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Danbooru to Gelbooru Search Switcher and vice versa

Add buttons to switch between Danbooru and Gelbooru searches

To są wszystkie wersje tego skryptu. Pokaż tylko te wersje, gdzie kod został zmieniony.

  • v0.7 05-06-2024

    URL Filtering: Enhanced the script to ensure that the "Search on Gelbooru" button only appears on Danbooru search result pages and not on individual post pages. This change prevents the button from being shown on URLs like

    Code Optimization: Refined the conditions for adding buttons to make sure they only appear when the URL includes search parameters (?tags=) and not just any /posts/ page.

  • v0.6 06-05-2024
  • v0.6 06-05-2024

    made button become translucent when not directly hovering over it with mouse and opaque when hovered over

  • v0.5 27-03-2024
  • v0.5 27-03-2024