video = DOC.create("video", {
- poster,
- src: video,
- "x-webkit-airplay": "deny",
- controlslist: "nodownload nofullscreen noremoteplayback noplaybackrate",
- preload: "metadata",
- title: "",
- });
- video.autoplay = true;
- video.autoPictureInPicture = false;
- video.controls = true;
- video.currentTime = 3;
- video.disablePictureInPicture = true;
- video.disableRemotePlayback = true;
- video.loop = true;
- video.muted = isMuted;
- video.playsInline = true;
- video.volume = localStorage.getItem("volume") ?? 0.2;
- video.addEventListener("keyup", ({ code, target }) => {
- if (code !== "KeyM") return;
- isMuted = !target.muted;
- target.muted = isMuted;
- });
- cover.append(video);
- video?.focus();
- video?.load();
- setTimeout(() => video?.classList?.add("x-in"), 50);
- };
- };
- // L_MTH, L_MTL
- listMovieTitle = () => {
- let num = parseInt(this.L_MTL ?? 0, 10);
- if (this.L_MTH && num < 1) num = 1;
- return `.x-ellipsis {
- -webkit-line-clamp: ${num <= 0 ? "unset" : num};
- ${this.L_MTH ? `height: calc(var(--x-line-h) * ${num}) !important;` : ""}
- }`;
- };
- listScroll = async function ({ container, itemSelector = ".item", path, start, showPage, onLoad }) {
- let { list: domList = [DOC], active: isMerge = false } = this.merge;
- const getItems = async list => {
- list = await Promise.all(list.map(item => (typeof item !== "string" ? item : request(item))));
- list = list.filter(Boolean);
- if (!list.length) return list;
- domList = list;
- list = list.map(item => [...item.querySelectorAll(itemSelector)]).flat();
- if (!list.length) return list;
- return this.modifyItem(list, isMerge);
- };
- const items = await getItems(domList);
- const { length } = items;
- start(items);
- if (typeof container === "string") container = DOC.querySelector(container);
- container.classList.add("x-in");
- if (length) this.listMovieVideo(container);
- if (!isMerge && !this.L_SCROLL) return showPage();
- const hasMore = "加载中...";
- const noMore = "没有更多了";
- const status = DOC.create("div", { id: "x-status" }, length ? hasMore : noMore);
- container.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", status);
- if (!length) return;
- let urls = [];
- const getNext = list => {
- urls = list.map(item => item.querySelector(path)?.href).filter(Boolean);
- addPrefetch(urls);
- };
- getNext(domList);
- if (!urls.length) {
- status.textContent = noMore;
- return;
- }
- let isLoading = false;
- let observer = new IntersectionObserver(async entries => {
- if (!urls.length) {
- status.textContent = noMore;
- return observer.disconnect();
- }
- if (!entries[0].isIntersecting || isLoading) return;
- status.textContent = hasMore;
- isLoading = true;
- const _items = await getItems(urls);
- isLoading = false;
- if (!_items.length) {
- status.textContent = "请求失败,检查后滚动以重试";
- return;
- }
- getNext(domList);
- onLoad(_items);
- });
- observer.observe(status);
- };
- // L_MERGE
- listMerge = () => {
- let merge = this.L_MERGE.trim();
- if (!merge) return;
- merge = merge.split("\n\n").filter(Boolean);
- if (!merge.length) return;
- const list = {};
- const regex = /^\[.+\]$/;
- const replace = /\[|\]/g;
- for (const item of merge) {
- const res = unique(item.split("\n").filter(Boolean));
- if (res.length <= 1) continue;
- const first = res.shift();
- if (!regex.test(first)) continue;
- list[first.replace(replace, "")] = res;
- }
- const keys = Object.keys(list);
- if (!keys.length) return;
- let active = "";
- const { activePath = "/", start } = this.merge;
- if (location.pathname === activePath) {
- const { search } = location;
- if (search.startsWith("?merge=")) {
- active = decodeURIComponent(search.split("=").at(-1));
- if (!keys.includes(active)) active = "";
- }
- }
- DOC.addEventListener("XContentLoaded", () => start(keys, active), { once: true });
- if (!active) return;
- this.merge.active = active;
- this.merge.list = list[active].map(item => (item.split("#")[0] === activePath ? DOC : item));
- DOC.title = `${active} - 合并列表 - ${Domain}`;
- };
- listFilter = ({ code = "", title = "", score, tags }) => {
- const filter = this.L_FILTER.trim();
- if (!filter || (!code && !title)) return;
- const hlRegex = /^\^/;
- tags = tags?.length
- ? Array.from(tags)
- .map(item => item.textContent)
- .join(",")
- : "";
- const match = (rule, word) => {
- if (rule.endsWith("#start")) {
- return word.startsWith(rule.replace(/#start$/, ""));
- } else if (rule.endsWith("#end")) {
- return word.endsWith(rule.replace(/#end$/, ""));
- } else {
- if (!rule.startsWith("reg:")) return word.includes(rule);
- rule = rule.replace(/^reg:/, "");
- return rule ? eval(rule)?.test(word) : rule;
- }
- };
- let res = "";
- for (const item of filter.split("\n\n")) {
- let word = "";
- if (item.startsWith("[code]")) word = code;
- if (item.startsWith("[title]")) word = title;
- if (item.startsWith("[score]")) word = score;
- if (item.startsWith("[tags]")) word = tags;
- if (!word && word !== "") continue;
- const rules = unique(item.split("\n").filter(Boolean));
- if (rules.length <= 1) continue;
- const highlight = [];
- for (const rule of rules.slice(1)) {
- if (hlRegex.test(rule)) {
- highlight.push(rule.replace(hlRegex, ""));
- continue;
- }
- if (match(rule, word)) res = "x-hide";
- if (res === "x-hide") break;
- }
- if (res === "x-hide") break;
- for (const rule of highlight) {
- if (match(rule, word)) res = "x-highlight";
- if (res === "x-highlight") break;
- }
- }
- return res;
- };
- getMovieResource = function ({ video, transTitle, star, code, cid, studio, isVR, title }) {
- let res = [];
- if (this.M_RES?.trim()) {
- res = paramParse(this.M_RES, ["img", "video", "player"]);
- this.params.res = res;
- }
- if (this.M_SCORE?.trim()) {
- const param = paramParse(this.M_SCORE, ["db", "lib", "dmm", "mgs"]);
- const _res = param.filter(item => Domain !== "JavDB" || item !== "db").map(item => `${item}_score`);
- res = [...res, ..._res];
- if (_res.length) this.params.score = param;
- }
- if (this.M_MAGNET?.trim()) {
- const param = paramParse(this.M_MAGNET, ["suk", "bts", "btd"]);
- res = [...res, ...param.map(item => `${item}_magnet`)];
- this.params.magnet = param;
- }
- if (this.M_TITLE) res.push("title");
- if (!star?.length && this.M_STAR) res.push("star");
- if (this.M_SUB) res.push("sub");
- const needs = [];
- const detail = Store.getDetail(code);
- const resource = { video, title: transTitle };
- for (const key of res) {
- let val = detail[key];
- this.params[key] = val;
- if (val?.length) continue;
- val = resource[key];
- if (val?.length) {
- this.setMovieResource({ [key]: val });
- continue;
- }
- needs.push(key);
- }
- if (!needs.length) return;
- if (needs.includes("img")) {
- DOC.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", '<meta name="referrer" content="never">');
- let _code = code;
- if (/^HEYZO-\d/i.test(_code)) _code = _code.replace("-", " ");
- Apis.fetchJavStore(_code).then(res => res.img && this.setMovieResource(res));
- Apis.fetchBlogJav(_code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- }
- if (needs.includes("video")) {
- Apis.fetchVideoByGuess({ code, isVR, cid }).then(res => res.video && this.setMovieResource(res));
- Apis.fetchVideoByStudio({ code, studio }).then(res => res.video && this.setMovieResource(res));
- Apis.fetchJavSpyl(code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- Apis.fetchAVPreview(code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- if (FC2_REGEX.test(code)) Apis.fetchFC2(code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- }
- if (needs.includes("player")) Apis.fetchNetflav(code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- if (needs.includes("title")) Apis.fetchTranslate(title).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- if (needs.includes("suk_magnet")) Apis.fetchSukebei(code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- if (needs.includes("bts_magnet")) Apis.fetchBTSOW(code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- if (needs.includes("btd_magnet")) {
- Apis.fetchBTDigg(code).then(res => {
- if (res.btd_magnet.length) return this.setMovieResource(res);
- Apis.fetchBTDigg(code, 1).then(re => this.setMovieResource(re));
- });
- }
- const isMGS = ["mgs_score", "video"];
- if (needs.some(item => isMGS.includes(item))) {
- Apis.fetchMGS({ code, title }).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- }
- const isLib = ["lib_score", "star"];
- if (needs.some(item => isLib.includes(item))) Apis.fetchLib(code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- const isDMM = ["dmm_score", "star", "video"];
- if (needs.some(item => isDMM.includes(item))) {
- Apis.fetchDMM({ code, title }).then(({ fetchVideo, fetchInfo }) => {
- if (!fetchVideo) return this.setMovieResource({ dmm_score: [], star: [], video: "" });
- if (needs.includes("video")) fetchVideo().then(re => this.setMovieResource(re));
- if (needs.includes("dmm_score")) fetchInfo().then(re => this.setMovieResource(re));
- });
- }
- if (Domain === "JavDB") return;
- const isDB = ["db_score", "star", "video", "sub"];
- if (needs.some(item => isDB.includes(item))) Apis.fetchDB(code).then(res => this.setMovieResource(res));
- };
- setMovieResource = function (res) {
- if (!res) return;
- const { code } = this.info;
- const detail = Store.getDetail(code);
- for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(res)) {
- if (detail[key]?.length) continue;
- if (val?.length) Store.upDetail(code, { [key]: val });
- if (this.params.hasOwnProperty(key)) this.params[key] = val;
- }
- };
- upMovieResource = function (key, update, start) {
- if (!this.params.hasOwnProperty(key)) return;
- start?.();
- if (this.params[key]?.length) return update(this.params[key]);
- Object.defineProperty(this.params, key, { set: update, get: undefined });
- };
- // M_JUMP
- movieJump = ({ code }, start, update) => {
- if (!code || !start || !update) return;
- let jump = this.M_JUMP?.trim().split("\n\n").filter(Boolean);
- let { length } = jump;
- if (!length) return;
- const regex = /^\[.+\]$/;
- const replace = /\[|\]/g;
- const urlReg = /^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9]+/i;
- const group = [];
- for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
- const items = unique(jump[index].split("\n").filter(Boolean));
- if (items.length <= 1 || !regex.test(items[0])) continue;
- const list = items.filter(item => urlReg.test(item));
- if (!list.length) continue;
- group.push({
- group: items[0].replace(replace, ""),
- list: list.map(item => {
- return {
- url: `${item.replaceAll(REP, code).trim()}#${code}`,
- query: item.includes("#query"),
- name: item.split("//")[1].split("/")[0].split(".").at(-2),
- };
- }),
- });
- }
- if (group.length) start(group);
- const nodeList = DOC.querySelectorAll(".x-jump");
- length = nodeList.length;
- if (!length) return;
- jump = Store.getDetail(code)?.jump ?? [];
- for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
- const node = nodeList[index];
- const { query, href } = node.dataset;
- if (query !== "true") continue;
- const key = href.split("#")[0];
- let item = jump.find(item => item.key.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase());
- if (item) {
- if (item.href) update(item, node);
- continue;
- }
- request(key).then(dom => {
- if (!dom) return;
- item = captureQuery(code, dom);
- if (!item?.href) return;
- update(item, node);
- jump.push({ ...item, key });
- Store.upDetail(code, { jump });
- });
- }
- };
- // M_SORT
- movieSort = (magnets, start) => {
- if (!this.M_SORT) return magnets;
- start?.();
- magnets = magnets.filter(item => item.bytes > 300 * 1024 ** 2);
- return magnets.length <= 1
- ? magnets
- : magnets.sort((pre, next) => {
- if (pre.zh === next.zh) {
- if (pre.bytes === next.bytes) return next.date - pre.date;
- return next.bytes - pre.bytes;
- } else {
- return pre.zh > next.zh ? -1 : 1;
- }
- });
- };
- // D_MATCH
- driveMatchForList = async (items, selectors) => {
- if (!this.D_MATCH) return;
- const update = ({ item }, res) => {
- const node = item.querySelector(selectors);
- if (!node) return;
- const keys = ["n", "pc", "fid", "cid"];
- const { classList, dataset } = node;
- if (!res.length) {
- keys.forEach(key => delete dataset[key]);
- node.removeAttribute("title");
- return classList.remove("x-zh", "x-player");
- }
- classList.add("x-player");
- let str = "已有";
- let _item = res[0];
- const zh = res.find(({ n }) => ZH_REGEX.test(n));
- if (zh) {
- classList.add("x-zh");
- str = "字幕";
- _item = zh;
- }
- node.setAttribute("title", `${str}资源`);
- keys.forEach(key => {
- dataset[key] = _item[key];
- });
- };
- const params = {};
- for (let index = 0, { length } = items; index < length; index++) {
- const item = items[index];
- let { code } = item;
- code = /^FC2-\d/i.test(code) ? code.replace("-", "-PPV-") : code;
- item.code = code;
- const { res } = Store.getDetail(code);
- if (res) {
- update(item, res);
- continue;
- }
- const key = code.split("-")[0];
- params.hasOwnProperty(key) ? params[key].push(item) : (params[key] = [item]);
- }
- for (const [prefix, items] of Object.entries(params)) {
- let res = Store.getResource(prefix);
- if (!res) {
- res = await Apis._driveSearch(prefix);
- if (!res) break;
- Store.upResource(prefix, res);
- }
- if (!res.length) continue;
- for (let index = 0, { length } = items; index < length; index++) {
- const item = items[index];
- const { regex } = codeParse(item.code);
- const _res = res.filter(({ n }) => regex.test(n));
- if (_res.length) update(item, _res);
- }
- }
- };
- driveMatchForMovie = async function ({ code }, update, start) {
- if (!this.D_MATCH) return;
- start?.();
- const cid = await this.driveCid();
- if (cid === undefined) return update([]);
- const { prefix, regex } = codeParse(code);
- const list = await Promise.allSettled([Apis._driveSearch(prefix, ["t"]), Apis.driveVideo(cid)]);
- let res;
- for (let index = 0, { length } = list; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = list[index];
- if (status !== "fulfilled" || !value?.length) continue;
- if (!res) res = [];
- for (let idx = 0, len = value.length; idx < len; idx++) {
- const item = value[idx];
- if (res.some(re => re.fid === item.fid) || !regex.test(item.n)) continue;
- res.push(item);
- }
- }
- update(res || []);
- if (res) Store.upDetail(code, { res });
- };
- // D_LOL
- upLOLTarget = () => {
- if (!this.D_MATCH || !this.D_LOL) return;
- GM_addStyle('.x-btn{display:revert}.x-btn::after{content:"离线"}');
- };
- driveListOffLine = async (e, { code, title }) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- const LOCK = "active";
- const { classList } = e.target;
- if (classList.contains(LOCK)) return;
- classList.add(LOCK);
- const magnet = paramParse(this.M_MAGNET, ["suk", "bts", "btd"]);
- if (!magnet.length) return classList.remove(LOCK);
- const detail = Store.getDetail(code);
- let magnets = magnet.map(item => detail[`${item}_magnet`] ?? []).flat();
- if (!magnets.length) {
- const list = {
- suk: () => Apis.fetchSukebei(code),
- bts: () => Apis.fetchBTSOW(code),
- btd: () => Apis.fetchBTDigg(code),
- };
- const res = await Promise.allSettled(magnet.map(item => list[item]()));
- for (let index = 0, { length } = res; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = res[index];
- if (status !== "fulfilled" || !value) continue;
- Store.upDetail(code, value);
- magnets.push(...value[`${magnet[index]}_magnet`]);
- }
- }
- if (!magnets.length) return classList.remove(LOCK);
- magnets = this.movieSort(magnets);
- magnets = this.driveFail(magnets);
- if (/^\$\{.+\}$/.test(this.D_CID)) this.D_CID = "";
- const [wp_path_id, sign] = await Promise.all([this.driveCid("create"), Apis.driveSign()]);
- if (!wp_path_id || !sign) return classList.remove(LOCK);
- for (let index = 0, { length } = magnets; index < length; index++) {
- const isLast = index + 1 === length;
- const { link: url, zh } = magnets[index];
- let res = await Apis.driveAddTask({ url, wp_path_id, ...sign });
- if (!res) break;
- const { state, errcode, error_msg } = res;
- if (!state) {
- if ([10008, 10007].includes(errcode)) {
- if (errcode === 10008 && !isLast) continue;
- notify({ type: "warn", title: error_msg });
- break;
- }
- if (errcode === 911) {
- classList.add("pending");
- if (Store.getVerifyStatus() !== "pending") {
- notify({ type: "warn", title: `${code} 任务暂停,等待校验` });
- verify();
- }
- const listener = GM_addValueChangeListener(
- (name, old_value, new_value, remote) => {
- if (!remote || !["verified", "failed"].includes(new_value)) return;
- GM_removeValueChangeListener(listener);
- classList.remove(LOCK, "pending");
- if (new_value === "verified") this.driveListOffLine(e, { code, title });
- }
- );
- break;
- }
- }
- const cid = wp_path_id;
- const clickUrl = FILE_RUL.replace(REP, cid);
- res = await this.driveVerify({ code, cid });
- if (!res) {
- if (!isLast) continue;
- notify({
- type: "info",
- title: `${code} 验证失败`,
- clickUrl: "https://115.com/?tab=offline&mode=wangpan",
- });
- break;
- }
- if (res?.length) {
- notify({
- type: "success",
- title: `${code} 离线成功`,
- text: `点击跳转目录`,
- clickUrl: FILE_RUL.replace(REP, res[0].cid),
- });
- const list = [() => this.driveClear({ cid, res, code })];
- let { file_name, fetch } = this.driveRename({ cid, res, zh, code, title });
- if (fetch) {
- res[0].n = file_name;
- list.push(() => fetch());
- }
- Store.upDetail(code, { res });
- const { selectors, upQuery } = this.click;
- const item = e.target.closest(selectors);
- if (item) this.driveMatchForList([{ item, code }], upQuery);
- await Promise.allSettled(list.map(item => item()));
- } else {
- notify({ type: "info", title: `${code} 任务结束`, clickUrl });
- }
- break;
- }
- if (!classList.contains("pending")) classList.remove(LOCK);
- };
- // D_CID
- driveCid = async function (type = "find") {
- let cid = this.D_CID.trim() || "${云下载}";
- if (/^\$\{.+\}$/.test(cid)) {
- let isFirst = true;
- const arr = cid
- .replace(/\$|\{|\}/g, "")
- .split("/")
- .map(item => item.trim())
- .filter(Boolean);
- for (let index = 0, { length } = arr; index < length; index++) {
- let item = arr[index];
- if (!item.startsWith("#")) {
- cid = item;
- break;
- }
- item = item.replace(/^#/, "");
- if (!item) continue;
- cid = this.info?.[item];
- if (!cid?.length) {
- isFirst = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (typeof cid !== "string") cid = cid[0];
- break;
- }
- if (!cid?.length) cid = "云下载";
- cid = await Apis._driveCid(cid, type);
- if (cid && (isFirst || type !== "find")) this.D_CID = cid;
- }
- return cid;
- };
- driveVerify = async ({ code, cid }) => {
- let verify = this.D_VERIFY <= 0;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- const exist = Store.getDetail(code)?.res ?? [];
- for (let idx = 0; idx < this.D_VERIFY; idx++) {
- await delay();
- let res = await Apis.driveVideo(cid, ["ico"]);
- res = res.filter(({ n, t }) => regex.test(n) && t.startsWith(getDate()));
- if (!res?.length) continue;
- res = res.filter(item => !exist.find(e => e.fid === item.fid));
- if (!res.length) continue;
- verify = res;
- break;
- }
- return verify;
- };
- // D_FAIL
- driveFail = magnets => {
- const num = parseInt(this.D_FAIL ?? 0, 10);
- return num <= 0 ? magnets : magnets.slice(0, num);
- };
- // D_CLEAR
- driveClear = ({ cid, res, code }) => {
- if (!this.D_CLEAR) return;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- unique(res.map(item => item.cid).filter(item => item !== cid)).forEach(async pid => {
- let fids = await Apis.driveFile(pid);
- if (!fids?.data) return;
- fids = fids.data.filter(({ n }) => !regex.test(n));
- if (fids.length) Apis.driveClear({ pid, fids });
- });
- };
- driveRename = ({ cid, res, zh, code, title }) => {
- let file_name = this.D_RENAME?.trim();
- if (!file_name) return { file_name: `${code} ${title}` };
- file_name = file_name
- .replace(/\$\{字幕\}/g, zh ? "【中文字幕】" : "")
- .replace(/\$\{番号\}/g, code)
- .replace(/\$\{标题\}/g, title);
- if (!codeParse(code).regex.test(file_name)) file_name = `${code} - ${file_name}`;
- res = res.filter(item => item.ico);
- const noRegex = /\$\{序号\}/g;
- const data = [];
- unique(res.map(item => `${item.cid}/${item.ico}`)).forEach(key => {
- const [_cid, _ico] = key.split("/");
- res.filter(item => item.cid === _cid && item.ico === _ico).forEach((item, index) => {
- data.push({ ...item, file_name: `${file_name.replace(noRegex, index + 1)}.${_ico}` });
- });
- });
- file_name = file_name.replace(noRegex, "");
- unique(res.map(item => item.cid).filter(item => item !== cid)).forEach(fid => {
- data.push({ fid, file_name });
- });
- return { file_name, fetch: () => Apis.driveRename(data) };
- };
- // D_TAG
- driveTag = async function (file_ids) {
- if (!file_ids?.length || !this.D_TAG?.trim()) return;
- let tag = paramParse(this.D_TAG, ["genre", "star"]);
- if (!tag.length) return;
- tag = tag.map(key => this.info[key] ?? []);
- tag = tag
- .flat()
- .map(item => item.trim())
- .filter(Boolean);
- if (!tag.length) return;
- const label = await Apis.driveLabel();
- if (!label?.length) return;
- let file_label = unique(tag).map(item => label.find(({ name }) => name === item)?.id ?? "");
- file_label = file_label.filter(Boolean);
- if (file_label.length) Apis.driveTag({ file_ids, file_label: file_label.join(",") });
- };
- driveUpload = async function ({ cid, name, res }) {
- const keys = res;
- res = res.map(key => this.info[key]).filter(Boolean);
- const list = await Promise.allSettled(res.map(item => request(item, {}, "GET", { responseType: "blob" })));
- const target = `U_1_${cid}`;
- for (let index = 0, { length } = list; index < length; index++) {
- const { status, value } = list[index];
- if (status === "rejected" || !value?.size) continue;
- const filename = `${name}_${keys[index]}_.${res[index].split(".").at(-1)}`;
- const init = await Apis.driveInitUpload({ filename, filesize: value.size, target });
- if (!init?.host) continue;
- await Apis.driveUpload(init, value, filename);
- }
- notify({ text: "", type: "", title: "图传任务结束" });
- };
- upModifyTarget = () => {
- const modify = paramParse(this.D_MODIFY, ["clear", "rename", "tag", "upload", "delete"]);
- if (!modify.length) return modify;
- GM_addStyle(".x-btn{display:revert}");
- if (!modify.includes("delete")) return modify;
- GM_addStyle(".x-btn{background:var(--x-red)}.x-btn::after{content:'删除'}");
- return modify;
- };
- driveModify = async function (e, modify) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- const { classList, parentNode } = e.target;
- if (classList.contains("active")) return;
- classList.add("active");
- const { cid, fid, n } = parentNode.dataset;
- const list = [];
- if (modify.includes("delete")) {
- list.push(() => Apis.driveClear({ pid: cid, fids: [{ fid }] }));
- } else {
- const { code, title } = this.info;
- const { regex } = codeParse(code);
- let file_name = this.D_RENAME?.trim();
- if (file_name) {
- file_name = file_name
- .replace(/\$\{字幕\}/g, ZH_REGEX.test(n) ? "【中文字幕】" : "")
- .replace(/\$\{番号\}/g, code)
- .replace(/\$\{标题\}/g, title)
- .replace(/\$\{序号\}/g, "");
- if (!regex.test(file_name)) file_name = `${code} - ${file_name}`;
- }
- if (modify.includes("rename") && file_name) {
- let name = n.split(".");
- name.pop();
- if (name.join("") !== file_name) list.push(() => Apis.driveRename([{ fid, file_name }]));
- }
- if (modify.includes("tag")) list.push(() => this.driveTag(fid));
- if (modify.some(item => ["clear", "upload"].includes(item))) {
- const { data } = await Apis.driveFile(cid);
- if (modify.includes("clear")) {
- const fids = data.filter(({ n }) => !regex.test(n));
- if (fids.length) list.push(() => Apis.driveClear({ pid: cid, fids }));
- }
- if (modify.includes("upload")) {
- let uploads = paramParse(this.D_UPLOAD, ["cover", "img"]);
- if (uploads.length) {
- const items = data.filter(item => regex.test(item.n) && item.class === "PIC");
- uploads = uploads.filter(item => !items.some(({ n }) => n.includes(`_${item}_`)));
- if (uploads.length) {
- file_name = file_name || `${code} ${title}`;
- list.push(() => this.driveUpload({ cid, name: file_name, res: uploads }));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (list.length) await Promise.allSettled(list.map(item => item()));
- classList.remove("active");
- if (!DOC.querySelector(".x-btn.active")) this.driveMatch();
- };
- driveOffLine = async function (e, { code, title, magnets }) {
- const { target } = e;
- const { magnet: type } = target.dataset;
- if (!type) return;
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- const setTab = type === "all";
- magnets = setTab ? this.driveFail(magnets) : magnets.filter(item => item.link === type);
- const length = magnets?.length ?? 0;
- if (!length) return;
- const { classList } = target;
- classList.remove("pending");
- classList.add("active");
- const originText = setTab ? "一键离线" : "添加离线";
- target.textContent = "请求中...";
- target.inert = true;
- const handleComplete = () => {
- classList.remove("active");
- target.textContent = originText;
- target.inert = false;
- };
- const [wp_path_id, sign] = await Promise.all([this.driveCid("create"), Apis.driveSign()]);
- if (!wp_path_id || !sign) return handleComplete();
- const warnTitle = `${code} 一键离线失败`;
- if (setTab) setTabBar({ title: `${code} 一键离线中...` });
- for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
- const isLast = index + 1 === length;
- const { link: url, zh } = magnets[index];
- let res = await Apis.driveAddTask({ url, wp_path_id, ...sign });
- if (!res) {
- if (!index) return handleComplete();
- break;
- }
- const { state, errcode, error_msg } = res;
- if (!state) {
- if ([10008, 10007].includes(errcode)) {
- if (errcode === 10008 && !isLast) continue;
- notify({ type: "warn", title: error_msg });
- if (setTab) setTabBar({ type: "warn", title: warnTitle });
- break;
- }
- if (errcode === 911) {
- classList.add("pending");
- target.textContent = "校验中...";
- const msg = { type: "warn", title: `${code} 任务暂停,等待校验` };
- if (setTab) setTabBar(msg);
- if (Store.getVerifyStatus() !== "pending") {
- notify(msg);
- verify();
- }
- const listener = GM_addValueChangeListener(
- (name, old_value, new_value, remote) => {
- if (!remote || !["verified", "failed"].includes(new_value)) return;
- GM_removeValueChangeListener(listener);
- if (new_value !== "verified") return handleComplete();
- this.driveOffLine(e, { magnets: magnets.slice(index), code, title });
- }
- );
- break;
- }
- }
- const cid = wp_path_id;
- const clickUrl = FILE_RUL.replace(REP, cid);
- res = await this.driveVerify({ code, cid });
- if (!res) {
- if (!isLast) continue;
- notify({
- type: "info",
- title: `${code} 验证失败`,
- clickUrl: "https://115.com/?tab=offline&mode=wangpan",
- setTab,
- });
- break;
- }
- if (res?.length) {
- const _cid = res[0].cid;
- const uploads = paramParse(this.D_UPLOAD, ["cover", "img"]);
- notify({
- type: "success",
- title: `${code} 离线成功`,
- setTab,
- text: `点击跳转目录${uploads.length ? ",尝试图传中..." : ""}`,
- clickUrl: FILE_RUL.replace(REP, _cid),
- });
- const { file_name, fetch } = this.driveRename({ cid, res, zh, code, title });
- if (fetch) await fetch();
- if (uploads.length) this.driveUpload({ cid: _cid, name: file_name, res: uploads });
- this.driveTag(
- res
- .map(({ fid }) => fid)
- .filter(Boolean)
- .join(",")
- );
- this.driveClear({ cid, res, code });
- } else {
- notify({ type: "info", title: `${code} 任务结束`, clickUrl, setTab });
- }
- break;
- }
- if (classList.contains("pending")) return;
- await delay();
- this.driveMatch();
- handleComplete();
- };
- // A_LINK
- advancedLink = async (e, { type = "left", defaultLink }) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- const { n: name, pc: pickcode, fid, cid } = e.target.dataset;
- defaultLink = defaultLink ?? type === "left" ? `${PICK_RUL}${pickcode}` : FILE_RUL.replace(REP, cid);
- if (!fid || fid === "undefined") return openInTab(defaultLink);
- let config = this.A_LINK?.trim()?.split("\n");
- let index = config.findIndex(item => item === `[${type}]`);
- if (index === -1) return openInTab(defaultLink);
- config = config[index + 1]?.trim();
- if (!config) return openInTab(defaultLink);
- config = config
- .replaceAll("${#pickcode}", pickcode)
- .replaceAll("${#cid}", cid)
- .replaceAll("${#name}", encodeURIComponent(name));
- if (!config.includes("${#path}")) return openInTab(config);
- let path = await Apis.driveDetail(fid);
- if (!path?.paths?.length) return;
- path = path.paths
- .map(item => item.file_name)
- .splice(1)
- .join("/");
- openInTab(config.replaceAll("${#path}", encodeURIComponent(path)));
- };
- }
- class JavDB extends Common {
- constructor() {
- super();
- return super.init();
- }
- excludeMenu = ["G_DARK", "L_MIT", "M_SUB"];
- routes = {
- list: /^\/($|guess|(un)?censored|western|fc2|anime|(advanced_)?search|video_codes|tags|rankings|actors|series|makers|directors|publishers|lists|users)/i,
- movie: /^\/v\/\w+/i,
- others: /.*/i,
- };
- _style = {
- common: `
- html {
- overflow: overlay;
- padding-bottom: 0 !important;
- }
- body {
- min-height: 100%;
- }
- .section {
- padding: 20px;
- }
- #search-bar-container {
- margin-bottom: 8px !important;
- }
- .search-panel button {
- border: none;
- }
- #search-type, #video-search {
- z-index: auto;
- border: none;
- box-shadow: none;
- }
- .title:not(:last-child) {
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- }
- .main-title {
- padding-top: 0;
- }
- .app-desktop-banner, #footer {
- display: none !important;
- }
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- background: var(--x-grey) !important;
- }
- a.box:is(:focus, :hover) {
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- background: unset;
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- filter: brightness(.9) contrast(.9) !important;
- }
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- display: none;
- margin: 0 -4px 20px !important;
- padding: 0;
- border: none;
- }
- :root[data-theme="dark"] nav.pagination {
- border: none !important;
- }
- .float-buttons {
- right: 8px;
- }
- `,
- };
- search = {
- selectors: "#video-search",
- pathname: `/search?q=${REP}&f=all`,
- };
- click = {
- selectors: [":is(.movie-list, .actors, .section-container) a:has(strong)"],
- codeQuery: ".video-title strong",
- upQuery: ".cover",
- };
- merge = {
- start: list => {
- DOC.querySelector("#navbar-menu-hero .navbar-start")?.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- `<div class="navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable">
- <a class="navbar-link" href="/?merge=${list[0]}">合并列表</a>
- <div class="navbar-dropdown is-boxed">
- ${list.map(item => `<a class="navbar-item" href="/?merge=${item}">${item}</a>`).join("")}
- </div>
- </div>`
- );
- },
- };
- list = {
- docStart() {
- const style = `
- .awards,
- .form-panel .user-profile,
- .section:has(.actors, .movie-list, .section-container, .user-container .common-list) {
- padding-bottom: 0;
- }
- :is(.tabs, .message):not(:last-child) {
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- }
- .movie-list {
- opacity: 0;
- }
- .actors, .movie-list, .section-container {
- gap: 20px !important;
- margin: 0 0 20px !important;
- padding-bottom: 0;
- }
- .container > br,
- .actor-filter hr,
- .movie-list:has(.tags),
- .user-container > .column.is-10 > .message.is-warning {
- display: none;
- }
- .main-tabs, .box:has(> form) {
- margin-bottom: 20px !important;
- }
- .toolbar {
- margin-top: -10px;
- padding-bottom: 0;
- word-spacing: -20px;
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- .toolbar * {
- word-spacing: 0;
- }
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- margin: 0 10px 10px 0;
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- #t {
- height: 2.2rem;
- }
- #tags {
- margin: -20px 0 20px;
- }
- #tags dt a.tag-expand {
- margin-top: .44rem;
- }
- .section:has(> .awards, > .user-container) {
- padding: 0;
- }
- .divider-title {
- margin-bottom: 16px !important;
- padding-bottom: 0;
- border-bottom: none;
- }
- .actors .box {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- .actor-filter-toolbar {
- padding-bottom: 20px;
- }
- .section-columns {
- margin-bottom: 8px !important;
- padding-top: 0;
- }
- .columns:has(> .section-addition) {
- margin-bottom: 8px;
- }
- .actor-tags {
- margin-bottom: 20px !important;
- padding-bottom: 0;
- font-size: 0;
- border-bottom: none;
- }
- .actor-tags .content:not(.collapse) {
- margin-bottom: -10px;
- }
- .user-container {
- margin: -10px -10px 0 !important;
- }
- .user-container > .column {
- padding: 10px 10px 0;
- }
- .user-container > .column:first-child {
- padding-bottom: 10px;
- }
- .user-container .common-list ul {
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- }
- .list-item:not(:last-child) {
- border-bottom: 1px solid #dbdbdb;
- }
- .user-container .common-list .list-item {
- align-items: center;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 10px 2px;
- }
- .user-container .common-list .list-item:first-child {
- padding-top: 0;
- }
- .user-container .common-list .list-item:last-child {
- padding-bottom: 0;
- }
- .user-container .common-list .list-item .column {
- padding: 0;
- }
- .user-container .common-list .list-item .column:first-child {
- flex: 1;
- }
- .user-container .common-list .list-item .column:last-child {
- width: auto;
- }
- `;
- const layout = `
- @media (width < 576px) {
- .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .movie-list.h {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @media (width >= 576px) {
- .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .movie-list.h {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @media (width >= 768px) {
- .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .movie-list.h {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @media (width >= 992px) {
- .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .movie-list.h {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @media (width >= 1200px) {
- .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .movie-list.h {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @media (width >= 1400px) {
- .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .movie-list.h {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- .user-container .column:has(.movie-list, .actors) {
- container-type: inline-size;
- }
- @container (width < 576px) {
- .column .movie-list {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .column .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @container (width >= 576px) {
- .column .movie-list {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .column .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @container (width >= 768px) {
- .column .movie-list {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .column .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @container (width >= 992px) {
- .column .movie-list {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .column .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @container (width >= 1200px) {
- .column .movie-list {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .column .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- @container (width >= 1400px) {
- .column .movie-list {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- .column .movie-list.v, .actors {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr)) !important;
- }
- }
- `;
- const card = `
- :is(.movie-list, .actors) .box {
- padding: 0 0 10px;
- }
- .movie-list .item .cover, .actor-box a figure {
- background: var(--x-sub-ftc);
- }
- :root[data-theme="dark"] :is(.movie-list .item .cover, .actor-box a figure) {
- background: var(--x-grey);
- }
- .movie-list .item .cover {
- padding: 0 !important;
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-cover-ratio);
- }
- .actors .box img {
- height: 100%;
- object-fit: cover;
- opacity: 0;
- }
- .movie-list .item .cover img {
- width: 100%;
- object-fit: contain;
- opacity: 0;
- }
- .movie-list .item .cover:hover img {
- z-index: auto;
- transform: none;
- }
- .movie-list.v .item .cover {
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-thumb-ratio);
- }
- .movie-list.v .item .cover img {
- object-fit: cover !important;
- }
- .movie-list .item .video-title, .actor-box a strong, .section-container .box {
- font-size: 14px;
- line-height: var(--x-line-h);
- }
- .movie-list .item .video-title {
- box-sizing: content-box;
- padding: 10px 0 0;
- }
- .movie-list .item .score {
- padding: 0;
- }
- .movie-list .item .box :is(.video-title, .score, .tags, .meta-buttons), .actor-box a strong {
- padding: 10px 10px 0;
- }
- .movie-list .item .meta {
- padding: 0 10px;
- }
- .movie-list .box .tags {
- min-height: 44px;
- margin-bottom: -10px;
- }
- .movie-list .box .tags .tag {
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- }
- .actor-box a figure {
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-avatar-ratio);
- }
- .actor-box a.button.is-danger {
- width: auto;
- margin: 10px 10px 0 !important;
- }
- .movie-list .box .meta-buttons a.button.is-danger {
- margin: 0 !important;
- }
- .section-container a:has(> strong) {
- display: flex;
- }
- .section-container .box strong {
- flex: 1;
- padding-right: 10px;
- overflow: hidden;
- white-space: nowrap;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- }
- `;
- this.globalDark(`${this._style.common}${style}${layout}${card}${this.listMovieTitle()}`);
- this.listMerge();
- this.upLOLTarget();
- },
- contentLoaded() {
- this.globalSearch();
- if (location.pathname === "/users/favorite_lists") {
- this.click.selectors.push(".common-list .column.is-10 a");
- }
- this.globalClick();
- this.modifyLayout();
- },
- modifyLayout() {
- const tags = DOC.querySelector("#tags:not(select)");
- if (tags) {
- const toggle = DOC.create("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button" }, "折叠");
- const tabs = DOC.querySelector(".tabs.is-boxed");
- tabs.classList.add("is-align-items-flex-end");
- tabs.append(toggle);
- toggle.addEventListener("click", () => tags.classList.toggle("is-hidden"));
- }
- for (const list of DOC.querySelectorAll(".movie-list:not(:has(.tags))")) {
- const _list = list.cloneNode(true);
- const items = this.modifyItem([..._list.querySelectorAll(".item")]);
- _list.innerHTML = "";
- _list.append(...items);
- _list.classList.add("x-in");
- list.replaceWith(_list);
- }
- let container;
- const lists = DOC.querySelectorAll(".actors");
- const { length } = lists;
- if (length) {
- if (length === 1) {
- container = lists[0];
- } else {
- for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
- for (const item of lists[index].querySelectorAll(".box")) fadeInImg(item);
- }
- }
- }
- container =
- container ??
- DOC.querySelector([
- ".movie-list:has(.tags)",
- ".section-container:has(.box)",
- ".user-container:has(nav.pagination) .common-list ul",
- ]);
- if (!container) {
- if (DOC.querySelector(".movie-list:is(.h, .cols-3) .cover")) this.listMovieVideo(DOC);
- return;
- }
- this.listScroll({
- container,
- itemSelector: [
- ".movie-list:has(.tags) .item",
- ".actors .box",
- ".section-container .box",
- ".common-list ul .list-item",
- ],
- path: ".pagination-next",
- start: items => {
- container.innerHTML = "";
- container.append(...items);
- container.classList.add("x-grid");
- },
- showPage: () => DOC.querySelector("nav.pagination")?.classList.add("x-flex-center"),
- onLoad: items => container.append(...items),
- });
- },
- modifyItem(items, isMerge) {
- const isMovieList = items.some(item => item.querySelector(".video-title"));
- const res = [];
- const hlUrls = [];
- for (let index = 0, { length } = items; index < length; index++) {
- const item = items[index];
- let code = "";
- let date = "";
- let score = 0;
- let highlight = false;
- if (isMovieList) {
- code = item.querySelector(".video-title strong");
- if (!code) continue;
- code = code.textContent.trim();
- date = item.querySelector(".meta")?.textContent ?? "";
- date = date.replaceAll("-", "").trim();
- if (isMerge) {
- if (res.some(t => t.code === code && t.date === date)) continue;
- score = (item.querySelector(".score")?.textContent ?? "").match(NUM_REGEX)[0] ?? 0;
- item.querySelector(".meta-buttons")?.remove();
- }
- this.modifyMovieCard(item);
- if (item.matches(".x-hide")) continue;
- highlight = item.matches(".x-highlight");
- if (highlight) hlUrls.push(item.querySelector("a").href);
- }
- fadeInImg(item);
- res.push({ code, date, score, highlight, item });
- }
- if (!res.length) return res;
- if (isMovieList) {
- this.driveMatchForList(res, this.click.upQuery);
- addPrefetch(hlUrls);
- if (isMerge) {
- res.sort((pre, next) => {
- return pre.score === next.score ? next.date - pre.date : next.score - pre.score;
- });
- }
- res.sort((pre, next) => (pre.highlight > next.highlight ? -1 : 1));
- }
- return res.map(({ item }) => item);
- },
- modifyMovieCard(item) {
- const titleNode = item.querySelector(".video-title");
- const code = titleNode.querySelector("strong").textContent.trim();
- const title = titleNode.textContent.replace(code, "").trim();
- const score = item
- .querySelector(".score .value")
- .textContent.replace(/ /g, "")
- .trim();
- const tags = item.querySelectorAll(".tags .tag");
- const filterClass = this.listFilter({ code, title, score, tags });
- if (filterClass) item.classList.add(filterClass);
- if (filterClass === "x-hide") return;
- titleNode.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "afterbegin",
- `<span class="x-btn" title="列表离线" data-code="${code}" data-title="${title}"></span>`
- );
- if (item.querySelector(".tags")) titleNode.classList.add("x-ellipsis");
- titleNode.classList.add("x-title");
- },
- };
- movie = {
- info: {},
- params: {},
- magnets: [],
- docStart() {
- const style = `
- .video-meta-panel {
- margin: -10px 0 20px;
- padding: 0;
- }
- .video-meta-panel > .columns {
- margin: 0;
- align-items: start;
- }
- .video-meta-panel > .columns > .column {
- padding: 0 10px;
- }
- .video-meta-panel > .columns > .column-video-cover {
- margin: 10px;
- padding: 0;
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-cover-ratio);
- }
- .column-video-cover a:has(> :is(img, video)),
- .column-video-cover .cover-container::after,
- .preview-video-container::after {
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- }
- img, video {
- vertical-align: top;
- }
- :is(.column-video-cover, .tile-images) a:has(> :is(img, video)) {
- display: block;
- background: var(--x-sub-ftc);
- }
- .tile-images a:has(> img) {
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-thumb-ratio);
- }
- .preview-images a:has(> img) {
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-sprite-ratio);
- }
- :root[data-theme="dark"] :is(.column-video-cover, .tile-images) a:has(> :is(img, video)) {
- background: var(--x-grey) !important;
- }
- :is(.column-video-cover, .tile-images) :is(img, video) {
- width: 100% !important;
- height: 100% !important;
- max-height: unset !important;
- object-fit: contain;
- }
- .movie-panel-info div.panel-block {
- padding: 10px 0;
- font-size: 14px;
- line-height: var(--x-line-h);
- }
- :root[data-theme="dark"] .panel .panel-block:last-child {
- border-bottom: none;
- }
- .panel-block:has(#x-res) {
- padding-bottom: 0;
- border-bottom: 0;
- }
- .panel-block:has(#x-match) {
- border-bottom: 0;
- }
- .panel-block:has(#toolbar) {
- padding-top: 0;
- }
- .movie-panel-info .copy-to-clipboard {
- height: var(--x-line-h);
- }
- .video-detail > .columns {
- margin-bottom: 8px;
- }
- .message-header,
- .message-body,
- #magnets-content > .columns > .column {
- padding: 10px;
- }
- .video-panel .tile-images, .plain-grid-list {
- gap: 10px;
- }
- .video-panel .tile-images .tile-item .video-number {
- padding-top: 6px;
- }
- .columns[data-controller="movie-tab"],
- #magnets-content > .columns,
- .plain-grid-list a.box {
- margin: 0;
- }
- .columns[data-controller="movie-tab"] > .column,
- .video-panel .message-body .top-meta {
- padding: 0;
- }
- #tabs-container .message {
- margin-bottom: 20px !important;
- }
- .top-meta :is(.button.is-info, .moj-content) {
- display: none;
- }
- #reviews .review-items .review-item {
- padding: 10px 0;
- }
- #reviews .review-items .review-item:first-child {
- padding-top: 0;
- }
- #reviews .review-items .review-item:last-child {
- padding-bottom: 0;
- }
- .plain-grid-list .item,
- nav.pagination.no-line:has(a) {
- display: flex;
- }
- .plain-grid-list .item {
- align-items: baseline;
- }
- .plain-grid-list .item strong {
- flex: 1;
- padding-right: 10px;
- overflow: hidden;
- white-space: nowrap;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- }
- .column-video-cover .cover-container {
- position: absolute;
- top: 50%;
- left: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
- }
- .isPlayer .cover-container {
- top: 25%;
- }
- .column-video-cover .cover-container .play-button {
- position: unset;
- transform: none;
- }
- .column-video-cover a[id] {
- opacity: 0;
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- }
- .column-video-cover a[id].active {
- z-index: 1;
- opacity: 1;
- transition: opacity .25s linear;
- }
- .column-video-cover video {
- display: inline !important;
- }
- #x-res, #toolbar {
- width: 100%;
- }
- :is(#x-res, #toolbar) button {
- flex: 1;
- }
- .tags:has(.x-jump) {
- margin-bottom: -5px;
- }
- html:has(.fancybox-is-open) {
- overflow: hidden;
- }
- .fancybox-slide--image.fancybox-slide--current {
- overflow: overlay;
- }
- .fancybox-slide--image.fancybox-slide--current .fancybox-content {
- left: 50%;
- width: fit-content !important;
- height: auto !important;
- padding: 44px 0;
- transform: translateX(-50%) !important;
- }
- .fancybox-slide--image.fancybox-slide--current .fancybox-content img {
- position: static;
- width: auto;
- max-width: calc(100vw - 140px);
- height: auto;
- }
- .top-meta:has(.tag) {
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- padding-right: 10px !important;
- }
- .top-meta .tags {
- flex: 1;
- margin: 0 0 -8px;
- }
- #magnets-content {
- ${this.M_LINE > 0 ? `max-height: calc(45px * ${this.M_LINE});` : ""}
- overscroll-behavior-y: contain;
- overflow: overlay;
- }
- :root[data-theme="dark"] #magnets-content::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
- background: #4a4a4a !important;
- }
- #magnets-content .item {
- height: 45px;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #ededed;
- }
- :root[data-theme=dark] #magnets-content .item {
- border-color: #4a4a4a;
- }
- #magnets-content .item:last-child {
- border: none;
- }
- #magnets-content .item .column:first-child {
- flex: 3;
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- #magnets-content .item .column:is(:nth-child(1), :nth-child(2), :nth-child(3)) {
- text-align: left;
- }
- #magnets-content .item .column.x-line {
- max-width: 180px;
- }
- #magnets-content .x-from {
- min-width: 65px;
- }
- #magnets-content .item .column:last-child {
- flex: none;
- text-align: right;
- }
- #x-total {
- padding: 10px 10px 0;
- text-align: right;
- }
- #toolbar button.active,
- #magnets-content a[data-magnet].active {
- opacity: .5;
- }
- `;
- this.globalDark(`${this._style.common}${style}`);
- this.listMerge();
- },
- async contentLoaded() {
- this.globalSearch();
- this.modifyLayout();
- const titleNode = DOC.querySelector("h2.title");
- const currentTitle = titleNode.querySelector(".current-title");
- const originTitle = titleNode.querySelector(".origin-title");
- const code = DOC.querySelector(".first-block .value").textContent;
- const title = (originTitle ?? currentTitle).textContent.replace(code, "").trim();
- this.info = {
- code: /^FC2-\d/i.test(code) ? code.replace("-", "-PPV-") : code,
- title,
- transTitle: originTitle ? currentTitle.textContent.trim() : "",
- cover: DOC.querySelector(".column-video-cover img").src,
- isVR: VR_REGEX.test(title),
- studio: "",
- series: "",
- genre: [],
- star: [],
- video: "",
- };
- const video = DOC.querySelector("#preview-video source")?.getAttribute("src") ?? "";
- if (video && (await request(video, {}, "HEAD"))) this.info.video = video;
- for (const item of DOC.querySelectorAll(".movie-panel-info > .panel-block")) {
- let [label, value] = item.querySelectorAll(["strong", ".value"]);
- if (!label || !value) continue;
- label = label?.textContent?.trim();
- if (!label) continue;
- if (["片商:", "賣家:"].includes(label)) this.info.studio = value.textContent.trim();
- if (label === "系列:") this.info.series = value.textContent.trim();
- if (label === "評分:") item.classList.add("score");
- if (label === "類別:") {
- item.classList.add("genre");
- if (!value.querySelector("a")) continue;
- this.info.genre = Array.from(value.querySelectorAll("a")).map(item => item.textContent);
- }
- if (label === "演員:") {
- item.classList.add("star");
- if (!value.querySelector("a")) continue;
- const male = [];
- const female = [];
- value.textContent
- .split("\n")
- .map(item => item.trim())
- .filter(Boolean)
- .forEach(item => {
- (item.includes("♂") ? male : female).push(item.replace(/♂|♀/, ""));
- });
- this.info.star = [...female, ...male];
- }
- }
- this.getMovieResource(this.info);
- if (this.M_COPY) {
- titleNode.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- ` <a class="copy-to-clipboard" title="原始标题" data-clipboard-text="${code} ${title}">复制</a>`
- );
- GM_addStyle("#magnets-content a[data-copy]{display:inline-flex!important}");
- DOC.querySelector(".panel-block.star .value").addEventListener("contextmenu", e => {
- const { target } = e;
- if (target.matches("a")) handleCopy(e, "", target.textContent);
- });
- }
- this.movieRes();
- this.movieTitle();
- this._movieJump();
- this.movieScore();
- this.movieStar();
- this.driveMatch();
- this.refactorTable();
- },
- modifyLayout() {
- if (history.scrollRestoration) history.scrollRestoration = "manual";
- window.scrollTo({ top: 150, left: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
- this.modifyItem();
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.loop = true;
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.smallBtn = false;
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.toolbar = true;
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.buttons = ["slideShow", "thumbs", "close"];
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.animationEffect = "fade";
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.animationDuration = 300;
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.transitionDuration = 150;
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.touch = { vertical: false };
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.wheel = false;
- unsafeWindow.$.fancybox.defaults.clickContent = false;
- const cover = DOC.querySelector(".cover-container");
- if (!cover) return;
- const _cover = cover.cloneNode();
- const playBtn = cover.querySelector(".play-button");
- _cover.append(playBtn.cloneNode(true));
- playBtn.replaceWith(_cover);
- _cover.addEventListener("click", e => e.stopPropagation());
- cover.removeAttribute("rel");
- cover.removeAttribute("class");
- cover.removeAttribute("target");
- cover.href = cover.querySelector("img").src;
- cover.setAttribute("data-fancybox", "gallery");
- },
- modifyItem() {
- const selectors = [".tile-images.tile-small .tile-item"];
- const codeQuery = ".video-number";
- const upQuery = "a:has(> img)";
- const res = [];
- for (const item of DOC.querySelectorAll(selectors)) {
- const img = item.querySelector("img");
- if (!img) continue;
- img.replaceWith(DOC.create("a", { href: VOID }, img.cloneNode()));
- const code = item.querySelector(codeQuery)?.textContent;
- if (!code) continue;
- item.querySelector(".video-title")?.classList.add("x-title");
- res.push({ item, code });
- }
- this.driveMatchForList(res, upQuery);
- this.click.selectors = selectors;
- this.click.codeQuery = codeQuery;
- this.click.upQuery = upQuery;
- this.globalClick();
- },
- movieRes() {
- const { res } = this.params;
- if (!res?.length) return;
- const box = DOC.querySelector(".column-video-cover");
- const info = DOC.querySelector(".movie-panel-info");
- const first = "x-cover";
- const firstQuery = `button[for=${first}]`;
- const cover = box.querySelector("a[data-fancybox]");
- cover.setAttribute("data-fancybox", "tabbar");
- cover.setAttribute("id", first);
- cover.classList.add("active");
- box.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "afterbegin",
- '<div class="x-side prev"><span>🔙</span></div><div class="x-side next"><span>🔜</span></div>'
- );
- info.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "afterbegin",
- `<div class="panel-block">
- <div id="x-res" class="buttons has-addons are-small">
- <button class="button is-light is-active" for="${first}">封面</button>
- ${res
- .map(
- item =>
- `<button class="button is-light is-loading" for="x-${item}" disabled>暂无</button>`
- )
- .join("")}
- </div>
- </div>`
- );
- box.addEventListener("click", e => {
- const { target } = e;
- const side = target.closest(".x-side");
- if (side) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- const navs = info.querySelectorAll("#x-res button:not([disabled])");
- const { length } = navs;
- if (length === 1) return;
- let index = Array.from(navs).findIndex(item => item.classList.contains("is-active"));
- index = side.classList.contains("next") ? index + 1 : index - 1;
- if (index > length - 1) index = 0;
- if (index === -1) index = length - 1;
- return navs[index].click();
- }
- if (target.closest(".x-player")) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- return box.querySelector(".x-side.next").click();
- }
- });
- info.querySelector("#x-res").addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
- const tag = target.getAttribute("for");
- if (!tag) return;
- const active = box.querySelector(`#${tag}`);
- if (target.classList.contains("is-active")) return active.querySelector("video")?.focus();
- const _target = info.querySelector("#x-res .is-active");
- _target.classList.toggle("is-active");
- if (_target.matches(firstQuery)) box.classList.remove("x-player");
- target.classList.toggle("is-active");
- if (target.matches(firstQuery) && box.classList.contains("isPlayer")) {
- box.classList.add("x-player");
- }
- const _active = box.querySelector(".active");
- _active.classList.toggle("active");
- _active.querySelector("video")?.pause();
- active.classList.toggle("active");
- const video = active.querySelector("video");
- if (!video) return;
- video.focus();
- video.play();
- });
- res.forEach(key => {
- this.upMovieResource(key, val => {
- const id = `x-${key}`;
- const nav = info.querySelector(`button[for=${id}]`);
- nav.classList.remove("is-loading");
- if (!val.length) return;
- this.info[key] = val;
- nav.removeAttribute("disabled");
- nav.innerHTML = TAB_NAME[key];
- const targetId = `${id}-target`;
- const node = key === "img" ? DOC.create(key, { src: val }) : createVideo(val, { id: targetId });
- const container = DOC.create(
- "a",
- { "data-fancybox": "tabbar", id, href: key === "img" ? val : `#${targetId}` },
- node
- );
- box.append(container);
- if (key === "img" || !nav.previousElementSibling?.matches(firstQuery)) return;
- box.classList.add("isPlayer", "x-player");
- });
- });
- },
- movieTitle() {
- this.upMovieResource(
- "title",
- val => {
- DOC.querySelector("#x-title").textContent = val.length ? val : "暂无数据";
- },
- () => {
- DOC.querySelector(".panel-block.first-block").insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforebegin",
- '<div class="panel-block"><strong>机翻:</strong> <span id="x-title" class="value">查询中...</span></div>'
- );
- }
- );
- },
- _movieJump() {
- this.movieJump(
- this.info,
- res => {
- DOC.querySelector(".panel-block.first-block").insertAdjacentHTML(
- "afterend",
- res
- .map(
- ({ group, list }) =>
- `<div class="panel-block"><strong>${group}:</strong> <div class="tags">${list
- .map(
- ({ url, query, name }) =>
- `<span class="x-jump tag is-light${
- query ? " is-info" : ""
- }" data-query="${query}" data-href="${url}">${name}</span>`
- )
- .join("")}</div></div>`
- )
- .join("")
- );
- },
- (res, { classList }) => {
- classList.remove("is-light");
- if (res.zh) classList.replace("is-info", "is-warning");
- }
- );
- },
- movieScore() {
- const { score } = this.params;
- if (!score?.length) return;
- const scoreTarget = DOC.querySelector(".panel-block.score");
- const insertTarget = scoreTarget ?? DOC.querySelector(".panel-block.genre, .panel-block.star");
- const insertScore = (position, item) => {
- insertTarget?.insertAdjacentHTML(
- position,
- `<div class="panel-block"><strong>${item.toUpperCase()}评分:</strong> <span id="x-${item}_score" class="value">查询中...</span></div>`
- );
- };
- let position = "beforebegin";
- for (const item of score) {
- if (item === "db") {
- if (scoreTarget) {
- scoreTarget.querySelector("strong").innerHTML = "DB评分:";
- position = "afterend";
- }
- continue;
- }
- insertScore(position, item);
- }
- score
- .filter(key => key !== "db")
- .forEach(key => {
- key = `${key}_score`;
- this.upMovieResource(key, val => {
- const node = DOC.querySelector(`#x-${key}`);
- if (!val.length) {
- node.textContent = "暂无数据";
- return;
- }
- const { score, total, num } = val[0];
- let stars = Math.floor((score / total) * 5);
- stars = Array(5).fill("", 0, stars).fill(" gray", stars, 5);
- node.innerHTML = `<span class="score-stars">${stars
- .map(item => `<i class="icon-star${item}"></i>`)
- .join("")}</span> ${score}分${num ? `, 由${num}人评价` : ""}`;
- });
- });
- },
- movieStar() {
- const target = DOC.querySelector(".panel-block.star .value");
- this.upMovieResource(
- "star",
- val => {
- this.info.star = val;
- target.innerHTML = !val.length
- ? "暂无数据"
- : val
- .map(
- item =>
- `<a href="/search?f=actor&q=${item}">${item}</a><strong class="symbol female">♀</strong>`
- )
- .join(" ");
- },
- () => {
- target.innerHTML = "查询中...";
- }
- );
- },
- refactorTable() {
- let caption = DOC.querySelector(".top-meta");
- caption.classList.add("is-flex");
- caption.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", '<div class="tags"></div>');
- caption = caption.querySelector(".tags");
- const table = DOC.querySelector("#magnets-content");
- table.parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", '<div id="x-total">总数 0</div>');
- const magnets = [];
- for (const item of table.querySelectorAll(".item")) {
- const first = item.querySelector("a");
- if (!first) continue;
- const size = first.querySelector(".meta")?.textContent?.trim() ?? "";
- magnets.push({
- name: first.querySelector(".name").textContent,
- link: first.href.split("&")[0],
- size,
- bytes: transToBytes(size),
- zh: !!first.querySelector(".tag.is-warning.is-small.is-light"),
- date: item.querySelector(".time")?.textContent ?? "",
- });
- }
- table.innerHTML = "暂无数据";
- this.refactorTbody(magnets);
- (this.params?.magnet ?? []).forEach(key => {
- key = `${key}_magnet`;
- this.upMovieResource(
- key,
- res => this.refactorTbody(res, key),
- () => {
- caption.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- `<span class="tag is-success is-light" id="x-${key}">${key
- .split("_")[0]
- .toUpperCase()}搜索</span>`
- );
- }
- );
- });
- },
- refactorTbody(magnets, key) {
- if (!magnets.length) return;
- if (key) DOC.querySelector(`#x-${key}`)?.classList.remove("is-light");
- let start;
- if (this.magnets.length) {
- for (const item of magnets) {
- const { link, zh } = item;
- const index = this.magnets.findIndex(item => item.link.toLowerCase() === link.toLowerCase());
- if (index === -1) {
- this.magnets.push(item);
- continue;
- }
- if (zh) this.magnets[index].zh = zh;
- }
- magnets = this.magnets;
- } else {
- const caption = DOC.querySelector(".top-meta");
- start = () => {
- caption
- .querySelector(".tags")
- .insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", '<span class="tag is-success">磁力排序</span>');
- };
- if (this.M_COPY) {
- caption.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- `<a href="${VOID}" data-copy="all" title="复制全部磁链" class="tag is-info">复制全部</a>`
- );
- }
- DOC.querySelector("#magnets .message-body").addEventListener("click", e => {
- const { copy, magnet } = e.target.dataset;
- if (!copy && !magnet) return;
- if (magnet) return this._driveOffLine(e);
- if (copy !== "all") return handleCopy(e);
- handleCopy(e, "", this.magnets.map(item => item.link).join("\n"));
- });
- }
- const total = DOC.querySelector("#x-total");
- if (total) total.textContent = `总数 ${magnets.length}`;
- magnets = this.movieSort(magnets, start);
- this.magnets = magnets;
- DOC.querySelector("#magnets-content").innerHTML = this.refactorTr(magnets);
- },
- refactorTr(magnets) {
- return magnets
- .map(
- ({ name, link, size, date, from, href, zh }) =>
- `<div class="item columns odd">
- <div class="column" title="${name}">
- <a href="${link}" class="x-ellipsis">${name}</a>
- </div>
- <div class="column x-line" title="${size}">${size}</div>
- <div class="column x-line" title="${date}">${date}</div>
- <div class="column">
- <a
- class="tag is-danger is-light x-from"
- href="${href || VOID}"
- ${href ? ' target="_blank" title="查看详情"' : ""}
- >${from || Domain}</a>
- </div>
- <div class="column">
- ${zh ? '<span class="tag is-warning is-light">字幕</span>' : ""}
- </div>
- <div class="column">
- <a
- href="${VOID}"
- class="tag is-info is-hidden"
- title="复制磁力链接"
- data-copy="${link}"
- >复制链接</a><a
- href="${VOID}"
- class="tag is-info x-ml is-hidden"
- title="添加离线任务"
- data-magnet="${link}"
- >添加离线</a>
- </div>
- </div>`
- )
- .join("");
- },
- driveMatch() {
- this.driveMatchForMovie(
- this.info,
- res => {
- const refresh = DOC.querySelector("#x-refresh");
- refresh.inert = false;
- refresh.textContent = "刷新资源";
- refresh.classList.remove("active");
- DOC.querySelector("#x-match").innerHTML = !res.length
- ? "暂无数据"
- : res
- .map(
- ({ n, pc, fid, cid, t }) =>
- `<a class="x-ellipsis" href="${VOID}" data-n="${n}" data-pc="${pc}" data-fid="${fid}" data-cid="${cid}" title="[${t}] ${n}"><span class="x-btn" title="资源调整"></span>${n}</a>`
- )
- .join("");
- },
- () => {
- const refresh = DOC.querySelector("#x-refresh");
- if (refresh) {
- refresh.inert = true;
- refresh.textContent = "请求中...";
- return refresh.classList.add("active");
- }
- const { icon, resources } = GM_info.script;
- addPrefetch([icon, ...resources.map(item => item.url)]);
- GM_addStyle("#magnets-content a[data-magnet]{display:inline-flex!important}");
- DOC.querySelector(".movie-panel-info").insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- '<div class="panel-block"><strong>资源:</strong> <span class="value" id="x-match">查询中...</span></div><div class="panel-block"><div id="toolbar" class="buttons has-addons are-small"><button class="button is-info" id="x-magnet" data-magnet="all">一键离线</button><button class="button is-info" id="x-refresh" inert>请求中...</button></div></div>'
- );
- DOC.querySelector("#x-refresh").addEventListener("click", () => this.driveMatch());
- DOC.querySelector("#x-magnet").addEventListener("click", e => this._driveOffLine(e));
- const modify = this.upModifyTarget();
- DOC.querySelector("#x-match").addEventListener("click", e => {
- if (e.target.dataset.pc) this.advancedLink(e, { type: "left" });
- if (e.target.classList.contains("x-btn")) this.driveModify(e, modify);
- });
- DOC.querySelector("#x-match").addEventListener("contextmenu", e => {
- if (e.target.dataset.cid) this.advancedLink(e, { type: "right" });
- });
- }
- );
- },
- _driveOffLine(e) {
- this.driveOffLine(e, { ...this.info, magnets: this.magnets });
- },
- };
- others = {
- docStart() {
- this.globalDark(this._style.common);
- this.listMerge();
- },
- contentLoaded() {
- this.globalSearch();
- },
- };
- }
- class JavBus extends Common {
- constructor() {
- super();
- return super.init();
- }
- routes = {
- list: /^\/((uncensored\/?)?(page\/\d+)?$)|((uncensored\/)?(((search|star)+|genre|studio|label|series|director|member)+\/)|actresses(\/\d+)?)+/i,
- genre: /^\/(uncensored\/)?genre$/i,
- forum: /^\/forum\//i,
- movie: /^\/[a-z0-9]+(-|\w)+/i,
- };
- _style = {
- common: `
- body {
- overflow-y: overlay;
- }
- .ad-box,
- footer {
- display: none;
- }
- `,
- card: `
- a:is(.movie-box, .avatar-box) {
- width: var(--x-thumb-w);
- margin: 10px !important;
- }
- .photo-frame {
- height: auto !important;
- margin: 10px !important;
- background: var(--x-sub-ftc);
- border: none;
- }
- .movie-box .photo-frame {
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-thumb-ratio);
- }
- .avatar-box .photo-frame {
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-avatar-ratio);
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- .photo-frame img {
- width: 100%;
- max-width: none !important;
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- max-height: none !important;
- margin: 0 !important;
- object-fit: cover;
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- .photo-info {
- height: auto !important;
- padding: 0 10px 10px;
- line-height: var(--x-line-h);
- background: unset;
- border: none;
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- dark: `
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- background: var(--x-grey) !important;
- }
- .nav > :is(li.active, .open) > a,
- .nav > .open > a:is(:hover, :focus),
- .dropdown-menu {
- background: var(--x-bgc) !important;
- }
- .modal-content, .alert {
- background: var(--x-sub-bgc) !important;
- }
- .btn-primary {
- background: var(--x-blue) !important;
- border: none;
- }
- .btn-success {
- background: var(--x-green) !important;
- border: none;
- }
- .btn-warning {
- background: var(--x-orange) !important;
- border: none;
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- .btn-danger {
- background: var(--x-red) !important;
- border: none;
- }
- .btn-link {
- background: none !important;
- border: none;
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- .btn.disabled, .btn[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .btn {
- opacity: .8 !important;
- }
- `,
- dmCard: `
- .movie-box, .avatar-box {
- background: var(--x-sub-bgc) !important;
- }
- .photo-frame {
- background: var(--x-grey);
- }
- .photo-info {
- color: unset;
- }
- .photo-info span date {
- color: var(--x-sub-ftc);
- }
- `,
- };
- search = {
- selectors: "#search-input",
- pathname: `/search/${REP}`,
- };
- click = {
- selectors: [".movie-box", ".avatar-box"],
- codeQuery: "date",
- upQuery: ".photo-frame",
- };
- merge = {
- start: (list, active) => {
- if (active) {
- active = " active";
- DOC.querySelector("#navbar .active").classList.remove("active");
- }
- DOC.querySelector("#navbar > .nav.navbar-nav")?.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- `<li id="merge" class="dropdown hidden-sm${active}">
- <a
- href="#"
- class="dropdown-toggle"
- data-toggle="dropdown"
- data-hover="dropdown"
- role="button"
- aria-expanded="false"
- >合并列表 <span class="caret"></span></a>
- <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
- ${list.reduce((prev, curr) => `${prev}<li><a href="/?merge=${curr}">${curr}</a></li>`, "")}
- </ul>
- </li>`
- );
- },
- };
- list = {
- imgReplace: [
- {
- regex: /\/thumbs?\//i,
- replace: val => val.replace(/\/thumbs?\//g, "/cover/").replace(".jpg", "_b.jpg"),
- },
- {
- regex: /pics\.dmm\.co\.jp/i,
- replace: val => val.replace("ps.jpg", "pl.jpg"),
- },
- ],
- docStart() {
- const { common, card, dark, dmCard } = this._style;
- const style = `
- .alert-common, .alert-page {
- margin-top: 20px;
- }
- .search-header {
- padding: 0;
- background: none;
- box-shadow: none;
- }
- .search-header .nav-tabs, #waterfall {
- display: none;
- }
- #waterfall, #waterfall img {
- opacity: 0;
- }
- .text-center.hidden-xs {
- display: none;
- line-height: 0;
- }
- .pagination {
- margin-bottom: 40px;
- }
- .movie-box .x-title + div {
- height: var(--x-line-h) !important;
- margin: 4px 0;
- }
- .mleft {
- display: flex !important;
- align-items: center;
- }
- .mleft .btn-xs {
- margin: 0 6px 0 0 !important;
- }
- `;
- const dmStyle = `
- .nav-pills > li.active > a {
- background-color: var(--x-blue) !important;
- }
- .pagination > li > a {
- color: var(--x-ftc) !important;
- background-color: var(--x-sub-bgc) !important;
- }
- .pagination > li:not(.active) > a:hover {
- background-color: var(--x-grey) !important;
- }
- `;
- this.globalDark(`${common}${style}${card}${this.listMovieTitle()}`, `${dark}${dmStyle}${dmCard}`);
- this.listMerge();
- this.upLOLTarget();
- },
- contentLoaded() {
- this.globalSearch();
- this.globalClick();
- this.modifyLayout();
- },
- modifyLayout() {
- DOC.querySelector(".search-header .nav")?.classList.replace("nav-tabs", "nav-pills");
- const container = unsafeWindow.$("#waterfall");
- this.listScroll({
- container: "#waterfall",
- path: "#next",
- start: items => container.empty().append(items).show().masonry("reload"),
- showPage: () => DOC.querySelector(".text-center.hidden-xs")?.classList.add("x-show"),
- onLoad: items => {
- items = unsafeWindow.$(items);
- container.append(items).masonry("appended", items);
- },
- });
- },
- modifyItem(items, isMerge) {
- const isMovieList = items.some(item => item.querySelector(".movie-box"));
- const res = [];
- const hlUrls = [];
- for (let index = 0, { length } = items; index < length; index++) {
- const item = items[index];
- let code = "";
- let date = "";
- let highlight = false;
- if (isMovieList) {
- [code, date] = item.querySelectorAll("date");
- if (!code || !date) continue;
- code = code?.textContent.trim();
- date = date?.textContent.replaceAll("-", "").trim();
- if (!code || !date) continue;
- if (isMerge && res.some(t => t.code === code && t.date === date)) continue;
- this.modifyMovieCard(item);
- if (item.querySelector(".x-hide")) continue;
- highlight = item.querySelector(".x-highlight");
- if (highlight) hlUrls.push(highlight.href);
- } else {
- this.modifyAvatarCard(item);
- }
- fadeInImg(item);
- res.push({ code, date, highlight: !!highlight, item });
- }
- if (!res.length) return res;
- if (isMovieList) {
- this.driveMatchForList(res, this.click.upQuery);
- addPrefetch(hlUrls);
- if (isMerge) res.sort((pre, next) => next.date - pre.date);
- res.sort((pre, next) => (pre.highlight > next.highlight ? -1 : 1));
- }
- return res.map(({ item }) => item);
- },
- modifyMovieCard(item) {
- item = item.querySelector(".movie-box");
- if (!item) return;
- const info = item.querySelector(".photo-info span");
- info.querySelector(".__cf_email__")?.remove();
- info.innerHTML = info.innerHTML.replace("<br>", "");
- const titleNode = info.firstChild;
- const title = titleNode.textContent.trim();
- const code = info.querySelector("date").textContent.trim();
- const tags = info.querySelectorAll(".item-tag button");
- const filterClass = this.listFilter({ code, title, tags });
- if (filterClass) item.classList.add(filterClass);
- if (filterClass === "x-hide") return;
- this.listMovieImgType(item, this.imgReplace);
- const reTitle = DOC.create("div", { title, class: "x-ellipsis x-title" }, title);
- reTitle.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "afterbegin",
- `<span class="x-btn" title="列表离线" data-code="${code}" data-title="${title}"></span>`
- );
- titleNode.replaceWith(reTitle);
- },
- modifyAvatarCard(item) {
- item = item.querySelector(".avatar-box");
- if (!item) return;
- const info = item.querySelector("span");
- if (!info.classList.contains("mleft")) return info.classList.add("x-line");
- const titleNode = info.firstChild;
- const title = titleNode.textContent.trim();
- titleNode.replaceWith(DOC.create("div", { title, class: "x-line" }, title));
- info.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", info.querySelector("button"));
- },
- };
- genre = {
- docStart() {
- const { common, dark } = this._style;
- const style =
- ":root{accent-color:var(--x-blue)}.container-fluid{padding:0 20px!important}.alert-common{margin:20px 0 0!important}h4{margin:20px 0 10px 0!important}.genre-box{margin:10px 0 20px 0!important;padding:20px!important}.genre-box a{text-align:left!important;cursor:pointer!important;user-select:none!important}.genre-box input{margin:0 4px 0 0!important;vertical-align:middle!important}.x-last-box{margin-bottom:70px!important}button.btn.btn-danger.btn-block.btn-genre{position:fixed!important;bottom:0!important;left:0!important;margin:0!important;border:none!important;border-radius:0!important}";
- const dmStyle = ".genre-box{background:var(--x-sub-bgc)!important}";
- this.globalDark(`${common}${style}`, `${dark}${dmStyle}`);
- this.listMerge();
- },
- contentLoaded() {
- this.globalSearch();
- if (!DOC.querySelector("button.btn.btn-danger.btn-block.btn-genre")) return;
- const box = DOC.querySelectorAll(".genre-box");
- box[box.length - 1].classList.add("x-last-box");
- DOC.querySelector(".container-fluid.pt10").addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
- if (target.nodeName !== "A" || !target.classList.contains("text-center")) return;
- const checkbox = target.querySelector("input");
- checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked;
- });
- },
- };
- forum = {
- docStart() {
- const style =
- "#nv_search #ft,.banner300,.banner728,.bcpic,.bcpic2,.jav-footer{display:none!important}#toptb{position:fixed!important;top:0!important;right:0!important;left:0!important;z-index:999!important;border-color:#e7e7e7;box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15),0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.075)}#search-input{border-right:none!important}.jav-button{margin-top:-3px!important;margin-left:-4px!important}#wp{margin-top:55px!important}#ct:has(#scform){margin-top:38px}.biaoqicn_show a{width:20px!important;height:20px!important;line-height:20px!important;opacity:.7;user-select:none!important}#online .bm_h{border-bottom:none!important}#online .bm_h .o img{margin-top:48%}#moquu_top{right:20px;bottom:20px;box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15),0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.075)}";
- const ifDark = this.G_DARK
- ? "::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background:var(--x-grey)!important}*{box-shadow:none!important;font-weight:600}#x-mask,html,img{filter:invert(1) hue-rotate(.5turn)}img{opacity:.85}"
- : "";
- this.globalDark(`${this._style.common}${style}${ifDark}`);
- this.merge.start = list => {
- DOC.querySelector("#toptb ul")?.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- `<li class="nav-title nav-inactive"><a href="/?merge=${list[0]}">合并列表</a></li>`
- );
- };
- this.listMerge();
- },
- contentLoaded() {
- this.globalSearch();
- },
- };
- movie = {
- info: {},
- params: {},
- magnets: [],
- docStart() {
- const { common, card, dark, dmCard } = this._style;
- const style = `
- #mag-submit-show,
- #mag-submit,
- #magnet-table,
- h4[style="position:relative"],
- h4[style="position:relative"] + .row,
- .info .glyphicon-info-sign {
- display: none !important;
- }
- html {
- padding-right: 0 !important;
- }
- .container {
- margin-bottom: 40px;
- }
- @media (width >= 1270px) {
- .container {
- width: 1270px;
- }
- }
- .row.movie {
- padding: 10px 0;
- }
- @media (width <= 480px) {
- .row.movie {
- padding: 0 !important;
- }
- }
- .screencap, .info {
- border: none !important;
- padding: 0 10px;
- }
- .bigImage {
- position: relative;
- overflow: hidden;
- display: block;
- background: var(--x-sub-ftc);
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-cover-ratio);
- }
- .bigImage :is(img, video) {
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- object-fit: contain;
- }
- .bigImage [id] {
- opacity: 0;
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- }
- .bigImage .active {
- z-index: 1;
- opacity: 1 !important;
- transition: opacity .25s linear;
- }
- @media (width <= 992px) {
- .info {
- padding-top: 10px !important;
- }
- }
- .info p {
- line-height: var(--x-line-h) !important;
- }
- .info :is(.header, .star-show, ul) {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- .info :is(.glyphicon-plus, .glyphicon-minus) {
- margin-left: 4px;
- font-size: 13px;
- }
- .star-box li {
- background: var(--x-sub-ftc) !important;
- }
- .star-box img {
- width: 100% !important;
- height: 100% !important;
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-avatar-ratio) !important;
- font-size: 0;
- margin: 0 !important;
- }
- .star-box .star-name {
- padding: 6px 4px !important;
- background: #fff;
- border: none !important;
- }
- .star-box .star-name,
- :is(.avatar-box, .movie-box) span {
- display: block;
- overflow: hidden;
- white-space: nowrap;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- }
- #magneturlpost + .movie {
- margin-top: 20px !important;
- padding: 10px !important;
- }
- #avatar-waterfall,
- #sample-waterfall,
- #related-waterfall {
- margin: -10px !important;
- word-spacing: -20px;
- }
- .avatar-box,
- .sample-box,
- .movie-box {
- vertical-align: top !important;
- word-spacing: 0 !important;
- }
- .avatar-box span {
- padding-top: 0 !important;
- background-color: unset !important;
- border: none !important;
- }
- .sample-box {
- margin: 10px !important;
- width: var(--x-thumb-w) !important;
- }
- .sample-box .photo-frame {
- aspect-ratio: var(--x-sprite-ratio);
- }
- .is-loading {
- animation: spinAround .7s linear infinite;
- }
- @keyframes spinAround {
- 0% { transform: rotate(0deg) }
- to { transform: rotate(359deg) }
- }
- .x-star {
- color: var(--x-orange);
- }
- .x-table {
- margin: 0 !important;
- }
- .x-caption .label {
- position: unset !important;
- }
- .x-table tr {
- display: table;
- width: 100%;
- table-layout: fixed;
- }
- .x-table tr > * {
- vertical-align: middle !important;
- border-left: none !important;
- }
- .x-table tr > *:first-child {
- width: 50px;
- }
- .x-table tr > *:nth-child(2) {
- width: 33.3%;
- }
- .x-table tr > *:last-child,
- .x-table tfoot tr > th:not(:nth-child(3)) {
- border-right: none !important;
- }
- .x-table tbody {
- display: block;
- ${this.M_LINE > 0 ? `max-height: calc(39px * ${this.M_LINE} - 1px);` : ""}
- overscroll-behavior-y: contain;
- overflow: overlay;
- table-layout: fixed;
- }
- .x-table tbody tr > * {
- border-top: none !important;
- }
- .x-table tbody tr:last-child > *,
- .x-table tfoot tr > * {
- border-bottom: none !important;
- }
- .x-table code {
- display: inline-block;
- min-width: 65px;
- }
- .x-table td a:not(:last-child) {
- margin-right: 10px;
- }
- #x-match a {
- color: #CC0000 !important;
- }
- `;
- const dmStyle = `
- .bigImage,
- .btn-group a,
- .star-box li,
- tbody tr:hover,
- .table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(odd):hover,
- .x-table code {
- background: var(--x-grey) !important;
- }
- .btn-group a.active {
- background: var(--x-bgc) !important;
- }
- .movie,
- .btn-group a[disabled],
- .star-box .star-name,
- .sample-box,
- .table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
- background: var(--x-sub-bgc) !important;
- }
- .avatar-box span {
- color: unset !important;
- }
- `;
- this.globalDark(`${common}${style}${card}`, `${dark}${dmStyle}${dmCard}`);
- this.listMerge();
- },
- contentLoaded() {
- this.globalSearch();
- this.modifyItem();
- const infoNode = DOC.querySelector(".info");
- const info = infoNode.textContent;
- const codeNode = infoNode.querySelector("span[style='color:#CC0000;']");
- const code = codeNode.textContent;
- const titleNode = DOC.querySelector("h3");
- const title = titleNode.textContent.replace(code, "").trim();
- this.info = {
- code,
- title,
- cover: DOC.querySelector(".bigImage img").src,
- isVR: VR_REGEX.test(title),
- studio: info.match(/(?<=製作商: ).+/g)?.pop(0),
- star: Array.from(infoNode.querySelectorAll("ul + p a")).map(item => item.textContent),
- series: info.match(/(?<=系列: ).+/g)?.pop(0),
- genre: Array.from(infoNode.querySelectorAll("p.header + p a")).map(item => item.textContent),
- };
- const cid = DOC.querySelector("#sample-waterfall a.sample-box")?.href;
- if (cid?.includes("pics.dmm.co.jp")) this.info.cid = cid.split("/").at(-2);
- this.getMovieResource(this.info);
- if (this.M_COPY) {
- addCopy(titleNode, { title: "复制标题" });
- addCopy(codeNode, { title: "复制番号" });
- GM_addStyle("tbody a[data-copy]{display:inline!important}");
- infoNode.addEventListener("contextmenu", e => {
- const { target } = e;
- if (!target.closest("#x-star") || !target.matches("a")) return;
- handleCopy(e, "", target.textContent);
- });
- }
- this.movieRes();
- this.movieTitle();
- this._movieJump();
- this.movieScore();
- this.movieStar();
- this.driveMatch();
- const tableObs = new MutationObserver((_, obs) => {
- obs.disconnect();
- this.refactorTable();
- });
- tableObs.observe(DOC.querySelector("#movie-loading"), { attributeFilter: ["style"] });
- },
- modifyItem() {
- const container = DOC.querySelector("#related-waterfall");
- if (!container) return;
- const res = [];
- for (const item of container.querySelectorAll(".movie-box")) {
- const code = item.href?.split("/").at(-1);
- if (!CODE_REGEX.test(code)) continue;
- item.append(DOC.create("date", { class: "x-hide" }, code));
- item.querySelector(".photo-info span").classList.add("x-title");
- res.push({ item, code });
- }
- this.driveMatchForList(res, ".photo-frame");
- this.globalClick();
- },
- movieRes() {
- const { res } = this.params;
- if (!res?.length) return;
- unsafeWindow.$(".bigImage").magnificPopup({
- type: "image",
- closeOnContentClick: true,
- closeBtnInside: false,
- image: { verticalFit: false },
- });
- const box = DOC.querySelector(".bigImage");
- const info = DOC.querySelector(".info");
- const first = "x-cover";
- const firstQuery = `a[for=${first}]`;
- const cover = box.querySelector("img");
- cover.setAttribute("id", first);
- cover.classList.add("active");
- box.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "afterbegin",
- '<div class="x-side prev"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></div><div class="x-side next"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></div>'
- );
- info.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "afterbegin",
- `<div id="x-res" class="btn-group btn-group-sm btn-group-justified mb10">
- <a href="${VOID}" class="btn btn-default active" role="button" for="${first}">封面</a>
- ${res
- .map(
- item =>
- `<a href="${VOID}" class="btn btn-default" role="button" for="x-${item}" disabled><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat is-loading" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>`
- )
- .join("")}
- </div>`
- );
- box.addEventListener(
- "click",
- e => {
- const { target } = e;
- const side = target.closest(".x-side");
- if (side) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- const navs = info.querySelectorAll("#x-res a:not([disabled])");
- const { length } = navs;
- if (length === 1) return;
- let index = Array.from(navs).findIndex(item => item.classList.contains("active"));
- index = side.classList.contains("next") ? index + 1 : index - 1;
- if (index > length - 1) index = 0;
- if (index === -1) index = length - 1;
- return navs[index].click();
- }
- if (target.closest(".x-player")) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- return box.querySelector(".x-side.next").click();
- }
- const { nodeName } = target;
- if (nodeName === "IMG") box.href = target.src;
- if (nodeName !== "VIDEO") return;
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- target.paused ? target.play() : target.pause();
- },
- true
- );
- info.querySelector("#x-res").addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
- const tag = target.getAttribute("for");
- if (!tag) return;
- const active = box.querySelector(`#${tag}`);
- if (target.classList.contains("active")) return active.focus();
- const _target = info.querySelector("#x-res .active");
- _target.classList.toggle("active");
- if (_target.matches(firstQuery)) box.classList.remove("x-player");
- target.classList.toggle("active");
- if (target.matches(firstQuery) && box.classList.contains("isPlayer")) {
- box.classList.add("x-player");
- }
- const _active = box.querySelector(".active");
- _active.classList.toggle("active");
- if (_active.nodeName === "VIDEO") _active.pause();
- active.classList.toggle("active");
- if (active.nodeName !== "VIDEO") return;
- active.focus();
- active.play();
- });
- res.forEach(key => {
- this.upMovieResource(key, val => {
- const id = `x-${key}`;
- const nav = info.querySelector(`a[for=${id}]`);
- if (!val.length) {
- nav.innerHTML = "暂无";
- return;
- }
- this.info[key] = val;
- nav.removeAttribute("disabled");
- nav.innerHTML = TAB_NAME[key];
- const node = key === "img" ? DOC.create(key, { src: val, id }) : createVideo(val, { id });
- box.append(node);
- if (key === "img" || !nav.previousElementSibling?.matches(firstQuery)) return;
- box.classList.add("isPlayer", "x-player");
- });
- });
- },
- movieTitle() {
- this.upMovieResource(
- "title",
- val => {
- DOC.querySelector("#x-title").textContent = val.length ? val : "暂无数据";
- },
- () => {
- DOC.querySelector("span[style='color:#CC0000;']").parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforebegin",
- '<p><span class="header">机翻标题:</span> <span id="x-title">查询中...</span></p>'
- );
- }
- );
- },
- _movieJump() {
- this.movieJump(
- this.info,
- res => {
- DOC.querySelector("span[style='color:#CC0000;']").parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "afterend",
- res
- .map(
- ({ group, list }) =>
- `<p><span class="header">${group}:</span> ${list
- .map(
- ({ url, query, name }) =>
- `<button type="button" class="x-jump btn ${
- query ? "btn-default" : "btn-link"
- } btn-xs" data-query="${query}" data-href="${url}">${name}</button>`
- )
- .join("")}</p>`
- )
- .join("")
- );
- },
- (res, node) => node.classList.replace("btn-default", res.zh ? "btn-warning" : "btn-primary")
- );
- },
- movieScore() {
- const { score } = this.params;
- if (!score?.length) return;
- DOC.querySelector("p.header, p.star-show").insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforebegin",
- score
- .map(
- item =>
- `<p><span class="header">${item.toUpperCase()}评分:</span> <span id="x-${item}_score">查询中...</span></p>`
- )
- .join("")
- );
- score.forEach(key => {
- key = `${key}_score`;
- this.upMovieResource(key, val => {
- const node = DOC.querySelector(`#x-${key}`);
- if (!val.length) {
- node.textContent = "暂无数据";
- return;
- }
- const { score, total, num } = val[0];
- let stars = Math.floor((score / total) * 5);
- stars = Array(5).fill(" x-star", 0, stars).fill("", stars, 5);
- node.innerHTML = `${stars
- .map(item => `<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star${item}"></span>`)
- .join("")} ${score}分${num ? `, ${num}人评价` : ""}`;
- });
- });
- },
- movieStar() {
- const noStar = DOC.querySelector(".glyphicon-info-sign");
- if (!noStar) return DOC.querySelector(".info ul + p").setAttribute("id", "x-star");
- noStar.nextSibling.replaceWith(DOC.create("p", { id: "x-star" }, "暫無出演者資訊"));
- this.upMovieResource(
- "star",
- val => {
- this.info.star = val;
- DOC.querySelector("#x-star").innerHTML = !val.length
- ? "暂无数据"
- : val
- .map(item => `<span class="genre"><a href="/searchstar/${item}">${item}</a></span>`)
- .join("");
- },
- () => {
- DOC.querySelector("#x-star").innerHTML = "查询中...";
- }
- );
- },
- refactorTable() {
- const table = DOC.querySelector("#magnet-table");
- const keys = (this.params?.magnet ?? []).map(item => `${item}_magnet`);
- const magnets = [];
- if (this.params.hasOwnProperty("sub")) {
- keys.unshift("sub");
- } else {
- for (const tr of table.querySelectorAll("tr")) {
- let [first, size, date] = tr.querySelectorAll("td");
- if (!first || !size || !date) continue;
- const link = first.querySelector("a");
- if (!link?.href) continue;
- size = size?.textContent?.trim() ?? "";
- magnets.push({
- name: link?.textContent?.trim() ?? "",
- link: link.href.split("&")[0],
- zh: !!first.querySelector("a.btn.btn-mini-new.btn-warning.disabled"),
- size,
- bytes: transToBytes(size),
- date: date?.textContent?.trim() ?? "",
- });
- }
- }
- table.parentElement.innerHTML = `
- <table class="table table-striped table-hover table-bordered x-table">
- <caption><div class="x-flex-center x-caption">重构的表格</div></caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th scope="col">#</th>
- <th scope="col">磁力名称</th>
- <th scope="col">档案大小</th>
- <th scope="col">分享日期</th>
- <th scope="col" class="text-center">来源</th>
- <th scope="col" class="text-center">字幕</th>
- <th scope="col">操作</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr><th scope="row" colspan="7" class="text-center text-muted">暂无数据</th></tr>
- </tbody>
- <tfoot>
- <tr>
- <th scope="row"></th>
- <th></th>
- <th colspan="4" class="text-right">总数</th>
- <td>0</td>
- </tr>
- </tfoot>
- </table>`;
- const caption = DOC.querySelector(".x-table .x-caption");
- this.refactorTbody(magnets);
- keys.forEach(key => {
- this.upMovieResource(
- key,
- res => this.refactorTbody(res, key),
- () => {
- caption.insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- `<span class="label label-default" id="x-${key}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span> ${
- key === "sub" ? "字幕筛选" : `${key.split("_")[0].toUpperCase()}搜索`
- }</span>`
- );
- }
- );
- });
- },
- refactorTbody(magnets, key) {
- if (!magnets.length) return;
- const table = DOC.querySelector(".x-table");
- if (key) table.querySelector(`#x-${key}`).classList.replace("label-default", "label-success");
- let start;
- if (this.magnets.length) {
- for (const item of magnets) {
- const { link, zh } = item;
- const index = this.magnets.findIndex(item => item.link.toLowerCase() === link.toLowerCase());
- if (index === -1) {
- this.magnets.push(item);
- continue;
- }
- if (zh) this.magnets[index].zh = zh;
- }
- magnets = this.magnets;
- } else {
- start = () => {
- table
- .querySelector(".x-caption")
- .insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- '<span class="label label-success" id="x-sort"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span> 磁力排序</span>'
- );
- };
- if (this.M_COPY) {
- table.querySelector(
- "thead th:last-child"
- ).innerHTML = `<a href="${VOID}" data-copy="all" title="复制全部磁链">复制全部</a>`;
- }
- table.addEventListener("click", e => {
- const { copy, magnet } = e.target.dataset;
- if (!copy && !magnet) return;
- if (magnet) return this._driveOffLine(e);
- if (copy !== "all") return handleCopy(e);
- handleCopy(e, "", this.magnets.map(item => item.link).join("\n"));
- });
- }
- table.querySelector("tfoot td").textContent = magnets.length;
- magnets = this.movieSort(magnets, start);
- this.magnets = magnets;
- table.querySelector("tbody").innerHTML = this.refactorTr(magnets);
- },
- refactorTr(magnets) {
- return magnets
- .map(
- ({ name, link, size, date, from, href, zh }, index) => `
- <tr>
- <th scope="row">${++index}</th>
- <th class="x-line" title="${name}">
- <a href="${link}">${name}</a>
- </th>
- <td>${size}</td>
- <td>${date}</td>
- <td class="text-center">
- <a href="${href || VOID}"${href ? ` target="_blank" title="查看详情"` : ""}>
- <code>${from || Domain}</code>
- </a>
- </td>
- <td class="text-center">
- <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-${zh ? "ok" : "remove"}-circle text-${
- zh ? "success" : "danger"
- }"></span>
- </td>
- <td>
- <a hidden href="${VOID}" data-copy="${link}" title="复制磁力链接">复制磁链</a><a hidden href="${VOID}" data-magnet="${link}" class="text-success" title="添加离线任务">添加离线</a>
- </td>
- </tr>`
- )
- .join("");
- },
- driveMatch() {
- this.driveMatchForMovie(
- this.info,
- res => {
- const refresh = DOC.querySelector("#x-refresh");
- refresh.inert = false;
- refresh.textContent = "刷新资源";
- refresh.classList.remove("active");
- DOC.querySelector("#x-match").innerHTML = !res.length
- ? "暂无数据"
- : res
- .map(
- ({ n, pc, fid, cid, t }) =>
- `<a class="show x-line" href="${VOID}" data-n="${n}" data-pc="${pc}" data-fid="${fid}" data-cid="${cid}" title="[${t}] ${n}"><span class="x-btn" title="资源调整"></span>${n}</a>`
- )
- .join("");
- },
- () => {
- const refresh = DOC.querySelector("#x-refresh");
- if (refresh) {
- refresh.inert = true;
- refresh.textContent = "请求中...";
- return refresh.classList.add("active");
- }
- const { icon, resources } = GM_info.script;
- addPrefetch([icon, ...resources.map(item => item.url)]);
- GM_addStyle("tbody a[data-magnet]{display:inline!important}");
- DOC.querySelector(".info").insertAdjacentHTML(
- "beforeend",
- `<p class="header">网盘资源:</p><p id="x-match">查询中...</p><div class="btn-group btn-group-sm btn-group-justified"><a href="${VOID}" class="btn btn-default" role="button" id="x-magnet" data-magnet="all">一键离线</a><a href="${VOID}" class="btn btn-default active" role="button" id="x-refresh" inert>请求中...</a></div>`
- );
- DOC.querySelector("#x-refresh").addEventListener("click", () => this.driveMatch());
- DOC.querySelector("#x-magnet").addEventListener("click", e => this._driveOffLine(e));
- const modify = this.upModifyTarget();
- DOC.querySelector("#x-match").addEventListener("click", e => {
- if (e.target.dataset.pc) this.advancedLink(e, { type: "left" });
- if (e.target.classList.contains("x-btn")) this.driveModify(e, modify);
- });
- DOC.querySelector("#x-match").addEventListener("contextmenu", e => {
- if (e.target.dataset.cid) this.advancedLink(e, { type: "right" });
- });
- }
- );
- },
- _driveOffLine(e) {
- this.driveOffLine(e, { ...this.info, magnets: this.magnets });
- },
- };
- }
- class Drive115 {
- beforeUnload_time = 0;
- docStart() {
- Store.setVerifyStatus("pending");
- unsafeWindow.onbeforeunload = () => {
- this.beforeUnload_time = new Date().getTime();
- };
- unsafeWindow.onunload = () => {
- if (new Date().getTime() - this.beforeUnload_time > 5) return;
- Store.setVerifyStatus("failed");
- };
- }
- contentLoaded() {
- unsafeWindow.focus();
- DOC.querySelector("#js_ver_code_box button[rel=verify]").addEventListener("click", () => {
- const interval = setInterval(() => {
- if (DOC.querySelector(".vcode-hint").getAttribute("style").indexOf("none") !== -1) {
- Store.setVerifyStatus("verified");
- unsafeWindow.onbeforeunload = null;
- unsafeWindow.onunload = null;
- clearTimer();
- unsafeWindow.open("", "_self");
- unsafeWindow.close();
- }
- }, 300);
- const timeout = setTimeout(() => clearTimer(), 600);
- const clearTimer = () => {
- clearInterval(interval);
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- };
- });
- }
- }
- try {
- const Process = eval(`new ${Domain}()`);
- Process.docStart?.();
- DOC.addEventListener("XContentLoaded", () => Process.contentLoaded?.(), { once: true });
- } catch (err) {
- console.error(`${GM_info.script.name}: 无匹配模块`);
- }
- })();