网盘直链快速下载 is op 16-05-2024 gemeld als kopie zonder toestemming van https://greasyfork.org/scripts/449291?version=1288010.

De melder zei:

(My English is not very good, the following paragraph was translated by a translation machine) Copy (改)网盘直链下载助手 v1.0.8.2 old version code (no meaningful functional improvements were made to the original script) And add code for redirecting advertisements, The evidence is there are many scripts of this type, this script is in it: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/code-search?c= https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/code-search?c=

Dit script bevat 1 eerdere (on)opgeloste melding.

taoaimei2024 (de gebruiker waarvan melding is gemaakt) heeft het volgende gedaan:

Deze melding is gehandhaafd door een moderator.