Rule34Hentai Improved

Fixes stuff, adds like and favorite under images, highlights animated, makes the site more compact, etc.

Per 23-01-2021. Zie de nieuwste versie.

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Felt like improving the site Rule34Hentai.

  • Highlights animated stuff in listings (pink-ish red glowy border)
  • Adds like/dislike and favorite/unfavorite buttons under images/videos with like/favorite counts and no page reload
  • Mark posts (optionally automatically when opened) as seen. Posts marked as seen can be partly faded out or completely hidden
  • Autoplay videos
  • Next/previous image arrow key navigation.
    Uses the site's own methods, which navigate through your search results (though seems kind of unreliable sometimes, I dunno)
  • Allow right click (context menu) on images so you can easily save them
  • Compact Header
  • Hide empty sections
  • Hide action log (yellow)
  • Hide Image/Video Header
  • Remove Some Sneaky Ads
    Meant to be used on top of normal adblock (tested with Ublock Origin)
  • Stop hiding the cursor on video
  • Downsize Images/Videos To Fit on screen
  • Ability to block tags (hides all images marked with said tag)
    Block by pressing the buttons next to tags in the site sidepanel
  • Fixes some stuff
  • ...and more

Dark R34H (Dark theme)

Change settings in the "My Profile" section of the site, right below the site's own options.
All features are optional.

You can see the full list of features in the below image of the settings section: