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RomeoEnhancer is op 23-08-2021 gemeld omwille van Geminimaliseerde code

De melder zei:

Line 58

wolfissimo zei:
Line 58 is an exact copy of I inserted the minified code instead of @require to prevent from possible tracking. The script is for a gay dating site, so tracking can lead to problems for users in some countries. Everybody who wants to check the code can load it originally from the url named in the comment above (line 55) and compare it with the contents of line 58. Inserting the not minified version of jQuery would add about 10,000 lines of js, which are nearly not inspectable. So I would ask you if, in this case, you can allow inserting this code in minified form.

Dit script is bijgewerkt na het opstellen van de melding.

Dit script bevat 1 eerdere (on)opgeloste melding.

wolfissimo (de gebruiker waarvan melding is gemaakt) heeft het volgende gedaan:

Deze melding is gehandhaafd door een moderator.

Minified code isn't allowed inside scripts on GreasyFork even if you share the source code elsewhere. Also, @require is installed at the same time as the script itself so there's no tracking.