NHentai Tag Highlighter

Highlight thumbnails of works on nhentai.net based on tags you decide to highlight.

To są wszystkie wersje tego skryptu. Pokaż tylko te wersje, gdzie kod został zmieniony.

  • v3.1 27-05-2024
    • Fix error when highlight cutoff is larger than highlighted tags on item
  • v3.1 27-05-2024
    • Prevent rendering highlights if they would overflow
    • Implement optional tag cutoff threshold that prevents rendering more than x tags on an item
  • v3.0 24-05-2024
    • Fixed race condition overwriting saved tag highlight when adding highlights from multiple tabs. (switch from saving dict of tags to singular tags in userstorage)
    • Streamlined highlight tag button update code
    • highlight tag container of highlighted tags
    • general readability improvements
  • v2.3 22-05-2024