91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
rule 34 direct image links JS - gives direct links to images on rule 34.xxx, useful for mouseover addons
ExHentai Viewer JS - manage your favorite tags, enhance searching, improve comic page
115艾薇预览 JS - 115登录后自动跳转到文件界面、文件界面放大、自动获取艾薇封面+标题
[Neko0] Iwara functional enhancements JS - Provide the function of "one-click copy name and like+follow+download" and the function of "copy name only" separately, which makes it convenient to save your favorite videos to your local device, so that you can still access them even if the author deletes their account. Automatically load the highest resolution video source. Detect resolution and frame rate, and low-quality videos will be marked with a red warning. Automatically click the "R18 warning button", eliminating the need to manually
JavBus会员视频免费播放 JS - 免费播放JavBus收费视频,并且去除了悬浮广告
Random Page and Gallery for exhentai JS - adds random page and random gallery buttons to search pages
8muses Downloader JS - Download from 8muses.com
jav_preview JS - 添加jav官方预览影片
E-Hentai / nHentai highlight thumb when open Anthology gallery JS - highlight and navigate to artist work first thumb when open "Anthology gallery" from search page with tag "artist"
jav tag copy JS - 获取页面的tag,返回带tag的文件名 "番号标题 #tag1 #tag2.."
一键批量加载页面[EX绅士][exhentai] JS - 一键批量加载所有后续页面内容
ViewOnYP JS - Links various membership platforms to Kemono and Coomer.
下载PornHub字幕 JS - 点击下载PornHub视频的字幕
Jable_Helper JS - 快速显示jable的m3u8下载链接, 现已支持cableav
iwara download JS - Download videos from iwara.tv. NOTE: may need grant download privilege to browser extension like tampermonkey.
PlayOrDownload JS - We Should try!
eHunter_nhentai_support JS - Update eHunter's support for nhentai, all credit goes to original author hanFengSan
Nyaa.si - Load More Thumbnail JS - Load image from cover/screenshot links.
Exhentai MPV Auto Load JS - Auto load all image from exhentai at mpv mode
91porny|九色视频助手 JS - jiuse|91PORNY|九色视频|自动跳转HD高清视频|获取视频下载链接|一键下载|N_m3u8DL-CLI
绅士辅助工具 JS - 绅士辅助增强脚本,提供下载功能
Chaturbate Enhancer JS - Enhances Chaturbate by adding multiple new features.
Documenting Reality view limit bypass JS - Bypasses DocumentingReality.com free view limits
sehuatang JS - 直接把帖子列表转成图片浏览,点击图片可以进入帖子.
OneJAVOneWeb(Revise) JS - 老司机开车带你飞,一个插件畅览几大JAV网站,感谢匿名老司机,此脚本为匿名老司机创作,版权属原作者所有,我只是修改了一些不能用的网址和加了免梯子网址自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
JavDB Toolbox(Revise) JS - JavDB 工具箱:1. 添加搜索在线观看资源按钮 2. 添加到 JavLibrary 等站点跳转按钮 3. 过滤肛交标签中的M男和扶她(未来会添加自定义);4. 增加免梯子访问JavLibrary;推荐结合 `JavDB 添加跳转在线观看` 食用。此脚本为naughtyEvenstar创作,版权属原作者所有,感谢其作品。本人只是增加了免梯子网址访问JavLibrary自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
91porn 解锁VIP观看高清下载搜索等限制,去除广告.正则版通杀所有 for openuserjs JS - https://github.com/91p2022/91 解锁91pornVIP观看下载搜索限制(需登录任意账号),去除广告,付费视频等,警告:本脚本无任何盈利方式,触犯某收费且含有监控追踪代码脚本,疯狂举报且用且珍惜,请保护好个人财产和隐私.
Redgifs media controls JS - Adds media controls for Redgifs
115艾薇预览+ JS - 115艾薇预览个人使用的修改版本,115登录后自动跳转到文件界面、文件界面放大、自动获取艾薇封面+标题
EH移动优化 JS - 仅自用
Javdb评分筛选 JS - 突出显示好评番号,淡化评价的的
Danbooru Tags Select to Export JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
Kemono UI tweak JS - Modifies the new Kemono Party UI to look more like the old one
Danbooru Tags Select to Export (EDITED) JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
磁链直接播!【磁链嗅探识别 + 在线播放(磁力云播)(电磁高手)】 JS - 自动嗅探识别页面磁力链接,到电磁高手中自动添加播放视频。识别后,会在相应位置添加直接播按钮,点击即可跳转到电磁高手并自动添加。
快猫视频免费看 JS - 针对快猫视频的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看VIP视频
erome.com video length JS - Duration of video on erome.com
Kemono/Coomer-VideoPlayer JS - A simple tampermonkey script allows you can watch the videos of post links in Kemono or Coomer.
Erome Filter JS - Filter images and videos in Erome
Iwara 自动分辨率调整 JS - 自动调整新版 Iwara 的视频分辨率为原始分辨率
Redgifs++ JS - Automatically sets Redgifs to HD and unmutes when viewed directly or on Reddit. Inspired by "betterRedgifs" by u/MatthieuG7.
98搜索增强 JS - 在搜索页进行搜索结果过滤、自动翻页、帖子预览,划词搜索
Pornhub视频下载(多分辨率MP4格式视频,能看即能下) JS - Pornhub视频一键下载 | pornhub.com | 无需登录直接下载 | 可直接下载免费观看付费下载视频 | 可下载已禁止下载的视频 | 可下载所有可观看分辨率
載入kemono.party與coomer.party原始圖檔 JS - 這個腳本將原始圖檔自動載入,取代你一張一張的用手點。
在kemono.party和coomer.party中使用滾輪翻頁 JS - 當你將滾輪滾動至頁面頂部或底部時觸發翻頁。
Redgifs source JS - Redirects redgifs link to its source video
MissAV 迷你加強包 JS - 防止 MissAV 自動暫停、禁用彈出廣告,並將 missav.com 重新導向到 missav.ws
[E/Ex-Hentai] AutoLogin JS - E/Ex - 共享帳號登入、自動獲取 Cookies、手動輸入 Cookies、本地備份以及查看備份,自動檢測登入
MassiveFap (2023 Fix) JS - A complete ImageFap.com gallery conversion script featuring customization options and multiple viewing modes. Original author is Ryan Thaut, but it looks like abandoned.
Add Fanhao In AVstudio List Page JS - JAV片商官网列表页添加番号(搭配脚本'根据番号搜索',不用进入详情页,就能在列表页查看此车牌是否已入库(emby/115)\预览片花\一键跳转在线观看等花样操作.)
Kemer 下載器 JS - 一鍵下載圖片 (壓縮下載/單圖下載) , 頁面數據創建 json 下載 , 一鍵開啟當前所有帖子
禁漫天堂漫画内去广告 JS - 禁漫天堂内去广告 自动播放设置在代码内修改 翻到页底自动翻页
FANBOX直转KEMONO JS - 在创作者的FANBOX页面生成一个‘在KEMONO中打开’的按钮
百度云不限速下载,就是加速(封存,已失效) JS - 无需关注公众号无需付费,注意,本人已经捐款11元于greasy fork,无需广告
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
m网站跳转移除 JS - missav网站跳转移除
Recurbate download JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
Redgifs Embed Tweaks JS - tweaks redgifs embed/iframe video
红杏视频破解会员 JS - 针对红杏视频的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看全站视频,免费无任何注入
F95 Zone Auto Redirect JS - Will auto redirect when clicking on download links
CamWhores.TV Screenshot Bypass JS - Bypasses screenshots of locked videos.
RE: AI 이미지 EXIF 뷰어 JS - AI 이미지 메타데이터 보기
Camwhores.tv Utilities Mod JS - Largest tool for CW. Largest active userbase and huge list of improvements. Relaunch your experience
e-hance JS - 一个脚本,用来改善e站的观看体验
Erome Improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter photo albums. Filter photos in albums. Skips 18+ dialog
CamWhores.tv Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, private/public, include/exclude phrases. Mass friend request button. Download button
Play with MPV (NSFW) JS - Play videos and songs on the website via mpv-handler (NSFW)
保国逛色花 JS - 最好用的98堂(原色花堂)脚本 高级搜索 自动签到 快速复制 快速评分 划词搜索 图片预览 快速收藏
Jellyfin番号过滤 JS - 标记所有番号,并添加跳转链接。支持jellyfin、emby、115、手动输入的番号查重。
Auto-Pause Redgifs JS - Auto-pauses videos from redgif on reddit
Rule34Video 2160p y 1080p Filter (Optimized) JS - Filtra videos 2160p y 1080p en Rule34Video, ocultando los que no coinciden con la calidad seleccionada.
Camwhores.tv Evolution JS - This script adds useful configurable features to the camwhores.tv site.
Chaturbate reloaded JS - Ladroop is back
Get m3u8 URL JS - 获取网页中m3u8视频地址
Stream recorder for adult cam sites that do not support HLS JS - Stream recorder for adult cam sites that do not support HLS/m3u8
琉神转-改 JS - 老司机工具箱,支持琉璃神社、灵梦御所、纯爱计划、绅士二次元、萌心次元、次元轨迹、ACG调查小队、幻天领域、天使二次元、樱花漫舍、风铃窝、次元の圣光、爱弹幕、幻想次元、司机会所、里番萌、最ACG、绅士仓库、绅士图书馆、ACG和谐区/里世界、寂月神社、萌幻之乡、绅士之庭、萌口组、九妖萌、CE家族社、喵窝、次元老司机、绅士ACG社等,神秘代码转换成下载链接,网盘自动填写提取密码,F8、Shift+F8站点切换,Alt+F8列表浏览,左右方向键文章跳转,Ctrl+左右快捷翻页,Ctrl+上下跳入跳出,下载链接嗅探,绕过重定向跳转,各种和谐补丁
thisav或missav永远播放 JS - thisav或missav永远播放!重写了播放器的pause方法,只有在页面具有焦点时才执行原始的暂停操作。更改match里的内容适配更多网站。
Kemono/Coomer Grid Gallery Layout JS - Add a responsive grid gallery layout for the kemono.su/coomer.su thumbnails, using the first attachment image file as the cover
Автоподгрузка страниц e-hentai.org JS - Включает автозагрузку всех картинок на страницу тестировал только у себя если что не так пишите
Nhentai Search on Exhentai JS - Adds a button on NHentai that allows to search for the same manga on Exhentai.
GBT gallery downloader (GBTGD) JS - Creates a button to download all images from gallery in a single .zip file.
javdb预告片修复 JS - 预告片
JavDb净化增强 JS - 去除JavDb广告、拦截弹窗、修复布局、支持PC端|移动端
Jable missav 多行标题 JS - asl
JavBus Javdb library trailer JS - JavBus/Javdb/library/javbooks/avmoo/avsox/sehuatang/msin图书馆预告片花Direct,番号页标题下直接显示,默认静音播放/新增视频长缩略图/emby跳转
草榴短视频 JS - 🔥不限次看所有可预览付费视频,下载视频(日限),复制播放链接,屏蔽广告
Fluxus Bypasser with Auto Clipboard Copy JS - Bypass Fluxus and automatically copy key to clipboard
JAV Manager JS - 一键整合和过滤多Jav网站的观影记录与偏好,屏蔽你不想看的,高亮你喜欢的演员,让你在最短时间内找到真正想看的内容
糖心|观看vip金币视频 JS - 🔥观看站内vip金币视频,复制播放链接,下载视频(日限),去广告🔥
一键转种至 fsm JS - 目前支持:馒头/emp/pb/ptt/exo/kamept/kufirc/bitporn/ilolicon/rousi/nicept/kelu/happyfappy (适配更新后的馒头 启用脚本后需要设置馒头的TOKEN)
Erome Image remover JS - remove images from erome
nhentai-infinite-scroll (Fixed) (Jan 2025) JS - Working in Jan 2025.
CL_autoReply JS - 草榴新手自动回复
Handy Image JS - Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites
Wide ExHentai JS - Wide ExHentai.org - support for wide 1920px monitors
Handy ExHentai JS - Handy ExHentai.org
directGelF JS - direct link to all gelbooru images in search results+
CL.18P2P.SIS_MultiPage_smilies JS - 草榴、18P2P和SIS自由定制分页化表情
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