- // ==UserScript==
- // @name SankakuAddon
- // @namespace SankakuAddon
- // @description Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.
- // @author sanchan
- // @version 1.0.14
- // @icon 
- // @match https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/*
- // @match https://idol.sankakucomplex.com/*
- // @match https://legacy.sankakucomplex.com/*
- // @run-at document-start
- // @noframes
- // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM.addStyle
- // @grant GM.openInTab
- // @grant GM.setValue
- // @grant GM.getValue
- // @grant GM.deleteValue
- // @grant GM.addValueChangeListener
- // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
- // @grant GM.setClipboard
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // ==/UserScript==
- (async function(unsafeWindow) {
- 'use strict';
- const VERSION = 'v1.0.14';
- const SVG_SIZE = 20;
- const SPEAKER_SVG = `<svg class="speaker_icon" width="${SVG_SIZE}" height="${SVG_SIZE}" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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- const RATING_SVG = {
- 'r18+': EXPLICIT_SVG,
- 'g': SAFE_SVG,
- };
- // based on the Tag Checklist in the wiki
- `[
- {
- "name": "People & Gender",
- "tags": [
- [
- ["female female_only 1girl 2girls 3girls 4girls 5girls 6+girls"],
- ["male male_only 1boy 2boys 3boys 4boys 5boys 6+boys"],
- ["futanari futanari_only 1_futanari 2_futanari 3_futanari 4_futanari 5_futanari 6+_futanari"],
- ["newhalf newhalf_only 1_newhalf 2_newhalf 3_newhalf 4_newhalf 5_newhalf 6+_newhalf"]
- ],
- "no_humans"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Young Age",
- "tags": [
- "child loli shota toddlercon young"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Androgynous",
- "tags": [
- "androgynous crossdressing genderswap trap reverse_trap"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Group",
- "tags": [
- "solo duo trio quartet quintet sextet group"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Relationship",
- "tags": [
- "couple siblings sisters brothers brother_and_sister twins triplets"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Who/Other",
- "tags": [
- "anthropomorphization multiple_persona elf mecha monster monster_girl magical_girl fairy"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Face",
- "tags": [
- "face ears eyes nose lips teeth facial_mark facial_hair beard"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Upper Body",
- "tags": [
- "arms armpits armpit_crease armpit_peek back bare_shoulders breasts bust clavicle midriff navel stomach hands fingers"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Lower Body",
- "tags": [
- "anus ass mound_of_venus vagina penis thighs knees feet barefoot legs bare_legs bare_thighs zettai_ryouiki toes"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Breasts",
- "tags": [
- "cleavage breasts nipples areolae puffy_areolae areola_slip breasts_out_of_clothes breasts_apart underboob sideboob"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Breast Size",
- "tags": [
- "pettanko small_breasts medium_breasts large_breasts huge_breasts gigantic_breasts alternate_bust_size"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Skin Color",
- "tags": [
- "pale_skin dark_skin tanned shiny_skin albino",
- ["red_skin orange_skin yellow_skin green_skin blue_skin purple_skin pink_skin white_skin grey_skin black_skin"]
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Hairstyle",
- "tags": [
- "ahoge bangs blunt_bangs bob_cut double_bun drill_hair hair_over_one_eye peek-a-boo_bang ponytail side_pony_tail single_braid spiky_hair twinbraids twintails alternate_hairstyle two_side_up"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Hair Length",
- "tags": [
- "very_short_hair short_hair medium_hair long_hair very_long_hair absurdly_long_hair"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Hair/Eye Color",
- "tags": [
- [
- ["blonde_hair black_hair blue_hair brown_hair green_hair grey_hair orange_hair pink_hair purple_hair red_hair silver_hair white_hair"],
- ["golden_eyes black_eyes blue_eyes brown_eyes green_eyes grey_eyes orange_eyes pink_eyes purple_eyes red_eyes silver_eyes white_eyes"]
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Animal Parts",
- "tags": [
- "animal_ears bat_wings bunny_ears cat_tail wolf_ears fang horns kitsunemimi nekomimi tail inumimi wings angel_wings"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Look/Other",
- "tags": [
- "chibi mole muscle pointed_ears pregnant scar curvy animal_ear_fluff fluffy_tail"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Swimwear",
- "tags": [
- "bikini one-piece_swimsuit swimsuit competition_swimsuit sukumizu"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Facewear",
- "tags": [
- "megane sunglasses eyewear_on_head red-framed_eyewear"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Upper Body",
- "tags": [
- "sailor_collar choker shirt crop_top camisole dress bra babydoll"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Lower Body",
- "tags": [
- "skirt pleated_skirt pantsu thighhighs shoes sandals socks pants shorts short_shorts"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Traditional\u00A0Clothes",
- "tags": [
- "serafuku kimono kindergarten_uniform chinese_clothes"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Wear/Other",
- "tags": [
- "armor suit uniform school_uniform underwear_only nude completely_nude"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Actions",
- "tags": [
- "battle fighting jumping running princess_carry stretch sleeping lying flying squatting"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Posture",
- "tags": [
- "all_fours arched_back back-to-back bent-over fighting_stance leaning leaning_back leaning_forward squat top-down_bottom-up"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Arms",
- "tags": [
- "arms_behind_back arms_crossed arm_support arm_up arms_up arms_behind_head chin_rest outstretched_arm outstretched_arms spread_arms v_arms"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Hands",
- "tags": [
- "hands_clasped hand_in_pocket hands_in_pocket hand_on_cheek hand_on_hat hand_on_head hand_on_hip hands_on_hip hand_on_shoulder holding_hands interlocked_fingers outstretched_hand"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Legs",
- "tags": [
- "knees_on_chest leg_lift leg_up legs_up outstretched_leg pigeon_toed spread_legs"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Sitting",
- "tags": [
- "sitting crossed_legs indian_style leg_hug seiza sitting_on_lap sitting_on_person wariza yokozuwari straddling"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Standing",
- "tags": [
- "standing crossed_legs_(standing) standing_on_one_leg"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Lying",
- "tags": [
- "lying on_back on_side on_stomach"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Viewing Direction",
- "tags": [
- "eye_contact looking_at_viewer looking_back looking_away"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Gesture",
- "tags": [
- "clenched_hand clenched_hands double_v heart_hands pinky_out pointing shushing thumbs_up \\\\m\\/ reaching salute waving cat_pose paw_pose v claw_pose double_\\\\m\\/"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Facial Expressions",
- "tags": [
- "expressions expressionless ahegao anger_vein blush blush_stickers clenched_teeth closed_eyes evil naughty_face nosebleed open_mouth parted_lips pout rolleyes frown tears scream"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Emotions",
- "tags": [
- "angry annoyed embarrassed happy sad scared surprised worried disappointed drunk trembling"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Sex",
- "tags": [
- "sex anal clothed_sex happy_sex vaginal yaoi yuri tribadism oral"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Positions",
- "tags": [
- "69 doggystyle girl_on_top cowgirl_position reverse_cowgirl_position upright_straddle missionary"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Stimulation",
- "tags": [
- "buttjob footjob grinding thigh_sex tekoki caressing_testicles double_handjob masturbation crotch_rub paizuri naizuri"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Oral",
- "tags": [
- "oral breast_sucking cunnilingus facesitting fellatio deepthroat :>="
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Groping",
- "tags": [
- "groping ass_grab breast_grab nipple_tweak self_fondle torso_grab"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Group Sex",
- "tags": [
- "group_sex gangbang double_penetration orgy spitroast teamwork threesome"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Insertion",
- "tags": [
- "insertion anal_insertion large_insertion stomach_bulge multiple_insertions urethral_insertion penetration nipple_penetration fingering anal_fingering"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Fetishes",
- "tags": [
- "milf giantess minigirl plump fat skinny public public_nudity zenra exhibitionism voyeurism futa_on_female futa_on_male incest twincest rape about_to_be_raped molestation bestiality impregnation tentacles virgin vore"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Bondage",
- "tags": [
- "bondage bdsm asphyxiation breast_bondage shibari spreader_bar suspension femdom humiliation body_writing slave spanked torture bound_arms bound_legs bound_wrists suspension"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Semen",
- "tags": [
- "semen bukkake dripping_semen semen_splatter semen_pool nakadashi semen_in_anus semen_in_mouth semen_on_tongue semen_on_body semen_on_hair semen_on_lower_body semen_on_ass semen_on_vagina semen_on_upper_body semen_on_breasts semen_on_clothes ejaculation ejaculating_while_penetrated facial"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Objects",
- "tags": [
- "condom used_condom sex_toy dildo vibrator"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Bodily Fluids",
- "tags": [
- "blood lactation urinating saliva sweat female_ejaculation vaginal_juices"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "View",
- "tags": [
- "cross-section internal_cumshot x-ray"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Background",
- "tags": [
- "simple_background gradient_background two-tone_background ambiguous_background blurry_background",
- ["white_background grey_background black_background red_background brown_background orange_background yellow_background green_background blue_background purple_background pink_background"]
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Placement",
- "tags": [
- "indoors outdoors rooftop city pool beach cave bedroom hallway"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Nature",
- "tags": [
- "ocean river tree palm_tree wisteria lilac grass sand water",
- ["white_flower red_flower yellow_flower blue_flower purple_flower pink_flower"]
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Indoors",
- "tags": [
- "pillow bed door bed_sheet counter window curtains bathtub"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "Work Type",
- "tags": [
- "scan watercolor_(medium) papercraft non-web_source photoshop_(medium) sketch work_in_progress lineart"
- ]
- }
- ]`;
- 'view': 'View',
- 'add-fav': 'Add to favorites',
- 'remove-fav': 'Remove from favorites',
- 'rating-s': 'Rate G',
- 'rating-q': 'Rate 15+',
- 'rating-e': 'Rate R18+',
- 'approve': 'Approve post',
- 'flag': 'Flag',
- 'edit-tag-script': 'Edit tag script',
- 'apply-tag-script': 'Apply tag script',
- 'choose-parent': 'Choose Parent',
- 'set-parent': 'Set Parent',
- 'edit-tags': 'Edit Tags',
- 'find-similar': 'Find Similar',
- 'delete': 'Delete Post',
- };
- const TAG_CATEGORIES = [
- 'copyright',
- 'studio',
- 'character',
- 'artist',
- 'medium',
- 'meta',
- 'genre'
- ];
- /*****************/
- /* compatibility */
- /*****************/
- let IS_MONKEY = false; // Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey (all at least partially support 'GM.' functions)
- if (typeof GM === 'object' && typeof GM.info === 'object') {
- IS_MONKEY = true;
- // Greasemonkey:
- // doesn't have addStyle and addValueChangeListener
- // fetch() doesn't work with relative URLs (https://github.com/greasemonkey/greasemonkey/issues/2647), workaround: new URL('/relative/path', document.location)
- // polyfill for ViolentMonkey
- if (!GM.addValueChangeListener && typeof GM_addValueChangeListener !== 'undefined') GM.addValueChangeListener = GM_addValueChangeListener;
- }
- const HAS_MONKEY_STORAGE_LISTENER = IS_MONKEY && GM.addValueChangeListener;
- const HAS_MONKEY_ADD_STYLE = IS_MONKEY && GM.addStyle;
- try {
- HAS_LOCAL_STORAGE = !!localStorage.getItem;
- } catch (error) { // DOMException
- }
- function add_storage_change_listener() {
- if (HAS_MONKEY_STORAGE_LISTENER) for (const key of Object.keys(config)) GM.addValueChangeListener(key, storage_changed);
- else if (HAS_LOCAL_STORAGE) window.addEventListener('storage', local_storage_changed);
- else show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t add storage change listener! No cross-tab communication possible.');
- }
- function open_in_tab(url) {
- if (IS_MONKEY) GM.openInTab(url, false);
- else window.open(url); // requires popup permission
- }
- function add_style(css) {
- return Promise.resolve(GM.addStyle(css)); // Violentmonkey returns a style element whereas Tampermonkey returns a Promise
- } else {
- const sheet = document.createElement('STYLE');
- sheet.innerText = css;
- document.head.appendChild(sheet);
- return Promise.resolve(sheet);
- }
- }
- function set_clipboard(text) {
- if (IS_MONKEY) {
- GM.setClipboard(text);
- } else {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).catch((err) => {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error]: Couldn\'t copy text to clipboard', err);
- });
- }
- }
- // the site uses a ton of ancient, non-standard polyfills/prototype overrides, e.g.
- // Array.from(new Set([1])) returns [] instead of [1]
- // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([1])) returns "[1]" instead of [1]
- // Array.from(s) can be replaced by [...s]
- // to use proper JSON we need to temporarily unbind the site's toJSON functions
- const toJSON_OBJECTS = [Object, Array.prototype, Number.prototype, String.prototype];
- function delete_toJSONs() {
- const toJSON_originals = [];
- for (const obj of toJSON_OBJECTS) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty('toJSON')) {
- toJSON_originals.push({ obj, func: obj.toJSON });
- delete obj.toJSON;
- }
- }
- return toJSON_originals;
- }
- function restore_toJSONs(toJSON_originals) {
- for (const { obj, func } of toJSON_originals)
- obj.toJSON = func;
- }
- function JSON_stringify(obj, replacer, space) {
- let toJSON_originals;
- try {
- toJSON_originals = delete_toJSONs();
- return JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, space);
- } finally {
- restore_toJSONs(toJSON_originals);
- }
- }
- // enables JSON to stringify Sets and Hotkeys
- function json_replacer(key, value) {
- if (typeof value === 'object') {
- if (value instanceof Set) return { t: 'Set', v: [...value] };
- if (value instanceof Map) return { t: 'Map', v: [...value] };
- if (value instanceof Hotkey) {
- return { t: 'Hotkey', v: {
- key: value.key,
- modifiers: value.modifiers,
- action: value.action_name,
- } };
- }
- }
- return value;
- }
- // enables JSON to parse Sets and Hotkeys
- function json_reviver(key, value) {
- if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
- switch (value.t) {
- case 'Set':
- return new Set(value.v);
- case 'Map':
- return new Map(value.v);
- case 'Hotkey':
- return new Hotkey(value.v.action, value.v.key, value.v.modifiers);
- }
- }
- return value;
- }
- function adjust_tag_color_css() {
- for (const category of TAG_CATEGORIES) {
- if (!config.tag_category_colors.has(category)) continue;
- add_style(`
- .tag_button.tag-type-${category}:not(.tag_nonexistent) {
- color: ${config.tag_category_colors.get(category)};
- }
- `);
- }
- }
- let css_vars = null;
- async function update_css_vars() {
- const style = await add_style(`
- :root {
- --thumbnail-size: ${config.thumbnail_size}px;
- }
- `);
- css_vars?.remove();
- css_vars = style;
- }
- let applied_css = false;
- function adjust_css() {
- if (applied_css) return;
- applied_css = true;
- // change priority of post borders (by redefining their colors after their original definition)
- // original: flagged < has-children < has-parent < pending < deleted
- // default: deleted < has-children < has-parent < pending < flagged
- // variants: pending < deleted < has-children < has-parent < flagged
- // note: pending, flagged and deleted are mutually exclusive, so this is only about their relation to has-children/parent
- // also note: deleted posts only show through explicit search so they don't really need a border
- add_style(`
- img.has-children { border-color: #A7DF38; }
- img.has-parent { border-color: #CCCC00; }
- ${config.post_border_style === 0 ? `
- img.pending { border-color: #4B4BA3; }
- ` : config.post_border_style === 2 ? `
- img.pending:is(.has-children,.has-parent) { outline: #4B4BA3 solid 2px; }
- ` : ''}
- img.flagged { border-color: #F00; }
- `);
- /* allow enlarging tag edit box */
- add_style(`
- form#edit-form textarea#post_tags {
- max-width: unset;
- height: 255px;
- }`);
- /* style edit box buttons */
- add_style(`
- form#edit-form button {
- min-width: 7em;
- padding-left: 0.5em;
- padding-right: 0.5em;
- margin-top: 0.5em;
- margin-bottom: 0.5em;
- }`
- );
- /* sitefix: there can appear a small gap between the navbar <li>s and the <ul>s which partially breaks hovering */
- /* this issue seems to be font-dependent and is worsened by the unicode config gear icon, no matter it's size (...?!) */
- add_style(`
- div#header ul#navbar {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- padding-top: 2px;
- padding-bottom: 0;
- }
- div#header ul#navbar li {
- padding-bottom: 3px;
- }
- div#header ul#navbar li:hover > ul {
- height: 2.1em;
- }
- `);
- /* sitefix for broken deletion page layout */
- add_style(`
- /* comparison box */
- #content > .deleting-post {
- clear: left; /* clearfix: ensure box starts below first thumbnail */
- overflow: auto; /* fit its content */
- }
- /* balance margins */
- #content > .deleting-post {
- padding-top: 1em;
- padding-bottom: 1em;
- }
- #content > .deleting-post > div {
- margin-top: unset !important; /* important due to inline style */
- margin-bottom: unset !important;
- }
- #content > .deleting-post > ul {
- margin-bottom: unset;
- }
- /* align first thumbnail with comparison box */
- #content > .thumb {
- margin-left: calc(4em + 4px);
- }
- /* center warn tags / edit gear below thumbnails */
- #content .deleting-post .thumb > * {
- margin: auto;
- }
- `);
- /* custom style for tag menu */
- add_style(`
- .tag_button {
- display: inline-block;
- border-style: solid;
- border-width: 1px;
- padding-left: 5px;
- padding-right: 5px;
- }
- .tag_list, .tag_group {
- display: flex;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- align-content: flex-start;
- align-items: flex-start;
- column-gap: 6px;
- row-gap: 3px;
- }
- .tag_list {
- padding-left: 3px;
- padding-top: 3px;
- padding-bottom: 1px;
- }
- .tag_group {
- padding: 2px;
- }
- .tag_list table {
- margin: 0;
- }
- .tag_group, .tag_list table {
- margin-left: -3px;
- margin-top: -2px;
- }
- a.tag_nonexistent {
- color: #E00;
- }
- `);
- adjust_tag_color_css();
- // disable site icons when using own icons
- if (config.show_speaker_icon || config.show_animated_icon) {
- add_style(`
- .sound-icon, .video-icon {
- display: none;
- }
- `);
- }
- update_css_vars();
- if (config.custom_style) {
- add_style(`
- :root {
- /* 1920px - 230px sidebar - scrollbar = ~1670px */
- --thumbnail-image-size: calc(var(--thumbnail-size) - 30px);
- }
- /* simple left-aligned grid */
- .post-gallery.post-gallery-grid .posts-container {
- grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, var(--thumbnail-size));
- }
- .posts-container.gap-2 {
- gap: 0
- }
- .post-gallery-grid .posts-container {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- /* center thumbnails */
- #popular-preview .post-preview-container {
- display: grid;
- place-items: center;
- }
- .post-gallery-grid .post-preview-container {
- place-items: center;
- }
- .post-gallery${General.page === Page.Index ? ':not(.post-gallery-inline)' : ''} .post-preview {
- /* add outline */
- outline: #84848463 dashed 1px;
- /* slight transparent background */
- background-color: #c4c4c421;
- /* set size */
- width: var(--thumbnail-size);
- }
- /* set/override size */
- #post-list .posts-container .post-preview .post-preview-container {
- height: var(--thumbnail-size);
- }
- /* fix thumbnail icons for post page parent/children */
- #post-view .post-preview .post-preview-link {
- display: inline-block;
- }
- /* scale thumbnail images */
- .posts-container img.post-preview-image {
- /*
- * using object-fit: contain; instead will cause the borders to not fit the image
- * but this way will make the crossed out eyes appear tiny...
- */
- width: auto;
- height: auto;
- max-width: var(--thumbnail-image-size);
- max-height: var(--thumbnail-image-size);
- }
- `);
- }
- if (config.enlarge_navbar) {
- add_style(`
- :root {
- --navbar-size: 4em;
- --subnav-size: 4em;
- }
- /* Grow navbar size to match hover area and equalize the latter for darkmode */
- div#header ul#subnavbar {
- height: calc(var(--navbar-size) - 1em + 1px);
- }
- div#header ul#navbar li:hover > ul {
- height: var(--subnav-size);
- }
- `);
- }
- }
- /***************************/
- /* configuration functions */
- /***************************/
- const IS_IDOL = (window.location.hostname === 'idol.sankakucomplex.com' ? 1 : 0);
- const HISTORY_KEY = (IS_IDOL ? 'view_history_idol' : 'view_history');
- const COMMON_TAGS_KEYS = ['common_tags_json', 'common_tags_json_idol'];
- const HOTKEY_ACTIONS = { // actions need unique names (for serialization)
- postpage: {
- reset_size: () => {
- scale_image(SCALE_MODES.RESET, true);
- scroll_to_image();
- },
- fit_size: () => {
- scale_image(SCALE_MODES.FIT, true);
- scroll_to_image();
- },
- fit_horizontal: () => {
- scale_image(SCALE_MODES.HORIZONTAL, true);
- scroll_to_image();
- },
- fit_vertical: () => {
- scale_image(SCALE_MODES.VERTICAL, true);
- scroll_to_image();
- },
- open_similar: () => {
- if (PostPage.post_id === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, 'addon error: no post id, report to author!');
- return;
- }
- open_in_tab(window.location.origin + '/posts/similar?id=' + PostPage.post_id);
- },
- open_delete: () => {
- if (!found_delete_action) {
- show_notice(console.error, 'addon error: Delete action not found, no permission?');
- } else {
- if (PostPage.post_id === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, 'addon error: no post id, report to author!');
- return;
- }
- open_in_tab(window.location.origin + '/posts/delete/' + PostPage.post_id);
- }
- },
- add_translation: () => {
- unsafeWindow.Note.create();
- },
- copy_translations: () => {
- copy_translations();
- },
- paste_translations: () => {
- paste_translations();
- },
- },
- indexpage: {}
- };
- for (const mode of Object.keys(POST_MODE_DESCRIPTIONS)) {
- HOTKEY_ACTIONS.indexpage[`${mode}_mode`] = () => select_mode(mode);
- }
- for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
- HOTKEY_ACTIONS.indexpage[`select_tagscript_preset${i}`] = () => {
- const dropdown = document.getElementById('tagscript_presets_dropdown');
- dropdown.selectedIndex = i;
- dropdown.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
- };
- }
- function get_hotkey_action(action_name) {
- for (const actions of Object.values(HOTKEY_ACTIONS)) {
- const action = actions[action_name];
- if (action) {
- return action;
- }
- }
- throw new Error(`Hotkey ${action_name} not found`);
- }
- class Hotkey {
- constructor(action_name, key, modifiers) {
- this.key = key;
- this.modifiers = modifiers ?? new Set();
- this.action_name = action_name;
- this.action = get_hotkey_action(action_name);
- }
- call(e) {
- if (e.key.toLowerCase() === this.key
- && this.modifiers.has('ctrl') === e.ctrlKey
- && this.modifiers.has('alt') === e.altKey
- && this.modifiers.has('shift') === e.shiftKey) {
- this.action();
- }
- }
- }
- const DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
- scroll_to_image: true,
- scale_image: true, // and video
- scale_only_downscale: false,
- scale_flash: false,
- scale_mode: 0,
- scale_on_resize: false,
- scroll_to_image_center: true,
- load_highres: false,
- highres_limit: 4000000, // bytes
- video_pause: false,
- video_mute: true,
- set_video_volume: false,
- video_volume: 50,
- video_controls: true,
- redirect_v_to_s_server: false,
- show_speaker_icon: false,
- show_animated_icon: false,
- show_ratings_icon: false,
- post_border_style: 0,
- custom_style: true,
- thumbnail_size: 208,
- enlarge_navbar: false,
- setparent_deletepotentialduplicate: false,
- editform_deleteuselesstags: false,
- hide_headerlogo: false,
- tag_search_buttons: true,
- tag_post_counts: true,
- or_tag_search_button: false,
- tag_menu: true,
- tag_menu_scale: '30%',
- tag_menu_layout: 1,
- common_tags_json: DEFAULT_TAGLIST,
- common_tags_json_idol: '[ {"name":"test tags", "tags":["tag1 tag2", ["grouped_tag1 grouped_tag2"], "tag3 tag4"] }, { "tags":[ "next_line tag5 tag6", ["grouped_tag3 grouped_tag4"] , "tag7 tag8"] }, {"name":"another\u00A0category", "tags":["t1 t2 t3"]} ]',
- view_history_enabled: false,
- view_history: new Set(),
- view_history_idol: new Set(),
- wiki_template: '',
- record_template:
- `[
- [
- "Poor Tagging - neutral",
- "Hello.\\n\\nPlease comply with our [[uploading rules]] when making new posts. [##]% of your posts do not have enough tags to get rid of their tagme status.\\n\\nIf you need help figuring out what tags to add, there's a great [[tag checklist]] that will give you lots of tags to add.\\n\\nUntil you correct this issue, I'll have to request that you not upload anything else. A failure to comply with our tagging standards can result in further staff action against your account.\\n\\nAs an extra bit of information, we require 13 general tags on color posts and 7 general tags on [[monochrome]] posts to avoid records such as this one.",
- "neutral"
- ]
- ]`,
- tagscript_presets:
- `[
- [
- "Remove potential_duplicate",
- "-potential_duplicate"
- ],
- [
- "futanari -> newhalf",
- "newhalf -futanari -full-package_futanari"
- ]
- ]`,
- tag_category_collapser: false,
- tag_category_collapser_style: 1,
- collapsed_tag_categories: new Set(),
- move_stats_to_edit_form: false,
- postpage_hotkeys: [
- new Hotkey('reset_size', 'h'),
- new Hotkey('fit_size', 'g'),
- new Hotkey('fit_horizontal', 'g', new Set(['shift'])),
- new Hotkey('fit_vertical', 'g', new Set(['alt'])),
- //new Hotkey('open_similar', 's'),
- //new Hotkey('open_delete', 'd'), // site: shift+d
- //new Hotkey('add_translation', 't'), // site: n
- new Hotkey('copy_translations', 'c'),
- new Hotkey('paste_translations', 'v'),
- ],
- indexpage_hotkeys: [
- new Hotkey('set-parent_mode', 'v'),
- new Hotkey('choose-parent_mode', 'c'),
- new Hotkey('rating-s_mode', 's'),
- new Hotkey('rating-q_mode', 'q'),
- new Hotkey('rating-e_mode', 'e'),
- ],
- notes: [],
- save_tag_categories: true,
- tag_categories: new Map(),
- tag_category_colors: new Map(),
- use_old_wiki: false,
- use_old_pools: false,
- use_old_tags_index: false,
- };
- for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
- const key = i < 10 ? String(i) : '0';
- DEFAULT_CONFIG.indexpage_hotkeys.push(new Hotkey(`select_tagscript_preset${i}`, key));
- }
- const KEY_PREFIX = 'config.'; // used to avoid conflicts in localStorage and config element ids
- const config = Object_clone(DEFAULT_CONFIG); // load default
- // applied to loaded/set config entries (to e.g. fix config elements returning strings when we need numbers)
- const CONFIG_FIXER = {
- scale_mode: Number,
- tag_menu_layout: Number,
- tag_category_collapser_style: Number,
- highres_limit: Number,
- post_border_style: Number,
- thumbnail_size: Number,
- };
- function fix_config_entry(key, value) {
- const fixer = CONFIG_FIXER[key];
- return (fixer !== undefined ? fixer(value) : value);
- }
- // permanently save setting (and broadcast to other tabs)
- function save_setting(key, value) {
- value = fix_config_entry(key, value);
- GM.setValue(key, JSON_stringify(value, json_replacer)).catch((reason) => {
- show_notice(console.error, `addon error: couldn't save setting "${key}", check console`, reason);
- });
- // use localStorage too if we don't have a change listener
- if (GM.addValueChangeListener) return;
- }
- show_notice(console.warn, `[addon] couldn't save setting "${KEY_PREFIX + key}" to localStorage. check permissions`);
- return;
- }
- try {
- localStorage.setItem(KEY_PREFIX + key, JSON_stringify(value, json_replacer));
- } catch (error) {
- show_notice(console.error, `[addon error] couldn't save setting "${KEY_PREFIX + key}" to localStorage, check console`, error);
- }
- }
- async function load_config() {
- const monkey_values = {};
- const promises = [];
- for (const key of Object.keys(config)) {
- promises.push(GM.getValue(key).then((value) => {
- monkey_values[key] = value;
- }));
- }
- await Promise.all(promises);
- }
- for (const key of Object.keys(config)) {
- let value = config[key]; // default already loaded
- let stored_value = monkey_values[key];
- if (stored_value === undefined && HAS_LOCAL_STORAGE)
- stored_value = localStorage.getItem(KEY_PREFIX + key);
- if (stored_value !== undefined && stored_value !== null) {
- try {
- value = JSON.parse(stored_value, json_reviver);
- // "migrate" from old hotkey format by resetting to default
- if ((key === 'postpage_hotkeys' || key === 'indexpage_hotkeys') && !Array.isArray(value)) {
- reset_setting(key);
- continue;
- }
- } catch (error) {
- show_notice(console.error, `[addon error] couldn't load setting "${key}"`, error);
- }
- }
- update_setting(key, value); // fire regardless
- }
- }
- function storage_changed(key, old_value, new_value, remote) {
- try {
- if (!remote) return; // only listen to other tabs
- if (new_value === undefined || new_value === null) {
- // entry was removed, reset setting to default
- update_setting(key, Object_clone(DEFAULT_CONFIG[key]));
- } else {
- // entry was added or changed
- const value = JSON.parse(new_value, json_reviver);
- // workaround for post view history race condition
- if (key === HISTORY_KEY) {
- const new_ids = Set_difference(value, config[key]);
- if (new_ids.size === 0) return;
- // integrate newly received post ids into view history
- config[key] = Set_union(value, config[key]);
- // save new view history and broadcast it to other tabs,
- // which in turn might broadcast their ids back to us
- save_setting(key, value);
- // live update thumbnails
- if (!is_personal_post_page()) {
- for (const id of new_ids) {
- const thumbs = General.thumbnail_cache.get(id);
- if (thumbs === undefined) continue;
- for (const thumb of thumbs)
- fadeout_post(thumb);
- }
- }
- return; // don't call update_setting()
- }
- update_setting(key, value);
- }
- } catch (error) {
- show_notice(console.error, 'storage_changed() failed, check console', error);
- }
- }
- // localStorage from other tabs changed
- function local_storage_changed(e) {
- if (e.storageArea !== localStorage) return;
- if (e.key === null) return; // ignore external localStorage.clear() for now
- // only look at SankakuAddon specific changes
- if (!e.key.startsWith(KEY_PREFIX)) return;
- const key = e.key.substring(KEY_PREFIX.length);
- storage_changed(key, e.oldValue, e.newValue, true);
- }
- function update_setting(key, value) {
- config[key] = fix_config_entry(key, value);
- if (key === 'thumbnail_size') {
- update_css_vars();
- } else if (key === 'scale_on_resize') {
- if (value) add_scale_on_resize_listener();
- else remove_scale_on_resize_listener();
- }
- update_config_dialog_by_key(key);
- if (key === 'hide_headerlogo') {
- update_headerlogo();
- } else if (key === 'collapsed_tag_categories') {
- for (const category of collapser_map.keys())
- collapse_tag_category(category, config.collapsed_tag_categories.has(category), false);
- }
- }
- function reset_setting(key) {
- if (HAS_MONKEY_STORAGE) GM.deleteValue(key);
- if (HAS_LOCAL_STORAGE) localStorage.removeItem(KEY_PREFIX + key); // also delete if USE_MONKEY_STORAGE
- update_setting(key, Object_clone(DEFAULT_CONFIG[key]));
- }
- function reset_config() {
- for (const key of Object.keys(config)) {
- // don't clear the history so the clear history button makes more sense
- if (key === 'view_history' || key === 'view_history_idol') continue;
- // don't reset the common tags list of the other site
- if (key === OTHER_COMMON_TAGS_KEY) continue;
- reset_setting(key);
- }
- }
- // templates for the config dialog
- general: {
- name: 'General',
- categories: ['post', 'general'],
- },
- editing: {
- name: 'Editing',
- categories: ['editing'],
- },
- hotkeys: {
- name: 'Hotkeys',
- categories: ['postpage_hotkeys', 'indexpage_hotkeys'],
- },
- };
- post: {
- name: 'Image/Video',
- entries: [
- 'scroll_to_image',
- 'scroll_to_image_center',
- 'scale_image',
- 'scale_only_downscale',
- 'scale_flash',
- 'scale_on_resize',
- 'scale_mode',
- 'load_highres',
- 'video_pause',
- 'video_mute',
- 'set_video_volume',
- 'video_controls',
- 'redirect_v_to_s_server',
- ],
- },
- general: {
- name: 'General',
- entries: [
- 'tag_search_buttons',
- 'or_tag_search_button',
- 'tag_post_counts',
- 'tag_category_collapser',
- 'tag_category_collapser_style',
- 'show_speaker_icon',
- 'show_animated_icon',
- 'show_ratings_icon',
- 'view_history_enabled',
- 'post_border_style',
- 'custom_style',
- 'thumbnail_size',
- 'enlarge_navbar',
- 'hide_headerlogo',
- ],
- },
- editing: {
- name: 'Editing',
- entries: [
- 'use_old_wiki',
- 'use_old_pools',
- 'use_old_tags_index',
- 'move_stats_to_edit_form',
- 'setparent_deletepotentialduplicate',
- 'editform_deleteuselesstags',
- 'tag_menu',
- 'tag_menu_layout',
- 'save_tag_categories',
- 'wiki_template',
- 'record_template',
- 'tagscript_presets',
- ],
- },
- postpage_hotkeys: {
- name: 'Post Page Hotkeys',
- entries: [],
- },
- indexpage_hotkeys: {
- name: 'Index Page Hotkeys',
- entries: [],
- },
- };
- // expand hotkeys
- for (const [page, actions] of Object.entries(HOTKEY_ACTIONS)) {
- for (const name of Object.keys(actions)) {
- CONFIG_CATEGORY_TEMPLATE[`${page}_hotkeys`].entries.push(`${page}_hotkeys.${name}`);
- }
- }
- scroll_to_image: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Scroll to image/video when opening post'},
- scroll_to_image_center: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Scroll to center of image/video, else scroll to top'},
- scale_image: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Scale image/video when opening post'},
- scale_only_downscale: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Only downscale'},
- scale_flash: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Also scale flash videos'},
- scale_on_resize: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Scale image on window resize', title: 'This uses the \'scale image mode\' setting, so it doesn\'t work well when using the manual scaling actions.'},
- scale_mode: {type: 'select', desc: 'Scale image/video mode: ', options: {0: 'Fit to window', 1: 'Fit horizontally', 2: 'Fit vertically'}},
- load_highres: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Load original image if smaller than ', title: 'Set to 0 bytes to always load'},
- video_pause: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Pause (non-flash) videos'},
- video_mute: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Mute (non-flash) videos'},
- set_video_volume: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Set (non-flash) video volume to: '},
- video_controls: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Show video controls'},
- redirect_v_to_s_server: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Redirect v.sankakucomplex.com to s.sankakucomplex.com'},
- tag_post_counts: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Add old style post tag counts'},
- tag_search_buttons: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Enable + - tag search buttons'},
- or_tag_search_button: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Also add ~ tag search button'},
- show_speaker_icon: {type: 'checkbox', desc: `Show ${SPEAKER_SVG} icon on thumbnail if it has audio`},
- show_animated_icon: {type: 'checkbox', desc: `Show ${ANIMATED_SVG} icon on thumbnail if it is animated (${SPEAKER_SVG} overrides ${ANIMATED_SVG} )`},
- show_ratings_icon: {type: 'checkbox', desc: `Show ratings icon (${SAFE_SVG}, ${QUESTIONABLE_SVG}, ${EXPLICIT_SVG}) on post thumbnails`},
- view_history_enabled: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Fade out thumbnails of viewed posts (enables post view history)'},
- post_border_style: {type: 'select', desc: 'Post border style: ', options: {0: 'Prioritize blue \'unapproved\' border', 1: 'Priorizite yellow/green \'has parent / children\' borders', 2: 'Show both borders'}},
- custom_style: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Custom thumbnail grid style', title: 'Previously known as \'Sankaku...Something\' userstyle'},
- thumbnail_size: {type: 'range', desc: 'Thumbnail size for custom style: ', min: 30, max: 330},
- setparent_deletepotentialduplicate: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Delete potential_duplicate tag when using "Set Parent"'},
- enlarge_navbar: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Enlarge navbar', title: 'Makes it easier to reach far options without accidentally closing the subnav.'},
- editform_deleteuselesstags: {type: 'checkbox', desc: '"Save changes" button deletes useless_tags tag'},
- tag_category_collapser: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Enable tag category collapsers on post pages'},
- tag_category_collapser_style: {type: 'select', desc: 'Tag category collapser style: ', options: {0: 'Compact', 1: 'Compact category name', 2: 'Default category name'}},
- hide_headerlogo: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Hide header logo'},
- tag_menu: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Activate tag menu'},
- [COMMON_TAGS_KEY]: {type: 'text', desc: 'Common tags list (JSON format):'},
- tag_menu_layout: {type: 'select', desc: 'Tag menu layout: ', options: {0: 'Normal', 1: 'Vertically compact'}},
- save_tag_categories: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Save tag color information for use in tag menu'},
- wiki_template: {type: 'text', desc: 'Wiki template:', title: 'Text that will be be shown in a separate textarea on wiki add/edit pages so it can easily be copied.'},
- record_template: {type: 'text', desc: 'Record templates (JSON format):', title: 'A list of templates to be chosen from a dropdown menu on the record add page, each entry has a title followed by the actual content.'},
- tagscript_presets: {type: 'text', desc: 'Tag script presets (JSON format):', title: 'A list of tag scripts to be chosen from a dropdown menu below "Mode" (put [] to disable).'},
- move_stats_to_edit_form: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Move post "Details" to the right of the edit form'},
- use_old_wiki: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Use old wiki where possible'},
- use_old_pools: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Use old pools instead of books (read-only)'},
- use_old_tags_index: {type: 'checkbox', desc: 'Use old tags index'},
- // TODO this is a mess
- 'postpage_hotkeys.reset_size': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Reset Image Size'},
- 'postpage_hotkeys.fit_size': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Fit Image'},
- 'postpage_hotkeys.fit_horizontal': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Fit Image (Horizontal)'},
- 'postpage_hotkeys.fit_vertical': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Fit Image (Vertical)'},
- 'postpage_hotkeys.open_similar': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Find Similar'},
- 'postpage_hotkeys.open_delete': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Delete Post'},
- 'postpage_hotkeys.add_translation': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Add Translation'},
- 'postpage_hotkeys.copy_translations': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Copy Translations'},
- 'postpage_hotkeys.paste_translations': {type: 'hotkey', desc: 'Paste Translations'},
- };
- for (const [mode, desc] of Object.entries(POST_MODE_DESCRIPTIONS)) {
- SETTINGS_TEMPLATE[`indexpage_hotkeys.${mode}_mode`] = {type: 'hotkey', desc: desc + ' mode'};
- }
- for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
- SETTINGS_TEMPLATE[`indexpage_hotkeys.select_tagscript_preset${i}`] = {type: 'hotkey', desc: `Select Tag Script Template #${i}`};
- }
- // whether a config element's value are accessed via '.value' (or otherwise '.checked')
- function is_value_element(key) {
- // hardcoded elements
- if (key === 'video_volume') return true;
- if (key === 'highres_limit') return true;
- if (key === 'tag_menu_scale') return true; // doesn't exist as an element, but it would be '.value' type
- const type = SETTINGS_TEMPLATE[key].type;
- return (type === 'select' || type === 'range' || type === 'text');
- }
- // calls f(cfg_elem, key, get_value) for each existing config element
- function foreach_config_element(f) {
- for (const key of Object.keys(config)) {
- const cfg_elem = document.getElementById(KEY_PREFIX + key);
- if (cfg_elem === null) continue;
- if (is_value_element(key)) f(cfg_elem, key, () => cfg_elem.value);
- else f(cfg_elem, key, () => cfg_elem.checked);
- }
- }
- function update_config_dialog_by_key(key) {
- if (key.endsWith('_hotkeys')) {
- update_hotkeys(key.slice(0, -'_hotkeys'.length));
- return;
- }
- const cfg_elem = document.getElementById(KEY_PREFIX + key);
- if (cfg_elem !== null) {
- if (is_value_element(key)) cfg_elem.value = config[key];
- else cfg_elem.checked = config[key];
- }
- }
- function update_config_dialog() {
- for (const key of Object.keys(config)) update_config_dialog_by_key(key);
- }
- function update_headerlogo() {
- hide_headerlogo(config.hide_headerlogo);
- }
- function is_config_dialog_visible() {
- return document.getElementById('cfg_dialog').style.display !== 'none';
- }
- function show_config_dialog(bool) {
- document.getElementById('cfg_dialog').style.display = (bool ? 'block' : 'none');
- }
- /********************/
- /* helper functions */
- /********************/
- class Tags { // thin wrapper around Set
- tags;
- constructor(tag_str) {
- tag_str ??= '';
- this.tags = new Set(tag_str.trim().split(/\s+/).filter(t => t.length !== 0));
- }
- static invert(tag) {
- const minus = tag.startsWith('-');
- return minus ? tag.substring(1) : `-${tag}`;
- }
- has(tag) {
- return this.tags.has(tag);
- }
- add(tag) {
- this.tags.add(tag);
- this.tags.delete(Tags.invert(tag));
- }
- remove(tag) {
- this.tags.delete(tag);
- }
- toggle(tag) {
- if (this.has(tag)) {
- this.remove(tag);
- } else {
- this.add(tag);
- }
- }
- filter(pred) {
- this.tags = new Set([...this.tags].filter(pred));
- return this;
- }
- [Symbol.iterator]() {
- return this.tags.values();
- }
- toArray() {
- return [...this.tags];
- }
- toString() {
- return [...this.tags].join(' ');
- }
- }
- function set_cookie(name, value, valid_for_days = 365) {
- const date = new Date();
- date.setTime(date.getTime() + (valid_for_days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
- document.cookie = `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}; expires=${date.toUTCString()}; path=/; SameSite=Lax`;
- }
- function get_cookie(name) {
- const cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
- for (const cookie of cookies) {
- const kv = cookie.split('=');
- if (kv.length === 2 && kv[0].trim() === name) {
- return decodeURIComponent(kv[1]);
- }
- }
- return '';
- }
- function sleep(ms) {
- return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
- }
- // helper function to modify nodes on creation
- function modify_nodes(node_selector, node_modifier, root_selector) {
- // MutationObserver (with childList: true, subtree: true) will observe every single node from the HTML as "added",
- // but for script-inserted node trees, only the root node is counted.
- // As a workaround, all subnodes of nodes matching root_selector will be checked manually
- const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
- // for each added element
- for (const mutation of mutations) {
- for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
- if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
- // check for match
- if (node.matches(node_selector) && node_modifier(node, observer)) { // are we done?
- observer.disconnect();
- return;
- }
- // check all subnodes of nodes matching root_selector
- if (root_selector && node.matches(root_selector)) {
- for (const subnode of node.getElementsByTagName('*')) {
- if (subnode.matches(node_selector) && node_modifier(subnode, observer)) {
- observer.disconnect();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
- // it's possible we are too late to observe the element's construction, so look for it afterwards immediately
- for (const node of document.querySelectorAll(node_selector)) {
- if (node_modifier(node, observer)) {
- observer.disconnect();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // call adjust_css() as early as possible
- function modify_css() {
- const try_adjust_css = () => {
- if (document.body !== null) { // wait for body to guarantee head was loaded
- observer.disconnect();
- adjust_css();
- }
- };
- const observer = new MutationObserver(try_adjust_css);
- observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
- try_adjust_css();
- }
- function get_scrollbar_width() {
- const div = document.createElement('DIV');
- div.style.overflow = 'scroll';
- document.body.appendChild(div);
- const scrollbar_width = div.offsetWidth - div.clientWidth;
- div.remove();
- return scrollbar_width;
- }
- // (almost) deepclone an object
- function Object_clone(obj) {
- if (typeof obj === 'object') {
- // shallow clone containers
- if (obj instanceof Array) return [...obj];
- if (obj instanceof Set) return new Set(obj);
- if (obj instanceof Map) return new Map(obj);
- if (obj instanceof Hotkey) return new Hotkey(obj.action_name, obj.key, new Set(obj.modifiers));
- const new_obj = {};
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj))
- new_obj[key] = Object_clone(value);
- return new_obj;
- }
- return obj;
- }
- function Set_difference(a, b) {
- return new Set([...a].filter((x) => !b.has(x)));
- }
- function Set_union(a, b) {
- return new Set([...a, ...b]);
- }
- function insert_node_after(node, ref_node) {
- ref_node.parentNode.insertBefore(node, ref_node.nextSibling);
- }
- function get_resolution(obj) {
- if (obj.src === 'about:blank') return null;
- // natural size only for images, can be 0 when not yet loaded
- // note: when src is changed, this can read the old size
- if (obj.naturalWidth && obj.naturalHeight) {
- return [obj.naturalWidth, obj.naturalHeight];
- }
- if (obj.videoWidth && obj.videoHeight) {
- return [obj.videoWidth, obj.videoHeight];
- }
- return null;
- }
- function show_notice(logFunc, ...msg) {
- unsafeWindow.notice?.(msg[0]);
- logFunc?.(...msg);
- }
- function get_original_background_color() {
- // the background-color style gets changed through the (site)script, but we need the original one
- // there has to be a better way than this, right?
- const current = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('background-color');
- document.body.style.removeProperty('background-color');
- const original = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('background-color');
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = current;
- return original;
- }
- // "rgb(r,g,b)" -> [int(r), int(g), int(b)]
- function rgb_to_array(rgb) {
- const arr = rgb.substring(rgb.indexOf('(') + 1, rgb.lastIndexOf(')')).split(/,\s*/);
- for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
- arr[i] = parseInt(arr[i], 10);
- return arr;
- }
- function rgb_array_is_dark(rgb_array) {
- let avg = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < rgb_array.length; i++)
- avg += rgb_array[i];
- avg /= rgb_array.length;
- return (avg <= 128);
- }
- function rgb_array_shift(rgb, shift) {
- const shifted = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- shifted.push(Math.min(Math.max(rgb[i] + shift, 0), 255));
- return shifted;
- }
- // [r, g, b] -> "rgb(r,g,b)"
- function rgb_array_to_rgb(rgb) {
- if (rgb.length === 3)
- return 'rgb(' + rgb[0] + ',' + rgb[1] + ',' + rgb[2] + ')';
- return 'rgba(' + rgb[0] + ',' + rgb[1] + ',' + rgb[2] + ',' + rgb[3] + ')';
- }
- function is_darkmode() {
- const theme = get_cookie('theme');
- if (theme !== '' && Number(theme) !== 0)
- return true;
- // fallback
- const rgb = rgb_to_array(get_original_background_color());
- return rgb_array_is_dark(rgb);
- }
- // helper function to adjust background colors based on light or dark mode
- function shifted_backgroundColor(shift) {
- const rgb = rgb_to_array(get_original_background_color());
- const shifted_rgb = rgb_array_shift(rgb, (is_darkmode() ? 1 : -1) * shift);
- return rgb_array_to_rgb(shifted_rgb);
- }
- function create_popup_menu() {
- const popup = document.createElement('DIV');
- popup.style.display = 'none';
- popup.style.padding = '6px 12px 6px 12px';
- popup.style.border = '1px solid ' + shifted_backgroundColor(32);
- popup.style.backgroundColor = get_original_background_color();
- // fixed, centered div
- popup.style.top = '50%';
- popup.style.left = '50%';
- popup.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
- popup.style.position = 'fixed';
- popup.style.zIndex = '10002';
- // scroll bars if too large (resizing textareas behaves a bit weirdly on Chrome because it sets margins)
- popup.style.minWidth = '30vw';
- popup.style.maxWidth = '90vw';
- popup.style.maxHeight = '90vh';
- popup.style.overflow = 'auto';
- return popup;
- }
- /**************************/
- /* general site functions */
- /**************************/
- class Page {
- static Index = Symbol('index/similar');
- static Upload = Symbol('upload');
- static Post = Symbol('post');
- static Pool = Symbol('pool');
- static WikiNew = Symbol('wiki new');
- static WikiEdit = Symbol('wiki edit');
- static WikiShow = Symbol('wiki show');
- static Tag = Symbol('tag edit');
- static TagIndex = Symbol('tag index');
- static Moderate = Symbol('moderate');
- static Delete = Symbol('delete');
- static User = Symbol('user');
- static AddRecord = Symbol('add user record');
- }
- class General {
- static page;
- static thumbnail_cache = new Map(); // id -> array of thumbnail elements
- }
- class IndexPage {
- static has_tag_scripts;
- static init() {
- if (General.page !== Page.Index) return;
- IndexPage.has_tag_scripts = (document.querySelector('#mode > option[value=apply-tag-script]') !== null);
- }
- }
- class PostPage {
- static post_id = null;
- static parent_id = null;
- static init() {
- if (General.page !== Page.Post) return;
- PostPage.post_id = document.getElementById('hidden_post_id')?.innerText;
- PostPage.parent_id = document.getElementById('post_parent_id')?.value;
- }
- }
- class WikiPage {
- static tag = null;
- static init() {
- if (![Page.WikiNew, Page.WikiEdit, Page.WikiShow].includes(General.page)) return;
- // /wiki/edit?title=<tag>
- const params = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
- const title = params.get('title');
- if (title) {
- WikiPage.tag = title;
- } else {
- // /wiki/<tag> or potentially /wiki/<tag>/edit
- const pathname = window.location.pathname;
- const a = pathname.lastIndexOf('/wiki/') + 6;
- let b = pathname.indexOf('/', a + 1);
- if (b === -1) b = pathname.length;
- WikiPage.tag = decodeURIComponent(pathname.substring(a, b));
- }
- }
- }
- class PoolPage {
- static pool_id = null;
- static init() {
- if (General.page !== Page.Pool) return;
- PoolPage.pool_id = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
- }
- }
- function get_search_url(tags) {
- const url = new URL(window.location.origin);
- const params = new URLSearchParams();
- params.append('tags', tags);
- url.search = params.toString();
- return url.href;
- }
- function get_search_tags(location) {
- location ??= window.location;
- return new Tags(new URL(location.href).searchParams.get('tags'));
- }
- function get_username() { // won't work on every page
- // read from the 'My Favorites' button (in one of the subnavs) in the navbar
- for (const a of document.querySelectorAll('#navbar a')) {
- if (typeof a.href !== 'string') continue;
- for (const tag of new Tags(new URL(a.href).searchParams.get('tags'))) {
- if (tag.startsWith('fav:')) {
- return tag.substring('fav:'.length);
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- // is own uploads or favorites page
- let personal_cache = null;
- function is_personal_post_page() {
- if (personal_cache !== null) return personal_cache;
- const username = get_username();
- if (username === null) {
- personal_cache = false;
- return false;
- }
- const tags = get_search_tags();
- personal_cache = tags.has('fav:' + username) || tags.has('user:' + username);
- return personal_cache;
- }
- function hide_headerlogo(hide) {
- const logo = document.querySelector('#header .top-bar');
- const news = document.querySelector('#header .carousel');
- if (hide) {
- if (logo) logo.style.display = 'none';
- if (news) news.style.display = 'none';
- } else {
- if (logo) logo.style.removeProperty('display');
- if (news) news.style.removeProperty('display');
- }
- }
- function add_config_dialog() {
- const cfg_dialog = create_popup_menu();
- cfg_dialog.style.zIndex = '10010';
- cfg_dialog.id = 'cfg_dialog';
- // generate the content of the config menu
- let innerDivHTML = `<div style='font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 6px;'>SankakuAddon ${VERSION}</div>`;
- // + `<hr style='margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 2px; border:1px solid ${shifted_backgroundColor(32)};'>`;
- // add tabs, TODO: they're ugly especially in dark mode
- innerDivHTML += '<div id="cfg_tabs" style="display: flex; white-space: nowrap;">';
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(CONFIG_TABS_TEMPLATE))
- innerDivHTML += `<button id="cfg_tab_${key}" style="border-style: solid; padding: 0 2px 0 2px; margin: 0 2px 0 2px; background-color: transparent; border-bottom-width: 0; cursor: pointer">${value.name}</button>`;
- innerDivHTML += '</div>';
- // add bodies
- for (const [body_key, body] of Object.entries(CONFIG_CATEGORY_TEMPLATE)) {
- innerDivHTML += `<div id="cfg_body_${body_key}" style="background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1); margin-bottom: 4px; padding: 0 4px 2px 4px;">`
- + `<h5>${body.name}</h5>`;
- // add config elements for each body
- for (const key of body.entries) {
- const value = SETTINGS_TEMPLATE[key];
- if (value === undefined) {
- console.error(`couldn't find SETTINGS_TEMPLATE[${key}]`);
- continue;
- }
- const generate_span = () => `<span style="vertical-align: middle; ${value.title ? 'cursor:help; text-decoration: underline dashed; ' : ''}" `
- + `${value.title ? `title="${value.title}"` : ''} >${value.desc}</span>`;
- innerDivHTML += '<div>';
- switch (value.type) {
- case 'checkbox':
- innerDivHTML += `<input id='${KEY_PREFIX}${key}' type='checkbox' style='vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px 4px 3px 4px;'>`;
- innerDivHTML += generate_span();
- // hardcoded elements:
- innerDivHTML += (key === 'set_video_volume' ? `<input id="${KEY_PREFIX}video_volume" type="number" min="0" max="100" size="4">%` : '');
- innerDivHTML += (key === 'load_highres' ? `<input id="${KEY_PREFIX}highres_limit" type="number" min="0" max="4000000" size="10"> bytes` : '');
- break;
- case 'select':
- innerDivHTML += generate_span();
- innerDivHTML += `<select id="${KEY_PREFIX}${key}">`;
- for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(value.options))
- innerDivHTML += `<option value="${k}">${v}</option>`;
- innerDivHTML += '</select>';
- break;
- case 'range':
- innerDivHTML += generate_span();
- innerDivHTML += `<input id="${KEY_PREFIX}${key}" type="range" min="${value.min}" max="${value.max}" style="vertical-align: middle;">`;
- break;
- case 'text':
- innerDivHTML += generate_span();
- innerDivHTML += `<textarea id="${KEY_PREFIX}${key}" rows=8 style='width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: unset; margin-top: 0;'></textarea>`;
- break;
- case 'hotkey':
- innerDivHTML += `<input id='${KEY_PREFIX}${key}_ctrl' type='checkbox' style='vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px 4px 3px 4px;'>`;
- innerDivHTML += '<span style="vertical-align: middle;">ctrl</span>';
- innerDivHTML += `<input id='${KEY_PREFIX}${key}_alt' type='checkbox' style='vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px 4px 3px 4px;'>`;
- innerDivHTML += '<span style="vertical-align: middle;">alt</span>';
- innerDivHTML += `<input id='${KEY_PREFIX}${key}_shift' type='checkbox' style='vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px 4px 3px 4px;'>`;
- innerDivHTML += '<span style="vertical-align: middle;">shift</span>';
- innerDivHTML += `<input id='${KEY_PREFIX}${key}_key' type='text' maxLength='1' size='1' style='vertical-align: middle; margin: 3px 4px 3px 4px;'>`;
- innerDivHTML += generate_span();
- break;
- default:
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] CONFIG_TEMPLATE is defective!', value.type);
- continue;
- }
- innerDivHTML += '</div>';
- }
- innerDivHTML += '</div>';
- }
- innerDivHTML += '<div style="padding: 2px">';
- innerDivHTML += '<button id="config_close" style="cursor: pointer; margin-right: 6px">Close</button>';
- innerDivHTML += '<button id="config_reset" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Resets all settings to default (but doesn\'t clear post history)">Reset settings</button>';
- innerDivHTML += '<button id="history_clear" style="cursor: pointer;" title="Clears the post view history for the current site (chan or idol)">Clear post view history</button>';
- innerDivHTML += '</div>';
- innerDivHTML += '<div style="padding: 2px"> Most settings require a page reload.</div>';
- cfg_dialog.innerHTML = innerDivHTML;
- // adjust inline SVG icons
- for (const svg of cfg_dialog.querySelectorAll('svg')) {
- svg.style.width = '1rem';
- svg.style.verticalAlign = 'middle';
- }
- document.body.appendChild(cfg_dialog);
- // hide non-default categories
- for (const [other_tab_name, other_tab] of Object.entries(CONFIG_TABS_TEMPLATE)) {
- if (other_tab_name !== 'general') {
- for (const category of other_tab.categories)
- document.getElementById(`cfg_body_${category}`).style.display = 'none';
- }
- }
- // add events
- document.getElementById('config_close').onclick = () => { show_config_dialog(false); return false; };
- document.getElementById('config_reset').onclick = () => {
- if (window.confirm('Are you sure?\nThis will reset ALL settings, including templates and the tag menu tags!')) {
- reset_config();
- show_notice(console.log, '[addon] reset all settings');
- }
- return false;
- };
- document.getElementById('history_clear').onclick = () => {
- if (window.confirm('Are you sure you want to clear the post view history?')) {
- reset_setting(HISTORY_KEY);
- show_notice(console.log, '[addon] reset post view history');
- }
- return false;
- };
- // tab events
- for (const [tab_name, tab] of Object.entries(CONFIG_TABS_TEMPLATE)) {
- document.getElementById(`cfg_tab_${tab_name}`).onclick = () => {
- // hide categories of other tabs
- for (const [other_tab_name, other_tab] of Object.entries(CONFIG_TABS_TEMPLATE)) {
- if (other_tab_name !== tab_name) {
- for (const category of other_tab.categories) {
- document.getElementById(`cfg_body_${category}`).style.display = 'none';
- }
- }
- }
- // show categories for given tab
- for (const category of tab.categories) {
- document.getElementById(`cfg_body_${category}`).style.display = 'block';
- }
- };
- }
- foreach_config_element((cfg_elem, key, get_value) => {
- cfg_elem.addEventListener('change', () => {
- update_setting(key, get_value());
- save_setting(key, get_value());
- });
- });
- // configure hotkey elements
- for (const [page, actions] of Object.entries(HOTKEY_ACTIONS)) {
- for (const name of Object.keys(actions)) {
- for (const suffix of ['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift', 'key']) {
- const cfg_elem = document.getElementById(`${KEY_PREFIX}${page}_hotkeys.${name}_${suffix}`);
- cfg_elem.addEventListener('change', () => {
- const hotkeys = get_hotkeys(page);
- update_setting(`${page}_hotkeys`, hotkeys);
- save_setting(`${page}_hotkeys`, hotkeys);
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function get_hotkeys(page) { // get from config dialog
- const hotkeys = [];
- for (const [name, action] of Object.entries(HOTKEY_ACTIONS[page])) {
- const modifiers = new Set();
- for (const mod of ['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift']) {
- if (document.getElementById(`${KEY_PREFIX}${page}_hotkeys.${name}_${mod}`).checked) {
- modifiers.add(mod);
- }
- }
- const key = document.getElementById(`${KEY_PREFIX}${page}_hotkeys.${name}_key`).value;
- if (key.length !== 0) {
- hotkeys.push(new Hotkey(name, key, modifiers));
- }
- }
- return hotkeys;
- }
- function update_hotkeys(page) {
- // reset all hotkey config elements
- for (const name of Object.keys(HOTKEY_ACTIONS[page])) {
- for (const mod of ['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift']) {
- const el = document.getElementById(`${KEY_PREFIX}${page}_hotkeys.${name}_${mod}`);
- if (el !== null)
- el.checked = false;
- }
- const el = document.getElementById(`${KEY_PREFIX}${page}_hotkeys.${name}_key`);
- if (el !== null)
- el.value = '';
- }
- // update hotkey config elements
- for (const hotkey of config[`${page}_hotkeys`]) {
- const key_el = document.getElementById(`${KEY_PREFIX}${page}_hotkeys.${hotkey.action_name}_key`);
- if (key_el !== null)
- key_el.value = hotkey.key;
- for (const mod of ['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift']) {
- const mod_el = document.getElementById(`${KEY_PREFIX}${page}_hotkeys.${hotkey.action_name}_${mod}`);
- if (mod_el !== null)
- mod_el.checked = hotkey.modifiers.has(mod);
- }
- }
- }
- function add_config_button() {
- const navbar = document.getElementById('navbar');
- if (navbar === null) return;
- navbar.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; // hack to fit config button
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- a.href = '#';
- a.onclick = () => { show_config_dialog(true); return false; };
- a.innerHTML = '<span style="font-size: 110%;">⚙</span> Addon config';
- // close when clicking outside
- document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- if (is_config_dialog_visible()) {
- if (e.target.closest('#cfg_dialog') !== null)
- return; // clicked inside
- show_config_dialog(false);
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }, true);
- const li = document.createElement('LI');
- li.className = 'lang-select'; // match style of top bar
- li.appendChild(a);
- navbar.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u00A0')); // add nbsp
- navbar.appendChild(li);
- }
- function add_tag_search_buttons() {
- for (const item of document.querySelectorAll('#tag-sidebar li')) {
- const taglink = item.querySelector('a');
- if (taglink === null) continue;
- const tagname = get_search_tags(taglink).toString();
- const get_click_listener = (tag) => {
- return () => {
- const search_field = document.getElementById('tags');
- const search_tags = new Tags(search_field.value);
- search_tags.toggle(tag);
- search_field.value = search_tags.toString() + ' ';
- search_field.setSelectionRange(search_field.value.length, search_field.value.length);
- search_field.focus({ preventScroll: true });
- return false;
- };
- };
- const add_search_button = (tag_prefix) => {
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- a.href = '#';
- a.innerText = tag_prefix;
- a.onclick = get_click_listener((tag_prefix === '+' ? '' : tag_prefix) + tagname);
- taglink.parentNode.insertBefore(a, taglink);
- taglink.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(' '), taglink);
- };
- add_search_button('+');
- add_search_button('-');
- if (config.or_tag_search_button)
- add_search_button('~');
- }
- }
- function add_tag_post_counts() {
- for (const item of document.querySelectorAll('#tag-sidebar li')) {
- const post_count = item.querySelector('.tag-link')?.dataset?.count;
- if (!post_count) continue;
- const span = document.createElement('span');
- span.style.color = 'grey';
- span.innerText = post_count;
- item.appendChild(span);
- }
- }
- // needs to run before add_tag_search_buttons
- function collect_tag_categories() {
- for (const category of TAG_CATEGORIES) {
- for (const li of document.querySelectorAll(`.tag-type-${category}`)) {
- const taglink = li.querySelector('a');
- if (taglink === null) continue;
- const tag = get_search_tags(taglink).toString();
- config.tag_categories.set(tag, category);
- config.tag_category_colors.set(category, window.getComputedStyle(taglink, null).getPropertyValue('color'));
- }
- }
- adjust_tag_color_css(); // add another copy to reflect newly learned colors
- if (config.save_tag_categories) {
- // TODO this has the same storage race condition issue as the view history and the solution is way too complex and inefficient to implement here...
- save_setting('tag_categories', config.tag_categories);
- save_setting('tag_category_colors', config.tag_category_colors);
- }
- }
- const collapser_map = new Map(); // category -> [collapser, tags]
- const collapser_color_map = new Map(); // category -> font color
- function collapse_tag_category(category, collapse, save = true) {
- const [collapser, tags] = collapser_map.get(category);
- const a = collapser.children[0];
- const middle_div = a.children[1];
- // collapse/expand category
- if (collapse) {
- for (const tag of tags)
- tag.style.display = 'none';
- } else {
- for (const tag of tags)
- tag.style.removeProperty('display');
- }
- // change collapser visuals
- if ([0, 2].includes(config.tag_category_collapser_style)) { // compact style
- if (collapse) {
- middle_div.style.height = '0';
- middle_div.style.borderTopWidth = '3px';
- middle_div.style.borderBottomWidth = '3px';
- middle_div.style.marginTop = '3px';
- middle_div.style.marginBottom = '3px';
- } else {
- middle_div.style.height = '4px';
- middle_div.style.borderTopWidth = '2px';
- middle_div.style.borderBottomWidth = '2px';
- middle_div.style.marginTop = '2px';
- middle_div.style.marginBottom = '2px';
- }
- } else if (config.tag_category_collapser_style === 1) { // with category name
- if (collapse) {
- // swap border and font color
- middle_div.style.color = get_original_background_color();
- middle_div.style.backgroundColor = collapser_color_map.get(category);
- } else {
- middle_div.style.removeProperty('color');
- middle_div.style.removeProperty('background-color');
- }
- }
- // retain collapse state
- if (collapse) config.collapsed_tag_categories.add(category);
- else config.collapsed_tag_categories.delete(category);
- if (save) save_setting('collapsed_tag_categories', config.collapsed_tag_categories);
- }
- let drag_collapse = false;
- let drag_collapse_categories;
- function drag_collapse_down(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- drag_collapse = true;
- const category = e.currentTarget.className;
- drag_collapse_categories = !config.collapsed_tag_categories.has(category);
- collapse_tag_category(category, drag_collapse_categories);
- }
- function drag_collapse_move(e) {
- if (!drag_collapse) return;
- const category = e.currentTarget.className;
- if (drag_collapse_categories !== config.collapsed_tag_categories.has(category))
- collapse_tag_category(category, drag_collapse_categories);
- }
- function drag_collapse_up() {
- drag_collapse = false;
- }
- function add_tag_category_collapser() {
- const tagsidebar = document.getElementById('tag-sidebar');
- if (tagsidebar === null) return;
- // remove default category names for compact styles
- if (config.tag_category_collapser_style < 2) {
- for (const title of document.querySelectorAll('#tag-sidebar > h6, #tag-sidebar > br')) {
- title.remove();
- }
- }
- const items = tagsidebar.getElementsByTagName('LI');
- window.addEventListener('mouseup', drag_collapse_up);
- const setup_collapser = (collapser, category, tags) => {
- collapser_map.set(category, [collapser, tags]);
- collapser.addEventListener('mousedown', drag_collapse_down);
- collapser.addEventListener('mousemove', drag_collapse_move);
- for (const tag of tags)
- tag.addEventListener('mousemove', drag_collapse_move);
- };
- let curr_category = null;
- let curr_category_tags = [];
- let prev_category_collapser = null;
- const categories = [];
- for (const item of items) {
- if (item.className === curr_category) {
- curr_category_tags.push(item);
- } else { // reached new category
- if (prev_category_collapser !== null)
- setup_collapser(prev_category_collapser, curr_category, [...curr_category_tags]);
- // remember category color, workaround for color changing on hover
- for (const a of item.getElementsByTagName('A')) {
- collapser_color_map.set(item.className, window.getComputedStyle(a).getPropertyValue('color'));
- break;
- }
- curr_category = item.className;
- curr_category_tags = []; // item will be pushed in the next iteration, see warning below
- categories.push(curr_category);
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- a.href = '#';
- a.addEventListener('click', (e) => e.preventDefault());
- // collapser visuals
- a.style.display = 'flex';
- a.style.justifyContent = 'center';
- a.style.alignItems = 'center';
- if ([0, 2].includes(config.tag_category_collapser_style)) { // compact style
- a.innerHTML =
- '<div style="width:40%; height: 0; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-style: solid;"></div>' +
- '<div style="width:5%; height: 4px; border-width: 2px; margin: 2px 2px 2px 2px; border-style: solid"></div>' +
- '<div style="width:40%; height: 0; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-style: solid;"></div>';
- } else { // with category name
- const category_name = curr_category.substring('tag-type-'.length);
- a.style.paddingLeft = '2.5%';
- a.style.paddingRight = '2.5%';
- a.innerHTML =
- '<div style="width:50%; height: 0; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-style: solid;"></div>' +
- `<div style="border-width: 2px; margin: 2px 2px 2px 2px; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; border-style: solid">${category_name}</div>` +
- '<div style="width:50%; height: 0; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-style: solid;"></div>';
- }
- const collapser = document.createElement('LI');
- collapser.className = item.className;
- collapser.appendChild(a);
- prev_category_collapser = collapser;
- // warning: modifies iterating list, current item will be processed twice
- item.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', collapser);
- }
- }
- // setup last collapser
- if (prev_category_collapser !== null)
- setup_collapser(prev_category_collapser, curr_category, [...curr_category_tags]);
- for (const category of categories)
- if (config.collapsed_tag_categories.has(category))
- collapse_tag_category(category, true, false);
- }
- function get_thumbnail_post_id(thumb) {
- return thumb.dataset.id ?? null;
- }
- const post_cache = new Map(); // returns object with tags array and rating
- function get_post(post_id) {
- // might not be loaded yet or exist at all (e.g on deletion page)
- const internalPost = unsafeWindow.Post?.posts[post_id];
- if (internalPost !== undefined) {
- const post = { ...internalPost };
- const fix_rating = (rating) => {
- const rating_translation = { 's': 'g', 'q': 'r15+', 'e': 'r18+' };
- if (rating_translation.hasOwnProperty(rating)) return rating_translation[rating];
- return rating;
- };
- post.rating = fix_rating(post.rating);
- return post;
- }
- const post = post_cache.get(post_id);
- if (post !== undefined) return post;
- return null;
- }
- function get_post_from_thumb(thumb) {
- const img = thumb.querySelector('img.post-preview-image');
- if (img === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] thumbnail has no preview image');
- return null;
- }
- const post_id = get_thumbnail_post_id(thumb);
- let post = get_post(post_id);
- if (post !== null) return post;
- let tags = new Tags(img.dataset['auto_page']).toArray();
- // find rating
- let rating = null;
- for (const tag of tags) {
- if (tag.startsWith('Rating:')) {
- rating = tag.substring('Rating:'.length).toLowerCase();
- break;
- }
- }
- // remove "match tags"
- tags = tags.filter((tag) => {
- return !(tag.startsWith('Rating:') || tag.startsWith('Score:') || tag.startsWith('Size:') || tag.startsWith('User:'));
- });
- post = {
- tags,
- rating,
- };
- post_cache.set(post_id, post);
- return post;
- }
- function modify_thumbnail(preview_image) {
- // expected layout:
- // article.post-preview > div.post-preview-container > a.post-preview-link > picture > img.post-preview-image
- // MutationObserver is waiting for innermost .post-preview-image to ensure all the necessary data is there
- const thumb_a = preview_image?.closest('a.post-preview-link');
- const thumb = preview_image?.closest('.post-preview');
- if (!thumb_a) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t find thumbnail link');
- return;
- } else if (!thumb) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t find outer thumbnail');
- return;
- }
- const post_id = get_thumbnail_post_id(thumb);
- if (post_id === null) return;
- // use and update thumbnail_cache
- const thumbs = General.thumbnail_cache.get(post_id) ?? [];
- const is_new = !thumbs.includes(thumb);
- if (is_new) thumbs.push(thumb);
- General.thumbnail_cache.set(post_id, thumbs);
- if (is_new) {
- override_thumbnail_click_event(thumb_a);
- add_thumbnail_icons(thumb);
- if (!is_personal_post_page() && General.page !== Page.Delete)
- fadeout_viewed_post(thumb, post_id);
- }
- }
- function add_thumbnail_icons(thumb) {
- if (!(config.show_speaker_icon || config.show_animated_icon || config.show_ratings_icon)) return;
- const post = get_post_from_thumb(thumb);
- if (post == null) return;
- const icons = document.createElement('SPAN');
- icons.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
- if (config.show_ratings_icon) {
- icons.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', RATING_SVG[post.rating]);
- }
- if (config.show_speaker_icon && (post.tags.includes('has_audio'))) {
- icons.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', SPEAKER_SVG);
- } else if (config.show_animated_icon && (post.tags.includes('animated') || post.tags.includes('video') || post.tags.includes('slideshow'))) {
- icons.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ANIMATED_SVG);
- }
- icons.className = 'thumbnail_icons';
- icons.style.position = 'absolute';
- icons.style.top = '2px'; // account for border
- icons.style.right = '2px';
- icons.style.transform = `translateX(${SVG_SIZE / 2}px) translateY(-${SVG_SIZE / 2}px)`;
- thumb.querySelector('a').appendChild(icons);
- }
- function fadeout_post(thumb) {
- if (!config.view_history_enabled) return;
- const a = thumb.querySelector('a');
- const img = thumb.querySelector('img');
- // move box shadow from image to link, so opacity doesn't affect it
- a.style.display = 'inline-block';
- a.style.boxShadow = window.getComputedStyle(img).getPropertyValue('box-shadow');
- img.style.removeProperty('box-shadow');
- img.style.opacity = '20%';
- for (const thumbnail_icons of thumb.getElementsByClassName('thumbnail_icons'))
- thumbnail_icons.style.opacity = '20%';
- }
- function fadeout_viewed_post(thumb, id) {
- if (config[HISTORY_KEY].has(id))
- fadeout_post(thumb);
- }
- function configure_video(node) {
- if (config.video_pause) node.pause();
- if (config.set_video_volume) node.volume = config.video_volume / 100.0;
- if (config.video_mute) node.muted = true;
- node.controls = config.video_controls;
- }
- function useful_beta_link() { // idea and some code donated by Octopus Hugger
- const betaLink = new URL('https://beta.sankakucomplex.com/');
- if (General.page === Page.Index) {
- betaLink.search = window.location.search;
- } else if (General.page === Page.Post) {
- betaLink.pathname = `/post/show/${PostPage.post_id}`;
- } else if (General.page === Page.User) {
- const username = document.querySelector('.user-show-heading > h2')?.innerText.replaceAll(' ', '_');
- betaLink.pathname = '/user/show';
- betaLink.searchParams.set('name', username);
- } else if (General.page === Page.WikiNew) {
- betaLink.pathname = '/wiki/create_article';
- betaLink.searchParams.set('tagName', WikiPage.tag);
- } else if (General.page === Page.WikiEdit) {
- betaLink.pathname = '/wiki/edit_article';
- betaLink.searchParams.set('tagName', WikiPage.tag);
- } else if (General.page === Page.WikiShow) {
- betaLink.pathname = '/tag/en';
- betaLink.searchParams.set('tagName', WikiPage.tag);
- } else if (General.page === Page.Pool) {
- betaLink.pathname = '/books/' + PoolPage.pool_id;
- }
- // update beta link
- for (const a of document.querySelectorAll('#navbar a[href="https://beta.sankakucomplex.com/"]')) {
- a.href = betaLink.href;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************/
- /* main page / visually similar page functions */
- /***********************************************/
- function select_mode(mode) {
- const mode_dropdown = document.getElementById('mode');
- const old_mode = mode_dropdown.value;
- mode_dropdown.value = mode;
- if (!mode_dropdown.value) mode_dropdown.value = old_mode; // couldn't set mode (option doesn't exist)
- PostModeMenu_change_override();
- }
- function add_mode_options() {
- const mode_dropdown = document.getElementById('mode');
- if (mode_dropdown === null) return; // not logged in
- const add_mode_option = (text, value) => {
- const option = document.createElement('option');
- option.text = text;
- option.value = value;
- mode_dropdown.add(option);
- };
- if (IndexPage.has_tag_scripts) {
- add_mode_option('Choose Parent', 'choose-parent');
- add_mode_option('Set Parent', 'set-parent');
- }
- // add_mode_option('Edit Tags', 'edit-tags'); // TODO: currently broken due to requiring an authenticity token
- add_mode_option('Find Similar', 'find-similar');
- if (IndexPage.has_tag_scripts) add_mode_option('Delete Post', 'delete'); // rough estimate of user permissions
- override_mode_change_event(mode_dropdown);
- PostModeMenu_init_workaround(); // guarantee that 'mode' correctly changes to new modes when loading page
- }
- function add_post_edit_dialog() {
- const dialog = create_popup_menu();
- dialog.id = 'post_edit_dialog';
- dialog.style.borderWidth = '4px';
- // edit box, modified from the post page
- dialog.innerHTML =
- `<div id="SA-edit" style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
- <div style="width: 300px; height: 300px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; margin-right: 12px">
- <img id="SA-edit-image" src="${EMPTY_IMAGE}">
- </div>
- <div>
- <h5><a id="post-link" href="" target="_blank"></a></h5>
- <form id="SA-edit-form" method="post" style="width: fit-content">
- <input id="SA-post_old_tags" name="post[old_tags]" type="hidden" value="">
- <table class="form">
- <tfoot>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" style="white-space: nowrap"><input accesskey="s" name="commit" tabindex="11" type="submit" value="Save changes" style="min-width: 13.5em;">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tfoot>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th style="width: 10%">
- <label class="block" for="SA-post_rating_questionable">Rating</label>
- </th>
- <td style="width: 90%">
- <input id="SA-post_rating_explicit" name="post[rating]" tabindex="1" type="radio" value="explicit">
- <label for="SA-post_rating_explicit">R18+</label>
- <input id="SA-post_rating_questionable" name="post[rating]" tabindex="2" type="radio" value="questionable">
- <label for="SA-post_rating_questionable">R15+</label>
- <input checked="" id="SA-post_rating_safe" name="post[rating]" tabindex="3" type="radio" value="safe">
- <label for="SA-post_rating_safe">G</label>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>
- <label class="block" for="SA-post_tags">Tags</label>
- </th>
- <td>
- <textarea cols="83" id="SA-post_tags" name="post[tags]" rows="9" spellcheck="false" tabindex="10" autocomplete="off" style="margin-top: 0.5em;" ></textarea>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </form>
- </div>
- </div>`;
- document.body.appendChild(dialog);
- add_tag_buttons('SA-edit-form');
- // hide when clicking outside
- document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- if (is_post_edit_dialog_visible()) {
- if (e.target.closest('#post_edit_dialog, #autosuggest') !== null)
- return; // clicked inside
- show_post_edit_dialog(false);
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }, true);
- enable_auto_suggest();
- }
- async function enable_auto_suggest() {
- while (unsafeWindow.AutoSuggest === undefined)
- await sleep(250);
- unsafeWindow.AutoSuggest.add('#SA-post_tags');
- }
- function show_post_edit_dialog(bool) {
- const dialog = document.getElementById('post_edit_dialog');
- if (dialog !== null) dialog.style.display = (bool ? 'block' : 'none');
- }
- function is_post_edit_dialog_visible() {
- const dialog = document.getElementById('post_edit_dialog');
- return dialog?.style.display === 'block';
- }
- function open_post_edit_dialog(thumb) {
- const dialog = document.getElementById('post_edit_dialog');
- if (dialog === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] tag edit popup is missing?!');
- return;
- }
- const post_id = get_thumbnail_post_id(thumb);
- if (post_id === null) return;
- const a = thumb.querySelector('a');
- if (a === null) return;
- const edit_image = document.getElementById('SA-edit-image');
- const post_old_tags = document.getElementById('SA-post_old_tags');
- const post_tags = document.getElementById('SA-post_tags');
- const form = document.getElementById('SA-edit-form');
- const post_link = document.getElementById('post-link');
- // set thumbnail image and post link
- edit_image.src = EMPTY_IMAGE;
- edit_image.src = thumb.querySelector('.preview').src;
- post_link.href = a.href;
- post_link.innerText = 'Post ' + post_id;
- const full_rating = (rating) => ({ 'g': 'safe', 'r15+': 'questionable', 'r18+': 'explicit' }[rating]);
- // get tags and rating
- const post = get_post_from_thumb(thumb);
- const tags = post.tags.join(' ');
- const rating = full_rating(post.rating);
- // set edit box contents
- post_old_tags.value = tags;
- post_tags.value = tags;
- if (rating !== null) {
- document.getElementById('SA-post_rating_' + rating).checked = true;
- }
- update_tag_elements();
- form.onsubmit = async (event) => {
- event.preventDefault(); // block reloading page
- delete_useless_tags_tag();
- const submitted_tags = new Tags(post_tags.value).toArray();
- show_notice(console.log, '[addon] saving...');
- // manually submit data
- try {
- const response = await fetch(new URL(`/post/update/${post_id}`, document.location.origin), {
- method: 'POST',
- body: new FormData(form),
- redirect: 'manual', // this will otherwise err because of a https -> http redirect
- });
- // we assume success on redirect
- if (response.type === 'opaqueredirect' || response.ok) {
- // update local tags
- post.tags = submitted_tags;
- deletion_sanity_checks();
- show_notice(console.log, '[addon] saved tags!');
- } else {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t save tags!');
- }
- } catch (error) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] network error while saving tags!', error);
- }
- };
- show_post_edit_dialog(true);
- }
- function add_postmode_hotkeys() {
- document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
- const mode_dropdown = document.getElementById('mode');
- const script_presets = document.getElementById('tagscript_presets_dropdown');
- if (mode_dropdown === null) return;
- if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey) return;
- if (e.target === mode_dropdown || (script_presets !== null && e.target === script_presets)) {
- e.preventDefault(); // e.g. 'v' would otherwise change to 'View Posts'
- } else if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT'].includes(e.target.tagName)) {
- return;
- }
- for (const hotkey of config.indexpage_hotkeys) {
- hotkey.call(e);
- }
- }, true);
- }
- function PostModeMenu_init_workaround() {
- // issue: new post modes can reset on page load if they were added too late
- // reason: on page load, PostModeMenu.init reads the "mode" cookie, tries to set mode_dropdown.value, then
- // calls PostModeMenu.change, which sets the cookie to mode_dropdown.value.
- // so if the new modes aren't added yet, mode_dropdown.value and the "mode" cookie will both reset
- // solution: safe mode in a separate 'backup' cookie and set the "mode" cookie and mode_dropdown after new modes were added
- const mode = get_cookie('addon_mode');
- if (mode !== '') {
- set_cookie('mode', mode, 7);
- document.getElementById('mode').value = mode;
- }
- PostModeMenu_change_override();
- }
- async function PostModeMenu_change_override() {
- const mode_dropdown = document.getElementById('mode');
- if (mode_dropdown === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] PostModeMenu_change_override() couldn\'t find mode dropdown?!');
- return;
- }
- // setting mode failed, possible when changing to account with lower permissions
- if (!mode_dropdown.value) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] invalid mode, resetting to \'view\'');
- mode_dropdown.value = 'view';
- set_cookie('mode', 'view', 7);
- }
- // try to guarantee sitescript has loaded TODO: future note: potential infinite loop
- while (unsafeWindow.PostModeMenu === undefined || unsafeWindow.Cookie === undefined || unsafeWindow.$ === undefined)
- await sleep(100);
- unsafeWindow.PostModeMenu.change();
- const s = mode_dropdown.value;
- set_cookie('addon_mode', s, 7); // set 'backup' cookie
- const darkmode = is_darkmode();
- if (s === 'add-fav') {
- // FFFFAA, original. darkmode: luminance 40
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = (darkmode ? '#505000' : '#FFA');
- } else if (s === 'remove-fav') {
- // FFFFAA -> FFEEAA, slightly more orange. darkmode: luminance 40
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = (darkmode ? '#504000' : '#FEA');
- } else if (s === 'apply-tag-script') {
- // AA33AA -> FFDDFF, weaken color intensity. darkmode: luminance 40
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = (darkmode ? '#500050' : '#FDF');
- } else if (s === 'approve') {
- // 2266AA -> FFDDFF, increase contrast to unapproved posts. darkmode: luminance 40
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = (darkmode ? '#500050' : '#FDF');
- } else if (s === 'choose-parent') {
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = (darkmode ? '#464600' : '#FFD');
- } else if (s === 'set-parent') {
- if (get_cookie('chosen-parent') === '') {
- show_notice(console.warn, '[addon] Choose parent first!');
- select_mode('choose-parent');
- } else {
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = (darkmode ? '#005050' : '#DFF');
- }
- } else if (s === 'edit-tags') {
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = (darkmode ? '#006400' : '#3A3');
- } else if (s === 'find-similar') {
- document.body.style.removeProperty('background-color');
- } else if (s === 'delete') {
- document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(147, 0, 0, 0.7)';
- }
- }
- function PostModeMenu_click_override(event) {
- const thumb_a = event.currentTarget;
- const thumb = thumb_a.closest('.post-preview');
- const post_id = get_thumbnail_post_id(thumb);
- if (unsafeWindow.PostModeMenu.click(post_id))
- return true; // view mode, let it click
- const mode_dropdown = document.getElementById('mode');
- const s = mode_dropdown.value;
- if (s === 'choose-parent') {
- set_cookie('chosen-parent', post_id);
- mode_dropdown.value = 'set-parent';
- PostModeMenu_change_override();
- } else if (s === 'set-parent') {
- const parent_id = get_cookie('chosen-parent');
- unsafeWindow.TagScript.run(post_id, 'parent:' + parent_id + (config.setparent_deletepotentialduplicate ? ' -potential_duplicate' : ''));
- } else if (s === 'edit-tags') {
- open_post_edit_dialog(thumb);
- } else if (s === 'find-similar') {
- open_in_tab(window.location.origin + '/posts/similar?id=' + post_id);
- } else if (s === 'delete') {
- open_in_tab(window.location.origin + `/posts/${post_id}/delete`);
- }
- return false;
- }
- function override_mode_change_event(mode_dropdown) {
- mode_dropdown.removeAttribute('onchange');
- mode_dropdown.onchange = PostModeMenu_change_override;
- }
- function override_thumbnail_click_event(thumb_a) {
- thumb_a.removeAttribute('onclick');
- thumb_a.onclick = PostModeMenu_click_override;
- }
- /***********************/
- /* post page functions */
- /***********************/
- // TODO put in PostPage
- // original post/parent ids
- let image_data = null;
- let resize_timer;
- let tag_update_timer;
- // set by find_actions_list():
- let found_delete_action = false;
- let done_scrolling = false;
- function is_done_scrolling() {
- return !config.scroll_to_image || done_scrolling;
- }
- class TagMenuScaler {
- static #mouse_moved = false;
- static mousedown(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- TagMenuScaler.#mouse_moved = false;
- window.addEventListener('mousemove', TagMenuScaler.mousemove);
- window.addEventListener('mouseup', TagMenuScaler.mouseup);
- }
- static mousemove(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- TagMenuScaler.#mouse_moved = true;
- TagMenuScaler.set_scale(e, false);
- }
- static mouseup(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (TagMenuScaler.#mouse_moved) TagMenuScaler.set_scale(e, true);
- window.removeEventListener('mousemove', TagMenuScaler.mousemove);
- window.removeEventListener('mouseup', TagMenuScaler.mouseup);
- }
- static set_scale(e, save) {
- const tag_menu = document.getElementById('tag_menu');
- if (tag_menu === null) return;
- const yFromBottom = window.innerHeight - e.clientY;
- let yPercentfromBottom = (100.0 * (yFromBottom / window.innerHeight));
- yPercentfromBottom = Math.min(Math.max(yPercentfromBottom, 5), 95) + '%';
- tag_menu.style.height = yPercentfromBottom;
- if (save) save_setting('tag_menu_scale', yPercentfromBottom);
- }
- }
- function add_tag_menu() {
- if (document.getElementById('post_tags') === null) return; // not logged in
- const tag_menu = document.createElement('DIV');
- tag_menu.id = 'tag_menu';
- tag_menu.style.display = 'none';
- tag_menu.style.width = '100%';
- tag_menu.style.height = config.tag_menu_scale;
- tag_menu.style.position = 'fixed';
- tag_menu.style.bottom = '0';
- tag_menu.style.overflow = 'auto';
- tag_menu.style.backgroundColor = get_original_background_color();
- tag_menu.style.zIndex = '10001';
- document.body.appendChild(tag_menu);
- // the inner div ensures tag_menu_close button doesn't scroll with the content
- tag_menu.innerHTML = '<div style="width: calc(100% - 2px); height: 100%; overflow: auto;"><span id="common_tags"></span>Current Tags:<span id="current_tags"></span></div>';
- const tag_menu_scaler = document.createElement('DIV');
- tag_menu_scaler.id = 'tag_menu_scaler';
- tag_menu_scaler.style.width = '100%';
- tag_menu_scaler.style.height = '6px';
- tag_menu_scaler.style.backgroundColor = shifted_backgroundColor(32);
- tag_menu_scaler.style.position = 'absolute';
- tag_menu_scaler.style.top = '0';
- tag_menu_scaler.style.cursor = 'ns-resize';
- tag_menu_scaler.style.zIndex = '10000';
- tag_menu_scaler.addEventListener('mousedown', TagMenuScaler.mousedown);
- tag_menu.appendChild(tag_menu_scaler);
- tag_menu.style.paddingTop = tag_menu_scaler.style.height; // since tag_menu_scaler floats above the tags
- const create_tag_menu_button = function(id, text) {
- const button = document.createElement('DIV');
- button.id = id;
- button.style.border = '1px solid ' + shifted_backgroundColor(32);
- button.style.width = '24px';
- button.style.height = '24px';
- button.style.position = 'absolute';
- button.style.textAlign = 'center';
- button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
- button.style.backgroundColor = shifted_backgroundColor(16);
- button.innerHTML = `<span style="width: 100%; display: block; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);">${text}</span>`;
- button.style.zIndex = '10001';
- return button;
- };
- const tag_menu_close = create_tag_menu_button('tag_menu_close', 'X');
- tag_menu_close.style.top = '0';
- tag_menu_close.style.right = '0';
- tag_menu_close.onclick = () => { show_tag_menu(false); return false; };
- tag_menu.appendChild(tag_menu_close);
- const tag_menu_open = create_tag_menu_button('tag_menu_open', '«');
- tag_menu_open.style.position = 'fixed';
- tag_menu_open.style.right = '0';
- tag_menu_open.style.bottom = '0';
- tag_menu_open.onclick = () => { show_tag_menu(true); update_tag_menu(); return false; };
- document.body.appendChild(tag_menu_open);
- const tag_menu_save = create_tag_menu_button('tag_menu_save', 'Save changes');
- tag_menu_save.style.top = '0';
- tag_menu_save.style.right = '36px';
- tag_menu_save.style.width = '140px';
- tag_menu_save.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
- tag_menu_save.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- delete_useless_tags_tag();
- document.getElementById('edit-form').submit();
- });
- tag_menu.appendChild(tag_menu_save);
- }
- function update_tag_menu(skip_common_tags = false) {
- if (document.getElementById('post_tags') === null) return; // not logged in
- const common_tags_elem = document.getElementById('common_tags');
- const current_tags_elem = document.getElementById('current_tags');
- // tag menu disabled
- if (common_tags_elem === null || current_tags_elem === null)
- return;
- if (config.tag_menu_layout === 1) {
- common_tags_elem.style.display = 'grid';
- common_tags_elem.style.gridTemplateColumns = 'fit-content(5%) auto';
- } else {
- common_tags_elem.style.removeProperty('display');
- }
- const create_tag_button = function(tag, skip_common_tags_update = false) {
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- a.href = '#';
- a.style.backgroundColor = (is_darkmode() ? '#000' : '#FFF'); // more contrast for tag buttons
- a.classList.add('tag_button');
- if (config.tag_categories.has(tag)) a.classList.add(`tag-type-${config.tag_categories.get(tag)}`);
- if (!get_post_tags().has(tag)) a.classList.add('tag_nonexistent');
- a.onclick = function(e) {
- if (e.ctrlKey) {
- open_in_tab(window.location.origin + '/wiki/' + tag);
- return false;
- }
- if (get_post_tags().has(tag)) {
- remove_post_tag(tag, skip_common_tags_update);
- a.classList.add('tag_nonexistent');
- } else {
- add_post_tag(tag, skip_common_tags_update);
- a.classList.remove('tag_nonexistent');
- }
- return false;
- };
- a.innerText = tag;
- return a;
- };
- const create_tag_list = function() {
- const div = document.createElement('DIV');
- div.className = 'tag_list';
- return div;
- };
- // generate tag button list for current tags
- const current_tags_flex = create_tag_list();
- current_tags_flex.style.marginBottom = '3px';
- for (const current_tag of get_post_tags()) {
- current_tags_flex.appendChild(create_tag_button(current_tag, false));
- }
- // replace current list with new one
- while (current_tags_elem.hasChildNodes())
- current_tags_elem.removeChild(current_tags_elem.lastChild);
- current_tags_elem.appendChild(current_tags_flex);
- // don't rebuild the common tags list when common tags buttons are pressed
- if (skip_common_tags) return;
- // now add common tags
- // common_tags_json(_idol) should be an array of objects with an optional string "name" field and an array "tags" field,
- // where the "tags" array can contain strings (space separated tags), arrays containing one string (representing a group)
- // or arrays of array containing one string (representing a table)
- // ex. [ { "name":"common tags", "tags":[ "tag1 tag2", ["grouped_tag1 grouped_tag2"] , "tag3 tag4"] }, { "name":"uncommon tags", "tags":[ "t1 t2 t3" ]} ]
- let tag_data;
- try {
- tag_data = JSON.parse(config[COMMON_TAGS_KEY]);
- } catch (error) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] "common tags" JSON syntax error', error);
- return;
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(tag_data)) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] "common tags" needs to be an array of objects');
- return;
- }
- while (common_tags_elem.hasChildNodes())
- common_tags_elem.removeChild(common_tags_elem.lastChild);
- for (let k = 0; k < tag_data.length; k++) {
- const list_flex = create_tag_list();
- const list_name = tag_data[k].name;
- const list_tags = tag_data[k].tags;
- if (!Array.isArray(list_tags)) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] a "common tags" object needs to have a "tags" array');
- return;
- }
- const TAGS_TYPES = {
- LIST: 'list', // e.g. "tag1 tag2"
- GROUP: 'group', // e.g. ["tag1 tag2"]
- TABLE: 'table' // e.g. [["tag1 tag2"], ["tag3 tag4"]]
- };
- const group_style = function(el) {
- // red in darkmode needs more contrast
- const rgb = rgb_to_array(get_original_background_color());
- if (is_darkmode()) {
- el.style.border = '1px solid ' + rgb_array_to_rgb(rgb_array_shift(rgb, 96));
- el.style.backgroundColor = rgb_array_to_rgb(rgb_array_shift(rgb, 64));
- } else {
- el.style.border = '1px solid ' + rgb_array_to_rgb(rgb_array_shift(rgb, -64));
- el.style.backgroundColor = rgb_array_to_rgb(rgb_array_shift(rgb, -32));
- }
- };
- for (const list_tag of list_tags) {
- const is_array = Array.isArray(list_tag);
- // find tags_type
- let tags_type;
- if (is_array) {
- if (list_tag.length === 0) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] "common tags" "tags" array contains an empty array');
- return;
- }
- // check what the array consists of
- let all_arrays = true;
- let no_arrays = true;
- for (let i = 0; i < list_tag.length; i++) {
- if (!Array.isArray(list_tag[i])) {
- all_arrays = false;
- } else {
- no_arrays = false;
- }
- }
- if (all_arrays) {
- tags_type = TAGS_TYPES.TABLE;
- } else if (no_arrays) {
- tags_type = TAGS_TYPES.GROUP;
- } else {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] "common tags" "tags" array contains an array which is neither a group nor a table');
- return;
- }
- } else {
- tags_type = TAGS_TYPES.LIST;
- }
- if (tags_type === TAGS_TYPES.TABLE) {
- const tags_table = [];
- for (let j = 0; j < list_tag.length; j++) {
- if (list_tag[j].length !== 1) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] "common tags" "tags" array contains a table entry with not exactly 1 tags string');
- return;
- }
- tags_table.push(new Tags(list_tag[j][0]).toArray());
- }
- const table_height = tags_table.length;
- let table_width = 0;
- for (let row = 0; row < tags_table.length; row++)
- table_width = Math.max(table_width, tags_table[row].length);
- // div (flexbox)><table><tr><td><div (button)>
- // TODO maybe replace with grid
- const table = document.createElement('TABLE');
- table.style.display = 'inline-block';
- group_style(table);
- for (let row = 0; row < table_height; row++) {
- const tr = document.createElement('TR');
- for (let col = 0; col < table_width; col++) {
- const td = document.createElement('TD');
- td.style.border = 'none';
- td.style.padding = '0';
- if (tags_table[row][col])
- td.appendChild(create_tag_button(tags_table[row][col], true));
- tr.appendChild(td);
- }
- table.appendChild(tr);
- }
- list_flex.appendChild(table);
- } else if (tags_type === TAGS_TYPES.GROUP) {
- if (list_tag.length !== 1) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] "common tags" "tags" array contains a group with not exactly 1 tags string');
- return;
- }
- const tags = list_tag[0].trim().split(/\s+/);
- // <div (flexbox)><div (flexbox)><div (button)>
- const group_div = document.createElement('DIV');
- group_div.className = 'tag_group';
- group_style(group_div);
- for (const tag of tags)
- group_div.appendChild(create_tag_button(tag, true));
- list_flex.appendChild(group_div);
- } else /* if (tags_type === tag_types.LIST) */ {
- // <div (flexbox)><div (button)>
- const tags = new Tags(list_tag);
- for (const tag of tags) {
- list_flex.appendChild(create_tag_button(tag, true));
- }
- }
- }
- const span = document.createElement('SPAN');
- span.innerText = (list_name ? `${list_name}:` : '');
- span.style.paddingTop = '2px';
- if (list_name) span.style.marginLeft = '2px';
- if (list_name && config.tag_menu_layout === 1) {
- const add_top_border = function(el) {
- el.style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
- el.style.borderTopStyle = 'solid';
- el.style.borderTopColor = shifted_backgroundColor(32);
- };
- add_top_border(span);
- add_top_border(list_flex);
- }
- common_tags_elem.appendChild(span);
- common_tags_elem.appendChild(list_flex);
- }
- }
- function show_tag_menu(bool) {
- document.getElementById('tag_menu').style.display = (bool ? '' : 'none');
- document.getElementById('tag_menu_open').style.display = (!bool ? '' : 'none');
- }
- function add_tags_change_listener() {
- const post_tags = get_post_tags_el();
- if (post_tags === null) return; // not logged in
- const delayed_update = () => {
- clearTimeout(tag_update_timer);
- tag_update_timer = setTimeout(update_tag_elements, 400);
- };
- post_tags.addEventListener('change', delayed_update);
- post_tags.addEventListener('input', delayed_update);
- }
- function add_tags_submit_listener() {
- document.getElementById('edit-form')?.addEventListener('submit', () => {
- delete_useless_tags_tag();
- });
- }
- function find_actions_list() {
- let actions_ul;
- for (const a of document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar > div > ul:not(#tag-sidebar) > li > a')) {
- try {
- const pathname = new URL(a.href).pathname;
- if (pathname.startsWith('/posts/similar') || pathname.startsWith('/post/similar')) {
- actions_ul = a.parentElement.parentElement;
- } else if (pathname.startsWith('/posts/delete/') || pathname.startsWith('/post/delete/')) {
- found_delete_action = true;
- }
- } catch (ignored) {}
- }
- return actions_ul;
- }
- function copy_translations() {
- config.notes = [];
- for (const note of unsafeWindow.Note.all) {
- config.notes.push({
- text: note.old.raw_body,
- fullsize: note.fullsize,
- });
- }
- save_setting('notes', config.notes);
- show_notice(console.log, '[addon] copied notes');
- }
- function paste_translations() {
- show_notice(console.log, '[addon] pasted notes');
- // TODO check https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/wiki/show?title=about%3Anote_formatting
- // TODO save all notes
- for (const note of config.notes) {
- unsafeWindow.Note.create();
- const new_note = unsafeWindow.Note.all.at(-1);
- const box = new_note.elements.box;
- const image = new_note.elements.image;
- const ratio = new_note.ratio();
- // set text
- new_note.elements.body.innerText = note.text;
- new_note.old.raw_body = note.text;
- // set size
- const width = note.fullsize.width * ratio;
- const height = note.fullsize.height * ratio;
- box.style.width = width + 'px';
- box.style.height = height + 'px';
- // set position
- const clipX = (x) => Math.max(5, Math.min(x, image.clientWidth - box.clientWidth - 5));
- const clipY = (y) => Math.max(5, Math.min(y, image.clientHeight - box.clientHeight - 5));
- const top = clipY(note.fullsize.top * ratio);
- const left = clipX(note.fullsize.left * ratio);
- box.style.top = top + 'px';
- box.style.left = left + 'px';
- }
- }
- function add_addon_actions(actions_ul) {
- if (actions_ul == null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t find actions list! Disabled addon actions.');
- return;
- }
- const separator = document.createElement('H5');
- separator.innerText = 'Addon actions';
- const newli = document.createElement('LI');
- newli.appendChild(separator);
- actions_ul.appendChild(newli);
- const add_action = function(func, name, id) {
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- a.href = '#';
- a.onclick = () => { func(); return false; };
- a.innerText = name;
- const li = document.createElement('LI');
- li.id = id;
- li.appendChild(a);
- actions_ul.appendChild(li);
- };
- add_action(() => { scale_image(SCALE_MODES.FIT, true); scroll_to_image(); }, 'Fit image', 'scale-image-fit');
- add_action(() => { scale_image(SCALE_MODES.HORIZONTAL, true); scroll_to_image(); }, 'Fit image (Horizontal)', 'scale-image-hor');
- add_action(() => { scale_image(SCALE_MODES.VERTICAL, true); scroll_to_image(); }, 'Fit image (Vertical)', 'scale-image-ver');
- add_action(() => { scale_image(SCALE_MODES.RESET, true); scroll_to_image(); }, 'Reset image size', 'reset-image');
- if (PostPage.parent_id === null) return; // not logged in
- add_action(() => { flag_duplicate(PostPage.post_id, ''); }, 'Flag duplicate', 'flag-duplicate');
- add_action(() => { flag_duplicate(PostPage.post_id, ', visually identical'); }, 'Flag duplicate (identical)', 'flag-duplicate-identical');
- add_action(() => { flag_duplicate(PostPage.post_id, ' with worse quality'); }, 'Flag duplicate (quality)', 'flag-duplicate-quality');
- add_action(() => { flag_duplicate(PostPage.post_id, ' with worse resolution'); }, 'Flag duplicate (resolution)', 'flag-duplicate-resolution');
- add_action(copy_translations, 'Copy Notes', 'copy-notes');
- add_action(paste_translations, 'Paste Notes', 'paste-notes');
- }
- function add_flagger_links() {
- for (const a of document.querySelectorAll('.flag-and-reason-count > a')) {
- const username = a.innerText;
- const flagged = document.createElement('A');
- flagged.innerText = 'flagged';
- flagged.href = get_search_url(`flagger:${username}`);
- a.insertAdjacentText('afterend', ')');
- a.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', flagged);
- a.insertAdjacentText('afterend', ' (');
- }
- }
- function link_to_post_tag_history() {
- if (PostPage.post_id === null) return;
- for (const a of document.querySelectorAll('#subnavbar > li > a')) {
- try {
- const url = new URL(a.href);
- if (url.pathname.startsWith('/post_tag_history/index')) {
- url.search = 'post_id=' + PostPage.post_id;
- a.href = url;
- }
- } catch (ignored) {}
- }
- }
- function move_stats_to_edit_form() {
- try {
- // form display: flex
- // stats insertafter table
- // stats white-space: nowrap
- // #edit-form width: max-content
- // margin-left: 8px;
- const stats = document.getElementById('stats');
- const edit_form = document.getElementById('edit-form');
- if (edit_form === null) return;
- const table = edit_form.querySelector('table');
- edit_form.style.display = 'flex'; // add to the right
- insert_node_after(stats, table);
- stats.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
- edit_form.style.width = 'max-content';
- stats.style.marginLeft = '8px';
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('[addon error] move_stats_to_edit_form failed with', error);
- }
- }
- function add_tag_buttons(form_id) {
- const edit_form = document.getElementById(form_id);
- if (edit_form === null) return; // not logged in
- const tags_div = document.getElementById('post-tags-container');
- if (tags_div) {
- // remove block display, let's div fit the text area
- tags_div.style.removeProperty('display');
- }
- const parent_el = document.getElementById('post_parent_id');
- {
- const el = document.createElement('BUTTON');
- el.id = 'clear_parent_id_button';
- el.innerText = 'Clear';
- el.onclick = () => { parent_el.value = ''; return false; };
- parent_el?.parentNode?.appendChild(el);
- }
- {
- const el = document.createElement('BUTTON');
- el.id = 'reset_parent_id_button';
- el.innerText = 'Reset';
- el.onclick = () => { reset_parent_id(); return false; };
- parent_el?.parentNode?.appendChild(el);
- }
- const tag_button_place = document.querySelector('#edit-post-submit')?.parentElement;
- if (!tag_button_place) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t find tags submit button');
- return;
- }
- if (tag_button_place.align === 'right') {
- tag_button_place.align = 'left';
- }
- {
- const el = document.createElement('BUTTON');
- el.id = 'tag_reset_button';
- el.innerText = 'Reset';
- el.onclick = () => { reset_tags(); return false; };
- tag_button_place?.appendChild(el);
- }
- const append_tag_button = (id, tag) => {
- const el = document.createElement('BUTTON');
- el.id = id;
- el.className = 'SA-tag-button';
- el.dataset['tag'] = tag;
- el.onclick = () => { toggle_post_tag(tag); return false; };
- tag_button_place?.appendChild(el);
- };
- append_tag_button('tag_dup_button', 'duplicate');
- append_tag_button('tag_var_button', 'legitimate_variation');
- append_tag_button('tag_rev_button', 'revision');
- append_tag_button('tag_has_rev_button', 'has_revised_version');
- append_tag_button('tag_pot_button', 'potential_duplicate');
- }
- function update_tag_buttons() {
- const taglist = get_post_tags_el();
- if (taglist === null)
- return;
- const tags = get_post_tags();
- for (const button of document.querySelectorAll('.SA-tag-button')) {
- const tag = button.dataset['tag'];
- if (tag === 'potential_duplicate') {
- if (tags.has(tag)) {
- button.disabled = false;
- button.style.removeProperty('cursor');
- } else {
- button.disabled = true;
- button.style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
- }
- }
- button.innerText = (tags?.has(tag) ? '-' : '+') + tag;
- }
- }
- function reset_parent_id() {
- document.getElementById('post_parent_id').value = PostPage.parent_id;
- }
- function get_post_old_tags_el() {
- return document.querySelector('#post_old_tags, #SA-post_old_tags');
- }
- function get_post_tags_el() {
- return document.querySelector('#post_tags, #SA-post_tags');
- }
- function get_post_old_tags() {
- return new Tags(get_post_old_tags_el()?.value);
- }
- function get_post_tags() {
- return new Tags(get_post_tags_el()?.value);
- }
- function toggle_post_tag(tag, skip_common_tags_update = false) {
- if (get_post_tags().has(tag)) {
- remove_post_tag(tag, skip_common_tags_update);
- } else {
- add_post_tag(tag, skip_common_tags_update);
- }
- }
- function add_post_tag(tag, skip_common_tags_update = false) {
- const tags_el = get_post_tags_el();
- const tags = get_post_tags();
- if ((tag === 'duplicate' && tags.has('legitimate_variation')) || (tag === 'legitimate_variation' && tags.has('duplicate'))) {
- show_notice(console.warn, '[addon] cannot tag as duplicate and legitimate_variation at the same time.');
- return;
- }
- tags.add(tag);
- tags_el.value = tags.toString() + ' ';
- update_tag_elements(skip_common_tags_update);
- }
- function remove_post_tag(tag, skip_common_tags_update = false) {
- const tags = get_post_tags();
- tags.remove(tag);
- get_post_tags_el().value = tags.toString() + ' ';
- update_tag_elements(skip_common_tags_update);
- }
- function delete_useless_tags_tag() {
- if (config.editform_deleteuselesstags) remove_post_tag('useless_tags');
- }
- function reset_tags() {
- get_post_tags_el().value = get_post_old_tags_el().value;
- update_tag_elements();
- }
- function update_tag_elements(skip_common_tags = false) {
- update_tag_buttons();
- const tag_menu = document.getElementById('tag_menu');
- if (tag_menu !== null && tag_menu.style.display !== 'none') {
- update_tag_menu(skip_common_tags);
- }
- }
- // flag option with default text
- function flag_duplicate(post_id, reason_suffix) {
- if (post_id === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon] no post id, report to author!');
- return;
- }
- if (PostPage.parent_id === null) {
- show_notice(console.warn, '[addon] parent id not found, not logged in?');
- return;
- }
- const current_parent_id = document.getElementById('post_parent_id')?.value;
- if (current_parent_id !== PostPage.parent_id) {
- show_notice(console.warn, '[addon] parent id was changed but not saved!');
- return;
- }
- if (!current_parent_id || current_parent_id.length === 0) {
- show_notice(console.warn, '[addon] no parent id set!');
- return;
- }
- const tags = get_post_tags();
- const old_tags = get_post_old_tags();
- if (tags.has('duplicate') && !old_tags.has('duplicate')) {
- show_notice(console.warn, '[addon] duplicate tag set but not saved!');
- return;
- }
- if (!old_tags.has('duplicate')) {
- show_notice(console.warn, '[addon] not tagged as duplicate!');
- return;
- }
- if (old_tags.has('legitimate_variation') || old_tags.has('revision'))
- if (!window.confirm('Post is tagged as a legitimate_variation or revision, it may not be a duplicate!\n\nFlag it anyway?'))
- return;
- const reason = window.prompt('Why should this post be reconsidered for moderation?', `duplicate of ${PostPage.parent_id}${reason_suffix}`);
- if (reason === null)
- return;
- const flag_reason = document.getElementById('other_reason');
- const flag_confirm = document.getElementById('confirm');
- const flag_form = flag_reason?.parentElement;
- if (flag_reason === null || flag_confirm === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t find flag form');
- return;
- }
- flag_reason.value = reason;
- flag_confirm.checked = true;
- (async function() {
- try {
- const response = await fetch(new URL(flag_form.action, document.location.origin), {
- method: 'POST',
- body: new FormData(flag_form),
- });
- if (!response.ok) {
- show_notice(console.error, `[addon error] non-OK status code ${response.status}`);
- return;
- }
- show_notice(console.log, 'Post was resent to moderation queue');
- } catch (error) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] error flagging post!', error);
- }
- })();
- }
- // writes to image_data once finished
- async function read_image_data() {
- const data = {
- img_elem: null, // <img>, <video> or <object> (in case of flash)
- emb_elem: null, non_img_div: null, // flash is <object><embed>, we need the <div> it's in as well
- is_flash: false,
- width: null,
- height: null,
- aspect_ratio: null,
- };
- // image or video
- const img = document.getElementById('image');
- if (img !== null) {
- data.img_elem = img;
- // the href of this element is removed when the original image is loaded
- const sample_link = document.querySelector('a#image-link.sample');
- const is_sample = sample_link !== null && sample_link.hasAttribute('href');
- let res = null;
- if (is_sample) {
- const lowres = document.getElementById('lowres');
- if (lowres !== null) {
- res = lowres.innerText.split('x'); // parse "<width>x<height>"
- }
- } else {
- const highres = document.getElementById('highres');
- if (highres !== null) {
- res = highres.innerText.split(' ')[0].split('x'); // parse "<width>x<height> (<file size>)"
- }
- if (res === null) {
- if (img.hasAttribute('orig_width') && img.hasAttribute('orig_height')) {
- res = [img.getAttribute('orig_width'), img.getAttribute('orig_height')];
- }
- }
- }
- if (res === null) {
- console.log('[addon] Couldn\'t read resolution from details section, waiting for image size...');
- // last resort: try to read natural size
- // when loading the original image, this can read the old preview size instead, which shouldn't be a huge deal since
- // this happens after image scrolling (see is_done_scrolling()) and the aspect ratio is approximately correct
- // TODO: this will however break the manual image scrolling
- // TODO: should abort when content failed loading
- while ((res = get_resolution(img)) === null)
- await sleep(20);
- }
- data.width = Number(res[0]);
- data.height = Number(res[1]);
- console.log('[addon] Read image or video resolution ', data.width, 'x', data.height);
- data.aspect_ratio = data.width / data.height;
- image_data = data;
- return;
- }
- // flash or unknown
- const non_img = document.getElementById('non-image-content');
- if (non_img !== null) {
- data.non_img_div = non_img;
- const objs = non_img.getElementsByTagName('OBJECT');
- const embs = non_img.getElementsByTagName('EMBED');
- data.is_flash = (objs.length === 1 && embs.length === 1); // <object><embed>
- if (!data.is_flash) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] unknown post content! Can\'t read width/height.');
- return;
- }
- data.img_elem = objs[0];
- data.emb_elem = embs[0];
- // <object> contains width/height in both Firefox and Chrome
- data.width = data.img_elem.width;
- data.height = data.img_elem.height;
- console.log('[addon] Read resolution ', data.width, 'x', data.height);
- data.aspect_ratio = data.width / data.height;
- image_data = data;
- }
- }
- const SCALE_MODES = { RESET: -1, FIT: 0, HORIZONTAL: 1, VERTICAL: 2 };
- // stretch image/video/flash, requires data from read_image_data()
- function scale_image(mode, always_scale) {
- if (image_data === null) return; // read_image_data() failed
- if (!always_scale && (!config.scale_flash && image_data.is_flash))
- return;
- // We can't use transform scale because it doesn't change the DOM size (so the image could be covered up by other elements)
- // We also can't use style.width/height because translation notes rely on .width/.height
- const set_dimensions = (obj, dim) => {
- obj.width = dim.width;
- obj.height = dim.height;
- };
- // reset image size
- if (mode === SCALE_MODES.RESET) {
- if (!image_data.is_flash) {
- set_dimensions(image_data.img_elem, image_data);
- image_data.img_elem.classList.add('fit-width');
- image_data.img_elem.classList.add('fit-height');
- adjust_notes();
- } else {
- set_dimensions(image_data.img_elem, image_data);
- set_dimensions(image_data.emb_elem, image_data);
- }
- return;
- }
- const left_side = image_data.img_elem.getBoundingClientRect().left + window.scrollX;
- const target_w = Math.max(window.innerWidth - Math.ceil(left_side) - get_scrollbar_width(), 1);
- const target_h = Math.max(window.innerHeight, 1);
- const target_aspect_ratio = target_w / target_h;
- if (mode === SCALE_MODES.FIT)
- mode = (image_data.aspect_ratio > target_aspect_ratio ? SCALE_MODES.HORIZONTAL : SCALE_MODES.VERTICAL);
- const scaled = {};
- if (mode === SCALE_MODES.HORIZONTAL) {
- scaled.width = Math.floor(target_w);
- scaled.height = Math.floor(target_w / image_data.aspect_ratio);
- } else if (mode === SCALE_MODES.VERTICAL) {
- scaled.width = Math.floor(target_h * image_data.aspect_ratio);
- scaled.height = Math.floor(target_h);
- }
- if (!always_scale && (config.scale_only_downscale && (scaled.width > image_data.width || scaled.height > image_data.height)))
- return;
- if (!image_data.is_flash) {
- set_dimensions(image_data.img_elem, scaled);
- image_data.img_elem.classList.remove('fit-width');
- image_data.img_elem.classList.remove('fit-height');
- adjust_notes();
- } else {
- set_dimensions(image_data.img_elem, scaled);
- set_dimensions(image_data.emb_elem, scaled);
- }
- }
- function adjust_notes() {
- for (const note of unsafeWindow.Note?.all ?? []) {
- note.adjustScale(); // this relies on the image's .width and .height
- }
- }
- function scale_on_resize_helper() {
- clearTimeout(resize_timer);
- resize_timer = setTimeout(() => {
- if (config.scale_on_resize) scale_image(config.scale_mode, false);
- }, 100);
- }
- function add_scale_on_resize_listener() {
- window.addEventListener('resize', scale_on_resize_helper);
- }
- function remove_scale_on_resize_listener() {
- window.removeEventListener('resize', scale_on_resize_helper);
- }
- function scroll_to_image() {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- if (image_data === null) return;
- const img_rect = (image_data.is_flash ? image_data.non_img_div : image_data.img_elem).getBoundingClientRect();
- const absolute_img_top = Math.round(img_rect.top) + window.scrollY;
- if (config.scroll_to_image_center && img_rect.height !== 0) { // TODO height may or may not be 0, needs more testing
- const top_of_centered_rect = absolute_img_top - (window.innerHeight - img_rect.height) / 2;
- window.scrollTo(0, top_of_centered_rect);
- } else {
- window.scrollTo(0, absolute_img_top);
- }
- done_scrolling = true;
- });
- }
- // when resize notice is hidden (e.g. original image is loaded), scroll to make up the difference
- function add_resize_notice_listener() {
- const resized_notice = document.getElementById('resized_notice');
- if (image_data === null || resized_notice === null) return;
- const notice_y_diff = image_data.img_elem.getBoundingClientRect().top - resized_notice.getBoundingClientRect().top;
- const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
- observer.disconnect();
- window.scrollBy(0, -notice_y_diff);
- });
- observer.observe(resized_notice, { attributeFilter: ['style'] });
- }
- function add_highres_listener() {
- const img = document.getElementById('image');
- if (img === null) return;
- const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
- // image is cleared before highres image is loaded
- if (img.src === 'about:blank') return;
- observer.disconnect();
- // re-read image size in case get_resolution() had to be used
- read_image_data().then(() => {
- if (config.scale_image) scale_image(config.scale_mode, false);
- });
- });
- observer.observe(img, { attributeFilter: ['src'] });
- }
- async function load_highres() {
- if (!config.load_highres) return;
- if (config.highres_limit > 0) {
- const highres = document.getElementById('highres');
- if (highres !== null) {
- let size = highres.title; // e.g. "1,738,253 bytes"
- size = size.replaceAll(',', '');
- size = parseInt(size, 10);
- if (size > config.highres_limit) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- while (!is_done_scrolling() || unsafeWindow.Post?.highres === undefined)
- await sleep(20);
- // mimic sitescript
- unsafeWindow.jQuery('a#image-link.sample').unbind('click').removeAttr('href');
- unsafeWindow.Post.highres();
- }
- function redirect_v_to_s_server() {
- const img = document.getElementById('image');
- if (img === null) return;
- const url = new URL(img.src);
- if (url.host === 'v.sankakucomplex.com') {
- url.host = 's.sankakucomplex.com';
- img.src = url;
- }
- }
- function add_postpage_hotkeys() {
- document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
- if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT'].includes(e.target.tagName)) return;
- for (const hotkey of config.postpage_hotkeys) {
- hotkey.call(e);
- }
- }, true);
- }
- // sitefix: fix pixiv source links under 'Details'
- // issue: source links of the form https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/<id> turn into
- // https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/<id>
- // doesn't happen for https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/<id>
- // or the old format https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=<id>
- function fix_source_link() {
- const stats = document.getElementById('stats');
- if (stats === null) return;
- for (const link of stats.getElementsByTagName('A')) {
- if (!link.href) continue;
- if (link.href.startsWith('https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/')) {
- const id = link.href.substring('https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/'.length);
- try {
- new URL(id); // throws if not a valid URL
- link.href = id;
- } catch (ignore) { }
- } else {
- const match = /https:\/\/pictures.hentai-foundry.com\/[^/]\/([^/]+)\/(\d+)\//.exec(link.href);
- if (match) {
- const [,user, post_id] = match;
- link.href = `https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/${user}/${post_id}`;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /***********************/
- /* wiki page functions */
- /***********************/
- function add_wiki_template() {
- if (config.wiki_template.length === 0) return;
- const wiki_form = document.getElementById('wiki-form');
- const wiki_body = document.getElementById('wiki_page_body');
- if (wiki_form === null || wiki_body === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t find "wiki-form" or "wiki_page_body", wiki template disabled');
- return;
- }
- wiki_form.style.display = 'flex'; // add template to the right
- const div = document.createElement('DIV');
- div.style.marginLeft = '1em';
- const template_label = document.createElement('LABEL');
- template_label.innerText = 'Wiki Template';
- template_label.style.cursor = 'help';
- template_label.style.textDecoration = 'underline dashed';
- template_label.title = 'Selected text can be appended to the page body. Clicking or using arrow keys selects a whole line, pressing \'c\' or the button below copies the selection over';
- const template_text = document.createElement('TEXTAREA');
- template_text.id = 'wiki_template_text';
- template_text.cols = wiki_body.cols;
- template_text.rows = wiki_body.rows;
- template_text.style.width = '33em';
- template_text.style.marginTop = '0';
- template_text.value = config.wiki_template;
- const insert_template_selection = () => {
- const text = template_text.value;
- const a = template_text.selectionStart;
- const b = template_text.selectionEnd;
- const selection = text.substring(a, b);
- const add_newline = wiki_body.value && !wiki_body.value.endsWith('\n');
- wiki_body.value += (add_newline ? '\n' : '') + selection;
- };
- const extend_selection = () => {
- // extend empty selection to newlines (or text start/end)
- const text = template_text.value;
- let a = template_text.selectionStart;
- let b = template_text.selectionEnd;
- if (a === b) {
- const ext_a = text.lastIndexOf('\n', a - 1);
- a = (ext_a !== -1 ? ext_a + 1 : 0);
- if (text.charAt(b) !== '\n') {
- const ext_b = text.indexOf('\n', b + 1);
- b = (ext_b !== -1 ? ext_b - 1 : text.length - 1) + 1;
- }
- template_text.setSelectionRange(a, b);
- }
- };
- template_text.readOnly = true; // hides the caret and there's no easy workaround
- template_text.addEventListener('click', extend_selection);
- template_text.addEventListener('keyup', extend_selection);
- template_text.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
- if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey) return;
- if (e.key === 'c') insert_template_selection();
- });
- const btn = document.createElement('BUTTON');
- btn.innerText = 'Copy selection over';
- btn.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
- btn.style.padding = '0.2em 2em';
- btn.style.margin = '0.1em';
- btn.onclick = () => { insert_template_selection(); template_text.focus(); return false; };
- div.appendChild(template_label);
- div.appendChild(document.createElement('BR'));
- div.appendChild(template_text);
- div.appendChild(document.createElement('BR'));
- div.appendChild(btn);
- wiki_form.appendChild(div);
- div.style.marginTop = (wiki_body.getBoundingClientRect().top - wiki_form.getBoundingClientRect().top - template_label.getBoundingClientRect().height - 1) + 'px';
- }
- function add_status_post_links() {
- const random_posts = [...document.querySelectorAll('.highlightable a')].find(a => a.href.endsWith('%20order%3Arandom'));
- if (!random_posts) return;
- const user_posts = random_posts.parentElement.children[0].href;
- const username = new URL(user_posts).searchParams.get('tags').substring('user:'.length);
- const status_post_link = (name, search) => {
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- a.href = get_search_url(search);
- a.innerText = name;
- return a;
- };
- let dateSearch = '';
- if (get_username() !== username) { // not your own profile
- // Thanks to Evaera
- // add leeway of 3 days to tag count searches (should be 2 days but date search goes by server time, which can differ from local UTC by up to 14 hours)
- const threeDaysAgo = new Date();
- threeDaysAgo.setDate(threeDaysAgo.getDate() - 3);
- const dd = String(threeDaysAgo.getUTCDate()).padStart(2, '0');
- const mm = String(threeDaysAgo.getUTCMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
- const yyyy = threeDaysAgo.getUTCFullYear();
- dateSearch = ` date:<${yyyy}-${mm}-${dd}`;
- }
- insert_node_after(status_post_link('approver', `approver:${username}`), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(document.createTextNode(', '), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(status_post_link('flagger', `flagger:${username}`), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(document.createTextNode(', '), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(status_post_link('artist_tag_count:0', `user:${username} artist_tag_count:0${dateSearch}`), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(document.createTextNode(', '), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(status_post_link('general_tag_count:<13', `user:${username} general_tag_count:<13${dateSearch}`), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(document.createTextNode(', '), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(status_post_link('tagme', `user:${username} tagme${dateSearch}`), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(document.createTextNode(', '), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(status_post_link('flagged', `user:${username} status:flagged`), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(document.createTextNode(', '), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(status_post_link('unapproved', `user:${username} status:pending`), random_posts);
- insert_node_after(document.createTextNode(', '), random_posts);
- }
- function add_record_template() {
- const record_body = document.getElementById('user_record_body');
- const record_score = document.getElementById('user_record_score');
- if (record_body === null || record_score === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, 'couldn\'t find record elements, disabled template');
- return;
- }
- const label = document.createElement('SPAN');
- label.innerText = 'Template:';
- label.style.marginLeft = '0.5em';
- label.style.marginRight = '0.5em';
- insert_node_after(label, record_score);
- // the JSON is supposed to be an array of 2-or-3-entry-arrays, which converts to Map
- const raw_templates = JSON.parse(config.record_template);
- const templates = new Map();
- for (const [title, content, raw_score] of raw_templates) {
- let score = null;
- if (typeof raw_score !== 'undefined') {
- score = raw_score.toLowerCase();
- if (score === 'neutral') score = 0;
- else if (score === 'positive') score = 1;
- else if (score === 'negative') score = -1;
- else score = null;
- }
- if (score === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] record template has invalid score, see console for details', [title, content, raw_score]);
- }
- templates.set(title, { content, score });
- }
- const apply_template = (template) => {
- record_body.value = template.content;
- if (template.score !== null) record_score.value = template.score;
- };
- const dropdown = create_template_dropdown(templates, apply_template);
- dropdown.id = 'template_dropdown';
- insert_node_after(dropdown, label);
- }
- function add_tagscript_presets() {
- if (!IndexPage.has_tag_scripts) return;
- const mode_menu = document.getElementById('mode-menu');
- if (mode_menu === null) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t find "Mode" menu, disabled tagscript presets');
- return;
- }
- // the JSON is supposed to be an array of 2-entry-arrays, which converts to Map
- const presets = new Map(JSON.parse(config.tagscript_presets));
- if (presets.size === 0)
- return;
- mode_menu.appendChild(document.createElement('P'));
- const label = document.createElement('H5');
- label.innerText = 'Tag Script Presets';
- mode_menu.appendChild(label);
- const set_tag_script = (script) => {
- set_cookie('tag-script', script);
- select_mode('apply-tag-script');
- };
- const dropdown = create_template_dropdown(presets, set_tag_script);
- dropdown.id = 'tagscript_presets_dropdown';
- mode_menu.appendChild(dropdown);
- }
- function create_template_dropdown(templates, change_event) {
- const dropdown = document.createElement('SELECT');
- const empty_option = document.createElement('OPTION');
- empty_option.disabled = true;
- empty_option.selected = true;
- empty_option.style.display = 'none';
- dropdown.appendChild(empty_option);
- for (const [title, value] of templates.entries()) {
- const option = document.createElement('OPTION');
- option.innerText = title;
- // somewhat redundant to the change event but allows to "reset" the text to an already selected template
- option.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- change_event(value);
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- dropdown.appendChild(option);
- }
- dropdown.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
- change_event(templates.get(dropdown.value));
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- return dropdown;
- }
- function add_tag_edit_gear() { // add a "⚙" link to the tag edit page
- try {
- const h2 = document.querySelector('.title');
- if (WikiPage.tag === 'recent_changes') return;
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- const url = new URL(`${get_lang_path()}/tag_histories`, document.location.origin);
- url.searchParams.set('tag_name', WikiPage.tag);
- a.href = url.href;
- a.innerText = '⚙';
- a.title = 'Tag History (with edit link)';
- h2.appendChild(a);
- } catch (error) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t add "⚙" tag page link, check console', error);
- }
- }
- function add_tag_history_link() { // add a "History »" link to the tag history page
- try {
- const info = document.querySelector('.tag-information');
- const related = document.querySelector('.related-tags');
- // use the hidden form field because url can either be e.g. /tags/edit?name=high_resolution or /tags/edit/464292
- const tag = document.getElementById('tag_name').value;
- const div = document.createElement('DIV');
- const h4 = document.createElement('H4');
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- a.href = '/tag_histories?tag_name=' + tag;
- a.innerText = 'History »';
- div.appendChild(h4);
- h4.appendChild(a);
- if (related !== null) {
- related.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', div);
- } else {
- info.prepend(div);
- }
- } catch (error) {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] couldn\'t add tag history page link, check console', error);
- }
- }
- function deletion_sanity_checks() { // for duplicates
- const thumbs = [...document.querySelectorAll('#content > .deleting-post .thumb')];
- if (thumbs.length !== 2)
- return; // no parent
- const WARNING_TEXT = '<b style="color: crimson">Warning: </b>';
- const CHECKED_TAGS = ['upscaled', 'legitimate_variation', 'revision', 'third-party_edit', 'decensored', 'potential_upscale', 'md5_mismatch', 'resolution_mismatch'];
- const CHECKED_COMBINATIONS = [['censored', 'uncensored']];
- // remove old warnings before re-evaluating
- document.querySelectorAll('.SA-warning').forEach((el) => el.remove());
- const posts = thumbs.map(get_post_from_thumb);
- const warn_tags = posts.map(post => post.tags.filter(tag => CHECKED_TAGS.includes(tag)));
- for (const [tag1, tag2] of CHECKED_COMBINATIONS) {
- for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (posts[i].tags.includes(tag1) && posts[1 - i].tags.includes(tag2)) {
- warn_tags[i].push(tag1);
- warn_tags[1 - i].push(tag2);
- }
- }
- }
- const convert_to_margin = (thumb) => {
- const a = thumb.querySelector('a');
- const y_diff = a.getBoundingClientRect().top - thumb.getBoundingClientRect().top;
- // the thumbnail image is centered in a grid (see adjust_css()), which will move it up when something is added below it
- // to fix this we replace the vertical centering with a margin (and allow the thumbnail to scale vertically too)
- // fix thumbnail in place vertically
- a.style.marginTop = `${y_diff}px`;
- thumb.style.alignContent = 'start';
- // make thumbnail scale vertically
- thumb.style.minHeight = window.getComputedStyle(thumb).height;
- thumb.style.height = 'auto';
- };
- thumbs.forEach(convert_to_margin);
- const add_tags_below_thumb = (thumb, tags, missing) => {
- for (const tag of tags) {
- const span = document.createElement('SPAN');
- span.className = 'SA-warning';
- span.style.color = 'crimson';
- span.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
- if (missing) span.style.textDecoration = 'line-through';
- span.innerText = tag;
- thumb.appendChild(span);
- }
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < thumbs.length; i++) {
- add_tags_below_thumb(thumbs[i], warn_tags[i]);
- }
- if (!posts[0].tags.includes('duplicate')) {
- add_tags_below_thumb(thumbs[0], ['duplicate'], true);
- }
- const integer_multiple = (a, b) => {
- if (a < b) return integer_multiple(b, a);
- if (a > b && a % b === 0) {
- return a / b;
- }
- return NaN;
- };
- const widths = [];
- const heights = [];
- // read resolutions
- const res = document.querySelector('#content > .deleting-post > ul > li:nth-child(2)');
- for (const b of res.getElementsByTagName('B')) {
- const match = /([\d]+)x([\d]+)/.exec(b.innerText);
- if (match) {
- const [, width, height] = match;
- widths.push(Number(width));
- heights.push(Number(height));
- }
- }
- // add potential upscale warning
- const multiple = integer_multiple(...widths);
- if (multiple === integer_multiple(...heights)) {
- const span = document.createElement('SPAN');
- span.className = 'SA-warning';
- span.innerHTML = ` ${WARNING_TEXT} potential ${multiple}x upscale`;
- res.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', span);
- }
- }
- function add_custom_duplicate_delete_reason() {
- const reason = document.getElementById('reason');
- const custom_reason = document.getElementById('custom_reason');
- const thumbs = [...document.querySelectorAll('#content > .deleting-post .thumb')];
- if (thumbs.length !== 2)
- return; // no parent
- const parent_id = thumbs[1].id.substring(1);
- const custom_dupe_option = document.createElement('OPTION');
- custom_dupe_option.innerText = `duplicate of ${parent_id} (custom reason)`;
- reason.appendChild(custom_dupe_option);
- reason.addEventListener('change', () => {
- const i = reason.selectedIndex;
- if (i === 0) return;
- const is_custom_dupe = reason.options[i] === custom_dupe_option;
- if (is_custom_dupe) {
- reason.selectedIndex = 0;
- custom_reason.value = `duplicate of ${parent_id} (...)`;
- custom_reason.focus();
- custom_reason.setSelectionRange(custom_reason.value.length - 4, custom_reason.value.length - 1);
- }
- });
- }
- function add_tags_copy_button() {
- const tags_not_present = document.querySelector('#content > .deleting-post > ul > li:nth-child(7)');
- if (tags_not_present === null) return;
- let tags_diff = ' ';
- for (const a of tags_not_present.getElementsByTagName('A')) {
- const tag = a.innerText.replaceAll(' ', '_');
- if (['duplicate', 'potential_duplicate'].includes(tag)) continue; // TODO: ignore all meta tags?
- tags_diff += tag + ' ';
- }
- const button = document.createElement('BUTTON');
- button.type = 'button';
- button.innerText = 'Copy Tags';
- button.onclick = () => set_clipboard(tags_diff);
- tags_not_present.appendChild(button);
- }
- function add_post_edit_buttons() {
- // cache thumbnail tags
- for (const thumb of document.querySelectorAll('.thumb'))
- get_post_from_thumb(thumb);
- const thumbs = [...document.querySelectorAll('.deleting-post .thumb')];
- for (const thumb of thumbs) {
- const a = document.createElement('A');
- a.innerText = '⚙';
- a.style.fontSize = '120%';
- a.href = '#';
- a.onclick = () => {
- open_post_edit_dialog(thumb);
- return false;
- };
- thumb.appendChild(a);
- }
- }
- function add_moderation_search_template() {
- const query = document.getElementById('query');
- const select = create_template_dropdown(new Map([
- ['Pending Posts', {add: ['status:pending'], remove: ['order:recently_flagged']}],
- ['Flagged Posts', {add: ['order:recently_flagged', '-status:pending'], remove: []}]
- ]), (value) => {
- select.selectedIndex = 0;
- const search_tags = new Tags(query.value);
- for (const tag of value.remove) {
- search_tags.remove(tag);
- }
- for (const tag of value.add) {
- search_tags.add(tag);
- }
- query.value = search_tags.toString() + ' ';
- query.focus();
- });
- const search_button = document.querySelector('#content > form > button');
- search_button.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', select);
- search_button.insertAdjacentText('afterend', ' ');
- }
- function get_lang_path() {
- const lang = get_cookie('locale');
- return lang && lang !== 'en' ? '/' + lang : '';
- }
- function old_wiki_tag_links() {
- if (!config.use_old_wiki) return;
- const lang = get_lang_path();
- const revert_beta_link = (a, is_tag_edit_link) => {
- try {
- const url = new URL(a.href);
- if (url.hostname !== 'beta.sankakucomplex.com') return;
- const tag = url.searchParams.get('tagName');
- if (url.pathname.startsWith('/tag/history')) {
- a.href = new URL(`${lang}/tag_histories?tag_name=${tag}`, document.location.origin).href;
- } else if (url.pathname.startsWith('/tag/')) {
- // tag index "Edit" link
- if (is_tag_edit_link) {
- // tag edit page still exists but needs id: /tags/<id>/edit, tag history has working edit link
- a.href = new URL(`${lang}/tag_histories?tag_name=${tag}`, document.location.origin).href;
- } else {
- a.href = new URL(`${lang}/wiki/${tag}`, document.location.origin).href;
- }
- } else if (url.pathname === '/') {
- const tags = url.searchParams.get('tags');
- a.href = new URL(`${lang}/?tags=${tags}`, document.location.origin).href;
- }
- } catch (e) { console.error('[addon error] failed reverting beta link', a.href, e); }
- };
- if (General.page === Page.TagIndex) {
- document.querySelectorAll('tbody td:nth-child(6) a').forEach(a => revert_beta_link(a, true));
- document.querySelectorAll('tbody a').forEach(a => revert_beta_link(a));
- } else {
- document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip a').forEach(a => revert_beta_link(a));
- }
- }
- function old_wiki_subnav_links() {
- if (!config.use_old_wiki) return;
- const lang = get_lang_path();
- for (const a of document.querySelectorAll('#subnavbar a')) {
- const url = new URL(a.href);
- if (url.hostname !== 'beta.sankakucomplex.com') continue;
- if (a.pathname === '/wiki/edit_article') {
- const tag = url.searchParams.get('tagName');
- a.href = new URL(`${lang}/wiki/edit?title=${tag}`, document.location.origin).href;
- } else if (a.pathname === '/wiki/article_history') {
- // TODO this currently points to the history tag wiki
- //a.href = new URL(`${lang}/wiki/history?title=${tag}`, document.location.origin).href;
- a.style.color = 'red';
- } else if (a.pathname === '/wiki/create_article') {
- a.href = new URL(`${lang}/wiki/new`, document.location.origin).href;
- } else if (a.pathname === '/') {
- const tag = url.searchParams.get('tags');
- a.href = new URL(`${lang}/?tags=${tag}`, document.location.origin).href;
- }
- }
- }
- function old_pools_post_link() {
- if (!config.use_old_pools) return;
- for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.status-notice')) {
- if (el.id.startsWith('pool')) {
- const pool_id = el.id.substring(4);
- for (const a of el.querySelectorAll('a')) {
- const url = new URL(a.href);
- if (url.hostname !== 'beta.sankakucomplex.com') continue;
- a.href = new URL(`${get_lang_path()}/pools/${pool_id}`, document.location.origin).href;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function old_nav_links() {
- for (const a of document.querySelectorAll('#navbar a')) {
- const url = new URL(a.href);
- if (url.hostname !== 'beta.sankakucomplex.com') continue;
- let reset_color = false;
- if (config.use_old_pools && a.pathname === '/books') {
- a.href = new URL(`${get_lang_path()}/pools`, document.location.origin).href;
- reset_color = true;
- } else if (config.use_old_tags_index && a.pathname === '/tags') {
- a.href = new URL(`${get_lang_path()}/tags`, document.location.origin).href;
- reset_color = true;
- }
- if (reset_color) {
- const font = a.querySelector('font');
- if (font) font.style.color = 'unset';
- }
- }
- }
- /******************/
- /* document-start */
- /******************/
- await load_config();
- let pathname = window.location.pathname;
- // strip language codes in pathnames like "/ja/post/show"
- if (pathname.indexOf('/', 1) === 3) pathname = pathname.substring(3);
- // normalize old singulars to plurals
- for (const path of ['post', 'user', 'user_record', 'tag']) {
- if (pathname.startsWith(`/${path}/`) || pathname === '/' + path)
- pathname = `/${path}s` + pathname.slice(5);
- }
- // normalize post index
- if (pathname.startsWith('/posts/index') || pathname === '/posts')
- pathname = '/';
- const segments = pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean);
- // match_segments('posts', 'delete') will match 'posts/[.../.../]delete[/...]'
- function match_segments(...ordered) {
- let i = 0;
- return ordered.every(m => {
- // search next segment
- while (i < segments.length) {
- if (segments[i++] === m) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- });
- }
- // detect page
- if (pathname === '/' || (match_segments('posts') && segments.length === 1)
- || match_segments('posts', 'similar')) General.page = Page.Index;
- else if (match_segments('posts', 'delete')) General.page = Page.Delete;
- else if (match_segments('posts', 'moderate')) General.page = Page.Moderate;
- else if (match_segments('posts', 'upload')) General.page = Page.Upload;
- else if (match_segments('posts')) General.page = Page.Post;
- else if (match_segments('pools')) General.page = Page.Pool;
- else if (match_segments('wiki', 'new')) General.page = Page.WikiNew;
- else if (match_segments('wiki', 'edit')) General.page = Page.WikiEdit;
- else if (match_segments('wiki') && segments.length !== 1) General.page = Page.WikiShow;
- else if (match_segments('tags', 'edit')) General.page = Page.Tag;
- else if (match_segments('tags')) General.page = Page.TagIndex;
- else if (match_segments('users')) General.page = Page.User;
- else if (match_segments('user_records', 'new')) General.page = Page.AddRecord;
- // listen for config changes in other windows
- add_storage_change_listener();
- modify_css();
- // add thumbnail icons and fade out thumbnails
- modify_nodes('img.post-preview-image', modify_thumbnail, '.content-page, #recommendations');
- switch (General.page) {
- case Page.Post:
- // mute/pause video
- modify_nodes('video#image', node => { configure_video(node); return true; });
- break;
- }
- /******************/
- /* content-loaded */
- /******************/
- async function init() {
- IndexPage.init();
- PostPage.init();
- WikiPage.init();
- PoolPage.init();
- add_config_dialog();
- if (IS_MONKEY) GM.registerMenuCommand('Open Addon Config', () => show_config_dialog(true), 'C');
- add_config_button();
- update_config_dialog();
- update_headerlogo();
- useful_beta_link();
- old_wiki_tag_links();
- old_wiki_subnav_links();
- old_nav_links();
- switch (General.page) {
- case Page.Index:
- add_mode_options();
- add_tagscript_presets();
- collect_tag_categories();
- if (config.tag_search_buttons) add_tag_search_buttons();
- if (config.tag_post_counts) add_tag_post_counts();
- add_postmode_hotkeys();
- // TODO Edit Tags mode currently broken
- // add_post_edit_dialog();
- // update_tag_elements(); // initialize tag menu/buttons
- // add_tags_change_listener();
- break;
- case Page.Post:
- // reading the post id can fail when rate limited (or when the website changes)
- if (config.view_history_enabled && PostPage.post_id !== null) {
- config[HISTORY_KEY].add(PostPage.post_id);
- save_setting(HISTORY_KEY, config[HISTORY_KEY]); // save and broadcast view history
- }
- collect_tag_categories();
- if (config.tag_search_buttons) add_tag_search_buttons();
- if (config.tag_post_counts) add_tag_post_counts();
- if (config.tag_category_collapser) add_tag_category_collapser();
- add_addon_actions(find_actions_list());
- add_flagger_links();
- link_to_post_tag_history();
- fix_source_link();
- if (config.move_stats_to_edit_form) move_stats_to_edit_form();
- add_tag_buttons('edit-form');
- if (config.tag_menu) add_tag_menu();
- update_tag_elements(); // initialize tag menu/buttons
- add_tags_change_listener();
- add_tags_submit_listener(); // specifically for edit-form
- add_postpage_hotkeys();
- if (config.scale_on_resize) add_scale_on_resize_listener();
- if (config.redirect_v_to_s_server) redirect_v_to_s_server();
- read_image_data().then(() => {
- if (config.scale_image) scale_image(config.scale_mode, false);
- if (config.scroll_to_image) scroll_to_image();
- add_resize_notice_listener();
- add_highres_listener();
- load_highres();
- });
- old_pools_post_link();
- break;
- case Page.WikiNew:
- case Page.WikiEdit:
- add_wiki_template();
- break;
- case Page.WikiShow:
- add_tag_edit_gear();
- break;
- case Page.Tag:
- add_tag_history_link();
- break;
- case Page.User:
- add_status_post_links();
- break;
- case Page.AddRecord:
- add_record_template();
- break;
- case Page.Delete:
- // TODO pretty much all of this is broken
- document.getElementById('custom_reason').style.minWidth = '25%';
- //add_custom_duplicate_delete_reason();
- //add_tags_copy_button();
- //add_post_edit_dialog();
- //add_post_edit_buttons();
- //update_tag_elements(); // initialize tag menu/buttons
- //add_tags_change_listener();
- //deletion_sanity_checks();
- break;
- case Page.Moderate:
- add_moderation_search_template();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'loaded' || document.readyState === 'interactive') {
- init().catch((reason) => {
- show_notice(console.error, '[addon error] init() failed, check console', reason);
- });
- } else {
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false);
- }
- })(typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : window);