- // ==UserScript==
- // @name hitomi.la 助手
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/200067#1
- // @version 1.97
- // @description 下载加速,分包下载,优化在线阅读,标签汉化,本子列表标题自动换行,点击本子列表预览图新标签页打开,非搜索增加选页功能,本子列表标签支持展开(默认显示10个),本子列表显示本子总页数
- // @author 不会英语会写点代码的小白
- // @match http*://hitomi.la/*
- // @run-at document-start
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @connect *
- // @connect hub.gitmirror.com
- // @connect ghp.ci
- // @connect github.com
- // @connect githubusercontent.com
- // ==/UserScript==
- /******/ (() => {
- // webpackBootstrap
- /******/ "use strict";
- const location_hash = location.hash.startsWith("#VIEW#") ? location.hash : void 0;
- let json, is_limitLists = !1, translate_lock = !1;
- load_db: {
- if (location.pathname.startsWith("/reader/")) break load_db;
- const gx = 3;
- if (GM_getValue("更新", 0) != gx) {
- GM_getValue("db_update_time", 0) > 0 && localStorage.setItem("db_js", GM_getValue("db_js"));
- const list = GM_listValues();
- for (const key of list) GM_deleteValue(key);
- GM_setValue("更新", gx);
- }
- unsafeWindow.load_ehtagtranslation_db_text = db => {
- const data = db.data;
- db = {
- TMap: {
- tags: "标签",
- artists: "艺术家",
- series: "原作",
- characters: "角色",
- language: "语言",
- type: "类型",
- group: "团队"
- },
- aliasMap: {
- // 标签
- loli: "lolicon",
- shota: "shotacon",
- // 类型
- "artist CG": "artistcg",
- "game CG": "gamecg",
- "image set": "imageset"
- },
- alias(str) {
- return this.aliasMap[str] || str.toLowerCase();
- }
- };
- for (const j of data) db[j.namespace] = j;
- is_limitLists && !translate_lock ? (translate_lock = !0, json = db, translate(),
- translate_lock = !1) : json = db;
- };
- let is_add_script = !0;
- const xhr_onload = r => {
- if (200 !== r.status) return xhr.onerror(r), null;
- if (4 === r.readyState) {
- const responseText = r.responseText;
- if (!responseText.includes("load_ehtagtranslation_db_")) return xhr.onerror(r),
- null;
- localStorage.setItem("db_update_time", (new Date).getTime() + 864e5 + ""), localStorage.setItem("db_js", responseText);
- }
- if (is_add_script) {
- if (!document.head) return r.readyState = 0, void setTimeout(xhr_onload, 100, r);
- is_add_script = !1;
- const script = document.createElement("script");
- script.src = URL.createObjectURL(r.response), document.head.appendChild(script);
- }
- }, db_js = localStorage.getItem("db_js") || "";
- if (db_js.includes("load_ehtagtranslation_db_") && (xhr_onload({
- status: 200,
- response: new Blob([ db_js ], {
- type: "application/x-javascript"
- })
- }), parseInt(localStorage.getItem("db_update_time") || "0") > (new Date).getTime())) break load_db;
- let index = 0;
- const urls = [ "https://github.com/EhTagTranslation/Database/releases/latest/download/db.text.js", "https://ghp.ci/https://github.com/EhTagTranslation/Database/releases/latest/download/db.text.js", "https://hub.gitmirror.com/https://github.com/EhTagTranslation/Database/releases/latest/download/db.text.js" ], xhr_onerror = er => {
- console.error(`status:${er.status || 0}, url:${xhr.url} index:${index}`), index >= 2 * urls.length ? is_add_script && alert("用于汉化标签的数据库加载失败,请确保网络可以访问github.com后刷新网页重试") : xhr_send();
- }, xhr = {
- url: "",
- method: "GET",
- timeout: 1e4,
- responseType: "blob",
- onload: xhr_onload,
- onerror: xhr_onerror,
- ontimeout: xhr_onerror,
- onabort: xhr_onerror
- }, xhr_send = () => {
- xhr.url = urls[index++ % urls.length], GM_xmlhttpRequest(xhr);
- };
- xhr_send();
- }
- let main = () => {
- console.log("main()");
- {
- let limit;
- GM_addStyle("\n#lang > a {\n padding: 10px 70px 10px 15px;\n}\n.gallery-content > div > h1.lillie {\n white-space: normal; //标题换行显示\n}\n");
- let _onresizeT, each_fun = function() {
- const el = $(this);
- el.index() >= limit && el.addClass("hidden-list-item");
- }, onclick = function() {
- let el = $(this);
- const is = "展开>" === el.html();
- el.html(is ? "收起<" : "展开>"), el = el.parent().nextAll(), is ? el.removeClass("hidden-list-item") : el.addClass("hidden-list-item");
- }, each_fun2 = function() {
- let el = $(this).children();
- if (el.length > limit) {
- const ex = $('<li><a style="cursor: pointer; color:aqua">展开></a></li>');
- ex.children().on("click", onclick), el.eq(9).after(ex), el = el.last(), "..." === el.text() && el.remove();
- }
- };
- // 修复标题换行显示后预览图错位
- const onresize = () => {
- _onresizeT = void 0;
- const is = document.body.clientWidth > 768, p = 768 == document.body.clientWidth ? 30 : 15, dom = $(".gallery-content > div");
- return dom.each((function() {
- const img = this.firstElementChild, imgD = img.firstElementChild;
- let top;
- if (is) top = (this.offsetHeight - imgD.offsetHeight) / 2 + 18 + "px"; else {
- const title = img.nextElementSibling, artist = title.nextElementSibling;
- top = title.offsetHeight + artist.offsetHeight + p + "px";
- }
- imgD.style.top = top;
- })), dom;
- };
- unsafeWindow.addEventListener("resize", (() => {
- null != _onresizeT && clearTimeout(_onresizeT), _onresizeT = setTimeout(onresize, 10);
- }));
- //去除顶部广告被屏蔽后的空白
- const el = document.querySelector(".content > div, .top-content > div");
- el && !el.className.match("list-title|cover-column") && el.remove(), (main = () => {
- limit = 10, $(".relatedtags li, .series-list li").each(each_fun), $(".relatedtags ul, .series-list ul").each(each_fun2),
- limit = 5, $(".artist-list li").each(each_fun), $(".artist-list ul").each(each_fun2);
- const dom = onresize();
- dom.length && dom.find("a.lillie").attr("target", "_blank");
- })();
- }
- if (!unsafeWindow.galleryinfo) return;
- const files = unsafeWindow.galleryinfo.files;
- // 阅读页
- // 下载按钮扩展
- {
- const dlbt = $("#dl-button");
- dlbt.removeAttr("href").css("cursor", "pointer").children().html("下载"), GM_addStyle('\n.cover > a , #dl_options {\n text-align: center;\n display: block;\n}\n#dl_options input[type="radio"] {\n margin: 0 2px 0 4px;\n}\n#dl_options span, #dl_options label, #dl_options input {\n vertical-align: middle;\n font-size: 14px;\n}\n.gallery-info > table {\n table-layout: fixed; /*限制tag长度*/\n}\n');
- const dl_options = $(`\n<div id="dl_options" style="line-height: 25px;">\n <label>下载并发数:<input type="number" style="width:38px" name="dl_thread" value="${GM_getValue("dl_thread", "6")}"></label>\n <label><input type="radio" name="dl_mode" value="2">不打包下载</label>\n <br>\n <label>\n <input type="radio" name="dl_mode" value="1">按大小分包:\n <input type="number" style="width:55px" name="zip_max_length" value="${GM_getValue("zip_max_length", "1024")}">M\n </label>\n <br>\n 图片格式:\n <label><input type="radio" name="img_type" value="webp">webp</label>\n <label><input type="radio" name="img_type" value="avif">avif</label>\n</div>\n`);
- dl_options.find("input[name=dl_mode][value=" + GM_getValue("dl_mode", "1") + "]").attr("checked", "checked"),
- dl_options.find("input[name=img_type][value=" + GM_getValue("img_type", "webp") + "]").attr("checked", "checked"),
- dl_options.find("input[type]").on("change", (e => {
- const target = e.target, name = target.name;
- name && GM_setValue(name, target.value);
- }));
- const dlt = $('<span style="position:absolute;left:0px;right:0px;vertical-align:middle;"/>'), progressbar = $("#progressbar");
- progressbar.append(dlt), progressbar.css({
- "text-align": "center",
- position: "relative"
- }), progressbar.after(dl_options), unsafeWindow.download_gallery = name => {
- let obj;
- const files_length = files.length, dl_fun = {
- mode1(xhr) {
- let zip, zip_i = 0;
- do {
- if ((zip = obj.zips[zip_i]) || (zip = obj.zips[zip_i] = new JSZip, zip_i > 0 && (zip.index = obj.zips[zip_i - 1].max_index + 1)),
- xhr.dl_index > zip.max_index) {
- if (zip.next_zip) continue;
- files_length - xhr.dl_index < 20 ? zip.max_index = files_length : zip.max_index = xhr.dl_index;
- }
- break;
- } while (++zip_i);
- zip.file(files[xhr.dl_index].name, xhr.response), zip.index++;
- const is_dl_finish = obj.dl_index_finish === files_length;
- if (is_dl_finish || (zip.next_zip = (zip.byteLength += xhr.response.byteLength) > obj.zip_max_byteLength) && zip.index > zip.max_index) {
- const zip_name = zip_i > 0 ? obj.gallery_name + " (" + zip_i + ")" : obj.gallery_name;
- zip.generateAsync({
- type: "blob"
- }).then((data => saveAs(data, zip_name + ".zip")));
- }
- is_dl_finish && this.finish();
- },
- mode2(xhr) {
- let datas = obj.bolbs;
- datas || (datas = obj.bolbs = []), xhr.response.dl_index = xhr.dl_index, datas.push(xhr.response),
- obj.itv_id || (obj.itv_id = setInterval(this.mode2_itv.bind(this), 200));
- },
- mode2_itv() {
- const blob = obj.bolbs.shift();
- blob && obj ? saveAs(blob, obj.gallery_name + "_" + files[blob.dl_index].name) : (clearInterval(obj.itv_id),
- obj.itv_id = 0, obj.dl_index_finish === files_length && this.finish());
- },
- finish() {
- progressbar.hide(), dlbt.children().text("下载"), obj = null;
- }
- };
- function xhr_onreadystatechange() {
- if (4 === this.readyState) {
- if (!obj) return;
- 200 === this.status ? (dlt.html(++obj.dl_index_finish + "/" + files_length), progressbar.progressbar("value", obj.dl_index_finish / files_length * 100),
- obj.dl_mode_fun(this), obj && obj.dl_index < files_length && (xhr_init(this), xhr_send.bind(this)())) : (this.status >= 500 && this.status < 600 || --this.dl_retry) && setTimeout(xhr_send.bind(this), 500);
- }
- }
- function xhr_init(xhr) {
- const image = files[obj.dl_index];
- let img_type = obj.img_type;
- "avif" !== img_type || image.hasavif || (img_type = "webp"), image.name = image.name.replace(/[^.]*$/, img_type),
- xhr.dl_url = unsafeWindow.url_from_url_from_hash(unsafeWindow.galleryid, image, img_type, void 0, "a"),
- xhr.dl_index = obj.dl_index++, xhr.dl_retry = 100;
- }
- function xhr_send() {
- this.open("GET", this.dl_url, !0), this.send();
- }
- const JSZip = unsafeWindow.JSZip;
- JSZip.prototype.byteLength = 0, JSZip.prototype.index = 0, JSZip.prototype.max_index = 0,
- JSZip.prototype.next_zip = !1, (unsafeWindow.download_gallery = name => {
- if (null != obj) {
- for (const xhr of obj.xhrs) xhr.abort();
- return void dl_fun.finish();
- }
- dlbt.children().text("取消下载"), dlt.html("0/" + files_length), progressbar.show(),
- progressbar.progressbar({
- value: !1
- }), obj = {}, obj.gallery_name = name || "hitomi", obj.dl_index = 0, obj.dl_index_finish = 0,
- obj.img_type = GM_getValue("img_type", "webp");
- const dl_mode = GM_getValue("dl_mode", "1");
- obj.dl_mode_fun = dl_fun["mode" + dl_mode].bind(dl_fun);
- let xhr_responseType, dl_thread = parseInt(GM_getValue("dl_thread", "6"));
- // 线程 1-6,超过6会出现503错误
- if (dl_thread = dl_thread < 1 ? 1 : dl_thread > 6 ? 6 : dl_thread, "1" === dl_mode) {
- const max_length = parseInt(GM_getValue("zip_max_length", "1024"));
- obj.zip_max_byteLength = 1048576 * (max_length < 100 ? 100 : max_length > 2048 ? 2048 : max_length),
- // 限制大小100M-2048M
- xhr_responseType = "arraybuffer", obj.zips = [];
- } else "2" === dl_mode && (xhr_responseType = "blob");
- obj.xhrs = [];
- for (let xhr, thread = 0; thread < dl_thread && obj.dl_index < files_length; thread++) obj.xhrs.push(xhr = new XMLHttpRequest),
- xhr.onreadystatechange = xhr_onreadystatechange, xhr.responseType = xhr_responseType,
- xhr_init(xhr), xhr_send.bind(xhr)();
- })(name);
- };
- }
- // 在线阅读
- {
- let titleA = $("#gallery-brand > a");
- titleA.length && titleA.before("(" + files.length + ")"), GM_addStyle('\n#_VIEW_ {\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n position: fixed;\n z-index: 99998;\n}\n#_VIEW_ > iframe {\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n}\n#_VIEW_ > .lum-close-button {\n cursor: pointer;\n position: absolute;\n right: 5px;\n top: 3px;\n width: 32px;\n height: 32px;\n z-index: 99999;\n opacity: 1\n}\n#_VIEW_ > .lum-close-button:hover {\n opacity: .7\n}\n#_VIEW_ > .lum-close-button:after,.lum-close-button:before {\n position: absolute;\n left: 15px;\n content: " ";\n height: 33px;\n width: 2px;\n background-color: #fff;\n}\n#_VIEW_ > .lum-close-button:before {\n transform: rotate(45deg)\n}\n#_VIEW_ > .lum-close-button:after {\n transform: rotate(-45deg)\n}\n');
- const ro = $("#read-online-button > :eq(0)");
- ro.html("在线阅读");
- const reader_href = ro.parent().attr("href"), view = $(`\n<div tabindex="1" style="display: none;">\n<div id="_VIEW_">\n <iframe src="${reader_href}#1"/>\n <div class="lum-close-button"/>\n </div>\n</div>\n`);
- document.body.prepend(view[0]);
- const hideView = e => {
- view.hide(), void 0 !== e && (unsafeWindow.history.back(), e.stopPropagation(),
- e.preventDefault());
- };
- view.find(".lum-close-button").on("click", hideView);
- const _get_pagenum_hash = unsafeWindow.get_pagenum_hash;
- unsafeWindow.get_pagenum_hash = function(...args) {
- if (location.hash.startsWith("#VIEW#")) {
- const iframe = view.find("#_VIEW_>iframe")[0];
- view.is(":hidden") && (view.show(), iframe.focus({
- preventScroll: !0
- }));
- const page = location.hash.substring(6);
- ro.html("继续阅读第" + page + "页");
- const iframe_hash = reader_href + "#" + page;
- return $("#read-online-button, #gallery-brand > a").attr("href", iframe_hash), iframe.contentWindow?.location.replace(iframe_hash),
- $(".simplePagerNav a").length + 1;
- }
- return view.is(":hidden") || hideView(void 0), _get_pagenum_hash.apply(this, args);
- }, $("#read-online-button, #gallery-brand > a, .thumbnail-container > a").on("click", (function(e) {
- const match = this.href.match(/#([0-9-]+)$/), hash = "#VIEW#" + (match ? match[1] : "1");
- view.is(":hidden") ? location.hash = hash : location.replace(hash), e.stopPropagation(),
- e.preventDefault();
- })), unsafeWindow.addEventListener("message", (e => {
- const data = e.data;
- data.startsWith("#") && location.replace(location.pathname + data.replace("#", "#VIEW#"));
- }), !1), location_hash && (location.hash = location_hash);
- }
- }, translate = () => {
- let translateList;
- function each_fun() {
- let map, str;
- const mat = /^(.+)( [♀♂])/.exec(this.innerHTML);
- if (mat) {
- if (str = " ♀" === mat[2] ? "female" : "male", map = json[str].data[json.alias(mat[1])],
- map) return this.title = map.intro, void (this.innerHTML = map.name + mat[2]);
- this.innerHTML = mat[1];
- }
- const str2 = json.alias(this.innerHTML);
- for (const val of translateList) if (val !== str && (map = json[val].data[str2],
- map)) {
- this.title = map.intro, this.innerHTML = map.name + (str || ("female" === val ? "♀" : "male" === val ? "♂" : ""));
- break;
- }
- }
- function each_fun2() {
- this.title = this.innerHTML;
- const str = json.TMap[this.innerHTML.toLowerCase()];
- str && (this.innerHTML = str);
- }
- function each_fun3() {
- const str = json.alias(this.innerHTML);
- let map;
- for (const val of translateList) if (map = json[val].data[str], map) {
- this.innerHTML = map.name, this.title = map.intro;
- break;
- }
- }
- const is = null != unsafeWindow.galleryinfo, lang = $("nav > ul > li#lang > a");
- // 工具栏
- if ($("nav > ul > li > a[href]").each(each_fun2), lang.length) {
- $("nav > ul #lang-list").children() ? (lang.html(lang.children()[0]), lang.prepend("语言 ")) : lang.parent().hide();
- }
- (translate = () => {
- if (translateList = [ "female", "male", "other", "mixed", "artist", "character", "cosplayer", "group", "parody" ],
- $(".dj-content td.relatedtags a").each(each_fun), // 列表的标签
- $(".dj-content tr > td:nth-of-type(1)").each(each_fun2), // 列表的行名
- is && ($(".gallery-info ul#tags a").each(each_fun), // 详情页的标签
- // translateList.splice(5, 1);
- // translateList.unshift('character');
- translateList = [ "character" ], $(".gallery-info ul#characters a").each(each_fun),
- // 详情页的角色
- $(".gallery-info tr > td:nth-of-type(1)").each(each_fun2)),
- // 原作
- translateList = [ "parody" ], $(".dj-content tr:nth-of-type(1) > td:nth-of-type(2) a").each(each_fun3),
- is && ($(".gallery-info tr:nth-of-type(4) > td:nth-of-type(2) a").each(each_fun3),
- translateList = [ "group" ], // 团队
- $(".gallery-info tr:nth-of-type(1) > td:nth-of-type(2) a").each(each_fun3)),
- // 类型
- translateList = [ "reclass" ], $(".dj-content tr:nth-of-type(2) > td:nth-of-type(2) a").each(each_fun3),
- is) {
- // el.html('<a href="/type/' + el.text() + '-all.html">' + el.text() + '</a>')
- $(".gallery-info tr:nth-of-type(2) > td:nth-of-type(2)").find("a").each(each_fun3);
- }
- })();
- }, $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
- {
- let get_galleryinfo_l = 0, galleryinfo_datas = [];
- const galleryinfos = {}, get_galleryinfo_fnish = () => {
- $(".gallery-content > div > h1.lillie > a").each(each_fun);
- }, get_galleryinfo = (url, retry) => {
- $.ajax({
- type: "get",
- url,
- dataType: "text",
- success: response => {
- galleryinfo_datas.push(response.replace(/.*?galleryinfo *=/, "galleryinfos[" + url.replace(/.*\/([0-9]+).js$/, "'$1'") + "]= ")),
- --get_galleryinfo_l || (new Function("galleryinfos", galleryinfo_datas.join("\n"))(galleryinfos),
- galleryinfo_datas = [], get_galleryinfo_fnish());
- },
- error: () => retry && setTimeout(get_galleryinfo, 500, url, retry - 1)
- });
- }, each_fun = function() {
- const match = this.href.match(/-([0-9]+)\.html/);
- if (!match) return;
- const galleryinfo = galleryinfos[match[1]];
- galleryinfo && $(this).before("(" + galleryinfo.files.length + ")");
- }, each_fun2 = function() {
- const match = this.href.match(/-([0-9]+)\.html/);
- match && !galleryinfos[match[1]] && (get_galleryinfo_l++, get_galleryinfo("//" + unsafeWindow.domain + "/galleries/" + match[1] + ".js", 10));
- }, _limitLists = (el = $(".gallery-content > div > h1.lillie > a")) => {
- el.length && (el.each(each_fun2), get_galleryinfo_l || get_galleryinfo_fnish(),
- json && !translate_lock && (translate_lock = !0, translate(), translate_lock = !1),
- is_limitLists = !0, main());
- };
- let _$ = () => {
- if (!$) return;
- _$ = () => $, console.log("开始劫持 limitLists()"), unsafeWindow.limitLists ? unsafeWindow.limitLists = _limitLists : Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow, "limitLists", {
- get: () => _limitLists,
- set() {}
- });
- const el = $(".gallery-content > div > h1.lillie > a");
- return el.length && _limitLists(el), $;
- };
- unsafeWindow.jQuery ? (console.warn("脚本被延迟加载"), _$()) : Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow, "$", {
- get: () => _$(),
- set(value) {
- $ = value;
- }
- });
- }
- function saveAs(blob, filename) {
- const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob), save_link = document.createElement("a");
- save_link.href = url, save_link.download = filename, document.body.appendChild(save_link),
- save_link.click(), save_link.remove();
- }
- if (location.pathname.startsWith("/reader/")) {
- function end() {
- console.log("end()");
- // 改变hash不添加历史
- const script = document.createElement("script");
- script.type = "text/javascript";
- const fns = [ "singlePageChange", "mobile_singlePageChange", "twoPageChange", "mobile_twoPageChange" ];
- for (const index in fns) fns[index] = unsafeWindow[fns[index]].toString().replace(/location.hash *= *([A-z]*);/g, "location.replace(location.pathname+'#'+$1);");
- script.innerHTML = "'use strict'\n" + fns.join("\n"), document.body.appendChild(script);
- // 取消在图片上隐藏鼠标指针
- const make_image_element_ = unsafeWindow.make_image_element;
- unsafeWindow.make_image_element = function(...args) {
- return args.length > 4 && (
- // 取消 img.onmouseover 事件
- args[4] = void 0), make_image_element_.apply(this, args);
- };
- // 修复 preventDefault报错
- const addEventListener_ = document.addEventListener;
- if (document.addEventListener = function(...args) {
- return "touchmove" === args[0] && (2 == args.length && args.push({
- passive: !1
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