// ==UserScript==
// @name Kemer Enhance
// @name:zh-TW Kemer 增強
// @name:zh-CN Kemer 增强
// @name:ja Kemer 強化
// @name:ko Kemer 강화
// @name:ru Kemer Улучшение
// @name:en Kemer Enhance
// @version 0.0.49-Beta9
// @author Canaan HS
// @description 美化介面和重新排版,包括移除廣告和多餘的橫幅,修正繪師名稱和編輯相關的資訊保存,自動載入原始圖像,菜單設置圖像大小間距,快捷鍵觸發自動滾動,解析文本中的連結並轉換為可點擊的連結,快速的頁面切換和跳轉功能,並重新定向到新分頁
// @description:zh-TW 美化介面和重新排版,包括移除廣告和多餘的橫幅,修正繪師名稱和編輯相關的資訊保存,自動載入原始圖像,菜單設置圖像大小間距,快捷鍵觸發自動滾動,解析文本中的連結並轉換為可點擊的連結,快速的頁面切換和跳轉功能,並重新定向到新分頁
// @description:zh-CN 美化界面和重新排版,包括移除广告和多余的横幅,修正画师名称和编辑相关的资讯保存,自动载入原始图像,菜单设置图像大小间距,快捷键触发自动滚动,解析文本中的链接并转换为可点击的链接,快速的页面切换和跳转功能,并重新定向到新分頁
// @description:ja インターフェイスの美化と再配置、広告や余分なバナーの削除、イラストレーター名の修正と関連情報の保存の編集、オリジナル画像の自動読み込み、メニューでの画像のサイズと間隔の設定、ショートカットキーによる自動スクロールのトリガー、テキスト内のリンクの解析とクリック可能なリンクへの変換、高速なページ切り替えとジャンプ機能、新しいタブへのリダイレクト
// @description:ko 인터페이스 미화 및 재배치, 광고 및 불필요한 배너 제거, 아티스트 이름 수정 및 관련 정보 저장 편집, 원본 이미지 자동 로드, 메뉴에서 이미지 크기 및 간격 설정, 단축키로 자동 스크롤 트리거, 텍스트 내 링크 분석 및 클릭 가능한 링크로 변환, 빠른 페이지 전환 및 점프 기능, 새 탭으로 리디렉션
// @description:ru Улучшение интерфейса и перекомпоновка, включая удаление рекламы и лишних баннеров, исправление имен художников и редактирование сохранения связанной информации, автоматическая загрузка оригинальных изображений, настройка размера и интервала изображений в меню, запуск автоматической прокрутки с помощью горячих клавиш, анализ ссылок в тексте и преобразование их в кликабельные ссылки, быстрые функции переключения и перехода между страницами, перенаправление на новую вкладку
// @description:en Beautify the interface and re-layout, including removing ads and redundant banners, correcting artist names and editing related information retention, automatically loading original images, setting image size and spacing in the menu, triggering automatic scrolling with hotkeys, parsing links in the text and converting them to clickable links, fast page switching and jumping functions, and redirecting to a new tab
// @match *://kemono.su/*
// @match *://coomer.su/*
// @match *://nekohouse.su/*
// @match *://*.kemono.su/*
// @match *://*.coomer.su/*
// @match *://*.nekohouse.su/*
// @license MPL-2.0
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/989635
// @icon https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/2566/2566449.png
// @connect *
// @run-at document-end
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant window.onurlchange
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/487608/1561380/SyntaxLite_min.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.14.1/jquery-ui.min.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/preact/10.26.0/preact.umd.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
(async () => {
/*! mode: 某些功能可以設置模式 (輸入數字), enable: 是否啟用該功能 (布林) !*/
const User_Config = {
Global: {
BlockAds: {mode: 0, enable: true}, // 阻擋廣告
BackToTop: {mode: 0, enable: true}, // 翻頁後回到頂部
KeyScroll: {mode: 1, enable: true}, // 上下鍵觸發自動滾動 [mode: 1 = 動畫偵滾動, mode: 2 = 間隔滾動] (選擇對於自己較順暢的)
DeleteNotice: {mode: 0, enable: true}, // 刪除上方公告
SidebarCollapse: {mode: 0, enable: true}, // 側邊攔摺疊
FixArtist: { // 修復作者名稱
mode: 0,
enable: true,
newtab: true, // 是否以新標籤開啟
newtab_active: true, // 自動切換焦點到新標籤
newtab_insert: true, // 新標籤插入到當前標籤的正後方
TextToLink: { // 連結的 (文本 -> 超連結)
mode: 0,
enable: true,
newtab: true,
newtab_active: false,
newtab_insert: false,
Preview: {
CardZoom: {mode: 2, enable: true}, // 縮放預覽卡大小 [mode: 1 = 卡片放大 , 2 = 卡片放大 + 懸浮縮放]
CardText: {mode: 2, enable: true}, // 預覽卡文字效果 [mode: 1 = 隱藏文字 , 2 = 淡化文字]
QuickPostToggle: {mode: 0, enable: true}, // 快速切換帖子 (僅支援 nekohouse)
NewTabOpens: { // 預覽頁面的帖子都以新分頁開啟
mode: 0,
enable: true,
newtab_active: false,
newtab_insert: true,
Content: {
ExtraButton: {mode: 0, enable: true}, // 額外的下方按鈕
LinkBeautify: {mode: 0, enable: true}, // 下載連結美化, 當出現 (browse »), 滑鼠懸浮會直接顯示內容, 並移除多餘的字串
CommentFormat: {mode: 0, enable: true}, // 評論區重新排版
VideoBeautify: {mode: 1, enable: true}, // 影片美化 [mode: 1 = 複製下載節點 , 2 = 移動下載節點] (有啟用 LinkBeautify, 會與原始狀態不同)
OriginalImage: { // 自動原圖 [mode: 1 = 快速自動 , 2 = 慢速自動 , 3 = 觀察後觸發]
mode: 1,
enable: true,
experiment: false, // 實驗性替換方式
let Url = Syn.$url;
const DLL = (() => {
const Posts = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?.+\/posts\/?.*$/;
const Search = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?.+\/artists\/?.*$/;
const User = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?.+\/.+\/user\/[^\/]+(\?.*)?$/;
const Content = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?.+\/.+\/user\/.+\/post\/.+$/;
const Favor = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?.+\/favorites\?type=post\/?.*$/;
const Link = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?.+\/.+\/user\/[^\/]+\/links\/?.*$/;
const FavorArtist = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?.+\/favorites(?:\?(?!type=post).*)?$/;
const Announcement = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?.+\/(dms|(?:.+\/user\/[^\/]+\/announcements))(\?.*)?$/;
const Color = {
kemono: "#e8a17d !important",
coomer: "#99ddff !important",
nekohouse: "#bb91ff !important"
const SaveKey = {
Img: "ImgStyle",
Lang: "Language",
Menu: "MenuPoint"
const UserSet = {
MenuSet: () => {
return Syn.gV(SaveKey.Menu, {
Top: "10vh",
Left: "10vw"
ImgSet: () => {
return Syn.gV(SaveKey.Img, {
Width: "auto",
Height: "auto",
Spacing: "0px",
MaxWidth: "100%"
let ImgRule, MenuRule;
const ImportantStyle = async (element, property, value) => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
element.style.setProperty(property, value, "important");
const NormalStyle = (element, property, value) => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
element.style[property] = value;
const Style_Pointer = {
Top: value => NormalStyle(MenuRule[1], "top", value),
Left: value => NormalStyle(MenuRule[1], "left", value),
Width: value => ImportantStyle(ImgRule[1], "width", value),
Height: value => ImportantStyle(ImgRule[1], "height", value),
MaxWidth: value => ImportantStyle(ImgRule[1], "max-width", value),
Spacing: value => ImportantStyle(ImgRule[1], "margin", `${value} auto`)
const Style = {
Global: async () => {
/* 搜尋頁面的樣式 */
fix_tag:hover { color: ${Color}; }
.fancy-image__image, fix_name, fix_tag, fix_edit {
cursor: pointer;
.user-card__info {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
fix_name {
color: #fff;
font-size: 28px;
font-weight: 500;
max-width: 320px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: .25rem .1rem;
border-radius: .25rem;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.edit_artist {
position: absolute;
top: 85px;
right: 8%;
color: #fff;
display: none;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 700;
background: #666;
white-space: nowrap;
padding: .25rem .5rem;
border-radius: .25rem;
transform: translateY(-100%);
.edit_textarea {
color: #fff;
display: block;
font-size: 30px;
padding: 6px 1px;
line-height: 5vh;
text-align: center;
.user-card:hover .edit_artist {
display: block;
.user-card:hover fix_name {
background-color: ${Color};
.edit_textarea ~ fix_name,
.edit_textarea ~ .edit_artist {
display: none !important;
/* 預覽頁面的樣式 */
fix_view {
display: flex;
flex-flow: wrap;
align-items: center;
fix_view fix_name {
font-size: 2rem;
font-weight: 700;
padding: .25rem 3rem;
border-radius: .25rem;
transition: background-color 0.3s ease;
fix_view .edit_artist {
top: 65px;
right: 5%;
transform: translateY(-80%);
fix_view:hover fix_name {
background-color: ${Color};
fix_view:hover .edit_artist {
display: block;
/* 內容頁面的樣式 */
fix_cont {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
fix_cont fix_name {
color: ${Color};
font-size: 1.25em;
display: inline-block;
fix_cont .edit_artist {
top: 200px;
right: -5%;
fix_cont:hover fix_name {
background-color: #fff;
fix_cont:hover .edit_artist {
display: block;
`, "Global-Effects", false);
Postview: async () => {
const set = UserSet.ImgSet();
const width = Syn.iW() / 2;
.post__files > div,
.scrape__files > div {
position: relative;
.Image-style, figure img {
display: block;
width: ${set.Width} !important;
height: ${set.Height} !important;
margin: ${set.Spacing} auto !important;
max-width: ${set.MaxWidth} !important;
.Image-loading-indicator {
min-width: 50vW;
min-height: 50vh;
max-width: ${width}px;
max-height: ${width * 9 / 16}px;
border: 1px solid #fafafa;
.Image-loading-indicator-experiment {
border: 3px solid #00ff7e;
.Image-loading-indicator:hover {
cursor: pointer;
.progress-indicator {
top: 5px;
left: 5px;
colo: #fff;
font-size: 14px;
padding: 3px 6px;
position: absolute;
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
`, "Image-Custom-Style", false);
ImgRule = Syn.$q("#Image-Custom-Style")?.sheet.cssRules;
PostExtra: async () => {
#main section {
width: 100%;
#next_box a {
cursor: pointer;
#next_box a:hover {
background-color: ${Color};
`, "Post-Extra", false);
Menu: () => {
const set = UserSet.MenuSet();
function check(value) {
return value.toString().length > 4 || value > 1000
? 1000 : value < 0 ? "" : value;
`, "Menu-Settings", false);
.modal-background {
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
z-index: 9999;
overflow: auto;
position: fixed;
pointer-events: none;
/* 模態介面 */
.modal-interface {
top: ${set.Top};
left: ${set.Left};
margin: 0;
display: flex;
overflow: auto;
position: fixed;
border-radius: 5px;
pointer-events: auto;
background-color: #2C2E3E;
border: 3px solid #EE2B47;
/* 模態內容盒 */
.modal-box {
padding: 0.5rem;
height: 50vh;
width: 32vw;
/* 菜單框架 */
.menu {
width: 5.5vw;
overflow: auto;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: top;
border-radius: 2px;
border: 2px solid #F6F6F6;
/* 菜單文字標題 */
.menu-text {
color: #EE2B47;
cursor: default;
padding: 0.2rem;
margin: 0.3rem;
margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
white-space: nowrap;
border-radius: 10px;
border: 4px solid #f05d73;
background-color: #1f202c;
/* 菜單選項按鈕 */
.menu-options {
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 1.4rem;
color: #F6F6F6;
font-weight: bold;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 1.2rem;
border: 5px inset #EE2B47;
background-color: #6e7292;
transition: color 0.8s, background-color 0.8s;
.menu-options:hover {
color: #EE2B47;
background-color: #F6F6F6;
.menu-options:disabled {
color: #6e7292;
cursor: default;
background-color: #c5c5c5;
border: 5px inset #faa5b2;
/* 設置內容框架 */
.content {
height: 48vh;
width: 28vw;
overflow: auto;
padding: 0px 1rem;
border-radius: 2px;
vertical-align: top;
border-top: 2px solid #F6F6F6;
border-right: 2px solid #F6F6F6;
.narrative { color: #EE2B47; }
.Image-input-settings {
width: 8rem;
color: #F6F6F6;
text-align: center;
font-size: 1.5rem;
border-radius: 15px;
border: 3px inset #EE2B47;
background-color: #202127;
.Image-input-settings:disabled {
border: 3px inset #faa5b2;
background-color: #5a5a5a;
/* 底部按鈕框架 */
.button-area {
display: flex;
padding: 0.3rem;
border-left: none;
border-radius: 2px;
border: 2px solid #F6F6F6;
justify-content: space-between;
.button-area select {
color: #F6F6F6;
margin-right: 1.5rem;
border: 3px inset #EE2B47;
background-color: #6e7292;
/* 底部選項 */
.button-options {
color: #F6F6F6;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 0.8rem;
font-weight: bold;
border-radius: 10px;
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: #6e7292;
border: 3px inset #EE2B47;
transition: color 0.5s, background-color 0.5s;
.button-options:hover {
color: #EE2B47;
background-color: #F6F6F6;
.button-space { margin: 0 0.6rem; }
.form-hidden {
width: 0;
height: 0;
opacity: 0;
padding: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
transition: opacity 0.8s, height 0.8s, width 0.8s;
.toggle-menu {
width: 0;
height: 0;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
/* 整體框線 */
table, td {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
overflow: auto;
border-spacing: 0px;
.modal-background p {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
option { color: #F6F6F6; }
ul {
list-style: none;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
`, "Menu-Custom-Style", false);
MenuRule = Syn.$q("#Menu-Custom-Style")?.sheet.cssRules;
Syn.StoreListen(Object.values(SaveKey), call => {
if (call.far) {
if (Syn.Type(call.nv) == "String") {
} else {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(call.nv)) {
const Word = {
Traditional: {},
Simplified: {
"📝 設置選單": "📝 设置菜单",
"設置菜單": "设置菜单",
"圖像設置": "图像设置",
"讀取設定": "加载设置",
"關閉離開": "关闭",
"保存應用": "保存并应用",
"語言": "语言",
"英文": "英语",
"繁體": "繁体中文",
"簡體": "简体中文",
"日文": "日语",
"韓文": "韩语",
"俄語": "俄语",
"圖片高度": "图片高度",
"圖片寬度": "图片宽度",
"圖片最大寬度": "图片最大宽度",
"圖片間隔高度": "图片间距"
Japan: {
"📝 設置選單": "📝 設定メニュー",
"設置菜單": "設定メニュー",
"圖像設置": "画像設定",
"讀取設定": "設定を読み込む",
"關閉離開": "閉じる",
"保存應用": "保存して適用",
"語言": "言語",
"英文": "英語",
"繁體": "繁体字中国語",
"簡體": "簡体字中国語",
"日文": "日本語",
"韓文": "韓国語",
"俄語": "ロシア語",
"圖片高度": "画像の高さ",
"圖片寬度": "画像の幅",
"圖片最大寬度": "画像の最大幅",
"圖片間隔高度": "画像の間隔"
Korea: {
"📝 設置選單": "📝 설정 메뉴",
"設置菜單": "설정 메뉴",
"圖像設置": "이미지 설정",
"讀取設定": "설정 불러오기",
"關閉離開": "닫기",
"保存應用": "저장 및 적용",
"語言": "언어",
"英文": "영어",
"繁體": "번체 중국어",
"簡體": "간체 중국어",
"日文": "일본어",
"韓文": "한국어",
"俄語": "러시아어",
"圖片高度": "이미지 높이",
"圖片寬度": "이미지 너비",
"圖片最大寬度": "이미지 최대 너비",
"圖片間隔高度": "이미지 간격"
Russia: {
"📝 設置選單": "📝 Меню настроек",
"設置菜單": "Меню настроек",
"圖像設置": "Настройки изображений",
"讀取設定": "Загрузить настройки",
"關閉離開": "Закрыть",
"保存應用": "Сохранить и применить",
"語言": "Язык",
"英文": "Английский",
"繁體": "Традиционный китайский",
"簡體": "Упрощенный китайский",
"日文": "Японский",
"韓文": "Корейский",
"俄語": "Русский",
"圖片高度": "Высота изображения",
"圖片寬度": "Ширина изображения",
"圖片最大寬度": "Максимальная ширина",
"圖片間隔高度": "Интервал между изображениями"
English: {
"📝 設置選單": "📝 Settings Menu",
"設置菜單": "Settings Menu",
"圖像設置": "Image Settings",
"讀取設定": "Load Settings",
"關閉離開": "Close & Exit",
"保存應用": "Save & Apply",
"語言": "Language",
"英文": "English",
"繁體": "Traditional Chinese",
"簡體": "Simplified Chinese",
"日文": "Japanese",
"韓文": "Korean",
"俄語": "Russian",
"圖片高度": "Image Height",
"圖片寬度": "Image Width",
"圖片最大寬度": "Max Image Width",
"圖片間隔高度": "Image Spacing"
return {
IsContent: () => Content.test(Url),
IsAnnouncement: () => Announcement.test(Url),
IsSearch: () => Search.test(Url) || Link.test(Url) || FavorArtist.test(Url),
IsAllPreview: () => Posts.test(Url) || User.test(Url) || Favor.test(Url),
IsNeko: Syn.$domain.startsWith("nekohouse"),
Language: () => {
const Log = Syn.gV(SaveKey.Lang);
const ML = Syn.TranslMatcher(Word, Log);
return {
Log: Log,
Transl: Str => ML[Str] ?? Str
Style: Style,
Color: Color,
SaveKey: SaveKey,
Style_Pointer: Style_Pointer,
Link: Link,
Posts: Posts,
User: User,
Favor: Favor,
Search: Search,
Content: Content,
FavorArtist: FavorArtist,
Announcement: Announcement
const Enhance = (() => {
const Validate = (Bool, Num) => {
return Bool && typeof Bool === "boolean" && typeof Num === "number" ? true : false;
const Order = {
Global: ["BlockAds", "SidebarCollapse", "DeleteNotice", "TextToLink", "FixArtist", "BackToTop", "KeyScroll"],
Preview: ["CardZoom", "CardText", "NewTabOpens", "QuickPostToggle"],
Content: ["LinkBeautify", "VideoBeautify", "OriginalImage", "ExtraButton", "CommentFormat"]
const LoadFunc = {
Global_Cache: undefined,
Preview_Cache: undefined,
Content_Cache: undefined,
Global: function () {
if (!this.Global_Cache) this.Global_Cache = Global_Function();
return this.Global_Cache;
Preview: function () {
if (!this.Preview_Cache) this.Preview_Cache = Preview_Function();
return this.Preview_Cache;
Content: function () {
if (!this.Content_Cache) this.Content_Cache = Content_Function();
return this.Content_Cache;
let Ord;
async function Call(page, config = User_Config[page]) {
const func = LoadFunc[page]();
for (Ord of Order[page]) {
const {
} = config[Ord] ?? {};
if (Validate(enable, mode)) {
mode: mode,
return {
Run: async () => {
if (DLL.IsAllPreview()) Call("Preview"); else if (DLL.IsContent()) {
window.$onEvent("urlchange", change => {
Url = change.url;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
function Global_Function() {
const LoadFunc = {
TextToLink_Cache: undefined,
TextToLink_Dependent: function (Config) {
if (!this.TextToLink_Cache) {
this.TextToLink_Cache = {
Protocol_F: /^(?!https?:\/\/)/,
Exclusion_F: /onfanbokkusuokibalab\.net/,
URL_F: /(?:https?:\/\/[^\s]+)|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.[^\s]+\/[^\s]+/g,
getTextNodes: function (root) {
const nodes = [];
const tree = document.createTreeWalker(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, {
acceptNode: node => {
this.URL_F.lastIndex = 0;
const content = node.$text();
if (!content || this.Exclusion_F.test(content)) return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
return this.URL_F.test(content) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
while (tree.nextNode()) {
return nodes;
ParseModify: async function (father, content) {
if (this.Exclusion_F.test(content)) return;
father.$iHtml(content.replace(this.URL_F, url => {
const decode = decodeURIComponent(url).trim();
return `<a href="${decode.replace(this.Protocol_F, "https://")}">${decode}</a>`;
Process: async function (pre) {
const Text = pre.$text();
this.URL_F.test(Text) && this.ParseModify(pre, Text);
Multiprocessing: async function (root) {
if (DLL.IsNeko) {
const Text = root.$q();
this.URL_F.test(Text) && this.ParseModify(root, Text);
let p;
for (p of root.$qa("p")) {
const Text = p.$text();
this.URL_F.test(Text) && this.ParseModify(p, Text);
let a;
for (a of root.$qa("a")) {
!a.href && this.ParseModify(a, a.$text());
JumpTrigger: async root => {
const [Newtab, Active, Insert] = [Config.newtab ?? true, Config.newtab_active ?? false, Config.newtab_insert ?? false];
root.$onEvent("click", event => {
const target = event.target.closest("a:not(.fileThumb)");
if (!target || target.$hAttr("download")) return;
!Newtab ? location.assign(target.href) : GM_openInTab(target.href, {
active: Active,
insert: Insert
}, {
capture: true
return this.TextToLink_Cache;
FixArtist_Cache: undefined,
FixArtist_Dependent: function () {
if (!this.FixArtist_Cache) {
const Fix_Requ = {
Record_Cache: undefined,
Fix_Cache: new Map(),
Register_Eement: new Map(),
Get_Record: () => Syn.Local("fix_record_v2", {
error: new Map()
Save_Record: async function (save) {
await Syn.Local("fix_record_v2", {
value: new Map([...this.Get_Record(), ...save])
Save_Work: (() => Syn.Debounce(() => Fix_Requ.Save_Record(Fix_Requ.Fix_Cache), 1e3))(),
Fix_Name_Support: new Set(["pixiv", "fanbox"]),
Fix_Tag_Support: {
ID: /Patreon|Fantia|Pixiv|Fanbox/gi,
Patreon: "https://www.patreon.com/user?u={id}",
Fantia: "https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/{id}/posts",
Pixiv: "https://www.pixiv.net/users/{id}/artworks",
Fanbox: "https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox/creator/{id}",
NAME: /Fansly|OnlyFans/gi,
OnlyFans: "https://onlyfans.com/{name}",
Fansly: "https://fansly.com/{name}/posts"
Fix_Request: async function (url, headers = {}) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
method: "GET",
url: url,
headers: headers,
onload: response => resolve(response),
onerror: () => resolve(),
ontimeout: () => resolve()
Get_Pixiv_Name: async function (id) {
const response = await this.Fix_Request(`https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/${id}?full=1&lang=ja`, {
referer: "https://www.pixiv.net/"
if (response.status === 200) {
const user = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
let user_name = user.body.name;
user_name = user_name.replace(/(c\d+)?([日月火水木金土]曜日?|[123123一二三]日目?)[東南西北]..?\d+\w?/i, "");
user_name = user_name.replace(/[@@]?(fanbox|fantia|skeb|ファンボ|リクエスト|お?仕事|新刊|単行本|同人誌)+(.*(更新|募集|公開|開設|開始|発売|販売|委託|休止|停止)+中?[!!]?$|$)/gi, "");
user_name = user_name.replace(/\(\)|()|「」|【】|[@@__]+$/g, "").trim();
return user_name;
} else return;
Fix_Url: function (url) {
url = url.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)$/) || url.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)$/);
url = url.splice(1).map(url => url.replace(/\/?(www\.|\.com|\.jp|\.net|\.adult|user\?u=)/g, ""));
return url.length >= 3 ? [url[0], url[2]] : url;
Fix_Update_Ui: async function (href, id, name_obj, tag_obj, text) {
const edit = Syn.$createElement("fix_edit", {
id: id,
class: "edit_artist",
text: "Edit"
name_obj.parentNode.insertBefore(edit, name_obj);
name_obj.$oHtml(`<fix_name jump="${href}">${text.trim()}</fix_name>`);
const [tag_text, support_id, support_name] = [tag_obj.$text(), this.Fix_Tag_Support.ID, this.Fix_Tag_Support.NAME];
if (support_id.test(tag_text)) {
tag_obj.$iHtml(tag_text.replace(support_id, tag => {
return `<fix_tag jump="${this.Fix_Tag_Support[tag].replace("{id}", id)}">${tag}</fix_tag>`;
} else if (support_name.test(tag_text)) {
tag_obj.$iHtml(tag_text.replace(support_name, tag => {
return `<fix_tag jump="${this.Fix_Tag_Support[tag].replace("{name}", id)}">${tag}</fix_tag>`;
Fix_Trigger: async function (object) {
const {
} = object;
let Record = this.Record_Cache.get(TailId);
if (Record) {
this.Fix_Update_Ui(Url, TailId, NameObject, TagObject, Record);
} else {
if (this.Fix_Name_Support.has(Website)) {
Record = await this.Get_Pixiv_Name(TailId) ?? NameObject.$text();
this.Fix_Update_Ui(Url, TailId, NameObject, TagObject, Record);
this.Fix_Cache.set(TailId, Record);
} else {
Record = NameObject.$text();
this.Fix_Update_Ui(Url, TailId, NameObject, TagObject, Record);
Search_Fix: async function (items) {
items.$sAttr("fix", true);
const url = items.href;
const img = items.$q("img");
const parse = this.Fix_Url(url);
img.$sAttr("jump", url);
Url: url,
TailId: parse[1],
Website: parse[0],
NameObject: items.$q(".user-card__name"),
TagObject: items.$q(".user-card__service")
Other_Fix: async function (artist, tag = "", href = null, reTag = "<fix_view>") {
try {
const parent = artist.parentNode;
const url = href ?? parent.href;
const parse = this.Fix_Url(url);
await this.Fix_Trigger({
Url: url,
TailId: parse[1],
Website: parse[0],
NameObject: artist,
TagObject: tag
$(parent).replaceWith(function () {
return $(reTag, {
html: $(this).html()
} catch { }
Dynamic_Fix: async function (Listen, Element) {
if (this.Register_Eement.has(Listen)) return;
this.Register_Eement.set(Listen, true);
Syn.Observer(Listen, () => {
this.Record_Cache = this.Get_Record();
const element = typeof Element === "string" ? Syn.$q(Element) : Element;
if (element) {
for (const items of element.$qa("a")) {
!items.$gAttr("fix") && this.Search_Fix(items);
}, {
subtree: false,
debounce: 50
Fix_Requ.Record_Cache = Fix_Requ.Get_Record();
this.FixArtist_Cache = Fix_Requ;
return this.FixArtist_Cache;
return {
SidebarCollapse: async Config => {
if (Syn.Platform() === "Mobile") return;
.global-sidebar {
opacity: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 10rem;
display: flex;
position: fixed;
padding: 0.5em 0;
transition: 0.8s;
background: #282a2e;
flex-direction: column;
transform: translateX(-9rem);
.global-sidebar:hover {opacity: 1; transform: translateX(0rem);}
.content-wrapper.shifted {transition: 0.7s; margin-left: 0rem;}
.global-sidebar:hover + .content-wrapper.shifted {margin-left: 10rem;}
`, "Collapse_Effects", false);
DeleteNotice: async Config => {
Syn.WaitElem("aside", null, {
timeout: 5
}).then(aside => aside.remove());
BlockAds: async Config => {
if (DLL.IsNeko) return;
const cookieString = Syn.$cookie();
const required = ["ts_popunder", "ts_popunder-cnt"];
const hasCookies = required.every(name => new RegExp(`(?:^|;\\s*)${name}=`).test(cookieString));
if (!hasCookies) {
const now = new Date();
now.setFullYear(now.getFullYear() + 1);
const expires = now.toUTCString();
const cookies = {
[required[0]]: now,
[required[1]]: 1
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(cookies)) {
Syn.$cookie(`${key}=${value}; domain=.${Syn.$domain}; path=/; expires=${expires};`);
.root--ujvuu, [id^="ts_ad_native_"], [id^="ts_ad_video_"] {display: none !important}
`, "Ad-blocking-style", false);
const domains = [
"go.mnaspm.com", "go.reebr.com",
"creative.reebr.com", "tsyndicate.com", "tsvideo.sacdnssedge.com"
const adRegex = new RegExp("(?:" + domains.join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\.") + ")");
const XMLRequest = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
const Ad_observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, Url) {
if (Url.endsWith(".m3u8") || adRegex.test(Url)) { return; }
XMLRequest.apply(this, arguments);
// document.querySelector("div.ex-over-btn")?.click();
// document.querySelector(".root--ujvuu button")?.click();
Ad_observer.observe(document.head, {childList: true, subtree: true});
`, "Ad-blocking-script", false);
TextToLink: async Config => {
if (!DLL.IsContent() && !DLL.IsAnnouncement()) return;
const Func = LoadFunc.TextToLink_Dependent(Config);
if (DLL.IsContent()) {
Syn.WaitElem(".post__body, .scrape__body", null, {
raf: true
}).then(body => {
const [article, content] = [body.$q("article"), body.$q(".post__content, .scrape__content")];
if (article) {
let span;
for (span of article.$qa("span.choice-text")) {
Func.ParseModify(span, span.$text());
} else if (content) {
Func.getTextNodes(content).forEach(node => {
Func.ParseModify(node, node.$text());
} else if (DLL.IsAnnouncement()) {
Syn.WaitElem(".card-list__items pre", null, {
raf: true
}).then(() => {
const items = Syn.$q(".card-list__items");
Func.getTextNodes(items).forEach(node => {
Func.ParseModify(node, node.$text());
FixArtist: async Config => {
const Func = LoadFunc.FixArtist_Dependent();
const [Device, Newtab, Active, Insert] = [Syn.Platform(), Config.newtab ?? true, Config.newtab_active ?? false, Config.newtab_insert ?? false];
Syn.$body.$onEvent("click", event => {
const target = event.target;
if (target.matches("fix_edit")) {
const display = target.nextElementSibling;
const text = Syn.$createElement("textarea", {
class: "edit_textarea",
style: `height: ${display.scrollHeight + 10}px;`
const original_name = display.$text();
text.value = original_name.trim();
display.parentNode.insertBefore(text, target);
text.scrollTop = 0;
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
text.$one("blur", () => {
const change_name = text.value.trim();
if (change_name != original_name) {
Func.Save_Record(new Map([[target.id, change_name]]));
}, {
once: true,
passive: true
}, 50);
}, 300);
} else if (target.matches("fix_name") || target.matches("fix_tag") || target.matches("img.fancy-image__image")) {
const jump = target.$gAttr("jump");
if (!target.parentNode.matches("fix_cont") && jump) {
!Newtab || DLL.IsSearch() && Device == "Mobile" ? location.assign(jump) : GM_openInTab(jump, {
active: Active,
insert: Insert
} else if (jump) {
}, {
capture: true,
passive: true,
mark: "FixArtist"
if (DLL.IsSearch()) {
Syn.WaitElem(".card-list__items", null, {
raf: true,
timeout: 10
}).then(card_items => {
if (DLL.Link.test(Url)) {
const artist = Syn.$q("span[itemprop='name']");
artist && Func.Other_Fix(artist);
for (const items of card_items.$qa("a")) {
} else {
Func.Dynamic_Fix(card_items, card_items);
Syn.$createElement(card_items, "fix-trigger", {
style: "display: none;"
} else if (DLL.IsContent()) {
Syn.WaitElem(["h1 span:nth-child(2)", ".post__user-name, .scrape__user-name"], null, {
raf: true,
timeout: 10
}).then(([title, artist]) => {
Func.Other_Fix(artist, title, artist.href, "<fix_cont>");
} else {
Syn.WaitElem("span[itemprop='name']", null, {
raf: true,
timeout: 10
}).then(artist => {
BackToTop: async Config => {
Syn.$body.$onEvent("pointerup", event => {
event.target.closest("#paginator-bottom") && Syn.$q("#paginator-top").scrollIntoView();
}, {
capture: true,
passive: true,
mark: "BackToTop"
KeyScroll: async Config => {
if (Syn.Platform() === "Mobile") return;
const Scroll_Requ = {
Scroll_Pixels: 2,
Scroll_Interval: 800
const UP_ScrollSpeed = Scroll_Requ.Scroll_Pixels * -1;
let Scroll, Up_scroll = false, Down_scroll = false;
const [TopDetected, BottomDetected] = [Syn.Throttle(() => {
Up_scroll = Syn.sY() == 0 ? false : true;
}, 600), Syn.Throttle(() => {
Down_scroll = Syn.sY() + Syn.iH() >= Syn.$html.scrollHeight ? false : true;
}, 600)];
switch (Config.mode) {
case 2:
Scroll = Move => {
const Interval = setInterval(() => {
if (!Up_scroll && !Down_scroll) {
if (Up_scroll && Move < 0) {
window.scrollBy(0, Move);
} else if (Down_scroll && Move > 0) {
window.scrollBy(0, Move);
}, Scroll_Requ.Scroll_Interval);
Scroll = Move => {
if (Up_scroll && Move < 0) {
window.scrollBy(0, Move);
requestAnimationFrame(() => Scroll(Move));
} else if (Down_scroll && Move > 0) {
window.scrollBy(0, Move);
requestAnimationFrame(() => Scroll(Move));
window.$onEvent("keydown", Syn.Throttle(event => {
const key = event.key;
if (key == "ArrowUp") {
if (Up_scroll) {
Up_scroll = false;
} else if (!Up_scroll || Down_scroll) {
Down_scroll = false;
Up_scroll = true;
} else if (key == "ArrowDown") {
if (Down_scroll) {
Down_scroll = false;
} else if (Up_scroll || !Down_scroll) {
Up_scroll = false;
Down_scroll = true;
}, 100), {
capture: true
function Preview_Function() {
return {
NewTabOpens: async Config => {
const [Newtab, Active, Insert] = [Config.newtab ?? true, Config.newtab_active ?? false, Config.newtab_insert ?? false];
Syn.$body.$onEvent("click", event => {
const target = event.target.closest("article a");
target && (event.preventDefault(), !Newtab ? location.assign(target.href) : GM_openInTab(target.href, {
active: Active,
insert: Insert
}, {
capture: true,
mark: "NewTabOpens"
QuickPostToggle: async Config => {
if (!DLL.IsNeko) return;
Syn.WaitElem("menu", null, {
all: true,
timeout: 5
}).then(menu => {
DLL.IsNeko = false;
function Rendering({
}) {
return preact.h("a", {
href: href,
className: className
}, preact.h("b", null, textContent));
const pages = Math.ceil(+menu[0].previousElementSibling.$text().split("of")[1].trim() / 50);
const links = [Url, ...Array(pages - 1).fill().map((_, i) => `${Url}?o=${(i + 1) * 50}`)];
const elements = [preact.h(Rendering, {
className: "pagination-button-disabled",
textContent: "<"
}), ...links.map((link, index) => preact.h(Rendering, {
href: link,
textContent: index + 1,
className: index === 0 ? "pagination-button-disabled pagination-button-current" : ""
})), preact.h(Rendering, {
textContent: ">"
const fragment1 = Syn.$createFragment();
const fragment2 = Syn.$createFragment();
preact.render([...elements], fragment1);
preact.render([...elements], fragment2);
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
function UpdatePagination(currentButtons, otherButtons, newActiveIndex) {
[currentButtons, otherButtons].flat().forEach(btn => {
btn.classList.remove("pagination-button-current", "pagination-button-disabled");
currentButtons[newActiveIndex].classList.add("pagination-button-current", "pagination-button-disabled");
otherButtons[newActiveIndex].classList.add("pagination-button-current", "pagination-button-disabled");
const isFirstPage = newActiveIndex === 1;
const isLastPage = newActiveIndex === currentButtons.length - 2;
const prevButtons = [currentButtons[0], otherButtons[0]];
prevButtons.forEach(btn => btn.classList.toggle("pagination-button-disabled", isFirstPage));
const nextButtons = [currentButtons[currentButtons.length - 1], otherButtons[otherButtons.length - 1]];
nextButtons.forEach(btn => btn.classList.toggle("pagination-button-disabled", isLastPage));
const old_card = Syn.$q(".card-list--legacy");
async function GetNextPage(link) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
url: link,
nocache: false,
onload: response => {
const card = response.responseXML.$q(".card-list--legacy");
onerror: error => {
let request_lock = false;
Syn.$q("section").$onEvent("click", event => {
const target = event.target.closest("menu a:not(.pagination-button-disabled)");
if (!target || request_lock) return;
const text = target.$text();
const currentMenu = target.closest("menu");
const menuIndex = [...menu].indexOf(currentMenu);
const otherMenu = menu[menuIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0];
const currentButtons = [...currentMenu.querySelectorAll("a")];
const otherButtons = [...otherMenu.querySelectorAll("a")];
const currentActive = currentMenu.querySelector(".pagination-button-current");
const currentActiveIndex = currentActive ? currentButtons.indexOf(currentActive) : -1;
let newIndex;
if (text === "<" && currentActiveIndex > 1) {
newIndex = currentActiveIndex - 1;
} else if (text === ">" && currentActiveIndex < currentButtons.length - 2) {
newIndex = currentActiveIndex + 1;
} else if (!isNaN(parseInt(text))) {
newIndex = currentButtons.indexOf(target);
} else {
const href = currentButtons[newIndex].href;
request_lock = true;
GetNextPage(href).then(() => {
request_lock = false;
UpdatePagination(currentButtons, otherButtons, newIndex);
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
history.pushState(null, null, href);
}).catch(() => {
request_lock = false;
}, {
capture: true,
mark: "QuickPostToggle"
CardZoom: async Config => {
switch (Config.mode) {
case 2:
.post-card a:hover {
overflow: auto;
z-index: 99999;
background: #000;
border: 1px solid #fff6;
transform: scale(1.6, 1.5);
.post-card a::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0;
height: 0;
.post-card a:hover .post-card__image-container {
position: relative;
`, "CardZoom_Effects_2", false);
.post-card { margin: .3vw; }
.post-card a img { border-radius: 8px; }
.post-card a {
border-radius: 8px;
border: 3px solid #fff6;
transition: transform 0.4s;
.card-list--legacy * { --card-size: 13vw; }
`, "CardZoom_Effects", false);
CardText: async Config => {
if (Syn.Platform() === "Mobile") return;
switch (Config.mode) {
case 2:
.post-card__header, .post-card__footer {
opacity: 0.4 !important;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
a:hover .post-card__header,
a:hover .post-card__footer {
opacity: 1 !important;
`, "CardText_Effects_2", false);
.post-card__header, .post-card__footer {
opacity: 0 !important;
z-index: 1;
padding: 5px;
pointer-events: none;
transform: translateY(-6vh);
a:hover .post-card__header,
a:hover .post-card__footer {
opacity: 1 !important;
pointer-events: auto;
transform: translateY(0vh);
transition: transform 0.4s, opacity 0.6s;
`, "CardText_Effects", false);
function Content_Function() {
const LoadFunc = {
LinkBeautify_Cache: undefined,
LinkBeautify_Dependent: function () {
if (!this.LinkBeautify_Cache) {
this.LinkBeautify_Cache = async function ShowBrowse(Browse) {
const URL = DLL.IsNeko ? Browse.href : Browse.href.replace("posts", "api/v1/posts");
Browse.style.position = "relative";
method: "GET",
url: URL,
onload: response => {
if (DLL.IsNeko) {
const Main = response.responseXML.$q("main");
const View = Syn.$createElement("View", {
class: "View"
const Buffer = Syn.$createFragment();
for (const br of Main.$qa("br")) {
Buffer.append(document.createTextNode(br.previousSibling.$text()), br);
} else {
const View = Syn.$createElement("View", {
class: "View"
const Buffer = Syn.$createFragment();
for (const text of JSON.parse(response.responseText)["archive"]["file_list"]) {
Buffer.append(document.createTextNode(text), Syn.$createElement("br"));
onerror: error => {
return this.LinkBeautify_Cache;
VideoBeautify_Cache: undefined,
VideoBeautify_Dependent: function () {
if (!this.VideoBeautify_Cache) {
this.VideoBeautify_Cache = function VideoRendering({
}) {
return preact.h("summary", {
className: "video-title"
}, preact.h("video", {
key: "video",
controls: true,
preload: "auto",
"data-setup": JSON.stringify({}),
className: "post-video"
}, preact.h("source", {
key: "source",
src: stream.src,
type: stream.type
return this.VideoBeautify_Cache;
ExtraButton_Cache: undefined,
ExtraButton_Dependent: function () {
if (!this.ExtraButton_Cache) {
this.ExtraButton_Cache = async function GetNextPage(url, old_main) {
method: "GET",
url: url,
nocache: false,
onload: response => {
const XML = response.responseXML;
const Main = XML.$q("main");
history.pushState(null, null, url);
const Title = XML.$q("title")?.$text();
Title && Syn.$title(Title);
setTimeout(() => {
Syn.WaitElem(".post__content, .scrape__content", null, {
raf: true,
timeout: 10
}).then(post => {
post.$qa("p").forEach(p => {
p.childNodes.forEach(node => {
node.nodeName == "BR" && node.parentNode.remove();
post.$qa("a").forEach(a => {
/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i.test(a.href) && a.remove();
Syn.$q(".post__title, .scrape__title").scrollIntoView();
}, 300);
onerror: error => {
GetNextPage(url, old_main);
return this.ExtraButton_Cache;
return {
LinkBeautify: async function (Config) {
.View {
top: -10px;
z-index: 1;
padding: 10%;
display: none;
overflow: auto;
color: #f2f2f2;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 600;
position: absolute;
white-space: nowrap;
border-radius: .5rem;
left: calc(100% + 10px);
border: 1px solid #737373;
background-color: #3b3e44;
a:hover .View { display: block }
`, "Link_Effects", false);
Syn.WaitElem(".post__attachment-link, .scrape__attachment-link", null, {
raf: true,
all: true,
timeout: 5
}).then(post => {
const ShowBrowse = LoadFunc.LinkBeautify_Dependent();
for (const link of post) {
link.$sAttr("download", "");
link.href = decodeURIComponent(link.href);
link.$text(link.$text().replace("Download", ""));
const Browse = link.nextElementSibling;
if (!Browse) continue;
VideoBeautify: async function (Config) {
.video-title {margin-top: 0.5rem;}
.post-video {height: 50%; width: 60%;}
`, "Video_Effects", false);
if (DLL.IsNeko) {
Syn.WaitElem(".scrape__files video", null, {
raf: true,
all: true,
timeout: 5
}).then(video => {
video.forEach(media => media.$sAttr("preload", "auto"));
} else {
Syn.WaitElem("ul[style*='text-align: center; list-style-type: none;'] li:not([id])", null, {
raf: true,
all: true,
timeout: 5
}).then(parents => {
Syn.WaitElem(".post__attachment-link, .scrape__attachment-link", null, {
raf: true,
all: true,
timeout: 5
}).then(post => {
const VideoRendering = LoadFunc.VideoBeautify_Dependent();
let li;
for (li of parents) {
let [node, title, stream] = [undefined, li.$q("summary"), li.$q("source")];
if (!title || !stream) continue;
if (title.previousElementSibling) continue;
let link;
for (link of post) {
if (link.$text().includes(title.$text())) {
switch (Config.mode) {
case 2:
node = link.$copy(true);
render(preact.h(VideoRendering, {
stream: stream
}), li);
li.insertBefore(node, li.$q("summary"));
OriginalImage: async function (Config) {
Syn.WaitElem(".post__thumbnail, .scrape__thumbnail", null, {
raf: true,
all: true,
timeout: 5
}).then(thumbnail => {
const LinkObj = DLL.IsNeko ? "div" : "a";
const HrefParse = element => {
const Uri = element.href || element.$gAttr("href");
return Uri.startsWith("http") ? Uri : `${Syn.$origin}${Uri}`;
const Origina_Requ = {
Reload: async (Img, Retry) => {
if (Retry > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
const src = Img?.src;
if (!src) return;
Img.src = "";
Object.assign(Img, {
src: src,
alt: "Loading Failed"
Img.onload = function () {
Img.onerror = function () {
Origina_Requ.Reload(Img, Retry - 1);
}, 1e3);
FailedClick: async () => {
Syn.$q(".post__files, .scrape__files").$one("click", event => {
const target = event.target.matches(".Image-link img");
if (target && target.alt == "Loading Failed") {
const src = img.src;
img.src = "";
img.src = src;
}, {
capture: true,
passive: true
ImgRendering: ({
Ourl = null,
}) => {
return preact.h(Ourl ? "rc" : "div", {
id: ID,
src: Ourl,
className: "Image-link"
}, preact.h("img", {
key: "img",
src: Nurl,
className: "Image-loading-indicator Image-style",
onLoad: function () {
Syn.$q(`#${ID} img`)?.classList.remove("Image-loading-indicator");
onError: function () {
Origina_Requ.Reload(Syn.$q(`#${ID} img`), 10);
Request: async function (Container, Url, Result) {
const indicator = Syn.$createElement(Container, "div", {
class: "progress-indicator",
text: "0%"
url: Url,
method: "GET",
responseType: "blob",
onprogress: progress => {
const done = (progress.done / progress.total * 100).toFixed(1);
onload: response => {
const blob = response.response;
blob instanceof Blob && blob.size > 0 ? Result(URL.createObjectURL(blob)) : Result(Url);
onerror: () => Result(Url)
FastAuto: async function () {
thumbnail.forEach((object, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const a = object.$q(LinkObj);
const hrefP = HrefParse(a);
if (Config.experiment) {
this.Request(object, hrefP, href => {
render(preact.h(this.ImgRendering, {
ID: `IMG-${index}`,
Ourl: hrefP,
Nurl: href
}), object);
} else {
render(preact.h(this.ImgRendering, {
ID: `IMG-${index}`,
Nurl: hrefP
}), object);
}, index * 300);
SlowAuto: async function (index) {
if (index == thumbnail.length) return;
const object = thumbnail[index];
const a = object.$q(LinkObj);
const hrefP = HrefParse(a);
const img = a.$q("img");
const replace_core = (Nurl, Ourl = null) => {
const container = document.createElement(Ourl ? "rc" : "div");
Ourl && container.$sAttr("src", Ourl);
Object.assign(container, {
id: `IMG-${index}`,
className: "Image-link"
const img = document.createElement("img");
Object.assign(img, {
src: Nurl,
className: "Image-loading-indicator Image-style"
img.onload = function () {
if (Config.experiment) {
this.Request(object, hrefP, href => replace_core(href, hrefP));
} else {
ObserveTrigger: function () {
return new IntersectionObserver(observed => {
observed.forEach(entry => {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
const object = entry.target;
const a = object.$q(LinkObj);
const hrefP = HrefParse(a);
if (Config.experiment) {
this.Request(object, hrefP, href => {
render(preact.h(this.ImgRendering, {
ID: object.alt,
Ourl: hrefP,
Nurl: href
}), object);
} else {
render(preact.h(this.ImgRendering, {
ID: object.alt,
Nurl: hrefP
}), object);
}, {
threshold: .3
let observer;
switch (Config.mode) {
case 2:
case 3:
observer = Origina_Requ.ObserveTrigger();
thumbnail.forEach((object, index) => {
object.alt = `IMG-${index}`;
ExtraButton: async function (Config) {
const GetNextPage = LoadFunc.ExtraButton_Dependent();
Syn.WaitElem("h2.site-section__subheading", null, {
raf: true,
timeout: 5
}).then(comments => {
const [Prev, Next, Svg, Span, Buffer] = [Syn.$q(".post__nav-link.prev, .scrape__nav-link.prev"), Syn.$q(".post__nav-link.next, .scrape__nav-link.next"), document.createElement("svg"), document.createElement("span"), Syn.$createFragment()];
Svg.id = "To_top";
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 512 512" style="margin-left: 10px;cursor: pointer;">
<style>svg{fill: ${DLL.Color}}</style>
<path d="M256 512A256 256 0 1 0 256 0a256 256 0 1 0 0 512zM135.1 217.4l107.1-99.9c3.8-3.5 8.7-5.5 13.8-5.5s10.1 2 13.8 5.5l107.1 99.9c4.5 4.2 7.1 10.1 7.1 16.3c0 12.3-10 22.3-22.3 22.3H304v96c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H240c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32V256H150.3C138 256 128 246 128 233.7c0-6.2 2.6-12.1 7.1-16.3z"></path>
const Next_btn = Next?.$copy(true) ?? document.createElement("div");
Next_btn.style = `color: ${DLL.Color};`;
Next_btn.$sAttr("jump", Next_btn.href);
Span.id = "Next_box";
Span.style = "float: right; cursor: pointer;";
Svg.$one("click", () => {
}, {
capture: true,
passive: true
Next_btn.$one("click", () => {
if (DLL.IsNeko) {
GetNextPage(Next_btn.$gAttr("jump"), Syn.$q("main"));
} else {
}, {
capture: true,
once: true
if (!Syn.$q("#To_top") && !Syn.$q("#Next_box")) {
Buffer.append(Svg, Span);
CommentFormat: async function (Config) {
.scrape__comments {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.post__comments > *:last-child,
.scrape__comments > *:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
.comment {
margin: 0.5rem;
max-width: 25rem;
border-radius: 10px;
flex-basis: calc(35%);
word-break: break-all;
border: 0.125em solid var(--colour1-secondary);
`, "Comment_Effects", false);
async function $on(element, type, listener) {
$(element).on(type, listener);
async function MenuTrigger(callback = null) {
const {
} = DLL.Language();
callback && callback({
Log: Log,
Transl: Transl
[Transl("📝 設置選單")]: {
func: () => Create_Menu(Log, Transl)
function Create_Menu(Log, Transl) {
const shadowID = "shadow";
if (Syn.$q(`#${shadowID}`)) return;
const set = DLL.ImgSet();
const img_data = [set.Height, set.Width, set.MaxWidth, set.Spacing];
let analyze, parent, child, img_set, img_input, img_select, set_value, save_cache = {};
const fragment = Syn.$createFragment();
const shadow = Syn.$createElement("div", {
id: shadowID
const shadowRoot = shadow.attachShadow({
mode: "open"
const script = Syn.$createElement("script", {
id: "Img-Script",
text: Syn.$q("#Menu-Settings").$text()
const style = Syn.$createElement("style", {
id: "Menu-Style",
text: Syn.$q("#Menu-Custom-Style").$text()
const UnitOptions = `
<select class="Image-input-settings" style="margin-left: 1rem;">
<option value="px" selected>px</option>
<option value="%">%</option>
<option value="rem">rem</option>
<option value="vh">vh</option>
<option value="vw">vw</option>
<option value="auto">auto</option>
<div class="modal-background">
<div class="modal-interface">
<table class="modal-box">
<td class="menu">
<h2 class="menu-text">${Transl("設置菜單")}</h2>
<a class="toggle-menu" href="#image-settings-show">
<button class="menu-options" id="image-settings">${Transl("圖像設置")}</button>
<a class="toggle-menu" href="#">
<button class="menu-options" disabled>null</button>
<td class="content" id="set-content">
<div id="image-settings-show" class="form-hidden">
<h2 class="narrative">${Transl("圖片高度")}:</h2>
<p><input type="number" id="Height" class="Image-input-settings" oninput="value = check(value)"></p>
<h2 class="narrative">${Transl("圖片寬度")}:</h2>
<p><input type="number" id="Width" class="Image-input-settings" oninput="value = check(value)"></p>
<h2 class="narrative">${Transl("圖片最大寬度")}:</h2>
<p><input type="number" id="MaxWidth" class="Image-input-settings" oninput="value = check(value)"></p>
<h2 class="narrative">${Transl("圖片間隔高度")}:</h2>
<p><input type="number" id="Spacing" class="Image-input-settings" oninput="value = check(value)"></p>
<td class="button-area">
<select id="language">
<option value="" disabled selected>${Transl("語言")}</option>
<option value="en-US">${Transl("英文")}</option>
<option value="ru">${Transl("俄語")}</option>
<option value="zh-TW">${Transl("繁體")}</option>
<option value="zh-CN">${Transl("簡體")}</option>
<option value="ja">${Transl("日文")}</option>
<option value="ko">${Transl("韓文")}</option>
<button id="readsettings" class="button-options" disabled>${Transl("讀取設定")}</button>
<span class="button-space"></span>
<button id="closure" class="button-options">${Transl("關閉離開")}</button>
<span class="button-space"></span>
<button id="application" class="button-options">${Transl("保存應用")}</button>
fragment.append(script, style);
const $language = $(shadowRoot).find("#language");
const $readset = $(shadowRoot).find("#readsettings");
const $interface = $(shadowRoot).find(".modal-interface");
const $background = $(shadowRoot).find(".modal-background");
const $imageSet = $(shadowRoot).find("#image-settings-show");
$language.val(Log ?? "en-US");
cursor: "grabbing"
const Menu_Requ = {
Menu_Close: () => {
Menu_Save: () => {
const top = $interface.css("top");
const left = $interface.css("left");
Syn.sV(DLL.SaveKey.Menu, {
Top: top,
Left: left
Img_Save: () => {
img_set = $imageSet.find("p");
img_data.forEach((read, index) => {
img_input = img_set.eq(index).find("input");
img_select = img_set.eq(index).find("select");
if (img_select.val() == "auto") {
set_value = "auto";
} else if (img_input.val() == "") {
set_value = read;
} else {
set_value = `${img_input.val()}${img_select.val()}`;
save_cache[img_input.attr("id")] = set_value;
Syn.sV(DLL.SaveKey.Img, save_cache);
ImageSettings: async () => {
$on($(shadowRoot).find(".Image-input-settings"), "input change", function (event) {
const target = $(this), value = target.val(), id = target.attr("id");
parent = target.closest("div");
if (isNaN(value)) {
child = parent.find("input");
if (value === "auto") {
child.prop("disabled", true);
} else {
child.prop("disabled", false);
} else {
child = parent.find("select");
$on($language, "input change", function (event) {
$language.off("input change");
const value = $(this).val();
Syn.sV(DLL.SaveKey.Lang, value);
MenuTrigger(Updata => {
Create_Menu(Updata.Log, Updata.Transl);
$on($interface, "click", function (event) {
const id = $(event.target).attr("id");
if (id == "image-settings") {
img_set = $imageSet;
if (img_set.css("opacity") === "0") {
img_set.find("p").each(function () {
height: "auto",
width: "auto",
opacity: 1
$readset.prop("disabled", false);
} else if (id == "readsettings") {
img_set = $imageSet.find("p");
img_data.forEach((read, index) => {
img_input = img_set.eq(index).find("input");
img_select = img_set.eq(index).find("select");
if (read == "auto") {
img_input.prop("disabled", true);
} else {
analyze = read.match(/^(\d+)(\D+)$/);
} else if (id == "application") {
} else if (id == "closure") {
function render(element, container) {
preact.render(element, container);