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E-H Visited, combined with ExVisited, and then better.

Stan na 21-03-2020. Zobacz najnowsza wersja.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         EhxVisited
// @namespace
// @version
// @description  E-H Visited, combined with ExVisited, and then better.
// @author       Hauffen
// @require
// @include      /https?:\/\/(e-|ex)hentai\.org\/.*/
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
    window.IDBTransaction = window.IDBTransaction || window.webkitIDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction || {READ_WRITE: 'readwrite'};
    window.IDBKeyRange = window.IDBKeyRange || window.webkitIDBKeyRange || window.msIDBKeyRange;

    if (!window.indexedDB) {
        console.warn("Your browser doesn't support a stable version of IndexedDB. Such and such feature will not be available.");

    ║    Configuration Defaults    ║
    var setStore = localStorage.getItem('ehx-settings') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ehx-settings')) : {"softHide": false, "minAdd": true, "minShow": false, "cssTT": false, "repPub": false, "visHide": false, "hidShow": false, "pFilter": false, "pLimit": 0, "stFilter": false, "stLimit": 0, "titleShow": true};
    var filters = '';
    var cssA = localStorage.getItem('ehx-css') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ehx-css')) : {"visible": "box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(2, 129, 255, .2) !important;", "hidden": "box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(255, 40, 0, .2) !important;", "download": "box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(30, 180, 60, .2) !important;", "filter": "box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(200, 0, 100, .2) !important;", "page" :"box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(0, 0, 180, .2) !important;", "rating" :"box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(180, 80, 60, .2) !important;", "uploader": "box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(222, 184, 135, .2) !important;"};
    var cssD = (setStore.softHide) ? 'opacity:0.2; -webkit-opacity: 0.2;' : 'display: none;';
	var img_hide = '';

    try { // Converting the old format to the new format
        filters = localStorage.getItem('ehx-filters') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ehx-filters')) : {"title": "#\\[Erocolor\\]", "uploader": "#xcaliber9999"}; // JSON.parse isn't a fan of unique characters
    } catch (e) {
        filters = localStorage.getItem('ehx-filters') ? {"title": localStorage.getItem('ehx-filters'), "uploader": "#xcaliber9999"} : {"title": "#\\[Erocolor\\]", "uploader": "#xcaliber9999"};

    let db = null;
    var filterArr = [], uploaderArr = [];
    var observer = new MutationObserver(e => {

    var spl = document.URL.split('/');
    var d1 = spl[3];
    var galleries, hidden, down;
    var ehxClearConfirm = 0, ehxhClearConfirm = 0, ehxdClearConfirm = 0, reload = 0, offset = 0;
	const category = {doujinshi: 'ct2', manga: 'ct3', artistcg: 'ct4', gamecg: 'ct5', western: 'cta', nonh: 'ct9', imageset: 'ct6', cosplay: 'ct7', asianporn: 'ct8', misc: 'ct1'};

    if (d1 == 'g') addGallery(); // Add the current page to galleries //TODO: Edit for Downloads
    if (d1.substr(0, 1) == '?' || d1.substr(0, 1) == 'w' || d1.substr(0, 1) == '#' || d1.substr(0, 1) == 'f' || d1.substr(0, 1) == 'p' || d1.substr(0, 1) == 't' || !d1) {
        $('<div class="alertContainer"></div>').appendTo('body');

     * Populate the custom filter array with user input converted into regular expressions
    function populateFilter() {
        filterArr = []; // Start fresh for when we call this again
        uploaderArr = [];
        if (filters.title != '') { // There's probably some way that I could condense this
            var tempArr = filters.title.split('\n');
            for (var i = 0; i < tempArr.length; i++) {
                if (tempArr[i].startsWith('#')) continue;
                var regex;
                try {
                    regex = new RegExp(tempArr[i], 'i');
                } catch(e) {
                    displayAlert('Invalid Regex On Line ' + (i + 1), 5000, true);
        if (filters.uploader != '') {
            var tempArr2 = filters.uploader.split('\n');
            for (i = 0; i < tempArr2.length; i++) {
                if (tempArr2[i].startsWith('#')) continue;
                try {
                    regex = new RegExp(tempArr2[i], 'i');
                } catch (e) {
                    displayAlert('Invalid Regex On Line ' + (i + 1), 5000, true);

     * Add a gallery to our IndexedDB
    function addGallery() {
        const request ='ehxvisited', 2);

        request.onupgradeneeded = e => { // Generate our database if it's not there
            db =;

            if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('galleries')) db.createObjectStore('galleries', {keyPath: 'id'});
            if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('hidden')) db.createObjectStore('hidden', {keyPath: 'id'});
			if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('down')) db.createObjectStore('down', {keyPath: 'id'});

        request.onsuccess = e => {
            db =;

            var objStore = db.transaction('galleries', 'readwrite').objectStore('galleries');
            var openRequest = objStore.openCursor(spl[4] + '.' + spl[5]);

            openRequest.onsuccess = e => {
                var cursor = openRequest.result;
                if (cursor) { // Update entry if key exists
                    cursor.update({id: spl[4] + '.' + spl[5], visited:});
                    console.log('EhxVisited: Updated ' + spl[4] + '.' + spl[5]);
                } else { // Otherwise, add entry
                    objStore.add({id: spl[4] + '.' + spl[5], visited:});
                    console.log('EhxVisited: Added ' + spl[4] + '.' + spl[5]);

            openRequest.onerror = e => {
                console.log(`EhxVisited: Something bad happened with gallery ${spl[4]}.${spl[5]}: ${}`);

     * Updates the hidden gallery count in the header object
    function updateGListing() {
        // There's probably a better way to do this portion rather than iterate through all current objects, but runtime is negligible
        var list = $('.itg .gl1t').length > 0 ? $('.itg .gl1t') : $('table.itg>tbody>tr').has('.glhide, .gldown, th'); // Get the proper elements depending on our view mode
        var hAmount, vAmount, fAmount, pAmount, rAmount, uAmount, hCount;
        hAmount = vAmount = fAmount = pAmount = rAmount = uAmount = hCount = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
            if ($(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) { // Count generic Hidden galleries
                if ($(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-visited')) vAmount++;
            if ($(list[i]).attr('data-jqstyle')) { // Count elements via JQ Style tags
                if ($(list[i]).attr('data-jqstyle').match('h')) hAmount++;
                if ($(list[i]).attr('data-jqstyle').match('f')) fAmount++;
                if ($(list[i]).attr('data-jqstyle').match('p')) pAmount++;
                if ($(list[i]).attr('data-jqstyle').match('r')) rAmount++;
                if ($(list[i]).attr('data-jqstyle').match('u')) uAmount++;
            if ($('#ehx-show').text() === 'Show') { // If Visited Galleries are hidden, count those as well
                if ($(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-visited')) {
        if (!setStore.softHide) {
            $('#hideCount').html('There ' + (hCount > 1 || hCount == 0 ? 'are ' : 'is ') + '<span>' + hCount + ' hidden ' + (hCount > 1 || hCount == 0 ? 'galleries' : 'gallery') + '</span> on this page.');
        } else {
            $('#hideCount').html('There are <span>0 hidden galleries</span> on this page.');
        $('#hideCount > span').prop('title', 'Hidden: ' + hAmount + ' | Visited: ' + vAmount + ' | Filtered: ' + fAmount + ' | Page Limit: ' + pAmount + ' | Rating Limit: ' + rAmount + ' | Uploader: ' + uAmount);

     * Convert the star count of a specified element to a double
	 * @param {Object} el - A specific element within the DOM
    function getStarNumber(el, transpose) {
		var starCount = {5: '0px -1px', 4.5: '0px -21px', 4: '-16px -1px', 3.5: '-16px -21px', 3: '-32px -1px', 2.5: '-32px -21px', 2: '-48px -1px', 1.5: '-48px -21px', 1: '-64px -1px', 0.5: '-64px -21px'};
		if (!transpose) {
			var stars = $(el).find('.ir').css('background-position');
			return Object.keys(starCount).find(key => starCount[key] === stars);
		} else return starCount[(Math.round(el * 2) / 2).toFixed(1)];

	 * Check a specified element through the filters individually, then apply jqstyle tags for CSS
	 * @param {Object} el - A specific element within the DOM
    function filterCheck(el) {
        if (filterArr.length) {
            if (filterArr.some(rx => rx.test($(el).find('.glink').text()))) { // Test our gallery name through our regex filters
                if (!$(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) $(el).addClass('ehx-hidden');
                if (!($(el).attr('data-jqstyle') || '').match('f')) addStyle($(el), 'f');
            } else if ($(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) removeStyle($(el), 'f');
        } else if ($(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) removeStyle($(el), 'f');

        var upload = ''; // Uploader name is stored in one of two elements based on view modes, not displayed in Thumbnail view
        if ($('.gl1e').length) upload = $(el).find('.gl3e > div:nth-child(4)').text();
        else if ($('.gl1c').length || $('.gl1m').length) upload = $(el).find('.glhide > div a').text();

        if (uploaderArr.length) {
            if (uploaderArr.some(rx => rx.test(upload))) {
                if (!$(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) $(el).addClass('ehx-hidden');
                if (!($(el).attr('data-jqstyle') || '').match('u')) addStyle($(el), 'u');
            } else if ($(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) removeStyle($(el), 'u');
        } else if ($(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) removeStyle($(el), 'u');

        // Filter our galleries through the star limit filter
        if (setStore.stFilter && setStore.stLimit > 0) {
            if (getStarNumber(el, false) < setStore.stLimit) {
                if (!$(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) $(el).addClass('ehx-hidden');
                if (!($(el).attr('data-jqstyle') || '').match('r')) addStyle($(el), 'r');
            } else if ($(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) removeStyle($(el), 'r');
        } else if ($(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) removeStyle($(el), 'r');

        var pages = 0; // Page Count is stored in a lot of different random elements throughout, there are probably better selectors for this
        if ($('.gl1e').length) pages = $(el).find('.gl3e > div:nth-child(5)').text().split(' ')[0];
        else if ($('.gl1c').length) pages = $(el).find('.gl4c > div:nth-child(2)').text().split(' ')[0];
        else if ($('.gl1t').length) pages = $(el).find('.gl5t > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2)').text().split(' ')[0];
        else pages = $(el).find('.gl2m > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2)').text().split(' ')[0];

        if (setStore.pFilter && setStore.pLimit > 0) {
            if (parseInt(pages) < parseInt(setStore.pLimit)) {
                if (!$(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) $(el).addClass('ehx-hidden');
                if (!($(el).attr('data-jqstyle') || '').match('p')) addStyle($(el), 'p');
            } else if ($(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) removeStyle($(el), 'p');
        } else if ($(el).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) removeStyle($(el), 'p');

     * Adds the specified style flag to a specified element
	 * @param {Object} el - A specific element within the DOM
	 * @param {String} flag - A character to mark an element for JQ Styling CSS rules
    function addStyle(el, flag) {
        if ($(el).attr('data-jqstyle')) $(el).attr('data-jqstyle', $(el).attr('data-jqstyle') + flag);
        else $(el).attr('data-jqstyle', flag);

     * Removes the specified style flag from a specified element
	 * @param {Object} el - A specific element within the DOM
	 * @param {string} flag - A JQ Style flag to remove from an element
    function removeStyle(el, flag) {
        if ($(el).attr('data-jqstyle')) {
            $(el).attr('data-jqstyle', $(el).attr('data-jqstyle').replace(flag, ''));
            if (!$(el).attr('data-jqstyle')) $(el).removeClass('ehx-hidden'); // Replacing the flag brought jqstyle to blank
        } else $(el).removeClass('ehx-hidden');

     * Toggles a specified element's hidden status
	 * @param {String} tga - Full gallery URL
	 * @param {Object} el - A specific element within the DOM
    function toggleElement(tga, el) {
        const request ='ehxvisited', 2);
        var tgid = tga.split('/')[4] + '.' + tga.split('/')[5];

        request.onsuccess = e => {
            db =;
            var objStore = db.transaction('hidden', 'readwrite').objectStore('hidden');
            var openReq = objStore.openCursor(tgid);
            openReq.onsuccess = e => {
                var cursor =;
                if (cursor) { // Gallery already exists within our hidden table
                    console.log('EhxVisited: Removed ' + tgid + ' from hidden list.');
                    $(el).css('display', '');
                    removeStyle($(el), 'h');
                    delete hidden[tgid]; // Remove gallery listing from our local store of hidden galleries
                } else {
                    objStore.put({id: tgid}); // Put the gallery into our hidden table
                    console.log('EhxVisited: Added ' + tgid + ' to hidden list.');
                    if ($('#ehxh-show').text() === 'Hide') $(el).css('display', $('.gl1t').length ? 'flex' : 'table-row');
                    addStyle($(el), 'h');
                    hidden[tgid] = 1; // Add gallery listing to our local store of hidden galleries

	 * Deletes the item from the history tab and database
	 * TODO: Combine this and toggleElement
	 * @param {String} storeName - The object store name we're modifying
	 * @param {JSON Array} store - Reference to a JSON array
	 * @param {String} href - URL of the gallery
	 * @param {HTML Element} el - The parent element to apply CSS to
	function deleteHistory(storeName, store, href, el) {
		const request ='ehxvisited', 2);
		var tgid = href.split('/')[4] + '.' + href.split('/')[5];

		request.onsuccess = e => {
			db =;
			var objStore = db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite').objectStore(storeName);
			var openReq = objStore.delete(tgid);
			openReq.onsuccess = e => {
				console.log('EhxVisited: Removed ' + tgid + ' from ' + storeName + ' DB.');
				delete store[tgid];
				displayAlert("Removed " + tgid + " from the database", 5000, false);
        delete store[tgid];

    function sortObj(obj) {
        var items = Object.keys(obj).map(k => [k, obj[k]]); // Convert Dictionary into an array of arrays
        items.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); // Sort by value of original key value pair
        var sorted_obj = {};
        $.each(items, (k, v) => {
            sorted_obj[v[0]] = v[1] // Put the items back into Dictionary form
        return (sorted_obj);

	 * Fill our local gallery listings so we can preform easier operations on the data.
	 * Also set up the majority of our global HTML elements and their functions.
    function populate() { // TODO: Separate the HTML entries from the population portion
		galleries = [];
		hidden = [];
		down = [];
        const request ='ehxvisited', 2);

        request.onupgradeneeded = e => {
            db =;

            if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('galleries')) db.createObjectStore('galleries', {keyPath: 'id'});
            if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('hidden')) db.createObjectStore('hidden', {keyPath: 'id'});
			if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('down')) db.createObjectStore('down', {keyPath: 'id'});

        request.onsuccess = e => {
            db =;
            var objStore = db.transaction('galleries', 'readonly').objectStore('galleries');
            var openReq = objStore.getAll();
            openReq.onsuccess = f => {
                console.log('EhxVisited: Populated global variables.');
                var transform =;
                for (var i = 0; i < transform.length; i++) {
                    galleries[transform[i].id] = transform[i].visited; // Force matrix data into array data
                var gLength = Object.keys(galleries).length
                var objStore2 = db.transaction('hidden', 'readonly').objectStore('hidden');
                var openReq2 = objStore2.getAll();
                openReq2.onsuccess = g => {
                    var transform2 =;
                    for (i = 0; i < transform2.length; i++) {
                        hidden[transform2[i].id] = 1; // Force matrix data into array data
                    galleries = sortObj(galleries);
                    var hLength = Object.keys(hidden).length
					var objStore3 = db.transaction('down', 'readonly').objectStore('down');
					var openReq3 = objStore3.getAll();
					openReq3.onsuccess = h => {
						var transform3 =;
						for (i = 0; i < transform3.length; i++) {
							down[transform3[i].id] = 1;
						$($('h1').text() == 'Favorites' ? '.ido > div:nth-child(3)' : '#toppane').append(
							`<ehx id="ehx-controls">Galleries visited: <span id="gLength">` + gLength + `</span> ( <span id="ehx-menu-control"></span><a id="ehx-settings">Settings</a> )
							 <br/>Hidden Galleries: <span id="hLength">` + hLength + `</span><span id="ehxh-menu-control"></span></ehx>`);
						if (!setStore.softHide) {
							$('#ehx-menu-control').append('<a id="ehx-show">' + ((setStore.visHide) ? 'Show' : 'Hide') + '</a> / ');
							$('#ehxh-menu-control').append(' ( <a id="ehxh-show">' + ((setStore.hidShow) ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + '</a> )');
						$('#ehx-settings').click(e => {
						$('#ehx-show').click(e => {
							var disp =  $('.ehx-visited.ehx-hidden').css('display');
							if ($('#ehx-show').text() === 'Show') {
								$('.ehx-visited').css({display: ''});
								$('.ehx-visited.ehx-hidden').css({display: disp});
							} else {
								$('.ehx-visited').css({display: 'none'});
								$('.ehx-visited.ehx-hidden').css({display: disp});
							$('#ehx-show').text((i, t) => {
								return t === 'Show' ? 'Hide' : 'Show';
							setStore.visHide = $('#ehx-show').text() === 'Show' ? true : false;
							localStorage.setItem('ehx-settings', JSON.stringify(setStore)); // Update our stored settings
						$('#ehxh-show').click(e => {
							if ($('#ehxh-show').text() === 'Show') {
								if (!$('.gl1t').length) { // For table view modes
									$('.ehx-hidden').css({display: $('.ehx-hidden').parent().find('tr').not('.ehx-hidden').css('display')}); // Copy the display CSS of our closest element
									$('.ehx-visited.ehx-hidden').css({display: $('.ehx-hidden').parent().find('tr').not('.ehx-hidden').css('display')});
								} else { // Default display CSS for thumbnail
									$('.ehx-hidden').css({display: 'flex'});
									$('.ehx-visited.ehx-hidden').css({display: 'flex'});
							} else {
								$('.ehx-hidden').css({display: ''});
								$('.ehx-visited.ehx-hidden').css({display: ''});
							$('#ehxh-show').text((i, t) => { // Toggle text
								return t === 'Show' ? 'Hide' : 'Show';
							setStore.hidShow = $('#ehxh-show').text() === 'Hide' ? true : false;
							localStorage.setItem('ehx-settings', JSON.stringify(setStore));
						$('#ehx-controls').append('<br /><span id="hideCount"><span></span></span>');

	 * Our main function that does basically everything that we see.
	 * Appends our custom HTML objects to the main page.
	 * Adds CSS to elements based on whether they can be found in the populated local gallery listing.
    function addCSS() {
		var list = $('.itg tr').length ? $('tr').has('.glhide, .gldown, th') : $('.itg .gl1t');
		var gid, galleryId, onFavs;

		if (list.length) {
			if ($('h1').text() == 'Favorites') onFavs = 1;
			if ($('.gl1e').length) { // Extended
				for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
					gid = $(list[i]).find('.gl1e a').attr('href').split('/');
					galleryId = gid[4] + '.' + gid[5];

					if (galleries[galleryId] != undefined) { // Visited
                        if (!$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-visited')) { // Append our fields if we haven't already
                            if (onFavs) {
                                $(list[i]).find('.gl3e div:last-child').append('<br/><ehx class="ehx-extended-favs">\uD83D\uDC41 ' + timeDifference(galleryId) +'<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false) + '</ehx>');
                            } else {
                                $(list[i]).find('.gl3e').append('<ehx class="ehx-extended">\uD83D\uDC41 ' + timeDifference(galleryId) +'<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false) + '</ehx>');
                        } else { // Otherwise, just update the timestamp
                            if (onFavs) {
                                $(list[i]).find('ehx-extended-favs').text('\uD83D\uDC41 ' + timeDifference(galleryId) +'<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false));
                            } else {
                                $(list[i]).find('ehx-extended').text('\uD83D\uDC41 ' + timeDifference(galleryId) +'<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false));

                        if (setStore.cssTT) $(list[i]).find('.glname').attr('title', '\uD83D\uDC41 ' + buildTime(galleryId, true));
                        if (setStore.repPub) $(list[i]).find('.gl3e div:nth-child(2)').text(buildTime(galleryId, false));
					} else { // Never Visited
						if (setStore.cssTT) $(list[i]).find('.glname').attr('title', 'Never Visited');
						if (setStore.repPub) $(list[i]).find('.gl3e div:nth-child(2)').text('Never Visited');
                        if ($(list[i]).find('.ehx-extended').length) $(list[i]).find('.ehx-extended').remove();

					if (hidden[galleryId] != undefined && !$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) {
						addStyle($(list[i]), 'h');

					if (down[galleryId] != undefined && !$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-downloaded')) {
						addStyle($(list[i]), 'd');

					if (!$(list[i]).find('.imgHide').length) {
						$('<img class="imgHide" src="' + img_hide + '" title="Show/Hide Gallery">').appendTo($(list[i]).find('.gl2e > div')).click(e => { // Maybe closest('tr')
							toggleElement($(e.currentTarget).parents().eq(2).find('a').attr('href'), $(e.currentTarget).parents().eq(2));
			} else if ($('.gl1c').length) { // Compact
				var borderColor = $('.gl1c').first().css('border-top-color');
				if ($('.itg tr:first-child').children().length < 5) { // We haven't appended our table head
					$('.itg th:nth-child(4)').after('<th style="text-align: center;" title="EhxVisited: Click to Show/Hide">&#x2716</th>'); // X column
					if (setStore.minAdd) $('.itg th:nth-child(2)').after('<th>Visited</th>');
					if (setStore.repPub) $('.itg th:nth-child(2)').text('Visited');

				for (i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
					gid = $(list[i]).find('.glname a').attr('href').split('/');
					galleryId = gid[4] + '.' + gid[5];

					if (galleries[galleryId] != undefined) { // Visited
                        if (!$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-visited')) { // Append our fields
                            if (setStore.minAdd) {
                                if ($(list[i]).find('.ehx-compact').length) $(list[i]).find('ehx-compact').html('<ehx>' + timeDifference(galleryId, true) + '<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false).substring(11) + '<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false).substring(2, 10) + '</ehx>');
                                else $(list[i]).find('.gl2c').after('<td class="ehx-compact" style="border-color:' + borderColor + ';"><ehx>' + timeDifference(galleryId, true) + '<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false).substring(11) + '<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false).substring(2, 10) + '</ehx></td>');
                        } else { // Otherwise update timestamp
                            $(list[i]).find('ehx-compact').html('<ehx>' + timeDifference(galleryId, true) + '<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false).substring(11) + '<br>' + buildTime(galleryId, false).substring(2, 10) + '</ehx>');

                        if (setStore.cssTT) $(list[i]).find('.glname').attr('title', '\uD83D\uDC41 ' + buildTime(galleryId, true));
                        if (setStore.repPub) $(list[i]).find('.gl2c div:nth-child(3) div:first-child').text(buildTime(galleryId, false));
					} else { // Never Visited
						if (setStore.cssTT) $(list[i]).find('.glname').attr('title', 'Never Visited');
						if (setStore.repPub) $(list[i]).find('.gl2c > div:nth-child(3) > div:first-child').text('Never Visited');
						if ($(list[i]).children().length < 5 || ($(list[i]).children().length < 6 && onFavs)) {
							if (setStore.minAdd) $(list[i]).find('.gl2c').after('<td class="ehx-compact" style="border-color:' + borderColor + ';"></td>');

					if (hidden[galleryId] != undefined && !$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) {
                        addStyle($(list[i]), 'h');

					if (down[galleryId] != undefined && !$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-downloaded')) {
						addStyle($(list[i]), 'd');

					if (!$(list[i]).find('.imgHide').length) {
						$('<td class="hideContainer"><img class="imgHide" src="' + img_hide + '" title="Show/Hide Gallery"></td>').appendTo($(list[i]).closest('tr')).click(e => {
							toggleElement($(e.currentTarget).parent().find('.glname a').attr('href'), $(e.currentTarget).parent());
			} else if ($('.gl1m').length) { // Minimal
				if ($('.itg tr:first-child').children().length < 7) { // We haven't appended our table head
					$('.itg th:nth-child(6)').after('<th style="text-align: center;" title="EhxVisited: Click to Show/Hide">&#x2716</th>'); // X Column
					if (setStore.minAdd) $('.itg th:nth-child(2)').after('<th title="EhxVisited: Hover for timestamps" style="text-align: center;">\uD83D\uDC41</th>');
					if (setStore.repPub) $('.itg th:nth-child(2)').text('Visited');

				for (i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
					gid = $(list[i]).find('.glname a').attr('href').split('/');
					galleryId = gid[4] + '.' + gid[5];

					if (galleries[galleryId] != undefined) { // Visited
                        if (!$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-visited')) { // Append fields
                            if (setStore.minAdd) {
                                if (setStore.minShow) {
                                    if ($(list[i]).find('.ehx-minimal').length) $(list[i]).find('.ehx-minimal').html('<ehx title="' + buildTime(galleryId, false) +'">' + timeDifference(galleryId, true) + '</ehx>');
                                    else $(list[i]).find('.gl2m').after('<td class="ehx-minimal"><ehx title="EhxVisited: ' + buildTime(galleryId, false) +'">' + timeDifference(galleryId, true) + '</ehx></td>');
                                } else {
                                   if ($(list[i]).find('.ehx-minimal').length) {
                                        $(list[i]).find('.ehx-minimal').attr('title', 'EhxVisited: ' + buildTime(galleryId, true));
                                    } else $(list[i]).find('.gl2m').after('<td class="ehx-minimal" title="EhxVisited: ' + buildTime(galleryId, true) + '"><ehx>\uD83D\uDC41</ehx></td>');
                        } else { // Update our timestamps
                            if (setStore.minAdd) {
                                if (setStore.minShow) {
                                    $(list[i]).find('.ehx-minimal').html('<ehx title="' + buildTime(galleryId, false) +'">' + timeDifference(galleryId, true) + '</ehx>');
                                } else {
                                    $(list[i]).find('.ehx-minimal').attr('title', 'EhxVisited: ' + buildTime(galleryId, true));

                        if (setStore.cssTT) $(list[i]).find('.glname a').attr('title', '\uD83D\uDC41 ' + buildTime(galleryId, true));
                        if (setStore.repPub) $(list[i]).find('.gl2m div:nth-child(3)').text(buildTime(galleryId, false));
					} else { // Never Visited
						if (setStore.cssTT) $(list[i]).find('.glname a').attr('title', 'Never Visited');
						if (setStore.repPub) $(list[i]).find('.gl2m div:nth-child(3)').text('Never Visited');
                        if ($(list[i]).children().length < 7 || ($(list[i]).children().length < 8 && onFavs)) {
						    if (setStore.minAdd) $(list[i]).find('.gl2m').after('<td class="ehx-minimal"></td>');

					if (hidden[galleryId] != undefined && !$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) {
						addStyle($(list[i]), 'h');

					if (down[galleryId] != undefined && !$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-downloaded')) {
						addStyle($(list[i]), 'd');

					if (!$(list[i]).find('.imgHide').length) {
						$('<td class="hideContainer"><img class="imgHide" src="' + img_hide + '" title="Show/Hide Gallery"></td>').appendTo($(list[i]).closest('tr')).click(e => {
							var el = $(e.currentTarget).closest('tr');
							toggleElement($(el).find('.glname a').attr('href'), $(el));
			} else { // Thumbnail
				for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
					gid = $(list[i]).find('.gl3t a').attr('href').split('/');
					galleryId = gid[4] + '.' + gid[5];

					if (galleries[galleryId] != undefined) { // Visited
                        if (!$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-visited')) {
							if (setStore.titleShow) $(list[i]).find('.gl5t').append('<div style="position: absolute; top: 45px;"><ehx class="ehx-thumbnail">\uD83D\uDC41 ' + buildTime(galleryId, true) + '</ehx></div>');
                            else $(list[i]).find('.gl5t').after('<ehx class="ehx-thumbnail">\uD83D\uDC41 ' + buildTime(galleryId, true) + '</ehx>');
                        } else {
                            $(list[i]).find('.ehx-thumbnail').text('\uD83D\uDC41 ' + buildTime(galleryId, true));

                        if (setStore.cssTT) $(list[i]).find('.glname').attr('title', '\uD83D\uDC41 ' + buildTime(galleryId, true));
                        if (setStore.repPub) $(list[i]).find('.gl5t div:first-child div:nth-child(2)').text(buildTime(galleryId, false));
					} else { // Never Visited
						if (setStore.cssTT) $(list[i]).find('.glname').attr('title', 'Never Visited');
                        if (setStore.repPub) $(list[i]).find('.gl5t div:first-child div:nth-child(2)').text('Never Visited');
                        if ($(list[i]).find('.ehx-thumbnail').length) $(list[i]).find('.ehx-thumbnail').parentElement.remove();

					if (hidden[galleryId] != undefined && !$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-hidden')) {
						addStyle($(list[i]), 'h');

					if (down[galleryId] != undefined && !$(list[i]).hasClass('ehx-downloaded')) {
						addStyle($(list[i]), 'd');

					if (!$(list[i]).find('.imgHide').length) {
						$('<div class="hideContainer"><img class="imgHide" src="' + img_hide + '" title="Show/Hide Gallery"></div>').appendTo($(list[i]).find('.gl5t')).on('click', e => {
							var el = $(e.currentTarget).parents().eq(1);
							toggleElement($(el).find('.gl3t a').attr('href'), $(el));
		} else { // No Elements pulled, invalid view
			displayAlert('No Valid Elements Detected', 5000, true);

		if (setStore.visHide) {
			$('.ehx-visited').css({display: 'none'});

		if (setStore.hidShow) {
			if ($('.ehx-hidden').length < 25) { $('.ehx-hidden').css({display: $('.ehx-hidden').siblings().not('.ehx-hidden').css('display')}) } // Make sure there are elements on the page
			else { // Unless you're an idiot and hid everything on the page
				if ($('.gl1t').length) { $('.ehx-hidden').css({display: 'flex'}); } // Use the default values
				else { $('.ehx-hidden').css({display: 'table-row'}); }

		observer.observe($('.itg').get(0), { // Reconnect the observer for changes
			childList: true,
			subtree: true

     * Build the time difference string
     * @param {String} gid - Gallery ID
	 * @param {Boolean} time - Include timeDifference in returned string
	 * @param {Boolean} abbrv - Abbreviate for timeDifference
    function buildTime(gid, time, abbrv) {
        var d = new Date(galleries[gid]);
		var str = d.getFullYear().toString() + '-' + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0') + '-' + d.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0') + ' ' + d.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + d.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
		if (time) return timeDifference(gid, abbrv) + ' ' + str;
		return str;

	 * Get time difference in words
	 * @param {Date} previous - Previous date to compare against
	 * @param {Boolean} abbreviate - Should the text string have abbreviatated text
    function timeDifference(gallery, abbreviate) {
		var previous = galleries[gallery];
        var msPerMinute = 60 * 1000;
        var msPerHour = msPerMinute * 60;
        var msPerDay = msPerHour * 24;
        var msPerMonth = msPerDay * 30;
        var msPerYear = msPerDay * 365;
        var elapsed = - previous;

        if (elapsed < msPerMinute) {
            return Math.round(elapsed / 1000) + ((typeof abbreviate !== 'undefined') ? '&nbsp;sec' : ' seconds ago');
        } else if (elapsed < msPerHour) {
            return Math.round(elapsed / msPerMinute) + ((typeof abbreviate !== 'undefined') ? '&nbsp;min' : ' minutes ago');
        } else if (elapsed < msPerDay) {
            return Math.round(elapsed / msPerHour) + ((typeof abbreviate !== 'undefined') ? '&nbsp;hrs' : ' hours ago');
        } else if (elapsed < msPerMonth) {
            return Math.round(elapsed / msPerDay) + ((typeof abbreviate !== 'undefined') ? '&nbsp;days' : ' days ago');
        } else if (elapsed < msPerYear) {
            return Math.round(elapsed / msPerMonth) + ((typeof abbreviate !== 'undefined') ? '&nbsp;mos' : ' months ago');
        } else {
            return Math.round(elapsed / msPerYear) + ((typeof abbreviate !== 'undefined') ? '&nbsp;yrs' : ' years ago');

	 * Displays a div at the top of the page with a message
	 * @param {String} message - A message to be displayed within the alert
	 * @param {Integer} timeout - Millseconds message should be displayed for
	 * @param {Boolean} error - Is this an error message
	function displayAlert(message, timeout, error) {
		var alert = $('<div class="notice ' + ((error) ? 'alert' : '') + '">EhxVisited: ' + message + '</div>');
		setTimeout(e => { $('.notice').fadeOut(1000, f => { $('.notice').remove(); }); }, timeout);

	 * Fills a text area with formatted gallery data for export
	 * @param {IndexedDB Matrix} items - Raw IndexedDB getAll output
    function ehxExport(items) {
        var data = '';
        for (var i in items) {
            data += items[i].id + ':' + items[i].visited + ';';
        $('#exportGalleries').val(data); // Fill with formatted data

     * Apply visited CSS to an element on mouse down
    $('.itg').on('mousedown', 'a', e => {
        if (e.which === 3) return; // Ignore right-clicks
        if (e.currentTarget.href.split('/')[3] === 'g') {
            galleries[e.currentTarget.href.split('/')[4] + '.' + e.currentTarget.href.split('/')[5]] =;

     * Generate the JSON request for the E-H API
     * @param {IndexedDB Keys} data - Object keys within the data portion of our matrices
    function generateRequest(data) {
        var reqList = []; // We use an array for our gidlist, since the API can handle up to 25 galleries per request
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            var str = data[i].split('.'); // Split the key to match request specifications of galleryID, galleryToken
            reqList[i] = [str[0], str[1]];
        var request = {"method": "gdata", "gidlist": reqList, "namespace": 1};

     * Send the request to the API and then do operations on the resulting data
     * @param {JSON Matrix} data - The generated request in proper JSON format
    function sendRequest(data) {
        var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
        req.onreadystatechange = e => {
            if (req.readyState == 4) {
				if (req.status == 200) {
					var apirsp = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
					for (var i = 0; i < apirsp.gmetadata.length; i++) generateListing(apirsp.gmetadata[i]);
				} else {
					displayAlert("Request Failed", 5000, true);
        }"POST", document.location.origin + "/api.php", true); // Due to CORS, we need to use the API on the same domain as the script

	function generateListing(glisting) {
		var d = new Date(glisting.posted * 1000);
		var listing = $(`
		<div class="listing">
			<div class="thumb">
				<a href="` + document.location.origin + '/g/' + glisting.gid + '/' + glisting.token + `">
					<img src="` + glisting.thumb + `" />
			<div class="listBody">
				<div class="title" style="width: 90%">
					<a href="` + document.location.origin + '/g/' + glisting.gid + '/' + glisting.token + '/">' + glisting.title + `</a>
				<div class="category">
					<div class="cn ` + category[glisting.category.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '').replace(/-/g, '')] + `">
						<a href="` + document.location.origin + '/' + glisting.category.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '') + '">' + glisting.category + `</a>
					<div class="date">
						` + d.getFullYear().toString() + '-' + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0') + '-' + d.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0') + ' ' + d.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + d.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0') + `
				<div class="rating">
						<a href="` + document.location.origin + '/uploader/' + glisting.uploader + '">' + glisting.uploader + `</a>
						` + glisting.filecount + ` pages
					<div class="ir" style="float: right; background-position: ` + getStarNumber(glisting.rating, true) + `"></div>
		$('<div class="imgContainer"><img class="imgHide" src="' + img_hide + '" title="Show/Hide Gallery"></div>').appendTo($('.listBody').last()).on('click', e => {
			var str, store;
			switch ($('#history').text().split(' ')[0]) {
				case "Gallery":
					str = 'galleries';
					store = galleries;
				case "Hidden":
					str = 'hidden';
					store = hidden;
					str ='down';
					store = down;
			deleteHistory(str, store, $(e.currentTarget).parents().eq(1).find('a').attr('href'), $(e.currentTarget).parents().eq(1));

	 * Import user data into our indexedDB
	 * @param {String} store - An object store within the indexedDB
	 * @param {JSON Array} items - String of exported data to import
    function ehxImport(store, items) {
        var objStore2 = db.transaction(store, 'readwrite').objectStore(store);
        var count = 0, sp = '';

        sp = items.split(';');
        sp = sp.filter(Boolean); // Filter out any null ('') entries

		 * Push entries into the specified indexedDB store
        function insertNext() {
            if (count < sp.length) {
                var str = sp[count].split(':');
                objStore2.put({id: str[0], visited: parseInt(str[1])}).onsuccess = insertNext; // Update the record if it's there, or add it if it's not, then continue
				switch (store) {
					case 'galleries':
						galleries[str[0]] = str[1];
					case 'hidden':
						hidden[str[0]] = str[1];
						down[str[0]] = str[1];
            } else {
				displayAlert('Imported ' + count + ' entries', 5000);
                console.log('EhxVisited: Merge Completed');

     * Remove our stylesheet with transient CSS, and then re-add it with the updated CSS
    function updateCSS() {
		cssD = (setStore.softHide) ? 'opacity:0.2; -webkit-opacity: 0.2;' : 'display: none;';
        $(`<style id="setStyle" data-jqstyle="ehxVisited">
        table.itg > tbody > .ehx-visited, .ehx-visited { ` + cssA.visible + ` }
        table.itg > tbody > .ehx-visited.ehx-hidden, .ehx-visited.ehx-hidden { ` + cssA.hidden + ` }
        .ehx-hidden { ` + cssD + cssA.hidden + ` }
		.ehx-downloaded { ` + + ` }
        .ehx-hidden[data-jqstyle*="f"] {` + cssA.filter + `}
        .ehx-hidden[data-jqstyle*="p"] {` + + `}
        .ehx-hidden[data-jqstyle*="r"] {` + cssA.rating + `}
        .ehx-hidden[data-jqstyle*="u"] {` + cssA.uploader + `}

	 * Open the Settings menu and set up all necessary menu functions
    function settings() {
        const req ='ehxvisited', 2);

        req.onsuccess = e => {
            if (db == null) db =;
            var objStore = db.transaction('galleries', 'readwrite').objectStore('galleries');
            var openReq = objStore.getAll();
            openReq.onsuccess = e => {
                var len =;
                // There's probably a much easier way to do this, or at least a nicer looking, more technical way
                var container = $(`
                <div class="overlay">
					<div class="settings">
						<nav id="topNav">
							<button id="home" style="float: left; border: none;">Main</button>
							<span id="setNotice" style="width: 100%; margin-left: 8px; margin-top: 2px; font-weight: lighter; opacity: 0.5; -webkit-opacity: 0.5; text-align: center; position: absolute; left: 0;">` + (reload ? `Applied Settings Will Take Effect On Reload` : ``) + `</span>
								<div class="mencon">
									<button class="menu">Export</button>
									<div class="dropdown">
										<a id="ehx-export">Export Galleries</a>
										<a id="ehxh-export">Export Hidden Galleries</a>
										<a id="ehxd-export">Export DL Galleries</a>
								<div class="mencon">
									<button class="menu">Import</button>
									<div class="dropdown">
										<a id="ehx-import">Import Galleries</a>
										<a id="ehxh-import">Import Hidden Galleries</a>
										<a id="ehxd-import">Import DL Galleries</a>
								<a id="settings-close">&#128939</a>
						<div class="section-container">
											<input type="checkbox" id="softHide" ` + (setStore.softHide ? `checked` : ``) + `>Soft Hide Galleries
										<span>: Darken hidden galleries instead of removing them from view</span>
											<input type="checkbox" id="minAdd" ` + (setStore.minAdd ? `checked` : ``) + `>Add Visited Column
										<span>: Show visits in an additional column in Minimal/Minimal+ and Compact view modes</span>
										<div class="suboptions">
												<span class="branch">&#8735</span>
													<input type="checkbox" id="minShow" ` + (setStore.minShow ? `checked` : ``) + `>Minimal Show Text
												<span>: Show visits as text instead of hovering tooltip in Minimal/Minimal+ view modes</span>
											<input type="checkbox" id="cssTT" ` + (setStore.cssTT ? `checked` : ``) + `>CSS Tooltips
										<span>: Replace gallery link tooltips with visited information in all view modes</span>
											<input type="checkbox" id="repPub" ` + (setStore.repPub ? `checked` : ``) + `>Replace Published
										<span>: Replace date published with date visited in Minimal/Minimal+ view modes</span>
											<input type="checkbox" id="titleShow" ` + (setStore.titleShow ? `checked`: ``) + `>Show Full Title
										<span>: Show the full title of a gallery on hover in Thumbnail view</span>
									<legend>Custom CSS</legend>
									<h3>Visited Galleries
										<div class="control" id="visControls">
											<button id="visHistory">View History</button>
											<button id="resV">Reset CSS</button>
											<button id="ehx-clear">Clear Data</button>
									<textarea id="visited" class="field" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Insert CSS">` + cssA.visible + `</textarea>
									<h3>Hidden Galleries
										<div class="control hideControls">
											<button id="hidHistory">View</button>
											<button id="resH">Reset CSS</button>
											<button id="ehxh-clear">Clear Data</button>
									<textarea id="hidden" class="field" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Insert CSS">` + cssA.hidden + `</textarea>
									<h3>Downloaded Galleries
										<div class="control hideControls">
											<button id="dowHistory">View</button>
											<button id="resD">Reset CSS</button>
											<button id="ehxd-clear">Clear Data</button>
									<textarea id="downloaded" class="field" spellcheck="false">` + + `</textarea>
									<div class="suboptions2">
										<button class="collapsible">Title Filtered Galleries</button>
										<div class="content">
											<textarea id="filtered" class="field" spellcheck="false">` + cssA.filter + `</textarea>
											<div class="control sControls">
												<button id="resF">Reset CSS</button>
                                        <button class="collapsible">Uploader Filtered Galleries</button>
                                        <div class="content">
                                            <textarea id="ufiltered" class="field" spellcheck="false">` + cssA.uploader + `</textarea>
                                            <div class="control sControls">
                                                <button id="resU">Reset CSS</button>
										<button class="collapsible">Page Filtered</button>
										<div class="content">
											<textarea id="page" class="field" spellcheck="false"placeholder="Insert CSS">` + + `</textarea>
											<div class="control sControls">
												<button id="resP">Reset CSS</button>
										<button class="collapsible">Rating Filtered</button>
										<div class="content">
											<textarea id="rating" class="field" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Insert CSS">` + cssA.rating + `</textarea>
											<div class="control sControls">
												<button id="resR">Reset CSS</button>
									Use one <a href="">regular expression</a> per line to filter out matching galleries.
									<ul style="margin: 3px 0px; padding-left: 30px;">
										<li>E.G. <code>Ongoing</code> will filter out every gallery with <code>ongoing</code>, case-insensitive, in the title. <code>\\[Sample\\]</code> will filter out every gallery with <code>[Sample]</code>, case-insensitive, in the title.</li>
										<li>Lines starting with <code>#</code> will be ignored.</li>
									<textarea id="galFilter">` + filters.title + `</textarea>
                                    <h3>Uploader Filter<span style="font-weight: lighter; font-size: .8em; opacity: 0.5; -webkit-opacity: 0.5; margin-left: 8px;">(Doesn't Apply To Thumbnail View)</span></h3>
                                    <textarea id="upFilter">` + filters.uploader + `</textarea>
											<input type="checkbox" id="pFilt" ` + (setStore.pFilter ? `checked` : ``) + `>Page Limit
										<span>: Filter out any gallery with pages less than:
											<input id="pLim" type="number" min="1" value="` + setStore.pLimit + `" ` + (setStore.pFilter ? `` : `disabled`) + `/>
											<input type="checkbox" id="stFilt" ` + (setStore.stFilter ? `checked` : ``) + `>Minimum Rating
										<span>: Filter out any gallery with a rating less than:
											<select id="stLim" ` + (setStore.stFilter ? `` : `disabled`) + `>
							<section class="inactive">
								<fieldset style="padding-bottom: 2px;">
									<legend id="importTitle">Import Galleries</legend>
									<textarea id="importGalleries"></textarea>
									<div class="control" style="margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 4px;">
										<button class="close">Close</button>
										<button id="importConfirm">Import</button>
							<section class="inactive">
								<fieldset style="padding-bottom: 2px;">
									<legend id="exportTitle">Export Galleries</legend>
									<textarea id="exportGalleries"></textarea>
									<div class="control" style="margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 4px;">
										<button class="close">Close</button>
										<button id="exportCopy">Copy</button>
							<section class="inactive">
									<legend id="history" style="margin-left: 5px;"></legend>
									<div id="listingContainer">
						<div class="applyContainer">
							<div class="control" id="applyCon" style="padding-right: 5px;">
								<button id="apply">Apply</button>
                galleries = sortObj(galleries);
                if (!$('#minAdd').prop('checked')) { $('#minShow').prop('disabled', true); }
                $('#resV').click(e => { $('#visited').val('box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(2, 129, 255, .2) !important;'); }); // Default Values
                $('#resH').click(e => { $('#hidden').val('box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(255, 40, 0, .2) !important;'); });
				$('#resD').click(e => { $('#downloaded').val('box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(30, 180, 60, .2) !important;'); });
                $('#resF').click(e => { $('#filtered').val('box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(200, 0, 100, .2) !important;'); });
                $('#resU').click(e => { $('#ufiltered').val('box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(222, 184, 135, .2) !important;'); });
                $('#resP').click(e => { $('#page').val('box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(0, 0, 180, .2) !important;'); });
                $('#resR').click(e => { $('#rating').val('box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px rgba(180, 80, 60, .2) !important;'); });
                $(document).on('change', 'input', e => { // Put the change listener on document since I suck at event propogation and bubbling
                    if ($('#minAdd').prop('checked')) $('#minShow').prop('disabled', false);
                    else $('#minShow').prop('disabled', true);

                    if ($('#pFilt').prop('checked')) $('#pLim').prop('disabled', false);
                    else $('#pLim').prop('disabled', true);

                    if ($('#stFilt').prop('checked')) $('#stLim').prop('disabled', false);
                    else $('#stLim').prop('disabled', true);

                    if ($('#minAdd').is( || $('#minShow').is( || $('#repPub').is( || $('#titleShow').is( || $('#cssTT').is( {
                        $('#setNotice').text('Applied Settings Will Take Effect On Reload');
                        reload = 1;
                $('#settings-close').click(e => {
                $('body').click(e => {
                    if ( == "overlay") { // Exit if settings menu isn't clicked
                    } else if ( != 'show' && != 'menu') {
                    if (!$('.overlay').length) $('body').removeClass('noscroll');
				$('#apply').click(e => applySettings());

				 * Parse our HTML options into a temporary JSON array and then stringify it into localStorage
                function applySettings() {
					setStore = { // Store this independantly, so it doesn't mess up table appends
						"softHide": $('#softHide').prop('checked'),
                        "minAdd": setStore.minAdd,
                        "minShow": setStore.minShow,
                        "cssTT": $('#cssTT').prop('checked'),
                        "repPub": setStore.repPub,
                        "visHide": $('#ehx-show').text() === "Show" ? true : false,
                        "hidShow": $('#ehxh-show').text() === "Hide" ? true : false,
                        "pFilter": $('#pFilt').prop('checked'),
                        "pLimit": $('#pFilt').prop('checked') ? $('#pLim').val() : "0",
                        "stFilter": $('#stFilt').prop('checked'),
                        "stLimit": $('#stFilt').prop('checked') ? $('#stLim option:selected').text() : "0",
                        "titleShow": setStore.titleShow
                    var tempSto = {
                        "softHide": $('#softHide').prop('checked'),
                        "minAdd": $('#minAdd').prop('checked'),
                        "minShow": $('#minShow').prop('checked'),
                        "cssTT": $('#cssTT').prop('checked'),
                        "repPub": $('#repPub').prop('checked'),
                        "visHide": $('#ehx-show').text() === "Show" ? true : false,
                        "hidShow": $('#ehxh-show').text() === "Hide" ? true : false,
                        "pFilter": $('#pFilt').prop('checked'),
                        "pLimit": $('#pFilt').prop('checked') ? $('#pLim').val() : "0",
                        "stFilter": $('#stFilt').prop('checked'),
                        "stLimit": $('#stFilt').prop('checked') ? $('#stLim option:selected').text() : "0",
                        "titleShow": $('#titleShow').prop('checked')
                    localStorage.setItem('ehx-settings', JSON.stringify(tempSto)); // Write settings to localStorage
                    var tempCss = {
                        "visible": $('#visited').val(),
                        "hidden": $('#hidden').val(),
						"download": $('#downloaded').val(),
                        "filter":  $('#filtered').val(),
                        "page": $('#page').val(),
                        "rating": $('#rating').val(),
                        "uploader": $('#ufiltered').val()
                    cssA = tempCss;
                    localStorage.setItem('ehx-css', JSON.stringify(tempCss));
                    var tempFilt = { // Remove null entries because bad things happen if they're there
                        "title": $('#galFilter').val().replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, ''),
                        "uploader": $('#upFilter').val().replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, '')
                    filters = tempFilt;
                    localStorage.setItem('ehx-filters', JSON.stringify(tempFilt));
                    displayAlert('Applied Current Settings', 5000, false);

                $('.collapsible').click(e => { // Expand our custom filtering CSS boxes
                    if ($('.active').length && !$('.active').is( { // If a menu is open and it isn't the one we're clicking, close it
                        $('.active').next().css('max-height', '');
                    var content =;
                    if ( = null;
                    else = '500px';

				function swapContainer(index) {
					$('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
					$('.section-container section:nth-child(' + index + ')').removeClass('inactive');
					if (index == 2) $('#importGalleries').val('');

                $('#ehx-import').click(e => {
					$('#importTitle').text('Import Galleries');
                $('#ehxh-import').click(e => {
					$('#importTitle').text('Import Hidden Galleries');
				$('#ehxd-import').click(e => {
					$('#importTitle').text('Import Downloaded Galleries');
				$('#importConfirm').click(e => {
					if ($('#importTitle').text().search(/download/i) != -1) ehxImport('down', $('#importGalleries').val().replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, ''));
					else ehxImport($('#importTitle').text().search(/hidden/i) != -1 ? 'hidden' : 'galleries', $('#importGalleries').val().replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, ''))
				$('.close').click(e => {
                    $('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
					$('.section-container section:first-child').removeClass('inactive');
				$('#home').click(e => {
                    $('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
					$('.section-container section:first-child').removeClass('inactive');
					if (!$('#apply').length) $('.applyContainer').append($('<div class="control" id="applyCon" style="padding-right: 5px;"><button id="apply">Apply</button></div>'));

				$('#exportCopy').click(e => {
					displayAlert('Copied Text To Clipboard', 5000);
                $('#ehx-export').click(e => {
                    $('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
					$('.section-container section:nth-child(3)').removeClass('inactive');
					$('#exportTitle').text('Exported Galleries');
                $('#ehxh-export').click(e => {
                    var objStore2 = db.transaction('hidden', 'readwrite').objectStore('hidden');
                    var openReq = objStore2.getAll();
                    openReq.onsuccess = e => {
                        $('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
						$('.section-container section:nth-child(3)').removeClass('inactive');
						$('#exportTitle').text('Exported Hidden Galleries');
				$('#ehxd-export').click(e => {
                    var objStore2 = db.transaction('down', 'readwrite').objectStore('down');
                    var openReq = objStore2.getAll();
                    openReq.onsuccess = e => {
                        $('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
						$('.section-container section:nth-child(3)').removeClass('inactive');
						$('#exportTitle').text('Exported Downloaded Galleries');

                $('#visHistory').click(e => {
					$('#history').text('Gallery History');
					var pageSelect = '<div id="pages">Page <select id="pageCount">';
					for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(Object.keys(galleries).length / 25); i++) pageSelect += '<option>' + (i + 1) + '</option>';
					pageSelect += '</select> of ' + Math.ceil(Object.keys(galleries).length / 25) + ' pages</div>';
					$('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
					$('.section-container section:nth-child(4)').removeClass('inactive');
                    var str = [];
                    for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) str[i] = Object.keys(galleries)[i];
                    if (Object.keys(galleries).length > 0) generateRequest(str);
				$('#hidHistory').click(e => {
					$('#history').text('Hidden Galleries');
					var pageSelect = '<div id="pages">Page <select id="pageCount">';
					for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(Object.keys(hidden).length / 25); i++) pageSelect += '<option>' + (i + 1) + '</option>';
					pageSelect += '</select> of ' + Math.ceil(Object.keys(hidden).length / 25) + ' pages</div>';
					$('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
					$('.section-container section:nth-child(4)').removeClass('inactive');
                    var str = [];
                    for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) str[i] = Object.keys(hidden)[i];
                    if (Object.keys(hidden).length > 0) generateRequest(str);
				$('#dowHistory').click(e => {
					$('#history').text('Downloaded Galleries');
					var pageSelect = '<div id="pages">Page <select id="pageCount">';
					for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(Object.keys(down).length / 25); i++) pageSelect += '<option>' + (i + 1) + '</option>';
					pageSelect += '</select> of ' + Math.ceil(Object.keys(down).length / 25) + ' pages</div>';
					$('.section-container section').addClass('inactive');
					$('.section-container section:nth-child(4)').removeClass('inactive');
                    var str = [];
                    for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) str[i] = Object.keys(down)[i];
                    if (Object.keys(down).length > 0) generateRequest(str);
				$('.applyContainer').on('change', 'select', e => {
					var store;
					switch ($('#history').text().split(' ')[0]) {
						case "Gallery":
							store = galleries;
						case "Hidden":
							store = hidden;
							store = down;
					var offset = $('#pageCount option:selected').text() - 1;
					var maxLength = ((offset * 25) + 25 <= Object.keys(store).length) ? (offset * 25) + 25 : Object.keys(store).length;
					var str = [];
					var count = 0;
					for (var i = offset * 25; i < maxLength; i++) str[count++] = Object.keys(store)[i];

                $('#ehx-clear').click(e => {
                    if (!ehxClearConfirm) { // Make sure to double check before deleting
                        ehxClearConfirm = 1;
                        $('#ehx-clear').append(': Are you sure?');
                    } else {
                        var objStore2 = db.transaction('galleries', 'readwrite').objectStore('galleries');
                        var openReq = objStore2.clear();
                        openReq.onsuccess = e => {
                            displayAlert('Cleared all entries', 5000, false);
							$('#ehx-clear').text('Clear Data');
                            galleries = JSON.parse('{"data":{}}');
                $('#ehxh-clear').click(e => {
                    var objStore2 = db.transaction('hidden', 'readwrite').objectStore('hidden');
                    var openReq = objStore2.getAll();
                    openReq.onsuccess = e => {
                        if (!ehxhClearConfirm) { // Make sure to double check before deleting
                            ehxhClearConfirm = 1;
                            $('#ehxh-clear').append(': Are you sure?');
                        } else {
                            var objStore3 = db.transaction('hidden', 'readwrite').objectStore('hidden');
                            var openReq = objStore3.clear();
                            openReq.onsuccess = e => {
                                displayAlert('Cleared all entries', 5000);
								$('#ehxh-clear').text('Clear Data');
                                hidden = JSON.parse('{"data":{}}');
				$('#ehxd-clear').click(e => {
					var objStore2 = db.transaction('down', 'readwrite').objectStore('down');
					var openReq = objStore2.getAll();
					openReq.onsuccess = e => {
						if (!ehxdClearConfirm) {
							ehxdClearConfirm = 1;
							$('#ehxd-clear').append(': Are you sure?');
						} else {
							var objStore3 = db.transaction('down', 'readwrite').objectStore('down');
                            var openReq = objStore3.clear();
                            openReq.onsuccess = e => {
                                displayAlert('Cleared all entries', 5000);
								$('#ehxd-clear').text('Clear Data');

                // Fancy function to make sure there's not more than one top menu item open
                $('.menu').click(e => {
                    if ($('.show').length) {
                        if ($('.show').prev().is( { $('show'); }
                        else {
                    } else $('show');
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    $(`<style id="setStyle" data-jqstyle="ehxVisited">
table.itg > tbody > tr.ehx-visited, .gl1t.ehx-visited { ` + cssA.visible + ` }
table.itg > tbody > tr.ehx-visited.ehx-hidden, .gl1t.ehx-visited.ehx-hidden { ` + cssA.hidden + ` }
.ehx-hidden { ` + cssD + cssA.hidden + ` }
.ehx-downloaded { ` + + ` }
.ehx-hidden[data-jqstyle*="f"] {` + cssA.filter + `}
.ehx-hidden[data-jqstyle*="p"] {` + + `}
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