Porn Multi-Search

show options for search request where you can choose your favorite porn site search engine.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Porn Multi-Search
// @namespace -
// @version 1.0.6
// @description show options for search request where you can choose your favorite porn site search engine.
// @author NotYou
// @match *://*/*
// @include *
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    const COLUMNS = '3' // Amout of columns
    const FAVICON = 'google' // You can also choose 'duckduckgo' instead of 'google'
    const CUSTOM_ENGINES = [
            name: 'Site Name Here', // site name that will be displayed
            searchUrl: '', // place search url here and replace your search request with "%s" (without quotes)
            fixed: false, // write here "true" (without quotes) if navigation bar is always visible (fixed at screen), otherwise "false" (without quotes)
            isExample: true, // do not include this property in your custom engine
        // For Example:
            name: 'EPorner',
            searchUrl: '',
            fixed: true,

    let _engines = [
            name: 'PornHub',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#searchInput',
            name: 'PornHub (Premium)',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#searchInput',
            name: 'XVideos',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#xv-search-form .search-input',
            name: 'XNXX',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#k',
            name: 'xHamster',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '.search-text[name="q"]',
            fixed: true,
            name: 'RedTube',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#header_search_field',
            fixed: true,
            name: 'PornEZ',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#s',
            name: 'YouPorn',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#query',
            fixed: true,
            param: 'query',
            name: 'SpankBang',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: 'header > form input',
            name: 'WhoresHub',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '[name="q"]',
            name: 'PornTube',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#searchText',
            fixed: true,
            name: 'HQPorner',
            searchUrl: '',
            input: '#searchInput',

    let engines = {}
    let inputSelector = 'form :where([name="q"], [name="search"], [name="query"], [type="search"], [class*="search"], [id*="search"], #q, #query, #searchInput), form[action*="search"] input:not([type="submit"])'

    _engines.forEach(e => {
        e = Object.assign(e, {
            domain: getDomain(e.searchUrl),
            fixed: e.fixed ? true : false
        engines[e.domain] = e

    CUSTOM_ENGINES.forEach(e => {
        e = Object.assign(e, {
            domain: getDomain(e.searchUrl),
            fixed: e.fixed ? true : false,
            input: inputSelector,
        engines[e.domain] = e

    let engine = engines[getDomain()]

    if(document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete') {
    } else {
        document.addEventListener('readystatechange', _init)

    function _init() {
        if(document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete') {
            if(typeof engine !== 'undefined') {
                let colors = getAccentColors()
                let css = `
                :root {
                  --pms-bg: ${};
                  --pms-fg: ${colors.fg};
                  --pms-text: ${colors.text};

                #multiSearch {
                  position: ${engine.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'};
                  padding: 10px;
                  z-index: 2147483647;
                  background-color: var(--pms-bg);
                  border-radius: 8px;
                  opacity: 0;
                  pointer-events: none;
                  transition: .3s;
                  border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);
                  box-sizing: content-box;
                  display: grid;
                  grid-template-columns: ${'auto '.repeat(COLUMNS ? +COLUMNS || COLUMNS.toString().length : 3)};

                  opacity: 1;
                  pointer-events: auto;

                #multiSearch::before {
                  content: '';
                  width: 10px;
                  height: 10px;
                  display: block;
                  position: absolute;
                  top: -5px;
                  left: calc(50% - 5px);
                  rotate: -45deg;
                  background: var(--pms-bg);
                  border-right: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);
                  border-top: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);

                #multiSearch:hover {
                  opacity: 1;
                  pointer-events: auto;

                #multiSearch div {
                  padding: 5px;
                  margin: 3px;
                  align-items: center;
                  display: flex;
                  cursor: pointer;
                  border-radius: 10px;
                  transition: .3s;

                #multiSearch div:hover {
                  background-color: var(--pms-fg);

                #multiSearch img {
                  width: 32px;
                  height: 32px;
                  border-radius: 2px;

                #multiSearch span {
                  margin-left: 5px;
                  color: var(--pms-text);
                }`.replace(';', ' !important;')
                document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style>${css.trim().replace(/\s\s/g, '')}</style>`)
            document.removeEventListener('readystatechange', _init, false)

    function init() {
        let input = document.querySelector(engine.input) || document.querySelector(inputSelector)
        let fav = FAVICON ? FAVICON.toLowerCase() : 'google'

        let html = `<div id="multiSearch" style="height: 0;">
        ${_engines.concat(CUSTOM_ENGINES).map(e => e.domain === getDomain() || e.isExample ? '' :
            `<div data-search="${e.searchUrl}">
               <img src="${getDomainIcon(e.domain)[fav]}" alt="${e.domain}">
        let timeout
        let timeoutExit

        document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html)

        let multiSearch = document.querySelector('#multiSearch')

        window.addEventListener('resize', setPosition)

        input.addEventListener('mouseenter', onMouseEnter)
        input.addEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut)
        input.addEventListener('input', onMouseOut)
        multiSearch.addEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut)

        multiSearch.addEventListener('click', e => {
            let t =
            t = t.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'div'
              ? t.parentNode
              : === 'multiSearch'
                ? t.firstElementChild
                : t

            if( {

        function getQuery() {
            return input.value || new URLSearchParams( || ''

        function search(target) {
            let v = getQuery()

            v ='%s', v)


        function open(url) {
            let a = document.createElement('a')
   = '_blank'
            a.href = url

        function onMouseEnter() {
            timeout = setTimeout(setPosition, 1e3)
            multiSearch.className = 'active'

        function onMouseOut() {
            timeoutExit = setTimeout(hide, 200)

        function setPosition() {
            let bcr = input.getBoundingClientRect()

   = `
            left: ${bcr.width / 2 + bcr.left - multiSearch.offsetWidth / 2}px;
            top: ${ + bcr.height + 10}px;`

        function hide() {
            multiSearch.className = ''

    function getAccentColors() {
        let _bg = getBg(document.body)
        let __bg = getBg(document.documentElement)

        let bg = isTransparent(_bg)
          ? isTransparent(__bg)
            ? 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
            : __bg
          : _bg

        let fg = 'rgb(' + bg.slice(4, -1).split(', ').map(e => e > 128 ? e - 30 : +e + 30) + ')'
        let text = reverseRgb(bg)

        return {

        function getBg(el) {
            return window.getComputedStyle(el).backgroundColor

        function isTransparent(color) {
            return color === 'transparent' || color === 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' || color === '#0000'

        function reverseRgb(rgb) {
            return 'rgb(' + rgb.slice(4, -1).split(', ').map(e => 255 - e).join(',') + ')'

    function getDomainIcon(domain) {
        return {
            duckduckgo: `${domain}.ico`,
            google: `${domain}&sz=256`,

    function getDomain(url = location.href) {
        return new URL(url).host