// ==UserScript==
// @name Pornhub Blacklister
// @version 0.9.1
// @description Delete unwanted pornhub.com videos with a list of blacklisted keywords (see code for the list)
// @description:de Unerwünschte Videos mit einer Blacklist von pornhub.com entfernen (siehe Code für die Liste)
// @description:fr Supprimer les vidéos indésirables de pornhub.com avec une liste noire (voir le code pour la liste)
// @description:it Rimuovere i video indesiderati da pornhub.com con una lista nera (vedi codice per la lista)
// @author J.H
// @include *pornhub.com*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=pornhub.com
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// @run-at document-end
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/448067
// ==/UserScript==
const debug_info = true; // show debug info in console (blacklisted videos, blacklisted words in the video title)
// Default blacklisted keywords (can be changed in the code)
// for some words add space after/before the word, to avoid false positives (e.g. "mother " will not match "motherfucker")
const blackList = [
// incest
"stepbro", "stepsis", "step bro", "step sis", "step-bro", "step-sis", "stepdad",
"step dad", "step-dad", "stepsib", "step sib", "step-sib", "stepmom", "step mom",
"step-mom", "stepson", "step son", "step-son","stepaunt", "step aunt", "step-aunt",
"stepuncle", "step uncle", "step-uncle", "stepcousin", "step cousin", "step-cousin",
"sister's", "father ", "mother ", "daughter", "daddy", "sister ", "brother", "stepfather",
"mommy", "granny", "family", " sister", "sis ", "bro ", "step-father", "step father",
"step-mother", "step mother", "stepmother", "grandma", "mom ", "moms ",
"soeur", "sœur", "papa", "maman", "fils", "frère", "frere", "frangine", "cousine", // in french
"famille", "mère", "familiale", "dad ", "niece",
// no straight safe
"trap ", "futa", "trans ", "transgender", "shemale", "trann", "cuck", "fatboy",
"sissy", "femboy", "femboi", "tgirl ", "travest", "crossdresser", "pegging",
"t-girl", "ladyboy", " tgirl", "transgirl", "tbabe ", "ts ", "tgirls ", " tgirls",
// for woman
"fpov", "female pov", "female point of view", "female perspective", "girlsrimming",
"pov femme", "femme pov", "point de vue féminin", "point de vue femme", // in french
// violence/extreme/..
"rape ", "pee", "piss ", "femdom",
"pipi", // in french
// other
"babysitter", "baby sitter", "baby-sitter", "doll ", "escort ", "feet", "foot ",
"ado ", "married", "mature ", "strapon", "cougar", "bbw",
"poupée", "poupee", "escorte ", // in french
const colorPrint = function (videoTitle, ...args) { // debug info printing function
args = args.filter(arg => arg !== 0); // remove arguments that contain 0
console.log('%c[Pornhub Blacklister]:%c ' + videoTitle + ' %c[removed]', clr_s[2], clr_s[1], ...args, clr_s[3]);
}, clr_s = ["color: red", "color: white", "color: #f90", "color: green"]; // color settings (for debug info)
const divs_pc = document.querySelectorAll(".videoBox"), divs_mobile = document.querySelectorAll(".videoWrapper"), // PC/Mobile divs
divs = divs_pc.length > 0 ? divs_pc : divs_mobile; // Select the good div between the pc and mobile divs
divs.forEach((div) => { // loop through all elements from the divs and find the title
// shitty way to get the video title because the data-title attribute is not available on mobile
let videoTitle = div.querySelector("a").getAttribute("data-title") !== null ? div.querySelector("a").getAttribute("data-title") : div?.querySelector("img")?.getAttribute("alt") ?? null;
if (videoTitle) { // if the video title is found
blackList.forEach((blackWord) => { // loop through all blacklisted words
if (videoTitle.toLowerCase().includes(blackWord)) { // if videoTitle contains blacklisted word
const start = videoTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(blackWord), end = start + blackWord.length;
if (blackWord[blackWord.length - 1] == " ") { // check if the blacklisted word finish with a space, if it does, check if it's a word
const beforeAndAfter = videoTitle.toLowerCase().substring(start - 1, end + 1); // get the character before and after the blacklisted word
// if the character before the blacklisted word is not a space, and the blacklisted word is not the first word of the video title
if (beforeAndAfter[0] != " " && beforeAndAfter.startsWith(blackWord) == false) {
return; // return to the next blacklisted word
div.remove(); // remove the video element
if (debug_info) { // allow printing of debug info
// add %c before/after every blacklisted word in the video title
videoTitle = videoTitle.substring(0, start) + "%c" + videoTitle.substring(start, end) + "%c" + videoTitle.substring(end);
if (debug_info) { // allow printing of debug info
const count = (videoTitle.match(/%c/g) || []).length / 2; // count how many blacklisted words in the video title
if (count > 0) { // if count is greater than 0, print debug info
colorPrint(videoTitle, // little hack to print debug info in the console with red color for the blacklisted words
count > 0 ? clr_s[0] : 0, count > 0 ? clr_s[1] : 0, count > 1 ? clr_s[0] : 0, count > 1 ? clr_s[1] : 0, count > 2 ? clr_s[0] : 0, count > 2 ? clr_s[1] : 0,
count > 3 ? clr_s[0] : 0, count > 3 ? clr_s[1] : 0, count > 4 ? clr_s[0] : 0, count > 4 ? clr_s[1] : 0, count > 5 ? clr_s[0] : 0, count > 5 ? clr_s[1] : 0