Data | Moderator | Obiekt | Akcja | Powód |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393861 | Delete and lock |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393943 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393942 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393941 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393940 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393939 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Użytkownik: Deleted user 422331 | Ban |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 394006 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393975 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393971 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393914 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Użytkownik: Deleted user 422090 | Ban |
JasonBarnabe | Użytkownik: Deleted user 426769 | Ban |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 394010 | Delete and lock |
JasonBarnabe | Użytkownik: Deleted user 426705 | Ban |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 394100 | Delete and lock |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393869 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393868 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393867 | Delete |
JasonBarnabe | Użytkownik: Deleted user 421453 | Ban |
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 415181 | Ban |
In response to report 399
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 40453 | Delete and lock |
doesn't do what it said
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 387135 | Delete |
This script has advertisement but it doesn't state it in description.
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 394016 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 394014 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 394017 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 394013 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 426790 | Ban |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 394015 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393997 | Delete and lock |
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 394001 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 394000 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393999 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393998 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 426717 | Ban |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 394002 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393947 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393945 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393948 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393944 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 422335 | Ban |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393946 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393716 | Delete and lock |
malicious code by injecting third party code
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393884 | Delete and lock |
JasonBarnabe | Użytkownik: Deleted user 422279 | Ban |
External script
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393933 | Delete and lock |
External script
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393925 | Delete and lock |
External script
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393876 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393874 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393877 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393873 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 421467 | Ban |
serial spamer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393875 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 392627 | Delete and lock |
Minified script
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 390707 | Delete and lock |
Minified script
woxxom | Usunięto skrypt 393888 | Mark as not adult content |
JasonBarnabe | Użytkownik: Deleted user 398822 | Ban |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393870 | Delete and lock |
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393850 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393849 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393847 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393846 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 421384 | Ban |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393845 | Delete and lock |
serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393796 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393794 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393795 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393793 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 420878 | Ban |
serial spamer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393792 | Delete and lock |
serial spamer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 420634 | Ban |
doesn't do what it said
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393756 | Delete and lock |
doesn't do what it said
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 421116 | Ban |
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393820 | Delete and lock |
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393800 | Delete and lock |
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 416011 | Ban |
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393758 | Delete and lock |
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393780 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393782 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393784 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393781 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 420832 | Ban |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393783 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
JasonBarnabe | Użytkownik: Deleted user 420763 | Ban |
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393770 | Delete and lock |
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 392799 | Delete and lock |
spam, doesn’t do what it said
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 389813 | Delete and lock |
This script uses other people's resource without their consent, and the original author also admit this:
maple3142 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 420578 | Ban |
It is clear that this account is an alt of
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 393748 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 393749 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 393747 | Delete and lock |
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 393746 | Delete and lock |
A copy of (url is too long)
maple3142 | Usunięto skrypt 393745 | Delete and lock |
Copy百度网盘直接下载助手/ and add ads in it.
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393463 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393462 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Użytkownik: Deleted user 413289 | Ban |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393571 | Delete and lock |
Serial spammer
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393461 | Delete and lock |
Plagiarism, doesn't do what it said
mach6 | Usunięto skrypt 393460 | Delete and lock |
- Plagiarism of
JasonBarnabe | Usunięto skrypt 393713 | Delete and lock |